#Belediye Municipality
nevzatboyraz44 · 2 years
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Babar; It is a municipality in the province of Khenkla in eastern Algeria. This type of carpet; It is a type of carpet made in the municipality. It is produced from wool and linen yarn. Babar carpet; It is one of the most famous carpets of Algeria. The carpet, which bears the same name as the municipality, displays all the genius of the ancestral folk art.... BABAR HALISI
Babar; Doğu Cezayir'deki Khenkla eyaletinde bir belediyedir. Bu halı türü; belediye yerelinde yapılmış bir halı türüdür. Yün ve keten iplikten üretilmektedir. Babar halısı; Cezayir'in en ünlü halılarından biridir. Belediye ile aynı adı taşıyan halı, ata halk sanatının tüm dehasını sergilemektedir.
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tcyagizefem · 1 year
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Her gün, Türkiye'nin farklı yerlerinden sokak hayvanlarına yönelik şiddet haberleri geliyor. Konya, Mamak, Sivas, Çanakkale, İstanbul...
Bunlar artık münferit olaylar olmaktan çıktı, bir katliama dönüştü...
Görevi hayvanları aşılamak, kısırlaştırmak, tedavi etmek ve aldığı yere geri bırakmak olan belediyeler ya hayvanları doğrudan katlediyor, ya kötü koşullardaki barınaklara hapsediyor ya da ıssız yerlere bırakarak ölüme mahkum ediyor.
Ülkede şu an sokak hayvanlarının yol açtığı sorunlar varsa bunun sorumlusu o hayvanlar değil, yıllardır görevini yerine getirmeyen belediyeler ve kamu görevlileridir.
1- Hayvanları öldüren, işkence eden, aç bırakan, tedavi etmeyen tüm belediye ve barınak görevlileri; ve onlara göz yuman, önlem almayan yöneticileri yargılansın.
2- Hayvan Hakları Yasası, konuyla ilgili çalışma yürüten sivil toplum örgütlerinin katılımıyla yeniden düzenlensin, hayvana şiddet suçunun cezai yaptırımı artırılsın.
3- İhtiyaç duyulan tüm barınakların koşulları iyileştirilsin ve denetimi artırılsın.
4- Hayvanları yok etme değil, kısırlaştırma/aşılama seferberliği yapılsın.
Every day, news of violence against stray animals comes from different parts of Turkey. Konya, Mamak, Sivas, Canakkale, Istanbul...
These are no longer isolated incidents, they have turned into a massacre...
Municipalities, whose duty is to vaccinate, sterilize, treat and return animals to the place where they were taken, either directly slaughter the animals, imprison them in shelters in bad conditions or sentence them to death by leaving them in desolate places.
If there are problems caused by stray animals in the country, it is not those animals but municipalities and public officials who have not fulfilled their duties for years.
1- All municipality and shelter officials who kill, torture, starve or do not treat animals; and their rulers, who turned a blind eye to them and did not take precautions, should be judged.
2- The Animal Rights Law should be rearranged with the participation of non-governmental organizations working on the issue, and the criminal sanction of violence against animals should be increased.
3- Improve the conditions of all needed shelters and increase their control.
4- Not an extermination of animals, but a mobilization for sterilization/vaccination.
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pollonegro666 · 11 months
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2023/04/30 Este fue el homenaje del ayuntamiento de la ciudad a todos los trabajadores en el día del trabajo que se celebró al día siguiente.
This was the tribute of the city council to all the workers on Labor Day that was held the following day.
Google Translation into French: C'était l'hommage du conseil municipal à tous les travailleurs lors de la fête du travail qui se tenait le lendemain.
Google translation into Italian: È stato l'omaggio del consiglio comunale a tutti i lavoratori in occasione della festa dei lavoratori che si è tenuta il giorno successivo.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Foi a homenagem da Câmara Municipal a todos os trabalhadores no Dia do Trabalho realizado no dia seguinte.
Google Translation into German: Es war die Hommage des Stadtrats an alle Arbeiter am Tag der Arbeit, die am nächsten Tag stattfand.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Ishte homazh i këshillit të qytetit për të gjithë punëtorët në ditën e punës, që u mbajt të nesërmen.
Google Translation into Armenian: Դա քաղաքապետարանի հարգանքի տուրքն էր բոլոր աշխատողներին Աշխատանքի օրվա կապակցությամբ, որն անցկացվեց հաջորդ օրը:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Това беше почитта на градския съвет към всички работници в Деня на труда, който се състоя на следващия ден.
Google Translation into Czech: Byla to pocta městské rady všem pracujícím na Svátek práce, který se konal následující den.
Google Translation into Croatian: Bilo je to priznanje gradskog vijeća svim radnicima za Praznik rada koji je održan sljedeći dan.
Google Translation into Danish Det var byrådets hyldest til alle arbejdere på arbejdernes dag, som blev afholdt dagen efter.
Google Translation into Slovak: Bola to pocta mestského zastupiteľstva všetkým pracujúcim na Sviatok práce, ktorý sa konal na druhý deň.
Google Translation into Slovenian: To je bil poklon mestnega sveta vsem delavcem ob prazniku dela, ki je bil naslednji dan.
Google Translation into Estonian: See oli linnavolikogu austusavaldus kõigile töölistele talgupäeval, mis peeti järgmisel päeval.
Google Translation into Suomi: Se oli kaupunginvaltuuston kunnianosoitus kaikille työntekijöille Vapunpäivänä, joka pidettiin seuraavana päivänä.
Google Translation into Georgian: ეს იყო ქალაქის საკრებულოს ხარკი ყველა მუშაკისთვის შრომის დღეს, რომელიც მეორე დღეს გაიმართა.
Google Translation into Greek: Ήταν ο φόρος τιμής του δημοτικού συμβουλίου σε όλους τους εργαζόμενους για την Εργατική Πρωτομαγιά, που πραγματοποιήθηκε την επόμενη μέρα.
Google Translation into Dutch: Het was het eerbetoon van de gemeenteraad aan alle arbeiders op de Dag van de Arbeid, die de volgende dag werd gehouden.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Det var bystyrets hyllest til alle arbeidere på Arbeidernes Dag, som ble holdt dagen etter.
Google Translation into Polish: Był to hołd złożony przez radę miejską wszystkim robotnikom w Święto Pracy, które obchodzono następnego dnia.
Google Translation into Romanian: A fost un omagiu al consiliului orășenesc pentru toți muncitorii de Ziua Muncii, care a avut loc a doua zi.
Google Translation into Russian: Это была дань уважения городским советом всем рабочим в День труда, который прошел на следующий день.
Google Translation into Serbian: Био је то почаст градског већа свим радницима на Празник рада, који је одржан сутрадан.
Google Translation into Swedish: Det var kommunfullmäktiges hyllning till alla arbetare på Labor Day, som hölls dagen efter.
Google Translation into Turkish: Ertesi gün düzenlenen İşçi Bayramı'nda belediye meclisinin tüm işçileri anmasıydı.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Це була данина поваги міської ради всім трудівникам у День праці, який відбувся наступного дня.
Google Translation into Arabic: كان هذا تكريمًا لمجلس المدينة لجميع العمال في يوم العمال ، الذي أقيم في اليوم التالي.
Google Translation into Bengali: এটি ছিল শ্রমিক দিবসে সমস্ত শ্রমিকদের প্রতি সিটি কাউন্সিলের শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি, যা পরের দিন অনুষ্ঠিত হয়েছিল।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 这是市议会在第二天举行的劳动节向所有工人致敬。
Google Translation into Korean: 다음날 열린 노동절을 맞아 시의회가 모든 노동자들에게 바치는 헌사였다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: זו הייתה מחווה של מועצת העיר לכל העובדים ביום העבודה, שנערך למחרת.
Google Translation into Hindi: यह मजदूर दिवस पर सभी श्रमिकों के लिए नगर परिषद की श्रद्धांजलि थी, जिसे अगले दिन आयोजित किया गया था।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Itu adalah penghargaan dewan kota untuk semua pekerja di Hari Buruh, yang diadakan keesokan harinya.
Google Translation into Japanese: これは翌日に開催される労働者の日に市議会が全労働者に捧げたものであった。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Бул шаардык Советтин эртецки куну болуп еткен Эмгек майрамына карата бардык эмгекчилерге арнаган урматы болду.
Google Translation into Malay: Ia merupakan penghormatan majlis bandaran kepada semua pekerja pada Hari Pekerja, yang diadakan pada hari berikutnya.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Маргааш нь болсон Хөдөлмөрийн баярын өдрөөр хотын захиргаанаас нийт ажилчдад зориулсан хүндэтгэлийн арга хэмжээ байлаа.
Google Translation into Nepali: यो भोलिपल्ट आयोजित श्रम दिवसमा सबै श्रमिकहरूलाई नगर परिषदको श्रद्धाञ्जली थियो।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਇਹ ਨਗਰ ਕੌਾਸਲ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਮਜ਼ਦੂਰ ਦਿਵਸ 'ਤੇ ਸਮੂਹ ਮਜ਼ਦੂਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸ਼ਰਧਾਂਜਲੀ ਭੇਟ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ, ਜੋ ਅਗਲੇ ਦਿਨ ਰੱਖੀ ਗਈ |
Google Translation into Pashtun: دا د کارګر د ورځې په مناسبت د ښاروالۍ شورا لخوا ټولو کارګرانو ته د درناوي مراسم وو چې بله ورځ ترسره شوه.
Google Translation into Persian: ادای احترام شورای شهر به همه کارگران در روز کارگر بود که روز بعد برگزار شد.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Éta mangrupikeun penghargaan déwan kota ka sadaya pagawé dina Poé Buruh, anu dilaksanakeun énjingna.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ito ang pagpupugay ng konseho ng lungsod sa lahat ng manggagawa sa Araw ng Paggawa, na ginanap kinabukasan.
Google Translation into Thai: มันเป็นเครื่องบรรณาการของสภาเมืองให้กับคนงานทุกคนในวันแรงงานซึ่งจัดขึ้นในวันรุ่งขึ้น
Google Translation into Urdu: یہ لیبر ڈے پر تمام مزدوروں کو سٹی کونسل کی جانب سے خراج تحسین پیش کیا گیا جو کہ اگلے روز منعقد ہوا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Bu ertasi kuni o'tkazilgan Mehnat kunida shahar kengashining barcha ishchilarga hurmati edi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Đó là lời tri ân của hội đồng thành phố dành cho tất cả công nhân vào Ngày Lao động, được tổ chức vào ngày hôm sau.
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netbilge · 2 years
Siverek Belediye Başkanı kimdir? Ayşe Çakmak kimdir, nerelidir? Kaç yaşında?
Siverek Belediye Başkanı kimdir? Ayşe Çakmak kimdir, nerelidir? Kaç yaşında?
Siverek Belediye Başkanı kimdir? Ayşe Çakmak kimdir, nerelidir? Kaç yaşında? @aysecakmak63 kullanıcı adı bulunmaktadır. Şanlıurfa Siverek Belediye Başkanı/Mayor of Siverek Municipality.. 3.12.220 günü Siverek Belediye Meclisi yeni başkanı seçmek amacıyla geniş güvenlik önlemleri altında toplandı. Basına kapalı gerçekleştirilen seçimlerde AK Parti’li belediye meclis üyesi Ayşe Çakmak, CHP’li…
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suetravelblog · 3 years
Galata, Fatih, Sultanahmet Istanbul Turkey
Galata, Fatih, Sultanahmet Istanbul Turkey
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Kadıköy Belediyesi'nin eski binası - Old building of Kadıköy Municipality. 
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blog-mehmetkuzu · 5 years
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#İzmir #Selçuk #Efes #Şirince #Meryemana #kent #şehir #belediye #aday #seçim #urban #city #municipality #candidate #election #istanbul #ankara #kuşadası #tire #chp #kooperatif #cooperative #dayanışma #cooperation #solidarity #instagood #instacool #Zafer #Cumhuriyet #Atatürk #14Mayıs #İsabey #Belevi #Şirince #Zeytinköy #Barutçu #Havutçulu #Gökçealan #Çamlık #Acarlar #Sultaniye (Dünya Mirası Selçuk Efes) https://www.instagram.com/p/BspkLnADVFq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s2f2pif9q0f5
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plastikferforje · 4 years
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RESIDENCE model 60 cm yüksekliğindedir. Aynı model mızraksız olarak 49 cm yüksekliğinde de uygulanmaktadır. Kullanım alanları belediye park ve bahçe düzenlemeleri, özel inşaatların duvar üzerleri, balkonları ve teraslarında kullanılmaktadır. Fotoğraflarda gördüğünüz gibi kapılarda da uygulanmaktadır. *** RESIDENCE model is 60 cm high. The same model is applied without a spear at a height of 49 cm. Usage areas are used in Municipal Park and garden arrangements, on the walls, balconies and terraces of private constructions. As you can see in the photos, it is also applied on the doors. *** #ferforje-imalatı #plastik-ferforje #plastik-korkuluk #Plastik-çit #plastik-bahçe-korkuluğu #ferplast-plastik-korkuluk #ferforje #döküm-ferforje #solmayan-ferforje #boyama-gerekmeyen-ferforje #ferforje-kapı #ferforje-modelleri #peyzaj #çevre-düzenleme https://www.instagram.com/p/B-SjJ_yneKB/?igshid=1w37nmqu0n4si
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kyreniacommentator · 5 years
By Ahmet Abdulaziz….
Cyprus scene is following Abdulhalim Akçay, who is continuing his long cycling tour of Turkey. He plans to visit 81 provinces and 800 districts in a period of 2 years.
Hereunder is his diary for the period from 26th  to 31st March 2019.
118th day 26/03/2019
He had spent the last night in his tent by the lake.
It was a great morning , where he enjoyed breakfast with sports loving Cennet Cayda in Ula.  He then went with Cennet Ceyda on a short tour of the area, and took some photographs and also meeting local people, who showed their interest in his adventure.
He spent the whole day strolling around and taking photographs.
  119th day (27/03/2019)
#gallery-0-13 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-13 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-13 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
The most interesting feature of this area is not just the beauty of natural scenery, but the love of cycling too. Here everywhere one can find people of all ages riding bicycles.
He roamed around and met many people .
120th day (28/03/2019)
He spent the night at the area specially reserved with camps for cyclists. This area was established and managed by the Belediye municipality and the Muğla University.
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He met with Fikret Ekmekci who is attached to the Muğla University, who invited him to a panel about cycling.  It was interesting to speak to the students, and to explain the benefits of cycling and how cycling can play an important role in our daily lives.
121st day (29/03/2019)
This day he reached the 97th district of Turkey. He had spent night at the house of his friend in the Akyaka area. After  breakfast he set off towards Gokova. Here he met Mr. Umit, who had been following him on facebook. He enjoyed a good time with him. They went along to tour the area.
  The next stop was Marmaris. The road to Marmaris was difficult.  Weather and the natural beauty was however good to continue on.  Taking photographs on the way and at the entrance of the city made his progress slower. It was nearly dark when he entered Marmaris.  He found a suitable place by the sea to pitch his tent. He slept well as he was very tired.
122nd day (30/03/2019)
Marmaris is a beautiful place, where his first night at the side of sea was really wonderful. It was a pleasant morning. He planned to stay in Marmaris for two days.
He went to visit the famous castle and the museum there. The weather was fine and he took lots of photographs and met people. It was a rest day, and he enjoyed the whole day strolling around here and there.
#gallery-0-15 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-15 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-15 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-15 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
123rd day (31/03/2019)
He spent most of his time meeting people. He walked a lot on the beach. It was a sunny day and there were good number of people enjoying the good weather. He met a couple of people who were following him on facebook.
He had had a nice lunch at Hacinin yeri, which is very famous. The food was cheap and was of good quality.
It was a nice day on an overall basis.
#gallery-0-16 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-16 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Adventure on the road with cyclist Abdulhalim Akçay. Part 9 By Ahmet Abdulaziz.... Cyprus scene is following Abdulhalim Akçay, who is continuing his long cycling tour of Turkey.
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cecobaba-blog · 4 years
TheGov v1.0.11 WordPress Belediye Teması indir
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TheGov v1.0.11 WordPress Belediye ve Hükümet Konağı Teması indir Muhteşem Ana Sayfa Düzenleri Başlık Oluşturucu ile Elementor Page Builder WGL Framework için özellikleri bir çok ve Sayfalar Modern Tasarım Esnek, Drag & Drop Header Builder Presets ile Ürünlerinizi Sunmak için Genişletilmiş Modül Ton. Demo: https://themeforest.net/item/thegov-municipal-and-government-wordpress-theme/25103272 https://www87.zippyshare.com/v/7g2NzqFu/file.html http://ul.to/l53f388o https://www.upload.ee/files/11872008/thegov_1011.rar.html https://ulozto.net/file/zXgssRInPLMn/thegov-1011-rar https://novafile.com/tucdft2lf96p https://nippyshare.com/v/e50de2 https://www.mirrored.to/files/1EATBBRO/thegov_1011.rar_links https://mirrorace.com/m/Xt8k https://hxfile.co/rqjnbxh8oq79 https://dropapk.to/7yz0lqyqk2gw http://dl.free.fr/bZpdCLylY https://ddownload.com/m87uj6j9j3gi https://dbree.org/v/ee50dd https://bayfiles.com/Pbk0P29eoe https://anonfiles.com/N9lfPb91o2 https://1fichier.com/?e9nt5dnutd4lobnlhdto Read the full article
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bobofaegean · 4 years
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With the President of Twin Cities International Association HüseyinBaraner and the Mayors of Ayvalık and Gömeç Municipalities discussing the next step on GastroTours. 🤙👌🤟🙏 Uluslararası Ikiz Şehirler Derneği Başkanı Hüseyin Baraner, Ayvalık ve Gömeç Belediye Başkanları ile GastroTour' lar için atılacak diğer adımları konuştuk. 😊😇💕🙋‍♂️ (at Beylikdüzü Tüyap Fuar Merkezi 13 Nolu Salon Adaçam Testere) https://www.instagram.com/p/B78h0OTgU3_/?igshid=7v1d2zqw2ifh
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mrtky · 5 years
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Saalgasse, Saalgasse Sokağı, Saalgasse Street . . English below, Bu sokağın özelliği, her bir binanın belediye tarafından bir mimara verilmiş olması ve kendi sanatlarını binalara yansıtmaları istenmesidir. . . The characteristic of this street is that each building is given to an architect by the municipality and they are asked to reflect their art on the buildings. (at Altstadt (Frankfurt am Main)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B18Rwy1iOcS/?igshid=borwz853h673
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2022/11/12 En la plaza del ayuntamiento descubrimos una cápsula del tiempo en homenaje a la candidatura de la ciudad como capital europea de la innovación.
In the town hall square we discover a time capsule in tribute to the city's candidacy as European capital of innovation.
Google translation into Italian: Nella piazza del municipio scopriamo una capsula del tempo in omaggio alla candidatura della città a capitale europea dell'innovazione.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Na praça da Câmara Municipal descobrimos uma cápsula do tempo em homenagem à candidatura da cidade a capital europeia da inovação.
Google Translation into French: Sur la place de la mairie on découvre une capsule temporelle en hommage à la candidature de la ville comme capitale européenne de l'innovation.
Google Translation into Arabic: في ساحة دار البلدية نكتشف كبسولة زمنية تكريماً لترشيح المدينة كعاصمة أوروبية للابتكار.
Google Translation into German: Auf dem Rathausplatz entdecken wir eine Zeitkapsel als Hommage an die Kandidatur der Stadt als europäische Innovationshauptstadt.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Në sheshin e bashkisë zbulojmë një kapsulë kohore në homazh ndaj kandidaturës së qytetit si Kryeqyteti Evropian i Inovacionit.
Google Translation into Armenian: Քաղաքապետարանի հրապարակում մենք հայտնաբերում ենք ժամանակի պարկուճ՝ հարգանքի տուրք մատուցելու քաղաքի՝ որպես Եվրոպայի նորարարության մայրաքաղաքի թեկնածությանը:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: На площада на кметството откриваме капсула на времето в знак на почит към кандидатурата на града за Европейска столица на иновациите.
Google Translation into Czech: Na radničním náměstí objevíme časovou schránku jako poctu kandidatuře města na Evropské hlavní město inovací.
Google Translation into Slovak: Na radničnom námestí objavujeme časovú kapsulu ako poctu kandidatúre mesta na Európske hlavné mesto inovácií.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Na trgu mestne hiše odkrijemo časovno kapsulo v počastitev kandidature mesta za evropsko prestolnico inovacij.
Google Translation into Suomi: Raatihuoneen aukiolta löydämme aikakapselin kunnianosoituksena kaupungin ehdokkuudesta Euroopan innovaatiopääkaupungiksi.
Google Translation into Greek: Στην πλατεία του δημαρχείου ανακαλύπτουμε μια χρονοκάψουλα ως φόρο τιμής στην υποψηφιότητα της πόλης ως Ευρωπαϊκή Πρωτεύουσα Καινοτομίας.
Google Translation into Dutch: Op het stadhuisplein ontdekken we een tijdcapsule als eerbetoon aan de kandidatuur van de stad als Europese Innovatiehoofdstad.
Google Translation into Norwegian: På rådhusplassen oppdager vi en tidskapsel som hyllest til byens kandidatur som Europeisk innovasjonshovedstad.
Google Translation into Polish: Na placu ratuszowym odkrywamy kapsułę czasu, będącą hołdem dla kandydatury miasta na Europejską Stolicę Innowacji.
Google Translation into Romanian: Pe piața primăriei descoperim o capsulă a timpului în omagiu candidaturii orașului ca Capitală Europeană a Inovării.
Google Translation into Russian: На площади перед ратушей мы обнаруживаем капсулу времени в честь кандидатуры города на звание европейской столицы инноваций.
Google Translation into Swedish: På rådhustorget upptäcker vi en tidskapsel som en hyllning till stadens kandidatur som europeisk innovationshuvudstad.
Google Translation into Turkish: Belediye meydanında, şehrin Avrupa İnovasyon Başkenti adaylığına saygı duruşunda bulunan bir zaman kapsülü keşfediyoruz.
Google Translation into Bengali: টাউন হল স্কোয়ারে আমরা ইউরোপিয়ান ক্যাপিটাল অফ ইনোভেশন হিসেবে শহরের প্রার্থীতার প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা জানিয়ে একটি টাইম ক্যাপসুল আবিষ্কার করি।
Google Translation into Chinese: 在市政厅广场上,我们发现了一个时间胶囊,以纪念这座城市作为欧洲创新之都的候选资格。
Google Translation into Korean: 시청 광장에서 우리는 유럽 혁신 수도로서의 도시 후보에 경의를 표하는 타임캡슐을 발견합니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: בכיכר העירייה אנו מגלים קפסולת זמן כמחווה למועמדותה של העיר כבירת החדשנות האירופית.
Google Translation into Hindi: टाउन हॉल स्क्वायर पर हम यूरोपियन कैपिटल ऑफ इनोवेशन के रूप में शहर की उम्मीदवारी के सम्मान में एक टाइम कैप्सूल खोजते हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Di alun-alun balai kota, kami menemukan kapsul waktu untuk menghormati pencalonan kota sebagai Ibukota Inovasi Eropa.
Google Translation into Japanese: 市庁舎広場では、ヨーロッパのイノベーション首都として立候補した市に敬意を表してタイムカプセルを発見しました。
Google Translation into Malay: Di dataran dewan bandar, kami menemui kapsul masa sebagai penghormatan kepada pencalonan bandar sebagai Ibu Kota Inovasi Eropah.
Google Translation into Pashtun: د ښاروالۍ په چوک کې موږ د اروپا د نوښت پلازمینې په توګه د ښار نوماندۍ ته د درناوی لپاره د وخت کیپسول کشف کوو.
Google Translation into Persian: در میدان شهرداری، کپسول زمانی را در ادای احترام به نامزدی شهر به عنوان پایتخت نوآوری اروپا کشف می کنیم.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Sa plaza ng town hall, natuklasan namin ang isang time capsule bilang pagpupugay sa kandidatura ng lungsod bilang European Capital of Innovation.
Google Translation into Thai: ที่จัตุรัสศาลากลาง เราค้นพบแคปซูลเวลาเพื่อแสดงความเคารพต่อผู้สมัครรับเลือกตั้งของเมืองในฐานะเมืองหลวงแห่งนวัตกรรมแห่งยุโรป
Google Translation into Urdu: ٹاؤن ہال اسکوائر پر ہم نے شہر کی امیدواری کو خراج تحسین پیش کرتے ہوئے ایک ٹائم کیپسول دریافت کیا جس میں یورپی کیپٹل آف انوویشن ہے۔
Google Translation into Ukrainian: На ратушній площі ми знаходимо капсулу часу на честь кандидатури міста як Європейської столиці інновацій.
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teknisyenarif · 7 years
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Bugün yine buradayım🏊🏄 nerede Bu halk plajı ve mesire alanı? çukurbağ yarımadası yolu üzeri İnceboğaz plajını az geçince sağda, ailenizle birlikte hoşça vakit geçirmek, denize girmek ve piknik yapmak için şahane bir yer mutlaka tavsiye ediyorum 👍🍟🍔⛱️🌞🏊 The new municipal public beach and promenade area on the way to Çukurbağ peninsula, I absolutely recommend a wonderful place to have a good time with the family, to swim and to have a picnic⛱️🏊🍮🍟👍🌞 ✏#çukurbağyarımadası ✏#newbeach ✏#piknik ✏#mesirealanı ✏#peninsula ✏#meisadası (Yeni Belediye Plajı Kaş)
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noktax · 7 years
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Belediyelerin Genel Bütçe Vergi Tahsilatlarından Alacakları Pay Kesintisi Artırıldı Belediyelerin gelirleri arasında yer alan genel bütçe vergi gelirleri tahsilatından alacakları pay miktarları üzerinden yapılacak kesintilerde yeni düzenleme yapıldığını belirten Mali Müşavir Burak Oğuz, "Belediyeler ve il özel idarelerine 5779 sayılı Kanuna göre genel bütçe vergi gelirleri tahsilat toplamı üzerinden her ay pay verilmektedir. .......... BKK ile belediyelere ayrılacak paylardan yapılacak kesinti miktarları artırıldı. Yapılan yeni düzenlemeye göre yüzde 40 oranında kesinti yapılan kuruluşlar için ilave yüzde 10 oranında, yüzde 25 oranında kesinti yapılan kuruluşlar için ilave yüzde 25 oranında kesinti getirildi. http://www.milliyet.com.tr/belediyelerin-genel-butce-vergi-tahsilatlarindan-izmir-yerelhaber-2211273/ #gazete #haber #röportaj #burakoguz #izmir #vergi #belediye #urla #gelir #malimüşavir #smmm #newspaper #news #interview #municipality #income #tax #revenue #para #money #finance #finans #cityofizmir (İzmir, Turkey)
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