#Gun Milan by Name
bestastrologyblog · 5 months
Vastu shastra remedies and future prediction
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Vastu Shastra is an old Indian arrangement of engineering and plan that expects to improve the concordance and positive energy in a living or working space. While its adequacy is abstract and not logically demonstrated, certain individuals have confidence in and practice Vastu standards in light of multiple factors. Here are a few normal purposes and convictions related with Vastu accurate life prediction by date of birth free:
Amicability and Equilibrium: Vastu is accepted to achieve agreement and equilibrium in the climate by adjusting designs to the normal powers and components.
Wellbeing and Prosperity: It is felt that legitimate Vastu can add to physical and mental prosperity by making a good and empowered living or working space.
Prosperity: Devotees of Vastu accept that sticking to its standards can draw in flourishing and abundance by advancing the progression of positive energy in the environmental factors ,exact future predictions free.
Profession and Business Achievement: Vastu is in some cases applied to work environments and business premises with the possibility that it can emphatically impact profession development and business achievement.
Relationships: Certain individuals use Vastu to upgrade connections and family concordance by orchestrating living spaces such that they encourage positive energy.
Inner serenity: Vastu professionals accept that an appropriately planned and adjusted space can add to a serene and calm living climate exact future predictions free.
Otherworldly Development: Vastu is some of the time related with profound development, with the conviction that a reasonable and agreeable living space can uphold otherworldly practices.
Improved Focus: In instructive or work settings, Vastu is figured by some to upgrade fixation and concentration by streamlining the format and game plan of spaces.
Development and Engineering: Engineers and developers might consolidate Vastu standards in the plan and development of structures to meet social or client inclinations marriage prediction.
It's crucial to note that while certain individuals find esteem in following Vastu standards, these convictions are not all around acknowledged, and there is restricted logical proof to help the cases related with Vastu Shastra. People intrigued by Vastu ought to move toward it with a receptive outlook and consider it as a social or individual inclination instead of a deductively demonstrated strategy for working on one's life.
Vastu and engineering are interlinked as in Vastu Shastra, an old Indian arrangement of engineering and configuration, which gives rules and standards to the development and design of structures. The essential point of Vastu is to make amicable and adjusted living or working spaces by adjusting designs to the normal powers and components, marriage prediction.
Modelers, especially in India, now and again integrate Vastu standards into their plans to meet social inclinations and client demands. While present day design is many times impacted by different variables, including usefulness, feel, and natural contemplations, a few people might decide to incorporate Vastu standards for social or individual reasons.
Key parts of Vastu Shastra that might impact structural plan include:
Directional Position: Vastu proposes explicit directions for different rooms and components inside a structure to upgrade positive energy streams. For instance, the entry is frequently prescribed to confront a specific course of true marriage predictions free.
Essential Equilibrium: Vastu underlines the equilibrium of the five components — earth, water, fire, air, and space — in a design. Fashioners might think about these components in the selection of materials and the format of spaces.
Spatial Plan: Vastu gives rules on the game plan of rooms and spaces inside a structure. For example, certain rooms are prescribed to be in unambiguous areas for an ideal energy stream.
It's critical to note that while Vastu and engineering can be interconnected, not all modellers or people follow Vastu standards in their plans. Present day engineering frequently focuses on usefulness, supportability, and style in view of contemporary plan standards and worldwide impacts free marriage prediction by date of birth.
The utilization of Vastu in design is abstract, and people or experts might decide to consolidate or exclude Vastu standards in view of individual convictions, social inclinations, or client necessities. Furthermore, the viability of Vastu in impacting the prosperity of tenants involves conviction and isn't experimentally demonstrated.
In the event that you're keen on integrating Vastu standards into your living or working space however don't have any desire to employ a customary planner, there are multiple ways of getting to Vastu administrations without fundamentally including an expert draughtsman. Here are a few choices free marriage prediction by date of birth:
Look for the administrations of a Vastu expert. These people have practical experience in Vastu and can give direction on the best way to adjust your living or working space to Vastu standards. Vastu advisors frequently survey your property and give suggestions to changes or acclimations to improve positive energy stream.
Online Vastu Administrations:
Investigate online stages that offer virtual Vastu counsels. Some Vastu specialists offer types of assistance from a distance, permitting you to get direction without the requirement for an in-person visit.
Search for sites or applications that interface you with Vastu specialists who can evaluate your space and give suggestions on the web.
Go to Vastu studios or courses directed by experienced professionals. These occasions might give experiences into Vastu standards and functional ways to carry out them in your space. A few studios might offer customized interviews as a feature of the program gun milan by name.
Self-Study and Books :
Find out about Vastu standards through books, articles, or online assets. There are numerous assets accessible that clear up the fundamentals of Vastu and how to apply its standards in your home or office.
A few creators and specialists give nitty gritty direction on Vastu without the requirement for employing outside administrations gun milan by name. Take a approach by finding out about essential Vastu standards and making acclimations to your space all alone. Basic changes, for example, adjusting furniture or utilizing explicit varieties, can once in a while be executed without the requirement for proficient help. While looking for Vaastu administrations without including a modeler, it's crucial for research and to pick trustworthy experts or assets. Remember that while Vaastu is a social and customary practice, its viability is emotional, and individual encounters might change. Visit the best astrology site Myastron.com.
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Gana Dosha and Married Life
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Marriage is a holy association where two spirits set out on an excursion together, limited by affection and responsibility. Notwithstanding, soothsaying proposes that different variables can impact the similarity between accomplices. One such element is Gana Dosha, a significant part of Vedic soothsaying. In this article, we will jump profoundly into the domain of Gana Dosha and uncover its effect on wedded life gun milan by name.
What is Gana Dosha?
Gana Dosha is a conspicuous thought in Vedic crystal gazing that dissects the similarity between two people given their particular ‘ganas’ or classes. As indicated by old texts, there are three ganas: Deva (god-like), Manushya (human-like), and Rakshasa (evil presence-like). Each individual is accepted to have a place with one of these ganas given their introduction to the world star when will i get married astrology prediction free?
The Impact of Gana Dosha on Marriage
Grasping the Gana Classifications:
Deva Gana: People in this class are accepted to have divine characteristics like consideration, otherworldliness, and insight. They look for concordance and are frequently strictly slanted naam se gun milan.
Manushya Gana: Individuals having a place in this class display human-like credits and have a decent and versatile nature. They are friendly and have a realistic way to deal with life.
Rakshasa Gana: People in this class can show specific forceful or overwhelming propensities. They are driven by desire, and possessiveness, and may battle with issues of confidence in connections and future prediction.
Similarity Variables:
Deva Gana and Manushya Gana: People having a place with either Deva or Manushya gana are viewed as viable. Their similitudes in personality and values advance concordance in wedded life.
Deva Gana and Rakshasa Gana: This mix is accepted to make critical difficulties in a marriage. The conspicuous difference in values and ways to deal with life can prompt struggles and misconceptions about marriage age prediction by date of birth free online.
Manushya Gana and Rakshasa Gana: This matching is thought of as fairly viable. While contrasts exist, common comprehension and compromise can assist with defeating these difficulties.
An individual’s Gana is not entirely settled by the birth Nakshatra, which is the birth star of the individual. A great match is the point at which the lady of the hour and the lucky man have a similar Gana. This demonstrates high similarity levels. A marriage between Dev Gana and Manushya Gana is likewise viewed as a reasonable match. Notwithstanding, a match between an individual of a Dev Gana or Manushya Gana with an individual from a Rakshash Gana is stayed away from. An individual of the Raskhasa Gana can have an agreeable marriage with someone else of a similar Raskhasa Gana.
Solutions for Gana Dosha in Marriage
Counseling a Stargazer:
Look for direction from an educated celestial prophet to examine the likely Gana Dosha and its effect on your marriage. They can give customized arrangements in light of your introduction to the world graphs and planetary positions gun milan in hindi.
Directing a Custom:
Play out a puja or custom devoted to the separate gods related to the gana of the accomplice confronting the Dosha. This is accepted to adjust the energies and limit the effect of the Dosha.
Reciting Mantras:
Presenting mantras related to the particular gana can assist with killing the adverse consequences of Gana Dosha. It is encouraged to look for direction from a minister or experienced otherworldly expert to choose the proper mantras var vadhu gun milan.
Prophetic Gemstones:
Wearing explicit gemstones suggested by a stargazer can assist with reducing the difficulties presented by Gana Dosha. Gemstones like emerald, ruby, and blue sapphire are known for their prophetic advantages of gun milan by date of birth.
Exploring Gana Dosha for an Amicable Marriage
Soothsaying gives significant bits of knowledge that can help couples figure out the elements of their relationship. While Gana Dosha features possible difficulties, it ought not to be the sole determinant of conjugal achievement. Love, open correspondence, and readiness to think twice about assisting with defeating any impediments that Gana Dosha might introduce. By looking for cures and embracing the genuine embodiment of marriage, couples can fabricate areas of strength for a satisfying deep-rooted bond. Visit the best astrology site Myastron.com.
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ommblogs · 10 months
The Timeless Tradition of Kundali Matching for Marriage
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"Unlock cosmic compatibility! Discover the profound significance of Kundali Matching in timeless marriage traditions."
In the intricate tapestry of human relationships, kundali matching emerges as a celestial thread, intricately woven into the fabric of marriage. Steeped in history and mysticism, this age-old practice, also known as kundali milan or kundli milan, delves into the cosmic forces governing our lives, seeking to decipher the potential compatibility between two individuals. Encompassing kundali milan in Hindi and the profound aspects of horoscope matching, it's a journey that blends science, tradition, and the enigmatic dance of celestial bodies.
At the heart of kundali matching lies the concept of gun milan, a process that assesses the alignment of planetary positions in the prospective couple's birth charts. With kundali matching by name being a popular approach, the cosmic choreography takes on a personal touch, as the resonance of names converges to unveil a cosmic connection.
The Cosmic Dance: Exploring Kundali Matching's Foundation
Embraced by cultures worldwide, this art of matchmaking is known by various names – be it kundli milan in Hindi, marriage matching, or kundali making. It's the endeavour to fathom the symphony of energies that two individuals bring into a marriage. The intricate calculations of planetary positions, known as gun milan, reveal the harmony and dissonance, much like musical notes forming a melodious composition.
Horoscope matching for marriage transcends mere astrological calculations. It's akin to deciphering the universal language of energies that the cosmos orchestrates. Just as musicians harmonize their notes for a masterpiece, prospective partners align their cosmic imprints for a harmonious life journey.
 Behind the Scenes: Factors Influencing Kundali Compatibility
Intriguingly, kundali matching by name isn't solely about finding common letters or sounds. It's a tapestry of vibrations and resonance, where each letter carries a numeric weight, contributing to the overall cosmic equation. As names intertwine, they form a pattern, either enhancing the celestial rapport or introducing discordant frequencies. The name isn't just a label; it's an energetic signature that influences the cosmic choreography.
While online kundali matching has modernized the process, it retains the essence of tradition. The digital realm brings convenience, but the cosmic calculus remains unaltered. The algorithms, programmed to replicate the meticulous process of astrological scholars, create virtual constellations from the digits and letters of names, offering a glimpse into the cosmic affinity between partners.
 The Rituals and Process of Kundali Matching
Kundli matching for marriage doesn't stop at planetary positions and name synergies. It delves deeper into the multidimensional aspects that shape human relationships. Traits, tendencies, and temperaments are mapped against the cosmic canvas, revealing potential areas of resonance and those that might demand compromise.
As we explore the depths of cosmic chemistry, we encounter terms like prokerala kundali, a manifestation of the marriage between ancient wisdom and modern technology. The digital tools serve as the compass in the cosmic labyrinth, guiding seekers toward a deeper understanding of themselves and their partners.
 Real-Life Stories: Kundali Matching in Action
While some view kundli matching as a precursor to marriage, it's more akin to an alchemical process. Just as elements merge to create compounds, two individuals merge their lives, dreams, and destinies in kundali matching for marriage. The cosmic blueprint, unveiled through gun milan by name, offers insights into potential challenges and joys. It's not a deterministic path but a guidebook to navigate the cosmic journey of partnership.
As name matching for marriage blends with planetary positions, and the resonance of energies finds its echo, couples embark on a journey together. The cosmic chemistry isn't confined to favorable planetary alignments; it extends to the heart's resonance, shared values, and mutual aspirations.
 The Cultural Significance
In the ever-evolving landscape of human relationships, the ancient art of kundali matching remains a constant. It's a testament to the enduring fascination with the cosmos and its influence on our lives. As we tread the path of cosmic chemistry, we unveil a tapestry that transcends time, language, and culture.
So, whether it's kundali milan in Hindi or any other language, the resonance of energies speaks a universal dialect. The dance of celestial bodies continues, orchestrating not only the movements of planets but the intricate steps of human hearts. In conclusion, cosmic chemistry isn't just about planetary positions and calculations; it's the interplay of energies, a dance of destiny where names, planets, and souls converge. It's an art that marries tradition with technology, revealing glimpses of compatibility and harmony. As we embrace the enigma of kundali matching, we step into the cosmic ballroom, where the stars themselves waltz to the rhythm of love and connection
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omastrologer · 11 months
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akashvaaniteam · 1 year
For Kundali Matching by the name of boy and girl, the astrologer looks for both the current name or the janam rashi names of the two individuals and checks for compatibility in various aspects of life. But accuracy and effectiveness of Kundali Matching rely on detailed birth chart analysis. So If you do not have a kundli yet you should consult a qualified astrologer who can create accurate birth charts and analyze the birth charts of the individuals involved.
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anamelessfool · 2 months
Oh look! More Lore! Some thoughts about the relationship between Sister and Papa Nihil. All from my Scenes From the Void AU. I hope this motivates me to finish the next chapter of the major work. Gonna be a doozy!
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1962 and a year into Sister's reign as Mother Imperator. Sister was not the first choice, and every day of her reign so far she is reminded of this. Her personal assistant, Rebecca, is mercifully distracted by her new son whose existence cancelled Rebecca's dream of becoming Mother Imperator. Perhaps Rebecca will put her energy elsewhere, in the end. Papa Emeritus Petruchio is an asshole and is constantly clamoring to return to Italy. He wants to find his replacement there and live out the rest of his days drinking and whoring in a cushy archbishop position and every moment that Sister struggles with her poor grasp of the Italian language he crawls closer to death. The phone has been ringing off the hook daily, pleas from the old headquarters in Milan to return the Seat of the Church to its rightful home at last. Even though the structure has barely recovered from the damage of two world wars.
Rebecca suggests a tour of Italy, to drum up funds for the final repairs, and Sister agrees. Anything to get them off her case. But in Italy who gives a shit about an elderly, stiff opera singer? They need a different angle. A force of personality that would knock down doors and bring the money and acolytes rolling in. Something more modern, more exciting, more subversive, more…Satanic, of course.
“Rock music?” Rebecca suggests. Of course suggesting her own little project and father of her child Brother Zero from the New York City Church. Rebecca and Archbishop Camino of NYC had been gunning for this unknown, this Brother Zero for years and Sister doesn't understand it. He seemed at best unmanageable and at worst dull-witted. He moved to the seat of power with a partner and son. An entire family who had since quit the Church altogether due to this Zero’s proclivities for sleeping around. He was planted here clearly to be underfoot. But all of Rebecca’s praise and machinations and rebranding of the bandy-legged wanderer falls flat in Sister’s eyes. He looks more like a drooping flower than the powerhouse of charisma she needs to save face. Sister knew the church would fracture after the old Mother’s death, and so, fine, she agrees. Rebecca has the funds and Camino the influence and negotiating skills. She needs their favor. And so the Americans pit themselves against the Italians.
With some hapless Zero stuck in the middle.
Nance is gone. Primo is gone. But Nihil for a time remains cheerful, upbeat. Dreams require sacrifice, he says. Nance has a dream, he has his own. And they now need to part to pursue it alone.
Or so he tells himself.
Nihil, his name is Nihil now. Rebecca decided that if he was going to be Papa Emeritus he needed to start upping his image. Leaning into sophistication. So Nihil it is. Easy come easy go. He settles into his new path, into his new life with the steely Rebecca and son number two. He didn't realize how needy a baby was, and he has fuzzy but happy memories of Primo at this age. He doesn't realize that his late nights performing in Camino's band meant that he never really spent this much time with Primo compared to Secondo. In fact he spends more time with Secondo than Rebecca does due to Rebecca’s intense hours navigating the power struggles within the Church. He didn't realize how much babies cry, but with enough coaxing and mugging he can get some giggly Sibling to watch the child for a few hours while he wanders the quiet wilderness of the Ministry grounds. Sit on a ledge somewhere and light a joint and let the thick smoke invade his mind. He loved getting high and stupid with Nance. Creating nonsensical poems and having drifting half-baked conversations. Making love for hours and feeling every moment of connection.
Rebecca frowns on any intoxication at all. She is beautiful and intelligent but she is icy. Like an expensive collectible on a shelf. But she believed in him, and of course those little words hold sway over him. And one thing led to another and now he's sneaking around alone getting high in an unfamiliar forest.
A feeling comes over him, a new one that he has never experienced before in his life.
Regret so constant, so pervasive that he loses sleep. Feelings used to come and go within him, and despite the hardship of his life he had a general air of happiness and satisfaction. But this regret never leaves. It is his constant companion, and no substance in the world no matter how mind-expanding or euphoric has yet to exorcise the ghost of his regrets from his shoulder. And so he looks on his own new family of one unsmiling infant and one beautiful but cold partner and seethes.
He doesn't understand why he hurts people. He doesn't understand why his own heart hurts when he hurts people, and so therefore he runs to the next person he sees, trying to receive comfort from them. It's easy to get into another's good graces. Be a listening ear, be an enthusiastic supporter. Joke and smile and laugh. It happens every time, and in time (every time) they are passing a joint or a bottle between them. Every time they lean close and drown themselves in touches, in kisses. Every time they strip bare and link bodies and try to forget.
And every time he breaks another heart.
Maybe it really is all or nothing.
But it gets easier for him, as the years go on. His heart is nothing but a fine powder of glass after Nance left with Primo. Nothing but a pile of sand to blow away with the wind. He always knew he was a disappointment, a Nothing from the moment he was born. His own father told him that, and in some respects it was a comfort to fall into that destiny.
When the new Mother Imperator chooses him to be a candidate for Papa Emeritus at last, he doesn't notice the outrage from the Church. His own supposed Mentor to be, the great opera singer Papa Emeritus Petruchio, argues for weeks with Sister behind closed doors. But no big deal. The Void itself has chosen him, his new partner Rebecca is advocating for him (perhaps as a consolation prize for missing out on the Mother Imperator title herself) and in the end no mortal can question the Will of the Void. Not even if that choice is a rock musician, or even worse, another American.
The woman with everything and the man with nothing, of course they are drawn together. It is a law of the universe. Before the Elevation ceremony, before the trial of pain he must endure he takes the new Mother Imperator by the hands. “I believe in you,” he says. She looks taken back, almost angry, but for an instant he sees a moment of soft relief in her eyes. At least one person believes in her. A person who would be her first construct of the Void, who would offer up his own left eye to be sliced by her ritual knife. Who would take the boiling essence of the Void into his body to corrupt his blood and tie his soul to her for all eternity. At least that person believes.
What more does she need?
Domestic Fic about Nance, Camino & Nihil
Domestic Fic about Nance and Primo post Ministry exodus
Domestic Fic about Rebecca, Secondo, Nihil & Terzo
Scenes fromt the Void Ghost/Ministry AU
Divider by @gothdaddyissues
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ae-azile · 2 months
Kim isn't sure what he is witnessing. In hindsight, maybe he should have suspected that Fern may have crossed paths with Namphueng at one point. While he didn't know about Namphueng’s initial connection to their family until a couple of years ago, he hasn't given much thought about who else would have met her. Ma would have known her, although Kim knows she wouldn't have accepted Namphueng being forcibly medicated and kept in a room. That was not the person she was. She was never like Pa. 
But he never thought about Auntie Milan knowing her. That's the only thing that makes sense, considering how emotional Fern is right now. He knows Uncle Gun met Auntie Milan when they were teenagers, that she was two years younger, but they didn't start dating until sometime in college. He never really thought of why she would have been around their family prior to that because he didn't know about Namphueng until recently. 
But now that he does know about her and this is happening, he realizes that Namphueng and Auntie Milan would be about the same age, and it makes more sense for Namphueng to be Auntie Milan’s initial connection to their family than Uncle Gun.
Especially when Fern seems so overcome with emotion, as if her world just stopped as soon as she laid her eyes on Namphueng. 
“What happened?!” Fern says, gripping Namphueng’s shoulders, “You were…She broke down and said…You were dead! You, Pat, and the boys were dead!” 
Namphueng doesn't sign a word. She is just staring at Fern in a trance, and Kim doesn't know if she doesn't understand or is just completely shutting down, but he can see that she is overwhelmed. There are tears dripping down her cheeks even though her expression is almost emotionless. It's as if she is frozen. 
Going by the way Chay, Porsche, Macau, and Vegas seem frozen too, it could be contagious. 
“Fern?” Pete says , surprisingly the first one to intervene as he touches her shoulder to get her attention, “She uh…She doesn't voice. She understands it, but she only signs now. And her um…Porsche? I’ve mentioned Porsche to you before-” 
“You didn't tell me who his mother was!” Fern signs harshly, “You didn't tell me he was alive! I thought it was someone else! A different Porsche!”
“I didn't…We didn't…” Pete says, trailing off, “We didn't know you knew him or Namphueng-” 
“Of course I know Namphueng!” Fern snaps, “I was close friends with her parents! I’ve known her since she was four! She was Milan’s closest friend for years! She was-” 
Fern cuts herself off, turns back to Namphueng, and brushes her hair back in a maternal manner.
“What happened? Tell me everything.” 
Namphueng seems to be shaking, but her stunned expression crumples as soon as she spells out one thing. 
She follows that up with a sign Kim vaguely remembers as a sign name.
His aunt's sign name.
“Uh…” Khun says, standing up as well, only to go over to where Tay, Time, Jom, Tem, and Yok are sitting, “Maybe…Maybe we can do this a different night. I think we need…Obviously, we didn't expect-” 
“We understand,” Tay says as he gets to his feet and beckons everyone else at the table to do the same, “I hope…I’ll text Kinn later to check in.”
As the five head out and Arm goes ahead and arranges for his sisters to get a ride back to the hotel rooms Khun unnecessarily treated them to, the restaurant soon has eight less people inside. It's probably for the best - both with Namphueng’s nerves and the fact that Fern looks like she is seconds from lashing out until she gets answers. 
“What happened to her?!” Fern says, her gaze turning fiery. Porsche finally snaps out of his confusion and steps forward. 
“Can we talk privately so we don’t stress her out?” Porsche asks, then signs the words to make himself clear, “Chay…Chay will come too. Right, Chay?” 
As Kim looks over at Chay, he sees him nod and step forward. While Fern looks extremely hesitant to leave Namphueng, she reaches over, squeezes her hand, and leads Chay and Porsche through a door. 
“Fuck this,” Vegas mutters, walking towards the door too, “I want to know what’s going on. I need to check on the baby anyway.” 
Vegas is gone before anyone can talk to him. It seems like none of them even know what to say anyway. Kim isn't sure what could be said, considering they aren’t completely sure what is happening. 
Before Kim can overthink it more, Namphueng taps Kim’s shoulder roughly to get his attention. 
“Milan?” she signs, seeming desperate for a response. 
Kim blinks, then isn't sure what he is supposed to say. 
“Milan is my aunt. Fern’s daughter-” 
“Where?” she signs, then starts looking around, “Where where where where where?”
When Kim redirects his gaze towards Khun and Kinn, they seem like they feel helpless. 
When Kim looks at Macau, he seems heartbroken. 
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verashalurks · 2 years
I know this is like dying but I’ve waited so long to post this cuz I wanted to get as much as I can but since I haven’t seen another alternate m*leven ship name in forever, I’ve decided to post all the alternate m*leven ship names I’ve seen.
miley cyrus
Keke waka 
Misaligned Fallopian Tubes
machine gun
Macadamia nut
Minecraft mobs
moon landing conspiracy
melted marshmallows
maroon 5
Of Mice and Men
Marty McFly
Milk of Magnesia 
M-1 Rifles
Malnourished Skin
Mona Lisa
Mushroom Raviolis
Monoclonal Antibodies
Mamma mia
mozzarella sticks
machine gun kelly
zoo wee mamas
magdalena bay
minimum wages
malt vinegars
mocha monsters
Marley and Me
three musketeers
Miranda Sings
mobility exercises
Malnourished Foreskin
minnie mouse
monkey ooh ooh ah ah
Meryl Streep
Maple Syrup
mickey mouse clubhouse
Macaulay Culkin
Molotov Cocktail
meatball choppers
milky cereal cup
monkey see monkey do’s
meth lab
mac and cheese
Marvin martians
milk and cookies
Tickle Me Elmos
mad mothers
mixed signals
mighty morphin power rangers
Mosquito bites
Mug cakes
Moldy milks
malted milk
Mcdonald's happy meals
moose mooses
macaroni n cheese
maternity leave
moustache mountain
mocha cake a la goldilocks
moo moo
master of puppets
Monster of Men
Melted Cream Cheese
mosh pits
Megatron Titty
Machine Gunner
metric system
milk cartons
Milan champions league
malfunctioning minotaurs
moaning myrtle
meep city
mount vesuvius
mango salsa 
Mitochondrial Disease
Machine Gunner
Moldy Mozzarellas
malt powder
machine gun kelly
Manila papers
Merlin’s Beard
mein kampf
mediocre meat loaf
Mambo Jambos
my little pony
Menstrual cup
misanthropic villains
Moldy bread
Melon rinds
Moldy macaroni
Magical miscarriages
Mauled maggots
Machine gunners
Momento Morí
Misused toilet
meeting micky mouse
melatonin deficiency
McLovin It
Married Salamanders
mister mustard
Mario Kart
Mouse rat
marshal mathers
Mick Jagger
Mud Stain
Manatee Turd
Mario run
Mint-chip icecream
mineral water
Mario Kart Wii
mild salsa
muffin mans
Midlife crisis
Mac & cheese
Middle aged vans
Super Mario 64
Malcom in the middle
Magic Mike
Microbial virus
Materasso Eminflex
microsoft software protection platform
Micheal Jackson
Magnetic dipole
Marble Countertop
Michelin star
Masachussets Institute of Technology
Mango Juice
Mary had a little lamb
Mark of Athenas
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
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A small copper measure for Rum or Grog, shaped like a small pitcher, between 1780-1805
HMs Leander was a  fourth rate, with 50 guns and was launched at Chatham on 1 July 1780. She took part in the Battle of the Nile in 1798 and was then captured by the French. The ship was recaptured by Russia, and returned to the Royal Navy in 1799. In 1805 she captured a French Frigate named "VILLE DE MILAN" off Halifax, Nova Scotia in which a visiting U.S. Sailor was killed. This caused relations between Britain and the United States to deteriorate into what is remembered as the Leander Affair. In 1813 she was converted to being a Hospital Ship and was sold out of service in 1817.
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reginaldqueribundus · 2 years
I watched Goncharov 2 so you wouldn't have to
I love seeing Goncharov have this weird renaissance on tumblr. It’s like when we all decided to get collectively obsessed with Dracula and the Epic of Gilgamesh. but did you know there's a sequel??
granted it's pretty obscure, like Eighties Bulgarian Treasure Planet levels of obscure, but you can actually watch the whole thing on YouTube for free. I can't even find the original poster, just this shitty DVD cover from Amazon:
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released in 1985, long after anybody would've given a shit about the original
features none of the original cast (except, weirdly enough, the guy playing Andrey's driver, despite Andrey himself being absent)
SOMEHOW passes the Bechdel test
was apparently produced by Benito Mussolini's kid???
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the movie starts with a weird, pointless nightclub scene with a ton of characters who get shot dead and are never seen again. it went on for so long I genuinely started thinking this was a Troll 2 situation, where somebody slapped completely unrelated movie's name on this for free clout; but no, this is actually supposed to be a sequel! the plot is that Goncharov's brother, who is also called Goncharov, just wants to sell flowers in Milan but his uncle Vladimir Espinoza (lmao) finds him and drags him off to fight a Galician crime lord named Iago for reasons that aren't clearly explained (and shamelessly rip off the Rocky training montage while they're at it). His Designated Love Interest™ is “Marina”, (imagine a Costco knockoff of Sofia with way more cleavage), whose job is to get kidnapped a lot. She sadly doesn’t get any sapphic undertones aside from a couple weirdly horny scenes with a nameless assassin masseuse who is inexplicably called “the Algerian” despite being portrayed by a Japanese actress (yikes).
The dialogue is so truly awful I strongly suspect English was not the writer's first language. At one point Uncle Vladimir tells his nephew to “gouge out their livers like a beak of the mad kestrel”. I'm 100% certain the guy playing him was hired for his weird resemblance to Al Pacino and not any acting talent; he delivers every line like there's a gun to his head but he also swallowed 30 Ambien. Iago is supposedly Spanish(?) but played by one of the whitest guys I've ever seen (Xander Crane, who has an objectively cooler name than his actual character — dude sounds like a Bond villain). He does a godawful fake accent and keeps accenting the wrong syllables. The part where he screams GON-CHAAAAAA-ROV!! has to be seen to be believed. The mangled English also makes the torture scene unintentionally hilarious, especially when Iago asks “Are you trying to f**k me?” and creates 20x more gay vibes than every Andrey/Goncharov scene combined.
some moments (ex. not-Sofia and Uncle Vlad keep mentioning Katya, but they talk about her like she was this Goncharov's lover) makes me wonder if they started the screenplay before watching Goncharov 1 all the way through, and it was supposed to be about OG Goncharov but they had to quickly rewrite it to be his brother instead. I really hope that's true cuz it would be hilarious and explain why they made a sequel to a movie where most of the characters die at the end.
Aside from (holy shit) Val Kilmer as one of Iago's bodyguards, no one involved with this film has worked on anything else you've ever heard of. The writer isn't even listed on IMDb, and Giuseppe Stromboli's entire filmography consists of this, a kids' cartoon called Spaghetti Briefcase and a bunch of weird Italian chewing gum commercials (which are also on YouTube btw). Matteo JWHJ pops up in the credits as a producer so I can only assume he was desperate for cash.
so yeah. Goncharov 2 is objectively terrible and problematic and lacking in gay vibes or juicy Goncharov lore, but if you want something to get drunk and laugh at with your friends it's got you covered
join me next time and we'll talk about the Goncharov director's cut
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
— Ian Winterton interviewing Matt Bellamy for The Leeds Guide magazine in 2006.
It’s midday on a Friday and I’ve accidentally got drunk. Now, the floaty, vaguely tripped-out feeling may be down to the four pints I’ve just glugged down, but I’m more inclined to blame the fact that I’ve been locked in a bar in London’s Soho Hotel with a dozen journalists for the playback of Muse’s new album. It’s a fantastically weird mix of prog-rock, electro, metal and sci-fi noodlings Hawkwind would have been proud of. And, at the stipulation of the band’s management, we had to listen to it twice, “in case we missed something”.
So, yeah, I’m feeling a little odd when, in a suite upstairs, I get to meet the man behind the madness, Matt Bellamy. In contrast to myself, he turns out to be both sober and sane, not to mention thoroughly pleasant and polite. With his designer casual clothes, prominent cheekbones and scrunchy hair, you’d sooner imagine him folding up jumpers in a swanky clothes shop than fronting one of the UK’s most successful rock bands. Then again, Muse have never been associated with rock ‘n’ roll excess. I put it to him that the band’s clean living is one reason they’re still going strong a decade after their debut album.
“We’ve had some very good times on tour in the past,” he says a tad defensively. “And we were young guys and at one point we were all single, but I don’t think we need to tell everyone about it. We’ve always wanted to get attention for being good musicians and for making good music.”
And good music they most certainly do make, although it’s not to everyone’s taste. For some, it’s silly, pretentious and overblown. To those who’ve drunk from the cup, however, it’s silly, pretentious and overblown. AND THAT’S THE POINT. With Black Holes And Revelations, Bellamy and his fellow bandmates – Chris Wolstenholme (bass) and Dominic Howard (drums) – have really pulled out the stops. In between beers during the playback, I jot down the names of other bands that come to mind, producing a list that includes New Order, The Scissor Sisters, The Pixies, Pet Shop Boys, Ennio Morricone and Spinal Tap.
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In amongst the electro and the flamenco, it’s still the same old Muse: Bellamy’s falsetto vocals, pounding drums and loud ‘n’ fast rock guitar. For me, all the disparate elements of the album come together on the brilliantly titled closer Knights Of Cydonia. It begins with laser-guns and horses galloping.
“We really pushed that song to its limits,” says Bellamy. “We pushed the fantastical elements so far, maybe too far, so it sounds like a sci-fi film. Cydonia is the area of Mars where they think there’s that big-faced temple thing. Mars used to be the same distance from the Sun as we are now and so some people think that maybe there was a civilisation there. I find that idea quite appealing.”
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“I think that’s a little far fetched,” he laughs, adding, “It’s a slippery slope. Once you start reading that stuff it takes you over a bit. I quite like alternative thinking. My girlfriend studies psychology and she’s working in a hospital in Milan where there are patients that actually believe the end of the world is nigh and that sort of thing. It’s interesting hearing about people who’ve been completely overtaken by these theories.”
How are they going to reproduce the sound of such a wilfully diverse and bonkers album live?
“With great difficulty!” Bellamy exclaims. “But we’ve actually got a fourth person in to do some of the electronic stuff for the first time. Morgan Nicholls, who’s actually in The Streets, took over on bass when Chris broke his wrist. It turns out he’s a really good keyboard player. We decided that next time we should give him a go.”
As thousands of fans can testify, Muse are awesome live – and, unlike most bands, they’re actually better playing huge gigs. Are they excited to be playing Leeds and Reading?
“Absolutely,” enthuses Bellamy. “Reading and Leeds are the biggest rock festivals you can play.  When I was younger I remember seeing bands playing there – I saw Jeff Buckley, one of my all-time heroes, there in ’94 and I remember thinking if I could get up there it would be amazing. Also, it feels nice to be a band that can do a gig like Glastonbury but also do Reading and Leeds, which is more of a rock audience. It’s nice to be able to move between the two.”
Just look out for those giant lizards.
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ooom-astrology1 · 1 year
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seoll3miwrites · 1 month
La Vie En Rose | DC Universe B.W
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Chapter 1. A Normal Day
Back to Masterlist.
Rosie's usually likes her mornings, but not this one. TW// Gun description
This morning was getting close to the worst morning Rosie Macedo has ever had.
Firstly, she had woken up to an almost flooded kitchen, from her roommate leaving the tap on when they'd left an hour ago. This meant she spent an extra ten minutes mopping the floor, not great. 
Secondly, her car a parking ticket because she forgot to put her parking pass on her windscreen last night, worse. Then finally, her favourite cafe somehow ran out of coffee so they'd not opened today, the worst thing so far.
So here she found herself walking into Wayne Enterprise tired, annoyed and regretting not just calling in sick.
"Morning! You doing okay Rosie?" One of the security guards, Fred asked as she scanned her ID badge to enter.
"Oh could be better Fred, but hope you're doing better, I heard you got the flu last week." Rosie replied as she stopped to talk.
"Yeah it was rough but back to normal now thankfully."
"I'm glad." She smiled, "Anyway I gotta go but have a good day!"
Fred waved at her as she scurried to the elevator, thankfully it wasn't too full today so it was relatively peaceful ride to the top floor. As she exited the elevator she spotted a familiar, smiling face.
"Miss Rosie!" Dick, greeted her holding two cups in his hand while holding one towards her, "I brought you some coffee, how are you today?"
"Dick you are my life saver," she sighed with relief as she took a sip of the fresh coffee now in her hand. "I've been better that's for sure, how's everything today?"
"Well that's why I've stopped you," Rosie furrowed her browns in confusion, "He's got a new girlfriend."
"Already? What happened to Natalia?" Her eyes widened in surprise.
"Apparently she 'had to return to Milan' but turns out she already had another boyfriend there." Dick filled her in as they began walking to her desk.
"Wow!" She scoffed as she put her bag down to pull out her things. "Okay so give me the play by play please."
"Well she's an English heiress but from what I can tell she's the high society spoiled type, oh and she is definitely the type to complain when something doesn't got her way," Rosie groaned as Dick continued, "So I'm sure you guys are gonna get along swimmingly."
"Listen I get your Dad is like the playboy of the century but does he actually think things through before dating these women." She complained, "I mean no offence to these ladies whatsoever but he always picks the ones he is least compatible with."
It was as she finished that sentence, that the man himself opened to door to his office and approached her desk. He was dressed sharp as always in a black jumper and suit trousers combo, which he often wore when he had no high client meetings.
"And what are my favourite employees chatting about today?" He inquired leaving his side against the desk.
"Your new girlfriend." Rosie replied as bluntly as she always did with Bruce. "Your son's been filling me in."
"Has he know?" He turned to face Dick.
"Well she is your assistant thought I'd help you out by giving important updates."
"Which includes my dating life?" He questioned keeping eye contact with his son.
"Ah...well would you look at the time, I'm actually late for a super important meeting with... someone." Dick stumbled as he slowly back towards the elevator before turning into a full sprint.
"Bye Rosie!" He yelled as the doors to the elevator closed. Leaving the two staring at each other in amusement.
"What's her name then?" She questioned leaning against her side for the desk.
"Penelope Hinebridge"
"Hinebridge, like Wayne Tech's newest partnership Hinebridge?" Rosie leaned further forward to question as Bruce sighed before nodding. "I think this is the worst one you've pick yet, what happens if you breakup?"
"Hey, I'm Bruce Wayne you know, infamous playboy." He gestured to himself as he spoke.
"You and I both know that every person you've dated thinks they'll be the one to change that."
"I'm offended Macedo, I thought you believed people can change." He teased as he leaned closer towards her.
She just laughed as stared directly into his eyes before speaking, "I'm just keeping you humble, Wayne."
He chuckled quietly again while looking directly into her eyes, after sometime his eyes soften from his usual Bruce Wayne persona into a look of genuine admiration towards Rosie. Her eyes were so dark today that he could almost see his own reflection. As Bruce reached his hand to gently wipe under her eyes where Rosie's mascara had slightly stained, the door to the elevator suddenly opened causing the two quickly separate.
They turned towards whoever the new guest was, finding the smirking face Lucius Fox looking directly at the pair as he held a small stack of papers in his hand.
"Good morning, I can see you both seem in a good mood?" Mr Fox spoke as he approached the two.
Bruce cleared his throat before replying, "You know me Lucius, I always have a good day.", then he winked.
Rosie on the other hand, didn’t flinch at Mr Fox’s words, she’d already endured his teasing a hundred times over. “Good Morning Mr Fox.”
“Now now, I specifically remember telling you to simply call me Lucius.”
“You know me Lucius,” She replied smiling, “I’ve always had a memory problem.”
As Rosie spoke she tapped the side of her head twice to make her point, earning a quiet chuckle from Mr Wayne and raised eyebrow from Lucius. She laughed softly at their reactions, shaking her head slightly she stood to gather her things and held them in her arms close to her chest.
“Well gentlemen, this has been lovely,” Spoke as she walked around her desk, “but I have a meeting with the R&D department I supposed to go to on your behalf.”
She looked pointedly at Mr Wayne as she spoke the last part, causing him to narrow his eyes at her for a moment before forcing a sheepish smile, “My apologies Miss Macedo, but I was already booked out for the day as you can see.”
“I can see that Mr Wayne,” She replied as she stepped into the elevator, “Which is why I won’t be bothering today. At All”
With those last words the doors closed and the elevator moved down to the 78th floor, leaving Bruce and Lucius looking at each other in bemusement. The silence didn’t last long, broken by Lucius.
“Well she’s quite a catch,” he began, “although if rumours prove correct I hear you’re taken?”
Bruce pointed at him forcefully before speaking, eyes narrowing, “Don’t you start too.”
Lucius simply raise his eyebrow in reply, his usual go to. 
“Besides, we have bigger things to worry about.” Bruce began to lead the man to his office. “Did you see the schematics I sent you.”
“Yes, I must say Damien certainly has a way with weapon design, although I do have some concerns about the lethality factor.” 
With that the door closed, conversation away from prying eyes.
Down on the 78th floor, Rosie was struggling to maintain a constructive meeting with the R&D department.
“I just don’t get it Rosie,” The R&D manager spoke, “You’re with him all the time, I mean you’ve even been at his house and yet you’re quote on quote ‘not dating’” 
After the manager said those words, Rosie was overwhelmed with the R&D department all speaking at the same time. She only caught parts of what each person was saying, but became very alarmed when she heard the words “Bone” and “Sexy” among the chaos.
“Okay!” Rosie hit her hand against the table to get their attention, “I don’t know how many times I have to reaffirm this, but me and Bruce Wayne are not and will not be dating, ever.”
There was a pause as the room froze to look at her, when the manager spoke up again, “See you two would be perfect for each other!” Then noise stared again with the department debating with each other about Rosie’s ‘romance’ with Mr Wayne, in front of her.
All Rosie could do was sigh and make her way out of the conference, to have a break from the meeting that was supposed to be about current market trends. Rubbing her forehead, she moved to the water fountain to pour herself a drink. As she sipped on the cold water the elevator dinged as it stopped on the 78th floor.
When it opened, Rosie was shocked at the container of the water fountain suddenly exploded with a load bang, soaking her from head to toe. A clicked forced her turn around, only to come face to face with the barrel of a familiar umbrella shaped gun.
“Sorry miss,” The man with the long, pointed nose spoke in a gravely voice, “But this floor now belongs to the Cobblepot Foundation.”
Rosie dropped her cup in shocked before raising her hands, she let Cobblepot’s goons lead her back into the conference room where other henchmen were already tying up the R&D department. As they shoved her down next to them before tying her wrists together, Rosie only had one thought. 
This was definitely in the top ten of worst mornings ever.
Next Chapter (WIP)
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omastrologer · 11 months
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Dear diary,
Today i started Disco Elysium and, not only i found out that there's a city even more shittier than Milan, but also that an amnesia doesn't make you forget depression.
It all went well: i accitentally joined the communist union, petted a death body, got lost 4 times and tried to punch a kid because he was too annoying
I also found a wife in the wild: the game is telling me he's my collegue but i already know nobody would deal with all the shit i did if he was not in love with me. He seems to not have a problem with me being a communist hobo that probably shouldn't be left alone, he must be really in love or maybe he's just trying to sell my organs but that's unlikley, i got nothing worth of harvesting.
I also apparently have a very shitty lifestyle and i didn't eat for 2 days, then i ate a salami slice and called it a day. I still don't know why everyone plays around with me baing a cop when i clearly earn a living by giving blowjobs on the streets, i don't even have a badge and a gun so probably it's just a roleplay between me and my wife. I am too fucked up in the wrong ways to be a cop and he's too normal and not a dick so that disqualifies both of us.
I look forward into solving this mystery and to get backstabbed and fucked by the union leader because, that's just how things go in the unions. And to change my name, so i can look even less normal to the strangers around me
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🔴 [On days like these] back in 1969 Italian anarchist Pino Pinelli is being murdered by the police, being pushed off the 4th floor of the police station.
🎥 [Video] 1.000 people accompany Αnarchist Giuseppe (Pino) Pinelli to his final resting place on 20 December 1969, 5 days after his murder by cops at a police station in Milan, Italy.
📍 Giuseppe Pinelli, nicknamed Pino, was born 21st October 1928 in the working class neighbourhood of Porta Ticinese in Milan. He worked from a young age as an errand boy, and then later as a warehouse worker. In 1944-45 as a teenager he operated as a courier for an anarchist partisan group operating in the Milan area. Despite having to work at an early age he managed to educate himself by reading hundreds of books.
📍 Mario Mantovani had set up the paper Il Libertario, organ of the Federazione Comunista Libertaria Lombarde in 1945 in Milan and managed to gather together some of the surviving old comrades. Il Libertario appeared at first as a weekly and then as a bimonthly up to 1961. Giuseppe was one of a handful of young people who gravitated towards the grouping.
📍 In 1954 Giuseppe got employment on the railways as a fitter. The following year he married Licia Rognini, who he had met on an Esperanto evening course.
📍 The 1960s saw the steady growth of the Milanese anarchist movement, which accelerated after 1968. This was in no small way due to Giuseppe who organised young anarchists in the Gioventu Libertaria (Libertarian Youth) in 1963. Two years later he was one of those who founded the Sacco and Vanzetti Circle who founded a local centre which remained open for the next decade. In 1968 with the end of that circle he founded the Ponte della Ghisolfa Circle (named after the nearby bridge) on 1st May. The group organised a series of conferences and student meetings and assemblies. The circle and Pino were also involved in some of the first initiatives around the base union CUB. Pino also worked for the reconstruction of the anarcho-syndicalist union USI.
📍 He organised the library of the circle making sure the hundreds of books were all bound in black, classified and arranged. On Sundays the circle’s centre welcomed the older comrades, some aged 90 and some even older!
📍 On 25 April 1969 fascists initiated a series of bomb attacks as part of the Strategy of Tension which involved the manipulation of the Italian secret services working together with the US's CIA. Some Milanese anarchists were arrested as part of a scheme to discredit the anarchist movement. Pino organised support for the imprisoned anarchists (who were finally acquitted in June 1971). He brought food parcels, clothing and books to the prison. At the same time he began to organise the Crocenera Anarchica (Anarchist Black Cross) as a prisoner's support and counter-information network.
📍 Pino had attracted the attention of the police and in the aftermath of the December 1969 bombing at Piazza Fontana (where 16 people were killed by fascists) he was arrested and taken to the central police station to be interrogated by Calabresi and his henchmen. On the evening of 15th December he "fell" from the 4th floor of the police station. The police maintained that he accidentally went through the window of his own accord, but the official story was so full of holes, an entire play was written by Dario Fo debunking it.
The state murder of Pinelli set off a wave of protests. 1000 people attended his funeral on 20 December 1969. Later Nobel Prize-winner Dario Fo wrote his play Accidental Death of An Anarchist about Pinelli’s murder.
📍 3 policemen, who were interrogating Pinelli, including Commissioner Luigi Calabresi, were put on trial for his death, but his death was ruled as an accident. Calabresi was mysteriously gunned down in the street a few years later.
📍 In 2001 a new investigation found 3 members of a Neo Fascist group responsible for the bombing that Pinelli had been detained for.
📍 "The ballad of Pinelli" you hear in the video is a song that tells the truth about what happened the night Pinelli died.
🎼 --- Lyrics ---
That evening it was hot in Milan
how hot, how hot it was,
"Brigadiere, open the window!",
a push ... and Pinelli goes down.
"Mr. questor, I told you already,
I am repeating that I am innocent,
anarchy does not mean bombs,
but equality in liberty".
"No more humbug, confess, Pinelli,
your friend Valpreda talked,
he is the author of this bombing,
and you certainly are the accomplice".
"Impossible!", shouts Pinelli,
"A comrade couldn't possibly do that
and the author of this crime,
must be sought among the masters".
"Watch out, suspect Pinelli,
this room is already full of smoke,
if you persist, we'll open the window,
four floors are hard to do".
There's a coffin and 3,000 comrades,
we were clasping our flags,
that night we swore,
it won't end this way.
And you Guida, you Calabresi,
if a comrade was killed,
to cover a State slaughter,
this fight will just get harder.
That evening it was hot in Milan
how hot, how hot it was,
"Brigadiere, open the window!",
a push ... and Pinelli goes down.
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