#How to Make Starfruit Juice?
ladywellcare111 · 1 year
Starfruit After An Abortion For Fast Recovery | Carambola
Starfruit After An Abortion For Fast Recovery | Carambola #Starfruit #After #An #Abortion #For #Fast #Recovery | #Carambola #starfruit,carambola,averrhoa #carambola,carambola #tree,carambola #star #fruit,growing #starfruit,starfruit #abundance,carambola
A Nutrient-Packed Fruit for Fast Recovery After an Abortion Starfruit After An Abortion, it is crucial to prioritize your physical well-being and support your body’s healing process. One way to promote fast recovery is by incorporating nutritious foods into your diet. Among the many options, Starfruit stands out as a fruit with remarkable health benefits. This article will explore the healing…
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sirartwork · 2 years
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THIS GUY is making FAT STACKS selling PUMPKIN JUICE and STARFRUIT WINE and basically,
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Script Your Desired Life -Part 1-
I was worried the post would be too long to read in 1 sitting, so I decided to publish it in parts because I miss my blog :(
Y’all. I love making subliminals, blockage removals and boosters for myself, but sometimes I want to dramatize and exaggerate my current life. I’m tired of wanting to drown myself out of my current life and watch other’s realities on shows or what they show online.
Now, I’m bored of *that* attitude. I always want to be in euphoria.
💎 Exaggerate, exaggerate, EXAGGERATE, your daily routine!
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Before Dawn
If I wake up around and unable to fall back asleep, I’ll have a handful of organic blueberries and a shot of cold brew to wake myself up. I have an early morning class and falling back asleep will throw my schedule off.
In the Morning
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Instead of “I wake up excitedly at 5AM,” it’s, “I step out of bed into my cutest house shoes with the sound of my waterfall white noise machine cascading me into a 5:00 morning. Vitamins? In my greens. I already have on under eye masks and a glass of whole starfruit juice for an energy boost. Am I in the mood for more fruit juice, iced coffee or cold brew? Cold brew, then decaf for the rest of the day.
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“I am feeling the beneficial effects of coffee every millisecond”
I can’t wait to use my rich b— Breville with my homemade, toasted croissants covered in honey butter with my espresso accidentally tasting the same since I did dip it in. Does white chocolate espresso and honey butter croissants taste weird together to anyone else?
I’m going to have perfect marks when I go back to school. My commute is a breeze & my morning dragonfruit smoothies make the experience even better.
It’s not the writing that should be exaggerated as a point, that’s only being more descriptive. Play a sparkling noise as you wash your face, study, anything! You’re the character you dreamed of.
⚠️ Be ready, this will feel out of body ⚠️
When I feel out of body, I have unlimited amounts of energy, confidence and clarity.
Exaggerate your morning by applying the perfect lacquer you have on your nightstand to stand up tall, a continental breakfast in bed, pulling out your perfume and makeup book to layer your scents. Sheesh, buy an electric kettle for early morning tea.
For dreary days, script a contingency plan such as drinking hot cinnamon tea or mango boba, applying siren makeup with sparkly blues & greens, leaving early to where you need to be, bubble wrapping your personal coffee/tea cup to be used in public. For example, “Rain never showers the same. I look out of my window in wonder with my favorite rain shoes on and how easy my trip will be, but enough daydreaming.
💍💍 Allow yourself to be inspired by parts of your personal favorites that scare you.
What is my favorite color(s)? Wellll, society is telling me my favorite color is pink because periwinkle is unusual for a woman like me. No ma’am???
For example’s sake, I drive a Ford Fusion. Not anymore. I drive a Tesla Model Y to university.
💎💎💎 Now, EXAGGERATE your habits & favorites. Ask yourself why you are really afraid of expressing yourself to the fullest. Is it because you’re worried about how you’ll be perceived in other’s conscious minds? Is the attention you’ll garner frightening?? Or exciting?
You love perfumes? Try ouds with other fragrance mediums to layer your scents like a plush throw on a mattress.
Separate your perfumes by sexiness, sweetness and mellowness.
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I love getting my lashes done. Go above and beyond your usual options such as classic, hybrid and volume for styles such as cat eye, glamorous, *more/less fans*, a dollop of color, dramatic bottom lashes or lash lifts with bottom lashes.
I craft inspire lists. These are items I buy at 1 time as a routine shopping day. Wishlists and dream items are banned from my vocabulary.
✨✨✨✨ Play your unconscious conscious’ mind games. You know what you really want. Your unconscious conscious’ mind’s world is your fantasy land. Unshackle yourself from self limitations of not being good enough or less disciplined to complete your goals due to your upbringing.
If you lay in bed hours after you’ve woken up, questioning why you won’t get up when you have the energy to get out of bed, write in your script, “I am making omniscient decisions about my life at the speed of the multiverse,” with, “I have unlimited energy and storage for processing ideas for my life [at the speed of the multiverse],”
If you have to ask yourself if you're 110% in control of your life, you haven’t forced your free will entirely.
Go speak your entire mind when your reputation is questioned in front of others.
Be Luxury, Live Luxury.
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chaletnz · 7 months
Amazon: San Rafael Rio Amazonas
To my surprise, the breakfast on my final morning at Maniti Camp was pancakes served with sugar cane syrup and butter, as well as the usual spread of bread and jam, oranges and bananas. I sat with an Australian guy for breakfast and he told me about how he was living in the Netherlands at the moment, I shared about my time living in Amsterdam. He was quite full of himself though so this 20 minute exchange was more than enough! I took a quick cold shower and got ready for my last little excursion which would be to San Rafael Rio Amazonas, a village just down the river. It was a functional “large” village with power from 6pm to 12am (so fancy!). They also had a school which taught from kindergarten to age 17-18, several shops, a butterfly breeding facility (which brought in the tourist/government money). Rodrigo told me how teachers can live in the village for free with housing provided by the school, earning around 2500-3000 soles ($650-800 USD) per month but trips to Iquitos cost 20 soles (about $5 USD) each way making it a very isolating experience if they are from the city and not used to jungle life. Rodrigo bought us a couple cups of an orange coloured juice that a lady was selling in the town centre. I was a little hesitant to try it at first but it was delicious and refreshing! We then walked all around the town, seeing trees with starfruit, coconut, more giant limes, and the ayahuasca root. When the root is cut, the pattern inside looks like a flower or rose. It doesn’t grow naturally, so the shamans will plant the root where they need it to grow and easily harvest for their ceremonies. We reached a water tap at the edge of the town, they have a communal filtered water tap where everyone can fill up their daily water allowance at 6am and 6pm when the tap is unlocked. Once back at the camp, I finished packing up my bag and had lunch of spicy fish nuggets with yellow rice, plantain chips, and watermelon then went to sit and wait for the boat back to Iquitos. I took my seat opposite the American couple and spent most of the ride judging them. She put on a baby voice and seemed very immature so I am not surprised they back out of the ayahuasca ceremony. He was still wearing his heavy black jeans, but had finally ditched the long sleeve shirt for a singlet. Besides us tourists, a bunch of locals rode the boat with us to the city, there was even a guy who brought a chicken with its legs bound and was laid down under the seat for the journey. Once back in Iquitos, Rodrigo arranged a mototaxi to take me to my next hotel, I bid him farewell and I could then enjoy my air conditioning and comfortable bed at last!
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basuralindo · 9 months
Sorry this took so long! I've been tryna come up with something interesting for you but kept coming up blank. So, wanna hear about some Weird Fruit?
The longer I'm in the mainland, the more I discover that certain fruits I grew up with are either unheard of, or assumed to be completely fictional to a lot of people, I'm sure that varies by region and country, but here's some neat ones that I've heard people be surprised by (putting under a cut because it's long and also big trypophobia warning)
Starfruit: This is what the papu fruit in kingdom hearts is based on, I don't know anything about friendship myths surrounding them, but they are actually star shaped when sliced!
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Poha berries/Lantern fruit: These things used to grow at my mom's house, they're sweet and mild and have a texture kinda like cherry tomatoes, but they come in cool pods and are bright orange when ripe, so they look like paper lanterns!
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Pitanga: These are sometimes mistaken for acerola cherries, but are completely unrelated. They're really sour unless it's at its ripest, but tasty and really neat looking.
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Hala: I've never actually eaten this, I didn't actually know it was edible until recently, but these are an important cultural plant in Hawai'i!
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Very cool looking in general, the long thin leaves have been dried and woven into Lauhala mats for centuries, and nowadays are also used for hats and stuff. But, about the fruit. I used to convince tourists these were pineapple trees because of how the fruit looks when it grows, as well as the leaves being stiff and serrated in a kinda similar way.
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This is how they look on the tree, they're a little bigger than pineapples and ripen to a similar shade of yellow. Other than that, they're nothing alike. (note; pineapples are bromeliads and grow single fruits from the top of a short plant)
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When the fruit is ripe is can break apart into these guys, each segment is fully separated from each other, and attached to a central husk type thing, like so:
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They're super fibrous, so when they dry out they're like paintbrushes
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I used to find these things all over the sidewalks downtown
Noni: I'm really biased about noni fruit, because I hate them. I wish that I, too, had never heard about noni. It's vile. But now I'm inflicting the knowledge onto you. They're supposed to be a superfood and my dad went through much too long a phase of making fermented noni juice at home and making his kids drink it every morning. I'm lucky I didn't get botulism. Maybe botulism just didn't wanna touch this shit either. Fermented noni juice smells like ass, tastes like ass, and looks like sludge, and the fruit itself isn't better. Observe:
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Aside from just being kinda oblong and lumpy and looking maybe kinda like a curse from Jujutsu Kaisen, sure, they're not the worst thing. Kinda neat, if you can't smell them, and didn't have to go climbing trees to fetch these slimy shits with the full knowledge that you'd have to ingest them later. Wanna know why they have all those eyelets?
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They flower like the creepiest little aliens. This actually makes me like them more, but not enough to make up for the sins of my father. Anyway, they're green, firm, and tolerable when unripe, but omfg when they ripen...
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Full fledged curses now. The color of something you'd find dead in a pond. Very Eyeballs. The skin will break with even the slightest pressure, and the meat oozes out in a putrid slime that smells like hell. Fuck
Rambutan: These guys are kinda like big hairy lychee. The shell is also thicker and cracks open easy, I always thought they looked like eggs when you open them.
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averys-happy-space · 1 year
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affovelvet truly the ship ever
also i forgot to include it but clottedchip deserves more attention too!!
ship rambles below the keep reading button
honestly, the more i think abt princess x knight, the more i think princess is likely to see knight as more of an older brother figure than a romantic interest lol. and yea, idk why, she just gives me lesbian vibes lmao. but if u ship them thats fine too
seamoon usually gets the short end of the stick bc they're both legendaries and devsis like to just ride the rarity bias wave instead of giving them a proper story, but i enjoyed their crk bond story! i like the idea of sf being a singer. i just wished there were more seamoon fics </3 despite its popularity, theres barely anything on ao3 bc everything there is espresseleine...
speaking of espresseleine, i considered putting it in the "ship i dont like anymore" category bc i dislike how it overwhelmingly dominates the fandom to the point where its hard to find content of other ships. but actually i never liked it in the first place lol, i've always just been pretty neutral about it, so i decided not to include them
for sparkherbvamp, i dont include mint, because i see mint as being the token straight friend lol. i think juice bar regulars are a tight gang, but mint is with cocoa while the other three have their own thing going on. also, as a side note, i think herb totally smokes weed. just gets high as shit all the time. and him and vamp will trip out together lmao while spark is their trip sitter who always makes sure they dont get into too much trouble
darkmilk is in the controversial ship box bc ppl keep misinterpreting their story. i think theres definitely an argument to be made abt how milk idolises choco to an unhealthy degree and the relationship would probably be unhealthy and have a power imbalance, but i don't think it would be like, outright abusive/manipulative or anything. i dunno, theyre both adults, i think they could make it work. actually, probably any ship with pome could fit in this controversial box too, like pomelico, cuz the fandom usually interpret it as abusive and problematic. which isnt wrong, it definitely would be lol. but it would be an interesting ship to explore in a fictional context. so add pomelico and pome x starfruit there
for the "ships i didnt initially like", just to be clear i DO like those ships now lol. i never finished odyssey so i never rlly got to see wildchips dynamic or chemistry so thats why i wasnt into it initially but i basically absorbed gin's love for them. also the fanart is cute. affocream i didnt like initially bc i LOVE affo and i used to hate clotted, like, a lot lmao. but after following affocream artists for a long while, ive grown to like them a lot
i dont rlly have much to say abt the other ships. chilirye and raspblossom is mainly bc of their bond stories (and i especially think raspblossom deserves way more love). and wiz x proph x cinna is bc of piano lol.. i love cinna and piano got me to love wiz and proph too just thru how much he talks abt all of them
and yea thats it. thanks for reading the long ship post that i thought about way too much
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swirlwineconsulting · 3 months
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What am I supposed to smell in this wine?
Your eyes are shut tight and your nose is dipped genteelly into your glass, seconds later your head lifts and you ask “What am I supposed to be smelling here?” “What do you smell?”. Alas, what I smell and what you and your table mate(s) smell are rarely the same, and guess what? It doesn’t matter.
Your wine came with a list of tasting notes including words like: Bing and dried cherries, tropical fruits, cedar, black raspberries and melon, even wet stone, leather, pencil lead and barnyard. You spend precious time that could be spent enjoying your purchase trying to find the experience the reviewer told you to expect. Are you confused, disappointed that you couldn’t discern what you were supposed to? Let it go and let’s move on to all you really need to know to “sacar todo el jugo” as the saying goes in Spanish- “get all of the juice out” of the experience.
Like most passionate students of wine (especially those seeking certifications and advanced degrees), I spend a great deal of time sniffing through spice cabinets, ethnic grocery stores and farmers market stands, blooming flowers and fruit trees, freshly mown grass and hay, the ocean breeze, the wet pavement after summer rain (petrichor), the earthy smell of an open field after a heavy downpour (geosmin). I smell the differences between Oolong, Earl Grey and Lapsang Souchong teas; between Italian espresso roast and Cuban coffee; between uncured and smoked bacon. In other words, I stick my nose into a lot of places where it doesn’t necessarily belong-also looking for signs of faults in a wine like: locker room, dirty laundry, geranium, rotten egg, burnt rubber, cooked garlic, or skunk.  I volunteer at a local farm to smell freshly-dug earth and the growth stages in the lifespan of heirloom tomatoes. I grow seasonal veggies and herbs on my patio so that I can enjoy the scent of my Meyer lemon tree in bloom and the lingering smell of tarragon on my fingers at harvest. Many wine lovers are also great cooks who recognize the variations in aroma of a ripe vs an unripe ingredient, uncut vs sliced, raw vs cooked or a fresh vs fermented one.  I recommend that anyone looking to more fully understand the vocabulary of wine begin by learning to smell, as many of the aromatic characteristics also reveal themselves on the palate.
For example, some well-ripened cheeses smell pungently of dirty socks. Not very appetizing to those who don't enjoy Époisses from France or Dutch Limburger but make sense to those who love them. The nuance of animal fat is especially prevalent in Syrah from France's Rhône Valley. A stone-like scent and flavor (some of us diehards have even licked the stones) are the hallmarks of Sauvignon Blanc from the Loire Valley, Champagne and Chablis. Many southern French reds hint at licorice. German Riesling often smells faintly of gasoline – in a good way.
The Wine Aroma Wheel is a helpful tool for learning to describe the complexity of wines by categorizing their characteristic aromas in relation to fruits, vegetables, flowers, minerals, animals, wood, oak and yeast, etc. However, none of this is very useful to someone unfamiliar with the aromas listed. Sadly, today’s supermarkets offer little help in identifying the scents on the wheel as most fruits and vegetables, especially imported tropical fruits (mango, papaya, guava, starfruit) were picked before prime ripeness and lack smell as well as flavor. I once told someone who didn’t like papaya that they most likely hadn’t had a local, fully ripened one. How many of us have access to fresh gooseberries, green almonds, persimmons or quince whether unripe or ripened? What about boysenberries and dragonfruit? Was that lychee fresh or canned? How many have plucked a fig or olive from the tree, can differentiate between the scent of iris, jasmine or lilac? Ever ride a horse or wear Granddad’s old leather bomber jacket?  Do you smell your shitake, oyster and maitake mushrooms? See what I mean? This is not a game for everyone.
Having a common language for winetasting allows people of diverse backgrounds to communicate fluidly. Learning the basics is desirable and can add fun when sharing wine with others; but should not be stressful for the average consumer. At a recent tasting of wines from Bourgogne and Bordeaux, a heavily Aussie accented presenter swirled the glass before handing a juicy red Burgundy to me. He raised his glass to his nose as I did mine and we both said, almost in unison “Horsehair!”. The scent took us both back to the memories of saddling up a freshly brushed horse, while also hinting at the wine’s age and vineyard location.  A connection was made. A Jamaican-American wine and food writer I know often refers to Barbados cherries, Marionberries, Hibiscus or Sorrel flowers and sea urchin. Do these hold any meaning for you? If so, enjoy these bonus associations when they occur, if not move on.
Detecting aromas is not a parlor trick or for showing off. Your server at a restaurant should be able to detect most faults in the wine before pouring.  Let them examine the cork and discreetly sniff for off odors. If an off-putting aroma or bad taste slips by them, let them know, trust your judgement that the wine shouldn’t smell like a wet dog or taste like your kitchen sponge. A faulty wine is generally identifiable, so if this occurs with a bottle you open at home, cork it up and return it to the vendor, if possible. For this reason, I never tell attendees in my classes what to smell or taste; rather to “feel the sensations” of the wine. The important elements of a balanced wine are in its acidity, tannin structure, residual sugar level, alcohol by volume (ABV%), mouthfeel – assets that most people can detect - tartness, sweetness or the lack of it, the heat of alcohol and the thin or thick texture on the palate. After all, what the average drinker wants from a glass of wine is enjoyment.
If you fancy yourself “not average” by all means join me in exploring all the good and bad smells associated with wine – otherwise, as my class descriptions advise “Smell, Sip, Taste, Enjoy” and leave it at that.
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peganfood · 8 months
How to make starfruit juice
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Starfruit juice
Starfruit juice is a popular drink or recipe to all. Drinking this juice removes fatigue from the body and makes both the body and mind invigorated and fresh. Besides, it keeps the body cool and healthy by providing essential nutrients to the body. Basically, starfruit juice has many health benefits. So, today in this article, I am going to discuss in detail about starfruit juice including its nutritional content, benefits and how to make starfruit juice.  You can read the article to know the unknown facts about starfruit juice.
Starfruit juice nutritional value
There is no doubt that starfruit juice is a very nutritious fruit. It contains pantothenic acid B5, folate B9, vitamin C, vitamin A, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, phosphorus, potassium, zinc etc. These nutrients are very beneficial for humans and animals.
Starfruit juice benefits
Starfruit juice has many benefits for the body. It purifies the blood, helps in blood clotting, prevents cancer, improves appetite and digestion, acts as an antiperspirant, expectorant and carminative, relieves constipation, reduces harmful cholesterol levels in the body, removes acne and rashes and cures hemorrhoids, dropsy and hookworm and keeps the skin healthy.
How to make starfruit juice
Starfruit juice is also very easy to make. It can be made in many ways. If you don't know how to make starfruit juice, let’s learn how to make starfruit juice.
First method:
Ingredients of starfruit juice:
2 starfruits.
Sugar 3 teaspoons.
Bit salt as needed.
Cold water 2 glasses.
2 teaspoons of red chili powder or 2 raw chilies.
Read more
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writinginavacuum · 11 months
Are you going to work on ‘Wayfinder Farm’ again? :)
Hello! Sorry I was gone for, y'know, four years or whatever. I have no idea how long this message has been in my inbox.
But yeah! I'm still working on it. Since you asked, I'll even give a little preview of the next chapter. :)
"The end of summer comes as it always does– far too quick, wrapped in bonfires on the beach, melting ice cream cones turning fingers and mouths sticky with sugar, and numberless cicadas calling to each other in the dark. It was as familiar to Terra as anything about his home, a memory he pulled close around his shoulders in the evening light.
Summer was fresh melon and ripe tomatoes and the cool wash of seafoam against his ankles. It was football games and picnics on the beach and making sure his brother wasn’t washed out to sea on a big wave.
And now, summer was more than it ever was. Now, summer was sparkling azure eyes reflecting the flicker of firelight back at him. It was tart starfruit juice on chapped lips and a sun-warmed freckled shoulder pressed against his, skin to skin in a way that made the heat of the day feel like absolutely nothing at all compared to the heat gathering in his chest. Summer was blueberries pressed to his mouth by calloused, slender fingers and the flash of a pink tongue racing against the ice cream dripping down her fingers.
Now, his summer included Aqua, smiling at him in the firelight, her hand pressed against his."
Anyway, I'm sorry it's been forever and I promise it will get done! I'm just... a very slow writer sometimes. Thanks for your support!
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doggiefooditems · 1 year
Can Dogs Eat Star fruit? We, humans, love Carambola, the fruit of Caramboleira, which belongs to the Oxalidaceae family. As a fruit that originates from tropical Asia, it is now popular worldwide. Since it is such a popular fruit, the question may arise, can dogs eat star fruit? In case you are wondering, the answer is straightforward; star fruit is not suitable for dogs because this bittersweet fruit, even though it is very rich in minerals and vitamins, its toxicity thinly attacks the kidneys due to its high content of oxalate crystals, a toxic substance. Many tutors believe that because the fruit has a bittersweet flavor and is pleasant to taste, it will not harm the dog. However, some fruits are strictly prohibited by dogs, and star fruit is one of them. This article clarifies all your doubts about star fruit for dogs, whether you should give it to them, what the dangers are, and much more. Is star fruit good for dogs? If you are wondering whether the dog can eat star fruit, although it is delicious, star fruit cannot be given to the dog. The main reason is that it contains oxalate salts, which are highly harmful to a dog's kidneys and are found in greater concentrations in the leaves, stems, and green fruits of star fruit. Petite, obese, and sedentary dogs are particularly at risk, but regardless of the size and health condition of the dog, it is a fruit that must be avoided, not even as a treat. Are star-fruits bad for dogs? Understand the Dangers A significant danger of star fruit is that it may harm the kidneys of dogs because it contains oxalate crystals, a toxic substance. The dog's intestinal tract absorbs this crystal, significantly reducing the body's supply of this mineral when it binds with calcium. One of the most severe consequences of oxalic acid is kidney failure; depending on its severity, it can even lead to death. Being one of the body’s principal organs, if it is harmed, it can affect the entire functioning of the dog's body since it is a toxin that it cannot filter. Additionally, carambola contains caramboxin, a toxin that causes neurological changes and causes liver malfunction, preventing diseased cells from recovering. The Symptoms of Starfruit Poisoning First, even if your dog eats a small amount of star fruit, it is worth paying attention to the signs and, as needed, contacting the vet immediately. Here we separate the symptoms that indicate starfruit intoxication: Urine with the presence of blood; Apathy; vomiting; excessive thirst; fainting; Difficulty walking or staggering; disorientation; Somnolence. After your dog consumes star fruit, you should take him to the vet to determine whether it is poisoning, as early diagnosis can lead to more effective treatment. How to Diagnose Starfruit Poisoning? A vet will also check your blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature in addition to all the abovementioned factors. Additionally, the dog will be observed for pupil dilation, dim vision, and inability to stand. This knowledge makes it feasible to determine the severity of intoxication, and hospitalization may be necessary. Another approach is to induce vomiting; however, never do this at home, as you can worsen the condition, and this procedure must be done by a qualified professional. Frequently Asked Questions Do star-fruits cause diarrhea? Keep star fruit away if you experience unpleasant effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting after eating it. Can the star fruit be frozen? Fresh star fruit or star fruit dropped from the branch does not persist long once picked or dropped from the tree. To extend the starfruit season, refreeze the liquid or fruit and consume it for several weeks. Fruit or juice can be frozen quickly. What is a star devil fruit? The Devil Fruit Star Fruit grants the user star-related powers. The fairy Scurvy, the singer of the renegade bandits, ate it. The advantages of consuming star fruit are numerous.
It's a tasty exotic fruit with fewer fats and carbohydrates, but it's loaded with nutrients and powerful anti-oxidants like citric acid. Starfruit can support normal glucose levels, defend the circulatory system, and enhance the body's defense system. Can someone with diabetes consume star fruit? fight diabetes Fruit fiber in starfruit helps control sugar levels and levels of insulin. The report says that eating foods rich in fiber can prevent diabetes and help people who already have diabetes. What does a star fruit taste like? Although star fruit is mainly unheard of in the United States, it is often added to meals and cocktails; its appealing star form makes it popular in raw and prepared cuisines worldwide. It tastes bittersweet, like a cross of poached pear, grapefruit, and citrus. Can dogs eat star apples? Improves digestive health. They are high in fiber. Vitamin C-rich. Helps control diabetes. As a result of fiber, glucose levels are within reach. An outstanding resource of antioxidants. Helps protect against iron deficiency anemia conclusion In short, if your question was whether your dog could eat star fruit, now you know the dangers and why you should avoid giving this fruit to your four-legged friend. Look for a Natural Food for Dogs specialist if you want to vary your dog's diet, even in the early stages. In contrast, dog food is the most suitable and balanced food for dogs at all stages of their lives. Here is a reading that may be of great importance to you. With all care, we have prepared this content to explain why your dog cannot eat star fruit, not even a snack.  
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fandomloverangel · 2 years
I have geographic tongue. Here are some things that are painful to eat:
Tomatoes. I love them, but they hurt if I have more than, like, an ounce. If they're cooked, it takes WAYYY more for it to hurt. Dad sometimes
Potatoes. Can't eat them in any form, even cooked, unless they're very diluted. (Ex mash potatoes with butter and cream) I still do, they just hurt. Dad not really, maybe the skins sometimes
Eggplant/Aubergine. Just can't at all. Raw or cooked. I don't really like it anyway, soooo. Dad also can't eat it.
Kiwi. I can't eat more than a bite, in contrast to my father, (who has the same thing) who can eat as many as he wants. I envy him. I love kiwi.
Pineapple. More than a bite and it hurts. I love it, I still eat it anyways, even just plain. I haven't found a limit when it's cooked. When plain, adding a ton of sugar helps, but I don't do that often bc apparently I'm lazy and like pain. Dad no issue
Oranges. Honestly any citrus, but different ones are tolerated better. I love OJ and plain oranges. Just can't eat a ton. Cooked definitely helps, haven't had cooked orange in a while so I don't remember how much it helps. No clue if it hurts my dad at all. No issue for dad
Grapefruit. I like it, especially with sugar. Is still painful though. I just suffer. It's good. Grapefruit juice is the same result. Dad also likes it, no clue if it hurts him though. No problem
Strawberries. It takes A LOT of strawberries to hurt, or a couple underripe ones, the more ripe they are the less it hurts, but it's always a little painful. I love them though. None for dad
Lemon and lime. I don't eat either one often enough by itself to know for sure. I do know that it's the citric acid in citrus that causes some of the pain though. When it's candied, it hurts WAY less. Dad loves candied lemons. No issue.
Walnuts and pecans. All around painful. They also don't taste good to me. Might be the pain that makes me think that though. Even cooked they still hurt just as much. Can't even eat one without pain. Dad also can't eat them. And he doesn't like them either, for the same reason.
Almonds. I like them. Hurts to eat raw, cooked is slightly better. I still eat them though. Dad no issue.
Peanuts. I can eat them just fine, unless I eat, like a pound or something. However, peanut butter, on the other hand, takes waaay less to make it hurt. Again, I still eat it anyway. Almond and sunflower butter do the same thing. Haven't tried cashew butter. Dad can eat it just fine as far as I know, but doesn't like it.
Carrots. Regular ones are fine unless I eat a ton at once, but purple ones hurt, especially when raw. Cooked makes it better. Candied orange carrots are my favorite, like at Makoto's in FL. Dad can eat just fine as far as I know. He doesn't know.
Arugula. Pain all around. Never had it cooked, but any salad with them hurts. Honestly any spiky lettuce, or lettuce that has purple/red on it usually hurts. Dad can eat it just fine.
Raw spinach. I like it cooked, and I like it raw, but raw is quite painful to eat. Cooked makes it completely pain free. Adult raw spinach especially bothers my dad.
Horseradish. I like it in small amounts, like with sushi or in cheese, but is always painful to eat, nevermind the spiciness. Dad can eat it just fine.
Goat cheese. I like it, but not fun to eat. Not exactly painful, but very bitter. That might be a texture/autism thing though.
Starfruit. From what I remember, it hurts a bit, like with strawberries. Is still my favourite/second favourite fruit. Haven't had it in about s decade though.
Mangoes. They're painful. If I remove the skin they're less painful, and they still hurt even when cooked. I like orange peach mango juice though, but it is painful. I like the taste to a certain extent, but the pain mostly wins over that, unlike pineapple. Dad can eat it.
Anything fizzy/carbonated. The bubbles LITERALLY pop inside the cracks in my tongue. Ow. Might hurt dad? We didn't really drink a ton of soda so I'll ask. Dad can eat
Cranberries. I love them, but raw, cooked, dried or juiced they hurt. Is sadness. No clue if it hurts my dad. No issue for dad
Mint. I like mint, but it has to be cut with a lot of sugar for it not to hurt. For anyone else who can't do mint, ACT Kids has a watermelon toothpaste and a bubblegum toothpaste that both have flouride in them, making them dentist approved for adults! Dad has no issue
Cinnamon. I like cinnamon, but it is SOOOO painful. Smells and tastes good in things, bit hurts a lot. I have no clue how my dad can stand to use a cinnamon toothpaste. It must not hurt him. It doesn't
Ginger. Again, I like it, and still continue to eat it, but MAN can it hurt. I still love my Makoto's Ginger dressing though. Dad no issue
Vinegar. Of any kind. White, apple cider, balsamic, that red vinegar stuff, all extremely painful. I still eat it, because it tastes good. though I do try to avoid it. A guilty pain of mine is salt and vinegar chips. No issue for dad in small quantities
I can't think of anymore right now, so here is a list of things that help and things that make it worse.
Pepper - makes it worse by a lot. Anything on the above list + spiciness hurts waaaay more.
Salt - I'm iodine deficient + am always dehydrated 😅 so I love/crave salt, but too much hurts, and if I eat it with or after any of the above I am in a world of pain. Think of salt on an open wound.
Milk - milk almost always helps, especially because it's cold, but sometimes all it does is dull the pain for a bit. I'm lactose intolerant though, so it has to be lactose free or I'll be in a DIFFERENT world of pain 😂🫤
Water - unlike when you eat things that are spicy, water actually helps when I eat the above things. Often, it takes a few swig and swallows to clear it completely, and tends to remove flavour and leave the acid (with fruit) on the first drink, but overall it is helpful.
Juice - even juice I don't normally react to cam become painful after eating the stuff above. However, the colder it is, the less it hurts because the sugar in it cuts some of the pain, and the cold cuts more, so the combo can sometimes overcome the pain temporarily.
Avocado - if it's ripe enough, and starting to lean towards overripe, it helps. If it's not ripe enough, it is neutral or adds to the pain.
Chocolate - the milk in chocolate can help, dark chocolate can sometimes make it worse, and the sugar content in lighter chocolate can also make it worse. Honestly it's a toss up depending on the type of chocolate + the food that started it.
Anything on the first list combined with any of the other items on that list are always going to be painful, if not more so than they might have been individually. I will add more if I think of any, and will edit this with my dad's opinions later. Feel free to comment or ask any questions!
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
kotlc crew + what they always order in starbucks
(cue me frantically googling the starbuck menu) You all keep picking topics I know nothing about it's impressive! That being said I honestly don't even remember the last time I actively saw a starbucks let alone went into one, let alone purchased anything. So please take all of this with a grain of salt :)
Sophie: Depends on how tired she is. Either a classic Hot Chocolate for the nostalgia and comfort, or a Cinnamon Dolce Latte becuase it seems like that's similar but has caffeine to fuel her through her sleep deprivation. and cake pops because I feel like she got them as a kid
Fitz: Dark Chocolate Mocha? It has this air of sophistication because it's dark chocolate but also still sounds less structured than a traditional coffee, if that makes sense. and fitz is regal but relaxed, you know? he also feels like a cinnamon coffee cake kind of person
Keefe: I don't know why but I feel like maybe a chai tea or chai tea latte? they're warm and nice and sweet based on what I remember of the homemade ones I've had, and they feel right for him. that and the marshmallow bars cause you know he is getting something sweet
Biana: Iced Matcha Tea latte could fit her. It's iced, which sounds bright, and for some reason she seems like someone who would like matcha. Or maybe a caramel macchiato? something fancy seems appropriate for her
Dex: He's surviving off of energy drinks--maybe the raspberry lime--and sweets. So many cake pops and sweets in general. Probably some parfaits slipped in there as well.
Marella: Something cold and fruity. I'm thinking strawberry cause we saw her enjoy strawberry flavored air once (book one I think), so the strawberry acai lemonade refresher? or a pink drink?
Linh: Some kind of refresher, perhaps? Either a dragonfruit or a kiwi starfruit one? and some kind of baked good to accompany it like a red velvet loaf or an almond croissant (other croissants work as well)
Tam: I do not know why but he gives me apple cider vibes, so either the caramel apple spice or steamed apple juice? or some kind of creamy warm coffee? Caffè misto perhaps? he also feels like a bagel person, but unsure which bagel type would be best.
Stina: Black coffee. What? Everyone else needs sugar and creams to dilute the flavor? they can't handle or appreciate the depth of the complexity of true coffee? pathetic. (she is secretly eating an iced lemon loaf with it)
Maruca: white chocolate mocha frappuccino, whatever that is. It sounds regal but also free and fun. It also sounds fancy and specific and those are traits I associate with her. It sounds like something "the popular girl" would order, and Maruca qualifies enough as one of those in my head that it makes sense to me.
Wylie: Whatever he's drinking he's got one of those old fashioned glazed donuts with it. Classic, reliable, sweet and with a good texture. Maybe he gets one of the hot breakfasts as well, like the spinach/feta/egg wrap. Something savory. A tea to go with it probably? what about the honey citrus green tea?
Jensi: he ate the entire bakery that's why he's Like That (brownies and a blended strawberry lemonade)
all of these food items were taken from the starbucks website, so there may be seasonal drinks or other common ones that could fit characters that I don't know about! but these were all based on general vibes and the limited knowledge I have of starbucks drinks, so feel free to suggest alternatives!!
and also thank you for the prompt nonsie, it's always fun to look at characters through new lenses like this!
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a-dorin · 4 years
intoxication | kylo ren
word count: 1,447
warnings: sexual tension, smut (hella smut), slight dominance/submissive kink
summary: after a failed mission, you’re furious, anger filling you to the brim. kylo comes to you, giving you an offer to help release your frustration. 
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sauntering into your quarters, you chucked your blaster at the wall, a loud clang echoing through the empty space. you huffed in frustration, running a hand through your hair. how could she have slipped through your fingertips, just like that? how did she make escaping so easy? 
you let out an irritated groan, slamming a fist into the wall. the metal crumpled, crunching on contact. immediately, pain seeped into your knuckles, your hand throbbing. you let out a small cry, hot tears of frustration welling up in our eyes, “fuck me.” 
a soft knock on your door interrupted your tantrum, startling you for a moment. quietly, you approached the door, punching your code into the key pad. the doors slid open, kylo ren standing before you. without warning, he engulfed you into his embrace. 
tears cascaded down your cheeks as sobs racked your body, trembling in the supreme leader’s arms, “i failed, kylo. i failed. i failed.” 
“angel,” kylo’s voice was low, “you did not fail.”
“yes i did,” you protested, the words distorted as they left your lips, “i failed you.”
kylo swept you off your feet, carrying your frame with ease. he laid you on the bed, scooping you into his arms once again. he took off his leather gloves, discarding them to your bedside table. he took a your injured hand into his, tsking as he noticed the purple bruises beginning to form on your knuckles. 
“punching walls is no way to release pent up anger angel,” kylo exhaled, “now i have to send in a work order to patch up the dent you made.”
“i’m sorry,” you felt childish, shame burning through you, “i’m sorry.”
“stop apologizing,” kylo’s lips connected with your forehead, “would you like me to take care of your frustrations?”
your eyes widened, your breath hitching in your throat. kylo’s bold question rang through your mind, filthy thoughts infiltrating your head. once you returned back from your mission, kylo could sense your fury, even from across the ship. he knew it was imperative that he saw you at once, making his way across the supremacy to your quarters. kylo could feel your anger surging through his chest, your thoughts running rampant. his right knuckle tingled, a dull pain aching through his hand. he knew you had attempted to unleash your frustration, but it wasn’t successful. 
“please take care of me kylo,” the words came out as a plea, sending a wave of excitement through kylo. 
“i promise i will angel,” a smirk enveloped his features, his eyes hardening with lust, “i’ll give you what you deserve.”
kylo’s lips crashed into yours, kissing you eagerly. his hands cupped your cheeks, holding your face. he shifted his weight so that he was on top of you, your back dipping into the mattress. his tongue darted along your bottom lip, entering your mouth. his lips tasted like starfruit, intoxicating you. your lips tingled as he sucked on your bottom lip harshly, a quiet moan tumbling out of your mouth. 
your moan only fueled kylo’s desire to please you. the supreme leader had been craving your touch throughout the day, his mind wandering to lustful fantasies while you were away, off on your mission. once he was aware of your return, he ached to touch you. to feel you. to feel your walls tighten around his cock. to hear the sound of his name from your beautiful lips. to watch you squirm and cum, your wetness dripping onto the bed. 
“tell me what you want angel,” kylo’s tone was full of authority, his breathing ragged. 
“i want you,” you pleaded, “i need you, kylo ren.” 
the words, sweet like honey, rang through kylo’s ears. he began to place wet kisses down your neck, sucking on your hot skin. your hands tangled into his hair, tugging as his mouth connected with your sweet spot. you could feel wetness pooling between your thighs, your clit throbbing, aching for kylo’s touch. 
“can i undress you?” kylo arched a brow. you knew he wouldn’t continue without your consent. 
within seconds, you nodded, giving your answer, “yes, kylo. please.”
kylo’s fingertips met with the hem of your tunic, pulling it over your head. the lust within his gaze intensified as your breasts bounced, nipples hardening in the dim light. desperately, kylo attempted to keep himself restrained as he slid your tights down your legs, your skin glowing. now, you were naked before him, your panties drenched. 
his hands roamed your body, his cool hands coming in contact with your warm skin. kylo placed his tongue on your collarbone, trailing to your breasts. his hands rested on your hips as his mouth enveloped a nipple. tugging it gently between his teeth. your back arched into his body, your bare skin grazing against the fabric of his own clothing. kylo sucked on your breasts, ensuring that he left his mark on you. 
you squirmed below kylo, yearning for more. he sensed your desire, your naked body pressed against his. a low chuckle erupted from his throat, “you’re too impatient angel. relax, let me take care of you.” 
kylo’s mouth reconnected with your stomach, his breath hot, the kisses full of passion. he stopped at the hem of your panties, your pussy dripping through the lace. kylo kissed the inside of your thigh, nipping at the skin. his thumb grazed your throbbing clit, earning a moan. 
the mere sight of you, cheeks tinged red, pleasure masking your features, your pussy, drenched and aching for his touch, was enough to send kylo over the edge. god, you were so beautiful, and kylo wanted nothing more but to show you how much he adored you. how your body was the most beautiful sight in the galaxy. how your moans were angelic, sending shivers of excitement down his spine. 
his fingertips hooked the lace of your underwear, kylo sliding the fabric down your legs, casting it to the floor. kylo placed his thumb on your clit, going in circular motions. you threw your head back, pleasure racking your body. slowly, a finger slipped into your pussy, followed by another. immediately, kylo’s fingers were slick with your juices, his cock aching for you. to feel you. 
“kylo,” you pleaded, begging, “please, fuck me.” 
“your wish is my command angel,” he smirked, removing his pants. his cock sprang free, throbbing with desire. 
before he entered you, kylo slipped out of his tunic, fully undressed. without warning, he slammed into you, your eyes rolling into your head. your opened your legs, draping them around his muscular torso for leverage. 
your walls wrapped around kylo’s cock perfectly as he thrust into you, the two of you moaning at the contact. your hands roamed kylo’s back, nails digging into his skin as he fucked you senseless. the feeling of his cock, buried deep within your tight pussy was intoxicating, sending waves of pleasure washing over you. kylo’s lips collided with yours with fiery passion, his tongue exploring your mouth. 
the bundle of nerves within your stomach tightened, bringing you close to your orgasm. you groaned into kylo’s lips, whining softly, “kylo, i’m going to cum.”
kylo’s eyes interlocked with yours, lust filling his gaze, “you can cum angel. let go. cum all over my cock.” 
his words encouraged your orgasm, stars bursting in your vision as you came, warmth seeping into your chest, your thighs trembling. kylo’s thrusts slowed, his pace lessening. he pulled out, pumping his cock as he came all over your stomach. he panted, chest heaving, skin glowing with a sheen of sweat. 
kylo left momentarily, wobbling to the refresher. he returned, a warm rag in his grasp. gently, he cleaned your skin, the warmth soothing on your skin. he pressed a soft kiss on your stomach, your heart fluttering.
the supreme leader cradled your body in his arms, skin meeting skin, “i hope i eased your frustrations angel.”
“it was perfect,” you let out a sigh of content. 
“i’m glad it was satisfying,” he chuckled, “i was worried that your temperament was uncontrollable. is that how you feel when i’m angry?”
a giggle rose from your throat, “maybe a little.” 
kylo placed a tender kiss on your forehead, “i love you angel.”
“i love you too,” you breathed, your anger completely dissolved. 
kylo held you in his arms as you dozed off, exhausted. you had a long day, and your lover wanted nothing you but for you to have a good night’s rest. as you fell asleep, kylo whispered sweet nothings in your ear, his words warm with affection. 
needless to say, you would let kylo help with your anger in the future. every single time. 
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theateared · 4 years
I Almost Feel Bad For You. ❜
Summary:  Say what you will about Edgar Strahv, but he has always been a good father.
    He charged into his father’s room at the early hour of six, a tray in his hands and a handmade card tucked under his arm.  Brielle had promised him the night before that she would help him make breakfast for Edgar for Father’s Day if he went to bed, and the child had been all too happy to sleep that night.
    “Daddy, daddy!”
    He watched as the man stirred, a low groan released from his throat as he rolled over onto his back.  His eyes slowly cracked open, settling on his son’s excited face.  He was beaming from ear to ear, all but bouncing in place as he waited for him to sit up.
    “Urgh…”   His back cracked as he sat up straight, a quiet sound let out as the tension in his joints unwound.   “Gus…?”   A glance at the clock earned a hint of frustration, a deep sigh barely held back.   “It’s six in the morning.”
    He fell quiet as the boy put the tray he was holding onto his lap.  On it was a plate with a single extremely burnt piece of toast and a glass of starfruit juice.  He’d forgotten all about the day, and as Augustus held up the card for him to take, it returned to him all at once.  Oh right…  it’s Father’s Day.  Already?  God, where has this year gone?
    “For you!”   Augustus exclaimed, arms thrown above his head.  He was still in his pinstripe pyjamas, bedhead at the max.  He barely contained a squeal when his dad bit into the toast he’d brought for him, not thinking of it when he immediately went for the juice afterwards.
    I love you, but God this toast is awful.
    Edgar heard a tiny splutter of laughter from the doorway, glancing over to see his wife barely concealing a smile behind her hand.  Despite the circumstances, he couldn’t find it in him to be angry.  Try as he might, he just couldn’t see the flaws in his beloved family.
    He ate the toast as quickly as he could.  It was difficult to suppress the need to grimace every time he chewed, though he managed for the sake of his son’s feelings.  Augustus was such a sweet child… he could never bring himself to hurt him.  It killed him enough already when he had to say no to having a pet kayag*.  The juice was sweet and cool;  a refreshing break from the cardboard that he’d just been gnawing through.
    Looking down at him when he was through, Edgar knew that he wanted to jump up onto the bed and cuddle.  He moved the tray aside, and like clockwork, Augustus struggled his way up the side of his parents’ king size bed, wriggling like a worm until he could crawl into his father’s lap.  Once there, he wrapped his arms around his neck and planted a big kiss on his cheek.
    “Happy Father’s Day, daddy.  I love you.”
    “I love you too, Gusty.  Thank you for breakfast,”   Edgar replied, wrapping his arms tightly around his son.  In that moment, there was nothing he loved more in all of the world.  Even his wife faded into the background.
    “Maybe I should make you breakfast every morning?”
    “Oh, no!”   He watched as Augustus pulled away, tipping his head with confusion.  Hurriedly, Edgar continued:   “Ah--  save it for…  special occasions, yes?”
    Brielle was snorting again.
    The boy considered it, then nodded again.   “Look at your card!”
    Feeling beside him, Edgar slipped the piece of paper folded in two into his hand, bringing it close to his face.  From the nightstand, his reading glasses were retrieved.  On it was a crude drawing of their family;  Edgar stood in the middle, receiving a kiss from both his wife and his son, one on each cheek, a huge heart drawn over their heads.  It made him smile slowly, paper flipped open to read the scribbled text.  Though Augustus’ handwriting was quite poor, the man could tell that he had tried his best to make it legible.  It was less shaky than normal, some semblance of control in every spaced out letter.
    To Daddy,
                  Thank you for flying kites with me and reading stories and bringing                   home money.  You’re the bestest most hardworkingest daddy in all                                      of Huron all of the WORLD!  I love you!
                                                                                                                           Love, Augustus.
    At this point, Edgar was grinning like a fool.  It was difficult to evoke a genuine smile from him, especially these days.  Work was wearing him so thin, and his patience had suffered for it.  He had always been a man that appreciated his space regardless, though nowadays he needed a little more.  Not today, though…  not today.
    “Aren’t you just the sweetest little poet?”   Edgar asked fondly, standing the card up on his nightstand.  It was difficult to keep it in place, the paper threatening to flutter to the ground with every tiny motion that was made.   “It’s wonderful.  I love it.”
    The words gave the boy a sense of elation, his face burying into his father’s neck once more. They hugged for a while before Augustus pulled away with a gasp.  6:27.  All too suddenly, he leapt from Edgar’s lap, almost tripping over his own feet.
    “I’m gonna miss Passcode!*”   he cried, charging towards the door.
    “Oh, you’re not washing the plate for your daddy too?”   Edgar asked, picking up the tray. He watched as his son stared up at him with big eyes, torn between running away and doing what he thought the man wanted him to do.  He was relieved to have Edgar chuckle, shaking his head.   “I’m just teasing you, kid.  Go on.”
    The boy laughed as he barrelled downstairs.  Soon enough, both parents could hear the television set being flicked on, channel dial messed with before they heard the familiar theme music.  Softly, Brielle closed the door, biting back a smile.
    “I almost feel bad for you…”   she admitted, glancing at his plate before laughing quietly to herself.   “We made five pieces in total and that was the least burnt one.  I tried to help but he said he needed to do it himself, otherwise it wasn’t a ‘’true Father’s Day present’’.”
    Edgar snickered, running a hand through his hair.  Though he hadn’t been stoked to wake up so early, he felt blessed by his family.  They’re such wonderful people.  They love me so much.  I don’t know what I’d do without them.
    The man cracked a smirk.   “If you feel sooo bad for me, how about you come and make it better…?”
    Brielle’s lips pursed with amusement, staring him down for a few seconds before she began to saunter slowly towards him.   “I said almost,”   she purred as she crawled from the bottom of the bed and into his lap, rejoicing in the feel of his hands splaying across her back.
    If he was concerned by the technicality, he didn’t show it when she kissed him.
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royalpainstodiefor · 6 years
Angst Holiday Mini Plots
Royce always loved animals, every year this time around he would make little gifts for his animal friends, which he was doing this year. He stumbled upon several animal friends along the chosen pathway....for even they had a significant other to cuddle to keep the cold out...He was a wanderer without a home.... He had gadgets and gizmos of plenty, who’s its and whats its galore....but whats the point of it all if you don’t have someone to show it too?  what did he want for the holidays.....? A friend.......
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He remembered how his family would throw the most ravishing holiday parties leading to a grand dinner, they would even invite people outside the family, the amount of love and happiness could make even the most coldest winters melt. Mateo stood in the middle of the mass hall in his castle, for he decided to open up the gates and let people from all over to come and join him in the celebration....he decided to try something new for a change....apparently the others didn’t, for no one showed up....Its true what they say that you should cherish the moment that you are in...for you don’t know when the next time you would be able to experience such a thing...one day your surrounded by love and glee....the next your isolated and lonely....
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Every year his little group would travel outside the kingdom for the holidays, and everyday that past, they would give each other these beautiful clothes which they made themselves. They would make up stories with the night skies that were filled with countless of stars. It was tradition for them to drink the juice of any fruit that they could find, and toast for the new year to come......Khari goes outside to his garden, in the same clothes that was made from his friends that perished oh so long ago...He looks up at the stars and lifts his glass of starfruit juice and lifts it up to the sky....Cheers my friends.....for the only thing he ask is to relieve the memories he had with his group of friends....at least for just one last time.
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He remembered the wonderous memories with his father, how they would share holiday stories and would build a festive contraption, one year they build an egg nog dispenser--oh! and the next they build a reindeer that could crack open 11 nuts at a time!--oh oh! and the next after that they build a snowman that could be used to bake cookies!....oh it was so long ago.....another tradition would be that him and his father would write a letter to Santa, saying what they desired this time of year.....Apollo decided to thinking on what he wanted this year, in his throne room away from everyone that was celebrating in their own way.....he actually thought of something he wanted this year......he wanted a brand new heart....to possible even share it with someone.... 
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 He remembered the wonderful, delightful memories of him and his family enjoying the holidays, oh the warmth he would feel these times of year.....but unfortunately those times were far from his current time....as he looked out in his kingdom, he notices all the families gathering around and sharing gifts and singing and drink hot beverages....Conceal....it was hard not to feel.....who was he kidding...no one wanted to spend time with an ice king on these cold nights
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 The holidays are approaching and Quinton is reminiscing when he shared these moments with people close to his heart, even if they had nothing....they did have something, they had each other......but now....he has everything a king could ever want.....yet......who does he have to share the holidays with?
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 He was used to celebrating on his own every year for the Holidays, the idea wasn't new to him....yet....maybe this year....just maybe...just maybe...he wanted to feel what it was like to spend some time with someone on the holidays....
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fitnesstale · 5 years
Mediterranean Diet: Meal Plan & Beginner’s Guide
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The Mediterranean diet is a renowned diet that can protect you from heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. This diet promotes eating more vegetables, fruits, pulses, whole grains, and olive oil (healthy fat), some fish, and less meat. Research reveals that the Mediterranean diet is abundant in antioxidants and flavonoids, which are associated with longevity.
How The Mediterranean Diet Works
Our lifestyles have played a significant role in the rise of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and other lifestyle-related diseases. Researchers have found that the Mediterranean diet can support long-term weight loss, help control blood pressure, and reduce blood lipid levels.
This Mediterranean diet encourages you to eat more natural and wholesome foods. Fruits, veggies, and whole grains are rich sources of dietary fiber and help regulate blood glucose levels, lower LDL cholesterol, and improve digestion. You will eat lean protein and a minimum amount of red meat, which makes this diet greatly heart-friendly. Yogurt and cheese are good sources of calcium, good gut bacteria, and protein. Legumes are high in protein and dietary fiber. Nuts are packed with protein and healthy fats that prevent inflammation-induced weight gain.
You will need to drop all kinds of processed and artificial foods that are high in sodium, sugar, and trans fats. And most importantly, this diet highlights the importance of having lunch or dinner with family or friends, as they do in Mediterranean culture, which helps reduce stress and depression. Here’s the image of the Mediterranean diet pyramid that shows what and how much you are assumed to eat.
Mediterranean Diet Basic Guidelines
Eat plant-based food like vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.
Eat fish and poultry twice every week.
Eat red meat 2-3 times a month.
Use herbs and spices to make your food flavorful and tasty.
Use olive oil instead of vegetable oil, butter, lard, margarine, etc.
Avoid consuming processed food.
Consume limited salt and sugar.
Indulge in a sweet treat once a week.
Drink wine in moderation.
Enjoy your meal with family or friends.
Drink adequate amount of water (3-4 liters) per day.
Exercise regularly.
Mediterranean Diet Plan
Mediterranean Diet Foods To Eat
Veggies – Tomato,broccoli, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, spinach, swiss chard,asparagus, zucchini, bell pepper, bok choy, green chili, pumpkin, bottle gourd, snake gourd, bitter gourd, okra, eggplant, radish, turnip, beetroot, carrot, sweet potato, potato with peel, radish greens, rocket spinach, collard greens, and green beans. Fruits – Papaya, apple, grapes, grapefruit, lime, lemon, orange, plum, pear, peach, pluot, figs, blueberry, strawberry, starfruit, green apple, watermelon, and muskmelon. Fats & Oils – Olive oil, rice bran oil, and ghee (clarified butter). Seeds & Nuts – Macadamia nuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts. Beverages – Coconut water, freshly pressed fruit juice and vegetable juice, buttermilk, green tea, herbal tea, and black coffee. Herbs & Spices – Cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, nutmeg, black pepper, star anise, cayenne pepper, cumin powder, coriander powder, cilantro, oregano, dill, fenugreek seeds, rosemary, thyme, clove, saffron, fennel seeds, and fenugreek seeds.
Mediterranean Diet Foods To Avoid
Veggies – Potato without the peel. Fruits – Mango and jackfruit. Fats & Oils – Animal fat, butter, mayonnaise, ranch, canola oil, and vegetable oil. Seeds & Nuts – Cashew nuts. Junk Food – Deep fried chicken, wafers, crisps, doughnut, nachos, salami, sausage, pepperoni, fries, pizza, burger, etc. Beverages – Aerated drinks, artificially sweetened drinks, packaged fruit juices, and alcohol.
Mediterranean Diet Exercise Routine
When it comes to being healthy, nutrition plays a significant role, and so does exercising. You need to exercise constantly to keep your muscles and cells active, strengthen your body, keep your metabolism going, build resistance to diseases, and to become fit. Here’s a sample workout plan.
Head tilt – 1 set of 10 reps
Neck rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
Shoulder rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
Arm circles – 1 set of 10 reps
Wrist rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
Waist rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
Ankle rotation – 1 set of 10 reps
Spot jogging – 3-5 minutes
Jumping jacks – 2 sets of 20 reps
Side Lunges – 1 set of 15 reps
Russian twist – 2 sets of 20 reps
Tricep dips – 2 sets of 5 reps
Bicep curls (5 lb weights) – 2 sets of 10 reps
Crunches- 2 sets of 10 reps
Lying leg circles – 1 set of 10 reps
Horizontal kicks – 1 set of 10 reps
Push-ups – 2 sets of 10 reps
Forward elbow plank – 20-second hold
Side plank – 20-second hold
Mediterranean Diet Benefits
Following the Mediterranean diet can help prevent and protect from coronary heart disease.
This diet aids weight loss.
Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.
This diet may help fight cancer.
Following the Mediterranean diet helps reduce inflammation and protects from metabolic syndrome.
Helps improve cognitive function.
Helps to stay relaxed and stress-free.
Helps protect against low-grade inflammatory diseases.
Following the Mediterranean diet can help increase your lifespan.
Mediterranean Diet Side Effects
Though there are no severe side effects of this diet, if you are not used to eating much plant-based food, you might find this diet a bit difficult initially. However, once you get used to it, it will become a part of your lifestyle and it will not bother you anymore.
The Mediterranean diet is surely the best diet to follow if you want to enhance your health and lead a disease-free life. This diet is not a fad diet, and you have the freedom to eat anything as long as it is nutritious and unprocessed. So, discuss with your dietician today and try the Mediterranean diet to see yourself transform! Take care.
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