leviiackrman · 2 years
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ASAMI ENATSU, the hero & RIN KYUTOKU, the villain [my hero academia]
Full Costume Breakdown; Accessories, Equipment and More
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
(Previously, dans le rewatch HPI...)
Yo ! Je vous ai manqué ? J’espère que oui, parce que sinon vous allez devoir endurer dans la souffrance tout mon rewatch de la saison 2, je dis ça je dis rien...
Morgane "J’ai passé la moitié de ma vie à faire des sitting anticapitalistes" Alvaro qui part en shopping spree consumériste dès qu’elle a trois thunes sur son compte courant... I've said it before and I'll say it again: I find the Pretty Woman montage extremely cringe.
(à part pour l’origin story de la doudoune rouge et des croco ankle boots 🥰)
Funfact: Napalm Decapitation est un groupe qui n’existe pas.
Askskjfkskfjksjk, la tête de Karadec pendant TOUTE la scène de crime, this is a testament to Mehdi's acting
"Daphné!" -> Morgane qui lance son manteau au hasard dans sa direction me fait toujours autant rire
"Commandant, je peux vous parler une minute ?" / "J'ai eu des nouvelles concernant les coups de feu que tu as tiré à Malo-les-bains" -> le tutoiement/vouvoiement dans toute sa splendeur, je note, je note...
Adam est painfully terrible au demi-tour en douze trois temps, ça me rappelle mes séances d'auto-école, lol. Et pourquoi y'a personne sur cette nationale ? I have so many questions...
"Vous voulez connaître les neuf autres ?" 😂😂
La ! Soirée ! Koh Lanta ! Pizza !! Comment j’avais oublié cette ref au moment de l’écrire !!!
Morgane x le gyrophare, littéralement dans mon top 5 des moments connerie de Morgane...
"Ah bah ça tombe bien parce qu'elle est morte" -> le TACT de Morgane, bordel 😱
Karadec x l'anecdote random sur Miterrand et l'andouillette -> top 5 des moments les plus absurdes de ce show
Morgane calling Adam a Drama Queen, aksksjkjskj, something something pots, kettle, toussa toussa...
Un yacht et un chat sans poil ? Sérieusement Daphné ? C'est ça que tu t'achèterais en premier si t'étais riche ?
Morgane qui plaque Gilles contre le mur !!!! Et ensuite il se redresse et on voit qu'ils font la. même. taille. 😆
"Bah merde..." awww she cares so much about him 😍
Un lassi mangue... Le retour du jus de pomme eau gazeuse... This is too much to handle 😱
Mais bordel Adam, pourquoi tu lui fais la gueule comme ça ? 😭
Morgane est tellement obsédée par Karadec, be still my heart 🙊
"Vous lui avez pas demandé ?" 😅
Morgane qui devient sérieuse avec la voix qui tremble quand Céline mentionne que Adam risque son poste <=> Adam qui perd pied quand Morgane risque son poste dans le 2.02, my heart!
Les "Et ?" parfaitement synchronisés de Céline et Morgane, asjksjks
Remember that time when Roxane was an antagonist? "Roxane Ascher, sympa ?" Because I don't.
"Tu te sens comment ?" "Comme un type qui va se faire opérer �� coeur ouvert par un marteau-piqueur" 🤣🤣🤣
Franchement, c'est quand-même hyper injuste de la part d'Adam d'en vouloir à Morgane pour avoir foiré l'entretien avec Roxane 😰
NIGHT TIME IS THEIR TIME! Pardon, mais leurs petits rendez-vous nocturnes, là, ça me rend dingue...
"Pardon..." 😱😱
"Vous vAlEz bIEn qUelQuES déSagRéMEnTs" (on rappelle que dans le contexte, "quelques désagrément" = perdre son poste, il est quand-même vachement détendu du slip, le Karadec, là), et qu'il lui fait des blagues sur le vol de sa voiture, ET QU'IL RESSORT LE TOP TEN DE SES MOMENTS PRÉFÉRÉS DE LA LIFE 🪥🪥🪥
Leurs sourires... THEM... Ils se kiffent tellement c’est pas possible!!!! 😭
"Oui bah moi je sais qui c'est" 😂
Je sais pas vous mais moi j'adore voir Karadec interroger des gens, my man takes no bullshit and I love that about him
Le lassi mangue !! La vanne du label rouge !! Le visage de Morgane qui se décompose !!! My babies are desynchronized SO BAD 💔
Adam, un flic border ? (Et Laure Berthaud du coup c’est quoi selon Roxane Ascher ?) Laissez-moi rire, lol !
Adam qui protège Morgane devant Roxane OMG, comment il la kiiiiiffe 😱
Le petit clin d'oeil de Gilles en mode "ça va bien se passer" pour rassurer Adam, il est trop chou 🥲
Morgane qui est toujours aussi obsédée par Adam, comment elle le kiiiiiffe 😱
Conclusion, je me tape la tête contre les murs, merci bonsoir
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fleimkepagriffin · 3 years
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politoad · 4 years
#ok on one even pay attention to this pls#dont read all these tags i just go off bc i dont have roommates to infodumpe to anymore#so now i just spew it on tumblr#i fucking love tokito#i mean i love all the hashira but i just fuckingove tokitos 14 yo blue tips havin ass hes a baby and hes precious#im also laughing bc i literally thot tengen was the most annoying ass bitch when i watched the anime but hes a good man in the manga!!!#and i aint even mad that he has 3 wives bc the fucker is too much for one woman i think and also they all seem happy so i aint mad#gyomei n iguro r literally such fuckers when theyre first introduced but im so fucking soft for them#sorry i just adore every hashira ig#rengoku i rly wish ur hair looked anything like that but whatever he only human#GOD SANEMI JUST SHOWD UP#EVEN SANEMI I EVEN LOVE THIS MEAN ASS BITCH#animes only will hate sanemi but sanemi and genya? my heart is warm#IGURO I LOVE U#IGURO SAID ILL LOVE ONE WOMAN AND DEDICATE MY CURRENT AND NEXT LIFE TO HER#INCREDIBLE THE MADMAN ACTUALLY DID IT#iguro n i have our love for kanroji in common#im working on an iguro x kanroji thing n injust love them si much im having a lot of trouble finishing it#n i obvi love giyuu n shinobu a lot too but theyre get tons of love from the fandom so i aint worried about them feeling left out#god truly the hashira r such annoying lil fuckers during the hashira meeting but i just fucking love them#pre manga i was like ‘fuck these guys ion need em kamboko crew 4 lyfe’#the. i read the manga and fucking cried when i got to all their reincarnations#demon slayer rly unlocks something in me#kny#junk
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istumpysk · 3 years
I never saw a meta about the Stark children names and someone need to do it because there definitely a lot of foreshadow in their names.
Robb = named after someone that started a rebelion against a cruel king after the injust execution of a Stark lord. Both were see as perfect king material for the same reasons: warrior qualities, charming, etc. But ended having disappointing ends outside the battle fields. Also both had broken engagements and had marriages that led to their deaths: Cersei giving Lancel a fortified strongwine, three times as potent as normal, to give to Robert during his hunt and Robb' Red Wedding.
Maybe is a coincidence but he is the only one who doesn't have a Stark ancestor with the same name and he is the first (and only i hope) child to die.
Jon = there three Stark men with Jon in their names, two were KitN and the other one is Jonnel who we all are familiar with.
One of the KitN: "when sea raiders landed in the east, Jon drove them out and built a castle, the Wolf's Den, at the mouth of the White Knife, so as to be able to defend the mouth of the river." He is mentioned twice in the books once in the first book in a Bran chapter and other in ADWD in Davos pov, both characters having connections with Jon and possibly his future kingship.
Sansa = we also familiar with Sansa, daughter of Rickon.
Arya = named after Ned grandmother, who was the wife of the Wandering Wolf that served in a sellsword company in the Free Cities.
Bran = the legendary Stark name perfect fitting for the starkling destined to be the King of Westeros. Just like the founder of his house and namesake, Bran will probably be remember as a Builder since when he accept his kingship the seven kingdoms will already be pretty much destroyed after so many wars.
Rickon = poor baby all the other two Rickon died before their times and left some kinda of sucession crisis 😭 But there two Rickard one is Ned father and the other is KitN who took the Neck from the Marsh King and was father to Jon Stark.
Also Theon = named after Theon Stark know as the Hungry Wolf who had some attitudes pretty similar to Greyjoys in general but in the end fought against a King of the Iron Islands that tried to conquer the north and spelled the iron man from his shores after killing the king's son. There lots of information about the Hungry Wolf and all match or can be paralled with Theon arc and personality, there even a history with the Boltons, GRRM really enjoyed the foreshadowing with this one.
The informations about Arya Flint and her husband, Theon Stark backstory and the existence of Sansa and Jonnel are all from TWOIAF so its all GRRM intentional later foreshadow.
Anon, this is great, you should post this to your own blog! It will never get proper recognition sitting in my ask tag.
I love stuff like this, thank you.
It occurred to me while reading this that it’s a little peculiar that the Greyjoys would name him Theon, given Theon Stark was an adversary to the Iron Islands. Makes it even more obvious that we should pay attention to these little details hiding in the history.
The most interesting thing here, other than Jonnel + King Jon Stark driving out raiders in the East, has to be Arya Flint being married to the Wandering Wolf. Ohhh boy, add that to the list of foreshadowing.
I'm sad about Rickon though. Oh well, I choose denial. I'm a full High Septon Rickon truther now. Try and stop me.
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kyovtani · 3 years
Name a character you want to protect mommy z.
from each fandom?
— Haikyuu: Oikawa Tooru and Miya Atsumu. There's just something about these two that makes me get really protective like those are my babies and my comfort characters, how dare you be mean to them
— BNHA: Kirishima Eijirou and Denki Kaminari; those two are my kins so i feel extra connected to them but like i just want them to be safe and would do everything to protect them
— JJK: Yuuji. i feel like this explains itself
— AOT: Connie and Jean- these two are just like Kiri and Denki to me but like pls someone protect those goofy fuckers and i shall do that forever
— tokyo rev: kazutora :( my baby deserves better, he didn't know any better and i would do anything to protect him from pain of all kinds
— demon slayer: tanjiro, no doubts. i love that fucker so much injust want him to reach his goal and live the life he deserves
— naruto: rock lee, though he'd probably protect me- i love him and his energy so much, he deserves endless protection
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imagines-mha · 4 years
Which 1-a and 1-b kids would be the best at babysitting eri!
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Did someone say cool big sister energy at its PIQUE???
ok we gotta be real tho
Girl has no chill and we love her for it, but when it comes to babysitting??
Shes so easily influenced lmao she can and WILL spend all her money on pizza for the both of them
She ends up ATTACHED
Zero impulse control lmao so shes gonna get into trouble 9 times out of 10 but shes fun af
my girl has a whole ass FAMILY at home to care for while mr asui is making that MONEY ROLL
Cuts all eri’s sandwiches into stars
They definitely braid eachother’s hair too wjdnenwjd she sjust the best
Has a curfew tho- like bedtime is 10pm at the LATEST
tell me to my FACE he wouldnt be the best babysitter ever.
Hes patient af, and would listen for hours to her little rants and thoughts
he helps her confidence around talking to boys cus she still got that trauma :(
Would probably let her do his makeup
Does this one even need explained lmao
Aizawa has her on SPEED DIAL even before mic akdnfnwsn
Treats eri like shes her OWN for the night
Also spoils her rotten she’ll go shopping beforehand and buy games and everything 🥺🥺🥺
Simply the BEST
Favourite movie ON, bakes with her, convinces her to go to sleep at a reasonable time without feeling like shes being INJUSTICED
She makes him feel less scary too 🥺 underrated duo
Same as momo like imagine them babysitting together omgggg
Everyones lowkey jealous i want kendo and momo to give me their undivided attention smh 😳😳
A little strict but its all in good nature and eri still idolises her
Has SEVERE baby fever everytime she babysits her tho
Shes eri’s idol no cap
everyone knows its bc shes the best at doing nails and hair
But also bc kodai talks to eri w so much RESPECT and it makes eri feel like a proper adult
Eri goes to her whenever she has a problem w stuff she cant tell aizawa abt🥺🥺
In theory, he is a HORRIBLE babysitter
In practice, he’s worse.
Will try to teach eri how to skateboard while hes hes committing GRAFITI FUKIDASHI FIRST OF ALL IS ILLEGAL SECOND OF ALL SHES 5
eri loves him so bad, which is WORSE. So chaotic
Cool big brother figure everyone wants
Tells her the FUNNIEST stories and wont stop til there’s tears streaming down her face w happiness
Gives him the biggest ego boost but also he loves being able to make her smile 🥺🥺 esp since shes just learning
She definitely has a super big crush on him its so cute
Like Iida but not as fucking STRAIGHT
the best at playing princesses with her bc hes so DAMN DRAMATIC ABT EVERYTHING
calls her “lady eri” and it makes her feel like a princess. He is her royal knight and he will beat you to death if you take his title from him
Also the best bedtime stories- shes sleeping in no time awwwww
<3 Requests are: open
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its-chelisey-stuff · 4 years
Itaewon Class: When stories are so much more about than romance but my romantic ass ends up going back to it... always
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I don’t post often about this show (in reality I don’t post as much as I used to because work gets in the way of all things I enjoy, sucking all my damn time... I curse you, work!!) but I love it. I really really do. I cannot call it my favorite show of the year (cause it’s only march lol) but I think it may be my favorite from the first quarter of 2020! And I mean, it was not even because of the romance (at the beggining). Itaewon class has such a rich story, with wonderful layered characters who have such dinstinctive voices and the revenge plot just drove me bananas (in the good way) cause damn YES! Why is it that the good and amazing parents have to die in dramaland? Why did it have to be him? And why did he ever do to anyone to deserve going out in such a dreadful and terrible way? WHY WHY WHY WHY??!! By all freaking means in all of the goddamn freaking awful dramaland, take REVENGE Saeroyi! TAKE IT!
But oh, boy. I’m a sucker for romance and people who follow my blog know it. God, the heavens know it. Everyone knows it. So when the romance started to build up and sides started to form, I knew very well which side (besides Saeroyi+happiness) I was on. And I mean, Yiseo took something from me from the very beggining of ep 3 and she never gave it back. LMAO.
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However, I wanted to sit back and enjoy this show without analyzing every single thing anyone (good or bad) made. But the drama is ending next week and I after this week’s episodes, I just had the inspiration and need to write my thoughts (however controversial... because I’m sure not everyone will agree with me).
Full disclosure: First and second episode? I shipped Soo-ah and Saeroyi... after that though? Yiseo stole my heart and I rooted for her with all of my fangirl heart. Ever since, I never wavered from her side once. And last week when Saeroyi told her not to like him? My heart broke for her. My poor baby!! And you know, Saeroyi is free, like anyone, to accept or not romantic feelings from whoever, whenever, wherever! I will NEVER judge that! Never.
But... I will judge, with all that I am and I believe and stand for, his feelings for Soo-ah. Because, dude, what the actual freaking f*ck? What has she ever done for you? How has she shown in ANY WAY that she cares for you? The only time I saw her actually being by his side, was when his dad died and I mean, a big part of that was because she saw ahjussi as dad figure. She was grieving him too. But then she took that tuition money and later a job from Jangga and man... 
I know you had nothing, no actual adult on your side, and no money for your future, but you kept working for those people for years to come. All while Saeroyi was in jail and later worked his ass off, every single day, for years so he could achieve his own dreams and his well deserved revenge and she still needed him (the poor guy who had a wonderful dad and lost him and with that everything) to reassure her, pat her on the back and say “hey, it’s ok, I’ll be fine. You just do whatever you need to do to survive. I’ll do that, too, no hard feelings”. Pisses me off so damn much.
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We accept the love we think we deserve. But Park Saeroyi deserves a lot more than what self entitled, self centered and selfish Soo-ah ever gave him. And that’s the tea.
Yi-seo was right on ep 13:
Soo-ah basically told him: I won’t date you if you’re not rich. You said you will leave me jobless? Okay. I’ll sit here prettily, and wait for you to do all the hard stuff. While I, even if having a bit of power to help you, will not lift a finger to do so and will, not even once, tell you I like you back. You know for emotional support or something.
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While Yi-seo said: 
I’ll help you achieve your dream. You want to be rich? Fine. I’ll make you rich. You want to take revenge on Jangga Group? Okay. I’ll destroy them for you. You want to franchise Danbam? Okay, I will help you look for deals, inversionists, associates, etc. By the way, I love you. I love you. I love you. I’m in love with you.
Not to mention she recorded a confession from his father’s killer while putting herself in danger and actually taking a couple of hits from said criminal. Soo-ah, could have done that far more easily, had she wanted; all she needed was a flirty fake smile and couple of sweet words. She had years and the means. She just wasn’t up for it. Like our ahjussi villain said on ep. 14, she was tamed after years of working for them. After being fed by the hand of the corrupt power. And she liked it. She might LIKE Saeroyi, but she does not LOVE him. 
Soo-ah only loves one person. Herself. And hey, that’s fine. That’s totally okay. Love yourself. See for yourself. Provide for yourself. But don’t ever, EVER, try to make another person do that too for YOU without giving anything back. Love is about giving and it goes both ways, not just one.
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Of course, on the other side, we have Yiseo who has pursued an specific purpose for more than half the drama: to make her boss fall in love with her, to make him love her back. Yes. The motivation is kind of corrupted. But all she did, she did out of love. And that time he told Saeroyi that Soo-ah was not the one who called the cops on him showed me that she wanted to win him with honesty and not with all the dirty tricks that we, as drama fans, are familiar with. She took the high route. She went for the long run and I commend her for it. She wanted Saeroyi to SEE HER. Not to take the place that Soo-ah had. She wanted her own, big and primary, spot. And I’m just so happy that she finally got it. And I think she’s had it for years, actually.
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The thing that doesn’t make me as happy is that Saeroyi realizes he is in love with her and all hell of clichés breaks loose and bam! we have the “I better tell you what I feel for you but FIRST let me tell the second lead that he is not getting you, I am” moment; a freaking kidnapping; a “come alone or else” threat and the freaking truck (in this case car) of doom.
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Saeroyi, you can’t die. 
He just can’t. This is not the way. He will not go out in the same, awful injust way his dad did. He still has so much to live for. He has spent 15 years dedicated to his revenge but also, has built a family that loves him and cares for him. I don’t know if he will take out of the map Jangga Group before the old man dies, but damn, he has to fully see there’s a lot more to life, HIS life, than revenge. He has to have what he has always wanted and needed, what started this ill fated relationship with Jangga in the beggining: his freedom.
My perfect ending for him would be IC live and prosper on the market, even if it’s not the first place. And Saeroyi finally able to sleep and rest well, forgetting once and for all those terrible people that harmed him greatly and realizing that he lost his father and that will always hurt, but he now has another family. Who loves him and will stand with him no matter what. And he has Yiseo, a person he has called the best luck of his life. Who he is in love with and still needs the chance to tell her how he feels. There’s just so much more left for him. So much good that outweighs the bad by so, so much.
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And I want to see him tasting the sweetness of the soju, the way he hasn’t been able to for half of his life. He deserves that.
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meangirls2004 · 4 years
ranking the times i’ve cried over hxh from best to worst to cope with the trauma
spoilers obviously
16. pitou using the brain thingys on pokkle: 1/10 more out of shock than anything else but it was like really disturbing to be fair
15. when bisky told killua he’d eventually leave gon to die: 1/10 i was PISSED & only teared up a little bc like why the fuck would you say that to him you know how important gon is to him bisky u were wrong for that
14. pitou vs kite: 2/10 definitely out of shock but also i was a dumbass and i didn’t think he actually died bc i thought pitou just reconnected his head to his body & brought him back to life to use as a puppet but. well. 💔
13. gon u are light: there’s not much to say here . u kno. 2/10
12. when killugon went back to NGL and gon cried: 3/10 rly sad i don’t wanna think abt it
11. killua literally getting impaled by swordfish stfu: 3/10 angry cry
10. killua fighting rammot and getting the shit beat out of him before ripping the pin out of his head🤢: 6/10 GODDDDD D DDNDD D i was so mad at illumi like i have never hated a character like this in my life i was fuming and killua was fighting so hard against it bc all he wanted 2 do was protect gon and i just. man fuck yoguuejeidhwdhjw
9. gon snapped @ killua: 6/10 i was very mad at gon BUEHDJWKDJSHDMN
8. killua holding gons like?? shriveled up hand LMAO idk but it was destroyed & he looked horrified: 7/10 horrible bad terrible worst thing ever (also when he was sitting in front of gons hospital room saying he’s gonna make him apologize)
7. gon & leorio reunion: 8/10 no. leorio was so dead set on saving him and when he immediately teared up and SPRINTED to him injust. wanna die but i was also rly mad at ging but i was crying too bc gon finally got to meet him so it was that AND leorio and gons reunion
6. killua asking nanika forgive him: 9/10 No<3 the way he hugged them after:(( and cried :((( like it’s not ur fault baby u were literally being brainwashed ur brother is fucking insane :((( n alluka & nanika forgive him like:((( he’s the best big brother and u kno he felt so guilty abt leaving his little sister in a place like that it makes me so sad
5. killua’s breakdown: 10/10 idk what to say i was just really upset and then when palm was like “ur the one gon needs the most rn” the floodgates OPENED bc he was so convinced that there was nothing he could do and that gon didn’t wanna see him he rly loves him so much i want to die
4. gon vs pitou: 10/10 HMM. NO❤️ i was trying not to laugh tbh bc gons adult form was so fucking funny but i ended crying too much anyway. killua was just... hhhjdjjmmmmm yeah. no❤️
3. meruem & komugi’s death: 10000/10 WAS NOT READY !!!!!!!!!!! i didn’t think meruem would have a character arc and i definitely didn’t think i’d like him as much as i did . komugi are u still there <\3
2. killugon going their separate ways: 100000/10 the fucking montage fuck you. and them turning away from each and looking sad i never want to see that ever again i never wanna go through that ever again it was the worst thing i’ve ever experienced in my life i swear to god i’ve never felt pain like that in my life
1. just the entire last episode: 100000000/10 i sobbed the entire time i’m not even lying like. all 20 something minutes especially at the end jesus christ
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Thank you so much for writing and sharing this, friend! I love it and I’m so glad you like the concept 😊 your English is perfect too!
WARNING: dark dark verse, brief mentions of forced/abusive relationship
Hi darling! So I'm a person who can't understand how Tumblr works so I tried to send you a small fic inspired by your posts via asks but it's really hard so I had to download the app and sign up and so on. I hope you would like this. I've never written a fictional text in English before.
Ps. I'm the "dash" anon and Russian dolls anon and many asks anon😆😆
DDV Second generation
When this student entered the room alongside others, David felt as if he had already seen him somewhere before. He examined the list of the class and his heart missed a beat. "May, Josh Harold", it said. David remembered his visit to Brian and Roger's house and the conversation which still caused him pain. He also remembered a boy who he met there - with a mop of brown curls and big baby blue eyes
During the class he observed the younger man - he must be about 20 or 21 now... and pretty damn smart to get the scolarship - David remembered this old crappy house of May family. It was unlikely that they could afford paying for their son's education.
Memories of what he'd heard in that house, of the photos he'd seen there, reminded him that he is an adult now. And he can try to help his mother. If he knew more about his earlier life, about his career in Queen, about his claim to Freddie that his father proclaimed "fake" and ruined forever... maybe David could find a loophole in law or something. This thought was terrifying because it was definitely gonna be difficult to destroy his parental family. But he would be happy to see his mother free of his rapist.
But David couldn't do any of this without Mays' help. So after the class he asked Josh to delay.
"Don't you remember me, Josh?"
"Sorry... no"
"I visited your parents once. I'm... er... John Deacon's son".
For the first time in his life he referred to himself in such way. He thought that mentioning his father's name would alienate Josh. After all, it was his father who destroyed Brian and Roger's life and eventually their kids' life, too. They would live more wealthy and comfortable life if not for him.
Josh squinted and looked at him.
"I remember your visit, but unfortunately didn't recognize you face. My vision is rather poor, like my mother's, and I didn't have my glasses on. Sorry, Mr..."
"Please call me David" he interrupted. "I need to speak to you. If you have any spare time now, I would like to buy you a lunch and talk to you"
Josh seemed confused but agreed to his offer.
Several months later.
David and Josh were sitting next to each other on an old sofa in David's living room. They were looking at old Queen photos. Recently Brian had found an black and white film somewhere in their attic. Josh had two copies of each photo printed - one for his family and one for David.
Surprisingly, the May family had accepted his request and had given him copies of old photos, music records and documents. Some of them were from Freddie's heritage that he left to Brian and Roger in his will. But they thought that, as John's son, David had a right to look at all this.
Unfortunately, David still hadn't found any ways to rescue his mum from his miserable marriage to his father. But he still had hope.
Meanwhile, he just studied the brief history of a band called Queen and enjoyed spending time with Josh. The young man was kind, caring and accepting. David had never met such a non-typical Dom before. Listening to him and watching his attitude to other people, David has understood two things. First, that Josh is everything David's father wanted him NOT to be. He always used to say that such Doms are weak and pathetic, they can't fight to reach their success and they couldn't be loved by anyone. Josh told him that this is how his parents raised him. Gradually, David started to realise that he was wrong. The life of May family wasn't unhappy because of their poverty. Unability to buy luxurious things or to travel abroad didn't make them less kind to each other or love each other less. In fact, they had a lot of things that David and his brothers, born with a silver spoon in their mouths, lacked: like the attention of their father who never threatened to disown them, or family meals with table talks and jokes, or an example of happy marriage of their parents.
And what was the second thing David had realised?
He had realised that his father was wrong (again). Josh was lovable. And he knew it very well, because David was the person who fell in love with Josh.
"You know what my dad said to me yesterday?" whispered Josh. His curls almost touched David's face.
David looked at him inquiringly.
"He said that physically you are Ray Foster's son but, like, in your heart you are Freddie's son" answered Josh. He looked a bit confused and quickly added "I know that it may not sound as a compliment for you. But from my dad it's a real compliment..."
"It is", managed to whisper David. He felt tears in his eyes. He was happy and ashamed at the same time. He was ashamed for being his father's son and also for feeling this. He felt like he betrayed both his mother and father.
"Why are you crying?" he heard. "If I somehow..."
David shook his head. "I-I just hate it" he muttered. "This world. This life. Everything should be different. Good people shouldn't suffer like they do now. And people like me... just shouldn't be born"
He felt Josh hugging him.
"Yes, the world is cruel" softly said Josh. "It's ugly and injust. But we're born to bring some justice into it. I believe in it"
"But how?" asked David trying to stop crying.
"By loving other people. And fighting for what we love".
"Did your parents succeed in their fighting?" bitterly asked David and immediately thought that he might offend Josh by saying so. But he felt that Josh was smiling.
"A bit", he answered.
"Well, my mother lost his battle".
"Not completely", argued Josh. "He has you. A child who is able to ask questions. Who doesn't take this world for granted. Who is willing to change things. Who is capable of love"
David felt tears flowing down his cheeks. He hugged Josh and then kissed him without thinking. He immediately realized what he has done.
"Sorry sorry... I-I'm so sorry Josh... I shouldnt've... Sorry if I offended you"
"You can't offend me with this" said Josh "It's okay. Subs can kiss other subs, so why Doms are forbidden to kiss other Doms? It doesn't mean anything..." he paused and looked into David's eyes. "Unless you want it to mean something".
David didn't know what to say so he just kissed him again very shyly. Josh answered him and the kiss became more passionate.
They kissed for a while, their hands caressed each other's hair and backs but when David dared to slide his hand into Josh's pants, the younger man freezed for a second and whispered
"I think you should know... I've never had sex with another Dom... have you?"
David nodded. He felt sad again. "I-I had... lots of times. When I was at uni". He hid his face on Josh's shoulder. "I think I was kinda... traumatized by my mum's story and felt kinda... guilty or something. Wanted to feel what a sub feels. So I dated Doms and asked them to punish me... to hurt me... humiliate me. Because I always felt it's not enough for me".
Josh kissed his temple. "But it's not what a sub should feel, dear. A sub should feel loved. He should feel care and tenderness. He should feel safe. That's what I learned from my parents".
"I-I know" answered David. "It's just... I'm just broken. I repell you now, don't I? I'm a sick pervert".
He was sure Josh will stand up and leave him and never come back. But Josh kept hugging him.
"You're not sick or broken. You're just lost and misguided. I can be your guide".
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finalgoddess · 4 years
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In this post I would like to bring attention to the death of Katera Jenkins Barker 
On May 23rd, Katera’s  life was cut tragically short. It wasn't by cancer or by an act of God, it was at the hands of her caretaker, and soon to be adoptive father, Matt Barker. While in the custody of the Bethany Cristian adoptive services of Tennessee.
Katera Jenkins had been placed up for adoption by her birth mother Dedja, because she wanted her daughter to have more opportunities than what she would have been able to provide her. During her short year of life, Katera's birth mom kept open communication with Katera's soon to be adoptive parents, Matt and Jenny Barker.
Jenny appeared to be a loving and doting mother, but Matt seemed distant, and Dedja repeatedly voiced her concerns to Bethany Christian, which was dismissed and brushed off.
All of Dedja's concerns and instincts were dismissed as she was having remorse and would pull Katera out of the pending adoption.
On May 11th, 2018 Katera's 1st birthday, those feeling became even more apparent, when Matt Barker, was visibly distant and cold during Katera's 1st birthday party. Dedja had signed the adoption papers the month before and felt she legally had no right to voice her concerns further.
Less than 2 weeks after Katera's 1st birthday, at 12 am Dedja gets an unexpected visit from Bethany Christian, about a "Freak accident" involving Katera. But there was no way this was an accident.
On May 23rd, Matt Barker was supposed to take both of his children to daycare, where the older child would then be shuttled off to school. Matt claims to be exhausted that day and running late and decided to drive his older daughter to school and double back and drop the baby off at daycare. That never happened.
Matt's plan didn't seem logical, considering that he claimed to be in a rush. The extra stops on his route would have taken much longer. Instead of dropping his daughter off at daycare, he arrives home phones a uber and leaves little Katera to die a slow and painful death.
Later that evening, when Matt's wife Jenny went to collect the children, she learns that little Katera never made it to daycare. Frantic, she calls Matt, and he tells her, "I might have left her in the care."
Katera died strapped to a car seat, with the windows rolled up, it was over 100 degrees in that car. She died alone and scared, with no one to comfort her.
A week after Katera's funeral, Matt went on an island vacation, to "Celebrate" her life. But in reality, the inconvenience of Katera, for Matt is over.
The Davidson county police wanted to bring charges against Matt, but because of his political connections,. The District attorney's office declined to charge him.
Bethany Christian at the time of Katera's death, was her legal custodian; they declined any action against Matt in fear of how it would make their agency look.
Matt Barker and Bethany Christian Adoptive services should be held responsible for Katera's death. 
(source: https://www.change.org/p/bill-lee-justice-for-1-year-old-katera-jenkins-barker-who-was-killed-by-white-adoptive-dad)
Adopted father claims he accidentally forgot Katera Jenkins "Barker" in his car the morning of May 23rd, 2018 at 7AM. He then got on an uber and got on a plane and went to New Jersey for Work.
His wife went to Kateras daycare at 5:30PM and discovered Katera was never checked into daycare. His Story: claims he made breakfast for his oldest daughter and Katera. He said that the food was hot  the cool down process made him late to drop the oldest at school. He said he usually would drop Katera off at daycare first and then would take the oldest to school but that morning his schedule changed. So he "forgot". Katera was not fully adopted as I just surrendered my rights over late April. Katera died in the custody of the adoption agency. They did not inform me until 6 hours after Katera had past away and labeled it a "freak accident". Was Kateras DEATH silenced because of their reputation which is very injust? I believe the adopted father should be held accountable for his actions because of his negligence my daughter suffered and will not see another birthday. Your child is the most important and valueable thing you could ever have. No child is forgotten and no one should get away with leaving a child behind especially resulting in the loss of their life. This is a crime never the less. Please sign so we can get JUSTICE because no Child is forgotten . Thank you Signed Katera's Birth Mother
(source: https://www.thepetitionsite.com/en-gb/486/512/927/demand-to-re-open-investigation-on-matt-barker/)
On May 23rd, 2018, Matt Barker decided that he no wanted to be a father of two.
Matt’s wife, Jenny, wanted a second child; Matt did not. He grew to love his first adopted child, especially as she became more independent. Matt’s wife and daughter were excited about a new baby, and Matt was not. Matt worked long and unusual hours,  building his company Black Hawk Media, and the crying and crankiness of a toddler was an inconvenience, and was too much for a man as selfish as Matt.
When Katera’s birth mom signed over her rights, Jenny was ecstatic; Matt was not. He made every excuse as to why it wasn’t a good time to finalize the adoption and legally make Katera a part of their family.
As time passed, Matt became increasingly hostile toward little Katera, even distant at her first birthday party. Less than two weeks later, Katera was dead. Her last few hours of life were spent alone, trapped in a truck that reached over 100 degrees. Katera died an excruciating and lonely death because of Matt’s decision on May 23rd, 2018.
(source: https://justice4katera.org/)
Here is an original article written about Katera in 2018 by the Washington Post:
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20 Things I Love About One Piece
Hey ya’ll! First entry on my ”revived” Tumblr blog is of course about One Piece. Just a quick background, I’m a One Piece fan since of young age (currently 24) and it has been my #1 Manga/Anime ever since. Most posts you’ll be seeing here will probably be about One Piece (+ other Manga/Anime I’m currently reading/watching, I’ve read/watched, Will read/watch +random thoughts +random creative writing of mine. So hope you’ll like what you’ll be seeing lol
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Actually... Blog came from my Amino account hahaha (3yrs. ago lol)
Just going to repost it here for starters lol add me on Amino :D
Yo! For the 20th Anniversary of my favorite Manga/Anime, I've decided to create a list of the 20 Things I Love About One Piece
Of course, it is not in particular order and incomplete 'cause meeeeen words won't be enough to describe how much I (and we) love One Piece hahahaha
Sooooo... let us begin!
20. Art
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I like the art of One Piece. The color balance and the style of Oda-sama doesn't hurt my eyes. This is one of the first things I look at in a manga I'll read or an anime I'll watch. If I don't like the art, I usually don't continue reading or watching it.
19. Storyline
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Nuff said. The image says it all. I really salute Oda-sama's imagination. There's never been a dull moment in One Piece in my opinion (no bias). The story really progresses and continues in depth.
18. Action
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What else are you looking for in a shonen manga/anime but action. Those awesome fight scenes and power upgrades. The different devil fruits maaaaaan what more can I say? Marines vs. Pirates fighting for glory satisfies me.
17. Drama
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Aside from all the action and fighting, of course there's a reason behind them (those fights). The backstories and flashbacks bring tears to my eyes. (T_T)
16. Humor
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This completes and balances the emotions. Who doesn't care for a good laugh aye?
15. History
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I love how Oda-sama actually uses real pirates' names and real places for the characters and their backstories. There's research and context behind the characters and the story as a whole. History is incorporated and I like that. We like that, don't we?
14. Plot Twists
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Everybody loves plot twists! Damn all those mysteries. These things give you the "ugh", "wtf", "da hell" kinds of emotions. And I can't get enough of all the plot twists One Piece offered and is yet to offer.
One of the best plot twists: SABO IS ALIVE MEN I KNEW IT!!!
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13. Government
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This really affects me. My friends asked me before why I like One Piece and I answered "It's because of the government vs. rebels kind of thing, the core that the gov't hides, and the heroes mistaken as foes, people's justice that is injusticed". And they tell me "WTF, you dig that deep? meanwhile me, just looking after the fight scenes". Maybe I'm a deep person or because this is what really happens in reality 'elite vs. masses' LOL
Ugh hate those tenryuubitos
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12. Marines
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I'm a girl but I'm a reservist in the army and ever since I've been a fan of military shizz. That is why I love the concept of the Marines and the ranks ooooh I love talking about ranks and even memorizing their insignias LOL
11. Cool antagonists
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I have a love-hate relationship with all of One Piece's antagonists. What can I say? Doffy is cool. I hate Akainu but I think he is cool no he's not cool I take it back 'cause he's magma baby MAGMA FREAKING HOT MAGMA LOL and even if I reallyyyy hate Teach he's still cool with the way he talked to Luffy 'bout pirates' dreams.
10. Cool protagonists
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What more can I say? Where can you ever find a protagonist whose power is rubber? What a foolish powerless character righttttttt *wink wink*
09. Awesome characters
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All in all everyone's just awesome (well there are some 'ewww' characters like Wapol tho XD). I just don't know anymore. I really bow down to Oda-sama's imagination. Every character has an identity and a unique one at that. The different races. Amazing. All those different species too, men.
08. Nakama
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True friends. True loyalty. True respect. Will never let you down. Will never leave you behind. Will always be there for you. Hands down.
07. Generation, Family, and Bloodlines
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Man, how amazed I am thinking about Rayleigh-Luffy, Mihawk-Zoro, Zeff-Sanji, Yasopp-Usopp, Hiluluk-Chopper, Tom-Franky, Belmere-Nami, Olvia-Robin... Brook? Laboon-Brook... ugh The Donquixote family, now the Vinsmokes family and the Charlotte family?!!
06. ASL Brotherhood
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This will forever be engraved in my heart
05. Portgas D. Ace
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Sorry guys, no matter what you say I love Ace forever. Some say he's dumb for dying (and I respect everyone's opinion) but damn I like him still. He's freaking hot men, literally and figuratively. HE'S FIRE BAAABY FIIIIREE
04. Dreams
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One Piece taught me a lot and one of them is to never stop dreaming... cliche but yeah, DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM!!!
03. Fighting
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And so... Fight for your dreams... and Fight for what you believe in... conviction and virtue men awww suuuuuper
02. The Strawhats
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The question is will there be an addition to the crew? Mehehehe HYPE!!!
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What the hell is One Piece anyway? Or maybe who? or where? The most intriguing part of it all. HAHAHA damn I LOVE ONE PIECE FOREVER!!!
tldr; sorry for the long post XD
The bottomline is I LOVE ONE PIECE
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jacaranda-bloom · 2 years
Hi! I don't know if you accept fic request but I'm gonna try anyway. Have you seen the movie "Forever My Girl"? I was in this Larry group and I saw a girl requesting someone to do a Larry AU of it and I don't know if someone did.
But, I watched the movie and I loved it so much and you're the first one that came to my mind. I loved your fics so much! I'm finishing In A Twinkling cause a lot of school works and I just had the time last night. But please please! Think about it?
just maybe a fic inspired by it? Someone leaving and someone left with a baby (or babies you know TWINS sksks) and then the other came back and "Surprise! I was pregnant when you left me and I tried to reach you but you didn't answer my calls". Just angsty and all that. Cause the movie I think the girl forgiven him too fast. :(
You don't have to do it, ofcourse. You're probably busy but Injust thought I'll give it a try. Thank you so much!
Hi anon,
You're very sweet to have thought of me with this request and I'm thrilled you enjoyed In A Twinkling! I'm actually not familiar with the movie Forever My Girl, but the premise sounds interesting. I just don't know whether I could do it justice as miscommunication isn't really something I include in a lot of my stories. I'll certainly keep the idea in the back of my mind though when I'm thinking about new plots for my upcoming fics!
Dee xx
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apples4ufe · 3 years
Good morning hubbalicous..fuck baby, injust wanna roll over and kiss your back and snuggle u. I love you so much hunnie..I hope you have a great day hun and ill talk to u soon!! ❌⭕❌⭕
9:15 good morning sunshine, I am so in love with you. I hope you have a great day and that the kids have a ton of fun. I miss you so much and can’t wait for the morning when I wake up to you kissing me. I love you forever and all the days after that, you truly are my best friend, my true love, my wifeylicious, my heaven on earth, my everything! ❌⭕️❌😘🥰😘♥️❤️♥️
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No Capes!
Well if you are expecting a dark fic or anything related, I’m afraid you have come to the wrong place. What do you want from me? I’m a fruit. 
But if you have come for fluff and humor, I believe this little story will suffice.
For Queen-of-ice101, who probably didn’t think I would actually write this but clearly she should not have underestimated me because here we are. I regret nothing.
Actually they had been getting along fine for weeks before that. According to all credible sources this was due to the agreement they had established between them. (Some less credible sources, i.e. Yemite, babbled about it having something to do with neutrality and the position of the stars, et cetera, et cetera, blah blah blah, Mel fell asleep at this point and was late to breakfast as usual even though she was the only one eating.) 
This “agreement” consisted of Gyendal promising not to call Mel by any disgusting diminutives, like “lamb” or… just lamb, really. (At least he never called her “succulent chopstick.” That would be… ew.) And Mel had agreed, with great reluctance, to refrain from bringing up all the times she had bested him in battle, or the fact that the world had yet to be plunged into eternal darkness, or that those contemptible orbs were destroyed, and—
Well, the point is her portion of the agreement was of a significantly greater length than was his. And Mel was of the highly controversial opinion that this was so not fair.
And that is why one particular day, after what seemed an eternity of what Te'ijal described as wedded bliss and Galahad most eloquently called “heck,” Mel finally took the opportunity to do what she had wanted to do from the moment the agreement had been established. It happened while she and Gyendal were coming back from a long day of Aislday shopping— which had been Te'ijal’s idea, and Mel suspected originally it was Galahad’s idea but the vampire paladin would never admit it— but anyway she and Gyendal were coming back from it, and Gyendal was walking in front of her down the hall, and his red, red cloak was billowing out behind him dramatically. And intimidatingly. Maybe even a little alluringly. Alluring, that is, in a way that made Mel walk a little faster and lift her booted foot a bit higher off the floor than she might have otherwise.
She couldn’t stop herself, the idea was too enticing to abandon. She caught up to the billowing scarlet cloth, finally, and she lifted her foot and stepped— on— his— cape!
“Argh!” Gyendal yelled, his arms flailing out to prevent his inevitable fall—
Actually apparently his fall was evitable because, it didn’t happen.
“Lam— Mel!” he protested, whirling to face her. “What do you think you are doing?”
Mel refrained from cackling— she’d picked up the habit from the witches who traveled through Ghed'ahre selling curses. Yemite loved curses, Mel liked Yemite well enough she supposed, stuff happened. But anyway, Mel did not cackle at this time.
“I’m just walking!” she said innocently, widening her eyes at him.
Gyendal shot a glare at her, but then turned around and continued down the hall.
He was letting it go! Ha! And Professor Gray thought she couldn’t lie!
Mel smirked to herself, and then—
And then.
She did it again.
Or she tried to, but suddenly the red, red cloak was swished away and instead she was staring up into red, red eyes that were a tad bit too murderous for her to really feel very comfortable.
“Mel,” he said, very slowly and distinctly and as though what he actually meant was I will kill you and not regret it remotely. He leaned towards her until she could feel his breath on her face, and he hissed, “Stop. Stepping. On. My. Cape.”
If she shook it certainly wasn’t out of fear. It was just that his breath was cold. Also, he pronounced his p’s with a careful pop and it was… funny.
“You know,” she began with great indifference, popping her hip like he popped his p’s and pretending to examine her nails, “you could easily solve this problem by not wearing a cape.”
She pointedly emphasized the p, and looked up to meet his red hot gaze with cool defiance.
He glared back.
She blinked and went back to her nails.
“Honestly, it’s ridiculous,” she informed him. She didn’t have to look to know his scowl was deepening and his eyes were sharpening to two red points like the ends of twin poisoned daggers. “It drags on the floor everywhere you go.” She pretended not to notice his building rage. “It has to be inconvenient. I bet it gets in the way of every simple thing you try to do.”
“It’s an intimidation strategy!” he protested, waving his arms angrily. “It heightens the drama!”
“In fact,” she continued as if she hadn’t heard him, “I bet if you didn’t insist on always wearing such a pompous piece of cloth, you wouldn’t have lost all those battles so miserably.”
She had said it. Her end of the agreement was broken. Galahad would be ashamed. So would Stella, and Edward, and Ulf and so many others. But Te'ijal would laugh, and Mel would laugh with her. And Gyendal…
Could vampires self-combust? He looked like he was strongly considering doing so, regardless. He had his arms folded across his chest, his hands clenched into fists so tight she could see his lifeless veins sticking out from parchment-white skin.
“Just think of it,” she said, now smirking at him. “All your grand plans of eternal night and world domination thwarted by your poor fashion choices.”
Surely that was the proverbial last straw. He would begin raging any moment now. If she was lucky he would kick that stupid vase she had been trying to get rid of for months, and then she could be free of the vase and that cursed agreement.
But… he wasn’t kicking that vase. He wasn’t raging at her. He wasn’t even glaring anymore, he was smiling. Actually smiling! Why was he smiling at her?! Great, she had broken her husband–
“I suppose that is an interesting point,” he hissed softly. And then, a mere breath later, “Lamb.”
“Gyendal!” she squawked, feeling herself flush a bright angry shade of pink. “You promised!”
But he just grinned wickedly and winked, he actually winked. That was it. He was broken. She had broken him. She had only meant to irritate him, not drive him out of his mind! There was only one thing to do.
She must irritate him further.
With one quick movement, she grabbed the ends of his cape and wrapped them tightly around him— she had always been rather good with knots— and she pushed him against the wall and pulled his head down so she could glare into his eyes and be sure he understood the full magnitude of her undiminishable rage. And as much as she was concerned for him, she was full of rage; after all, he hadcalled her lamb.
“Why don’t you say that to my face?!” she shouted to his face.
“I did say it to your face! Lamb!”
Again! She had asked for one thing, that was all. She opened her mouth to retaliate. “I am not a baby sheep— mmph!”
His cold disgusting lips were moving over hers and this was greatly injust and also greatly concerning—
“Mel,” he breathed against her mouth, and never mind about the other thing, here was the least fair and most unsettling thing that had happened that evening and even that month—
“Let’s not fight,” he continued in the same low voice. “We must set a good example for my sister and her snack.”
Mel meant to roar and seethe, until Gyendal was also roaring and seething and everything was returned to its natural state. But instead she snorted, and the worst thing she could think to say was, “Her husband, you mean?”
“Whatever she’s calling him these days,” he said with a wry smile. Then he frowned (and she quickly decided she would tease him relentlessly about his pouting later, when she felt like teasing again). “I prefer to call you Lamb.”
“Well, I prefer to— to—”
They say showing is better than telling, so she showed him very decidedly what she preferred, which was—
Well, I am quite embarrassed to tell you, and I suspect Mel will repay me rather unpleasantly for my divulgence, but if you must know, and if you promise to exchange all the fluff for this invaluable information, I am willing to risk it.
You see, what the former Miss Mel Darkthrop preferred, was to be called Mel Ravenfoot, and to press her lips soundly against those of Mister Ravenfoot (who preferred to be called Lord Ravenfoot, thank you very much, you miserable mortal), and to live in perfectly happy wedded heck for the rest of her absurdly unfair life.
Thank you very much, the end.
@mu11berry‘s gift for @queen-of-ice101
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mistermcdee-blog · 7 years
It is my dearest hope that the incident with Della's disappearance is absolutely, without a doubt, Scrooge, Della, or even both's fault. I think blame being shared equally or not shared at all would be the low-hanging fruit, as it were. It's too easy of a plot. It's too clean cut. I think these characters deserve much more. And I think that would be incredibly injust to Donald. Personally, I think fault almost entirely falls on Scrooge. Sure, Della went behind his back, but I believe that whether it was ambition or integrity, Scrooge took advantage of her. Either taking advantage of her ambition or her willingness to go along with his adventures--despite having babies or even eggs to take care of. And either doing this knowingly, or because he's a selfish old man who's mostly still thinking about himself first. The adventure. The glory. The excitement. The treasure. One of the most telling things is a quote early on from him, episode immediately after the pilot. "I'm happy to have you, so long as it in no way inconveniences me." He's STILL thinking about himself first. He clearly has a heart, mind you, or he wouldn't have offered his home in the first place. But even towards his own family his first thought is how am *I* affected, don't make *ME* change anything. And I believe this because I believe that's what this first arc is about. We love Uncle Scrooge from Ducktales '87 and this Scrooge clearly has the capacity to be that Scrooge; the writers are aware of this. But he's not there YET and that's what this first arc is about: getting him to start thinking about other people instead of himself first.
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