#Ideas for later
kat-eats-dirt-blocks · 6 months
Etho, Cleo and grian were very creature coded this session.
Scar literally called etho a wounded creature running home to die, Cleo was killed trying to burrow underground, grians last stand was very 'animal backed into a corner'. They just had the hunted animal vibes all through it - but in like a fox hunt way not a prey animal way.
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catcas22 · 10 months
I need a pre-Shattering fic where Malenia and Miquella are staying over at the Shaded Castle to work out a trade deal, escorted by the newly promoted Captain Finlay.
Finlay and Maleigh initially compete for Malenia's attention, then start sabotaging each other in increasingly Looney Tunes ways, eventually escalating into repeated attempted murder. Malenia looks away for a second, and Finlay kicks Maleigh over the battlements. A second later he's back on the ramparts, wheezing and covered in mud and trying to play it off like nothing happened. At dinner he puts six different poisons into Finlay's soup, and she eats it anyway (Cleanrot Knights must have god-tier immunity), maintaining eye contact throughout. And so on and so on.
While Miquella is fully aware and at his wits' end with both of them, Malenia remains completely oblivious.
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sunnasweet · 14 days
thinking about being a priestess tied up to a pole as a sacrifice during heat season in the center of werewolves locked in cages and they have to take each other out hunger games style for the right to fuck and mate with you
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dynamite124 · 6 months
Taliesin may be uncomfortable with vampires, but he does like bats.
Out of morbid curiosity, he might get excited with a vampire-Dragonborn at the idea that they could turn into one.
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sadisticfervor · 3 months
ttrpg but like. actively horny as hell. straight up sex. tterpg.
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theresamouseinmyhouse · 8 months
Timkon Thumbelina (1994) au does anybody hear me?
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anarchywoofwoof · 4 months
idea for a tv show. each season is a depressive episode. each actual episode is a day in that depressive episode. some seasons are 60 episodes long. some seasons are 3 episodes long.
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los-ninos-tortugas · 10 months
I truly do have terminal Too-Many-Ideas-Disease because I just thought of a Rise!April story where she’s doing a summer internship or something at the Daily Planet and of course the boys are worried about her being so far from New York but they know she can handle herself and of course she gets assigned to Lois and Jimmy so now April is in metropolis and is getting kidnapped like every other week and poor Jimmy is like, “ah I’m really sorry Miss O’Neil I know you didn’t sign up for this much danger but don’t worry I’ve already activated my signal watch, Superman should be on his way- how are you already untied?” And April is already taking out goons and rescuing the three of them before supes even gets there and when he does get there April is even more obnoxious than Lois is about getting an interview, but out of like, genuine journalistic curiosity (and also wanting to brag to the boys that she met a real genuine Superhero)
Obviously I’m not gonna do anything with this right now I have too much stuff on my plate as it is but it would be funny
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livesincerely · 1 year
Sudden story idea: A canon era fic where Jack has a bunch of regular customers that he sells to that he’s on friendly terms with… and they’re all trying to help him woo Davey
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Platonic The Spot and reader fic where he tried really hard to mug you but he was so bad at it you actually offered to just buy him food or something and it’s basically him just using you as a therapist while being a lameo freeloader.
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gliyerabaa · 8 months
Glinda is one of the most acclaimed wedding planners in Oz, and she’s just got her biggest client yet— she gets to plan an actual royal wedding, and she’s brimming with ideas knowing this could be the most public event she ever has a hand in. She gets to her first meeting with her clients and discovers they hardly know each other, they don’t get along so far, and neither of them are particularly interested in her ideas.
It’s an arranged marriage hastily thrown together to try and distract from their latest scandals, and now Glinda finds herself managing the worlds most unenthusiastic bride, and a groom who is definitely flirting with her, and worst of all she’s definitely falling for them both.
oh i ADORE this idea!!!!!! Glinda, with her attention to detail, would make such a great wedding planner. She'd be SO stressed about it but keep a calm facade in front of her clients
and her clients??? gosh, fiyeraba makes total sense as a politcal marriage. the Vinkan prince and the Munchkinland eminency?? a unification that would solidify Oz... but not if they can't stand each other
this is PEAK gliyeraba setup and I am 100% living for it!!!!! you (or someone) should totally write it!! :)
ty for the ask! <3
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janeelyakiri · 9 months
I thought LV20 Cross as your icon was a variant
Oh! Nah that's just a take on LV 20 cross, the icon is from this bit of art
Tumblr media
He's not one of my named variants (like Macaw, Shrike, Jackal etc)
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sl33py-day · 2 years
I had a brainrot or whatever it’s called when you have an idea.
I have read some SAGAU’s where Y/n is a normal person who is the creator of Teyvat. But it’s always a female y/n that is just a normal person, wait boring is the word I’m looking for. At least the ones I’ve read.
But what if Male y/n is a game designer, someone who codes and makes games please tell me if it’s something else I might be wrong.
That got me thinking of the small glitches here and there in the game. How the screen would freeze for just a second or how it would lag and make you think something’s wrong with the internet. Just tiny things that everyone has sometimes.
But it gets slightly weirder, I guess you could say.
Maybe your eyes are tricking you or did you really see venti smile while looking at his profile. Opps seems like Xiao forgot his weapon. Well either way you would have to wait till others have the same problem cause it might just be you, and in your case yes it is just you. But you don’t need to know that! Not yet at least……
Had this idea stuck in my head for sometime! Hope you all have a good day/night and see you all another time!
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rhyssands · 5 months
dreamtale time-travel fix-it
is that anything
like dream waking back up way before he and his brother ate the apples and having a chance to see what was really happening and try to fix it before either he or his brother can get hurt. opening his eyes and realizing his brother is here and uncorrupted and safe and he needs to do something to save him even though that's never been his job and shouldn't be his responsibility
dream scrambling with all his might and older mindset to understand why the villagers treat nightmare like that, why they treat him like that, what he can do to change things, how he can save both of them
dream's stupid savior complex telling him he has to fix this by himself, he has to save his brother this time because he was too stupid or too weak to do it the first time. dream being forced to realize that (at least when i'm writing it) the villagers treated both of them like shit, keeping him so busy he couldn't see the pain they were putting either he or his brother through. how skewed their ideals were. how they were slowly, surely pulling he and his brother away from each other.
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theresamouseinmyhouse · 8 months
Mmm cass and tim fuck around and find out in *sticks hand in empty jar i borrowed from my choir director 4 years ago and never remembered to give back* a casino run by vampires that they've both now accidentally swindled for thousands of euros and now they're studying "Monster Hunting For Dumbasses"
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Megop (because I'm predictable) fic idea
- Post-war in a mishmash whatever au continuity that lands Megs n Op as the only warframes on a ship manned by civilian bots (they're doing diplomacy with Cybertron’s neighbors or whatever)
- the important part is that the many stresses of war has kept bots from certain natural processes, *cough* going into heat *cough*, but now that the war is over bots are returning to equilibrium. Which leads to Op going into heat unexpectedly (because when does anyone expect a heat in porn ever?)
- problem is, warframes court differently to civilian builds. A suitor has to fight them and win in order to get it in... which means if any of the crewmen on board tried to throw their hat into the ring Optimus could seriously injure them.... which leaves Megatron as the only viable suitor on board.
- que some bs about how Megs has to help Op out because he's suffering from a serious dick deficiency and could get super sick if someone doesn't blow his back out asap
- in the end Megs takes one for the team and Op gets the dicking of the century
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