#I see the movie industry recovering and I AM HERE FOR IT
If you haven’t noticed, I decided to see “Puss In Boots The Last Wish” tonight instead of rewatching Avatar 2 and Y’ALL. This movie is the best thing that came out in the last 5-7 years at least. 
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roo-bastmoon · 11 months
IMPORTANT INFO: issues around Jimin’s album
I have an ARMY friend (who shall remain safely anonymous) who works in film production for the music and entertainment industry here in the US. They offered me some valuable insights today into production limitations and possible issues related to Jimin’s solo album.
Below the cut is a transcript of their messages to me. I share this in the hopes it better informs our discussions around fair treatment of BTS members’ releases. It is by no means a definitive account of Jimin’s situation—simply an insider’s ideas on what likely happened around a few things.
I understand there are very big feelings about this topic, especially with the apparent differences around JK’s single, and I appreciate everyone’s viewpoints. However, if you choose to interact with this post, you will be respectful to others (including members) or you will be blocked. You are always welcome to DM me privately if you need to vent—we are all human and we all need a bit of grace, so you’ll always have that with me.
Sending you guys so much love, Roo
Anonymous Insider
Some “light reading” while you’re resting up and recovering, lol. This is all just based on what I’ve been watching and seen. Of course, I don’t have access to their production budget sheet and Korea works very differently than the US when it comes to production, but this what I’ve been seeing when it comes to their videos and particularly the promotions for FACE.
(I’m sending in sections, lol)
Alrighty - I’m still like deep in edit-land (still am two days later 😭) but I started typing this on the train between meetings, ha ha. (And am still on the train doing this, lol.) Also this rambles a bit I’m sorry! So the first thing I did was go back to the interview where Jimin talked about the music videos — it was a Japanese TV show and he’s talking with a host in Korean.
He’s talking about “wanting to do it all,” laughs and says, “I wanted all the music videos” and that “they” (the company assuming) said “무리다” which has its roots in the word 무리 which means a herd, a party, a group — basically “it’s too much,” “it’s unreasonable,” and “it’s impossible” are decent translations as it refers to something or an idea being “too much” — then the host and Jimin burst out laughing and the host goes “서리와 무리다” which I read as “sorry (in konglish) but we can’t” and they continue to laugh. So based on that —it sounds very understandable.
We can imagine Jimin sitting down with his team and planning out SMFP2 and LC videos, with the 30 dancers and all the party scene extras, and then Jimin saying he wants to do the music shows with 6 different sets in rented locations so they could have total control. And if Jimin in that process went “what if we made official music videos for all of them?” the team would understandably go “that’s just not reasonable!” 1) because it would give Jimin a budget no other member had gotten and 2) there aren’t that many production houses in Korea. It’s a very small scene — it may just logistically not been possible. There aren’t enough DPs and crew and editors. Sometimes, as a producer, you have to tell your creative talent “I’m sorry, but no.” — I say it every week!
So what about the music videos? Well, here’s what I know from meticulously watching all the behind the scenes for BTS videos over the years. They work with a small team. They likely own a good deal of the gear — they shoot mainly on RED cameras and heavy expensive Cooke lenses (which you can’t get this stuff easily in Korea. I lost a lens cap for a Canon CINÉ Lens in Seoul and it was like this whole big deal because getting gear there is an import challenge but anyways) they use MOVI and Ronin gimbal stabilizers and Jimmy Rigs a lot.
Recently they’ve been using technocranes but I wonder how many technocranes there are in Seoul. As I said, they likely own a lot of this gear which can help with costs. But we’ve also been told — and I’ve heard through my industry friends — that Hybe PAYS. And in Korea there’s no unions in the entertainment world, and often the rates are shit (hence Netflix investing so much there - blerg) their standard work week is also already 12 hours longer than the US. It’s a whole thing. and they spend so much money on sets. It’s incredible.
They rent these huge spaces outside Seoul and BUILD — I mean the build out for SMFP2 was astounding. They easily dropped 1million on that video. The rigging, the build-out, the custom set and the custom camera rigs to achieve the 360 shots - the drone shots. They’re astounding videos. No US label is spending that money on videos these day. Absolutely none of them are — my friend recently produced a video for John Legend. They were trying to pull the whole thing off for $100K which is ridiculous. It’s really almost impossible.  
But on the Big videos they spend a lot of money, but they also produce a lot of other stuff too (and these are often looked at as Performance Videos vs all-caps MUSIC VIDEOS) -— like RM’s video shoot at DIA Beacon… that was a much smaller, fairly single camera shoot — all shot on drones or a MOVI handheld rig. No set, they also didn’t like pay for the set because DIA: Beacon is an art museum — and similar a little bit to Letter for Jimin, which was much smaller set and easy in-house gear.
(And it was also released on Bangtan TV channel vs Hybe Labels Channel, which is a good indicator of how they categorize these shoots.) But the big videos, they go for broke. I mean they spend so much money and again they may own a lot of the equipment but there’s still so much people-power and labor involved. Take the dancers’ rehearsals. You have to pay people for all that — you have to pay them for the weeks of rehearsal, you have to pay them to be in a video. It is so expensive — like, I would not be able to budget that video for under 1 million, that’s how much it costs.  
So then Jimin wanted to do music shows —- and so because he’s Jimin and it’s BTS, Hybe rented larger venues and locations for all of the shoots. None of them use the actual Broadcast spaces or were provided by the broadcast studios. The smaller companies do though — remember when BTS first started out they went to SBS to film on the day? — but they don’t do that anymore. They rent huge facilities so that they could be a mini concerts for ARMYs to visit with Jimin and see him.
They also have to do this kind of outside of the city and they built huge sets because they’re going to want to show off if they’re gonna be on TV but that is so expensive. (I don’t think you were an ARMY then, but when ON was released, at the time it was the “biggest broadcast performance ever” and they keep upping that ante for sure!) It’s possible the broadcast companies spend some money but what BTS is doing is so outside the usual budget and given the tension with the broadcasters and HYBE — they (Hybe) wants control of their products, and so I think they pay for that control.
I can’t imagine they got out of any of those days for under $500K; I mean, there were two different sets, all the crew; they’re paying for all of it. We add it up and they probably spent close to $3-5 million between Jimin’s music videos and his music show performances, and I would be understandably like: “That’s it!” Like, that’s the budget for an EP, you know.
I don’t think Jimin could have it all because that wasn’t the case for the other members. RM got to lead videos and J Hope had pyrotechnics, which definitely costs money and safety and insurance. You know he had visual effects his first video (a lotta visual effects) and again a lot of challenging technocrane work, but I haven’t really seen them build something on the scale of what they built for SMFP2 in a very long time (or ever?).
We heard from the Art Dept that Jimin did not want to shoot on blue screen, so they built the set for him. This cannot be the same label that is shafting him — that allows him to spend that amount of money just because the artist said “I want to shoot in a real space!” because I’m gonna be completely honest— he could’ve done that on a blue screen — I’m glad they built a real world because BTS almost always shoots on Blue/Green Screen. They build him a huge set like that. It’s absolutely incredible.
I was also reminded this morning that people are talking about radio for Like Crazy and not supporting the song — and I just keep thinking that they did exact rollout for Butter, Dynamite, and Permission to Dance. They released Like Crazy. It had both a Korean version and English version. (Obviously that wasn’t the case for the English BTS songs.) They released two additional remixes. Then they kept releasing, like, alternate cover versions — alternate covers of the main remix, alternate cover the other remix. They were trying to maximize the direct-to-consumer store and exact same way they had tried to maximize it with Dynamite and Butter and Permission to Dance.
The way you were buying Like Crazy was the same process I took on Dynamite. They did the exact same playbook. So the fact that they were unable to get the kind of radio play they wanted or maybe they weren’t prioritizing radio because they knew that they were gonna have a better chance at direct to consumer sales... Maybe they didn’t want to fight radio. Maybe Geffen was like “We don’t have the right ‘Ins’ yet!” — I’m not sure, but the fact that they got completely screwed over by Billboard doesn’t mean that they weren’t actually rolling it out in that way, because as soon as they started doing the whole alternate cover thing, I was like: “Well, they clearly want us to try to go for number one!” You know, “They clearly think that they are going to be able to get number one on the hot 100 and we’re gonna use these sales to do that!” And clearly that’s all changed now.
They keep changing the rules on us, so — with JK, they’re obviously trying to, you know, use whatever tools they have available to them at this point.
Finally, when it comes to restocking the digital single CD. There are still albums available in the store. So why would they manufacture and ship more (likely thrown away) plastic that’s just for one song, when those CD singles only serve to raise sales for the charts? All of the other member’s CD singles are out of stock except The Astronaut, which they treated more like a proper album a bit (kinda like the Butter CD releases). Because they still have both versions of his full albums in stock, so if I were Hybe, I’d be like “No,you need to buy the album, we still have albums, we’re not going to sell you a single song when you can buy the album!” That makes more sense to me. The albums cost more.
TL:DR, haha — so I feel like this narrative around Jimin’s release has been ramped up because, from my professional opinion, he’s had the most expensive release so far (by far) and if we want to compare him to, say, Beyoncé — well she owns her own production company (Parkwood Entertainment), so she can funnel her own money into a Visual Album, I don’t know if Jimin has considered that at this point in his career, but in the future, he might!
((Not including costs for Suga’s tour because that’s a whole other thing, and the tour probably made money I would expect to balance out the cost of the tour itself))
Anonymous Insider
This isn’t to say that the other things, the part where he didn’t get the cake celebration, or the posts, the issues with the linking and this general feeling that Jimin was short-changed in these things isn’t valid and understandable. I think Hybe relied too much on D2C sales and I don’t think they leveraged their might as much as could have for JM. They could have risked more for him.
{This is an end of Anonymous Insider’s messages to me. They noted that they are an intermediate non-native Korean speaker so please excuse any translation errors. They translated things themselves using Naver tools that aligned with the video subtitles.}
So, listen, I still don’t think Like Crazy was sent/promoted to radio (which was a mistake and still is a mistake) and I am furious at the shady articles and lack of celebration for Jimin…
But after reading the way the members approach their work in the Beyond the Story book and now hearing from someone who produces these works for a living, I have to wonder if the company was doing everything they knew how to do for Jimin, but the second it didn’t work out because of the western music industry culling streams and sales, they pulled back all their resources and pivoted for Yoongi and JK. (I also wonder if leadership shut up about it all due to liability issues, or not to cause bad blood with the music industry for future releases.)
Again, I’ll never forgive the lack of celebration and the split streams (not without a great explanation), but at least now I think there’s a good chance no one was actively trying to sabotage Jimin on purpose. They seemed to have wanted that #1 and then it all went to shit because Billboard and radio want to get paid. Maybe leadership decided not to put any more resources into Face but instead pivot for all the future music coming out (including PJM2.)
Perhaps I'm a cockeyed optimist. I’m just hoping like hell they never engage in payola. I want all our boys to win, but I want us to win fairly. And even if everyone cannot have the same investment every time on every project, I hope when they come back together in 2025 that everyone feels good about their solo works and each other. This is my prayer. Love, Roo
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darlingkirstein · 2 months
im just curious about your headcanon for their job (for eremika and jeanpiku if that's alright)
this question has truly thrown me for such a giant loop because im super indecisive! so i thought instead of choosing one option, i could list a few plausible options for the characters! these are just the jobs that came to mind for some reason. im sure i could come up with others but this are the first that i decided on, and i tried to choose jobs that are a little more unorthodox to be unique 🩷
also sorry for how long this has taken ! i know you've been waiting for this for a while 🫶
— Eren Jaeger!
Physical/recreational therapist: I can imagine him wanting to help people but not wanting to be a hospital doctor or anything like that. He seems like he'd be a pretty active guy so I think a job where he gets to help people and also move around and help clients move around and recover from injury would be both fulfilling and fun for him at the same time! Or even recreational therapy, getting to help people through different activities!
Small business owner: I can see him taking the charge and owning his own business, maybe with the help of his parents with a small investment to get it started. Mikasa might also help with this when she has spare time because she wants to support him! I'm thinking something that incorporates his love of cooking, like a bakery or food shop?
Stuntman/stunt coordinator: This one is more for fun but I love picturing him as a stunt man for movies. He would get a kick out of the thrill it gives him if he's actively participating or he'd find it satisfying to coordinate really interesting stunt work. Mikasa would always be fearful that he's gonna injure himself.
— Mikasa Ackerman!
Bookstore employee: I don't know why, but I think Mikasa would love working around a quiet environment with books. Getting to provide recommendations and organize the shelves makes her feel accomplished without over-stressing her. She loves reading so the employee discount is definitely a big benefit.
Speech-language pathologist: I'm biased here because this is what I'm studying! But I think Mikasa could thrive in this job! Getting to help people struggling with communication is really fulfilling and she gets to challenge herself to find creative solutions. I think she would love working with children, helping them fix their speech sounds, or even with adults, helping with different disorders.
Daycare owner/lead employee: I think a lot of us agree that even in our modern AUs, Mikasa didn't have the happiest childhood. So, I think she tries to make sure that other children have the best possible childhood around. She would be very attentive to all their needs because she's naturally great with kids. Eren would find this so endearing and it would really give me lots of baby fever when she comes home and talks about the kiddos.
— Jean Kirstein!
Gonna start off by saying that I feel like Jean initially settles for an office job because he feels like he has to be a big breadwinner and have a stable, high-paying job but it ends up making him rather miserable so he quits to pursue other jobs.
Art restoration: I know the idea of Jean being an artist is kinda overplayed since he only draws once but I am so attached to it. But here I'm specifically thinking of him restoring old/damaged paintings for museums or for people's personal collections. He probably finds comfort in seeing the pretty paintings come back to life after being so dull. He takes it super seriously since it's so technical so he's very proud of his work and the results!
Something in the restaurant/food industry: Jean loves cooking so much! He would want to share his cooking with others. He might work at a restaurant making good or maybe even as a cooking instructor? I think that even if his job isn't in the food industry that he still volunteers his time to cook for people in need because it's something he's passionate about.
Art therapist: In a similar vein to art restoration, I am imagining him as an art therapist, trying to help people with their struggles through various forms of art. It's probably therapeutic to him, so sharing that therapy with others is so sweet to me. I think would love to work with children especially, just getting to see them smile after they've gone through some rough things :)
— Pieck Finger!
Something in journalism: Pieck would get a kick out of writing small articles for different papers or magazines, or even in the newspaper (even if it's a dying medium). She gets to show a more creative side while making a living and she also gets to work from home which is great because she's kind of a homebody! She gets to be comfortable while writing her fun articles :)
Accent/dialect coach: This is also kind of a half-serious one like the stunt coordinator one for Eren. I feel like Pieck would be weirdly good at accents, like stupidly good. So she might have fun working with actors either in bigger shows/movies or in local theatre productions to change accents.
Editor: Another job that could be done from home, I think she would like editing people's books or articles or anything to make them better. She finds it fun and satisfying to correct mistakes and make suggestions, and it's so fun because she can work on stuff from her bedroom if she so desired. Maybe she both writes and edits and just switches off depending on the day/helping out her writer friends by editing their work for them.
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genichisojo · 4 months
Kagurabachi's Popularity: Familiarity Through Structure
Having a degree in writing and media is so fun because I can write an essay on why Kagurabachi can be defined as well written through craft standards and attribute its popularity overseas to its structure, which is framed similarly to western movies.
And I am!
After this interview confirmed that Takeru Hokazono, author of Kagurabachi, is a huge fan of western films, I went back to this idea I was playing with in October when KB had less than ten chapters. I had been reading since day one, and I knew it was good, and other overseas fan knew it was good. But what made it so good to us, overseas?
I made a quick thread on it on my Twitter account (that I never posted) where I mentioned Blake Snyder's Save the Cat book on script writing and story structure. I also brought up characterization and how it would've been really popular in my comic book class from undergrad. This thread discussed both Chihiro and Sojo, and the quick yet steady pace of the manga has given us more characters and moments to pinpoint. To not overwhelm myself, I'm not going to discuss the craft of characterization (maybe another time), and I'm not going to do a beat sheet for Sojo. For now, I'll try to stay under the first arc to map out why Kagurabachi has so far moved like a high budget film in manga form. So, spoilers ahead!
A quick lesson on Save the Cat, its three main characteristics are: Three act structure Fifteen plot beats Mostly applied to American Hollywood films
One of the biggest things I noticed right away was the resemblance a lot of the chapters, even the story as a whole, had to Snyder's beat sheet. This beat sheet that comes from Snyder's book is somewhat of an industry standard, so a lot of movies, even those that preceded Snyder, go through this structure of Act 1, 2, and 3. Snyder just identified the parts and broke them down to fifteen beats. Plus he dubbed the save the cat moment:
A decisive moment in which a protagonist demonstrates they are worth rooting for. Having the protagonist save a cat can be literal or figurative.
This was something KB needed and did have to have us warm up to Chihiro who post time skip, just gave gloomy orphan energy in the previous chapters. Here, Char would be our cat. Chihiro chose to save Char and chose to protect her, and continued to fight for her until she was rescued. He made this choice even before it's revealed that Char's mother died for her, something that would parallel Chihiro. This is what got readers to see him three dimensionally after being introduced to him. He's still the caring little 14 year old we saw at the start, who continues to take care of the innocent despite the tragedy he's been through. It is only natural for us to care for him, too.
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Above are the fifteen beats of Save the Cat and although KB on occasion doesn't hit all fifteen exactly as specified, especially final image as it's continuing, the song and dance is quite similar. Here are examples of The Dark Knight (2008) and Inglourious Basterds (2009), two movies that have inspired Hokazono's work.
Before Chihiro meets Char, we get his opening image of him and his dad forging which is works well as the entire story revolves on the consequences of them creating weapons. We get the set up to his world where he lives with his dad who made famous katanas that wield the power to end a war. The theme is stated, and it's not kept a secret: The katanas they make are weapons made to kill people. Are they willing to carry the burden? In another variation of this question, is Chihiro willing to carry the burdens unintentionally passed down by his father?
The catalyst is his father's murder that catapults him into seeking revenge and recover the katanas.
Now, for the rest of the story, this structure can be applied to the first 18 chapters or even 1-3 chapters at a time which in my opinion, is kind of insane. There's story telling inside the story telling, and these moments are both subtle and grand, signs of a strong and captivating writer. Hollywood would kill for a script like this these days. In order to get you to believe me how prominent these beats are, I'm going to do arc one and Daruma's story. The main story line should be around act one and two right now as of chapter 20, if we want to get down into it, but if anything, this feels like it's moving like a second "movie."
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Overall, this structure that comes from Hollywood movies can be identified in multiples parts of Kagurbachi's storytelling. I was going to do beat sheet's for Char and Sojo's stories as well, but I think this is enough of an example of a bigger picture versus smaller. Although other mangas also fall into three act structures, as most story telling does, KB masterfully uses the 15 beats to its advantage. I believe the familiarity of this pace is what hooked oversea audiences, and aside from that, the characters that quickly capture us.
Very quickly, because I don't want to make this about characterization, Chihiro is well written through his past, who he chooses to kill and save, his dialogue that can be surprisingly vulnerable at times, and his cool façade that melts because of how hot he truly runs. He is also straight up a badass. We get handed Char's background in an "all is lost" segment as well as some lore that can present her as a resource for the main cast. We see Azami's phone background photo that's minimum 3+ years old- a government employee with a soft spot for his friends, one who he is still clearly grieving. We get one tiny yet so fucked up bit of Sojo when we see him get a flashback where he's a child and his single dialogue of "I truly love Kunishige Rokuhira," that launched his type of villainy in the maniacal fanboy category. Who does it like that? Nobody but Takeru Hokazono.
Thank you for reading this essay! I do have two other essays drafted, one on Sojo's possible return (I'm a delusional Sojo fan) and just his overall significance and impact as the first villain even if he doesn't return, and on Hiyuki plus servant leadership versus self service.
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harrisonarchive · 3 months
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Photo by María Moreno.
In 1987, George was interviewed by El País; here's a translation of that interview (to the best of my school-level Spanish).
George Harrison On Cloud Nine
George Harrison recently released his first album since 1982, when he disappeared from music to work on movies and live his life in peace. In making Cloud Nine he called on his friends Eric Clapton, Elton John and Ringo Starr- Many of the songs are similar to those of the early Beatle years, but Harrison scoffs at rumors about the group reuniting.
Cloud Nine sounds so much like the Beatles that it ends up being a tribute to the band’s early music. One of the songs on this new LP, When We Was Fab, refers to that epoch in which ‚we were fabulous‘ and ‚we were doing everything.‘ The song, which recalls Beatles melodies such as Strawberry Fields Forever and I Am The Walrus, suggests the style of John Lennon. At times it sounds as the late rhythm guitarist himself is singing.
El País: Cloud Nine contains songs and harmonies that recall the early Beatles. Is that what you intended?
George Harrison: Yes. It sounds like the Beatles because of the 12-string guitar. This is the kind of guitar we used on the first Beatles records. The electric guitar I have on the album cover is the one I used when the Beatles were not famous, when we were playing in Hamburg (West Germany). I have recovered it and use it in several songs. In contrast to the heavy music of this generation I had the idea of making a contemporary record that permits young people to know what was happening at the end of the 60s. Some of the songs are similar to those of the Beatles in the late 60s. I did it intentionally. I didn’t want to bend to the pleasure of the record companies or the industry. I don’t want to be untrue to myself. I like this album… It is so old it seems new.
EP: Listening to Cloud Nine, one gets the feeling that you were comfortable and happy during the recording.
GH: I was because I was with Eric Clapton, Elton John, Ringo Starr and other friends I have known for years and with whom I get along well. Elton John asked to be part of the record when he found out I was going to make it. He is one of the great musicians of rock 'n' roll. And Ringo? Well, what can I say? We have lived and performed together for a long time. We are alike in the way we regard music.
EP: You invited old friends to the recording, but did you invite Paul McCartney?
GH: No. I didn't invite Paul.
EP: You recently said that it is good to grow old, that it is time to mature with dignity.
GH: Yes. After running around so much when you're young, you need tranquility. When we were the Beatles we lived in permanent turbulence, we were crazy. We met mountains of people and went to many countries but we didn't get to know anything well because we never had a moment of peace. Therefore, for the past few years I have been trying to find out what is happening. It would be rare if it was only happening to me, but we are all growing old together. Ringo and Eric Clapton are growing old with me and that makes it easier. I have always considered them friends, but after the craziness of our youth you rediscover them and they become your best friends. Another thing that compels me to mature is my son, Dhani. I try to devote time to him and be a good father.
EP: At one time you influenced the Beatles to look for an introspective path that derived from Oriental mysticism and transcendental meditation. What remains today of this stage in your career?
GH: It is something I still carry inside but I don't talk about as much. On the new record there are no songs that advocate this way of life as there were on other records.
EP: “My sweet Lord, I really want to see you, I really want to be with you …" Do you still believe in a Sweet Lord?
GH: Oh, yes. Absolutely.
EP: If you were to write the song today, would you keep the same lyric?
GH: I would keep the same lyric. I believe that the lyric is true. I would change a few notes in the melody. (Laughter. In 1976, a U.S. judge sentenced Harrison to pay a fine after determining that My Sweet Lord, which was on the 1970 album All Things Must Pass, was an unintentional plagiarism of another melody.)
EP: The Beatles are said to have taken drugs -- especially marijuana and LSD -- from 1965 to 1967. This comes across in the album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, recorded in 1966. You began transcendental meditation the same year. Did this help you give up drugs?
GH: I think so. The discovery of LSD was something we could not avoid because, in the case of John and me, someone put LSD in our coffee without our knowing it. After having had an LSD experience you do not want to go back to the way you were, you lose the notion of ego and you change because you see things you didn't perceive before. Even if I had not taken LSD it would not have been long before I began spiritual activities. After LSD, I became aware of God. But like with alcohol or other drugs you go crazy if you consume too much.
EP: You have not given up tobacco. Are you still a vegetarian and ecologist?
GH: Ecologist, yes, but now I eat fish and chicken. I did not eat meat from 1966 to 1979. During those years I was undernourished because I didn't know what to eat to replace the protein. In 1979, I began to follow the Formula One auto races and I was in Madrid or other capitals and it was difficult to eat in restaurants and hotels. If you don't go to Indian restaurants, where you can eat lentils and greens, you cannot stay on a vegetarian diet. So I began eating fish and chicken.
EP: The press has presented you in the past as a lonely man, shy and frightened after the assassination of John Lennon in December 1980.
GH: That's what the gossipers say. From time to time I get a flash of John's death. Sometimes it happens when someone I don't know approaches me by surprise. But you can't be afraid. I live a normal life. I don't go to cocktail parties and discos.
EP: How has Lennon's death affected you?
GH: I don't think anyone ought to die this way, at the hands of a madman. John's death has affected me, like it has most people. It's sad that someone can ruin the life of another. And when it's a longtime friend it's like losing a family member, a father or a brother.
EP: Even though you have written popular songs you have not had a hit since 1969. Do you think you were misunderstood and your talent underused in the Beatles epoch?
GH: For sure, because John and Paul dominated the group and had an arrangement for songwriting. Our producer for many years, George Martin, has publicly asked me to forgive him for this. But there is a moment for everything and at this time I was marginal.
EP: I remember reading in Rolling Stone that Lennon once said you were an invisible man between two egomaniacs.
GH: Absolutely.
EP: Is there something to the rumors of a Beatles reunion? There are rumblings that Lennon will be replaced by Elton John.
GH: Every six months or so someone invents a story like that. There is no possibility of the Beatles coming back to life. That era has ended. It is better to leave it like that.
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intoloopin · 1 month
for @ofmanycol0rs !!!
Love had sent an ask about J.J's blonde party guy era but Tumblr tricked me into deleting it, so here is it my second attempt to talk about it as a post. I hate this Hell site mechanics more than anything, BUT! I am very passionate about this one topic as you can see by the size of THIS.
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I am making a little tangent here because this is a great opportunity to talk about J.J's blonde era as a general phenomenon, as well as do a little character deep dive into how Jiahang's mind works when the subject is his public appearance, because I'm yet to fully communicate just how business savvy and attention seeking he is at his core. These two characteristics were very integral to his nightlife downfall.
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⤴️↪️ A MOMENT IN TIME: J.J's BLONDE ERA PITIFUL FINAL AESTHETIC. He is currently recovering from it successfully, but still. The horrors.
One thing that is key to understand about Jiahang is that he is NOT a team player, he wasn't raised by his social climber pageant mom and his millionaire movie director dad to be one. His long term goal is to stand on his own as an 'icon' - notice the use of 'icon' instead of 'musician' or 'artist' or even 'idol'. He wants everyone to see two Js put together in a sentence and immediately associate them with him (as in J.J Xu, not LOOPiN's J.J, and definely not as J.J from That Once LOONA Sibling Group), but he is realistic with his limitations: Jiahang is not a musical prodigy like Zhiming, or obsessed/respectful with the craft as Minwoo, or has the mental discipline to train himself to greatness like Haegon, and when you're in a group with people like that with ambitions like his, you're always in a competition.
To put it very bluntly: Jiahang is too clumsy to ever become more than an average dancer, he doesn't have an easy voice for singing and he can barely call himself a rapper. Artistic kills can't be the base of his brand, because that's what he sees his J.J stage persona as, a brand. He's not an artist. And if conventional talent can't be his selling point, he has to use what's naturally available to him - personality, a face widely considered to be attractive, a shitton of money, and an extremely sharp eye for business.
Seriously, the amount of marketing stunts he has pulled for and come up with for LOOPiN alone is NO JOKE. Jiahang understands the inner workings of the entertainment industry more than any of his bandmates, and that's his head start.
Now, on the hair. Jiahang has a very deep and sentimental history with his hair, a bit too extense to fully explain with this one post, but he's been wearing it very long since he was a child, because he loves it, and he was picked up on for it constantly. Keep growing it out despite everything what his first real way of asserting himself, and it's the one thing Jiahang is authentic with throughout - integrating it into his branding was essential to him.
He went about it very strategically: J.J never had a defined clothing style, instead, he goes out of his way to wear almost anything to prove that his hair doesn't automatically put him on a visual box, and there is no reason for him to sacrifice it for any gig. He won't be a long haired male Idol until someone tells him time's up, he will be The Definitive Long Haired Male Idol (and in canon he has succeed! Like, K-Pop knows he's the final boss).
A lot of iNSYNCs consider him one of LOOPiN's fashionistas for this plus all the design shit he has, side by side with Seungsoo and Haruki, but that title doesn't fit Jiahang at all. Haruki and Seungsoo have a genuine interest in fashion, while Jiahang has none, it's all performance. He simply wants a stable signature attached to him, something he can have the ultimate control of, and that he won't get bored of maintaining. Alas: his very, very adored long hair.
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FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: (1&2) J.J's 'Punch' teasers, a shocking blonde debut. | (3&4) The overall lengths and colors Jiahang kept transitioning between in his day to day life. | (5&6) 'Mess' peeking through near the end, but integrated into his presenting style. | J.J's 'Beatbox - Street Beat Ver.' and 'Internet War - Tell Me What To Do' teasers.
(1&2): I can't even begin to describe how iNSYNCity completely STOPPED when the 'Punch' teasers started rolling out and J.J appeared not only fully blonde, but with these polarizing face covering bangs. The styling came fully out of his own brain, of course, and he wanted all the controversial attention right out of the gate to plant the seeds of the 'elevation' of his stage persona. He wanted 2022 to be his year SO BAD;
(3&4): Up until that point in his career, Jiahang had his hair straight, ironed out to perfection even when he dyed it anything else than his usual black and brown, but while blonde he always kept it very wavy to drawn an even bigger contrast with his former Idol branding;
(5&6): Oh, mid 2023... The roots showing... The messy teeny tiny ponytails... The color... You can clearly see a lack of polish that is very unusual of him. Jiahang wore a lot, and I mean A LOT of hair extensions during this era right here, mostly to cover up how fucking fried his hair was starting to look due to low maintenance (Dongwook and CIA made fun of him if he showed up Too Put Together at the clubs, and after a while it really started to get to him). He adopted a very edgy Y2K style to try to make it all seem intentional, even had stylized black highlight for a while, but Jiahang felt like he wasn't fooling anyone - it didn't appear as such to the public, lucky him. This is pretty much how he looked until he fully cut off his nightlife circle of "friends" in September, and dyed his hair back to black;
(7&8): Ah, his last blonde official teasers... What a way to go. Blonde J.J had such a dramatic styling but that was very well translated into all the eras he was on, he never looked out of place. That's why even the general public now considers this run to be very iconic, as he wanted. But at what personal cost, Jay?! AT WHAT COST?!
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I am still debating on how his 'clean era' looks like. I'm not sure if he would just dye his hair black and cut off the bits that look Horrible (J.J!Bayi) or if this whole experience fucked him up so bad that Jiahang would cut it pretty short and grow it back from the begging, for the healings (J.J!Didi), but anyways! He is doing better <3 currently <3 not for long <3 like at all <3 he is about to get very fucked up by the narrative <3 but on the bright side (????) that means that he'll have another very Intense hair moment, and spoiler alert, it'll look a lot like this (in Vibes, the length is still something I don't know 😁)
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lovemewednesdays · 11 months
my two cents.
I finished the second season of The Bear. Here are my big thoughts.
I'm really glad a lot of the older cast got to thrive, like Tina and Richie. It's a perfect example of how it's never too late. Which I think is needed in a society that puts a lot of stock into succeeding while you're young.
The new restaurant is fine. Lovely. I'm glad they have a sandwich window to keep the OG stuff, but I will miss the rizz, as the kids say, of The Beef. It had personality, history. I feel like I would be able to go into The Beef and feel completely at home. The Bear? I'm not sure. The word "gentrification" bounced around in my head a lot, and I don't know how to feel about it. Maybe they'll touch on that in later seasons?
Richie was the season for me. Tina was great, of course, but the growth that Richie went through, the fact that he found something to care about, and he was good at it. Ugh. A+ all around. "Forks" was my favorite episode of the whole season.
I wrote a post about the Christmas episode. Wow. Stellar. Gut-wrenching. Hard to fucking watch. I was screaming, "Everyone needs therapy!" the entire time. Definitely one of the best TV episodes of all time. Emmy winner for sure. I'd bet my life on it.
The Richie/Sugar mended relationship arc was all I needed.
The Richie/Sydney mended relationship arc was all I needed.
I just really loved Richie this season, okay? My boy is learning how to respect women and not say the R-word. We love to see it.
I don't eat omelets usually. I've eaten two in the past 12 hours.
The Carmy x Claire arc, for me, was annoying. Not because I didn't like Claire – I didn't love her, but I did like her, especially her relationship with the family – but because it was just so...not needed? Of course, you don't start a brand-new relationship when you're trying to open a restaurant. CARMY KNOWS THAT SHIT. WHY? WHY? Being a chef is one of the hardest jobs to have a work/life balance with. Even I know that, and I'm nowhere near the hospitality industry! I feel like the team could've come up with more creative emotional obstacles for Carm, is all I'm saying.
I knew they were gonna do something with Marcus and Sydney. I knew it, and I couldn't watch my babies go through that. I love their friendship, and I think they'd be cute, but if that's the way the story's going, I'm going to need a little more convincing.
Favorite cameos: Bernthal (obvi), Colman, and Poulter.
The Donna/Pete scene in the last episode was...so good. So, so good. I love Pete.
And finally:
I am surprised to say this, but I am completely neutral about the Syd x Carmy situation. I can see it going either way, and I'd be fine with it either way. As a recovering Tedbecca fan, I thought if I didn't see it, I'd just be protecting myself from another cruel showrunner (I am actually very mad at Sudeikis for the obvious trolling), but I was just neutral. I'm not going to say I don't see it, I totally do. The Chef Kiss (cute ship name!) fans have some valid points, and I hate that the antis make them feel bad. It's unnecessary. And I hate that romance is seen as Less Than in movies and TV shows nowadays, and I will write my thoughts on that later. Because I have a lot of them.
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agentnico · 1 year
Most Anticipated Movies 2023
Though the COVID pandemic can still be referenced within the film realm as the recent Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery does, the movie industry itself has now seemingly fully recovered from those lockdown days and we now get to enjoy the full might of Hollywood and indies yet again. As such 2023 is proving to be a stacked yet for movies. There’s a lot of them! So many! Many of which will most likely be crap, but here I am listing the ones I am most excited for. Again, come end of 2023 and prepped for disappointment for a lot of these, but as of right now I am full of hopes and dreams! So, in no particular order...
HONOURABLE CURIOUS MENTIONS: Oppenheimer, Next Goal Wins, The Old Way, Wonka, Mission Impossible - Dead Reckoning: Part One, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
John Wick: Chapter 4 - It simply doesn’t get better than seeing Hollywood sweetheart the beautiful Keanu Reeves plays an unkillable hitman who is able to kill a man with a single pencil or a book or any item at his disposal, let alone give him a gun. Those headshots then come at the speed of a Call of Duty pro-player! So obviously I want to see what’s next for Mr Wick.
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Killers of the Flower Moon - Let the Brendan Fraser renaissance continue! It’s been absolutely adorably awesome seeing him back and looking so happy and pleased to be appreciated for how amazing he is! I mean, yes Killers of the Flower Moon also happens to be a new crime drama from one of cinema’s greats Martin Scorsese featuring a cast including Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert de Niro, but honestly I’m just happy seeing Fraser getting solid work again. Go get them tiger! 
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Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre - Technically this was originally slated as an early 2022 release, however due to distribution issues it has been moved a year later. Regardless, Guy Ritchie always makes slick gangster flicks, with his recent The Gentlemen being especially cool and badass, so I’m willing to see Ritchie continue making these types of films as many times as he wants, as long as his dialogue stays sharp and Hugh Grant keeps saying “Darling” during every appearance.
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The Super Mario Bros. Movie - Setting aside the controversial lack of effort that Chris Pratt is putting into that Mario voice, this animated effort from Universal and Illumination is actually looking surprisingly enjoyable. The animation looks great and there are some great nostalgic call backs to the games, and even the voice cast (aside from Pratt) are all sounding great. That Bowser voice from Jack Black - woah!! Can’t wait to hear more of that! 
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Napoleon - Ridley Scott is doing a movie about Napoleon, and Napoleon himself is played by Joaquin Phoenix. Great director, superb actor, an integrally interesting historical figure at the narrative centre... what’s not to be excited for!
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Knock at the Cabin - M. Night Shyamalamalamalamadingdong is back with another plot twist. Look, M Night is very hit-and-miss, and when he’s great he’s great, but when he’s bad he’s bad in a fun way. His last film Old was filled with plot-holes, inconsistencies and ridiculous narrative choices, yet I had a ball watching it and pointing out all the obvious foreshadowing. And then Shyamalan is also responsible for The Happening, which, well, happened. Anyway, new Shyamalan film - gimme gimme gimme!
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Before James Gunn fully takes over the running of DC films (though he already took Henry Cavill as Superman away from us the monster!!!) he still has one Guardians film from Marvel left for us. And though I was not a fan of Vol. 2, the recent Holiday Special has reinstated my hope in this ragtag space-travelling group of outcasts, and Gunn himself has been on a roll with The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker, so they’ve got this. Also Rocket has an otter girlfriend in this one so I’m ready to witness some animal loving. 
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Barbie - Okay, so it’s okay for a guy to look forward to a Barbie movie?? What’s so wrong with that?? It’s not weird! I don’t have a thing for dolls if that’s what you’re thinking. Nope, in fact I am more hoping that similar to how The Lego Movie managed to take a famous toy and create a superbly meta entertaining movie classic, Barbie shows promise to also go against conventional genre tropes and do something different weird. At least judging from that 2001: A Space Odyssey piss-take of the teaser, Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach have created something real unique. Also Ryan Gosling as Ken.....either the greatest casting choice or the worst decision ever. We’ll see...
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Renfield - Nicolas Cage is a worldwide treasure, and one thought that him playing himself in a movie was the craziest thing yet. Nah, now he’s playing Dracula. Yep, THE Nicolas Cage is playing THE Count Dracula! And this time he really is a vampire!
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Cocaine Bear - It’s a bear that’s high off it’s tits on cocaine and is going on a murderous rampage whilst trying to get more cocaine. I don’t need this to be a good movie. I don’t need it to win any awards. I just want there to be bears, I want there to be cocaine, and ideally those two to be connected for the entire time. What’s more is this is based on the real life story of a 175lb black bear who ingested a duffel bag of abandoned cocaine in northern Georgia in 1985. I mean yes that bear died fairly quickly, but in the movie they’ve evidently taken some creative choices (and definitely the correct ones!!) and instead this bear is simply killing everyone left and right and being high as a kite. And from that recent trailer from the very first appearance you can tell that this bear is on cocaine. That is all I want. 
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
Manga and Anime In Iran
   It’s something usual news about that the one,or the other anime gets official broadcast in India.It’s good that the products of hard working Japanese animators gets in many lands of the world..However I daresay that it’s been given too much of emphasis,about what anime gets in India.So let’s pay attention to a land severly misunderstood:Iran.
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The following it’s accurately the column Answerman of Animenewsnetwork:
Will Anime Ever Come To My Country (Legally)? by Justin Sevakis, Aug 28th 2015
Vahid asks:
 I'm from Iran, and I always read your answers on ANN. (Access to ANN is denied in Iran and i have to use proxy software to visit.) My country doesn't allow us to buy or sell anime and manga (because of Islamic issues, you know... naked girls, kissing, etc.), but there are many people here who watch anime and read manga. Just like other forbidden stuff in Iran (foreign music and movies) we have to illegally download them. It is so sad and annoying. Amazon and Ebay don't ship anything here because of US sanctions against Iran. Do you think someday it will be possible for us to have official anime and manga stuff? Does the anime and manga industry have any interest to be in Iran's market? Our currency is very weak against the US dollar. For example, most people earn only $300 per month. Does such a country with these difficulties have any reason to hope for involvement from the anime industry?
 First of all, thank you for writing in. It's really, truly gratifying to know that even people in countries we've never anticipated read our site (and my column) and enjoy it. That really made my day. I'm printing your letter not just to answer your question, but also to show our other readers how tough it can REALLY be to be an anime fan when you're not lucky enough to live in a country that permits such things. Think you have it tough because you can't afford a premium Crunchyroll subscription, or a Blu-ray release isn't to your liking? THIS is worse. Way, way worse.
So anyway, to answer your question, I have to get a little bit into current politics, and to be honest I am not an expert in middle east policy or politics, so I'm going to tread very lightly here.
From what I can tell, there are three major things standing in the way of anime being freely and legally available in Iran. The first are the sanctions against the country. This not only makes it illegal for someone to export an anime disc or merchandise item to Iran from America, but from basically any country in the United Nations -- so that takes out the entire European Union, Japan, Korea, Canada, Australia, and nearly every other country with an organized anime industry of any size. Any attempt to do business with Iran in any way is basically a non-starter until those sanctions are lifted. The good news is that a recent nuclear non-proliferation treaty between Iran and the US that would significantly ease those sanctions has been reached, although whether or not it'll be enacted is currently a hot political debate. Regardless, tensions do seem to be easing a little bit, so there's some reason for hope here. When trade is possible, a country's economy tends to recover, and the value of its currency will slowly get back to a level at which it's possible to do business again. It'll take some time.
The second major barrier is the big national ban on international entertainment products that are in any way sexualized. This is a political issue in Iran with its government censoring what people can see, based on their interpretation of Islamic morals. As long as that's as strict as it currently is, there's simply no way for anime to get imported in any form without it getting cut down to nothing -- there's simply too much the current regime would find offensive. I'm not qualified to say whether there's any indication that the government will liberalize its censorship practices, but countries do change, and they do change fast. Not necessarily all censorship needs to be lifted before anime can find its way in, but internet filtering of mainstream anime websites like ANN, Crunchyroll and Daisuki needs to happen, if nothing else.
The last barrier is the speed of most people's internet connection. According to the data I've found, only Tehran has broadband connections over 2 Mbps, which are necessary for decent quality internet video. This is important, because physical media and merchandise can be confiscated and seized at the border, making any venture dealing with that stuff a non-starter. Legal streaming sites, however, can be operated overseas and simply grant access to Iranian customers. If internet censorship gets loosened up and bandwidth speeds improve just a little, suddenly it becomes possible to grant legal access to the entire nation. It will probably take some years and a lot of smart people to figure out how to make it work as a business, but it would be possible.
Those are a lot of very tough obstacles to overcome. They will take years, perhaps even a generation, to enact. But change can happen very fast. Huge chunks of Asia, from China to Vietnam to South Korea, opened up and transformed in a major way in the last few decades, and it's possible for Iran too. I want that for you, and I hope the politics of the world allow it to happen someday”.
Original Source:https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/answerman/2015-08-28/.92206
Below:Tourists visiting Naghshe Jahan Square in Isfahan https://blog.apochi.com/is-it-safe-to-travel-to-iran-in-2021/
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My say:
  Vahid asked a nice Question to to ANN Answerman,he got the Good Answer.this clearly gives us light on something we don’t hear about from usual media.The Iranian fans of manga and anime,people who got irritated with the sanctions policy.I just sense that the JCPOA was a win-win case,where it cut some slack to many Iranian fans of manga and anime.
 Below:Iranian animators working at a studio of  the Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults –  Kanoon. (Kanoon/Hamid Tavakkoli)    
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 below:The Iranian vlogger,on Aparat  MH12 Live( https://www.aparat.com/MH12Live ) talks about his favorite action anime:Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet.
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An other Iranian vlogger https://www.aparat.com/Itzomi1234 discusses in her video about manga,particularly her favorite:Attack on Titan !
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Below:The Iranian musician,fan of inuyasha,Ahmad Mohamadiyan performing Inuyasha’s lullaby,see https://www.aparat.com/v/tVplb
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The iranian https://www.aparat.com/Bahar161382.Dolati. And what vital does it have? Inuyasha dearest,Kikyo  https://www.aparat.com/v/GRvIT
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The iranian website mentions the famous mangakas,including Eiichiro Oda,Takahashi Rumiko and Hajime Isayama!     https://www.tarafdari.com/node/1770335:
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 https://vigiato.net/p/136206 :it’s all about Inuyasha:)
The following two iranian sites that mention-in good manner-Rumiko’s Maison Ikkoku:
Godai and Kyoko(Maison Ikkoku)
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This is about Yashahime:https://www.cartonionline.com/fa/%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%BE%D8%B1%D8%B3/rumiko-takahashi-%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%A7%DB%8C-%DA%A9%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B1-%D9%85%D9%88%D8%B3%DB%8C%D9%82%DB%8C-%D9%85%D8%AA%D9%86-%D8%B4%D8%AE%D8%B5%DB%8C%D8%AA%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-yashahime-%D8%B1%D8%A7-%D8%AA%D8%B1%D8%B3%DB%8C%D9%85-%D9%85%DB%8C-%DA%A9%D9%86%D8%AF/
Isn’t wholesome finding out there many people in Iran fans of manga and anime?
Later what did ...?
 But what later transpired gives off angry vibes.Because Donald Trump was elected president of US.This man disliked both JCPOA and Iran,he wanted to bring in a Win- Lose.He withdrew from JCPOA,he also brought in on  sanctions on Iran,thus he just made life uneasy for many Iranian otakus,and for the Iranian Animators too.
All his attitude  towards the people of Iran was Quite Belligerent,nasty.Well it backfired.He lost.
 The Sanctions on Iran are still on.It’s outcome is so many Ιranian otakus can’t get legaly anime and manga merchandise,and many Iranian Animators can’t co work with their respectful Japanese peers too. Please see :https://www.tumblr.com/ashitakaxsan/703271300019421184/bad-news-about-iranian-animation?source=share
In fact Google Play has removed the apps Aparat,Filimo and Rubika, from its store over 6 years ago(due to the U.S. sanctions against Iran).Such unfair act won’t be forever.
“You can’t use vinegar as bait,you can use honey to get the honeybee”.Τhe honeybee of the case is Iran:)
  Iran is civilized,tolerant ,with a fondness for the art of Animation,and the japanese culture.It really matters if  JCPOA would be revived,cause it will give easiness for  business and legal import of manga stuff in Iran. I want this to happen,and to blossom so nice that will lead the iranian ministry of culture grant a medal to Takahashi Rumiko,and to Hiromu Arakawa(creator of the current hit manga Arslan Senki) too.
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payidaresque · 1 year
hey folks, payidaresque here with an important message ✧
Hey guys, it's Dasha! I have an important thing to say. First of all, i want to thank you all guys for supporting me and staying with me even during such a long hiatus — it's really, truly, means the world to me! It so happened that these past couple of months were quite difficult for me because i was suffering from insomnia (probably the consequences of a very long stress) and i'm still trying to get treated and recover from it, and i gotta say, it's quite a task. And while i was away, i was thinking a lot about my blog, because no matter what, i love making content very much and interacting with you guys, and i also thought a lot about entertainment/media industry in general — as some of you probably know, i said before that i'm quite disappointed in it. Unfortunately, that hasn't changed. But, as i said, i still have passion for creating content, and i still get ideas, so i decided to find some middleground and make some changes to my blog. I write them down because i know that people follow me for specific fandom/content, and they might wanna unfollow me after learning what's gonna change. So, things that will most likely change and things that won't change ever are [under the cut]:
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✧ I won't be posting any shows until they're finished. because while i was away, the awfull tendency of cancelling shows continued (and still does), and as you know, the cancellation of Aziz hit me very hard, so now i refuse to watch any ongoing series because i simply see no point in doing it anymore as it might be cancelled anytime, from now on i will only be posting shows that have wrapped the story ✧ I will post more movies. I watched a lot of great ones, and i still have passion for making gifs, so you can definitely expect that! ✧ I was, still am, and will be «payidaresque». Believe it or not, this url means a lot to me. Mentally, i'm still in my Aziz era, and probably will always be ✧ I'll always be posting Aziz as well. Both to my main and to my sideblog. May be arrogant of me to say, but i consider this my responsibility to keep this fandom (and i like to think that i contributed into forming a fandom, even a small one) alive. In fact, if you ever see me NOT posting Aziz, consider that i was kidnapped by my evil twin or some other force that i can't control *this also includes both Murat's and Simay's projects, as i'm continuing to actively follow them both, even if not watching anything… yet ✧ i will try to also update my other sideblogs more frequently. So expect to see more posts from my other hyperfixations on your dash lol And that's about it! As you see, there's not many changes, but i think it's the important ones
Unfortunately, i don't know when i'm gonna come back just yet, as i still need to recover from my disorder, but i want you guys to know that i miss you very much and be back as soon as i get better. I thank you a lot for staying with me, reblogging my posts and leaving your comments. It means everything 💜 I wish you all the best and hope to see you soon!
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krisb-writing-blog · 2 years
Chapter 4: She Took the Midnight Train Going Anywhere
Start date: 07/10/22
End date: 07/18/22
TW: implication of m**d*r
Rating: PG (mature themes implied)
▪︎ __________ 🌷 __________ ▪︎
A month had passed since three of the four women scorned by Sam Dalton put their plan into motion, and it had worked so far. Marianne was unstoppable at work with the case and the detectives had found a lot of leads that actually bore fruit, Sofia bombarded Sam with extra work and projects until he could barely see over the mountain of proposals, and Hannah helped distract him in her own way, using dinners and movie nights with the kids to buy Marianne some time when she worked late nights. But finally, a tip from a witness all those years ago paid off, and the trio met up while Sam was at work.
"Mom! Sofia is here!" Mickey yelled, answering the door.
"That's no way to greet the woman who was almost your stepmother." Sofia beckoned, walking in.
"You're right. There's alternate terms that could be used in place of your name but we have a swear jar now after a brutal game night." Mason scoffed as he walked by.
"Thanks, you two. If you need help with your homework, just come get Hannah or me and we'll be right there." Marianne sat a food platter on the dining room table.
Once the kids went to their rooms, and Marianne double checked to make sure Ainsley was asleep on the baby monitor, the women caught each other up on what happened.
"Just out of curiosity, why are you working when Marianne is in the apartment today?" Sofia asked Hannah.
"Because I'm looking at the evidence today and I don't know how to explain why the suspect board has the father of my child and stepchildren on top of it, so she keeps them occupied while I work." Marianne answered for Hannah.
"Please tell me that's the only thing he's on top of." Sofia winked, sipping her tea.
"Eww. Also, since I'm pretending to be okay with that part of the scheme, I have to second that." Marianne replied.
"It's mostly just talk, I told him that I want to take things slow and he bought it." Hannah reassured them.
"Well, how's the investigation going? Anything that would shock the business world yet?" Sofia asked.
"I can't reveal much, but I can say that the tip we recovered said that Sam was the last one seen with Addison at a subway station before she disappeared. The techs are recovering security footage, but that's going to take a little while since it's been so long and the technology wasn't as great then as it is now. They're supposed to tell me later, but that's just the technical explanation." Marianne put something on her plate.
"Well what's the other explanation? Am I gonna have to help you look in the attic, because I already helped my roommate do that after we watched the Annabelle movies." Hannah shared.
"DNA was found in their old car, which was abandoned at the Dalton storage unit. It's Addison's, and it couldn't have gotten there unless she laid down in the backseat. I was hoping she'd be alive for the twins' sakes, but it's looking unlikely." Marianne sighed, taking a bite of a bagel.
Before anyone could say anything, Sam came home and walked into the dining room to see the three women conversing.
"Well if it isn't my wife, nanny, and ex-fiancee. What brings you three together?" Sam was curious, and quite frankly a little suspicious.
"Business. I'm hosting a ladies lunch and I was originally going to just invite your wife, but I'm fascinated by your nanny's passion for chemistry that I've extended it to her as well. She could be very crucial to Russo Industries if she wants a different career path." Sofia covered for them.
"I thought you said that you had a degree in communication and public relations?" Sam proved that he wasn't listening.
"Nope, chemistry." Hannah reminded him.
"Well I don't think they'll be able to get out of work to go, so I'm afraid they can't attend." Sam was nervous.
"My office is handling the case load just fine, and the kids can come with us, so you will have the office and the apartment to yourself." Marianne stood up to her husband.
When Sofia left, the day went on as it normally would. After putting the kids to bed, Hannah left and was in the elevator when she got a call from Marianne.
"Hello? Did I leave something in the apartment?" Hannah asked.
"No, but the lab got the footage back. Addison and Sam argued at the train station, and she got on alone. How her DNA could've been in the back of that car is still a mystery, but the credit card statements show that Sam rented a boat the afternoon that she went missing. The dive team is gonna investigate some more, but as far as we know she's still missing." Marianne whispered.
"So Sam knows more about the disappearance than what he's told the cops, and you're not letting him know any of this why?" Hannah asked.
"The element of surprise. If we find something, his reaction will be just as useful as any evidence." Marianne whispered.
"Alright. I'm gonna be in a little late tomorrow, my neighbors are gonna help me and my roommate with our stupid wifi issues, but I won't be too late. If I hear anything from Sam or Sofia I'll text you." Hannah told her.
"Got it. See you tomorrow." Marianne hung up.
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lainface · 9 months
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indie, selective, single-muse and heavily canon divergent blog for a GABRIELLA O'HARA // DARK WEB. no password required. mutuals only. SIDEBLOG. follows from @novaragno.
                           penned by NØX.   (   + 21.   she // her.   animation student.   )
A STUDY IN: david vs goliath, loss of innocence, derealization, being alone in the multiverse, hunting down the monster under your bed. SHORT ABOUT.
IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME AT MY OC, YOU DON'T DESERVE ME AT MY CANON. this meaning, if you throw yourself at my canon muses only and ignore my ocs, this tell me that 1) you don't really care about my writing in the first place and 2) i'm just here to fill a spot, and i refuse that. THIS BLOG IS MEDIUM TO LOW ACTIVITY in favor for my oc.
✧ o1. asks & threads.
If you want to make a plotted thread, y'all just need to hit me up ! Be it on my DMs or Discord ( that I only give to close mutuals ), if you send something I should answer it pretty fast. And if you want to continue a thread based on an ask, there is no problem with that, no need to ask !
✧ o2. roleplay memes.
I do reblog karma here ! This means that I would prefer that you reblog a meme on my blog from the source ! I do not like the notification clogging it does ! I am BEGGING you to reblog both memes and musing posts FROM THE SOURCE. It’s such a pet peeve of mine. Since many people tend to do that, I have decided that after 3 times someone reblogs a meme from me ( instead of the source ) without sending any, I will softblock said person. This rule does not apply if the source of the meme is broken.
✧ o3. language & grammar.
English is my third language, so be ready, there might be some spelling errors and mistakes, heck, there might be some on this page only ! You might find some posts in italian or french.
✧ o4. godmodding.
is of course non-authorized. Killing my muse without so much of a warning and us plotting beforehand will make me automatically drop the thread. METAGAMING unless warned or talked about before is also non-authorized.
✧ o5. art & credits.
The art used on this blog for graphics will come from official sources ( such as the spider verse movie & the river city girls official artworks ).
✧ o6. crossover & ocs.
Both are great ! Usually if you have an about page, you’re already halfway good to go. For crossovers, I have to know the universe your muse is from / you gotta have a verse I can work with, as for OCs, I love OCs to bits and I’ve been an advocate for ocs since 2016.
✧ o7. shipping & nsfw.
I am more than okay with shipping, if of course we’re both on the same page about it. One-sided crushes can happen, both from your character and mine, but if the feelings are unrequited I will not push you for a relationship nor should you expect yourself to do the same towards me. MY MUSE IS UNDER 18 AND SO NO SMUT WILL BE WRITTEN ON THIS BLOG. however, suggestive is fine. I WILL BLOCK YOU IF I SEE YOU SHIP ADULTS AND MINORS i'm not playing.
✧ o8. Blacklist & triggers.
I have very little squeaks, however I understand that others do. If you need anything tagged, tell me so !
✧ o9. AI art.
I WILL BLOCK YOU IF I SEE YOU USING AI-GENERATED ART. if you are unaware of the problems ai-generated material causes for the art industry, be it illustrators, writers or animators, i implore you to educate yourself on the matter. as someone who would like to enter the industry one day, THIS IS A DEAL BRAKER TO ME. i understand the curiousity and wanting to do it recreationaly, however, BE AWARE that those do cause harm too and feed the machine.
PLEASE TAG YOUR INTERACTIONS WITH MAE // FOXTAIL // SERA // GORE AND PAPAYA // AXOLOLT // GLORY. Their presence is pretty triggering for me. Thank you ! Their URL is enough. I WILL ALSO NOT INTERACT WITH PROSHIPPERS. if we're friends & i find out you're a weirdo, i don't care how long we've been friends, IT'S ON SIGHT AND I WILL NOT BE COVERING YOUR ASS EITHER. i'm a recovering survivor of grooming and abuse and i do not wish to be exposed to that kind of content nor people who actively get off it, and that is my right.
I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LACK OF COMMUNICATION. as a roleplay partner and friend, i try to be as communicative as possible, and i believe that enjoyable interactions, be it ic or ooc, reside on all parties communicating their needs and wants. IF YOU FAIL TO DO YOUR PART, THAT IS NOT MY FAULT. don't be wishy washy about it, i take things at face value; give me CLEAR STATEMENTS.
0 notes
impostoradult · 4 years
I finally figured out why it feels like Supernatural murdered a unicorn (AKA why you need to STOP telling me to watch Black Sails)
I’ll start by saying, everything everyone else has been saying CERTAINLY bothers me: 
- the queer-baiting - the bury your queers - the undermining of Dean’s character arc  - the wasted opportunity for a certain kind of overall narrative closure - the flat out disrespect to Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles
 All of that bothers me tremendously. 
But there has been something else rather ineffable about this that has left a horrible taste in my mouth that I couldn’t quite pin down until last night. Bear with me, if you will, because this will require some set-up. 
*** This is not the first show to ever disappoint me in a spectacular fashion, nor will it be the last, I suspect. And one of the ways I’ve always coped with that disappointment was to remind myself that there will be other stories, other characters, other chances to get it right. (”It” being any number of things from just pure narrative emotional coherence to not burying your queers to not stringing along your queer audience and then yelling fuck you to them on the way out) 
But somehow that assurance -- that there will be other stories, other characters, other chances to get it right -- has rung particularly hollow in this instance, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on why until yesterday. 
I kept asking myself, why do I still have this feeling, deep in the pit of my stomach, like something was lost here that can never be recovered? 
Because something was lost here that I am doubtful can ever be recovered, and I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else talking about this aspect of it at all. 
A few months ago, TV critic Maureen Ryan did a great interview piece with Mike Schur (of Parks & Rec/The Good Place) discussing the death of long-form TV in the streaming era. They explore how the longer seasons and longer runs of traditional broadcast/cable TV provided an opportunity to tell particular kinds of stories that you simply can’t when seasons are 8-10 episodes and series typically run 2-4 seasons (thanks Netflix).
One key thing we’ve all lost in this new era of highly condensed TV storytelling (and of prestige TV narrative styles)? The traditional (several season’s long) slow-burn/will-they-won’t-they romance. Not only is there simply no longer the time or space to write such romances, it has also come to be seen as hacky, manipulative, cheap, artistically impoverished, low-brow, a embarrassing vestige of the era before TV became art™. 
Everybody is trying to be Fleabag now. No one wants to be Frasier. (”It’s really more like a 10 hour movie” they all like to brag)
Obviously TV still has romances, even ‘drawn out’ romances. But ‘drawn out’ in 2020 is like 2-3 seasons, maybe. More commonly it’s like half a season. Take Schitt’s Creek. The number of episodes between when David and Patrick first meet and when they first kiss? Seven. Seven episodes. Half a season. If you watched it live, it took less than 2 months for them to move from introducing that dynamic to consummating it. And I’m not bagging on Schitt’s Creek; I think the David/Patrick’s story is very lovely and well-written. 
But Niles & Daphne (Fraiser) had to wait 7 years and over 150 episodes before they finally got there. Josh & Donna (The West Wing) had to wait 6+ years, and 145 episodes. Mulder & Scully (The X-Files) had to wait 7 seasons and 143 episodes. Booth & Bones had to wait...you see where I am going with this. 
And my point is (and I can’t believe I never realized this explicitly until now): there has NEVER been a queer slow-burn/will-they-won’t-they romance of that type on TV ever. EVER. 
I’m going to say that again, because I think it bares repeating:
There has never been a queer, slow-burn/will-they-won’t-they romance that fits the 100-150 episode paradigm of delayed gratification on TV. 
Not ever.  
I can’t think of ONE example  Not a single, solitary one. And I know queer TV pretty well. Arguably the closest we’ve ever come is Legend of Korra, and that ran 50 episodes, a THIRD of the length of old school will-they-won’t-theys like Booth & Bones or Josh & Donna. 
Queer people have had a fair number of canonical romances on TV by now, even fairly long running ones. But we never got a primary/front-and-center romance that you had to root for for 100+ episodes before you got any kind of canonical consummation.
That is a particular kind of TV experience that queer people and queer characters were just 100% shut out of until it was too late. And because of how the TV landscape has changed in the last 10 years, I don’t know that that opportunity will ever come back around in our lifetimes. 
Dean and Castiel are/were a legacy of an earlier era of TV, an era that still contained the possibility for a will-they-won’t-they of that particular mold. There were other shows that could have also filled this gap at one time - Rizzoli & Isles, OUAT, House MD, etc. But one by one all of them were killed off, their queer romances unrequited, until Supernatural was the only one of its’ generation left standing. 
And they should have acknowledged that they were a species about to become extinct. 
There are plenty of other valid and compelling reasons Supernatural should have gone full Destiel, don’t get me wrong.
A) It would have been the most emotionally satisfying ending to the series and to those characters (and that would have been reason enough). 
B) It would have stopped the manipulative queer-baiting of the (disproportionately queer) fanbase (and that would have been reason enough). 
C) It would have been queer representation of middle-aged men, of bi men, of queers who came to their queerness later in life (and any/all of those would have been reason enough). 
D) It could have been a glorious subversion of the bury your queers trope, considering how often they’ve died and been resurrected (and that would have been reason enough). 
But point E) on this list is the reason this one hurts in a singular way that no one even appears to be acknowledging. 
Almost all of the other wrongs and missed opportunities contained in this Supernatural debacle have the possibility of being rectified (at least to a degree) elsewhere. I can and I likely will get more bi male characters from TV as time goes on. I can and likely will get more middle-aged queer characters. I can and likely will get more queer characters coming to their queerness later in life, and starting queer romances later in life. I can and likely will get more queer characters who aren’t killed cheaply and prematurely. I can and likely will get more genre TV shows with sprawling myth arc plots that are resolved in a coherent, satisfying way. I can and likely will get Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles involved in other projects that value their work and their talents. 
All of those other things are at the very least POSSIBLE, and many are even likely. 
But a queer 100-150 episode slow-burn romance a la Mulder & Scully or Niles & Daphne or Booth & Bones? That is the one baton Supernatural dropped spectacularly that no one else even has the possibility of picking up again for the foreseeable future. (They don’t even write those types of romances for heterosexuals anymore!) 
Seriously. It was a TV unicorn. And rather than letting it run wild and free, they stabbed it with a rusty nail. 
Given the monumental shifts in the TV landscape that have occurred in the last decade, I don’t know that TV will ever go back to the slow-burn/will-they-won’t-they romance spanning 100-150 episodes. Today it is a miracle if you can get ANY show to last longer than 50 episodes in the first place. 
And that is the piece of this that makes it feel (to me) like they murdered a unicorn.  
Because queer people have gotten a lot of things from TV, and they will get a lot more as time goes on. But that one? That one could very well be a totally extinct species.
That is the larger missed opportunity here that has left this feeling especially hollow and destructive. That is the thing that makes me balk when people tell me to go watch Black Sails or Pose or whatever other prestige TV show is doing this representation ‘better.’ Because that’s not really the loss I am mourning here. I KNOW there is ‘better’ representation elsewhere.  
But the will-they-won’t-they/slow-burn romance is a qualitatively unique thing that queer people literally just never got. Ever. There is no substitute, no alternate, no other show I can turn to with that kind of build-up and pay-off for a queer couple, and there probably won’t be in my lifetime. Not unless the TV industry undergoes another monumental evolution similar to the streaming revolution that shifts the incentives back to telling those types of stories again. 
All those shows you want me to displace Supernatural with? None of them can give me the one thing I uniquely wanted (and could have gotten) from Supernatural. THAT ALTERNATE SHOW DOESN’T EXIST. It doesn’t exist. And I have no reason to hope it will ever exist in my lifetime. 
So stop telling me to look somewhere else; you don’t understand what made this one a unicorn. 
Addendum: The only other possible show that could perhaps fill this gap is It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (re: Mac/Dennis). But I’m hesitant to say it exactly meets that criteria, for a number of reasons:
1 - It’s far less serialized relative to Supernatural and (except for a handful of stand-alone episodes) very little of the story is grounded specifically in Dennis/Mac’s romantic dynamic (unlike SPN, where it is absolutely central to much of the narrative)
2 - IASIP is fundamentally satirically in nature/tone which makes it much harder to have genuine romantic pathos (not impossible, but harder) 
3 - All the characters on IASIP are fundamentally crummy people who you aren’t exactly supposed to root for. Which doesn’t mean a romance between two of them can’t have its value/charm/worth but it’s not the same as when it is between characters who unequivocally deserve nice things/happy endings
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
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Summary: After a long hot day at work and a nightmare journey home, you find your husband has a very welcome and refreshing surprise for you in the form of a full size jacuzzi in your back garden.
Pairing: Captain Syverston x Female Reader Wife (no race or size mentioned)
Fandoms: Sand Castle (Movie), Henry Cavill.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Established Relationship, Semi Public Sex, Fingering, Oral (Female Receiving), Unprotected Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Alcohol consumption.
I do not run a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications for future stories. All past works can be found on there or on my AO3.
It had been a long day. Work had been hot and sweaty, customers were grouchy and some even tried to pull the 'speak to the manager' bullshit, even though you were the manager. Traffic had been a nightmare, your car deciding that the middle of a heatwave would be the perfect time for the air conditioning to stop working, simultaneously with a truck of maple syrup hitting the central concrete barrier and spilling its sticky load. 
Snerk. You snorted a laugh through the sweat. Sticky load… your husband would have made a whole bunch of dirty comments and jokes about being covered in sticky loads. You couldn't wait to get home to see him, it was the fact that he had now retired from the Army and would be happily waiting for you at home every night that made each day worthwhile. 
When Sy had finally retired you'd wept tears of joy, every day was a blessing. You'd discussed what you were both going to do with jobs, your contract was up in 3 months time, Sy was drawing a military pension and had saved a considerable nest egg. He'd also taken to industrial upcycling; making lamps and coffee tables out of engines and car parts, which had been massively popular. You had to admit when you saw him in his workshop with his acetylene torch and welding mask on, cutting enormous chunks of metal in half and creating brutal beauty from the elements you were immediately turned on by the raw virility of the sight.
When you eventually pulled onto the driveway, a quick glance towards his workshop told you he'd finished for the day, and as you let yourself into your house you called out to him;
"Out here" came his slightly muffled reply, and you realised he was probably sitting on the patio out back, nursing a beer.
"I'm gonna run upstairs and take a shower, the aircon in my car has stopped working"
"Darlin, come out here first… i got something that'll refresh you"
Rolling your eyes you started to unbutton your blouse;
"Really Sy, i'm all sweaty and stinky…"
"Woman…" he growled;  "I said get out here…"
If any other man had called you 'woman' you'd knocked them out, but you knew Sy and for him it was a term of endearment. Quietly walking through the kitchen you reached the back door and patio;
"Sy…" you started to speak, but was cut short when you saw what he'd been referring to.
Sat on the corner of your patio, shielded from view by the trellis covered in Clematis blooms was an inflatable hot tub, bubbling away with your mountain of a man sat in it, arms spread out on each side as he held a beer and grinned at you;
"Told ya' i had something that'd cool you down"
Pressing your hand to the side of it you tested the water, smiling when you found it the perfect temperature;
"You bought a hot tub?"
"Rented. Wanted to see if we liked it before we made the investment. Why don't you get in and give it a go?"
"Sure, i'll just go get changed into my bathing costume"
Sy's glinted with mischief;
"Why? I ain't wearing one…"
You weren't sure;
"Its rented? Is it clean?"
"Spent all afternoon flushing the system and giving it a full wipe down, even though the rental company says they do it after each use… i know how you are with hygiene" he moved in the massive tub, moving to the side where you stood;
 "Now are ya gonna get naked or am i gonna have to rip those clothes off of ya?"
A minute later you were climbing in, work clothes hastily discarded in a pile on the patio, Sy holding your hand as he guided you into the bubbly water and you immediately let out a long low moan as the jets of water soothed and massaged your weary body;
"Oh Sy… this feels amazing…"
His massive hands cradled your torso, pulling you through the water until you were able to straddle his lap, his mouth meeting yours for a fierce kiss. As your tongues danced together he smoothed his hands over your back, massaging the day's stresses away to the point where let your head tilt back. Resting in his strong arms you let your back touch the water, smiling as the warm summer breeze danced over your breasts, before that skilled mouth was on your breasts, sucking on one nipple then the other, before he shifted and you were floating on the water, his mouth on your pussy. 
You weren’t the tiniest of girls, but you had utter trust in Sy that he could hold you up whilst eating you out. The man would easily heave around 10 foot iron beam railroad tracks to make into coffee tables, he’d pushed his truck home when the engine had died and that is no mean feat when it comes to a Ford F350. So with that knowledge safe in your mind you could thoroughly relax and let his tongue work magic on your clit as his beard tickled your folds. You came with a cry and he swallowed down your essence, before lowering you into the water and onto his lap.
As he lowered you you felt his hardness seek you out, sliding through your folds before you reached down and positioned him at your entrance, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you let yourself be slowly impaled on his shaft. With the worries and stresses of the day easing away with each blissful bubble that popped on your skin you sought out his lips for another kiss as you started to ride him, the friction palatable as the noise of the motor covered the sighs and moans the two of you were making. Sy’s hands firmly gripped your ass, pulling you up and down on his gnarled shaft;
“Fuck… You look so fucking good riding me Darlin’. Definitely gonna get a permanent one of these installed… might get you a coupla’ white bikini’s as i’d love to see these titties through the soaked fabric, would be such a treat…” he grinned at you; “A titty treat…”
Grinning at him you squeezed your pelvic muscles, finally shutting him up so you could concentrate as you chased your orgasm;
“Sure Sy, i’ll get a white bikini… you want me to do the gardening in it too? Watching me on my hands and knees as i plant the petunia’s?”
“Woman, i’ll fucking take you from behind right on the lawn if you do that” he growled, thrusting his hips up sharply and finding your g-spot. One of his hands crept around your hip and between your bodies, seeking out your clit as he ran his calloused thumb over the sensitive nub. From the way he was bouncing you on his lap you could tell he was getting close, his teeth gritted as he tried to hold off from cumming, but with no luck. His hands gripped your hips to stop you from moving in the hope it’d delay his orgasm. You watched as his eyes rolled back in his head and his head fell back against the side of the spa, thrusting his hips up as he swore out a litany of curses as his body reached its peak before he’d have wanted to;
“Fuck fuck fuck… ah god… i’m sorry… fuck…”
Cradling the back of his head in your fingers you stroked at the short hair as you dipped your head down and pressed open mouthed kisses to his neck and shoulders. With his eyes still shut he pulled a hand out of the water and raked it down his face before looking up at you, his blue eyes sparkling;
“Ah fuck i’m sorry Darlin’... lemme see about getting you sorted…don’t get off just yet…”
He slid his hand back between your bodies, his thumb back on your clit. His other hand moved to your breasts, using his mouth on one nipple as he pinched the other between his thumb and forefinger. Writhing on his lap you could feel your orgasm rapidly approaching, Sy knowing exactly how to play your body like a guitar as you sang out your siren song that was a blessing to his ears. 
As your orgasm washed over you Sy held you in his arms, letting you ride out your pleasure as he relished the feel of your body surrounding him. Slumped in his arms you nuzzled at his neck, happily riding the waves of pleasure that echoed around your body. 
“You ok there Darlin’?” Sy purred, smoothing his massive palm over your back like a giant bear paw.
“Hmmn” you hummed, stopping mid response when you felt him shift and realised he was hard again; “Sy?”
He looked at you, a smirk on his face as he cocked an eyebrow;
“Darlin… you know when i blow my load real fast i’m ready for another round… your sweet little pussy massaged me back to full health” he pressed a kiss to your nose; “Now turn around and bend over, hand on the side… i’m gonna rail that juicy pussy from behind, see how many times i can make you cum before i shoot load number two”
Manhandling you in the water you let out a shriek as he thrust into you from behind, your walls still tight from your previous orgasm and he did exactly as promised, splitting you open from behind as his powerful thighs railed you harder than the transcontinental express. With his heavy ballsack slapping against your clit you were soon cumming again, Sy fucking you straight through it before he brought you to another orgasm soon after as he filled you with another sticky load.
As you both tried to recover from the energetic synchronised aquatics he pulled you flush with his chest as he sank down into the water, letting you lay back against his chest as your bodies were still joined. His hands skimmed over your torso beneath your breasts, cupping them tenderly;
“We’re getting one of these, right Darlin’?”
“Hmmm, absolutely”
You sat there for a good half hour, cradled in Sy’s arms as you told each other about your day, before your skin wrinkled and it was time to get out.
Later that evening Sy had driven the pair of you to the main hardware store in town that he’d rented the Spa from, and you’d ordered the parts and equipment for your very own one. As Sy had started getting deep into conversation with the sales guy who turned out had also recently retired from the Army you tugged on Sy’s sleeve;
“Honey, i’m gonna pop to Walmart next door”
“Sure thing Darlin, i’ll catch up with you in fifteen minutes”
Just as promised Sy found you fifteen minutes later as you browsed through the clothing section, and you spotted that he was swinging a small clothes hangar from his finger;
“What you got there?” you asked
Sy held it up and your eyes practically bulged out of your head; He had found the tiniest white bikini, that although was your size, was little more than three small triangles of fabric connected with the thinnest of strings;
“Exactly what we discussed… now i see ya got a bottle of tequila and some snacks, how about we head home and we can test this out?”
Grinned you nodded;
“Just one thing…”
“Yeah Darlin?”
“We need to grab a few more of those… there’s no way that is gonna survive one wear with you around”
Nodding in agreement Sy grinned, taking the basket from your hand as he wrapped his free arm around your shoulders;
“See, that’s why i married ya’, thinking ahead…”
He pressed a kiss to your hair as he led you back to the display of swimwear, grinning as you pulled out numerous other cheap pieces of swimwear, knowing full well Sy would destroy them as thoroughly as he destroys your pussy.
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hangovercurse · 3 years
Blind Date
After being single for three months, your friends decide to set you and Colson up on a blind date.
Request: Hey!! Could you do one about the reader and Colson meeting by a blind date? Let your creativity go wild ❤️
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: This is a little bit different from how I normally write, so let’s see how this goes.
Word Count: 1916
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It’s funny how the universe makes things happen. While some people are having their first kiss, others are taking their last breath. Every moment in time is so intricately woven together, it sometimes seems ironic how things happen.
Like tonight, on two sides of California, two very different people were having the same conversation.
“I’m not sure about this.”
“What if she thinks my tattoos are too much?”
“What if he thinks I’m too weird?”
“What if she hates music?”
“What if he hates art?”
“I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”
“I don’t think I can do this.”
Your best friend stared at you from your bed as you paced around the room. “Y/N, you’re going to be fine. You said it yourself, you need to get back out there. Baze says he’s a good guy, and I trust Baze.”
Baze was in a similar situation, laying on the couch as Colson paced around the house. “Colson, dude. It’s gonna be good, she’s gonna like you.”
“I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s not like I’ve never been on a first fuckin date before. I used to do this shit every night.” He sighed, sitting down.
You let out a frustrated groan, “I know. I just feel like after everything in the past few years I feel like I’ve forgotten how to do first dates.”
“You’re gonna be great, just be yourself. And remember, it’s a blind date, so if you guys don’t hit it off or something goes horribly wrong, you never have to see him again.” She smiled as you threw her a playful glare.
“Colson, I love you man, but you have to do this. I don’t think you’ve even looked at a woman who isn’t Ashleigh in like three months.”
The light-haired man sent his friend a glare, “I’m sorry that I was recovering from the worst heartbreak of my life.”
You finally sat down, pulling on your shoes. “Maybe it’s too soon. Maybe I’m not as ready as I thought I was.”
Your friend sighed, sitting up and placing her arms around your shoulders, “It’s been three months since you and T broke up. You grieved, and now you need to move on. You deserve this.”
“Dude, you said you were over her. You are over her. Now you get to find someone else and try to be happy. You deserve this.”
“Maybe don’t bring up your disastrous ex, Y/N.”
“But please, for the love of god, bro, don’t bring up Megan.”
 You entered the small, classy restaurant, your hands shaking slightly. The entire place was dimly lit, with candles scattered around any surface available. You walked to the hostess stand, “Baker for two.” You told her, a small smile gracing your features.
She nodded, leading you through the floor. “He got here not 30 seconds before you did.” She laughed and you blushed a little bit.
You were grateful he wasn’t late, but you were also grateful he wasn’t extremely early , or else you would have felt awful for making him wait.
You were finally brought to a small table in the back of the restaurant to find one of the prettiest men you have ever laid your eyes on. When his eyes met yours, he stood up immediately, a smile on his face. “Y/N?” He asked.
“Colson.” You responded. He pulled your chair out for you, and you felt heat rushing to your cheeks at the kind gesture. None of the guys you had ever dated pulled your chair out for you, especially not your most recent ex.
“Baze told me you were pretty but this is…” He trailed off, seeming a bit lost for words. “You are absolutely gorgeous.”
He was good at this, good at making you nervous, making you blush like a teenager. “Thank you.” You whispered, “I think you are one of the prettiest people I have ever met.” You returned his compliment with one of your own.
The redness in his cheeks made you smile, a bit of pride rising in your chest. “Baze truthfully didn’t tell me much about you.” He started, “so, what do you do?” He was kicking himself for the lame question, but his mind was half occupied with the color of your eyes and he couldn’t form a coherent thought.
“I’m an artist.” You probably didn’t realize it, but Colson could see the slightest bit of a light in your eyes as you spoke about your passion. “I do graphic designing for websites, making logos and designs and such. That’s my day job, at least. I do some painting and sketching on the side, though. Eventually I’d like to be able to make that my whole job, but it is a hard industry.”
Colson nodded in understanding, his eyes holding the same weight as yours when you spoke of your flailing dreams. You wondered how he knew exactly what you were talking about.
Seemingly reading your mind, he answered. “I get that so much. I’m a musician, so I’ve been there. Luckily, I did make it my full-time job, but I remember before I made it, all the stress and struggles. It gets better.”
You smiled, “easy for you to say, aren’t you like, a big Rockstar?”
He chuckled, looking down, “yeah, sort of. But I wasn’t, you know? Like before all this I was dirt poor and the picture of a starving artist. I mean I’m still not like, winning Grammys or shit now, but I’m not there anymore either.”
You nodded, studying him. “I was lucky, I had support through art school and got a job as soon as I graduated. I’ve never had to struggle in that sense. I don’t think I’d be happy staying where I’m at for the rest of my life, but I am definitely in a stable place right now.”
He seemed so interested in what you were saying. Soon the conversation moved into the type of music he made, and then to your art styles. You flowed together easily, never becoming awkward or uncomfortable. As the night went on, your nerves fell away, as did his.
You were talking about your favorite movies when your food arrived, but even then, your conversation continued. At one point, he paused mid-second. “You’ve got something, “ he pointed to his face. “Fuck it, this is gonna be so cheesy.” He grabbed his napkin and wiped the bit of sauce you had on your cheek off.
You blushed in embarrassment, “thanks.” He was right, the moment was very cheesy. His hand pulled away slowly, lingering near your skin a bit longer than necessary. You didn’t mind though.
As much as you hated to admit it, especially since you had only known him for one night, you could be really into him. And that scared the fuck out of you.
Colson was, too, scared shitless. Why the fuck was his heart fluttering every time you giggled. He’d just met you. But already he could tell you were something special.
 He paid for dinner, like a gentleman, even though you protested. “It’s our first date, I am paying.”
You liked the way that he said, “first date,” implying there may be more. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to pay next time.” You said, smugly.
His eyebrow raised in question, a small smirk on his face. “We’ll see about that. I might just give them my card ahead of time.”
“Then I’ll just have to get there before you.”
You two laughed at your small competition as he led you to the parking lot, his hand in yours. “Did you drive?” He asked and you shook your head no.
“I called an uber. Speaking of…” You reached for your phone before he stopped you.
“Let me drive you home. If that’s okay?”
You let him lead you to his car, hand still tightly in his. He pulled the door open for you, guiding you in. Everything with him seemed like a new experience, his gentleman gestures catching you off guard.
“You should play me some of your music.” You told him when he got in. He smiled at that, pulling his phone out and opening his library.
“I don’t know if you’ll like the type of music I make.” He blushed, scrolling through to find a song he thought you might like.
You rolled your eyes, “well I like you so I think, by proxy, I’ll like your music.”
He bit his lip to hide the way his face lit up at your subtle confession. “Just don’t say that I didn’t warn you.”
You heard a somewhat familiar rhythm, something you had probably heard on the radio. “Wait, this is you? I swear I’ve heard this before.”
He smiled, glancing over at you before turning his attention back to the road. “Yeah, me and my friend Matt dropped this right before my last album release.”
You let the music play, listening to his voice as he sang. “You know, this somehow sounds exactly like you and nothing like you at the same time. Like if you hadn’t told me I don’t think I would’ve known this was you. But I do know so I can hear it.”
He chuckled but didn’t say anything, occasionally looking at you as you nodded your head to the music. A few more of his songs played from Tickets to My Downfall and you seemed to enjoy it. “You’re really good.” You commented. Your voice was truthful, you weren’t trying to flatter him, you were just saying what you thought. Your words were genuine.
He didn’t know why but hearing that from you meant so much more to him than he expected it to. He finally parked in front of your house, getting out and opening your door for you. Like a true gentleman, he walked you to your door, pausing before you unlocked it.
You turned to face him, looking up into his bright eyes. “I had a really good time tonight.” He said softly. “Probably the best night I’ve had in a while, honestly.”
You smiled widely, “I did too, Colson.” You grabbed his hands in yours, swinging them slightly. “I’m really glad we did this.”
He nodded, leaning closer to you, “would you, maybe, wanna do this again?” He asked, his voice falling closer to a whisper.
“I was hoping I had made that obvious when I said I’d pay next time.” You giggled, leaning up closer to him.
He rolled his eyes playfully, “just wanna make sure you didn’t change your mind.”
“Trust me, I didn’t.” You whispered, before leaning up and connecting your lips with his.
The kiss was short and sweet, but it seemed like everything you had ever wanted. When your lips left his, you both stayed very close to each other, hands still clasped. His face was still only inches from yours, eyes studying your every feature.
Eventually he let out a small sigh and leaned back up. “Well, uh, goodnight, Y/N.” He smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck as he took steps backwards towards his car. You smiled at him, waving a small goodbye before turning to unlock your door.
Your hand touched the handle before you turned around, finding Colson in the same situation at his car door, still looking at you. “Do you maybe wanna… come in?” You asked, biting your lip. His face lit up, a smirk highlighting his features.
“I would love that.”
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anonil88 · 3 years
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Abbey Lee for The Sunday Times (June 2021)
Can you tell she's modeled for Gucci?
Styling: Alicia Lombardini
Photography: Claire Rothstein
[Quick personal thoughts, I have realized I 1000 percent am vampire bait. Tick off the boxes of tall kinda scary Gemini and I'm like yea sure count me in. First of the long format fashion things I do that I'm posting here.]
“I can’t stand the constant sunshine... I’m a moody person and sometimes I just like the weather to reflect what’s going on on the inside.”
"That sulky intensity paired with an icy beauty has tended to dictate her acting roles. From the vicious (read: carnivorous) ageing model Sarah in the fashion horror The Neon Demon, to the vengeful clone in Elizabeth Harvest and the bigoted Christina Braithwaite in the HBO series Lovecraft Country, Lee often plays the high-class villain. Why does she get offered these parts? “I’ve worked as a model since I was 15, I’ve been through a lot. I’ve been to the edges of my darkness and I’m not afraid to access those parts of myself,” she says. “Or maybe I’m just a bitch and I don’t know it!”"
From what I've heard she really isn't so bad and she makes most putfits look very good. Even when they aren't to my personal liking, or anyone else's. Anyhow I really like the cover image for this shoot, she looks comfortable in a suit which not everyone does. Some people look like they are cosplaying as someone's father or guidance counselor. My favorite outfit/piece is the one with the Bottega coat. All of the Veneta coats are so nice and cost way too much for my wallet to ever agree on. Even on sale.
It is actually a pretty short article so I'm going to share some quotes and summarize. Just in case anyone was interested but doesn't want to deal with the pay gap. There is a lot about needing a change of pace even before lockdown in the rainy London weather. She touches on being known as a pillar in an industry but being bored of said industry. Wanting more from a career started at the age of 15, needing a challenge. Her scouting was by chance, as she walked on a beach near her home in Australia. A tomboy looking for a chance to get out and see the world by stepping on a runway. Which she's done for ,as of several days ago, 19 years and she's walked or shot for almost everyone.
"At her busiest she starred in Gucci campaigns, appeared on the covers of numerous international editions of Vogue and took the coveted role of bride to close Chanel’s spring 2010 couture show. She hasn’t completely given up modelling — she fronted last year’s Bottega Veneta campaign, for instance — but she felt she had more to give."
In recent years she's taken up acting, one of her first roles was in Mad Max: Fury Road. And this year, she will be starring in The Forgiven "co-starring Ralph Fiennes and Jessica Chastain." And the horror comic turned movie "Old" directed by M. Knight Shyamalan.
"Lockdown in London — spent alone, recovering from a break-up — brought lots to the surface. She filled ten diaries with poetry, drawings, observations, and began writing a one-woman play — then burnt them all one morning in a pot on her windowsill. “It felt ritualistic,” she says, laughing. “It ended up being a positive experience [but] I was having to process some pretty deep shit.”
Part of her process has also been processing the questions other people ask in your 30s as a woman. Hell they ask it in your 20s too and then you start asking yourself the question too. "....well, everyone kind of is having babies. I do really want kids. It’s really difficult being a woman. My sister made a decision, family was more important to her, and for me it was always work first. But we have a biological clock and as that clock starts ticking, you know…"
For now though she has got a puppy, well does a giant Cane Corso count as a puppy ?
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