#Kim Ji-Young
mjracles · 7 months
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gong yoo during the kim ji-young: born 1982 stage greeting (10/26/2019)
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whettted · 1 year
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Frankly speaking, there is a particular aura about you | The School Nurse Files
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korelist · 3 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 7,3 Benim Puanım: 8
Drama: Link: Eat, Love, Kill
Hangul: 링크: 먹고 사랑하라, 죽이게
Director: Hong Jong-Chan
Writer: Kwon Ki-Young
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Yeo Jin-Goo, Mun Ka-Young,  Kim Ji-Young, Ye Soo-Jung, Lee Suk-Hyeong, Lee Bom, Song Duk-Ho, Lee Bom Sori
Diziye klasik bir romantik komedi sanarak başladım. Çok yanılmışım. Hiç düşündüğüm gibi çıkmadı. Tabi ki bu benim dizilere konusunu okumadan başlamamdan da kaynaklanıyor. Yeo Jin-Goo’i ilk Hotel Del Luna dizisinde izlemiştim. Diziyi çok beğensem de oyuncuya bir türlü ısınamamıştım. Ya kendini güzel geliştirmiş ya da ben o dizide kendisine uyum sağlayamamışım. Zira bu dizide çok beğendim.
Eun Gye-Hoon(Yeo Jin-Goo), başarılı bir şeftir. Bir gün hiçbir şey yokken rastgele duygular yaşamaya başlar. Bir anda gülme krizine giriyor, bir anda ağlamaya başlıyordur. Neden sinirlendiğini bilmeden sinirleniyor ya da mutlu oluyordur. Bu şekilde başkasının duygusunu hissetmesi çok küçükken yalnızca ikiz kız kardeşi ile yaşadığı bir şeydir. Tekrar bu duyguları hatırlayan Gye-Hoon işinden istifa edip kız kardeşinin 20 yıl önce kaybolduğu kasabaya geri döner be burada bir restoran açar. Bütün bu duygulara restoranın tam karşısındaki evde oturan No Da-Hyun(Mun Ka-Young) neden olmaktadır. Bu noktada fantastik ögeler barındıran gizem dolu bir dramaya giriş yapmış bulunuyorsunuz.
Yeo Jin-Goo ve Mun Ka-Young’un beraber oynadıkları ilk dizi bu değilmiş. İkili daha önce başka yapımlarda da ( “Ja Myung Go” ve “The Reputable Family” ) bir araya geldikleri için aralarındaki uyum diziye de yansımış görünüyor. Dizideki “şef” teması çok zayıftı. Dizinin bu yönünü hiç beğenmedim. Başrol karakteri bir şef ve bir restoran açıyor ama dizi boyunca ne restoran kullanıma açılıyor ne de şefimizi doğru düzgün bir yemek yaparken görüyoruz. En başında şef olduğunu anlayalım diye gösterdikleri sahnede ne gördüysek o. Görüp görebileceğiniz budur demişler. Beni de şaşırtan bir çok duyguyu barındırması bakımındansa ilgi çekiciydi. Gizemliydi, romantikti, biraz polisiye biraz fantastikti. Beklentilerinize ters köşe yapmayı seviyor gibiydi. Biraz uzattıkları konu ise başrollerin arasındaki bu fantastik bağın kaynağı oldu. Dizi boyunca merak edilip, bence çok da mantıklı bir şekilde bağlamadılar.
Yan roller ise, bence çok renkli ve keyifliydi. No Da-Hyun’un annesi Hong Bok-Hee(Kim Ji-Young) ve büyük annesi Na Chun-Ok(Ye Soo-Jung) özellikle müthiş tiplerdi. Büyükanne ekstra ekstra reprenkli bir kişilikti. Deli deli bakışları, her an katil olabilecek tavırları ve acaba birini öldürmüş olabilir mi şüphesini sürekli destekliyor.
Toparlayacak olursak, yemek ile alakası olmayan bir şef, konu ile alakası olmayan bir genç kız, aralarında neden olduğu bilinmeyen bir bağ ve her şeyden bağımsız bir ceset bütün diziyi özetliyor. Ben kendi adıma bu gizemi başlarda sevdim. Ama uzadıkça uzamaya başlayınca bir süre sonra aman istemiyorum öğrenmek demeye başladım. Ve sonuçta bu muydu olarak bitti. Onun dışında Yeo Jin-Goo ve Mun Ka-Young ikisi de güzel oyunculuklar ortaya koydular. İkisi içinde bakış açım ve fikrim değişti diyebilirim.
Şiddetle tavsiye etmem ama ilginç bir dizi olduğunu söyleyebilirim.
Kim Ki Won - Connect
Janet Suhh - Unknown World
Raven Melus
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balkanradfem · 3 months
have you read ‘kim ji-young, born 1982’ ?
i just watched the movie based on it and i can’t stop crying. I read that this book was what launched the 4B movement in korea. So i wanted to see it because it takes a lot to radicalize the average woman. No matter how much evil men do, the average woman tries to believe in men’s humanity. So the fact that this book alone radicalised so many women made me think it had to be phenomenal. And it was. I cried a lot. I think every woman should watch it before getting married. There’s no words to explain this movie. It’s painful to watch because it’s relatable but i think every girl should watch it so she doesn’t fall into men’s trap.
No, I haven't read it. Sharing your message for other feminists!
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dramastream · 1 year
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magicaldragons · 6 months
peak romance is saying "be on my side"
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"All I wanted, was for you to be on my side. I would've done anything for that to happen." – kang yohan | the devil judge
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"Hit me all you want, but be on my side; because even when you hit me, it's for my sake." – nam shin | are you human too?
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"I thought you were on my side." – ryu shi oh | strong girl namsoon bonus: "no matter what, you must stay by my side." – ryu shi oh | strong girl nam soon
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kimgoeun · 6 months
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The Killing Vote (2023)
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zorokashi · 1 year
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@usergif 1 year celebration: shuffle challenge day 1: color manipulation | typography | time
"two things i'll never forget: the way you looked at me for the first time and the last time" (insp)
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theinfinitedivides · 6 months
BOAV/EVILIVE and TWOE really be like boyfriend? dead. cops? deceased. gang? dissolved. marriage? nonexistent. morals? gone to the dogs. heterosexuality? shot. hotel? trivago
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junkobato · 7 months
Upcoming Kdrama October 2023 💖
6/10: the perfect deal with Yoo Seung Ho, Kim Dong Hwi. 8 episodes; thriller, crime. Trailer
7/10: strong girl nam soon with Lee Yu Mi, Ong Seung Wu, Byun Woo Seok. 16 episodes; supernatural, action, rom-com. Trailer
11/10: a good day to be a dog with Cha Eun Woo, Park Gyu Young, Lee Hyun Woo. 14 episodes; fantasy, rom-com. Trailer
13/10: my dearest part 2 with Nam Goong Min, Ahn Eun Jin, Lee Hak Joo. 10 episodes; historical, romance.
14/10: evilive with Shin Ha Kyun, Kim Young Kwang, Shin Jae Ha. 10 episodes; thriller, mystery. Trailer
20/10: doona! with Bae Suzy, Yang Se Jong, Park Se Wan, Lee Jin Wook. 9 episodes; rom-com. Trailer
23/10: high cookie with Nam Ji Hyun, Jung Da Bin, Choi Hyun Wook. 20 episodes; fantasy, mystery, thriller. Trailer
28/10: castaway diva with Park Eun Bin, Chae Jong Hyeop, Cha Hak Yeon, Kim Joo Heon. 12 episodes; music, rom-com. Trailer
30/10: the matchmakers with Ro Woon, Jo Yi Hyun. 16 episodes; historical, rom-com. Trailer
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If only I had the time to watch all these shows... 😮‍💨
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deokmis · 1 year
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The Glory (2023)
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mjracles · 1 year
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gong yoo during the kim ji-young: born 1982 stage greeting (11/09/2019)
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dangermousie · 5 months
Bachelor N1:
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lankaramellipastam · 8 months
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iris-sistibly · 1 month
I know I need to calm the fuck down first but one word to describe episode 6: STRESS!!
📍I love seeing Hyun-woo and Hae-in having a...sort of second honeymoon in Germany but I couldn't really enjoy every scene because I'm stressing out at how fucking OBLIVIOUS the Hong family is like bitch y'all are surrounded by snakes and they're so complacent 😭😭😭 I mean it's not really their fault that there are opportunists who'd earn their trust first then slither their way to bite them in the ass, but I just find it ironic at how protective they are at their family business and wealth but they can't see through the REAL people who has every intention to bring them down.
📍Speaking of which, I have read a fan theory somewhere that Mo Seul-hee is the mom of Eun-seong and Da-hye. Could be, OR Grace could be Da-hye's mom considering how Grace acted towards her. But why are they so keen at bringing the Hong family down?
📍Maybe it's just me but I don't think Da-hye is that bad, I have a feeling that she'll eventually come to her senses and take Hyun-woo's side and expose Eun-seong and co.
📍My overthinker/delulu self thinks that Soo-cheol and Da-hye's baby is actually Hyun-woo and Hae-in's kid. I mean, it wasn't shown how they lost their baby...yet. So Hae-in either miscarried, or she gave birth to a still born child? But what if the child is actually alive and one of those evil bitches cooked up some shit to make it seem like Hyun-woo and Hae-in's baby died, and then that baby was registered as Soo-cheol and Da-hye's kid? I know it sounds insane, but we're only on episode 6 so more crazy shit could happen in the future episodes, you'll never know. But my normal self says I've watched too many Filipino dramas growing up (and yes, that shit happens a lot in Filo-dramas).
📍Speaking of that kid, another theory is...what if that kid is actually Eun-seong and Da-hye's? Soo-cheol is a dumbass, and again, those bitches could have manipulated that baby's DNA test result or something. Again, that's just me being an overthinker, also I hate my Filo-drama mindset.
📍Aunt Beom-ja being so concerned about Hae-in and her dad but I also appreciate the fact that she respected her niece's request to not tell anyone about her illness. I also hope that she'll be able to help Hyun-woo clear his name and uncover Seul-hee and gang's dirty little secret.
📍BUT Y'ALL KNOW WHO STRESSED THE SHIT OUT OF ME THIS EPISODE? BAEK FUCKING HYUN-WOO!!! I am so freaking annoyed that he didn't tell Hae-in about the divorce when he had the chance. He was probably worried at how Hae-in would react plus the latter was going through medical treatments so he probably didn't want to put too much stress on her, but Hae-in was bound to find out either way so...yeah I do get why he chose to keep the divorce to himself but he could have just told the truth and suck it up, and perhaps they could communicate better when it comes to issues like this.
📍One thing I noticed about Hyun-woo is that he's brave in so many ways but also a coward on one thing. I mean he talks with Hae-in about nice things and all, and he is his wife's confidante, but I don't think I've ever heard him talk the way Hae-in does, meaning he never had the balls to talk to his wife about the..."unpleasant" side of their marriage. Hae-in was able to talk to him about her illness, the last will and testament that her mom pressured her to write, and Hyun-woo didn't even think about bringing up the divorce papers.
Prior to episode 5, I really thought that Hae-in was the one who shut him out but it was actually the other way around. Wifey may seem cold and nonchalant but if there's one person she'd listen to, it's him. Perhaps he doesn't want to say something that would upset Hae-in but the point is...she's his wife, she's supposed to know what he thinks, how he feels about certain things, even the not-so-pleasant side of their relationship. I really hope that in the next episode or the episode after that he'll be able to communicate better.
📍Hae-in's mom is terrible af. Imagine blaming your own daughter for the death of your son. I mean she didn't deserve to lose a child, but it's unfair to put all the blame on Hae-in (like why?). It's not like she endangered herself on purpose, and she had the audacity to be upset when Hae-in did something nice to her in-laws? Like what is wrong with this woman? Why can't see realize her own mistakes?
📍I kind of teared up when Hae-in was telling Hyun-woo about the things the latter should do when she dies. She could die, and this show might give us a bittersweet ending but when that time comes I'd be really, really hurt. Also, Hae-in confessing that the only reason she wrote her will about Hyun-woo not getting anything should they divorce was so that she'll be allowed to marry him 😭 (just shows she fought hard for him and she'll do absolutely anything to be with him). God I hate her mom! And yes the epilogue was so cute, now we know that they have always been in-love with each other. But I guess...they need a time-out 🤷.
📍Hae-in called Hyun-woo "yeobo" 🥹🥹🥹
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dramastream · 1 year
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