#Colin x Milagro
secondgenerationnerd · 4 months
In the relationships of omega squad, who does the “facesitting?”
All of them 😂😂 like no joke, they’re heroes, they’ve saved the world, but they’re a bunch of horny teenagers.
If you ask the boys the difference between a man and a boy, you’ll hear “A boy means hover, a man means sit” or “To die by thigh is a warriors death”
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ivanreycristo · 2 years
Hablando de los Suecos GHOST [como EUROPE famosos x THE FINAL COUNTDOWN a los q vi en LONDRES y en BARCELONA al día siguiente de ver a KYLIE MINOGUE presentar cd GOLDEN grabado en NASHVILLE al mismo tiempo q VIRGINIA MAESTRO el cd DEL SUR en 2018 q incluye LA CRUZ q se le ocurrió a su productor COLIN LINDEN] y de PARASITOS e IDOLATRINA [uno de sus EXITOS]..Casualmente CASANDRA SAINTE_MARIE DEL AGUA [a la q conocí con 18 años y yo 34 años en 2006 en un Curso de Parados como a Ramón Valle_Inclan hijo del ex_presidente de TABACALERA , etc..y a la q me REencontré TRABAJANDO en la TIENDA DEL REAL MADRID del BERNABEU tras fotografiarme 7_5_13 a CONTRA_LUZ a sus PUERTAS con CLIFORD LUYK ex_jugador num 13 de REAL MADRID nacido en NewYork a cuyo hijo malogrado Sergio LUYK entreno en RM tras jugar 5 años en los TORMENTA ROJA de la Universidad de ST JOHN sita en PKWAY UTOPIA en QUEENS_NY y al cual me presentaron en la sala roja o vip de disco AVE NOX donde hacía de DJ y tenía una barra alquilada diciéndome q tras retirarse de basket comerciaba con DI_AMANTES]..nacida en LONDRES e hija de JEAN PAUL SAINT_MARIE KAISER y nieta del fundador del diario CHILENO Dario SAINTE_MARIE alias VOLPONE [=comedia sobre CODICIA Y LUJURIA en la q se hace el MUERTO para ESTAFAR A TODOS y tener SEXO con una JOVEN q al no dejarse comprar la quiere VIOLAR]..q se exilio en MADRID [escribio sus memorias desaparecidas dentro de su bañera en su piso del CENTRO COLON en MADRID] ..un año antes de que su amigo SALVADOR ALLENDE presidente de CHILE fuese asesinado en el golpe de ESTADO de PINOCHET amigo de JUANCARLOS I..
..se puso la PUTA MAS_CARILLA en 2016 y se fotografió con PAPA EMERITUS o cantante de GHOST en el RESURRECTION FEST.
..x cierto..supuestamente se lio con RAMON VALLE_INCLAN [20 años mayor]..al volver a ver solos la peli 300 tras verla los 3 juntos en el cine CID CAMPEADOR tras decirme RAMON q se la quería liar y que sino me importaba xq sabía q era muy amiga suya pues la llevaba a su casa tras el curso en mi coche y le dije q se lo preguntara a su supuesto novio escritor..luego un día me llamó CASANDRA diciéndome que no íbamos a salir los 3 juntos más xq RAMON se enfado al preferir seguir con su novio tras haber estado los 3 juntos el día del TRABAJADOR de 07 comiendo cordero en TUREGANO [SEGOVIA]..donde LUCIA BOSE [q incendio la casa de la FINCA LA VIRGEN cuando su marido el TORERO LUIS MIGUEL DOMINGUIN la fue INFIEL con su PRIMA Maria del Milagro Domínguin alias MARIVI con reportaje fotografico incluido y la cual murio con 51 años de CANCER D OVARIOS ]..puso un museo sobre ANGELES q quebró ..
..poco después o 24 mayo 2007 fue el 20 cumple de CASANDRA y me invito al cine "MORA_SOL" a ver el estreno de PIRATAS DEL CARIBE: EN EL FIN DEL MUNDO..siendo la última vez q la vi hasta q me la reencontré en el BERNABEU
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newyoungjustice · 3 years
A little about Young Justice
Some info about all of the team members at around the time of joining the team.
Damian Wayne:
Age: 13
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Race: Mixed, Arab and white
Species: Human
Height: 5’0
Alias: Robin
Power/skills: No powers; Combat, martial arts, weaponry, acrobatics.
Family: Bruce Wayne (father), Talia al Ghul (mother), Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Duke Thomas (brothers), Cassandra Cain (sister), Mar’i Grayson (neice)
Jon Kent:
Age: 11
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Race: Caucasian
Species: Half kryptonian, half human
Height: 5’3
Alias: Superboy
Power/skills: Super strength, invulnerablility, X-ray vision, super hearing, flight
Family: Clark Kent and Lois Lane (parents), Conner Kent (brother) Chris Kent (adopted brother), Kathy Branden (adopted sister)
Irey West:
Age: 11
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Race: Mixed, Korean and Caucasian
Species: Metahuman
Height: 5’0
Alias: Impulse
Power/skills: Superspeed, various powers stemming from that (Speed healing, increased reflexes, tornado generation, phasing through objects etc.)
Family: Linda Park-West and Wally West (parents), Jai West (twin brother), Don and Dawn Allen (Cousins), Iris West Allen and Barry Allen (Great aunt and uncle), Bart Allen (Cousin)
Jai West:
Age: 11
Hair: Black
Eyes: Light brown
Race: Mixed; Korean and White
Species: Human
Height: 5’2
Alias: Velocity
Powers/skills: Superspeed, various powers stemming from that (Speed healing, increased reflexes, tornado generation, phasing through objects etc.)
Family: Linda Park-West and Wally West (parents), Irey West (twin sister), Don and Dawn Allen (Cousins), Iris West Allen and Barry Allen (Great aunt and uncle), Bart Allen (Cousin)
Kathy Branden:
Age: 12
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Race: Appears caucasian with human disguise, actually green.
Species: Alien
Height: 5’3
Alias: Beacon
Powers/skills: Telepathy, telekeninis, force field generation, energy manipulation etc.
Family: Cobb Branden (grandpa, deceased), Clark Kent and Lois Lane (adoptive parents), Conner Kent (adoptive brother) Chris Kent (adopted brother), Jon Kent (adoptive brother)
Maya Ducard:
Age: 13
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Race: Mixed, African American, French, Latina, and some others
Species: Human
Height: 5’5
Alias: Nobody
Powers/skills: Combat, stealth (invisiblity suit) , martial arts, weaponry
Family: Henri Ducard (Grandfather, Status Unknown), Morgan Ducard (Father, Dead), Unknown mother (status unknown)
Lian Harper
Age: 12
Hair: Black
Eyes: Hazel (Originally brown pre-her death and revival)
Race: Mixed, Caucasian and Vietnamese
Species: Human
Height: 5’4
Alias: Little Red Riding Hood/Speedy
Powers/skills: Combat training, reconnaissance skills, weaponry, archery skills, parcore and climbing skills.
Family: Roy Harper (father), Jade Nyugen (mother), Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance (sort of adoptive grandparents/aunt and uncle figure), Sin Lance (cousin)
Colin Wilkes
Age: 13
Hair: Red
Eyes: Hazel
Race: Caucasian
Species: Human
Height: 5’5
Alias: Abuse
Powers/skills: (when transformed) Strength, Endurance, Accelerated Healing, Increased size
Family: N/A
Milagro Reyes
Age: 12
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Light Brown
Race: Hispanic
Species: Human
Height: 5’4
Alias: Green Lantern
Powers/skills: Combat, Interplanetary affairs, (with ring), Flight, Energy creation/manipulation, Energy blasts, various other abilities stemming from ring.
Family: Bianca and Alberto Reyes (parents), Jamie Reyes (brother)
Maps Mizogushi
Age: 13
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Race: Japanese
Species: Human
Height: 5’1
Alias: Eye in the Sky
Powers/skills: Tech skills, combat training, and recon training
Family: Has parents, Kyle Mizogushi (brother)
Suren Darga
Age: 12
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Race: Arab
Species: Human
Height: 5’2
Alias: Darga
Powers/skills: Combat, Weapon skills, magical abilities, stealth training, ability to create blasts
Family: Den Darga (father, deceased)
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aliris-paeonia · 3 years
La verdad es que este escrito nace de una idea loca que tuve mientras estaba en mi cama viendo la serie de "Once Upon a Time" 😂.
Así que, tomo elementos de dicha serie para ambientarla en "Bridgerton" obviamente, pienso acomodar algunas cosas para que salgan como quiero (?). Tampoco quise hacerla como en si un escrito, si no, más bien como si fuera una lista.
So, espero que les guste o mínimo se entretengan, perdonen la mala escritura, es solo diversión aunque intento que sea una buena diversión.
Obviamente las historias de estas dos increíbles series no me pertenecen (?)
~Bridgerton x Once Upon a Time~
Parte 1
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Todo comienza con la historia de tus padres.
Tu padre, Rumplestilskin, mejor conocido como "Rumple" tenía una mala historia desde el comienzo.
Desde bebé fue huérfano de madre y al crecer, su padre también lo abandonaría dejandolo con un grupo de mujeres hilanderas quienes se encargarían de enseñarle todo a tu, en ese entonces, muy pequeño padre.
Al convertirse en adulto, se casaría con una mujer llamada Milah.
Pero, eran tiempos de guerra y a tu padre se le consideraría un cobarde la mayor parte de su vida por hacerse daño para no ir al combate.
Esa herida le dejo la pierna lastimada, por lo que siempre tenía que usar un bastón para moverse.
Sin embargo, ese mismo acto creo resentimiento en su entonces esposa.
Apartir de ese momento, su matrimonio se fue en picada.
Su esposa no lo amaba y él se encontraba desesperado por formar una familia para que su hijo, Bealfire, creciera con una familia amorosa y cálida, cosa que él nunca tuvo.
Pronto, su esposa lo abandonó por un pirata, al no estar para nada contenta con su vida.
Dejándolo solo con su hijo.
Quién diría que un día como cualquiera, tu padre, recibiría una herencia al ser pariente lejano de un Duque que no contaba con mucha familia, siendo irónicamente el más cercano tu padre.
Rápidamente, Rumplestilskin paso de ser un nombre a secas a ser conocido como el nuevo Duque de Gold, Rumplestilskin "Rumple" Gold.
O simplemente Lord Gold.
Así como tu querido medio hermano sería conocido como Bealfire Gold, el heredero a la gran fortuna.
Sin embargo, junto con el título de nobleza, también venían los títulos puestos por las demás personas.
¿Quién diría que el anterior Duque Gold además de interesarse por cosas antiguas, también era un gran cobrador de deudas?.
Es más, las personas siempre decían que su lema era "Siempre se paga un precio por mis servicios".
Parecía tener los suficientes contactos como para lograr lo que fuera que le pidieran.
Por un precio, claro.
Por lo tanto, tu padre también comenzó a ser conocido como "El Oscuro". Un Duque con suficiente poder como para derrocar al mismísimo Rey.
Nunca supiste como, pero, tu padre se adaptó rápidamente a su puesto.
Se volvió en un gran sucesor, incluso muchos lo consideraban más tenebroso y poderoso que el anterior.
Esto tenso mucho su relación con su hijo Bealfire, quien no podía creer que su amoroso padre, ahora fuera un señor terrorífico hasta para él.
Es aquí, dónde entra tu madre, pero contemos un poco su historia.
Tu madre, una hermosa mujer llamada Belle French, quien también, era una princesa de un pequeño reino en Francia, completamente independiente del gobierno de dicho país en ese entonces.
A diferencia de tu padre, ella fue completamente amada por sus padres, el Rey Maurice y la Reina Colette, siendo más cercana a la última quien le inculcó un gran amor por los libros.
Sin embargo, al crecer, su reino comenzaría una guerra en la que su madre terminaría muriendo al tratar de esconderla y protegerla de la armada del bando contrario.
Sin muchas esperanzas, el Rey Maurice decidió comprometer a su única hija con el hijo de un gran Lord.
Dicho hijo, llamado Gastón no sería muy del agrado de tu joven madre, pero deber era deber y si así demostraba ser valiente por su Reino entonces se casaría con él.
Quién diría que dicho matrimonio arreglado no predeciria una futura victoria a su Reino.
Cuando todo parecía arruinado, tu madre sugirió contactar con el hombre que parecía hacer milagros, tu padre, el Oscuro.
Si bien al principio, tu abuelo no estaba convencido, al final acepto y lo llamaron, prometiendo una gran cantidad de oro por sus servicios.
Aún así, cuando tu padre llegó al Reino, decidió que el precio que se tenía que pagar no era oro, sino, tu madre, Belle.
Obviamente nadie quiso "¿Qué le haría a la pobre chica este malvado señor?" Pensaban todos.
Y aunque tu padre, el Duque Gold específico que solamente la quería como criada, la respuesta siguió siendo un no.
Cosa que a tu madre no le gustó y decidió por ella misma sin importar la opinión de su padre y prometido.
Decidió irse con él.
Y aquí es donde vamos al punto "Tu madre entra en acción".
Tu padre llamaría a esto en el futuro "Un acto total de impulso inadecuado", pero sabías que pensaba diferente por la sonrisa que tenía en sus labios cada vez que lo decía.
Posteriormente, se instaló con él como criada en la Mansión Gold.
Con el paso del tiempo, no solo hacia tareas de la casa, sino también, disfrutaba estar con Bealfire, siendo como una madre para tu hermano.
Leían, cocinaban, jugaban, toda clase de actividades que distrajeran a un pequeño energético que iba rumbo a la adolescencia.
Pero sobretodo, ayudo a mejorar por completo la relación entre padre-hijo.
También gustaba de pasar tiempo con tu padre, aún sí este en esos años la mantuviera alejada por miedo.
Miedo a volver a entregar el corazón a una mujer.
Tu madre, logró penetrar el caparazón de tu padre, aunque no fue para nada fácil.
Comenzarían un bello romance que terminaría en una boda privada.
Para gran alegría de Bealfire, quien consideraba ya que eran una familia y no hacía nada mal que esto fuera formalizado.
Claro, la noticia no fue del agrado de tu abuelo y de su ex-prometido Gastón.
Pues consideraban a tu padre una especie de mounstro.
Este último, incluso fue tan lejos como para desafiar a tu padre tratando de "recuperar" el honor de su "prometida".
Obviamente, tu padre no necesito más que un chasquido de dedos para que se encargarán de él.
Y quizás fue ahí donde tú entraste en acción ahora.
Porque en menos de dos años, tu madre quedaría embarazada.
De ti.
Después de 9 meses en dónde tu hermano se encontraba emocionado por tu llegada, tu padre sumamente nervioso y tu madre encantada, naciste.
Una hermosa niña con varias facciones de tu madre para gran alegría y alivio de tu padre.
Con mucha alegría, fuiste presentada ante todos.
Eres (T/N) Colette Gold. Orgullosamente hija del Duque Rumplestilskin Gold y de su esposa, la Duquesa y Princesa Belle French. Así como también hermana de Bealfire Gold, el heredero.
Y por supuesto del pequeño Gideon Gold, quien nacería varios años después de ti.
Pero como está es tu historia, nos concentraremos en ti.
¿Quién diría que tendrías grandes aventuras con tu gran familia a lo largo de tu vida?.
Y pues está viene siendo la primera parte, todavía no estoy segura de si emparejar a (T/N) con Anthony o Benedict, incluso con Colin en el futuro, pero yo creo que lo sabré sobre la marcha o si gustan pueden decirme con quién lo prefieren (si es que alguien lo va a leer 😂)
Espero que les haya gustado este escrito muy extraño (?).
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mysexy-anxiety · 4 years
Current WiP/Ideas (Descendants x Supernatural) Iszy Cronuson-Marmoreal x Harry Hook x Sam, Dean, Crowley, Castiel, Rowena, Charlie, Gabriel Persephone x John x Jody x Mary Logan x Alex Jones x Sebastian Cronuson Gwendolyn x Benny x Gil Hades x Iracabeth Marmoreal (Harry Potter: Next Generation x Supernatural) Iszy Gonzalez x Jack Kline x James Sirius Potter Dean x Castiel x Marisol Charlie x Jo Bobby x Crowley Rowena x Ellen (Supernatural x Detroit: Become Human) Iszy x Connor x Colin x Colton x Conan Dean x Sam x Milagros Crowley x Bobby x Ellen Jody x John x Mary Jack x Valentina x Mary Rowena x Charlie x John
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secondgenerationnerd · 3 months
In omega squad, were they in a relationship before becoming the couples we know now?
So for Jon and Mar’i, no. They started dating at 14 and were each others firsts for almost everything (except Jon’s first kiss, that was technically Milagro during spin the bottle). People said they had a 2% chance of making it. They liked those odds
I think Damian went on dates, but didn’t have the bandwidth for a full relationship. Same with Lian, who dated a few guys and girls before Jai.
Colin dated two girls and a guy before he and Milagro got together
Milagro dated a future frat bro the year before her and Colin started dating (and lost her virginity to him). Her girl friends were horrified hearing about her experience (it was consensual, it was just really really bad)
The twins had very very shit luck with pervious relationships. TW for mentions of cheating, emotional abuse, and attempted SA
Jai dated two girls before Lian—Ava and Cassidy—who both cheated on him. Both girls blamed HIM for not being “what they need” which really fucked him up mentally. He already struggles with feeling like a redundant part of the team/in life’, so to hear he wasn’t enough for two people he really cared about broke his heart. It’s why Lian is so vocal with how much she loves him and how amazing he is.
Irey dated a guy, Isaac, who started off pretty great, but as time went on he started commenting on how much she ate, what she wore, how she was “showing off” when she did anything remotely cool, how other girls are better, etc. Irey knows she should have seen the signs, blames her self for a lot of it, but she was 15. The night they broke up, he tried to r*pe her. She only got away because she vibrated through the bed in her panic. She struggles with being held by her wrists for a very very long time (it happened during an inter-team training day and someone got their nose broken)
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secondgenerationnerd · 3 months
In omega squad, how do you decide which person goes with another as in a couple? Like Jon & mar’i or in another universe Jon & irey
So @asherella-is-a-dork-3 and I have talked/joked about this
They’ve made contact with enough other universes that somehow all of them have dated/slept with Damian (Mar’i and Damian are disturbed by that fact. No hate on demonfire, I just really don’t like it and that’s how my version of the characters would react.)
So there’s a universe where Damian and Lian are together, and have a son, Kamran.
In YJL verse, Jon and Damian are engaged
@asherella-is-a-dork-3 has Jon and milagro together in her universe with two kids, Sam and Rosa
But for my specific universe, I looked at tropes for the characters/couples.
Superstar—first love, crushing legacies, no one thinks it will last, not good enough for him/her (both unfortunately feel this way because of others), etc
Speeddemon—Grumpy x Sunshine, “touch her and die”, not exactly enemies to lovers but on the same line, best friend’s sister/uncle, etc
Speeding arrow— childhood friends to lovers, oblivious to love, last to know, etc
Colin x Milagro— opposites attract, emotional scars, fish out of water, etc
I take those tropes and just….build on them
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secondgenerationnerd · 3 months
Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, what does the couples do on that day?
Jai and Lian do absolutely nothing, they both lowkey hate the holiday. They think it’s become way too over commercialized. If they’re at the tower, they do their normal video games or movie marathons
Milagro designs a new outfit every single year, and Colin loves seeing them. They find some cool new restaurants to try, give a little gift, and just enjoy an evening together. Colin gets her her favorite flowers
Damian and Irey find a book to read together, get snacks and tea, and lock themselves away. Just getting that time away from prying eyes is the biggest gift either of them could ask for.
Mar’i and Jon get each other flowers, they go to their favorite diner for a deliciously greasy meal, then spend the night stargazing. It’s their absolute favorite date and it makes them both feel connected with both parts of their genetics
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secondgenerationnerd · 3 months
How does each couple in omega squad kiss each other? Like on the lips, cheek, forehead, etc…
I’ll do their general PDA kinda kiss lol
For Speeddemon, it’s a lot more temple/cheek kisses. They will occasionally kiss on the lips, but they are more private
Superstar? The name of the game is forehead kisses with a fair amount of lip kisses too
Colin and Milagro do it all, but there’s lots of nose kisses too
Speeding arrow gets sprayed with water because they make out in the kitchen
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secondgenerationnerd · 3 months
Which couple became a thing first? Who was the last?
Ooo so I’ll do omega, but if you’d like Epsilon or YJL let me know!
In order:
Jon and Mar’i, when he kissed her on New Year’s Eve after they’d turned 14
Milagro and Colin, she asked him out a year and some change later, after the boys had their summer glow ups.
Jai and Lian following up a few months later, after Jai was stupid in a fight and nearly got himself killed
Irey and Damian a few months after that, though they kept it very secret…until the team found them in bed
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secondgenerationnerd · 3 months
Who’s most likely to fart on their lover? Or under the cover & put the covers over their lovers head? XD
Speeddemon: Irey, half on accident because she’s lactose intolerant , but cheese is life
Superstar: Mar’i, but always an accident because she avoids lactose as much as possible
Colin x Milagro: neither of them 😂
Speeding Arrow: both, Jai’s are worse because of lactose intolerance 😂😂
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Idea💡Jai shows off his human vibrator skills on Lian for the first time and when she tells her girl friends about it they all start looking at him differently
Ooo I love this but also consider—Jai is still a big nerd
With the boys playing their weekly DND game, the girls had sat down for a late lunch together. Conversation bounced between their various interests until, finally, landing on their boyfriends. As the only single one, Irey opted out. She loves them all dearly, but even she can’t listen to things about her brothers sex life.
“I’m sorry,” Milagro sets her sweet tea down, “He what with his what?”
Lian can’t help but grin, remembering her boyfriend’s face between her thighs, “He vibrated his tongue.”
“Really?” Mar’i raises an eyebrow at that. Jai’s like a brother to her, but discussing his and Lian’s new sex life barely fazed her.
“Really. I told him about my exes’ attempts to get me off. That boy said he ‘had a hypothesis’—oh, shut it!” Lian says the last part with a laugh, matching the giggles from her friends. “It was really hot in the moment. In a super nerdy way. And then he got me off twice.”
“Merida,” Milagro nods in approval. “Reminds me of The fist time Colin ate me out with his tongue piercing in. Did you know some of them can vibrate too?”
Mar’i snorts at that, taking another bite of her burger, “When did you and Colin have sex the first time?”
Milagro gestures at Lian, “When was their first date?”
“Why does that matter?” Lian frowns, catching how Mar’i nods in understanding. “What?”
“Roja, mí amiga…you and Jai cockblocked Colin and me at every single turn.” Milagro already has her phone in hand, pulling up their texts, “At one point, we thought it was a prank! There was no way you two would know exactly when we were…”
“Gettin’ handsy?” Mar’i suggests with a horrible country accent.
Lian scowls, reading through old messages, while Milagro laughs, “Half the time Colin would just kiss me! It did have one advantage though.”
“Keeping you celebit for the lord?” Lian asks, handing her back the phone.
“That ship sailed with my last boyfriend—“
“Future Frat douche—“
“I said what I said.”
“Bah!” Milagro tosses a fry at her, “do you want to know or not?”
“I definitely do.” Mar’i laughs. Lian pretends to consider before waving her hand.
“His tongue isn’t the only thing he had pierced.”
It takes a minute for that to sink in, at least for Lian, “I’m shocked his healing factor didn’t fuck that up.”
“Wait,” Mar’i frowns, then her eyes widen in understanding, “He pierced his dick?!?!”
“That he did.” Milagro nods, smiling in remembrance, “Dios mío, when he mentioned wanting to get it, I was hesitant. Now? I swear I actually saw God.”
“How does it….you know what?” Mar’i holds up her hands, “As long as you’re both enjoying yourselves, good for you.”
The other girls laugh. Of all them, Mar’i’s always been the most sex positive. Partially because of her father’s family answering her questions, partially from Tamaranean culture. To her, sex was nothing to be ashamed of. It’s something to be enjoyed, to be celebrated, to cherish. Who it’s with or how many people it’s with doesn’t matter.
“Okay, princess, now you tell us all about Supernerd.”
“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.” She teases, sipping her mustard. “But did you know vaginal secretions are strong enough to bleach hair?”
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Out of curiosity ... how did each of them propose to their partners
I’m sure I answered this a long time ago, but here are my answers for Omega! Feel free to ask for Epsilon/YJL ☺️☺️
ColinxMilagro— (inspired by my brother-in-law proposing to my sister) Milagro didn’t want to get engaged until after she finished her degree. Colin completely understood and agreed…which is why he proposed at her graduation party about an hour after she walked across stage. Her engagement ring was made by a local artist ☺️
Speeddemon—Damian proposed privately after a team outing. Irey was putting Asha to bed, turned, and sees him on one knee. A bit spur of the moment, but they already had a kid so it was coming. He didn’t get her an engagement ring (Irey hates doing experiments with them on). Instead, he got her a simple necklace with a Ruby, Asha’s birth stone.
Speeding arrow— the league was having a party, complete with Karaoke. Jai jumped on stage, dedicated his song to Lian (“Crazy Beautiful” by Andy Grammer), and was an absolute goofball singing it. Lian was laughing so hard and couldn’t stop smiling. Jai pulled her on stage before the song ended, then got on one knee. Lian didn’t let him ask. Girl deadass tackled him 😂
Superstar—they’re my interesting couple. If Jon had it his way, they would have been married before they were 17. But according to their parents they were “too young” (Mar’i thought it was cute how much he pouted over this.) They were betrothed on Tamaran first (I’ve made posts about it in the past), but for the earth one…idk I change my mind on it a lot in terms of setting. I do know Jon had the entire Batfam’s blessing and he proposed privately. Mar’i started laughing and teased that “it was about time!”
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8. Make Colin drunk pls😁I wanna see how Milagro would deal with his bs
8. Whether they are drunk, concussed as hell, delirious for whatever reason, and have no idea what's going on but then they see their person and immediately light up/try to walk over to them 
Milagro blames Bart. Everyone knows Speedster-grade booze is dangerous. Yet her brother-in-law thought it was a great idea for her boyfriend. But Colin’s dark eyes lit up when he saw her. Dammit, why does he have to do things like that? It took her and Jaime together to get Colin to her room, both promising not to bring this up to their mother.
“Milly, d’osa,” Colin slurs, reaching for her as she tucks him into bed. “C’mere…”
“No, Mi Rey.” She tuts, smoothing his fiery hair away from his face, “Not tonight.”
“Please…” he whines, “Y’re so pretty…wanna do naughty things…”
Shaking her head, and making a mental note to kill Bart later, she sits next to him on the sheets, “I don’t play when you’re not all there. You know that, mi amor.”
Colin whines again, reaching for her again. Gently, she moves his hands away. Both of them know he’s stronger than her, even without his powers. Just like both of them know he would never use that strength against her if she didn’t ask.
Kissing his temple, she murmurs a soft prayer. Colin dozes off not long after, lulled to sleep by her voice.
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Milagro Colin first date 💕
(For the record—She asked him out 😂😂)
When Milagro had marched into the living room that afternoon, head held high, and asked him out, Colin had no idea what to expect. Dinner for sure—he needed almost as many calories as the twins, and Milagro definitely loved her food too. But he expected a diner or even a nice-ish sit down restaurant.
Instead she’d taken him to a hidden gem—a food truck with the best tacos and fajitas he’s ever had. Of course, as a New Jersey boy, his option doesn’t matter quite as much as the Texan latina in front of him. But she’d told him how she and her brother found this place years ago. How it’s a secret no one else on the teams know. Except him now. He’s not sure why, but that makes his heart flutter.
Conversation came easy to them. Once they got past school stuff, they’d geared toward the various hero gossip. At the moment, the giant crush their teammates, Jai and Lian, have on each other.
“I swear they’re blind!” She laughs, “Like Jai’s always liked her, but I swear Lian’s become more oblivious. I think she should just tell him.”
“She could dance naked in front of him, still wouldn’t click.” They both laugh, knowing their friends will figure it out sooner. Setting his tinfoil to the side, Colin leans forward, arms resting on the table, “So, Mil, I gotta ask—Why ask me out?”
She smilies, mimicking his posture, “Would you think less of me if I said it’s because you got hot this summer?”
“Absolutely not, worked hard for the glow up.” He teases, then sobers, “That’s not the whole reason though, is it?”
Sighing, Milagro picks at one of the chips, “I love the others but…I don’t think they understand what it’s like to be…forced…into this life. Like, I know some of what Damian went through, but….they all grew up surrounded by heroes. For them, it was carrying on a legacy. But I was 10 when the ring chose me.”
“What do you mean?” Colin asks. His hand covers her across the table. Goosebumps prickle her skin, despite the warm night.
“The rings choose their wearer. Each colors different, but for the Green Lantern Corps, it’s willpower. Being able to overcome great fear. Not being not afraid. Being afraid and doing it anyway.” She sighs, “A new wearer is chosen after the last one dies. Got to learn that in front of the league…”
They sit in a comfortable silent, Milagro remembering how scared she was, her brother reassuring her everything would be okay. Colin speaks softly, “How long had Jaime been back?”
She blinks at him, “A few months, why?”
“That’s why you got your ring. Your parents said you were the one person who never gave up that he was alive. I can’t imagine how scary it must have been. You never gave up and never let anyone tell you what to believe. Still don’t. It’s something I admire about you.”
“Not scarier than Bane and Scarecrow—”
“Don’t do that.” His words are soft, but firm, “What I went through doesn’t minimize your pain.”
“…If you could go back, stop it from happening, would you?”
Colin considers the question, “No. For a bunch of reasons. The biggest one is the team itself. I agree with you…The others never really had to think about what a regular life would be like. Well…Jon maybe but I don’t think that lasted long. But…do you remember the first Christmas as a team?”
She nods. Images of his face when he walked in to a pile of presents—clothes, shoes, decorations, toiletries, games and toys— make her smile. He’d hugged every adult there, trying not to cry. Her mother held his face and told him God has a plan for his life.
“The parents didn’t have to do that for me. But they did. I have so many adults who love me now. Like when I wonder about my parents and why they left, I call Dick. When I need homework help, Wally or Clark. Hell, Bruce made sure I got tested for dyslexia to help me out. And when I’m angry at God, I can call Roy and Jason to let out steam.”
His last confession sits between them. On their team, there’s a mix of religious beliefs, but Colin and Milagro are both Catholic. They usually pray to themselves before each meal, or listen to Mass in their rooms on Sundays. She knows he lives in an Catholic orphanage but…she’s never heard anyone else talk about being angry at God.
“I get angry at God too.” She admits. “Just…with everything that we’ve seen and been through…I want to scream when people say ‘he gives the hardest task to his strongest soldiers.’ I want to scream at them that God expects too much from children.”
“I know.” He agrees, squeezing her hand, “There’s times when I answer a domestic call or save a kid from an abusive family. People say how lucky it is I was there. But why does it have to happen? I was one of those kids. I didn’t need some superhero to save the day. I just needed someone to notice.”
More silence, then he shakes his head, “When I get older, I want to be a foster dad. I want to be who I needed to kids like me. Even if I’m not a hero anymore. I can still help.”
“But for now?”
“For now I will use the powers vested upon me to protect and serve. Besides,” He gives her a flirty grin, “If I never got my powers, I wouldn’t have met you. That alone is worth it.”
A smile spreads over her beautiful face, “Smooth, Wilkes.”
“I try.” He squeezes her hand, “And I mean it.”
“I know you do.” She squeezes his hand back, “Colin?”
“…Any chance you’re free tomorrow for lunch?”
Laughing, he lifts her hand and kisses it, “If I say yes, you have to let me ask you out next time.”
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Some Colin and Milagro content pls🙏😁
Thank you!! No one ever requests them! Based off this clip from Modern Family ❤️
Talking to one’s self isn’t uncommon in Omega tower. With as much on their plates, it spills out sometimes. It shows the most with Colin. After a being evaluated for severe dyslexia, it’s not uncommon for him to walk around the tower, headphones in to relisten to a lecture. But he’s never talked to objects before. She’s been known to cuss out various fabrics or threads, but Colin?
Just this morning, Milagro woke up to an empty bed. Colin walking around his room, muttering to objects. Milagro swears she hears him ask several if they’re male or female. And now she’s found him in the living room
“Are you masc or fem?” He grumbles, pointing at the mirror.
“What are you doing?” She asks, worry creeping into her voice. Is this some delayed reaction to the venom? He pulls out his earbud, frowning like she’s the one talking to random objects.
“What are you talking about?”
“You! You’ve been acting like a crazy old man!”
Colin scoffs, “¿A quién llamas viejo loco?”
“No estoy enojada contigo. Estoy confu—” She freezes. What did he just say? No, she definitely imagined that. Colin smiles at her, taking her hand with his.
“¡Sorpresa! Estoy aprendiendo español para ti, Diosa.” His words are slow, but the meaning clear. I’m learning for you. Tears flood her eyes as she covers her face. His bright laugh and gentle hands cupping her face do nothing to help. “Don’t cry! You spent so long on your make up, and you hate when it runs.”
The words send fresh tears to her eyes. She realizes that he wasn’t just naming random objects. Her brain had been translating them automatically. It takes a minute before she can find the words, “Wha-what? Why-why are you…”
“Partially for that reaction and to know what your family says about me.” The tease makes her laugh a little. His thumb brushes tears from her cheek, “I know how much your heritage means to you. I want to understand that and the language is a big part.”
“But…but it’s not…I’m not…”
“You are.” He kisses her forehead. “Te amo con todo mi corazón y alma.”
“Yo también te amo.” She smiles at him, “Does Jaime know?”
A mischievous grin makes her heart flutter, “Not yet. But the Titans are coming for dinner.”
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