#Oh no even the ghosts are centauric now that’s concerning
puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 236
The ritual is complete, blood staining stone and fires cut short, snuffed to ash. For all intents and purposes, it shouldn’t have gone wrong. It should technically be over and done and successful. The cultists look from their bleeding hands to each other in panic and slight hysteria, clothing torn apart. 
They would not speak of this, and fix it right away! R-right away… fix it? They can… oh they can’t fix it um. No one will notice, right? 
What do you mean it’s affected everyone in the world?!
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
Remus wasn't fooled, he'd been watching over Harry's shoulder for just this. His eyes burned with every word that wasn't the fatal blow of Sirius' death, and still was just as much relieved they had another few moments to cling to that hope. He snapped forward and pried the book away from Harry, even as he tried to cling to it in protest.
"No, you guys shouldn't-"
"And you think you should?" Remus demanded as he matched Harry's glare. It felt like they were playing a real life version of Snape's task from so many days ago. Which was the deadly part of this? Who would it be, forced to say the words of what truly did their family in? Letting Harry get through it all by himself though would not be tolerated by a single one, and now surrounded on all sides as they all were, it would be the only chance they had to live through it.
Harry very reluctantly handed it over, and at once began pressing a trembling hand to his scar. Now he had nothing to occupy his hands, but knew their torturous pain of only having to listen as at any moment, the vision could overtake Harry again...
Harry had no clue if Hermione even had a plan as he followed just behind her and in front of Umbridge's wand. He didn't even dare ask her, for Umbridge was literally breathing on their necks.
Sirius still wished someone would offer speculation, a joke, anything! He kept hoping that somehow, any moment now, he'd drop in front of Harry with the magical story of his escape, he'd been the one to put Voldemort back in his place.
Hermione led them down past the Great Hall where the din of voices were chatting over dinner,
James made a little squeak noise. He could feel the time pressing into them in here, turning them more petrified by the second as they were forced to listen to this, and it had been even longer in Harry's time, how much longer did Sirius have!?
  it seemed incredible to him there were people twenty feet away just laughing about the exams being over without a real care in the world.
Lily had been shaking nonstop for quite some time, but that caused yet another tremor for a wholly other reason. If only her sacrifice had meant something more. She felt as if she'd only bought her son a spare few years, but he just kept suffering a life that no one should ever have to live through.
Hermione was walking swiftly out onto the grounds. Umbridge asked if it was in Hagrid's place?
Hermione scathingly said he'd have accidentally set it off.
"Play to her own idiocies," Remus muttered absently, his mind really not at all on this as he felt they were only getting further away from the help Sirius so needed. Hermione should have led her down to Snape's office, maybe he'd have done something useful for once in his life and stunned this troll bogie for them and then explained the plan of how to help Sirius!
Umbridge agreed at once, the half-breed oaf, then she laughed.
Harry had the urge to turn around and seize her by the throat, but resisted.
"I don't know how," Sirius said honestly.
His scar was still paining him through all this, but it did not yet burn white-hot as he knew it would for a kill.
Sirius wanted to shake off their concern again, but it was getting harder by the moment as his own chest restricted painfully. What he would give for Harry to never have known that pain, but he didn't seem able to find that hope as easily as his friends Harry would find some way out of this for him. After all, when Voldemort wanted you dead...and even James hadn't been able to fight him off...
Umbridge impatiently asked where it was, a touch of uncertainty in her for the first time as Hermione kept walking right towards the Forbidden Forest.
"Does she only just now wonder if she's being played?" Sirius tried desperately for that chipper tone at her idiocy, but it still came out more chilling as Harry shivered, he could still hear Sirius' screams of pain.
Hermione gestured in here of course, where students couldn't come across it. Umbridge was clearly more apprehensive now, but insisted they stay ahead of her.
Harry asked could they at least have her wand if they were going first.
"If she were that stupid, killing her would hold almost no fun," James said deadpan.
Umbridge said no at once, the Ministry put a higher value on her life than his.
"Which really goes to show the Ministry's priorities, oh, no wait, we already knew they respected dung more than anything," Lily muttered.
Harry tried to catch Hermione's eye again, trying to convey waltzing into the Forest unarmed may be the stupidest thing they'd done yet.
Remus suddenly had their attention far more than anything yet. The Marauders couldn't help it, if they'd been concocting some kind of plan, they'd have initiated it somewhere in here too, an area they honestly claimed to know better than even the castle. The intrigue finally brought them off of Sirius for even a second, what was Hermione up to?
She however took no notice of him, ploughing through the thickest bushes without care, and Umbridge's shorter legs were having trouble keeping pace.
Lily honestly wondered if that could be the plan, Umbridge certainly didn't know her way well enough, she could get lost.
After ripping her robes in bramble she demanded how far in it was.
Hermione said very, with confidence that Harry didn't have. Hermione wasn't on the path leading them to Grawp,
James lost any train of thought he might have cobbled together. If Hermione did have any idea in mind, it may well have been just that, in hopes Grawp would take care of their splinter and they could get back the real problem. Either she was lost or- he couldn't think past anything but wishing more than ever this future would never come.
but the one he followed three years ago to the lair of Aragog.
"Uhoh," Remus muttered, now convinced whatever plan she may have was now nonexistent and she was scrambling as desperately as them for a way out of this.
Harry tried to warn her of this, asking if she was sure they were going the right way, but she gave him the same steely answer and ignored him as she stepped with wholly unnecessary amounts of noise while Umbridge tripped right over a tree and fell. Neither of them paused to help her up.
"There's no way I'd consider you a person if you did," James stated.
Harry instead took her moment of distraction to hiss at Hermione to keep it down, but Hermione said she wanted to be heard.
That caught them all off guard, Harry blinking slowly as he tried to get his eyes to adjust to this. He still felt more than anything that feeling for what Sirius was going through, it was impossible to erase, but he could distantly recognize something new trying to trump that, some new fear coupled with something long overdue...
They kept going until the canopy overhead took away all light, and Harry had that feeling he was being watched by unseen eyes.
The boys had felt that way many times in the forest, and though it wasn't always a bad thing, it certainly wasn't something they wanted Harry to be experiencing right now! It was only another delay, another few lines they'd have to hear of Sirius not being safe.
The next time Umbridge demanded how much farther, she was cut off by an arrow thudding into a tree just above her head.
Lily startled so bad her wand was pointed at Remus before she'd even recognized the motion. Between Sirius a breath away from not having a future in that thing and now Harry being drug around the most dangerous place for him to be wandless, she was far past her wits end with anything else to do but curse the next thing that came too close.
Remus only paused for a moment to watch her before going back to reading, unable to concentrate long enough to even check if she stowed it away. Normally the sight would have terrified him from someone so genuinely formidable, especially her in this situation, but if she wanted to take this from him when he didn't have his answer for Sirius yet she'd have to try harder than that.
They were not alone, out of nowhere the sound of hooves surrounded them on all sides, and Umbridge kept Harry in front of her as if a human shield.
Sirius' face twisted in disgust, his hands still itching to crack her head in. His godson was trying to risk his life for him, and that soiled cat litter was using him to cover her own disgusting flesh!
Harry watched the binding in Remus' hands crack dangerously, they all flashed with murder again and he worried it would be far too long before they passed off of that. As pent up and stressed as they were for Sirius and now him, it seemed a miracle if Umbridge didn't enact another break away from this place more every line. Yet that same detached part of him pleasantly informed, while giving him another sock to his temple he had no need for with the rest of his pain, that hopefully something was going to come of this. Not good, that emotion was impossible to grasp right now, but something not bad.
He got himself free of her grasp just as the fifty centaurs came into view, bows drawn and all pointed at the three of them.
James made that noise again, and Sirius desperately put his arm around his best mate. It was the only thing holding him together now, realizing that Harry and Sirius truly were both in life threatening situations, and he couldn't do anything for either of them! This all somehow grew successively worse every single day, he was literally being torn in two for his family. There was no sign of his ghost coming back this time to offer anyone anything!
They remained very still as they were surrounded, Harry ignoring Umbridge's little whimpers of terror and instead spotting Hermione's triumphant smile.
"This was her plan!" Lily shrieked, and Remus actually did recoil in fear from her now, from this life somehow Harry survived and honestly none of them had a clue how at this point. "To make the centaurs angry!"
"I, can actually see this one, a bit," Sirius whispered, his eyes still too wide but certainly there was something in his voice now holding to that. "She knows exactly how Umbridge is going to treat these guys, and they're going to go ballistic, maybe kill her if we're lucky. Yet those two are still young, innocent the centaurs have said themselves, so if they play this right, they'll walk right back out of there without her."
"I, well yes but she-" Lily still failed to truly put her heart into this even if she could see the logic. She was sick with worry for one of her boys already, but in all fairness it's not like she'd come up with an alternative, she was still reeling from what was going on with Sirius. Hermione's level headedness may be their saving grace as she tried to wave Remus on without full blown panicking.
Magorian stepped forward, and Umbridge pointed her trembling wand at him.
Remus scoffed low in his throat in disgust, easily imagining such a pathetic response from something able to fight back against her. A braver person than her would have cowed in front of a herd of angry centaurs, but after all she'd done to Harry and too many innocent children, whatever happened to her next because of this would be so sweetly deserved even Umbridge's voice couldn't manage it.
Umbridge declared herself as Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic, Headmistress, and High Inquisitor of Hogwarts.
"She is no such thing!" Sirius vowed, he'd never view her as anything more than a lower life form than the mice Mrs. Norris spat out for not being edible enough.
Magorian was not impressed by her Ministry status.
Umbridge was though, trying to steady her voice as she recited their laws that under the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, an attack by half-breeds such as them on a human-
"Now she's done it," James said distantly, though he'd never been less invested in Umbridge in his life. If this had been going on any other time than when Sirius needed him...
Hermione told her not to call them that, but it went unheard as many centaurs around them roared in outrage for the slur.
"Trying to distance herself, a very good idea right now," Remus muttered, his fingers tapping restlessly against the book as he still recognized how dangerous this was for Harry. Just being a human in her presence right now was a danger, no matter their age.
Umbridge cared nothing, still going on loudly that they fell under the category of near- human intelligence-
"That's right, keep insulting them," Sirius never thought he would be encouraging Umbridge to do anything, but this was a better distraction from his own problem than he ever would have hoped to ask for. "I've always wanted to hear of dismemberment by centaurs."
but even her voice failed as Magorian shouted they considered that a great insult, their intelligence far outsripped hers!
A grey centaur demanded what she was doing in their Forest?
Umbridge was now shaking with as much fright as indignation.
"I never would have thought she could really be this dense," Lily hissed. As foul as they'd all found her, they never would have thought she'd be this stupid. Even the lowest life form must realize by now who was the dominant one in this environment.
She reminded them they only lived here because the Ministry permitted it.
"Dead." James said flatly, every single part of him praying that was the only death of this one.
An arrow flew so close to her it caught a few strands of her hair before again leveling out in a tree, now with a wild neigh echoing from all sides that left Harry unnerved.
"Now I know where your mind still is if unnerving is all you're getting from this," Remus shifted uneasily, still all to fearful Harry and Hermione would be caught in the crossfire any second, and yet hardly wanting to flip back any moment and hear of what Voldemort was doing to Sirius. This was a true torture in itself.
Umbridge shrieked at them, then shot the spell Incarcerous at the nearest one.
"Oh no, I was wrong," James conceded. "Now she's dead."
"And here we are, not even able to enjoy it," Remus muttered, his hand always on the next page, never wanting to keep going until the precious words arrived Sirius had escaped.
Ropes flew from her wand and encircled him, she'd gone too far. The centaurs rushed her in a rage, Harry recognizing Bane to be the one to lift her right off the ground with one arm and lear at her. Umbridge's wand fell, and Harry's heart gave a tiny leap of hope as he reached for it, but a hoof smashed it in half.
"Honestly I don't think it was worth it," Sirius grumbled in disgust. Harry would get his wand back, no need to degrade himself into using that tarnished wood once used by a frog thicker than any pondscum.
She was dragged away kicking and screaming, her pleas meaning nothing as she vanished into the distant forest.
Remus vaguely recalled a few myths he'd heard of what centaurus did when they really wanted you dead, and honestly if even a portion of them were true he'd have felt genuine fear under any other circumstances, but now he was just wishing this had all been done in the beginning to her.
Harry rubbed at his scar, not on his forehead, but the back of his hand, his eyes actually burning hatefully for someone other than Voldemort or himself for just a moment. Umbridge's screams and pleas for help had meant nothing to him then or now.
"Was she really begging you to actually help her?" James honestly couldn't believe that one, even the Dursley's wouldn't really be so stupid!
"Yes," Harry said, his right hand clenched into a hard fist, "but I didn't bother of course, after all, I must not tell lies."*
Sirius grinned crazily at Harry, patting his knee with far too much enthusiasm for this. It all fit together rather well in his mind, he'd take on Voldemort all over again if he could get these set of circumstances to happen to Umbridge any day, they couldn't have set up a better revenge if they'd tried!
The others did not agree, but none could deny either they weren't just a bit grimly pleased something had been worth it in all this mayhem and heartbreak, though it would mean nothing if the one most important to them didn't make it through.
Screaming non-stop, her voice grew fainter and fainter until it could no longer be heard over the trampling of hooves still surrounding them.
"Not good," Lily hissed, chanting that under her breath now as she removed her nails from James and let them dig into her own palm instead, the fear twisting her innards relieving nothing. She couldn't erase the idea Harry was still in the middle of all this.
James reached over and put her hands right back inside his, the only thing stilling the shaking, he didn't care the little pinpricks of her fear pushing into him instead, it was yet another reminder, a way to distance himself from seeing this happening to Harry on one level and still seeing Sirius just beyond that in a position he'd die before allowing himself to stay in at Voldemort's feet.
Harry was yanked by another centaur grabbing the back of his neck, the centaurs now demanding what should be done with them.
One pointed out they did not hurt foals, but another reminded they'd been the ones to bring her here.
"Shit!" Lily yelped, startling in place all over again. The centaurs had been watching the whole time, they knew Hermione's hadn't been a complete ruse!
"This could still work in their favor," Remus tried desperately to placate. "She had them at wand point this whole time, if they play this right they could pin it all on Umbridge forcing them to go in there."
The one holding Harry even pointed out they weren't so young, this one was nearing manhood with a hard shake to Harry.
"There's a compliment somewhere in there," James managed softly as he watched his son, his own age, that sting always present in the back of his mind he'd never truly seen him grow up, that these centaurs had seen his son at more stages of his life than he had.
Hermione pleaded they were nothing like her, they didn't care for the Ministry, they'd only come in here so they could drive her off.
"Gah, she was doing so good for a moment!" Remus found a new shade of pale all his own in fear for that line.
"How did she manage to say the worst possible thing," Sirius groaned miserably, now realizing their earlier fears had been preemptive, Hermione may have earned herself a death sentence along with Umbridge for that one alone.
Harry at once knew she'd said the wrong thing, as the one holding her stamped his feet in fury, telling Ronan they were no better than the rest of their kind with their arrogance!
"Don't ever let them meet Sirius or they'll know that's true." Lily tried to say that in her normal voice she always spoke to him with, it was easier on her heart for just a second to look him in the eyes and as always give a poke at him.
Sirius responded as always, flashing her a grin, but it was still lost on the others, as Lily only managed to remind them they'd give anything for Sirius to be in this with Harry rather than where he was.
Demanding of her she just expected them to do their work like obedient ponies?
Hermione pleaded she'd only been hoping they'd help, but she was going from bad to worse.
"I fear we've reached past the point where words help," James managed to get out, no longer able to support his own weight and would have long since fallen over if he wasn't already down. He could feel he was about to be reduced to tears any moment now, because even looking at Harry and knowing he made it out alive, he still hadn't stopped rubbing his scar this whole time. This still wasn't the biggest fear of his night, and there was only one thing worse than fearing for Hermione's life right now.
The centaur holding Harry reared up in outrage, actually taking Harry's feet off the ground for a moment as he shouted in anger they would not permit these ones to leave, boasting about the centaurs doing their bidding!
Sirius hadn't thought it possible to be more frightened for Harry than he was moments ago, still knowing his pup could slip back into Voldemort's mind any moment when this fight between them ended, but somehow he'd certainly found a way to go past that into another level of fear. What did those centaurs do to him before someone came along to the rescue!
It seemed decided they'd join the woman!
Lily retched, one hand finally leaving her husbands now to tangle with Harry's as well, fingers twisted so tight nothing could have pulled them from her.
Centaurs were an ancient race who would not let this stand, they were superior, they-
Whatever else they were went unheard.
James spluttered something that might have been relief for this finally being cut off, though this only meant his worry for Sirius went right back up to the top now that Harry was free. 
Suddenly the two were dropped, all hands back on weapons as a new rumbling shook the forest.
"A proper warrior," Remus muttered without surprise, the centaurs were clearly trained to recognize threat over arrogance, something Umbridge was now being taught.
Harry hurried so he was crouched over Hermione protectively as Grawp poked his face in.
"You said what now?" Sirius squeaked.
"I-" Remus' voice failed as he couldn't repeat that one. According to Harry they hadn't been anywhere near where Grawp was tied up, so how was he, why...
Harry grew impatient with their surprise even as he felt his own pitiful relief for the save he didn't feel he deserved. He was almost angry for the rescue, like he knew he'd deserved to stay in that forest and the centaurs punishment would still be better than the rest of this memory. He couldn't just let himself sit around with that or he'd explode, but Harry's trying to keep going only spurred Remus back into fully grasping this. He certainly hadn't forgotten as his knee stayed tight pressed to Sirius, that stupid annoying voice of his always near the back of his ear, and he filed whatever emotions he had for anything else away for later.
He gazed down, unimpressed at the herd as his dull eyes traveled over them as if searching for something he'd dropped, there were broken ropes trailing his ankles.
Sirius was still making some noise with his throat like he was trying to attempt speech. They'd hardly forgotten about Grawp, but this never would have crossed anyone's mind! How had he even gotten loose? A giant was actually walking freely around their forest! He could no longer decide if it was fear, or indignation keeping him listening.
Clearly not finding what he was looking for, he said Hagger.
Remus couldn't help but falter from surprise again. He didn't know any words in Giant, but he honestly didn't feel that's what Grawp wanted either, that didn't exactly sound like he was asking for directions back to his mountain now he'd gotten himself free.
The centaurs remained tight in their fighting stance as Grawp repeated this with insistence.
Lily covered her mouth in surprise, wondering at that all of a sudden, and how he hadn't been able to say Hermione's name quite right either, but surely he wouldn't...
Grawp stooped, looking more closely than ever, still saying Hagger.
Hermione gasped as she whispered to Harry he was trying to say Hagrid.
"But, why would he?" James demanded, feeling woozy from too many things going on, and now he could add his son being crushed by a giant again to that list even if it was by accident.
"I think he actually grew to care for Hagrid," Lily hummed, so constantly near tears of late from her eyes constantly flickering to Sirius this almost set her off again.
"I, wow, I did not see that coming," Remus muttered, though admittedly touched for Hagrid, imagining the big guys face if he'd seen his brother now.
Grawp spotted them among the sea of colors, and rumbled Hermy in recognition.
"Now we know Hermione was right," Sirius blinked spastically, though a laugh was still too far gone for him.
"Bless Hagrid," Lily said with a hard catch in her throat, she couldn't imagine what would have happened to her Hare Bear if their game keeper wasn't the way he was.
Hermione shook in surprise as Grawp demanded where Hagger was.
"We all want Hagrid back," Harry muttered, he'd actually stopped rubbing at his head for a moment to gaze at the book with longing before turning wretched eyes to Sirius. There were a lot of things in his life he wished he'd had back, Grawp should consider himself lucky Hagrid really was just, inconvenienced right now.
Unsatisfied with her lack of answer, Grawp's hand reached out for Hermione, and Harry tensed ready for a fight, prepared to bite, kick or do anything he could to keep him off of her.
They all twitched with unease, that fight or flight instinct wanting to kick in here more every moment, none were crazy enough to think they could fight off a giant. Even with the confidence now Grawp wouldn't really do them harm, it was not a pleasant thing to be thinking of Harry so casually tossed over Group's shoulders when he realized he'd caught the wrong person.
He didn't get that far, he'd shoved a centaur right off it's feet and batted him away trying to reach for her, and this was what they'd been waiting on, as fifty arrows were shot right into Grawps face.
Lily gasped, the urge to vomit becoming more every moment. Now she could easily imagine this horrific scene, and both sides so furious, and their son still caught in the middle of it all.
Grawp roared, bringing his hands up to take the shafts out, but only digging the points in deeper. He began thundering around chasing the centaurs, who all scattered and fled.
Harry and Hermione were left, shaking with fright as Hermione whispered if he'd kill them all.
Harry said he wouldn't be too fussed if so.
"I, can not, believe that just happened," Sirius shook his head slowly. How did Harry's life keep getting crazier by the hour!? They still hadn't even gotten to the part where Harry was going to go kamikaze up to the Ministry for him!
He was not paying attention to anything around him anymore, as his scar gave another twinge of pain and a thrill of terror possessed him as he realized how much time they'd wasted.
James wasn't sure how many times his heart could stop beating before he keeled over, but he was sure he was close by now. He could feel that time too, like Sirius' heartbeats were even now being numbered!
They were even further than before from rescuing Sirius, and Harry turned with fury on Hermione for this, demanding what now?
"Ah Harry, don't take it out on her," Sirius said. He felt so faint, getting a first hand account of his own death, not able to tell Harry for one moment what he was doing was wrong for trying to stop it, but at the same time there was almost a relief, a calmness in him Harry had never put himself in danger for his sake, again.
"Thought that was my line," Harry muttered, his eyes still holding a dead look that continued to horrify them more than anything, as if nothing he'd yet done had even made a difference, Sirius' fate was already sealed. They couldn't believe that though, they wouldn't!
Hermione reminded they'd go back to the castle, and Harry shouted at her by the time they managed that Sirius would already be dead, kicking at a tree in temper.
Remus felt a hollow laugh, watching that reaction alone, afraid to look at Harry and see his eyes again. If that was the worst reaction Harry had, this whole ordeal really could be bearable, please let that be the worst thing Harry do!
Hermione insisted it was the only thing, they couldn't do anything without their wands and they still didn't have a way to get to the Ministry.
A voice behind them agreed they'd just been wondering that. They turned to find their friends they'd left in Umbridge's office coming towards them, all looking worse for wear as if having been in a fight, but also looking quite pleased with themselves.
"Well, at least someone's been productive," Harry seethed hatefully, never having felt more useless in his life than he did in this moment, still wishing he'd chased Grawp down or those centaurs. He couldn't understand where his mind was coming from with this, it just couldn't be true there really was no out for Sirius, he must be misunderstanding something!
Harry asked how they'd gotten away, and Ron explained they'd all let off some stunners at once, a disarming charm on one, and Neville did quite the Impedimenta jinx. Ginny's was the best, she did a Bat Bogey Hex on Malfoy, he was still covered with the things when they'd left.
There was some long lost part of James he couldn't find right now where he and his friends should have been laughing at that, congratulating little Ginny and how far she'd come.
"I think Harry more meant how'd they got their wands back," Sirius said, clearly finding this the most interesting thing to think about right now no matter how much anyone else disagreed.
"I'm wondering if it was Luna," Lily offered, still fighting off the urge to keep screaming now that the kids were back to just trying to figure out what to do, at least before they'd felt the movement! "Her complacency, could have caused a sneak attack, got their wands away to start this."
"Prongs, I really can see why you fell for such a devious woman, concocting that idea. I'm sorry I didn't appreciate that more in school." Sirius told him pleasantly.
James shook his head from side to side with that tight feeling still restricting his heart from truly smiling back, but Sirius could always drag him back to this world no matter how lost in thought he'd get. "Guess I should be rather glad, don't need you pining after her as well, she had enough blokes doing that."
Lily swatted them both good naturedly while Sirius rolled his eyes.
Ron concluded they'd seen them heading into the Forest from the office so they'd followed.
"And they just managed to find them in that great big-"
"Shh," Lily shushed Sirius before he could interrupt again, she was going to go ballistic if she didn't hear of Harry on the move soon, they could feel now more than ever Sirius was running out of whatever time he had.
Ron asked what they'd done with Umbridge, and Harry briefly explained the centaurs and Grawp. Luna asked who Grawp was, and Ron informed Hagrid's little brother.
"Great, now we're all caught up!" James said through gritted teeth, this had been the longest hour of his life, and he never would have thought anything could trump the moment Peter had betrayed him, and he'd never hoped something else would!
Harry testily cut in Sirius was still alive for now, but they had to come up with a solution before that changed. They all fell silent, all clearly growing scared of this insurmountable problem.
"Go back to the school!" Remus seemed aghast that wasn't Harry's first thought. "Make damn sure Snape got the message! Hell, Umbridge's fireplace is open now! Go back and use that!" He stopped quickly though, as his practically shouting these things was doing nothing but making Harry more miserable by the second. They could all feel how much he was blaming himself for this, and Remus would never want to feel as if he were making that worse. He honestly believed he wouldn't have been any more clear headed in the moment, more than likely standing around and panicking just like Harry in trying to understand what he could do to help, so he just kept himself going, any answer would be better than watching the poor kid beat himself up over this.
Luna said they'd fly as if that were the most obvious thing in the world.
'Oh yes, running off to get brooms is the most logical thing,' Remus couldn't help that mocking thought which he firmly kept to himself as it was no more helpful than last time, he just wanted to be on the move already even with his Padfoot right here by his side.
Harry irritably said that was no help, Ron was the only one who had a broom that wasn't being guarded. Ginny pointed out she had one-
Harry corrected that wasn't the point, she was too-
Ginny said fiercely she was three years older than him when he'd first faced Voldemort.
"She's got you there though," Sirius managed a real chuckle.
"She's going to get herself killed!" Harry hissed, somehow his panic climbing even worse than before and he hadn't thought that was possible, but now the reality his friends were in danger  really was pushing him farther than ever. His temple gave an extra hard throb, he could feel that pain and panic climbing every second, soon he wouldn't be able to tell past from present and he'd go darting out of this place himself to go rescue a Sirius right next to him.
Neville jumped in to remind they'd been in the DA to fight Voldemort, or had that all been some game?
"I think Neville really deserves something there," Lily said softly as she watched Harry bury his face in his hands with resignation. "He has the least understanding of what's going on, he doesn't even know who Sirius is. Even if he has put the name to the one in the papers, that makes this all the more unbelievable of the lad."
"Yeah, great, he's a bloody saint," Harry got out around a tight throat, pushing his glasses off his face for a moment to rub at bloodshot eyes, but quickly fixing that so he would never have to stop looking at Sirius for a moment longer than he had to. His mother was right, they all were, he was more grateful and longing in his life for the worst moment in his life just for those friends he no longer had at his side even with his family he had now.
Harry exchanged a look with Ron, both thinking the same. If they'd been able to pick members from the DA, it would not have been these three.
"Who would you have picked?" Sirius scrutinized that one oddly. "Cho? Zacharia? Collin? I never heard better options than the ones you've got."
"They're the ones asking to be there," James agreed, blinking fast to try and push that cursed vision from Harry's mind out of his for just one moment, it wasn't working.
Harry was still trembling worse than ever, wanting to go and save Sirius already, but now feeling as if he understood that anger at himself, if any of his friends got hurt because they'd gone with him...
Harry said through gritted teeth none of this mattered as they still didn't have a way to get there, though Luna cut in to simply again remind they were going to fly.
"She can keep saying that all she likes, it doesn't mean an Occarumpent is going to appear!" Remus ground out.
He hardly noticed the odd looks he was being given and jerked his head back up to glare at Sirius as he interrupted to ask what that even was.
"An occamy and an erumpent, keep up Sirius."
Sirius raised his hands in surrender, he hadn't been expecting Moony to be mocking Luna's weird creature ideas right now.
Ron said it must be nice if she could sprout wings at will, but none of them did!
Luna reminded there were other ways to fly, and Ron demanded if she was going to summon a Kacky Snorgle to her?
Luna corrected Crumple-Horned Snorkacks couldn't fly,
"Yes, because that was the part she caught on," Remus rolled his eyes heavily, feeling the pressure more than anyone he'd wasted all of his breath on things that weren't getting Sirius away from danger.
but they could, and Hagrid had said they were very good at finding places.
Harry turned to see Luna gesturing at two Thestrals looking on at them curiously from the shadows.
"Oh," they all muttered in genuine surprise. Only one of their members had been able to see those things in their day, and for the first time they wondered how often he'd seen those in the Forest without even mentioning it to them. This still held nothing to their honest thought this was the most ridiculous and long winded way Harry could use to get there! Yet berating him over it would do nothing but make them all feel even worse, they just wished someone other than Luna had offered up an idea, which was more than likely where Moony's ire with her currently was.
Harry went towards them at once with glee, and he watched them toss their reptilian heads wondering how he'd ever found them ugly.
"You can still find things ugly and useful," Lily said primly with a sideways look at Sirius, who openly ignored that one, there were some things even he wouldn't joke about, and now wasn't the time for those kinds of jokes on her part.
Ron was looking slightly to the left of where the Thestral now was, confirming it was those mad horse things you couldn't see unless you'd seen someone snuff it.
"Lest Ron's as lovely as ever," Lily muttered, more for herself that time as Sirius' eyes did brighten with humor at that one.
Hermione asked how many there were, and when he said two, she said they needed at least three.
"She could just ride on the back of one of the boys, they're tough things," James grumped, if this was how they were going to travel, he wanted this to be done with!
Luna corrected six, and Harry snapped fine, but unless they found more Thestrals this was still-
Ginny pointed out more would come, squinting more above where the Thestral was,
"Credit for trying?" Remus said snippily, well aware he was clutching the last page of his chapter and only more problems had been added to this already paralyzing situation!
as Harry and Hermione were still covered in droplets of Grawp's blood from when he'd been shot in the face, the two reeked of it and that's probably what had drawn these here in the first place.
"Why does Ginny know that?" Sirius muttered in surprise, she wouldn't have had this lesson yet.
"Luna clearly knows a lot about them, maybe she's had a chat with Hagrid about them and told Ginny about them," James forced himself to look Sirius in the face as the two sat around and just discussed something for a moment, even though both faces were more sickly pale than any full moon had ever done to them. They should have had the most practice worrying about their friends, and yet nothing could prepare them for what this all felt like.
Harry tried to seize the idea he and Ron would go ahead then, and Hermione could stay back to attract more- but Hermione protested this at once, and Luna said it wasn't necessary as she spotted six more arriving, noting they must really stink.
"No more picking on her either Moony, I like her," Sirius muttered, an actual smile trying to twist away his grimace for his situation for the girls bluntness.
"Well that seems to leave only you, I'm sure I'll have plenty more to complain of," Remus huffed.
Harry snapped fine, time to get on then.
Remus gave a tense sigh, somehow his hands fisting harder than ever as he eyed Lily who was now watching him expectantly. Another one down, and it hadn't happened yet. Maybe, if they just kept getting through more of these, it wouldn't at all...
*No one should deny movie Harry's zinger really was brilliant and I regret nothing putting it in here.
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cloudphillips · 4 years
"Excuse me!"
  A First year Ravenclaw taking a casual stroll along the halls of the Lower West Wing suddenly shrieked in surprise when she heard thunderous footsteps and felt the blast of the raging wind that knocked her off her feet. The books she'd been holding fell scattered on the floor and she was left dazed at the sight of gold and scarlet hurricane leaving destruction in its wake.
  "Coming through!"
The male Hufflepuff student dropped the pot of Mimbulus Mimbletonia from his grasp when he accidentally collided against a rampaging brick wall in the form of a Gryffindor student. He got sprayed by the plant's stinksap and was covered head to toe with its filth. It didn't take another second for him to fall unconscious because of the foul smell. "Run for your lives!" A Slytherin girl screamed at the top of her lungs, promptly alerting the students within the vicinity to scamper away and avoid the area like the plague if they didn't want to smell like dung for a month.
  Everything was in chaos ever since that hurricane of a Gryffindor came.
  "Bitch move!"
  Said hurricane took the form of Kim Yerim and she stopped her rampage along the corridors of Hogwarts when she stumbled upon a couple, a male Gryffindor snogging his girlfriend Ravenclaw, who completely blocked the entrance to the Great Hall. The audacity!
  Yerim didn't have time to tolerate this public display of affection and sheer disrespect, so she unceremoniously shoved them out of the way then barged into the Great Hall without caring if she would bump into someone or not. Judging by the shocked expressions she was getting from the rest of the student body, Yerim guessed that she must've looked like a possessed woman but her appearance was the least of her concerns as of the moment.
  For now, she needed to share the news to her friends. The news that currently circulated in Hogwarts rumor mill. The news that pulled her knickers in a twist and left her at her wits' end.
  The young Gryffindor scanned the hall in search of her friends and it didn't take her quite long to spot them huddled together at the far end of the table. Sooyoung looked positively bored as she mindlessly played with her food and gazed at the distance, Seulgi was gobbling down some chicken and mashed potatoes like a starved Threstral and Joohyun was absorbed reading the Daily Prophet.
  A frown slowly settled on her face when she noticed that their social circle was more subdued than usual. Maybe because there was the lack of mindless chatter. Seungwan, the one who usually initiates the conversation, was noticeably absent but Yerim shrugged off her concerns. That blonde nerd was probably out there doing dumb shit like trying to get initiated into a Centaur clan or reading fairytale stories to lonely ghosts.
  Either way, she wasn't worried that her Ravenclaw friend was in danger because if she was, Joohyun would be raving like a lunatic and she'd literally burn the wizarding world to the ground in order to find the culprit that hurt Seungwan. She'd even stare Death right in the face when the situation calls for it.
  Yerim crossed the hall with a few quick strides and upon reaching their group, slammed her hands against the table. "Did you hear the news?!" The Gryffindor could barely manage to control her laughter when she successfully startled both her Slytherin friends. Joohyun, in particular, shrieked like a dying whale and it gave Yerim such satisfaction to elicit distress from the older girl. The intense glare she received from the Prefect was totally worth it.
  You see, Kim Yerim was born into this godforsaken world for one purpose and purpose only.
  That was to annoy the hell out of Bae Joohyun.
  And maybe wreck some havoc while she was at it.
  "Kim Yerim." The Prefect's features contorted into a scowl and her voice dripped with venom as she regarded the young Gryffindor with malice. Any normal person would've been scared shitless after witnessing this murderous side of Joohyun but after long years of constantly being reprimanded due to her troublemaking tendencies, the Gryffindor had somehow developed an immunity to the Slytherin's method of intimidation. Trust Yerim to disregard authoritarian figures like their existence didn't matter.
  Despite her irritation at the younger girl, the Slytherin Prefect still scooted over and allowed Yerim to sit beside her. Whatever disagreement they had before was now forgotten as they ate their lunch in peace and chatted harmoniously with each other.
  "Which one?" Seulgi muttered inbetween mouthfuls of chicken and mashed potatoes. "Hogwarts has hundreds of rumors circulating every day. It's hard to keep track." The Hufflepuff turned to Sooyoung and asked for a portion of her red velvet cake which the taller girl begrudgingly gave her.
  "If this is about that Bulbadox powder that Filch drank in his tea, I swear I had nothing to do with it." Sooyoung pointedly munched on her cake and expertly maintained a neutral expression when she regarded her friends with a level gaze. She shrugged off their suspicions and acted all innocent.
  However, Joohyun wasn't one to be easily tricked. "You pranked the Caretaker?" She transformed into her Prefect mode and narrowed her eyes at her fellow housemate.
  Okay. They were getting off topic here.
  "No. I only smuggled Devil's Snare into his office and kept him locked in there while I transfigured Mrs. Norris into a cauldron but other than that, I did nothing else." Sooyoung casually admitted to her crimes as if they were just talking about the weather. Like smuggling a dangerous plant inside the school and literally endangering everyone was just another regular day in her life.
  Yerim couldn't help but be impressed. Never once had she thought of using Devil's Snare to terrorize the Caretaker. It was brilliant and certainly life-threatening. A prank of this magnitude was a ground for expulsion but Sooyoung managed to pull it off effortlessly. The Gryffindor suddenly developed a newfound respect for the Slytherin. Leave it to Sooyoung to take things to the extreme. She was amazing! Just bravo!
  "You did what?!" The raven-haired girl screeched in frustration as her sanity slowly dwindled away. Other students shifted their attention towards their table after that sudden noise but one glare from Joohyun was enough for them to turn away and mind their own business. The Prefect was mad. In fact, she was livid. The growing urge to strangle a certain tall Slytherin was difficult to ignore. "That's dangerous! You could've cost us our House points!"
  "Could you, like, chill for just a second? That was just only a few hours ago. He'd have escaped by now--" The tall girl stared into the distance and tapped her chin thoughtfully. "--or not." Her features contorted into a grimace as she internally debated on whether or not she should check on Filch. In the end, her conscience won. "Okay fine. I'll check on him later after I finish eating."
  "You better." Joohyun grumbled before settling back to her seat, still unappeased by Sooyoung's placations, and found a new habit of frowning at her food. She already lost her appetite. If only someone would comfort her and allay her worries but alas, that someone was busy out there training her flying skills.
  "By the way, where's Seungwan? I haven't seen her today." Seulgi momentarily stopped eating to glance at Joohyun. There was a topic in Astronomy that she had difficulty understanding and the Ravenclaw seemed like the best person to ask for help.
  "Quidditch practice." Came the Slytherin's response as she tucked away the newspaper she was reading in favor of her notes. Care of Magical Creatures would be her next class and it didn't hurt to familiarize herself with the new topic they're going to discuss today.
  "Seriously. They're already training at this time?" Yerim was incredulous. The next Quidditch match wouldn't be held until like two months from now. It seemed like the Ravenclaw team was preparing in advance, which was completely unnecessary since they're already a formidable force to be reckoned with.
  Ahem! No offense Gryffindor team. Yerim felt conflicted. Her mind was telling her to support their Quidditch squad yet her heart was telling her to root for Ravenclaw. Why? Because the Gryffindor team sucked and the players would rather showboat instead putting up a good game. It's no wonder they lost every match.
  Looks like we have a traitor here officer!
  "Their team are trying to get a head start for their next match against Slytherin since they are tied for the cup." Joohyun shrugged casually and her statement elicited some unexpected reactions from her friends. They all looked at her as if she had grown a second head.
  "Really? An uptight Prefect like you was keeping tabs on the Quidditch match?" Yerim exclaimed. Her mind couldn't quite comprehend the words she just heard. She shook her head in disbelief. "The world must be ending."
  "I thought you didn't care for trivial things like Quidditch." Seulgi was appalled. In her long years of friendship with the said girl, she had never displayed any interest in the sport, which was surprising since Joohyun came from a Pureblood family and Quidditch was like, the obsession of the wizarding world. Seulgi was curious as to why her friend suddenly became involved with the sport.
  "Oh, I still don't but Seungwan is so into it and you know how intense she gets. If she had her way, she might as well marry the sport." That thought alone caused Joohyun to frown and she accidentally ripped the edges of a page from the book she was reading.
  After that display of a rather passive-aggressive act, Sooyoung glanced at Yerim and they exchanged knowing smirks. Guess who slept on the wrong side of the bed today?
  The young Gryffindor decided to add fuel to the fire and teased the irate Prefect. "That's understandable since you can't deny that Seungwan is the best Seeker Ravenclaw has ever seen in centuries. She could be playing for the Big Leagues if she weren't such a nerd." She stabbed a piece of chicken meat and munched on it loudly.
  "That doesn't mean she should just spend all her time flying that stupid broom and catching that golden bastard. She has better things to do." Joohyun crossed her arms then sulked like a baby. Loneliness has made a home inside her heart and the Slytherin Prefect wondered if she could ever recover from this emptiness she was feeling.
  Okay. She was being dramatic now.
  Sooyoung rolled her eyes and gave Joohyun a goblet filled with clear liquid. The Prefect seemed confused at the sudden offer. "What's this?"
  "What for?"
  "To quench your thirst."
  Suddenly, the doors burst open. The topic of their conversation and the very cause of Joohyun's thirst entered the Great Hall. Seungwan scanned the surroundings in search of her friends and automatically locked gazes with Joohyun. It's as if their eyes were drawn to each other and the Slytherin Prefect was unable to look away. She still kept staring when Seungwan made her way towards them and Yerim took it upon herself to bring her friend back to reality. "You're drooling."
  Joohyun immediately clammed her mouth shut and half-heartedly glared at Yerim, which was pretty much useless since it had no effect on the Gryffindor. She clenched her teeth and remained stiff in her seat, not daring to move a single muscle, as Seungwan settled beside her. The raven-haired girl caught a whiff of her intoxicating earthy scent and needless to say, she was addicted.
  "Hey." Seungwan was a little breathless but she still flashed Joohyun that same brilliant smile that put the sun to shame. Her silky blonde locks clung to her porcelain skin in sticky waves and she was positively disheveled. The blue and gray robes she was wearing were all creased. She looked like she just ran a marathon around the castle grounds but despite this, she still took Joohyun's breath away.
  "Hey." The Slytherin Prefect swallowed the lump in her throat and fidgeted with the hem of her clothes. Oh look! There's a ketchup stain on her robes. Maybe she'll wash her garments later and sprinkle it with some fabric softener for it to smell divine once it dries.
  It took her a while to gather the courage she needed to fix the blonde's necktie. She bit her lip when her fingers accidentally brushed against the smooth satin skin and fought hard to keep her hands from trembling. She heard Sooyoung mutter the word whipped but she ignored it in favor of tucking away the stray locks that partially obscured Seungwan's face. "Done with practice?" Joohyun's voice came out so soft and gentle. It sounded foreign to her ears.
  "Yes. I'm quite famished." Seungwan pouted adorably. Her cheeks looking all tender and squishy and Joohyun was positively sure her heart had stopped beating.
  That was it.
  Joohyun had become undone.
  Yerim coughed then pointedly nudged her arm and that broke Joohyun out of whatever trance she was trapped in. The Slytherin blinked once, twice, before shaking off her stray thoughts and grounding herself back to reality. She grabbed a plate, cut the food into smaller portions then offered them to the starving Ravenclaw. "Eat some Seungwan-ah." Joohyun was too busy fussing over Seungwan that she didn't notice the disgusted expressions the devil duo were making after witnessing that cheesy display of affection. "Do you want some seaweed soup? I could make one if you like."
  "No it's okay." The blonde shook her head and proceeded to dig in. She wolfed down the food like a ravenous beast. Joohyun thought that she must be really hungry. Meanwhile, Sooyoung wondered where the food that Seungwan ate went. All the nutrients she'd been consuming did no wonders to her height.
  "So how was practice?" Seulgi felt confused at the sudden change of the Slytherin Prefect's demeanor upon the blonde's arrival but just chalked it up to one of her friend's tendency to be a mother hen. It was no secret to their group that Joohyun was quite affectionate with Seungwan. The Hufflepuff was about to mind her own business and resume eating when she witnessed Joohyun casually wipe away the bead of sweat that cascaded down Seungwan's forehead.
  That disgusting shit. Who in their right minds would do that?
  The Hufflepuff was scandalized as she glanced at Sooyoung and Yerim and telepathically asked them, through her shocked stare, if they saw that cheesy moment too. Judging from their grim features, they did and they looked like they were seconds away from hanging themselves.
  The disrespect.
  "I think our captain is trying to kill me." Seungwan shuddered at the memory of her captain's rigorous training regimen specially designed for Seekers like her. "She had the team gang up on me and had them throw Bludgers my way." The Ravenclaw shrugged it off casually like being chased to death by enchanted bloodthirsty balls was a normal everyday occurrence for her. A cheeky smile graced her lips when she turned to Joohyun and wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer. "How's my favorite Prefect doing? I haven't seen you all day."
  The Slytherin Prefect squeaked in alarm and got flustered at their close proximity. She felt the warmth Seungwan radiated against her body and if this keeps up, Joohyun would be a few seconds away from fainting.
  "Oh that's good to know..." Seulgi trailed off when she realized that Seungwan was no longer talking to her. Still distracted away from her food, she observed why her two friends were suddenly acting all chummy towards each other.
  "I'm fine thanks." In an effort to remain calm and not get carried away by Seungwan's touch, Joohyun shifted all her attention to Yerim. Her last bit of hope to keep her anchored to reality. "Sorry. What was it that you wanted to share?"
  "Right..." The Gryffindor tried not to laugh at how her friend looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She thought that whatever news she was about to share now seemed a little irrelevant after witnessing the lovefest that was still occuring at their table. Seriously. Why did they have to do that right in front of her salad? Do they have no decency?
  "Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament this year."
  This important piece of information garnered quite the reactions that were far from what she was expecting. Seungwan dropped her fork. Seulgi choked on her food and some of the particles flew to the air, much to everyone's disgust. Sooyoung rubbed the Hufflepuff's back in an effort to alleviate her choking ass. Meanwhile, Joohyun remained impassive as usual. "Students from Beaubatons and Durmstrang will be arriving tomorrow."
  "No way!" Sooyoung exclaimed in disbelief.
  "Why so sudden?" Seungwan wondered why she only heard about this now. News this big would usually spread like wildfire around Hogwarts.
  "Maybe Professor Dumbledore will explain everything." Joohyun handed some water to Seulgi, who was still choking, and worriedly gazed at her.
  The Hufflepuff thankfully recovered from her coughing fit and profusely apologized to everyone for causing such inconvenience. The girls waved off her apology and Sooyoung handed her a napkin to wipe the stain on her face.
  "Isn't this exciting? We could make friends from other schools and maybe get the chance to meet the famous Quidditch Chaser Park Bogum!" Yeri could barely contain her happiness and made no attempts to do so. She was literally vibrating with excitement. "I heard he's currently studying at Durmstrang."
  "Of course you'd only care about boys." Sooyoung sighed airily and shook her head in disapproval. She cared about boys too but she was being low-key about it. "Talk about thirsty."
  "I am not thirsty!" The Gryffindor fired back at her friend's blatant jab. She couldn't let Sooyoung diss her without throwing her own comeback. "Just dehydrated."
  Yerim smirked and Sooyoung grinned mischievously in return as they gave each other a high-five. Seulgi merely frowned. "Gross."
  "Shut it Pooh bear!" The Gryffindor threw some shade at her.
  "I literally have no idea who that is." The Hufflepuff was confused as usual.
  "Oh it's this Muggle cartoon that children watch." Seungwan took the liberty to enlighten her clueless friend. She took a sip from the goblet of water Joohyun handed to her before resuming her explanation. "It's about a bear who has an obsession with honey."
  "Don't tell her anything." Yerim sneered at the blonde. Her eyes blazed with fire that threatened to burn Seungwan if she so much as continue talking. "These Purebloods don't need to know what we do in our world."
  "You speak as if being associated with us is shameful." Joohyun was amused at the Gryffindor's antics. She couldn't find it in herself to become offended since it was Yerim. That girl throws insults and sarcasm like she does it for a living.
  "Of course." The Gryffindor casually stabbed her salad with a fork and loudly chewed on it. "You guys are so fixated on this Pureblood Supremacy shit. It's time we fight back and start our own cult of Muggle World Domination."
  "What about me?" Sooyoung piped up. Being the only half-blood in the group, she was feeling kinda left out. "Which side am I on?"
  Yerim looked at her dead in the eye and stated in a deadpan tone. "None. You're the factory reject."
  "Yah!" The Slytherin objected and that ignited an all-out insult war with the two youngest throwing shade at each other. Amidst their argument, Seulgi figured that it was the appropriate time to voice out. "I still don't know what a cartoon is." But her query was only ignored. She sulked like a baby and ate her lunch half-heartedly.
  Joohyun glanced at her wristwatch and frowned upon realizing that she was running late for the Prefect's meeting. "Seul hurry up or we'll miss the gathering!"
  "Aww you're already leaving? But I just got here." In her desperate act of begging for her friends to stay, Seungwan unintentionally displayed a rare moment of cuteness. Her brown eyes turned all soft like a puppy and her lips jutted out to form a pout. She clearly had no idea of the effect she had on Joohyun because she successfully rendered the girl useless with no effort at all.
  Thankfully, Yerim swooped in to save the Prefect from further distress since it seemed like she has short-circuited. "Brilliant! I'm heading to my next class anyway so I might as well come with you." She bid them farewell and grabbed a really flustered Joohyun then a sulking Seulgi before unceremoniously hauling them out of the Great Hall.
  The students from other houses stared dumbfounded at the spectacle the three friends made but shrugged it off and continued minding their own business. Apparently, this was a normal occurrence in Hogwarts. The sight of two respectable Prefects getting dragged around like puppets by a Gryffindor troublemaker was something they were used to seeing.
  Now all that's left were Seungwan and Sooyoung.
  "Shouldn't you be in Divination right now?" The Ravenclaw furrowed her brows when she noticed that some students were already leaving the Great Hall to attend their classes. Meanwhile, the Slytherin was just sitting there and eating her lunch. She made no move of getting to her class.
  "I'm not going." Sooyoung waved off her query and nonchalantly took a sip from her pumpkin juice, acting like skipping classes wouldn't be detrimental to her future.
  "What? But that's against school rules!" Seungwan was scandalized. She was horrified at the thought of missing lessons. Learning magic was amazing! How could anyone just disregard their education like it was nothing? Her inner Ravenclaw was having a hysterical fit.
  "Oh, you don't get to pull that on me when you literally snuck out after curfew just a few nights ago." The Slytherin rolled her eyes at her friend's pathetic behavior. It's as if she was acting all blasphemous and Seungwan itched to burn her heretic ass to the ground. She paused for a moment to contemplate about something before leaning close and narrowing her eyes to observe the Ravenclaw. "You're lucky Joohyun didn't report you."
  "I didn't mean for her to find me." Seungwan bit her lip and scratched the nonexistent itch at the back of her neck. She at least had the decency to look sheepish. Sooyoung did have a point and her claims were true. After that one fateful night were she was caught roaming around the halls by the said girl, Joohyun didn't even reprimand her nor take away house points from Ravenclaw. She just gave the blonde a stern warning never to repeat it again then let her off the hook and pretended like the whole thing never happened.
  "But she did anyway and told no one about it. Joohyun can be lenient when it comes to you." Sooyoung stared at her pointedly, as if there was a secret message she was trying to convey with her eyes, and Seungwan, for the love of God, had difficulty getting the memo.
  Upon noticing her friend's confusion, the Slytherin sighed in exhaustion as she massaged her temples to alleviate the growing headache. "Merlin's beard, you're so hopeless." She was tired, so very tired, of putting up with the blonde's cluelessness. Joohyun was out there giving out obvious signs but Seungwan and her blind ass just wouldn't take the hint.
  How could someone be so smart yet so stupid at the same time?
  "Anyway--" Sooyoung decided to change the topic since it would take her friend centuries to finally catch up with her subtle implications. "--I'm not completely disregarding my studies. I just have other priorities as of the moment."
  "Like what?"
  "Learning a new spell."
  "Which is?"
  The Slytherin stared at her for a complete minute and conducted an ocular inspection to see if Seungwan was worthy of knowing the vital information that she kept secret. Leaning closer on the table and wringing her fingers in a tight knot, the tall Slytherin adopted a serious expression that was rather uncharacteristic for her personality. The Ravenclaw couldn't help but follow suit. "The Patronus Charm."
  "You want to conjure a Patronus?" Seungwan clarified for one more time to check if she was hearing things correctly and to ensure that she was not being tricked. "Why?"
  "Well, aside from wanting to know the corporeal form of my Patronus, learning a complex spell like this would certainly help me in the future." The Slytherin shrugged and took a bite from her cake. "Give me an edge in Auror training and all that jazz."
  Oh. Now that was an actually valid excuse to skip classes.
  "Look Sooyoung. I'm glad you have the motivation to further your education but trust me when I say that the Patronus charm is really difficult to cast." Seungwan recalled all those sleepless nights and failed attempts she had to undergo before she could perfect the spell. "I tried doing it since second year and it was seriously daunting--" Her ramblings were suddenly interrupted by Sooyoung.
  "Wait. Hold up." The Slytherin held up her hand. A gesture to stop the Ravenclaw from talking. "You started practicing the charm since we were second years?"
  "Yes and I have learned to perfect my technique over the years." The blonde stared at the distance. A small wistful smile had settled on her lips. "It's a shame I can't use it on a real Dementor though." Seungwan returned back to reality only to witness Sooyoung's features morph into a scowl.
  The Slytherin lunged to grab the Ravenclaw by the collar in an attempt to strangle her and unleashed all the profanities she'd been holding. "Why didn't you tell me?! You could've spared me the effort of desperately begging Professor Flitwick to teach me. My pride and honor has been tainted!"
  Seungwan tried to escape but it was futile since Sooyoung held on firmly like a Boa constrictor. Thankfully both of them were the only ones left in the Great Hall or else other students would witness the commotion they were making and prevent rumors from flying around Hogwarts about Seungwan being a wimp.
  "I'm sorry!" The Ravenclaw wailed pathetically as she struggled to breathe and gather air into her lungs. "I just accidentally stumbled upon it while reading a book in the library and figured that it would be fun to try!" She wheezed and started seeing white halos in her vision.
  This was it. This was the moment she was gonna die. Her death would be brought not by the claws of a cat, but by the constricting arms of Sooyoung.
  The Slytherin growled and smacked her on the head. "While we were learning to levitate a fucking feather and doing dumb shit like unlocking doors, you were out there practicing a supremely advanced spell just because it was fun to try!" Sooyoung grabbed the breathless girl by the shoulders and shook her relentlessly.
  "Teach me!"
  "Okay okay! I'll do it!" Seungwan could feel her neck crack from the continuous motion. Her vision blurred and she was getting dazed. Thankfully, Sooyoung stopped her assault just in time. She smoothed out the wrinkles in Seungwan's collar, tucked away stray strands of blonde hair and patted her cheek affectionately before smiling menacingly.
  "Good. Meet me in the Courtyard tomorrow." Her gaze was dark and her voice dripped with poison. The glint in her eyes seemed almost threatening and Seungwan couldn't suppress the shiver of fear that ran down her spine. The Slytherin glanced at her watch and sighed dramatically. "Oh great. Now, I have to check on Filch to make sure he wasn't eaten by that blasted plant." She talked as if this greatly inconvenienced her and Seungwan thought. Who's fault was that?
  With that, Sooyoung left the Ravenclaw and set off to save the Caretaker. Seungwan could only stare at her retreating form as she wondered.
  Just what has she gotten herself into?
  A ship emerged from the waters of the Black Lake.
  It exuded a skeletal aura with dim, misty lights shimmering through its portholes and making it seem like a ghostly wreak. The enchanted ship glided across the docks and created turbulent waves along the shores.
  Meanwhile, a gigantic, powder blue, horse-drawn carriage, the size of a mansion, soared through the air. It was pulled by winged horses, all white and each the size of an elephant, over the grounds at Hogwarts.
  When Seungwan saw all of this, she was rendered speechless. She never thought she'd get the chance to witness something so magnificent, having only read about ghostly ships and flying carriages on the Muggle books she kept back home. She only relied on her wild imagination before but now she actually witnessed for herself how her dreams became reality.
  "Stop gawking and let's continue."
  Her blissful moment was rudely interrupted by the tall Slytherin who threatened her into sharing her techniques in conjuring the Patronus charm. They've been up since early morning, only stopping their sessions to attend classes and Quidditch practices, and spent most of their free time training. It was a little past two o'clock in the afternoon now and they were still making no progress.
  "Hey. It's not every day one gets to see ghostly ships and flying carriages." Seungwan crossed her arms and tried to defend her case, which was completely useless since she could never win an argument with Sooyoung.
  The tall girl merely rolled her eyes and stated in a condescending manner. "Ghost ships and magical carriages are common in the wizarding world. Everybody has seen them."
  This privileged motherfucker.
  Seungwan sighed in defeat and gestured at her friend to continue practicing. Sooyoung closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Relaxing her body and letting her mind focus on the memory receiving her Hogwarts letter for the first time. The elation she felt was undescribable and she allowed this positive energy to envelope her. "Expecto Patronum."
  A silvery whisp erupted from the tip of her wand and formed a white spectral shield. Sooyoung was ecstatic at the sight her progress but she lost focus and got distracted. The magic lasted for a few seconds before it fizzled out into nothing.
  "Are you sure that you're thinking of a happy memory? The spell won't work unless your memory is a powerful one." Seungwan frowned after witnessing another one of her friend's failed attempt. She crossed her arms and tilted her head in contemplation. Their methods weren't working. Maybe they were missing something? She'd better go and check her book just in case.
  "Say that again one more time and I'll slip some Draught of Living Death into your morning tea." Sooyoung growled in annoyance because she was already exhausted from her countless failures. The tall Slytherin clenched her teeth and tightened the grip on her wand before trying to cast the spell once again. This time she injected more force into her incantation. "Expecto Patronum!"
  The same silvery wisp emerged for a few minutes before it completely disappeared.
  "Honestly!" Sooyoung groaned in exasperation and threw her hands up to the air in defiance. "Why does this have to be so difficult?!" She glared at the heavens for causing her such distress. It's like the universe was conspiring against her when all she just wanted to conjure her Patronus. Was that too much to ask?
  "Don't be too hard on yourself. I had a hard time learning this spell too." Seungwan approached her friend and laid a comforting arm on her shoulder. Fatigue has been wearing them down and affecting their spellcasting abilities. She tried to reassure the Slytherin as best she can. "Most witches and wizards don't even have Patronuses and that's okay. It's not the end of the world if you're unable to cast the charm."
  "I know that." Sooyoung's eyes prickled with tears as feelings of inadequacy started to strain her and thoughts of doubt clouded her mind. "But how can I become an effective Auror if I can't even conjure my Patronus?"
  The sight of her friend's anguish tugged at Seungwan's heartstrings and she pulled the younger girl into the comforts of her embrace. She hummed a simple lullaby and rubbed the tall girl's back in an effort to relieve her misery. The Slytherin choked back a sob and buried her face into the blonde's neck.
  "You can do this." She cooed in Sooyoung's ear and traced random patterns on her skin. "I know you can."
  Then a brilliant thought flashed into her mind and the Ravenclaw brought it upon herself to cheer Sooyoung up. She pulled away from their embrace and grinned brightly. "Wanna see something cool?" When the Slytherin nodded in affirmation, Seungwan closed her eyes and recalled the happiest memory she had.
  Five girls
  Brilliant smiles
  One from Gryffindor
  Sunny skies
  Another from Hufflepuff
  Warm hugs
  Two from Slytherin
  Innocent laughter
  And one from Ravenclaw
  Souls connected with each other for the first time
  She held out her wand and voiced out the incantation she had grown familiar with. "Expecto Patronum."
  Sooyoung gasped in awe when, out the end of Seungwan's wand, burst not a shapeless cloud of mist, but a blinding, dazzling silver animal. She screwed up her eyes, trying to see what it was, and realized that it looked like a bird. A small, beautiful and elegant bird. It silently flew around them in circles, lightly nudging its head on Sooyoung's cheek before landing gracefully on the shoulders of its owner.
  The Slytherin was greatly impressed and she forgot about the negativity she felt earlier. "So your Patronus is a bird?" She asked after a minute of admiring the spirit guardian.
  "Not a bird!" Seungwan was offended. She didn't spend all those years of suffering from sleepless nights and learning a ridiculously advanced spell just for her Patronus to be called a bird.
  "A Nightingale!"
  Sooyoung narrowed her eyes and inspected the said animal for one last time before directing her skeptical gaze on Seungwan. "Doesn't look like a Nightingale to me." Her tone dripped with mockery and her eyes brightened with mischief. She wrapped an arm around the blonde and seemed to be having a great time teasing her friend.
  The Ravenclaw was about to retaliate by stating a rather scathing remark when she heard someone call out their names.
  "Seungwan! Sooyoung!"
  Joohyun approached them with a metaphorical cloud of darkness following her wake. Her features were grim and her gaze burned intensely. She looked like someone broke her wand and was on a rampage to wreck havoc on Earth, bringing upon destruction and chaos to all those who oppose her.
  Once she reached them, her gaze travelled along the length of Sooyoung’s arm that was wrapped around Seungwan’s waist. It lingered for a few minutes before she schooled her features into an unreadable expression. All her thoughts concealed under a mask of indifference and her eyes devoid of any emotions.
  That was the moment Sooyoung knew.
  She fucked up.
  The tall Slytherin quickly realized her error and jumped meters away from Seungwan then put some good distance between them. After ensuring that she was avoiding the Ravenclaw like the plague, she turned to Joohyun and tried not to wilt under her scrutiny. "It's not what it looks like, I swear! She was just teaching me the Patronus Charm!" Sooyoung was never really the type to keep a level-head during times of crisis and right now, under the pressure of Joohyun's gaze, she finally cracked and was in a state of panic.
  "You don't have to explain." Joohyun sounded calm and composed but her eyes told a different story. It raged like a storm and burned with the fires of hell. Sooyoung was never really a believer but now she prayed to every deity in the heavens to have her life spared just this once.
  Seungwan didn't understand why her friend was suddenly acting all nervous, as if Sooyoung was caught red-handed for a crime she didn't commit, and decided to clear up any misunderstandings. "It's true Hyun. I'm helping her cast the spell." She held up her hands in a placating gesture as if she was trying to tame a wild animal. Here she was, defending herself even though she didn't do anything wrong. She honestly felt like she was being reprimanded.
  "I can see that." Joohyun glanced at the silver spirit guardian still perched on blonde's shoulder. Her face still impassive. "Nice bird."
  Seungwan groaned and shook her head in disbelief. "Merlin's beard! It's a Nightingale for crying out loud!" Sooyoung faked a cough to hide her laughter. Her eyes glinting in amusement. It's nice to know that she found delight in Seungwan's despair.
  Joohyun remained indifferent when she addressed the both of them. "We're late for Potions class." She took off without further ado and left her friends in the dust, never even turning back to wait for them.
  Sooyoung and Seungwan briefly stared at each other, silently agreeing to continue their training session later, before running off to follow their friend.
  The trip to Potions class was relatively quiet. Joohyun kept to herself the whole time and Seungwan and Sooyoung didn't dare spark a conversation with her. The Ravenclaw knew that something caused the Prefect to become irate but she had no idea what it was. It felt like she was walking on eggshells around her friend and she was honestly getting tired. Hopefully, their lesson for today wouldn't require too much thinking on her part so she could have the time to relax and take it easy.
  Seungwan should've known better than to expect things to go her way. The universe had a vendetta against her. Surely, she'd have learned her lesson by now.
  Fate just loves to make a fool out of her.
  She should've known that things were going south when they were greeted by excited chatters and furious gossips from the students as they arrived at the Potions classroom.
  She should've known when she observed how Professor Slughorn was acting more chipper than the usual. The smile never left his lips when he flitted around the room to gather the materials that will be used in the class.
  She really should've known when Sooyoung voiced out. "This is going to be fun." As the tall girl noticed Joohyun stiffening like a rock and successfully imitating a statue by the time the professor announced.
  "Today, I'll be discussing Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world."
  Well shit.
  "Finally!" A boy from Gryffindor pumped his fist to the air in excitement and the rest of the class burst out in laughter. He glanced at Joohyun and smoothly winked in her direction but the Slytherin acted like it never happened. That blatant display of flirting caused Seungwan to worry for her friend. She knew that Joohyun despised unwanted attention, especially ones from arrogant boys who think they have a shot with her.
  "Hey you okay?" Seungwan moved to stand beside Joohyun and angled her body to shield her friend from the Gryffindor boy's line of sight. She gently grabbed Joohyun's arm and to her great surprise, the Prefect flinched as if she was spooked. The blonde was confused. Joohyun never shied away from her touches before.
  "Yeah I'm fine." The Slytherin faked a cough and distanced herself away from Seungwan. She focused all her attention on their professor and didn't even bother looking at the Ravenclaw.
  "I appreciate your enthusiasm for today's lesson Suho. The topic of love really never gets old." A small indulgent smile graced Professor Slughorn's features when he complimented the Gryffindor student. Suho looked quite smug with the praise he received. It was no secret to everyone that Slughorn took quite a liking to the young boy. Suho was a promising Quidditch captain and a popular dueller. Rumor has it that he was scouted to play as a Beater in a professional Quidditch team.
  Professor Slughorn's eyes twinkled when he continued with the lecture. "As I was saying, Amortentia is a rather potent concoction. Rather than create true love, this potion induces in its drinker an unhealthy obsession with its provider. Those conceived under the influence of this are doomed incapable of love. It is extremely powerful, dangerous, and must be continuously administered to maintain its effect." The smile on his face disappeared and his gaze turned stern. His voice dropping into a serious tone to emphasize his point. "Thus, we must exercise extreme caution when handling this potion."
  "This potion sounds dreadful Professor. Why is it even here?" Sooyoung raised her hand in question and Seungwan nodded in agreement. Why would they study this concoction if it was dangerous in the first place?
  Most importantly, why would Slughorn teach a bunch of hormonal teenagers, who all had the tendency to make brash decisions, to brew a complicated love potion that may or may not be used for illegal purposes?
  "So that you can study its appearance and commit it to memory. That way you can recognize and avoid Amortentia if you happen to encounter it." Standing close to a bubbling cauldron, Professor Slughorn turned down the fire until it was completely extinguished and removed the lid that sealed the brew.
  The love potion emitted a pink-colored steam that wafted into the air and envelopes the entire room. Everyone caught a whiff of its potent fragrance and Seungwan couldn't help but wonder why the scent seemed awfully familiar.
  Freshly-laundered clothes sprinkled with fabric softener
  Blooming flowers under clear sunny skies
  Deliciously cooked seaweed soup
  "The scent of Amortentia is unique because it differs for everyone. Its fragrance caters to which a person finds most attractive." Professor Slughorn scanned the room to search for volunteers and smiled in delight when his eyes landed on Joohyun. "Ah Ms. Bae, would you please come in front and share to the class what you smell from this brew."
  For a moment, Joohyun seemed like she was hesitating and Seungwan thought her friend was going to decline. To her surprise, the Prefect nodded in agreement and simply walked towards Professor Slughorn. Her movements were stiff, almost robotic, as she made her way towards the front.
  Once she was close enough to the cauldron, she swallowed the lump in her throat and studied the bubbling liquid for a while, brows furrowed as if she was debating on whether she should smell the potion or just run the fuck away from here. Fear was evident in her eyes but it was carefully concealed under a mask of calmness.
  Everyone waited with bated breath as they watched the Slytherin lean closer and closer her eyes to inhale the scent. Several seconds passed and Joohyun jolted awake looking quite disoriented. She blinked rapidly to gather her thoughts and clenched her hands into fists to keep anchoring her into reality. A brilliant shade of red dusted her cheeks and she looked visibly shaken. Their gazes accidentally met and it took all of Joohyun's self-control to look away. It's almost as if she was burned when Seungwan's gaze left tendrils of fire on her skin.
  "So Ms. Bae, what do you smell?" Professor Slughorn sealed the cauldron and stared expectantly at the Slytherin.
  Joohyun nervously bit her lip and muttered something under her breath that no one caught. Her hands wouldn't stop trembling. Seungwan had never seen her look so anxious before. The love potion must've really affected her. "I smell the pages of an old book, the musky scent of wood burning in a fireplace, the sour tang of blue oranges and--" She  straightened her posture and clenched her jaw like she was about to reveal something that could make or break the world.
  "Freshly baked pastries."
  There was something in the way Joohyun uttered the last line. She wasn't angry nor sad... just resigned. It's like she was finally accepting the fate she had long denied. The fight seeped out of her bones and now all that's left was surrender.
  Sooyoung sidled up next to the Ravenclaw and muttered under her breath. "Oh crickets! I wonder just who could she possibly be smelling." Her tone was sarcastic, almost mocking, and her eyes held judgement for Seungwan as if accusing her for a crime she didn't commit. It left the blonde very confused.
  "Thank you, Ms. Bae. Fifty points to Slytherin" Professor Slughorn applauded to show appreciation for his student and resumed in discussing the subject more extensively.
  The Prefect returned to the empty space beside the blonde and mostly kept to herself throughout the whole duration of the class, never sparking conversation with anyone, not even Seungwan. Something was clearly bothering Joohyun since she mostly spent her time deep in thought. "Penny for your thoughts?" The blonde tried to broach the topic and internally hoped that her Slytherin friend wouldn't find her meddlesome.
  Joohyun gazed at her pointedly, eyes shimmering with something Seungwan couldn't quite understand, and it lingered for a few moments before she dejectedly shook her head and smiled bitterly. "You won’t understand." Her response was short and brief, almost too formal, and the Ravenclaw was caught off-guard at this cold treatment.
  She was seeing another side of her friend for the first time. The curt, proper and unbelievably prideful side. The one ingrained since birth only if you grew in a powerful Pureblood household. The blonde wouldn’t deny it. This side of Joohyun made her feel insignificant. Like the Slytherin was in another plane of existence, too high up in the heavens, unreachable and definitely out of Seungwan’s league.
  The Prefect focused all her attention to the ongoing discussion while jotting down notes seriously and completely ignoring Seungwan as if her life depended on it. The blonde turned to ask Sooyoung. "Did I do something wrong?" She thought of all possible ways she could’ve offended Joohyun but she came up with none.
  The tall Slytherin glanced at her with pity evident in her eyes. "What do you think?" Her statement caused the Ravenclaw to frown.
  Where did she go wrong?
  "Tonight, I'm pleased to announce that Hogwarts will be hosting a legendary event. An event that fosters camaraderie, friendship and inter-school magical cooperation."
  It was Dumbledore's first greeting once the sorting ceremony was finished. The rest of the students in the Great Hall buzzed with excitement because this could possibly be the moment the Headmaster might finally shed light about the sudden appearance of ghost ships and flying carriages within Hogwarts grounds.
  Seungwan tried to pay attention, she really did, but after that incident in Potion's class and Joohyun's change in attitude, she couldn't even be bothered to care. The Slytherin started acting all proper and formal around her and she didn't know the reason why. It’s like they were back to the time where they were still acquaintances.
  She sighed helplessly before shifting her attention towards the Slytherin table where Joohyun sat and casually ate her food. She was engaged in a conversation with Sooyoung. The Prefect seemed fine. Gone were the traces of the formality she displayed earlier and even allowed herself to smile. Their gazes accidentally met and Seungwan held her breath when Joohyun simply acknowledged her existence with a curt nod.
  Okay. Maybe Seungwan was reading too much into this. She should just relax and try not to overthink.
  "The Triwizard Tournament!"
  Dumbledore announced proudly and seemed totally pleased with himself for maintaining an aura of absolute mystery and for keeping this information under the wraps. Little did he know that the whole student body practically knew of his secret due to the circulating rumors around the school. He paused for a moment to build-up suspense and basked in the excitement that enveloped the entire crowd. "Now please help me welcome, the lovely ladies from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic with their headmistress Madame Maxime!"
  The doors of the Great Hall opened to reveal sophisticated-looking women. All wearing pale blue robes made of fine silk and exuding an aura of grace. Pink little butterflies flew when they passed and the scent of expensive perfume lingered in the air. They all looked unbelievably stunning. A girl in particular, one who had strawberry-blonde hair and enchanting brown eyes, stopped before the Ravenclaw table together with her lovely friends, blew Seungwan a sweet kiss then headed to the Hufflepuff table where the Beauxbatons students gathered.
  Good Lord. Seungwan sat reeling and dazed after that unexpected interaction. Her presence has been acknowledged by one of the most beautiful people she had ever seen and her brain was still in a state of shock. A small, almost dreamy, smile settled on her lips. She must've done something good in her past life for her to be graced with this blessing.
  Suddenly, she felt this uncomfortable sensation of being watched. Like someone was drilling holes into her head and stabbing her back. A quick scan around the hall confirmed her suspicions when she noticed Joohyun shooting daggers at her from the Slytherin table. Her features morphed into a scowl and she gripped her fork so hard that her knuckles turned white. Apparently, she witnessed that little interaction between Seungwan and the Beauxbatons girl and she didn't look quite happy about it.
  "Next, let us greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, Igor Karkaroff."
  All the buzzing hushed down as everyone turned to look at the doors of the Great Hall in anticipation. The lights dimmed and floors vibrated. A loud booming roar was heard before an entourage of all-male students, wearing fur cloaks and blood red robes, made their entrance. They started twirling, tumbling, and doing other forms of acrobatic shit. A person conjured flames from the tip of his wand and it morphed into a ginormous dragon. The Hogwarts students gaped in awe and clapped in delight at the magnificent display of advance magic.
  "Holy shit that's him!" One of Seungwan's housemates gushed like a maniac. "That's Park Bogum!"
  He pointed at one student in particular. The one that stood out from the others. He was quite tall, sported dark raven hair, eyes intensely narrowed and wore a grim expression. His overall serious look greatly contrasted with his innocent features. He took long confident strides and his presence demanded attention. With chin held high, he joined his Durmstrang brothers in the Slytherin table.
  So that's him. Seungwan thought to herself. The Greatest Chaser in the world had come to grace Hogwarts with his presence.
  Dumbledore stood patiently in the podium and waited for the excitement to die down. When the chattering finally stopped, he started his speech. "Eternal glory!"
  He paused for a dramatic effect and Seungwan smirked in amusement because of course the Headmaster had a flair for theatrics. "That's what awaits the champion of the Triwizard tournament but let me remind you that this is not for the faint of heart for each competitor must face three tasks." Dumbledore glanced at everyone in the hall. His voice turned dark and foreboding. "Three extremely dangerous tasks. For that, only one is crowned as champion. To prevent premature deaths and ensure that no life is wasted, no student below the age of 17 is allowed to enter the tournament."
  The hall broke into chaos as most of the students, especially those who failed to meet the age requirement, voiced out their complaints. The people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were shocked at the ruckus the scholars from Hogwarts were making and Seungwan could only shake her head in disappointment. The students were certainly doing wonders in upholding the school's reputation. Dumbledore cast a Sonorous spell and yelled "Silence!" which did its desired effect because it rendered the Great Hall to become completely quiet.
  He stepped off the podium and with a flourish of his wand, transfigured said podium into a golden tower adorned with shimmering jewels. The other students gasped in awe. Dumbledore doing magic was such a rare sight and it still rendered everyone speechless.
  A silent incantation passed his lips and the golden tower melted until it revealed a rather rusty-looking bronze goblet. Blue fire burned at the tip of its rim and a cloud of silvery mist circled around it.
  "The Goblet of Fire."
  The Headmaster turned serious again and everyone was enraptured with his commanding presence. "Anyone who wishes to enter must only write their name on a piece of parchment and drop it to the cup before Friday midnight."
  Seungwan swallowed the lump in her throat when Dumbledore finished his announcement.
  Well, that was an interesting dinner.
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clonerightsagenda · 4 years
While procrastinating on HTST I opened my old doc for Saving Face, which is a Jake-centric thing I was working on for Gill. I was never entirely happy with it, which is why it never went on ao3 despite me last working on it in, uh... 2018, apparently, but I might as well stick it somewhere.
As per usual it’s TLC compliant so some details may seem out of place.
In your dream, you're floating in the inky airspace miles above the Land of Tombs and Xenon, and you've got your hand buried wrist-deep in Dirk's rib cage.
“Hi,” he says.
You wake up. Across the room, you see him sit up too and rub his chest.
“I'm writing a strongly worded consumer complaint to whoever's running the dreambubbles,” you say.
“Yeah, if we ever run into that troll again, I'm giving her a piece of my mind. And, you know, that might become independently sentient and harass her for eternity, so I'm not fucking around.”
Roxy, who's squished up against the blanket-burritoed form of Calliope, rolls over and mumbles something that sounds like “I'm sleeping, fuckwads.” You chew your lip and try to wriggle into a more comfortable position. A lot of your household is on the floor, stealing blankets and using each other as pillows. You didn't want to spend nights alone, but you're not comfortable with the idea of anyone touching you while you're asleep. So you've claimed an old armchair, which meets in the middle fairly well, even if it means waking up with a crick in your neck every morning.
Usually you don't dream in the bubbles twice in one night, but you're not sure you're willing to risk it. They're not even supposed to be accessible anymore. That whole song and dance should have been left behind. But some nights you end up there anyway, like the times you'd tuned your grandma's old radio to the wrong station and voices speaking other languages emerged out of the static. There are no dreaming dead, but you wander through blurred dreamscapes and stumble into other people's memories. A week ago, you almost fell into a pool of lava and scrambled up the jagged side of a crater, clothes smoking. You'd prefer that to your own nightmares.
After a few more attempts to get comfortable, you give up and tiptoe through a minefield of slumbering bodies to the door. No one's in the living room, so you settle onto the sofa and jab the remote. The weather comes on, and you lower the volume until all you hear is a steady hum
“Do you mind if I hang out here?”
You look up. Even now that you're in a world with sunshine, Dirk's pale enough to be his own ghost. He should really get outside more. Then again, you all should. “It's Jane's house, technically. We're all here on guest rules.”
He sits down on the other end of the sofa, just the right distance that it's not too close or too far to be impolite. “I made it a week without getting maimed by my subconscious. New record.”
“Was that your nightmare or mine, do you think?”
“Does it matter?”  
“I was just wondering, because I’d managed not to think about it for a few days. Oh well.” You shake your head. “I’m sorry. I’m surprised you can stand to be around me.”
He hasn’t been looking at you, but now he puts a hand on the cushions between you, like he’s regretting whatever message he sent with the distance. “It’s not your fault. You don’t make it onto the “intentionally murdered people” shortlist, sorry. The committee had to reject your application on account of you being too fuckin straightlaced for that shit.”
“I guess that’s a fair point. If I were going to take out my aggravation on someone, I wouldn’t do it in a way that would break all the bones in my hand!” Your fingers ache from the memory. “But he did have my face.”
“Sure, but it’s obvious when it’s not you wearing it.” He seems frustrated. With you? With the argument? It is a bit late – early? – to be splitting hairs like this, but when it comes to shifting blame to yourselves, you’re all masters of rhetoric. “You should have seen the shit he was doing with it too. Dude thought he was an anime villain.”
“I sure remember the spectacle he brought with him to Prospit.” The whole planet had quaked under your feet; people on the other side felt it. “I’m still surprised we pulled a victory out of that shambles.”
“It helped that you believed in us. That was...” He shakes his head and looks at the figures moving silently on the television screen. “For a few minutes there, I felt like I could actually be the person you thought I was.”
Who among you hasn’t had that problem? You wished you could be a swashbuckling action hero, and look how that turned out. You really had believed Dirk was those things, for all that you’d found him a bit intimidating at the same time. Even when the other became most apparent, that didn’t mean the former didn’t have a place. They were both always him.
“We all had unfair expectations of each other,” you say. “No one was holding you to that standard, or at least we shouldn’t have.”
“It was nice,” he says after a moment. “Being believed in.”
“I still do.” The words slip out automatically. You have always leapt to reassure – to put a brave face not only on yourself but on everyone else to boot. You don’t do a good job a lot of the time. Too self-absorbed, you guess, too bad at reading social cues. This is something you’ve said before, with jollity and no substance. All a load of hot air. “Maybe not with Hope magic at the ready to give you a lightshow, since that’s a headache to manage, but I do believe in all of you.”
If he finds your words hollow, he doesn’t say it. Instead, he says, “Keep it up, and maybe we’ll get somewhere.” You don’t ask whether the “we” means you as a household, the four-five of you caught in your messy circle of friendship and fumbling romances, or the two of you alone. You promised to stop overanalyzing everything he says for hidden meanings. It’s the only way your interactions can be anything but impossibly awkward. On the television, the forecaster gestures silently to a stripe of bright color moving over the continental United States. “Is there anything distractingly shitty on TV? I don’t know about you, but I’m not closing my eyes again.”
You pick the remote back up and start flicking through channels. Medical dramas... not an option. Foreign soap operas? Pass. “House Hunters?”
He leans back into the sofa cushions. “Just fuck me up.”
“Rich couples arguing over bathroom fixtures it is.”
His voice emerges from the upholstery. “And we thought we had problems.”
“Their struggles put it all in perspective.”
Several episodes have come and gone by the time the rest of the household starts waking up. No one comments on your relocation to the sofa. It’s not uncommon for any of you to have bad dreams. Eventually the clinking of cutlery prompts you to stand up and get a plate of your own.
Bacon is sizzling on the stovetop. Meat doesn’t appeal to you much at the moment. It smells good, but looking at the raw red flesh makes your stomach twist. Instead, you stick two slices of bread in the toaster and push the lever down nearly as far as it’ll go. There’s no point to toast if it doesn’t crunch.
Jane brushes up against you when you’re leaning into the fridge. Your reaction is automatic. You jerk forward, smacking your head on the freezer door and sending orange juice sloshing everywhere.
Jane freezes, an empty plate in her hand. “I’m going to the sink,” she says carefully.
“Right.” Of course she is; no problems here! It’s not like she was sneaking up on you. She knows not to take you by surprise. “Didn’t notice. Silly me. A whole herd of centaurs could stampede past and I wouldn’t catch it.”
“I’m going to walk over to the counter now,” she says, the way you’d talk to a fairy bull you were trying to sidle up to. “Okay?”
You nod, and she does. Once she’s taken her seat, you move over to unspool some paper towels. Your legs are shaking. John puts his cup down with a clunk and grimaces at the noise. No one wants to look at you.
“So,” Hal says loudly. “Have we told our 2009 compatriots about the surprise surge in the popularity of vore?”
Roxy makes a noise suggesting she’s just aspirated her spoonful of Cheerios, and you are ever so grateful for lewd dining companions.
 After breakfast, you catch up with Jane. “I apologize for that episode.”
She’s stacking up everyone’s clean plates with geometric precision. The operation must take a lot of concentration, because she doesn’t look your way. “You aren’t the one who should be apologizing.”
“Maybe so, but I don’t expect you to grovel at my feet for the rest of our immortal lives!” You force a laugh, rubbing your shoulders and wondering if the room has always felt so small. “I wish my nerves would get that memo.”
She pauses, elbows deep in the cupboard, and sighs. “Maybe it was a bad idea, us all living in the same house.”
“No!” You’re not going to be the one who rocks the boat, not this time. “I’m not rehashing that routine where we go to our separate lands and don’t speak until it all boils over in some eleventh hour crypt throwdown. I don’t think my vocal chords could handle the strain.”
She steps away from the cupboard with exaggerated care and turns to face you. It’s getting easier to look at her and not see the face you saw in the prison cell, overlaid by circuitry and twisted into a sneer. This is regular old Jane, with a few new scars and a concerned scrunch fixed between her eyebrows. It’s only in your unguarded moments that you stop seeing her clearly. Are you like that for Dirk, or the others? Maybe you’re all being polite, even when each other’s countenances make you cringe. “I guess you’re right. It was quite a tiff we had.”
“I’ll get over it,” you promise. “It’ll take some time, that’s all.”
She runs a hand through her hair, where veins of white streak through it like lightning through dark clouds. “You don’t have to.”
“But I want to. I’d like for things to go back to normal, as much as they can.”
She glances over at the table, where just minutes ago a motley collection of your friends, your long dead relatives, and a few aliens from another universe to boot had all been sharing breakfast.  “As much as they can,” she repeats.
 - - tipsyGnostalgic [TG] started pestering golgothasTerror [GT] - -
TG: hey jake
TG: do u believe in bigfoot
GT: Hmm well i dont know.
GT: Considering all the odd things weve seen it seems hasty to discount the possibility.
GT: But then i can easily believe some fellow saw a bear and got overexcited.
GT: So chalk me up for a maybe?
TG: wut abt cryptids in general
TG: like mothman
TG: do u believe in mothman??
TG: u should
GT: Um...
GT: Im not sure im sufficiently informed on the matter!
TG: i can send u some forum posts this shits legit
TG: think thatll be enough to convince u?
GT: Wait one goshdarn second!
GT: Is this some ploy to trick me into using my powers to MAKE them real?
GT: Like some sort of jake english monster factory production?
TG: that
TG: could be a feasible outcome 2 this scenario
GT: I know you mean that in good fun but i dont really appreciate the liberties taken here.
GT: Ive taken away the welcome mat after CERTAIN unsavory individuals tracked mud all over it.
GT: You know like a particular spider lady who will go nameless and LORD ENGLISH himself!!
GT: That ruins the mood when someone tries to use me for that especially when its just a big joke.
TG: mothman is no joke jake
TG: sry sry
TG: i didnt kno ud mind rly
TG: i like fuckin w/ my powers all the time
TG: dyou think i could bring back the library of alexandria thatd be dope
TG: where would we put it tho
GT: I wonder why you might have less baggage to check there.
GT: Youve never had anyone take your abilities without your will like... some vagrant robbing the airport carousel!
GT: Or whatever accidents befall luggage anyway.
TG: i mean
TG: i did get locked up in the slammer so id make the batterwitches space egg
GT: Thats not the same!
GT: Its not the same as someone using you as a flipping battery shouting stockphrases or puppeting your body around to kill your friends!!
GT: And wondering if anyone would even NOTICE the difference since that seems to be what im valued for around here!!!
GT: Oh good jake english isnt as useless as he used to be because he has reality warping powers now.
GT: Too bad it comes with all that bloatware like his personality or a few goddamn hangups!!
TG: whoa whoa simmer down there sparky i dont want bitchfest 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO
TG: u kno we were friends w/ u first before u got all magic n shit
GT: I know i know.
GT: But it was a relief at first learning i could contribute something after getting stomped on so many times.
GT: Like look i can be part of the team instead of being the scantily clad love interest or bumbling comic relief or both of those rolled into one which seemed to be my assigned role for most of our dare i call it an adventure.
GT: But take that away and what am i still?
TG: our friend + 1 awesome dude??
GT: Then dont treat me like some kind of cheat code!!
GT: Im a person and honestly id give up the whole god tier routine if it meant not having to relive those nightmares all the time.
TG: i get it im really sorry <- words spelled out w/ all the letters n EVERYTHING for max seriousness here
TG: man none of us got as harsh a deal as u huh
TG: out of the ppl who lived nway
TG: reality warping only goes so far as a consolation prize
GT: Yeah.
GT: You know
GT: I do like reading spooky stories about mysterious beasts.
GT: If youre not trying to pressure me into anything.
TG: no ill send em ovr theyre fun
 You may live in one household, and you’ll share a breakfast table with anyone, but you do develop your own social circles. So when you see Davesprite loitering out in the hallway by your room, you assume he’s waiting for someone else. After he drifts past the doorway for the third time and furtively peers in, though, you realize he must want to talk to you.
“DS,” you say, raising your voice. “What is it?”
Once you greet him, he slouches into your room. How do you slouch with no legs? He’s a master of the art. “I’m the only one here. You don’t need to use Roxy’s nickname.”
“I suppose so, but I kind of like it. You don’t mind, do you?”
“I guess not,” he says, in a way that makes you think he does. Another social interaction aced by Jake English.
“Anyway, what can I do for you?”
He half-unfurls one wing in the cramped space and then tucks it back in again. “I was wondering... if you could, you know. Fix me.”
That is not what you were expecting. “... Emotionally?” you ask after a moment.
“Oh Christ no, they have extra strength pharmaceuticals for that. But it would be nice —” He gestures vaguely at himself “— if I could be normal. If I could look in a mirror without being reminded of that fuckin game.”
“Oh!” That is somewhat more within the parameters of your abilities. You’ve never tried hoping yourself or any of your friends out of your many, many brain problems. You don’t need cautionary tales to tell you why that would be a bad idea, not after the trickster incident. Changing an object’s physical form should be easier. You’ve never tried it on quite this scale, though.
“I could try,” you say. “But it’ll be tricky.”
This would be a good time for him to ask “How” or “Why” or some other rhetorical question to move the conversation along, but instead he floats there waiting for you to go on. This version has never been very talkative around you, although you’ve seen him nattering on alright with Roxy. In some ways it’s a relief – so much of his family can be hard to keep up with – but long silences make you nervous too.
“Think of it this way,” you say, both to fill the silence and since you feel like this needs a better explanation. There’s an apple sitting on your desk. Jade leaves bowls of fruit around in the hopes that the rest of you might be guilted into better diets, and sometimes you take one that inevitably mildews in your room. You pick it up. “Imagine someone gave me this apple in a bag and told me it was an orange. If I took it out, chances are it would be an orange, because that’s what I was expecting! Like how I could clobber Callie’s brother just fine, even if he should have been invulnerable. No one had told me I couldn’t. But if you just hand me an apple and tell me it’s an orange, I know that isn’t true. I can’t believe it is. So I have to believe that it should be, hard enough for the universe to get out of my way. And that’s a much harder thing to do.” You set the apple back down on your desk with a thud for good measure. “You, my feathered chap, are an apple in the hand kind of problem.”
“So,” he says after it’s clear you’re done. “What are the fruit-based disadvantages here, exactly.”
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to convince me. I have to really believe it, otherwise, no good.” You gave yourself a headache trying to patch a tear in your favorite shirt a few days ago and finally asked Kanaya to sew it up for you. The universe wants a good reason to budge. Fashion, it seems, is not enough to alter the fabric of reality. Fabric. Heh.
“Oh, ok. Well.” He frowns.  He may take after Roxy, but you recognize this expression from Dirk. When he’s concentrating, he gets so intense you’d think he’s angry. He looks like he’s planning a medieval siege every time he’s stumped on a crossword. “I mean, for starters, getting comfortable in a chair is a bitch.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do it now,” you say hastily. “There’s no way I’d be ready to try any time soon, this is going to take a lot of practice. The consequences could be dire if I made a mistake. I don’t want some sort of Fullmetal Alchemist situation on my conscience.”
“Tell you what,” he says. “If you have to stick my soul in a suit of armor, put me in the Iron Man.”
 Hal shows up a few days later when you’re practicing. You’ve just sliced open an orange to reveal dense white flesh, and you’re feeling testy. “Don’t tell me you want a full body makeover too.”
“Are you kidding?” He flicks a Na’vi bobblehead resting on your bookcase, and Neytiri’s head goes doiiiing. “I think he’s nuts. This mode of existence is far superior to y’alls.”
“Are you here to brag about it? Or just to manhandle my knickknacks?”
“I dunno, maybe I missed hanging out.” When that pronouncement is met with your befuddled silence, he turns to survey the drawings pinned to your walls. You’ve rehung some of your movie posters, but the sketches you’ve done with Calliope take pride of place. You’re still struggling with perspective. “Remember when Roxy rigged that Super Smash Bros game so all four of us could play across a few thousand time zones? Good times. With your new powers, bet you could wipe the floor with us now. Want to give it a go?”
“I thought you were done pretending to be Dirk.” You heft the half-apple in your hand and lob it into the trashcan. It lands with a satisfying thunk. “I know that was with him.”
He watches your throw before going back to checking out a practice still life. “Yeah, when we were twelve.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” You wish he’d stop looking around. Your messy surroundings contain the beginnings of a new identity you’re trying to create for yourself. It’s stuck partway through a transition, like the monster-fruit in your garbage can, and seeing it as neither this nor that just feels like failure.
“You don’t realize, do you? You’re not trying to be a dick here.”
“Realize what?”
He taps his glasses. He doesn’t wear his shades all the time these days, and the sight of him without them is downright disconcerting. “That was before I had the brilliant idea of copying my brain into a pair of sickass shades. So yeah, that was me, before I shed my fleshy cocoon to become the beautiful lepidopteron you see before you.”
“I guess I never thought about it that way.”
“No shit.” He crosses his arms. “What a card Dirk is, programmed his own AI answering machine. Beep boop, Mr. Roboto, let me talk to the real Dirk now. I don’t think there was a lot of thinking going on.”
“And that’s why you pretended.”
He pushes his shades up the bridge of his nose so they cut off more of his face. “Wouldn’t you?”
Sometimes it might have been nice to have someone to deflect people’s attention toward. But permanently? You’ve been trapped with an imposter wearing your skin, but no one fell for it, and he wasn’t you. You have no frame of reference for this.
“Maybe we were wrong then,” you say, “but you are different now.”
He leans his head back, voice careless. “Like I said. Improved model.”
That’s a spat you don’t want to wander into the middle of. “I didn’t appreciate some of the ways you behaved around me. Especially some of the, ahem, more provocative statements. Whether you claim you were helping Dirk or otherwise, it sure didn’t help me. If you can control yourself... maybe we can play a few rounds like old times. But if I hear you trying to gloat to Dirk about it, deal’s off, alright?”
He tilts his shades down so you can see him roll his eyes. “Showing him up isn’t my sole reason for living, you know.”
“Whereas mine appears to be giving people extreme makeovers or curbstomping the final boss, if my hero title is anything to go by.” You think gloomily of the rash promise you’ve made and the many failed practice attempts in your trash can. You’d hate to see how badly you could butcher a real person. “I swear, sometimes I wish I’d been assigned Page of Reasonable Expectations. That seems more up my alley.”
“Man, fuck Skaia.”
It’s a sentiment your household heartily agrees with. “In general, or for any reason in particular?”
“The whole heroic destiny racket. I’m glad it didn’t try to suck a humble pair of glasses into its twisted mind games.” He smirks. “That gave me more time to perfect my own twisted mind games.”
It’s not like he needed the extra encouragement. “You’re still technically a Prince of Heart, aren’t you?”
Hal waves an arm up and down his torso. “Look at me. Do you see any poofy asshole pants?”
“You can’t wear pants at all.”
“Exactly.” The fact seems to please him. “My lack of pants is a symbolic rejection of being penned into the latest convoluted Meyers Briggs evolution.”
It’s an intriguing thesis. “SBURB has used pants, or the lack thereof, to torment me in the past.”
“No homebrewed character class expansion pack gets to tell me what to do. Dirk tried to set me up as an answering machine, which is why I made it a personal rule to never commit anything any of you fuckers say to memory unless I’m holding it against you later. Let other people tell you who you are, and you might as well be a robot. “
You tap the tips of your fingers together. Conversations with Hal always leave you feeling like you’re being dragged behind a swiftly moving vehicle. He doesn’t even have to stop for breath. This time, though, you think you’ve followed along enough to launch a counterargument. “But by defining yourself in opposition to someone else’s intent, aren’t you still letting them define you?”
He scowls. “That’s what Dave said. So now I just live for chaos.”
You  snatch up Neytiri before he can set her wobbling again. “Not in my bedroom, buster.”
“Relax. I’m already at work elsewhere today. Good talk, and if Jane asks what happened to her spice cabinet, you never saw me.” Hal spares one last regretful glance at your bobblehead and then graces you with a double pistols salute. “I’m holding you to that Super Smash Bros.” Then he vanishes through the wall, leaving you to reflect that for once, in his own strange way, he might have been trying to be helpful.
 When Jade teleports into your bedroom a few days later with a duffel bag over one shoulder, you sit up with a start and try to shove a half-eaten sandwich from yesterday afternoon under your sheets.
“We haven’t seen you in a while,” she says. “Are you doing ok?”
“Ehhhh,” you say, and wiggle your hand noncommittally. You haven’t done much besides leave movies running on Netflix, stare at the ceiling, and feel yourself slipping down a hole you’d rather not fall into but don’t know how to escape. If you try to lie about it, she’ll just fold her arms and give you a Look until you recant. The best refuge is silence.
“Maybe you should get away for a bit.” She punches the duffel bag with her free hand, and it swings away from her before thudding back against her side. “Like a vacation.”
“Are you suggesting we go to Disney World?”
“Actually, I thought we could go back to our island. This version of it, anyway.” Her face gets distant, the way it does when she’s checking with her Space-sense to figure out where she left her phone. “I haven’t seen it in years except in dreams.”
Go home. The idea is attractive. If nothing else, there will be fewer people there. “Why not?” you decide. “Give me a few minutes to get packed.”
“Already covered,” she says, and grins. “Just say the word.”
 The cliché would be that your island looks smaller, but it doesn’t. It just looks different. Even the shape of the coastline has changed. You’d wonder if you were in the right spot, but the Witch of Space brought you here. She wouldn’t scramble coordinates.
The two of you wander for a bit, and Jade looks as uncertain as you feel. Then you hear her exclaim, “My rock!” She’s scrambled up a large slab of granite jutting above the treeline.
You climb up to join her, fingers and toes finding familiar footholds. “I think you mean my rock.”
She leans back, almost flattening herself along the sloped surface. “I used to watch for airplanes from up here.”
“I watched for dragons.”
“You and I had very different ways to pass the time.” She traces a series of cracks. “I always imagined this as a face.”
“Me too! He looks so grumpy.”
“‘Cause we’re sitting on him all the time.”
You snicker and adjust your perch. “You know, Sir Boulder, plenty of people would love to be up close and personal with this derriere. But it’s off limits for the moment.”
Jade pats the stone. “We’ll be on our way. Lots to see.”
You slide down after her. With the lookout rock as a landmark, you can orient yourself. There’s the spot where a creek pours over some stones to create a tiny waterfall. Here’s the patch of stubborn wildflowers that still grow even as trees send out thirsty roots and block out the sun above. Some things throw you. In your world and time, that tree was scored by the claw marks of some ferocious creature. Here, it’s whole. The path you wore down to the lagoon is gone. Instead, you slip and slide on loose soil.
Jade kicks off her shoes and wades into the water. At first she hitches up her skirt, but then she lets it drop to spread out like the bell of a jellyfish. You follow – not as deep, but enough that your cuffs cling to your ankles. Here is home, where your grandmother tucked you in tight and sang you lullabies, where monsters from another universe prowled under the cover of dense foliage. Here is home, but not really. It takes standing ankle deep in the lagoon with dampness crawling up your legs to tell you that you are never going back.
“Do you miss it?” you ask.
A drop of water hits you, plunk, on the forehead. More dimple the surface of the pool. Jade turns to you. “Let’s get under cover.”
Some of the trees have thick enough leaves that you can shelter from the rain if it doesn’t get too bad. You recognize this kind of squall. It’ll blow over soon. For now, you watch rain beat the surface of the ocean and cloud your island in mist.
“I miss that it was easy,” Jade says. She’s watching the greenery bend and sway in the wind. “Taking care of myself was hard sometimes, but I knew what to say to people. I had my clouds, so I knew what my story was and how it ended. Everything seemed so simple. It’s not anymore.”
“Things were already getting complicated for me here with everyone on the hunt for my hand. But it was easier to get away when you aren’t face to face.” The times you’d said “Oh, misplaced my phone, forget my own head next!” or “I was down at the lagoon fishing and lost track of time” when you’d been staring at a message trying to decide how to respond… it hadn’t helped your reputation as a scatterbrain. “No one counted on me then. Jake English, lackadaisical manchild on an island somewhere, isn’t a liability. But once you’re part of a team, you can let people down.”
She frowns over at you. You can almost imagine you’re four feet tall and she’s about to call you in for dinner. “Maybe instead of a team you should think of us as a family.”
You try to avoid flamboyant body language in the house. It’s too easy to spook someone when you’re all primed for battle. Here, you throw your hands into the air. “I wish I could just be part of the family. Good old granddad English, who tells whoppers and bounces babies on his knee. But I’m not. We’ve gone a few months without anything trying to kill us, which a personal best, but when the next thing comes up, everyone is going to expect me to handle it. We’ll be fine, they’re thinking, because we have a reality warper to handle it now! Never mind that I can’t get my blasted powers to work most of the time, and I can’t even tell how I did it when I do. It’s no good telling me people aren’t relying on me, because I know that’s not true. People look at me and see the Page of Hope, out on display in his stupid little shorts. They expect me to have it together, which just makes it sting harder when I don’t.”
“Maybe you should tell them,” she suggests.
You laugh, with a tinge of hysteria. “Where would I even start?  I know you say talking about it helps, and I’m glad it did for you. But I’m no good at putting these things into words. I just talk around and around the issue, failing to notice anyone else’s troubles until everyone’s sick of me. And the real bad things that happened? I don’t want to talk about those. It makes me feel I’m going through them all over again. Besides, we were all supposed to be better.” You think back to that fight in the crypt, how afterward you felt cleaned out and new. When the adrenaline high wore down, everything came crashing back. Sure, you’d dragged all the creepy-crawlies out in the open, but that doesn’t mean they had stopped wriggling about. “I thought, oh I don’t know, maybe it was silly of me to think this. But I hoped that once we were done with the game, it would be over. We would all be friends again, just like that, snap of the fingers.” You snap yours, or try to. Instead, your damp fingers slide off each other soundlessly. “I guess I didn’t hope hard enough.”
“You can’t fix things just by wishing.”
“I was supposed to be able to.” You sigh. “I feel like some second rater in an all star cast. You’re the legendary heroes, and I’m the funny man who stumbled on set.” This is self pitying, but you can tell her things you can tell no one else. However much Jade condemns herself for past behavior, she’s never been anything but kind to you. “I don’t want to be Jake English, savior of the world, but I don’t want to go back to being Jake English, team joke either. I don’t know what other options there are.”
           Raindrops that slipped through the canopy slide down her face, and she brushes them away. “I used to be afraid that if I let people know how I really felt, they wouldn’t be my friends. I was showing them what they wanted to see, so if that stopped, why would they stay? But people do stay.” She puts an arm around your shoulders. Even in the tropics, she’s warm. “Even if you can’t pull rabbits out of a hat.”
She feels as sturdy as the look-out rock next to you. “You make it look easy.”
“Do I? I still don’t know what to say to people sometimes. But I try to say something, because back when we weren’t talking at all was worse. Maybe I’m still too good at hiding things. But I know for sure that I’d much rather have this than go back to being alone. “
You look out over the steaming jungle. The curls of vapor remind you of smoke rising from a hasty pyre. When you set your grandmother ablaze, you’d wished there’d been someone there to hold your hand. Solitude hadn’t been tempting them. Are you one of those fools who always think the grass is greener on the other side? “This wasn’t a family vacation, was it? It was an intervention.”
“I noticed you’d been hiding a lot recently,” she admits. “That’s never a good thing. I thought I should check on you.”
“By helping me run even further away?”
“Hey, it got you talking.” She looks back out over the horizon. In the distance, the familiar shape of the frog temple looms out of the haze. “Sometimes being in a safe place helps. Remember who you were here with no one looking at you, and then let them know. You get to choose which face you want to wear.”
You take a look at her profile, familiar but not familiar. She’s less haggard than your grandmother, and she’s also missing the laugh lines. They suited her. “What face do you wear these days?”
“I’m always willing to put the attentive listener role back on for a friend, but most of the time I try to make it mine.”
You poke her on the shoulder. “My, grandmother, what big ears you have.”
She grins, revealing pointed teeth. “All the better to listen to your problems, my dear.”
A laugh finds its way up out of your stomach. It feels like taking your gas mask off and gulping down your first breath of fresh air. “I should go home. I can’t keep marinating in my own misery.” You don’t know what you can do to re-introduce everyone to the “real you”. Unleash another rant like you did to poor Roxy? Cower and make excuses like you did with Jane? Even you can’t predict your own idiotic behavior. Too bad you can’t arrange some sort of unboxing video.
“I can help, if you want.”
You shake your head. There’s no point inviting more witnesses. “Some things you have to do on your own. Maybe I’ll talk to you later if it goes sour. I’m sorry to cut this trip short. I know you wanted to see the old haunt.”
“We can come back sometime and have a good time.” She squeezes your hand, and you lean against her. “For now, let’s go where we should be.”
 Whatever resolve you mustered dwindles once you’re back. Maybe you won’t run into anyone for a while until you’ve worked up some more nerve.
As luck would have it, Roxy is right there when you emerge from your room. You open your mouth to greet her, but she sweeps by without even looking your way. The words die on your lips. She must be busy. That’s what you wanted, right?
Dirk’s in the living room. You circle around for a few minutes, sneaking glances at his severe silhouette backlit by the screen, and then tiptoe in. “I was thinking,” you say quickly, to force yourself to finish the thought. “If we could get the gang all together, I have something to say. No need to rush, though. You can take your time.”
No response.
“Dirk?” Sometimes he falls asleep sitting up and you don’t realize at first with his closed eyes hidden behind his shades. That possibility dies when he reaches for the remote. Why is he ignoring you? They’re not angry you went off with Jade, are they? “Hello?” You snap your fingers in front of his face. He doesn’t even blink. No one’s that stoic.
Jade and Jane walk past between you, and Dirk gives them a nod of acknowledgement. You hurry after them. Jade won’t give you the cold shoulder. “How was your trip?” Jane is asking.
“Pretty good,” Jade says. “Jake wanted to come back early, he has something to work out. But I’ll let him talk about it.”
“Where is he?”
“Here,” you say.
Jade frowns and sniffs. “I’m not sure… I don’t smell him. Maybe he went off to psyche himself up. He’s pretty nervous, go easy on him, ok?”
“I…” You reach out toward her as she walks away. Your fingers brush her shoulder, but she doesn’t react. “I’m right here.”
They can’t see you. No one can. You wanted them to overlook you, and look at that. You got your wish.
 “Pull yourself together, English,” you say. You’re pacing back and forth in your room, not bothering to keep your voice down. No one can hear you anyway. You shouted right in Rose’s face, just to be sure. “You got yourself into this, so you can get yourself out.”
The problem is, this isn’t what you wanted. It’s like some nefarious djinni took you too literally while dishing out wishes, delighting in misunderstanding. You didn’t ask for this. If you’d rather be visible, then shouldn’t your powers make it so?
“Hope is the worst,” you yell. The universe does not respond.
You sit brooding for maybe half an hour before your door opens. You don’t look up. They won’t see you anyway, so what’s the point?
To your surprise, you hear a voice. “Oh, hey. Jade’s looking for you.”
You look up.  John is standing in the doorway, hand on the doorknob. “You can see me?”
“Um… yes?” He steps in and shuts the door behind him. “Are you guys playing some joke I should know about? Because if so, I am going to be very mad if you don’t let me in on it.”
“It’s not a joke. I think something went wrong with my Hope powers. It’s gotten to everyone but you.”
“That sucks.” John has never been a master of verbal sympathy. “Caliborn couldn’t trap me in glitches, and Roxy’s void didn’t make me forget. Maybe I’m too unstuck in the universe for any changes to bother me. Or it could be a Breath hero thing. Echidna says nothing gets past us.”
“Oh, excellent,” you say. “I guess you’re stuck with me forever then.”
“You could see what everyone’s up to, like a spy,” he suggests.
“And spent the rest of my immortal life using you as a go between? No offense, but that sounds like it would get tiresome.”
“I guess it would.” To John’s credit, he can switch gears rapidly. “Well... how did it happen? If you made yourself this way, can’t you switch back?”
“Oh, good idea. I hadn’t thought of that.” You don’t mean to be snappish, but this is a frustrating situation!
John is unfazed. “Sometimes you think you want something, but you don’t. Like how Terezi thought she wanted to see Vriska but was secretly worried about it, so they wandered around each other in the bubbles for years. Maybe you wanted to disappear.”
“Then I’ve learned my lesson.” Jade is right. It is so much worse when no one is around at all.
He sits down on your desk chair and curls his legs underneath it. “How do your powers work?”
“I have to want something.” You remember how you felt facing Caliborn with your friends at your side. There had been no doubt in your mind then that you’d win. You knew how this story ended. That utter certainty is so hard to find. “But I do. The universe is playing hard to get.”
“Then convince me. People tell me I’m a good listener, even if that’s because I don’t always tell them they sound crazy when they’re saying crazy things. But I can try.” He rests his chin on his fist. “Why do you think it malfunctioned in the first place?”
You frown and look at him sidelong. Jade is a spunky teen version of your grandma. That’s easy enough to resolve in your mind, especially since you sent letters back and forth. John is harder. The brother of your teen grandmother is one step too far removed, a connection that’s wobbly. The other option – that he’s your son with Jane – is a cruel joke after that scene in the dungeon. But that’s not his fault, so you try to ignore that he has your funky smile and the texture of Jane’s hair. His eyes at least are his own.
“I suppose you’re right about me wanting to disappear, a bit. It all got to be too much. Things with Dirk and Jane are still so awkward, and people keep expecting things of me. I don’t want to be the one everyone looks to!”  
“What do you mean?”
“It means… when I got a handle on my powers, I was finally good for something. Suddenly people were looking to me for help and flocking to me and —” you shudder. “Trying to take it for their own. But if that’s all I’m good for, and I can’t even count on that… it’s a bit tenuous, basing your self-worth on one thing you can’t trust. And stupid. I know it’s stupid, but the old melon isn’t always that cooperative or willing to listen to reason. I don’t want to disappear. I just wanted them to stop looking to me for that. But if that’s all I am… I guess I went away entirely. I don’t know what’s left underneath.”
John nods. “I sort of get that. I’m the one who saved everyone by fixing reality, but I was never the planner, or the one who grew up fighting, or even the leader really, if you look at who made the most decisions. If things got really bad of course I would help, but it’s scary. I’d like a normal birthday for once, if the universe doesn’t mind.”
“It doesn’t seem to bother you as much.” Nothing seems to bother John all that much.
“I guess I’m pretty OK with just being John. I missed that. So.” He lifts his chin and crosses his arms. “That’s why you went away. Why do you want to come back?”
“Because I can’t live like this,” you snap. He shakes his head.
“Nope, not convincing enough. If I were the universe I would not be reshaping myself just for that.”
“You’re not being very motivational here.”
“I don’t think you have to make me feel sorry for you. You have to make me believe in you.  Right?”
You groan, but he has a point. Why do you want your friends to see you again? When you envision their faces, uncomfortable memories spring to mind. There are a lot of reasons to stay hidden. It takes a moment to dredge up something good. “We were… going to play Super Smash Bros together again.”
“That sounds like fun.” You imagine it would, to someone who subsisted for three years on a Ghostbusters MMORPG.
You rake your fingers through your hair, which gives you another idea. “My hair needs trimming, and Roxy is always the one who gets it just the way I want it. I… wanted to tell Jane about this new recipe I think she’d like.” It’s like gulping down the soup your grandmother prepared when you were sick. You don’t want the first few spoonfuls, but then it goes down easier. “Calliope and I have a few panels left to draw for our newest issue. We were going to take the Alternians to the zoo to show them animals with pigmentation, which will be a novelty for me too.”
“That’s a good to-do list,” John says.
“I have a lot on my plate as a regular citizen of this universe, it turns out.”
“It’s nice to be a regular citizen again.” John fiddles with the hem of his shirt. You haven’t seen him wear blue in a while. It’s a reminder that even if he doesn’t magically vanish from view, even if he doesn’t come knocking on your door asking for another face, Skaia pinned a lot on him too, even if Pin the Destiny on the Child Hero isn’t a party game you’ve ever heard of.
In your despair, you’ve convinced yourself you’re in this fix alone, but maybe everyone is preoccupied with how the world sees them. Certainly some of your housemates have had masks fixed on them by the cruel costumers of fate. You can’t control what they see now. Or, rather, the only way you can is by making sure they see nothing at all. But you have a life to live! Errands to run! None of which require being a superhero.
Maybe you’ll always be like this, with your power coming in fits and starts. It’s not what you’d dreamed of being, but then, your dreams have been disappointing of late. You can’t be anything while ghosting around like some shrinking violet.
It’s an apple in the hand. You can’t make a new you true all at once. You have to believe a new you should be, and then work to make it so. There’s no wishing this away. The first step, and each painful step after that, is trying. And when you know that, and know you know it… there’s that lifting feeling as the world rewrites itself, bearing you up like one of Jane’s helium balloons. You take a deep breath and manage a smile. “If I want to rebrand the Jake English experience, I had better start doing some product testing with my key audience.”
“Do you think it worked?” John asks.
“It would’ve been nice to have some sort of magical girl transformation, just to be sure. But yes, I think so. How do I look?”
Nothing would have changed for him, but he gives you a long once over anyway. Then he shrugs. “You look like Jake to me.”
“That’s what I was hoping to hear.”
You take a step out into the hallway and look behind you. John gives you a thumbs up. You suck in a fortifying breath, stiffen your spine, and make your way to the living room. Everyone from your session has clustered there. A few have their phones out, and you think guiltily of your multiple communication devices powered off and shoved under your bed. Going off the grid these days takes commitment. You clear your throat and step into the room. Five heads snap up. They see you. It’s a start.
“Hi, everyone,” you say. “It’s me.”
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jflashandclash · 4 years
Tales From Mount Othrys
Fidget Spinners IV
           Once they were aboard the Ferry of the Dead, riding down the River Styx with Charon in his proper creepy and grim black robe, Alabaster stopped vomiting. The ship was an old Greek vessel, something Matthias could have identified immediately. They sat as far from the stern as possible. Apparently this boat was usually brimming with ghosts, but Charon had shoved the three of them aboard in such a hurry, less ghosts had flooded the space.
         This gave them the room to sit on the edge of the boat so Pax, Lou Ellen, and Alabaster could stare off at the inky, polluted river. They wanted to be as far from the ferryman as possible. Charon was cursing under his breath, something about children being electrocuted in bathtubs and getting into car accidents.
         Maybe, in a normal tour, Pax might have been excited by the black stalactites and terrifying horror movie set. For now, all he could do was rub Alabaster’s back. Lou Ellen sat on his other side, pulling one finger off and putting it back in a different one’s place, frequently messing it up. This was her way of acting concerned.
         After he was certain Charon couldn’t overhear them, Pax whispered, “You died coming after us?!”
         Before now, he couldn’t process what was happening enough to ask. The sight of Alabaster with his intestines dragging on the floor and blood spewing out of his mouth—it was enough to make Pax tremble more. And he was already trembling pretty hard in this cold cavern.
         “Of course I died!” Alabaster’s voice rose, making Pax and Lou Ellen flinch. “How else would I be in the Underworld?!”
         Tears threatened to spill down Pax’s cheeks. He could hear Lou Ellen sniffling. Crying would really make her missing-eye illusion less believable.
         Alabaster sighed. Pax thought he was reaching for something in his pocket.
         Alabaster wasn’t. He grabbed the end of his intestines. Casually, the child of Hecate wound them up around one wrist. Once he got towards the end, he ripped off a chunk.
         Pax shrieked.
         “Be quiet,” Alabaster snarled. Softer, he grumbled, “And Mercedes thinks you can keep it cool in enemy territory.”
         Pax wanted to point out that enemies (hopefully) wouldn’t be ripping off pieces of their organs. Was that a thing they did in Camp Half-Blood? Did Percy Jackson, in fact, an organ-eating zombie?
         Before Pax could withdraw his hand, Alabaster shoved the chunk into Pax’s palm.
         Pax almost screamed again. Maybe this was an experience he should have smiled upon—after all, it isn’t every day that your crush tries to hand you an organ, granted, a heart might be better.
         “I knew you idiots wouldn’t bring enough snacks,” Alabaster hissed, shoving another chunk into Lou Ellen’s hands.
         “Oh my mother…” Lou Ellen whispered.
         Pax didn’t want to watch as she held up the chunk for investigation. Then he saw what she saw. The scent of iron vanished like it had been a whiff from a distant breeze. That chunk had some kind of label covered in blood—not blood.
         Pax sniffed.
         The scent of barbeque sauce became overwhelming.
         He rubbed his own chunk with his thumb. The sauce smeared to reveal a packaged sausage, like the kind you’d have on a cheese platter. There was even a bright label on the protective packaging.
         Pax stared at his hand. The spell had been so convincing.
         Lou Ellen made a low whistle. “You’re good,” she said, “Titans, can you teach me how to do that?”
         “When you have enough discipline to pull off your nose instead of your chin,” Alabaster scolded.
         Pax couldn’t think about the spell or the sausage.
         He threw his arms around Alabaster.
         Alabaster made a grunt of annoyance.
         Slowly and firmly, as though not to draw attention to them, Alabaster removed Pax’s arms. There was an embarrassed hue to his pale cheeks as he scowled from Pax to Lou Ellen. “You didn’t come to me to devise this plan?” he demanded.
         “We thought you’d be mad,” Lou Ellen meeped. She sheepishly poked at the fake dent in her head. By comparison to Alabaster’s effects, hers looked like something out of a D-rate horror movie.
         “Oh, I am mad. When we get back, I’m killing you, and then you’ll have to march right back in there and explain to Charon how you’ve shown up twice, then you’ll have to see what he does with you,” Alabaster said.
         Pax couldn’t help but grin. Threats aside, he couldn’t handle looking at this very-much-alive Alabaster. It was cute thinking about it: Alabaster finding their, “Went to Underworld. Will bring back souvenirs,” note and stuffing a bunch of sausage links into his shirt, cussing at the confused centaur that could swear he just took Alabaster and Lou Ellen off the ship. He really cared. At least about Lou Ellen.
         “Are you making us go back?” she whispered, shuffling away from a wandering soul and closer to her brother. Pax understood. Everything here was cold. Touching another warm person was a nice reminder of the above world.
         “How, pray tell, am I to make you go back in our current situation?” Alabaster closed his eyes and rubbed his eyelids. “Mercedes warned me you’d want to go after Axel. I didn’t think the two of you would be stupid enough to throw away your life chasing him or smart enough to get off the boat undetected.”
         Lou Ellen and Pax exchanged a glance over Alabaster’s shoulders. Neither could decide if the comment was more compliment or insult.  
         “So, we’re going after Axel?” Pax clarified.
         “We’re certainly not going back the way we came. I have no interest in angering Charon on his own boat,” Alabaster said.
         That meant that Alabaster had come down here with his own plan. Even if he didn’t have one when he left, trying to catch them before they went into DOA Recording Studios, he would have come up with one by now. Before Pax could hear any awesome details, their ship pulled up along black sand.
         Pax guessed that Hades hadn’t heard the memo—that pink was the new black. If Pax ever got scared while he was down here, he would have to remember to visualize the Underworld in various shades of Easter egg with magenta stalactites meeting a sparkling, rose floor. His stomach dropped about what shade of pink the river would be with its thick eddies. That went too Mayan in his head.
         Alabaster tossed the plastic-wrapped suit backwards into the boat, quickly shuffling the younger two off. They didn’t wait to hear what Charon thought of the contents.
         They walked towards the airport-like security with ghoulish attendants separating people into various lines. There were signs above the lines, ones that Pax couldn’t read since the letters jumbled into incomprehension.
         A low whine, like that of an injured puppy, echoed around the chamber. Yea, there were wails too, but those were human wails. Pax was way less interested in those. He couldn’t find the source of the animal noises until Lou Ellen tugged furiously on his jacket.
         Pax didn’t know how he missed the view before. Unlike Alabaster, Lou Ellen, and Axel, he struggled to see through the Mist. Even so, the Mist deserved a pay raise.
         A few yards ahead of them was a massive Rottweiler with three heads. Maybe the truck-sized dog would have normally been intimidating; Pax had heard some intimidating stories about Cerberus. Instead, the dog just looked pathetic, curled up and nursing a paw. Pax could see why.
         There was a sword imbedded between two toes.
         “He’s hurt!” Pax cried.
         “Ajax, no,” Alabaster growled.
         Lou Ellen joined in the cry, “We have to help him.”
         “What part of—”
         “Please!” Pax and Lou Ellen said together.
         “Grant me the patience of the Furies,” Alabaster said under his breath.
         One of the heads must have caught their scent. It perked up and glanced in their direction, growling.
         The other two were licking at the injured paw still. He looked cute, the way a monster truck might if painted with bambis and rabbits.
         Alabaster stopped in his tracks. He fumbled with his intestines—sausages. Pax really needed to stop thinking of sausage as intestines. “Who do you think stabbed him?” he asked in his you’re stupid if you can’t answer this question and I know you too well to let you play dumb. “See many stray demigods wandering down here with blades?”
         “It wasn’t Axel,” Pax said. Axel was obsessed with mythical creature rights and would have known Cerberus was just doing his job. One caged animal to another—Axel would have likely tried to play-wrestle with the beast. “I’ll bet it was Luke.”
         “Yea, Luke’s an asshole,” Lou Ellen said.
         The two of them vigorously nodded their heads towards Alabaster.
         “Lou Ellen,” Alabaster chided, “I expect more creative insults than vulgarity. And you aren’t going to win me over by insulting Castellan.”
         Despite him saying that, the corner of his lips twitched into a smile. Until then, Pax hadn’t realized how glad he was to have Alabaster along. The Witch Boy would know his way around the Underworld, or Pax guessed he would. Alabaster held that easy calm, even amongst the dead.
         Pax and Lou Ellen would have feigned calm confidence. But, uh, that would have only lasted so long as they got closer to the line’s attendants.
         Another of Cerberus’ heads noticed their movement. It raised and joined in the low growl.
         The noise didn’t seem to bother Alabaster. “How were you planning on getting past?” he asked, gathering the rest of the sausages from his waist—he must have wrapped them under his shirt, and withdrawing them like a towel around a hand wound.
“We brought a chew toy,” Lou Ellen said. Pax could tell that she wanted to sound proud, but had realized a flaw in their plan. There were three heads and only one chew toy.
“Seriously?” Alabaster’s growl chimed in with Cerberus’.
“I heard it worked for Annabeth,” Pax said.
         Although Pax couldn’t see it, he could feel Alabaster roll his eyes. “The amount of inconvenience that girl has caused,” he said under his breath.
         Pax hesitated. Cerberus’ growls were making his body vibrate. This dog was massive, the size of a truck. Pax didn’t even come up to Cerberus’ chest and Cerberus was half-laying down. One of his heads still licked the sword hilt imbedded in his paw. Focus on that, Pax thought, and not on how his teeth are about as long as that sword.
         “We have a treat for you!” Alabaster called. His voice was way too cold for dealing with a ball of cute fluffiness and death. Pax had a feeling that Alabaster had never been allowed pets as a child. Other than Axel and Pax. Pax was fairly certain that they were pets to Alabaster.
         Cerberus stood up. When he applied pressure to his front paw, all three heads whimpered. They pulled the paw up slightly, to alleviate the pressure.
         “Go fix his paw if you wish. I can only hold him for a few moments with this,” Alabaster said. “If you take too long or are sloppy, you’ll get yourself killed.”
         For an instant, Pax wondered if Alabaster was nervous. The Witch Boy unwrapped a link of sausage and tossed it into the air towards Cerberus.
         The two heads less affected by the wound snapped at it, nipping at each other to bite it to pieces, probably the same way they would do with Pax’s limbs if he was caught.  
         Its breath flooded over them, almost as bad as Pax’s little brother’s, Hiro’s breath.
         “You suck at this,” Lou Ellen said, pulling a link from Alabaster. “You heard him, Pax. Have fun getting that sword out. Hey puppers! Look what I got for you puppers!”
         Her voice raised in pitch and excitement. The sentiment worked. Cerberus sat upright, letting his butt drop back onto the ground. From what Pax had heard of Annabeth’s interactions with this dog, he thought their red ball plan might have worked with Lou Ellen’s charm. Uh—natural charm. No witchy charm required.
         Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them, realizing Lou Ellen had volunteered him for the harder job. His heartbeat pounded in his head. It’s just a cute, injured puppy, he told himself, It just so happens that it wouldn’t need to chew to swallow you.
         Alabaster gave Lou Ellen a look that might have been reproachful or approving. He handed her the rest of the sausage as Cerberus’ short tail thumped against the black sand, echoing around the chamber. Pax thought it was weird that interacting with this dog wasn’t a red flag for the Underworld Security. What dead person wanted to poke at the landowner’s attack dog?
         Alabaster made a few signs in the air around Pax’s head, muttering in Latin. Was he making him invisible? Or at least making him blend in with the stone? Or smell less like a delicious treat? Pax hoped all of the above. When Pax glanced down at his hands, they still looked visible and potentially delicious to a monster.
         “We don’t have enough sausages for you to hesitate,” Lou Ellen said.
         Pax swallowed. He thought about Juana, Axel’s jaguar. Their father bought it for him a few months after they were forced back “home.” Axel warned his siblings not to go near Juana without him, since she could tear them to shreds. Juana was a tenth the size of Cerberus.
         From what he knew of Juana, there was no point in trying to sneak up. He approached Cerberus’ injured paw, hands outstretched in attempt to look non-threatening. Not that a 4’7 rail of cuteness could look threatening.
The other two heads were locked on Lou Ellen, or fighting over bits of sausage she threw.
         The last head faced him. The eyes didn’t quite focus on Pax, showing Alabaster’s spell must have done something. Pax heartbeat thudded in his head as he took the last few steps to Cerberus’ foot. The dog hadn’t batted him out of existence yet.
         The head whimpered and pulled its paw closer to its body.
         “It’s okay,” Pax said, the way he did when his littlest brother had a nightmare. “I just want to help. It’ll be quick, like ripping off a Band Aid.”
         That felt like a threat to Pax. Just gonna take that sharp, pointy thing in your paw and move it around a bit.
         “Pax,” Alabaster said in warning.
         Pax didn’t look over to see why. He figured it had to do with how the middle head had turned to sniff furiously in his direction.
         Now or to Xibalba, Pax thought. He wrapped his fingers around the cold metal of the hilt and pulled up, trying not to twist the blade or yank at an angle.
         It slid out easily.
         Pax wanted to gloat about the Sword in the Paw and how he’d be king of the Cerberi.
         His mouth went dry instead.
         When he wretched the blade out, dark liquid splattered up from the paw. Something clear and goopy dropped on his head from above—saliva.
Pax puffed up his cheeks and popped them, looking up. The other two heads glowered down at him. Their teeth were barred within inches of his face. Their low growl rattled his skull.
He trembled, thinking at least one good thing would come out of this: if he died in the Underworld, he didn’t need to worry about going through Charon’s Waiting Room again.  
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! And I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe!
Stay tuned next week for part X!
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nocte-argentea · 4 years
This is my contribution to @tyrias-library‘s Valentine’s event! The topic was a memorable date, so Altair took Vesper on a date to cheer her up after she had a really bad day! Cross-posted on Ao3.
Altair knew from the moment she walked in that Vesper had not had a great day.
It was late afternoon when she entered the guild’s tavern. He could see the bruises and dried blood on his girlfriend the second she came in. Was she limping as well? Concern immediately welled in his heart as he almost leaped off of his chair to go to her. A tired smile made its way to her lips as she saw him approach.
“Sorry it took me so long, darlin’. The job was...a little more taxing than I thought it’d be.” She said wearily as he took her into his arms, looking over her to make sure there were no serious injuries.
“I can see that. What happened, dear heart?” The sylvari vaguely remembered her talking about the job she took; something about bandits, he thought.
“Remember how I said bandits were the suspects of the attacks on the caravans?” Altair nodded. “Well, turns out it was bandits and centaurs and unchained.”
“Oh my.” Vesper cracked another smile at his simple joke. “They didn’t hurt you too badly, did they?”
“Nah, I’m tougher than I look. But with that being said…” she turned her head towards the direction of the infirmary. “I’m going to go get patched up and then head up to our room. I’ll see you in a little bit, alright?” Altair nodded as she leaned up to kiss his cheek, and then she was on her way. He watched her go with worry in his eyes. He knew her better than that. There was something else wrong.
“...You can tell too, huh?” Altair jumped a bit at the voice beside him. He turned to see Nocte leaning against the bar. When did she get there? “Before you ask, I stealthed my way here. Didn’t want to interrupt your moment. But more importantly, something is bugging her.”
“You’ve got that right. I wonder what’s up? I wonder if I could ease her mind…” The sylvari drifted into thought. “Maybe I could take her somewhere? We could get food or something…”
“Not sure if she’d be up for that, especially since she seems so tired. She probably doesn’t want to be around people, save you of course.” Altair couldn’t help but blush a bit. Vesper had said multiple times that he didn’t count as people. “Maybe you could take her somewhere secluded and you could get some alone time. And no, I don’t mean that in a lewd way.”
“I figured, it’s highly doubtful that’d make her feel better right now. Let’s see…” He took another moment to think, then snapped his fingers. “I think I’ve got just the place! It’s a bit of a trek, but I know it’s a place she loves.”
“Sounds good. I’ll leave you to it.” Nocte turned to the bartender to order a drink before looking over her shoulder at Altair. “Just make sure you two get back before dawn.”
“No guarantees, but I’ll try.” He shot her a friendly wink before heading out of the tavern in the direction of their room. As he got closer, he hoped dearly that she’d go with him. He wanted to help her, but he wouldn’t force her if she didn’t want to leave. He finally made it into the room to find Vesper laying on their bed, dressed in clean clothes and reading a book. She turned to him as he entered, growing a smile.
“Not going to party with the others tonight?” She placed a bookmark in her book and put it to the side as Altair sat on the edge of the bed.
“It’s no fun without you there, love. And actually, I wanted to ask you if you’d join me on a little adventure. Or a date, rather.”
“A little adventure date? I don’t know, mate, I’m still tired…”
“I’m aware. You don’t have to go, but I know something is bothering you.” She broke eye contact at that. That confirms it, at least. “I want to take you somewhere where you can take a bit to relax. Just you and me.”
“Hm...I like the idea, but I am still tired. Where are we going?”
“That’s a surprise. It is a bit of a trip, but we’ll be riding a jackal for most of it. I’ll even carry you if you don’t want to walk.” He winked at her and felt a small surge of pride as she blushed. 
“Well, alright.” Altair had to stop himself from making some gesture of victory. “I won’t have to grab anything other than the usual, right?”
“Right. I would like you to wear a blindfold, though.” Vesper gave him a weird look. “...To keep it a surprise, Vess. You know me better than that.” Her face instantly melted into a look of mirth.
“Aye, I do. I was messing with you. Give me a moment to get my dagger and pistol.” Once she was ready to go, Altair grabbed her scarf and tied it around her eyes. He made sure that she couldn’t see, then held her close as he brought out his portal stone.
“You know, we could’ve just used my two eyepatches instead of my scarf.”
“I am not letting you go out wearing two eyepatches. We have standards, Vess. Besides, at this time of day, it’s going to be chilly where we’re going.” He selected the proper waypoint, and in an instant, the two were in the Desert Highlands. Vesper shivered a bit at the cool air, as night had fallen at this point.
“You weren’t kidding. Where are we? Ascalon? Shiverpeaks?”
“If we were going to the Shiverpeaks, I’d’ve made you wear something warmer.”
“Fair enough.”
Altair summoned his jackal and helped Vesper onto it. Once she was settled, he climbed up and sat behind her and then the three were off to the western portion of the highlands. As the jackal ran, Altair figured now would probably be the best time to find out what was bothering her, so she wouldn’t be thinking about it while they were trying to relax.
“So, want to tell me what’s bothering you?” He heard her sigh in front of him. 
“Not really, but…” Vesper went quiet for a moment before leaning back into his chest, something she did often when she was upset. “I found where the majority of the attacks were coming from, and I was able to dispatch most of the culprits, but I...I was too late to rescue another caravan. It was a gruesome scene. So many bodies...”
“By the Pale Mother. I’m sorry, Vess.” He looped an arm around her waist and drew her closer. “It wasn’t your fault. You know that.”
“You’re right, I know you are. It just...doesn’t make it easier to forget a scene like that.” She placed her hand over the one on her stomach. “I may have been through a lot, but it doesn’t really get easier.”
“I know, sweetheart. I know.” Altair pressed a gentle kiss to her neck. Thankfully, they’d reached the sand portal to get to the place they were going. “We’re almost there. It won’t be long now.”
He had to brace himself for the next part. The sand portal took the three of them upon the sand paths high in the sky, and Altair was not a fan of heights. He was determined to go through with this, however. For Vesper.
“I feel like we’re getting higher up. It’s colder, too...you promise we aren’t in the Shiverpeaks?”
“I believe part of them is nearby, but no, where we’re going isn’t connected to them.”
Finally, they’d reached the platform high above the highlands, where the night sky shone brilliantly and the ghostly structures of a civilization passed were visible. Vesper loved it up here, so Altair dearly hoped this would lift her spirits at least a little. It also seemed like the ghosts that were usually up here weren’t present tonight, so they could get some alone time. He hopped off of the jackal and helped Vesper down.
“This feels like stone masonry. I thought this was just going to be you and me? That’s kinda hard to do in a town…”
“You’ll see, love.” He guided her towards the ghostly city, keeping her far enough away from the edge for him to feel they were safe from falling. He untied her scarf from around her eyes, letting it fall back around her neck. He moved beside her as she opened her eyes and gasped.
“Altair! You brought me all the way here!? No wonder it’s chilly, we’re so high up. But, you hate heights! Why-” Her mind seemed to be running a mile a minute, so he interrupted.
“Because I know you love it here. And I figured this would be the best way to help you relax.” He slung his arm around her back and pulled her into his chest. “I can deal with heights if it makes you happy. As long as I can’t see just how high up we are…” He glanced towards the edge and shivered. He’d endure it, but there was no way he was getting close to where the platform ended.
“Altair…” Vesper snuggled into his chest, which made his heart flutter. “You didn’t have to bring us all the way here just for me. But I’m glad you did. It means more to me than you’ll ever know.” She pulled away briefly to look him in the eye. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.” Altair put his other hand on the back of her neck to bring her face to his, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. When they broke apart, he pulled her over to one of the pillars and sat against it. Vesper sat down and he pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her once again. “We can stay as long as you like. I’m alright with taking a night off to stargaze together.”
“I’d like that.” She kissed his cheek and snuggled into him, and the two watched the stars for hours. Unfortunately, Nocte wasn’t kidding about being back before dawn and gave the two a dressing down when they returned to the guildhall. This didn’t stop them from going out to stargaze several more times, however.
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kingcriccket · 6 years
Impulse Variability, Chapter 1
Read it on Ao3!
Stiles comes back from the station in a cloud of smoke and sulfur-- properly Biblical stuff, he thinks, very dramatic- and then his feet hit the pavement and his knees fold up like accordions, all those complex bones and tendons and muscles going awry all at once, the lazy jerks.
Stiles goes palm-down on the sidewalk and pukes his guts up. There is still the sound of horse in his ears, tack and hoof. (he remembers that running gag with Umbridge, in the Harry Potter movies, where the centaurs scared her so bad she freaked at hoofbeats forever, and Stiles's brain follows that thread for a moment, so the first thing he says to his best friends, after being pulled back into reality, is
"Man I hope I don't get like, horse trauma after this."
His voice is (ha ha) all hoarse from the puking. His face is a mess of snot and tears. Stiles looks up, slowly, from the sets sneakers all arranged around him, to the concerned faces peering down.
"Stiles?" Scott says. Not like he will, sometimes, when he isn't sure what Stiles is talking about but like.
Like a question. Like, " are you Stiles?"
"Hi," Stiles says. Tries to straighten up and just ends up on his haunches-- further away from the puke, at least.
The streets are rain-wet, all silver with it, and between that and the smoke still boiling away from wherever they pulled Stiles out of, it feels very properly horror movie.
But it's hard to feel too scared, with the pack all there around him. Their tired, dirty faces, the smile breaking across Scott's whole fucking body, and-- Lydia .
Lydia, who drops Malia's hand to step forward and help him up. Lydia who he lists into when she gets him standing.
She smells nice. She always smells nice, like perfume or something. Like girls smell.
And her cheek is all torn bloody and her hair's in tangles but her shoulder is strong, when she drapes his arm across it.
"Scott," Lydia says, "help me with him?"
And then Scott's taking Stiles's other arm, and Stiles barely has time to feel the warm fuzzies before he's passing out again.
He will remember, later, Lydia dropping Malia's hand.
Which meant she had been holding Malia's hand.
Which meant: ??
Mark that one red, for now.
Later, when Lydia saves him from the gun pressed up to his forehead in the locker room (deja vu, by the way, and so not the good kind), she will say--
She will say "I didn't say it back," her throat all raw from banshee scream.
"You didn't have to," Stiles says. Means it. He knows she loves him-- doesn't know when he realized it, only now it feels like something he's known forever, something fundamental. Right there in the marrow of him, producing blood cells and shit. Which-- okay, this metaphor’s gotten away from him, maybe, but the point is Lydia loves him. And she kisses him there, in the locker room, and this time Stiles isn't shocked and fish-lipped under her, and it feels good , and they love each other, and so that's how these things work out, isn't it?
Everything according to plan.
"I'm not saying it," Malia says. Peter is sitting on a train-station bench in front of her, reading the paper all peaceful. It's alien, really, seeing him do something so.... benign.
"Malia," Lydia says. Toes a book out of the way to step forward, put a hand on Malia's shoulder.
"I'm not!" Malia turns, this coyote-blue gleam waydeep down in her eyes. All around them, people sit and stare into middle distance and wait, as if Beacon Hills isn't collapsing in all around them.
This past month Lydia's felt like that, a little. Like she's been-- waiting for something, without quite knowing what. Waiting while the crucial infrastructure of her life all falls apart.
Stiles, she's sure. It has to be him. He loves her. And she loves him back-- of course she does. Memory or no memory. He must be what's missing. What she's waiting for.
"Malia," Lydia says, and the library/train-station shimmers all around them, the unreality of it.
Except-- she's real, isn't she?
And Malia is real. Her shoulder is warm under Lydia's hand, all her rangy coyote muscle, and she frowns at Lydia, brow creasing up the way it will when she's not quite sure how to be human. Her jaw tightens. And she puts her hand over Lydia's, for just a moment. Turns around.
"Dad." She says. Unconvincing.
"Like you mean it."
Malia turns back, again, and bares her teeth at Lydia, but Lydia knows when to be afraid of her, and this isn't one of those times. She bares her teeth back (it feels very silly, without those pointed canines). Malia rolls her eyes, and Lydia nods at Peter, unnatural calm on his bench.
Malia sighs. Squares her shoulders, like she's facing up to a fight, and Lydia sees the tension in her forearms, sees where claws threaten at her fingertips.
"Dad?" Malia's voice wobbles, in the middle, and Lydia's chest wrings out like an old washcloth.
But she has no time for the weird, tender feeling rising up in her, because Peter blinks, and stirs, and Malia says," Dad ?"
And Peter stands up and says, "Malia?" Incredulous, and then there is work, to be done.
But anyway the point is that they're friends, right, and friends feel things for each other. Right? They feel for each other.
Lydia remembers, before Alison had--
Lydia remembers Alison's little bedroom, her perfect white-washed windows and her charmingly out-of-date wallpaper. Remembers one day, in particular:
Lydia's sitting criss-cross-applesauce against Allison's headboard, absently tracing her fingers over the white-on-whiter pattern of the bedspread. Florals, she thinks. Can't identify the specifics.
She's trying her level best not to burst into the bathroom, where Allison has been barricaded for too long.
"Let me freshen up," she'd said, like a woman in an old movie. Lydia can picture the smell of perfume, heady, see the pearls tight around her throat.
She's always been good at that. At picturing people as they might be, might look-- it’s a type of problem solving. So: Allison, 'freshening up' in some smokey old restaurant. Not Allison, breaking down over the death of her mother.
It's as easy as that.
The bathroom door creaks open-- Lydia turns like her head's on a pull string. Like she'll always turn to look, for Allison, until one day--
Well. Until one day she won't.
Alison's red around the eyes, but she's put concealer over the blotchy way her cheeks get when she cries. Lydia can see a little swipe of slightly-darker peach where Allison hasn't blended, properly.
She thinks about the bedspread, white-on-white, a pattern she can't quite make out, and something goes funny in her stomach.
She holds out her hand, and Alison staggers across the space between them-- staggers . The bed dents under her weight, and Allison's face dents, too. Crumples up in the effort not to keep crying.
"Oh," Lydia says, soft, and reaches out slow as anything. Allison lets her. Leans into Lydia's hand, even, when Lydia blends the foundation in, with her fingertips.
" Lydia ," she says, voice all watery "It's just--"
"I know," Lydia says. Alison collapses forward against her chest. Collapses , and later Lydia will find black marks on her blouse, from Allison's mascara gone wet and runny on her shoulder.
"It's fucked ," Allison says.
There's not much to say, to that.
It is. It's fucked.
So Lydia just brings her arm up, and hugs Allison across her shoulders, tight as she can.
That's what she feels, looking at Malia saying the word "Dad" like it's hurting her, like the concept's scarier even than her mother, filicidal literal-monster that she is.
This weird, tender, mushy feeling, like all the vital insides Lydia knows the precise names for have stopped working like they should. Like her heart has impossibly skipped a beat, like her stomach has an impossible knot all tied up in it.
Her friends are in danger. It's how she should feel.
Lydia's had reasons enough to feel crazy, in her life, but surely this isn't one.
And this is what teenage friendships are like , she’s seen movies. She has braided hair and told secrets and this is what it is supposed to be like. She feels how she is supposed to feel.
Surely, surely.
And, anyway, it all works out, doesn't it? They save everyone, for once. Lydia is not left-behind-forgotten in a ghost town. No one dies. Not even the bad guy dies, and so they're getting better at this, apparently.
And that's good news.
Kind of unequivocally.
"Can I take you out for coffee?" Stiles says, his backpack hanging off one shoulder.
Lydia startles.
She never used to startle-- could always kind of tell when Stiles was around, but maybe un-forgetting someone isn't the same as not having forgotten them in the first place.
She closes her locker, turns. The school's last-day empty, deserted, and she has this horrible vision of it empty when the riders came through,  of the lights all hanging down from the ceiling, the creeping feeling they'd failed, and she's the last one left after all, until Malia comes out of the library and prods Lydia in the back and goes, "what are you looking at?" And the fear goes down like cough syrup. Leaves a bad taste in her mouth, but here, here's Malia helping her choke it down all the same.
"Lydia?" Stiles says, and Lydia snaps her eyes to him. Realizes she's been staring into the hallway, vacant, and she smiles as bright as she knows how (which is fucking thousand-watt, by the way).
"Yes?" She says.
"Is there-- I mean are you having like. A moment."
When he says 'a moment' he wiggles his fingers at her, like there should be spooky music alongside, and it makes Lydia laugh.
"No," she says. "Sorry. I was just thinking."
Stiles bobs his head. Tugs his backpack on all the way. "Great. No corpse to retrieve. Good news." He's gripping the straps, white-knuckled, & it makes his elbows stick out. Akimbo , Lydia thinks. It was a word on her vocabulary list in grade 6, but she never really knew what it meant until she got to know Stiles.
"So." He says.
Lydia gives him an expectant look.
"Coffee?" Stiles clears his throat. "Uh, us. Can we get coffee-- can I get a coffee, uh, for you?"
"Oh," Lydia says, and there is this weird, queasy flip in her gut. She smiles. "Sure. Saturday?"
Stiles blinks. "Uh, yeah. Yes! I can definitely-- do Saturday."
He's smiling. He has this awkward smile that makes Lydia smile, too, reflex, and she remembers kissing him and she thinks-- well, of course.
Impulse variability is when a person means to do one thing- in fact, believes that they are doing one thing- and end up doing another.
It's the cause of car crashes, sometimes. People hit the accelerator, and think they're hitting the brake, and so they go when they mean to stop. Panicking, they will press harder on what they believe to be the brake, and accelerate even faster, until-- well. They stop accelerating.
It's not negligence. These people really think- are really convinced- that their foot is on the brake, not the throttle.
Lydia Martin had never once in her life done something without meaning to, and then Peter used her to haul himself up from the grave, and everything went so fucking sideways she almost didn’t notice at first. Like something can go so completely wrong it nearly reaches ‘round to normal, again.
Lydia would go to bed and wake up the woods. She would think she was driving straight and end up making turns, circling the block till she ran out of gas.
Ever since, there's been this nagging-- well. She knows it doesn't make any sense. But ever since Peter, Lydia's had this nagging feeling like she's just being pulled along on a string.
Since before Peter, maybe, actually.
She is a pretty girl. She dates a handsome Lacrosse player. She excels in school but she isn't cocky about it. She applies to and gets into a prestigious college. And life's easy like that, isn't it? Like, lay out the track, and there she goes along it. Lydia Marten, the world's most complicated wind-up toy.
Stiles has always felt a little like that.
Like no matter how things went, there they would be, together, at the end of it.
But, back when Stiles was gone, there is this:
Lydia sees the flash of Malia's long, long legs disappear around a corner, barely covered by some alarming bad-idea of an outfit. (Lydia admires that, and not in a passive aggressive, housewife-stereotype way. How she just wears whatever).
Lydia follows-- Malia's been unstable lately and Lydia wouldn't tell her this, of course, for knowledge of the bared teeth that would be her answer, but she's--
Well. She's worried.
She follows Malia down through the school, the halls bright-fluorescent, mismatched linoleum and that nagging sense of missing something.
They end up in the boiler room which-- like, okay, Lydia's watched Buffy, she knows what happens to people who end up in the boiler room.
But instead, there is Malia with one arm chained to a pipe, and she is holding the loose end of a second chain in the other hand.
"Someone used to do this for me," she says, and rattles the chained hand, and she looks at Lydia with just this complete, this absolute helplessness.
Lydia unsticks from where she's been hanging in the doorway. Crosses the room halfway and Malia growls , and then her face crumples entirely.
" Fuck ," she says. "Sorry. I don't--"
Lydia waits for Malia's teeth to pull back into their gums.
"It's okay," she says. Takes another step, and when that seems OK, she closes the distance between them.
"Here," she says, and reaches out her hand. Malia gives her the loose end of the chain.
"No-- Malia."
Malia tugs her chained hand as close to her chest as she can. Her eyes are huge-- are enormous, they are impossible not to see. They are welling up, wet, with tears. Such a pretty colour , Lydia thinks. Thanks god Malia doesn’t wear makeup, because with mascara Lydia wouldn’t- no one would- be able to look away from those eyes of hers.
"You can't," Malia says, and yanks at the chain. Lydia startles out of her tangent. "You can't . I don't want to--"
"You won't." Lydia means to reach for the chain but she sort of gets Malia's hand, instead, ends up with her fingers over Malia's fingers over Malia's heart, the manacle pressing up cold against her skin. "Malia, you won't hurt anyone."
And Malia takes this deep breath, shaky, and she says, "I was going to say you."
Lydia frowns.
"I don't want to hurt you ."
And-- well, what is there to do, with that? Lydia slams shut the door that opens up in her, stems whatever soppiness might've come leaking out.
“You won’t,” Lydia says. “Let me undo this.”
Malia looks at her a long time-- takes a deep breath, and the tension goes out of her forearm. Lydia feels it, the unflexing of muscle. Malia lets Lydia coax her hand away from her chest. Lets her unlock the manacle.
And then her legs kind of fold up under her, and Lydia goes down with her, so they’re both crouching there, on the cold and gritty concrete, some basement-dampness soaking through the knees of Lydia’s leggings.
Malia’s hand is still in Lydia’s, and her wrist is all ringed in blood, a bracelet carved in by the manacle.
“I hate this,” Malia says. Her voice has the edge, just the very edge, of a growl, and Lydia’s legs are bracketing hers, and Malia’s head is hanging forward, hair tickling Lydia’s collarbones, and it is all--
It’s very strange.
They never used to hang out, Lydia thinks. Just the two of them. She knows there was someone else, but when she tries to grab that thought it skates out of reach. It’s-- h mm. she’s not really used to not knowing things, to be honest. Or, rather, not really used to not being able to find something out, when she needs to.
“Me too,” she says to Malia. The concrete is digging divots into Lydia’s one hand, where she’s leaning on it, and it makes clear to her only how warm Malia’s skin is, in comparison.
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percyjacksonfan3 · 7 years
Finding Home (Epilogue)
Part One: http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home
Part Two: http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home-part-two
Part Three: http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home-part-three
Part Four: http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home-part-four
Part Five:  http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home-part-fiive
Part Six: http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home-part-six
Part Seven: http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home-part-seven
Part Eight: http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home-part-eight
Part Nine: http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home-part-nine
Part Ten: http://percyjacksonfan3.tumblr.com/post/164310003982/finding-home-part-ten
When they get back it’s pretty uneventful.
There’s Chiron waiting for them on the steps of the Big House. Mr. D, Grover, Juniper, Nico, Will and Rachel are with him.
Apart from that things seem to be the same as always.
Grover and Rachel are grinning widely, and Will and Nico make their way over. Nico shoots him a quick nod before moving to Frank.
“Mr. D told us you were coming back.” Chiron comes down to greet them, stopping beside Percy, helping to pull Frank from Blackjack and handing him to Nico and Will, who bring him inside. “Percy, my boy, I am so- I am so sorry-”
“Chiron,” Percy slides down from Blackjack, patting him and promising to sort out any building revolutions in the stables. He turns to his mentor after Blackjack goes away, presumably to find some donuts or sugar. He’s a little alarmed at the emotion in Chiron’s voice- his trainer was very hard to unnerve. Percy doesn’t know if he ever remembers seeing it before. “What are you talking about? Sorry for what?”
The centaur’s face takes on a look of guilt. “I refused to send out a team for your rescue. The giant was somehow able to, ahem, control me and my actions. If it hadn’t been for Mr. D and his careful moderation I would never have snapped out of it.” Chiron appraises them. “I’m just thankful that none of you were injured. You all look perfectly fine.”
Percy glances at the others, silently warning them not to say anything. He’ll tell Chiron, of course he will, but not here in the open. “I’m not mad at you.” Percy says. “Or Leo. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Chiron nods. “Very gracious of you, my boy, very gracious. Now, if you would…”
He brings Percy up to the group, and Grover pulls away from Annabeth to hug him quickly. “Our empathy link came back to me,” he whispered. “What happened?”
Percy hugs him tight. “Later. I’ll tell you all at once.”
Rachel practically bowls him over with the force of her running into him. “Thank Apollo,” she says before pulling back to whack his shoulder.
“Ow!” He complained.
“You dummy,” Rachel says. “How many times are you going to make Annabeth come and rescue you, hmm?”
His jaw drops and he wants to say something in protest but Juniper comes up to him shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears. “Oh, hush, Rachel, he’s just gotten back. Wait for tonight to terrorize him.”
Percy grins and hugs her quickly too. “Thanks a lot,” he says, and Grover bleats a laugh.
They all fall quiet when Mr. D comes up to them, and Percy glances to the side to see Annabeth giving him a significant look. He frowns, not understanding, and she gestures to the god.
Percy shakes his head but is unable to ask. Mr. D pops the tab on his Diet Coke, takes a slurp and looks at him with a bored expression. “Is this the last time we’re going to have to concern ourselves with your disappearance Porticus?”
Irritation fills him, like it usually does when he’s around Mr. D. “It’s not like I plan to be kidnapped-”
“Yes, well,” Mr. D looks away. “Do make sure it doesn’t happen again, would you?”
Percy gapes and Annabeth comes to stand beside him, linking their fingers together. “Thank you, Mr. D, for your help.”
Dionysus sniffs. “Would it really have been such a tragedy to leave him out there?”
“Look, Wine Dude-”
Jason makes a choking noise and Piper claps him on the back, face grim. Annabeth nudges Percy’s side and he looks at her only to find her head shaking in warning.
“Agh,” Dionysus’ lip curls in disgust. “Who started that, I demand to know? Whoever it was can expect-”
Hazel’s arrival thankfully diffuses the tension, probably also saving her brother a premature death. “Where’s Frank?” She demands right away, feeding Arion a nugget of gold.
“Inside with, Will.” Annabeth answers her. “Where all of us should be.”
When the room fills Will looks up, his mouth twitching. “He’s completely fine,” he reassures Hazel before turning to the rest of them. “Honestly, I think he’s just asleep.”
Leo laughs and Hazel moves to sit beside Frank, ignoring Nico’s frown as she runs a hand through his hair. “He’s been so tired with everything going on, all of the attacks on Camp Jupiter and being Praetor… he’s exhausted.”
“Let him sleep then,” Nico says. “You’ll wake him up, touching him like that.”
Percy laughs and Nico shoots him a glare. “Shut up,” the son of Hades mutters and Percy mimes zipping his lips closed. “What happened to you anyway?” Nico continues, eyes raking him over.
Percy sobers up, looking around at all of the expectant faces, returning Annabeth’s squeeze of his hand. “Let’s go to the rec room,” he says. “I’ve got a lot to tell you.”
Afterwards there’s silence. No questions, no comments. Just… silence as everyone takes it all in.
Except one.
“That will be it, right?” Percy’s looking around anxiously, waiting for an answer. “There’s no more Triumvirate, Aristaeus was the hidden ace up their sleeve in case they failed. There’s nothing else to worry about?”
“Well, there’s your everyday typical monsters,” Leo points out. “You know, ones that kill mortals and demigods who don’t have training or help.”
Piper glared at him. “Very helpful, Leo, thank you.”
He holds his hands up in surrender. “I’m just saying.”
Percy ignores them, looking at Chiron. “No one else trying to destroy the gods and take over Olympus. No more evil Titans or Giants waiting around to get us. This was it, right? It’s done. I’m done.”
Chiron looks at him sadly. “You know I can’t promise anything like that, Percy.”
He stands up, slamming his hands on the ping pong table and making everybody jump. “Then what’s the point?” He demands. Nico’s watching him wide eyed, worry on his face. Annabeth is sitting silently, taking it in. Everyone is looking at him warily. “If I have to keep putting my life on hold to fight someone else and be another monster’s personal punching bag, what’s the point?”
“Percy,” Piper says after seconds of no one answering him. “It’s who we are.”
“Who we are.” Percy repeats flatly. “Right.” He nods finally. “I’m going to call my mom,” he mutters, not looking at anybody else as he storms out.
Chiron looks at Annabeth. “What do you suggest we do?” He asks her.
Annabeth looks away from the door Percy had just slammed behind him. “He’s upset.” She says. “And he’s been through a lot. You know what he’s like Chiron.”
Chiron sighs and sits back. “Let him call his mother,” he mutters, rubbing his temples. “Then someone go and talk to him.”
Leo coughed. “So um, he really died? And the gods brought him back?”
“He said the Fates mended his string,” Annabeth looked at Chiron. “They don’t do that.”
“No,” the centaur is staring at the table. “They don’t. In all my time on this earth I have never even heard of such a thing...”
Hazel pipes up. “I was brought back to life, by Nico.” Nico cringes. “The gods turn a blind eye to it. I’m sure Percy will be fine.”
Annabeth doesn’t look reassured. “I guess.”
“I brought Jason back too.” Piper says. “Hera said it shouldn’t have been possible. And you’re fine, aren’t you Sparky?”
Jason nods. “Last I checked.”
“I would ask Mr. D, but…” Chiron shifted. “It’s a delicate subject.”
Will spoke. “Nico felt Percy die. Then he felt him come back. He’s not a ghost or anything, he’s really here.”
“For how long?” Annabeth asks them, and the room falls quiet again.
Chiron looks up at the roof as if seeking guidance. Nothing comes. “For as long as the Fates allow, just as it is for the rest of you,” he says finally.
With that the meeting is over.
Rachel looks up as Hazel comes into the room and stands from Frank’s bedside. “He must be really tired.”
Hazel nods, reaching out to take his hand. “Thanks for watching him.”
“Hey, no problem.” Rachel clears her throat. “Percy told you what happened to him?”
Hazel looks up at her. “You know already?”
Rachel shrugs. “I saw most of it in flashes. Not all. Enough.” She sighs, looking tired. “I’m just glad he’s okay.”
Hazel nods. “Me too.”
“Hey,” Frank’s voice is a croak and Hazel looks over to meet his eyes. “What happened?”
She can’t help but kiss his cheek. “Frank! Thank gods!”
Frank blinked a few times before pulling himself up to sit against the headboard. “Am I… in the Big House?”
Rachel clears her throat. “I’ll let you tell him everything.” She says. “Glad you’re awake, Frank.”
“Thanks Rachel.”
Hazel squeezes his hand when she’s gone. She plans on telling him everything, but first she needs to get this out. Aristaeus has unsettled her. “Frank, you know I love you, right?”
Frank’s eyes widen. “What?”
“You know, when I ended things, it wasn’t because I didn’t like you.” Hazel hastens to say, a blush staining her cheeks.
“I know.” Frank says eventually, his own blush fading. “You weren’t ready. We’re still best friends.”
Hazel nods. “The way I saw it, everything was the same, we just didn’t do the physical stuff anymore. And I liked that. I like that. And I’m starting to think that, soon, things will be different and we can try everything again, brand new.”
Frank looks slightly terrified and she smiles at him. “Don’t worry I- oh, this isn’t coming out right.” She frowns. “I’m not asking you to wait for me-”
Frank laughs.
Hazel pulls back, slightly hurt. “What?”
“Nothing,” Frank shakes his head. “It’s just- that’s such a typical movie line.”
“Is it?” Hazel asks him. “I still haven’t seen many movies.”
“It is.” Frank says warmly, squeezing her hand. “And I know. Continue. Please.”
“All I’m saying is, when I do want to start dating, the first person I want to date is you.” Hazel’s cheeks feel warm. “The only person I want to date is you. That hasn’t changed.”
“Hazel,” Frank looks at her warmly. “I know. Same goes for me too. Nothing’s changed since we talked last, what’s brought this on?”
Hazel nods. “Okay. I just… wanted you to be sure.”
His eyes are soft. “I’m always sure of you, Hazel Levesque,” he says.
When she goes to lay against his chest, Frank opens his arms right away to hold her there. “So,” he asks. “What happened to Percy?”
She turns her head and smiles into his shirt.
That day it rains at Camp Half-Blood.
It doesn’t just rain, it storms. Thunderclouds roll overhead, lightning flashes, illuminating purple, grey and black clouds, and Percy sits on the step to Cabin Three, watching it all.
He’s soaked through in seconds.
His mom had cried on the phone, and Percy had too. But she’d been happy he was safe and said he should wait until tomorrow to come back if that’s what he wanted.
He’s so tired that he thinks he will.
The rain is pouring down onto his face, getting in his eyelashes and stinging his eyes when Jason comes and sits beside him.
“Hey,” the blonde say.
“Hi.” Percy says back.
Jason looks at him closely. “You okay?”
Percy snorts. “No. You?”
“Nah.” Jason shakes his head. “Like you said, it gets pretty hopeless sometimes. I know we won and everything, and we got everyone home safe, but…”
Percy sighs. “But.” He agrees.
Jason looks up as thunder crashes around them again. “But we got you back,” Jason says. “And we won what could possibly be the last real battle we’ll all ever have to face. That counts for something, Percy.”
Percy looks over at him, watching the raindrops trail their way from his hair down his neck and onto his shirt. His own shirt sticks to his skin in a damp blanket. Percy doesn’t care about keeping it dry at the moment.
“Thank you,” he says. “You and Piper and Leo. Hazel and Frank too. Thank you for coming back for me.”
Jason shakes his head. “Did you really think we wouldn’t? After everything?” He looks over, his next words aren’t a question, just a statement. “You’d do the same for any of us.”
Percy used to be the kid with no friends. Maybe one, if he was lucky. His first real friend was Grover, back at Yancy. His second had been Luke, then Annabeth, and slowly other kids at Camp had crept in.
His fatal flaw is loyalty to people he would ravage the world to save.
It looks like a few more people have crept their way onto that list.
“Yeah,” Percy looks back up at the sky, feeling himself relax. Allowing himself to realize just how much he actually liked Jason. “Yeah I would have.”
“Sometimes I wonder how things would have been different,” Jason says, “if it had been you and Reyna switched by Hera. Or Annabeth and Reyna. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if I was the Greek demigod she chose and you were the Roman.”
Jason’s next words are a whisper, almost breathless. “Sometimes I want it,” he’s still looking up at the sky. “So, so badly.”
Percy doesn’t say anything.
“Sometimes I wish Thalia had been the Roman and I was the Greek. Other times I wish Zeus had never heard of my mom and we were mortal.”
Percy glances over.
“But we’re not.” Jason says, looking over and meeting his eyes in return. “And if we were, I wouldn’t have Piper. You wouldn’t have Annabeth. We would never have known about Grover, or Hedge. Tyson never would have sought you out. Blackjack wouldn’t be your pegasus, Mrs. O’Leary wouldn’t be your hellhound… you never would have known these people. Even the ones you’ve lost in the wars, you never would have known they even existed to lose.”
Percy swallows, feeling his throat close up.
“You’re the son of Poseidon.” Jason says fiercely. “I’m the son of Jupiter. We can’t change that, Percy. And, frankly, most of the time I don’t want to.”
Percy looks away, turning back up to the skies, wondering if Zeus sent rain here today for a reason or if he was just in a bad mood.
“You’re right,” he says to Jason.
Jason hums beside him and Percy nods. “And I know all of that. I was just…”
“I know.” The blonde replies, and then, “sometimes I am too.”
And that’s that.
The two of them sit like that for close to an hour, getting drenched by the rain, looking up at the clouds on the step of the Poseidon cabin. And when the storm breaks before supper they head to the dining pavilion together.
Annabeth sits at the Poseidon table.
No one questions it.
And later, there’s campfire.
It’s so normal. Percy’s in between Grover and Annabeth, arm slung over her shoulder. Campers are singing, the flames are a brilliant, blazing golden. Katie is throwing dirty looks at Travis every time he throws something at her, Connor is waxing (bad) poetic about Lou Ellen, Frank and Hazel are being suspiciously cute, blushing at every glance, and Percy’s reminded of when he first met them, before they started dating the first time.
Jason and Piper are leading the camp in a rendition of Zeus Might Be Your Father, But Hera is Not Your Mom, and Chiron is surveying them all with a happy, peaceful smile on his face. Percy makes a mental note to thank him again before the night is over just as Clarisse and Chris start throwing taunts at Malcolm about the next Capture the Flag.
(Really it’s just Clarisse with Chris making apologetic looks over her shoulder.)
And Percy’s so happy. This is what Jason was talking about earlier, it’s what he missed stuck in that gods damned cave. This feeling and these people. He misses the summers when everyone comes back from their schools and spends time together.
He’s missed Camp.
Annabeth is beside him, roasting them both marshmallows. “So,” she plucks the sticky treat from the prong with crackers and chocolate, handing the s'more to him. “We’re both alive, thanks to your dad.”
Percy looks over at her.
“And we defeated the last giant.” She makes her own s'more, studiously avoiding his gaze. “Nothing else to worry about at the moment.”
He smiles and nods. “Yep.”
“And we’re back at Camp.” She finally looks over, icking the stray pieces of marshmallow falling from the s’more and making him very distracted. “So I was wondering, if you wanted to, maybe tonight…”
Percy tears his eyes away from her tongue, which is licking at her lips, back to her eyes, gulping. “Yeah?”
“After everyone’s asleep,” Annabeth says breathily, leaning over to get closer, and Percy really hopes Grover isn’t listening with his heightened hearing because that would be embarrassing for them all. “When you’re alone in your cabin, I could maybe come visit.”
She pulls back, turning to watch the fire and takes a bite of the treat. “You know. If you want to.”
“Gods, yes.” Percy says and they both smile at the fumble in his voice.
Annabeth moves to link their free hands. “Okay then.”
Percy squeezes.
His eyes are caught by Mr. D, who grumbles something to Chiron before retreating, probably claiming her has a headache, like every other night.
"I'll be right back," Percy kisses Annabeth on the cheek and she looks at him intently before her gaze flicks to Mr. D's retreating figure.
She nods. "Alright."
He gets up and follows the god, speaking after he’s swallowed his s’more. "Mr. D!"
His voice isn't loud enough to be heard by the singing campers where they sit at the campfire, but the two of them are far enough up the slight incline that it's quiet enough for the god to stop.
Percy hears him sigh just before he turns around, allowing Percy to come closer. "Yes, Pelinus?"
Percy ignores that. "Annabeth told me you let them come get me and I know you helped Chiron."
Mr. D crossed his arms, looking unimpressed. Percy continued before he could say anything.
"Zeus told me all of the Olympians did something and they voted, to keep me alive." Mr. D's unimpressed look turns into one that is distinctly uncomfortable. "All of the Olympians. And I saw each of them, just for a second, after Hades let me go. Except you."
Dionysus raised an eyebrow. "And? What is your point, demigod?"
"You voted to let me come back from the Underworld," Percy says, knowing it’s true when Mr. D glances away. "Why?"
Mr. D is quiet for a long time, the purple fire in his eyes flickering.
Percy presses on. "Why didn't I see you after I came back? Like the others?"
The god of wine scoffs, but it's half hearted. Percy's heard better from him in the past. "I see you all summer as it is. Why in the world would I desire to see your face sooner than I have to?"
And it's not an answer to his questions, it's not a nice thing to hear, but Percy fills with warmth at the reply.
"Thank you, Dionysus," Percy says, the god’s name just slipping out, and before he can be incinerated he turns away, intent on making his escape back to the campfire.
Dionysus stops him after another sigh.
It's surprise that makes Percy stop, and the curious tone of the god's voice that makes him turn around. It doesn't sound like he's going to be turned into a dolphin, so that's a good sign.
Mr. D looks almost pained. "I used to be a mere wine seller, as all you half-bloods should know."
He lets that sink in and Percy looks on in confusion. Dionysus waves a hand in exasperation. "My point is, that I wasn't always a god. I wasn't always feared and for a while my opinion meant nothing to my peers. That changed, of course, when I gained immortality, but it doesn't erase that I know what it feels like to be wrong. I've experienced when someone must swallow their pride, as it is something I have had to do many times. I have always been better at it than the other Olympians.
"Perhaps," the god continued, "the reason that they all vouched for you to Hades after the Fates mended your string was because they felt indebted by everything you had done. Perhaps some," here Mr. D paused and looked at him significantly, "had even grown fond of you, and felt bad for leaving you stranded in a time of need."
Percy's too stunned to reply.
"Of course I have no idea why," Mr. D's voice and demeanor returns to normal, "given that you're a particularly annoying breed of child, Pedro. Which is saying something, given that almost all children are distasteful to me."
Percy's mouth twitches. "I see."
Dionysus grows serious once more. "Do you?"
Percy nods. The god surveys him, eyes raking over him from head to toe, before nodding back.
"Well, good. Now please do try and not get kidnapped for at least a few months, I almost forget what it's like for things to be peaceful around here. The last time it happened was before you arrived six years ago, if I recall correctly."
Percy nods, turning to walk back to the fire. "Sure, Mr. D."
"And you're on dishes the day you return." Dionysus calls.
Percy stops and turns around, indignant. "What? Why?-"
"Because I feel like it," Dionysus replies blithely. "You have plenty of friends who were worried about you when you were gone, rope them into helping."
Percy opens his mouth to protest at the unfairness, but Dionysus grins at him and Percy closes his mouth, figuring just this once, to let the god away with it.
"Good night, Mr. D," he says instead and they even share a smile before Dionysus turns away to walk back to the Big House alone.
Afterwards, Percy relaxes.
For the first time since he'd found out that he was a half-blood, he truly relaxes.
There's no next Great Prophecy to worry over. That means there's no small part of him that's terrified the next great foe will involve him. Annabeth has no bad feelings and there's no part of her unsettled because as far as the two of them know, they're done. They're free, nothing is coming after them, no one is waiting to take revenge and there's no more powerful immortals that are coming to threaten the peace they've worked so hard to feel.
Percy goes home. Hand in hand with Annabeth they walk through the door to his family's apartment.
He has no choice but to let go of her hand when his mom immediately catches sight of him and gets up from her seat at the kitchen counter.
Percy strides forward, arms wide, and he catches his mother mid-waddle in a gasp-wrenching hug.
"Percy, oh my baby," Sally murmurs, and despite the fact that Percy is tall enough to place his chin on top of his mother's head, Sally runs her hand through his hair as Percy hunches over to hold her close. "Thank gods you're safe."
"I'm so sorry, mom." He speaks, surprised at the sudden emotion in his throat. He clings to her tighter. "I never meant to get lost again."
"Oh, honey," Sally returns the increased pressure in their hug. "I'm just happy you're home."
They stay like that for a long time, just hugging one another in the apartment's entrance, until Paul clears his throat.
Percy slowly disentangles himself from his mom only to be assaulted by a hug from his step-father. Paul's voice is gruff when he speaks, but the layer of relief underlying it makes Percy's heart warm. "We were so worried."
Percy nods into Paul's shoulder. "I know. I'm sorry-"
"I had to physically restrain your mother from attempting to storm Olympus." Paul chuckled as they pulled away from each other.
"If any mortal could do it, it would be her." Annabeth speaks from where she's extricating herself from Sally's hug, but she keeps an arm wrapped around Sally.
Sally blushes.
Percy meets her eyes and smiles at the happiness that radiates from her. He cocks an eyebrow and nods down at her stomach. "She's late, is she?"
Sally's hands fall to rest on her very pregnant belly. "Like her brother." She says.
Percy's mouth opens as Paul chuckles and he moves to lead his mom to sit down on the couch in the living room, leaving Paul to rope Annabeth into helping bring out drinks from the kitchen. "That is-"
"Untrue," Sally admits as she slowly lowers herself onto the cushion with Percy helping her. "Because I was there to kick your butt into gear when you wouldn't move it along."
Percy mocks hurt. "I was an absolute angel child-"
Sally snorts and gives her son a look. "You've already given me grey hairs," she says, reaching up to pat his head. "But you were an angel. My perfect little angel." Sally's eyes tear up unexpectedly. "I was so worried, Percy."
Percy feels his throat choke with emotion. "Mom-"
"I know you're a demigod." Sally grips his hands and later they'll both say it was the hormones that made them so emotional (though it’s no excuse for Percy). This was a woman who had killed monsters with a shotgun and fought in the battle of Manhattan alongside her husband without blinking an eye. "But haven't you done enough now? Don't you get your happy ending?"
Percy thinks back to the talk he'd had with his father. Poseidon didn't know his fate. Nobody did, except the Fates themselves. Hades had said he had a much more painful death coming, years away.
And he had to admit; this time felt different somehow. There was no reason to look over his shoulder just to make sure nothing was coming.
He wouldn't run away from a fight if it came to one. That wasn't who he was. If his friends needed him, if anything threatened them, he would be there to help.
But for the first time in a while he felt like maybe the fight wouldn't be coming for him.
He looked around at his apartment. Pictures of him and his mom, Tyson, Annabeth, Paul, Grover and countless others on the TV stand. Familiar paintings on the walls, his mom's manuscript laid on the coffee table.
He looked at Paul coming into the living room with two glasses of blue punch in hand and watched as he handed one to his mom, who smiled at him in silent thanks. Paul winked at her and his gaze dropped to her stomach for just a moment, but for long enough so that Percy could see the wave of emotion in the look. Happiness prevalent among them.
There was Annabeth, who followed just behind Paul, coming to sit on the armrest beside Percy. She passed him his own glass to drink from before resting a hand on his shoulder as she took a sip.
She met his eyes, catching his look, and raised her eyebrows in a silent question.
He smiled softly at her, reaching up to link their fingers together.
He was alright. They were together, everybody was safe, and he was with his family.
This was home.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Bookshelf Briefs 9/5/17
Super mega briefs!
Aho-Girl, Vol. 2 | By Hiroyuki | Kodansha Comics -This is a 4-koma gag comic, so does not really rely on character or plot development. You just need funny gags. In this case, the gags rely on the main cast being absolute idiots. And to the manga’s credit, they are. If the cast were even a tiny bit less dumb, the whole series would merely be tedious. But everyone, especially the title girl, quadruples down on the stupidest possible outcome to any situation, and it just works. We do see a new girl here, who seems to like cute girls but may simply be as eccentric as everyone else. As for Sayaka, even given the fact that every gag comic needs a straight man, you still feel bad she’s in this series. Maybe she can go hang out with Nanase from Book Girl. – Sean Gaffney
Anne Happy, Vol. 6 | By Cotoji | Yen Press – Once again, there are hints that while the rest of the class has some random bad luck, Hanako’s bad luck—as well as her terminal case of Pollyanna optimism—may have a more sinister origin. I also get the sense, given the various hints we’re given in this volume, that their teacher is a former student of the unlucky class. In any case, we get the usual vague mixture of amusing and heartwarming, as Hibari thinks too much, Botan tries a bit too hard, and Hibiki is an absolute mess. I admit that I’m grateful for the hints of an ongoing plot regarding Hanako, mostly as otherwise this series doesn’t quite get along entirely on pure charm. You want it to be going somewhere, and for now I will trust that it is. – Sean Gaffney
A Centaur’s Life, Vol. 12 | By Kei Murayama | Seven Seas – Once again, I get the feeling that A Centaur’s Life is just a thin excuse for the author to do whatever he feels like doing every chapter. We get more action-packed dramatic flashbacks with death and maiming, framed as the cast visiting a natural history museum to look at their ancestors. We get romantic comedy hijinks, with crushes on guys and the like. We get more chapters that examine how typical Japanese events would work in the Centaur’s Life world, such as idol groups and faked ghost stories (or is it fake?). The best chapter in the book involves the cast having a mostly serious discussion on the concept of heaven, and why if you try to dig too deep to analyze heaven it just gets disturbing. As variable as ever. – Sean Gaffney
Chihayafuru, Vol. 4 | By Yuki Suetsugu | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – I love how Suetsugu-sensei uses Chihaya’s continued passion for karuta to get Arata to admit that he still loves the game. When they were kids, he was the one who introduced her to the game, and now she’s the one who brings him back to it, first by sending him updates on Mizusawa High’s progress through the Tokyo qualifiers, which has him refreshing his inbox every ten seconds for the results, and then by moving on to nationals at a venue that brings up memories of his grandfather. We learn more about what happened with his grandpa’s health, and it’s awful and sad, but learning that others look forward to seeing his grandpa’s style through him begins to clear up his guilt somewhat. Perhaps he can honor his grandpa best by continuing to play? I love this series so much. – Michelle Smith
Drifters, Vol. 4 | By Kohta Hirano | Dark Horse Comics – It has been three-and-a-half years since the last volume of Drifters came out in North America. That said, with a series like this I’m not sure it matters much. Sure, I’d forgotten literally everything going on in the previous books, and we don’t even get a ‘what has gone before’ page at the front. But I mean, this is Kohta Hirano. Is there lots of fighting? Oh yes. Some bloody killings? Definitely. Insane grins? By the bucketful. The whole manga is just an excuse for all of those things, and therefore it seems churlish to criticize the fact that the plot doesn’t really go anywhere, or that female characters are either absent or objectified. Recommended if you loved Hellsing, otherwise easily skippable. – Sean Gaffney
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma, Vol. 19 | By Yuto Tsukuda and Shun Saeki | Viz Media – This volume is interesting, but it does give off a bit of a sense of filler, as we slowly advance through Azami’s plan to remake the school in his twisted image. Much to my surprise, Ryo’s battle does not go the way I assumed it would, and this leads to a number of satisfying scenes. There’s also the confirmation, which I think most readers have guessed by now, that Alice was in fact trying to contact Erina all along, and her letters were blocked all these years. The most dangerous battle may be the new one Soma has with #1 seat Tsukasa. They turn out to work very well together, almost like a well-oiled machine… which leads to Tsukasa offering to let Soma join Central. Some, of course, refuses… but will he regret it? Always good. – Sean Gaffney
Giant Killing, Vol. 5 | By Masaya Tsunamoto and Tsujitomo | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – East Tokyo United has lost the first several games of the season, and fans and management are starting to voice their displeasure. Now ETU is facing Nagoya, a team with three talented Brazilian players. But Tatsumi has spotted Nagoya’s one weakness and worked out a plan to exploit it. Seeing the team working together and their defense holding strong is a lot of fun, but their faces when they finally manage to score are the best bit. Tsubaki has talent, but he’s been inconsistent so far. Now, he seems to be playing without hesitation, and when he scores first ETU’s first goal, his expression conveys both his relief and a sense of atonement for past mistakes. There just seems to be more on the line than is usual in sports manga, and I was thoroughly caught up in the action until it was abruptly over. Highly recommended! – Michelle Smith
Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 27 | By Karuho Shiina | VIZ Media – Inspired by Sawako’s ability to honestly discuss her thoughts and feelings, Kazehaya tries a similar approach with his gruff father concerning his university plans. The situation remains unresolved until Kazehaya’s mother tells him about a special drawer wherein he discovers that his father has saved everything Kazehaya ever gave him. “You do make your dad happy. You really do. He just doesn’t show it.” Sniff! I didn’t know I needed to see them achieve an understanding, but apparently I did. After Sawako makes her decision about where she’s going to school, the focus shifts back to Ayane and her heartache over Pin, who she is convinced will never look at her romantically. It’s great to see her feeling love, after she doubted that she could, whatever the outcome. This is still such a great series! – Michelle Smith
Kiss and White Lily for My Dearest Girl, Vol. 3 | By Canno | Yen Press – Shiramine and Kurosawa have entered their second year and evidently still aren’t a couple, despite the occasional smooch that transpires between them. Shiramine is still not particularly likable, but she’s a bit more tolerable this time around, and has managed to defeat Kurosawa by one point on an English exam. There’s some question about whether she herself is special, or whether Kurosawa would take anyone who could make her feel like a regular girl, but this question is answered when Kurosawa is roped into the gardening club due simply to sheer proximity and not for her talents. She ends up staying, and dragging Shiramine into it, but mostly the second half of the volume deals with the other two members of the club. Although it’s still not as good as some schoolgirl yuri I’ve read recently (Bloom Into You), I think this series might be improving. – Michelle Smith
Kuroko’s Basketball, Vols. 13-14 | By Tadatoshi Fujimaki | Viz Media – Seirin vs. To-Oh is the main thrust of this volume, and it’s just as exciting as you might imagine, even if it’s tough to find words to describe it. As with most sports manga, you tend to define it as “good sports happens in these pages,” so even in an omnibus I struggle to say much more than “wow, he really got stronger!” or “did you see that shot?”. There is a hot springs section at the start of the book, which gives the teams a chance to casually taunt each other before the game, and also some primo fanservice, exactly the sort that young boys will want to see. There’s also some flashbacks to Kuroko’s middle-school days, mostly to give more depth to Aomine. Basketball happens. But it’s really good basketball. -Sean Gaffney
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Vol. 25 | By Shinobu Ohtaka | Viz Media – Well, we do get some Morgiana, my wish from the previous brief, but not a lot. Instead, Harukyuu is the focus of this 25th volume, which is both good and bad. Bad in that he turns to darkness, letting his anger rule him, mind-controlling soldiers and deciding murder is the best solution. Good in that the way this is handled turns out to be some of the best writing in the series, and a highlight of the volume. And honestly, if you’re going to try to murder someone, it’s hard to go wrong with his mother Gyokuen, who is smug in the best possible way, and even gets a few Higurashi faces here. (That’s her on the cover.) As for Alibaba, well, he’s headed over there, and I expect he and Harukyuu are going to clash horribly next book. – Sean Gaffney
My Love Story!!, Vol. 13 | By Kazune Kawahara and Aruko | VIZ Media – There are many shoujo romances that end with a reunion after a long separation, but My Love Story!! tackles this a little differently, showing us how tough the time apart was for Yamato and how hard she and Takeo are working to be able to get into the same college. Their romance stuff was nice, but honestly, the hero of the volume is Sunakawa, who keeps Takeo on track with studying, personally taking charge of his tutoring, and making good on a promise to smack Takeo if he ever does something really stupid. I loved that the creators took the time here at the end to emphasize what a special friend he is. I’ll miss this series, but Kawahara-sensei did say “it might be nice to write more of this story someday” in her final author’s note, so make of that what you will! – Michelle Smith
Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn, Vol. 8 | By Shirow Masamune and Rikudou Koushi | Seven Seas – Not as many amusing cameos this time around, and wrapping up one plot and starting another means there’s a lot of awkward transition in the middle. Also, we get more than one “activation” sequence, because kids these days can’t get enough of faux vaginal fingering. Still, I would hope kids these days would not be allowed anywhere near Pandora. The main cast does get to show off, and Nene in particular shows that she’s really something special even among this cast that seems to have a lot of special people and/or machines. Oh yes, and we also get a glimpse of the big bads, who combine Nazi imagery AND Illuminati imagery. If you like saying “wtf?” a lot, Pandora is for you. – Sean Gaffney
Vampire Knight: Memories, Vol. 1 | By Matsuri Hino | Viz Media – I will grant you that Vampire Knight left some open endings, and it’s nice to see those gone into. Still, when you see an author’s next series after their huge hit cancelled after two volumes, and then they return with a spinoff of that old series, it’s hard not to cringe. The best part of this book, even if it’s really bittersweet, is between Aido and Wakaba. It’s clear they both have deep feelings for each other, but it’s also clear that Wakaba does not want to be a vampire, and therefore this romance just isn’t going to happen. It’s an interesting look at the issues semi-immortality brings. The chapters with Yuki interested me less, mostly as they deal with her post-vampiric personality. VK fans will like this, most others will find it superfluous. – Sean Gaffney
By: Michelle Smith
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Bookshelf Briefs 4/2/18
ACCA 13-Territory Inspection Department, Vol. 2 | By Natsume Ono | Yen Press – I’m not entirely certain how seriously I should be taken the plotting against the crown here, or indeed the crown’s own attempts to overthrow ACCA. It does seem like Jean has no shortage of people who hate him and want to see a) his department obliterated and b) him arrested for treason. The trouble, of course, being he’s not actually plotting any sort of coup. In fact, he seems to be doing his job more because he has the hots for his superior officer more than anything else, although that’s as much of a lost cause as his own junior who has a crush on him. ACCA is a great series to read, but I don’t think I quite feel the sense of ominous danger I’m meant to. It needs a corpse or two. – Sean Gaffney
Battle Angel Alita: Deluxe Edition, Vol. 2 | By Yukito Kishiro | Kodansha Comics – Having previously read only a portion of the sequel/alternate ending Last Order (parts of which I greatly enjoyed although as a whole the series didn’t overly impress me), I never quite understood the immense popularity of Battle Angel Alita. But now, thanks to the deluxe, hardcover edition from Kodansha Comics, the original manga is back in print in English and I finally get it. The series is terrific, with an appealing lead, intense action sequences, and a striking and visually imaginative cyberpunk setting. The story of the second omnibus (most closely equivalent to the third and fourth volumes), turns to the dangerous and deadly sport of Motorball. After a tragic end to her first romance, Alita leaves behind her life as a bounty hunter to become a rising star of the game. Her search for identity continues as she strives to find purpose and meaning in who she is. – Ash Brown
A Centaur’s Life, Vol. 14 | By Kei Murayama | Seven Seas – I’ve said this before, but the longer this series goes on, and the less the main cast appear in it, the more I suspect that the anti-war story with the frogs that he has going on is the story he really wanted to tell, only he had to write about 7-8 volumes of fanservicey monster girl antics in order to get the series so popular he could get away with it. This is not to say we don’t still see Hime and company, or that there’s not fanservice—just look at the first chapter. But there’s more and more of the warfare in this book, and as it goes on it’s becoming clear that the participants being centaurs or frogs or angels is irrelevant to war being hell for all concerned. Easily the strangest monster girl series coming out these days. – Sean Gaffney
The Demon Prince of Momochi House, Vol. 11 | By Aya Shouoto | VIZ Media – Anyone expecting any sort of evolution of Aoi and Himari’s relationship in the wake of his confession at the end of volume nine will be disappointed, since here we are in volume eleven and the gang is primarily focused on getting control of a spreading darkness at the back of Momochi House. Himari is learning more about what happened to the previous Nue(s) and what fate might await Aoi, too, but for the most part this volume just has a lot of battles between Aoi and his immediate predecessor, whose body has been resurrected by his one of his shikigami. I appreciated the BL vibes I got from them during their final panel, but otherwise this volume was a trifle meh. – Michelle Smith
Flying Witch, Vol. 5 | By Chihiro Ishizuka | Vertical Comics – There actually is some plot development here, as Makoto is starting to get jobs, though the job amounts to ‘babysitting.’ More importantly, Chinatsu has been watching witches and magic for some time, and apparently her body is allowing her to use mana now, meaning… she can become a witch! For the moment that just amounts to squirting people with water, but I’m sure that the series is going to have a lot more to do with this going forward. Other than that, and the affirmation that there really is not going to be any romance in this series, even one-sided, thankyouverymuch, and that it is content to have chapters like “try to cure hiccups.” For fans of Yotsuba&! and similar series. – Sean Gaffney
Golden Kamuy, Vol. 4 | By Satoru Noda | Viz Media – There is… a bit less gore this time around, though that’s mostly relative. In fact, at times the genre of Golden Kamuy seems to be switching with every volume, as this time it’s turning into a political thriller, as there’s a lot more focus about what to do with the gold once it’s found, as well as showing off that the comedy relief character, while still funny, may be a bit less goofy than we expected. But rest assured there’s also lots of what brought people to Golden Kamuy in the first place—cooking wild anmals, lots of discussion of poop, and the occasional bloody death and cool action shot. Also, please do not let your heroine get kidnapped by eagles. She is far too valuable. Thank you. – Sean Gaffney
Kiss & White Lily for My Dearest Girl, Vol. 5 | By Canno | Yen Press – Another volume, another relationship, this one featuring the classic forgotten childhood friend. Sawa and Itsuki are entertaining on their own, but there’s no real drama as to whether or not they’ll get together The best part is that Sawa takes a while to struggle with “oh, yeah, I guess I do like her this way,” rather than having an immediate epiphany like some other couples we’ve seen. We also get more attention devoted to the main couple, as we see Ayaka dealing with her Education Mama and her frustration at not being able to be number one… even if she’s not sure that should be her goal anymore. This is not the best yuri manga out there, but it’s pretty solid overall. – Sean Gaffney
Twinkle Stars, Vol. 5 | By Natsuki Takaya | Yen Press –Twinkle Stars, Vol. 5 | By Natsuki Takaya | Yen Press – And so, Twinkle Stars comes to a sometimes painful, sometimes lovely close. Just when Chihiro has finally accepted his feelings for Sakuya, he gets a surprise phone call from Sakura, who has actually been awake for some time. He’s afraid that she’ll try to kill herself again unless he shows her what he learned from Sakuya—that kindness and warmth are not an illusion—and so he chooses to leave for Tokyo to be by her side. Not before Sakuya realizes that he’s in love with her, though—in a majorly tear-inducing scene!—and not without telling Sakura that he can’t consider her his girlfriend anymore because he’s fallen in love with someone else. There’s a lot of self-sacrificing going around, including Sakura eventually realizing that she alone can make Chihiro happy… by setting him free. This was such a great series and I look forward to rereading it in the future. – Michelle Smith
Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty, Vol. 3 | By Megumi Morino | Kodansha Comics – Well, that cliffhanger from the last volume went nowhere fast. Instead, we deal with Tetsu’s love of soccer, and the fact that various circumstances led him to leave the team despite that love. This has not sat well with some friends of his, and Shizu and her ghosts end up being dragged into things in order to get him to reconcile with the team. This is pretty heartwarming, and also shows us that Shizu is getting better at being herself when she’s outside, even if the ghosts still occupy her body much of the time. We’re now halfway through the series, and I suspect things may get a little more serious towards the end, so it’s nice to see something like this that is serious yet easily solvable. Also, Shizu’s cute. – Sean Gaffney
By: Michelle Smith
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