#Kind of-
zethsnex · 5 months
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I remembered I had this (I’m gatekeeping lots of things lol), anywho, have some c!Dream in prison clothes ☕️
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The whumpee starts working for the whumper in order to save their friends- they have to pretend to be completely on the whumper’s side, and are forced to watch the anger and despair on their friend’s faces. The whumper isn’t kind to them either- punishment is usually given without a reason and the whumper loves to force them to do things they hate.
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lifeisveryoverrated · 5 months
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School doodles.
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onegianthotmess · 9 months
Bayverse!TMNT Rants:
❤️Raph’s Secret Stuffie Collection❤️
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Okay, hear me out.
This mf doesn’t open up about shit to his brothers, save for literal near-death experiences that all of them should probably get therapy for, and only rants to April about shit that Leo did to piss him off or if Mikey or Donnie were annoying him more than usual.
That being said, he still really wants to talk about all the stuff he keeps bottled up away from his family.
So, he resorts to the stuffed animals he keeps in his room out of sight of anyone and everyone. He only has three; a rabbit with an eye missing and a bunch of knitted on patches to keep it together, a frog with a missing foot and fuzz that’s been matted down from sewer gunk being washed out of it, and a bear with an eyepatch and both of its ears missing (that one is Raph’s favorite).
Raph’s tiny collection only started when he and his brothers were around fourteen to sixteen, when the Foot Clan began terrorizing New York. He felt stressed, went out on a walk, and found a small stuffed rabbit with a bunch of holes, an ear about to come off, and an eye missing. Raph decided to sneak it home and fix it up, knitted on some patches and sewed the ear back on. And then he started talking to it and couldn’t stop.
It was like therapy where he could just get it all out and feel better that he’d actually said something. And that’s when he wanted a couple more to make it feel like he had people who would listen. So every couple of weeks, he went on a walk in hopes of finding another stuffie. He didn’t find any that often, given he only found two more, but he was very happy with the three that he’d found.
So, every night, he waits until he’s 100% sure his brothers and Splinter are asleep before he pulls out his stuffies to talk with them. He keeps them all in different hiding places because if all of them were together, more likely for them to be found and seen as soft by his brothers.
The rabbit is under his bed, the frog is behind his dumbbell rack in the corner of the room under a couple old blankets and pillows, and the bear is behind a little secret shelf that’s right by his bed so he has very easy access to it because the bear is his favorite.
Mf has had literal tea parties and basketball team debates at three in the morning with these stuffies and it’s honestly so cute-
So, yeah, big tough Raphie has three stuffies he rants to and has 3:00 a.m. tea parties with all out of sight from his brothers. Because Raph would get fucking roasted if they found out-
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Also, let’s remember how this mf is T E R R I F I E D of heights in the second movie and literally looks to an action movie star or some shit to find the courage to jump, only to yell, “AHHH! I REGRET THIS, FEAR SUCKS!”, not even a second after jumping out of the plane-
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eliasdrid · 1 year
I know it'd likely be hard to implement now but I really liked the way I got to experience Warframe. (spoilers ahead, I guess)
The plot twist of Second Dream! It was such a hush hush secret and the evolution of the models felt significant too. During/after Second Dream the operators' model were more child-like. With War Within their models got updated and they looked older. And finaly with The New War we unlocked the alternate timeline in which they weren't rescued and are adults (as the Drifter)... and that felt so nicely done >>
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toadsandskulls · 7 months
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Eevee and Zorua <3
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laura-de-milf · 1 year
Doom Patrol. A Eulogy
*inhales deeply*
This. show.
It isn't really a show about superpowered people. I think it's actually a show about underpowered people who, sure, can occasionally pull off a cool stunt, but for the most part are so broken that they can barely function. With such a strong focus on character, personal growth and The Human Condition- this isn't just something I haven't seen in superhero media; it's something I haven't really seen in all of television.
Shall I list all the ways that this show has improved my outlook on life? (ok, not all-)
The queer rep. Need I say more? Genuinely though--I can't recall ever watching a show where I trusted so implicitly that the queer relationships would be a) intentional, b) integrated into the plot naturally, and c) handled well throughout the show. Looking back on my Doom Patrol experience- not once did I worry about queerbaiting or the queer rep feeling tokenistic. I never worried that the queer storylines would be unceremoniously written out to "improve mass appeal". The queer themes were there, intentional, and unique. We have the classic repression/acceptance arc with Larry, but we also have the slow-burn courtship arc with Jane and Shelley (Jane's block being her personal trauma rather than shame for being queer). Characters like Cliff openly accepting the queer relationships to the point where Jane feels completely comfortable opening up to him--and only him--about her and Shelley. Rita and Laura might not be a canon romantic couple, but those two forged a deeply loving bond faster than you can utter the phrase "uhaul lesbians" and have had a tumultuous relationship that is entirely different from Jane x Shelley. Absolutely magical. There's nothing formulaic about The Gay Plot here: the queer relationships (plural!!!) are unique and explored, given just as much importance and screen time as any of the heterosexual relationships. (I know there is still time to fuck this up but the point is: I have trust in this show in a way that I don't normally for most shows. That's really special.)
The Sisterhood of Dada. I know they weren't everyone's cup of tea, but personally I cared less about their plot relevance and more about what they represented: the pure, wholesome and shameless creation of art. Literally any art. Film. Interpretive dance. Sculpture. Spoken word poetry. Bent paperclips. Don't "choose a niche" and pigeonhole yourself as just A Filmmaker or just A Writer: try whatever you want because it's fucking fun. You'll learn something. Shit doesn't even have to be good; it doesn't have to make sense. It just has to empower you against the forces which seek to hold you down. Maybe Dada is nonsense, but it's subversive nonsense. Most of all, though, I loved the found-family aspect of the Sisterhood: a safe place in which one could experiment creatively without fear of judgement from the outside world. I'll probably spend the rest of my life trying to cultivate elements of this in my real world, even if I can't necessarily build myself a secret teleporting salon out of fog where I can be weird and free with my 6 eccentric pals. The world needs more room for creative experimentation.
Lastly but so very not-least that it's actually the most important point of all: this show gave me Laura. I'm admittedly not as well-versed in the DC/Marvel universes as most fans, but I can't tell you how floored I was to find such a captivating mature female superhero. I've finally started to understand the appeal of having a fantastical super-powered person to look up to--even as a grown-ass adult. She's not a 25-year-old in a latex bodysuit with a physicality I'll never be able to (retroactively) attain. She's not here to be a looker for the boys. She's real. She's fucked up. She's incredibly intelligent, street smart, competent in her ability, and benefits from a wealth of wisdom forged in life experience. She deals with intense trauma. She struggles. She's made huge mistakes. But she's trying her best and she's genuinely growing. Probably most importantly of all, she reinforces how, contrary to what society will lead us to believe, a woman's life, growth, wisdom, wit, accomplishments--and, hell, beauty!!--are only just getting started, even as she turns 40. And that she's so heavily queer-coded?? Sublime. We need people like Laura. I need people like Laura.
So...yeah. I am SO grateful that a show like this exists and that I found it. Thanks for the good times.
...now all that being said- Doom Patrol has nothing to lose now. Go ahead. Give us the Rita x Laura smooch. As a treat. 😇
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fatexbound · 1 year
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Hm, who should he show off his muscles to tonight?
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blossomingwaters · 2 years
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Linktober Day 1: Bird
LU Linkle with her Cucco :D
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spideyladman · 1 year
Why does this shit keep happening??? >:[
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Tbh i think the reason you get more asks whenever you post is that you often have excellent ideas that allow for more discussion. Naturally people will respond.
That's really sweet, but I feel like a lot of what I post is just expanding on other people's ideas 😅
I'm not really sure how much you could chalk up to being my own original work tbh, but I guess that's neither here nor there, it is fun reading other peoples expansions on my expansions of other people's ideas, which I then expand upon—
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I like cheren because he reminds me so much of myself
I am also a loser boy with much cringe /pos /silly
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Everyone around the whumpee believed they were evil, after all their parents were infamous supervillains- so why wouldn’t the whumpee follow in their steps? The problem is that the whumpee was trying to break from villainy, and everyone around them made it difficult, specially the heroes that were set on hurting them.
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primewishes · 2 years
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      the sexual tension in this room ?  immaculate .
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[Grocery shopping]
Me: Fry, what is your opinion on the current socioeconomic state of the world?
Fry, completely oblivious to what I just said and approaching the shelf: creaammm sodaaa
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redstonedust · 5 months
yknow AI art has ruined an entire genre of painting to me, i saw one of those smooth anime-realism pieces and immidiately thought ''ugh, AI art'' until i noticed it was posted by an established deviantart user 6 years ago. like ive never been a huge fan of that genre but it looks like a pretty difficult style to master and i feel bad for the artists who specialized in anime-realism only to have their entire market jacked by people typing keywords into midjourney.
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