#Happy birthday Lou!
allwaswell16 · 1 year
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— A l l T h i s T i m e —
by @allwaswell16 for @nouies birthday!
Louis Tomlinson had been best friends with flower shop owner Gemma Styles for years. It wasn't until she suggested he date her alpha brother that he ever thought of Harry that way. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea...
Louis+Harry /// 1k /// Teen & Up
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eating-plastic · 9 months
The Sterling Sisters: Just Louisa
In honor of Lou's birthday, here are nothing but headcanons focusing on her!
🎨-Like most kids, Louisa's love of art started when she could first hold a crayon. She's been painting and sketching ever since
🎨- She's been playing the violin since she was 12 years old because here in the good ol' US of A, you have to take some sort of music class like band, choir, or orchestra typically in middle school (not sure if it's the same way in other countries or other states, this is just what I had to do. Guess what instrument I played lol)
🎨-Anyways, like with art, she's been playing ever since. She takes practice and her craft very seriously
🎨-She has a specific notebook where she composes little pieces of music herself
🎨-She keeps her hair short to avoid getting paint in it and so she doesn't have to push or hold it out of the way when she plays
🎨-If Lou had to describe her style, she'd say comfortable. She loves oversized hoodies, sweaters, and of course, cardigans
🎨-She started wearing berets because Angie thought it would be cute and go with her whole "artist" aesthetic. She actually really likes them, and it's become a tradition for Angie to gift her a beret in a different color or pattern for her birthday
🎨-She has made self portraits of her sisters, her parents, and the puppets. They all loved them
🎨-Speaking of parents, she gets her red hair from her mom
🎨-She likes analyzing music. Doesn't matter if it's from a movie or a video game. She enjoys looking at the intricate details of every note
🎨-Her favorite place at the Bodega Bay Inn is the gazebo. It's such a pretty place that always helps her feel inspired
🎨-While she's close with Marabelle too, her and Angelica are really close with her being just a year younger. As such, their parents enrolled them in school together
🎨-She hung out with Angie's theater girl friends a lot throughout their school years
🎨-If she was ever being bullied, Angie would always stand up for her. She and her clique find a way to ruin the bully's reputation
🎨-And that's the better outcome for them. If Mara found out Lou was being bullied, she would jump straight to threats and violence
🎨-Homegirl's got no problems whooping their ass if they don't leave her alone
🎨-No one messes with their little sister
🎨-Same thing goes for any creep harassing her. They're either getting their ass beat by Marabelle or they're gonna get roasted to all hell by Angelica
🎨-Her biggest pet peeve is being told to talk more
🎨-Blade is the first boyfriend she's ever had, so it's kind of a big deal for her
🎨-Y'all know what that leads to? That's right! Insecurities! Lou would always ask him if he was really happy with her and all that jazz
🎨-Luckily, Blade is very patient and understanding. He absolutely has no problems reassuring her that he does love her so much
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nocreativityfornames · 10 months
Barbatos: *opening his birthday presents*
And this one is... *frowns* a toy...?
MC: *finger guns* ✨ A Barbie for a Barbie ✨
Everyone else: *awkward silence*
MC: Also, she's a cook...!
Everyone else: ......
MC: *looks around* Really, no laughs?? You guys have no sense of humor...!
Lucifer: *facepalms* Barbatos, I apologize for them-
Barbatos: *amused chuckle* No, there's no need for that. I actually like the gift, after all, I can't say I've ever gotten a "Barbie" for a present before...
MC: Hah, see?! Take that, bird demon man!
Lucifer: ???
MC: Anyway, happy birthday, Barb! 😊
Barbatos: *chuckle* Thank you, MC.
Solomon: *leaning in* I actually liked that joke, by the way. It was very creative.
MC: You're the real one, Sol.
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world-of-wales · 1 month
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danidoesathing · 2 months
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happy birthday to the most guy of all time. heres some shitposts
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darkhairedmenrule · 2 years
“Of course we love you Darling”
This fic was inspired by a tiktok, so take that how you will. This is the first time I've published anything on Tumblr, but I have written fanfic before. So please, be gentle if this isn't great. This is a gift for my lovely Lou on their birthday, I hope you enjoy this❤️
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Laying in bed was supposed to bring you a sense of peace, that you were done for the day. It was supposed to allow you time to decompress, relax, and rest so that you would feel refreshed the next day. But life has a funny way of turning things on its head. While you wished you could be relaxing, you were instead lying uncomfortably in your bed, staring at the ceiling as the day replayed in your mind. But specifically earlier when your world felt like it was thrown into a time warp. It seemed, that your brain was not ready for rest until you resolved this. With a sigh you rose up and sat on the edge of your bed, contemplating exactly how to move forward. Anyway, you look at this, you thought this is going to hurt.
Getting up you made your way out of your room, down the hall to where his familiar door was. You stood before his door for a few moments before getting your nerve and knocking. You heard some movement before you saw him pull the door open. Your eyes roved over his lithe body, clad in a soft henley and even softer-looking sweatpants that you would not think he would ever own. But, even professionals need to be comfortable at some point in their lives. Mentally shaking those thoughts away, you make eye contact with him in his doorway as he appraises you. Clearing your throat, you try and give him a forced smile. “ Hey, can I come in?” You force out, willing your voice not to shake. He gives you a small one that is only reserved for two people and steps aside to let you in. As you walk in, you notice that the room has a soft glow, proving that he does in fact use those candles that you got for his birthday this past year. As you take in his gorgeously decorated room, which frankly smells and looks amazing, you hear him shut the door and start to walk toward you.
“ Are you going to tell me why you are here little lamb?” He asks, breaking the relative silence as he observes you. “ Hanni, I just wanted to apologize for how I acted earlier, it was uncalled for and I'm deeply sorry” came your reply, genuine but timid as you looked into his deep maroon eyes. “ And what exactly are you apologizing for lamb?” “ Well, I- uh we kissed earlier. And I know you and will are happy together and it didn't mean anything. I'm sorry if I upset either of you, obviously, you don't want me to be kissing you” you ramble on, not noticing how Hannibal's gaze is darkening as you continue to inadvertently insult yourself. The words that you don't say are loud in his mind. They don't realize how we feel for them. How oblivious are they? I know they feel the same. I need to fix this, no love of mine will feel less than. “ Do not belittle our love like this, I thought our feelings were clear little one.” You stare at Hannibal in confusion, “ What do you mean our feelings? I know you two are together Hanni.” You notice his eyes darkening this time when he lets out a fond sigh, Ah they do not know, I’ll have to remedy this. “Darling, Will and I do love each other but we are an incomplete pair. We also love you little lamb.” You let out a heavy breath, “ Hannibal this isn't funny ok? I know you two don't love me, why would you?” you say as you look down, internally cursing yourself for being so stupid earlier. If you had just ignored your stupid crush on the gorgeous men, none of this would have happened. “ Hanni I know you don't love me, why would you love me if you have each other? You both are absolutely gorgeous and I'm nothing in comparison.” 
“ Since when have we ever allowed you to talk about yourself like that little one?” asks Will as he comes out of the bathroom, pulling you into his arms. You see Hannibal’s lip pull into a small smile despite his storming face. “ Darling, I know you don’t see yourself as beautiful or desired but you are completely wrong. We both want, no crave you. It's torture to see you hate and distance yourself from us when we are close. Yes, we love each other, but you make us whole.” As he finishes his frankly beautiful and infallible statement, you go to refute him when Will speaks up. “ Little one, of course we love you, you bring us both a sense of peace. You always know how to calm us both down on our bad days or just in general. You love to talk to Hanni about his passions for art and cooking and talk to me about my dogs and poetry. I know that society has told you that you need to be a certain size to be beautiful, but it's complete shit. We love you exactly as you are; our beautiful, strong, intelligent, and funny Darling. We know that you might not love yourself yet, but we will love you until you can. We want you Darling, to be ours for eternity and not a moment less. What do you say? Do you want to be ours?” He finishes his mini speech with a heart wrenching squeeze around you and that's when the dam breaks. When you finally allow yourself that lie that you tell yourself at night that it's not really there, that they don't love you to be pushed out of your mind as the tears leak down your cheeks. You feel Hannibal come and wrap his arms around you and Will, them effectively making a giant hug for you to cry your heart out in. Through the tears, you can hear them say sweet whispered truths to you, and one day you'll believe them. You are so beautiful, Darling. We love you so much. You are ours. You are loved. You are enough. I Love You.
* Authors Note*
Hi Lovelies, this story is just the beginning for these three, as I have many more ideas for them. I wanted to dedicate this to @hannibals-favourite-meal as they are my soulmate and its their birthday! I hope you had a great day darling, 21 will never look better than it does on you. I love you! Thank you for reading 💖💝
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kingwilliamv · 1 year
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My Top 5 Prince Louis Moments so far:
Dancing and making faces during the Platinum Jubilee Pageant — 2022
Covering his ears during the Trooping the Colour flypast — 2022
What animal (amimal) do you like? — 2020
Trooping the Colour debut — 2019
Finding the camera during a tour of his mummy’s “Back to Nature” Garden — 2019
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plantmommoonbaby · 3 months
Keeping this here forever
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hellokittyisangel · 5 months
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Happy birthday to you, Deery-Lou! Our cheerful friend lives in the Rainbow Forest which is filled with color and flower patches 🌳🌈🌼
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faedogs · 3 months
it is so comforting to know that erika ishii is similarly affected by magical time bullshit, because when i say i screeched and cried when that scene happened? brennan lee mulligan and lou wilson you have broken my heart too many times times over the course of a single year
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hellishfig · 3 months
i missed the worlds beyond number birthday stream because i was playing dnd
then i went to my friend's house and hung out for a few hours before returning home and immediately starting the vod
it is currently 4:21 in the morning and i just finished watching the stream a few minutes ago
i will never be the same
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onedayimgonnasnap · 1 year
Lou’s birthday present it’s time for Lou slander 😍✌️
How tf is Lou racist to his own race? Bro supports a whole ass Saligia version of the Holocaust
As the headmaster what’s he doing when Mc is getting bullied?
How the absolute fuck is Toa doing a better job at helping students pass and making sure the academy is more well balanced.
Lou gets to decide who gets pussy and who don’t get pussy in the consorts epilogue path.
POV: Lou looking through the Crystal ball In that one event to see Mc hanging out with another consort
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Lou be lookin like a Catholic Amish priest on a Wednesday.
Lou allergic to seasoning
POV: Lou after not changing Christoph’s eye color
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Lou’s the type of person to say scrumptious eating a meal
Lou’s the type of bitch to generally enjoy candy corn. That’s the only candy he likes
Lou’s the type of mf to call Deviled Eggs, Angel eggs because there’s no room for the devil in his kitchen
Actually he can’t he even cook. He likes to put milk before the cereal
Bitch is the type of person when getting ready for the day to put one sock, one shoe, one sock, one shoe
He can’t swim, so he uses magic to walk on water.
He can’t catch a ball. He can’t catch anything. He uses magic because no one taught him to play catch.
He has the smile of someone who hasn’t got enough validation from his father
He looks like he’d call me a slur without knowing what it mean with a smile on his face
He likes to eat the crust of the bread instead of the middle.
When he brushes his teeth he doesn’t put water on the tooth paste.
He’s looks like lamb chop
He built like the marshmallow ghost from ghost busters
Lou looks like a blind person cut his hair
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meimeimoimoiart · 3 months
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cc-horan28 · 5 months
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What do you mean parasocial relationship gone too far?
It's just a cupcake for his birthday!
Happy birthday lou! 💕
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world-of-wales · 1 month
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All photographs released by Kensington Palace to mark the sixth birthdays of Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.
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cara-carabowditbowdit · 2 months
happy birthday to my awesome brother jack aka @groonklie
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