#I hope this answers i didnt go a lot into specific details like order choices
candyunicornsateme · 2 years
what do you think the differences would be for creek vs k2 with their first time going to a diner as a new couple? like what differences would there be, and how would they each act around their significant other?🥺💗💕
Eden!!! What a question... hope my answer is interesting lol. I tried to imagine it clearly and what my default ideas would be.
I generally think it would just spontaneously happen without much planning, but if not (or even despite that) Kyle would definitely have a song and dance around a big serious first date situation, whether it was a small thing at a diner or not. He's hard on himself about doing it "right". Lol I actually always think he'd try to put on more of a proper gentleman romantic act, even if it's just a casual lunch. Kinda dorky but cute. ;v;
Besides Kyle wanting it to go well and maybe having to let go a bit on a idealistic image of what a good date should be, k2 first time out as a new couple would be pretty chill, but have a really electric undercurrent of energy around it. Like a million things that want to be said. A million things that can't really be said.
I think Kenny would be a little more flirty and giggly than usual. He always has a pretty good appetite, so he totally goes for like big burgers and stuff, and Kyle likes seeing him light up and get excited when their food comes. Kenny is playful with shit like the paper wrapper on the straw and flicks it at Kyle to mess with him, or shoves too many fries in his mouth. Sometimes Kyle laughs, sometimes he's just like, the fuck are you doing... slow down...
Kenny would be more antsy too especially if everything's so new because he wants to sit next to Kyle and have any kind of physical contact that he can, but like I've said before, I think he'd restrain himself a lot. I think that'd be a main cause of any tension or awkwardness too.
Kenny might even almost sit closer to the window expecting Kyle to sit next to him in the booth. Maybe after some shy dancing around it and chatting, Kyle finds some excuse to come sit next to Kenny instead, and it gets way more soft and relaxed and Kenny in particular would be so far gone in his feelings man... Absolutely lovesick. But maybe he doesn't know that Kyle likes seeing how Kenny looks when the light from the window is lighting up his face :') Maybe Kyle tries to distract himself with aimless conversation as not to gawk at Kenny. They have a lot of unsaid things that need to come to the surface. It could be very subtlety intense... But I digress!!!!!!
As opposed to k2 where it looks like a prolonged side quest delaying the inevitable affection, I think creek would be more simple and less of a flirty thing... I think they like to give each other a sense of normalcy... which is maybe another discussion for another day lol.
I think Tweek would end up feeling a lot better about it than he anticipated. Of course he'd have a lot more visible worry about it and like, just being in public in general lmao, but once he gets that prolonged eye contact with Craig he relaxes. They don't care much about where to go. or how to sit, or where to sit, as long as it's more away from people. I think they'd find something to talk about for all the time they wait for their food. I think Craig could surprisingly do a lot of the talking; Tweek likes hearing Craig explain anything even if it's the menu, and he probably likes focusing on Craig's face.
They don't eat anything too big or crazy, they keep it pretty simple. Tweek may actually be the one to warm up and do or say something more flirty towards the end - which just shows Craig it went well. Craig would also be slightly similar to Kyle in that he probably has a mental checklist of what he should do or what step comes next, so afterwards he'd totally pull a "well now we hold hands" move at the end. Or something like that lol.
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americaswritings · 6 years
Find my way back to you Part 2
Summary: Reader has fallen for Steve Rogers, her best friend, who is in a relationship with Sharon Carter. To get over him the reader starts a relationship with another agent. But things take some unexpected turns and suddenly she is confronted with a situation, where her own life is on the line.
Warnings: angst, fluff, possible character death
Words: 1,1k 
Pairings: Steve x reader
A/N: This is the next part :) I hope you enjoy and please leave me feedback^^ Part 3 will follow soon! Have a great day <3
Tags are open! Just send in an ask! You can request to be tagged in all my stories, all Marvel ones, all Steve ones or just in a specific story. 
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He is Hydra. The thought made you pale. You felt sick to your stomach. He is Hydra. Your hands started shaking and tears filled your vision. You crouched down against the cold bathroom wall. He had been a spy all the time. He had tricked you, and you being as dumb as you were had believed everything he had said. He had fooled everyone: Natasha, Wanda, Clint even Steve. The thought made you feel a little better. At least you weren’t the only one. The food you had eaten in the cafeteria today made its way up your throat and you threw up into the dustbin. That’s why he hadn’t said a thing when you had given him the order to bring the agent to the jet. You had done exactly what he wanted. You trembled, pressing the files against your body. Every little thing he had said- he had done, had been to manipulate you. To make you feel safe so you would share every little detail of your life with him. Every little piece of information he could use against you. It all had been a complete lie. Breaking out of your stare you reached for the radio. “Steve come in!”,you spoke, your voice sounding a lot thoughter than you felt. You waited and decided to try again. Radio silence. You changed the channel in an desperate attempt to get a connection to the team. “Barton come in!” “Romanoff do you copy?” All you were greeted with was a devastating silence, leaving you all alone to your panic, slowly getting the upper hand. Trying to calm yourself down you reached for your phone. When you couldn’t find it you remembered you had left it in the control room. “No mobile devices if not for special reasons needed” Yeah right, you needed it now. “(y/n)?” It was his voice, filling your heart with terror. Taking a look at your tablet it confirmed you were the only two people in the building. Nobody was here to save you.
Studying your tablet you saw him walking past the restrooms, still in search for you. It would just be a matter of time until he would look for you here. Trying to get a clear head you focused on the options you had: Staying here and waiting here for….what exactly? A miracle to happen? Or going out trying to get past him unnoticed. Both eventualities seemed impossible. You could try to find him and act like you hadn’t just found out he was the enemy. But due to the painful sting of betrayal you felt, you knew you couldn’t fake what you felt. The red signal of your tablet made you snap out of your thoughts. He was coming back and this time he was walking straight to the restrooms. You had no choice. Jumping up you took a glimpse in the mirror. You looked horrible. Splashing cold water into your face you focused on your breathing until it became slow and steady again. Then you opened the door only to bump right into him. “Whoa”, you heared him chuckle in surprise. “There you are”, he stated after steading you. “I have been searching for you. Everything alright?” You tried to fake a possible reason for your behaviour. “Sorry I just gotta pee and decided to use the restroom right during our mission” didnt seem like a good excuse. “Yup”, you answered smiling. You plopped the ‘p’ like you used to do. “Just some girl problems but everything is fine now.” He rose his brow sceptically, then turned to leave the room. You followed him and easily fell into pace next to him. “Girl problems, huh?” You nodded enthusiastic. “Yes, but I’ve got everything under control now.” You even added a little chuckle.  “So I’ve got the files. Every agent in this building is taken down. Let’s go back to the jet”, he told you, not even looking at you once. “Sounds like a plan” 
You wanted to burst into tears of joy when you reached the big old gate of the complex. You had made it. In a few minutes you would get to the yet and from then on you would have Steve, Natasha and Clint by your side. Smiling to yourself you reached for the doorknob. Taking a note to yourself you decided to give yourself later a grammy for your acting. While your heart was shattered into millions of pieces you were all smiles on the outside.
However your smile faded when you heared the click of a gun. Turning around slowly you tried to compose yourself for whatever was to follow. There was Bret, aiming his gun at you. “Wha-what are you doing?”, you whispered hoping if you would just play dumb he would put the gun away. “Come on (y/n) no games. When did you find out?”, his voice was depper than usual, cold and demanding for a quick answer. Bret had always been a guy of patience, not pressuring you to talk about anything you weren’t ready for yet. “Take your time. I will wait”, he would have said and that had made you like him even more. His fingers were tapping against his jeans in impatience and his eyes were shaped into thin lines. “Find out what?”, you answered, still following your strategy. Bret sighed in annoyance. “Whatever, it doesnt matter. I would have done this anyway”, he stated, his eyes not leaving you once. With a quick step he had grabbed the files and again brought some space between the two of you, “But why??”, you whispered desperately. “Well for one I can’t leave you with these files. And it was just a matter of time until you would have found out anyway.” His voice sent shivers down your neck. “So what are you gonna do now? Shoot me?”, you asked him with new bravery. You were wearing a bullet proof west and you knew he wouldn’t have the heart to shoot you in the head. “No honey”, he murmured. “I have different plans for you” With that he took out a silver disc. Pushing a button a timer started to count backwards from 2 minutes.
You just watched in horror. “A bomb. Are you kidding me?? After everything we’ve been through?” Now you weren’t scared nor brave, you were just annoyed as hell. “It wasn’t personal”, he declared already going for the door, his gun never leaving you. “It wasn’t personal?!”, you threw your hands in the air, taking in the bizarreness of the situation. Bret, your boyfriend who had once saved your life now pointing his gun at you, the steady ticking of the countdown running out and yourself being more anoyed than scared. “I am sorry (y/n)”, he said. “But from now on I can do nothing for you” Then he closed the door and blocked it, leaving you all on your own with the darkness and the horrorfying knowledge of what was about to come.
Permanent Tags: @capkilljoy
Steve Tags: @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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bloggy-hell · 7 years
We need to talk about 13 Reasons Why.
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13 Reasons Why (2017): Receiving a 9.1 on imdb and bucketloads of media attention, this new Netflix release has earned a place on everyone's ‘to-watch list’ as it seems like we all want to know what the big deal is about a show that retraces the steps of a suicidal 17 year old.
Quick, Non Spoliery Synopsis by Yours Truly:
A 17 year old girl; Hannah Baker organises the circulation of 13 self-recorded tapes before slitting her arms and killing herself in her family bathtub. These tapes make their way through 10 of her friends, ex’s and enemies, each identifying the particular person and their wrongdoing in order, before reaching her shy crush Clay’s doorstep. Her rules say that he must listen to all of the tapes detailing why she killed herself and pass them on to the person who follows him. WIth each tape revealing intimate secrets about Hannah and Clay’s classmates, we follow him in his struggle to understand who this girl really was when she was alive, how she was treated by those she trusted and most importantly; why Hannah Baker killed herself.
Having just binged the whole 13 episodes over two disgustingly wet and cold days with my sister, i think I have a pretty good idea about what goes down.
I hope you’re ready because I’m about to tell you what I think of this story as a teenager in this modern world. And since there are 13 sides to every story I want to tell mine.
I want to be honest here and start off by saying in an almost critical way, that there were a lot of things about this show that I didn’t like at all. I’m not saying that I was forced to watch all 13 episodes against my will, I just think that sometimes there are only a few things that TV shows need to keep you coming back.
Unanswered questions are one of those things, so so many questions which I personally need to have answered by a show, before it slowly drives me insane and I have to look up a spoiler synopsis..
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But who wants to cheat TV shows when you may as well just watch them? Hell, if i can sit through 7 years of the Pretty Little Liars mystery, then I had faith that I could sit through 13 episodes, and I did. My main questions centred around the tapes, specifically; what on earth did Clay do to make him partly ‘responsible’ for Hannah’s death?
So many things to question and discuss but really where to begin?
Let’s put ‘7 things that really grind my gears’(1 for each of the tapes of course) into a list and see how I go before this become a sad, sad rant.
*Disclaimer* I did actually enjoy the show overall so please keep this in mind with what you see below
1: When Clay begins to irk me, the other characters and the entire human species Portrayed by Dylan Minnette, (who believe it or not, has played a character named Clay before, WTF) Clay Jensen is a socially awkward yet well liked student who can hold a place on the school’s honour board yet cannot hold a conversation with a girl. His cringey yet endearing nature promotes him as a lovable protagonist, an innocent light in the darkness of an extremely tough situation. I found myself quite often taking his side in the show and totally rooting for his character.
Despite this, Clay’s loyalty and love for Hannah often poses as quite irritating and almost unrealistic (even if he was a sensitive guy) considering the way she treats him. Throughout the whole debacle, so many accuse Hannah of being dramatic, selfish and attention seeking. Clay however. seems to believe 95% of the time that she was some perfect being who could do no wrong in the world, that the responsibility for killing herself could not have been her own. Of course I am aware of looking at someone through rose coloured glasses when youre keen on them but, to put it bluntly; you’d think that might change when they die.
2: The fact that Clay has like zero close friends yet everyone seems to like him
Everyone who has ever been to high school knows that you need a solid few close friends to bounce back on, who you can trust. There is often a reason therefore that people don’t have any, usually the fact that nobody likes them. This just causes the whole plot idea to make no sense, because everyone at the school seemed to really like Clay. With the exception of Tony who he rarely sees anyway, Clay never had anyone to hang out with before or after school or even at lunchtime, unless of course it was someone he had a ‘school project’ with.
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3: The ‘jock crowd’
So most of the jock crowd, who of course run the school, are in the basketball team and are therefore given a leeway that most students aren’t. It makes complete sense for them to stick together, just as they do in every other US teen drama. Their group dynamic however has a small cult vibe to it  that is simply unsettling. These guys do everything together, support each other in fights, follow each other on their dates and supposedly tell each other everything. For some reason this group also includes the dorky class president and resident sadboi with unmatching hair and eyebrows. Now I’m not disputing that this couldnt happen irl because everyone has the right to befriend whoever they want, it just seems to me that these personalities together would clash. We all know they are together at the ‘present time’ because of the tapes, but for previous times, im just not buying it. Perhaps the writers couldn’t be bothered creating separate groups for each of those targeted on the tapes and introducing more characters into the 13 episodes created.
4: Is there no other girls at Liberty High?????
The jock crowd as specified above hold the place as the most sought after students in the High School yet it seems as though the only girls that exist to them are Hannah and Jessica. What happened to the entire cheer squad or the whole student body? Are these 2 new girls so amazing that no other girl could be considered an option? It seems almost like some game of musical chairs, except the chairs are the boys and Jessica and Hannah end up on a different lap every time the music stops.
5: WHo the fuck does Courtney think she is?
If you got through all 13 episodes without dedicating a split second of anger towards Courtney Crimsen then bravo my friend because this character literally drove me up the wall. Props to actress Michele Ang I suppose because this bitch fired me up real bad. Ever heard of the phrase ‘Dead men tell no tales’ well clearly Courtney disagrees, 100% hell bent on convincing everyone that Hannah was lying in the tapes so that she could continue living in denial of her sexual preference. Continually pushing Hannah onto the dirt road to get hit by whatever was coming her way there is zero surprise that she made her way onto the tapes, the selfish bitch that she is. (Speaking of Courtney) Netflix also needs to be a bit more careful about their wardrobe choices in such a recent Riverdale episode and season release of this show perhaps?
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Poor, sweet Zach. A whole episode and tape side that started with just one heated conversation in the cafeteria- where he juST wanted to go on a date with Hannah??? Of course at this point Hannah was not in a good place, so any small prank becomes a national disaster- but how was he to know before she gave him the letter of explanation. A letter which, considering his home and friend situation, he could not go to anyone for help with, especially if he feared that it would be telling Hannah’s secret. Zach really just reacted how 90% of teenagers would; he froze, he didnt know how to act, so he did nothing.
This is what got me about like half of the characters on the tapes, most of them just acted out of fear and didnt know what else to do, yet Hannah seemed to expect so much more from them. Which brings me to my final bullet point on the list;
7: Hannah fucking Baker
Where do I even start? It’s a really touchy subject to address; her character really annoyed me-I guess she really annoyed herself as well, considering her fate. Hannah at the end of the series is completely lost, she’s got so much on her shoulders and believes that there is no other way to turn. But Hannah at the beginning, I couldnt stand her. She had so much going for her yet she let every single obstacle get her down, none of her friends were good enough, all of the boys offended her, every tiny issue became a national disaster. I can’t help but think that if she hadn’t cared so much perhaps she might have found a way to work through her struggles without turning to the last resort. But i get it, this isnt a show about getting through problems and happy endings, it’s all about worse case scenarios. This is why Hannah does and says what she does, so that the situations can be both relatable and believable- for if Hannah gets torn up about high school rumours, then sexual assault and car accidents would be unbearable without professional help. I understand this now as I look at the plot as a whole, but during, oh hell that girl needed a slap into reality. Just watch it, you’ll understand.
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Don’t get me wrong though, there were also a lot of things that I liked about 13 reasons why.
-I loved the cassette tapes; a timeless way of recording and listening to anything, a much appreciated throwback in such a modern show
-I loved Tony who I think we can all agree does not look 17 but I’m not complaining, so sweet and such a good friend/person (and i loved his car of course)
-I loved how sweet and loving Clay was. As an eternally single pringle, my heart leapt for his cute crushing, even if it did become tiring
-I loved the almost vintage feel to the cinematography, the colours and shots almost dulled to the tone
-I loved how the concept of rape was not only addressed, but focused on as well as the idea of consent. Whilst these scenes may have been almost uncomfortable, they were necessary and extremely powerful.
-I loved how the show centered around outsiders, the quiet and socially awkward, the unusual characters and their interaction with the well known highschool stereotypes.
-Most of all, I loved how the show displayed how suicide destroys so many more than the person who died. Friends and family may never recover, forever question what they could have done differently, some also led to further suicides. 
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It’s a hard topic but I am so glad that it is being talked about, even if there are disagreements because at least it is now out in the open. I personally believe that suicide is an incredibly selfish act which I understand that many people could disagree with.  I get it, I’ve never stepped into shoes like that and that’s fine, but i know for sure that if anyone in my life chose to end theirs then it would absolutely destroy me- just as the strongly portrayed characters were torn apart. 
Let me know what you think.
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