splashyink · 1 month
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*basic attacks you*
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radioroxx · 4 months
clover revived au but instead of going back to their own body, they get a cool new awesome one from alphys who maybe leaned in a little more to robotics after the success of mettaton
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charbway · 2 years
i am never playing league of legends there is no point in showing me league of legends ads. google are you listening. i am not playing league of legends ever
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drchucktingle · 1 year
mr. dr. chuck, i'm a few months ago i told a doc of mine that i believe i'm on the spectrum (after yeeeears of considering all the reasons why i thought so) and she agreed with me. then i came to some conclusions about members of my family. then i started melting down and haven't really recovered.
i'm in my 30's, but my life feels like it's been the mistake-addled 24th year for over a decade. people, choices, wants, they feel like things that were silly blips and not of much substance. i'm tired and my body hurts, so it feels harder to get to things i need. doctors don't seem like they can be trusted because of all the other ways i show up in the world.
i'm worried about my life and my future, and it feels like my magic is gone (or that i can't touch it right now). do you have any words of wisdom for someone who found out this really big thing about themselves kind of late?
thank you.
hello buckaroo thank you for writing. first of all i will say MOST IMPORTANT thing to remember is that it is okay and valid to FEEL the way that you feel. your reaction to this news or any news really is not wrong. that does not mean you cant wish for another reaction or WORK TOWARDS another reaction, but in grand cosmic sense this is just your way. YOUR TROT IS VALID and we all have our own unique way. sometimes that path is an easy path with sunny days and smiles and a glorious view, and sometimes it is through the darkness of shadows or crawling through the old bog. we can PREFER one path over the other, but neither is WRONG.
when giving advice old chuck tries to not PROJECT what i think YOU should do because that is not really the point. this is your trot to trot and i do not think it is my place to act like some authority of your way. what chuck can do is tell you MY story of diagnosis and how it made ME feel and maybe you can take little pieces of that for yourself.
chuck learned of way on autism spectrum when i was in early twenties by doctor who said 'yes this is your way'. when i learned of my spectrum way my reaction was: wow this is very very cool i am so lucky because all of my heroes are autistic and now i am in this RADICAL CLUB. we are special and unique and DANG what a treat wish i could have a membership card in my wallet to show all my buds.
now obviously this is not everyones reaction, but as starting off point i wonder what it would have meant to my future if the news would have HIT ME IN A BAD WAY. if i would have felt let a dang robot alien who didnt belong. maybe id be swimmin through the bog ever since.
thing is I LIKE ROBOT ALIENS they are very cool. doctor did not MAKE me different, i was different already, our talks just popped a nice little name on it for me to take or leave. i took the name proudly because DATA from stars trek (certified robot alien) is exactly how i already felt and dang what a cool character and dang what a great life. so was DAVID BYRNE. so was every cool buckaroo artist that i liked. cowboys are OUTSIDER HEROES and that is how my autism makes me feel.
so like i said, i do not know about YOUR way, but MY WAY of hearing this news was heaps of joy and excitement. i will also say that it is very DIFFICULT to find this reaction later if your first leap is feeling in a sad way about it. so maybe if you want to trot back in your mind to those first few steps it would be helpful. maybe mentally trot to where you were pushed off a dang cliff and think "well was i pushed off a cliff or was i just told 'hey bud youve been floating this whole time?"'
because if youve been floating then DANG thats a lot of power. thats not falling. you can float up, you can float down, you can float side to side.
the next thing i will say AS AND ARTIST is that years of toiling and feeling aimless are NEVER actually aimless when it comes to creation. and to LIVE in a human body is to be an artist, because you are CONSTANTLY CREATING the future. when i am writing and i dont have an idea for my next book that can be frustrating, but it is also PART of the process. if i walk to the store to rustle up my mind, or wander around the park, or spend a whole WEEK feeling weird because of writers block THAT IS ALL PART OF MAKING GREAT ART. that is not wasted time. in other words, your years of toiling are not wasted time, that is just the process we all have when we are creating a future masterpiece.
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Welcome to my page
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
My name is Jessica, feel free to call me Jess tho! I’m 22 years old, an Aquarius, bi, female (she/her), and I’m Mexican-American(although not fluent in Spanish). And I’m certified star girl ! ⋆。°✩
I used to do some writing back in middle school on wattpad before I decided to delete everything and stop. Then this silly 6’9 grumpy Spider-Man came out of nowhere and had gotten me to start again. 🤭 relativity still new at this since I started in late 2023. But I like to think I’m pretty okay at writing.
Some rules!
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✭ Hate is strictly prohibited! Will block if necessary.
✭ I do write NSFW content, if you are a minor and are caught interacting with said works, you will be blocked.
✭ I’m a human not a robot! It’s okay to ask if a second part will be out on something but ask nicely, leave a compliment or something.
✭ I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MEDIA YOU CONSUME. I do my best to tag my work correctly, if I write something you aren’t comfortable with and it’s been tagged/warned properly, then do not read.
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#fanfic recs 🫶🏼: recommendations from other talented writers
#my wonderful moots 🥰: stuff involving my lovely mutuals
Related to my writing:
#bd!Miguel, #baby daddy!Miguel, bd!Miguel submitted headcannons, college days prequels
#love me or hate me fanfic.
#on thin ice fanfic.
#ygmyhyk snippets
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crabonfire · 1 year
Mercs and some general dating headcannons :))
Characters: All mercs
Warning: none that I can think of!!
Note: I actually wanted to do this like a while ago but the motivation wasn't there...NOW IT IS!! this is a VERRRYYY long list of sweet headcannons for the boys and my special girl aka my girlfriend aka my silly little meow meow, Ms pauling :)
These are NOT in order, but I cover each character, don't worry! Im just writing this like without thought rn •♡•!!
(Ps reposts are GREATLY appreciated thanks cuties ♡)
• he's constantly calling you sweet pet names like honey, sugar, darlin...whatever corny name it is, you know he's calling you it.
• if you have a sweet tooth your in luck! I have a headcannon that when he's stressed with his inventions, he takes that time to cool off with BAKING!!! Its a craft that isn't as difficult as making a robot or upgrading a sentry, as all he needs to do is follow the instructions and it's a guaranteed success. So, it calms him down a bit and he gets to have a little snack break :)
So cause of that, he will bake for you!! Pies, Cakes, anything you're craving, he's got it.
• he makes u trinkets all the time. I feel like he's a man with many love languages, Quality time, Acts of service, and Gift Giving. He definitely cherishes you and shows it with the gifts he makes you.
• after a long day, it doesn't matter what your doing or where you are, he will always want to spend the rest of it cuddling you. Man LOVES cuddling.
• he's super corny. not surprising I know. not "writing poems for my love" corny but "making inventions and buying gifts for my love because they mentioned that they wanted it one time a couple days ago" type of corny.
• cannot STAND IT when you two are away. Like, he tells you that he'll be okay, and you'll be okay without you, but a day in and he already misses you.
• you are genuinely so good for him. His work makes him so occupied he forgets to eat or take care of himself, and he just...misses you a lot.
• his preference of dates are ones where he can have your full undivided attention, peace and quiet makes a great atmosphere for sweet intimacy.
Oh and one more thing, adores holding your hand. Walking together he's holding your hand, sitting down together? Holding your hand. Making love? Holding hands ♡♡♡♡
goddd I love cowboys yeehaaw 😊😊🫶🫶
• OK so yk how I said engie isn't making poems for my love corny? Well that's spy
• I wouldn't say spy is corny, I'd say he's cheesy but in a very elegant and refined way. Like wouldn't be overly cheesy, but he'd write you letters and poems so incredibly sweet you have to see your dentist if he gave you cavities.
• like engie, loves buying you stuff. His main love language.
"Mon amour, I have a gift for you."
"Oh-really? Oh man, you didn't need to get me anything."
"I know, but I saw this, and I know it would look good on you."
When you pull it out of the bag it's a pair of earrings that match your eyes, with a finishing touch that makes it glow in the moonlight.
"Spy...its...beautiful." You mutter out, enchanted by the beauty of the earrings. He smiles softly, charmed by your adorable reaction.
"Of course it is, I only pick the best for my love."
• god I love men so fucking much jesus fucking christ
• he definitely is not a vulnerable man. if you ever notice him being distant, it's because he's sad. But he will never ever admit it or even show it.
• if you do somehow notice, if you want to help, you need to confront him. He will not open up right away, but after seeing your worry, he will eventually give in. This guy needs a lot of comfort man.
He really appreciates and is thankful for the comfort or effort. it's nice. In his past experiences with genuine relationships, he's had trust issues with new ones... but he's slowly opening up to you.
• you two will cuddle in his smoking room. 100%.
• he loves to tease you, but especially loves to do it in French. Knowing the fact that you have no idea what he's saying but is still flustered by his words, it makes him feel so mushy inside. He used to hate it, but now, it's the only thing he wants to feel when he's with you.
AGHHHH EWWW FRENCH PEOPLE!! (I'd let him do me 🤤)
• my sweet sweet little pyromaniac
• hold your hand all the time. loves hand holding.
• all your dates together are pretty simple, but sometimes he surprises you with literally insane ones.
• like hey yeah he took you to that nice picnic once during a time you were super sad, aww that's sweet...but remember that one time you two got banned from a zoo because he convinced you to join him by breaking inside of the fucking alligator exhibit? yeah. reaaal sweet.
• gives you mask kisses. they're more like little boops, but he'll make a "mwah!" Sound whenever he does and it makes u giggle (he loves it when you laugh or giggle ur so cute stink)
• I think if you've been close enough in the relationship, one day, he'd pull you aside to his room, and wear normal clothing. He won't take his mask off just yet, but he'd be comfortable enough to show his body off to you. (I headcannon him to have kind of a chubby body, he's a bit tanned, having some burn marks from his back to his hands.
• he's quite scared on how you'd react, but once he sees the fondess in your eyes and that genuine smile...he can't help but be relieved.
"Oh Pi..."
You'd slowly approach him, "May I..?" He's hesitant, but he nods.
You'd hold his hand and feel his skin for the first time, admiring ever single detail about it like your memorising it. He's watching you the entire time, curiously. You can't see, but he can feel his cheeks heat up when you lean to kiss the back of his hand. Then, making his hand cup your cheek, now its your turn to blush as you can feel his soft palm on your cheek, melting into it.
You look up at him. A love struck expression is now plastered onto your face,
"Pi... you're so gorgeous, baby."
Now, he feels as if his face is on fire. He looks away, fully knowing you can't see his face. You chucke, continuing to admire other parts of his body. The night is calm, ending with you two cuddling for the first time without his suit on, being able to feel his arms and how they trail over your body.
Man, is he so happy to have you.
• OK this was supposed to be a headcannon thing but I just realized I wrote a whole fucking one shot for pyro LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO HELP MEEEEE BAHAHHAHAHA
he'd be comfortable enough to take his mask off after a couple weeks of you seeing him and being with him without the bodysuit. yass!!
I love him so much...the silly!!!!! (Also not a dating headcannon but just a headcannon I headcannon pyro as a transman who got surgery but still likes feminine things, goes by He/She and doesn't mind they and also a silly goober!!! Hehe I love him)
• OK so I'm gonna be fr with u right neow I think if you two are just starting out its gonna be a bit difficult, he definitely has a lot of toxic masculinity to work through and also just...not understanding of certain stuff. But after you explain some boundaries and help him with his issues, it's great.
• you two get into all sorts of silly situations together, and he loves doing dumb stuff with you.
• for example, here's a conversation he once had with you unironically while eating fish;
"Hey babe, ya think that if I drank water, the fish would like...swim in my stomach or something?"
"Like if since I just ate fish if I drank the water what if like the fish went up my throat again and I went guurlgllblulrrgllhbl??"
"Jeremy- laugh what???
"Yk like...fish live in water so what if it came alive again? lol??"
There's silence between you two until you both burst out laughing, you hitting the desk because of how dumb he is and him only realising how dumb he sounds.
• he loves you so much. He promised he wouldn't be one of those corny couples, but whenever you're cuddling, he's such a baby. He would REFUSE to let you go, and he'd constantly be talking some sweet cheesy stuff into your ear. He's definitely a sleep talker, and on the chances he's fallen asleep on top of you while cuddling, he'd say some corny stuff.
"Yeah baby?"
"...I love ya...you smell nice..." He'd smile like a goof
(When me? WHEN ME? WHEN ME BITCH WHEN ME???@?@?"
• he loves it when you wear his clothes. I think he'd wear a lot of varsity jackets, and he melts whenever you wear one of his.
• definitely a possessive idiot that will threaten to fight whoever hits on you.
"Oh yeah? You want em huh? Oh, alright then, dats all good....Square up punk. I'm gonna beat you up so badly you're gonna start seein' stars. Yeah? YEAH? YOU WANNA FREAKIN' GO? LOUD FUCKING SWING LMFAO YEAH THAT'S RIGHT-MORON. Can't have them with your brains bashed in yea? Haha, you see that, babe? Babe...? Huh- what do you mean we gotta go? Someone...called the copsOHSHITWEGOTTAGO-"
• On several occasions, he has punched and / or used his bat on somebody who hit on you even after you told them you were taken.
get me a skinny twink who would beat someone up for me if they looked at me funny ♡
• Hes such a clingy boyfriend I swear
• if you were doing something he'd wrap his arms around you from behind, nuzzling into your shoulder as he takes in your scent (it comforts him) as he smiles into you.
"You okay babe?"
"Mmh yeah, just missed ya..."
• always holding your hand or hugging you, he's such a touchy guy. (Though if your not very comfortable with it at first definitely gets the memo)
• loves it when you two are cuddling in a position that your holding him by your chest, he melts into a puddle when you kiss him.
• he's a bit shy at first. It's mostly the shock of how you actually are his partner, and he's not dreaming. His past relationships haven't exactly been... Yeah. but, after a couple of months of dating, he's more carefree and confident with you.
• he loves giving you random stuff.
"Here...its uh, dandelion. I found it while I was out on a walk. It reminded me of you."
"I got you this sweater I saw. I thought ya might like it."
"Hey roo, I got you these bracelets. I... got some for me, too. We could...match."
• his favourite activity with you is to stargaze up on his camper van, cuddling as you two ramble about your days while also imagining what's out in that huge space in the sky.
you two would make up fake names for the stars, he knows what they are called, but its cute to see you try and guess what they are.
• he's grown so used to being with you that on the nights you aren't together, he'd get so bummed out he'd even cry a little. He just misses you so much. He needs you.
• he loves showering and bathing with you. not anything sexual, but it's the fact it's such an intimate thing. It makes him so happy whenever you wash his hair or scrub his back, he's so peaceful with you.
ew he pisses in jars (I am so in love with him)
• don't get me started on soldier
• the first start of the relationship, it actually goes smoother than you'd think. (Bro he pulled Zhanna after fucking her once he got that patriotic rizz)
• he's able to be cheesy and weirdly romantic because this man has no filter... He's honest, has a heart of gold, and is a man of many words.
• he takes you out on crazy dates, and loves to tell you about his adventures. he's a very loud guy, so expect tons of shouting from him.
• I'd say the only time he gets quiet or soft spoken is when you two are cuddling. He loves listening to you ramble or talk while you two are cuddling. Holding you so gently as you're going on about your day makes him feel so proud you have such trust in him to be so vulnerable, to be yourself.
• he's a sweet guy. He really is. Yes, his gifts can be a bit... unique. but he's just a dumb goofball who's incredibly in love with you.
• There might be some bumps in your relationship, but it's normal. He's just a bit far off on boundaries and general stuff about not yelling at everybody in public while on a date, but yk he'll learn sooner or later.
• he loves to pepper you with kisses, and loves it more when he can make you laugh. he'd do anything to make you smile, whether it's telling funny stories or tickling you, he loves your laugh.
whenever you smile, he melts a bit, and you're the apple to his eye.
• he really doesn't want to be sad around you and stuff, usually being a bit distant whenever he is genuinely feeling down. But when you smile up at him with such determination after a bad match... He quickly goes back into being tough and charasmatic soldier!!
Your his motivation S/O, don't underestimate that. He loves you so much that he'd fight the universe for you.
• also loves hand holding. he loves to play with your fingers sometimes, feeling how soft they are against his rough skin. If you cup his face, he will melt.
It seems you're the only one who can truly get into his defences, but he's quite happy about it.
I love him he's so fucking underrated like bro is my type I sjdjfjf SOLDIER!!! my beloved
one of his parts have SLIGHT NSFW!!!!!!!!! be warned bro😨😨
• djejdjfjfjfjrkekdjfjfjfjgkkg bro got me smiling like an idiot fr
• he loves you so much. sometimes when you two are alone together you can just catch him with love hearts in his eye, his goofy smile making you giggle.
"What? What is it?"
"Nothin...yer just perfect, dearie."
(I wish he was real so bad)
• buys you anything you want, and takes you out on lavish dinners. Always makes sure your happy and comfortable with him.
• when he's super drunk he purposely goes to you so thay you can take care of him, and when you do he's just flirting the entire time. (nsfw implications below)
"Woahhhhh there sweetie... your -hic- fingers ahre sooh sohft...."
"Haha, thank you Tavish."
"Ah wonder how thheyd feel wrapped around-mmy cock..."
He'd then burst out laughing at your shocked expression, laughing and pointing at your face as you shake your head, blush forming ever so slightly. Mans a fuckin tease.
• overall, he's such a sweetheart. He'd be such a good listener and would always cuddle you whenever he can. He LOVES kissing you, leaving kisses all over your body, marking them up while he memorizies each individual pattern you may have.
• he loves to shower with you also, not being able to resist kissing your back as scrubs and soaps your body.
• definitely compliments you atleadt 5 times a day. corny ahh
bro got that cyclops rizz 😂😂 (I would do things to this man)
HEY BABES I have just been reminded that some of the russian words I use are wrong so IM VERY SORRY PLEASE IGNORE IF YOU ARE SLAVIC OH MY GOD 😭😭😭
• HEHEHEHEHSHHEHHEH hevy wepen gai...
• he loves to make you poems in Russian, and if you happen to translate them, he'd get overly shy when you bring them up or compliment them.
"Baby, I read your poem for me...it was so sweet. I loved it."
"Oh...um..yes. I am glad." Secretly freaking out and is literally screaming inside
• bro would be the type to cook for you everyday and insist on it. bro would be the type to hug you while he swings you in the air happily. bro be the type to be so in love with you thay he blushes and smiles at every little sweet compliment you give him bevause he feels so blessed to be with you.
• he loves to cuddle with you. feeling you on top of him, hugging him tightly as you sigh lovingly...it makes him melt.
• he calls you nicknames in Russian, like дорогая / дорогой which can mean dearest or darling, пупсик which is kitty, and would definitely call you мишка / мишок which means mouse. Yes, he chooses this because you are smaller in comparison to him. Plus I heard myshka is a very common petname in Russia so hehe (do correct me if I'm wrong tho)
• his favorite thing to do with you is probably cooking. if you suck at it he will teach you slowly, and encourage you even if it comes out wrong. if your good, he will ask if you'd like to cook with him more.
• I don't see him as somebody who cares much for physical touch, but I can see him loving acts of service with you and quality time. (Like engie!)
• so you two usually go out a lot, whether it's just hanging out together near the base or out on a nice beach date, he'll enjoy it as long as you are too.
• he loves to hold your hand tho. the size difference is adorable to him :)
(Also not saying reader is small and petite or anything heavy is a generally big guy, you'd probably still he smaller than him if you were bulky or fat.)
• he'd also read to you in Russian. do you understand? No not really. But his voice is so comforting, it's easy for you to fall asleep.
• overall, just a pretty calm guy. loves to cook, loves to read, loves to write you corny stuff, and sometimes would teach you Russian if you'd like to learn. (If your slavic then he's happy!!!)
also sorry his is shorter, I just don't have much for him at the moment :)
• like soldier and scout, your relationship is a bit bumpy at first. he has a lot of stuff he needs to work with, and he's not a very sympathetic person, so dealing with fights (if you ever have any) can be difficult.
• but after a while, he's learned to be a more affectionate and understanding partner.
• he's a sweetheart.
• whenever you visit him in his medbay while he's overworking himself, you just always manage to convince him to take a break. How could he deny you, your his love after all.
• to be honest he's really romantic sometimes.
• he'd call you sweet nicknames and would gently caress your cheek, admiring your eyes before placing a gentle kiss to your sweet lips.
"Mein gott liebling, you are truly zhe fascinating person I've ever had zhe pleasure of meeting."
• he'd ramble about his experiments to you, and whenever one is successful, your the first one he tells and his excitement is through the roof. But what makes it better is how you'd be so proud and happy for him, cheering for him and going to see his creation with him.
"Babe, that's so cool!! I'm so happy for you, this looks awesome."
"Thank you mein schatz, zhat...means a lot."
He's genuinely so enamored by your kind and endearing personality it stuns him sometimes.
• smiles like a goof whenever you leave him forehead or cheek kisses. Especially when you've come to check up on him and bring him his coffee, telling him how much you love him and then reminding him to take a break.
My god, he's constantly thinking about you.
• he'd ramble to his doves about you, and to be a little silly for you, he'd make them send you various letters throughout the day to be corny.
• he loves it when you respond to the letters or even talking to him about it and laughing. usually he won't ever do this, but he'd do it if it meant you'd laugh.
• when he's frustrated after a long day on the battlefield, please just hold him and let him rant about it, he doesn't need a logical solution he's just sorta tired.
Though, after you comfort and kiss him, he just smiles at you and thanks you, letting himself melt into your touch with how content he feels.
doctors with no license hmu
♡ END ♡
bro this took so long to write that my hands are so sweaty?? yes, I write on my phone I don't have a laptop (I wish I did tho writing would be much much easier) if there are any errors don't comment on it please I spent an hour writing this and I haven't drunk water in a while LMFAOOO did this bitch innone go
Anyways hope you enjoyed!! Again, reposts are greatly appreciated and would help my growth a lot.
If you have any requests feel free to put them in my inbox!! And as always, I hope you had a wonderful day. xoxo, crab :•) ♡
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falseflair · 8 months
Thinking about cowboy au Red vs blue, COWBOY GRIF oh my god fucking drools DUDE COWBOY TUCKER agggg shouts idk what their bases would be but holy shit i need more people writing this shit down i beg anyways yapping below
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Like okay imagine like grif laying in haybales or wtv the fuck and his cowboy hate is like over his face DROOLS SCREAMS SHOUTS OH MY GOD. Need grif so bad sigh and then i feel like cowboy sarge is just like normal sargehonestly. SKINNY COWBOY SIMMONS OH MY GOD wai would he stil be a cyborg dude??? I mean sure why not fuck it honestly maybe sarge is just a little into robotics for fuck knows what reason, AND THEN BLUE TEAM oh my god blue team butch flowers cowboy shouts oh my god need him AND THEN HE DIES of like idk some shit cowboys get and then church the cowboy oh my god i need him he has like noidea how to do cowboy shit and i also dont know what cowboy shit im just like dicking around but i imagine hes on a horse or wtv and he tries to lasso a runaway cow or sheep or sum and fails like several times b4 tucker comes in and clutches up and oh my god cowboy tucker i fucking need him so bad. And then like cowboy caboose i imagine hanging out with the cows ONE OF THE COWS NAMED SHEILA and he like just lays on her and talks abt shit caboose talks abt an oh my god i love this already screams and cries
BACK TO RED TEAM doc and donut oh em gee cowboy doc drools ANYWAYS doc is silly and is like rahh the animals deserve space yadada and donut is his silly self but a cowboy which is honestly semi normal cause didnt beo grow up on a farm id bet hes the best cowboy dude out there hes not scared to get on his hands and knees, get a little dirty while doing some hard work,, kms ANYWAYS lopez,, how would thag work man what if uhhh TRACTOR HELP nonono i guess he’d still be robot judt with like a cowboy hat on LMAO lovw them
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waterfishlol0 · 8 months
wntv hcs meooww
hii wntv hcs im sobored and umm im not sleeping
kevin !!
i hc with black hair and it used to be super long and he was super proud of it b4 strex made him cut it off cus they thought it would get in the way of his work (its ok now kevin grew his hair out again in the dow)
he goes crazyyyy whenever he sees smiley face stickers or whatever he starts going HOORAY! and "oo so joyus.."
he is such a weirdo he prolly sucked on his finger for an hour after he got a cut
kevin either dresses like its winter or like he just got back from a rave and is wearing the last amount of clothing without being naked
he likes fishnets
he has soo many centipede tattoos and after a while they started to move on their own and do centipede things soo silly
he has piercings, like a lottt of them. most of them he let lauren and daniel do at strex when they had their scheduled sleepovers
kevin is also NOT white please...
idc what the public says she is bisexual
she prolly kissed kevin or daniel at least once cus she thought it would be kinda funny as a prank but they ended up going "huh?" and werent even mad
she is bffs with daniel they do everything together they have days where they go shopping at the mall
she likes funky patterned shirts and pants and chunky earrings
her lipstick is actually just blood
shes a hair nerd and has a 10 step hair routine
she wakes up like "yawnnn such a lovely day to be alive" and then acts like a mom that was forced to get out of bed cus her kid peed the bed and she needs to change the sheets
lauren has eyes kind of
she gets her lashes done and her nails done sometimes if she feels nice
she is a little bit french
her heels are suppperr pointy so she likes to step on ppls toes with them
daniel hooray!!
he is like those dbh robots so he has like fake skin and hair but u can see a bit of robot on him
he dresses a bit like someone who just found the whole gothic scene going on in the 80s or whatever which goes against strex dress code but they cant do much cus hes a robot
i like to think he used to be human at some point
daniel also had a like new wave goth phase idk what it is called when he was a human and it carried on to his robot self
he lets kevin and lauren dress him up and do his makeup like he is a doll lol
he lays on top of kevin during the scheduled sleepovers
daniel likes cheesy romcoms
he cries a bit during the super sweet romantic scenes
"i wish that was me" "stfu get over it that will never happen oml"
he has blonde curly-ish hair
he meows on occasion, it got programmed into his system after trying to take a pic of khoshekh, no one rlly knows how
he has freckles cus strex wanted to make him more inclusive so their employees didnt get scared off by some picture perfect dude robot guy
he can open up his back and the reason as to why it wasnt his chest is cus it would be inconvenient
he is 100 percent a southern goth dont even argue with me
the trad goth look with huge clunky cowboy boots
charles used to work as a grave digger in pine cliff cus it payed well since everyone died and became a ghost
when he wasn't doing that he was working as a bartender near the outer edge of town
he has a bit of a southern accent from cactus park
he had a bunch of old cactus park shirts and saved them all for donny when he found out he was having a kid
charles was the pregnant one he is sooo transgender
he never got any surgeries cus he did not care about having tits
and a vag was more convinent (totallyyy not projecting)
he got his uterus removeda after donny tho so no siblings for donny ig
he was a smoker at some point
he hatess wine so much
charles is hispanic in some way cus yk carlos charles ykkk
he likes to braid kevins hair in fancy ways and then started to give kevin and donovan matching hairstyles every morning
he has a home depot 12ft skeleton in his classroom
and lewis the pumpkin from target
he loves halloween even tho most ppl of the dow have never even heard of it
he eventually moved in with kevin or vice versa and has his own room and office despite also sharing one with kevin
charles just likes to sleep alone some nights or needs a place to chill out by himself
charles is also def somewhat a ghost
she loves 80's fashion
the silly earrings and neon colors
she also made kevin do karaoke nights with her
shes kevins niece i think
her parents kicked her out and so kevin let her work at the station to earn money
they aren't biologically related but vanessa sees kevin as the cool uncle
she died and came back as a ghost and kevin isnt hallucinating and some people can see her and she actually still does stuff
she loves depeche mode and got kevin into it (totally not cus i just saw depeche mode live the other day nuh uh uh uh uh) (i did it was fire)
she likes to ride in shopping carts
vanessa also loves skunks even tho she never saw one irl
she sees them online and forces kevin to look at the cute pictures
she has a hugeee cd and vinyl collection its crazy
she has a whole room stacked to the brim with them
kevin regularly goes out to get her more
he also bought her her first record player
it had sunflower patterns
strex destroyed it but she was able to keep the remains and use them to get a new record player with some of the original sunflower pattern
ok thats all i just did desert bluffs ill prolly do night vale tmrrw even tho i like db more..
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zimcard-artblog · 11 months
Hey, you don't know this, but that Cowboy/Bounty Hunter AU you've doodled for Inscryption? It's um... really, REALLY inspired me and a large group of people. We've been doing a lot of Bounty Hunter P03 art and even making other OCs in the world. Your design for him has been a big inspiration for one of the stories we're writing and, I was wondering if you'd be okay with me posting some art based off that design? I'd credit you of course. It's really just made me and my pals create a bunch, so thank you so much!! <3
Oh my goodness!? That means a lot, I'm glad you really enjoyed that silly little cowboy robot au for p03, I'm genuinely curious now about this! Do share when you publish it or so, I'm interested in what you and your friends have been cooking up!
It really warms my heart knowing how much people like my concept art+AUs I spawn outta my head, I've received such kind feedback for my Scrybe Swap au and even the Dialtown/Inscryption fusion au, it's wonderful :'3
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maythearo · 1 year
My friend (and a random guy he gave me the number to) names twisted wonderland characters. Includes bonus observations and comments from them too:
Riddle Rosehearts: Harry Bartolomeu
Cocky king of hearts
Also a child
Only recently became king
He's crazy
Trey Clover: Pedro de Paus
Harry's distant cousin
A gentle and leading man
Cater Diamond: (has refused to give him a name)
He's left handed and very short (was looking at Cater's dorm uniform card where he had to use a ladder so that's why)
Ace Trappola: Cleito Travesso
Harry's older brother
Loves animals
" I'm going to kill him 👍 "
Deuce Spade: Tocleio Geitoso
Cleito's twin
League of legends player
Leona Kingscholar: Loberto Wolf
" WOLF "
Not enough muscles
Ruggie Bucchi: Luquinhas do ( Vrauw ) APELAOUM ! ( ! )
(I literally copy pasted what he said, that's Ruggie's full registered name)
Younger sibling
Plays free fire
A feminist
Jack Howl: Leon Lion
Clearly a Lion
Azul Ashengrotto: Charles Negociações
Zhongli + that cuphead villain
Owns a big company called "Charles Negociações, Negociações"
Jade Leech: Alberto Cabarés
Less mean than his brother Loki
" hot "
A famous brazilian writer
Floyd Leech: Loki Agiotagens
Is going to betray Charles one day
Gambling master also owns a church (????)
Kalim Al Asim: Pablowo
He's so clumsy little silly, he's so cute
So dummy, so cute , very shy
Loves forró and dancing when no one's watching
Jamil Viper: Egito (legitimately the name he chose for him and i could do nothing about it)
Distant cousin of Astra from Valorant
Very rich
Smells good
(Bonus) Najma Viper: Egita Portable Network Graphic
Likes astrology
Vil Schoenheit: Julio da Fonseca
Hates his name cause it makes it sound like he's an old man
Social life alternates between partying and studying
Potion he holds (on Vil's dorm uniform card) is surely 90% alcohol
Rook Hunt: Roberto Valjean
he's poor.
Epel Felmier: Rogério De La Court
Straight from a fairy tale kinda guy
Roberto's rich best friend. They have a band
He's rich
Idia Shroud: Xx_UnoVsChester_xX
Yes that is his official government registered name
The cheshire cat
Ortho Shroud: Pedrinho Da Doublepump
12 years old
Literally a robot
Malleus Draconia: Angelino Jolio
" Step on me with those heels "
Looks like Viper from Valorant
Lilia Vanrouge: Lizbeto Corleone
An elf??
Obviously a sadistic cosplayer
Silver: Markus Richarlisson
Boring. No personality. Looks like nothing.
Just a shonen protagonist with no powers.
Got platinum snow white hair from Richarlisson that's the inspo for his name
Sebek Zigvolt: Gepeto Tesla
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andmaybegayer · 8 months
Last Monday of the Week 2023-10-02
Lots of neat new things out this week
Listening: New release from We Kill Cowboys, well, not new because they've been playing it live for a year but they mostly run in Cape Town so I didn't get to hear them even when I didn't live a continent away.
Also, finished COUNTER/weight from Friends at the Table. I think I have figured out one of the things I like about Friends at the Table, which is that they behave like a real world Darths and Droids table. They move between a lot of systems and they regularly have players playing at very different scales, often someone plays multiple characters, it's an interesting mix of very, very old fashioned TTRPG techniques with some very new styles of games.
The other way it's like Darths and Droids is that they have patently absurd names (Territory Jazz, Lazer Ted, Territory Jazz Junior!) and also have a really solid mix of detailed character driven storytelling and extremely silly comedy. Mako really bought all those robots in like episode 3 and deployed them in the final fight. Legendary.
Gonna give it a moment before I move on to Marielda but man. What a good show.
Reading: Digging through some 1999 weblog posts about contemporary server technologies in an abortive attempt at a computer history blogpost. Unfortunately turned out to not be very interesting beyond what can be easily found already.
I did finally track down where a furry writer I read pretty heavily in high school moved to when his website disappeared so that's like a ten year mystery that didn't need solving but damn if it didn't just get solved.
Watching: Movie night once again canned. Idly browsing random comedies on Mosfilm but not really grabbed by anything.
Oh. Conspiracy has a new 64k realtime demo out. I still preferred their 2021 entry but the particle effects here are very impressive, especially for a realtime.
Making: Prototype knife block prints, also picked up someone's scrapped undergrad quadcopter project cheap for parts so I am interested to dig into that.
Playing: Almost done with Breath of the Wild, beat the last Divine Beast (Medoh) and now just have to wrap up.
I was originally planning to finish "Every Main Quest" before hitting the castle but a) one of those requires basically going to the castle, b) the game suddenly spat out an "EX" quest where you do some weird fights on the plateau which I have now learned means it's a DLC thing. I will finish the first one and see how I feel but it's the first in a whole long-ass chain of themed quests that I probably don't care about.
I was also planning on doing the trial of the sword but I really do not enjoy replaying all those levels any time I die. Boring. Not doing it. I'll probably get through that soon.
In other news, new Twinbeard game: Gordy and the Monster Moon, adventure PICO-8 game from Jim Stormdancer. Cute little thing! I had a great time. Legend of Zelda-esque runaround story. You can really tell Jim has a kid these days.
Tools and Equipment: If you like me are trying to consolidate on USB-C for simplicity but you still have a pile of micro-USB devboards and also a watch charger and game controller, these tiny USB-C to Micro-B adapters are handy to just leave plugged in wherever needed.
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littlest-bugz · 12 days
HIHI!! I'm assuming its this ask game, but let me know if I got the wrong one! I just got lost in our own blog,,, [so sorry to those who follow us LMAO].
🦷 - what’s a fun fact about the current fronter(s)?
Fun Fact time [but make it a crowded front room]
🎸: She's been known about for the longest time- Since 2018! Just losing to 💙 by, like, little over 3 months [He was October 2017 vs her January 2018]. She also has had more than one 'form'.
🐴: One of our two cowboys! He has a lisp [? idk if thats what its called, but all of his s's are kinda sh's if that makes any sense] when he fronts, as well as a southern drawl!! You can usually tell when he's cofront because he has a specific way of talking.
💣: He has a skill for writing poetry! Honestly, I gas him up a lot and im NOT LYING. If he lets you read any, he REALLY likes you, but good luck getting there /silly/.
🪽: He's one of our only recent fictives!! We don't split a ton of introjects in general, but he split [over a long period of time,,, like a year and a half!] because we loved his concept. We are weird about him </3 /silly j/.
📓: The smart one /j/. No but he and ☠️ are the smarter ones of the system, and I wouldn't be surprised if she became a higher up. I'd say thats his fun fact; that she has higher up potential. Not likely he will ever be one, but she does have that level of intelligence.
.... And that's everyone in front other than the higher ups, who don't really want to partake this time!
📺 - are you “heavy” with any type of alter? (e.g. little-heavy, introject-heavy, etc.)
Yes! We are brainmade-heavy, as well as nonhuman-heavy! Most of us are nonhuman, whether it be therian/otherkin or like,, idk,, a vampire, a ghost, a robot, ect ect.
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mothfinite · 5 months
Hiii I saw this from my bestie Max's blog and decided to hop in!!
Romantically im kinda all over the place but I'll pick the main types I'm weak for. I'm bisexual so any gender works for me!
Big monster men (esp insectoids), I'm also just a sucker for goofy villains!!
~ @berryshipbasket
ask game here
@berryshipbasket HELLOOO hi welcome in!!
for you i have....
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zazz! i feel like he fits the goofy villain + big monster vibes. a member of the deadly six, hes kind of unhinged and loves destruction and Violence
scratch! 100% goofster of a rooster, originally from aosth as one of the main villains, tho due to the nature of the show its mostly just silly slapstick schemes. he does come back in the archie comics and is an assisstant to breezie tho!
and of course, with the mention of cowgirls, its bunnie again! she is The (half robot) Cowgirl of the sonic franchise. shes sweet and loyal but can kick major ass
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dogboy-butch · 1 year
Looking to make mutuals:
Like or RB if you wanna be mutuals!
About me:
Trans Butch, 24, He/Him, Bi Dyke, sillay
I don't post discourse and block discourse centered blogs.
I post mostly queer art, photography, and "aesthetic". Along with postivie affirmation, silly posts, things I find funny. I also reblog posts that might feature sexual themes, nudity, or drugs.
I like cowboys, pirates, queer history, music, literature, robots, leather, and Testosterone.
About you:
Trans/Nb and 18+
Tags discourse (I want to be able to filter it out)
Inclusive to queer identities beyond LGBT
Don't have "Men Dni" in your bio/pinned
Not a Fandom-only blog
Basically just looking for cool queer people with chill vibes.
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p5x-theories · 9 months
Any Halloween costume ideas for Wonder and The Other Phantom Thieves? Not including Cattle because I believe we decided on Cowboy for him though if you want to make alternative costume for him I won’t complain. :D
Oh, that's a fun question! Thinking about the silly costumes the Phantom Thieves had in P5D...
Wonder as a sorcerer (as a similar-but-different sort of costume to Joker's wizard one)
Motoha as a werewolf sort of fits her, to me? She can be excitable, and isn't afraid to jump into things for the people she cares about, which is kind of a dog vibe, haha
Shun as some kind of like horror movie killer (someone with a butcher knife- I'm imagining it's vaguely related to his chef interest after maybe Motoha or someone convinced him to dress up, so it's really a sort of "murderous chef" vibe?)
Seiji as like a fairytale prince, like the vibe of his All Out Attack finisher
Mont as a yuki-onna, for the snow - ice skating connection
Yukimi as a robot (both in reference to the sort of robotic appearance of her Persona, but also the sort of "defying her programming" of disagreeing with her mother)
Tomoko as a mermaid (as a reference to her Persona)
Kiyoshi as a vampire hunter, maybe specifically based on Abraham Van Helsing? I'm trying not to get too specific with these choices, but in his case I think that's sort of a fun mix of his interest in the paranormal, while not directly what he thinks is going on (psychic powers), mixed with the exorcist theme of his Metaverse outfit
Kayo as an angel, to contrast the possibly-spoiler information from the game files about her, and also to contrast the somewhat more disruptive/irresponsible vibe that I've seen gyaru characters tend to have in media?
Yaoling as a Jiangshi could work if the devs want to keep up a pattern of tying her more directly to Chinese culture, but I could also see her as maybe just going as a more stereotypical Western culture vampire otherwise (though maybe that would be strange if Kiyoshi's dressed as a vampire hunter? Perhaps a zombie instead?)
Leo being a superhero would be the obvious choice, but might be a little too close to his Metaverse outfit, so maybe something more like a space-age, retrofuturistic hero would work better here? Something sort of between Flash Gordon and Buzz Lightyear, maybe, haha.
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falseflair · 8 months
more cowboy rvb au thoughts TW: yapping
So, how the fuck would project freelancer work, tyeah we send our agents to go test how well they can herd cattle or wtv the fuck cowboys do, and the people there are called simulation cowboys and sometimes they die because some1s mistakn for a tresspasser and is shot and some get ran over by cattle and have to take their boyfriends body parts so it could be replaced for robotic shit and yeah we send the agents to,, get superior,,, farm shit.. HOW THE FUCK WOULD THAT WORK HONESTLY WHERE DO THE FREELANCERS AND SHIT PLAY INTO THIS ODD FUCKING SITUATION THERE IS A MAJOR DESIGN FLAW IN MY RVB COWBOY AU sure i didnt expand that much on it before because i was just thinking oh my god they would all look FUCKIJGN HOT. but where do we go from here? Is this the end, is this the deadend of this path? so soon? so sudden? I have no fucking idea where to put agent washington and agent carolina into this, and the feds and rebels?? and locus and felix?? oh my god cowboy locus smfjaksdjk NO PAY ATTENTION!! YHIS IS NOT A TIME TO GET SIDE TRACKED save a horse ride a cowboy SIR!!! CALM YOURSELF!! OKOK anywasy yeah where does this go guys i wanna just like lay out the sceneery of this silly au cause its silly but i dont know where to go from this part of the story, all i got is the blood gulch chronicles but only like without omalley and stuffs thats not the normal reds and blues,,, HELP ME!!
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