#BillieJean485 answers
billiejean485 · 1 year
I was just talking about this, Gabriel wish was sacrifice free since he was going to die from the catalysm he got his wish and sacrificed nothing
Pretty much.
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crizztelcb · 2 years
For the Artist Ask:
6, 9, 14. & 17.
Thank you! I didn't answer sooner because yesterday was a rough day but now let's answer!
6."Which artists inspire you right now?"
Oh that's a trick one because I don't remember names (I separated blogs by colors normally) but from my memory I inspire myself on @buggachat @makumakuma-03 @magpie-allosaurus @deadlycomics @sofilandstuff you @billiejean485 and others but i can't remember the names right now.
9."what are you currently trying to improve?" Anatomy and perspective, I'm trying to improve my best on those because I feel my art is very static and there's no feeling of movement on them, so yeah I'm losing my mind on those two XD
14."how has your art changed over the past years?"
I feel like I changed a lot over the years, I'm always going back and looking at old art and bringing old concepts to see if I changed much, like this is my old art:
And this is my new one:
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I think I changed a lot on colors and clothes in general on my drawings and as I said i changed a lot on my anatomy, I changed a lot in the past years on that and I'm pretty proud of myself.
17."what inspires you?"
Movies, music, cultural aspects of my country, books all of those really inspires me especially music because is always where I go when I have art block. Now which types of them is normally horror, magic, deep thoughts on life, cute things too etc.
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arctimon · 3 years
spyrkle4 said:                                                                
Dude WHERE do your find your "x is the bh6 equivilant of y" things??? I'm??? How do you connect the dots??
The short answer is that I do a lot of exhaustive, unnecessary research. That’s also the long answer, too. XD (Warning: This post is long.) One of the things that I always keep in the back of my mind is that even though there isn’t the fancy Marvel introduction that they have on all of their shows, Big Hero 6 is still a Marvel property.  They’ve had their own series and even showed up to help Spider-Man during the “Ends Of The Earth” event:
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So with it being Marvel, it affords all of the opportunities to throw little nuggets to tease the audience.
Now, I have no proof that the following is intentional, or anything more than just a shout-out because I don’t think they actually can do direct Marvel references since the show is a Disney Original (don’t know how it works), but if you squint, the shadings of the Marvel mythos are still there. Examples like: 1.) Karmi either being a shout-out or a direct counterpart to Kamala Khan (which I’ve discussed before at length)
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2.) A blond-haired woman with power and smarts that she’s in awe of for a long time before having a falling-out with?
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Oh, you thought I was talking about Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers). Nope, I’m talking about Liv Amara.
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(Yes, I know that’s Di, but go with me on it.) Liv Amara. AA LivMar Marvil. Like...c’mon. 3.) What Karmi gets turned into?
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You can’t tell me that’s not a re imagining of a Skrull.
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4.) Momakase’s transformation into...whatever that was?  Obviously a shout-out to Lady Deathstrike.
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5.) The one that I theorized more recently about Juniper being a reference to Dazzler:
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6.) And then there’s Boss Awesome, which while not immediately recognizable, his reputation and success screams Captain America (sans shield, of course):
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7.) Not to mention the fact that Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic) and Dum Dum Dugan are in the movie (granted as pre-release material).  They show up in Fred’s recommendation letter:
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8.) And if you even want to go further, you can see Callaghan and Granville as mirrors of Nick Fury and...Nick Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D. Two people as the all-knowing heads of their institutes.  I can see it.
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So the stuff is there.  You may have to squint or turn your head to the side a little bit, but it’s there. @iamaddictedtocoffee​ and @billiejean485​ have gone over a lot of this stuff with me, and they’ve even opened my eyes to some of the similarities to Marvel characters. If @baymaksu​ has a Uno Reverse AU, then the regular Big Hero 6 Universe is...a Wild Card?  You can change the color, but it still is the same gameplay. That’s why I like to include other Marvel characters in my story, like Robbie, Peni, Doreen, Kate, and others.  Because if you really look at it, they’re not really that out of place.
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billiejean485 · 1 year
What if the ML movie is set in the rewritten reality created by the wish Gabriel made in the Season 5 finale?
Why is he alive there then? XD
Also, LB & CN are getting their powers all over again. They didn't have to in the new reality.
Plus, it makes no sense Gabriel would be trying to get their Miraculous all over again after getting what he wanted.
.... Unless he screwed up big time (and realized that).
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billiejean485 · 1 year
"Why..... why am I even watching this show anymore?"
Cause it's like a trainwreck. You just can't look away, you need to know how bad it is.
I know why I'M watching it; don't know about the rest of you.
But yeah.... It is a trainwreck.
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billiejean485 · 1 month
Hey there what do you mean by resend our old ones? do you mean old requester can request too?
Well, I didn't mean that, but yeah - it kinda falls into the category.
I meant if you requested something already, but never got a reply from me at all, you can send that same request in again.
I explained that in the Rules already.
But people who requested anything in any time period before can absolutely do that again.
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billiejean485 · 1 month
Are you sure about that? you seem tired of drawing and taking requests from strangers might not be the best idea.
Oh yeah - all of those are valid and were during the time when I was stuck in the biggest rut I had so far in my life. All from 2022, when I was feeling the brunt of what I just said bugged me.
The thing is - I need to start working on becoming a serious artist, and slowly getting towards more money income via that.
And I gotta start somewhere, right?
Plus, I was getting out of my 'block' (it was worse than that) during 2023. Before it, I lost the will to draw at all. It's back now.
I want to work on my consistency now.
Oh, and yes - I was medically unable to do art. I was stuck in a bed, my eyesight got very bad. Eyes are back and working, the rest of my body isn't fully, which is why I said I don't know how long I'll have the Request open.
But I gotta do what I can, right?
And I have no problem taking requests or commissions from total strangers.
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billiejean485 · 1 month
But I thought art request makes you burnout like last year?
I got burned out by working on a fic who's canon destroyed me...
And I'm coming back from the dead from that.
Plus, that wasn't last year. That started November 2021.
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billiejean485 · 1 year
How are you 30 and still have such shit taste lmaooo cringe ass mf
I have no idea what 'taste' you were referring to, my dear troll.
Me loving animation? Obsessing over Chat Noir? Liking animals? Believing in God? Or was it something totally random but you're going to conveniently switch to what I just named because, I don't know - somehow pointed at some of my 'weak points'?
Also, not my problem you found the time to waste on something that's making you cringe. People usually stay away from what makes them cringe. You seem to like it my friend.
And swearing in my Ask box is surely everything but cringe. It's what the cool kids do.
Thanks a lot, I think I got it just right for my 30s. Hope you manage to get half way there when you get as old. I really do.
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billiejean485 · 2 years
What this blog is about?
Pretty much anything I love, like or what I'm currently into (with that last being mostly Miraculous Ladybug).
I'm a HUGE huge fan of animation, so most stuff is related to that. Second thing you're gonna find here are animals. Other than those, it's gonna be about my hobbies or things I wish were my hobbies, and there is just too much to list there.
Very important thing to know is that I try maximally to back up everything from an Orthodox Christian view, so stuff that goes against it won't find a place on my blog other than for critiques.
I am also pro-mental and other types of self care, but I am far from a professional.
I hold no free space for bullies and abusers of any kind, so, unless someone is here to get Reported and taken down, they can kindly leave.
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billiejean485 · 2 years
Are you still in an art block?
I wouldn't exactly call it an 'art block', because I had those, and they lasted a lot less than almost a full year.
But... yeah. Whatever it is, it still has its nasty grip on me, because I haven't done much art lately, even though my motivation and inspiration are returning.
Currently, I'm kind of sick, and I don't have much time and energy for art - both physically and mentally, but that should change soon (I hope).
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billiejean485 · 2 years
I have read your request rules but I wanna ask can we request our own OCs? and how many character limit can you draw?
Sure thing!
As for the character limit.... It depends. I can draw some characters faster than others, and it all comes down to how much free time I have at the given moment.
My advice: either just plainly ask me/talk to me in a DM what you'd like to see and I'll tell you, or think of a few different scenarios on which and how many characters you want and send them all to me, and I'll pick what I think I can do.
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billiejean485 · 2 years
Can we see your art? cant seem to find them except your reblogs.
You know what - I'm gonna link you to my old DeviantART account: https://www.deviantart.com/billiejean485
I haven't uploaded anything new there for about 4 years, but it should give you an insight of what I can do.
As for some newer Tumblr stuff: go to my blog and type in 'my art billiejean485' in the search and, even though Tumblr's search engine sucks, you should get most of what I posted after those 4 years. Just keep scrolling.
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billiejean485 · 2 years
6, 15, 17 and 18 for the ask game!
6. Which artists inspire you right now?
- I'd say brothers Blaise, Travis and Aaron, are my main driving force in art, even though I haven't been able to stay in contact with Travis a lot for the past 2-3 months. But other than that - the amazing Miraculous fanartists inspired me a lot, and there is just too many to list.
- I guess in a way I could say that some of the Miraculous creators inspire(d) me too, but.... we all know where I'm at with that. XD
- It's been really hard finding inspiration anywhere lately.
15. Biggest artist pet peeve?
- Oooff..... Uhh... Let me think....
- The cheaper type of animation that is made to replace the hand-drawn one (and is executed pretty badly usually).
- I mean I can understand it when the budget is really tight - but cutting corners has been the new trend since 2010.
17. What inspires you?
- The type of storytelling Disney has been famous for inspired me as an artist the most. But I can find inspiration in other clean entertainment media that is mostly family-friendly - be it movies, shows, games, books, or even music. Anything that has a good moral message inspires me greatly - even if it's from a daily life - and sometimes it even comes from animals.
18. Do you have any larger projects you’d like to pursue? Like comics, shortfilm, a series etc?
- Currently, I'm down in the dumps. We'll see for how long.
- A lifelong dream has always been to work on sequels, spin-offs or the like of stuff I loved the most - and I wasn't picky about what type of art I would get to do for that: from animation, over concept art, illustrations, storyboarding... to even comics and sculpting. I just wanted to be... a part of that world, if you get the reference. ;D
- HOWEVER.... the last couple of years I was able to outline 2 separate stories I wanted to turn into a comic series and novel. If I get more ideas along the way - I don't care what the medium is, I will work on it!
Many thanks for the asks! 😊
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billiejean485 · 2 years
this is a tumblr hug, pass it on to your ten favorite followers and mutuals💖 you don't need to i just wanted you to know it
Well I'm breaking the rules and sending one right back at you! ;P
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billiejean485 · 2 years
Hello again grumpy wolfy \(ov<)
Hello and nice to see you and your posts once again... pretty kitty (is that the animal that's been on your avatars? I'm not sure 😅)!
Btw is that 'grumpy' part directed to me personally or my OC? lol
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