#Photos Of Freedom Fighters
katchwreck · 1 year
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Women fighters of the Omani Liberation Army, the armed wing of the Marxist-Leninist party Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman.
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aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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animalsoutloud · 1 year
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Choose vegan and cruelty-free for a kinder world. 
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shehzadi · 6 months
disgusted by all the photos and videos of palestinian men being stripped, abducted, and tortured by iof soldiers (and settlers!) and almost equally disgusted by the fact that the majority (the non-arabs, non-muslims, non-palestinians) continue to refuse to include palestinian men in any of their calls for justice and palestinian freedom because they either: 1. still see them as barbaric 2. as deserving of the treatment they are receiving or 3. at best, not effective enough tools for garnering sympathy as the children and women are and so not worth mentioning. hurts even more to see male palestinian journalists focus almost entirely on the women and children because, yes they are the majority of the victims, but palestinian men 110% know their lives aren’t of the same value to the rest of the world, despite their overwhelming love for their people, for their families and friends, for life.
and, just so you know, today (14.12.23) iof soldiers once again forced palestinian teenaged boys to strip and turn themselves in as alleged hamas fighters in ghazzah, and they also stripped palestinian men in jenin (occupied west bank) as part of the invasion that lasted 3 days, appearing to end today, in which dozens of palestinians were detained, 12 palestinians were martyred and at least 10 homes blown up by israeli forces. this has been the largest invasion of jenin in 21 years (x)(x).
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anastasiareyreed · 4 months
two years have already passed...
today, two years ago, all of Ukraine woke up to explosions, sounds of flying fighter jets, gunshots and screams of terror. today, February 24, is the anniversary of russia's invasion of Ukraine. full-scale invasion, escalation of ten-year genocide. I can't explain the feeling when I first saw wounded people, when I first heard a rocket flying overhead aimed at a residential building.
it is emotionally difficult to comprehend all the terrible events that happened during this time. everything I'm trying to cover here as soon as I get my thoughts together. and everything that I don't have enough strength for...
Bucha massacre
Mass burials in Izium
Mass execution of Ukrainian prisoners in Olenivka
The tragedy of Mariupol
Defense of Azovstal
Bakhmut Fortress
Ecological disaster in Kakhovka
The tragedy of Hroza
Tens of thousands of Ukrainian children forcibly deported to russia
Torture of civilians
The battle for Donetsk Airport
The Ilovaisk Tragedy
russian manipulation and propaganda
burning Ukrainian books, destroying Ukrainian museums and entire cities, torturing people for tattoos connected to Ukraine. forced re-education of children and adults who are forced to learn the russian national anthem, worship portraits of putin every day and receive russian documents in order to receive water and food in the occupied territories. daily shelling and casualties, daily struggle for survival and freedom, which russians want to take away from us.
all the terrible cases of execution of Ukrainian soldiers: beheadings, castration, amputation of limbs, execution of prisoners. burning civilians alive, raping women, men and children, torturing even animals, even little mice. tons of photos and videos that I don't want to add here because even the slightest glimpse of all those images breaks my heart and causes me to have a panic attack. however, you can find it all freely available on the Internet by simply typing in keywords.
instead, I would like to show photos of rallies in support of Ukraine, which took place today all over the world. to find out where each photo is from, see the alt text for them.
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despite the fact that in russia they celebrate the war, Ukrainians, who were forced to flee from the war, gathered at rallies around the world, together with residents of the countries that gave them shelter. the civilized world expresses sympathy and grief, with calls to provide arms to Ukraine so that we can defeat russia as soon as possible and return peace to our lives.
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it's sad that more photos can't be added to show as many cities as possible that came out to support us today. but I've been looking at all the photos and videos of the rallies all day today and I have tears of gratitude in my eyes. thank you all for continuing to stand with Ukraine!
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I dont think anything related to politics and current state of the world has ever enraged and disgusted me more than seeing pro-palestine/marxists/communists/leftist supporters be this extremely hypocritical and evil when it comes to Ukraine. Not only that entire breakout of russian invasion of Ukraine was followed by "what about Palestine/Syria/Afghanistan/Iraq" comments on every video/photo of a destroyed Ukrainian home but also even after more than 2 years of russian invasion and what experts call most brutal war since WW2, this same group of people is constantly minimizing and relativizing tragedy and injustice to Ukraine by lowering number of civilian casualities, holding dearly onto chunks of russian propaganda that have already been debunked countless times, taking announcements of Ukrainian officials out of context or simply excusing oppression of Ukrainians by something unrelated (like supposed support of Ukraine for Israel???). All that while screaming about "double standards" or "Western hypocrisy". Why are Ukrainians who support Israel called out more frequently and harshly than Palestinians who support Russia? What makes Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Syria etc more deserving of sympathy and support than Ukraine? Why are Azovstal defenders called nazis while Hamas is praised as freedom fighters? Why is russian oppression of Ukrainians and erasion of Ukrainian identity that lasted for centuries overlooked? I seriously dont understand psychology behind such reasoning.
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determinate-negation · 2 months
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The Journal of Vietnamese Women, or Phu Nu Vietnam, publicized the militant vision of “socialist womanhood” promoted by leaders of the North Vietnamese Communist Party. During the years of the American War, cover photos almost invariably celebrated women in arms. Issues featured tales of personal experiences and moral stories that encouraged Vietnamese women to transform themselves and their lives to help better society. Stressing a complex combination of women’s liberation and civic responsibility, the journal’s ideal woman was simultaneously a freedom fighter and a traditional homemaker – or, in the words of a popular national slogan of the 1960s, “good at national tasks, good at household tasks.”
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by Jack Elbaum
The pro-Hamas and antisemitic chants and statements made by those in connection with the encampment have even drawn comment from the White House: “While every American has the right to peaceful protest, calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting Jewish students and the Jewish community are blatantly antisemitic, unconscionable, and dangerous — they have absolutely no place on any college campus, or anywhere in the United States of America.”
Here is a comprehensive list of the chants and statements that produced such a response.
A protester stood in front of pro-Israel students who were waving Israeli and American flags with a sign reading, “Al-Qassam’s next targets,” referring to the military wing of the Hamas terrorist organization.
A man yelled at two Jews, “Never forget the 7th of October. That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10 … 100 … 1,000 … 10,000 … The 7th of October is going to be every day for you.”
A crowd chanted, “Al-Qassam, you make us proud; kill another soldier now!”
Demonstrators yelled “Jews, Jews” in Arabic and others were saying “Go back to Poland.”
A group of demonstrators off-campus chanted, “We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground!”
“Hamas we love you. We support your rockets too!” 
“Red, black, green, and white, we support Hamas’ fight!”
“It is right to rebel, Al-Qassam, give them hell!”
A person in the encampment said, during a speech, “Let it be known that it was the Al-Aqsa Flood [Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre across southern Israel] that put the global intifada back on the table again. And it is the sacrificial spirit of the Palestinian freedom fighters that will guide every struggle on every corner of the earth to victory.” 
She continued, “Remember that militancy breeds resistance. Thousands upon thousands of students around the world have been moved to rebel because of your militancy.” 
Members of the encampment created a “human wall” after a leader yelled, “Zionists have entered the camp!” The leader then directed the people there to take “one step forward … push them out of the camp.”
When asked if he condemns Hamas, a Columbia student responded, “I don’t need to condemn anybody. I condemn you motherf—ker!”
Another student led the following chants: “From the river to the sea, Palestine is Arab!” and “Resistance [Hamas] is justified!”
There are more at the link above.
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diana-andraste · 3 months
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Hair-plaiting for the Iranian resistance
‘This was inspired by a daily ritual in which female fighters in the mountains plait each other’s hair while chanting: “Woman, life, freedom.” It was a response to the death of Mahsa Jina Amini in Iran.'
Photo by Hoda Afshar
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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Take a good look at this angel. Liron Barda. Liron could have tried to run away when the massacre at the Nova music festival started, but she gave first aid and chose to help as many wounded as possible. In the photo, Liron is seen tending to the wounded, a few minutes before the Hamas monster arrived and executed them both.  "freedom fighters"
Which side of history are you on?
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On this day, 10 April 1919, Emiliano Zapata, peasant leader during the Mexican revolution of Nahua Indigenous and Spanish descent, was assassinated in Chinameca, Ayala, by the "revolutionary" Carranza government. Early in life, he began to advocate for the rights of Indigenous peoples in Morelos when he saw wealthy landowners continually stealing their land, with no response from the government. So he began taking part in armed land occupations. With the outbreak of revolution in 1910, Zapata became the leader of the Liberation Army of the South. The force was a peasant militia fighting for "tierra y libertad" (land and freedom), a slogan they adopted from Mexican anarchist Ricardo Flores Magón. After Francisco Madero took power in 1911, Zapata denounced him for betraying the revolution, and drafted the Ayala Plan: a radical programme of land reform. Madero himself was then overthrown by counter-revolutionary Victoriano Huerta. Zapata's southern army allied with the revolutionary armies in the north, led by Pancho Villa and Venustiano Carranza. They soon overthrew Huerta, and called a convention to form the new government, which Zapata declined to participate in as none of the organisers had been elected. With Carranza in power, he only implemented moderate reforms, which fell well short of the Ayala plan, so the Zapatistas fought on. Carranza put a bounty on Zapata's head, hoping that one of his own fighters would betray him, but none of them did. In the end he was lured to a meeting with one of Carranza's men who pretended to be interested in defecting. When Zapata arrived for the meeting he was riddled with bullets, and his body photographed for propaganda purposes. He remains to this day a national hero, and Indigenous rebels in Chiapas who rose up in 1994 and created an autonomous territory named themselves after him. Learn more in this biography and check out our reproduction of an iconic photo of him: https://shop.workingclasshistory.com/collections/all/emiliano-zapata https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=606761904830362&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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xclowniex · 3 months
I saw you posted about the song Harbu Darbu. Why is Dua Lipa Bella hadid and Mia Khalifa mentioned in it? Like it seems wild to have beef with am ex porn star?
So I'm going to go into what each celeb did to be antisemitic, what the lyrics about them mean in English and why its not about them being Palestinian, arab or pro Palestine.
On the surface it does seem weird to have beef with an ex porn star however it's less so beef and moreso calling out problematic celebrities.
All of the celebs mentioned have either participated in antisemitism or supported Hamas/oct 7th. It's not just because they're Palestinian (Bella Hadid) or arab (Mia Khalifa) or dated a Palestinian (Dua Lipa).
Bella Hadid has spread blood libel. Her and Gigi have been called out many times over the years for their antisemitism. You can only accidentally be antisemitic so many times before it goes from "whoopsie didnt realize this was antisemitic" to "I'm hiding my antisemitism as an accident and not knowing better even though I do know better and hate jews"
Dua Lipa has claimed that what Israel is doing is ethnic cleansing which is false and rooted in blood libel. She has also shared a post on her Instagram in the past which states that Israeli jews are fake jews.
Mia Khalifa has tweeted "Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine  to flip their phones and film horizontal." And she also posted a photo of hamasniks in a ute on their way to attack jews with the caption "Renaissance painting".
She posted a photo of herself drinking wine that was made in Reims in France when Nazis controlled Reims and had the caption "my wine is older than your apartheid 'state'". So you know, she was boasting about drinking wine made during the time when jews were being taken from France to nazi camps to be killed.
There is just so much she has done too.
All of this is super easy to find on Google to fact check it yourself.
Now going into the lyrics of the song, in English it goes
Bella Hadid, Dua Lipa, Mia Khalifa, every dog gets what's coming to them.
Please keep in mind that not every language directly translates into English with perfect accuracy. However the line essentially just means "Karma is gonna get you"
It's not calling for those celebs to be killed. It just saying that Karma will get them.
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lavender-mommy · 12 days
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barrel chested freedom fighter aka soldier!rafe
you write to him every week and he saves every letter, hiding them in a tiny box under his bunk. he sleeps with a photo of you tucked under his pillow and he carries it in his shirt pocket throughout the day.
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pictureinme · 9 months
from kitten, with love - kitten braden (1)
❧ what's it with freedom fighters and couture anyway?
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spy!patricia 'kitten' braden x spy!f!reader word count: 1k tags: cheesy dialogue, cunnilingus, anilingus, flirting, etc. parts: tba
‘Patricia Kitten, AKA Deep Throat, had penetrated the deepest recesses of the Republican sphincter…’
Well, that’s what she told the police officers, but that wasn’t the whole story. Not even close. If they had asked you, (Y/N), AKA Agent Lip Service, they’d have all the nitty-gritty. It starts off the same way Kitten tells it, but with a key component missing: you were also there as a spy, sent from another agency.
Kitten swoops in, rocking her latex dress and armed with her typical anti-terrorist spray. She knocks out all of the freedom fighters elegantly and efficiently. You watch from the rafters, impressed with her ‘spray first, ask questions later’ attitude. 
You see a particularly sneaky fighter approach behind her, and that’s when you make your grand entrance. Jumping down from your hiding place, you land square on the potential attacker’s shoulders. Your thighs tighten around his head, effectively choking and taking him down.
Dismounting from his now limp body, your gaze immediately meets Kitten’s. Her spray is drawn, ready to knock you out at a moment’s notice. She hums slightly when she sees your garb– a skin-tight white romper with a symbol indicative of your agency.
“So, you all didn’t think my little self couldn’t handle all these big baddies?”
You rise from your position, flipping your hair back, “Not at all, Miss. Doesn’t hurt to have a little… backup now and then, hm?”
Kitten smiles slightly and clicks the spray back into her utility belt. Her gloved hand reaches out to you, “Agent Deep Throat, at your disposal.”
“Agent Lip Service. Shall we get to it, then?”
Nodding, you both venture to grab all the information about the freedom fighters you can– taking files, hard drives, even their post-it notes. As you stuff your bag, you watch as Kitten struts about the base in her latex number, matching knee-high heels clacking on the concrete. Her fishnets compliment her long legs quite well, and you couldn’t help but stare.
“See something you like, Agent Lip Service? Or, should I say… (Y/N)?”
You’re knocked from your ogling when she utters your real name, “Excuse me?”
“I always do my research when it comes to… competition, dear agent, “ she turns around swiftly, hips swaying as she walks towards you, “You’ve really got to do your own.”
Kitten comes right up to you, her breath hot on your face as she squints, waiting for your response.
“Please don’t tell me you’re a double agent,” you gulp when she begins to trace your bare arm up and down.
“No, no, nothing like that,” her teeth glint in the dim lighting, “Your track record interests me, or lack thereof. You’re fresh meat.”
You raise an eyebrow at her comment, “Do you doubt my skills?”
“Not in the slightest,” Kitten’s fingers come to tease at your romper’s zipper, “Your file photo took my breath away, I just knew our paths had to cross at some point soon.”
Her tongue quickly darts to lick her lips, and you gasp quietly, “Aren’t you glad I took this job, then?”
“More than you know, Agent (Y/N).”
Kitten closes the gap between you two suddenly, muffling your shock with her plush lips. You melt into it, feeling her smirk as you do. The way she slots against your mouth is like it was always meant to be, and you pull her towards you by her waist. The feeling of the latex underneath your grip was intoxicating. 
Pulling away for a breath, she grins, “Better kisser than I imagined.”
“Yeah, yeah,” your daze was evident. “Isn’t it fair if you tell me your name too? Can’t keep calling you Deep Throat, can I?”
Tutting, she pulls your zipper down slightly, “In any other situation, I’d slap you for saying that, but not this one. Name’s Kitten, love.”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful woman– ah!” You bite your lip as your chest is partially exposed to both her and the cold air of the base.
She immediately bites at the top of your breasts, leaving marks in her wake, “And you’ve got pretty tits for an even prettier girl. Get on the table for me.”
Pencils and other miscellaneous office supplies are thrown off the metal desk in a rush as you clamber onto it, ass up. It was begging to be smacked, and Kitten wasn’t one to resist such primal urges. You yelp as she does so, but the smirk still grows on your face.
“The comeling agent,” she climbs onto the table as well, admiring just how eager you bend to her will, “Easy to please, aren’t you?”
“Can’t help it when someone like yourself has their mitts all over me– oh!”
Your rebuttal is cut off when Kitten reaches under you, zipping your romper down your torso, bare chest spilling fully out. She grabs at them, fondling them to her heart’s content, “Pretty fucking tits, my goodness… if you’ll pardon my French.”
Kitten moves the zipper all the way around, revealing your arousal to her. How convenient. You huff in embarrassment as you feel your wetness obvious, but she whimpers.
“All desperate for me, let me have a taste, pretty.”
She licks a stripe from top to bottom, feeling and tasting every single bit of arousal your body was pumping out, just for her. You whimper as she circles your fluttering hole, dipping in ever so slightly.
“You like that, (Y/N)?”
Nodding quickly, you grind against Kitten’s tongue, switching between your two holes, “Yes, I love it, fuck! Don’t stop… please.”
Humming, she settles on dipping her tongue into your more… naturally prepared entrance, the intrusion very much welcome. In and out she moves, all while you’re shuddering with each and every movement. Kitten’s tongue rubs against that spongy spot inside you roughly. You would’ve been more outwardly impressed with how quickly she found it, but with the way her tongue thrust, your mind went blank.
Her latex-gloved fingers make their way to circle your puffy clit, and you come apart almost instantaneously.
“Fuck, fuck, Kitten!”
You release onto her gloves with a cracked moan, and she grins cheekily at the fresh glistening of her gloves, “Absolutely gorgeous, you are, but we’re not done yet, are we?”
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Local Lens Scotland with Ewan & Colin McGregor
Ewan McGregor is coming home. This special episode of Local Lens, where the actor, director and goodwill ambassador reconnects with his brother, Colin, a former Royal Air Force fighter pilot turned instructor, in their homeland in the Scottish Highlands.
Ewan McGregor and his RAF fighter-pilot brother Colin take the trip they always dreamed of in the latest Local Lens episode directed by Stuart McIntyre, produced by production company Somesuch and serviced by production partner LS Productions.​
‘Ewan McGregor: A Brothers’ Guide to Scotland’ The chance to explore the Highlands, where they holidayed with their family as young boys, presented itself via Expedia’s Local Lens video series, and they seized it. The backdrop of the Cairngorms' lush mountains, shimmering lochs, and the majestic trees of The Hermitage forest, the brothers embark on a nostalgic adventure in search of the northern lights—a trip complete with laughs, memories, music, and sheep.
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Ewan McGregor and Colin McGregor after taking to the skies over Scotland in an RAF Tornado jet. DAVID CHESKIN - PA IMAGES/PA IMAGES/GETTY
Produced by Somesuch for Expedia’s Local Lens series, the episode follows the pair as they travel from Colin’s home in Elgin, 175 miles north of Edinburgh, to the Scottish highlands in search of the northern lights.
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​A love of adventure was a force bred strong in the brothers on childhood forays around their home country, forging an intimate bond. As Ewan says now, “When you know someone as well as your brother, you don’t need words.” They would take road trips with their parents, go hill-climbing, vacation on rugged Scottish beaches, and immerse themselves in water so unfathomably cold it fired them up for the rest of the day. “A lot of my memories are of us scrambling across cliffs and looking in rock pools,” says Ewan. “There’s a freedom about being a kid in this rugged, weathered landscape that’s just fantastic.”
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A picnic stop reminds them of childhood: “Then, it was a white roll with one lopsided cheese slice”
The weekend’s adventure across the Cairngorms is no less memorable. Watch as Stuart candidly captures the pair as they bicker. Get nostalgic. Get side tracked. Even have a mishap with sheep and take a dip in a friend’s freezing loch. They stop for fuel and Tunnock’s teacakes, an iconic Scottish chocolate-and-marshmallow snack that transports them back to their childhoods. They have moments of awestruck silence and absolute solitude. But most of all, the episode touchingly records the brothers as they reconnect with each other—and with the spectacular, otherworldly terrain they grew up surrounded by.
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The Cairngorms mountain range contains five of the six highest mountains in Scotland. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
Stuart McIntyre a Canadian director. Recognised for his reverent depiction of sport and natural rapport with high-profile talent, his work is an exhilarating, high-octane style of realism.
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The brothers emphasised spending some time in the great outdoors, hanging out with some friendly local farm animals, hiking through the Hermitage Forest, and trying to catch an elusive glimpse of the Northern Lights. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia.
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Guests at the Ewe Bar can expect live music and a jovial, classic pub atmosphere. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia.
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Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
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The quaint one-bedroom cottage features a soaking tub, a fireplace, a zip line, and a fire pit. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
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"It's a very old, sort of rambly house, and the design of it is beautiful, very rustic and real," McGregor says of the Dell Cottage, where he stayed during the trip. Photo: Courtesy of Expedia
I love that they were making this video. This is the best one yet from Scotland. One’s a Hollywood star, the other a fighter pilot. But these famous brothers, have one key characteristic in common. Take in the majestic sights and sounds of the McGregor brothers’ adventure through the magnificent Highlands, on a voyage underpinned by childhood memories and encompassing the true and natural warmth and wit of Scotland. Jumping into lochs. Congrats to Colin and Ewan and Expedia Group who brought this wonderful film to life.
#Scotland #ColinMcGregor #EwanMcGregor McGregorbrothers #Highlands #ExpediaGroup #childhoodmemories #DellCottage #EweBar #RAFTornadojet #pilot #Expedia’sLocalLens #northernlights #StuartMcIntyre #Somesuch #LSProductions #childhoodbesttimeoflife #gettyimages #DavidCheskin #PAimages
Posted 25th March 2024
@hillandglen “Per Ardua Ad Astra” – Through Adversity’s to the Stars ✨
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leafstranger · 1 year
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“Oh, how very bloody noble of you. Pfft. You’ll forgive me my sins, will you? After you and your ‘Freedom Fighters’ come and tear down all we worked so hard to build? WE were fighting for our people’s freedom.”
My Fordola rem Lupis cosplay from 2018 remains a fave. :D She was my first re-entry to cosplay after 10+ years of being out of it. Someday I’ll make her current outfit...
Photo by @elementalsight!
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