#Otto was sus as HELL
hamable · 7 months
Need low stakes DLC Psychonauts 2 levels in, at this point, anyone’s mind. Fuck shit up and kick ass in the interns brains? Hell yeah. Otto? Sasha round 2? Milla round 2? ANY Aquato? I’d eat it up om nom nom. I’m begging. As a treat for me please.
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shadenlm064 · 6 months
So, a lingering theory on Otto
Having thought about Otto possibly being the villain for if there is a third PN game, may I point something out?
Otto looks like he could be related to 'Nick' on his mom's side there for, his Uncle.
Blue skin, far longer chin branching off the middle of their otherwise rectangular head, small eyes that barely have any visible iris, and if 'Nick' is anything to go off of, they even have alike balding patterns.
This isn't as much genetic/appearance wise, but they also have a very similar disregard for the safety of those they consider under them (including those that have been mentally broken, like Lucy and Dr.Labato).
I'm not saying he may have pulled some strings to get Nick hired, I'm just saying it's also weird how Nick is the only NON-PSYCHIC hired by the Psychonauts.
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
(Disclaimer: spoilers and a vent post)
Man, Kevin really could’ve been another Dimitri if Mihoyo didn’t hate him (please listen to these clips and try and convince me otherwise. There are major Fe3h spoilers in them though so proceed with caution).
There’s just something so satisfying about watching a kind hearted, loving character go through hell, do some genuinely bad things, believe they’d become a monster who deserves to die, only to come back from all that with the help of their friends/support system, and then offer that same kindness to their enemies oh hey what do you know- I’m also a Sayaka Miki fan. Clearly I don’t have a favorite type of character
I think Kevin had all the makings to be this type of character if they actually acknowledged his loving side and his humanity in dialogue more often and actually allowed him the chance to actually bounce back. Like, his humanity is absolutely shown in game- choosing to save Su and letting himself fall into the sea of quanta in the second key manga, him repeatedly reliving Sakura’s death out of guilt in his intro arc, him being willing to risk everything to get sim Elysia back, him building a sanctuary for Fu Hua so she could stay safe during project stigma, ect- but the dialogue almost always goes back to “oh he’s just doing this for Dr. MEI. He doesn’t care about anything else.” Every time those pieces of dialogue come up, I just think of this scene in Glee where the cheerleading coach has a kid squeeze a tube of toothpaste into his hand, told him to then put it back in the tube, and when he said he can’t she said “exactly.” Mihoyo you’ve already dedicated large portions of time showing us Kevin as a person, no amount of monologuing is gonna convince me he’s actually a one dimensional villain now.
I also just think simp Kevin is just… a less interesting character. He’s still easy to sympathize with, but he’s got nothing on the character who did love his world (read: his friends and family) incredibly deeply and grew increasingly desperate to save the few he had left as they kept dying.
I’d also argue that making Kevin the main, irredeemable villain muddies the central theme of Honkai. They’re supposed to be saving the world with love, but the guy who acted entirely out of love (this is true for even the Dr. MEI simp version of Kevin) is irredeemable and has to die? Why? We’ve already been shown that he can be reasoned with (both in his interactions with Otto and in the Second Key Manga), and you’re really gonna tell me that he wouldn’t back down immediately if he found out Su’s plan actually worked? Hell, Kevin’s even admitted to hating project stigma during the current arc. What reason does he have to go through with it anymore??? I feel like the fourth wall break also further reinforces the idea of love not being enough since it turns it into the players who saved the world, not the characters
Sorry to keep rambling about this topic, it’s just something I really needed to get off my chest. Hopefully we won’t get any more bs news and the ranting will stay out of my system after this. I’m trying to go back to drawing more silly fanart now. If you’ve read this far, thanks. I offer a cat pic as compensation
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convolutedcollector · 8 months
hello! i saw your luowelt fanfic and i want to ask what your opinions on luocha in the new trailblazer mission considering that "plot twist" changes everything. (although we can't really call in a plot twist since everyone knew luocha was sus as hell the moment hoyo designed him to look like otto.)
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Jokes aside, my fic wasn't extremely canon compliant to begin at least timeline wise. My characterization of Luocha actually doesn't really change much because of the update! Only the timeline of events... which is what I'm rewritting.
At least in my fic, Luocha is still a morally ambiguous individual! He's just not as obviously sus as he is in the game.
As for my opinions on Luocha as a whole, I am a big fan of Hoyo not outright making him an antagonist! Maybe he will be later on, but for now, he seems like someone who, for lack of a better term, thinks the ends justify the means. If the end is getting rid of The Abundance, then what's a little stellaron mishaps in the grand scheme of things.
Thanks for the ask also!! :D
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cori-randomstuff · 1 year
Honkai manga quick review
Escape from Nagozora & St Freya high: So much homoeroticism. Gay gay homosexual gay. The story isn't anything special, it's alright. I feel like Theresa's personality doesn't line up with later mangas or the actual game. 6/10
Gratitude arc: Same as the previous one, though I find the story to be a bit better. 6.5/10
AE invasion: Lots of character backstory and development, the fight scenes are cool and I enjoy Kiana's character much more than I thought I would. 7.5/10
Moon shadow: I like Fu hua, I like how she handles the situation. And Kiana is just vibing in the background. 7/10
Second eruption: The best honkai manga. It's really good. The fight scenes are hype as hell, you can just feel humanity's desperation and will to survive. Sirin is an amazing antagonist. This is probably better than most action movies. 9/10
Elan Palatinus: Good character expansion for both Kallen and Otto. 7.5/10
Azure waters: This might get me lynch, but I didn't enjoy this manga. I like Bronya and in game chapters focusing on her and the orphanage crew were great. And I think the concept for the plot is good but the execution is too edgy for me to like it. 5/10
World serpent: It's too short, I have nothing to say about it.
Second key: Good characterization for Su and Kelvin. 7/10
London holiday: Nothing noteworthy about this besides Durandal/Rita content. 6/10
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thesilverlady · 2 years
My thoughts on daemyra in this episode as part 2 of my mini rant.
disclaimer: I adore daemyra. Me being salty over this episode has nothing to do with the actors or the ship itself. My main issue is the writing of the show.
I've seen many people loving this episode and I'm genuinely happy for them. But since I didn't I need to vent and get it out of my chest.
So please do not read this if you don't want me to ruin your fun and enjoyment.
Let's start with the amount of times Daemon and Rhaenyra have interacted; their first scene is in ep1 when Rhaenyra meeting Daemon in secret in the throne room.
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Immediately we see there's a playful banter between the two even, and it's the first time we see Daemon gifting her something.
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They see each other again in the tournament but they spoke two words so I'm not counting (they still have the playfulness from before though)
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The second actual interaction is when Daemon steals the dragon egg and Rhaenyra goes to dragon stone in ep2. She's able to talk sense to him and avoid the bloodshed he and Otto were going to have.
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In that scene Rhaenyra challenges him to kill her since she's the one who stands on his way to the throne and his response was giving her the egg. It's very clear that Daemon doesn't want to harm her and she's not the actual reason for his anger.
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In episode 3 there are no interactions nor mentions since Daemon is fighting in the Stepstones.
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And finally, we come in episode 4. They talk again for the first time after years when they're away from the king and everyone else
Rhaenyra questions his return and notices his change and he her maturity. They speak about the concept of marriage and Rhaenyras' feelings over it.
They once more have the teasing energy they already had in ep1 and Daemon constantly looks at her very fondly.
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He later offers her a night of freedom and adventure and we all know how that goes. So why am I salty? First of all, there's no leading up to them being physical and actually expressing their attraction to one another.
Where is the courtship? the seduction? them falling in love?
Yes, they're obviously attractive to each other but they barely spent any time together. The moments I mentioned above were merely minutes, we don't see them spending time, doing activities together etc
(The reason I'm not counting their night out is because that night was supposed to be their peak.)
In the book Daemon comes back to her with gifts, he reads to her, eats with her, makes her laugh, they go flying together.
"Princess Rhaenyra was a different matter. Daemon spent long hours in her company, enthralling her with tales of his journeys and battles. He gave her pearls and silks and books and a jade tiara said once to have belonged to the Empress of Leng, read poems to her, dined with her, hawked with her, sailed with her, entertained her by making mock of the greens at court, the “lickspittles” fawning over Queen Alicent and her children. He praised her beauty, declaring her to be the fairest maid in all the Seven Kingdoms. Uncle and niece began to fly together almost daily, racing Syrax against Caraxes to Dragonstone and back. "
For the life of me I cannot understand how everybody is eating it up, because even without the book context it's very clear they rushed them to move things forward - which leads us to the next conclusion: the writing is annoyingly rushed.
Do y'all realize that Daemon hasn't been able to stay in King's landing for 1 freaking day without getting kicked out? 😭
I was always sus with the number 10 episodes the show was meant to have and while I understand the need for timeskip in every ep, the reason why the dance of dragon was such a mess was due to the relationship /dynamic the characters had before it.
We don't see these relationship being freshed out and developed because the writers try to move the story increasingly fast and it bothers the hell out of me.
This is something that every character suffers from in the show btw, not just daemyra. But Daemon and Rhaenyra are my favorites and I really wanted their story to be shown without jumping them over.
I won't even talk about the characters individually because the way they butcher them and water them down actually hurts.
And to save you from asking "Then why are you watching?" Because I adore Fire & Blood and all the characters were legit very interesting.
I was hoping to have a good adaptation but my hopes are dying down. I'm trying very hard to separate the show canon entirely to make it easier but yeah, that episode pissed me off to no end.
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tempi-dispari · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2023/01/26/escape-to-the-roof-rock-a-306/
Escape to the roof, rock a 306°
Il disco d’esordio degli Escape to the roof può essere definito un dico in bilico. A livello stilistico. I nostri partono da una base hard rock alla quale aggiungono diversi elementi che, pur mantenendo inalterato l’impatto sonoro, donano varietà al lavoro. Dal rock l’asticella si alza, ritmicamente, verso il limite del ‘metal epico’ in stile Halloween. In particola modo per quanto riguarda l’utilizzo della voce. Il combo mostra una buona padronanza tecnica e una vena compositiva ispirata. Il disco non ha cali, punti deboli o tentennamenti. Le idee della band sono molto chiare sul risultato che vogliono ottenere. Musica adrenalinica. Il che non vuol dire veloce. Significa emozionante. Coinvolgente.
E il risultato è pienamente raggiunto. Il disco colpisce. Da segnalare in tal senso le atmosfere create in So far so good dall’arpeggio di chitarre e dalla linea iterante del basso. Un po’ Queensryche un po’ indie. Non manca una certa vena punk. Quella linea senza compromessi che separa l’amore e l’odio verso un gruppo. Gli escape to the roof non cercano approvazione. Vogliono esprimersi e lo fanno senza farsi tediare da mode o trend contemporanei. Nelle tracce si possono rinvenire reminiscenze hard rock, grunge, si ascolti Staring at he sun che richiama in partenza e nell’andamento i Soundgarden di Badmotorfinger. Allo stesso modo emergono passaggi più psichedelici, rarefatti.
Una menzione, in questo come in altri brani va alla batteria. Incalzante, mai banale, molto percussiva più che ritmica in senso stretto. Il medesimo brano, che ha una durata complessiva che supera gli otto minuti, evolve ancora. A circa metà si ha uno spaccato molto avido, quasi rumoristico, che spezza il ritmo e spiazza l’ascoltatore. Un lungo excusrsus lisergico che si riapre nel ritornello.
Si torna su terreni più ‘canonici’ con la successiva Untitled. Questa è dominata da una buona tensione che prepara all’esplosione nei refrain. La canzone è un mid tempo dove regna incontrastato un arpeggio di chitarra in crunch che crea un’atmosfera cupa. Molto interessante il finale lasciato alle cure della tastiera e non di un a solo di chitarra. Cambio di atmosfere con Still the same crap that now sounds like dove fanno capolino gli ZZ Top e una certa dose di ‘follia’ grazie ad uno special che introduce un breve solo.
Lo special si ripeterà poi per l’a solo finale. La successiva Still raining è un omaggio chiaro ai Led Zepelin nel riff iniziale. Poi la canzone si trasforma in una ballata elettroacustica dove fa sentire il proprio peso il basso con una accompagnamento non lineare. La struttura si ripete con la chitarra che si inserisce con un solo fluido, slide, che riporta sul ritornello. Si arriva così al secondo brano lungo. It’s just you and me. Circa i primi due minuti e mezzo sono dedicati ad un’introduzione degna dei Pink Floyd. Voci campionate, suoni vari, oscurità. La canzone entra nel vivo con chitarra e voce.
L’andamento è lento, pesante, dark. L’ombra dei Black Sabbath incombe. L’arpeggio dissonante offre un supporto oppressivo, senza via d’uscita. Questa viene, in parte, offerta dal ritornello. Si tratta solo di una boccata d’aria terminata la quale si viene ributtati nelle segrete dell’animo umano. Interessante il solo. Nessuna melodia, in linea con l’atmosfera generale del brano. Più che altro si potrebbero leggere le note della sei corde come un lamento. La chiusura è circolare, ossia riporta all’inizio. La successiva News from hell è una ballata che risente dell’influenza di The final cut. Nulla di romantico. Descrizione di disperazione che apre ad un a solo su base aor alzando i toni che non torneranno più acustici.
Il disco si conclude con Remember me. Anche questo brano lungo, quasi 8 minuti, che segue la struttura del precedente Now i’ts just. In questo caso il campo si fa più easy listening, con arpeggio iterante, andamento lento, incalzante. Non è una canzone d’amore, non è una ballata in senso classico. È più un ricordo doloroso. Male che viene descritto alle perfezione dalla chitarra e dalla voce. Spiazzante, interessante, degno di nota il coro stile Moricone che chiude il brano. Buona la produzione che ben sostiene i brani.
Se si volessero trovare due punti migliorabili sono la voce, sempre sparatissima, altissima, che rischia di appiattire i brani, oltre ad essere fuori contesto in alcuni frangenti. Il secondo sono gli a solo di chitarra. Non sempre sono centrati. In più di un’occasione sono volutamente forzati con arzigogoli inopportuni.
In conclusione. UN disco non facile quello degli Escape to the roof. Da ascoltare e riascoltare per poterne ben comprendere struttura e portata. Come primo approccio al mercato discografico è più che buono. Mostra una band dalle idee ben chiare, che sa cosa vuole e dove vuole arrivare. Essendo un debutto non è privo di angoli da smussare e migliorie da apportare. Detto ciò, è un ottimo disco rock nel senso più ampio del genere. La band certo mostra di avere una personalità definita, uno stile proprio al quale ambisce il che porta gli Escape to the roof ed un livello decisamente alto.
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trexy225 · 2 years
DSD- Chapter 24: Angst (18+)
MASSIVE TW!!! Allusions to DA and SA and su*cidal thoughts and attempted su*cide
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Otto's actuators caught the side of a building, shattering the glass windows. Otto looked up to see a hooded figure swing a web and launch themselves towards him, his brow furrowed, Spiderman was dead, so who the hell was this? He easily caught the figure, one of his actuators wrapping around them, restraining them. They struggled as Otto curiously pulled the makeshift mask off of them, he got a glob of spit in return. Gwen glared at him and prepared another present for him.
“I deserved that…” he muttered as he used his shirt to wipe the spit off, Gwen paused.
“...You’re Hana’s friend, right?” 
“Where is she?” Gwen snapped, struggling.
“With Fisk in his tower, I was going to rescue her now… Come on, we’ll talk on the way.” It was awkward to move with one actuator, but he managed, Gwen stared at him, very confused.
“No, I’m going to save her. YOU are leaving both of us alone!” She snapped, trying to get free. 
“I am not fully healed from fifteen bullet wounds, have half of my actuators, and I am the weakest I have been in a while and I managed to defeat you just like that.” he snapped his fingers, Gwen looked down.
“...I’m still new at all of this.” she grumbled.
“It shows… Come on, every second we spend here, Hana has to spend with that monster.” Otto let Gwen go, she got ready to punch him again but he had already ignored her. Some part of her felt pissed that he didn’t even give her a passsing glance, but he was right. She remembered the way that you would talk about Fisk… She didn’t want to know what was going on right now, she followed after Otto, swinging into the night. 
The author doesn’t want to explain what Fisk does because she’s not that cruel so we’re skipping to the su*cide attempt this is like the darkest this story is going to get and then we’re going to ease up because why am I writing this.
You held your broken arm, trying to keep it still, you could barely walk. All you could feel was pain. You mustered up all of your strength as you swung the chair at the window, shattering it. You screamed as your broken arm moved, and you heard Fisk get up, the cool air rushed against your face, you didn’t look down. If you looked down you wouldn’t get through it. You hoped that in your next life you would be able to find your brother, and hopefully in a long time everyone else that you loved. But you couldn’t take any more of this, you’ve been tortured for a long time, you’ve been sick for a long time… You just had your brother there to help you get through it… But when he disappeared you spiraled, you spiraled hard… And now he was dead, there was nobody else to help you… Except for death. You looked behind you and saw a furious Fisk, good. He got to see you die. You gave a smirk as you tilted back, and you fell. The wind whistled and you screamed into the night, mostly from your broken arm, but you screamed out all of the pain that you’ve had inside of yourself for years… It was going to be over, it was all going to be over soon. You closed your eyes… And felt a metal claw snatch you out of the air, your eyes snapped open as you tried to figure out what was going on… You were ready, who the hell stopped you?!
“Dear god I didn’t think-I had hoped-oh I’m so glad you’re not dead!” Otto exclaimed as he pulled you into a hug, you winced at the pain but just gave a very weak smile… you were too tired to think, you were too tired to care, you just wanted to stop feeling anything. You inhaled the scent of whiskey and cigar smoke and sighed. 
“I still want to die.” you breathed because even if Otto was back with you, you were still going to have to escape Fisk, you were going to have to fully accept that your brother is dead, and how the hell are you supposed to recover from all of this? Forget your dream as a WWE wrestler… that seemed so far gone. And you were going to have to deal with Fisk killing your family… It would be far easier to just die.
“You’re not going to die. Call me selfish… But you can’t die.” Otto told you firmly, his voice a bit shaky. 
“Ok…” you muttered as you fell asleep. 
Gwen finally caught up, she stared at you worriedly. 
“I saw what she tried to do-”
“We need to get out of New York,” Otto said.
“Steal a van?” he proposed.
“Why a van?” Gwen asked.
“We’re both extremely injured Miss Stacy.” he pointed out, he felt his wounds start to reopen and cursed silently. 
“...Do I just steal one?”
“Do you own a van?”
“Then yes, please go and steal one.” 
Gwen bit her lip, she know that she wasn’t Spiderman obviously, but now that she somehow got his powers she felt like she had to follow his moral code, and she didn’t think that it involved stealing vans. But at the same time, she got Hana caught, and she was going to do anything to make sure you were safe again. Gwen finally made up her mind as she shot off, Otto found an abandoned warehouse and took cover there, he took a swig from his flask, it calmed him down a little, but he was still on edge. You were out cold, he could see your broken arm and nose, as well as bruises that practically covered your entire body, Otto was furious. He shouldn’t have let this happen… He waited for Gwen to come back, absentmindedly brushing your hair with his fingers. Eventually, Gwen came back with a van, Otto tried to set you down as carefully as possible.
“We need to run by a drugstore, get first aid supplies and a splint,” Otto ordered, Gwen gave a small nod and sped off. 
“What can you do for her?” Gwen asked once they were on the highway, Otto had laid out the various medical supplies Gwen bought and clucked his tongue, he had already wrapped his wounds, and he set your broken nose, he wanted to set your broken arm while you were still unconscious but he had no idea how. For now, he put ice packs on the arm to reduce swelling.
“I’m trying to figure that out, we’re going to need to find a doctor, she needs professional care.” “That’s obvious, how are we going to get it?” Gwen asked. 
“We need to get out of the state first, and then we will figure it out.” Gwen gave a small nod as she continued driving, Otto tried to make you as comfortable as possible as the three of you finally drove away from Fisk.
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sohyuki · 2 years
i think the most surprising thing for me is that rage beneath the mountains HAD LYRICS???
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otto-everyday · 3 years
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The little tipsney
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Otto not dying when he shouldve
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“I….I need to go.”
Kallen turns her back on him, he watches her walk out of the cathedral without another thought. Otto doesn’t know when she will come back, if she ever does. Otto reaches out a hand uselessly, calling out her name quietly. Was there anything he could do? No, she had already made her choice. He would respect that. He had faith in her, she would be fine. Surely…..
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otto acting sus as hell.
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2lim3rz · 3 years
My Super Ungodly List of 40k OCs
Under a read more cause.. it's a lot
99-Novem + Good Boy - Tech Priest / Cybermastiff - Can barely fix things, barely remembers to pray to the Omnissiah, totally disfunctional, and grieving over her dead robo dog. Someone help this poor girl
Andirke Custos Undecim-005-J023PH - Magos Biologis - Another intelligent dumbass also completely fucking weird
Marsa-12 - Skitarii - Andirke's gf and obligatory person who tells him that "Yes, while that is a good theory, please do not wake up the necron tomb"
Vitellius - @thetechpriestandspacemarine - Ex-Electropriest - Also a dumbass, but a well meaning one, does his best to help even though he's not good at it, blind as hell and not just literally
Brailer Tetricus - Medicae + Drug dealer - Hyper intelligent dumbass. Absolute SHITLORD, addicted to drugs like it's nobodies business and someone stop her before she sasses off to the space marine-
Nomen "Blaze" Nescio - Heavy Weapons - Chad. Absolute CHAD. A unit with a flamer and not afraid to show off his massive lighter collection. Where he gets them, not even he knows. Also a pyromaniac with a mustache and perpetual sunglasses
Larkin - Navis Imperialis - NAVY CAPTAIN! Perpetually disgruntled tho
Tronsk Belligor - Ratling Marksmen - Sly n sneaky and will shoot your ankles and that's it
Avulocris - @thetechpriestandspacemarine - Renegade Astartes - Him try his best to keep his friend alive. Dad friend, whether he admits it or not
Pallarmos - Marines Malevolent - No. Just no.
Brother Cacophony - Noise Marine - No. Just no. Personality of a bitchy saltine cracker
Icalos - T'au Aligned Salamander - Big boi, loves smol wifey [Bap]
Bap - Fire Warrior T'au - Smol lady, loves big husband [Icalos]
Lu - Fire Warrior T'au - TOL lady Tau, fuck around and find out
Anette - Human - Somehow very lucky, can and has killed an Astartes single handedly
Otto Decark - Marines Malevolent [Alpha Legion] - GRUMPY MAN, called Rug by Anette, "What do you MEAN you didn't think I like you? I glared at you!"
Apollinaris Tarchim - Ultramarine - "HOW DOES ALL OF MY PLANS FALL APART?!", no one listens to him
Maxaen Hectatis - Brazen Claws - Acts sus, isn't sus
Pontormo Invictiad - Imperial Fist - *rogal dorn voice* Why are you a dumbass?
Kestith Chronah - Blood Angel - *FERAL NOISES* Also best friend of the year, 100/10 will be best friends again
Magos Asicro - Tech Priest - *creepy giggling ensues*
Kates Hereticalis - Grey Knight - Total dude bro but at the same time has and will recite 1000000000000000 pages of poetry by heart while stabbing you
Elissa Von Vassina - Inquisitor - Can and will stomp on your face with high heels and laugh about it later
Orazio - Lamenter Dreadnought - 100% CERTIFIED GR AN D P A! Parent vibes, will be your grandpa
Tomlin Payul - Inquisitor - Secretly a T'au and is 100% more loyal to the Imperium than his species and his adoptive father
Cateral Payul - Inquisitor - Total cheapsake, tries to do everything with the bare minimum of money
Quinkelin Wendahnal - Ex-Black Dragon Inquisitor - Doesn't talk, somehow makes everyone talk. The dude that looms ominously in doorways
Zag Vurvendt - Inquisitor - Radical and obsessed with Slaaneshi cults like a we ir do
Zezota Sertall - Rogue Trader - The incarnation of fuck around and find out and is strict with her crew. Yes she dresses fancy but isn't a fan of jewels tbh
Pylon - Ultramarine[Undecided tbh] - Tries and fails to change his name, always fails cause everyone ignores it, my dude wants to stop being bullied, dammit
Shield-Walker - T'au Aligned Astartes
Foolishly Brave - T'au - A sm id ge racist towards humans andshieldwalker, is learning to not be like that tho
Rookie - Air Caste T'au - Isn't really a Rookie but that's what everyone calls him rip
Strongarm - T'au Mercenary - HELLA buff for a T'au and will WRECK your shit in a split second. Absolutely ANGRY hasasoftspotforZeztho
Daeco - Renegade Astartes - Single father of 1 Eldar kid, loves his daughter, will murder the chaos gods and the emperor for her
Antia + Glowthorn - Smol Aeldari daughter of Daeco
Arlina Marchena - Slaanesh Aligned - Majesty's Most Cunning
Vridel Marchena - Khorne Aligned - Everlasting Conqueror
Rordin Marchena - Loyalist - Herald of Honor
Valmir Wester the 3rd - Freeblade - Oathsworn Custodian
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Sitting Room #1 (12/31/2020)
Click here if you’re like “what the heck is this about?”
Alastor decides that today is a good day to lay on top of a piano and sing. Valera @autokrates decides to accompany by playing the piano. Angel @sluttyspiderpolkacock plummets out of the sky and kills Alastor in one shot.
What do we have here!
Alastor's been wandering the estate scouting out sources of entertainment—when he crosses paths with a sitting room stocked with a gorgeous grand piano. Entertainment located.
He trots over, plays a few keys to make sure it's in tune, considers his options, and then hops up to sit on top of the piano. Nice! Sturdy. He lays down on the piano.
What kind of song is appropriate to play while laying on a piano?
He thinks for a moment; then summons up his microphone, kills the lights, sends his shadow to play a dramatic arpeggio, rolls dramatically onto his back, and sings into the mic, "At first I was afraid~ I was petrified~"
Valera was happily sitting in the gardens, enjoying the ocean breeze of their home planet, the rustling of the leaves and the perfume of the flowers. It was only them and their thoughts out here.
How serene, how calm. You'd never guess their house was full of overpowered sinners hiding from a mass execution. All their fears were assuaged, not a single of the myriad of terrible incidents they'd expected had come to pass...
Wait. Was that... The opening bars for I Will Survive? Was that *Alastor* they saw through the gauzy curtains?
Fuck being alone with their thoughts, they *had* to get in on that good time. Hope Alastor doesn't mind if they hop right through an open window to offer some backing brass for his piano!
Alastor sits up when the room is suddenly invaded—oh, how wonderful! There aren’t all that many places where you can start a musical number and fitting musical accompaniment just barges in! He’d thought he’d have to summon up his own private brass band.
Hand on his chest and hamming up as much as he can, he goes on, “Kept thinking *I* could never *live* without you *by my side*~”
Look at the man go, Gloria Gaynor would be proud. They plop themselves down next to his shadow on the bench, humming along under their breath while they ready themselves for their cue. In fact, while they're here...
A twitch of a fin, and a hazy amber spotlight flickers into existence to shine down on Alastor. There, mood lighting for the star of the show. Nothing but the best for a guest!
Oh! Look at that! Proper lighting! They could be in Hell’s finest jazz club. Alastor’s really warming to his new role as a diva. “But then I spent so many nights, thinking how you did me wrong, and I grew strong~ I learned how to get along~”
He winks at Valera—time to really let loose—and belts out, “And now you’re *back*, from *outer space*—!”
Shielding his face from the glass, Angel continues to fall as he wildly fishes through his fluff for the charm Valera gave him for emergencies. It was so nice ( for his once human aesthetic appreciation ) that he told himself he'd never have to use it.
Then again, putting himself in this predicament wasn't exactly a conscious decision of his either. Making a clean enough break to salvage as he fell to his certain death was an unorthodox placement of priorities, but time was wasting. SOMETHING flashed before his eyes.
_ " ... And now you're **back!** From **outer space - !** " _
_Alastor...? I thought this was gonna be takin' me to Valer -_
And DOWN he sailed like a crimson comet into a cacophonous landing of glass, rattling keys, strings, once immaculately polished wood, and ( 1 ) local Radio Demon. A singular beat of moaning and groaning before he locked eyes with the island's Hostess with the Galactic Mostest and sprung to his feet, hip popped and arms dramatically jazzed.
An inhale as Valera prepares to start laying into the trumpet, smiling around the mouthpiece as Alastor belts out the lyrics. An inhale, and-- uh oh.
A tingle runs up their spine, eyes widening as they drop the instrument and jolt to their feet. Too late for any warning, here comes Angel, streaking from the ceiling in a blaze of glory and glass and splinters flying up from the shattered remains of their poor undeserving piano. They'd be more upset if they weren't immediately distracted by Angel Dust's darling voice.
Beaming fin to fin, Valera lunges forward to wrap their arms around their friend, tail all awiggle behind them as they bury their face in tit fluff. "Il mio amore! Mio caro! I'm so glad you could make it! Seapup is doing great, he'll be over the moon to see you here." A happy sigh, and they look up at Angel through his fluff and purr... Wait. Shit. Pull back, they have to peer around him to the wreck of the piano where their diva had once been.
"Alastor, do you need a medic?"
Of all the ways to go, Alastor wasn’t expecting a meteor made out of red velvet.
And then the meteor climbs off of him and starts speaking Italian.
Alastor blinks up at the ceiling, half-dazed. “Probably, but that’s never stopped me before.” He sits up gingerly, leveraging himself out of the pile of devastated piano. “You know—I actually came to this universe to *avoid* getting murdered by an angel.”
It was very possible to not have enough arms with which to hug a dear friend, even when you had six. Angel gave her a big squeeze, tight enough to momentarily lift clawed feet from the floor as he nuzzled his face between her horns.
" GREAT! Place blew like ya wouldn't BELIEVE, Babe. Emergency getaway fa SURE ~ " he sang with a flash of an open palm of charm debris, which would promptly disappear into his fluff before he swept his cloak behind him.
" ALASTOR! THERE ya went! " Angel extended his hands to offer some help. " Ya ok? Sorry about that, uh, sudden change a plans. "
Oh to be a fish wrapped in the arms of a spider. What warmth, what comfort. A few seconds of bliss leave Valera's hearts feeling ready to melt, what could be better! A mental note to see about getting Angel Dust another charm, and she moves around to look Alastor over from a barely respectful distance. Poor thing got GOT.
He sure did get got. He actually takes Angel’s hand to help haul himself up. “It’s not the change of plans I mind so much as your choice of landing pad!” Audience laughter. He cracks his back a few odd angles, then straightens out and starts brushing himself off. “You were at some big overlord shindig, weren’t you? Did the exterminators get in?” Oh, wouldn’t that be a delightful way to ring in the new year, getting rid of that rotten lot. The only overlords he cared about were either not the type to go to such a party or else excluded from the exterminations anyway. “Glad *you* made it out.”
" Uh... " It was settling in little by little, now. The foreboden consequences of his actions. " Yeah! They did! Uh, I wouldn't check into the place right now! Y'know, signals goin' haywire, S. O. S. 's off the shitshow... Thinkin' of it's givin' ME a headache, so I can't IMAGINE what it'd be doin' t' YOU, Smiles... Lucky ME though, ah? " _He used to be a much better liar._ Angel's ceaselessly sheepish smile left little to be assumed. Knowing this, he whipped back towards Valera, arms wildly animated as ever. " SO! How's e'ryone holdin' up over here? " He started a strut about the room, testing the soreness of his leading leg. " Ya DO have room fa one more in this fancy schmancy pad, yeah? "
She steps back, satisfied that Alastor wasn't about to keel over dead, and reaches out to take two of Angel's hands in hers to squeeze. Friend is here, nothing else matters yet! Even if the way he's acting is super sus, he's probably in shock from his DYNAMIC ENTRY to an ALIEN PLANET. That's the story she's sticking with until proven otherwise. Nobody needs that stress.
"Everyone's doing great, Angel! We've got four different Alastors, two Pentiouses, and we haven't even had any..." A glance towards her ex-piano. Another glance towards the radio demon brushing himself off. "... *Major* damage! I'll show you your room, if you want!"
“No major damage *yet,* anyway! There’s still time to knock down a lighthouse or two!” He sounds absolutely gleeful.
At the moment, he doesn’t trust Angel at all. The dramatic entrance is perfectly fine, of course—he’d do no less himself—it’s this *insistence* that Alastor not check in on their universe. He absolutely needs to check in on it, as soon as possible.
But he’d rather hear about it from Angel first.
Not in front of their host, though. For the moment, he continues quietly straightening out his clothes and bones.
" PROPERTY DAMAGE ~ " he sang with a playful swing of their clasped hands, " Ain't a party wit'out a HEFFER of a BILL... " Angel then shadowed Valera's glances. Might be true of _some_ places, but certainly not HERE, his best friend's grand estate they've opened to such a handful of sinners out of the goodness of their heart.
" Sorry... about ya piano, though. I'll get ya a new one! " _No, you won't._ " I've got connections! " _Not anymore._ " Might not 'ave any special Veci designin' on it, but I'll do ya good! " _You just made THE worst mistake of your life. You're fresh OUT of GOOD._
**_YOU'RE never gonna know peace AGAIN._**
" I'm ON YA TAIL. Lead the way ~ " Angel belted playfully with a brush of those flickering fins and a glance back at Alastor. " Ya all good, there? If y'all wanna finish ya song later, I've got m'strings on me ~ "
"What, you want to replace my piano?" She scoffs, arms reaching up to give Angel's shoulders a gentle squeeze before dropping down to twine a hand with his. "Darling. Mio caro, I don't care about that old thing. You're alive! You made it here! You're in one piece! That's all that matters to me."
Trilling cheerfully, she rocks in place. Hand in hand with her best friend, safe in her home, decidedly not murdered by Heaven's dogs. The ominous stress could come later, for now she had to be a host. "We'll get you set up with a room, get you a warm meal, and then we can all play some music together, since you've so *generously* offered. Sound good to you two?"
"Considering what happened the last time I tried to sing it, I think continuing 'I Will Survive' would be tempting fate." He plays the whistling sound of a falling missile and a distant explosion. "You don't both need me there to assign a room, do you? Perhaps I should head down to the kitchen and get that warm meal going!" Angel certainly hadn't gotten anything to eat at that big overlord function, Alastor would bet anything on that.
Angel clung to Valera's words and the way she fussed over him with such tender loving care like a lifeline. _This_ was what he deserved, ( wasn't it? ) He planted a kiss off her temple and smiled meekly. " Sounds good t' me! But uh, " he started with a sweep of a free arm in Alastor's direction, " Ya just gonna up an' be a host e'rywhere ya go? Valera ain't got this place staffed better than ours so you can chill? I'm already here, an' no one CRASHES as hard as ME ~ "
"Oh, I don't know, Alastor. Maybe tempting fate is where the REAL entertainment is."
Valera snorts, idly plucking a few stray splinters off of Angel's fluff. "I'm pretty sure I'd have to hold him at gunpoint to keep Alastor out of the kitchen. And unlike you, I simply don't have enough arms to keep all four in check. You might as well accept your fate of trying alien cuisine prepared by the radio host himself."
“TEMPTING fate, sure! But it loses some of its charm when fate succumbs to temptation and pile drives me!” He pauses thoughtfully. “Although ‘falling man lands on innocent grand piano’ is a delightfully ironic twist, isn’t it?”
He flings an arm around Angel’s shoulders. “You’d rather have me cooking, anyway! Valera’s helpfully provided a list of Veci recipes that are *edible* to humans—but I’ve been tweaking them to make them *palatable* to humans.” Palatable by Alastor’s standards, anyway, which are either “freakishly high” or “raw bloody meat” with basically nothing in between.
Angel combed some more splinters from his chest with his hand before abruptly bending his knees to level with Alastor's pull. " Guinea piggin' it is, then! I don't think ya ever made anythin' I passed on. " Raw bloody meat included. _Everything_ was appetizing after a hard day's work. " DO ya worst ~ " With a pat of his back, he again took Valera's hand. " I'll sample the edible stuff anyways, t' compare an' not let all ya hard work go wastin' ~ "
Gods, Angel was comically tall compared to the other two, it was easy to forget that the spindly spider was slouching all the time. She purrs and gives Angel's hand a squeeze, bumping her nose to his cheek in the approximation of a kiss. "You're a peach."
A moment, and she turns to lead Angel away. So much to do! Did she have brushes..? Yes, she could brush him off, make sure he was splinter free without needing a whole shower... Don't mind her, she's already ten steps ahead trying to figure out how many extra pillows she should put on his bed.
“Sample shmample! You’re getting a full plate. I’ll bet the closest thing you got to a proper meal at that party of yours was an olive in your martini.” He half-bows in farewell, and leaves them to head for the kitchen.
_Well he wasn't WRONG._ If memory served him, that last shot wasn't meant for his taking, either. Lightly chewing the inside of his cheek, he gave Alastor a shallow curtsy and fell into Valera's stride.
" So ~ ! " Angel whistled as he panned his sights over the architecture and decor of the hallway, affectionately hooking his arms about Valera's elbow and shoulders. " How big IS this place? I been t' Hell's palace fa a job before, but if I learned ANYTHIN' about VECI... " He snorted to himself before he could even finish his joke. " Y'all's style is... _outta this world ~_ "
Valera saunters along, an arm looping around Angel in return to give him the gentlest squeeze. "That joke was *terrible*, darling. As far as the estate goes? Fifty bedrooms, twenty of which are meant for guests, twenty nine for staff, and then the master bedroom. Though I'd call it more of a master apartment, the previous owner sure liked having plenty of space to themselves."
The size of the place was really one of the reasons Val barely ever visited this place, too much room. But that made it perfect for this visit. Space, isolation, plenty of areas for sinners to hide away if they needed privacy... And bedrooms big enough for the stupidly tall sinners to feel comfortable in. Here's Angel's! A twelve by ten four poster bed, white marble and gold from floor to ceiling, a balcony suitable for any necessary brooding or swooning over a sea view... Just what a spider needed. Plus a tiny orange ball comfortably sleeping in the middle of that luxurious bed, but don't mind him.
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rinnysega · 4 years
If some of your fav Simpsons characters were to play Among Us what would their style be? Would they be good imposters? Do they focus on tasks or purposely cause as much chaos as possible. Feel free to include as few or as many characters as you want!
Omg where to start
First of all, this ask is right up my alley so thank you.
Second, I really wish I was an artist so I could draw comics based on this. I was thinking earlier about my favs playing the game and came up with really in-character antics, but alas, I can only daydream them.
I will however post the following headcanons:
1. Bart always tries to kill Skinner. Or tries to Sus him even if he’s innocent. He just wants the man dead every round no matter what.
2. Otto is the worst Imposter. He just stands around and doesn’t know what to do if he doesn’t have tasks, and when people find out and call him out he just apologizes like “sorry dudes, still new” even tho he’s played like 30 times 3. Moleman dies first. All the time. Even if he’s the Imposter he still somehow gets booted off or something. Never makes it 1 round. 4. Lovejoy the pettiest bitch of all. If players sus him, he never forgets who suspects him and he makes their life hell, even if he’s a Crewmate. If he gets voted off and he’s not the imposter, he refuses to do tasks and just follows them around praying they lose, spamming the ghost chat with prayers to god about who should die next. He’s a sore loser. 5. Marge will leave the game if she’s the Imposter. She hates it. 6. Lisa is the best at being detective and will argue a solid case, but all it takes is one person to go “Idk Lisa sus” and she’s unanimously voted out. She often wonders why she bothers 7. Lenny and Carl are ALWAYS together, and if one is the imposter, they protect the other from the second imposter and cause sabotages to kill someone else. They use each other as alibis all the time 8. The mafia would be those bitches that during discussion “I didn’t see nothing” and causes everyone to skip 9. Comic Book Guy would be that bitch to go “how do I use the vents like “x”” just to sound funny when we all know he knows how to play 10. Maggie is the best imposter. She always gets away with it.
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Charles Laughton.
- Bluebottles, The Tonic, Daydreams (1928) Dir.: Ivor Montagu
- Piccadilly (1929) Dir.: Ewald Andrea Dupont.
- Wolves (1930).
- Down River (1931) Dir. Peter Godfrey
-El caserón de las sombras (The Old Dark - House, 1932) Dir. James Whale
- Entre la espada y la pared (The Devil and the Deep, 1932) Dir. Marion Gering
- Justicia divina/El asesino de Mr. Medland (Payment Deferred, 1932) Dir. Lothar Mendes
- El signo de la cruz (The Sign of the Cross, 1932) Dir. Cecil B. De Mille
- Si yo tuviera un millón (If I Had a Million, 1932) Dirs. Ernst Lubitsch, Norman Taurog, Stephen Roberts, Norman McLeod, James Cruse, William A. - Seiter y H. Bruce Humberstone
- La isla de las almas perdidas (Island of Lost Souls, 1932) Dir. Erle C. Kenton
- La vida privada de Enrique VIII (The Private Life of Henry VIII, 1933) Dir. Alexander Korda
- White Woman (1933) Dir. Stuart Walker
- The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1934) Dir. Sidney Franklin
- Nobleza obliga (Ruggles of Red Gap, 1935) Dir. Leo McCarey
- Los miserables (Les Misérables, 1935) Dir. Richard Boleslawsky
- Rebelión a bordo (Mutiny on the Bounty, 1935) Dir. Frank Lloyd
- Rembrandt (Rembrandt, 1936) Dir. Alexander Korda
- Yo, Claudio (I, Claudius, 1937) Dir. Joseph von Sternberg.
- Bandera amarilla (Vessel of Wrath, 1938) Dir. Eric Pommer (Laughton es actor y coproductor de esta película).
- Las calles de Londres (St. Martin's Lane, 1938) Dir. Tim Whelan (Laughton es actor y coproductor de esta película).
- La posada de Jamaica (Jamaica Inn, 1939) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock (Laughton es actor y coproductor de esta película).
- Esmeralda, la zíngara (The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1939) Dir. William Dieterle
- Laughton en la película Ellos sabían lo que querían (1940), con Carole Lombard y Frank Fay.
- They Knew What They Wanted (1940) Dir. Garson Kanin
- Casi un ángel (It Started with Eve, 1941) Dir. Henry Koster
- Se acabó la gasolina (The Tuttles of Tahiti, 1942) Dir. Charles Vidor
- Seis destinos (Tales of Manhattan, 1942) Dir. Julien Duvivier
- Stand by for Action (1943) Dir. Robert Z. Leonard
- Forever and a Day (1943) Dirs. René Clair, Edmund Goulding, Cedric Hardwicke, Frank Lloyd, Victor Saville.
-Esta tierra es mía (This Land Is Mine, 1943) Dir. Jean Renoir
- The Man from Down Under (1943) Dir. Robert Z. Leonard
- The Canterville Ghost (1944) Dir. Jules Dassin
- El sospechoso (The Suspect, 1944) Dir. Robert Siodmak
- El capitán Kidd (Captain Kidd, 1945) Dir. Rowland V. Lee
- Su primera noche (Because of Him, 1946) Dir. Richard Wallace
- Arco de triunfo (Arch of Triumph, 1947) Dir. Lewis Milestone
- El reloj asesino (The Big Clock, 1947) Dir. John Farrow
- El proceso Paradine (The Paradine Case, 1948) Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
- On our Merry way/A Miracle can Happen (1948) Dirs. King Vidor, Leslie Fenton, John Huston, George Stevens.
- The Girl from Manhattan (1948) Alfred E. Green
- Soborno (The Bribe, 1949) Dir. Robert Z. Leonard
- El hombre de la torre Eiffel (The Man on the Eiffel Tower, 1949) Dir. Burgess Meredith (codirectores no acreditados: Charles Laughton y Franchot Tone).
- No estoy sola (The Blue Veil, 1951) Dir. Curtis Bernhardt
- The Strange Door (1951) Dir. Joseph Pevney
- Cuatro páginas de la vida (O. Henry's Full House, 1952) Dir. Henry Koster
- Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd (1952) Dir. Charles Lamont
- Salomé (Salome, 1953) Dir. William Dieterle
- La reina virgen (Young Bess, 1953) Dir. George Sidney
- El déspota (Hobson's Choice, 1954) Dir. David Lean
- La noche del cazador (The Night of the Hunter, 1954) Dir. Charles Laughton (no aparece como actor en la película).
T- estigo de cargo (Witness for the Prosecution, 1957) Dir. Billy Wilder
- Bajo diez banderas (Sotto dieci bandiere, 1960) Dir. Diulio Colletti
Espartaco (Spartacus, 1960) Dir, Stanley Kubrick
- Tempestad sobre Washington (Advise and Consent, 1962) Dir. Otto Preminger.
- The Epic That Never Was (1965). Dirigido por Bill Duncalf y presentado por Dirk Bogarde. Documental de la BBC sobre el rodaje de I, Claudius con diversas escenas acabadas. (VHS, DVD).
- Callow's Laughton (1987). Documental de la Yorkshire TV-ITV dirigido por Nick Gray y presentado por Simon Callow sobre Charles Laughton.
- Charles Laughton Directs The Night of the Hunter (2002). Documental dirigido por Robert Gitt a partir de tomas descartadas de la Película.
Debut teatral (1913). Stonyhurst College, Reino Unido
- The Private Secretary per Charles Hawtrey
Teatro amateur (hasta 1925). Scarborough, Reino Unido
- The Dear Departed por Stanley Houghton
- Trelawney of The Wells por Arthur Wing Pinero
- Hobson's Choice por Harold Brighouse
- The Government Inspector. por Nicolai Gogol. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- Los puntales de la sociedad por Henrik Ibsen. Dir. Sybil Arundale
- El jardín de los cerezos por Antón Chéjov. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- Las tres hermanas por Antón Chéjov. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- Liliom por Ferencz Molnar. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- The Greater Love por James B. Fagan. Dir. James B. Fagan y Lewis Casson
- Angela por Lady Bell. Dir. Lewis Casson
Vestire gli ignudi por Luigi Pirandello. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- Medea por Eurípides. Dir. Lewis Casson
- The Happy Husband por Harrison Owen. Dir. Basil Dean
- Paul Y por Dimitri Merejovski. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- Mr. Prohack por Arnold Bennet y Edward Knoblock. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- A Man with Red Hair por Benn W. Levy, a partir de la novela de Hugh Walpole. Dir. Theodore Komisarjevsky
- The Making of an Immortal por George Moore. Dir. Robert Atkins
- Riverside Nights por Nigel Playfair y A.P. Herbert. Dir. Nigel Playfair
- Alibi per Michael Morton, a partir de la novela de Agatha Christie. Dir. Gerald duMaurier
- Mr. Pickwick por Cosmo Hamilton y Frank C. Reilly, a partir de la novela de Charles Dickens. Dir. Basil Dean
- Beauty por Jacques Deval (adapt. inglesa: Michael Morton). Dir. Felix Edwardes
- The Silver Tassie por Sean O'Casey. Dir. Raymond Massey
- French Leave por Reginald Berkeley. Dir. Eille Norwood
- On the Spot por Edgar Wallace. Dir. Edgar Wallace
- Payment Deferred por Jeffrey Dell, a partir de la novela de C.S. Forrester. Dir. H.K. Ailiff
-Gira americana (Chicago y Nueva York) de Payment Deferred y Alibi (esta última retítulada The Fatal Alibi y dirigida por Jed Harris).
Old Vic: temporada 1933-34. Londres. Reino Unido. Todas las obras dirigidas por Tyrone Guthrie.
El jardín de los cerezos por Antón Chéjov. Dir. Charles Laughton
1951-52 Estados Unidos y Reino Unido (Gira).
Don Juan in Hell de Man and Superman por George Bernard Shaw. Dir. Charles Laughton.
1953 Estados Unidos (Gira).
John Brown's Body por Stephen Vincent Benet. Dir. y Adaptación: Charles Laughton (no apareció como actor).
1954 Estados Unidos (Gira).
The Caine Mutiny Court Martial por Herman Wouk, a partir de su novela. Dir. Charles Laughton (no apareció como actor).
1956 Nueva York, Estados Unidos.
Major Barbara por George Bernard Shaw. Dir. Charles Laughton
1956 Londres, Reino Unido
The Party por Jane Arden. Dir. Charles Laughton
1959 Stratford-upon-Avon, Reino Unido
El sueño de una noche de verano por William Shakespeare. Dir. Peter Hall
El rey Lear por William Shakespeare. Dir. Glen Byam Shaw.
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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diceriadelluntore · 4 years
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Storia Di Musica #93 - Black Sabbath, Paranoid, 1970
Nel 1968, dopo che risposero ad un annuncio in un negozio di dischi di Birmingham, un gruppo di 4 ragazzi amanti del blues mise su un gruppo che si chiamava Earth: erano Tony Iommi, Bill Ward, Geezer Butler e John “Ozzy” Osbourne. Amanti del blues e della musica che in quegli anni facevano gruppi come i Cream e la Jimi Hendrix Experience, quando iniziano a suonare nei locali si accorgono che esisteva già un gruppo che si chiamava Earth. Butler, amante del gotico, dell’horror, dei libri di Dennis Wheatley, suggerì di cambiare nome con il titolo di un film di Mario Bava, I Tre Volti Della Paura, che nella versione inglese fu commercializzato come Black Sabbath. Inizia qui il percorso di uno dei gruppi cruciali degli anni ‘70, uno di quelli che inventò in pratica un genere e segnò l’immaginario musicale del decennio. Il primo disco è già da KO: Black Sabbath, con la storica copertina gotica, registrato in sole due sessioni, contiene già i semi del loro suono “terrificante”; riferimenti alla musica gotica, al satanismo (cosa che diventerà un clichè, seguito del successo incredibile che il filone da loro aperto avrà di lì a qualche anno), la voce allucinata di Ozzy, ma soprattutto il drumming di Ward, il basso incessante di Butler e la chitarra di Iommi, che diventerà una delle leggende della chitarra elettrica. Canzoni come Black Sabbath, The Wizard e N.I.B., che per decenni si pensava significasse Name In Blood, ma che con un tocco ironico che segnerà la loro epopea significata semplicemente Nib, pennino, come il pizzetto di Ward, sono i primi tre mattoni della loro leggenda. Che dopo pochi mesi dall’esordio, con il disco di oggi ha il suo corpus principale. Registrato in soli 5 giorni, Paranoid fu chiamato così perchè la Vertigo decise che l’omonimo brano ne fosse il singolo. Paranoid è probabilmente uno dei brani più famosi della storia rock, con uno dei riff cardini di Iommi, e parla apertamente di pazzia e di crisi esistenziali. L’album però si apre con un altro capolavoro, War Pigs, quasi otto minuti di riff e assoli portentosi: per anni pensata canzone politica anti-Vietnam, doveva essere il titolo dell’album prima della decisione del cambio con Paranoid, ma ne rimane eco nella copertina. In verità è una contrazione di Walpurgis, le notti di Valpurga, antichissima celebrazione della primavera nel popoli del centro-nord Europa.  Planet Caravan è chiaramente ispirata al progressive, con atmosfere alla Pink Floyd, che scompaiono poi in Iron Man, uno dei brani che fanno nascere l’heavy metal: voluminosi singoli battiti  a creare l’effetto dei pesanti passi dell’ “Uomo d’acciaio”, con la voce di Ozzy e la chitarra distorta di Iommi, altro capolavoro assoluto del gruppo. Electric Funeral fu la prima canzone che venne apertamente accusata di satanismo, dato che Ozzy canta “hell’s angels flap their wings\Evil sould fall to Hell, ever trapped in burning cells!”, in verità è una canzone profondamente politica che accusa il militarismo e la guerra in Vietnam; Hand Of Doom è una storica canzone sull’eroina e gli eroinomani, in aperto e clamoroso contrastro con la stagione hippie californiana: lì colori, psichedelia, lsd e erba, qui i toni scuri e raccapriccianti, la forza bruta della musica, l’eroina (che finirà per sfinire tutti i componenti della band, soprattutto Osbourne che in tutta la sua quarantennale carriera farà periodiche visite ai centri per disintossicarsi). L’album si chiude con due perle: Rat Salad è la risposta di Ward e Butler al Moby Dick dei Led Zeppelin; Fairies Wear Boots è un altro geniale gioco di testo per indicare le droghe allucinogene (”what I saw Fairy boots were dancin’ with a dwarf, all right now”) ma in questo caso anche i naziskin che in numerosi concerti avevano aggredito i Black Sabbath per i chiari riferimenti “satanisti”. L’album diviene un successo clamoroso, arriva primo nella classifica inglese e quarto negli USA, e con il passare degli anni diventerà uno dei dischi più venduti di sempre, con decine di milioni copie vendute in tutto il mondo. Il periodo d’oro continuerà con Master Of Reality (1971) e Volume IV (1972) dove il suono dei Black Sabbath metterà le basi per il doom, lo stoner rock e tutta la musica heavy dei decenni successivi. Un disco seminale, leggendario, dove ogni riff regala un brivido: di piacere e di paura, allo stesso tempo.
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