#Lance Lim
echosdevil · 1 year
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I know you, dad. These people, work people, they just think you're the scary, serious guy with the poker face. But I know the guy they don't get to see. The one on the inside, who's got a big heart.
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itsthebigguy123 · 2 years
Danganronpa THH Fancast in case it gets adapted by Netflix for America
I pray to God it never happens, but here's a best case scenario in a fancast:
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Lance Lim as Makoto Naegi
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Ross Lynch as Byakuya Togami (His name would be changed accordingly).
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Auli'i Cravalho as Aoi Asahina
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Tyler James Williams as Yasuhiro Hagakure - name changed
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Chelsea Zhang as Kyoko Kirigiri
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Iman Vellani as Toko Fukawa (name changed). God this character was hard to cast, so I went for the most shocking yet oddly fitting one
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Nina Makino as Sayaka Maizono
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Joe Keery as Leon Kuwata
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Adeline Rudolph as Celestia Ludenberg
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Ian Alexander as Chihiro Fujisaki
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Diego Tinoco as Mondo Owada (name changed here)
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David Castro as Kiyotaka Ishimaru (name changed here)
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Jacob Batalon as Hifumi Yamada
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Sasha Banks as Sakura Ogami (name changed here)
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Shiori Kutsuna as Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba
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lovecatnip · 4 months
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An American Girl Story: Ivy & Julie 1976 - A Happy Balance
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newrcgime · 3 months
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childofmattel · 5 months
Vivi-Design EAH Fancast 2.0 (Pt. 1)
So a couple of months ago I made this: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/711008760788877312/eah-fancast-part-1
I fancasted @vivi-designs EAH and I'm pretty sure it was my most viewed post. Anyways I've decided to do a little recast of my fancast. Some of them haven't changed but I tried to make it more accurate to Vivi-Design's EAH and I also tried to fancast more actors as the characters so this recast has a little more knowledge than the other. Anyways, enough talking here's my new fancast.
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/735638317217021952/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt2
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/739329240523227137/eah-recast-pt3
Part 4: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/739542620483747840/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt4
Part 5: https://www.tumblr.com/childofmattel/739611898471923712/vivi-design-eah-fancast-20-pt5
Morgan Lily as Apple White
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She's still a curvier Apple White but I just made her a little younger. I also think Morgan Lily matches the pinterest Vivi-Design's made of Apple White more than my original one.
Abigale Corrigan as Raven Queen
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If you haven't watched Harlan Coben's Shelter you def should, it's a great show (so sad it got cancelled). Anyways I think Ema is alot like Raven Queen, like a lot like Raven Queen. Also Abigale Corrigan has that emo vibe that Vivi's Raven has and I'm glad I found a FC that fits that.
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Briar Beauty
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Keeping Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Briar Beauty because I love her and I truly think she'd be a perfect Briar Beauty. I was trying to find someone with brown hair but I don't really think it matters that much and I truly think that if Maitreyi Ramakrishnan was Briar Beauty it'd be 👨‍🍳 💋
Jada Jones as Faybelle Thorne
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According to the Google Slides, vivi's Faybelle is Blasian and so is Jada Jones. This picture of her really gave me Faybelle vibes and although she has black hair idc. I feel like this is a good FC for Vivi's Faybelle especially.
Willow Allen as Ashlynn Ella
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I really do wish there was more Inuit celebrities in the industry but I stumbled across Willow Allen and I think she's honestly a beautiful Ashlynn Ella. I do like Anna Lambe as Ashlynn Ella aswell but I decided to use her again in Ever After High for another character. Anyways I think Willow Allen would be a great Ashlynn Ella.
Laya DeLeon Hayes as Farrah Goodfairy
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I don’t think I can recast her. Everytime I think of Farrah I think of Laya
Tyler DiChiara as Hunter Huntsman
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I know him from Gotham Knights (I know it got a lot of hate but it was actually so good) and when watching it I kept thinking how he'd definitely make a good hunter. Bonus point because's he's actually trans and Vivi's hunter is aswell. #TransHunterHuntsman
I've decided to keep my fancast of the Charmings the same. (Sorry the pictures are so small, they looked bigger before posting) So
Leo.wz = Daring
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Lance Lim = Dexter
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Minnie Mills = Darling
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I think this fancast is probably my favorite ones. Even though they don't play the characters as there is no live-action EAH I think that if these people were to play them they'd be amazing. Although Minnie Mills doesn't have the same hair color as Darling, she could lowkey just wear a wig and it'd be fine to me but it's not that big of a deal because it's not like Daring's whole character is the color of her hair.
Briana Roy as Madeline Hatter
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At first my recast was going to be Malia Baker but then I found her and I was like "This is my new Maddie Fancast" I still think Malia could play a good Maddie but something about this actor screams Maddie to me. She doesn’t look a lot like the one of Vivi's Pinterest but I totally think she could.
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maddiesbookshelves · 1 year
Six Crimson Cranes (#1&2) by Elizabeth Lim (February 2023)
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Shiori, the only princess of Kiata, has a secret. Forbidden magic runs through her veins. Normally she conceals it well, but on the morning of her betrothal ceremony, Shiori loses control. At first, her mistake seems like a stroke of luck, forestalling the wedding she never wanted, but it also catches the attention of Raikama, her stepmother. Raikama has dark magic of her own, and she banishes the young princess, turning her brothers into cranes, and warning Shiori that she must speak of it to no one: for with every word that escapes her lips, one of her brothers will die. Penniless, voiceless, and alone, Shiori searches for her brothers, and, on her journey, uncovers a conspiracy to overtake the throne—a conspiracy more twisted and deceitful, more cunning and complex, than even Raikama's betrayal. Only Shiori can set the kingdom to rights, but to do so she must place her trust in the very boy she fought so hard not to marry. And she must embrace the magic she's been taught all her life to contain—no matter what it costs her.
Would I recommend it to anyone? Definitely, at least for the first book. The second I'd only recommend if you're particularly excited at the idea of a sequel. But if, like me, you were kinda disappointed to know there was one, then don't read it.
Level of (dis)satisfaction based on the summary and my expectations? The first book exceeded all of my expectations and the second ran them over with a 5 tons semi and set them on fire. In a bad way. I was not pleased by that sequel.
My thoughts on it? Six Crimson Cranes was a great story with amazing worldbuilding (like Lim's other series, The Blood of Stars) and compelling characters. The romance was actually very cute and 90% of that was thanks to Takkan (Best Boi of 2k23 probably). This is also the only story where the "evil stepmother" trope was actually done well.
However. What stopped me from giving it 5 stars. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A STANDALONE. (no spoiler mini-rant)
The Dragon's Promise was an unnecessary sequel could have just, not existed with very minor chanches to the ending of SCC. As such, it was a very disappointing read that kinda tainted my experience with its prequel. I'm not sure I'll ever trust Elizabeth Lim to write duologies again.
30% of the sequel was useless. The whole part with the dragons served no purpose to the plot, we just met one character who is... more or less useful later on? Honestly, I felt like he was just there for fan service since he's the love interest in The Blood of Stars. Shiori, our heroine, is strung along from dangerous situation to dangerous situation, which aren't really useful and actually have the opposite effect than the one intended: I was bored and found the book too long. The villain did not mesure up so it didn't help with my boredom (I think it was another instance of fan service, which is starting to make me think that Elizabeth Lim doesn't know how innovate).
And apparently, Elizabeth Lim doesn't know how to end a series with anything other than a deus ex machina, since she did it for Unravel the Dusk and The Dragon's Promise. When I read the last 10 pages, I literally burst into laughter because of the sheer ridiculousness that came out of nowhere.
Really, Six Crimson Cranes should have been a standalone. It could have been 100% possible by changing a few details at the end, and it would have been way more satisfying than this sequel that was frankly meh in my opinion.
I have thus decided to pretend this sequel does not exist.
French version under the cut
Une magie ancestrale et interdite coule dans les veines de Shiori, la plus jeune des sept enfants de l’empereur de Kiata.
Lorsqu’elle découvre que sa belle-mère, Raikama, la Reine sans nom, possède sa propre magie noire, cette dernière lui lance un sortilège : elle transforme ses six frères en grues et l’avertit que pour chaque mot qu’elle prononcera, l’un de ses frères mourra.
Exilée et sans voix, Shiori va devoir se battre pour briser le sort et sauver son royaume d’une terrible conspiration. Pour cela, elle pourra peut... 
Est-ce que tu le conseillerais à quelqu’un ? Totalement, du moins le premier livre. Je recommanderais le deuxième à quelqu'un particulièrement heureux.se d'apprendre qu'il y a une suite. Mais si, comme pour moi, l'idée d'une suite a été décevante, alors je le recommanderais pas.
Niveau de déception/satisfaction par rapport au résumé et tes attentes ? Le premier livre a dépassé mes attentes et de loin, et le deuxième les a écrasées avec un 5 tonnes avant de leur mettre le feu. D'une manière négative. Je n'ai pas été ravie par cette suite.
Avis sans spoiler ? Six Crimson Cranes était une histoire géniale avec un excellent worldbuilding (comme l'autre série d'Elizabeth Lim, The Blood of Stars) et des personnages intérerssants. L'histoire d'amour était mignonne à 90% grâce à Takkan (Best Boi de 2k23, probablement). C'est aussi la seule histoire où le cliché de la méchante belle-mère est bien fait.
Mais. Ce qui m'a empêché de lui donner 5 étoiles. ÇA AURAIT DÛ S'ARRÊTER LÀ. (mini-rant sans spoilers)
The Dragon's Promise était une suite inutile qui aurait pu juste, ne pas exister en apportant de légères modifications à la fin de SCC. En l'état, c'était une lecture très décevante qui a un peu terni mon expérience avec son prequel. Je suis pas sûre de pouvoir refaire confiance à Elizabeth Lim pour écrire une autre duologie.
30% de ce livre n’a servi à rien. Toute la partie avec les dragons n’a pas du tout servi à l’avancement de l’histoire, on a juste rencontré un personnage qui par la suite est… plus ou moins utile ? Honnêtement j’ai l’impression qu’il était là juste pour le fan service vu que c’est le love interest dans The Blood of Stars. Shiori, notre héroïne, se fait trimballer de situation dangereuse en situation dangereuse sans que ce soit très utile, ce qui a finit par avoir l'effet inverse de celui recherché : je me suis ennuyée et j'ai trouvé le livre trop long. Le méchant n’est pas du tout à la hauteur donc ça n'a pas aidé mon ennui (je pense que c'était encore un coup de fan service, ce qui commence à me faire penser qu'Elizabeth Lim ne sait pas se renouveler).
Et visiblement Elizabeth Lim ne sait pas finir ses séries autrement qu’avec un deus ex machina, vu qu'elle l'a fait pour Unravel the Dusk et The Dragon's Promise. Quand j’ai lu les 10 dernières pages j’ai littéralement éclaté de rire tellement c'était rudicule et inattendu.
Vraiment, Six Crimson Cranes aurait dû être un roman seul. En changeant quelques détails de la fin, ça aurait été largement faisable et beaucoup plus satisfaisant que ce deuxième tome que j’ai trouvé franchement meh.
J’ai donc décidé de prétendre que cette suite n’existe pas.
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ohifonlyx33 · 1 year
here we go since like 3 people liked my last post, here it is. my fancast for a live-action cw-style teen drama based on miraculous ladybug
Remember, everything is aged up a bit (16-19), everything is edgier and darker, and relationships are messier and more melodramatic.
first we have our leads:
Marinette Dupain Cheng is a sweetly quirky and artistic girl who is fueled by passion to achieve her ambitious goals despite her anxious nature, played by Devyn Nekoda, a lesser-known actress with a background in dance who has yet to truly find a breakout role.
Adrien Agreste is the disaffected heartthrob with Soft SadBoi Cinnamon Roll Vibes, a sense of sarcasm that he uses as a defense mechanism, and a subtle charisma, played by experienced actor Charlie Plummer.
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Marinette's baker parents are played by Tom Welling and Kristin Kreuk who have the chemistry to make Thom and Sabine really cute.
Gabriel Agreste is played by Ioan Gruffudd who brings a charismatic intensity and intelligence to Gabriel. His enigmatic """"dead""" wife makes cameos in flashbacks played by Laura Vandervoort (alternative: Amanda Schull).
now for some shadier characters:
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Cold, efficient, and obsessive Nathalie Sancoeur played by Bridget Regan
Strong and silent bodyguard and threat, The Gorilla played by Tyler Mane
Cutthroat backstabber Lila Rossi, played by Nicole Huff
Self-destructive, broken, and unhinged mean-girl, Chloe Bourgeois played by Savannah Kennick
Amiable-but-spineless slimeball, Mayor Andre Bourgeois played by Clark Gregg
Ruthless Fashionista Audrey Bourgeois played by Rebecca Romijn (alt. Madchen Amick)
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Eccentric hipster and outsider Luka Couffaine - Wyatt Oleff (alt. Asher Angel)
Stoic but still kind, Kagami Tsurugi - Lisa Yamada
Bold, vivacious, and inquisitive, Alya Césaire - Paulina Chávez
Friendly, loyal, and effortlessly cool, Nino Lahiffe - Coy Stewart
Anxious and quiet goth girl, Juleka Couffaine - Makenzie Foy (alt. Lola Flanery)
Girly-girl, punk, and sweetheart, Rose Lavillant - Grace Vanderwaal
Math nerd and loveable dork, Max Kante - Jahbril Cook
Precious little hippy friend Mylene - Madison Bailey (alt. Layla DeLeon Hayes)
Snarky skater girl, Alix - Erin Pitt
Easy going sports bro Kim - Lance Lim
Wannabe cool girl, half-sister Zabrina Lee - Ella Anderson (alt. Chloe Csgenery)
Quiet Austitic Kid Ivan - Aedin Mincks
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November 2023
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This month my favorite animated shorts were The purple season, Let's eat, Ghost Dogs, Bloeistraat 11, and My Mu
管好自己 - Zhong XIAN (2023), Watership Down - Martin Rosen (1978), My Mu - Sonnyé Lim (2023), The Purple Season - Clémence Bouchereau (2023), Let's eat - flip down yonder (2023), Tusalava - Len Lye (1929), Ghost Dogs - Joe Cappa (2020), Dinner Bell - Harumaki Gohan (2023), Bloeistraat 11 - Nienke Deutz (2018), SNIP - Terril Calder (2016), The Pink Jacket - Mónica Santos (2022), PLSTC - Laen Sanches (2022), Boles - Špela Čadež (2013), Dirty Girls - Michael Lucid (2000), Britannia - Joanna Quinn (1993), Post - Lukas Conway (2019), super ☆ business ☆ dancing ☆ night - Rob Gilliam (2016), Tehura - Wei Li (2022), Strike - Sergei Eisenstein (1925), Bound - Lilly Wachowski & Lana Wachowski (1996), Human Resources - Titouan Tellier &Trinidad Plass Caussade & Issac Wenzek (2022), Southbound Pachyderm - Lance Montoya (1995), Entropia - Flóra Anna Buda (2019), The Miracle - Nienke Deutz (2023)
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ambroselaveau90 · 9 months
Caleb Mclaughlin|Matthias Lestrange
•The Son Of The Odd Sisters,Wicked Wizard Of The West & Chernabog.
•Descendant Of Zhan Tiri(The Ancient Sorceress) & Vor(The First Dark Witch)
•Younger brother to Circe Lestrange,The Enchantress.
•Nephew to Gothel Lestrange and cousin to her children.Even though his mother's were adopted into a royal family,he is still the Cousin to Ravenna and Genevieve Von-Ballenstedt.
•Due to Circe Basillea being the adopted sister of the Odd Sisters,he's her adopted nephew.
•Grandson Of Elphaba Thropp(The Wicked Witch Of The West) and Grandnephew Of Nessarose Thropp(The Wicked Witch Of The East)
•Heir To The Deadwood Forest,Leader Of The Wicked Ones & Queens Of Darkness
•Fairy Tales:Snow White,Beauty & Beast,Little Mermaid,Sleeping Beauty,Tangled,Cinderella & Peter Pan,Heracules,The Wizard Of Oz,Wicked and Fantasia,Rumplestilkin.
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George Sears|Aleister Olympios 
•The Son Of Hades Olympios
•Grandson Of Cronus(The Greek God Of Time)and Rhea(The Titaness of Motherhood)
•Nephew To The Olympians & Cousin to their children,like Heracules.
•The Prince Of The Underworld,Member Of The Wicked Ones(Second In Command)
•Myth:Heracules,Greek Mythology
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Lovie Simonie|Mariana Tritonis
•The Daughter Of Morgana Tritonis
•Granddaughter of Poseidon(The Greek God Of The Sea) and Nerissa(The Sea Sorceress)
•Half Cecaelia/Half-God
•Member Of The Wicked Ones(Chemist) and Member Of The Queens Of Darkness
•Fairy Tales:The Little Mermaid
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Edvin Ryding as Helge Oldenburg
•The Son Of Ingrid Oldenburg(The Snow Queen)and Hans Of The Southern Isles
•Cousin to Elsa & Anna Oldenburg and the Stabbington Brothers.
•The True Heir Of Arendelle,Member Of The Wicked Ones(Diplomat)Member Of The Queens Of Darkness
•Fairy Tales;The Snow Queen,Frozen
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Olivia Liang as Alyssa Tremaine
•The Daughter Of Anastasia Tremaine and The Baker
•Step-Niece to Cinderella.Niece to Druzilla Tremaine.Granddaughter to Lady Tremaine
•Member Of The Wicked Ones(Assassin)
•Fairy Tale:Cinderella
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Zoey Luna as Scarlett Hearts
•The Daughter Of The Queen & King Of Hearts
•Niece to The Queen & King Of Diamonds
•Older Sister to her other siblings such as
•Member Of The Wicked Ones(Enforcer)
•Fairy Tale:Alice & Wonderland,Alice Through The Looking Glass
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Lance Lim as Zixuan Yu[I Couldn't find any gifs of Lance Lim]
•The Son Of Shan Yu and Kyoshu
•Nephew to Böri Khan
•Human(Marred By Ancestral Magic)
•Member Of The Wicked Ones(General)
•Fairy Tale:Mulan
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Happy STS, Carmen! Who would you cast as your characters, if Marble and Magic / the whole of the Descendants of the Stars duology was turned into a movie?
Happy STS Kaleb and thanks for the ask!! Also thank you for reminding me that today is Saturday haha
this one is really nice question but i have never ever made fancasts of my own ocs so this makes it even more interesting but also harder
Agatha as Natalia Dyer
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Kit as Lance Lim
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Jasper as literally idk cause none of the actors i've seen scream Jasper to me so ://///
Tony as Tony Revolori (lol)
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so anyway, if someone sees an actor under 30 and thinks "hm gives Jasper vibes!" hmu cause I'm destroyed hahaha
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itsthebigguy123 · 2 years
Here's a fancast for SDR2 in case the first season of a DGR show took off on Netflix.
Pigs will fly before that happens. Here goes:
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Isaac Jin Solstein as Hajime Hinata
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Nico Hiraga as Nagito Komaeda
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Lana Condor as Chiaki Nanami
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Anya Taylor-Joy as Sonia Nevermind
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Jordan Fisher as Kazuichi Soda. The character's name would be changed due to the actor
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Mackenyu as Gundham Tanaka
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Simu Liu as Nekomaru Nidai
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Amber Midthunder as Akane Owari. Her character's name would be changed to suit her.
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Brandon Soo Hoo as Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
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Karen Fukuhara as Peko Pekoyama
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K.J. Alpa after gaining weight as Twogami. His name will be changed to suit the actor
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Elizabeth Yu as Mikan Tsumiki
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Colin Petierre as Teruteru Hanamura
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Maria Zhang as Ibuki Mioda
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Tiffany Espensen as Hiyoko Saiyonji
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Sophia Lillis as Mahiru Koizumi. Her character's name is changed to suit the actor.
The returning cast of THH (Junko, Makoto, Byakuya and Kyoko) is here:
I would love for AI Junko to be rendered in anime form in a live-action adaptation. It'd be kinda like Space Jam or Roger Rabbit
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z0mbicide · 2 years
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Jesse Trohman
Color: Red
Designation: Eagle Warrior (Gorilla Warrior, Whale Warrior)
Faceclaim: BooBoo Stewart
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Noelani Quinn
Color: Blue
Designation: Shark Warrior
Faceclaim: Auli'i Cravalho
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Harper Bentley
Color: Yellow
Designation: Lion Warrior
Faceclaim: Asante Blackk
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Simon Reid
Color: Green
Designation: Elephant Warrior
Faceclaim: Lance Lim
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Danielle "Dani" Chambers
Color: White
Deaignation: Tiger Warrior
Faceclaim: Peyton Elizabeth Lee
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Santiago "Santi" Reid
Color: Gold/Black/Sliver
Designation: The Chimera Continental Warrior
Faceclaim: Michael Garza
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deafeningcupcakequeen · 4 months
Lance Lim
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childofmattel · 1 year
EAH Fancast (Part #1)
Ok so if you haven't heard of @vivi-designs you should go check vivi’s page out. Anyways vivi-designs has been making this like EAH Reboot thing that I'm obsessed with and I thought it'd be cool if I fancasted EAH according to that so yeah.
Bailey Stender as Apple White
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Curvier Apple white >>
I didn’t really like her in the Wolfpack show but I’m obsessed with the actress now. I think the actress would slay the role as Apple White, they look similar as well.
@ashlyxnn as Raven Queen
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I finally found an person that has the same edgy vibes as vivi’s Raven does so that’s cool. Her name is Ashlynn Courtney and even though she isn’t an actress I feel like she could still suit the role of Raven Queen
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Briar Beauty
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Four words: Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Briar Beauty. 👩‍🍳💋. I was debating between her and Sophia Ali because Fatin is literally a Briar Beauty variant, like if EAH was Rated R she’d literally be Fatin but also I just adore Maitreyi. She’d honestly be so perfect as Briar.
Sofia Wylie as Faybelle Thorn
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I literally just wanted to use Sofia Wylie but now I love this fc. Like Sofia Wylie playing a formerly mean athlete >>
Anna Lambe as Ashlynn Ella
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#InuitAshlynnEllaismyAshlynnElla. Sadly there are not a lot of Inuit actresses in media so it was a little hard to find some but then I came across Anna Lambe and after lots of research on her I think she could be a great Ashlynn Ella. They both are literally the nicest people ever.
Laya DeLeon Hayes as Farrah Goodfairy
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Her and the blue-haired girl saved on the Farrah Goodfairy pinterest give me the same vibes. Also Laya DeLeon Hayes is literally so underrated she's literally so amazing. I think she'd do Farrah Goodfairy justice.
Sydney Mae Diaz as Hunter Huntsman
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Again I read the google slides and Hunter Huntsman being trans literally makes his 10x better. I know it says he's white Italian but Sydney Mae Diaz is literally so handsome and I like him as Hunter.
Leo.wz as Daring Charming
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On vivi's pinterest he's already Daring Charming so I thought why not he be Daring Charming here. Yeah Leo.wz isn't an actor but he's really hot so eh.
Lance Lim as Dexter Charming
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I remember Lance Lim from School of Rock and I could've sworn I remember him giving of Dexter vibes. He's Korean and he's charming so basically Dex minus the glasses. I don't know but looking at him still gives me Dexter vibes so this is Dexter Charming to me.
Minnie Mills as Darling Charming
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Minnie Mills playing badass girlbosses is literally gonna be my Joker. I know her from TSITP and I think she'd be an excellent (or should I hexcellent) Darling Charming if she dyed her hair blonde.
Gabrielle Nevaeh Green as Madeline Hatter
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Last but not least Gabrielle Nevaeh Green. Was scrolling through pinterest and I saw this pic. Immediately I thought this is so Maddie Hatter. I don't really know Gabrielle Nevaeh Green but judging from appearance I think she'd make a pretty good Maddie.
That's it for part 1, I'll probably turn this into a thing on mycast.io and I'll post the link on like the last part. Let me know if you have any other suggestions for @vivi-designs version of EAH and yeah that's it.
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wonyoungdewakanda · 6 months
masterlist ✧
aqui você encontrará a navegação por posts para dispositivos móveis. dessa forma se torna mais fácil encontrar o background do personagem desejado! ‎( > ᴗ < )
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annabeth chase
arya marjorie summers
azrael chevalier
bang yongguk
beatrice kaplan
camila alvarez
carter kane
cassie hammock
cecile xavier
cerise d'auvergne
cesar ngoy
cho minkyung
cho nakyoung
christine elizabeth cunningham
elizabeth bennet
fayette louise baddock
frederick lewis lance
grimes foley
harriet josie osborn
hekate maximoff
hernando castillo
hunter lehnsherr
james isaac pym
jane 'eleven' hopper
jasper mccoy
joshua reynolds
kazuko kwannon
kesabel astrovik
kim jongdae
kyla aspen pym
leviathan jones
lim eunhye
lim eunji
lim haejin
lim haerin
lim heeyeon
lim hyekyo
lim hyerin
lim jimin
lim minah
lim minyoung
lim miyoung
lim soojung
lorelai 'rory' gilmore
lucas charles sinclair
magnus chase
malia drumm
miwa minoru
miyako nakamura
moon gunil
olivia de luca
pamela lilian isley aka poison ivy
rose annlynn lebeau
sadie kane
shizuka yashida
stephen shen
svetlana ivanski
taylor alison swift
tyler robert morbius-joseph
victoria 'vicky' jang
vivienne elizabeth luthor
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brokenhardies · 1 year
Siobhan's PR Universe (2023 Update)
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Rainbow Express: The mysterious Necro Line is a group of aristocrats obsessed with sucking the life out of the Earth and using it for their own nefarious purpose. Four teenagers from Earth are chosen by the Conductor (Ke Huy Quan) of the Chrono Line - an opposing force to the Necro Line - to become the newest Power Rangers team to protect the Earth from falling into darkness. However, the sudden influx of light energy awakens a young android on the Chrono Line named P0PPY (Lana Condor), who becomes the unofficial leader of this rag-tag team. Also featuring Jacob Latimore as Indigo Campbell, Peyton List as Daisy McNamara, Hero Fiennes Tiffin as Forest Whitmore and Ciara Bravo as Camelia Whitmore. (Adapted from Ressha Sentai ToQger)
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Digibeast - Everyone in the small town of Summerville is obsessed with the mobile game known as Digibeast - a creature-raising simulator that transforms into a game where you force those creatures to fight. What they don't know is that the app was created by a nefarious group known as the FANG Corporation, obsessed with using Earth's teenagers as an army and using the game to make them docile and more susceptible to brainwashing. To combat this, five Digibeast hatchlings contact their hatchers and use them to combat the corrupted soldiers created by the FANG Corporation. Starring Xolo Mariduena as Maddox Clemente, Hayley Tju as Dawn Sudarso, Diego Tinoco as Dante Carerra, Chantz Simpson as Caleb Jones and Emily Skinner as Brooklyn Matthews (Adapted from Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger)
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Turbo Prism - The ancient underground tribe of Jewelia is under attack by a group known as Axium, which is disguised as an Earth-based mining corporation. Desperate to save her people, Jewelian Princess Seraphina (Isabela Merced) sends four of her people's finest to the surface - a cocky royal guard (Froy Gutierrez), a kleptomaniac urchin (Rachel Hilson), a charming swordsman (Tyler Alvarez) and her personal Lady In Waiting (Savannah Lee May). The only thing missing is a leader, and thus, the group arrive on Earth to prevent Axium from stealing its resources. While in the town of Silver Hills, they meet socially awkward high school student Mitchell Park (Lance Lim) who shows the right amount of courage and imagination to become the leader of the new Turbo Prism team (Adapted from Mashin Sentai Kiramager with Choushinsei Flashman archive footage)
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Cyberspace - A hot new VR game named Space Deleter has just come out, and an E-Sports team known as Alpha Phi (αφ) are tasked to test it. However, when Henri (Aramis Knight) accidentally touches something he shouldn't have, he sets off the bad guys from the game into the real world. Fortunately, the company had the exact failsafe for this situation -- grant the five test subjects the ability to become Power Rangers and protect the world from the Bugster Army. Also featuring Quincy Founce as Elijah Frank, Kira Kosarin as Flo Dupont, Lyrica Okano as Stevie Kitagawa and Ryan Potter as Kasper Kitagawa (Adapted from Battle Strike Team Space Deleter)
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