cosmereplay · 9 days
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(Thanks to @priscellie for the idea!)
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Life before death, Radiants!
Not sure? Official quiz here:
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I made my sister take the knights radiant test and she got skybreaker. guys. what do i do.
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kainekron · 7 months
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as worthy as any ideal scene could be
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thatplatypuswizard · 4 months
I've realized a pattern with some of my interests:
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Stories with airships and sky pirates intrigue me I suppose
(Sky pirates are bad in Drifting Dragons and the Matt Cruse series but it still counts)
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sterbb · 1 year
My storyboard / animatic for The Stormlight Archive: Edgedancer.
I reallly liked this book!! Especially this chapter, and wanted to make a storyboard for it. It was good practice and I would like to make more like this :D
Music: Kingslayer - Ramin Djawadi
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shakesthewizard · 1 month
Are y'all ready for my niche content
Deltarune characters as Knights Radiant from the Stormlight Archive let's go
Susie - "I will seek self-mastery." The Order of the Dustbringers. Susie is brash and self-destructive, and learns early on that her potential for harm won't keep her safe - it might just get the people she cares about killed. In the latter half of chapter 1 and the entirety of Chapter 2, we see Susie not only learning how to harness her great capacity for good, but we also see her defy the will of the narrative. Dragging ralsei away from time with Kris, and in the snowgrave route she even demonstrates the power to avoid a cutscene. The theme of self control (narratively and literally) is abundant for her.
As a Dustbringer, Susie controls the surges of Division and Abrasion, which are perfect to the point of redundancy. Do I even need to explain how they fit her character and themes?
Ralsei - Ralsei is tricky. You might say that Ralsei is a spren of some kind - maybe an honorspren, or even a highspren? This makes sense for a Darkner, being a kind of spirit that exists on behalf of human/monsterkind. If you go down that route you may even go so far as to call him a voidspren, or corrupted spren of some type. Maybe a corrupted Highspren? Serving the law of a malicious power against his will.
Ralsei has associations with both Knowledge and Healing, making him a good candidate for a Truthwatcher. He's even a lonely, bespectacled Prince! He fits the Renarin-alike bill pretty nicely - which would also make sense, given that his game-knowledge and apparent desire to tell secrets to Kris, but not Us, reminds me a lot of Renarin's future sight and its effects on Odium. Ralsei is undecided, largely because of how little we actually know about him.
Kris - "I will speak my truth." The Order of the Lightweavers. Kris has a LOT going on in terms of their identity, secrets, and fiction. Like Shallan, I think Kris is very close to a lot of powerful forces in the story that they're not showing us, and they know a lot more than we let them tell. Kris literally spends most of their time nowadays pretending to be someone else, even if they don't want to.
Here's the thing, though - I think Kris is possessed by a cognitive shadow, with Bondsmith powers. Whether through Ishi's honorblade or something else, Kris demonstrates the ability to bring people together for a common cause - but only while we control them. Otherwise, they're a weird, lonely kid who has historically struggled to make and keep friends.
As a Lightweaver, Kris commands the surges of Illumination and Transformation. This makes sense, given that they are our window into this world, and they shape our understanding of it. They also literally perform transformation on a number of occasions - opening at least one dark fountain, and seriously squishing their own identity around with all the stuff they pull with our SOUL.
Noelle - "I will reach my potential." The Order of the Elsecallers. Or at least, she will be at some point. I'm really tempted to assign her corrupted Truthwatcher, given her propensity to stumble backwards into knowledge and secrets, and her possible connections with HIM. But I don't think this resonates with her character very strongly. Rather, I think Noelle has a lot of potential stored within her, and she needs to learn how to access it and command it for herself. Right now, she's being controlled by a host of powers; her mother, Us, Queen, and the aforementioned HIM. Many of whom are in agreement - this kid is going places. They all want to harness her for their own gain, and Noelle will swear the second ideal when she finally musters up the courage to ask Susie out.
As an Elsecaller, Noelle will command the surges of Transformation and Transportation. Truth be told, I don't see these as especially relevant to her character, besides their enormous breadth of utility. Ignoring everything else, I'd probably give her Edgedancer surges, but ces la vie.
Berdly - "I will seek justice." Order of the Skybreakers.
Okay, hear me out. He's a lot like Szeth.
I swear I'm serious, just bear with me, okay? He begins his journey by blindly following the strange laws of a strange land. Eventually, after doing nominal bad guy shit for half the story, he realizes that the law he was following sucked ass, and that he has no excuse for his behavior. As a first step towards growing, he pledges his service to the goals of a more protagonisty leader type while he figures himself out. Do you see my vision?
Berdly cares a LOT about the metrics of those in power. Grades, IQ, the law. His fatal flaw, in fact, is that he uses them as a tool for measuring his worth. His arc will be about reconsidering those things, and finding an attitude towards power that seeks justice instead of order.
As a Skybreaker, Berdly commands the surges of Gravitation and Division. He's a bird who people tend to avoid. What do you want from me?
Lancer - Lancer is Susie's Dustspren. Fight me.
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epicy0n · 11 months
New OC
——Transformers earth spark ——
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———Info below the cut ———
She’s the kid of another one of my OCs along with Knockout and Breakdown (I’m sorry but I love them; also I will introduce the other oc— Skyline— soon)
You can read some of her basic info in the first pic, if you have any questions feel free to ask (in comments or asks)
So far I only have her Protoform, I haven’t designed what she will look like once she gets her alt forms, but she is gonna be a triple changer
Also, have her and nightshade as a bonus
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(This is when they first met)
They’re just a couple of little nerds who like to info dump to each other about their special interests/hyper fixations
(Also I’m thinking that her ground alt is gonna be a Lamborghini Siam and her flight alt to be a B-2 Spirit)
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blbllblblblll · 3 months
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stopid baby.
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wanderingchanneler · 2 years
I posted a thread on Twitter where I tried to explain why I love Szeth as much as I do, and I decided to post it here. Here it is. The only changes I’ve made are putting it into paragraph form, instead of thread form. I don’t know how well I explained my thoughts, but I tried. This is long. Full Stormlight spoilers ahead
First, I’m gonna put how I feel about him into context.
You know how much most people love Kaladin ?
Yeah, that’s me with Szeth .
Don’t get me wrong. I still love Kal and think he’s storming amazing. Szeth has definitely become my favorite Stormlight character though.
I don’t like him because I relate to him, the way a lot of people do with Kaladin . I actually barely relate to Szeth at all, and the things I do relate to him over are smaller/less emphasized parts of his personality, like his intelligence and how he’s good at memorizing things. Relating to Szeth at all isn’t why he’s my favorite character. It’s honestly hard to pinpoint the core reason, but I know how he started becoming my favorite.
It started with me writing fanfic from his PoV. Trying to understand him, trying to figure out how he thinks and sees things and approaches what he does, trying to work out who he *is*. I’ve spent over a year at this point picking out everything I can from canon. I’ve gone through his PoV sections and places he shows up from other characters’ viewpoints over and over again, trying to understand this man. I think that deep, repetitive study is a big part of what lead to this.
Even before I started thinking of him much though, I thought he was interesting. I thought that Brando had created a fascinating character, but that was about the extent of my thoughts if I’m remembering accurately.
Once I started digging into his character more, I kept finding more and more complexity. I could probably write an entire different thing talking about his view on fighting and killing, or how it takes an almost literal act of god to keep him from doing what he wants. He’s terrifyingly intense, but also deeply, incredibly despondent. He doesn’t want or like anything he’s gone through, but he keeps going out of honor and obligation. He fundamentally believes that he deserves to suffer and be hated for what he’s done. He’s very aware of the consequences of his actions. That’s part of why he hears the screams of the people he’s killed in his head.
He’s so dedicated to whatever he’s latched onto that he will literally destroy himself before he lets go. Like I said earlier, it takes an almost literal act of god to turn Szeth aside once he’s latched onto something. We saw that with his fight with Kaladin at the end of WoR, with his training with the Skybreakers , and now with his oath to Dalinar and his 4th Ideal.
If that intensity of focus can be directed/if he starts trusting himself to direct it, it could be an incredible asset to the war against Odium.
That complete and utter dedication is definitely fascinating, and I’ve spent more time on it than I planned. It’s only one part of Szeth’s character though. There’s also his intelligence, how good he is at piecing things together, how observant he is, how he can use what he knows to his advantage, and so much more. I also think he’s one of the loneliest characters.
At this point in the series, it’s been about 9 years since Szeth was exiled from Shinovar . He spent most of that time being a slave and literally treated like a thing. Then he joined the Skybreakers , where the person he was closest to was * Nale *. If the person you’re closest to is someone who is thousands of years old and in a horrible state of mind, that doesn’t exactly scream, “I have a great community and support system!”
Then Szeth separated from the rest of the Skybreakers and started following Dalinar .
And guess what happened not long after Szeth changed his allegiance?
He was put in prison for a year.
Again, not a great way to have any kind of community. Szeth is constantly either physically isolated, or on the outside of a group because of who he is, what he’s done, or what he represents to those around him. That’s definitely understandable, but that doesn’t keep him from being alone. He never thinks of it, probably because of what I said earlier about him believing he deserves to suffer. The three people he has any amount of connection or meaningful relationship with are Nale , Nightblood , and Dalinar . I shouldn’t need to say anything else about what that means for Szeth’s (lack of) stable, positive relationships.
He’s also lost basically everything in his life. He lost his home, his family, his place in Shinovar . He lost his status as Truthless , which was his only remaining connection to his life before. He lost his religious beliefs. He lost his Honorblade . He lost everything he ever wanted or held to, and it keeps happening. Is it any wonder that once he’s given something, he holds onto it with everything he has? I think it makes perfect, heartbreaking sense. I think the loneliness and loss is why I’m attached to him.
Everyone around him, including Szeth himself, treats him and thinks of him as something other than just a human. There’s always something else tinging how they view and think of him. Again, it makes total sense, all things considered. But that doesn’t change that Szeth is a human, with human pains, human needs, human desires. That humanity is what fascinates me about him. The experience of being a person who’s constantly been beaten down by slavery, killing, loss, and hopelessness.
I’ve latched onto Szeth because I want better for him. I want to see him start to heal. I want to see him learn to make his own decisions. I want to see him become less violent. I want to see him with people around him who are a positive influence for once. I want to see him find his own way and be more at peace. I want to see him belong somewhere. I want to see him change for the better.
Brando probably won’t give that to me though, so I spend over a year studying about Szeth , daydreaming, and writing fanfic.
I know other people don’t feel the same. They haven’t latched onto Szeth , and some never will. It makes part of me sad, but I get it. He can be a hard character to like, but I’ve definitely managed it.
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libralita · 2 years
I keep seeing people saying that Moash will be a Dustrbinger which I think is just wrong. He's obviously going to replace Nale as the Skybreaker herald.
Justice is blind.
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sorchasolas · 7 months
Bondbreaker & Stoneweaver <3
(Ty @2koboldsinatrenchcoat for the Bondbreaker suggestion!!!)
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(Stoneweaver took a long damn time???)
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evilhorse · 11 days
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New Warriors #29
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kaladsphantom · 1 year
"Szeth laid waste to the red-eyed soldiers, who kept coming, showing no fear. Screaming, as if they thirsted for death.
It was a drink that Szeth was all too good at serving."
—Brandon Sanderson, Oathbringer, chapter 118: The Weight Of It All.
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thatplatypuswizard · 2 months
I completed the Matt Cruse book trilogy last month and man...
The fandom is basically nonexistent, but ouuhhggg it's such a good series. I'm totally normal now about this steampunk adventure series about a cabin boy that was born on an airship and an aspiring zoologist girl that meet each other and go on crazy unexpected adventures and find new creatures that fully live in the sky, going higher and higher into the atmosphere until they're in space, still discovering new flying animals.
I now want to reread it despite having other books I need to finish 😭
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