#Carpal tunnel syndrome
cripple-council · 8 months
carpal tunnel in both hands confirmed, got day & night braces. if it hasn’t gotten better in 6 weeks we’ll have to discuss surgery lol
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padraigs-sideblog · 9 months
To anyone who happens to come across this
Does anyone know of any sort of job or career that is easy on hands/wrists
I have carpal/cubital tunnel syndrome and nerve damage, so I cant do repetitive motions or lift more than a few pounds
Ik this isnt really appropriate for tumblr but I dont know what to do or who to ask
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Hey there. I suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome too. I found that wearing a brace on the affected hand helps. Especially when doing the activity that causes the issue when possible. But also I sleep with the brace on and wear it when I'm doing other activities that allow for it and that's been made a noticeable difference.
It's not the end of the world (though it felt like it when it started). I've been managing it successfully for 10 plus years now and I can still do everything!
Thank you for sharing! It really helps to hear from people about their experiences.
I tried a brace on one hand for the first time last night (although both have shown symptoms when I sleep, I wanted a sort of Control Hand the first time to make sure I wasn't imagining any improvement) and it worked like a charm! No tingling or numbness at all; just a bit of stiffness and soreness probably caused by uncertainty about how tight the straps should be to balance support and comfort. So I'll be getting another one for the other side soon.
One unexpected issue was, amusingly enough, that I kept myself awake running my free hand over the brace and plotting how I might make a custom one in a more #aesthetic style. I'm thinking mahogany-brown leather with quilted silk lining for comfort, with brass buckles on the straps and perhaps some Eastlake-inspired gilt embossing...
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nancylfitness · 4 months
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome & Exercises
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition where a nerve (median nerve) in the wrist/hand becomes squeezed/compressed. CTS can be caused by repetitive movements and inflammation. As a result, numbness/tingling/weakness, and pain may occur in the hand and forearm. If pressure on the median nerve continues, however, it can lead to nerve damage and worsening symptoms.
Initially, symptoms can come and go. If it worsens, symptoms may occur more frequently and/or last longer.
Early on, symptoms may be eased by working to reduce the daily stress on the hands/wrists, and by doing stretches and simple exercises. Home care includes wearing a wrist splint, icing the wrist, and avoiding activities that may be causing the issue:
Minimize repetitive hand movements.
Alternate activities reducing strain on hands and wrists.
Keep wrists straight or in neutral position.
Avoid holding an object the same way for too long.
Keep forearms level with work surface while using the computer.
Wear a splint while sleeping to keep wrist straight.
Foods may work to accelerate healing and recovery. Anti-oxidant-rich foods like red bell peppers, carrots and leafy greens have essential nutrients that help alleviate pain from CTS. Spinach, rich in vitamin B6, is an analgesic that may also help relieve pain. Salmon, walnuts, pineapple and turmeric are also good choices.
If the CTS worsens over time and symptoms interfere with day to day activities and sleep, see your health care provider. Permanent nerve and muscle damage can occur without treatment. Also, symptoms of CTS can be similar to other medical conditions. To ensure that the symptoms are not manifestations of a different problem see a health care provider for diagnosis.
Exercises may help mild to moderate symptoms when combined with other treatments. CTS exercises work to strengthen the wrist, hands, arms and shoulders.
These exercises may not be easy at first, but they shouldn’t be painful. If they hurt, back off or stop completely and let your health care provider know. If you’re unsure about whether to do these exercises, ask your doctor. A hand therapist may also help.
Wrist Flexor Exercises:
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With elbow straight and palm down, grasp fingers with other hand and slowly bend wrist backward.
Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.
Repeat on other hand.
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With elbow straight and palm up, grasp fingers with other hand and slowly bend wrist backward..
Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.
Repeat on other hand.
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With elbow straight and palm down, place other hand with thumb on underside of wrist and fingers on back of hand.
Slowly bend wrist down until stretch is felt on top of the forearm.
Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.
Repeat on other hand.
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Sit with elbows on a table and palms together.
Slowly lower wrists to table. Keep palms together throughout the stretch.
Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.
Rest. Repeat.
Dynamic Mobility – Median Nerve Exercises:
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With palms together move hands in an imaginary S from head to waist.
Keep shoulders down.
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Stand with right arm slightly out from side.
Depress shoulder.
Repeat on other side. 
Finger Flexion Exercise:
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To bend fingers of right hand, start with knuckles furthest from palm, slowly make a fist.
Hold 10 seconds.
Straighten fingers as far as possible.
Repeat on other hand.
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geraskier · 5 months
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bought new wrist braces. the old ones survived ~11 months of heavy use, including multiple times where i tripped and landed on outstretched hands. enough of the stitching in the velcro has ripped that the velcro isn't "sticky" anymore. the first two pics are the old right wrist brace. third is the new one! they're mueller fitted wrist braces, about 16 bucks each. 5 out of 5 stars, they're extremely comfortable, easy to clean, sturdy but not bulky, etc etc.
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neatokeanosocks · 1 year
hey what are some hobbies that ACTUALLY don't involve hands. I've tried looking for them and all I get are lists that include stuff like "reading" in the options. how the hell are these people holding books open
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yepitspain · 2 years
well since my doctor refuse to do anything about my symptoms except ordering the same bloodworks that come back as fine each time(he literally told me he won't do anything else 😃), here's my main symptoms right now (which are what i talked to him about exactly)
Chronic Pain
1 to 3 on the Pain scale(of 10) at the very least each day
If i have work, i finish the day most of the time at 7 or 8 on the scale
This pain bc of work is mostly from the lower back to my feet
This pain includes the one in hips and lower back and is often so bad that it provokes an urgent need to go to the toilet where i will have diahrrea
The pain is often so bad that I need to do breathing work to try and calm myself and i have difficulty continuing to work.
This pain causes me a lot of stress before and during work.
I also have a lot of pain in my hand, wrist and fingers which is exercebated by work
I have chronic pain everywhere (each joints), but those talked about before are the most present.
My ankles (especially the left one) is really unstable.
Chronic Fatigue
Always tired. Worse because of my job
Sleeps most of the time i'm not working. If i'm not sleeping, I'm at least laying down or sitting.
Neurological Symptoms
Carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands and cubital tunnel syndrome in left hand
It has been around 2 years since the problems started
I'm unable to write or draw for more than a few minutes without feeling some numbness and tingling in my hand.
I'm right handed so it happens mostly in that hand, but my job makes me use my hand a lot so I often get similar symptoms in my left one
Happens a lot when I sleep
I also have weird numbness that travels from my feet to my head and causes a little bit of vertigo after a few hours on my feet. It's a weird feeling and is almost constant when it starts, but there are "shooting" of numbness from time to time that goes a bout of vertigo that is worse.
This one is hard for me to explain...
I haven't had my periods since the start of December, so around 7 or 8 months (this post is made in July) and it's impossible for me to be pregnant
In 2021, I had 6 periods in total.
I have a lot of acne and body hair.
I am overweight.
A lot of pain and it worsen when I talk or eat.
My jaw clicks and pops and it seems like everytime I open my mouth wider than needed to talk, it sublux. Aka it pops out of its socket and immediately goes back in.
My mouth opens in a sideway V. So it goes to the right then center itself again.
I can't open my mouth wide.
My jaw will sometimes lock and presumably, the only reason it doesn't stay that way is because my joints, including my jaw, are somewhat hypermobile?
This is all of my main symptoms right now. One thing I didn't mention is my stomach problems that causes me to often go to the toilet with diarrhea.
Some of the illnesses I've considered are fibromyalgia, FND and Multiple Sclerosis. The only one that is apparently dismissed is MS since I did a MRI last year and there wasn't any lesions... (an mri I had to beg my doctor for btw)
I really want to change family doctor(I've wanted for a while), but I don't think there are anyways to do so in Canada/Québec until he retires which will apparently be in 2 years. And then, I will have to wait for years to get a new one and the thought brings me so much anxiety and grief over the fact that I may never know what's wrong with me...
I want help to find ideas of what illness I could have and ways to manage the symptoms at home...
If you live in Canada/Québec, I would also love to get an idea of what to do with this doctor business.
If you can't help, please consider sharing this post 🙏
Thank you so much for reading all of this.
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foxboy-96 · 1 year
sooo i’m 6 weeks out from my carpal tunnel release surgery today and my recovery is going so well!! i have slight tenderness and numbness around the incision sites, and some tenderness in my wrists and hands generally. nothing overly concerning or unexpected considering i’ve had surgery and am now using my hands a LOT more than i did before. i’m certain i’ve experienced quite a bit of muscle loss because of this soreness, the weakness of my grip, and how easily they tire, BUT i can still feel my hands getting stronger all the time. best of all i no longer have chronic pain and my nerve damage is healing!!! i still get occasional tingles and spasms, which is normal as the nerves recover. i’m so grateful to my surgeon and the NHS and everyone involved in my care (professional and otherwise)
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i love feeling things. every emotion is so colorful. sometimes they're deep and full, like the depths of the ocean or the deepest notes in a song. it feels like the deepest blue. laughter in lungs. sorrow in your throat. seas behind eyes.
i feel emotions in my hands. they come alive with anger and sadness and joy.
it's not always great. right now my wrists are tingling. i have to be careful how i type. my fingers used to itch to hold a pen all the time; they wanted to write words and words and words. they can't write like that anymore, and it doesn't feel right. it's been eight months and it still feels like a glitch in the universe: this wasn't supposed to happen to me. words are everything, how could they be taken away from me like that? soon whatever grand programmer codes the universe will notice and fix it, right?
and it makes my eyes sting and inside my throat is red with sorrow, and my hands are so full of outrage and confusion that i can feel it mixed with the blood in my veins. and i hate the circumstances but i love feeling. i feel real.
these particular emotions aren't nice and i'm not romanticizing them. they are Bad and No Good. but in a painting that is life, that is me, emotion is color. i like color. i'm angry, i'm sad, i'm happy, i'm excited—look at me! i'm so colorful!
my bad feelings won't end neatly like a story does, but that's okay. i can write a thousand endings.
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coonbreadbxtch · 1 year
More about CTS!
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cripple-council · 4 months
cubital tunnel syndrome + carpal tunnel syndrome = i can’t feel my fucking hand!!!!
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punchweasel · 1 year
Sorry for not drawing too much lately
My carpal tunnel has been acting up again the past few days and I'm still not sure exactly what's been making it do so.
Like am I gripping my mouse too hard, or am I holding it wrong? Is it staring at my phone in bed? Is just sitting in my computer chair making it worse, am I doing *that* wrong? Am I stretching wrong in general, or too much, or not enough?
I can crack my knuckles on both hands if I make a fist, bend down, and then up. I guess it's a fidgeting thing of mine since I do it often, is it that? I haven't even touched my pen for a week so I doubt it's how I hold it.
It could be all or none and since I don't know... I hate this stuff, especially the uncertainty.
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pileofpawns · 22 hours
Why have the gods cursed me so that playing the violin HURTS
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shetty-udit01 · 5 days
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actionspine12 · 9 days
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatments | Action Spine and Joint
"Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the bane of anyone that uses their hands for repetitive tasks, like typing. Early symptoms include numbness or tingling of the palm and the fingers – especially the thumb, pointer, and middle fingers. If left untreated, patients can develop shooting pain up their arms. Book your appointment today!"
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bakerchiropractic · 2 months
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Know the Causes, Signs and Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a widespread and potentially disabling condition experienced by millions worldwide. It develops when the median nerve, extending from the forearm to the palm, undergoes compression or constriction at the wrist. This compression leads to diverse symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and fingers. The impact of CTS on daily tasks, from typing to holding objects, underscores the importance of comprehending its causes, symptoms, and viable treatment approaches. you may explore local resources and specialists by searching for "Carpal tunnel relief in North College Hill".
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