krissiefox · 11 months
Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog - Lifestyles of The Sick and Twisted (Screenshots & Review)
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I wasn't sure what this episode was going to be about, but I was already intrigued by the humorous title. Turns out it's a story about Robotnik forcing his way onto a talk show to feed his ego - fun! For those familiar with the Aosth Youtube Poop Music Video "It's From The Show!", you'll likely recognize some lines from this episode, too. :) The episode starts with Scratch and Grounder racing to deliver the days mail to Robotnik and getting themselves stuck in a door-frame. Robotnik has been eagerly awaiting a response from  a bird named Throbbin Screech, who hosts a talk show called "Lifestyles of the very good". He was hoping to be interviewed in his own episode, but receives a very aggressive "NO!" in response. Robotnik is furious, and only becomes even more-so when he realizes that Sonic is being interviewed on the show today, instead of him! Robotnik is  now determined to force an episode about himself in which he will also capture Sonic. Meanwhile Grounder wants to watch the show regardless of the episode being about Sonic, but settles for watching reruns of "Bart the Barfy Bumblebee" instead...
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Screech has previously had many very good folks on his show, including the dog who saved a kitty. Cool!
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The next morning, Scratch, in a surprisingly wholesome moment, asks Grounder if he slept well as they head into the living room. This was not only sweet but also confirms that these two funny little cyborg whatever-beasties not only eat, feel pain, get cold, and sneeze, but also sleep! Robotnik reveals to them that he has kidnapped Screeches niece, and has her chained up over a lava pit. He is  going to use this to blackmail Screech into filming an episode about how interesting he is, on his own terms. Sure enough, Screech arrives, and we immediately see that Screech is quite the douche-bag because he actually briefly considers just letting Robotnik kill his niece before agreeing to do the episode!
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Once a filming set is put together, a special airing begins of the show, now called "Lifestyles of the sick and Twisted". Robotnik comes out on stage, dressed up in a somewhat donald trump-esque outfit, very fitting to the shows new title! Sonic and Tails are immediately made aware of the strange situation, as they are fond of the show themselves and were watching it in a public place with several other Mobians. After talking with Screech for a bit, Robotnik gets out of his fancy suit and leads the camera crew to a  new enhanced egg-mobile that he made, which can seat up to 4 people. Fancy!
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Dr. trumpbotnik...? nah, that would be too mean to Dr. Robotnik....
Robotnik uses this vehicle to dry up a nearby lake and endanger the fish living in it, knowing this lure out Sonic. Sonic and Tails arrive, but as Sonic looks for something to help the fish wish, Robotnik kidnaps Tails!
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Once Sonic has arrived at Robotnik's lair to confront him, Robotnik unveils what he did to Screeches niece - and has also now done to Tails as well! Sonic agrees to surrender on the terms that Robotnik lets Tails and the niece go, but Robotnik lies to get Sonic in cuffs and then imprisons all three of them! Before he's sent off, Sonic requests a makeup person, with the explanation that he wants to look good on TV.
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Some of the folks who were watching the show live with Sonic and Tails earlier. I like the big sassy gal with the mustache!
In the lava prison chamber, Scratch and Grounder eventually show up with said makeup person - a poodle gal named Heckuba whom is secretly here to bail everyone out. When they're all alone together, she uses her lock picking skills to undue everyone's shackle locks, and then also uses her makeup skills to disguise herself as Sonic, and Sonic as herself. She's pretty cool! It's a shame she's also self-deprecating about her appearance. I think she looks cool. :D
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 And her Sonic disguise is really fun looking to. It kind of resembles an off-model Sonic you might see in an unauthorized cameo in another cartoon (like the funky looking Sonic in that Simpsons episode about Bart stealing a video game). It's also a  bit reminiscent of those "Sanic" drawings I've seen people do..
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Heckuba ’s Sonic disguise is pretty fun!
Anyway, where was I? Ah yes, the escape! Sonic and Heckuba sneak out of the prison chamber by pretending to be each other as Scratch and Grounder come to retrieve Sonic for more humiliation at Robotnik’s hand. Once Robotnik realizes that "Sonic" is actually Heckuba in disguise, the real Sonic unveils himself, and then Tails and Screeches niece also unveil that they were able to escape. Sonic torments Robotnik as the episode ends in an odd little montage of various characters talking to the camera.
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In the Sonic says segment, Scratch and Grounder are trying to get onto Screeches show by vandalizing a playground. Sonic shows up and tells them that "vandalism is stupid and illegal". This is another Sonic says that I can't really get behind. For starters, Sonic vandalizes Robotnik's property on a  regular basis. And yes vandalism is illegal, but I think it's a stretch to just call it "stupid" as a blanket statement. Context should be applied. Vandalism can be used to spread hate (like when people spray paint swastikas in places), but it can also be an act of self-empowerment and also used as a form of protest against tyrants and abusers - like when the rebels smash the Breen tv in Half-Life 2.
This episode is a decent one, I'd say. I think they could have done more humor with the core theme of "Robotnik on a talk show", but there is still some good humor peppered throughout and a lot of great Robotnik expressions, as well. Heckuba was also a pretty cool gal as well it's unfortunate that this seems to be the only episode she as included in.
Til next time, be good people and stay cool!
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lcftcult · 3 months
I wanna post a few ideas for more hazbinnie oc's I've had since binging the new eps and heckuba!!! donutsteelplzty.
Rover: - Male - Dog Cherub *23yrs old *Very happy go lucky and optimistic. He loves his job as a Cherub to try and bring joy to humans on Earth who are down on their luck or at the end of their wits. When back in Heaven he acts as a 'gofer' to the higher up Cherubs and Angels if they need his services. Would be horrified to learn about the exterminations and give his support to Emily & Charlie. Is pretty much the definition of "good boy."
Matilda's Grandpa (can't think of a name for him AH) - Male - Grizzly Bear *67yrs old *Reason for Damnation: Murder & Cannibalism *Was originally 2nd in charge of a mafia gang to financially support his daughter, son in law, and granddaughter. The gang was highly known for cannibalizing their victims and selling human meat in the black market. Ended up being murdered by one of the other gang members while trying to protect his family. *After getting to Hell and needing to make money, he resorts to working in the p0.rn industry under Valentino. Is always typecast in roles of the dominant party in said films. (Has possibly done a couple flicks with Angel.) Is pretty neutral-face for the most part unless someone threatens harm on Matilda. He struggles with balancing wanting to treat her like a princess and wanting to make sure she can defend herself/hold her own. *Can grow claws and teeth capable of ripping off flesh and limbs. Very hecking strong man, don't let his age deceive you.
(TW Child death) Matilda: - Female - Grizzly Bear *8yrs old *Reason for Damnation: Cannibalism *Appears like an innocent young girl, is not. She will happily delight in hurting others or be violent to get her way. Loves to wear bows and have her hair done. Possibly looks up to Velvette because fashion. Pretty much only cares about her grandpa and nobody else. Even in Hell she continues her cannibalistic tendencies and loves the taste of sinner meat. *Can grow claws and teeth capable of ripping flesh. Nowhere near as strong as her gramps but she'll leave a mark.
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parlayparlor · 7 years
When heckuba and the kidd dhowed up i fucking died i was ready to murder Griffin Mcelroy if anything fucking happened to them
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spacebunsz · 4 years
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some sonic girls from the old show!
susie, squid girl, breezie, sally, heckuba, henrietta peck, sonnette, Cat Stewardess and roxy
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madaraki · 6 years
8 12 26 29
8. Your favorite fight/ encounter Uhhh I think the fight with the Great Cavern Worm was fun, I liked watching all of you figure out how to stealth, and then watching it all go down hill and put the hurt on it instead 😂
12. Favorite in game catchphrase/ joke/ memeIt’s amazing how dumb Malrok can be, and I mean that with all the love in my heart. My other favorite is Heckuba dunking on EA.Neither are memes but I like them 😅
26. Favorite thing you’ve written Oh man, It’s hard to say, I’m not the best planner so a lot of it has been played by ear around the players, but all the journal entries were really fun, and the whole reveal with Talc was really fun imo, I was super excited to let you guys get the full picture
29. RP heavy or combat heavy sessions?We’ve been leaning on rp lately and I’m personally a big fan, but it’s more up to the players
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m0nomercy · 7 years
(Just a small thing, thank you so much for giving Heckuba a beard)
That’s supposed to be mAVis lmaoooo but yes!!! All dwarves have beards I die it’s a muST
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transmerle · 7 years
Liam, ik this is a merle blog, but do u have any thoughts on Heckuba?
ive talked about her b4 briefly but i like her altho dont reallllyyyyy talk abt her as much as i would since my brain has decided she must have connections to past trauma @brain thanks for bein a DICKaldo im very annoyed with how shes been kinda tossed to the side /dealt with in the story and wish that their whole failed marriage would be explored more as a result of two people who dont love eachother trying and failing to keep it together instead of her like.. one line making her come off strongly as a shitty wife but thats just me
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oddmerit · 7 years
women in taz who deserve better: (major fucking taz spoilers)
julia (dead from the beginning, used pretty much solely as manpain/a man’s motivation/backstory. she’s the one i’m most pissed abt mostly bc travis considers magnus such a ~good well rounded character but he still Did That Bullshit)
lup (again, dead from the beginning, most likely wasn’t a big factor in taako’s development in-game but still used as backstory fodder)
heckuba (ok yeah i get the whole arranged/forced marriage thing but shes still kinda played as the Nagging Wife. maybe i’m biased bc i love all the highchurches but still)
sloane and hurley (bury your gays, i know griffin apologized and gave us team sweet flips but i’m still kinda miffed at that)
maureen (to be fair if all the rest of this list was fixed i could put up with maureen’s story but i’m counting her bc she kinda shows the larger pattern as well)
i dont hate taz at all, or at least it doesn’t come NEARLY as close as it does to my feelings for steven universe, but if i ever ran this campaign i’d make, uh, quite few changes:
heckuba and julia are only included in merle and magnus’ backstories, not much i can do there. maybe i’ll make em npcs in refuge to make it up to them
i’d probably have lup be alive but in hiding from barry for Reasons (thus not having them be, like, romantically involved???), the umbra staff/weapon suited to the designated twin is part of a puzzle the group has to solve to pass and comes off when it’s completed, imprinting on whoever was holding it at the time and designating them as the twin in the birds prophecy
sloane and hurley have a pretty good chance to live, sloane says she can heal hurley with the sash’s powers but she needs the players’ help, they probably have to help sloane with a resurrection-like spell to get rid of the silverpoint. i’d tip the scales in their favour lmao
or maybe just not have the silverpoint show up, and have a different type of obstruction occur that hurley has to clear
if so, there could be an event where sloane knocks the group off of the platform if they dont succeed a dex saving throw and the pcs hear hurley shout “NO!” and the last thing they see before blacking out is her rubbing her hands together, glowing bright white, and lunging towards sloane. and then they wake up in a pool of water with an incredibly weakened sloane who STILL tries to attack the pcs, but it’s pitiful, really. they get the sash off of her and everyones happy
with maureen, i’m debating just... switching lucas and maureen’s spots?? if i did that then maureen n lucretia would be married probably. i’m not super sure of maureen’s personality yet though, i imagine her as very passionate and getting heated easily, so you still get that scene with her and johann arguing over the voidfish
 i’d also probably have to edit the birds’ prophecy based on 1. the group playing and 2. the changes to barry and lup, i.e. barry is no longer the lover bc he isnt in love with lup
also the fucking... bugbears arent enslaved. i’m not doing that to them. they’re an endangered species in this canon i just decided and maureen is studying them to decide how to best help them
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k6034 · 7 years
What the HECKUBA is your url?
a mess, that’s what
I’ve answered this in my FAQ page :) 
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lykanthropy · 10 years
heckuba >> vladimiracle
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parlayparlor · 7 years
Uhhhh i hate the idea that Merle & Heckubas relationship was abusive???
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