#Misako Defender For Life
coolestzed · 20 days
Alright, I’ve been holding this inside for years but I’m finally gonna say it.
Misako haters are actually fucking annoying at this point.
They always were to me, but now, they’re just OBJECTIVELY an annoyance. And they need to STOP.
They take literally ANY chance to slander her, even when it’s completely unwarranted. Like, I’d just look at a picture of her on Pinterest, and there’d be multiple comments going "the world’s worst mother". Or I’d see content about Koko and there’d always be comments comparing her and Misako and going like "Koko way better fuck Misako".
I’d even see a fucking meme and people would slander Misako. Like they couldn’t resist.
And that’s not even mentioning his people constantly make her seem way worse than she actually is. Im not gonna quote everything, but basically they act like she never does good things for Lloyd. That she doesn’t care about him at all! And it’s just- so WILDY out of character!! And it’s the same vice versa! I saw a funny Ninjago video the other day with a "your mom" joke and someone in the comments was like "jokes on you, Lloyd would never call Misako mom". I’m just?????? Yes he DOES????? ALL THE TIME???
People just act like their relationship is nonexistent! Like they don’t care about each other, or that Misako doesn’t care about Lloyd! Which is OBVIOUSLY not true!
People claim that she disappears every other season but the only seasons she was absent in are 12 and 13. Also, she has a job. She goes on expeditions. Obviously she’s not there 100% of the time. And she and Lloyd clearly spend time together off screen.
People don’t even acknowledge the reason why she left in the first place. They act like she dropped him off at a boarding school and dipped to take a vaycay. She was literally trying to stop her husband and son from having to fight to the death. You ever think about that? You ever think about how SHE felt in the situation? With her husband being consumed by evil and later being banished, and learning that he and their son would have to fight each other? She was HORRIFIED and GRIEVING! Ultimately she did it to save her family. It doesn’t make leaving Lloyd right but it’s understandable.
But apparently not to almost all of the fandom.
Most of y’all, completely ignore that, and everything else that came after season 2.
Misako constantly being worried about Lloyd in Tournament of Elements and Possession.
Both of them spending Day of the Departed together.
Her getting/building the Destiny’s Shadow as a birthday gift for Lloyd.
How she supported, fought beside, and risked her life for Lloyd in Hunted.
How she wanted to stay and fight with him during MoTO but only went inside because Lloyd urged her to protect the civilians.
Not to mention just their general interactions. THEY’RE ALWAYS HAPPY TO SEE EACH OTHER!!! Do you know how many times they hug?!
And this dialogue here:
"Aren’t you going to kiss your mother goodbye?"
"Mooom, we've-we've talked about this-"
Lloyd and Misako have a good, healthy and loving relationship. Misako has long since made up for her mistake and they’ve moved on.
*deep breath*
Look, she’s not perfect. Obviously. She fucked up. But who in this series hasn’t? She came back, and she’s made sure to be a better mother to Lloyd. He forgave her, and they have a good relationship now. They’re close.
She wouldn’t be as hated if the writers didn’t do her dirty. Her introduction wasn’t handled the best, and having her and Lloyd have a more in depth discussion would’ve made the reunion and forgiveness feel less rushed and forced. That love triangle with Wu and Garmadon certainly didn’t do her any favors either. 😑
Regardless, her character’s gotten better over the seasons. Again, she and Lloyd and close and have a good relationship.
But hardly anyone acknowledges that, almost everyone in the fandom hyper fixates on that one mistake from years ago. They don’t pay attention to anything else. Like how she’s a better mother, or how she’s just a generally good person.
You aren’t supposed to judge characters or irl people solely on their past mistakes. Especially when they’ve already made up for them. Thats why the "Misako’s a horrible mother" statement is always bullshit to me.
Seriously, Misako’s been a part of Lloyd’s life longer than she’s been absent from it at this point.
The amount of passionate, unforgiving hate she gets is so undeserved and over the top. Too many people are projecting their own issues onto her. Or just being plain hateful. It’s not fair to define her entire character on a single mistake that she’s long made up for.
And it’s definitely not fair to people that actually like Misako. Often times on the few positive posts about her, there’d be Misako haters in the notes or reblogs complaining about her or insulting her, or just stating they hate her but love the content. And that is completely uncool and rude. It’s so unnecessary. You don’t do that, that’s so shitty. The again Misako haters have a habit of spouting unnecessary hate. Like it’s a terminal condition they have.
So, please, for the love of god, COOL IT. Stop and think, try to ACTUALLY look at her character without the veil of blind hatred.
If you still dislike or hate her, fine! But if you’re gonna detest her, at least hate her as she is and don’t make her worse than she actually is to justify hating her more.
And PLEASE stop bashing her at every turn, it’s annoying, upsetting, unwarranted, unnecessary, and just not good.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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seaghosst · 9 months
we need to stop characterizing misako as a terrible mom and instead hate dr julien for deadbeat and leaving echo in that damn lighthouse
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genderfluidkai · 1 year
Misako is a good mother and i will die on this hill
I am stupidly passionate over little lego people, so I am compiling a list of reasons as to why Misako’s actions are understandable and to show that the logic some people use to call her a bad mother is maybe just a little silly. putting it under a read more though bc i am writing so goddamn much
Point number 1: leaving Lloyd at Darkley’s
Most points I see about this is people saying “well why didn’t she leave him with Wu” which there are MULTIPLE reasons for.
1. He had just banished Garmadon, yknow, Misako’s husband. While it was on accident, Misako likely would not feel comfortable leaving her son with Wu
2. Morro. Now, we don’t know when exactly Wu took Morro in, as we’re never given an exact timeframe, however I would put it somewhere between the FSM’s death and a little while before Garmadon’s banishment. Misako full well could have bore witness to what happened with Morro, or could’ve been told about it. Misako is thus very reasonable in not wanting to leave her infant son, the actual Green Ninja, with Wu, as for all she knew, the moment Wu figured it out he would start training Lloyd. She would not want Lloyd to miss out on his childhood while possibly also becoming a self-important prick with a massive ego (bc for how much I love Morro, I can admit that that’s what he became due to the whole Green Ninja thing).
3. If Wu DID realise Lloyd was the green ninja, and then start to train him, it’d mean Misako leaving Lloyd in the first place would have been for nothing. Misako was trying to prevent the prophecy, not speed it up.
And then it comes to Darkley’s itself, and the fact that there are multiple reasons leaving Lloyd there would have been a good option in Misako’s eyes
1. It is a school for future villains. It was likely the ONE PLACE Lloyd could go where he wouldn’t be ostracised by his peers like we see him being in the Ninjago movie, especially because we can guess that Garmadon had a reputation for being evil PRIOR to his banishment, as when the villagers of Jamanakai think Lloyd is saying he’s Lord Garmadon, they’re terrified of him, until they see him and realise he’s Lord Garmadon’s like, 10 year old son. Darkley’s was the one place being the son of Lord Garmadon would HELP HIM
2. She had no way of knowing Lloyd would get mistreated by other students. How was she supposed to anticipate Brad putting fire ants in Lloyd’s bed years before it happened? Also, she had no way of knowing the school itself would mistreat him. She likely wasn’t told he was kicked out/ran away from Darkley’s, or wasn’t given the time to come find/collect him, because she very much would have the common sense to know there’s no one else to look after him
3. For all she knew, Garmadon was the Dark Lord in the prophecy. She had no idea it actually meant the Overlord. She could’ve thought that if Lloyd looked up to his father and wanted to be on his side, and neither of them wanted to fight each other, it could help to stall the prophecy.
And then, we get to the fact that we don’t really see her make things up to Lloyd about the whole “abandoning him at an evil boarding school thing”, which is because Ninjago was originally only supposed to be 2 seasons long, and Misako only first appears SEVEN EPISODES IN to season 2. They had no time to give her any character development or show her bonding with Lloyd, because they only had 6 more episodes left after her first appearance.
Since then, it seems the writers have just chosen to imply she has family bonding time with Lloyd off screen. We can see that they now care for each other as a family, so it’s very likely that she DOES try to bond with Lloyd but the writers just didn’t want to/couldn’t find a way to fit it into the show itself.
She has made mistakes, yes, but she is trying to make up for them and none of the reasoning behind her mistakes was outright malicious. She wanted to protect her son as much as possible, and keep him from having to fight his own father.
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cherrybombfangirl · 2 months
I see Autistic/ADHD Lloyd headcanons all the time, but none for his parents which is weird because both ADHD and Autism are genetic. So lets fix that, and during Autism Awareness month no less, yay, #RedInstead bitches!
Autistic Garmadon and ADHD Misako Headcanons (for Autism Month!)
Misako hate is not welcome, we don't do that here, you will be blocked. Autistic Misako headcanons are welcome, I love you if you have that headcanon :). I'm autistic and adhd, so a lot of these will be based on my experience, and I'll try to keep it mostly fluff headcanons, featuring a little bit of Lloyd's autism and adhd <3
Autistic Garmadon
He and Lloyd share a lot of the same autistic traits
Like how if you distrupt the routine or there's a change in established plans both of them will start getting anxious and irritated
You don't distrupt the routine! Stick to the schedule damn it-
Or how both of them CANNOT stand bright lights, never turn on the overhead light, lamps and low lights only. and only predictable/controlled loud noises like music is ok, other loud noises bad
Also they both auditory stim ALL the time. Same song on repeat for days until the new favorite comes along, and they have the same taste in music (rock and punk), so while working on stuff or training one on one they'll blast the same song on repeat
Also both of them are hyperempathetic and get emotional very easily. Hence why they're a lot more emotional and open around each other
Also the Pathological Demand Avoidance is VERY STRONG with both of them. tell them to do something and they'll immediately dread and despite that thing and that thing is the last thing they want to do. (i.e. *is about to go do the dishes* "Hey can you do the dishes?" ... "I was about to. Even wanted to. Now I hate them and that's the last thing I want to do. Thanks for that. Fuck you.")
Both of them also have a very hard time unmasking (for different but similar reasons of how their childhood was), and get exhausted and burnt out fast. Luckily being around each other helps them unmask a bit easier
Garmadon loves Mac-n-Cheese, he'd eat just that for the rest of his life if he could. But only Misako's recipe, all other Mac-n-Cheese tastes WRONG (Lloyd also loves Mac-n-Cheese, but only his mom's recipe)
Sometimes he straight up forgets to talk. Like, he doesn't need to, he doesn't like talking to people, and he just... forgets that he has the ability to talk. So sometimes he might go a while without talking, thinking nothing of it. Then he'll vocal stim or use his voice and shock himself a little because oh shit i forgot i have a voice-
He hid it for a while because he thought it was embarrassing, but he has a huge special interest in sharks, and he is the number one shark defender, he could talk about them for hours (his favorite species is the Lemon Shark and Cookiecutter Shark <3).
^After he starts unmasking a bit he starting being a bit more open about it as well, and that year for his birthday Misako gets him a shark onsie. He just about melts, immediately puts it on, and wears it almost every night. (She thinks its adorable)
For a really long time, he thought the things he was experiencing were a side effect of being part dragon/oni, but then Wu told him "I don't experience any of that, sorry." and then he thought it was a side effect of the venom, but then after the Final Battle it was gone AND HE WAS STILL EXPERIENCING ALL THESE TRAITS, so he couldn't figure out wtf was wrong with him
^Misako was like "Idk sounds normal to me *shrug*" (She has ADHD, of course it sounds normal to her XD)
Lloyd knew he was autistic and adhd for a while because of the other ninja, who were also varying neurodivergencies. When he told his parents about it, they both didn't think anything of it because they didn't know it was genetic yet.
Then Garmadon found out it was genetic and was like "No... me? No way... I'm just an anxious introvert, there's no way."
Then he takes like ten different online assessment tests, and is like "Yeah, i knew it, i knew i wasn't autistic, those questions were worded dumb anyway. No I don't have a problem with socks, you see I have a system-"
And then Lloyd (who connected the dots once he found out autism was genetic) was like, "Dad... Dad... that- that is autistic... having a system for socks to avoid having problems with socks, avoiding places with loud noises and bright lights, and prefering to be by yourself or in silence is very autistic..."
Garmadon: "WHAT"
They figured out how to unmask and fuction as their authentic selves together and it's awesome
ADHD Misako
Similarly, she and Lloyd share a lot of ADHD traits
Like fidgeting, A LOT, always needing extra stimulation and needing to fidget. Usually with nail biting or lip chewing, until they learn less self destructive stims
They also hyperfixate in the same way. Both of them will get lost in the hyperfixation for hours, forgetting to eat, drink or sleep. until they try to stand up or someone reminds them. (Lloyd hyperfixates on comics the same way she hyperfixates on archeology)
Both of them have the worst sense of time and object perception. ("Oh yeah that project will only take fifteen minutes" *takes four hours*) (*losing track of important items and forgetting to eat ro drink water all the time*)
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is very strong for both of them, constantly worrying about annoying other people and being a burden, so they're people pleasers a lot and the slightest whiff of rejection sends them into a self hate spiral that can last for days or weeks (It took a very long time for her to get out of the self hate spiral after her and Lloyd meeting for the first time and him blowing up at her, which she thought she deserved for her huge mistake that she deeply regretted. Eventually they talked and Lloyd came to her and said she shouldn't hate herself forever, he wanted her to be his mom, and she could make up for it now. She still gets into that spiral sometimes.)
Also both of them zone out a lot. Sometimes many thoughts. Sometimes zero thoughts. Staring into space (they love car rides for this reason)
Both of them can be very all or nothing in a lot of things. No social interaction or all the social interaction. Doesn't talk at all or can't shut up. Constantly overshooting it.
Also due to the lack of object perception, both of them are kind of terrible at driving. They can't tell how far away the signs are until they're right in front of it, and are always taking turns that are way too big. Over or underestimating distance a lot. (Garmadon is a pretty terrible driver too, he gets overwhelmed easily). (Also Kai and Nya can confirm that teaching Lloyd to drive was a nightmare, Zane had to do it)
Always hyperfixating on something archeology/history related, she's a huge nerd and cycles through ten different topics (she was a weird kid that liked the morbid stuff in history). Usually dinosaurs, she's secretly obsessed with dinosaurs and hyperfixates on them all over again every other week. A lot of the time Garmadon has to remind her to eat or sleep because she'll be lost in hyperfixation for several hours.
Also has a lot of anxiety and has a hard time sitting still, always has to be moving or fidgeting with something in her hands
Similar to Garmadon, she didn't think anything of it when Lloyd told her he had ADHD, and when she found out it was genetic she thought, "No, it couldn't be me, I just have anxiety..."
She was in denial about it for a while, until Lloyd talked to her with Kai and Jay (Also ADHDers).
Kai asked, "Your teachers sent a lot of notes home about you being 'a pleasure to have in class' weren't you?"
Misako: "How the fuck did you know?"
Kai: "That was me before I had to drop out. I was the perfect little teacher's pet. So was Nya."
Misako sat there for a minute having a crisis because everything made sense now but also like no way, really?
She and Garmadon love talking about prehistoric sharks like the Megladon because that's where their interests intersect
^he also gets her dinosaur encyclopedias every year for her birthday and she loves it (they have diagrams of skeletons and fossils and stuff)
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jalluzas-ferney · 1 month
Look, I LOVE KOKO (from the Ninjago movie) I REALLY DO
but I feel like Misako haters who in the same breath adore Koko forget the fact that Koko literally dated and LAYED THE evil warlord that destroys everything and harms innocent lives - all while you know, being Lady Iron Dragon….a warrior who’s supposed to protect the innocent and what not….
AND THEN when she’s raising Lloyd, according to her, she would always tell him to not be ashamed of who his father is…..?
And where I’m going w this is that yall despise misako for leaving Lloyd at Darkleys and paint her as a terrible mother and what not - but then turn around and praise and adore Koko like yalll Koko is NOT perfect either 😭 this woman also did awful mistakes and acted dumb by tellling Lloyd to not be ashamed of who his EVIL FUCKING father is 😭😭😭
And Ik like maybe shes saying that to comfort him and make him feel like Garmadon being evil isn’t his fault, cuz if you say “YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF WHO YOUR FATHER IS” sounds very harsh and makes it sound like Lloyd has fault in that. But the way Koko phrases it sounds like she spent her life trying to convince Lloyd to not hate his father or smth and only then snapped at Garmadon when he took over the city. Like if my husband is some evil warlord taht constantly puts my city and friends in danger I wouldn’t try to convince my son to not hate his father bruh 😭 I will not defend that man just because he’s my sons dad 💀 a bad person is a bad person Koko you should have been mad from the start bruh 😭😭
So again- my point is- I love both missko and Koko but the amount of hate misako gets compared to Koko is super annoying and I feel like I need to remind yall that Koko isn’t the perfect angel yall act like she is 😨
so stop contradicting yourselves!!!
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zanethepa1n · 10 months
So this is real different from my usual posts, but this is something I've wanted to write about for awhile.
In this post I'm gonna just...explain my views on Garmadon? Not really sure of the best term to use to explain it; of course, it's just my opinion, but I wanna give people different views on his character, yk? I have really strong feelings about this topic so...I imagine this post will be pretty long.
If you have any requests for Ninjago characters you'd want me to do essays on like this lmk and I'll definitely try and get to it...I'll probably do one on Zane at some point.
Anyways, lets beginnn
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Okay so let me just warn you again, this post is probably going to be EXTREMELY long and is all just writing. Basically an essay because I'm not sure how else to express my feelings on the matter other than in writing.
Anyways; I am going to try and structure the points I want to make chronologically...kind of. In each of the sections, I will be focusing on the main topic listed, but I may pull evidence from future or past seasons to support what I'm saying. So, the topics go chronologically, but the evidence will not...if that makes sense.
Here are the topics im going to cover in order, I'll expand on them in each of their respective sections;
Sensei Garmadon
Season 8 Fight w/ Lloyd
Oni Training w/ Lloyd
Sensei Garmadon
So, this a lot more of a personal opinion, but I do not consider that Sensei Garmadon is different from Lord/Emperor Garmadon. I may be taking what people say wrong, but in my opinion I don't think that Sensei Garmadon is different from current Garmadon in any capacity; he was just in different circumstances. So, let me explain my views on this.
This is obviously not the best evidence because it can be easily defended by what is literally said in canon, but I thought I'd mention it anyways; I do not believe that the Great Devourer bite caused Garmadon to turn evil. It definitely changed him, but I don't think it corrupted him. In my honest opinion, I think that the only thing the Great Devourer bite did was awaken Garmadon's Oni side, and the FSM considered this to be "corruption".
But, despite my above claim being basically blatanly disproven by canon, it's...technically not completely disproven. It is obvious throughout the show that Garmadon is not completely cold-hearted and evil. He shows obvious care for Lloyd, as well as Misako. So it can be said that, even if the Great Devourer did corrupt him in some capacity, it did not do so completely.
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that I think that Garmadon only turned out "evil" because that is what he was viewed as. His entire life, he was raised to believe he was evil, and everyone around him believed he was evil. The FSM saw Garmadon's Oni blood obviously outweighing his dragon blood, and considered that to be evil, and likely passed that belief onto Wu, whether intentional or not.
Now, this is where I go back to the main topic, Sensei Garmadon. I think that Sensei Garmadon didn't act "evil" because he felt as though he didn't have to any more. I don't really know how to explain how exactly Garmadon's form changed occurred as a result of the Overlord un-possessing him, but Oni can shapeshift, so it is plausible that Garmadon didn't change as a person, but his view on himself changed. Therefore, he felt he no longer had to be evil because nobody around him was claiming he was anymore.
Season 8 Fight w/ Lloyd
This is like, one of the biggest points I have to make. I want to say, before I get into it; I am not trying to completely remove all blame from Garmadon, but I just want to explain my personal thoughts on the situation.
So, firstly, I'd like to address Garmadon's very first line of dialogue before the fight; It was foolish to come here.
Now this shows that it's likely Garmadon did not want to fight. Of course, it could've been more of a threat, but in my mind it seems more as though he had hoped Lloyd would not fall for the trap.
I would also like to mention how much is probably going through Garmadon's mind during Season 8 and Season 9, in general.
He has just been ripped from the claws of death, and is probably in insane amounts of pain (his voice sounds strained during the fight, not mention his ribcage is literally showing), and the first thing he is told is that he has to kill his son to reach his true potential, and to protect his father's realm. A lot of people don't acknowledge that Harumi literally manipulated Garmadon and I think that's really crazy?? Like, she takes advantage of the fact he's struggling with amnesia and is in pain and is like "lol i brought you back as purely evil and all you can do is cause destruction because you're fully oni!!! go murder your son now!!!" Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that I don't think that the fight with Lloyd in Season 8 is entirely Garmadon's fault. There's a lot of things that fueled how he was feeling-- not to mention what he says right after Lloyd speaks to him for the first time; You've...you've changed.
I'd be kinda upset too-- if the first time I see my son in years, he's completely changed, basically gone through puberty.
tldr, I think that manipulation and generally being overwhelmed fueled a lot of what Garmadon did in s8-s9 in general, not just the fight scene.
This one means a lot to me. Like I have such strong feelings about this.
I HATE when people say "Garmadon cares about a plant more than his own son!!"
Guys. The plant is Garmadon's way of trying to learn compassion and be better so that he can make it up to Lloyd. Christofern in general is a metaphor for Lloyd, Christofern is Garmadon's symbol for Lloyd.
They even point this out in the show during a discussion between Nya and Garmadon!
Nya: Why are you carrying around a plant?
Garmadon: It was the only green in my life. I had hoped it would grow, and thrive, and perhaps, one day ... forgive me. But now it's gone, and I am alone.
Nya: We're talking about the plant, right?
Garmadon: Of course! What else?
Obviously Garmadon says that he's just talking about Christofern, but,, c'mon...do you really think this man is going to admit he's a little sentimental to any of the ninja... he's literally the emotional wall of the century... /hj
Also, this conversation with Nya is had IMMEDIATELY after Lloyd storms off because Garmadon said he was positive they would lose to the Overlord.
So the line But now it's gone, and I am alone. could easily be Garmadon projecting that he's upset that their conversation ended badly and Lloyd stormed off, and that Lloyd will probably get hurt or die in the battle.
Oni Training w/ Lloyd
This one is pretty simple for me to explain, but I've seen a lot of people that don't like how harsh Garmadon was when he was trying to teach Lloyd how to achieve his Oni form.
Personally, I'm nearly 100% sure that Garmadon was only being as mean as he was to inspire Lloyd to be angry so that he could achieve his Oni form; of course this isn't really the best way to go about it, but Garmadon probably only knows how to trigger his Oni form when it is correlated with anger and/or distress, so he probably assumed it would be the same for Lloyd.
I also think this applies to him faking his death; but of course it was extreme and I can understand being upset about it.
So...that's all I had to say. I might come back and add more later? Sorry if this was really incoherent I just typed this all up in one sitting to get it off my mind. In general, I just hope to give people a different perspective on Garmadon's character I suppose? I just,, don't really like that he's like...usually hated or only simped over.
But, again, this is just my opinion, and I'm not trying to change yours <3
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akariarda · 2 months
Misako never visited Llyod. Never sent him a letter, never came back atleast once for parent conferences, and overall didnt give him any closure for around the first 8 years of his life. She left him at a school for the evil and ran away. Then he followed, ditching school and putting himself and others in serious danger.
She also hit on Master Wu while still technically married to garmadon, infront of Llyod to. Imagine your deadbeat mom randomly coming back in your life after years and hitting on your uncle, all while having to process aging from 8 to 13 in seconds and having a dad like garmadon.she could have dropped him off with wu his only other blood relative and someone she knows and trusts who could protect him teach him right from wrong, how to defend himself.
And she got really bloody lucky that Lloyd actually became the green ninja because all her decisions are seem to be validated by the other characters even though she’s a terrible person.
Garmadon on the other hand is a bad person sure but not by choice but even though he is corrupted he still puts a side his goals to take over ninjago and sides with the ninja to safe his son, and even after Lloyd is revealed the green ninja he is proud of him, still going to safe his son siding with the skeleton army once again to give Lloyd a fighting chance, and that’s just in season one
Season two he tries to stop Lloyd from unlocking his true potential but he refuses to harm him in anyway And then when he finds the dark island he has to be pushed to fight Lloyd but even then he hates it and ends up just getting consumed by the overlord
And in season three even though he takes up an oath of none violence the minute Lloyd was taken he brakes it in his own words “when you don’t my son all bets were off” and I could keep going but I think I made my point Garmadon even though he was bitten by the great devour and turned evil he still loved and cared for his son and would try to be their for him well misako just left and abandoned him because she had a hunch and even wurst she left him at a boarding school for villains She takes people for granted. She missed Lloyd's childhood just so she could find a way to stop the final battle, but couldn't. Sure, it had a positive impact on his future, but she sacrificed his present. And she just flits between Wu and Garmadon like nothing,she caused her son to free multiple snake armies that summoned a giant snake that killed multiple people and destroyed others homes and made them homeless.
She flirted with her husbands brother behind his back in season 4 and claimed I should have chose you.
And she left her son at a school that turns people evil,she's useless to the story itself! In the show she is only used for explaining lore and stuff, but everything that she says can be said just as well by Wu, Garmadon, Ronin, Zane or Nya (depending on the situation). she also made passes at Wu while still being married to Garmadon I know he was evil, but time he became good she just forgot all about Wu, and then got mad about a nearly 40-year-old letter.   That shit is NOT COOL
Here we go again...
Okay, I think that Misako is a very complex character.
I like to think of her as a person who is actually good but makes mistakes and later regrets them.
Yes, she left Lloyd...
She did it for his future and sacrificed his present, that's how it had to be.
Why in a school for bad boys?
Well, my dear, we don't have any answer to that.
The writers wanted Lloyd to be there.
Why not with Wu?
She knew about Morror, and Wu would certainly train him to become a ninja, and she wanted to prevent that.
Leaving him in a school for bad boys was a very smart move.
Was it good or right?
Who knows, we can't know how it would have been if it had been different.
And she left him when he was 5 years old, maybe he was 5 in boarding school.
Garmadon is a villain and don't deny it. I love him and everything, and that he cares for Lloyd, good for him.
I'll just ignore this with Wu, because I stubbornly refuse to admit it.
I really don't understand if Lloyd forgave Misako why can't you.
Literally later we see that they became very close.
How can you be fans of Lloyd and Garmadon when you hate Misako and they obviously care about her and she about them.
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Guys can we talk more about that pre gen Ninjago 2023 concept. Having the old elementals as the main cast.
What if the show starts off with Krux and Acronix from the present of the original Ninjago, and they’ve just time travelled to before they were even villains and are just quirky nemeses of the main cast (quirky nod to the original show). Also the serpentine wars are probably also going to be mentioned.
The main cast is
- Garmadon: generally a bossy sassy guy who’s always grumpy bc of the venom and tends to be the leader since he’s the oldest. Despite it all he’s got some social skills and is generally well liked for his power. Currently on the side of good bc the venom hasn’t yet taken over. Has powers of destruction and dark energy.
- wu: Garmadon’s worried younger brother who is just trying to make sure Garmadon doesn’t destroy too much stuff. He’s genuine but also genuinely worse at fitting in with the group bc he’s more introverted (I’m riding off the fact that he decided to write Misako a confession letter instead of talking to her, not even after she didn’t get it). His fighting style relies more on technique than magics ability and it’s still ambiguous whether he has similar powers to Garmadon.
- Ray: didn’t realise he was a fire elemental and comes from a long line of blacksmithing. However when villains attacked his village he decided to become a samurai and defend it. Realises his elemental power throughout the series and learns to control it with the help of Maya. Can seem carefree and laidback and a bit of a joker but can also be incredibly stubborn and determined when he gets into it. Also wu and ray are bffs
- Maya: comes from a long line of water elementals and was trained to be a warrior elemental for most of her life. Hence she has a strict way of doing things and everything she does has to be perfect. She feels great responsibility in being the water elemental as it’s an important and sacred element. She’ll probably have an arc at some point where she learns to be messy and doesn’t have to be perfect all the time, and Ray will probably help her be more relaxed or emotional. She’s usually pretty cool headed but uptight. She’s enthusiastic about training and being organised and can be a bit critical when people don’t take it as seriously as her
(There’s not as much things to go off with these other characters so forgive me if everything else is vague)
- lightning: probably a small town girl who just happened to discover her elemental power but had no idea what to do with it. Maybe she was inspired inspired by the group to become a fighter and is generally pretty new to everything. She’s very bubbly and energetic and extremely talkative and is key on keeping the group together in hard times. However she’s also one of the more self indulgent members, and the one most likely to complain about doing super hard training. Despite that it would be cute if her character arc was about her growing into her powers and leading a more purposeful life, like she learns that she wants to fight bc she cares and not just bc she doesn’t know what to do with her powers. Also the thing with Cliff Gordon is like a celebrity crush running gag which then develops into a “Gordon gets damselled a lot and lightning has to save him” running gag bc I think that would be a cute and kinda silly romance dynamic idk
- earth: (Cole’s grandad) he’s a bit older than the other characters (only in an appearance sense to the spinjitzu bros) and he’s a travelling warrior. He was probably a hugely powerful potential ally that it was important for Garmadon and wu to recruit against the villains. I can imagine him seeming like the stern type but is actually just a dad guy yknow. Like he’s secretly a huge softie who hopes to start a family one day. I can see him and lightning having a mentor apprentice relationship yknow. He’s also got that leader esque vibe that I think it would be interesting if at a crucial point in the story he disagrees with one of Garmadon’s plans and kinda challenges his authority and it causes friction within the group. Also I just checked the wiki and apparently he was also manipulated by Chen and hypnotised by hypnobrai to betray the other elementals so that checks out.
- ice: again a bit older than everyone else but he’s kinda mysterious. Hes a renowned wandering warrior who shows up to save random villages from monsters before disappearing without a trace. Bc of this people are both in awe and suspicious of him. He actually comes to the spinjitzu brothers before they attempt to recruit him because he sees visions of the future and bestows them prophecies and is like “and you’re gonna need my help”. He’s cool like that and probably instigates main plot threads with his visions. This does mean he has room for a “don’t shoot the messenger” arc. But you could do many cool things with him and his future vision. Like he looks cool but is secretly in constant existential crises, which will also link into the general time and back in time them with this show being a pre gen and technically the audience also has future visions. And also the spinjitzu brothers are also operating on prophecies
Over all I love them and I want to draw now haha.
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nyaskitten · 5 months
Day idk of me begging the writer's to give Misako a personality
IDK if ParachutingKitten touches on it in her video but the treatment of Misako in the series is awful, they build her up as someone who is capable, smart, and interesting... Only to just make her a loredump machine.
Like despite not being an EM, Wu took her on to learn spinjitzu, she did so, she married a guy she HAD to know was going to turn evil and had a child w him only to be abandoned, then raised that child before she made the difficult choice to give him up in an attempt to keep him safe, dedicated her LIFE to trying to make sure neither he nor his father/her husband had to die... Plus she's one of the few people to bring out a different side of other characters like Wu, who is such a closed book to his students aside from his occasional goofy/emotional moments
She has so much potential but she is CONSTANTLY just another damsel. Like in DotD when she and Lloyd are attacked she does NOTHING to defend the two of them which is insane, she and Lloyd should've been fighting together!!!!
It makes me irrationally angry, sorry to blow up the askbox but your thoughts tonight have my gears spinning and overheating /pos
Parachutingkitten's video DOES touch on this, and how her and a lot of other women take on the exposition-dump role when it's most convenient, and how stupid that is. It ALSO touches on how Ninjago... never touches on Misako for whatever reason which is really dumb! Whenever you have the chance actually you SHOULD watch it it's great, best non-consecutive 4 hours of my life ever.
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sea-jello · 1 year
yeahh misako rant
i want to say i am not attacking anyone!!! i am just saying my opinions on the situation. with very strong wording. listen im an expressive person and i need to get the thoughts out the way they are
“o misako shouldn’t have left lloyd” she was going to find some way to prevent lloyd from being the green ninja no?? she doesn’t know where she’s going, or the living conditions, or if she’s even going to be able to eat and sleep. she might even die. and you’re asking her to bring her CHILD with her?? are you crazy
“she shouldn’t have put him in darkleys then” didnt lloyd keep saying he wanted to be like his dad?? if misako can’t bring him with her she might as well put him in a boarding school where he can “learn to be evil” ig. even if she didn’t want to, what is she going to do? say no?? force this 5 year old to travel round the world?? she’s an ARCHAEOLOGIST, she’s going to be digging in temples with a VERY BIG CHANCE of holding a cursed artefact or something. she can’t bring lloyd there. how is she going to find a babysitter in the middle of ass fuck nowhere
edit hi guys i just realized she could have also put him there because she said she KNEW he was going to be the green ninja the SAVIOR OF NINJAGO. sticking him in an evil school where they train VILLAINS is a surefire way of not completing the prophecy. that is running in the opposite direction and exactly what shes trying to do
“she could have hidden lloyd away and lived a normal life” that’s not how destiny works and misako knows it. it’s going to happen either way if she doesn’t try to do anything about it
EVEN IF the be like his dad mentality was taught from darkleys, you look at misakos options and tell me which one you would pick. she can’t leave him with her friends, if she had any. first of all this is the dark lord garmadons son. second how do you explain why your kid started spouting green energy down the line. she sure as hell can’t leave him with wu. he would just train lloyd, and that’s the very thing she’s trying to prevent. and on the off chance she knew about morro, she would be EVEN MORE against it
now IM JUST SAYING you need to consider both sides instead of defending your blorbo against anyone who ever hurt him
other than that yeah i have no opinion on her. she comes and goes
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Can we talk about the potential feral fae baby that sucked the life out of its pseudo parents the ninjagan emperor and empress?
Like the fact Misako straight up used a parasite style reproduction cycle to have a child? Because that’s pretty fucking based.
Also since some vampiric fae are based off dragonflies.
Did you know male dragonflies will bite rival’s heads and wings potentially killing the other man’s? All to defend their territory.
Some other damselflies sport very colorful wings, which they use both to intimidate other males and to entice females. A male "dances" for a female by showing off his wings and zipping along the water, a behavior that helps to communicate his quality and the quality of his territory.
Just misako doing these courting gestures including the male oriented kind to Garmadon
Showing her very big colorful wings off to Garmadon and flying super fast. Also taking out Clouse because that’s her man and territory.
Misako is a dangerously good deal maker.
And idk what to name the baby- what it looks like?
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Partner Pokémon au
Dareth at one point was one of the most powerful trainers in Ninjago and was at one point a member of the elite four as a fighting type master.
But he retired due to a leg injury.
It’s better now but the leg injury gave him time to rest and figure out his life beyond the elite four.
So he decided to retire shortly afterwards and open up a Pokémon dojo where trainers and Pokémon could get into shape and defend themselves.
Not to mention his on-site move tutor and move deleter for traveling trainers.
Misako is the champion of Ninjago.
She earned her title at the tender age of 13 and has held it for the longest time in Ninjagan history.
Champion of myths and folktales was what she is known as for her champion title
Her team includes the mythical Pokémon Hoopa, a shiny Coffagrigus known as Goldie, Dragonite, Sigilyph, Arcanine, and an Aerodactyl.
The previous champion was Ed Walker the Mechanical Marvel known for his team of steel and electric type Pokémon.
Ed of course restoring a broken Magearna to sentience earned him that title alongside his bust of an illegal Pokémon lab who were reviving fossil Pokémon such as genesect and putting cannons on their backs.
Ed may have taken too many headbutts from his steel type Pokémon and gotten mild head trauma alongside a penchant of getting caught up in his latest inventions.
Ed helped revolutionize the pc system in Ninjago
Edna was apart of the elite four of Ed’s time and specialized in electric types.
So she provided a calm counterpart to Ed’s eagerness
After Misako defeated Ed in the league finals all those years ago.
Ed announced that he was going to renew his wedding vows with Edna after his 15 year tenure as champion.
Edna stayed on as the electric type master of the elite four for a few more years just to help Misako settle into her new role as champion.
Libby being Ed and Edna’s daughter was more into Pokémon contests than actual league battles. (Doesn’t mean her Pokémon still aren’t vicious little bastards in battle)
Oh sure she got her gym badges but she focused on entering contests to prove she wasn’t relying on nepotism.
As well as to prove she wasn’t her parents to the wider world.
Cliff was her contest rival with his smug zozoark and his stupid hair
Cliff being a moron really did like Libby but he wasn’t sure how to show it.
So to show his affection and feelings towards her, he vowed to curb stomp her at every contest he could.
Granted he got that idea from his emotionally repressed twink brother Clouse who’s a total tsundere
Clouse here didn’t join Chen. He got the fuck out with Garmadon.
Clouse after his journey decided to specialize in snake Pokémon
Misako seeing this as pretty pog and intriguing decided to make him take Edna’s place on the elite four
Because if Raihan from sword and shield can call himself a weather type Pokémon gym leader. Then Clouse can be a snake Pokémon master.
Yeah I don't think I know enough about Pokémon to keep up with this
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authorgirl1111 · 2 years
Regarding Misako my Naruto Original Character (I have not finished the series, I techinically just finished chapter two and started watching the second Naruto movie... but I can’t avoid spoilers to save my life... or I could, it’s just super hard.) Any whoo. I’m bored. So let’s get to this. 
She is Minato’s adopted younger sister. Like Kushina she is not from the Hidden Leaf Village but from another shinobi Village that was wiped out when she was young. 
Minato came across when he was practicing his Jutsu and found her spying on him. Instead of freaking out on her, he noticed (based on like the half of her face that he could see that she looked a little malnurished, so he gave her some rice that he had been saving for later)
after several more visits he took pity on her and started teacher her how to defend herself... including some E rank Jutsu that any shinobi worth their salt would know. (She did live in a Shinobi village before it was wiped out. The girl was just considered too young to start training.. unlike in the hidden leaf village ninja training doesn’t begin until the child turns ten, and Genin isn’t even possible until the child is thirteen.)
After a month or two of training he gifts her a kunai that he hopes will help her defend herself. And it is that act, that allows her to feel safe enough to reveal what Minato had suspected from the beginning, that her entire village was wiped out in an attack and she’s been alone every since. 
Minato is deeply horrified. And when she reveals that she’s been buring the bodies by herself that horrification goes up, because no child should be stuck burying several hundred people by themselves. 
He offers to help, and she’s hesitant, but she looks at her Kunai blade that Minato had gifted her, stares back up at him. And agrees that he stays away from places that she deems off limits. 
Minato understands. 
The Village reeks. Even after months of burying bodies, there’s still so many left, because there’s only so much that an eight year old can do. 
Minato spends most of his free time finding bodies while Minako is the one digging the graves. 
With Minato’s help the rest of the villagers are buried in under a few weeks. 
Minako reveals that she never found her parents. Has no idea if the bodies that are nothing more then skelenton are her parents or if her parents had worse.
Minato tells no one of the small village, with only one sad little girl living their. 
He doesn’t want to ruin the trust he has spent several months building. 
Every time he suggests coming to the leaf village she turns him down. Not ready to leave her village behind, not knowing if she can trust that they won’t probe her for village secrets she is not sure she could ever give up. 
Minato doesn’t push. 
He should have. 
The day he brings her to the leaf village he had not been planning on meet her. He was out on a mission when he was attacked by a group of Ninja’s who had a problem with the Hidden Leaf Village. 
It was just him, and he was one of the best Ninja’s in the Leaf Village... but these guys were also considered the best,
The only thing that saved him was the little 8 year girl who no one knew was there. 
Just as they were about to deliver the final blow Minako came out of know where and took the brunt of the attack. Kunai blades sticking out her like she was a pin cushion. 
Seeing that gives him the final adreniline rush to defeat the team.
Minako is rushed off to Konoha (Who by then has past out due to blood loss.) 
When she wakes up she is... not happy. And distrustful of everyone there. She categorically refuses to answer anyone’s questions and it takes Minato explaining that had she not have been making a very good bleeding pincushion impression he would have not brought her to Konoha. 
Even then it takes seeing the scars on her body for her to finally comes to term with the the fact that it was necessary to save her life. 
Tsunade wants her to stay until she is fully healed and Minato is just barely able to convince that she nearly died a week before and it would be very very very good for everyone involved if they waited until they got the ok. 
Minato is about five seconds away from just revealing to everyone just exactly what Minako’s deal is, and why they should be more insistent that she stay in the leaf village. 
It’s not until the Hokage himself questions him that Minato caves under the pressure (f*ck being the strongest Shinobi of his age, this is the Hokage, he doesn’t yet have the mental fortitude to hold up against him)
He tells the Hokage that he has no idea what to do. It took months for Minako to trust him enough to let him see her village. But she hasn’t built up trust with the others ... but he doesn’t want to see her by herself anymore. 
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cyrusbugged · 3 years
The Happiest of Birthdays
In which the ninja do something special for Sensei Garmadon’s birthday
A/N: thank you to the anon who requested the headcanons for this concept, i thought it would be really cute to turn into a story! enjoy :)
It was a quiet, peaceful morning in Ninjago. Golden rays of sunlight shone across the far outskirts of the city, where a certain ex-lord of darkness was fast asleep. It happened to be this certain ex-lord of darkness’s birthday, and his son was planning something special.
“Do you have the tray?” Lloyd asked, pulling a party hat on his head.
“Yes,” Zane replied. “We better get there soon, before this cools off.”
Lloyd thought it would be a good idea to surprise his father for the special occasion. He managed to convince his friends to get up earlier than usual to help surprise him. Zane agreed to cook pancakes, eggs, and some bacon for Garmadon.
Carefully making their way through the dew covered grass, the six ninja snuck into Garmadon’s monastery. Lloyd led them to his dad’s bedroom. He carefully and quietly opened the door.
“Jay, don’t drop the tray!” Cole hissed.
“I won’t drop the tray!” Jay shot back.
“Wait guys, are we wearing the party hats?” Kai asked, carrying his in his hand.
“Shoot, I forgot the noise makers!” Jay whisper-shouted.
“You’re a noise maker,” Nya responded.
“Guys, shhh!” Lloyd hissed.
“You know, for ninja who are supposed to be sneaky, you’re awfully loud,” a deep voice rang out.
The ninja froze, and they looked over at a now awake Garmadon, who had began to sit up in bed. Misako, laying next to him, slowly woke up too, rubbing her eyes.
“Is there any particular reason as to why you’re sneaking into my bedroom this early in the morning?” Garmadon asked, running a hand through his hair, which was messy from sleeping.
The ninja all looked at each other, then Lloyd nodded. They all turned to Garmadon, and shouted out a “Happy Birthday!”.
Garmadon’s annoyed frown turned into a smile, and he laughed. “Oh, so that’s why?”
“Well, I wanted to do something special,” Lloyd said with a shrug. “It’s been awhile since you’ve been able to actually celebrate your birthday, father.”
“You have been a great deal of help around here as well,” Zane said, walking over and placing the tray of breakfast food on Garmadon’s lap. “It’s the least we could do.”
Lloyd went over, sloppily placing a party hat on his dad’s head.
“Yeah! How old are you now, anyway, Sensei G? One thousand and one?” Jay quipped.
Garmadon laughed, shaking his head. “That is actually the number of times you have to volunteer during my lessons now, Jay.”
Jay’s eyes widened. “Wait- what-!”
Misako sat up, putting her glasses on. “I guess that is today. Well, happy birthday, honey.” She pressed a kiss to Garmadon’s lips, and Lloyd fake-gagged.
“Ew! Groooossss!” Lloyd looked away, and Garmadon laughed.
“Okay, okay. Well, thank you very much for this little surprise. I really do appreciate it,” he said, ruffling Lloyd’s hair.
The ninja left, and Garmadon ate his birthday breakfast he was given. This was... sweet. The last time he actually celebrated his birthday was the same year he got banished to the underworld.
A few hours later, Garmadon had a class with his younger students. It may be his birthday, but that doesn’t mean he has the day off.
He entered his dojo, the chatter coming from his students dying down.
“Good afternoon, everybody. Today’s lesson will be an easier one, focusing more on defense against a person you are fighting,” he announced. “Now, when we defend ourselves-“
“Um, Sensei Garmadon?” One of his younger students piped up.
“Yes, Matthias?” Garmadon responded.
The boy, Matthias, wringed his hands together. “Well... we just wanted to say... uh, now guys!”
And with that, a chorus of a very off-key version of ‘Happy Birthday’ echoed through the dojo. Garmadon couldn’t fight the smile that formed on his face.
“Well that was very lovely,” Garmadon said when they finished, and let out a small chuckle. “Thank you very much. Now, pick a partner, and I will explain what activity we will be doing today.”
The sun was beginning to set, and Garmadon had just waved goodbye to his students. He sighed, leaning against the wall. He really isn’t as young as he used to be.
“Happy Birthday, brother,” Wu’s voice suddenly came from the side of Garmadon, causing him to jump.
“Oh, thank you, brother,” Garmadon said, letting out a breath. “However, you did not have to sneak up on me like that.”
“I apologize,” Wu replied. “But I came here to ask if you would like to join the ninja and I for dinner in the bounty.”
“I’d love to,” Garmadon replied with a smile. “Thank you.”
Wu led his brother to the bounty, going inside to the bridge.
The entire place had been decorated for a party. There were streamers dangling from the ceiling, a banner that said “Happy Birthday Garmadon!” hung across the wall, balloons on the floor, confetti sprinkled across a table with a table cloth, and there was a cake.
The cake said “Happy ???th Birthday!” in purple writing, and the rest of the cake was covered with white icing. There was a little drawing of Garmadon in the middle under the writing.
“This is... oh my,” Garmadon said, looking in awe at the whole scene. “Thank you, really. I appreciate this. But you didn’t have to go all out like this for me.”
“Like I said, I wanted to do something special,” Lloyd said, wearing a party hat.
Jay blew on the noise-maker he had, then grinned at Garmadon. “You like it?”
“I do,” Garmadon said with a smile.
“Alright! Let’s light the candles and sing!” Cole exclaimed.
“You just wanna eat the cake, don’t you?” Nya asked with a smirk.
“...I’m not saying yes but I’m also not saying no,” Cole replied.
Kai used his fire to light the candles, and Zane dimmed the lights in the bridge from his own mainframe. Garmadon sat at the end of the table, and Wu stood behind him.
After everybody sang, Garmadon blew out his candles. Suddenly, though, his face was shoved into the cake.
“Oh, I’m sorry brother,” Wu said, a sly smirk forming on his lips. “I must have tripped.”
In an instant, the ninja burst into laughter. Garmadon huffed, wiping his face off with his hand.
“What’s so funny, Kai?” Garmadon asked, then wiped his now icing-covered hand across Kai’s cheek.
“Agh!” Kai shouted, wiping at his face.
Cole sighed. “So much for cake...”
“Oh, don’t worry Cole!” Jay said, scooping up a chunk of cake in his hand. “You can still have some!”
The second Jay smeared the cake over Cole’s face, a war broke out. Cake and icing was being thrown everywhere, and by the end of it, there was more cake on everyone’s face than in their stomach.
And even though Garmadon spent some extra time in the shower trying to get the icing out of his hair, he was happy. Happy to have his family back, and happy to have his life back to somewhat normal.
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nonbinarykai · 3 years
Fake green ninja Kai au s1-5
Basically the au is about what if at the moment where Kai was saving Lloyd in the volcano and realized he was the green ninja he also realized that if Lloyd became the green ninja he would probably be traumatized. So Kai asks Lloyd if he can pretend to be the green ninja for Lloyd so Lloyd wouldn’t have to deal with the burden of losing his childhood and father.
- Lloyd uses some green ninja energy stuff to make it look like Kai is the green ninja when he unleashes his true potential
- Nya instantly goes “wait kai never gets anything he wants in life what’s going on here” she approaches Kai initially thinking he was doing it out of greed or something but once he explains what’s happening she agrees to keep it a secret and help him cover his tracts.
- for the first few season kai tries to excuse his lack of using the other powers by saying he prefers fire more. He eventually learns how to control lighting ((control, not master it like jay)). Nya helps with the ice stuff and Kai is super strong in general so that’s already covered.
- lord garm vs Kai custody battle of Lloyd FIGHT!
- Lloyd never gets aged up in this au and ages normally
- Lloyd still defeated the overlord in s2, everyone was under dark matter or rlly far away so everyone still thought Kai did it. The only people who knew he didn’t r Nya, Lloyd, garm, and Misako.
- speaking of Misako and garm, they also agree to keep it a secret from the others and especially wu.
- Misako realizes she kind of fucked up so she’s helping Kai as a way to try to make it up to Lloyd
- Lloyd is rlly mad at her throughout s2-s4 like he deserves ❤️
- when garm gets good he adopts Kai and Nya as a way to say thanks for not traumatizing his son
- Nya and Kai try to train Lloyd themselves, mostly just to teach him how to defend himself in case it ever gets to that point. They make sure to not overwork him and also try to give him a bit of a education
- after s3 Kai blames himself for zanes death, thinking that if he didn’t pretend to be the green ninja then maybe the overlord would have been defeated for good and Zane wouldn’t need to sacrifice himself.
- instead of the red shogun thing Kai just does what Lloyd does in show and tries to distract himself by working as a ninja
- Kai tries his best to help Lloyd while he’s grieving, garm provides the most support for Lloyd bc hes ya know an adult.
- Kai forbids Lloyd to go to the tournament but he sneaks onto the boat anyways because he’s a bastard
- skylor 🤝 morro “wait you didn’t take this title because your fucked up and evil?”
- when morro possessed Kai he was taken aback about how Kai is only pretending to be the green ninja for selfless reasons
- he continues possessing Kai because he cares more about the title then the actual power and everyone thinks he’s the green ninja
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #707: The Slap (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
2:23 p.m. at Smash's Mansion.......
Bowser: ('Scoffs') I don't believe your ass already, Ridley. There's no way you actually managed to get a lady's number!
Ridley: (Glares at Bowser) Why? You think just because I'm some monsterous space pirate, I wouldn't have any chances on scoring with anyone?
Hades: (Rolled his Eyes) You practically put the words right out of our mouths on that one.....
Ganondorf: You're appearance alone does seem more threatening.in the eyes, compare to the rest of us.
Bowser: (Gives Ridley a Smug Look on His Face) We have more chances of getting any woman than you wish you can.
Ridley: Really? (Crosses his Arms Together) Then by all means, tell me what exactly you imbeciles have to impress the ladies that I don't!?
Ganondorf: Well, I have muscles, dark magic, a evil, dominate personality....
Bowser: I can kidnap any princess no problem. (Shutters a Little in Fear) As long as it isn't Daisy.....
Hades: (Puts on the Most Smug Like Grin He Ever Had) Do you have any idea who you're asking this to? I'm motherfucking Hades! I can get any woman I want with little to no effort.
Sephiroth: (Smirks Confidently While Holding Onto a Cheerful Pichu in his Arms) I'm already a fan favorite in this town. Isn't that right, son?
Pichu: (Happily Cheers) Pichu!~
Mewtwo: (Crosses his Arm While in an Uninterested Manner) Love and romances are beyond my interest......
Dark Samus: ...................................
Bowser: See, even Dark Samus gas a chance at getting more numbers than you can!
Ridley: ('Groans') Forget I asked.....All I know is that I have enough charm and personality to get as much beautiful ladies than you hooligans can ever dream of havi- (Sudden Feels Someone Tapping his Shoulder) Hm? (Turns Around at the Person) What do you- (Eyes Widened at the Person) want?
The person in question was none other than Chun-Li, who is now glaring harshly at the space pirate in complete silence.
Bowser: (Eyes Widened at the Woman Presence) Holy shit, is that Chun-Li-
Ganondorf: (Sliently Shushes at Bowser)
Ridley: (Confused at the Woman Glaring at Him as he Slowly Raises his Finger Up) Uhhhhhhh.........Can I....help you-
Then, without warning, Chun-Li suddenly gives the space pirate three, stinging slaps across the face. The third slap she delivered was so hard that it caused Ridley to crash on the club's table.
Bowser: (Immediately Got Up From the Table Along with Everyone Else) Oh shit!
Ganondorf: That escalated quickly.....
Sephiroth: (Still Holding Onto Pichu) It's more unexpected if anything..........
Mewtwo: Whatever Ridley did to her, he deserves it.
Dark Samus: ...............................
Ridley: (Groans and Winces in Pain from the Slaps he Has Gotten) What did I....do......
Chun-Li: That...was for murdering Samus' parents, you heartless monster! (Gives Ridley One Final Glare Before Walking Away) ('Hmph')
'A Bit of Silence'
Bowser: Soooooooooooo uhhh.......('Clicks is Tongue') You guys wanna talk about what just happened, or-
Hades: Mheheheheh....Aheheheheh....AH!-
Meanwhile at the Living Room.......
Samus: (Smiles Softly as She Sees her Girlfriend Making her Way to the Sofa) Hey there, beautiful stranger~ What took you so long? And where your bottle of water?
Chun-Li: I uh.... (Looks Down While Shyly Twiddling her Fingers Around) Didn't get the water bottle......
Samus: Really? How come?
Chun-Li: Well.....you see, I didn't get it because.... u-ummmm...........(Finally Sighs in Defeat) I can't lie to you like this, Sammy......
Samus: (Frowns a Little in Worry) What do you mean? What's wrong?
Chun-Li: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) I didn't go to the kitchen to get water. I....went to the dining halls to see one of your mortal enemies, Ridley, in person. A-And by seeing him in person, I mean....... slapping him across the face.....
Samus: (Eyes Widened in Complete Surprised) You bitch slapped Ridley!?
Chun-Li: I-I-I wouldn't go as far as to put it like that! But....('Sigh') If you insist, then yeah..... it's the truth.
Samus: (Almost at a Loss of Words) Holy shit.........
Chun-Li: (Immediately Feels Terrible as She Bows at Samus) Gomenasai! I didn't mean to do something like that! I felt really bad about what happened to your parents and, well, I-
Before Chun-Li could even finish her sentence and much to her very surprise, Samus gives her a sudden yet loving and passionate kiss on the laps, which lasted about a few seconds before she slowly pulling away.
Samus: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) I love you~
Chun-Li: (Immediately Blushes Bright Red) Really? I-I-I mean!.... Y-You're not... really mad at me?
Samus: What? (Chuckles Lightly) Of course I'm not mad at you, 'hon. I was more surprised that you actually went over there and did it if anything. That and....(Smiles Softly While Blushing Herself) It really made me happy that you did all of this for me. I mean, I know everyone else in this mansionwould've done the same for me, but..... I'm still thankful.
Chun-Li: (Stares at Samus for a Few Seconds Before Smiling Softly Herself) Sammy~ You don't need to thank me for something like that. I just....Did what I thought was right....or at least justifiable. I mean, really, take it from someone who dealt with someone taking their love ones away from them in a young age. Or.....more so.....(Frowns a Little) a father......
Samus: (Begins to Frown as Well) Oh no. I'm so sorry. Who was the guy who did that to you?
Chun-Li: ('Sigh') An evil dictator name, Bison. Hate him with a passionate.....But at least he's finally dead now. So I don't have to worry about him anymore.
Samus: That's good at least. Again, I'm really sorry you had to go through with all of that...... Losing your own father and everything......
Chun-Li: (Smiles Softly) It's okay, Samus. I may still miss him to this very day, but......in a way, his passing......kind of helped that there's more to life than just mourning and being miserable. I may had some stressful times along the way, sure, but....thanks to a few of my closest friends, colleagues, and Li Fein, I still manage to pull through in the end and I'm proud of myself for that.
Samus: (Smiles Softly) As you should be. You are the Strongest Woman in the World after all. (Winks at Chun-Li)
Chun-Li: (Giggles Softly While Blushing) Oh geez....People still call me that nowadays?
Samus: Oh definitely. You do have some impressive feats in your arsenal.
Chun-Li: Maybe. (Gently Holds Samus' Hand with Two of Hers) But I believe you're just as strong as me and any woman in this world. I know losing a love one and...even living with someone who harmed them in the first place, can be pretty tough at times. But as long as you can help your head held high and keep living life to the very fullest, I'm positive you'll continue doing just fine in this world. Don't you think?
Samus: (Simply.Nodded in Agreement) I understand it completely thanks to you. And hey, if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to and all of that, I'm always here for you.
Chun-Li: (Happily Nodded as Well) Thank you so much....... S-So uh....
Samus: Hm? What's up?
Chun-Li: After that kiss you gave me.....(Starts Blushing Again) You really meant it when you said you love me?~
Samus: (Starts Blushing Herself) Oh! Uhh.....Yeah. I....guess I really did. (Chuckles Lightly While Rubbing the Back of Her Head Back and Forth) Sorry about saying it out of nowher-
Before Samus could even finish that sentence, Chun-Li pulls her in and gives her a loving, passionate Kiss on the lips. Causing the Bounty Hunter's blush to turn bright red.
Chun-Li: (Pulls Away From Samus For a Few Seconds While Giving her a Playful Smirk on her Face) Don't be. I love you too, Sammy~
Samus: (Almost Speechless) C-C-C-Cool- (Gets Pulled into Another Kissing Session with the Strongest Woman in the World)
Hades: (Continues Laughing his Ass Off at Ridley) AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Ridley: (Sighs in Annoyance as He Rubs his Slapped Cheek Up and Down) Are you done laughing now or-
Hades: (Holds his Finger Up as He's Still Laughing at the Still Annoyed Space Pirate) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ('Inhales Deep Breath') AHHHHH!- (Suddenly and Finally Calms Himself Down) All done now.
Ridley: Finally-
Hades: HA! Now I'm done.
Ridley: (Growls at the God of the Underworld)
Ganondorf: Okay! As entertaining as that situation was, I think it's about time we start figuring all of this out.
Bowser: (Smirks Smugly at Ridley While Snickering) Yeah. Like wondering what you did to piss off "the Strongest Woman in the World"
Ridley: (Glares at Bowser) I DON'T KNOW, OKAY!? Seriously, she just slapped me and blamed me for killing Samus' parents-
Hades: Which you definitely did, by the way.
Ridley: SHUT UP! A-And another thing......(Starts Getting Flabbergasted) I-I didn't even know the woman who Samus was!!
Ganondorf: Yeah. How does she knows who the Bounty Hunter is anyways?
Mewtwo: They're in the romance relationship with one another.
Ganondorf: (Turns to Mewtwo With Genuine Surprised in his Eyes) Wait. Seriously?
Mewtwo: (Simply Nodded) That's right. Why else would a veteran Street Fighter go as far as to slap someone like Ridley across the face three times? It's one of the many ways for any partner to defend their love ones honor, after all.
Bowser: Huh. (Chuckles Lightly) Well, good on Samus for scoring someone like her.
Ridley: (Still Irritated).Yeah. Sure. Good for her. Who gives a shit!? I'm still in pain here!
Hades: Oh give it a rest already, you blantent pussy. So you got bitch slapped by your arch nemesis' girlfriend. Big deal! You can just walk it off and-
Before Hades can finish his sentence, one of Dark Pit's girlfriends, Misako, comes out of nowhere and gives him a hard hitting punch in the gut, followed by a flying kick to the face by Kyoko, another one of Dark Pit's girlfriends, instantly causing poor God to fall down into the ground in utter pain.
Hades: (Groans in Pain)
Misako: (Walks Up to the Beaten Hades) That was for making our Angel Boi watch Boku no Pico, jackass! (Gives Hades a Middle Finger Before Walking Off)
Kyoko: (Turns Away While Crossing her Arms and Following Misako Behind) ('Hmph')
Sephiroth: (Still Holding Onto a Giggling Pichu) Well, what do you know? Another unexpected chain of events.
Bowser: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah. And it's two for the price of one.
Hades: That brat.....punched me in the gut......Why.....Why would she punched me in the gut?........
Ridley: Not so funny getting your ass kicked, doesn't it?
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