#Japan Visa App
japanevisaonline · 1 year
Japan tourist visa requirements from Dubai
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Japan is a popular tourist destination that attracts visitors from all over the world, including Dubai. If you are a resident of Dubai and plan to visit Japan as a tourist, you will need to obtain a Japan tourist visa. Here's what you need to know about the Japan tourist visa requirements from Dubai.
Visa Exemptions
Firstly, it's important to note that citizens of some countries, including the United Arab Emirates, are exempt from the visa requirement for short-term stays of up to 90 days. However, it's recommended that you check the latest information regarding visa exemptions, as they can change.
Visa Requirements
If you are not a citizen of a country that is exempt from the visa requirement, you will need to apply for a Japan tourist visa. The tourist visa is called the "Temporary Visitor Visa," and it allows visitors to stay in Japan for up to 90 days for tourism or leisure purposes.
To apply for a Temporary Visitor Visa, you will need to provide the following documents:
Valid Passport: Your passport must be valid for the entire duration of your stay in Japan.
Visa Application Form: You will need to complete a visa application form, which is available on the website of the Japanese embassy in the United Arab Emirates.
Photograph: You will need to provide a recent passport-sized photograph.
Travel Itinerary: You will need to provide a detailed travel itinerary, including your planned activities, accommodation, and transportation arrangements.
Financial Proof: You will need to provide evidence of sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay in Japan. This can include bank statements, credit card statements, or a letter of sponsorship from a Japanese citizen or resident.
Other Supporting Documents: Depending on your circumstances, you may need to provide additional documents, such as a letter of invitation from a Japanese citizen or resident, or proof of employment or enrollment in a school or university.
Visa Application Process
You can apply for a Temporary Visitor Visa at the Japanese embassy in the United Arab Emirates. The visa application process can take several days to several weeks, depending on the embassy and the volume of visa applications being processed. It's recommended that you apply for your visa well in advance of your planned travel dates to avoid any delays or complications.
In Conclusion
If you are planning to visit Japan as a tourist from Dubai, it's important to be aware of the visa requirements and ensure that you have all the necessary documentation. With careful planning and preparation, you can enjoy a fantastic and unforgettable trip to Japan, one of the most fascinating and beautiful countries in the world.
Apply for eVisa Japan: CLICK HERE
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japanevisafaqs · 1 year
List of requirements for Japan tourist visa
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If you're planning to visit Japan as a tourist, you will need to apply for a tourist visa. The application process for a Japan tourist visa requires specific documentation and information to ensure that your application is processed smoothly. Here's a list of requirements for a Japan tourist visa:
Valid passport: You must have a valid passport that will remain valid throughout your stay in Japan. Your passport should also have at least one blank page for the visa sticker.
Completed visa application form: You'll need to fill out a visa application form, which can be obtained from the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country. The form must be completed in full and signed.
Photo: You'll need to provide one passport-sized photo that meets the Japan tourist visa photo requirements. The photo must be recent, clear, and in color.
Purpose of visit: You must provide documentation that supports your purpose of visit, such as a detailed itinerary or hotel reservations.
Financial stability: You must have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in Japan. The exact amount may vary depending on the length of your stay and the purpose of your visit. You may be asked to provide bank statements or other financial documents as proof of your financial stability.
Return ticket: You must have a return ticket or onward travel itinerary that shows your intention to leave Japan at the end of your stay.
Criminal record: You must not have any criminal convictions or a history of visa violations in Japan or any other country.
Health certificate: Depending on the purpose of your visit and the length of your stay, you may be required to provide a health certificate that proves you're in good health and free from contagious diseases.
Once you have gathered all the required documentation, you can submit your application to the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country. The processing time for a Japan tourist visa may vary depending on the embassy or consulate, but it usually takes around five business days.
It's important to note that the specific requirements for a Japan tourist visa may vary depending on the embassy or consulate in your country. Before applying, make sure to check their website or contact them directly to ensure that you have all the necessary documentation.
In conclusion, if you're planning to visit Japan as a tourist, make sure to gather all the required documentation and meet all the requirements for a Japan tourist visa. With a valid visa, you'll be able to explore all that Japan has to offer, from its vibrant cities and rich cultural heritage to its breathtaking natural landscapes and delicious cuisine.
Apply for eVisa Japan: CLICK HERE
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applyforevisajapan · 1 year
Tourist eVisa Japan requirements
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If you're planning to visit Japan as a tourist, you may be eligible for the tourist eVisa program, which allows travelers to apply for their visa online and receive it electronically. The eVisa program is a convenient and straightforward way to obtain your visa without having to visit a Japanese embassy or consulate.
Here are the tourist eVisa Japan requirements:
Eligible Countries: You must be a citizen of one of the 68 countries that are eligible for the eVisa program. The list of eligible countries includes the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and many European countries. You can check the official website of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to see if your country is eligible.
Valid Passport: You must have a valid passport that will remain valid throughout your stay in Japan. Your passport should also have at least one blank page for the visa sticker.
Purpose of Visit: Your purpose of visit must be tourism. You'll need to provide documentation that supports your tourism activities, such as a detailed itinerary or hotel reservations.
Financial Stability: You must have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in Japan. The exact amount may vary depending on the length of your stay and the purpose of your visit. You may be asked to provide bank statements or other financial documents as proof of your financial stability.
Return Ticket: You must have a return ticket or onward travel itinerary that shows your intention to leave Japan at the end of your stay.
Criminal Record: You must not have any criminal convictions or a history of visa violations in Japan or any other country.
Health Certificate: Depending on the purpose of your visit and the length of your stay, you may be required to provide a health certificate that proves you're in good health and free from contagious diseases.
Once you've met all the tourist eVisa Japan requirements, you can apply for your visa online through the official website of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The online application process is relatively simple, and you'll need to provide personal and travel information, as well as documentation to support your purpose of visit.
The processing time for the eVisa is usually around three business days. Once your application is approved, you'll receive your visa electronically, which you'll need to print out and bring with you when you travel to Japan.
It's essential to note that the tourist eVisa is only valid for a maximum stay of 90 days, and you cannot engage in any paid activities or work while in Japan on this visa. If you plan to stay for longer or work in Japan, you'll need to apply for a different type of visa.
In conclusion, if you're planning to visit Japan as a tourist, the eVisa program is a convenient and straightforward way to obtain your visa. Just make sure to meet all the tourist eVisa Japan requirements before you apply, and you'll be all set for a memorable and hassle-free trip to Japan.
Apply for eVisa Japan: CLICK HERE
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endofbeginings · 2 months
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In Japanese mythology, the appearance of Yatagarasu (3 Legged Crow) is construed as evidence of the will of Heaven or divine intervention in human affairs. It is regarded as an excellent navigator that leads one safely to their destination
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formulaicons · 2 months
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yuki tsunoda icons
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justanotherdrfan · 3 months
RB really fumbled the bag with having minimum to no merch at one of their drivers home GP! There’s like 4 things, no driver specific merch and especially no caps when Aus is known for its blaring day long sun!
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giuliadesu · 1 year
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you are 25 when you hug 'tsumu for the first time.
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...& THEN?
it was almost time. your apartment was a complete mess: two big suitcases laid open on the floor of your living room, while a backpack had been sitting on the cushions of your couch for the last couple of days. in the bedroom and in the kitchen there were boxes ready to be filled with the belongings you’d decided to bring along with you.
in a few days you would finally leave your country for good, a one-way ticket for japan bought months in advance. it felt incredibly liberating: the country of your dreams, where you unwittingly found a family and where you’d hopefully spend the rest of your life was waiting for you.
on the small console table near the front door sat all your documents: passport, approved visa, papers needed to start the process of obtaining citizenship, the last two paychecks and the note from the bank — last but not least the plane ticket. surreal. that was one word that could describe the hectic chaos of emotions swarming both your heart and head.
the owner of the small bookshop where you’d worked in the last five years (a lovely korean lady in her sixties) agreed to take your plants and to see you off at the airport on the day of your departure. looking around, all the green friends you’d seen grow in the last few years were bundled together, ready to meet their new home. a small smile graced your lips, happy to know they would’ve been well cared for and you’d receive regular updates on their growth.
then you still had to say goodbye to the owner of the apartment, who lived just next door; after that, all the tasks that still bound you to the city would be completed, setting you free to begin your new life.
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it was early, way too early for your likings. groaning, you stretched under the sheets, the tank top riding a bit over your ribcage. your hand tentatively moved over the duvet searching for your phone so to turn off the alarm. a few notifications arrived during your short slumber: a few messages from atsumu (who had absolutely no idea of the fact that today was the day), one from osamu, while the last one was from the wallet app, letting you know that your digital ticket was now available.
you chose a comfortable fit for the long journey — black leggings, ‘tsumu’s shirt and sweatshirt, the most comfortable pair on nike you owned. everything was ready; the bookstore owner would send your boxes over once you’d found a more permanent solution compared to an airbnb, while the two black suitcases were finally closed and next to the door. touring the various rooms one last time, you made sure to have taken everything with you.
several hours later, you were flying over vast mountainous regions, the plane directed towards incheon airport, where you would have to spend about an hour before the last leg of your journey.
a small yet sincere smile graced your lips when the hostess announced it was almost time for landing. you knew exactly what you would’ve done just a few minutes prior to boarding on the japan airlines airbus a350 — there was a certain someone you just had to call.
bubbling with adrenaline, you made your way towards the gate and opted to stay standing in front of the tall floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the runway. was this the same adrenaline atsumu and the others felt before a match? the feeling of being invincible and ready to do anything?
taking a deep breath, you went over to the setter’s contact info. you felt giddy inside thinking that now you were in the same timezone, for the first time in five years. it was almost 11 pm, you called.
“hey bubs, what’s up?”
“hi ‘tsumu, are you still at practice?”
“yeah, but now we’re having a short break. although you know i’d drop anything for you.”
shameless flirt, you thought to yourself, smiling widely at this point.
“well, i have a little something to tell you: currently, i’m at incheon airport. in a few minutes i’ll board a flight that will bring me to kansai international airport-”
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ŌSAKA, 01:40
exactly one hour and forty minutes later, you were at the baggage claim. as expected of japanese punctuality, your two very black and very big suitcases were delivered on time, so in just ten minutes you were making your way over to exit the claim area of the airport.
you had no plans, apart from reaching the bnb you booked. you didn’t know if the small bomb you dropped to atsumu earlier on would have made him magically appear in front of you, for one of those incredibly cliché airport reunions that were so popular in dramas. right now you were just too tired to think further, the almost seventeen hours of flight weighing on you. slowly, you tried to navigate through the sea of people that, just like you, wanted to leave the area to reach a place of rest. but, you underestimated how big kix would be; despite being incredibly well designed, it was not exactly easy on the brain of someone who was that tired. for a split second you thought about asking osamu to come pick you up, but the idea quickly left your mind as fast as it came — he was surely tired after a long day at onigiri miya.
you stopped in a little less crowded area, trying to collect your thoughts and figure out the best route to reach your bnb.
atsumu had never run so fast in his entire life. the moment you ended the call, he dropped everything at the gym, shouting half an explanation to his team before grabbing his sweatshirt and sprinting out of the stadium, catching the first available taxi and finally making his way to the airport.
despite being this late, there were still so many people crowding the area. how the hell was he supposed to find you? running a hand through his messy blond locks, he tried to follow a logical line of thought: first, you must’ve gone through the customs to get your visa approved, then surely you went to the baggage claim; his eyes frantically scanned the huge display, looking for the latest plane inbound from seoul. gate 41. of course it had to be the farthest one from the main entrance!
his instinct told him to go towards the columns where the vending machines were located. sure enough, you were there. with his clothes on. your backpack was sitting nicely on top of your suitcase, open as you rummaged through its contents.
atsumu smiled as he made his way behind you, his cheeks hurting from the emphasis of the movement. as he got closer, he could breathe in your perfume and the fragrance of your shampoo. seeing his surname plastered across your back did inimaginable things to his heart, adrenaline shooting through his veins at a thousands miles per second. then, quickly yet gently, he brought his hands to cover your pretty eyes, your back now flush against his sturdy chest — the 32 centimetres of height difference even more evident.
“hey bubs, welcome home.”
it all happened in a fraction of a second: you tensed, then quickly spun around to bury your face in his chest, while hugging him tightly.
“‘tsumu! what are you doing here? you’re supposed to be at practice now!”
“do you really think i could’ve stayed there knowing you were here? very funny, bubs.”
after staying in silence wrapped around one another for a few more minutes, you moved your arms to sneak around his neck; in the meantime, his hands went to grab you in the space between your buttocks and the posterior part of your thighs, hoisting you up. immediately, your legs went around his waist.
now that you were eye level, you both had a dashing, lovestruck smile adorning your features. you cupped his cheeks and booped his nose with your own. your thumbs were slowly caressing the apples of his cheeks, never breaking eye contact.
then, a small whisper, as if his hold on you could disappear just like in a dream.
“hi, i’m home.”
a small kiss on the tip of your nose.
“hi, welcome home.”
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ŌSAKA, 03:00
atsumu insisted on having you at home with him. his hand never left you: while going to the taxi, with one he was carrying half of your luggage, the other was intertwined with yours; during the ride, you were nestled in his side while his fingers gently moved up and down your arm.
despite the very late hour, neither of you was tired — there were simply so many things you wanted to do now that you were finally sharing the same space. without thinking twice, atsumu carried your things to his bedroom, setting them nicely near his wardrobe for you to unpack the next day.
“hungry, bubs? wanna  something to eat?”
when you happily nodded, he smiled brightly and ruffled your hair. then, he opened one drawer and pulled out a neatly folded shirt and handed it to you.
“go have a shower or a bath, whatever you fancy; i’ll fix you something in the meanwhile, yeah?”
“you’re the best, ‘tsumu, thank you!”
the sweet kiss you planted on his cheek (terribly close to his right snakebite) was all he needed before going to the main area of the house, where both the kitchen and the living+dining area sat in an open space. as he was about to leave the room, he turned back to you.
“feel free to leave all your things around, both in the bathroom and around the house!” 
now alone in his room, you sat on the floor. was it all real? or were you stuck in a wonderful dream? in case of the latter, then you had no intention of waking up. coexisting with atsumu in his space with him felt so natural and spontaneous, as if you’d always lived together. deep inside, you were squealing like a little child.
“okay, i need to stop. time for a shower!”
you rummaged a bit in your suitcase to fetch a pair of shorts to wear under the shirt and your toiletries. the warm water rolling over your body relaxed your muscles, tense from all the hours you spent crammed in a plane. also, the branches of eucalyptus that the setter kept in the wetroom gave off such a pleasant fragrance that did wonders to soothe the beginning of your headache.
clad in the way too big shirt and a towel around your neck to prevent your wet hair from dripping water everywhere, you made your way over to the kitchen. you stood for a bit in the doorframe, admiring the view: atsumu was in front of the stove, where a pot of water was boiling, and several ingredients sat on the countertop. he had ditched the sweatshirt as soon as you got home, so you could see the muscles in his arms flex for any single movement. with a small smile gracing your lips, you made your way over; once close enough, your right hand went over his back to rest right between his shoulder blades.
“that doesn’t look like a quick snack, mind if i help you?”
“oh no no no. you sit on the counter and look pretty.”
with that, atsumu wiped his hands on a towel, before picking you up by the waist and gently sitting you on the surface right next to him. effortlessly. the setter resumed his ministrations: chopping the scallion and the mushrooms, while the lotus root was simmering before being stir fried with the tofu. after having drained the noodles, he put them in another pot where coconut milk was simmering with some soy sauce; once the other ingredients finished their trip in the pan, they joined the noodles in the pot. a few more minutes and a big, steaming cup of vegetarian ramen was on the counter.
with the bowl in hand, atsumu came towards you, stopping between your legs. his right hand was holding a pair of chopsticks, with dangling udon and a bit of scallion on top.
“say ahhh.”
you leaned in close, graciously accepting the food in a single mouthful, a dashing smile lighting up your features.
“oh my gosh, it’s delicious! when did you learn to make this? and how did you know that it’s my favorite dish?”
“well, you mentioned it once three or four years ago, and after that time i asked ‘samu to teach me… y’know, in the eventuality we’d meet one day.”
your expression became even softer when noticing the slight blush adorning the tip of his ears. your hands went over his holding the bowl, retrieving also the chopsticks in the meanwhile. when you spoke again, while mimicking his actions and offering him a bite, your voice was barely above a whisper — but, considering how close you were, it was more than enough.
“and look at us now, together in your kitchen as if we’d been together for years.”
“honestly, bubs, i think it’s high time we fix that, yeah?”
after the incident with the pictures of almost two months ago, atsumu started shamelessly flirting with you, leaving no doubts or room  to misinterpret his feelings. and you, for once, decided that it was worth it to also let him know that yeah, you felt the same way and everything was perfect like this. in a sort of silent mutual understanding and agreement, after realizing for just how long you had been loving each other (at this point it was way more than a simple crush), it was okay to skip a few steps along the way.
when atsumu started to lean in close, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks, you wasted no time in sneaking your arms around his neck, lovingly caressing his nape.
and then it happened. at half past four in the morning, while in his kitchen, with an empty bowl of delicious ramen long forgotten next to you. ‘tsumu’s lips were on yours, ever so gentle and delicate; the cold metal of his piercings was a stark contrast with your own skin.
neither of you could stop the smile growing on your features. everything was just perfect. small laughs were exchanged in between kisses and pecks, with the soft light of the overhead kitchen lamp as the only source of illumination.
“gosh, i love you so so much…”
an almost inaudible whisper against your mouth, as gentle thumbs caressed your cheeks, a smile so bright it could’ve rivalled the whole galaxy.
“me too, ‘tsumu. i love you so much.”
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ŌSAKA, 15:49
when you opened your eyes you were greeted by the warm light of the afternoon coming in from the huge window of the bedroom. the skyline of the city was perfectly visible, as the apartment was located on the last floor of a building. when you tried to stretch, you felt someone stirring and complaining about your sudden movement. lowering your gaze, you found atsumu resting his head comfortably on your chest, while his arms were tightly wrapped around your waist. he was wearing only a pair of grey trunks, too tired after his shower to put on anything else. lovingly, your hands found their way on his back and in his hair, gently massaging his incredibly soft locks — despite the frequent rounds of bleaching in order to achieve his desired color.
“hey sleepyhead, good morning.”
“five more minutes, please…”
you simply laughed a bit, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead. at that the setter perked up, a lazy grin plastered across his face as he pressed his lips to yours.
“that was the best night of sleep i’ve ever had, bubs. ‘m so glad you’re finally here with me.”
“mhmh, i’m not going anywhere.”
you spent the next half an hour cuddling in bed (as if you’d done something different ever since you got into bed), whispering sweet nothings and deciding how to spend the rest of the day.
“i think tomorrow i’d like to meet your team, if it’s okay with you. and maybe this weekend we could go to onigiri miya with your mom, suna and aran? oh, but i have to get them something first. ah, and maybe i should first go to the government office, to start my citizenship application, just so i can be su-”
atsumu interrupted you with a sweet and innocent kiss, before looking at you with the most serious expression you’d ever seen on him.
“hey, marry me.”
you were shocked, but not necessarily in a negative way: you had been dreaming of such an occurrence ever since he gave you the necklace with his surname on it. and you knew for certain that both of your feelings were stronger than ever, and would not falter anytime soon. it was just a sudden thought to voice, but after the developments of the last 24 hours, it was not a complete surprise.
“i mean it when i say that i love you. and i’m not afraid of marrying you on the spot. i’ve loved you silently for so many years now that i’d be ready to change my whole life to accommodate you in it. and sure, maybe we’re skipping a few steps along the way, we’re rushing things a bit, and i don’t even have a ring with me right now. but… marry me, please?”
and what were you supposed to answer? your heart belonged to him.
you cupped his cheeks, lifting his face until you were eye to eye. while his expression remained serious, you could see in those chocolate eyes a bit of doubt; he was probably wondering if he’d crossed a line, if such a thing was too much. after all, marrying a professional athlete was no easy feat — you’d have to be shielded from prying eyes, and his training hours kept him away from home most of the days, not to mention when he would have to attend away games. but you knew; in all those years it became obvious, and not once it became a problem in your eyes.
so you simply kissed him again and again, feeling his strong body relaxing in your hold.
a couple of  hours and a call later, you were in the office of the legal person who would sign your marriage certificate within the government building. they agreed to process your request of citizenship as well, considering that you’d automatically gain it as you were marrying a japanese citizen.
“... and what about the surnames? have you decided how you want to deal with them?”
your answer was quick and full of pride.
“i’ll be taking his; my previous one can be disregarded completely.”
atsumu squeezed your hand, from where your intertwined fingers were resting on his thigh. you turned to him with a dashing smile.
the two of you signed the documents, then the employee did the same and handed you your papers and the certificate.
“you will receive your new passport and documents in five days, directly at home. just make sure to give the courier this paper once he arrives.”
you both thanked the man and left the office, still hand in hand. atsumu was holding the tote bag containing all the papers as you made your way back to his motorcycle; then he looked down at you, pulling you in for a side hug.
“hi, ms miya.”
“hi, mr miya.” 
before going to dinner in a nice ramenya, the setter insisted on stopping by the jewellery shop where he had your necklace made. the old owner recognized immediately the delicate piece you were wearing around your neck, and was very pleased to know you’d never removed it for three years straight and it still didn’t show signs of wear. 
“so, what brings you youngsters here today?”
“we’d like to purchase a set of wedding rings. the simplest you have, in platinum, sizes xs and m.”
with a happy look on his face, the man went to the back of the store and came out a few moments later holding a small box in his hand. upon showing it to you, it was clear that was exactly what you were looking for.
you ended up exchanging your vows and rings in a secluded booth at the restaurant, a fuming bowl of ramen in front of you, ready to be shared, like the rest of your lives.
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thanks to the friendship hinata had with kenma, you started working as a game designer for bouncing ball, albeit remotely from home. mama miya almost fainted when you both shared the news of your wedding that weekend at onigiri miya — the shop had been close for the day, allowing a gran reunion between the msby team and some of their friends. everyone was delighted to finally meet you in person, knowing that this was probably the beginning of weekly meetings all together.
that year atsumu and other msby members got drafted to be part of the olympic team. and when they won gold, your relationship became public: you launched yourself off the bleachers of the olympic stadium of tokyo, ready to jump into the waiting arms of your husband. and at that point all the world could see the red ink embedded on both your left wrists, as well as the shining bands adorning your ring fingers.
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@arquitecturadelanada | @bagladyk | @cup-of-fluff | @kyopmi | @ohtokki
@alienvarmint | @hai1q | @mommyourcall420 | @natriae | @opalloveworld | @voidshoutsback
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© giuliadesu. please do not copy, translate, use in videos or reupload on other platforms and sites. it is strictly forbidden to feed any part of my content to ai.
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blamemma · 2 months
all access japan - visa cash app rb
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four-loose-screws · 6 months
Blog Update 2023.12.19
Hey ya'll, I've been a bit quiet for a couple of weeks - there's been holidays, end of the year projects at work, all those IRL shenanigans. But lots of B I G stuff is going on both for my translations and life decisions, so it is time for an update!
First - I mentioned previously that I made the decision to translate the FE2 and FE6 novelizations at the same time. But I hadn't decided on the details until now, so I will report them here!
In case you missed the first announcement: I made the decision to translate FE2 and FE6 simultaneously because the FE2 novelization has been the most difficult to understand and translate of all FE novels so far. The writer used high-level vocab and wrote in thick, chunky paragraphs, so translating 2 pages a day has gone from a simple task to a gargantuan burden. The FE6 novel, on the other hand, was written as the 3rd book in the FE7 novel set. Having already translated FE7 and knowing there is more dialogue than flowery prose, I knew FE6 would be much easier to translate, and allow my brain some time to relax, while still allowing me the ability to translate regularly.
FE2 Book 1 will upload over the span of 6 months, between Jan - June 2024. I had this book mostly translated (I translate 6 months ahead of my Tumblr queue.) by the time I decided it was too difficult to complete FE2 all in one go. So I will just post this book all together, like I have done for all my novel translations in the past.
For FE2 Book 2 and FE6, I will alternate chapters from July 2024 - 2025 (end month TBD). So the schedule will be: FE6 Ch. 1 -> FE2 Book 2 Ch. 1 -> FE6 Ch. 2 -> FE2 Book 2 Ch. 2, etc.
Once the holidays are over next week, I'll be be able to focus getting caught back up on asks and requests as well.
Now for my IRL new news - after a 5 year "trial run" in Japan and a 5 year "trial run" in the US, I've decided that my permanent living location will be Japan! Cue the confetti! And my family has too. It feels important to acknowledge their full consent in the process, ha ha.
It won't be an easy life as I am 0% Japanese (as is my family), but there are many advantages to being an outsider looking in to Japan, so I want to embrace them and go back to loving everything I loved about the lifestyle there. Plus I have not been able to get a job in a Japanese company in the US - and I did NOT spend ~$50k on a Japanese major just to lose my speaking abilities, thank you very much!!
This is another reason why requests have been answered slower recently - I've been filling out job apps, and figuring out the moving back attack plan. Nothing is decided yet - finding a job willing to hire from overseas, and getting a work visa again, etc. takes many months - but I'll keep posting updates whenever I know my translations upload schedule will be affected!!
Thank you all for continuing to read my translations!! ❤️❤️
P.S. It feels so much better applying to jobs when I have some actual experience to leverage, and my tone is not "plz hire me I am a 20-something baby who needs $$ or else I will starve."
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herohimbowhore · 4 months
On This Day in F1: Masterlist
On This Day in F1 takes a look back into time at events that occurred on days relevant to the 2024 Formula 1 Season. Posts will have a brief description of the current day's events and then take a look into Formula 1 history.
Feb. 1: Lewis Hamilton Signs with Ferrari + 2011
Feb. 2: Haas Car Launch + 2007
Feb. 5: Williams and Sauber Car Launches + 2015
Feb. 7: Alpine Car Launch + 1960
Feb. 8: Visa Cash App RB Car Launch + 2006
Feb. 12: Aston Martin Car Launch + 2020
Feb. 13: Ferrari Car Launch + 1995
Feb. 14: Mercedes and McLaren Car Launches + 2013
Feb. 15: Red Bull Car Launch + 1929
Feb. 21: Testing Day 1 + 1975
Feb. 22: Testing Day 2 + 2012
Feb. 23: Testing Day 3 and DTS Season 6 + 1958
Feb. 29: Bahrain Day 1 + 1932
Mar. 1: Bahrain Day 2 + 1992
Mar. 2: Bahrain Grand Prix + 2010
Mar. 7: Saudi Arabia Day 1 + 2004
Mar. 8: Saudi Arabia Day 2
Mar. 9: Saudi Arabian Grand Prix
Mar. 22: Australia Day 1
Mar. 23: Australia Day 2 + 2016
Mar. 24: Australian Grand Prix + 2013
Apr. 5: Japan Day 1 + 2009
Apr. 6: Japan Day 2 + 1930
Apr. 7: Japanese Grand Prix
Apr. 19: China Day 1
Apr. 20: China Day 2
Apr. 21: Chinese Grand Prix
May 3: Miami Day 1
May 4: Miami Day 2
May 5: Miami Grand Prix
May 17: Imola Day 1
May 18: Imola Day 2
May 19: Imola Grand Prix
May 24: Monaco Day 1
May 25: Monaco Day 2
May 26: Monaco Grand Prix
Jun. 7: Canada Day 1
Jun. 8: Canada Day 2 + 2014
Jun. 9: Canada Grand Prix
More dates to be added as the season goes on
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daidonzo · 1 year
Chapter 1 - Anti-Hero [Chishiya x Reader]
You had been living in Tokyo for less than a year when you found yourself in the Borderlands.
Luckily, you spoke Japanese quite well because you had studied it since you were a teenager, having been a fan of manga and anime from a young age - which was what lead you to look for exchange studies in Japan. It was expensive, and your good grades only managed to get you a scholarship that covered close to half of it, but your parents were supportive enough that even though you came from a middle-class family, you were able to fulfill your dream.
But suddenly, every single person in the city disappeared just as you were coming out of a coffee shop.
After crying, sobbing and screaming hysterically for what seemed like hours, you found a fancy office building where power had not been shut off. You approached it visibly confused but eager to find someone, something, that would explained what had just happened.
There was a single phone left in a table by the entrance, with a sign saying "PICK ONE!" behind them. First thing you thought was that you could probably use it to call your parents. Surely whatever was affecting Tokyo couldn't have reached your home country, right? You ran towards it, but when you picked it up, the phone lit up and you found only two apps were available: GAME and VISA, no signal whatsoever. What kind of cruel joke was this? Maybe if you went to the highest floor…
You climbed the stairs, because what else could you do?
You arrived at the twentieth floor to find that it was filled with people, maybe 10 or 11, who eyed you either suspiciously or with something that resembled… fear? Why? You opened your mouth to talk, grabbing a young girl by her arm, too scared to demand answers politely…
The voice startled you and you looked around, trying to find the source of it.
"What the…" You started in your native tongue, seeing the girl whose arm you were holding started to cry. What was this?
The voice continued to explain the rules of a game. Simple, really, a game of logic but you were never too good at those and the language barrier was really something you started to worry about because - what if you were missing a certain clue? Also, you had 30 minutes to solve it, individually as you each had to give an answer in a separate room, otherwise, it would be GAME OVER. Okay, so you would lose a stupid game? If you won, would you get clues as to what was going on?
A 40-year old man came close, with a sly smile, looking at your from head to toe. He licked his lips before he asked, in Japanese, "Poor girl, you probably don't understand anything of what's going on, huh?" You looked at him, careful, unsure of whether you should show him that you actually understood everything that he was saying, as well as what was going on. "You don't wanna die, do you?"
Sweat was running down your spine. "What do you mean die?" you wanted to ask, but preferred keeping quiet, wanting to see how the situation unfolded before doing anything. The man in front of you was also not making you feel comfortable, quite the opposite. Just as the thoughts were running through your head and you were starting to feel the panic settling in, a young woman around your age went into one of the office rooms, confidently, apparently to give an answer, but you could not hear it - maybe the rooms were soundproof?
Blood splashed the office window.
You wanted to scream, but were too shocked to do anything. How was she killed? Something or someone must have been inside the room with her… It was not until later that you would find out you had to give your answer with a gun pointed directly to your face.
Nausea overcame any feeling you could have possibly felt, and you had to throw up. Afterwards, while cleaning your mouth with the back of your hand, you looked at the man, who now was laughing maniacally, and spoke in the most broken English you could manage. "Sir, I don't want to die… I don't understand… Can you please help me?" The smile he gave you told you he would indeed help you, but only for a price. You were absolutely disgusted.
But you were going to get through this, no matter what.
No point acting like a hero with your life on the line.
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japanevisaonline · 1 year
Japan tourist visa required documents
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If you're planning to visit Japan as a tourist, you will need to apply for a Temporary Visitor Visa. To apply for this visa, you will need to provide several documents that will be reviewed by the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country.
Here are the required documents for a Japan tourist visa:
Valid Passport: Your passport must be valid for the entire duration of your stay in Japan. If your passport is set to expire soon, it's recommended that you renew it before applying for the visa.
Visa Application Form: You will need to complete a visa application form, which can be downloaded from the website of the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country. The form should be filled out completely and accurately.
Photograph: You will need to provide a recent passport-sized photograph that meets the embassy or consulate's specifications.
Travel Itinerary: You will need to provide a detailed travel itinerary that includes your planned activities, accommodation, and transportation arrangements while in Japan.
Financial Proof: You will need to provide evidence of sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay in Japan. This can include bank statements, credit card statements, or a letter of sponsorship from a Japanese citizen or resident.
Employment Certificate: If you are employed, you will need to provide an employment certificate that confirms your current employment status and salary.
Income Tax Returns: You may also need to provide your income tax returns for the past year.
Other Supporting Documents: Depending on your circumstances, you may need to provide additional documents, such as a letter of invitation from a Japanese citizen or resident, or proof of enrollment in a school or university.
It's important to note that the embassy or consulate may require additional documents beyond those listed above, depending on your individual circumstances.
Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, you can submit your application to the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country. The visa application process can take several days to several weeks, depending on the embassy or consulate and the volume of visa applications being processed. It's recommended that you apply for your visa well in advance of your planned travel dates to avoid any delays or complications.
In conclusion, if you are planning to visit Japan as a tourist, it's important to gather all the necessary documents for a Temporary Visitor Visa to ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience. With careful planning and preparation, you can enjoy an unforgettable trip to one of the most fascinating destinations in the world.
Apply for eVisa Japan: CLICK HERE
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japanevisafaqs · 1 year
Japan tourist visa photo requirements
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When applying for a tourist visa to visit Japan, one of the most important requirements is submitting a photo that meets the specific criteria set by the Japanese embassy or consulate. A correctly formatted photo is essential, as it is used to verify your identity and ensure that your visa application is processed smoothly.
Here are the Japan tourist visa photo requirements:
Size: The photo must be 2 inches by 2 inches (51mm x 51mm).
Color: The photo must be in color and taken against a white background.
Clothing: The subject must be dressed in plain clothes with no patterns or logos.
Expression: The subject must have a neutral facial expression, with both eyes open and looking directly at the camera.
Head Position: The head must be positioned directly facing the camera and centered in the frame.
Glasses: If you wear glasses, they should not obstruct your eyes, and there should be no glare from the lenses.
Head Coverings: Religious head coverings are allowed, as long as they do not cover the face.
Photo Quality: The photo must be high resolution and printed on photo-quality paper. It must be clear and sharp with no pixelation or blurring.
It's essential to note that these requirements may vary depending on the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country. Before taking your photo, make sure to check the specific requirements on their website or by contacting them directly.
If you're having trouble taking a photo that meets these requirements, you can often have one taken at a professional photography studio. They will be familiar with the specific requirements and can provide a correctly formatted photo that meets all the necessary criteria.
In conclusion, submitting a correctly formatted photo that meets the Japan tourist visa photo requirements is essential when applying for a tourist visa to Japan. Be sure to carefully follow the guidelines to ensure that your application is processed without any issues, and you can enjoy a hassle-free visit to this amazing country.
Apply for eVisa Japan: CLICK HERE
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applyforevisajapan · 1 year
Tourist visa Japan requirements
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If you're planning to visit Japan as a tourist, you will need to apply for a tourist visa. Fortunately, the visa application process for Japan is relatively straightforward, and there are several types of visas available depending on the purpose of your visit.
Here are the tourist visa Japan requirements:
Valid Passport: You must have a valid passport that will remain valid throughout your stay in Japan. Your passport should also have at least one blank page for the visa sticker.
Purpose of Visit: As a tourist, your purpose of visit is to explore Japan's culture, attractions, and natural wonders. You'll need to provide documentation that supports your tourism activities, such as a detailed itinerary or hotel reservations.
Financial Stability: You must have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in Japan. The exact amount may vary depending on the length of your stay and the purpose of your visit. You may be asked to provide bank statements or other financial documents as proof of your financial stability.
Return Ticket: You must have a return ticket or onward travel itinerary that shows your intention to leave Japan at the end of your stay.
Criminal Record: You must not have any criminal convictions or a history of visa violations in Japan or any other country.
Health Certificate: Depending on the purpose of your visit and the length of your stay, you may be required to provide a health certificate that proves you're in good health and free from contagious diseases.
Once you've met all the tourist visa Japan requirements, you can apply for your visa through the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country. The visa application process usually takes around five business days, but it may take longer during peak travel seasons.
It's essential to note that as a tourist, you'll be eligible for a single-entry visa, which allows you to stay in Japan for up to 90 days. If you plan to stay for longer or engage in any work-related activities, you'll need to apply for a different type of visa.
In conclusion, if you're planning to visit Japan as a tourist, make sure to meet all the tourist visa Japan requirements and apply for your visa through the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country. With a valid visa, you'll be able to explore all that Japan has to offer, from its vibrant cities and rich cultural heritage to its breathtaking natural landscapes and delicious cuisine.
Apply for eVisa Japan: CLICK HERE
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sand-lily · 1 month
okay, i found 6 work appropriate outfits,,
one is a turtleneck dress tho, so i might look for or buy something else to replace that (i DONT wanna wear that in the summer in a building with no AC)
im going to wash it all and pack it tomorrow, today i gotta find my vacuum bags
if i could pack my ENTIRE closet into a carry on with those in university, im sure i can get half of my current closet in there this time
i also have a zoom meeting Sunday (Monday in Japan) , they don't want me to submit my application until after they check it, but i have everything ready to print as soon as the library opens on Monday
and im just gunna bite the bullet and pay for 1day shipping for my shipping labels for my visa itll be $30ish for a label there and back and i happen to have $30 NOT in my bank account
the hard part is going to be cancelling my internet and quitting my job my background check JUST GOT APPROVED FOR TODAY
(so annoying everybody wants to give me a job when im about to leave but couldn't bother interviewing me 3months ago)
also im supposed to be in NAGOYA, i thought i was supposed to be in osaka, so i had to look up the shinkansen route from the airport to nagoya, THANKFULLY its faster and cheaper , but i have to figure out how to get to the first station, idk if a JR pass works on the bus or if it only works on trains...
BUT, on the bright side, apparently all American passports have an IC chip in them, meaning i can do all the customs stuff on my phone and then SCAN MY PASSPORT and the QR code on my phone and i DONT have to go through customs
i DO have to take a picture of the inside of my suitcase and agree to facial recognition tho to put in the QRcode application, so idk if i wanna do that yet... I'll download the app and see what they ask for before deciding
again, if anybody wants to help me out, check my pinned post
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formulaicons · 3 months
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yuki tsunoda icons
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