#Don't listen to me xD
yamanoskk · 3 months
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The real mastermind, the unpredictable subordinate, and the 'spies'
My fanarts of the new casts in Touhou 19!
Overall, I do enjoy the game! Really adore all of the new casts, the new music are cool and the story is interesting! Really nice to see more of the old casts come back in here too!
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spiritmunie · 10 months
Sastiel // You Belong With Me
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loupy-mongoose · 2 days
I'm really tempted to make the dragon story into an entirely non-Pokemon AU story of Jamie. I'd like to have a version of her story (albeit tweaked to fit the different setting) that's completely my own, you know?
I dunno, I'm still creatively stuffed up. XD
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My favorite pass time is to look at a character and imagine what’s theyir favorite type of music is...and per consequence I also tend to love atributting them an instrument that I think fits them!
SO! Roach plays electric guitar >:3
Since he’s always been selective mute, his father feared that he wouldn’t have a way to truly express himself, so when Roach turned around twelve his father gifted him his first ever guitar. And from them he’s been jamming to his heart’s content.
When he and Ghost are home he loves bothering him with the worst songs he can think off, also doing specific sounds with the guitar as a form of communication.
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mayhemspreadingguy · 1 year
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Today I woke up and chose silliness!
(yes, the mood of my posts is all over the place but this is what you signed up for, it's literally in the name x'D)
This is another contribution to the silly rabbit au (by @cuubism ) featuring @magnusbae 's Dream in a hoodie.
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rainbow-sparks · 1 year
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idfk just look at the babygirls :)
#NOOO I FORGOT THE BALD SHINE :(#it's funky to me :)) idk :))#someone said saying XD is cringe so I drew Mikey saying it because IT'S FUN AND SILLY AND YOUR JUST A MEANIE >:(((#drew these while listening to some guy talk about crime? I think mostly..ALSO MY DUDE WENDIGOON; LOVE THAT GUY#bby gurl has her first encounter (jesus that was hard to spell) with transfem voice training?#ig? uhm I first found out of it from One Topic covering a Trans subreddit...I don't remember which-- uh#I have school in like 3-ish hours :) fuckingkillmegoddamnitfuckshirbitchUGGHHIWANNAKMS/SOBBING/MYPARENTSSAYohitsnotthatbadBUTITIS:(((((#hahah now back my regularly silly little guy persona xPP!!#OMFG WHY DID N O O N E TELL ME '03 IS SO FUN AND GREAT AND AAAA (how can I do the shakey stim hands through text—)ANYWAY IT SO FUN ILOVE#oh! OH! UHMM so my mom apparently got me a trisaratops plush for Valentines:)) but I didn't get it till a few days ago because I just went#over a few days ago :p my sister got a bear it kind of looks like a Care Bear yaknow??#I should....add real tags....#uhm ok#2012 tmnt#2k12 tmnt#mikey 2012#michelangelo 2012#leo 2012#leonardo 2012#transfem leo#<-wait does that always have to be tagged? well..I guess for the people who have it blocked yeah :^ I'll leave it:)#my friend....just that thats it just her#idk I was gonna say something but then forgor :((((#okay so I've only seen 8 ep of s1 in 03 and ive seen 12 and rise so I'm gonna put my fav from each so far :))#uhm okay 03: Raph; Mikey; Donnie; Leo. 12: Mikey; Leo; Donnie; Raph. Rise: I have rewatch it :( but from how brain going rn#Lee;Dee;Mike;Raph :)))#or Dee;Lee;Raph;Mike...OR—#okay i'll stop now#OH MY FUCKING GOD I JUST LOOKED AT HOW MANY TAGS I ADDED AND JESUS FUCK HOLY SHIT#if you read all of these...I...Ijust...damn..thank you for listening to my stupid thoughts <3
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stranded-ziggy · 5 months
I guess it's not a stretch to say if you use AI image generation services for fun you're also helping create demand for them.
Personally, I'm not a fan of the ol' "there's no ethical consumerism under capitalism so just do whatever you want" argument and I think that where you can you should try to avoid making your life entirely about consuming, for your own mental health if nothing else.
I get there's stuff that's unavoidable, I totally get that but there's no need to make a big all encompassing excuse.
AI I feel is just a product of that late stage capitalism mindset, trying to take away our motivation to create so we just keep consuming and consuming...ugh.
You don't need to generate AI images, so don't, not if you support and stand with artists.
If you can't afford a commission that's A-OK but don't contribute to our downfall just for the heck of it.
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dandelion-wings · 2 months
anyway now that I am Being Brave I can post a tiny excerpt of the current project that is consuming my brain, which is more Lisa/Jean/Kaeya omegaverse but with different alt-bio from the existing Lisa/Jean/Kaeya omegaverse:
Lisa gives him a too-thoughtful look and then says, far too reasonably for the words, "Jean could always be your partner for it." He opens his mouth to protest. Jean is her *mate*, and thus the last person Lisa should be volunteering to share another omega's bed. She swept away any dreams Kaeya might have had about Jean the moment she swept into Jean's life, and he knows that she knows that. But she's smiling at him, as pleased with her own notion as a cat with cream, and Jean is nodding. "If you would be comfortable with that, it may be the best solution." "So Lisa is going to play at Acting Acting Grand Master while you-" all the terms that come to mind feel wildly inappropriate to say in front of Jean, *about* Jean "-handle this?" "Of course not, cutie." Lisa pats his arm. "I'll be there too. As long as we're efficient about triggering Jean's rut, it shouldn't take more than a few days to get you out of heat again. Hertha can handle things for that long."
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paranorahjones · 7 months
okay i've seen the FNAF movie and oh my gosh. ohmy gosh. it was so good. i am fourteen years old again and i have to ramble senselessly. spoilers ahead, of course.
dude. the callbacks. the music. the lighting. the characterization of Mike Schmidt. i can't put all my love into words.
-the mirror saying "IT'S ME" in the dust???? UGH i almost screamed. love love love.
-the Balloon Boy jumpscares absolutely killed me, that was so incredibly funny. especially the one where it turns out to just be a little tiny figurine on a shelf. i was cackling. it's very obvious that this movie was made with its audience perfectly in mind, because it trolled us so well
-i was almost a little disappointed that Foxy just kind of flew down the hallway instead of that dorky run that he does in the game but that's not a big deal, obviously it was meant to be a very tense moment and that would have ruined it.
-on the note of Foxy, the "duh-duh dum dum" sounds??? chills. i love that they used the original sounds and how scary they made him.
-the dream scenes. oh my gosh. the emotional impact those had on me was immense. they really really made you care so much about Mike so quickly. and obviously dreams have been an important theme in the fandom for so long and i think they did them really well.
-the characterization of the animatronics/ghost children was perfect. yes i had my doubts during the fort scene. but it was so good in retrospect. it made perfect sense. these are the personalities of children. i LOVE that they completely ignored the widespread personalities given to the animatronics by the fandom (not gonna lie, i always hated those because they missed the entire point).
-i need someone to explain to me why Evan (Golden Freddy kid) was blond. Because Evan and the Crying Child are the same person, right? the Crying Child always had brown hair. i know the movies are meant to be separate canon though so he might not be Evan at all. or maybe i'm missing something. either way, that kid did such a fantastic job in his role.
-THE SOUNDTRACK. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. the retro vibes mixed with a freaking choir?????? absolutely INCREDIBLE.
-Josh Hutcherson was the perfect Mike. i never doubted that he would crush this role but he really crushed it. he's wonderful and i loved getting to see his talent again after not really seeing much of him since The Hunger Games. he's wonderful. i already said that but it's fine.
-THE CREDITS SONG!!! THEY GOT THE SONG!!!! i might have actually screamed.
-i went crazy when those sounds started up at the end. i couldn't decipher them myself (auditory processing issues go brrrr) but i looked it up immediately and was delighted to find that others had already figured it out. "COME FIND ME". BET
i'll add on to this post as I remember more, i'm sure. all in all, they did a fantastic job and i really, really hope they make more. i especially hope they make a movie out of 4 because that was always my favorite game story-wise. would make an absolutely terrifying and emotional movie.
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linkswife · 7 months
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A forehead kiss a day, keeps the sadge away.
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Okay, so I saw a thing mentioning how you could wag your butt as if you have a tail to kinda mimic the feeling and that's so smart!! For me, unless I'm super super super happy, wagging my butt is usually just a shaking-water-off-my-fur motion T-T Like, I've been feeling a tail behind me pretty consistently for years now, and when I'm really happy it wags and the feeling gets stronger, but wagging for me is an exclusively tail motion. There's no physical signs because just it's moving (and that's part of why wearing a tail feels weird for me, cause mine will be wagging but since I don't move my butt the tail doesn't move with me T-T ). But I might try that sometime to let my friends know my tail is wagging :3
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capn-twitchery · 10 days
i'm so sorry i will try to get back to people in the next few days when it's not 1am!! but for now. goodnight
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katyspersonal · 1 month
Also @ to anon (or maybe there are two of you? :p) sending me new ER and DS asks almost daily!
I really appreciate the interest and I hope I will be able to get to all of them eventually! You are so kind for this! It is just not only focus and time stuff.. I am also catastrophically unpopular all things considered and not used to attention and interest in my opinions beyond same couple of friends sending me things! Sometimes I even get anxiety and bail on a conversation I myself started when another person shows genuine engagement in it, because I am just not used to it;; Or I remember I once bailed on the idea of drawing doodle requests because I didn't expect to get many of them and got shy
I don't take attention and curiosity for granted at all! It is the opposite problem: I am so used to having to do various attention-seeking and people-pleasing behaviors to get even minimal interaction that I never know how to react when someone shows an interest first, let alone when people want to know my opinions as I literally just sit here and do nothing hjghjjgjhh All this is just to say, I am very thankful but if I am ever too slow or negligent it is not because something was wrong. Brain just starts to lag in unfamiliar situations -_-" Again, it applies to all manners of frozen convos and "ignored" positive interactions, not just asks!
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
I'd love to know how you honour the Sabbath and keep it holy if you do observe it, if you have certain family/community practices or traditions, what denomination you're a part of and how that affects/forms your Sabbath-keeping, how and when you started observing the Sabbath, and what hopes/goals/thoughts you might have, if you don't observe and want to/don't observe regularly/don't observe in a way that is restful!
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lostinfantasyworlds · 4 months
Life Update
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Heyyyy it’s been a while! I never really expect anyone to notice when I fuck off for long periods of time, but in case you did and happened to be wondering why I was mostly MIA for most of 2023, here's what I've been up to.
The short version: My husband and I sold our first house over the summer and bought our “forever” home! It worked out so much better than I could have hoped, but it turns out that prepping a house to sell and moving = lots of stress and chaos...which caused me to tumble off the deep end mentally for a while afterwards and I’m only just starting to recover.
Before I elaborate, I feel like I have to give a disclaimer because the last thing I want is to come across like I'm complaining or ungrateful. I'm very aware of how lucky and privileged I am to be a homeowner, so I am by no means asking for sympathy or trying to act like "buying/selling a house is so stressful, woe is me!" I understand that homeownership is a pipe dream for a lot of people, especially in the current economy, and I don't take that for granted. I'm genuinely grateful that I even have the opportunity to be stressed about something like this, but I can't deny that it was stressful.
If anyone is wondering how I managed to buy a house at all, I'm happy to answer that in a separate post. The abridged version is extremely lucky timing plus countless hours of hard work put into fixing up our first house that we bought for cheap back when the market was way more balanced (2016).
When I talk about the stress of last year, it's almost entirely in regards to my own mental health which is something I've always struggled with. I get overwhelmed VERY easily by regular life, let alone when I go through a major change (no matter how positive it is). Every big transition period in my life has triggered intense anxiety disorders and/or depression for me, so that's the main reason why things felt so difficult.
If you happen to be thinking something along the lines of "shut the fuck up, no one cares you were stressed, you're so privileged to even be able to own a house," ...believe me, I've already said to myself a million times. That is part of why I end up so depressed in the first place, because I feel like I “don’t have the right” when my life is so wonderful. But thanks to therapy I understand more about my mental illnesses and I'm trying to be less hard on myself now.
Still, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea 😅.
Anyways! If you want to know more about our house/see some pics, the long version with all of my rambling is below the cut!
The long version:
My husband and I bought our first house in 2016, right after getting married. It was conveniently located right across the street from where we had been living with 4 of our friends (which is how we were able to save enough money to buy a house), but it was in such bad condition that it didn't even meet the FHA minimum property standards so we had to use a special type of mortgage to purchase it. We always meant for it to a long-term flip, planning to live there while renovating it so that we could sell it after a few years and use the profit to buy a house that would be more permanent.
We put so much literal blood sweat and tears into that house. In the beginning we spent every single hour of our spare time fixing up the house. We do all renovation work ourselves because my dad and husband have experience with demolition, electrical, and plumbing. And anything we don't know how to do we just figure out as we go along. The only time we hired a contractor was to replace the roof that had extensive water damage.
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(This is the water damage discovered down the whole back of the house a few weeks after we bought it 🙃)
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(One before-and-after out of many to avoid making this post absurdly long. The contractors finished the ceiling when they did the roof but otherwise we did all the work on that bathroom ourselves, including moving the shower wall back 6 inches so that the shower door wasn't mounted to the window trim 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Over a few years we worked on remodeling each room until we eventually we got super burnt out, and then the pandemic happened and we both fell into a deep depression. Finally, in 2022 I got myself a therapist and started clawing myself out of the dark place I was in, and at the start of April 2023 we started prepping the house to sell. I had been watching the market steadily increase to absolutely insane levels and knew it was kind of a “now or never” situation, even though I still felt very fragile mentally so I was worried how I would handle such a large undertaking.
I never could have imagined just how amazing it would turn out. We truly couldn't be happier with our new home, it’s pretty much everything we were hoping for and I still can’t believe how lucky we are to have gotten it. I was prepared to have a hard time finding an affordable house. I had heard of all kinds of horror stories and the crazy competition going on in the market was intimidating. I thought we were gearing up for the long haul, and prepared myself for a lot of disappointment. Our house was the first house we put an offer on (the third one we looked at in person) and we somehow got it! It’s insane, I'm so fucking grateful.
The only catch is that it's a lot more of a fixer upper than we had originally planned on buying. I didn’t think that we would ever buy another house that required as much renovation as our first one did, because that shit was intense and we are now in our 30s and very tired 😂. But our new house has so many features that were on our “would-love-to-have-but-probably-won't-find-in-this-economy” list like laundry upstairs and an attached garage (also a pond??!?! We have a fucking pond and I love it so so much🥹). So we knew we could turn it into a home we’d love spending our lives in if we put in the work. Plus it was actually well below our budget (probably because of the condition it was in).
We decided to offer what we were willing to pay, which was well above asking but we still didn't think we'd have a chance because the market is so competitive. I don’t know if our real estate agent just worked some magic (she was amazing), but we were genuinely stunned when she told us we got the house.
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(Our beautiful pond🥹 🥰)
After that, things moved SO fast. The timing made it overlap with the prepping/listing of our first home, which was really stressful to juggle all at once on top of our full time jobs. I thought selling was going to be the easy part since the market is so skewed towards sellers right now. And it did go amazingly well once we listed (64 showings and 12 offers in one weekend, fucking nuts?!?!!), but the months leading up to listing the house were CRAZY. I knew it would be a lot of work to prep the house since we had a bunch of unfinished projects, 4 open permits with the town that we needed to get closed, and had accumulated so much shit over the years, but I definitely underestimated how intense it would be, especially with the overlap of buying our new house. I had used up all of my PTO for the year by June in order to deal with house things and felt like I was constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown. I pushed myself way past my limits and knew I would pay for it eventually.
But we made it through the chaos and officially moved in July. Let me just say that I hope I never have to move again😵‍💫. It was 90+ degrees (F), 95% + humidity that weekend, and then POURING rain on the day of the move🙃. But other than that, everything went pretty smoothly! After a couple weeks of getting settled and sleeping in the living room, we started on the renovations in early August.
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(Before and after of our living room that we are using as a hobby room for D&D, music, art, etc I love it so much!)
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(Before and after of the downstairs bedroom which we use as our office)
We remodeled two whole rooms in about 6 weeks, which was wayy too much. We had been going nonstop since April and by the time we got to October, I hit a wall. Because my mental health was incredibly fragile to begin with, surprise surprise I ended up stuck in another bout of horrific burnout-fueled depression for a solid 2+ months after we finally paused to take a break. I've struggled with my mental health since I was a teenager, having periods of depression, panic disorder, and GAD on and off. Also over the past year, I’ve started to suspect that I may have undiagnosed ADHD so there's a lot going on with my brain. I've always been a very sensitive person, and my mental health is the first thing to suffer if I don't take care of myself.
I started feeling a bit better in December, but then things got crazy again with work and the holidays, so I ended up back in burnout land yet again. Now I think I'm finally starting to truly recover as I enter the slow season at work. We are easing back into renovations but I've been trying to take it as easy on myself as possible to avoid falling back into that dark place, which is why you haven't seen much of me on tumblr. It bums me out, and I often feel frustrated with my own limitations when I see everyone posting and chatting and creating and I want so badly to join in, but I sadly just haven't had it in me for a long time. But I'm still lurking and forever obsessed with InuKag and hope to be recovered enough to participate in fandom stuff more soon!
I've still been writing and drawing here and there whenever I get a bit of inspiration. I actually just finished an Inuyasha redraw that I'll be posting soon! I've also been writing a lot more recently, or at least thinking a lot about my WIPs😂. The main one I've been working on is If It Kills Me, which I am dying to share with you all. But it's a mystery/thriller/actiony type of story with plot points that still need to be figured out, so once those pieces fall into place I will hopefully be able to wrap it up. I'm going to be working on it a lot in February, so we'll see what happens.
I would love to share my other main WIP The First and Last this summer (since it's a summer-based story), but we'll see how things go. The next major renovation project is the kitchen 😵‍💫, so fandom things might have to sadly take a backseat again during that. But I'll still be lurking here and missing you all! ❤️
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diofasolia · 10 months
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Aftermare Week 2023 Day 5: Fall
Aftermare Week by @bluepallilworld
Original Nightmare by jokublog
Original Geno by loverofpiggies
Original Askoltale Nightmare & Geno by @bluepallilworld
I made sort of a "fall version" of Blue's Askoltale Nightmare and Geno, cuz they're originally dressed in flower-made clothing
It's kinda a thought like: the flowers/leaves will begin to wither in autumn, what will both Nightmare and Geno look like when they're in the season of fall?
So the results are in here
Askoltale! Nightmare & Geno (Fall Version??)
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