houmatsunokioku · 7 months
Fates OC: Nagame
A Mokushujin ninja raised in Igasato. Likes to keep to himself. Good at making potions.
Full Name: Kagemori Nagame (影森 霖) Birthday: 7/31 Origin: Mokushu (フウマ公国)
In-game data
Playable Routes: Birthright | Revelation Class Set: Ninja | Apothecary Personal Skill: Grit (孤軍奮闘) If there are no support units available, damage +2 and damage received -2 during the battle Max Stat Modifiers Str +3 | Mag -2 | Skl +3 | Spd +2 | Luk 0 | Def -2 | Res -3 Base Growth Rates HP 45 | Str 50 | Mag 5 | Skl 55 | Spd 50 | Lck 20 | Def 35 | Res 20
Personal Weapon
Nagame’s Tanto (霖の秘毒針) Weapon type: Shuriken Rank C | Mt 4 | Hit 90 | Crit 0 | Avoid 0 | Rng 1-2 | Worth 0 [Strength/Skill/Speed -3, Defense/Resistance -4] * found randomly in My Castle
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vixensreiha · 2 years
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ghelgheli · 2 months
I wasn't tired anymore. I'd grown before and destroyed myself and already become something different. Of course, when I was a seed, I was a mature seed and I couldn't grow or move; but now that I wanted to become a tree, I was a very immature tree and I still had so much room to grow and change. I thought that maybe the difference between the mature seed and the immature tree was that the mature seed has reached a dead end and will rot if it does not change; but the immature tree has such a wonderful future before it.
Samad Behrangi, One Peach and a Thousand Peaches trans. me [link]
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greglow03 · 19 days
08.04./8th of April
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altamugs · 6 months
Song: その電車、中津止まりにつき / That train, stops at Nakamatsu Music / Lyrics: メガナガメ / Mega Nagame Vocals: Kagamine Ren
夕暮れ5時の心斎橋 あてもなく歩くアーケード 建物の切れ間 射し込む斜陽 途切れがちな僕らの会話のよう
5 P.M at dusk in Shisaibashi, Walking aimlessly under the arcade Sunlight filtering through the gaps between buildings, like our interrupted conversation
週末ずっと一緒だったから 口数は減ってきたけれど 君の手から伝わる熱とか 静かな時間さえも心地よくて
We've spent the whole weekend together, so there's not much else to say, but the warmth from your hand or these quiet moments are comforting to me
帰りの時を引き伸ばすように ゆっくりした足取りで歩く
We walk slowly to prolong the journey home
行きたくないな 君と僕を 隔てる500キロが 心まで遠ざけるのが怖くて 君の手を離さずに 連れて帰りたいけど 横たわる現実を動かすには 僕は未熟すぎて
I don't want to go the whole 500 kilometers separating you and me I'm scared that even our hearts would grow apart I want to take you home with your hand in mine but I'm still too inexperienced to move the reality lying ahead
二人を遠ざける合図のように 接近メロディが鳴り響く 大阪の動脈に飛び乗り 細胞になって流れてゆく
Like a signal pulling us apart, the melody that signals the train's approaching resounds Jumping onto the arteries of Osaka, becoming cells in it and flowing away
梅田でやたらと人が降りて ガラガラになった席に二人 腰掛けたすぐ後に流れる 「この電車は次の中津までです」
A lot of people get off at Umeda Right after we take the two seats that have become empty, comes the announcement, "The next stop of this train is Nakamatsu."
「新大阪まで行かへんなあ」 悪戯な顔で君が笑う
"It won't go to Shin-Osaka huh?" You laugh mischievously
あと少しで辿り着けない もどかしい距離は 迷い躊躇う 僕の気持ちみたいで かりそめの終点を 取り払った先にある景色に まだ自信が持てないんだ
Just a bit more but we can't cross it, this vexing distance, stuck in hesitation, just like my feelings I still lack the confidence in the scenery that lies beyond the point where the temporary terminal has been cleared away
円いベンチ腰掛ければ 僕らだけのエアポケット 電車の音も雑踏も 消えていくんだ いつの間に見違えた この駅のように 変わって行かなきゃなあ 僕も
Once we sit on a round bench, we're inside our own air pocket The sounds of the trains and the crowd all disappear Much like this train station, which, before I knew it, I hardly recognized, I'd have to change, too.
「帰りたないな」 僕のワガママ 音でかき消すように サヨナラの電車はすぐやってきて 「せやけど…」って 寂しそうな 作り笑いキミにさせたくないんだ させたくないんだ もう
"I don't want to go home" The goodbye train comes as if to drown my selfish wish in sounds "I know, but…" I don't want you to make that sad forced smile I don't want you to, anymore.
地下から出た電車みたいに 気持ちは向こう岸に届くかな 淀川に夕陽が滲む
Like the train emerging from the underground, will my feelings reach the other shore? The Yodogawa river is blurred by the evening sun.
「なあ 死ぬまで横におってくれへん?」 陳腐な言葉しか出なかった 悪戯な笑顔で応えた君を 守るよ 本当の終点まで
"Hey, will you stay by my side until I die?" Only cliched words come out of my mouth With a mischievous smile, you replied, "I will protect you, until the true end."
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Kerala festival (തിറ )
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bi-naesala · 7 months
not me writing a long ass fucking papyrus for my nagamas application 💀
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houmatsunokioku · 7 months
Fates OC Story: Background Information
Since the game provides very little information on ninjas and their villages/nations, I have taken the liberty to expand on it.
Some terms:
Shurikenjutsu (手裏剣術): Skills related to the use of shuriken. Ninjutsu (忍術): Skills that are magical in nature. Uses ninjutsu scrolls (忍法帖).
Ninja villages/principalities: General
Kohga (コウガ公国) A principality located south of Hoshido. It was the home of many distinguished ninja clans, whose members served the royal family of Hoshido before it was invaded and subsequently destroyed by Mokushu. Former home of Shura. Mokushu (フウマ公国) A principality located south of Izumo, ruled by Kotarou, head of the Fuuma clan. It is also the home of the Kagemori clan. Igasato (イガの里) Located in the mountains of Hoshido, founded by the Saizou and Mizuki clans. * note: Kagerou's clan is not located in any of the above places.
Saizou clan
One of the two founding ninja clans of Igasato whose members serve the royal family of Hoshido. Notable members: Saizou V: Current head of the Saizou clan, retainer of High Prince Ryouma. Suzukaze: Younger twin brother of Saizou V. Saizou IV: Late father of Saizou V and Suzukaze. Served the royal family as a retainer before his death.
Mizuki clan (水月)
The other founding ninja clan of Igasato whose members used to serve the royal family of Hoshido. Specialises in the use of mist/fog-related ninjutsu to confuse enemies. Notable members: Takishiro (瀧白): Amane’s father. Head of the clan, friend of the late Saizou IV. Was killed during Mokushu’s invasion of Igasato. Yukiko (有希子): Amane's mother. Passed away years ago due to illness. Amane (天音): Daughter of Takishiro and Yukiko. Became the head of the clan after Takishiro was killed. Yagen (夜玄): Takishiro's younger brother. Was also a friend of the late Saizou IV. Seiji (清志): Eldest son of Yagen. Was heir presumptive before Amane was born. Amane’s right hand.
Kagemori clan (影森)
A ninja clan from Mokushu. Specialises in the use of poisons. Notable members: Nagame (霖): "Abandoned" as a young child by his parents in order to spy on Igasato. Was taken in by the Mizuki clan and raised as a ninja. Was friends with Amane, Saizou, and Suzukaze before he defected. Aoi (蒼): Nagame's cousin.
* This list will be edited as the story develops.
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maigeiko · 1 year
The look of... VI: Morioka
Welcome to the 17th installment of this series (my 6th). This time, we’re having a look at the Geigi that work in Morioka.
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Historical context It's not known when Geigi in Morioka started to exist, but they trained with Tokiwazu Rinchu 常磐津林中 who lived in Morioka from 1892-93. At this time, Morioka had two Hanamachi: Hatamachi 幡街 and Honmachi 本街. Hatamachi was frequented by customers of the merchant class, whereas Honmachi was the government office district, so the Ryotei there were mostly frequented by government workers and politicians. From 1898 onwards, they were training dance with Wakayagi Rikiyo I 初代若柳力代, originally a Kabuki actor who turned to teaching in his later carreer. In 1911, 54 Geigi worked in Hatamachi and 41 in Honmachi. 30 Ryotei operated in the entire city. In 1913, the Morioka theatre was opened and the Joruri piece "Hanabutai chiyo kaomise" 花舞台千代顔見 was composed by Matsumoto Koshiro VII 七代目松本幸四郎, who invited the Morioka Geigi along him. The lyrics were passed down orally along with the choreography. This joruri piece is performed by the Geigi up to this day. Coming to the present day, the segregation of "Hatamachi" and "Honmachi" no longer exists. They are all "Morioka Geigi", no matter where in the city they live. The Kenban no longer exists and there are no Okiya, all Geigi are independent. After a span of 19 years with no fresh blood, two young Geigi debuted in Morioka in 2012, followed by two Hyoko (Maiko) in 2016.
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The look of Morioka Maiko Local Term: Hyoko ひよ妓 - used to be called Hangyoku 半玉 ※ Hairstyle: Momoware Katsura ※ Kanzashi: Manjugiku 萬寿菊 all year (2 sets: white/pink/green, white/red/green). Katsuyama and Daikan. First year with Shidare. Rice husk in the new year period. 1 Birabira, 1 Hirauchi, red Kanoko ※ Makeup: Oshiroi, both lips painted ※ Haneri: red with white embroidery, seldomly white ※ Kimono: Furisode without tucks ※ Obiage: flat, tied in the back. red/silver, red/white shibori, July-September: single colour pink and light yellow, white ※ Obi: Koken musubi ※ Obijime: round, flat, single knot ※ Footwear: Zori
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The look of Morioka Geiko Local Term: Geigi 芸妓 ※ Hairstyle: Geiko shimada ※ Kanzashi: Kushi, Maezashi, rice husk in the new year period ※ Makeup: Oshiroi, both lips painted ※ Kimono: Homongi, Kurotomesode ※ Haneri: white ※ Obi: Taiko musubi ※ Obiage: red, pink, white with red Shibori (with Kurotomesode always white/red), white ※ Footwear: Zori
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Casual look Young and old Geigi alike often opt for a simpler look, both when dancing and when playing Shamisen… ※ Hairstyle: Yohatsu ※ Kanzashi: none ※ Makeup: no Oshiroi ※ Kimono: Homongi, Kurotomesode ※ Eri: white ※ Obi: Taiko musubi ※ Obiage: white ※ Footwear: Zori
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Dances In comparison to other small Hanamachi, more than just two or three dances of their repertoire have been documented:  ※ Aki no yo 秋の夜 ※ Enkaina 縁かいな ※ Furyufunazoroi 風流船揃 ※ Hanabutai Chiyo Kaomise 花舞台千代顔見 ※ Haru kasumi 春霞 ※ Harukoma 春駒 ※ Kimigayo Shochikubai 君が代松竹梅 ※ Kishi no Yanagi 岸の柳 ※ Kanayama odori karame bushi 金山踊からめ節 ※ Mori no nagame 杜の眺め ※ Nanbu ondo 南部音頭 ※ Natsu to kabocha 茄子とかぼちゃ ※ Sekizoro せきぞろ ※ Yama wa iro nasu 山は色なす ※ Yûgure 夕暮れ Check out the video linked below, the channel has more videos of this kind.
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Notes ※ The joruri piece "Hanabutai Chiyo kaomise" received updated lyrics in 2013, reflecting the passage of 100 years after its creation. It's now called "Hanabutai Chiyo kaomise - Heisei version" 平成版 花舞台千代顔見. ※ The local term for the registry office was chosen to be "函番". Mostly pronounced Kenban like the Geigi registry offices all over Japan, but also "Kanban". The "函" character was also used for the Shamisen case - Geigi's Shamisen were stored in the Kenban and from there, brought to the Ryotei if needed. ※ Geigi Yôko よろ子 is  Wakayagi Rikiyo IV. ※ Apprentice Geigi start dance training first, beginner dances being Kanayama Odori and Nanbu Ondo. Second the start training Shamisen and third Nagauta. ※ The b/w photo of the hangyoku is literally the only photo of Morioka Gei-/Maiko from before 2012 I was able to find. You can see the girls are wearing their own hair, Hikizuri and Darari Obi. The style has changed drastically! ※ This particular feature on Morioka was requested by @geimaiko. Thanks for the impulse! ※ If anyone reads this far... I’m happy to explore more Hanamachi. If you have a request, feel free to drop it in my inbox. An overview of what has received in-depth research before, you can find here. Sources ※ text: past Hanamachi, 1911 numbers, beginner training, school of dance Wakayagi-ryu, kenban/okiya system defunct, 1993 debut (only mentioned, no picture of it, sadly!), everything else ※ dances: hanabutai, harukoma, nanbu+karame+haru kasumi (video), aki+natsu, kishi, yama+enkaina+sekirozo, furyu, mori+yugure, kimigayo (followers-only account) ※ pictures: collage 1: beige flower furisode, Kikumaru/Marika debut, dark blue furisode, collage 2: all from Kikumaru’s instagram, Tomochiyo/Tomiyu debut, Kikumaru erikae, jikata in sepia tones, new year’s photo (Facebook), veteran geigi dancing (Facebook), 3 geigi dancing. Hangyoku. [Facebook has been restricting browsing for people who are not logged in recently, so I can’t look up the exact sources. Kikumaru’s instagram is private] ※ Original layout: @geimaiko ♥
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HUG SONG - Lyrics + Translation
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
【To】 そして想い出の時は過ぎ
【Ot】 帰り道への風ってちょっと冷たくて
【Ot】 だけどみんなではしゃいだ記憶
【To】 世界の星を探した記憶
【Ot】 ハートに募り
【To】 ハートに宿り
【Ot】 哀しさだけじゃくて
【To】 強さへと変わってゆき
【Ot・To】 未来へ繋ぐ力になり空へ
【To】 愛をありがとう
【Ot】 いつも
【To】 いつも
【Ot】 帰る場所でいてくれて
【To】 いつも
【Ot】 いつも
【To】 笑顔で待ってくれて
【Ot】 いつも
【To】 いつも
【Ot】 旅が終わり戻る日は
【Ot・To】 暖かく抱き締めよう
【To】 ただいまと掴むドアノブは
【Ot】 明日の数を増やして君は背を押した
【Ot】 怖くなったり立ち止まったり
【To】 進めない日も信じてくれた
【Ot】 振り返るほど
【To】 昨日が咲いて
【Ot】 生きているって感覚を
【To】 生きているって情熱を
【Ot・To】 君は一番傍で教えたんだ
【To】 夢をありがとう
【Ot】 いつも
【To】 いつも
【Ot】 言葉じゃ足りないくらい
【To】 いつも
【Ot】 いつも
【To】 貰ってばかりいる
【Ot】 いつも
【To】 いつも
【Ot】 自分以上の自分を
【Ot・To】 理解して笑ってくれる
【To】 時計の針を
【Ot】 共に
【To】 眺め
【Ot】 肌と肌を合わせ
【To】 胸に
【Ot】 響く
【To】 鼓動に命を感じ
【Ot】 朝の
【To】 風に
【Ot】 「これから」を描きながら
【To】 愛をありがとう
【Ot】 いつも
【To】 いつも
【Ot】 帰る場所でいてくれて
【To】 いつも
【Ot】 いつも
【To】 笑顔で待ってくれて
【Ot】 いつも
【To】 いつも
【Ot】 旅が終わり戻る日は
【Ot・To】 暖かく抱き締めよう
【To】 心から
【Ot】 ありがとう
【To】 Soshite omoide no toki wa sugi
Tsun to mune o sasu sabishisa o motte
【Ot】 Kaerimichi e no kaze tte chotto tsumetakute
【Ot】Dakedo min'na de hashaida kioku
【To】 Sekai no hoshi o sagashita kioku
【Ot】 Hāto ni tsunori
【To】 Hāto ni yadori
【Ot】 Kanashisa dake ja kute
【To】 Tsuyosa e to kawatte yuki
【Ot・To】 Mirai e tsunagu chikara ni nari sora e
【To】 Ai o arigatō
【Ot】 Itsumo
【To】 Itsumo
【Ot】 Kaeru basho de ite kurete
【To】 Itsumo
【Ot】 Itsumo
【To】 Egao de matte kurete
【Ot】 Itsumo
【To】 Itsumo
【Ot】 Tabi ga owari modoru hi wa
【Ot・To】 Atatakaku dakishimeyou
Daisukina hito to no
Taisetsuna jikan o
【To】 Tadaima to tsukamu doanobu wa
Tsugi no michi e to tsudzuku tobirada to
【Ot】 Ashita no kazu o fuyashite kimi wa se o oshita
【Ot】 Kowaku nattari tachidomattari
【To】 Susumenai hi mo shinjite kureta
【Ot】 Furikaeru hodo
【To】 Kinō ga saite
【Ot】 Ikiteiru tte kankaku o
【To】 Ikiteiru tte jōnetsu o
【Ot・To】 Kimi wa ichiban soba de oshietanda
【To】 Yume o arigatō
【Ot】 Itsumo
【To】 Itsumo
【Ot】 Kotoba ja tarinai kurai
【To】 Itsumo
【Ot】 Itsumo
【To】 Moratte bakari iru
【Ot】 Itsumo
【To】 Itsumo
【Ot】 Jibun ijō no jibun o
【Ot・To】 Rikai shite waratte kureru
Daisukina hito e no
Kiseki o misetakute
【To】 Tokei no hari o
【Ot】 Tomoni
【To】 Nagame
【Ot】 Hada to hada o awase
【To】 Mune ni
【Ot】 Hibiku
【To】 Kodō ni inochi o kanji
【Ot】 Asa no
【To】 Kaze ni
【Ot】 “Korekara” o egakinagara
Uta ni shite yuku
【To】 Ai o arigatō
【Ot】 Itsumo
【To】 Itsumo
【Ot】 Kaerubasho de ite kurete
【To】 Itsumo
【Ot】 Itsumo
【To】 Egao de matte kurete
【Ot】 Itsumo
【To】 Itsumo
【Ot】 Tabi ga owari modoru hi wa
【Ot・To】 Atatakaku dakishimeyou
Daisukina hito to no
Taisetsuna jikan o
【To】 Kokoro kara
【Ot】 Arigatō
【To】 And so the time to remember goes by
Carrying a sadness that pricks the chest
【Ot】 The wind on the way back was a little cold
【Ot】 But the memory of having fun with everyone,
【To】 The memory of searching for the stars of the world
【Ot】 Becomes stronger in my heart
【To】 Remains in my heart
【Ot】 It’s not just sadness,
【To】 It turns into strength, and becomes the power to connect
【Ot・To】 To the future, and it goes up to the sky
【To】 Thank you for the love
【Ot】 Always
【To】 Always
【Ot】 For being a place I could go home to
【To】 Always
【Ot】 Always
【To】 For waiting for me with a smile
【Ot】 Always
【To】 Always
【Ot】 On the day we return at the end of our journey,
【Ot・To】 Let’s warmly embrace
The precious time
With the person we love
【To】 The doorknob you grab when you say, "I'm home”,
Belongs to the door that leads to the next path
【Ot】 An increasing number of tomorrows which give you a push on the back
【Ot】 You believed in me even in the days when
【To】 I suddenly got scared, froze and couldn’t go on
【Ot】 When I look back on it
【To】 Yesterday blooms
【Ot】 The feeling of being alive
【To】 The passion of being alive
【Ot・To】 It was you the one by my side who taught me the most
【To】 Thank you for the dreams
【Ot】 Always
【To】 Always
【Ot】 Words are not nearly enough to describe it
【To】 Always
【Ot】 Always
【To】 I’ve accepted too much from you
【Ot】 Always
【To】 Always
【Ot】 To the person I love
【Ot・To】 Who understands me better than I do
And laughs with me,
I want to show a miracle
【To】 Watching
【Ot】 The hands of the clock
【To】 Together
【Ot】 Skin to skin, our hearts
【To】 Resound
【Ot】 In unison
【To】 Feeling life through our heartbeats
【Ot】 In the
【To】 Morning breeze
【Ot】 We’ll write a song
While we picture “From now on”
【To】 Thank you for the love
【Ot】 Always
【To】 Always
【Ot】 For being a place I could go home to
【To】 Always
【Ot】 Always
【To】 For waiting for me with a smile
【Ot】 Always
【To】 Always
【Ot】 On the day we return at the end of our journey,
【Ot・To】 Let’s warmly embrace
The precious time
With the person we love
【To】 From the bottom of my heart,
【Ot】 Thank you
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dreamcorechild · 25 days
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My very own Hantengu clones Oc's!!
Or as i call them "The Northern Island Demons."
I only made 9 of them cause in Japanese, The number 9 is also considered unlucky; when pronounced ku, it is a homophone for suffering (苦). which fits them since they were once people who suffered a terrible ordeal.
Before they all became demons, 9 of them lived a happy life in a island outside of northern Japan. One day a huge boat came over to their land and each of them were taken away from their homes. They were taken to the mainland of Japan and each were sold as slaves. separated in a different area where they haven't been to before yet seeing new faces whilst they were living in a isolated island for years damaged them. A perfect reason for Mokushiroku to manipulate and make each one of them worship and become his cult followers. And yes. they may look different but all of them were given the same blood from the same type of yokai's, A Tengu and a Oni.
1.) Mahiro, "Numb Manifestation" Real name: Jou Sukemori.
Age: 45 In human years. 200+ In demon years.
Blood demon art: "Endless laceration thorns."
Weapon: Tanto.
Before he became a demon, Mahiro was sold to a rich family that needed a Samurai. Mahiro promises that he would be back for the others but he didn't. In the vision he apologizes to them for not keeping his promise yet it was hard for him to show any emotions due to what he went through in the great war, which he was force to take part in which resulted in many deaths.. A war all for nothing where he returned home not as a hero, But a killer.
He is known to be a quiet emotionless mess that couldn't feel a single pain from any Nichirin blades. he wouldn't be like any one of the clones that would scream.
2.) Habamutzo, "Frustation Manifestation" Real name: Itakura Mitsukazu.
Age: 32 In human years. 200+ In demon years
Blood demon art: "Hellbent Fury Fists."
Before he became a demon, Habamutzo was sold to a Martial arts teacher in search for a slave to do his house work. At first Habamutzo struggled in the heat during summer and the cold during winter. He would often train with his owner incase of any bandits or murderers. Habamutzo sees the teacher as a mentor and possibly a guardian if he wasn't killed during the great war. Habamutzo fled and hid under a log while sharing a grudge towards Mahiro for breaking their promise and possibly being the main culprit in the teachers murder. Soon he was caught and tortured by the court and chief who they thought that he was the one who killed his owner.
His anger and motive was what lead him to become a demon. Demonstrating his frustration by killing those who he thought was responsible.. Only his eye sights change when he sees a victim as a soldier from his past. He sides with the rests of the 7 clones besides Mahiro who was kept in Mokushiroku's Pocket dimension.
3.) Aisano, "Tenderness Manifestation" Real name: Kouriki Tome.
Age: 29 In human years. 200+ In demon years.
Weapon: Deba Bocho Knife.
Before she became a demon, Aisano was sold to become a shrine maiden at a shrine far away from contact with her friends. Aisano was bullied by the older maidens for "Not being to beautiful enough" Even though she was treated bad. She treats the younger maidens like a mother, cleaning, brushing and polishing the shrine and fulfilling her motherly duties. During the great war. The shrine was suddenly used as a Hospital ward for wounded soldiers. She was violently attacked by one of them after they thought she was a spy. She was assaulted, Her mouth was slit and she was left to die in the storage room of the shrine,
Unlike the rest of the 8 demons, She was given her demon blood by Uranishi instead of Mokushiroku. Her deformed state lead her into becoming what she is, yet she still hasn't given up on her personality of a tenderly maiden.
4.) Doumoka. "Ferocity Manifestation." Real name: Yashiro Atsutsune.
Age: 26 In human years. 200+ In demon years
Blood demon art: "Teleportation Trot."
Weapon: Nagamaki.
Before he became a demon, Doumoka was sold to a cold hearted Farmer, Along with Shimitsu. Doumoka was treated badly during his years. Weakened with no breaks or supper, Just work. At night he would he strung up with chains like a puppet. He hated seeing the condition his fellow friend was in, So he snapped. Killing the farmer in his sleep by tearing off his jaw with his bare hands and leaving him to choke in his blood.
As a punishment for his crimes, His leg was severed and was boiled alive by the court. His body was badly burnt and unrecognizable when Mokushiroku saved him. Leading to his demon form being made out of porcelain with a hint of it being broken in a few places.
5 and 6.) Bukiyoshi and Yojinto. "Clumsy and Vigilant Manifestation."
Real names: Murata and Matsui Ujihiro.
Age: 23 in human years. 200+ in demon years.
Blood demon art: "Hitodama."
Weapon: Katakama Yari spear. (Buki) Kama. (Yoji)
Before they became demons, The twins were sold to a clan. The twins were forced to be separated at times whilst working in different jobs. They were often picked on for being to weak for battle by the higher ups, During the great war. Bukiyoshi tripped and fell. Damaging and chipping the Shoguns Katana. As punishment, he was sent away in a river, leaving his twin alone to fend for himself during the middle of a war. Separation anxieties sets in, and both fearing for each other. Bukiyoshi tried many attempts to see his brother, even going as far as to disguising himself as a foot soldier.
They both decided to become demons in order to protect themselves and each other from those who dare to threaten their existence. Their wish was to return to the island with the others.
7.) Shimitsu. "Melancholy Manifestation." Real name: Okuda Iemori.
Age: 17 in human years. 200+ in demon years.
Blood demon art: "Wailing Mirrors." [Multiplication.]
Weapon: Tanegashima Gun.
Before He became a demon, He was sold along with Doumoka to A cold hearted farmer. They were treated like zoo animals, Not aloud to remain eye contact on fellow villagers or citizens wondering by the farm or any conversations. Each night Shimitsu would suffer with constant nightmares. Before he was sold, His mother and father was murdered by a serial killer when he was young. [His parents perpetrator was Hantengu back when he was a young human during his sorrow era.] He was abused badly enough for Doumoka to avenge him. After Doumoka's trial, Shimitsu ran away. Deeming himself a coward and a crybaby, he survived by eating deer and bunnies in different forests for 10 months until he was eventually found by Mokushiroku in a malnourished state.
His appearance is a bit different, Instead of demon horns, He was given deer horns to remind him of his cowardice.
8.) Kofune. "Excitement Manifestation." Real name: Hirano Chikakore.
Age: 14 in human years. 200+ in demon years.
Before he became a demon. Kofune wasn't sold to anyone. Instead he was kept in the village, Tied to a wooden pillar with a sign that reads "Free servant." His only friend back then was a Japanese striped snake whom he named "Hebimikan." He would talk to the snake like it was the only thing that mattered to him. So much so he would forget about the world or anyone around him. The snake was gone when he woke up and was found dead the next day from a bow.
Kofune was forced to watch as many villagers were fleeing from the oncoming war, Yet no one was bothered to untie him from the pillar or even help him at all. He was abandoned by strangers who he never met. Though he still kept his enthusiasm while hiding his pain and anguish. He was found shortly by Habamutzo along with Mokushiroku who promised him "To give him freedom if he serves under his power."
9.) Kankiru. "Jubilation Manifestation." Real name: Ochi Fusayasu.
Age: 9 in human years. 200+ In demon years.
Blood demon art: "Puppetry."
Weapon: Kyoketsu-Shoge.
Before he became a demon. Kankiru was instead adopted by a Puppeteer, He was aloud to venture around the theatre where he could watch shows in a hidden room on the roof. Kankiru was treated well unlike the rest of his fellow demons. Which is why he never experience abuse or negligence until Mokushiroku kidnapped him from his adopted father grasps. Watching his new home being brunt to the ground. His comfort zone gone from him.
The reason was because Moku knew that Kankiru was one of the Northern island people that was taken to the mainland by boat. So he pressured and brainwashed him into becoming a demon and a follower where instead Mokushiroku would treat him the opposite of what the puppeteer did. Kankiru would loose an eye during the ordeal. And all his fellow demon comrades could do was watch.
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kovaipaavai · 1 year
The bonded pair - Andril Paravai
The rumors had come with the late autumn rain. Patti had taken her along to visit shiva bhattar that evening , insisting on her presence multiple times.
As the saayankaalam poojai wound down , they had sat down to listen to some devarams and bhattar had then narrated the story of a shivabakthan who'd been saved from drowning by a raaja-nagam , and had escaped with his life intact , thanks to Shiva's mercies. Bhattar then mentioned that the Bhaktan had lost his mind and single minded purpose - and that hidden condemnation had left her angry and seething for what remained of that night.
Most of her anger had been directed at Nandini . That pazhuvoor paambhu had always been after the people Kunadavai held dear. First it had been Anna and then it had been Thatha. Nandini hadn't spared any effort when it came to turning away Anna and Thatha from her , leaving her bereft of support and paternal care and now she even dared to snatch Vandhiyar away from her.
It was odd how that moment of anger made things very clear for her. Initially, she didn't have any special feelings for her brother's commander. She knew he was her chosen intended , thanks to Anna's elaborate jokes from the past about how he would marry her groom to his sword in her place and then send him to Paazhaiyaarai as her house husband. She had been very impressed with his presence of mind and innate charm and her heart skipped many a beat when he had offered his life to her in service . Mature that she was , she had put that down to chemistry , attraction and interest because he was her Anna's choice.
Even as she bid him farewell with a message to Arunmozhi , she hadn't felt the longing she often saw in Vaanathi's eyes. He'd taken her olai , nodded his head and rushed away in darkness to board a vessel to eezham and she'd come back on her merry way to the palace. Poets often spoke of absence and longing but those feelings didn't strike her until she'd gone to Kanchi , as per Appa's biddings.
Kanchi was vandhiyar's home , in a manner of speaking. Everyone including Patta had amusing and interesting stories about Vandhiyar. Her brother , especially had a lot to say. She didn't know if it came as a peace offering or out of a sense of brotherly duty but Aditya Anna had a lot to say about Vandhiyar.
He told her about his valor on field and charm off it . He spoke of Vandhiyar's crushing loneliness and bruised heart. " Avan oru paavamana anadhai Kundhavai . Naadizhandhu , pugazh izhandhu , veerathai nambi nammai naadi vandha anadhai. Naadizhandha arasa parambarai vaarisaaga vaazhavadhu oru kodumai . Athilum , appadipatta parambaraiyin ottrai vaarisaaga vaazhavadhu innum kodumai, but he has never let that deficiency hold himself back from living his life honorably and pledging his sword to an honorable cause.
She also came to know that she obtained her beloved due to Ilam Sambuvaraiyar's folly. Kandhamaaran had apparently promised Vandhiyar, Manimekalai's hand only to withdraw it abruptly and leave Anna's army . " Muttaal. Sutthamaana Ponnai vazhiyil tholaitha maha muttaal" - Anna has bellowed , part in derision and part in laughter. Even that apparently hadn't affected Vandhiyar much and he'd gone on to the next mission , as if Kandhamaaran's insulting gesture had never happened.
Her heart had moved for Vandhiyar then and she'd maintained a complete poker face as Anna had rattled story after story after story about his beloved Vallavaraiyyan , and had expressed his anger at Patta wanting to get her married to Paarthiban. "Paarthiban nanban thaan , aanal nambikkaikku uriyavan illai - paavam kizhavarukku adhu theriyavillai" had been her brother's lament.
She had left Kanchi lighter in mind but heavier in heart. That morning as she'd left , she'd nearly asked Anna if he'd had a similar freewheeling chat with Vandhiyar but dignity and something akin to pride had let the question die within her heart and here she was , on a deserted island , seething with jealousy before her bound and blindfolded beloved.
Kundavai composed herself even as she prevented Vandhiyar from removing his blindfold. She wanted a minute , just a minute to regain her composure , even if her jealousy and turmoil didn't show on her face . Her arms eased , as did her heart and she saw her Thevar slowly open his eyes wider with a gentle , curious and loving smile on his charming face.
As her arms eased , his arms surrounded her , enclosing her in a gentle, loving , secure embrace and Kundavai finally broke down in relief and joy. Arunmozhi was alive and so was Vandhiyar . He was hers , truly hers - not Nandini's and definitely not Mekalai's. All her men were truly safe and a stone's throw away where she could see them and protect them. Even as her thoughts raced towards next steps , Vandhiyar's steady heart beats beneath her hands and his awkward, sporadic pats on her back anchored and centered her.
She knew they had to hurry to Choodamani viharam. For all that they knew , Arunmozhi was still in the grips of delirious fever and needed care and attention. Slowly, but steadily , her mind started whirring . There were travel arrangements to be made , spies to be planted and plots to be thwarted. She needed someone to send down a message to Vaanathi , a secret message , urging her to seek peace in Naagaipattinam. She wouldn't deny her friend the joy of reunion she herself had partaken in . Kundavai was called many an abusive name , but selfish she was not , especially towards a dear friend who loved her brother and who was equally and fervently loved back.
As she continued spinning her web of plans , her Thevar's chin came to rest upon her shoulder and he started whistling a merry tune that made her want to whack him one moment and kiss him the next. As she spun her web of plans , her beloved was content to hold her in his arms , waiting patiently and silently until all her thoughts fell into place.
Moments or hours later , they slowly drew apart and after one look at her face , Vandhiyar beckoned Semban forward from where he was hiding. "Devi , I knew you'd want to rush to Arunmozhi and therefore , I knew you'd bring Semban here for great minds think alike" , he said with that disarming smile.
Thevare , fools think alike too " she'd added .As the night flew by the wayside of Semban's hooves , Kundavai leaned back and smiled. For a very long time , she'd planned , worried and governed in isolation. Now that she had Vandhiyar's loyal heart and lightning fast mind , she didn't have to bear her burdens alone. As she sighed in relief , Vandhiyar's arms tightened around her and he urged Semban along , eager to save another day from upcoming doom.
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aonahayashi · 2 years
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販売元 東塔堂
くらしのもの siro
blackbird books
くらしとおやつ ひらひら
hope low bakery
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