#If you could help people in Iran wouldn't you?
foone · 1 year
Random thought brought on by seeing a veterinarian sign on the drive to Coffee Land, but I think Jesus would really appreciate people localizing his parable of the Good Samaritan.
Because, like, it's a good story, right? When the administrator-guy and the holy man wouldn't help the injured, the Samaritan went out of their way to make sure the injured man was able to get the help they needed, paid out of their own pocket. And that's good and all, but what even is a Samaritan? Do you know?
Well, they're a ethnoreligious group from northern Israel who follow Samaritanism, which split from Judaism sometime around the 11th century BCE. There's only about a thousand of them left. But around the time of Jesus, they were not very popular with your average Hebrew. Remember the Seleucid empire that was oppressing jews? There's a yearly celebration about it, involving a candle that lasted for 8 nights. Yeah. So at the time the Samaritans had taken the opportunity to point out they're not Jewish, they're Samaritans, so they wouldn't be persecuted. So they were seen as, like, selling out their brothers and sisters in the faith. Then by the time the Romans took over the whole area, the province of Judaea contained Samaria.
So basically the Jews and the seen-to-have-sold-them-out Samaritans were stuck in the same province, thanks to some Romans consolidating the areas they'd conquered. Tensions between the two groups were high, and I don't imagine either of them liked each other very much at all.
To a Jew of the first century CE, a Samaritan is basically the worst kind of person you could be, and that's exactly why Jesus used them in the parable of the Good Samaritan!
The parable isn't about Samaritans. It's about how the worst person you can imagine is a better person than the people you idolize and uplift, if that person takes care of their fellow man. It's about how you should love your neighbor as yourself, and who is your neighbor? Everyone. All people are your neighbors. Help them when they need help!
And that's why I say it should really be localized. You should tell this parable differently than it was told in AD 29 or whenever. Do you hate Samaritans? Probably not! You probably barely know who they are, even after I did some explaining up there. So why use them as your example? If Jesus was here, I don't think he would have done that.
So like, if you were giving a sermon on the good Samaritan in the 1960s to a white church, you should be like "so the policeman walked past, and the pastor walked past, but then a poor black guy saw the injured man, and got him help at the local hospital."
In the 80s, his rescuer is Soviet. In the 2000s, they're a Muslim, from Afghanistan or Iran.
Today? Maybe they're trans.
As an American, there's been many times that "Mexican" would have been the best choice. Maybe even today, especially if you specifically make them an undocumented migrant.
But yeah, the point is that you pick the group of people most hated by the audience you're talking to, and make the point that THEY ARE A BETTER PERSON THAN YOU and ALL THOSE YOU UPHOLD AS PILLARS OF THE COMMUNITY if they help their fellow man. If your worst enemy is lying injured in the street, you call the ambulance, you pay their doctor, you get them help. That's what Jesus says you should do. That's loving your neighbor, that's the Great Commandment.
And in the Roman province of Judea back in the first half of the first century, when talking to a Jewish audience, that meant the rescuer was a Samaritan helping a Jew. That was just the context for that one particular telling of the story. It shouldn't be told the same way today, or in the future. It should be an evolving parable, always changing, always adjusting the nationalities and situations and genders and everything. It's not a story about a specific event, it doesn't pretend to be history, it's a metaphorical lesson about what makes you a good person.
This parable is basically in the form of an "X, Y and Z walk into a bar" joke, and just like jokes, it should be updated over time. Those don't stay funny though the decades, as cultural attitudes shift. And this parable hasn't been updated in nearly two millenia, so it's long overdue.
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kiri-instinct · 6 months
I sometimes wonder if the defense of Israel would have been as fierce as it is now if their enemies had been white people.
I was thinking about recent happenings and remembered a news report I saw. I believe it was from an American channel. The reporter was talking about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and how it caused thousands of Ukrainians to flee west, fearing for their lives.
It was the usual stuff for the time. How this was a tragedy, and how Russia should be held accountable. That sort of thing. All very true, of course.
But I remember something that stuck with me from that news report. It hit me like a freight train when I heard it. Maybe the news reporter had a slip of the tongue. Maybe he genuinely thought what he said was not fucking horrific.
"These are prosperous, middle class people. These are not people trying to get away from areas in North Africa."
Not people trying to get away from areas in North Africa. A lot of other, similar things were said at the time. I distinctly remember these:
"This is not a developing, 3rd world nation. This is EUROPE."
"This isn't a place, with all due respect, y'know, like Iran or Afghanistan. This is a relatively CIVILIZED, relatively EUROPEAN, and I have to choose those words carefully, too, city where you wouldn't expect that or hope that it is going to happen."
A lot of words to emphasize one thing: This is happening in a civilized nation, not like the ones in Africa, the '3rd world' or, God forbid, the Middle East. EUROPE is a civilized land, unlike them, the fact this is happening HERE at all is simply unfathomable!
Obviously, a lot of people criticized these wordings for their obvious racism. The idea that Europe and Europe alone was civilized, and that these nations, stuck in conflict thanks to borders we decided for them, are unwashed, barbaric hordes is just...obviously bigoted and, more importantly, wrong.
Then, Israel began its full-scale invasion of Palestine, starting off with declarations that even Russia dared not make. Yes, Russia's accusation that Ukraine was a Nazi state, or that it was somehow 'de-nazifying' it while its soldiers carried reactionary iconography, was obviously bad (and hypocritical). However, compared to Israel's government starting off by announcing clear intentions to level Gaza, that its soldiers were fighting "human animals," and that even the civilians of Gaza were to blame was far worse, and made Russia's blatant hypocrisy, lying and evil seem...tame, almost.
So, that's it. Israel invades Palestine with obvious malevolent intent, the world condemns Israel and we put together whatever we can to defend Palestine.
Except that never happened. Everyone rallied behind Israel. Joe Biden, with the same casual tone as you'd ask for a tenner, asked if he could trade weapons to Israel in complete secrecy. People were arrested en-masse for protesting against Israel bombing civilian holdings, refugee camps and hospitals. The US vetoed a motion against Israel as Israel violated the Geneva Convention over, and over, and over again.
I myself remember my bewilderment. I sent over clothes, hoping to help in any way I can, even relinquishing some clothes which had sentimental value, only to find out that it may be possible that my donations would never make it, as Israel began bombing the Lebanese border, and blockaded the Gaza Strip.
One day, I chose to skip school, not telling my mother, and went to a protest, hoping that my voice would do something, anything, to help. That same day, someone on TV called me and others like me agitators. Said we were stirring up antisemitism within our local communities.
Some time after that, my grandmother pulled me aside, having already guessed that I was on the side of Palestine, and warned me: The place I live in is massively pro-Israel, with many of my neighbors having chanted "Death to Arabs!" despite us having Arabic neighbors, according to her. If someone here were to find out I am pro-Palestine, I could risk social pariah status, and become unable to do anything. Simply because I support the rights of Arabic folk to live in peace.
My mind was clouded for a few days. The effort I could put in to help Palestine within my limits...was antisemitic? I was agitating people? We were evil for even daring to suggest this was a genocide? I could not wrap my head around it, then I remembered the words of those reporters talking about Ukraine.
"Not people escaping North Africa," "civilized, unlike Iran and Afghanistan," and "not a developing 3rd world country, but Europe".
The same message, but delivered in different ways: Those who are not in the West are uncivilized, brutal folk, not to be trusted. Tragedy falling upon them is expected, or, perhaps, welcomed.
Combined with the fact that Israel previously attempted to destroy local fauna in an attempt to appear more European, the realization hit me.
Israel is getting so much support because the West believes them to be "European enough" to get their neo-imperialist excuses. Israel is not the 'only democracy in the Middle East,' not really -- believe me, I have gone and voted in elections before. I have seen political rallies, and I have witnessed the same drama the average US voter witnesses. I live in a democracy, even if I do not live under a government I approve of.
Israel is simply the West's personal guy in the Middle East, hence the claim that it is the only democracy here. Really, it is just the only democracy they all approve of, rather than being the most legitimate one.
When government officials turn a blind eye to Zionists calling for the conquest of not only Palestine, but also Lebanon and Egypt, and when they censure their fellow politicians for saying, maybe, not every single Palestinian should die over a terrorist attack, they are not doing it because they sincerely believe Israel is the victim here, or because "right to defend oneself" is something that applies here -- they do it because Israel is white and Western enough for them to see as a worthwhile ally. To them, Palestine is little more than a shitty bunch of Arabs who can easily be discarded if their personal attack dog in the Levant gets to survive just one day longer and maintain their influence there.
Not even when the US was fighting the Nazis in WW2 did we think that killing German civilians was acceptable. Nor was "All of them" a proper, reasonable and POPULAR response to someone asking "How many must die before we have peace". But...these aren't good, civilized Europeans. These are Palestinians. ARABS! If their ethnic cleansing can result in our civilized Jewish friends in Israel liking us more and becoming more powerful, who cares if the entire Palestinian identity is extinguished?
So, I ask again: If Israel were to go up against a 'civilized' western, European and white nation, like say France, or Britain, or Germany, and genocide their peoples while they could do very little about it...would the response have been the same? Would US come to condemn any of those countries for faking death tolls or lie about seeing the Bundeswehr decapitating Israeli babies? Would people be arrested in France for demanding a ceasefire between Israel and Britain?
Given all that I have said, I do not think so. If any of those nations were to be attacked, Israel would be treated as Russia were -- depicted as barbarians, and told that their war was unjust and cruel. We'd have people on the news saying that this isn't North Africa, or Iran, and that no one'd expect Israel to do something so cruel to a fellow civilized nation.
But that is not happening. Israel's target for genocide, Palestinians, are, by all means, acceptable targets for the Western world. In the name of peace and global unity, they will pile high the bodies of anyone their fellow 'civilized nations' want dead.
But we cannot let them do that. We must scream, from rooftops if need be, that we will not stand for injustice. So, even if you feel hopeless and desolate in the face of great evil, do your best. Even the most minuscule action matters, because when a lot of little things come together, they can topple even the mightiest of giants.
From river to sea, Palestine shall be free. And don't you let them convince you otherwise.
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treeoctopusreview · 9 months
Where is the Friend's House?
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(1987, Iran, dir: Abbas Kiarostami)
Grandfather's Friend: What I mean to say is, suppose the kid did nothing wrong. What would you do? What then?
Grandfather: I'd find an excuse and give him a beating every other week. So he wouldn't forget.
If I could somehow convince everyone I know to watch one film, the more I think about it the more I think it would be this one. This is for many reasons, but for starters I think it's more accessible than many other favorites of mine.
The plot here is very straightforward easy to follow. In short, an 8 year old boy named Ahmed realizes that he took his friend Mohamed's notebook by mistake. This wouldn't be a huge problem, but Mohamed has just been told that day that if he forgets to do his homework in his notebook again he will be expelled, no excuses. Ahmed, realizing the gravity of this decides to go and look for his friend's house in the next town over. That is, quite literally, the entire story. Following Ahmed as he get more desperate to return a notebook and the challenges he faces along the way.
As a result of this simplicity this is a very easy first venture for people watching foreign films for the first time, this simplicity also carried into the cinematography and themes. This is not to say that it isn't impactful, rather it is because of this simplicity that the film is so impactful.
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Throughout Ahmed's journey he is dismissed and ignored by adults, they don't understand how important this is or figure that it is Mohamed's own fault he will get expelled. The only people to really help Ahmed are other children. They try to give him directions if they can, although undetailed give Ahmed some idea of where to go. Ahmed travels, zigzagging through the landscape and you truly feel stressed for this child, trying to do the right thing even though adults the adults around him don't think he should. They have lost their sense of empathy, they don't care. Kiarostami urges the audience to return to that childlike naivety, the camera often is from a lower perspective, putting you in a child's perspective. You look up at the distances that must be traveled, up at the adults who say that he should focus on his own homework instead, up at the potential homes of Mohamed. This all serves the idea that we should return to that feeling, life isn't every man for himself, but rather we should support and help each other when we can.
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What I think is most important here, however, is how this film stresses that children are their own people with their own concerns, problems, and lives. To treat them as anything less is a disservice and ultimately harmful. This is particularly important to me since I've recently been working in education, and set to start out a new job in the field soon. I don't know the background of every student, and I never will. Regardless I must meet every student on their terms, much unlike that of the teacher in this film. This empathy is something that I think most people could use a reminder in, in which this film is more than perfect for.
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papirouge · 2 years
I never got kicked out or be asked to leave a church or youth group before. Only got disowned lmao by my qanon parents (they actually pray to trump because they believe he’s the messiah) for quoting Matthew 25: 35-36 when they said that socialism (what they really meant was helping other people) isn’t biblical. So uh yea I’m dead to them lol even though they’re on benefits and still try to email me for money.. but I do it. And just pray for them tbh. Anyway, to anyone reading this too, keep Pakistan in your prayers with puerto rico and the women of Iran fighting for freedom. Free Palestine from zionists and fuck any lib fem thats quiet on this and an extra fuck you to the Christians that believe we should stay quiet and ignore it too. You know damn well brown Jesus himself would ask us to be as God wants us to be protective to those that need it against the arrows of the enemies
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No offense but your parents are a trainwreck 😭 bless their souls. I hope they'll come around though 🤍
The way USAmerican interchangeably use socialism, globalism and Communism like they were synonymous is just yet another reason why I will never take them seriously when it comes to political commentary 🥴 Anything involving any remote wealth distribution is cOmMuNIsm to them, and they will pull out all sorts of reach to argue it's paving the way for seizing their valuable (bc 100% of the time, people seeing communism everywhere are raging materialists)
I'm fascinated by the Trump cult/Q anon squad. American Christian nationalism at it's finest. Only the Whites could breed this brand of mess and I find it extremely exotic. I already said a Q anon movie would be awesome. Q was secret services plant tho. They wanted to see how guillible and stupid people could be. Q anon wouldn't have become that big if the world wasn't in dire need of a savior. But instead of looking out for the real Messiah (Jesus) they try to (forcefully) cosplay someone else as such. Here in Europe I feel like the same phenomenon happens with Poutine. His popularity among tradcath nationalists has become stellar.
And yes, the feminist are quite silent about Iran. Women are literally getting killed by the police but the reactions have been pretty tame so far .. Those women were louder when it came to defend Amber Heard because netizens were clowning her online....🥴 Tells you everything about their selective outrage. Arab women don't have allies in the West ; I already told how pro Palestine Arab women were called salafist by these whitefeminists... They are clowns who are not to be trusted, especially if you're a WOC.
Western Christians are on brand though: cowards and spineless lmao I hardly know any other Christian blogger calling out Israel and the mistreatment of Christians in Palestine so I'm not surprised they are only "protective" of themselves and their"White western Christian culture"....
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Most of your s*** Trump is so childish everybody calls you want it and starts beating your idiots up you're trying to find out who the author is of the shark article he had can send and they will go beat him up. They also making some kind of Jesus reference to your wife and disciple refers to our son and what he says is they call us sharks quite often cuz you go around and pick it it's off like you or weak and stupid and waiting for it.
We're not going after you let me see your b******* plan and sit there and inciting him on purpose everyone knows it cuz you're there illegally
I'm going to introduce you to a bunch of fish and other stuff cuz you're going to try and get here on a small boat and show you where you're wrong
I was going to handle your hat a whole bunch of times today you didn't need you talking.
It seems you want to get rid of your own people and we're trying to help you out as much as possible today we have a tax by yours about 10 octillion an hour in your area has a thousand Oct is it by the end of the day we anticipate over 100 an hour and each area will be out tonight empty and that's about 19 out of 20 areas the other where infiltrating and it's sucking idiots from all over the place too so might be more like 2,000 octillion and it's going to ramp up to probably 2 or 300 until an hour. In other words goodbye. We also tested the nights in white sand when you hate it so bad you sent tons of troops this is good to know
Thor Freya
The diamonds have fallen no it's still going about 8 miles an hour that's around 24 hours from where it was that was yesterday at 3:00 so today at 3:00 p.m. it's about right it's about 160 mi away and it's 20 hours from now so it was further I wasn't about the same length about 300 miles or more so 6:00 p.m. tonight unless they speed up if they will and it's going to be around 3:00 p.m. where we said and start decompressing and someone said three or four hours and it's our son just guessing and we agree it could be three or four hours I'm going to check on it shortly so could be 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. tonight that the Gulf of Mexico fourth area quadrant in Northern quadrant drops and that would be the whole thing and the golf Charlotte harbor will drop too I had at the same time or shortly after cuz yeah that whole western side is still kind of pressurized even though it dropped it didn't drop fully instead of at 5:00 instead of 10 ft it with eight instead of the 200 ft at 250 and they're not close so it's going to happen here today what will happen tonight and swell out of the way I was a tidal wave shouldn't be very big here we shall see. Is it a model I've done a lot of models and the way the wave goes mostly and we've seen it already happened somewhere it will go lateral to the largest edge and that's mostly the way it's going to go and sometimes other ones developed enough very big on the side the largest one we've seen is about half the height of the big one this one's only 50 ft so bring it to 20 ft even at 20 ft it wouldn't make it to our son's house it's about a mile from shore tons of stuff in the way and 20 ft would only make it like 300 ft with nothing in the way so it's not bad we hv to watch it. This is going to happen and before hurricane heist we Believe and what triggers the ships to come down is the Alabama fed and several other things then trying to block morlock from coming here, when they have to try and grab him it's going to be an exodus from the United States to Australia and New Zealand and then you want to try and grab him and they can't grab them so they stop in Cuba and then they come back and still didn't work and I tried to sit there and didn't work and they can't get to Australia and New Zealand because of the obelisk so they proceed to the United Kingdom and they go to Iran to try and get power from the AI
Zig Zag
Well. Don't that say it all
Frank Castle Hardcastle
I'll be there in now there's a huge number of devices and we need people and now and he pulled tons of people off and assign them but it's not enough we need tons of people armies and asking for volunteers now so this Trump guy can leave and more cuz he's starting our people to try and get shattered over rigged it's an emergency
Duke and Blockbuster
They're going to work the verbiage but really I did study and a test and made some videos of how they could gain the stuff that shattered them was what they're doing now I put it out there to hours what our son wants to do me to do a formal presentation so when I came up with was another model and it's with conventional stuff cuz he has way too many boms and I'm getting ready to do it today. With a special note that others do it too and a better at it and I will try it later
Zig Zag
Olympus we approved this message as it is and I'm going to send it to ours
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menalez · 2 years
I feel so helpless about the situation in Iran it depresses me constantly. Literally can't do anything but sit and watch. I can't even protest because it's literally illegal in my country rn (marital law, all shit, you've guessed where I live at this point). Do you think stickers and this kinda stuff could help? Although people here are already majority supportive of Iranians, except old men, and I'm not arguing with old men for my own sanity, hut maybe that's something?
supportive of iranians or iran as a country? cause the latter often means supporting the islamic republic but not iranians themselves! also no i couldnt rly guess which country is yours based on that but i guess youre from a neighbouring country... i wouldn't feel good advising you to do anything that can jeopordise your safety and well-being so i think ultimately what you want to do is up to you. i cant comment on how much stickers would help in ur country, in my country i reckon theyd be useless bc most ppl just drive everywhere and probably wont see it anyways. but i assume in my country it would be legal to go protest in front of the iranian embassy purely bc the govt is not fond of iran anyways
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Could you write a b!D where b!D comes homes home with part of her arm being prosthetic and the Danvers sisters don't nocie until there's like and alien attack and the aliens has magnetic powers or something?
A/N: Hope you like it.
You were a soldier in the German Armed Forces for four years and fought on fronts like Iran, Afghanistan and Somalia, but your career ended abruptly last year after you were hit by a shrapnel bomb in an enemy attack and lost your arm.
Alex and Kara didn't know about your loss and the near death experience, you kept it secret and pretended that you couldn't make a video call because your base was attacked or something else intervened. You acted as if you were still at war even though you were flown to a nearby hospital and stayed there for some time.
You even had to beg your boss and best friend to lie for you so they wouldn't find out.
But now the time had come; a few months ago you got your prosthetic arm, which had been built from false skin on your stump, and learned to use and move it before you stood in front of the apartment door of your blonde sister and were ready to come home.
Shakily you knocked on the white wood and patiently waited for the footsteps that slowly got louder and closer, followed by a laughter that you could assign to your oldest sister. The door popped open and her eyes widened while her pink lips formed to a large circle. "Y/n!"
"Surprise!" you screamed and opened your arms in a gesture of joy. Immediately the redhead jumped up from her seat on the couch and ran towards you before she happily fell around your neck and kissed you on the cheek as a greeting. Kara also joined in, her face buried deep in the area between your neck and shoulder. "I've missed you both so much!"
"We missed you too!"
Grinning over both ears, they pulled you into the familiar apartment where you would spend the next weeks and months before you would find something on your own. You stood in the middle of the living room, your eyes closed as you breathed in the scent from the past.
There was nothing better than coming back home after a long time of being away.
"You have to tell us as much as you can!" said Kara eagerly and pulled you by the shoulders to the kitchen while Alex brought your suitcases into your old room. "Kara, let her come home and relax first. She's still in her uniform!" the redhead giggled and walked back to the fridge to offer you a cold flask of beer.
You looked down at yourself; after you said goodbye to the army life, your boss had allowed you to secretly take an uniform with you as a memorial and you put it on for the trip, trying to appear as if you had just arrived from the war zone.
You had to be careful from now on.
A few days passed during which you meticulously made sure that the two oldest Danvers didn't notice your missing forearm; in the evening you locked your room with the key to avoid someone crushing in while you were sleeping and seeing your prosthesis lying on the dresser. You also blocked the bathroom as soon as you were inside.
You paid attention to small details like the side with the prosthesis were always away from them as soon as the three of you made yourself comfortable on the couch, so that no one accidentally touched it and noticed it was steel. You only used the arm when it was absolutely necessary to prevent them from seeing the lack of grip.
And it had worked, at least until now.
An alien made the city unsafe - Alex and Supergirl were called to put an end to this and to protect people from worse. You wanted to help; you had many years of fighting experience and even while that wasn't exactly what helped by an alien attack, you could serve as a support to Alex and make sure, she was okay and safe.
When the blonde sat you down on the floor so that you could first take care of the fearful and panicked people, you already felt a violent pull in your prosthetic arm; however, you waved it off as a rebuilding blister on your stump and carried on with the work that was meant for you.
It didn't took long for the buckles around the last part of your severed arm pressing into your flesh - each time a bit tighter as you got closer to the alien, almost pulling it out and you bit your lip, not knowing if the phantom pain took over you or something messed with it.
The scream of your eldest sister for your name made you emerge briefly from the pain and the thoughts as you scanned for her between the crowd that had formed. As if you had an X-Ray vision, you found her immediately and ran over to her while you looked up and saw J'onn and Kara still trying to put an end to the alien.
Alex, who tried to shoot at him from below, only managed to cause tiny damage for a short time, but she took all his attention and he was punched to the ground by Supergirl's fist. Immediately the impact and the strong forces forced you to your knees and your body started to tremble while you cried out in pain - holding your prosthesis.
The redhead didn't understood what was happening next to her and she let herself fall next to you, her hands hovering over your body. She looked at you and tried to feel if you had any injuries before the leather buckles snatched and your artificial limb made it's own way and got stuck on the alien's chest.
You closed your eyes in relief and supported yourself with your hand that was still there while at the same time becoming aware of what you had just pushed yourself into.
You certainly didn't mean to confess it to them like that.
"Y/n.." a voice stammered above you and you slowly but hesitantly raised your head. Kara now hovered over you and the eldest Danvers, slowly let herself back onto the floor. She had a shocked look on her face and her eyes glittered in the sunlight as they started to fill with tears. "What happened.."
"A bomb." you answered in a whisper and let yourself fall on your bum, pulling your legs to your body as you tried to hold back the tears yourself.
Alex moved a bit closer to you, her arm around your shoulder while she slowly pulled you towards her, also visibly overwhelmed with this situation and the secret that you were carrying around with you. "Since when?"
"At the time I was in Iraq."
Both drew in a sharp breath and the blonde put a hand over her mouth to suppress her sobs as she desperately looked at the redhead. The eyes of Alex got bigger, the more she realized how long you had been hiding it and under how much pain and pressure you must have been, how you had to deal with it alone all the time.
One question arose in her head - why you had never said anything about it and why she hadn't noticed anything.
"I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid; afraid that you would reject me because-"
"Woah, sweetheart. Stop. Now." Kara's voice was now serious, but still soft. She stepped up to you and crouched down, her fingers under your chin so that she could catch your lost and tearful looks while the other hand intertwined with yours. "No matter how you look, what happened to you or anything else. We would never dismiss you - for nothing. You are our sister, nothing in the world could change that."
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ananapanini · 3 years
Country personifications?
Okay so one of my irl's was asking me what I think about whether countries are personified or not, this is gonna be my theories on how this all works.
We got confirmation from Ben that none of the states are related in a reply to an Instagram comment so we already know there isn't any family stuff past some states having a sibling-like relationship, such as the Carolinas acting and referring to each other as siblings, the rival twins thing going on with the Dakotas, and probably more.
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We already know that each state has a personification, along with major organizations like the government (DC), the army, and the CDC. But what we don't know is if full countries are personified.
So how do we figure this out?
Surprisingly, International DC
DC and IDC are both personifications of the US government but while DC is the domestic government, IDC is specifically the part that interacts with other countries and is essentially the face of the United States. She goes to the international meetings as a sort of representative, and to other countries is "America"
The same most likely goes for the other countries, for example: Canada
In Canada's case the providences are probably personified along with their respective organizations and their representative government, FAC or Foreign Affairs Canada would go to the international meetings as "Canada"
(A smaller but still present but of evidence is in Weekly News Recap 6/30 pt.2 Florida refers to Iran as "they" which could mean multiple people/personifications)
So in short: countries do not have personifications
"But what about when Florida calls Spain dad?"
Well, we've already established that country's don't have personifications and for the closest thing there is to one (the international representatives) to be a parental figure in all cases would be odd to say the least. Though it depends on the country, America's international government is busy managing foreign affairs and I couldn't see IDC acting motherly in any way. That aside there still has to be someone that deals with those things and to figure out who that is we have to look at how colonies, territories, and viceroyalties are managed.
To talk about La Florida we have to talk about New Spain and to do that we have to talk about the Spanish Empire so this is gonna be a quick history lesson.
~~~History review begins here, skip if you want but I wouldn't recommend it~~~
Located in what is now Mexico was the Aztec Empire. Hernando Cortez found them and that led to a war between the Aztecs and the Spanish, one that the Spanish evidently won. After the resulting fall of the Aztec Empire, Spain took over the land and expanded the area. The map below shows the peak amount of land they controlled, in 1794.
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The yellow on the map is the Viceroyalty of New Spain, though it didn't cover this much land for long. In 1819, a treaty reduced the viceroyalty to the second map.
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Because Spain lost the Midwest so quickly (only having gained it around 1755) the 64 years there didn't give much time to incredibly influence the region.
La Florida however, was founded by the Spanish in 1565, it was also the first state to be part of the viceroyalty. (Florida was founded 100 years before Jamestown making it the oldest state if you count colonial days)
New Spain was a viceroyalty of The Spanish Empire, and to quote Wikipedia, "The viceroyalty was a local, political, social, and administrative institution, created by the Spanish monarchy in the 15th century, for ruling in its overseas territories. The administration over the vast territories of the Spanish Empire was carried out by viceroys, who became governors of an area, which was considered not as a colony but as a province of the empire, with the same rights as any other province in Peninsular Spain."
~~~History lesson ends here~~~
In other words, the viceroyalty was just an extension of Spain that wasn't attached and therefore had its own governors rather than them trying to rule the providences remotely.
Before La Florida was traded over to the British at the end of the 7 years war it was considered a providence and (rather than how it would be for the English colonies where they would've been managed by FCO -Foreign and Commonwealth Office- the UK's version of the IDC) ruled by Spain's government.
Who is Spain's government? Well, if we follow that DC represents the US government because DC is the capital then MD (Madrid) would be Spain's government personification.
(The whiplash of being part of the Spanish Empire and being treated as an actual providence then becoming a British colony where you were ruled remotely and didn't get close to the same treatment probably did Not help Florida's thing with missing his dad)
So MD (Spain’s DC) would be Florida and the other Spanish states' “dad”, FCO (Britain’s IDC) would be the glorified absent babysitter parental figure of the British states, and I'm too tired to work out who the parent of the French states would be
So both international and domestic government personifications can act as parents depending on how the country manages itself.
Yes, this does mean DC is the parental figure out of the two (to the younger states, some of them are older than both the gov siblings), as in The US our domestic government is strictly domestic, and our international only international.
Notice how I say parental figure and not just "parent"
I think depending how much freedom the states/providences/territories of a country have the looser the role probably is, in this case DC is more of a mom friend than an actual dad.
In summary: Are there country personifications? No. Are there parental figures? Yes but it depends.
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HELLO I'M BACK!! GUESS WHO HAS A TERM BREAK COMING IN A FEW DAYS I'M VERY HAPPY :D this ask is Very Long so i'm going to split it up into a few parts
part 1/2
But honestly, it would probably be something like “I’m going to bring a (dead) chicken to class for show and tell and you two need to act horrified and cause a ruckus because it would be fun and it would scare the other kids :)”. (this is probably bullying, so in an effort to make them slightly better kids, an alternative plot is that a stray cat has been coming to their school and in order to make friends with it, they feed it a whole-ass dead chicken Nyo China got from the butchers and was planning to cook for dinner. The teachers are horrified and confiscate Yao’s backpack for fear of germs and salmonella.)
hhhhhh the first idea is SO FUN my gremlin repressed anger eight year old self would've loved it. the idea of bringing a stinking plastic bag to school, opening it, revealing a dead, fly-infested chicken and then maybe playing a small game of lobbing the chicken around for funsies is both simultaneously horrifying and amazing. however the second idea is also amazing, one of my previous schools had stray cats and staff and students would feed and pet them (and i miss it :( ) and it was the Best feeling... or maybe they could do BOTH? but this time they're planning to bring a dead chicken to feed the cat (aw, even if yao probably gets detention. also a lecture from nyo china on what exactly you should feed a cat, including why you shouldn't steal the chicken she bought to feed it.) and the next time they can bring like. a bunch of dead flies to show their classmates but in a not bully way. i went once to this family friend's house in a part of the countryside that had an abundance of flies. (i literally haven't thought of this in years i'm remembering so many childhood things because of this omg) they had this paper covered with glue that the flies would land on and then be stuck on the paper. it was both disgusting and amazing to watch a black mass of bulbous bodies straining with their legs (which were probably thinner than my hair) to escape the paper. i also think that indchuran, being both little sadists in the making and having an abudnace of fascination like many children, would take great delight in watching an unsuspecting fly landing on the glue, watch it still, glancing around eerily similarly to when humans realise they have gotten themselves in a bad situation, and then start struggling with all their might to get out. but fuck the flies tho they landed on our food all the time there and it sucked. they can die :)
THE PROBELM is... how will they get that many flies in what i assume would be a gentrified ass area with frequent fumigation efforts given that nyo china would not accept anything than the best elementary education for her ward?? (i have a solution) maybe indus has friends in the countryside and she goes with aditya to visit them. and while they are talking aditya wanders about and discovers a few pieces of paper filled with flies. because he is a gremlin, he is Fascinated with these pieces of paper, and he takes one out to Further Examine. all the adults yell at him, but he is Fascinated and will not be stopped. and then a Thought occurs to him: who would probably enjoy this as much as he would? duh, his friends of course! good things must be Shared even if they're kind of disgusting! so what he does is he gets a disposable plastic tupperware like container, very gently places the fly paper into it, pokes a few holes for air, sprinkles some sugar because he thinks that'll keep them alive, and wraps most of it up in duct tape he found so indus can't see it. unfortunately most of the flies died on the way home because the container was stuffed into aditya's bag and the paper slid to the side + there wasn't enough air, BUT the dead flies are still a Sight to behold when he visits iran's house (which yao is /coincidentally/ visiting) to show them. then he brings it to school after the weekend, and everyone is Fascinated and thinks it is Very Cool, at least until the teachers see it and start screaming. they throw it away but indchuran get an Idea to put dead flies into the bags of people they hate (this is now just bullying) so that opens up a very few interesting weeks of attempts to collect flies in a fumigated city and Horror for the school. fun times for all!
😔 finding and reading that encyclopedia is probably one of my formative memories now and i wish it wasn't 😔 i bet yao during his teenage years would look back on it and be like "... oh my GOD." but i think he would appreciate her directness even if he didn't absorb all the information correctly or remember most of it lmao because it seems like only a very small percentage of the world has actually good sex ed and i don't think indchuran's school would be an exception. at least nyo china like you said instilled a good sense of consent with them 😔 also the idea of saying fuck in mandarin makes me break out in hives the AUDACITY of saying fuck in your first language but of course he would. he WOULD. nyo china probably wouldn't even have purposely taught him that which is why he doesn't know what it means, just that it's an insult, but once they come up to her to complain all she does is give them a Terrifying Contemptuous Glare and steer yao away from them. yao is her kid and therefore entitled to say fuck whenever he wants.
First things first I hope you had a good term break! this is... very overdue sorry about that :(
Second, ALSK:FJ:SLFDKSFDLKJSLDF the fly infested chicken is disgusting and I want so badly to intervene,,, they need hELP. Please learn about proper sanitation, children, I’m begging you T-T. Also, headcanon accepted: they’re ostensibly bringing it to feed the cats (which is hopefully allowed) but also they want to terrorize (or awe) their fellow classmates with this discovery. Watch the school call up nyo china about this, but she gets annoyed only because yao wasted human food in order to feed cats, not because he brought an inappropriately dead chicken to school that scared the younger kids and fellow classmates lol; what a great value system. Also this scenario def happened:  School: your child got in a fight. Nyo China: Oh no! Did he win?
I am both fully revolted and half fascinated by the flypaper thing because on one hand I CANNOT stand flies, and killing them is 178% gross. But also the way you described it is... very compelling and I would like to experience that, gross as it is lol. So yea I can definitely see those three nastily observing the flies getting stuck to the flypaper one by one... they all intently watch the flypaper with round and curious eyes and it really looks very cute from far away, three heads of fluffy hair close together and bent over something, carrying on an animated whispered discussion, until you get closer and see that they’re watching flies on flypaper •—•;; An even more gross scenario would be if one of them accidentally squashes one and they crowd around to see what fly guts look like 😭 bonus points if it happens during school. Also YES to Indus’s countryside friend; I feel like India would have a lot of fun exploring over there and would be able to bring back v cool stories for city slicker Yao, and also Iran (although I don’t know where they’d live precisely. I feel like they’d probably have a medium sized house with very nice art and Classy furniture (they got good taste from somewhere), but they’d also knows a lot about how rural areas work and stuff, so uh.. suburbs? Or something like that?)
“then he brings it to school after the weekend, and everyone is Fascinated and thinks it is Very Cool. . .” O—O sigh... three balls of absolute chaos. At least the other kids are fascinated this time instead of apprehensive ^-^ but the dead flies in lockers AL:KDSLFDSJF PLEASE NO me as an elementary student would have been absolutely horrified and I. really hope they get detention for that lol; Please Tone Down kids 😔 (also do y’all get flies in the lights at school? Because every single classroom I’ve been in has either had flies, wasps, moths, or some other black spots in the lights and they’d multiply as the year went on 😭 I never thought about it too much but... what if they linger around to watch the lights get cleaned? o-o)
“i bet yao during his teenage years would look back on it and be like "... oh my GOD."” YEAH there’s always a select few memories that make you realize “what even WAS that” and I think this is one lol. Yao just buries it in the back of his spacious mental closet and makes India and Iran swear not to bring it up again but inevitably they do :))))) they find it rather hilarious, actually. Also yes at least Nyo China did a good job in that department!
“also the idea of saying fuck in mandarin makes me break out in hives the AUDACITY of saying fuck in your first language but of course he would” lol I wrote that thinking he'd call someone a 王八* (because it could technically pass as a regular noun o-o. Who knows, maybe he was insulting someone for being slow like a turtle but it got out of hand due to word choice lol) but... the second scenario is quite something... I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. RIP the other parents who just have to fervently hope that disgraceful kid from next door grows out of his foul mouth soon (he never does, just gets better at pretending his language is elegant and not at all dirty XD)
*for non mandarin speakers 王八 is literally a soft shelled turtle, but is actually a pretty big insult in mandarin :)
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
Now fine it finally back to my favorite TEHRAN THERE IN TEHRAN SNOW WITH THEIR MOTHER
What is Iran
More importantly it seems like my timeline of being thrown around City to City just somewhere to put me for 30 days. Before you guys had a city that had the architectural part of the city that could brainwash me and say no you were wrong about filling the entire city with blackskin people it's filled with all white hair white skin babies? I think that's the only one there after right now yeah just telling me black people are not real and here's here's the accident #|report when it comes to warm blooded that's all we practice to keep our hairs nice and black and our skin nice and white. And you guys refuse to allow us our natural first amendment common Sense rights #|showers THESE N****** ARE NOTHING BUT SHOWERS it really challenges the satellite lie I told you is the caliber of these lies. The forcing of these lies. And here's the problem they're using all my experience. TO GO BACK AND QUESTIONS I WOULDN'T ANSWER I SAID YEAH YOU KNOW WHAT I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED TO ALABAMA I GET THERE AND HALF OF THE CITIES FILLED UP A BLACK SKIN BOYS AND BLACK SKIN GIRLSand then we're going to really Hammer this home cuz they're all they're after telling you telling me I'm in an all white city. You guys love this invasion thing. One day the white family looks out their tiny windows in the neighborhood and down comes the street a bunch of blackskin people to home invade them
#|REPORT SO THESE CITIES I MENTIONED THEY'RE WAITING STANDS FOR A SUNRISE TO BREAK OUT IN LIFE NO IT'S NOT BREAK OUT IN LIFE. DEATH HAS CALLED US TO BREAK OUT IN DEATH so I'm waiting for one of these stupid sunrises about 10 years ago in Las vegas. For them to learn this stupid word and say some stupid s*** online and use the word to start making fun of people WAITING FOR THEM TO GROW UP OLD ENOUGH IS WHAT IT SEEMS LIKE TO SOCIALIZE and it could take 10-15 years for these kids to finally grow up old enough so. we're waiting.
#|REPORT LET ME GUESS Russia was a big part of the trips and we only can explain it by #|Russia NO NO MAKE HIM BLEED EVERYWHERE I DON'T CARE I'M A BLACK SKIN MAN DOESN'T SPEAK ENGLISH. IN MY JAMAICAN VOICE... You guys have been waiting to get me here to make me extra sick. It's an accident now. We can't help him. We've been following him for the last 5 years. AND THAT SUICIDAL VOICE SAYING IT'S AN ACCIDENT NOW MEANWHILE I'M IN PAIN WALKING AROUND LOOKING FOR A STORE BECAUSE I'M DRYING UP BECAUSE YOU GUYS REFUSED THE 7-ELEVEN CITY boom I have the evidence you have a dead daughter it's an action dent you can't bring me backwards and send me to an abandoned City without a drink on every corner if you plan on making me extra sick. SO STRAIGHT OFF THE BAT YOUR FAMILY'S DEAD just to get me here and make me bleed more to continue to brainwash me. And here's the thing I don't believe if it wasn't for this girl going up to the airport as soon as a plane lands to listen to a boy jerk off without p*** looking into the mirror in the bathroom. Saying it worked as soon as he came out they killed him IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU GUYS TO ATTACK BOYS AND IT'S AND I'M SORRY IF IT ONLY CONTRIBUTES TO ATTACKING WHITE SKIN BOYS WITH THIS GIRL YOU CAN'T HAVE HER wait did that did that one really really work well you'll never have sex again BETTER THAN HE DOESN'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND? NO CUZ WHAT IT DOES IS IT COVID'S THE BOYS LIKE REMEMBER I BLAME THEM FOR COVETING ALL THE BLACK MEN ONE THING HAPPENED they were coviding and imitating the white girls at home the things that they would say IN THAT SAME LITTLE WHITE HAIR GIRL VOICE.
But most importantly you guys have been anticipating waiting to bring me back here and it's been five cities. And you guys are obviously lost. The statement you guys gave me sunrise. We lost WE'RE LOST... BY IGNORING THE ARCHITECTURE AND THE POWER STATEMENT OF MONEY WITH THE MOST WOMEN RULING THE CITIES to bring me back here in front of nothing but boys and men negative energy all homophobic that are tricking the satellite to do nasty things talk a nasty way to the boys and men and the girls it seems like you're only here to have me call her a dead daughter it's like I came to one of the other sites to sabotage my future with her she was she would say I don't remember he did have white skin and black hair. And when they get drunk they all look sexy*,'!..
But to bring me back here to ignore you called exactly what it was and everything we played fair by you called to cover up every lie. And try and brainwash me every second in the middle of a parking lot the nuclear bomb the nuclear bomb after nuclear bomb to my brain and I told you these many bombs no man would survive satellite maker told me in 100 years he wouldn't have survived. Because he's never needed anything in his life people like that tend to find a way out and he knows how to get it done I'M NOT WASTING ANYMORE TIME THIS IS SOME B******* YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME. BREAK ANOTHER FINGER. WHERE IS ALL THE LITTLE GIRLS BODIES?
But for you guys to anticipate and wait to get me here and it fell to acknowledge all the scientific benefits for an example these boys are all disposable you know that and I know that. And meaning every one of these boys that gets killed it's going to be a great day for me on the other side of this tomorrow. For one reason. IT'S LIKE AN INSURANCE POLICY THAT WILL PAY OFF IN 100% TOMORROW BECAUSE YOU REALLY CAN'T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF INNOCENT BOYS. IT'S IT'S THERE'S A CARDINAL WAR IF THEY KNOW but but you guys and I've noticed that you guys have used it if they don't know WE DO NOT BELIEVE THAT BECAUSE IF YOU SEE THAT AND THESE BOYS SICKNESS AND THESE MEN SICKNESS IT'S CLEAR AND CERTAIN THAT THEY KNOW BECAUSE OF ONE REASON I KNOW AND YOU'RE TRYING TO TELL ME I DON'T KNOW MAKING ME SICK AS YOU DO WITH THESE BOYS AND MEN so I want to tell you it's just a crime against innocent boys that we have you guys charged with nothing more to find it a City full of men and they only hate white skin boys after this all said and done. We are very understanding of what happened to the world and how it became like this BUT YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO INNOCENT BOYS IF THERE'S NO REASON TO DO THAT TO THEM
So you guys have been in dire to get me here BUT YOU'RE YOU'RE FAILING TO ACKNOWLEDGE ALL MY SCIENTIFIC FACTS MAYBE IT WAS A GOOD IDEA FOR YOUR AIRPLANE JASON TO HAVE NEVER LEFT THE MIA POW FLAG SITES IT'S THE ONLY PLACE I REALIZE HOLY S*** HE DID IT. For him not to have seen anything that would infect his judgment. This is a tiny ass city. These girls are all too small. Those cars are way small. YOU KNOW IF HE STAYS HERE AND HE'S TINY REGIONS YOU GUYS HAVE THE AIRPORTS ON LOCKDOWNS WHEN I NOTICE HERE EVERY ONE OF THESE CITIES FROM UTAH TO BOSTON you guys text me at a bathroom to be made to be made sicker. And I questioned myself I said why am I being made sicker here at 3 ft 4 ft it's supposed to be the other way around I'm supposed to be made sicker in front of the girl who matters mommy 5 ft and then 6 ft
SO RUSSIA AND AND IN THE BLOOD AND THE BEHAVIOR INDICATES ONE THING YOU GUYS WANTED AND WERE EXCITED ABOUT BRINGING ME HERE and then I'm adding kidnapping to the charges and this one's for real BUT BUT THEY SAY THEY'RE GOING TO PAY IT ALL OFF AND BOYS AND WE DO NOT WE DON'T ACCEPT THAT WE WANT GIRLS so we'll take all the babies girls in Los Angeles 3/4th murdered all the sleeping babies. I'M KIDDING I'M KIDDING YOU KNOW I WOULD NEVER TALK TO THIS LITTLE GIRL THAT WAY YOU GUYS KNOW SHE'S VERY SPECIAL TO ME BECAUSE OF HER INTELLIGENCE (right at that age you know I actually heard her say her first curse word) example (WHATEVER THEY NEED I NEED THEM ALL DEAD) and right there I heard her say her first curse word dead BUT SHE WAS RIGHT. THAT'S RIGHT TO COVER FOR UTAH AND MAIN AND KANSAS AND FORT WORTH that should take care of my pain and suffering I KNOW YOU YOU'RE THE RINGLEADER YOU'RE THE HEAD MACHO. EVERY SATELLITE AMERICAN THROWN OUT OF THE CITY. COMES TO OUR CITY. AND SAYS I WANT TO BUILD A CITY THAT LOOKS JUST LIKE CALIFORNIA that's right it would be a car it would be one of the most favorite cars oh the trucks FOUND IT the trucks are direct reflection of how many satellite makers thrown out of their City would want to come down and build the city looks just like California JUST AS MANY TRUCKS I KNOW AND LOS ANGELES 3/4 THERE MUST BE MORE TRUCKS THAN CARS ON THE ROAD NOW
So for you guys have ruined my trips Force extra crimes extra blood. Saying we'll bring them to a site and brainwash them not only that will strip every girl from him from another city. AND THAT'S WHERE THIS GETS WE SAID THE DATA BREACH WHY THE FAMILY WAS KILLED IT'S BECAUSE SPECIFICALLY THE INFORMATION THAT THEY WANTED that's right it didn't warrant a data breach it's just they got this thing in her head 30 days of sunrise of making people hot and bothered and forcing them to write something and then forget that they wrote it. BUT BUT YOU GUYS LIKE I SAID IF YOU SEE THAT. I EVEN I WROTE IT POSTED IT THEN FORGOT WHAT I SAID. AND WENT BACK ONLINE. AND SAID THAT'S PERFECT I COULDN'T SAY IT ANY BETTER IF I REWROTE IT 15 TIMES I just called exactly what it wasn't #isn't ANYBODY? ANYBODY ELSE?
So for you guys this is where this is where I figured I knew it was one of the sites we blame you work and in Los Angeles said there's no way they'd be here OH I REMEMBER OUR TRIALS IN ATLANTA I BLAMED ATLANTA I SAID YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE BEEN HOLDING FLORIDA HERE THIS ENTIRE TIME WITH SAFETY AND IMMUNITY AND THEY'VE BEEN DOING NOTHING BUT COMMIT CRIMES ON MY BEACH TO THREATEN PEOPLE ON 30 DAYS AND SUNRISE but one of these sites was held to bring people to only work against me to send threats against me IT COULD BE YOU BUT WE DON'T KNOW WHERE WE'RE AT PHOENIX OR SOUTH CAROLINA OR TENNESSEE OR CALIFORNIA it looks identical it's like Sammy the same n***** they all look the same. These cities look identical and for one reason I was walking around those tiny piece of s*** 3/4 houses and you're f****** big mouth son was
Here's the problem they keep on talking about my world and electric shock on the brain is tremendous it actually has me think of feelings I own the McDonald's and I actually believe it when they say it. I own every car in the city and I actually believe it the satellite doesn't mean trick what it does is cut an open wound in my head and makes me start bleeding as soon as he says it BUT THE BOYS AND MEN TALKING ABOUT WHAT I'M GOING TO DO I'M GOING TO BE A MILLIONAIRE ONE DAY YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET IT WHEN I GET MY YACHT and and it's the we said it's it's worse to have nothing so you don't lose anything CUZ THEN WE GOT TO LISTEN TO THIS LOSER ALL ACROSS THE CITY HAS A SPEAKER BOX SO I CAN YELL AT US. Let me tell you why I lost a fight. Let me tell you why I don't have a job. Interviews interviewing and losing side about what you're going to do tomorrow but what you lost today. IT TAKES ME BACK TO HER FAMOUS QUOTE IF SATELLITE MAKER OFFERED HER A SECOND TIME IN LIFE TO DO IT ALL OVER SHE WOULD TAKE THE THIRD TIME AND THEN ASK FOR A FOURTH TIME
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progressivejudaism · 6 years
Hello...I am from Iran, I am an Orthodox Christian and I had beliefs considered anti-semitic. My school taught me that the Holocaust was an exaggeration, and that "Protocols" was true. For a long time, I believed most of this, and a year ago, I probably wouldn't even speak to you. I was thankfully called out on by another person. Since then, I feel challenged and question everything I had believed before. What does it take to reverse a lot of that damage? How can I help myself and others?
Thank you so much for writing in.  It must have taken a lot of courage to write to a Jewish blog!!   I really appreciate your compassionate honesty, and your desire to make the world a better place.  As a Jew, that is really one of my major goals in life: to engage in what the Kabbalists called “Tikkun Olam,” the fixing of the world.
Holocaust denial and antisemitism are huge problems around the world, especially in nations that fundamentally teach these ills to their societies.  I am so glad that you had a moment to understand the dangers of these very bigoted ‘teachings.’
I believe that knowledge is the most important tool in life that we can use to combat ignorance and xenophobia.  Understanding others- understanding their stories, their hopes, and their dreams are the key to unlocking the door of peace.
I can sense your passion!  One person can change the world- and you certainly can be that one person.  It is as simple as learning and teaching about Judaism.  To learn, you can read books, watch movies, and engage with Jews to ask us questions about our practice, our opinions, our hopes, and our dreams.  In doing so, you will create a dialogue so that we could learn about the life of an Iranian Christian!  
Where can you learn about Judaism?  A Rabbinical Student recently created a series of short videos that help explain Judaism to an Arabic speaking audience: People of the Book أهل الكتاب.  Other great websites include MyJewishLearning, reformjudaism.org, and JewishVirtualLibrary. I also have a Frequently Ask Questions section on this blog that answers many common questions that I have gotten over the years running this blog.  You also might find it helpful to look at popular tags that I use on this blog as well as Jewish vocabulary.
Where can you learn about the Holocaust (or the Shoah in Hebrew)?  First and foremost, I believe that survivors hold the most valuable information.  Several websites with testimonies appear online, and I suggest checking them out (Yale University Archives, USC Shoah Foundation, British Library …).  In my opinion, the two best websites to encounter the history of the Holocaust would be the United States Holocaust History Memorial Museum (located in Washington D.C.) and Yad Vashem (located in Jerusalem, Isreal). 
Where can you engage with Jews to chat with them about Judaism?  Other than right here on Tumblr (check out the #jumblr tag), please join “Jews and Muslims for Peace,” a Facebook group filled with Jews and Muslims from around the world hoping to learn and grow from one another.  (Don’t worry, Christians are more than welcome to come join us!)   And of course, you can always feel free to ask me questions here and if you feel comfortable, send me a direct message.  I would love to meet you, even if virtually, to thank you for writing to me today!
I wish you luck in your pursuit of knowledge and in the teaching of that knowledge to your friends, neighbors, and colleagues in Iran.  Please let me know if you have any questions, or are looking for an American Rabbinical Student to be a new friend!
Have a wonderful day!
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