#Hasna Hawke
palipunk · 1 year
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Some DA blorbo introductions using this template - all menaces to Thedas 
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : Part 65 of 83 : World of Sea
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
Part 65 of 83
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2020
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users   of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may   reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information   remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in   my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical   compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Tanlin grinned widely.  “‘Ere’s our messenger.”  She fluffed Thunderhead’s crest feathers.  Getting up and putting the Wide Wing onto the table, she got a small harness off the shelf.  Thunderhead took the opportunity to raid the snack tray for left-over skelt fillets.
Proudly Tanlin said, “Master Selked an’ Oi made t’is for ‘im.  ‘T ‘as room for twa message capsules.  T’ey willnae come off by accident, even wen ‘e dives for fish but ‘e can pull t’em out of t’e ‘arness all by ‘imsel’.”  Tanlin was strapping the harness snugly about the bird, who took up a good part of the room when he partly spread his wings to help the process.
Tanlin held up two small capsules made of thin, finely crafted Strong Skin. “T’ese’ll carry our messages t’ t’e fleet.  T’ey’re woterproof, but just t’ be safe, we’ll write wit’ Shelled Hag ink.  Tis woterproof once ‘t dries.”
Kurin reached for a writing case on the shelf.  Surprised, she turned it over in her hands and asked, “Where did you get this?  It looks like the one Captain Huld uses.”
Tanlin responded, “We bought ‘t from t’e Soaring Bird boot’ at t’e same time t’at we got Sula’s book.”
Kurin selected a pen with a fine, flexible tip of Wing Ray bone, prepared her ink and began to write in a small, neat hand.
To whoever receives this:
This note is from Kurin Behar Longin.  Whatever you may have heard, I am aboard the Grandalor of my own free will.  Please relay this note to Captain Sarfin of the Dorton, Head of the Captain’s Council and also to Captain Sula of the Dark Dragon.
Certain crimes and other issues need settlement.  The Grandalor seeks to have the Council Resolution of Outlawry set aside because the edict is in violation of the Second Great Law.  A proper legal trial under the Great Laws and fleet Law is requested.
Recognizing the difficulty of gathering a quorum of the Captain’s Council, the Grandalor will accept Captain Sarfin as the sole judge, providing that he carries signed proxies for a quorum of the Council.  We await Captain Sarfin at 800 North by 00 West.  Follow the bird.  He will guide you to us.  The Great Dragons assure safe conduct to all in their waters for the purpose of this justice.
Kurin, boat-builder Journeyman.
Kurin set the note aside to dry and asked, “Who is the second note to?”
“Oi do believe t’at t’e Longin wonts ye bock.” Tanlin said dryly. “Might be polite t’ tell t’em where t’ find ye.  From w’at ye’ve told m’, t’ey ‘ave a large financial stake in gettin’ ye bock.”
Kurin gave a sad little smile at that.  “I left my post.  I hope that they aren’t too angry.”  Taking another parchment, she began to write.
To Mord Halyn, Captain of the Longin:
Captain, I apologize for leaving my post.  I felt little choice when it became clear that we were refusing rescue in violation of the Fifth Great Law, granting the right of rescue to any in distress.  We all broke the Second Great Law in convicting the Grandalor officers without a proper trial.  In accepting the verdict of the Council without question, I became a part of that same violation.  For our own sakes, we need to defend the Grandalor’s rights and safety until she is brought to a legal trial.  As you now know, I came with them voluntarily.
Please come.
Relay this message also to Captain Sarfin.  He must get the Edict of the Council set aside and come to sit in judgment on the case.
Sula has been asked to come also, by the same means that this letter was delivered.
The bird that delivered this will guide you to us.  Follow the bird.  If you get separated from the group, the Grandalor and I are waiting for you at 800 North, 00 West.
In Justice, Kurin, boat-builder Journeyman.
Kurin waited until the ink was totally dried and waterproof before folding and rolling the notes and putting them into their capsules.  Tanlin mounted the capsules to Thunderhead’s harness and the big Sea Hawk clambered up her arm to her shoulder and settled himself comfortably.
“He acts like he’s done this before,” Kurin observed.
“‘E ‘as,” Tanlin answered, tilting her head to see around Thunderhead.  She spoke over her shoulder as they all went up on deck.  “Wen Master Selked an’ Oi made t’e ‘arness, we all t’ree practiced wit’ ‘t.  Not only did ‘t ‘ave t’ be secure an’ comfortable, ‘e ‘as t’ be able t’ fish wit’ ‘t on.  Flyin’ can be ‘ungry work.”
Tanlin turned to face the wind, her hair streaming out behind like a rich flag from her Arrakan Captain’s Braid.  She chucked Thunderhead under his beak and told him, “Go now.  Fly swiftly sout’ until ye find t’e Dark Dragon or t’e Soaring Bird.  Give t’em t’e message on yer right.  T’en seek t’e Longin.  Give t’em t’e message on yer left.” She held out her arm and Thunderhead strutted down to her wrist.  “Dari give ye fair winds beneat’ yer wings!” she called and swept her arm forward, to help Thunderhead launch himself skyward.
Kurin watched in fascination as Thunderhead spread the huge wings that gave his kind their name and soared away, quartering down the wind, now skimming barely above the waves but gaining speed.  He turned gracefully into the wind and climbed over thirty feet before his momentum began to wane.  Smoothly he turned downwind losing only a few feet as he swept in a great circle, building speed on the downwind leg and gaining altitude on the upwind turn.  It took a surprisingly short time for Thunderhead to gain a thousand or more feet.  He turned south and vanished into the distance, a dwindling speck in the blue of the sky.
Kurin turned to speak to Tanlin and saw the absent look on her face.  Kurin felt a pang of envy as she realized that Tanlin was sharing the sky with Thunderhead and wondered, as Barad and others before her had also, what it felt like to fly.  In a few moments, Tanlin shook off the connection and her spirit returned to her body on the deck of the Grandalor.
“T’under’ead’s on ‘is way,” she announced unnecessarily.
“How will he find the ships?” Kurin asked.
“T’at’s t’e easy part.  Dari’s got t’e location o’ t’e ships from Iren an’ is ‘elping T’under’ead t’ find t’em.  T’will take ‘im about five or six days t’ get t’ere an’ deliver t’e messages.  I’ t’ey get underway immediately, t’ey could get ‘ere in anot’er t’ree t’ four weeks,” Tanlin said casually.
“The Dragons are helping?  How did that happen?” said Kurin incredulously.
“Mecat gave m’ a Dragon Gift too, i’ ye remember.  She gave m’ peace where m’ past is concerned.  W’at’s lost is gone an’ Oi nae longer frustrate over ‘t.  She also bonded m’ wit’ Skye and T’under’ead.  T’en she gave us asylum ‘ere in t’e Dragon Sea so long as we’re seekin’ justice from t’e Naral fleet.  
“T’e Dragons ‘ave been keepin’ tabs on us, t’ be sure t’at we’re workin’ t’ ‘onor our side o’ t’e bargain…”
Kurin interrupted, “You mean that the Great Dragons are keeping an eye on us now?”
“Well, aye.  Frath comes by regularly an’ we talk.  Dari showed up once t’ look in on Skye an’ T’under’ead.  T’ey represent a major ‘abitat change for t’e whole range o’ Wide Wing species.  T’e change in t’e ecological situation needed direct observation an’ quest’nin’ o’ t’e birds by Dari ‘ersel’.  
“Ane o’ t’e t’ings she told m’ is t’at she’s t’e ane ‘oo turned a few species o’ t’e warm-blooded fish into all o’ t’e variety o’ birds.  She got permission from all t’e ot’ers, particularly Blind Mecat, t’ create new species t’ exploit t’e aerial ecological niches.  Oi just wish t’at Oi understood ‘ow she did such a wonder.”
Enviously, Kurin said, “I wish that I could talk to Dragons regularly. I miss Mecat.  I didn’t even know that she was a Dragon.  She just knew so much and tried to share it with me.  Then she made her change and went back to the sea.  I haven’t seen her since.”
Tanlin heard the bitterness in Kurin’s response and sympathetically said, “She’s t’e busiest o’ all t’e Dragons but she hasnae forgotten ye.  T’e Longin’s whales ‘ave been keepin’ ‘er up wit’ all t’at ‘appens concernin’ ye.”
“How do you know that?” asked Kurin in bitter curiosity.
“Frath an’ Dari bot’ told m’.  I’ ye wont, Oi’ll ask i’ t’ey’ll relay a request for ‘er t’ come see ye.”
“I wish that you would.  I still want to talk to her about a lot of issues, not the least of which is the present problem,” Kurin said seriously.
“Then ask the Orcas, Little Fish,” a third voice put into the conversation.  “They always listen to everything that happens aboard every ship and report it to us.  I will always come to talk to you if I can.  I have missed you too.”
Kurin whirled about and beheld a huge white head looming up over the rail. It had frills and spines and tentacles about a huge mouth filled with fangs.  Its blind eyes stared just past her in a most comfortingly familiar way.
“Cat!” Kurin called out in delight, throwing herself fearlessly at the monster Dragon.  With complete trust she cleared the rail and landed in the midst of the tentacles, hugging the huge snout as well as she was able.  The tentacles caught her, gently holding her safe, and hugged her close in return.
“Little Fish,” the Great Dragon asked in quiet amusement, “who taught you that it was safe to leap into the jaws of the biggest predator anywhere about?”
Comfortably nestled in the warm nest of Blind Mecat’s tentacles, Kurin answered impudently, “You did, Cat.  You taught me that trust in a good person is never misplaced.”
“Hmm. . . Little Fish, perhaps the lesson went a bit beyond my intent. Maybe a finger or two — — no, I’d barely taste that…” the Dragon considered in mock seriousness.  “I know!  A hand! — — and the arm too, of course.”
“That might upset Dari,” Kurin replied, also with mock seriousness. “She’s studying the Grandalor as a new habitat for Wide Wings, and I’m part of the rookery flock.”
“Of course you are,” Mecat replied, ruffling Kurin’s white hair with a tentacle, “I can tell by your feathers.  Seriously, what do you think of the situation?  It is unprecedented.  I know what the birds think, naturally.  I asked them myself.”
Kurin tapped her lip gently as she thought.  “I think that it is a good thing.  It gives the birds a safer habitat and more help with their young.  The people of the ship benefit as well.  The birds help to find fish schools and scout further than lookouts can see, watching for danger.  It seems that they can be trusted to deliver messages between ships as well.
“I personally like the chick that calls itself High Cloud.  I can almost understand that little bird.  I’d like to take him with me when I go back to the Longin, if he wants to come.”
“Good answer, Little Fish.  I was hoping to hear that last bit.  Some people would not consider the feelings of the bird along with their own.”  Mecat’s tentacles shifted Kurin to a seat on top of her snout.  “Habitat changes can have many consequences to an ecology. They have to be very carefully worked out.  Even though this one was the result of an accident, it looks to be favorable.  I will allow the experiment to continue.
“Now, I believe that you had some concerns that you wanted to discuss.”
Return to the Master Story Index
Return to World of Sea
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christopherhudsonjr · 6 years
Left-Libertarian Weekly Podcast Roundup (3/30/18)
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Against the Grain - Cowboys, Class Struggle, and the West
Anews - Episode 56: anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week
Animal Law - The Case of the Legal Eagles
Around the Empire - Trump’s War Cabinet feat Tom Luongo
Building the Second Realm - Lessons From Organized Crime
Burning Cop Car - #13 goes out to all the women and gender non-conforming peeps peeps out there fighting patriarchy
Cato Daily - It’s Bolton Time
Cato Events - Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech
The Chauncey DeVega Show - Daina Berry Explains How Black Slaves were the Human Gold That Built American Empire
Declarations - Is Human Rights a Fable? (with Professor Samuel Moyn)
Deconstructed - Will John Bolton Get Us All Killed?
Democracy Now! - Freed Whistleblower Chelsea Manning on Iraq, Prison & Running for Senate
The Dig - No Human Being Is Illegal with Mae Ngai
Discourse Collective - Your Job Is Killing You
Double Down - Crypto Utopia in Puerto Rico?
Economics Detective - Universities, Adjuncts, and Public Choice with Phil Magness
EconTalk - Edward Glaeser on Joblessness and the War on Work
Exploration -  The Legacy of Stephen Hawking
Felony Friday - A Mother Spent a Decade in Prison for an Introduction
The Final Straw - “This Armed Occupation Needs to Stop Before It’s Too Late”: Yousef Natsha on his new documentary ‘Hebron’
Foreign Policy Focus - The Syrian War Goes On
Free Man Beyond the Wall - Scott Horton on the True Story of the Oklahoma City Bombing
Free Thoughts - Understanding Common Law (with John Hasnas)
The Guillotine - Brazil, Austin Bombings, John Bolton, and US Imperialism
Hayek Program - "The Value of Rationally Reconstructing James Buchanan's Work" with Richard Wagner and Jayme Lemke
Historical Controversies - Harpers Ferry, Part 3: The Defeat
The Hotwire - #24: Sacramento against killer cops—#DefendAfrin actions—Anti-G7 mobilizing in Quebec
IGDCAST - Charlottesville Organizing 7 Months After Unite the Right
Intercepted - Donald Trump’s ’Stache Infection
Kudzu Commune - The Worst President Ever
Last Born In The Wilderness - Designing Regenerative Cultures: An Incomplete Conversation w/ Daniel Christian Wahl
Letters and Politics - America’s Political Tribalism
The Libertarian Angle - Free Banking and Bitcoin feat. Larry White
Liberty Chronicles - The People’s Governor
Loud & Clear - No Laughing Matter: Russiagate Hysteria Deepens Grave Diplomatic Crisis
The Magnificast - Gettin Friendly w/ Katherine and Hye Sung from the Friendly Fire Collective
Mises Weekends - Jim Bovard on Why Washington Never Learns
Neighbor Science - Capital as Power 1: Why CasP/What is Capital?
Our Hen House - Rachel McCrystal and Charles Camosy on  why sanctuaries matter and the moral status and treatment of non-human animals
Part of the Problem - Stephan Kinsella on how the court systems could work without government and why intellectual property isn't real
Pivot To Asia - Yemeni History 101
Political Gingervitis - David Roediger and John Holmwood on racism and the welfare state
Political Research Digest - Are Red and Blue States Making Red and Blue Policies?
Radical Underground - Anti-Patriarchal Black Metal with Margaret Killjoy
Ralph Nader Radio Hour - Iraq: Fifteen-Year Criminal War of Aggression
The Rebel Beat - LAL – From the Underground to the Frontlines
Rising Up With Sonali - How Racial Discrimination In Home Loans Persists
School Sucks - #ENOUGH – With Thaddeus Russell
The Scott Horton Show - Jonathan Schwarz on the history and lies of the Iraq War
Seasons of the Bitch - Our Bodies, Ourselves, Our Capitalism
So to Speak - Is there a campus free speech crisis?
Srsly Wrong - Wrongtown
Tech Policy - FDA, Free Speech and E-Cigarettes
This Is Hell! - Wage of Consent: Detention, deportation and the new state extremism. / The death of Marielle Franco and the life of Afro-diasporic radicalism. / Advancing Native American food sovereignty. / Global struggle, global action / How Amazon swallowed the economy. / Putting the Dalai Lama on mute for a lil bit.
The Tom Woods Show - Death by Regulation: The Truth About the FDA w/ Dr. Mary Ruwart
Unregistered - Marvin Mutch spent 41 years in San Quentin State Prison for the murder of 13-year-old Cassie Riley, a crime he maintains he did not commit
UpFront - Political Prisoners, the Shooting of Stephon Clark, and Urban Shield
The Vegan Vanguard - Factory Farms and Environmental Racism
Vegan Warrior Princess Attack! - How to Practice Anti-Consumerist Veganism, with Andy Tabar
Who Shaves the Barber? - Timothy Williamson: Vagueness
Words & Numbers - Is Moderation the Next Big Thing in American Politics?
Young Voices - Alexander McCobin and “conscious capitalism”
Zero Squared - Capitalism and Call Out
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palipunk · 1 year
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Some Hasna Hawke outfits - aka the Chantry’s favorite secret bloodmage 
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palipunk · 1 year
Divine Asma is really funny to me for the purpose of Hawke talking to Cullen and telling him “uh hey buddy aren’t you a little concerned about working for another power mad lady who uses religious iconography for their own image” and Cullen is just:
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palipunk · 1 year
Someone was talking about the progression of Hasna’s tattoos and yes more are acquired through time and important events! Traditionally, middle aged-older West Asian women would be more heavily tattooed as time went on - by the time Hasna is viscount she is in her mid forties!
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palipunk · 1 year
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I got tagged by @new-austin for this piccrew for my da protags - Hachi, Hasna, and Asma !
Tagging (feel free to ignore if you’ve done it already): @cullenvhenan @vakarians-babe @zevrn @ghostwise @paptalk @jollycryptid @gummy-exe @tatert07s
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palipunk · 11 months
u know what, i know this is random but i gotta ask. out of all ur DA protagonists, which would u get along best with and which would you absolutely not? and which would be in that middle ground? :0
side note: hachi just seems sooo sweet, u should draw her more 💙💙💙
Oh this is a fun question thank you sm!💗💗
I would absolutely get along the most with Hachi. She can be a little goofy and light hearted but serious when necessary. She doesn’t like to dwell on negative emotions because of the way it makes her feel but genuinely wants to see the best in everyone. She also made the entire origins crew little bracelets and who wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like that!
I would absolutely not get along with Hasna or Asma to be honest. It’s funny to say because Asma is definitely my main oc but both she and Hasna are difficult to get along with - Asma isn’t exactly big on making friends and doesn’t really see the point in being friendly to people unless it benefits her in some way which is not a great person to be friends with.
Hasna on the other hand tries to cut herself off from people emotionally to varying degrees of success but is also genuinely unfriendly, more so than Asma. She does not want friends and aquires the kirkwall gang by complete accident - more just they glued themselves to her and she couldn’t get them off (like Merrill made her a necklace but couldn’t bring herself to not accept it)
Middle ground would probably be Ashura (Asma’s twin brother), he’s kind of goofy and lighthearted like Hachi but while Hachi’s kindness doesn’t make her naive, Ashura’s absolutely does. He wants to make everyone happy but hasn’t really fully grasped he can’t do that. He has annoying younger sibling energy as well and will always find a way to get on asma’s nerves accidentally or intentionally.
Thank you for the ask and I’m so glad you’re enjoying Hachi! I will try to do more with them soon inshallah :D 💗
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palipunk · 11 months
24 and 42 from the question list c:
Hello lovely thank you!! I will do this one for Hasna if that’s okay :D 
24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
Hasna is Andrastian and pretty devout at that, she doesn’t usually share her views with others and keeps her religious beliefs close to her heart but she frequently attends prayer with Sebastian and his group of chantry goers. She likes to think she’s offering excellent advice but mainly she’s just drinking Sebastian’s tea and listening to everyone else chatter about religious discussion. 
42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
Hasna wants peace more than anything, her views are shaped by the trauma of displacement during the blight and something she sees as an obstacle to peace are things that cannot be governed or controlled - like magic. She’s willing to sell out her people and ignore her very own status as a mage to secure this wish, she starts secretly using blood magic as a means to further her own strength but in the same breath doesn’t trust any other mage to use blood magic. In the end, if it came down to it, she would sacrifice her autonomy if that meant she would be controlled. She's so messed up (affectionate).
Ask Game
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palipunk · 1 year
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When I’m done with the lineart and I have to color. Least favorite part ever I hate coloring
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palipunk · 2 years
i've seen a lot about your inquisitors and your hawke - what is your canon warden like?
hi Nelke! My main warden, the one in Hasna and Asma's timeline, is Hachi and she's a dual wielding rogue :D
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Hachi is probably the most laid back da protag I have, I don't have too much about them at the moment (probably because gameplay wise i don't really like playing dao) but personality wise she always wants to see the good in everyone and hasn't let her circumstances harden her, this isn't to say she's naïve either, she knows the risks and dangers of a world like Thedas and what harm lies behind every corner, but her kindness and empathy has made her smarter if anything. She's great friends with Zevran and Alistair as well and sends them both cards and trinkets in the years that follow after Origins.
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She romanced Morrigan and together they had Kieran, I personally don't follow the rules Bioware set up about the dark ritual and it needing to be done with a cis man (If magic can make the ritual work I'm sure magic has a way for it to work with Hachi and Morrigan), they end up putting Alistair on the Ferelden throne because of their distrust of Anora with their city elf background. Ash (@/Jamxngos on twt) and I also have a timeline with Hachi where she becomes part of Sabrae clan.
Additional facts about her being that she's Seminole/Mvskoke, a lesbian, non binary, and is distantly related to one of my non canon timeline hawkes - I need to draw and play with her more I just need to redownload dao oof
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palipunk · 2 years
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Welcome / السلام عليكم / Hesci !
About Me 
Saif talks 
Other Platforms: Twitter // Instagram // Ko-fi // Tiktok
Content Tags - 
#My Art 
#My redesigns 
Ocs: Asma Lavellan // Faheema Lavellan // Hachi Tabris // Hasna Hawke // Ashura Lavellan // Maahnoor Adaar // Sawsan Rashidi // Rakhat Amell
Fandom Related tags - 
#Dragon Age 
#Interactive Fiction 
#Dragon Age Fandom Critical
Art Inquiries - (COMS CLOSED)
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palipunk · 1 year
Okay next big question
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palipunk · 2 years
Da2 hc: Mage Hawke being super buff and ripped to distract Templars from the staff strapped to their back
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
SEA DRAGON’S GIFT : World of Sea : Part 65
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
140406 words
copyright 2018
written 2007
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story?  Read from the beginning.  PART 1 is here
Tanlin grinned widely.  “‘Ere’s our messenger.”  She fluffed Thunderhead’s crest feathers.  Getting up and putting the Wide Wing onto the table, she got a small harness off the shelf.  Thunderhead took the opportunity to raid the snack tray for left-over skelt fillets.
Proudly Tanlin said, “Master Selked an’ Oi made t’is for ‘im.  ‘T ‘as room for twa message capsules.  T’ey willnae come off by accident, even wen ‘e dives for fish but ‘e can pull t’em out of t’e ‘arness all by ‘imsel’.”  Tanlin was strapping the harness snugly about the bird, who took up a good part of the room when he partly spread his wings to help the process.
Tanlin held up two small capsules made of thin, finely crafted Strong Skin. “T’ese’ll carry our messages t’ t’e fleet.  T’ey’re woterproof, but just t’ be safe, we’ll write wit’ Shelled Hag ink.  Tis woterproof once ‘t dries.”
Kurin reached for a writing case on the shelf.  Surprised, she turned it over in her hands and asked, “Where did you get this?  It looks like the one Captain Huld uses.”
Tanlin responded, “We bought ‘t from t’e Soaring Bird boot’ at t’e same time t’at we got Sula’s book.”
Kurin selected a pen with a fine, flexible tip of Wing Ray bone, prepared her ink and began to write in a small, neat hand.
To whoever receives this:
This note is from Kurin Behar Longin.  Whatever you may have heard, I am aboard the Grandalor of my own free will.  Please relay this note to Captain Sarfin of the Dorton, Head of the Captain’s Council and also to Captain Sula of the Dark Dragon.
Certain crimes and other issues need settlement.  The Grandalor seeks to have the Council Resolution of Outlawry set aside because the edict is in violation of the Second Great Law.  A proper legal trial under the Great Laws and fleet Law is requested.
Recognizing the difficulty of gathering a quorum of the Captain’s Council, the Grandalor will accept Captain Sarfin as the sole judge, providing that he carries signed proxies for a quorum of the Council.  We await Captain Sarfin at 800 North by 00 West.  Follow the bird.  He will guide you to us.  The Great Dragons assure safe conduct to all in their waters for the purpose of this justice.
Kurin, boat-builder Journeyman.
Kurin set the note aside to dry and asked, “Who is the second note to?”
“Oi do believe t’at t’e Longin wonts ye bock.” Tanlin said dryly. “Might be polite t’ tell t’em where t’ find ye.  From w’at ye’ve told m’, t’ey ‘ave a large financial stake in gettin’ ye bock.”
Kurin gave a sad little smile at that.  “I left my post.  I hope that they aren’t too angry.”  Taking another parchment, she began to write.
To Mord Halyn, Captain of the Longin:
Captain, I apologize for leaving my post.  I felt little choice when it became clear that we were refusing rescue in violation of the Fifth Great Law, granting the right of rescue to any in distress.  We all broke the Second Great Law in convicting the Grandalor officers without a proper trial.  In accepting the verdict of the Council without question, I became a part of that same violation.  For our own sakes, we need to defend the Grandalor’s rights and safety until she is brought to a legal trial.  As you now know, I came with them voluntarily.
Please come.
Relay this message also to Captain Sarfin.  He must get the Edict of the Council set aside and come to sit in judgment on the case.
Sula has been asked to come also, by the same means that this letter was delivered.
The bird that delivered this will guide you to us.  Follow the bird.  If you get separated from the group, the Grandalor and I are waiting for you at 800 North, 00 West.
In Justice, Kurin, boat-builder Journeyman.
Kurin waited until the ink was totally dried and waterproof before folding and rolling the notes and putting them into their capsules.  Tanlin mounted the capsules to Thunderhead’s harness and the big Sea Hawk clambered up her arm to her shoulder and settled himself comfortably.
“He acts like he’s done this before,” Kurin observed.
“‘E ‘as,” Tanlin answered, tilting her head to see around Thunderhead.  She spoke over her shoulder as they all went up on deck.  “Wen Master Selked an’ Oi made t’e ‘arness, we all t’ree practiced wit’ ‘t.  Not only did ‘t ‘ave t’ be secure an’ comfortable, ‘e ‘as t’ be able t’ fish wit’ ‘t on.  Flyin’ can be ‘ungry work.”
Tanlin turned to face the wind, her hair streaming out behind like a rich flag from her Arrakan Captain’s Braid.  She chucked Thunderhead under his beak and told him, “Go now.  Fly swiftly sout’ until ye find t’e Dark Dragon or t’e Soaring Bird.  Give t’em t’e message on yer right.  T’en seek t’e Longin.  Give t’em t’e message on yer left.” She held out her arm and Thunderhead strutted down to her wrist.  “Dari give ye fair winds beneat’ yer wings!” she called and swept her arm forward, to help Thunderhead launch himself skyward.
Kurin watched in fascination as Thunderhead spread the huge wings that gave his kind their name and soared away, quartering down the wind, now skimming barely above the waves but gaining speed.  He turned gracefully into the wind and climbed over thirty feet before his momentum began to wane.  Smoothly he turned downwind losing only a few feet as he swept in a great circle, building speed on the downwind leg and gaining altitude on the upwind turn.  It took a surprisingly short time for Thunderhead to gain a thousand or more feet.  He turned south and vanished into the distance, a dwindling speck in the blue of the sky.
Kurin turned to speak to Tanlin and saw the absent look on her face.  Kurin felt a pang of envy as she realized that Tanlin was sharing the sky with Thunderhead and wondered, as Barad and others before her had also, what it felt like to fly.  In a few moments, Tanlin shook off the connection and her spirit returned to her body on the deck of the Grandalor.
“T’under’ead’s on ‘is way,” she announced unnecessarily.
“How will he find the ships?” Kurin asked.
“T’at’s t’e easy part.  Dari’s got t’e location o’ t’e ships from Iren an’ is ‘elping T’under’ead t’ find t’em.  T’will take ‘im about five or six days t’ get t’ere an’ deliver t’e messages.  I’ t’ey get underway immediately, t’ey could get ‘ere in anot’er t’ree t’ four weeks,” Tanlin said casually.
“The Dragons are helping?  How did that happen?” said Kurin incredulously.
“Mecat gave m’ a Dragon Gift too, i’ ye remember.  She gave m’ peace where m’ past is concerned.  W’at’s lost is gone an’ Oi nae longer frustrate over ‘t.  She also bonded m’ wit’ Skye and T’under’ead.  T’en she gave us asylum ‘ere in t’e Dragon Sea so long as we’re seekin’ justice from t’e Naral fleet.  
“T’e Dragons ‘ave been keepin’ tabs on us, t’ be sure t’at we’re workin’ t’ ‘onor our side o’ t’e bargain. . .”
Kurin interrupted, “You mean that the Great Dragons are keeping an eye on us now?”
“Well, aye.  Frath comes by regularly an’ we talk.  Dari showed up once t’ look in on Skye an’ T’under’ead.  T’ey represent a major ‘abitat change for t’e whole range o’ Wide Wing species.  T’e change in t’e ecological situation needed direct observation an’ quest’nin’ o’ t’e birds by Dari ‘ersel’.  
“Ane o’ t’e t’ings she told m’ is t’at she’s t’e ane ‘oo turned a few species o’ t’e warm-blooded fish into all o’ t’e variety o’ birds.  She got permission from all t’e ot’ers, particularly Blind Mecat, t’ create new species t’ exploit t’e aerial ecological niches.  Oi just wish t’at Oi understood ‘ow she did such a wonder.”
Enviously, Kurin said, “I wish that I could talk to Dragons regularly. I miss Mecat.  I didn’t even know that she was a Dragon.  She just knew so much and tried to share it with me.  Then she made her change and went back to the sea.  I haven’t seen her since.”
Tanlin heard the bitterness in Kurin’s response and sympathetically said, “She’s t’e busiest o’ all t’e Dragons but she hasnae forgotten ye.  T’e Longin’s whales ‘ave been keepin’ ‘er up wit’ all t’at ‘appens concernin’ ye.”
“How do you know that?” asked Kurin in bitter curiosity.
“Frath an’ Dari bot’ told m’.  I’ ye wont, Oi’ll ask i’ t’ey’ll relay a request for ‘er t’ come see ye.”
“I wish that you would.  I still want to talk to her about a lot of issues, not the least of which is the present problem,” Kurin said seriously.
“Then ask the Orcas, Little Fish,” a third voice put into the conversation.  “They always listen to everything that happens aboard every ship and report it to us.  I will always come to talk to you if I can.  I have missed you too.”
Kurin whirled about and beheld a huge white head looming up over the rail. It had frills and spines and tentacles about a huge mouth filled with fangs.  Its blind eyes stared just past her in a most comfortingly familiar way.
“Cat!” Kurin called out in delight, throwing herself fearlessly at the monster Dragon.  With complete trust she cleared the rail and landed in the midst of the tentacles, hugging the huge snout as well as she was able.  The tentacles caught her, gently holding her safe, and hugged her close in return.
“Little Fish,” the Great Dragon asked in quiet amusement, “who taught you that it was safe to leap into the jaws of the biggest predator anywhere about?”
Comfortably nestled in the warm nest of Blind Mecat’s tentacles, Kurin answered impudently, “You did, Cat.  You taught me that trust in a good person is never misplaced.”
“Hmm. . . Little Fish, perhaps the lesson went a bit beyond my intent. Maybe a finger or two — — no, I’d barely taste that. . .” the Dragon considered in mock seriousness.  “I know!  A hand! — — and the arm too, of course.”
“That might upset Dari,” Kurin replied, also with mock seriousness. “She’s studying the Grandalor as a new habitat for Wide Wings, and I’m part of the rookery flock.”
“Of course you are,” Mecat replied, ruffling Kurin’s white hair with a tentacle, “I can tell by your feathers.  Seriously, what do you think of the situation?  It is unprecedented.  I know what the birds think, naturally.  I asked them myself.”
Kurin tapped her lip gently as she thought.  “I think that it is a good thing.  It gives the birds a safer habitat and more help with their young.  The people of the ship benefit as well.  The birds help to find fish schools and scout further than lookouts can see, watching for danger.  It seems that they can be trusted to deliver messages between ships as well.
“I personally like the chick that calls itself High Cloud.  I can almost understand that little bird.  I’d like to take him with me when I go back to the Longin, if he wants to come.”
“Good answer, Little Fish.  I was hoping to hear that last bit.  Some people would not consider the feelings of the bird along with their own.”  Mecat’s tentacles shifted Kurin to a seat on top of her snout.  “Habitat changes can have many consequences to an ecology. They have to be very carefully worked out.  Even though this one was the result of an accident, it looks to be favorable.  I will allow the experiment to continue.
“Now, I believe that you had some concerns that you wanted to discuss.”
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