#Jan Twardowski
cali-neczka · 6 months
"Każde głębsze uczucie prowadzi do cierpienia. Miłość bez cierpienia nie jest miłością. "
~ Jan Twardowski
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luzdelaluna95 · 1 year
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blueprison · 2 years
Są tacy, którzy uciekają od cierpienia miłości. Kochali, zawiedli się i nie chcę już nikogo kochać, nikomu służyć nikomu pomagać. Taka samotność jest straszna, bo człowiek uciekając od miłości, ucieka od samego życia. Zamyka się w sobie.
Jan Twardowski
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mavia-nna · 2 years
"Można odejść na zawsze, by stale być blisko".
ks. Jan Twardowski
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s-shaunii · 1 year
"Serce to jeszcze za mało żeby kochać."
Jan Twardowski 🫀
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sadark-angel · 9 months
"Trzeba być zakochanym, żeby uwierzyć w anioły."
Jan Twardowski
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Hands down my favourite Polish legend is that of sir Jan Twardowski, IRL the court medium of king Zygmunt August in mid-16th century.
Now, the story (or at least the version of it I've first read and therefore is canon in my head) goes that sir Twardowski made a pretty sweet deal with the demon Mephistopheles: the demon granted him immortality and nearly unlimited magical powers and the only catch was that Twardowski could never travel to Rome. The moment he would step his foot in Rome, his soul would belong to the demon.
Twardowski was a messy bitch and, after securing himself a cushy job at the royal court (by helping the king talk to the dead queen), basically started using his powers just to do stupid shit and show off. He had the demon build him a house made of solid gold. He carried a whip made of sand. He turned water into vodka at parties. Most famously, instead of a horse, he rode around on a giant fucking rooster, just because he could. And he did it all while spending his days and nights on a massive pub crawl through Kraków, getting drunker than you could possibly imagine (presumably he magicked away the hangovers).
Eventually, Mephistopheles got him on the dumbest technicality possible: there was a tavern in Kraków called "Rome" and the stupid bitch went to drink there, not even realizing its name until it was too late. The demon caught him immediately and started carrying him up to hell, which in this legend's cosmology apparently is, for some reason, located in outer space.
Twardowski, still drunk as shit, started panicking on the way up and began to pray to Virgin Mary for help. Mary looked at him and was like "alright, man, you did make a literal deal with the devil, so you do deserve some kinda punishment but you didn't really do anything evil with your demonic powers, so I don't think you're in the eternal damnation territory" and she chased the demon away right as they were passing the Moon.
Mephistopheles dropped Twardowski, and from then on, he lives on the Moon, awaiting the Judgement Day with his immortality and his magical powers, and no one to show them off to except his stupid giant rooster who's also there for some reason.
And that is the Polish version of both Dr. Faustus and the Bunny on the Moon.
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(...) Oby się wszystkie trudne sprawy
porozkręcały jak supełki,
własne ambicje i urazy
zaczęły śmieszyć jak kukiełki.
Oby w nas paskudne jędze
pozamieniały się w owieczki,
a w oczach mądre łzy stanęły
jak na choince barwnej świeczki.
Niech anioł podrze każdy dramat,
aż do rozdziału ostatniego,
i niech nastraszy każdy smutek,
tak jak goryla niemądrego.
Aby się wszystko uprościło,
było zwyczajnie - proste sobie (...)
- ks. Jan Twardowski
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rockgirl05 · 2 months
Să ne grăbim… Să ne grăbim să iubim, oamenii pleacă atât de repede,
rămân după ei pantofii şi un telefon surd,
doar ce e neînsemnat trece lent ca un melc,
ceea ce contează trece cât ai clipi din ochi,
apoi se lasă o linişte obişnuită, cu totul de neîndurat,
precum candoarea cea mai firească născută din disperare
când ne gândim la cineva după ce am rămas fără el.
Nu fi sigur că ai timp pentru că siguranţa este nesigură,
ne ia sensibilitatea aşa cum fiecare fericire
vine alături de tristeţe şi veselie,
precum două patimi totuşi mai slabe decât una;
atât de repede pleacă oamenii precum amuţeşte sturzul în iulie,
precum zgomotul neîndemânatic sau reverenţa seacă;
pentru a vedea cu adevărat, trebuie să închidem ochii;
deşi cel mai mare risc este să te naşti, nu să mori,
iubim mereu prea puţin şi mereu prea târziu.
Nu scrie despre asta prea des, scrie doar o dată pentru totdeauna
şi vei fi precum un delfin, blând şi puternic.
Să ne grăbim să iubim, oamenii pleacă atât de repede
şi cei ce nu pleacă nu se întorc mereu,
şi nu ştim niciodată cum să vorbim despre iubire,
dacă prima este ultima sau dacă ultima este prima.
- Jan Twardowski
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aspergillosis · 8 months
Heard And Written by Jan Twardowski
The door trembles - who is it? - death she enters skinny small with the scythe like a match fear. eyes wide and her - I came for the canary
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batri-jopa · 1 year
Grow up with books illustrated by one artist - get ready for his style imprinting in your brain forever❤️‍🔥
(I swear these particular illustrations on the left I've seen today for the first time in my life... Most definitely of all: I've never seen the one with the rooster before, I swear to all the saints!)
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Pan Twardowski (J.M.Szancer) Georgian Dancer Merab (me)
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Illustration by J.M.Szancer Kinto Irakli (me)
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Cinderella illustration (J.M.S.) Simdi (me)
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Cinderella illustration (J.M.S.) Sopo's Wedding Dance (me)
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Book cover design by J.M.S. Misread Intentions (me)
Jan Marcin Szancer (1902 – 1973) - Polish illustrator, scenographer and professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Illustrated over 200 books
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i-oana-universe · 1 year
Să ne grăbim să iubim, oamenii pleacă atât de repede,
rămân după ei pantofii şi un telefon surd
doar ce e neînsemnat trece lent ca un melc,
ceea ce contează trece cât ai clipi din ochi,
apoi se lasă o linişte obişnuită, cu totul de neîndurat,
precum candoarea cea mai firească născută din disperare
când ne gândim la cineva după ce am rămas fără el.
Nu fi sigur că ai timp pentru că siguranţa este nesigură,
ne ia sensibilitatea aşa cum fiecare fericire
vine alături de tristeţe şi veselie,
precum două patimi totuşi mai slabe decât una,
atât de repede pleacă oamenii precum amuţeşte sturzul în iulie,
precum zgomotul neîndemânatic sau reverenţa seacă;
pentru a vedea cu adevărat, trebuie să închidem ochii,
deşi cel mai mare risc este să te naşti, nu să mori
iubim mereu prea puţin şi mereu prea târziu
Nu scrie despre asta prea des, scrie doar o dată pentru totdeauna
şi vei fi precum un delfin, blând şi puternic
Să ne grăbim să iubim, oamenii pleacă atât de repede
şi cei ce nu pleacă nu se întorc mereu
şi nu ştim niciodată cum să vorbim despre iubire,
dacă prima este ultima sau dacă ultima este prima.
Jan Twardowski - Să ne grăbim
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forsejk · 10 months
Nigdy nie wiadomo mówiąc o miłości, czy pierwsza jest ostatnią, czy ostatnia pierwszą
ksiądz Jan Twardowski
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bitwa-lektur-szkolnych · 10 months
Jan Twardowski – wiersze
Wojciech Młynarski – wybrane utwory
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gods-blade · 5 months
Miłość o rozum nie pyta. – “Love doesn’t ask about reason.”
Fr. Jan Twardowski
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s-shaunii · 1 year
Znowu przyszła do mnie samotność
choć myślałem że przycichła w niebie
Mówię do niej:
-Co chcesz jeszcze, idiotko?
A ona:
-Kocham Ciebie.
Jan Twardowski 🫀
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