#I clicked on an image to zoom in on the pretty art
causeimanartist · 1 year
What the hell is Tumblr TV and how do I turn it off
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
No. 24 She's mean and she's mine for Fbi most wanted Remy. TIA
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Companion piece to Sober (NSFW) - Remy realises you have issues with soberiety.
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You don’t hide your addiction from Remy. You talk about it openly with him. He knows that you got hooked undercover, that you used coke and booze to cope. You’d been in a spiral for a couple of years before Jubal had forced you to confront the problem. By the time you’d met him you’d been sober for three years.
“I was a mean drunk Remy.” You’d told him as you made tea in his kitchen. “I burned through all my friends, my family. It took me a long time to make amends.”
He knows how isolated you’d become, how you’d pushed people away in the throes of your addiction. It made it easier to reconcile the drinking. He had kissed away the shame that crept up your cheeks, whispered the sweetest reassurances against your skin as he held you close.
“You’re bigger than your addiction.” He had reminded you. “You aren’t the same person you were back then.”
It’s true, Remy believes that with every single fibre of his being. The job you do, it may be high pressure but you know your triggers, you manage it well. Which is why he’s surprised when your brother sends him a 911 text to discuss his concerns about you.
“She’s drinking again.” Henry informs him as he sits across from Remy at the coffeeshop a few doors down from 26 Fed. “I saw her in a club a couple of days ago, she had a glass in her hand and she was with another guy. I’m sorry Remy but this is what it was like last time…”
Remy holds his hand up to silence the other man as he struggles to process the information. He admits he’s been busy over the past few weeks, Wyoming, Richmond, Bethesda but when he has been home he’s been attentive. He would know if something was going on with you. As for another man being on the scene, he doesn’t understand when you would even have the time, let alone the inclination. Remy’s pretty confident in his ability to keep you satisfied.
“What did he look like?” He asks Henry and the other man withdraws his phone from his jacket pocket.
“I took a picture.” He says before pushing the device towards Remy. “In case you needed proof.”
It’s a image of you and a man he knows well. You’re standing alongside each other at a bar. His hand is on your lower back, almost protectively. There’s a glass in your hand, a cocktail with a cherry sticking out of it. You’re wearing a cobalt blue dress, one that clings to your form. It’s that dress that makes everything click into place for Remy, that makes him take another at the glass in your hand.
“She’s not drinking again.” He says quietly before he zooms in on the glass and tilts the phone back towards Henry. “It’s a Shirley Temple, a non-alcoholic cocktail, it’s grenadine and ginger ale. It’s what she drinks when she’s on UC ops so that she blends in and that guy she’s with? His name is Omar Zidan, he’s her partner.”
Remy remembers that night well because he’d barely been able to keep his hands off you when you’d stepped out of the bedroom wearing dress. You’d been interrupted by OA’s arrival, the younger man had joked about having Cinderella back by midnight. When you’d slinked in at one am, you’d been sober as a judge and ready for a little play. He’d made love with you in the bed you shared until the sun came up.
“You don’t have to worry about her.” He reassures Henry. “Your sister, she’s solid.”
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The Same People (2/5)
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Drive folder - AO3
In which Mob has asked out Tsubomi and some other things start happening.
Click for bigger images. Notes and ID below.
notes: im sowwy the art on part 1 is so janky. i mean. jankier than this. i wanted to get it tf out to hold myself accountable for finishing the rest. might redo it eventually but right now onto 3 and 4! i promise there will be more jokes. and more locations than < < trees > >. im tryna let tsubomi be the weirdo i know she is. am i stretching believability how long mob stayed in the park before going back to reigen and dimple?? who cares. uh, lemme know if u like this, or if u have constructive criticism, i could use the feedback
ID: Four black and white comics pages about characters from Mob Psycho 100.
Page 1:
Tsubomi's head and torso are centered in an otherwise empty panel. She is hunched and her body is turned away, but she's looking straight at the reader, head tilted, a rueful smile on.
In the same view, Tsubomi straightens and puts her hands on her hips, leaning her head back. She tilts it to one side and looks down her nose at the reader, brow furrowed, mouth closed and wide.
Tsubomi centers her head, closes her eyes, straightens her arms, and suddenly (motion lines) claps her hands to the sides of her thighs in exaggerated formality.
She quickly (motion lines) bows. "I'm sorry, Mob. I've never thought about you that way."
Page 2:
Tsubomi and Mob are both visible in front of black silhouetted trees, Tsubomi leaning forward coming out of her bow, Mob leaning forward in dismay. Tsubomi looks blankly to one side and thinks, "I mean maybe when I was like, nine." Mob thinks, "But what about when we were nine??"
Over Tsubomi's shoulder, Mob looks cowed. Tsubomi is unhappy but frank, eyelids low, eyebrows high. "We've barely talked in, three years? We're not the same people we were." Mob: "Yeah…" Tsubomi: "I don't know you. I thought…"
An empty panel except for Tsubomi's head and shoulders occupying one side. She looks away, brow folded.
Tsubomi again looks down her nose at Mob, head tilted back and to the side, but this time smiling knowingly, arms spread out. Beside her is a damaged tree, wounded in two places. "I mean you're proud you did it though, right?"
Tsubomi's open hand is in close-up, and behind it Mob looking on. His eyes are empty. He is concerned.
Page 3:
Mob remains concerned and uncertain. "I--even if you don't want to uh, go, out, I'm still sad you're leaving."
Tsubomi sags. We look up at her as she and the trees twist away. "Yeah… I dunno."
Tsubomi's head and shoulders are upside down. She is facing away. Trees form abstract black stripes. The panel border is gone. "It'll be nice to have a change."
Mob's head and shoulders are in front of a bare tree with lots of small branches and twigs. He looks down.
Then a closeup of Mob's eye as he squints. "You waited for me here. Through the whole storm…"
The view zooms out, looking at Mob and Tsubomi from above. The trees are bent, leaves fly through the air, and Tsubomi's hair is blown back. Mob, standing tall, looks at Tsubomi, hunched and looking away.
Page 4:
The view is from underneath Mob and at an odd angle. Leaves ruffle around him. Mob says, concerned, "You must be pretty disappointed that I invited you here just to ask you out like everyone else."
A tiny panel. Mob is a black silhouette facing Tsubomi, who looks up from her head tilted away.
Tsubomi faces the reader, the otherwise empty panel framing her head and upper torso. In sadness her eyebrows are knit, her lower eyelids are up, and her mouth is small. "Yeah."
She shrugs.
Mob is in the same view, facing the reader. He leans to the side. There is a flower on his head. A petal has fallen off and is drifting away.
End ID.
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xestuck · 4 months
the real basic review of art programs for sprite making (my opinion )
so tha main programs i use for art are KRITA, FIREALPACA, and PAINT TOOL SAI. im still tryin to figure out sai2. they all have pros and cons but this will specifically be abt how they handle ALIASED LINES!! aka "pixel" brushes, aka not anti-aliasing.
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Krita has a few, but focusing on Pixel Art and Pixel Art Fill Firealpaca has Dot Tool (can be 1-3 pixels big) and the basic Pen brush with AA turned off PTSai has Binary Pen (or Legacy Pen)
PTSai easily has the smoothest binary pen out of these when the algorithm setting is on accurate!! unfortunately the pen has barely any settings compared to other brush types in PTSai.
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and when using pixel textures in regular brushes, unless theres a setting im missing, they still act like AA brushes and dont colour evenly.
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Otherwise PTSai has a really easy compact UI and easy clipping layers
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so its good for basic pixelly art without using fancy brushes.
FIREALPACA Dot Tool is kinda rough, and when the aliased regular brush is too small then the lines break up and leave gaps. but at bigger sizes its pretty smooth. and a lot of firealpacas brushes can be pixel-ized in a single click!!!!
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when this box is unticked then most brushes will no longer anti-alias and will become pixelly!! (the following images are zoomed to 200% to better see the effects)
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while the effect shows on basically all brushes, not all are strictly pixelly and still have anti-aliasing pixels on the edges.
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but still! a lot of the brushes do become truly pixel brushes, and brushes like the Edge Brush can be really useful for making sprites.
also Firealpaca has easy clipping layers too.
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KRITA Pixel Art brush is pretty smooth, and Pixel Art Fill is probably smoother for ppl with more steady hands lol. and while its ui is a Lot More complicated than the prev two programs (usually requiring a few more steps to do similar things), it has A SHITTON OF BRUSH SETTINGS!! and in those brush settings is the Sharpness setting, which can be used to achieve a similar effect to Firealpacas' Anti-Aliasing box being unticked.
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but in my experience it can basically guarantee pixel-ized brushes!!! OBSERVE (again, images are zoomed to 200% to better see the effects):
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(there might be a way to have sharpness up but still keep the fish texture. im not sure yet)
this also means pixel texture brushes can apply evenly too
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but alas. clipping is a bit more annoying to do in Krita. u gotta rightclick on a layer then select Group > Quick Clipping Group for the easiest clipping layer (maybe theres a better way but idk it yet.)
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ok this is more of a comparison rather than a review. but still. i personally prefer Firealpaca for spriting homestuck style sprites, it just feels tha most natural for me
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codeinetylenol · 3 days
just tested it and the ao3 video embedder is actually pretty decent looking. I was afraid it'd loop like tumblr, i.e. w a brief pause, but it seems rather seamless. it looks much better than the lossy pixellated gif
-> cut: messy draft/planner/notes on what I think I should be making with AE typed on my android
hopefully i give up while i'm ahead. I think it might be overly involved anyway when I look at it again, which would be fine, but only speaking of current hobby projects, I really ought to finish the writing + the basic illusts + probably ACDOW and such first.
-> file transferring to myself
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~65mb file for a ~30s video w/ animated grain/static, lyrics, and music <prev
- ch1 - Tom shirtless:
Quick enough:
-grain filter everything. Con: file size
- light bleed. Con: not that appropriate w downward scroll
-displacement map + chromab that shifts <-? But the image qual is blurry enough without 🤔
^add animated grain and displacement map chromab later. Maybe slight glitching.****
Cutting it up to be used as masks + animating content in masks?
Cons - may look tacky?
Montage video - > bump chapter count to 7. Ch1 is just the video, nothing else? 6x art speed run?
Pros - better than 2 vids in 1..
Cons - have to draw everything and text effects..
Proa: idea is cool. Theoretically
Cons: limited content minus text. Would have to be largely text animation based, maybe mograph.
VHS rewind?
Zoomed in: close up, Cambridge Tom, periphery, perhaps the trees?. Snap cut/flicker fx?, degree?. Snap cut, eye. Snap cut, mouth. <-maybe too many, look at how the comp seems after making.
Snap/flicker, more static, full Cambridge Tom. Picture curves/wobbles to old tv screen.
-> Zoom out: framed on both sides with TV. Tom's photo's frame also?
Zoom further: increasing wall of TV screen pop-ups? Not really thematic but it would look cool. It would also be really annoying to fill with different content. Think further about this.
Apply displacement map wavy distortion/screen fuzz. Stop. Old VHS tape style. Rewind effect > static. Some glitching and significant visual fuzz.
Flip through other scene drawings. Drawings probably in greyscale/b&w; shift to B&W entirely during the prior visual fuzz to make it easier. Possibly text animation. Possibly chromab sliding to the side in off-kilter ways.
Slow down.
(1) Maybe do a b&w rigged animation -- hair blowing, Harry looking at Tom & blinking? Rigging possibly easier than by hand for this... Hmm. L2d?
Look. Blink. Open mouth to say - (bubbles? Pop up? How else to draw speech less blatantly? Think on it).
- Are you—
-> cut. Tape scratch. Or maybe freeze frame on partially open mouth Harry, chromab shifting/possible slightly pixelated (via mask? Gradually applied?).
-> cut.
Tom's photograph, framed.
Cut. Harry's back, semi silhouette, head tilted up to look at Tom's face in the photograph, small against the looming photo. Flickering. Potentially see about inserting sped up version of ^above backwards scenes in the masked area within Tom's photograph frame as well.
Cut. Harry turning? I want this but I would have to animate it by hand and it'd be getting closer to like 20-25 seconds... Ugh. Or just standard slight turn and then -> cut to wide open eyes. Reuse prior animation at (1). Freeze slightly.
(if (1) reused, consider versatile angles...)
Tom, shirtless, mp4, flickering mp4 loop.
Click off (tv flicker screen off 🌟 -> * fx).
Text fx. Shill my fic.
Cons: timing?
Look + blink + speak rigged animation = probably at least 5 seconds
Overall runtime initial projection 15s...but with that and text animation... Who knows.
Cons: time consumption vs fic/inability to post fic.
Solution: it's kind of spoiler-y for a trailer-y montage effect, so maybe I'll put it after the epilogue. Then I can use any other art I've made too...
Cons^: still think it's best as 1st chapter considering the fic though.
Acquiescence: probably all doable within a week... Cambridge took a little long but I suppose ~1.5 weeks on writing and ~1.5 on illust/multimedia isn't the worst ever. Probably closer to 2 on writing to account for draft 2 after draft 1...depends. + need to give time to sit and see if I find it insufferable after. <- another 2 weeks? Puts me well into late may, a little dubious.
Plus extra time if prediction extends from 15s initial...
- 30s animation rough but frame by frame: ~1 week obsessively. 30s lyric still vids: 2-3 days? Half length but more painting... Editing itself probably 1-2 days. Painting time unk, depending on count/sketch #.
Cons: soundless is less emotionally moving
A) dig through CC licensed or royalty free music, permissible accr ao3 FAQ.
-> a-cons:
Intensely annoying
B) dick around on piano, record, and figure out how to use some mixing software?
-> b-cons:
- wtf does my classical music knowledge have to do with a heroin bender fanfic
- no idea how to use digital mixing software at all...some cruddy result off a tutorial is the best that can be achieved
- dubious sound quality
- Tom is more violin music coded than piano but I can't play the effing violin can I now. Nor can I write even simple limp dicked violin harmonies.
-> b solutions:
Find a classical song that fits the vibe somehow, learn, make minimal adjustments digitally...or something?
Pros: all that's needed is 15-20 seconds tops. Should be basically nothing...
Cons: visual glitching should be reflected in bgm = need to figure out that effing software
Coping to avoid fully animating
Acquiescence: almost
Cons -v cam zoom w Harry - annoying to add more alt versions. Transparent layering..?
Base: cam paint
> out: photo on wall <- smear sides lazily
-> out: transparent Harry's back head tilted up.
- cons - B&W sketching easier. Inconsistent
> fade to greyscale with static? Middle part greyed out? Indistinct and glitchy to not spoil. > 1st tom back in Blu photo colour
Editing... 1 day. Art Unk. Probably annoying to make resources...
Cons - consistency ? Hou'r countt? Too much multimedia no point. Distracting
- #6 Cambridge: zoom out to show? Wall and frame and...Harry?
Cons: many more hours to go if I need to add Harry
> silhouette lazily?
- too art heavy is extraneous to writing and perhaps counterproductive... Takes focus away.
-> format:
1-pic, 5-pic, 6 pic?
Cons: no river. Little uneven.
-> VHS backslide:
-could use silhouette sketches eg my AK animation
B&W or grey line. No features. Block-in style. Overall indistinct.maybe shot w Harry eye shot w tom? .. Eyes widening Harry?
^not many sketches... Under 2 per chapter at most o think. Rough concept blocks. Too many and I might as well be animating and I am simply not going to do that again Esp style here considered... <- blinks/hait motion easy w rigging? Rusty. 2h probably. But black hair solids are easy ish? L2d?
>time count:
Rusty ae - 1 day? Est 8hrs
Tom injecting heroin into his veins + background - 6-8hr
Portrait of Tom at Cambridge detailing - 3hr left? est 21h so far, -> inefficient beginning to architecture painting + rusty
+ Harry but silhouette - 1hr? + wall - 1hr?? Ideally low detail...
(Rigging? Sketches - Simple hair flow/eye blink w/o shadows...?)
Sketches #? - 2 to 4h?
Writing - 10 WPM/15 /-20k? > projected: +15k.
> 25 hours >en draft, 1.5. Pretty workable. Draft 1-~10-12k? About 3 days of fugue? Perhaps I overestimated last time.
Probably go through another revision for level...or else I'll spend almost more time painting this than writing it
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thefloofartist · 1 year
Since when did canonseeker make videos involving the RWBY Fandom? And when did canonseeker have the ability to doctor images? You've always called him creatively and intellectually bankrupt, now suddenly he's able to do this? You know something is off. And its not the first time somebody pretended to be him. Who is Troy?
Canonseeker's actually made it clear for a while now that he had been wanting to make a video. While I'm pretty sure this Ask Me is just Canonseeker himself, in the 1% chance it's not, I'll try giving an answer as to how he made this video based on my experiences with video editing and image manipulation. If you're really not Canonseeker, I'd appreciate being messaged directly in Tumblr's chat instead of an Ask Me, because it makes verifying who is who much easier and differentiating between people who don't know about Canonseeker and people who do know. Again, sorry for the inconvenience. Moving onto the explanation! The quality of the video in question is something I could do in about 10 minutes in Vegas Pro 14. It's got two layers - Video and Audio. Video is where all of the images he used are uploaded to, while Audio is taken up solely by the music he picked. He starts the video with 8 seconds of blank screen (black) before it directly cuts to an edited version of SYTO's artwork. This image is the only one that lasts longer than 4 seconds that isn't the manufactured "conversation".
After this, each image he uses fades into the next one, and it isn't even timed properly to account for the dialogue that Canonseeker himself edited in since each image is on screen for the same amount of time, excluding the first and last one. What I think happened was that Canonseeker just dragged and dropped the images, overlaid them on top of each other in one layer, and called it a day. Their timestamps are too similar for this to not be the case.
After all the stolen art, the video directly cuts to a single, very vertical, image of the "conversation" between Canonseeker and CYTOseeker. This can be done quite easily. In Vegas Pro 14, you can click on an icon that brings up a timeline, set two points, and simply reposition the image so the video box is at different locations on the same image over a period of time. The program does all of the movement in between Point A and Point B for you. This can be done in under 30 seconds.
Once the nonsense passes by, it cuts to black again for about 7 seconds, but there's a flash frame at the end entirely in white. I'm not sure why this is the case, but it might be a piece of something else Canonseeker is working on, or just an image he forgot to slip in that he zoomed in way too far for.
The audio is the laziest bit about this. It's just music. No sound effects, no blending, no nothing. Dragged and dropped and that was that. This takes less than 3 seconds to do.
To answer on this "Troy" person, "Troy" is just a Canonseeker alt, considering the account was made yesterday and the video uploaded shortly after. "Troy" has never been mentioned or name dropped at any other point in the history of Canonseeker's shenanigans, so I really don't see why or how someone who is significant enough in Canonseeker's life would suddenly appear now of all times instead of several months ago when people were still unsure as to who or what Canonseeker was during all the callout posts.
That's all I'll say for now. See ya.
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alena-draws · 2 years
Hey op! I was wondering, how do you manage to keep your pic quality actually decent? Whenever I try to post anything I've drawn and taken a picture of, the quality becomes immediately a mayhem and total disrespect to the eFFORT.
As always, your art is absolutely great. Amazing. Stunning. Showstopping-
Hm, can you go to the details of your image file by right click? Like this here (though it's in german now) and maybe check for the image details. For a good resolution, 300 dpi is good to have (it is the minimum needed for a proper print, though for web view 170dpi or something is also ok). Another point could be that it's a small image, maybe with only around 1000px length/width?
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I see you have gorgeous watercolour paintings on your blog, and by looking I'd say this is maybe more an issue of the camera you're using. Most mobile cameras nowadays are pretty good, but without good light equipment and a really good cam like a reflex camera, scanning your drawings is still the best option for optimal quality, I think :) I'm using a Canon LiDE220, and for the relatively low costs it has served me reallly well these last years. Colours will need a bit readjusting on the computer, but I can scan with 600dpi which means you can zoom in the picture a lot and it still looks crisp close-up.
And, if all the above isn't it, this might still be a problem of Tumblr :/ I don't know what to do in that case, maybe it's something with the source code of your tumblr template that wrecks the image quality.
And thank you very much! I love your art as well, it's so dynamic and flowy!
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This is my art contribution to the @voicesfortheblade Charity raffle! It's recipient is @manberg-vs-pogtopia-arc who requested "something to do with Technoblade playing in Minecraft Ultimate". Thank you for your donation! I hope you like these!
(click on the images for larger/better view, also feel free to zoom in as needed, the images are pretty big so there shouldn't be any quality drop)
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minnowtank · 1 year
people Know Me so i'm afraid of getting publicly smoked lol but you're sooooo right abt ferry their stuff is literally unlistenable. supporting creators is important but i was sooo shocked to find out that they're popular and well-liked? i downloaded one of their vsqs once and it was so bland no highs no lows not a SINGLE harmony in sight, their only ''backing vocals'' were just parallel octaves going through the entire track i thought i was going crazy
i feel rly bad for ferry because they put so much time and effort into their beautiful mvs and they are clearly a talented artist with interesting characters but they cannot write a melody to save their life. clearly their appeal stems from their mvs and ocs and general aesthetic. it's also how they get clicks -- pretty much every vocaloid video needs to have like above-decent video production and art nowadays to get off the ground at all. even if it's like that flashing and zooming in on a single image type mv that bores me but lol
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clairethecutepup · 1 year
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Title: Puppy Eyes and Doll Eyes (Pg. 1)
[Next Page]
First, disclaimers: we all know Ed Edd n' Eddy doesn't belong to me, and the "Assassin AU" of the series is by "C2ndy2c1d". Secondly, it's recommended you zoom into the image for better quality, however possible. For more about this piece and my thoughts, click the "read more" below.
If you're wondering how some animal hybrid, like Claire, exists in this world, I came up with an idea that could make sense. I'd imagine any organization running a business involving assassins would want to craft something that'd make their jobs easier: hybrids that combine humanistic and animalistic abilities, "werebeasts". At the very least, it certainly helped me come up with one idea for a more original series based on assassins.
Just think about how handy it may be, if you could have a servant/partner that was un-dyingly loyal to the point of dying in your place? Plus, the human body would make for an easier time of protecting you and assisting you in tasks, while the animal senses/parts are pretty easy to guess the usefulness of.
Back to the comic itself, I had some issues here and there, like the upper perspective toward the forest ceiling at times. Also, I'll be honest: this AU version of Sarah and Jimmy freaks me out, so that was a mental obstacle to overcome, via getting myself into the Zen of looking at and drawing them. What? They wear masks, they call themselves a creepy-sounding duo name of "Dollies," their main method of weapon is acupuncture and thus means they prefer controlling your body-- don't even get me started on some fan art portraying them as puppeteers, by as simple as their hidden strings being drawn from their fingertips... If that wasn't enough, I've seen how cunning and manipulative these two could be in the actual EEnE series: "If it Smells like an Ed" and "Run Ed Run," and I'd imagine they'd be 10x more clever and conniving, possibly having honed those skills as assassins.
Even creepier, I just know those two would realistically have a field day with Claire, since her small size and animal features would probably make her look like a living doll/teddy hybrid in the duo's eyes. I doubt they'd actually hurt the poor, terrified thing, but I still do not envy her being a likely target of their fun: the teasing, the ability to push her around, the ability to manipulate her smaller body-- even without the puppet strings and acupuncture... Geez, it's like Claire has her own Kanker Sisters, except there's no "lovey dovey" stuff involved-- but I can't decide which is worse!
I also had a bit of trouble with the drawn motions, and I'm not especially proud of the movement in Claire zipping into Ed's arms up there. But, at the very least, I think we can all agree it looks better to use lines and draw SFX, than to do some sort of "overlapping" effects and what else could hide the expressions/etc.
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lessthanpure · 8 days
Making the Best of It Chapter 14
Fandom: Baseball RPF
Pairing: Pete Alonso/OFC, Pete Alonso/Jeff McNeil, Pete Alonso/Jeff McNeil/OFC
Summary: Sharing hobbies.
Notes: I decided to go for a bit of plot this time (shocking for me, but the 'plot' is debatable). I wanted to show their relationship a bit more.
Wordcount: 1,967
AO3 link
18+ only
The next time the boys have a road trip, Sloane scrolls her phone aimlessly for a day. She wants a new hobby. She pauses on one in her list. She’s always wanted a physical item to show for her art, and this could be a good way to do it without having to learn an entire new set of skills for a while. Cutting and glueing tiles she can do. Next paycheck, she decides. That also gives her enough time to do research, think of designs, and so forth.
It’s like the universe gives its blessing to her- her paycheck comes with an unexpected bonus commission from a project she’d been working on in a team. Her team leader informed all of them that the client tipped them for good work, and she spread the tip out among them. $150. More than enough for her new hobby.
She buys everything she thinks she needs, reminding herself not to go overboard. She doesn’t know if she likes the hobby yet. She prepares everything and starts, listening to atmospheric music through her headphones.  It’s an off day, so she doesn’t even have to watch a game and she has time.
Sloane had had a hard time deciding what to try first, but a medium wall piece seemed good. Most of the guides had suggested something flat, so she had gone to her local hardware store and picked up a piece of decently sized wood- sixteen by ten inches. She had an even harder time picking a design, but she figured personalizing something was a good start. So she picked her favorite animal- a badger- and had it above an S for her first name. 
Sloane has fun picking out the colors- shades of minty green for the decorations and a nice cream for the background and dark gray grout. She takes her time drawing it on the wood, then uses the nippers to cut a bowl’s worth of the tiles. She glues each piece down, humming serenely. She’s greatly enjoying this. 
Hours pass in a blink, and she has to force herself to stop for frequent water breaks and meals. She ends up having dreams about her new hobby and gets back into it early the next morning to leave time for the afternoon game. She gets half of it done before the game, then stops to watch her boys. They have a good game but end up losing in extras, so she sends a soothing message to them. ‘You’ll get them next time. You played great.’ 
By the time her boys are home, she’d finished the piece. She’d debated telling them, but she’s more excited than nervous. 
“I tried a new hobby out while you were gone,” she says over dinner at Jeff’s.
“Yeah,” Jeff asks. “What kind?”
“I always wanted something physical for my art, so I started mosaic.”
“That’s awesome,” Pete grins. “Did you finish a piece?”
“I did,” Sloane nods. She gets her phone out and clicks to the image. She hands it to Jeff, who slides closer to Pete so they can both see. 
“Wow,” Jeff murmurs. 
“That’s amazing, sweetheart,” Pete agrees. Jeff pinches the screen, zooming in, and whistles appreciatively. 
“That must have taken hours. It looks awesome,” Jeff looks up and smiles. 
“I haven’t hung it up yet, but I’m thinking it’ll go in my dining room.”
“Sick,” Pete nods. 
“I’m glad your landlord’s ok with you hanging things up,” Jeff says as he hands her phone back. 
“Me too. The building’s pretty good, as long as I patch everything before I leave,” she says. “I’ve had apartments where I wasn’t allowed to hang anything, but the price was too good to pass up. At least until I had enough savings to move to this place.”
They chat the rest of dinner, then Sloane and Pete clear up since Jeff had cooked. Pete flicks soap bubbles at her, and she giggles and ducks away. Jeff grins and scoops up a handful, slapping it on Pete’s head. It turns into a soap fight that leaves them all giggling and damp. They spend the night at Jeff’s using clothes they had stashed there. Sloane has the fleeting thought that she wished they could bring duffle bags over, but backpacks have to do. This is good. For now, she muses. She gets in bed in between her boys and they sleep.
Jeff and Sloane play Minecraft the next morning in the world they built together while Pete watches. “I found a cool design for a Nether portal,” Sloane says.
“Show me,” Jeff smiles. Sloane pulls it up on her phone and does. He whistles long and low. “Jesus.”
“I know, but it’s rad.” The image they’re looking at is a sword Nether portal soaring into the sky. “Wanna do it?”
“Sure. What do you need me to do?”
“Well, we’re gonna need lots of obsidian. We can build the actual portal out of that, the rest in whatever we want. I was thinking warped planks.”
“I like those.”
“Me too. I’ll hop into the Nether, grab those, and you can go into our mine and get obsidian,” she offers.
“Sounds good.”
They gather resources and start to build, knowing that it’ll take a few sessions to complete. Their world is coming along nicely, though- Jeff had built a treehouse with a ladder coming down, and a mine nearby. Sloane had found a nearby cave she uses more often than the mine, but Jeff prefers controlled spelunking. Even so, he’d found an abandoned mineshaft before she did. They had cleared it out together and found an absolutely massive lake of lava. They’d been using that for smelting everything because they found so much. 
Sloane had also been exploring and found a cool mountain range half a map away, with floating parts and everything. They’d built a secondary home there and stocked it with everything they’d need. A village lies in between, and Sloane had cycled through librarians and gotten one with mending and one with protection IV (and one with curse of binding that she threw on a jack o’ lantern. Jeff had been a good sport about a goofy bet and had worn it for a session). 
Pete enjoys watching them play, but he knows that he’d get tremendously bored half an hour in. Watching them is better because he can go on his phone when they’re resource gathering, which they don’t mind. He had liked watching Sloane find a treasure bastion, amazed at how she’d killed the brutes and found most of them by sound and memorizing the layout. She’d been disappointed that she didn’t find something called ‘pigstep’ though, but hadn’t told Pete what exactly it is.
After a few hours, they close the game and have lunch. Then they say their goodbyes, kissing softly. “See you later,” Jeff smiles.
“See ya,” Pete says while Sloane smiles.
Pete and Sloane head out. 
Their next dinner is at Pete’s. “So what made you choose mosaic,” Jeff asks.
“I always wanted a physical piece for my art,” Sloane explains. “And instead of having to learn a really involved skill that would take years to see progress, like sculpture, I figured this would be a good balance. It’s a hobby I’ve had on my list for a while.”
“Your list,” Pete asks.
“Yeah, I tend to want to do every hobby under the sun,” she rolls her eyes at herself. “So I write them down in my phone,” she explains. “When I’m super bored, I sort through them to decide which one to try out. I have them in sections: ones I have time for, ones that can be in the future, and ones that can be useful.”
“Which ones are useful,” Jeff asks.
“Sewing,” she explains. 
“You sew,” Pete asks.
“Little projects here and there. I’m not practiced enough to make my own clothes, but I can make like, tote bags.”
“Cool,” Jeff smiles. 
“Once upon a time I wanted to sew, paint, and sell them, but I thought it through and did a complete list of what it’d cost, and it really wasn’t feasible at the time. Maybe in the future.”
“Your art is great,” Pete smiles. “I’m sure people would love to have it on something they use a lot.”
“You’re sweet,” Sloane smiles.
“I haven’t seen much of it, but the mosaic was super cool.”
“After dinner I can show you,” she promises. 
They finish eating and Jeff and Sloane clean up. They settle on the couch when they’re done, Sloane in the middle. She opens her phone to the gallery of her complete pieces and works-in-progress she’s proud of. Jeff hums and makes her pause at each one, admiring it. “They’re gorgeous,” he says.
“Thanks, hon,” she says, kissing his cheek. 
“That one’s new,” Pete says when he sees the next one. 
“Yeah, I’ve been experimenting with gouache,” she muses. There were some experiments that failed miserably, but this one she likes. A simple colored background with flowers spilling out of its borders. She’d done a few of them, with different flowers- small daisies, forget-me-nots, other flowers that spread low on the ground. They look through all her work. “That’s all, folks.”
Jeff chuckles. “They were great. Show me anytime,” he says.
“I’ll show you the good ones.”
“They’re all good,” he promises.
“There are some that need work, and that’s ok. That’s why I don’t show anyone my entire sketchbook- they’re private, a place to try things out without worrying if it’s instagram worthy,” she explains, leaning against the back of the couch. Jeff puts his arm around her shoulders. Sloane crosses her legs and Pete puts his hand on her knee. “I like having pieces that I’m not afraid to get messy with it. Not every piece I make will be good, and that’s a good thing. It means I’m growing and trying new things.”
“A great way to look at it,” Jeff says. 
“Do you do any art or anything like that,” Sloane asks.
Jeff pauses, rubbing his thumb on her shoulder. “Kind of. I play guitar.”
“Really,” Pete asks. “You never told me that.”
“Never came up. It’s just something I do at home. It relaxes me. Sometimes I write snippets of chords, sounds I like. No words,” he shrugs. 
“Well, when you’re comfortable,” Sloane says. “Feel free to show us.”
“Ok,” Jeff smiles, but he’s nervous.
“When you’re comfortable, babe,” Pete says.
Jeff relaxes. They’re ok with waiting. He knows that rationally, but they show him that a lot. 
“Can we do something creative together when we next get together,” Pete asks.
“Like what,” Jeff asks.
“I’ve seen like, dinner parties where people pick random prompts and paint, then switch canvases every like, half an hour or whatever.”
“Sounds fun,” Sloane smiles. “I can look up other stuff, too- there are a few things I’ve always wanted to do in a group. There’s this cool thing where you take a white pillar candle, light colored tea lights, and use the wax to ‘paint.’ It’s a really cool decorative and useful thing.”
“Those both sound like fun,” Jeff smiles. “I’ll look up some things, too. We can do a different thing every month or something.”
“That sounds amazing,” Pete says, leaning over Sloane’s head and kissing Jeff’s temple. 
“It’s good to get away from the digital world. Unplug,” Jeff says. “I think I’d like making something with my hands.”
“Who knows, we might have the next Picasso on our hands,” Sloane shoulders him playfully. 
“I doubt that,” Jeff ducks his head, bashful. “I just had an idea, though,” he says. “Writing. Like Pete said, every half hour we switch.”
“That sounds like a lot of fun,” Sloane says, grinning. 
“Yeah, great idea,” Pete agrees.
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kabannoneko · 10 months
Game Thoughts: I commissioned some bees 0 by Follow The Fun
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So, we watched someone play A Building Full of Cats quite a while back, and we kinda wanted to play something similar. Searched on Steam and found this free game! With 1000+ bees to find, what could possibly go wrong?! - Gure
What’s It About?
Well, it’s not really a story-based game, so I have almost nothing to say about what it’s about… But if ya gotta know, it’s a hidden object game where you gotta find bees hidden in various illustrations which were commissioned by the dev. That’s pretty much the whole premise, hence the title.
And this is only one of a whole series of (really affordable) games!
I would consider the art the main draw of this game. After all, they did commission some art with bees, right?
The art looks like what you would expect in hidden object games, and in a good way! All of them get pretty surreal, and that’s cool. There’s so many little details that I can’t help but take a good look at. Definitely a must if you’re gonna be searching for little bees in them.
Not really much to say when it comes to the background music, since they did purchase it from a stock music website and I couldn’t play it on stream as a result… (Although I did play some music that’s also pretty much not in the VOD lol) But the ambient sounds that they used did fit the images, at least. Liked the spoopy one a lot in particular.
Also liked the little bee sounds that played whenever you clicked on the bees. It’s cute, hehe.
It’s what you would expect for pretty much any hidden object game. You simply click on the left mouse button to get any bees you see on the artwork. Additionally, you can use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out, click and drag the left mouse button to move the image around, and press H to momentarily show an arrow pointing to an area with a bee in it.
Aside from the bees, there are also other bee-related items that you can find and click on per stage.
From my experience, it all flows smoothly, nothing complicated, except for the times when I meant to click but dragged instead (that’s pretty much my fault lol). I thought it would take me a really long time to find all the bees and items, but it’s pretty quick, in my opinion. And it looks like you can replay the whole thing again just to challenge yourself to get better times, since the game does take note of how long you took to find everything.
I wonder if it would be a better choice if it was the right mouse button to pan instead…?
It’s a nice, short game that you can play if you’re bored and don’t have that much cash on you. Not to mention that you can get to appreciate some art that really talented people made! Not sure if I just didn’t look for it, they didn’t do it, or I didn’t remember, but it would be nice if I could see who made the nice art.
Either way, you can find it on Steam.
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majorprojectalex · 11 months
Really long Blog about the whole week
I wasn't able to write anything on Wednesday and I thought that trying to write the blog on another day would interfere with my workflow, so ill make up for it with a longer blog today.
I had a meeting with Leo on Monday where I got feedback about the design of the trick
Leo advised that if I get more time I should make an explanatory chart of the booth, Something kind of like an Ikea instruction manual.
I also run past him the idea to change the schedule and doing the UI design next instead of the magician, and he agreed, as long as I thought it wouldn't interfere. So, I changed my Gantt chart to reflect this change. Basically all I had to do was switch the tasks of week 4 with week 9I felt like the change works as I'm only switching things around for character and UI design and already have rough concept for that character
During the week I also tried learning RenPy in order to see what was possible to do with the UI instead of trying to guess and hoping that it might work if I decide I want to put together a demo at the end of the project.
I also experimented a bit wit a colour palette and started thinking about the design of the start screen. For the start screen I looked at a few recent games and how they did it and sketched some thumbnails of them. (TGAA Chronicles, AI Solminum Files, Dredge, Mask of the Rose, Frog detective, and Tangle Tower)
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I saw that some of them used zoomed out locations from the game as screens for the menu, and I thought it could be a good idea to try that, as designing the locations was my next task so i would be getting ahead on and killing two birds with one stone.
I ended up coming up with this. The design of the cave exterior is pretty bland for now, but this is just the first idea, and it was very quickly sketched and put together. I liked the idea of having contrasting colours, so I experimented with bold orange and blue colours for it.
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When I showed it in class, the feedback was that the orange/red colour is too intence and gives horror vibes, which wasn't really what I was trying to do.
On Wednesday we also had the symposia, which ended up being pretty useful because it turns out I was a bit confused about what the forefront posts are supposed to be
After the feedback I tried making the colour scheme for the menu screen
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After that I spent some more time learning ren-py. What I found most useful in the very beginning was going into one of the default games that ren-py has, called 'the question' and editing the code to see how it aggected the game in real time, and which lines of code cause what. I only learned incredibly basic things like this, but it got me over the initial fear that I had about approaching programming
After that, I started following 'Coding with B and E' his Ren-Py for complete beginners.
Make Your Own Visual Novel! | Ren'Py Tutorial Part 1 - YouTube
I managed to learn a lot of the basics a lot quicker than I had anticipated. And the experience of learning it ranged from incredibly frustrating to really satisfying. I deceided that I wanted to see what I could do with what I had learned and created some placeholder art to use for a prototype of the game
the place holder art was for three in game locations, which was again killing two birds with one stone as it got me started coming up with ideas for the environments. I created three backgrounds with the hope that I will be able to reach my wishlist goal of adding an extra location.
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I ended up creating a game loop where you can move from location to location in the game using some arrow simbols. I also added some characters, as I imagined that in the game you will be able to click characters and talk to them. (In the prototype it just notifies you that the character has been clicked, since I don't have any of the dialogue yet.)
I was able to do this through the use of image buttons, where you can code an image to trigger certain action. I also added a hover state where there is some light glow around the image when it's hovered on so that it is easier to tell that something can be clicked.
I found image buttons incredibly difficult to figure out at first, but now I feel like I got the hang of them and I could use them for finding clues, creating UI screens ect.
So that gives me a more clear impression of what I could do in terms of UI.
I also created a small icon for the game. It's really small in the video but you might be able to see it.
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I also did some research about UI:
I watched this video about it:
(4) 5 TIPS for making prettier UI for games, faster. || Resources and Tools for User Interface Design - YouTube
And took some notes of what I thought could be useful in my sketchbook.
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I also looked at Aviary attorney, as I really like the UI they have for the inventory and the and culprit UI)
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Then, I brainstormed some ideas about the UI in my sketchbook, and thumbailed some ideas about how the dialogue screen could look like, about a screen where you can examine the characters, and about a people's file screen, kind of like the Aviary attorney's culprit UI screen.
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I also sketched out some ideas for what the puzzle's UI could look llike
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Then, I also came up with an idea for a mechanic where you can characters, clues or statements together and prove something by showing how they contradict or connect to each other.
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I am not exactly sure how I would implement that yet, and the idea is really fresh in my hed still ,so I think I need to think about it more.
Schedule for next weeks:
I still want to create a better design of the booth puzzle, so I have to try squeezing it in between working on other tasks. I've gotten more of an idea for the other designs byu creating the placeholder art, so I'm hoping that that will make the process of their design faster.
Also, even though I have done a lot of work in terms of UI and prototyping, I still have a long way to go with it, especially now that making something playable seems more possible. So I will have to try doing it in paralell with other tasks too
(2019) AI: The Somnium Files on Steam. Available at: https://store.steampowered.com/app/948740/AI_The_Somnium_Files/ (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
(2021) The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles on Steam. Available at: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1158850/The_Great_Ace_Attorney_Chronicles/ (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
5 TIPS for making prettier UI for games, faster. || Resources and Tools for User Interface Design (2020). YouTube. 10 July. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQVe6D2flpI&ab_channel=AmalieKae (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
Dredge on steam (2023) DREDGE on Steam. Available at: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1562430/DREDGE/ (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
Frog detective 1: The haunted island on steam (2018) Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island on Steam. Available at: https://store.steampowered.com/app/963000/Frog_Detective_1_The_Haunted_Island/ (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
Make Your Own Visual Novel! | Ren’Py Tutorial Part 1 (2020). YouTube. 28 September. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vith10gG8L4&list=PL8gnyyQEz5CGTzHWF8thIfUg92ffs7T7P&ab_channel=CodingWithBandE (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
Mask of the rose on steam (2023) Mask of the Rose on Steam. Available at: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1769980/Mask_of_the_Rose/ (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
Tangle Tower on steam (2019) Tangle Tower on Steam. Available at: https://store.steampowered.com/app/359510/Tangle_Tower/ (Accessed: 23 August 2023).
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iloveabunchofgames · 1 year
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by Glanderco
Price (US): $6.99
Included In: Indie Bundle for Palestinian Aid, Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, Bundle for Ukraine
Genre: None provided by the developer
Pitch: Learn to draw. Draw to learn.
My expectations: Man, I want to like ART SQOOL. It might have been the first game I downloaded after getting the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, which would also make it the first disappointment in that bundle. I thought maybe I'd missed something, so I gave it another try about a year later. Will my third attempt be the one that finally makes it click, or was my initial impression right all along?
Get a prompt. Get a grade. Get another prompt.
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ART SQOOL claims grades are determined by artificial intelligence on the criteria of COLOR, COMPOSITION, LINEWORK, and APPROACH, but it sure feels RANDOM. I’d draw a vibrant, detailed image using every tool at my disposal, get an F, and be told to repeat the assignment. I’d scribble a crude smiley face in response and get an A.
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For those who didn’t go to art school, I gotta say: Pretty accurate.
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Trying to create great art in ART SQOOL is a fool’s errand. The canvas is tiny, without the options that make good digital art tenable, like zooming in or drawing on layers. The undo button is temperamental. There are just 16 brushes and six paints, most of which aren’t available from the start.
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There’s a surreal world of sky islands to explore. The character has infinite air-jumps, so getting around is easy; it’s just painfully slow. Since the mouse input is used for drawing, camera control is all on the keyboard, and it is awkward. You’ll need to peek around every corner, though, to find the missing art supplies. Not much of an art tool. Not much of a game.
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+ It has style! Lots of blobby pastels. + Drawing based on open-ended prompts can be fun. + A no-pressure time waster. + Saves all your images. It's fun to look back at them months or years later and try to guess what they're meant to be.
– Great art can come from limitations. The drawing tools, however, aren't limited enough to encourage new ways of thinking or expansive enough to compete with other software. I felt like my options were to put a lot of effort into a drawing that would end up looking compromised or little effort into something that's disposable, anyway. So it all feels disposable. – Getting around the world is a chore. – If there's a game that could benefit from online integration, here it is. What's everyone else doing with these prompts? I kept thinking about Jackbox and the Miiverse—bad drawing tools made fun through community. – Random, discouraging grading system.
🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 Bottom Line: Here's your assignment: Download an old version of Kid Pix and open a random Wikipedia page. Draw the title. Upload your picture to Tumblr, and tag it with #WikPix. You are now having the ideal ART SQOOL experience.
#JakeReviewsItch is a series of daily game reviews. You can learn more here. You can also browse past reviews...
• By name • By rating • By genre
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lasclze · 2 years
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cursedxartist · 2 years
Scarlet’s Eyesight
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Warning: There are links to images that contain zoomed in photos of people wearing vision aids.  If you dislike images involving close up photos of eyes, do not click the links below.  
In most verses in which Scarlet is a human, she is legally blind.  As a teenager, she had visual aids which assisted her vision to be good enough to get her license, but now, her vision is approximately -4.00 (20/400) in both eyes due to these aids breaking in her youth.  Her vision cannot be fully corrected with typical glasses, though there are different types of glasses which can still help which I will get into later.
She can live without glasses relatively fine, as she is just pretty near-sighted, although her vision is significantly worse in bright light due to the lack of pigmentation in her eyes protecting her from light.  As such, she wears her hood over her head during the day to shield her eyes from the bright lights, unless she wishes to take advantage of the fact that bright light causes her eyes to appear red, which can be used as a good scare.  She also had nystagmus when younger, though that mostly went away by the time she went into high school.  Though stress can still trigger it to return.  
She does not drive, having only gotten her license so she could have an ID, but if she wanted to, there are options for those who are legally blind due to albinism.  She would like to get glasses or contacts one day, especially if her vision gets bad enough to impact her ability to make art.  And so, she is saving up for two pairs of glasses, and an attachment for one of the pairs. 
 Those who are legally blind can still drive if they have a pair of glasses referred to as bioptic glasses, which are essentially glasses with miniature telescopes in the lenses so that even those who are legally blind and cannot have their vision improved beyond 20/200 can still see far away.  The telescopes are placed just above one’s field of vision, so in order to see far away, the wearer would tilt their head down to see through the telescopes. 
There is also an option to assist for activities such as reading and drawing, in which there are a pair of telescopic lenses that fit over the entire lenses of a normal pair of glasses in order to magnify the entire field of vision.
However, there is another option that Scarlet has been looking at, if she could one day afford it.  Bioptic contact lenses.  These have miniature telescopes installed into the contact lens themselves, and they can zoom in and out on command.  These lenses are a type of contact called scleral lenses, which are a hard material that covers almost the entire exposed area of the eye.  As such, she actually wouldn’t need to blink when wearing them.  In verses such as BSD: PM and BSD: BEAST where she has them, she will oftentimes forget to blink, and will use this as an intimidation factor, as well as to spook people for fun.
Of course, in other verses, she is content without them for now, able to function with the vision she has, but one day she would like to have a pair of glasses or contact lenses to help her see better.  In the meantime, she does have two “white canes” which are collapsible and can fit in her bag, along with multiple tips for the end.  Though if she traverses a specific area for long enough to build decent muscle memory for it, she doesn’t use the cane as often.  
In her demon/sidhe verses, the ability to shape shift has assisted in compensating for this a fair bit.  There are many animals who have far better eyesight than humans due to how their eyes are structured, so she only needs to shift the inner workings of her eyes to fix this a fair bit, although it is still not 100% perfect.  
As for her homestuck verse, she was able to create a pair of contact lenses similar to those described earlier, which are also connected to pesterchum.
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