#Joshua pieters imagine
supernaturalisbae1 · 7 years
Josh Pieters Jealous
Warnings: smut getting tipsy
Requests open
Being best friends with the guys in the buttercream squad can really wear a person out especially all the parties.
Right now I’m at a night club with the them. Everyone is getting a little drunk. After years with these guys I have a high tolerance for alcohol so I order a another shot of tequila. Some random guys comes and sits beside me.
He is really attractive and I’m a little tipsy so I thought I could have some fun with him. “Hey you here alone?” I ask in a flirty voice. “Ya my girlfriend just broke up with me so I’m kinda on the rebound what about a pretty lady such as yourself?” He replies.
I’m starting to feel bad about flirting with him because I actually have a really big crush on Josh that only Casper knows about. He tries to tell me I have a chance but right now I’m just going to forget about him and have some fun. So I reply back with “I’m here with some friends. What kinda girl is dumb enough to dump a handsome man such as yourself?”
“A bitch that’s who. You wanna dance?” He queried “Sure” I giggled back. He grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor. I we started dancing really close to each other and getting very touchy. I swear I can feel eyes burning into my soul but I can’t find who it is.
I was watching y/n with that stupid jackass with his hands all over her. I HATED it. I know she’s not mine but I want her to be and all the boys tease me about it. All I can think about right now is him touching and and I’m shaking with rage.
Casper suddenly pops up out of nowhere. “Man you got to calm down just go over there and get her she’s drank a lot more tonight then usual she’s just looking for someone cause you won’t make a move. I promise she really likes you man she’s just trying to forget cause she thinks she can’t have you. Now go get her.”
Still pissed and a little buzzed I thank Casper for the pep talk and walk over to her and Jackass.
The alcohol was really starting to get in my system when someone came up behind me a said in an angry voice “Hey dude get lost she’s drunk and you shouldn’t take advantage of her like that.” I immediately recognized that voice as Josh. The guy looked ready to tell him off until he looked up to see how tall and mad Josh was so he said bye and ran off.
I turn around to see Josh with a very angry look on his face as he scolds me and pulls me really close until the guy was on the other side of the bar. I may have been kinda drunk but I swear he looked jealous. When he finally let me go I spoke up “was Joshua jealous?” “I was not I just didn’t like him with his hands touching you and trying to pull you closer” “josh that’s jealous” i deadpanned.
“Come on I’m taking you back to my place I don’t want you driving home this drunk.” He said. I didn’t say anything back I just followed him, he told Conor we were going back to the flat and picked me up. I didn’t say anything about it Josh does this a lot especially when he’s buzzed or drunk because he gets REALLY touchy.
When we got back to the flat I had a headache forming josh gave me a t shirt and a pair of drawstring sweatpants for me to wear and went to make some tea for us to help with my headache. I got changed and took off my bra cause I didn’t want to sleep in it and figured Josh wouldn’t care. I threw my clothes in the wash and sat down on a stool at the island in their flat.
Josh handed me some tea to sober us up, and sat next to me. I leaned into his side and he put his arm around me. I got an idea and decided to go with it before I lost all my drunkenness and got to scared I leaned up and whispered in his ear “I’m so glad you got jealous and possessive and scared that guy away.” I leaned back so I could see his face and bit my lip suggestingly and added “it was really hot”
Josh turned away and blushed before he answered with “God you really must be drunk.” “ Josh I want you to look at me I’m not drunk I really have liked you for a long time and seeing you get possessive really turned me on.” His eyes widened and I thought he didn’t feel the same way. I was about to turn around and walk away when he pushed me up against the wall.
“Y/n I have loved you for so long and have waited for this day but I couldn’t stand his hands all over you because your mine.” Josh said in a really deep voice with his eyes almost black. He kissed me very suddenly and roughly but it was also passionate like I always dreamed it would be.
He whispered “jump” so I obeyed and wrapped my legs around his waist with him hands on my bum. He took me away from the wall and started to walk towards his bedroom while I kissed his neck and nibbled on the sweet spot behind his ear lobe as he moaned. I tried my best to move my hips to create some friction as he tried to open his door he moaned again and I felt him getting harder by the minute.
He finally opened the door and ran to the bed and dropped me while he crawled on very quickly after and attached my neck sucking and nibbling on my sweet spots as he growled in my ear “mine.”
I have never seen him so possessive I don’t know what’s gotten into him but I like it he is usually sweet and kind but he is acting very possessive and rough. I buck my hips and moan some more.  Moaning his name he starts kissing down my body until he reaches the hem of my (his) shirt and rips it off of me.
He realizes I don’t have a bra on pretty quick and I blush but soon he just attacks them with kisses and swirls his tongue around one nipple and nibbles it as he massages the other one then switches. The whole time I moan his name in pain and pleasure from his roughness.
I tug his shirt over his head and he undoes his belt and takes off his pants. Leaving me in his sweatpants and him in his boxers. Without skipping a beat he pulls my (again his) pants down and slides them off my legs. He kissed in between my thighs and spreads my legs apart. He very slowly pulls off my underwear with his teeth and then his tongue finds my clit. I moan and he says “who makes you feel like this y/n who”
Barely able to think straight be cause of the pleasure he was giving me I managed to say “only you josh” “That’s right baby your mine and only mine” he growls as he eats me out.
He comes up and leans down and takes off his boxers. His large member flies up and I lowly gasp as he smirks and within seconds he plunges into me and I feel so much pain I bite shoulder and scratch his back. But it quickly turns to pleasure as he thrusts hard and deep into me each time. I starts to scream his name and he starts giving me hickeys all over my body and I scratch his back, sure to leave marks in the morning.
I can feel my orgasm coming and I say “J-josh I-I-I’m gonna” and he says “Cum with me baby and that’s sends me over the edge and he spills with me. He lays there in me and resting on me with his forearms on either side of my head to not put all his weight on me for a few moments until he pulls out and rolls over wiping the sweat off of both our faces.
I whimper at the loss of contact and he pulls me on top of him and I quit. "Y/n I love you and have loved you for a very long time so when that guy started talking to you it made me mad and I got jealous I know you probably feel like this is just a one night stand but I was wondering if you’d be my girlfriend.”
I was astonished he’d asked me “Yes of course Josh I would never just want a one night stand with you I love you and would love to be together.” That night i fell asleep on top of Josh. When i woke up I was super SUPER sore. I rolled off of Josh and groaned really loudly.
This woke up Josh and within a matter of seconds he hovered over me “are you okay” he asked worriedly. “Ya I’m just kinda sore from last night.” “I’m so sorry you should have told me to stop or go easier” he said as he looked at all the bruises and hickeys he left all over you.
He got up and grabbed a pair of boxers and slipped them on. I told him “It’s alrighty baby I had so much fun last night and I don’t regret a thing you shouldn’t either.” He smiled and replied “I don’t deserve you.” And handed me his shirt as I reassured him he does deserve me and I’m the lucky one.
I tried to get up but very quickly fell back down in pain. Josh caught me and apologized again I wish he wouldn’t do that if I was having a bad time I would have told him it was my decision too. 
Josh picked me up and carried me to the kitchen and made me breakfast, when Conor and Jack came in.
“Really getting at it last night weren’t you guys.” Conor said and I blushed and hid my face with my hands. Then Jack added “OH JOSH OH JOSH OM MY GAAAAAAAAA JOSH” I’m a really high voice. Josh walked over to me and handed me toast and I thanked him and kissed him.
All the sudden Jack looked at Josh’s back and called Conor over and they gasped and touched his back and he flinched and hissed. I immediately turned him around to see what was wrong and there were deep scratches and dark red marks. “Wow y/n has hickeys and bruises all over her and can’t walk and Josh has got scratches and bite marks on him I didn’t know you guys were so rough.” Conor said
I hid my face in Josh’s neck and apologized profusely. “Baby it’s alright it’s not that bad you can’t even walk!” Josh told me. “Wait really she can’t walk!!?” Jack said surprised and Josh nodded them they highfived to which I just hid my face in Josh’s chest. He carried me to the couch and we lazier around and watched movies all day.
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Pictures - Josh Pieters imagine
A/N: the Josh Pieters imagine I promised a few days ago is finally online! I hope you enjoy it :D
{Requests are open}
“We should really do something with that wall.” Those were the exact words you spoke out loud a few days ago, while staring at the empty wall in your bedroom. You had recently moved into a new apartment with your boyfriend Josh, after being together for roughly a year, and you were both trying to make this place into a home.
“I remember having a wall full of pictures when I was younger. All memories that I didn’t want to escape, that I wanted to carry with me forever.” You said with a smile on your lips.
“Then why don’t we make our own?” Josh suggested while wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder.
“Are you serious?”
“Yes. We’ve got so many beautiful memories together already that I never want to escape. I want to be able to remember them every day.”
And so it came that you had  lots of photos processed of memories you had together, as well as a few from the time before you knew each other. So here you were, with a stack of photos in your hand, admiring how your boyfriend carefully put them on the empty wall of the bedroom.
You smiled seeing the photo that was up next: it was a picture of you and Josh both fast asleep in an airplane, your head resting on his shoulder and his head resting on yours. It was the first time you two went on a holiday together and it had been your favourite one yet.
“I remember that day. Must be one of my favourite so far.” Josh said planting a kiss on your forehead, before putting the picture on the wall. You sat down on the bed thinking back to the day this picture was taken. Josh put himself next to you, staring at the next picture on the pile, also taken on that day. It displayed you and him on the beach sitting next to each other, his arm wrapped around you, your head on his shoulder, both watching the sunset.
“That day was one of the most beautiful days I’ve ever had. What a struggle getting there though.” Josh chuckled and you laughed, because the road to that day indeed wasn’t an easy one. “All thanks to the Maynards. Got to love them” and you both cracked up laughing.
Your relationship with Josh had had quite a rough start. About a year and a half ago, you had moved to London to study there. Being a cousin of the Maynards and having a relatively good relationship with them, they suggested that you moved into the same building and that’s also how you met Josh. Your apartment was basically next door, so you could pay visits to your cousins regularly and the other way around. These visits gave you the ideal chance to get to know Josh better and that’s how you started having feelings for him, and they ended up being mutual.
But the fact that you were a cousin of the Maynards, ended up being a huge disadvantage. Apparently, the boys had imposed a rule in their group of friends that dating family members was out of the blue, so there you were, both having feelings for the other, but unable to be together. “Let’s just sneak around” Josh had suggested one day and that’s how you two started dating, without anyone knowing, for three whole months. Until that day.
Conor, Jack and Josh had decided to go on a holiday as roommates, and as you had been practically living at their apartment for the past months, they had invited you too. You agreed to coming, even though it would not be an easy task to hide your feelings for Josh for two whole weeks and sneaking around there wouldn’t be as easy as it was back home. To make the matter even worse, they had booked your seats next to each other on the plane, and Jack and Conor were sitting in front of you. You tried to avoid touching your boyfriend, even tried to avoid looking at him, but drastically failed when you fell asleep on his shoulder and he fell asleep on your head. Of course the two brothers couldn’t do else than take a picture and mock the two of you with it.
“We have to tell them”, you said to the ginger boy as soon as you had a short moment for the two of you. Up until now, he had always refused, because he was scared for their reaction, but there and then he simply said “Okay.”
“Are you sure?”
“More than ever. I want to be able to enjoy this vacation with the person I love without having to hide. We’ll tell them at dinner.” He said with a smile before quickly pecking your lips, making sure the brothers weren’t looking.
A few hours later you were sitting in a restaurant having dinner, trying to find the right moment to tell the Maynards. So between the main dish and dessert, you looked Josh in the eye and started talking.
“Conor, Jack, euhm… there’s something I have to tell you. Well, that we have to tell you.”  The boys stopped talking and looked at the two of you.
“It’s okay, we know.” Conor started laughing.
“You do?” Josh and you both asked in unison.
“It’s kind of obvious: Josh stopped hitting on girls at the club, the way you two look at each other, the way you were sleeping during the flight…” Jack continued.
“Plus, we saw you kissing earlier.” Both brothers started laughing and all you did was sigh in relief. You took Josh’s hand and gently squeezed it, trying to make him feel more comfortable. He gave you a smile and kissed you on the forehead, relieved as well.
“Oh look at you two cuties.” Jack started making kissing sounds.
“So you two are really okay with it?” You asked to be sure.
“Of course, after all it’s a stupid rule, and we’re both really happy for the two of you.” And with that dessert came and you could all enjoy the rest of your meal, relieved that you no longer had to hide. Afterwards you all decided to watch the sunset on the beach and that was where the second photo was taken by one of the Maynard brothers.
“We should actually thank those two for taking two of my favourite pictures of us.” You said with a chuckle, as Josh put the picture with the sunset on the wall.
“Yeah, we should”, and once again you were both laughing.
“I love you, Josh Pieters.” You softly whispered as you hugged him.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
A/N: Thank you so much for the support I’ve been having on all the imagines I’ve published so far. It’s almost unbelievable for me that so many people enjoy reading my work and I appreciate every single like, reblog, comment and follow ♥
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oh-ishouldnt · 6 years
b o y f r i e n d s | Buttercream Squad
Hey guys! For the first time since I started uni, I'm having a break (kinda, I actually have a lot of stuff to read but I'm ignoring this for now), so I decided to do one of those list-imagines things, because why not, right? Hope y'all having a lovely week!
Say he doesn't want to go to fast but also "I really really like you" (really sounding amazing with his accent);
Open that gorgeous smile he has while you enter in the kitchen every morning;
Go traveling, but always sending you pics of the most magical places and promising you two will travel together;
And you both actually going to those places eventually;
Have Joe annoying you because you "stole his best friend".
All the boys making fun of Caspar because you are his 2792278227th girlfriend;
But having all of them admit that they believe you are the one at the end;
Go to LA with him and making all his american friends impressed by how cute Caspar is with you;
Being called "uncle Caspar" and being the favorite of each kid of your family;
"How can you be so sexy dancing?" when you are just moving your hips around while you are cooking.
Met him actually in LA;
Was shy, but when he decided to open his heart, you met all of him;
Make Conor sing to you while it's raining;
"Y/N, babe, I'm working" "Conor, you are just staring the paper and the pen. You are doing this for one whole hour, come watch a movie with me!" "I didn't write anything yet because the world isn't ready for my next hit. I'm waiting the world, ok?";
Late night talks.
Smirk a lot;
Actually taking more time than you to dress up (every time);
Being lost in his blue eyes in the middle of a fight "This is so unfair!" "Well, it isn't my fault momma made me this gorgeous";
It was only a night-stand thing but then you two became friends and ooops so in love;
Teaming up with Anna just to drive Jack mad.
Get close to him thinking he would never like you so you act totally crazy and 100% you, what makes him fall in love instantly;
"Sooo... About all those never been used products of your sister's range in your bathroom..." "Fine, you can use them to take a bath today, Y/N";
Never jealous;
Cooks dinner and you are in charge of dessert;
Always thinking about the next step of your relationship.
Intense fights:
Even more intense after-fight sex;
Sarcastic af, but never being mean and always apologizing if he thinks you are upset (you never are);
Deciding to keep things between you two in secret, but messing it up with Caspar because he couldn't stop smiling for the first couple weeks (however managing to keep everyone else out of track);
Playful in public, sweet and gentle at home.
Always bringing you chocolate and flowers;
Anxious when you two fight;
Cute laugh every little compliment you give to him;
Loves every pic you post on the gram and always saying to people follow you;
Never being organized enough to film videos and post them at the right time, so you always end up in some sort of tag video late in the night.
Always cheering you up;
And making you be amazed every day by how determined he is;
Laughs at your clumsiness, but always helping you;
"Oli, I want icecream" "Y/N, it is freezing outside!" "I know, but I want ice cream!" "Fiiiine";
Being your best friend and always giving you the best hugs ever.
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1larryunicorns1 · 7 years
I'm going to be taking requests here 😊😊😊
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dwwak · 6 years
Jack Maynard Short Imagine
Requested: No (requests are open) Triggers: None Word Count: 860
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You are cozied up on your couch, wrapped like a burrito with your fuzzy blanket early in the morning watching the London sun rise, stretching it its coloured arms across the sky. Your hands are warmed by the hot coffee in one of your favourite mugs, you hear Jack’s feet patter down the hallway; getting closer to you. Hearing Jack coming closer your face raised in a smile accompanied with rosy, heated cheeks. Jack jumps over the back of the couch, landing right next to you. He puts his head in your lap and lies down.
“Morning, babe.” You say as you begin to run your fingers through his bedhead.
Jack looks up to you, “Kiss me?” his raspy voice whines a bit.
Chuckling a bit you tell him no, “You haven’t brushed your nasty breath, there is no way in hell I’m going to kiss that hole right now.”
“Oi, your breath isn’t any better than mine!” Jack whined once again.
“At least mine smells like coffee and not the dead.” You giggle as you put your mug down on the coffee table, “We need to go, before we miss our flight.”
You wiggle yourself off the couch while Jack sits himself up. You look at Jack and give a little smirk, the smirk sparks Jack with energy. Jack gets off the couch and starts to run toward you, you don’t dare to move. You just close your eyes and squeal with joy as Jack runs up to you and wraps his arms around you. Jack spreads kisses all over your blushing face, you embrace the jolt of energy from Jack.
“Okay, okay! We are really going to miss our flight.” You giggle out as Jack places one last kiss on your forehead.
“Ah, I like it here. Let’s stay home, I’m too tired.”
You laugh a little at Jack’s squirminess, “Okay. But you have to cancel everything, and I’ll go back to sleep while you do it.”
Jack’s face went straight, right away he let go of you and sprinted toward the bedroom where all your baggage sat waiting.
Hours later you and Jack finally checked in to your guy’s room at the front desk, pulling your baggage and down the hall with Jack following behind with his own baggage you head to your guy’s shared bedroom.  Right as you slid the card into the door and it opened you dropped your bags at the door and sprinted toward the bed, you flopped right onto the well-made bed; with Jack following behind. With both of you lying on the bed chuckling you bask in the simple, happy moment between you two.
“You ready to eat my snow, lover-boy?” You tease Jack ass you get up and get your things from the hallway.
“Are you ready to eat your words?” Jack teases back at you as he gathers his snow gear together.
You and Jack made it to the mountain, you both face the steep way down to the coffee house that looks like a tiny house for an ant.
You pull down your ski goggles and slide down the snowy slope, you stop and look up to Jack, “ Your move.” You smile at Jack
Jack gives you a smirk, “Eat my dust!” Jack pulls down his goggles and started down the slope with his snowboard. You let out a small chuckle and follow him down.
After just a minute you two stop for a moment, “First of all, there is no dust up here. Second, don’t go crying when you lose.” You snicker at Jack.
After a whole day of covering Jack in snow you two finally made it back to the lodge and relaxed together with some good food in your bellies. Jack was sprawled out on the bed editing one the vlog that would be going up the next day, you were occupying yourself with your phone while listening to music.
Some time later you plugged your phone, putting it down next to the bed you rolled yourself onto the bed. Rolling next to Jack you look up to his concentrated face, “You are so serious.” You say with a funny accent.
Jack looks down to you and places a kiss on your lips, “You are so hot.”
You kiss him back with a smile, “So are you.”
Jack closes his laptop and places it on the ground, he turns back to you and kisses you again. He continues to kiss you, slowly placing them down your neck and back to your lips.
You stop him before his lips carry him away, “Watch yourself before you wreck yourself, babe.”  You kiss him one more time before you snuggle yourself down into the bed’s blanket. “You have to turn the lights off.”
Jack laughs a bit, “You’re an ass.” Jack got up and turned the room lights off, walking back to the bed Jack stubbed his toe. All types cuss words run out of Jack’s mouth, without any sympathy you laugh a bit.
Jack wiggles into the bed, after whining a bit, and faces you. “You’re going to pay tomorrow.”
“Love, I’m the poor the one.”
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buttercreamlove · 7 years
Joe is me at a club 😂
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
Tell him // Josh Pieters
Word Count- 1214
Summary- You’re in love with a certain redhead giant, but you’re afraid to tell him, so the Maynard’s help you out.
Warnings; N/A
A/n; Wow i’m posting this is weird. I post more on my other sideblog these days because I have like 30 requests to write for it so I’m so sorry I’ll try to balance these better x
Requested; Yeah, by @trxatyoubvtter
req; Hey lovely 😊 How are you ? I would love if you could do a one shot with Josh, where the girl is friend with the boys and she loves Josh but she’s too shy and think he’s way out of her league, and all the other boys know but Josh don’t (it’s just an idea but you can change it if you think of something else) with the prompt : “are you stupid or stupid?” and «Do it. I dare you »
You paced nervously in front of the mirror. You’d dolled up for the boy you’d been in love with for 2 years, Josh Pieters. Sadly, he’d shown no signs of acknowledgement of your feelings, let alone any sign of reciprocation. So you hid your feelings. Or, you thought you did, anyways.
“You’re staring at him. Again.” Conor said, rolling his eyes. You peeled your eyes off Josh, who was chilling outside with a beer in hand and chatting happily to Jack, and moved your gaze to the boy next to you. “Huh?” You questioned, confused. Conor huffed, looking at you with an obvious expression. “You’ve been staring at Josh for a solid hour, Y/N.”
You turned bright red; you’d been caught. “I-I.. no..” you tried to cover for your actions, but Conor shook his head. “We all know you’re in love with Josh, Y/N. No point in trying to hide it.” Conor said, sending you a sad smile. You froze. They knew. “A-A-All of you?” You stuttered, nervously. “All of us, except him.” He clarified.
You sighed with relief. He didn’t know. “But, Y/N, I think you should tell him. That idiot is oblivious.” Conor told you, and you instantly shook your head. You glanced at him through the window before turning back to Conor. “Josh is way of my league. He’d never like me.” Oli walked by right at that moment, and scoffed. “Oh please, Y/N. Do it. I dare you. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.” He said, and walked off. “Your choice, but Oli’s right.” Conor said, patting your shoulder and grabbing a beer, before joining his brother and Josh outside.
Hence why you were so incredibly nervous right now. You’d told the two later on, after pondering their suggestions, to tell Josh while you were intoxicated. You were such a shy person, around him especially, that realistically, this was the only way you could confess without backing out. You weren’t the most confident person when you were drunk, but you didn’t process things the same and you had a carefree spirit. Honestly, you were surprised you hadn’t already accidentally told Josh.
You glanced nervously at your outfit. Usually when you went to clubs you only put on a casual outfit; skirt and top, or casual dress. Today, you’d gone full out. Makeup, hair styled, tight cocktail dress, heels and a matching purse. You were unsure now though, because you didn’t look like yourself. You didn’t have time to change though, so you were leaving with what you had on. Putting on a smile and flattening out the dress one final time, you left the bathroom, meeting Jack and Conor in the living room.
“Damn.” Jack said, eyes wide as he looked you up and down. You blushed, automatically embarrassed. They thought you looked terrible; you should’ve known. “If you weren’t so obviously in love with Josh, I would’ve asked you out.” Jack joked, winking at you. “Shut up, Jack.” You muttered, cheeks flushing even darker. (You didn’t think it was possible, but low and behold..) “Let’s just go, the Uber’s already here.” You said, and the boys nodded, agreeing.
You three arrived at the bar, waiting outside for the rest of the guys meeting you tonight; Joe, Caspar, Oli, Mikey, Byron, and of course, Josh. You were freezing, you’d forgotten a jacket in your state of panic over your dress. Not smart; you should’ve known it would be cold, it’s London, it’s always cold. Jack saw you shivering, and gently took off his jacket and put it over you. “Thanks.” You smiled, Jack nodded, smiling himself.
To someone afar, it may have looked like a romantic gesture. Some may think your relationship with Jack was romantic; but it wasn’t. He was a brother to you. Everyone who knew you, knew that. It didn’t cross Josh’s mind though, as he saw the action, and it made his blood boil. He didn’t know why. It made him angry for some reason, and he rolled his eyes as you and Jack smiled at each other.
The 6 of them walked over, meeting you, Jack and Conor at the doors. “Finally!It’s so cold, I’m sure my willy is three times smaller than when we got here!” Conor exclaimed, and you all looked at him like he was insane. “Uh, I had a few drinks while Y/N was getting ready. Don’t look at me like that, she takes a long time!” He said, putting his hands up in surrender. You all shook your head at him, and entered the bar.
The night passed quickly, drinks being downed and music blasting throughout the night. You had been avoiding josh purposely, since you’d promised Conor you would confess tonight, and you’d rather not. You hoped the alcohol would’ve helped, but it seems you were out of luck. You turned and saw Conor looking your way, most likely trying to get your attention. He motioned to his watch. You shook your head, and he sighed.
He turned and walked away, where, you didn’t know. Jack came up behind you coming from who the hell knows where, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the dance floor. Josh watched from afar as you and Jack danced together happily. “You should just ask her, you know.” A voice popped up behind Josh, making him jump. “My god, Conor.” He said, placing a hand on his racing heart.
“I’m serious, mate. She likes you.” Conor said, gesturing to you. Josh rolled his eyes. “I’m pretty sure she doesn’t. Look at how she’s acting with your brother.” He spat, glaring at the youngest Maynard. Conor laughed. “Seriously, Josh? Are you stupid, or stupid? You know Y/N is like a sister to us. Both of us.” Josh looked at you reluctantly. “Dude, honestly. I wouldn’t push you if I didn’t know she liked you.” Conor said, his tone changing from joking to serious.
With a deep breath, Josh began walking towards you and Jack. “Holy shit. I can’t believe that worked.” Conor whispered, laughing to himself, before going to get another drink. You felt a hand on your shoulder, and you turned to see Josh. “Hey, Josh!” You said, happily. Josh grabbed your shoulders and quickly pulled you into a kiss, afraid he’d change his mind if he didn’t do it right away. You kissed back immediately, arms wrapped around his shoulders. Jack slipped away, the action going unnoticed by the two of you.
You pulled away for air. “I like you, Y/N.” Josh said, nervously. “No shit, dumbass.” You said, laughing. He looked disappointed, so you smiled softly. “But it’s okay, because I like you too.” His face lit up, and you thought it was the cutest thing ever. Out of nowhere, both the Maynard brothers and Oli popped up. “TOLD YOU SO!” They screamed, and ran away, back to who-the-hell knows where.
You and Josh laughed, “For once, yeah, Conor was right about something.” You said, and you heard a “HEY!” in the background. How that boy heard you over the blasting music, you’d never know. You didn’t care at this moment. You and Josh danced together for the rest of the night, and you hoped you remembered this tomorrow.
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Oops I think I’m in love with Josh Pieters again
Send help
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youtubedjustin · 7 years
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Serving looks left and right jeez
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supernaturalisbae1 · 7 years
Jack Maynard - Unapproved ft. Joe Sugg
Thank you for requesting and guys requests are still open!! Check out my masterlist! Hi my name is Y/n Sugg. I have been best friends with the buttercream squad for almost as long as my brother Joe Sugg. I always had a crush on Conor's younger brother Jack Maynard, but he was always a player so I never really did anything with him, that is until about 7 months ago. Around a year ago I noticed Jack wasn't even really hooking up with girls, they were still all over him it he never took them home. I never told anyone but I was happy he wasn't hooking up with girls left and right. This really only made my feelings for Jack stronger. Then almost 7 months ago to the day Jack told he had liked me for a long time. I remember it like it was yesterday. Flashback I was hanging out with Conor and Jack in their flat. Josh had left to go get some groceries earlier that day. We were watching a movie when Conor pulled me out of my thoughts. "Hey guys I'm gonna go catch a movie in town with a girl I know, you guys can stay here. I'll probably be back late tonight so don't wait up." I nodded my head understanding what he was getting at. But something made me curious, Conor whispered something in Jack's ear before he left. Jack looked over at me nervously then glared at Conor who just chuckled. I didn't know what was going on so I ignored it and watched the movie. Once the movie was over I was about to leave thinking I would bother Jack if i stayed to long but he stopped me. "Hey y/n," I looked at him waiting for him to continue. He rubbed the back of his neck but went on. "There's this girl I really like and have for awhile now and I want to tell her how I feel but I want to make sure she likes me first. Do you have any advice." This really broke my heart, but it was time to be a big girl so I gave him advice. "My advice would be to go up to her and almost kiss her, like so close your lips are almost touching, then look her in the eyes. If she leans up and kisses you, she likes you. If she doesn't she well doesn't. All of the sudden Jack started leaning closer. My breath hitched, he was talking about me. He did exactly what I said. Our lips were almost touching and we were staring into each other's eyes. I finally realized in my mind he was waiting for me to kiss him. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him the rest of the way to me. It was a soft gentle kiss that I would never forget. Flashback end* That's how I started dating Jack Maynard. We still haven't told Joe yet. I was afraid of how he would react because of Jacks history. I know of Jack's long history of being a player but he has changed. I love him and he loves me. I was hanging out with Jack at Joe and I's place. Joe was sitting next to me on one side with Jack on the other. I really wanted some alone time with Jack so I went to the bathroom. Then texted Joe and told him that I started my period and needed him to get me tampons. FROM JOE: Do I have to I'm right in the middle of the movie Y/n. TO JOE: Please Joe I only have one left do you really want me to bleed all over everything! FROM JOE: Fine but stay away from the hormone Jack. TO JOE: Come on he's not that bad he quit hooking up with girls like a year ago. Joe didn't answer but when I came out he was putting on his jacket and shoes. "Bye guys. Jack keep your hormonal hands off my sister." He said right before he shut the door. "I'm sorry about him I think he was dropped on his head as a baby. But I bought us half an hour to ourselves." I said to Jack as I cuddled up against him. "I like the sound of that." He replied. The movie finished and Jack and I started kissing which lead to a heated makeout session. I was on top of him straddling him in my lap. Our hands were in each other's hair and I'm sure we looked like we just had sex even though we didn't. Jack started to lay me down on the couch. He was on top of me but held himself up with his fire arms. He started kissing my neck and I moaned and felt him giving me a hickey. All the sudden I heard a scream "JACK!" Jack jumped off of me practically to the other side of the room. Joe was about to start punching him so I ran over and dragged Joe into the other room. "Really HIM why HIM HE'S a player!" Joe half shouted at me. "No JOE he was a player." I started getting mad. I was 20 I wasn't a kid anymore and he couldn't keep treating me like one. "How long?" Joe tried to say calmly but I could tell his blood was boiling and he was ready to burst. "7 months." I told him quietly. I know I should have told him and I didn't want to lie so knowing he really couldn't get any angrier than he already was I just told him. "YOU HAVE GOT ME BE KIDDING ME OVER HALF A YEAR AND HE DIDN'T TELL ME." Joe started to walk out of the room probably to Jack. I put my hand on his chest and pushed making him go back a couple of steps, since we both we very lean and didn't have a whole ton of muscle. "Joe stop it was my idea to not tell you because I knew you would react harshly, just like you are now. I should have told you sooner but can you really blame me you haven't approved of him the moment you met him. AND you never approve of anyone. I'm not a kid anymore Joe I can make my own decisions." I snapped at him. "I just don't want him to hurt you. You know he has a history with girls just as much as I do." He said loudly but not quite yelling. Now it was my turn to yell "EXACTLY JOE A HISTORY NOT NOW. HE QUITE HOOKING UP WOTH GIRLS THREE MONTHS BEFORE WE EVEN GOT TOGETHER. HE HAS CHANGED WHY CANT YOH SEE THAT?" "I can't see that because in a couple of months from now when he finally gets tired of you and thinks you aren't worth it even though you are, you're gonna be sobbing and I'll feel bad even though i told you what was going to happen." Joe said more calmly this time probably trying to calm me down. "But why does it have to end that way Joe why does it have to end bad. What if we get married and have kids. That's a possibility to you know. So if you can't see he's changed maybe I should just leave." I grabbed my coat and phone and walked out the door ignoring Jack yelling my name and Joe slamming the door. I walked out into the street before I realized what happened. By the time I noticed it was too late. JOE'S POV Why does she have to do this I'm not trying to be the bad guy here in trying to save her. Maybe I can give Jack a chance but if/when he hurts her I'm going to kill the man whore. I got a call from my sisters phone. That's weird it's been all of ten minutes. I answered it anyone but before I could say anything someone started talking. "Joe this is Jack just listen to me when y/n stormed out she got hit by a truck because she wasn't paying attention to where she was going she's in an ambulance on the way to the hospital but she's in a coma." Jack cried.
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somewhat-sidemen · 7 years
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Just a thing I made, Buttercream x types of friends :)
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buttercreamroyalty · 7 years
Send me some usernames!
So, I've seen this game where you anonymously send me usernames by anon and I answer if: I follow them They follow me What do I think about them Let's do it!
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Quickly : Jack Maynard Smut
(y/n is really close with conor but one night when he’s asleep she goes into the bathroom to find his horny brother)
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You and Conor first met on a tinder date. At first you really fancied him, and over the last few months you have both taken it slow but have gotten really close. You have both discussed your commitment issues and Conor totally agrees. You would love to be a in a relationship with Conor, you really would, but you love the freedom of being single. You were a very sexual person and so you have many one night stands. The first time you and Conor had sex was after a night out together – it was such an amazing feeling to finally relieve all of the sexual tension that had been building up between the two of you. Lets just say you honestly struggled to walk the next day.
To be honest, yours and Conor’s relationship was a bit complicated. You were basically together, but sometimes you did get with other people. It did annoy you when Conor had sex with other girls because you did really like him – the jealousy would always bubble through your body yet you couldn’t do anything about it as you also slept with other people.
You both agreed not to kiss anyone in front of each other to rub it in your/his face. Conor always got jealous, too. One time when he caught you kissing a guy at Joe’s party it totally went off – the guy left with a nose bleed.
However, one thing that you really struggled with was Jack fucking Maynard. Conor’s little brother was the most irritating shit you had ever met. He always knew how to get under your skin and how to piss you off. You have no idea why he decided to be a dick to you the moment he met you, but he always has and you’re sure he always will.
It started off with little digs and rude comments that did actually offend you, but as you spent more time with Conor you realised what his brother was actually like. His comments did not offend you nowadays and you would normally tend to say something back – leading to an argument.
Conor normally laughed at your little arguments with Jack, but sometimes when they got too personal he’d have to stop them. Jack knew exactly how to wind you up and you hated it.
You were sat in your London apartment watching some TV when your phone buzzed. It was Conor.
‘What you doing tonight? Xx’
‘I have nothing planned, why? Xx’
‘Wanna come out? Me and the boys xx’
‘Sure xx’
‘Good, get ready and meet us at ours in an hour? Xx’
‘An hour? I cant get ready in an hour!! X’
‘Well hurry then babe ;) xx’
You sighed and put your phone on the side. Walking to your wardrobe, you thought about what you were going to wear tonight. You didn’t even know where you were going – most probably a club.
1 hour and 23 minutes later, you were in an uber on the way to Conor’s. You had chosen to wear a simple black dress. But you were starting to doubt it as it was really tight and showed your chest off a lot. You had to keep pulling it up at the top.
You thanked your driver and stepped out of the car, buzzing the apartment you needed and making your way up. It was quite hard to walk in the shoes you were wearing as they were so high. When you walked in, all the boys were there.
“Hey Y/N!” Joe greeted you as he was the first one to see you.
“Hi!” You replied just as Conor spotted you. The music was up quite loud so it was no surprise that the others didn’t hear you come in.
“About time.” Conor laughed when he reached you, pressing a quick kiss to your lips and wrapping his arms around your waist. His hair was in it’s usual style and Conor was wearing a white t shirt under a black leather jacket along with some black ripped skinny jeans.
“I’m only like 20 minutes too late!” You defended yourself, snaking your arms up around Conor’s neck.
“Mmh whatever.” He hummed and kissed you again. He lightly pushed you up against the front door as the kiss got more intense and that’s when you had to pull away, shooting him a warning look to say not in front of his friends.
“Can we go now? Oh hi Y/N!” Caspar said, sending a small wave to you.
“Hi Casp.” You smiled.
“Right, lets go then.” Conor said quickly before grabbing your hand and opening the door.
“What is up with you?” You asked Conor as you were walking back down the steps of his apartment block.
“Nothing. You just look really good tonight.” He grinned, tightening his grip on your hand.
When you all finally got to the club, Jack insisted that everyone does shots. You all sat in the corner around a large table, of course you were next to Conor. Jack arrived to the table with a tray full of shots as everyone cheered and took one.
Throwing your head back, you downed the shot quickly. The alcohol burned your throat and you pulled a disgusted face. Everyone sat at the table for a while, enjoying their drinks.
“I wanna look for some girls.” Jack told everyone as he slammed his empty cup down on the table.
“Of course you do.” You snorted, not thinking he would hear. But when you saw his eyes connect with yours as he pulled an evil look, you knew he had heard you.
“Excuse me?” Jack asked.
“Nothing.” You smiled sarcastically at him. You felt Conor’s hand go to your thigh.
“Didn’t think so, slag.” Jack replied.
“What the fuck did you call me?” You felt yourself getting more and more angry at him as he sat there with a smug look plastered across his face.
“Oh, you didn’t hear me? I called you a slag.”
“Says you?! Jack you have slept with way more people than I have so I don’t really think you’re in a position to call me a slag.” You argued back, taking a sip of your wine.
“All I’m saying is I know a slag when I see one.” He put his hands up, trying to look innocent.
“And all I’m saying is you’re a dick head. Go find a girl then, like you wanted.” You said to him, wanting nothing more than for him to go away.
“I’d rather stay here and piss you off.” He grinned. For a second, you almost smiled back. You hated yourself for it – but you secretly found Jack very attractive, and when he grins at you like this it makes your heart melt a little.
“Right, well you two can stay here and argue but I’m going to have a good time.” Conor announced as he finished his drink.
You hadn’t even noticed, but everyone else had gone to dance. Conor got up, pressed a kiss to your cheek and went to join the others on the dance floor. For some reason, Jack scooted closer to you on the seat.
“Notice how he didn’t even defend you? Because he knows you’re a slag.” Ouch. Jack’s words hurt you a lot, but you wouldn’t let him know that.
“Shut up.” You mumbled, feeling yourself becoming weaker in this argument.
“You know I’m right. It’s why he doesn’t want you to be his girlfriend,” Jack came even closer. “He just wants you to stick around so he can have sex on tap.”
“Fuck off, Jack, seriously.” You sighed.
“I’m his brother, so I would know.” He added, placing a hand on your thigh which suddenly made your breathing increase.
“You’re just trying to wind me up. Stop.” You replied, pushing his hand off and turning to try and locate Conor. Your heart dropped when you spotted him, dancing very intimately with a brunette. You quickly looked away, knowing that they’ll be kissing any time soon and you didn’t want to put yourself through that.
“See? He doesn’t fucking want you.” Jack growled, his lips so close to your ear. You felt so fucking hurt, the alcohol and Jack’s words were really getting to you and you hated it.
Suddenly, you felt Jack’s lips against your neck. This is the last thing that you had expected to happen. As he kissed and nipped at your skin with his soft lips, your eyes fluttered closed and you felt yourself biting down onto your bottom lip. This was Conor’s younger brother doing this – and you suddenly felt super guilty when you felt your underwear getting damp.
“Jack,” You breathed. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Jack pulled away from you and you almost whined at the loss of contact. He stared at you for a few seconds with no expression, just blinking. You didn’t know what the hell he was thinking but you weren’t sure if you wanted to know.
“I just came over to say that if I were you two, I wouldn’t be doing that. Conor is just over there.” You looked up to see Joe, drink in his hand and a concerned look on his face.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, mate.” Jack replied as he stood to his feet.
“Just saying.” Joe replied, holding his hands up as though he was defending himself.
The night was coming to an end and you all made your way out the uber. After your little incident with Jack, you decided to spend the night with Josh and Joe, downing lots more shots and dancing like idiots. They both made you laugh a lot, helping the fact that Conor was in the corner busy with another girl. Thankfully, Conor climbed into the uber by himself.
“Hey babe.” He slurred, pressing a sloppy kiss to your cheek.
You almost wanted to push him away. But you remembered the rules, Conor wasn’t doing anything wrong and you weren’t in a relationship. Jack’s words came back to you, stinging a little. As the uber had to fit all of you in, it was kind of like a mini bus and so you had to sit opposite someone. Unlucky for you, you were sat opposite Jack.
“Had a good night?” Conor asked you, rubbing your thigh.
“Yeah it was alright. You?” You replied, sending him a small smile.
“Really?” Jack snorted, interrupting your conversation with Conor. “Of course he did, did you see him with that girl? Mate, she was a solid nine out of ten!”
As Conor laughed at his brothers words, you felt yourself doubting your relationship with Conor more and more – but that was the thing, you Conor weren’t in a relationship. Maybe it was just Jack messing with you tonight or it was your true feelings coming out because you were drunk. You’ll just have to see how you feel about the situation in the morning.
“Stay over?” Conor asked you as the uber was nearing his, Jack and Josh’s apartment block. “Please?”
“OK.” You agreed.
Even though your head was a mess right now, the chance to have sex with Conor was something you’d never turn down. That boy was amazing in bed, you could not get enough. He laced your fingers together and smiled at you when you agreed.
It was a nice feeling to finally get home (to Conor’s) after the club. You had no idea what the time was and you were still feeling a bit drunk. When you all got inside, you immediately went to Conor’s room and got out of your clothes, throwing on a t shirt of his and leaving your legs bare – his t shirt came down to your mid thighs anyway.
You went and joined the three boys in the living room where they were eating a cold pizza from dinner. Josh and Jack were sat on the sofa and Conor was laying down on the rug, next to the coffee table as he was munching on a slice of pizza.
“Is Conor alright?” You laughed, noticing how drunk he actually was.
“Think he’s had a few too many shots tonight.” Josh replied as you took a slice of pizza.
You looked over at Jack – instantly regretting it. Even though he had his phone up in front of him, as though he was on it, his eyes were on you. He looked up and down your body before his tongue poked out, swiping across his bottom lip.
Not only did this make your cheeks go bright red, but it also sent wondrous feelings straight to your core. You tried to ignore Jack as you all finished up the pizza, just scrolling through your phone and watching the TV.
The time was 2:34 when Conor picked himself up off the floor and announced he was going to bed. You almost sighed at the fact that Conor was clearly too drunk to have sex tonight. You probably should have just gone home instead of agreeing to stay round.
“I’m also going to head. Night you guys.” Josh spoke up and you Jack both replied saying good night to him.
About ten minutes had passed and you had had enough of the tension within the room. You wanted to ask Jack why he kissed your neck earlier, but you had a strong feeling he was just trying to mess with you. With a sigh, you got up and headed off to the bathroom to brush your teeth, leaving Jack alone.
You shut the door of the bathroom, not bothering to lock it as you never did. You decided to quickly style your hair into a single French plait before bed, helping yourself for tomorrow. You wiped all your make up off of your face and quickly cleansed it, using a face scrub that was there.
When you started to brush your teeth, the door flew open, revealing Jack in nothing but his boxers.
“What are you doing? I’m using the bathroom.” You told him, having to take the tooth brush out of your mouth.
“Well, you’re taking too long and I need to brush my teeth too.” He replied.
“You’re so annoying.” You rolled your eyes at him, carrying on brushing your teeth.
However, when Jack leaned over to grab his toothbrush, you felt something hard poke into your ass. Your eyes widened when you came to realisation that Jack had a hard on.
“Jack!” You squealed.
“What? It’s not my fault.” He shrugged.
“Well, it is your fault.” You replied.
“No it’s not.”
He leaned into your again, his hard member poking into your ass once again. It was kind of turning you on a little bit – OK, a lot.
“Stop pressing it into me, seriously.” You warned him.
“You’re the one taking up all the room, I can’t get to the sink.” He pointed out, gesturing to the fact that you were in front of him.
“I was here first!” You defended yourself.  You felt Jack’s hand go to the bottom of the shirt you were wearing, pulling it up a little so that your ass was now on show. “What the fuck?”
“I didn’t mean to do that.” He lied, grinning a little bit as he leaned into you more.
He knew exactly what he was doing. He was teasing you – and it was working.
“Jack, what are you doing?” You turned round so that you were fully facing him now, he looked good. His hair was now messy, his bare chest and stomach was exposed which was possibly the hottest thing you had ever seen and his length was so visible as it was straining against his boxers.
“Nothing, why?” He replied, ignoring the fact that his hard cock was against your ass.
“Can you please get rid of that, or do something!” You groaned.
“How am I supposed to get rid of it? It’s not like I can do anything with you in the room.” He defended.
“At least stop pressing it into me.”
When you turned around, trying to carry on with your teeth, you felt Jack’s hands on your hips.
“Unless you wanna help me out a bit.” He mumbled into your ear.
“Are you serious? You’re Conor’s little brother and he’s literally in the room over there. Don’t be ridiculous.” You replied quickly, even though a huge part of you wanted to say yes – you were aching for him at this point, literally soaked.
“Shame. Would have loved to take you right here against the kitchen sink. So fucking hard for you right now, Y/N…” Jack groaned out, pressing his hard on into you once again.
This was when you almost lost it. His words went straight to your core, and you pressed back into him, hoping to get some friction between your legs. Fucking the little brother of the guy you were seeing was such a hot concept to you, and you were so fucking horny right now.
“Fine!” You gave in, dropping your toothbrush in the sink.
“Fine?” Jack repeated, sending you a questioning look in the mirror.
“You can fuck me quickly.” You clarified, grabbing the sides of your underwear and pulling them down your legs before pulling your – Conor’s – t shirt up.
You put one leg up onto the counter, allowing Jack to have a better access to your soaked pussy. You felt his fingers go your exposed slit, collecting your wetness.
“Fucking hell, see how wet you are for me. You’ve always wanted me to fuck me, haven’t you? You’re so dirty.”
You ignored his words as he pulled his length out of his boxers, pumping himself a little before pushing himself into you. His actions made you hiss at the feeling, trying to get used to his size. Both of his hands went to your bare ass, one of them slapping down onto the exposed skin.
As Jack slammed in and out of you, you couldn’t help but watch the scene unfold in the mirror in front of you. Jack’s eyes were screwed shut and he was biting down onto his bottom lip. What a sight.
The fact that you were in the bathroom, being fucked by his little brother than actually laying in bed with Conor right now made you feel a bit guilty. But the pleasure was too good for you to care right now.
Going on birth control was one of the best things that you had decided to do as the feeling of Jack’s bare cock against your skin was amazing. He started to hit your g-spot with every thrust and you had to refrain from moaning out. His grip on your ass was getting tighter and tighter but it felt good.
You gripped onto the sides of the sink as Jack roughly thrusted in and out of your soaked pussy. You copied Jack, biting down onto your lip to try and stop yourself from moaning. When the pleasure got too intense, you felt yourself draw blood from your own lip.
“Y/N, babyyyyy…” Jack moaned, keeping a good rhythm with his hips as he fucked you from behind.
“Oh my god.” You breathed out, trying your absolute hardest to stay quiet.
You felt one of Jack’s hands creep up your t shirt and take one of your breasts in his hand, squeezing before roughly massaging. This only added to the pleasure and you loved the feeling of Jack touching your body. He knew exactly how to handle a woman and it only excited you more. For a second you found yourself wishing that it was Jack you went on that first tinder date with a not Conor.
You didn’t think the sex could feel any better until Jack’s hand left your chest and went to your clit, rubbing his fingers over the skin at an impressive pace. This was when you really struggled to stay quiet.
“Fuck, Jack, oh…” You moaned quietly, even though you really wanted to scream out his name so everyone could hear.
“Conor could never fuck you as good as this, could he?” Jack asked. When you didn’t reply, his hand slapped your ass again before repeating himself, “Could he?”
“N-no.” You stuttered out, your whole body moving with Jack’s as he picked up the pace.
“Baby I’m-.”
Jack calling you baby honestly made your heart melt. You knew exactly what he was going to say as you felt his thrusts getting sloppy before you felt a warm liquid running down the back of your leg. He continued to move in and out of you a few more times, patiently waiting for you to finish.
As Jack continued to work faster on your clit, you felt yourself high your high as your orgasm washed over you. Keeping your mouth shut, you let out a small cry as it was the most intense orgasm a man has ever given you.
“Oh my god, Jack.” You breathed out when he pulled out of you.
You turned around so you were now facing him again. His eyes looked tired and his cheeks were flushed red.
“Thank you.” He said to you as he tried to catch his breath.
You smiled before stepping towards him and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. Jack’s eyes fluttered closed and savoured this moment with you. You felt your stomach do flips as Jack wrapped his arms around your waist, deepening the kiss. And that’s when you knew which Maynard you really wanted to be with.
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oh-ishouldnt · 6 years
03. i wish you would come back
This is a 1989 series imagine
It’s 2 a.m. in your car;
Josh’s ginger hair moves with the cold wind that enters through the car windows, he would never guess it, but if Y/N saw him at this moment, she would find him kind of sexy. Only his right hand is in the steering wheel and he has a serious face: a determined look and a furrowed brow.
He gives the clock on the car panel a side look, he tries to convince himself it is to check the hours, but Josh doesn’t care about what time is it. He knows it is late since he is coming back from Joe’s house party-thing and all the boys drank a little too much in there, however, Josh doesn’t have anything to do today and doesn’t need to wake up early tomorrow. He doesn’t care about what time is it, he is only trying to ignore that he is on his ex’s street.
Josh and Y/N met through a friend in common and, for their surprise, they lived pretty close to each other, so once they officially were introduced, now and then they would bump in each other and say “hi”. The close homes were a blessing when they were dating, now? Not so much.
The tall ginger guy promises to himself he will pass through Y/N’s building and won’t even look Y/N’s window. Her lights are on? Is she awake? No, it doesn’t matter. He takes a deep breath, preparing himself for his moment and he is almost sure he will make it. He doesn’t know why he puts the effort anymore. It is Y/N he is talking about, he will never be able to ignore it.
Y/N is like one of those sour candies, mainly sweet but with a bit of “oh no” that ruins her for some people, however, for Josh, it makes her even tastier. He found her a nice girl the first time they met, still, it was only when the sour kicked in that Josh fell for her. It was Y/N’s true, vivid colors showing up and Josh wanted to make sure he would be able to paint with them.
Her curtains are closed, still, he can see that the lights are on. Y/N is awake. Good. Time to go, Josh. He goes back to his track, sliding on Y/N’s street, ready to go home, knowing that all his struggle was down the drain now, and he is dragged to the memory lane:
Y/N’s back hit the wall hard because there is where Josh pushes her against. After fight sex was one of the best kinds of sex ever. She is a girl who holds her pride tight against her heart and Josh is a boy who holds his pride tight against his whole body, so them both still are holding that rage for having to say sorry and, yet, they know that this is the best way they can choose for their lives, so they have the need of holding the other one even closer than their pride. After fight sex is violent, is vulnerable and, therefore, is wild.
Y/N holds his ginger hair to pull Josh towards her body as if he isn’t all over her right now. Her lips are already hurting because of their hard kisses, she knows they are really red even though she can’t see them: It can’t be any other way, Josh loves to bit her lips and, of course, she let him do it.
Y/N is not sure how, still, she is without her shirt by this time and Josh loves the fact she chose her black lingerie to wear today. His thumbs play with the piece as he grabs her torso. His hands slip to her ass and she passes one of her legs around him, she jumps and Josh lifts her, making easier for them to kiss now, considering he is a really tall guy and no girl could be as tall as him (maybe a Victoria’s Secret model, but it isn’t one of these cases).
Y/N’s apartment is all dark, so Josh can’t move around precisely and her backs seem to hit every wall she has. The fact they are stumbling through her own home, blind of lust, makes everything hotter and she almost can’t breathe. Neither does him. Actually, no, they can’t breathe at all, since they are gasping as if their lungs can’t process oxygen anymore. Josh moves his kisses down Y/N’s neck and that is when she realizes they are being a bit too loud.
Finally, the ginger boy finds his way to her room and he throws Y/N on the bed. She gives him a smirk and her eyes reflect all the sins’ expectations Josh has. He approaches her and now is her turn to take and rip all his clothes off.
They know this isn’t the best for a relationship. It might be good for Y/N to be with Josh and it might be good for Josh to be with Y/N, however, they can’t be seen as the most normal couple ever. They were having way too much after fight sex and this was consuming their energy. Yet, Josh is where Y/N decides to invest all her forces and she doesn’t care if she runs out of battery.
It’s 2 a.m. in my room; headlines pass the windowpane; I think of you.
Y/N blinks once, and then three more times before she is back at her present moment again: Sit in front of her desk, with her computer on and a lot of unfinished work open on the tabs. She blushes seeing that she was remembering a hot scene with Josh, it must be that time of the month. Fuck you, hormones.
She reaches her water bottle, ready to take a sip to cool her down, yet it is empty. Y/N stands up to take more water and then she yawn, maybe it is time to call it a day and go to bed. She goes to her kitchen to leave her bottle in there and turn off all the lights in her apartment. Thinking about her past minutes.
Y/N misses Josh. Of course, she does. How someone like her would not miss someone like him? She always wished for a guy that would be funny and caring, but that would also be able to light a fire inside her that would ricochet in her walls and roar through her veins, burning all her thoughts and drive her insane. Josh was this guy.
In Y/N’s mind, all good relationships were the ones that both sides would change because of the other person. The two parts try to evolve so they can keep up with each other. To do this, one must push the limits of the second and the boundaries need to break and be reconstructed, break and reconstructed, on a circle to be repeated forever more. Josh certainly would rip every belief Y/N had about herself and the way she saw the world, it applied to Y/N’s acts on Josh as well, however, they weren’t able to reconstruct their relationship anymore, therefore, they weren’t able to reconstruct themselves.
It was the pride, they both knew it. But how would they make the pride go away so they could admit it was this the problem?
Y/N lies down her bed, covering her with her white duvet as she scrolls over her Instagram’s feed. She misses Josh.
And just like the universe hears her thoughts, her bell rings and she jumps out of surprise. Her heart races as she starts thinking about who would it be. There is a short list of people that the doorman wouldn’t call Y/N to announce their entry and the other option is that she is about to get robbed, she hopes it is the first alternative, especially a single name of that list of hers.
Y/N gets up and goes to her door on her tiptoes, on a running disguised as walking (not that Y/N’s apartment was big enough to have a full run on it). She opens the front door almost choking with her anxiety, so nervous that she didn’t bother to light her living room before attending her door.
For a single moment, Y/N wished she proceeded cautiously, what if it is indeed a robber? What if it isn’t who she dreamt about? She would be crashed and she can’t handle more disappointments.
It’s 2 a.m.
The warm hallway light invades Y/N’s place, she stops breathing before looking up.
“Oh.” She says.
“Hey.” He greets.
An uncomfortable silence falls in the room, neither of them moves. Here we are.
Josh is devastated, Y/N can see it right away. He stares her floor, not sure of what to say or even what to do. What did he was thinking of when he was at the end of her street and decided to turn back his car?
“Josh?” Y/N calls.
He looks into her eyes. “Y/N, I-“ but he doesn’t finish his sentence, he doesn’t need to. She instantly can see his regrets, his apologies and all his promises, they match exactly to hers.
She steps closer.
He grabs her waist and pulls her towards him.
The kiss
is wild
with hints of sweet
and sour.
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ravenempress101 · 7 years
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So does the fandom get to go? Like are we vip or not cause i need to be there. 😛😜👐👏👏😌
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bloggergirl29-blog · 7 years
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They all look like they’re having fun Joe’s drink seems to be really tasty🍻😊 Oli’s buzzing in the back😊 Anth’s into the photo Conor… who ever knows what the hell he’s doing😂😂😂 Jack… same😂😂 Josh isn’t really into this picture😔😒 Caspar looks like he’s just farted😊😂 And Mikey’s just smelt it😂😂😂😂
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