yes-asil · 6 months
Hey so I’m about to watch detective Conan for the first time and I just wanted to make sure but Cased Closed is the one I’m supposed to watch first right? Cuz there are a could other detective Conan stuff on the site I’m using
I have the perfect list on how to rewatch the show under the cut
We've got a German website over here, so this is kinda??? official, but not really, it just makes the most sense as far as I'm concerned.
Episodes 001-054
Movie 01 (The Time-Bombed Skyscraper)
Episodes 055-097
Movie 02 (The Fourteenth Target)
Episodes 098-139
Short Stories 01-03 (Wait for Me, Wandering Red Butterfly, Santa Claus of Summer)
Episode 140
Movie 03 (The Last Wizard of the Century)
Episodes 141-173
OVA 01 (Conan vs. Kid vs. Yaiba - The Grand Battle for the Treasure Sword!)
Short Stories 04-07 (Detective George, Ten Planets, Play It Again, Making of Conan)
Episodes 174-186
Movie 04 (Captured in Her Eyes)
Episodes 187-231
Movie 05 (Countdown to Heaven)
Episodes 232-262
OVA 02 (16 Suspects!?)
Episodes 263-275
Movie 06 (The Phantom of Baker Street)
Episodes 276-303
OVA 03 (Conan, Heiji, and the Vanished Boy)
Episodes 304-315
Movie 07 (Crossroad in the Ancient Capital)
Episodes 316-344
OVA 04 (Conan, Kid, and the Crystal Mother)
Episodes 345-356
Movie 08 (Magician of the Silver Sky)
Episodes 357-383
OVA 05 (The Target is Kogoro!! The Detective Boys’ Secret Report)
Episodes 384-396
Movie 09 (Strategy Above the Depths)
Episodes 397-424
OVA 06 (Follow the Vanished Diamond! Conan and Heiji vs. Kid!)
Episodes 425-434
Movie 10 (The Private Eyes’ Requiem)
Episodes 435-452
Drama Special 01 (A Challenge Letter to Shin'ichi Kudo ~Prologue Until Goodbye~)
Episodes 453-459
OVA 07 (A Challenge from Agasa! Agasa vs. Conan and the Detective Boys)
Episodes 460-470
Movie 11 (Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure)
Episodes 471-490
OVA 08 (The Casebook of Female High School Detective Sonoko Suzuki)
Drama Special 02 (Shin'ichi Kudo Returns! ~Confrontation with the Black Organization~)
Episodes 491-504
Movie 12 (Full Score of Fear)
Magic File 02 (Shin'ichi Kudo, The Case of the Mysterious Wall and the Black Lab)
Episodes 505-520
OVA 09 (The Stranger from Ten Years Later)
Episodes 521-529
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan (TV special)
Episodes 530-531
Movie 13 (The Raven Chaser)
Magic File 03 (Shin'ichi and Ran, Memories of Mahjong Tiles and Tanabata)
Episodes 532-561
OVA 10 (Kid in Trap Island)
Episodes 562-570
Movie 14 (The Lost Ship in the Sky)
Magic File 04 (The Osaka Okonomiyaki Odyssey)
Magic Kaito Special 01
Episodes 571-610
Detective Conan vs. Wooo 01
Detective Conan vs. Wooo 02
Drama Special 03 (A Challenge Letter to Shin'ichi Kudo ~The Mystery of the Legendary Bird~)
Movie 15 (Quarter of Silence) (Love that movie aughhh)
Magic File 05 (Niigata ~ Tokyo Souvenir Capriccio)
Episodes 611-616
OVA 11 (A Secret Order from London)
Episodes 617-623
Drama Episodes 01-02
Episode 624
Drama Episode 03
Episodes 625-626
Magic Kaito Special 02-03
Drama Episodes 04-07
Episodes 627-628
Drama Episodes 08-09
Episodes 629-630
Drama Episodes 10-11
Episode 631
Magic Kaito Special 04
Drama Episodes 12-13
Episodes 632-634
Magic Kaito Special 05
Episodes 635-641
OVA 12 (The Miracle of Excalibur)
Magic Kaito Special 06
Episodes 642-651
Movie 16 (The Eleventh Striker)
Magic File 06 (Flower of Fantasista)
Drama Special 04 (Shin'ichi Kudo and the Kyoto Shinsengumi Murder Case)
Episodes 652-666
Magic Kaito Special 07-08
Episodes 667-670
Magic Kaito Special 09
Episodes 671-674
Magic Kaito Special 10
Episodes 675-680
Magic Kaito Special 11-12
Episodes 681-694
Movie 17 (Private Eye in the Distant Sea)
Episodes 695-721
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie
Episodes 722-735
Movie 18 (Dimensional Sniper)
Episodes 736-753
Magic Kaito 1412 01
Episodes 754-756
Magic Kaito 1412 02-04
Episodes 757-758
Magic Kaito 1412 05-06
Episodes 759-760
Magic Kaito 1412 07-08
Episodes 761-762
Magic Kaito 1412 09-11
The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa ~The Worst Two Days in History~
Magic Kaito 1412 12
Happy New Year, Kogoro Mouri (Fugitive: Kogoro Mouri)
Episodes 763-764
Magic Kaito 1412 13-14
Episodes 765-766
Magic Kaito 1412 15-16
Episode 767
Magic Kaito 1412 17-18
Episode 768
Magic Kaito 1412 19
Episode 769
Magic Kaito 1412 20
Episode 770-771
Magic Kaito 1412 21-22
Episode 772-773
Magic Kaito 1412 23-24
Episode 774
Movie 19 (Sunflowers of Inferno)
Episode 775-813
Movie 20 (The Darkest Nightmare)
Episode 814-844
Episode “One”: The Great Detective Who Shrank
Episode 845-854
Episode 856-874
Episode 855
Movie 21 (Crimson Love Letter)
Episode 875-898
Movie 22 (Zero the Enforcer)
Episode 899-935
Movie 23 (The Fist of Blue Sapphire)
Episode 936-1002
Movie 24 (The Scarlet Bullet)
Episode 1003-1038
Zero’s Tea Time 1-2
Episode 1039
Movie 25 (The Bride of Halloween)
Zero’s Tea Time 3
Episode 1040
Zero’s Tea Time 4
Episode 1041
Zero’s Tea Time 5
Episode 1042
Zero’s Tea Time 6
Episode 1043-1058
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 1
Episode 1059
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 2
Episode 1060
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 3-4
Episode 1061-current
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sarahreesbrennan · 3 days
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Happy Bard-day to all who celebrate. Shakespeare turns 460 today and I must celebrate his influence on Long Live Evil. He created many unforgettable villains (e.g. Edmund of King Lear, ‘now gods stand up for bastards’ a personal crush!) but I’ve always been fascinated by his play Richard III - a real person, and the last Plantagenet king, supplanted by the Tudors reigning in Shakespeare’s day, i.e. Shakespeare had to BLACKEN his name. That meant Shakespeare also wrote Richard III as the kind of man who could seduce a widow, on the day of her husband’s funeral, after killing the husband in question! What can I say, baby? Evil’s just sexier.
Shakespeare being a genius was part of what made Richard III’s name echo with infamy down the ages. Josephine Tey’s A Daughter of Time gives us a very different Richard. But isn’t that the case with Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea, or a thousand fanfictions for a thousand properties, or Shakespeare himself with the legend of Romeo and Juliet, all asking ‘why’ and ‘what if’ and ‘can we explore…’
The best stories ask: who’s telling the story? How does that change the story? How many different ways are there to tell it? What do you do with the story people are telling about you? Who’s good, who’s bad and who’s interesting? That’s why, three years ago, I picked this epigraph for LONG LIVE EVIL. Thanks to the Bard for a perfect opener.
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weirdsatellites · 2 months
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Transmission #460 from GPS III-SV05 (TS/SCI) 1. Astrology Obelisk 2. Electric Verisimilitudes 3. Crystal Grotto of Salmon
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bayuvedha · 4 months
عَنْ عقبَة بْنِ عَامِر رَضِيَ اللّٰهُ عَنْهُ، قَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللّٰهِ صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : إِذَا رَأَيْتَ اللّٰهَ يُعْطِي الْعَبْدَ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا عَلَى مَعَاصِيْهِ مَا يُحِبُّ، فَإِنَّمَا هُوَ اسْتِدْرَاجٌ، ثُمَّ تَلَا رَسُوْلُ اللّٰهِ صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : فَلَمَّا نَسُوا مَا ذُكِّرُوا بِهِ فَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ أَبْوَابَ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا فَرِحُوا بِمَا أُوتُوا أَخَذْنَاهُمْ بَغْتَةً فَإِذَا هُمْ مُبْلِسُونَ. (رواه أحمد)
Artinya :
_Dari ‘Uqbah bin ‘Amir radhiyallahu 'anhu, Rasûlullâh Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bersabda: *"Jika engkau melihat Allah memberi kepada seorang hamba apa yang DISUKAINYA di DUNIA padahal dia berbuat MAKSIAT, maka itu adalah ISTIDRAJ.* Kemudian Rasûlullâh Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam membaca ayat (yang artinya-red):
“Maka ketika mereka melupakan peringatan yang telah diberikan kepada mereka, Kami pun
membukakan semua pintu (kesenangan) untuk mereka. Sehingga ketika mereka bergembira dengan apa yang telah diberikan kepada mereka, Kami siksa mereka secara tiba-tiba, maka ketika itu mereka terdiam putus asa.”
(HR. Ahmad, IV/145)
1. Secara bahasa istidraj berasal dari kata 'daraja' yang artinya naik satu tingkatan ke tingkatan berikutnya.
Dan secara istilah *Istidraj* adalah *hal atau keadaan luar biasa yang diberikan Allah ta'ala kepada orang ingkar yang tipis imannya atau bahkan orang tidak beriman.*
Tetapi, dia *mendapatkan harta kekayaan yang berlimpah di dunia* sebagai *UJIAN* sehingga *mereka takabur dan lupa diri kepada Tuhan,* seperti Fir'aun dan Karun.
Oleh karena itu, jika engkau melihat Allah Azza wa Jalla memberi kepada seorang hamba kenikmatan dunia, padahal dia terus menerus berbuat maksiat, maka ketauhilah bahwa itu adalah istidraj.
2. Manusia sangat berambisi mengejar dunia, bahkan mereka lebih rakus, lebih tamak, lebih serakah, lebih jahat dan dzalim dalam merusak kehormatan dirinya dan agamanya dibanding dua ekor serigala yang dilepas di kerumunan kambing.
Sebetulnya silahkan buru dan kejar dunia, tetapi jangan lupakan bekal untuk kehidupan di alam keabadian.
Rasûlullâh Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bersabda :
مَاذِئْبَانِ جَائِعَانِ أُرْسِلَا فِيْ غَنَمٍ بِأَفْسَدَ لَهَا مِنْ حِرْصِ الْمَرْءِ عَلَى الْمَالِ وَالشَّرَفِ لِدِيْنِهِ.
_*"Dua serigala yang lapar yang dilepas di tengah kumpulan kambing, tidak lebih merusak dibandingkan dengan sifat rakus manusia terhadap harta dan kedudukan yang sangat merusak agamanya."*_
(HR. At-Tirmidzi, no. 2376; Ahmad, III/456, 460; Ad-Darimi, II/304; Ibnu Hibbân, no. 3218–At-Ta’lîqâtul Hisân)
3. Ketika seorang Muslim mendapat kekayaan atau posisi yang tinggi, hendaknya ia selalu introspeksi diri karena bisa jadi kenikmatan tersebut merupakan istidraj.
Dalam Islam, istidraj merujuk pada nikmat yang diberikan Allah kepada orang-orang yang membangkang terhadap-Nya.
Dengan kata lain ini merupakan azab berupa kenikmatan.
4. Dengan demikian ketika ada orang yang tidak mengerjakan shalat, tidak bersedekah, korupsi, dan gemar bermaksiat kepada Allah namun hidupnya masih tetap makmur dan sejahtera, maka itu sesungguhnya adalah tanda-tanda istidraj.
5. Adapun ciri-ciri istidraj, sebagaimana hadits yang diriwayatkan Uqbah bin 'Aamir RA tersebut di atas menerangkan ciri-ciri istidraj, Rasûlullâh bersabda: _*“Apabila engkau melihat Allah memberi seorang hamba kelimpahan dunia atas maksiat-maksiatnya, apa yang ia suka, maka ingatlah, sesungguhnya hal itu adalah istidraj.”*_
(HR. Ahmad, IV/145)
Berikut ini adalah *ciri-ciri istidraj* lainnya :
*1) Kenikmatan Dunia Berlimpah Padahal Ibadah Menurun*
Ketika Allah memberikan kenikmatan-kenikmatan duniawi pada seseorang sedangkan keimanannya terus menurun, itu adalah salah satu ciri dari istidraj.
Orang tersebut tidak mengetahui bahwasanya nikmat yang diberikan Allah bukanlah karena kasih sayang-Nya, melainkan murka Allah terhadap mereka.
Ibnu Athaillah berkata:
_*“Hendaklah engkau takut jika selalu mendapat karunia Allah, sementara engkau tetap dalam perbuatan maksiat kepada-Nya, jangan sampai karunia itu semata-mata istidraj oleh Allah.”*_
*2) Jarang Sakit*
Ketika seorang Muslim jatuh sakit dan menerimanya dengan ikhlas, penyakit tersebut bisa menjadi penggugur dosa.
Selain itu, penyakit juga bentuk ujian dari Allah agar umat Islam mengingat-Nya.
Lantas bagaimana dengan orang yang jarang menerima musibah sakit?
Imam Syafi’i berkata :
_*“Setiap orang pasti pernah mengalami sakit suatu ketika dalam hidupnya, jika engkau tidak pernah sakit maka tengoklah ke belakang mungkin ada yang salah dengan dirimu.”*_
*3) Kikir dan Sombong dengan Harta yang Melimpah*
Harta yang melimpah berpotensi membuat seseorang sombong dan menganggap remeh orang lain.
Terkadang ia juga menjadi kikir dan enggan bersedekah di jalan Allah.
Padahal orang tersebut sangat mudah mengelurkan harta jika menyangkut kesenangan duniawi.
*4) Merasa Tenang Meski Kualitas Keimanan Menurun*
Seseorang yang hatinya tertutup, merasa baik-baik saja dan tidak merasa gelisah meskipun lalai menjalankan ibadah atau telah melakukan maksiat.
Ini karena orang tersebut merasa tidak menghadapi cobaan apapun, malah ia mendapat banyak kenikmatan.
Kenikmatan ini pun membuatnya lalai.
Ali Bin Abi Thalib ra berkata, _*“Hai anak Adam ingat dan waspadalah bila kau lihat Tuhanmu TERUS MENERUS melimpahkan NIKMAT atas dirimu sementara engkau terus-menerus melakukan MAKSIAT kepada-Nya.”*_
6. Dunia adalah kesempatan untuk beramal dan beribadah untuk bekal menuju akhirat.
Dunia ini hanya sekejap, jadikanlah ia untuk ketaatan. Menebar keshalehan dengan ikhlas dan ittiba’ Rasul.
Ambillah yang kita butuhkan di dunia ini dan carilah nafkah! Allah Azza wa Jalla menjadikan dunia ini sebagai ladang amal.
Kita membutuhkan makan, minum, tempat tinggal, dan pakaian.
Kita harus mengambil sebab-sebab untuk mulia dunia dan akhirat.
_Semoga kita selalu terhindar dari perbuatan istidraj dan selalu menyertakan Allah SWT. dalam setiap langkah agar kita senantiasa terlindungi baik di dunia sampai di akhirat kelak. Aamiin..._
1. Dunia dan seisinya tidak ada harganya bila dibanding dengan kehidupan akhirat.
Tetapi mengapa banyak manusia tertipu dengan dunia padahal Allah sudah ingatkan agar manusia tidak tertipu dengan dunia;
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّ وَعْدَ اللّٰهِ حَقٌّ ۖ فَلَا تَغُرَّنَّكُمُ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَلَا يَغُرَّنَّكُمْ بِاللّٰهِ الْغَرُورُ ۞
_*"Wahai manusia! Sungguh, janji Allah itu benar, maka janganlah kehidupan dunia memperdayakan kamu dan janganlah (setan) yang pandai menipu, memperdayakan kamu tentang Allah."*_
(QS. Fâthir/35: 5)
2. Salah satu ayat Al-Qur'an yang berisi peringatan tentang istidraj, diantaranya;
فَلَمَّا نَسُوْا مَا ذُكِّرُوْا بِهٖ فَتَحْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ اَبْوَابَ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ ۗ حَتّٰۤى اِذَا فَرِحُوْا بِمَاۤ اُوْتُوْۤا اَخَذْنٰهُمْ بَغْتَةً فَاِذَا هُمْ مُّبْلِسُوْنَ ۞
_*“Maka tatkala mereka melupakan peringatan yang telah diberikan kepada mereka, Kami-pun membukakan semua pintu-pintu kesenangan untuk mereka; sehingga apabila mereka bergembira dengan apa yang telah diberikan kepada mereka, Kami siksa mereka dengan sekonyong-konyong, maka ketika itu mereka terdiam berputus asa.”*_
(QS. Al An’am: 44)
3. Firman Allah ta'ala yang berkaitan dengan tema hadits tersebut di atas adalah;
وَابْتَغِ فِيمَا آتَاكَ اللّٰهُ الدَّارَ الْآخِرَةَ ۖ وَلَا تَنْسَ نَصِيبَكَ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَأَحْسِنْ كَمَا أَحْسَنَ اللّٰهُ إِلَيْكَ ۖ وَلَا تَبْغِ الْفَسَادَ فِي الْأَرْضِ ۖ إِنَّ اللّٰهَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُفْسِدِينَ ۞
_*"Dan carilah (pahala) negeri akhirat dengan apa yang telah dianugerahkan Allah kepadamu, tetapi janganlah kamu lupakan bagianmu di dunia dan berbuat baiklah (kepada orang lain) sebagaimana Allah telah berbuat baik kepadamu, dan janganlah kamu berbuat kerusakan di bumi. Sungguh, Allâh tidak menyukai orang yang berbuat kerusakan.”*_
(QS. Al-Qashash/28: 77)
4. Allah Azza wa Jalla berfirman dalam menyifati para shiddiqun;
إِنَّهُمْ كَانُوا يُسَارِعُونَ فِي الْخَيْرَاتِ وَيَدْعُونَنَا رَغَبًا وَرَهَبًا ۖ وَكَانُوا لَنَا خَاشِعِينَ ۞
_*"Sungguh, mereka selalu bersegera dalam (mengerjakan) kebaikan, dan mereka berdo'a kepada Kami dengan penuh harap dan cemas. Dan mereka orang-orang yang khusyu' kepada Kami.”*_
(QS. Al-Anbiyâ`/21: 90)
*وَاللّٰهُ أَعلَمُ بِالصَّوَابِ...*
_Semoga kita senantiasa dikaruniai ilmu yang bermanfaat dan dimudahkan untuk beramal sholeh, karena *hanya Allah-lah yang memberi taufiq dan hidayah. Aamiin...*_
ﺳُﺒْﺤَﺎﻧَﻚَ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻬُﻢَّ ﻭَﺑِﺤَﻤْﺪِﻙَ ﺃَﺷْﻬَﺪُ ﺃَﻥْ ﻻَ ﺇِﻟﻪَ ﺇِﻻَّ ﺃَﻧْﺖَ ﺃَﺳْﺘَﻐْﻔِﺮُﻙَ ﻭَﺃَﺗُﻮْﺏُ ﺇِﻟَﻴْﻚَ.
_“Maha suci Engkau ya Allah, dan segala puji bagi-Mu. Aku bersaksi bahwa tiada Tuhan melainkan Engkau, aku mohon ampun dan bertaubat kepada-Mu.”_
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atundratoadstool · 2 years
What age are the characters (Dracula aside)? I think I remember one of your old posts talking about this, maybe.
[Spoilers: The linked post contains a whole rundown of major characters and is rife with spoilers. The rundown below has allusions to later events/context but is friendlier to people who only want to know the particulars of the characters Dracula Daily readers have already encountered.]
The post where I addressed the whole cast is here. To address just the people we've met thus far, here’s my read on them (keep in mind, these are headcanons informed by some geeky research; only a few characters have established canon ages):
Jonathan Harker: Jonathan’s age isn’t given, but in the 1890s, he would have had to apprentice to a trained solicitor for five years in order to qualify for the exam he just passed. Given some information we learn about his circumstances later on, I find it reasonable to believe he started training reasonably early, and I place him around 21.
Mina Murray: We’ll eventually get an exact age for Lucy, and there is a very recurring theory among critics, adapters, and writers that Mina is a little older than her and that she stayed on at the school they attended together as a teacher. I have wholeheartedly adopted this headcanon, and I like the idea that she’s a little older than Jonathan. I place her around 21-23.
Dracula: If you think he’s Vlad III, he’s a silver fox in his 460s. If you don’t think he’s Vlad III (and I don’t; check out this Notes & Queries article), he’s a little bit younger. I like to imagine he’s a descendant of Vlad III from somewhere in the 1500s, placing him in the middle of his third century.
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alfaromeole · 5 months
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Can I come home for the summer? I could slow down for a little while Get back to loving each other Leave all those long and lonesome miles behind (For the Summer by Ray LaMontagne)
1970 Lincoln Continental Mark III 460 cu in (7.5 L) V8
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goth-automaton · 2 months
March 1st is here and Febuwhump 2024 is officially over, so, I think it's a good time for a little summary! 💜
Number of fics: 29 (duh)
Word count: over 27000
Number of fandoms: 9
Fandom with most fics: Kingdom Hearts (16)
Most whumped character: Vexen (6 fics)
Top 3 longest fics: Day XXIII: Found Footage (2700+), Day XXI: Human Weapon (2300+), Day IX: Bees (1600+)
Top 3 shortest fics: Day XXV: Waterboarding (370+), Day VI: Last Words (450+), Day XXIX: Not Allowed to Die (460+)
Most experimental fics: Day XXIII: Found Footage (stylised as video transcription), Day XVII: I Love You (2nd person POV), Day II: Solitary Confinement (erratic writing to show descend into madness)
Most graphic fics: Day XVII: I Love You (cannibalism), Day XI: CPR (medical nerd in me went wild with this one), Day III: Bite Down on This (amputation and wound cauterisation)
Most "author, you okay?" fics: Day XVII: I Love You (DUH), Day XX: Killing Game (Kairi has a violent mental breakdown), Day V: Rope Burns (fucked up abusive relationship), Day XI: CPR (VERY graphic description)
Number of mpregs: 4 (+ 2 mentions)
Author's personal favourite: Day XXI: Human Weapon (please, read this one, it turned out amazing!)
...and that concludes February! 💜 Once again, big, fat THANK YOU to @febuwhump for all the awesome prompts and big, fat THANK YOU to everyone, who read, kudoed and commented! 💜
It was so, so much fun! 💜💜💜
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doctorzieg · 1 month
Guide to Rewatching Everything Conan Related
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Episodes 001-054
Movie 01 (The Time-Bombed Skyscraper)
Episodes 055-097
Movie 02 (The Fourteenth Target)
Episodes 098-139
Short Stories 01-03 (Wait for Me, Wandering Red Butterfly, Santa Claus of Summer; not Conan related but are animated versions of stories Aoyama wrote)
Episode 140
Movie 03 (The Last Wizard of the Century)
Episodes 141-173
OVA 01 (Conan vs. Kid vs. Yaiba - The Grand Battle for the Treasure Sword!)
Short Stories 04-07 (Detective George, Ten Planets, Play It Again, Making of Conan)
Episodes 174-186
Movie 04 (Captured in Her Eyes)
Episodes 187-231
Movie 05 (Countdown to Heaven)
Episodes 232-262
OVA 02 (16 Suspects!?)
Episodes 263-275
Movie 06 (The Phantom of Baker Street)
Episodes 276-303
OVA 03 (Conan, Heiji, and the Vanished Boy)
Episodes 304-315
Movie 07 (Crossroad in the Ancient Capital)
Episodes 316-344
OVA 04 (Conan, Kid, and the Crystal Mother)
Episodes 345-356
Movie 08 (Magician of the Silver Sky)
Episodes 357-383
OVA 05 (The Target is Kogoro!! The Detective Boys’ Secret Report)
Episodes 384-396
Movie 09 (Strategy Above the Depths)
Episodes 397-424
OVA 06 (Follow the Vanished Diamond! Conan and Heiji vs. Kid!)
Episodes 425-434
Movie 10 (The Private Eyes’ Requiem)
Episodes 435-452
Drama Special 01 (A Challenge Letter to Shin'ichi Kudo ~Prologue Until Goodbye~)
Episodes 453-459
OVA 07 (A Challenge from Agasa! Agasa vs. Conan and the Detective Boys)
Episodes 460-470
Movie 11 (Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure)
Episodes 471-490
OVA 08 (The Casebook of Female High School Detective Sonoko Suzuki)
Drama Special 02 (Shin'ichi Kudo Returns! ~Confrontation with the Black Organization~)
Episodes 491-504
Movie 12 (Full Score of Fear)
Magic File 02 (Shin'ichi Kudo, The Case of the Mysterious Wall and the Black Lab)
Episodes 505-520
OVA 09 (The Stranger from Ten Years Later)
Episodes 521-529
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan (TV special)
Episodes 530-531
Movie 13 (The Raven Chaser)
Magic File 03 (Shin'ichi and Ran, Memories of Mahjong Tiles and Tanabata)
Episodes 532-561
OVA 10 (Kid in Trap Island)
Episodes 562-570
Movie 14 (The Lost Ship in the Sky)
Magic File 04 (The Osaka Okonomiyaki Odyssey)
Magic Kaito Special 01
Episodes 571-610
Detective Conan vs. Wooo 01
Detective Conan vs. Wooo 02
Drama Special 03 (A Challenge Letter to Shin'ichi Kudo ~The Mystery of the Legendary Bird~)
Movie 15 (Quarter of Silence)
Magic File 05 (Niigata ~ Tokyo Souvenir Capriccio)
Episodes 611-616
OVA 11 (A Secret Order from London)
Episodes 617-623
Drama Episodes 01-02
Episode 624
Drama Episode 03
Episodes 625-626
Magic Kaito Special 02-03
Drama Episodes 04-07
Episodes 627-628
Drama Episodes 08-09
Episodes 629-630
Drama Episodes 10-11
Episode 631
Magic Kaito Special 04
Drama Episodes 12-13
Episodes 632-634
Magic Kaito Special 05
Episodes 635-641
OVA 12 (The Miracle of Excalibur)
Magic Kaito Special 06
Episodes 642-651
Movie 16 (The Eleventh Striker)
Magic File 06 (Flower of Fantasista)
Drama Special 04 (Shin'ichi Kudo and the Kyoto Shinsengumi Murder Case)
Episodes 652-666
Magic Kaito Special 07-08
Episodes 667-670
Magic Kaito Special 09
Episodes 671-674
Magic Kaito Special 10
Episodes 675-680
Magic Kaito Special 11-12
Episodes 681-694
Movie 17 (Private Eye in the Distant Sea)
Episodes 695-721
Lupin III vs. Detective Conan: The Movie
Episodes 722-735
Movie 18 (Dimensional Sniper)
Episodes 736-753
Magic Kaito 1412 01
Episodes 754-756
Magic Kaito 1412 02-04
Episodes 757-758
Magic Kaito 1412 05-06
Episodes 759-760
Magic Kaito 1412 07-08
Episodes 761-762
Magic Kaito 1412 09-11
The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa ~The Worst Two Days in History~
Magic Kaito 1412 12
Happy New Year, Kogoro Mouri (Fugitive: Kogoro Mouri)
Episodes 763-764
Magic Kaito 1412 13-14
Episodes 765-766
Magic Kaito 1412 15-16
Episode 767
Magic Kaito 1412 17-18
Episode 768
Magic Kaito 1412 19
Episode 769
Magic Kaito 1412 20
Episode 770-771
Magic Kaito 1412 21-22
Episode 772-773
Magic Kaito 1412 23-24
Episode 774
Movie 19 (Sunflowers of Inferno)
Episode 775-813
Movie 20 (The Darkest Nightmare)
Episode 814-844
Episode “One”: The Great Detective Who Shrank
Episode 845-854
Episode 856-874
Episode 855
Movie 21 (Crimson Love Letter) (please see this link for explanation of positioning)
Episode 875-898
Movie 22 (Zero the Enforcer)
Episode 899-935
Movie 23 (The Fist of Blue Sapphire)
Episode 936-1002
Movie 24 (The Scarlet Bullet)
Episode 1003-1038
Zero’s Tea Time 1-2
Episode 1039
Movie 25 (The Bride of Halloween)
Zero’s Tea Time 3
Episode 1040
Zero’s Tea Time 4
Episode 1041
Zero’s Tea Time 5
Episode 1042
Zero’s Tea Time 6
Episode 1043-1058
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 1
Episode 1059
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 2
Episode 1060
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 3-4
Episode 1061
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 5
Episode 1062
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 6
Episode 1063
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 7
Episode 1064
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 8
Episode 1065
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 9
Episode 1066
The Culprit Hanzawa Episode 10-12
Episode 1067-1080
Movie 26 (Black Iron Submarine)
Episode 1081-current
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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#onthisday in 1946 the first Hawker Sea Fury Mk X flew. Powered by the Bristol Centaurus 18 engine the Mk X had a top speed of 465 mph, range of 710 miles with a service ceiling of 36,000 ft.
@classicwarbirds via X
Hawker Sea Fury | Classic Warbirds
The Sea Fury had its roots in the Hawker Tempest Mk III, which would become the Hawker Fury to meet Specification F.2/42, then to meet a revised Specification F.2/43. The Royal Navy were also interested in the aircraft and the design was modified to meet Royal Navy Specification N.7/43. Hawker would work on the Royal Air Force design, named the Fury, while Boulton Paul would work on the naval version, the Sea Fury.
Six prototypes had been ordered by the end of 1943, with one kept back to be used as a test airframe. Two would be powered by the Rolls-Royce Griffon engine, another two powered by the Bristol Centaurus XXII engine and the final prototype would have the Bristol Centaurus XII engine. The 1st September 1944 saw the first of the prototypes fly, when the Bristol Centaurus XII engined version made its first flight. This was followed a couple of months later by one of the Rolls-Royce Griffon powered prototypes which flew on the 27th November 1944, with a Napier Sabre VII engine replacing the Rolls-Royce Griffon fitted to the aircraft later on.
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During April 1944 production contracts were placed for 200 Hawker Furys for the Royal Air Force and 200 Hawker Sea Furys for the Fleet Air Arm, of which Boulton Paul would build 100. As the Second World War (1939 – 1945) ended the RAF cancelled their order, but development of the Sea Fury carried on. The first Sea Fury prototype flew on the 21st February 1945 powered by the Bristol Centaurus XII engine and featured an arrester hook. It wouldn't be for another eight months until the first fully navalised Hawker Sea Fury prototype flew when, powered by a Bristol Centaurus XV engine, it took to the skies on the 12th October 1945.
During January 1945 the Boulton Paul contract for 100 Sea Furys had been cancelled which left 100 on order. Half of these were completed as Sea Fury Mk Xs, with the first example flying on the 7th September 1946, and the third aircraft was sent to HMS Victorious (R38) during late 1946, early 1947 for trials. Powered by the Bristol Centaurus 18 engine the Sea Fury Mk X had a top speed of 465 mph, range of 710 miles with a service ceiling of 36,000 ft. Armament was four 20mm cannons. The Sea Fury entered service in August 1947, when No. 803 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Canadian Navy received the type to replace their Supermarine Seafires, with Nos. 778 and 787 Naval Air Squadron of the Fleet Air Arm receiving theirs the next month.
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The Sea Fury FB.11 was the next variant and was the most produced. Powered by a 2,480-hp Bristol Centaurus 18 engine, it had a top speed of 460 mph, range of 700 miles and a service ceiling of 35,800 ft. Armament consisted of four 20mm cannons, twelve 3-in rocket projectiles and 2,000lb bombs.
The Hawker Sea Fury, along with the Fairey Firefly, would provide the 'heavy attack' element for the Royal Navy and would be used during the Korean War (1950 – 1953) and a Sea Fury shot down a MiG-15 on the 9th August 1952. One of the few piston-engined aircraft to shoot down a jet aircraft.
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By the time production ended 860 Hawker Sea Furys had been built and it was the last piston-engined fighter to serve with the Fleet Air Arm, staying in service until 1953. A number of aircraft were also converted to Sea Fury T.20 two-seater trainers during 1950.
Technical Details
Click on the aircraft image to view a larger version.
Top Speed Range Service Ceiling Armament
Sea Fury Mk X 465 mph 710 miles 36,000 ft four 20mm cannons
Sea Fury FB.11 460 mph 700 miles 35,800 ft four 20mm cannons
twelve 3-in rocket projectiles
2,000lb bombs
Sea Fury FB.11 side profile image
Sea Fury T.20 Two-seat trainer version.
Sea Fury F.50 Designation given to fighter version exported to the Netherlands.
Sea Fury FB.51 Designation given to fighter-bomber version exported to the Netherlands.
Sea Fury FB.60 Designation given to fighter-bomber version exported to Pakistan.
Sea Fury T.61 Two-seater trainer version.
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jadeseadragon · 1 year
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Maurits C. Escher (Dutch, 1898 - 1972):
Relativity, lithograph, 1953, 276 × 292 mm; 11 × 11 ½ inches, full margins. Signed and numbered "No. 2/20" in pencil, lower left.
Convex and Concave, lithograph, 1955, 280 × 330 mm; 11 × 13 ¼ inches, full margins. Signed and numbered "No. 17/56 IV" in pencil, lower left.
Belvedere, lithograph, 1958, 460 × 295 mm; 18 × 11 ¾ inches, full margins. Signed and numbered "No. 75/107 IV" in pencil, lower left. 
Waterfall, lithograph, 1961, 380 × 300 mm; 15 × 11 ¾ inches, full margins. Signed and numbered "No. 97/103 III" in pencil, lower left.
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recoiloperated · 10 months
@celtic-tactical 's hunting guide game.
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Let's talk location and game: the Laramie mountains, and brother, we're hunting Elk. (And big horn, prong horn, mule deer, Ect.)
The guns are pretty simple:
my pistol is a long slide 2011 converted from .45 ACP to .460 Rowland.
My guide gun is going to be a Remington 760 or 7600 rechambered in .338-06 with Ghost rings.
And my hunting rifle is where the real fun is.
A Surgeon 591 action, McMillan hunters edge sendero, Proof research sendero light barrel tipped with a VG6 precision gamma 65 muzzle brake, AIC bottom metal and a vortex RAZOR® HD GEN III 6-36X56 FFP, "mighty interesting rifle recoil" you say. "But what's the chambering?"
Well- 6.5 SAUM.
Yep, everything is a wild cat.
Now, just being a hunting guide isn't enough for me. I'm in Wyoming, land is cheap. So I'm going to purchase about a square mile and set up a long range hunting and precision rifle school with shots out to 2000 yards. Every year in July I'll finally put on the American Mile challenge. One "American" mile (1776yd), one minute, one MOA. As well as other competitions and classes, I'll probably build and sell my line of riot guns and precision rifles under my Virtuous brand, and host both practical and tactical pistol, rifle and shotgun eventually. I imagine the guide work would be lucrative, but the range and pro store would probably end up being the real money maker.
Eventually I'll set up a bushplane landing strip, onsite cabins and restaurants, Ect. Basically making a mini hunting and fishing resort.
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weirdsatellites · 4 months
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Dispatch #460 from GPS III-SV05 (Q CLEARANCE) 1. Sovereign Silence Quay 2. Parisian Teeth
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armatofu · 8 months
Hoy descubriremos al reino de los suevos. Acompáñame.
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Según el historiador hispanorromano Hidacio, entraron en la península Ibérica en el 409 junto con los vándalos y alanos. En su irrupción sometieron a la región al saqueo y destrucción, pero llegaron a un acuerdo con los locales, para poner fin a eso a cambio de tierras para asentarse en el territorio.
El emperador Honorio firmó un foedus con el rey visigodo Walia, en el cual le concedió Hispania, a cambio de la expulsión de los invasores y la defensa del territorio. Walia echó a los alanos y vándalos hacia el 417 y se apoderó de las provincias más ricas: Bética, Lusitania, Tarraconense y Cartaginense.
Pero en el noroeste de la península, más pobre, en Gallaecia, pervivieron los suevos y algunas tribus vándalas, estos últimos, más numerosos y agresivos, cercaron a los primeros, hasta ser derrotados y expulsados por Asterio, tras lo cual pasaron al norte de África en el 429.
Los suevos, cuyo rey era Hermerico y cuyo número ascendía a unas 25 000 personas, tuvieron dificultades para controlar un territorio donde había 700 000 hispanorromanos, a los cuales sometían al saqueo y la destrucción con acuerdos para mantener la paz, la cual llegó en el 438 cuando se firmó un acuerdo con la aristocracia galaica.
En el 438 el rey suevo Requila marchó con sus tropas contra Bética y derrotó a un ejército local. Tras eso ocupó Augusta Emerita y Myrtilis y en el 441 entró en Sevilla, capital de Bética. Para entonces los suevos alcanzaron su máxima extensión territorial y el Imperio romano solo mantuvo la Tarraconense con la ayuda de los visigodos.
En el 446 los suevos derrotaron a los visigodos cuando estos últimos intentaron recuperar Bética para el Imperio. En el 448 Requiario sucedió a Requila. Este intentó afianzar su reino y se casó con una princesa del reino visigodo de Toledo. Por ese tiempo apoyó una revuelta en Tarraconense, pero fueron derrotados y firmaron la paz con el Imperio.
En el 456 murió el emperador Valentiniano III. Requiario rompió la paz con el Imperio e inició saqueos en Tarraconense y Cartaginense e hizo caso omiso de las súplicas de paz imperiales y visigodas.
El rey visigodo Teodorico II, exasperado, atacó a los suevos y los derrotó en el 456 en el río Órbigo en la cual Requiario fue apresado y ejecutado, después ocupó la capital sueva, Braga.
Teodorico nombró a Agiulfo gobernador de la región y después avanzó a Augusta Emerita, pero tuvo que irse a Galia ante la la muerte del emperador Avito.
En el 457 Agiulfo se rebeló a los visigodos, pero fue derrotado. Esta convulsión provocó el rebrote de la resistencia de los suevos, dentro de mis cuales surgieron varios grupos y líderes que se enfrentaron por la jefatura del extinto reino.
Teodorico mando tropas para sofocar a los ahora rebeldes en el 460 y se apoderó de Lugo y Santarem. En el 460 quedó un único líder suevo, Requimundo, el cual siempre había favorecido una política de cooperación con los visigodos. Teodorico aceptó al nuevo líder con el título de rex, el cual quedó bajo su soberanía y se convirtió al cristianismo arriano.
En el 458 Requimundo rompió la paz con los visigodos y comenzó a apoderarse de tierras en Lusitania. A partir de 459 la Chronica de Hidacio se interrumpe y no hay noticias de este pueblo hasta el 550. Algunos historiadores suponen que en esos 90 años los hispanorromanos y suevos se integraron y el reino se fortaleció ante la paz exterior favorecida por la pobreza del territorio y la debilidad de los visigodos.
Entre el 561 y 572 llegó población britanorromana de Gran Bretaña a la costa lucense, escapando de los anglos y sajones.
En torno al 550 los suevos se convierten al catolicismo. Durante el reinado de Chariarico se intentó convertir a toda la población sueva.
En el 568 subió al trono visigodo el rey Leovigildo, el cual intentó restablecer el control sobre toda la península. En el 583 los visigodos derrotaron a los suevos en Sevilla, lo que quebró su fortaleza militar y el nuevo rey suevo Eborico juró fidelidad a los visigodos. Esto le granjeó enemigos y un año después fue derrocado por su cuñado Andeca. El rey visigodo Leovigildo entró en las tierras suevas y las conquistó. Andeca fue internado en un monasterio.
Ese fue el fin del reino, que quedó integrado en el reino visigodo y se convirtió en una provincia.
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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Does the lack of a historical record of Jesus compared to thousands of other famous people who lived much earlier, pose a problem given the fact that all you know about Him is from the Bible? Would your answer be the same if you determined that the Bible did in fact contain contradictions and mistakes?
Outside of the New Testament, nothing whatsoever is known about the life of Jesus. Even the year of his birth is given in the Bible as 4 BCE and 9 CE. There are thousands of historical people who lived centuries before, many of whom we not only know the dates of their birth and death, but also the names of their spouse, children, servants, and others who were involved in their lives. Yet outside of the Bible, there are no reports or historical accounts concerning Him that have ever been found.
Here are just a few of those who lived many centuries earlier that we have considerable information about.
Djoser was the Pharaoh of Egypt in the Third Dynasty and reigned in 2686–2649 BCE…a whole 26 centuries before the New Testament.
Khufu reigned in the Fourth Dynasty…2589–2566 BCE.
Hatshepsut, the second woman to rule as a Pharaoh, reigned from 1478–1458 BCE. Thutmose II was her husband who died in 1479 BCE and left a son two years old.
Thutmose III (whose step mother was also a Pharaoh) reigned from 1458–1425 BCE.
Amenhotep III reigned from 1388–1351 BCE. He is well known as being a great diplomat and for his advances in architecture.
Ramses II ruled during 1279–1213 BCE. He had a minimum of ninety-six children with Seti I being the most famous. We even know the names of more than fifty of them.
Remember that Egypt was just a “rock throw” from Jerusalem. They had no difficulty being able to keep a reasonable historical record many centuries before who some say is the most important person to ever walk on the face of the earth.
A few other well known individuals from centuries before include Cyrus the Great 600–530 BCE, Siddartha (Buddha) 563–483 BCE, Confucius 551–479 BCE, Socrates 469–399 BCE, Aristotle 384–322 BCE, Alexander the Great 356–323 BCE, Archimedes 287–212 BCE, and Julius Caesar 100–44 BCE. Important people and major events had a way to get recorded. Let us not forget the great Hippocrates 460–380 BCE or Pythagoras 570–495 BCE either.
Sargon the Great ruled as King of the Akkadian Empire in 2334–2279 BCE. His birth story is so similar to that of Moses that most scholars view it to have been the source of the Moses story. Sargon was known throughout ancient history as the King of kings. He of course was probably the most famous person in Babylon…the place where the story of Moses and the Pentateuch was finalized during the captivity by priests who were trying to unify the Jewish captives, most of whom had been assimilated into the Babylonian culture. (Most refused to return to Jerusalem when Cyrus the Great granted their freedom) To motivate the people, why not give them a remarkable story about a deliverer who they could identify with, especially given his birth story was the same as the great King of kings? Tell them a story about a great supernatural deliverance from slavery but with the threat of severe punishment should they not follow and obey (and fear) the god who so miraculously had delivered them. Why not even incorporate the sacred sabbath day directly into their creation story?
The following translation of the legend comes from J.B. Pritchard’s The Ancient Near East, Volume I, pages 85–86. The inscription was discovered in the Assyrian city of Nineveh in 1867 CE by the archeologist Sir Henry Rawlinson who was excavating the site. The first part follows:
Sargon, the mighty king, king of Agade, am I. My mother was a changeling, my father I knew not. The brother(s) of my father loved the hills. My city is Azupiranu, which is situated on the banks of the Euphrates. My changeling mother conceived me, in secret she bore me. She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed My lid. She cast me into the river which rose not (over) me, The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the drawer of water. Akki, the drawer of water lifted me out as he dipped his e[w]er. Akki, the drawer of water, [took me] as his son (and) reared me. Akki, the drawer of water, appointed me as his gardener, While I was a gardener, Ishtar granted me (her) love, And for four and [ … ] years I exercised kingship,… Thousands of people much earlier than the first century are found throughout the pages of history. Why would a god block out from history the one and only person that many people claim we are required to know if there be any hope of escaping an eternity in a burning hell?
7. Can you reasonably accept part of the Bible as true if it contains many contradictions and major errors regarding science and history? Just a few: The earth being created in seven days, roughly 6,000 years ago; the sun stood still for an entire day; women were made from the rib of a man; humans existed before plants and other animals (Genesis 2); and 2,500,000 slaves out ran the entire Egyptian military (in one day) and existed in the desert for 40 years without leaving a single trace of evidence that they were ever there.
8. Would it be disconcerting if the New Testament taught that Jesus actually believed that the story of Adam and Eve was a historical fact in addition to other events that are clearly debunked mythologies?
Jesus taught as history the story of Moses and the manna that fed the children of Israel while in the desert thus having Him ratify as historical fact the Exodus as described in the Torah (2,500,000 slaves out running the entire Egyptian military and then lived in a desert 40 years without leaving a single trace of evidence); He also taught the story of Adam and Eve (Matthew 19:4–6) as true history in addition to the story of Noah’s world wide flood (Matthew 24:37–39 and Luke 17:26). Among other things, he taught that blindness and epilepsy are caused by demons and that you did not need to wash your hands before eating.
9. Did you know that the New Testament ratifies the Old Testament over two hundred times? This point is included because many apologists and preachers would have you believe that the New Testament did away with the many cruel and immoral things of the Old. Where is the love and mercy in the New Testament when it ratifies and praises rather than rebukes any of the terrible things taught in the Old Testament? How about the teaching of an eternal hell fire that even the Old Testament never mentioned?
We can not simply ignore the fact that the New Testament accepted as historical truth the Old Testament’s stories. The leaders of those events are repeatedly honored and praised in the New Testament without one word of rebuke. The fact that it is not possible to separate the New Testament from the Old becomes even more evident when we count the number of times that the key characters in the Old Testaments are mentioned in the New: Moses 79 times, Abraham 70 times, David 54, Adam and/or Eve 10, and Noah 8 times.
The New Testament clearly ratifies the Old and often uses the Old Testament to explain the New. Again, it is just plain wrong to claim that the Old Testament was done away with, especially if Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever and was a key player in many Old Testament events as Christians claim He was.
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
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Longest Tag: 132 characters
#it didn't help when they kept posting announcements from the palace without translations and google lens was of no help to me at all
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An absolute honour and privilege to be given this opportunity to be a small part of modern history yesterday. Thank you to our dedicated team and all at @jennykingembroidery to enable the making of this beautiful coat dress design for HRH Countess of Wessex. Many beautiful panels of Italian wool and silk satin were embroidered as a tribute with Lily of the Valley - Her Majesty’s favourite flowers, intertwined with florals from her wedding bouquet
460 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
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HM The Queen Consort, The Princess of Wales, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and The Countess of Wessex Curtsy/bow to the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, as she leaves Westminster Abbey for the last time. -- @isaguor
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498 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
someone’s given Charles a pen 😂 #KingCharles -- @FanCambridges
HELP 🤣🤣🤣
558 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
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Buckingham Palace household staff pay their respects during the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on September 19, 2022
560 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
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598 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
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In this talk from the 2022-23 edition of the Herodotus Helpline, Alex Tarbet (Michigan) explores the impact of various Egyptian adventure stories and other tales drawn from oral folklore on Herodotus' Histories. As part of the talk, Alex looks at The Blinding of Pharos, preserved in both Demotic Egyptian (~3rd century BCE) and Herodotus’ Greek (5th century BCE).
Source: the youtube channel of Herodotus Helpline
Alex Tarbet is a PhD candidate in Classics and Sylvia 'Duffy' Engle Graduate Fellow at the University of Michigan (https://lsa.umich.edu/humanities/people/2022-23-fellows/alex-tarbet.html). According to the information given on his dissertation by the University (https://lsa.umich.edu/classics/people/graduate-students/language-and-literature-graduate-students/coleem.html ):
 Alex studies humor at the expense of tyrants and authoritarians as it passed among storytellers of Greece and Egypt. His dissertation, Worlds Upside Down: Egyptian Folk Humor and Herodotus, explores comic anecdotes about the pharaohs Egyptians performed for Herodotus as he traveled along the Nile in the 5th century.
Good video, very similar to the text of the same author on Egyptian cats and Herodotus that I have reproduced almost one year ago (https://aboutanancientenquiry.tumblr.com/post/670193035428184064/herodotus-and-the-egyptian-cats ). But I think that Tarbet’s passion for the “decolonization’ of the Classics leads him too far when for instance he says that Aristophanes is a “huge celebrity” just because of an “accident of  colonialism”!
Now, more particularly concerning Herodotus, I have the objection that Tarbet approaches the question of the Egyptian sources of Herodotus and of their agendas almost exclusively from the point of view of his specialty, which is humor and power in Egypt and Greece. I think that this is a real aspect of the story about what Herodotus heard from his Egyptian sources, in which there were for sure some tales with a humoristic element in them, but not the whole story. I think also that the question of the relationship of Herodotus with his Egyptian sources and the nature and degree of the historical consiousness and the agendas of the latter deserves a deeper approach and study. Moreover, I don’t think that describing Herodotus as a “tourist” conveys a very accurate picture of the reality: if it is true that Herodotus visited Egypt for a relatively short period of time, it is undeniable that his pursuits in Egypt were scholarly, not those of a modern “tourist” (and the more general ambience in the Egypt of the 440′s BCE, when Herodotus must have visited the country, was not particularly jovial and tourist-friendly, as it is generally accepted that the Persian rule of Egypt had become far more oppressive after the revolt of 460-454 BCE, which ended with the crushing defeat of the revolted Egyptians and of their Greek allies).
Now, the author who contributed the most to the discovery of the similarities about which Tarbet talks between what Herodotus records on the pre-Saite history of Egypt (before 664 BCE) and the Egyptian Demotic tradition is Joachim Friedrich Quack, German Egyptologist, Demotic language specialist, and professor of Egyptology at the University of Heidelberg (see in German J-F. Quack Einführung in die altägyptische Literaturgeschichte III. Die demotische und gräko-ägyptische Literatur, 2, Berlin 2009, and in English Joachim Friedrich Quack- Kim Ryholt Demotic Literary Texts from Tebtunis and Beyond, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2019). So, I think that it is important to see what conclusions drew from these similarities Pr. Quack.
First of all, as I have showed in an older post of mine, Quack believes that the similarities between Herodotus’ Book II and the Demotic Egyptian literature prove that Herodotus did have an important degree of knowledge of the Egyptian tradition, and therefore what he writes about Egypt is not some aggregate of lies or of arbitrary products of his own imagination, as some people foolishly claim on this site (see  https://aboutanancientenquiry.tumblr.com/post/701378423007952896/egyptology-professor-j-fr-quack-on-herodotus ,with the further link to the entirety of Quack’s original text in French). As Pr. Quack says ( the translation to English is mine):
“Although it is undeniable that Herodotus is capable of modifying certain details in order to make them agree with his own way of thinking, this can by no means change the overall picture: Herodotus shows such a precise knowledge of the Egyptian traditions and realities that it is difficult to not admit the reality of the visit to Egypt of the “father of history”. The “Liar school” 98 which denies this visit is explicitly refuted. Also the tradition of research which sees above all in the relations of Herodotus with foreign peoples a mirror effect putting into relief their otherness in comparison to the Greeks, without taking enough into account the realities 99, is proved to be inadequate to deal with the complexity of the work of the historian from Halicarnassus.”
Moreover, Quack believes that Herodotus’ account of the pre-Saite history of Egypt is not the product of misunderstanding from Herodotus’ part of jokes of low rank Egyptian priests (or “priests’) or more generally of Herodotus’ confusions, but reflects rather the confusions and distortions in the historical consciousness of the Egyptian priests of his time (see again https://aboutanancientenquiry.tumblr.com/post/701378423007952896/egyptology-professor-j-fr-quack-on-herodotus , with the further link to Quack’s text). As Pr. Quack puts it (the translation from the French original is again mine):
“Herodotus often refers to what he has heard from Egyptian priests 96. The demotic texts that I have presented here originate largely in a priestly milieu, as it is showed clearly enough in the papyri of Tebtynis. This makes also abundantly clear that the traditions on the Egyptian past and the exploits of the heroes, which have often been characterized as “folkloric” 97, have a solid basis in the stories circulating among the priests of Late Egypt. And where Herodotus’ narrative seems to us strange, concerning the anecdotes on the Egyptian kings or their order of succession, it would be appropriate to impute this strangeness less to the errors and misunderstandings of the Greek historian or to the fancies of uncultured guides than to the confusions which had been already produced during the long transmission of the Egyptian culture.”
PS: To my great amusement, I see that Alex Tarbet’s video on the youtube channel of Herodotus Helpline is used by some people on tumblr in order to vindicate the anti-Herodotus campaign of the gang of tumblr egyptologists or, in some cases, “egyptologists” (you know, the “Herodotus is my bitch”,  “Fuck Herodotus”, “Fuck Herodotus and fuck yourself”, “most misconceptions about ancient Egypt can be traced back to Herodotus’ Greek ass” etc etc graceful and scholarly ladies, and their sycophants, maids, and ignorant and fanatical fanbase). I think that what I have written above is a sufficient reply to their ridiculous claims. But, just for the sake of completeness,  I will return in some days with a more detailed post on Herodotus, the pre-Saite history of Egypt, and his Egyptian sources.
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