#Song Mingi x Female Reader
jooheonspinky · 2 years
Bump in the Night
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Characters: Mingi and Female Reader
Genre: Thriller!au, Paranormal!au, 2-sentence spooky story
Word count: 3.8K
Synopsis: Moving out and living alone sounded great…until it's time for bed.
Warnings: description of a demon, descriptin of sleep paralysis, mention of angels, heaven and hell, but no specification to any religions, OC is afraid of the dark.
A/N: Here’s a little thriller to get the upcoming spooky month started. Enjoy!
❦ ════ •⊰❂⊱• ════ ❦
Nearly every night, as far as I can remember, a dark shadow enters my room.
❦ ════ •⊰❂⊱• ════ ❦
I inhale deeply, then exhale slowly, the breaths stuttering with the fear I am trying so hard to silence. I draw the comforter higher beneath my chin, my fingers clutching desperately tight to the material even as my palms grow slick with sweat.
“It’s ok. I’m ok. It’s ok,” I chant through slightly chattering teeth. “I can do this.”
But I wonder if I really can even as my heart betrays me with its wild thrums within my chest. I have to get some sleep, though. A night of rejuvenating deep sleep is what I need to clear my head. Plus, I am an adult.  Adults don’t sleep with a nightlight on…right?
This is turning out to be a terrible start to my first night alone at my own place. I am twenty-three and have finally decided it’s time to move out and live by myself. My parents had insisted I stay, that there really was no reason for me to leave, but I  felt I was ready. Now, though, as I lay here trembling, I am not sure I have made the best decision.
It isn’t like moving out has brought on this fear so suddenly. No. This fear of the dark is something I have lived with for quite some time. As far back as I can remember, actually. It started at a young age, maybe 10, when I had my first episode of sleep paralysis. It was petrifying not being in control of my body, especially when I just knew there was something there across the room, merely staring at me through the darkness. 
Though it didn’t happen every night, I never knew when it would happen, which brought on anxiety every time it was time for bed. I did all I could to delay lights out, to the point that my parents recommended I sleep with a nightlight. It helped. Not always, since I was aware that the small light did not illuminate every dark corner of my room, but it helped enough, along with the fact that my parents were not too far from me, close enough that I knew they would rescue me if I screamed.
But tonight? Tonight is my first night alone. I am already tucked in my bed debating on trying out sleeping with no light when I notice my door is cracked open a smidge. In my haste to get through my first night, I didn’t realize I hadn’t shut the door completely. The pink glow of my night light does not reach all the way to the door, my mind already beginning to conjure up a humanoid shape peering in through the sliver between the door and the door frame.
“It’s not real,” I whisper shakily to myself.
My hand trembles as I yank the comforter away so I can hurriedly run and shut the door, but it instantly halts as I am reminded of the monster under the bed. Surely once my feet touch the floor, a thin knobby hand will yank me into the void beneath the bed. 
“Shit,” I breathe in frustration, feeling helpless.
I feel like a hostage in my own bed, the fear clutching onto me and making it impossible to do anything to shake it off. Perhaps if I jump, dash to the door and close it and then dive back into the bed, I’d be safe from the-.
The lights have gone out. A scream lodges in my throat as I am engulfed in a thick and heavy darkness. I look to my right at my digital alarm clock just to confirm what I already know as I try to swallow down my panic. The soft blue numbers are nowhere to be found, but there is a muted orange glow around my curtained window that provides barely any illumination into my room. 
Great. It’s just my place that has lost power.
I turn my attention straight ahead, eyes the size of saucers, as I stare at the area where I know the door is. Squinting my eyes as they adjust to the darkness, I startle, caught off guard as I notice the figure I thought I had imagined earlier…is actually still there.
It is tall, almost reaching the top of the door frame. Its hair is curly, but I can’t make out any distinct features. My body is abuzz with utter fear as the creak of the hinges seems deafeningly loud in the extreme silence as the door begins to slowly open wider. My heart nearly drops to the pit of my stomach as the entity begins to enter the room. I let out a small gasp while my eyes follow it up, up, up as I try to focus on the face hovering so close to the ceiling of my room.
The figure stands there, staring in my direction, but not for long. Soon he is silently inching his way closer and closer to me. By now, I am paralyzed with terror and am no longer able to move my limbs. As it approaches my bed, I am beyond petrified to the point that I can’t bring myself even to whisper, much less scream. Time seems to be going in slow motion, yet fast at the same time. Before I know it, he has reached the edge of my bed, near my left hip. I hadn’t noticed before, but now that my eyes have adjusted to the darkness, I can see he has a weapon in his left hand. It looks like a machete. My breathing becomes heavy as hysteria begins to take hold of me. I shut my eyes when it starts to raise the machete over its head as if it is going to swing it down and stab me.
If he is going to kill me, I rather not see it happening.
There is nothing else I can do as the rest of my body is still not responding. I cannot scream. I cannot fight back. All I can do is breathe and move my eyes. I hold my breath, my heart pounding like thunder in my ears as I wait for my death to come. By now, I’m panting, my fear pushed past its limits, and I feel lightheaded with it.
I don’t know how much time has passed before I realize I feel no pain. I’m still alive. I unhurriedly open my eyes and look up to find it was no longer there! Swallowing thickly, I look around even as I feel tingling in my arms and legs. I sense my body being released from its paralyzing hold and shake my hands to test them out. They move. Slowly I sit up, leaning over just as my hearing rushes back into existence. Gasping, I  look over the edge of my bed and clutch my heart at the sight. 
Two figures are engaged in a struggle. They are two beings darker than the darkness of my bedroom floor, rolling around as each tries to gain control of the other. I am unable to make out anything aside from arms swinging and legs flailing as a shorter shadow straddles the taller one. Breath heavy, the one above opens something with one free hand from a necklace I had not noticed around his neck. For the first time, I am able to see the creature fighting to buck the other from atop him as a golden light fills the space. 
My hand flies to my mouth to cover a horrified scream from bubbling from my throat. Black eyes with an iridescent green sheen stare at the other with a hatred so pure it draws a shiver from me. It has no nose beneath those terrifying eyes, but its mouth is a ragged slash across the lower half of its face. It is like a grotesque version of The Joker. Yellow jagged teeth snap threateningly until the other begins to murmur.
Now there is anger and just a hint of fear mixed in as the dark shadow that has tormented me all my life writhes even more in hopes of getting free. The words, a language I have never heard, grow louder and louder as the light becomes brighter. Soon the light is too bright; I have to squeeze my eyes shut to block it from blinding me. An unearthly scream reverberates throughout the room, and I move my hands from my mouth to my ears. The ear-piercing sound wriggles through my fingers; the sound muffled only slightly as I draw my knees up and press my forehead into them as if that will help keep the light and sound away from me. 
A deep voice cuts through my fear, bringing me to slowly drop my hands and lift my face. I blink a few times blearily, realizing my lights are back on, my room glowing softly with the soothing pink light I am used to sleeping in. As my eyes travel up to find the voice that has spoken, I’m unable to hold back a gasp as my gaze lands on the face of the one that had been chanting moments before.
I scramble back on the bed, trying to put as much distance between him and me as I can. Wincing when my back smacks into the wall, I try to hold back a whimper.
“Please don’t hurt me,” I whisper with a sob.
His eyes soften as he reaches out for me, his hand dropping when he sees the terror in my eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” His lips press together tightly in shame, head shaking slowly as if he really feels pained. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner. I promised I would never hurt you, but not being here on time...well, that caused you hurt, didn’t it?” 
I sniffle, wiping at the tears that had unknowingly wet my cheeks.
Gathering my courage, I ask, “Are-are you the demon monster that lives under my bed?”
He chuckles, tickled at my words. I frown, my lips turning down.
“Ah, apologies,” he sobers up. “It’s just funny to be thought of as a demon or a monster.”
I take a moment to look at him now that he does not appear actually to be trying to kill me. His hair, close-shaven at the back with mahogany tufts that skim the tops of his ears, the tips tinted a forest green, is parted just off center. Some strands fall just beside his eyes, those eyes that were so intense yet held a kindness in them. His pink-tinted lips are slightly upturned, offering a softer look to his face. He wears all-black clothing, to help him blend with the surrounding darkness all the better, I’m sure. This brings an almost glowing warmth to the tawny tone of his skin.
“Well, if you are neither of those,” I push. “Then what are you? Some sort of guardian or something?”
He shrugs, nodding as he allows, “Something like that.” Extending his hand, he offers, “My name is Song Mingi.”
I hesitantly slip my hand into his, marveling at the size difference, and introduce myself as well.
“It’s good to officially meet you,” he smiles, and I watch his eyes slip shut into little half moons while his nose crinkles as if he genuinely is happy to meet me. Shoulders slumping, as he tilts his head to the side, he adds, “Though this was never supposed to happen.”
“Oh,” I stare on awkwardly as I slide my hand from his. “Will you be in trouble because of me?”
“Well…” he shrugs but doesn’t answer. “I should get back on guard, though. There are still a few hours of darkness left this night.”
He stands, and I feel the fear creeping back in. The image of that thing that had been in my room was still fresh in my mind’s eye. Not wanting him to leave me alone just yet, I shoot out another question.
“Wait.” He pauses to look down at me. But, Jesus, he was tall, and I have to crane my neck in order to stare at his gorgeous face. “That thing. What was that?” Mingi eyes me, and I can just about see the internal dialogue he is having with himself about how much actually to divulge. Finally, he sits back down, and I smile with relief.
“That was a demon,” he relents. My eyes widen at the admission. One thing is to think that’s what it is. It is another thing completely to hear that what you have suspected all these years to be true… is real. “I’ve been charged with capturing him since about two or so years back.”
“What?” My eyes widen even more. “Really?”
“Yes. He’s proven to be a bit sneaky. Never stepping past your doorway before, at least not on my watch, so it’s been difficult for me to get at him. The guy I replaced wasn’t so lucky the one time it did come close to you.”
My brows draw down sharply, a vague memory tickling my mind. The images are too difficult to grasp onto, which doesn’t surprise me. It’s not often I’m able to remember what’s going on when I’m in sleep paralysis.
 “Someone else had been watching over me before you?”
“Yes,” he sighs. “I wasn’t given all the details, but what I know is that one night, the demon came in and there was a struggle and our guy was badly hurt.”
“Oh no!” I gasp, guilt washing over me.
“He did have time to call for back up, but as soon as they arrived, the demon left. The recruit was injured pretty badly.”
“He survived?” I breathe out, sagging with relief.
Mingi nods, “But he was reassigned and I’ve never met him. I just took up his post and have been watching over you since. I was quite surprised after all that time, he got ballsy again and managed to get as close as he did tonight. I’m starting to think the incident earlier was a diversion so he could finally take hold of your soul. His impatience got the better of him.”
“My soul?” I ask, my hand reaching up to clutch at my heart as if that would help keep my soul safely tucked inside me. “It wanted my soul?”
“Yes,” Mingi sighs. “It’s what they all want. Another soul to add to hell and its army. My job is to prevent that from happening.”
“Oh, I see,” I murmur, a bit overwhelmed by the information. “So you aren’t human, huh?”
“I used to be,” he smiles sadly. “But no. Not anymore.” “Are you an angel?” I probe some more. Mingi laughs, a boisterous boyish sound that has his shoulders shaking and him curling into himself. “What?” I query, seriously.
His laughter continues, and it’s not long before my own lips are trembling with the need to join in, though I don’t understand what is so funny. I finally let a giggle slip, and Mingi dries non-existent tears from the corner of his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he chuckles. “I’m not an angel. But!” He holds up a finger just as my mouth opens to ask another question. “I am tasked with capturing demons, and I do hand them over to an angel who sends them back to hell.”
“Wow,” I breathe as I try and wrap my brain around what he’s telling me. “So are you stuck in the in-between or purgatory or whatever it is?” Mingi’s face tightens a bit, a hint of sadness touching those dark eyes of his. It hurts to see it, and I quickly try and backtrack. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer that. It’s none of my business….”
“No, it’s ok,” he swallows hard. “Honestly, I haven’t spoken with another living human in such a long time. It’s not...a common thing for humans to see us, so it’s a bit refreshing being able to talk with someone again.”
“Yeah, seriously.” Mingi pauses, and just when I think he’s not really going to answer my question, he tells me, “My human life was a long time ago, so I won’t go into details about it. I’ll just say I was not bad enough to go to hell, but not good enough to enter Heaven. My human skills were something that gave the good guys a one-up, so I was recruited with the promise I would be given a place in Heaven, a chance to see my family again...if I helped rid Earth of demons. So here I am...and here I’ll continue to be until I am told I have redeemed myself.”
“Well, thank you,” I smile at him. He raises a questioning brow at me. “For protecting us. For protecting me and capturing that thing.”
I lean forward and hug him. Mingi stiffens in my arms but then reciprocates the gesture. I hear him let out a breath of air as if this has all been such a weight on his shoulders, and he is glad to finally have someone to talk to about it, and I can’t help but hug him tighter. 
“I don’t do this for the gratification,” he starts as he pulls away. “But I have to say; it feels really good to hear someone thank me. It makes me feel like I’ve really made a difference.” I feel my cheeks warm up and clear my throat. “Well,” his palms smack his thighs. “I should really get back on post. You never know when you can be attacked again.”
Mingi stands, and once more, you feel the dread build, the idea of being alone, especially now that you knew what you saw was not your imagination making your heart race erratically in your chest. It was too much, just way too much for your mind to handle alone.
“Please stay,” you plead. “If you still have to guard me, why can’t you just stay here...in the bed...closer to me?  I’m pretty certain it’s much more comfortable a place than wherever it is that you watch from.” Mingi stares down at me, his jaw clenching as he mulls it over. “Please?” you pout cutely at him and know you have won when he sighs heavily.
“Fine,” he concedes. I yip excitedly, causing him to grumble. “But just this once since you’ve been through it tonight.”
I happily wriggle back down so my head is on my pillow and my comforter is over me. Mingi walks around to the other side of the bed, and my eyes follow his sleek form until he sits on the bed, taking a moment to remove his shoes before lying beside me. I look down the length of his body to see his feet nearly reaching the end of the bed.
“Sheesh, how tall are you even!” I muse aloud. Mingi’s laughter fills the room again. Covering my face, my words come out muffled as I groan. “Ugh, did I actually say that out loud?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles. 
“Just ignore me,” I sigh. “I blurt stuff out when I’m anxious.”
Mingi shifts to his side, his hand beneath his cheek as he looks up at me. “What do you have to be anxious about? I’m here. Nothing is going to get you.”
I shift to lie down on my side as well and face him.
“Are you sure about that?” I shoot back, a bit of the fear still lingering within me. He nods without hesitation, offering a wide reassuring smile. My heart melts, and I stare back, mumbling, “Why are you so fine?!” His eyes widen just the slightest bit, taken aback by my statement. A hint of color touches his cheek, and I watch his mouth open to speak. I quickly interrupt, embarrassed by my bluntness. “Oh no, I did it again. Just ignore me.”
I curl my pillow over my head as if it could shield me from making any more unnecessary commentary. Mingi gently pushes the pillow away and takes one of my hands in his turning it palm up. 
“Thank you for the compliment,” he chuckles and then blows a puff of air towards the center of my hand.
Suddenly, a necklace similar to the one he’s wearing appears out of thin air. An opalescent crystal vial attached to a leather strap is dangling from my fingers.
“Wha- How did you do that?!” I stammer incredulously.
The bed shakes slightly with Mingi’s laughter. “Tricks of the trade.”
“What is this?” I ask, and we both sit up. “I mean, I know it’s a necklace, but I know it’s not just a necklace.”
“You’re right. That is an Angel Aura quartz. It holds peaceful cleansing energy and is where we trap the demons. I use this to transport the prisoner to the Angel, and he handles it from there. This one is empty, though, so don’t worry.” He watches as I slip it over my head. The stone stops just between my breasts. And it could be persuasion from his words, but almost instantly, I feel my nerves settle, and my body completely relax. I watch as all humor leaves his face as he stares at me intensely. “Whenever you need me, any emergency, just hold it in your hand and say my name. I’ll be here in a blink of an eye. You got that?”
I nod vigorously, cradling the beautiful crystal vial in my hand.
“Thank you,” I smile, up at him, unshed tears glossing over my eyes.
“You’re welcome,” Mingi winks at me. “Now, why don’t you close your eyes and go to sleep? You are safe now, so you don’t need to feel worried or scared.”
“You promise you'll stay?” I  press my lips together in silent prayer.
“I do.” He encourages me to lie down again. “At least until sun up. I have to go and see the Boss.”
I nestle into my pillow; my comforter wrapped snuggly around me. Mingi settles into the space beside me with his hands folded behind his head. Though he is a stranger, I feel comfortable and safe even for the first time in forever.
“Mingi?” I murmur.
“Can you tell me what it was like for you… before… before you were recruited as demon capturer?”
The exhaustion was starting to pull me down, my words difficult to form.
“Demon capturer?” he laughs. “That’s one way to put it. Well, It was the early 80’s, and I….”
❦ ════ •⊰❂⊱• ════ ❦
Stretching, I sit up in bed and then glance around. The spot beside me is empty, and for the briefest of moments, I think to myself that last night surely had to have been a dream, but as I stand, something bumps against my chest. I look down to see the necklace with the crystal vial hanging from my neck. I freeze. 
Had that all actually been real?
Wrapping my fingers around the vial, I close my eyes and call out, “Song Mingi.”
As promised, he appears, a knowing smirk on his face.
Last night had not been a dream at all.
Nearly every night, as far as I can remember, a dark shadow enters my room.
Unbeknownst to me, the shadow under the bed I was also terrified of was protecting me from the demon intent on taking my soul.
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A/N: Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my work. I hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to leave a comment, like and reblog.
13 notes · View notes
slutteok · 20 days
Long Time Coming (rockstar yungi au)
pairing ✭ dom!yunho x afab!reader x dom!mingi
summary ✭ Things get a little steamy in the green room after your last show on tour
content ✭ smut 18+ MDNI
word count ✭ 9.3k
warnings ✭ smut, unprotected sex, mingi is VERY rough, choking, slapping, heavy degradation, threesome,
tags ✭ praise kink, degradation kink, rough oral sex, rough sex, thigh and ass slapping, polygamy, childhood best friends to lovers, rockstar yungi au, non idol au, dubcon, power dynamics, under negotiated kink, throat fucking, multiple fem orgasms, yunho and mingi have big dicks, size kink, cervix fucking, fluff at the very end
notes ✭ it's a little more yunho centered than mingi, but please enjoy anyways <3
When you were 6 years old, you met these two little boys. They were cute you thought, and the three of you became insanely fast friends. The older of the two had always been fond of you, always fawning, and fretting over you, he was quick to defend, protect and comfort you, while the younger of the two, usually kept his distance physically from you, but that’s not to say he wasn’t also fond of you. He loved you in his own way, much different to how he loved your mutual friend.
If you were to tell your 6 year old self that in 18 years time you’d be in a band, doing what you loved more than anything in the world, alongside those two boys, you’d never believe yourself. You’d actually call yourself a liar.
But if you were to tell yourself at 16 years old that in 8 years, you’d be lying underneath the older boy, with your legs wrapped around his waist, your nails clawing down his back so hard it drew blood, you’d believe it… mostly because even at 16 that’s exactly what you were doing.
Today was one of the last days of the tour. You and Yunho laid together in the hotel room bed, both naked, your legs still tangled with each other and the sheets. Yunho snored softly in your ear, his face half buried into your neck, as your arms wrapped around him, his fingers twitching against the bare skin on your sides, making you tense up as it tickles sometimes.
A knock on the hotel door is what inevitably wakes Yunho up. He groans, pulling away from you. You watch as he sits up, and stretches his arms above his head, groaning and arching his back. You watch in awe as his back muscles seem to taunt you. You sighs, sitting up and looking at him.
“Morning.” he lets his arms fall to his side, and he turns to look back at you. You hold the covers tightly to your chest, before leaning forward and quickly capturing his lips with yours. You both giggle a little, before another knock on the door sounds. Yunho rolls his eyes, “coming, coming..” his morning voice was deep, and gruff, something you learned gave you massive butterflies. You slip out of Yunho’s bed, pulling your clothes on from last night.
“Yunho, where’s y/n? Have you seen them?” Mingi asks, looking around from the threshold of the door for you. Yunho, now fully dressed, shakes his head as he opens the door. Mingi scoffs, rolling his eyes and storming off. Yunho closes the door, and hurries back to you, beckoning you to leave. You nod, and you follow him out into the hallway, before Yunho starts running towards Mingi, giving you an opening to hurry back into your own room.
You take a quick shower, washing off as much of Yunho that you possibly could. You could swear you still smelled like him, though, even after washing yourself 3 times. You changed into new clothes, brushed your hair quickly, and applied your usual amount of makeup before finishing up your hair.
“y/n!” Mingi knocks on your door, and you have to physically fight off the smile that is peaking through the corner of your lips. You hop out of the bathroom, and swing your door open, revealing your done up self to Mingi and Yunho. Yunho looks away from you, and you catch a glimpse of his red ears. Mingi just looks frustrated.
“What? I was sleeping. Are you dying?” You question why Mingi was so adamant on finding you this morning, but you couldn’t let him know why. Maybe someday… but probably not anytime soon. Just like you couldn’t let Yunho know about you and Mingi either.
“W-what? No? Can you focus?” Mingi scolds you, and you stifle a laugh, raising your eyebrow at the younger male, who was actually still older than you by a month or so- give or take.
“I’m focused.” You’re still a bit confused by why he was looking around for you. Your eyes dart to Yunho, and he shrugs, before walking to his room. You wanted to chase after him, you were tired of pretending. You were tired of pretending to both of them.
You were the one who wanted to tell the other about the other, but they were the ones holding back- like they were scared something terrible would happen to the group. You had a good feeling though, they had been friends much longer than before you came along. They had spent essentially their entire lives together, and you can recall that one time Yunho’s mom actually thought the boys were dating, because at that point in time- there was not one thing the two didn’t share.
“They want us down at the venue early, to do soundcheck.” Mingi snaps you back into reality, and you nod, furrowing your brows just a bit. Mingi looks you up and down, then looks to where Yunho’s room is. He smirks before grabbing your chin. A small whine leaves your lips, as he brings you closer to him. You watch his eyes flicker to Yunho's room once more, before pressing his lips against yours. Your eyes instantly shut as Mingi’s familiarity comes crashing over you.
You couldn’t lie, you were sore… so fucking sore, but that had never stopped you before. It honestly had been a while since you and Mingi were intimate, and you can tell that he’d been pent up for a while. He came looking for you this morning just to fuck you, and get on with his day.
His hand moves from your chin, down to your throat, and his tongue presses into your mouth, meeting yours in a battle of dominance as he gently pushes you back into your room. You oblige, taking a step back, while Mingi’s other hand wrapped around you, pulling you tightly to his chest.
He pulls his lips away from you, moving his hand back up to your face, his thumb stroking your bottom lip gently, before hooking on your bottom teeth. Your face twitches slightly, your eyebrows turning upwards as your lips lock around his thumb.
“Where were you, pretty baby?” He croons, leaning close to your face, his eyes focused on your lips around his thumb. He pulls his thumb out of your mouth, before pressing his index and middle finger into your mouth. You willingly take them, staring up at him as your tongue moves skillfully around his fingers. He lets out a deep sigh, his hand around you coming to your hip to squeeze you, eliciting a small moan to leave your mouth. He pulls his fingers out, then wipes them off on your shirt. You scowl at him, before rolling your eyes at him.
“I was asleep. Is that a crime?” You retort, turning around and going to sit on your bed. You weren’t lying… you were asleep, just not in your bed.
“Oh give me a break.” Mingi rolls his eyes and scoffs, sitting next to you and turning to look at you. You follow suit, turning to face him.
“You weren’t in your room, at least.” Mingi growls and you roll your eyes again.
“it's not a crime to not be in my room all the time.” You argue, and he scoffs. he puts his hands on your shoulders and quickly turns you around, before pushing you onto the bed. you gasp at the sudden movements, and you know you're about to get pounded mercilessly. though you were excited, Yunho had destroyed you the last three nights and mingi was just a tad bigger and thicker than Yunho.
“I bet you were out being a little whore, huh? you just had to sneak past not just me, but Yunho? what would your little boyfriend think of his little girlfriend getting fucked by her best friend while she's away on tour huh?” he was just throwing insults after insults at you, and you couldn't say you hated it because you were soaked through your panties.
“what would your little boyfriend do if i sent him a video of me fucking his little toy?” Mingi hisses, and there's a sharp pain in your asscheek for a split second, making you bite down on your lower lip so hard it almost broke skin. you feel mingi’s hand come down to your asscheek again, another sharp pain shooting through you- harder this time because that cheek was particularly sore because of Yunho.
“Mingi,” you choke out, and Mingi laughs at the sound of your voice dying in your throat. you let out another little moan as his hands grab your ass, spreading you apart and massaging you just for a moment. his hands release you, then you feel his hands grab your hips. your head reels at the feeling of his hands on you, completely ignoring this fact that he had flipped you over onto your back.
In an instant, as you're coming out of the daze, you look down at your body, and see he’d already taken your pants off. your eyes widen, and he chuckles, seeing your confusion.
“you're so fucking easy, y/n.” Mingi chuckles dryly, grabbing the back of your thighs, and pushing them up and against your body. He pulls his right hand from your thighs, creating space between you two again. He smiles, and sighs happily seeing you bent like a pretzel for him. “I think I should just leave you here, soaked and desperate.” Mingi taunts, and your eyes rolls into the back of your head and you groan- obviously frustrated with him.
“Mingi, i just know your cock is painfully throbbing, please let me take care of it.” you whine and pout, making sure to stay quiet as people pass by your room. Mingi laughs again, leaning over you, caging you in before capturing your lips with his. He kisses you hard, and with force, eliciting a moan out of you against his lips before he pulls away. you inhale sharply as you feel another sharp pain hit your inner thigh as Mingi’s hand makes contact with it.
“you don't know anything,” he laughs dryly, pulling his hands from you and watching as you sit up, your legs dangling off the bed. “You should be there when I need you, and we wouldn't have this problem.” he commands and your eyes widen a little. you roll your eyes though, and he scoffs.
“I have other things I have to deal with, you know. I can't just drop everything when you want to fuck.” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. Mingi rolls his eyes, and his hand grabs your chin, again, before moving down to your throat. He leans over you, putting his mouth next to your ear, his breathing tickling you.
“All you are is a hole to me, so I don't care what your excuse is. you’ll drop whatever you're doing, no matter what, if i come looking for you.” Mingi hisses into your ear, you shudder, your eyes fluttering closed and a moan leaving your pretty lips, before he forcefully pushes you down on the bed. “got it? that's our new agreement- and because you annoyed me, i’m not gonna fuck you. I'll go find something else to use.” Mingi says, looking down at your trembling shape on the bed, licking his bottom lip. you lift your head to watch him touch himself briefly through his pants, and you gulp. You wanted him, but if he was seriously about to go fuck a fan, you could easily go find Yunho, and he’d be more than happy to fuck your brains out.
Mingi rolls his eyes, turning around and swiftly leaving your room. you sit up, in a daze, wondering what the hell just came over both of you. you run your hands through your hair, and let out a shaky breath before deciding to just take care of the longer effects mingi left you with.
“y/n!” Yunho comes bounding over to you with a wide smile, he grabs your waist and picks you up, embracing you tightly. You laugh, clinging onto him tightly as he spins the two of you around. Your set had just finished for the night, it was such an amazing show- the best one you guys had yet.
You can't lie, you were exhausted. Yunho kept you up late last night, and when Mingi came into your room this morning you thought you’d have a chance to nap but Mingi had left you so bothered, you hardly had a chance to even rest- your legs had felt like jello all day.
Yunho sets you down, leaning forward and kissing your forehead, before leaning down to your ear.
“how about round 2?” he asks, and honestly, how could you deny him- not only that, you were still worked up from mingi’s words and touch. you nod, excitedly and Yunho grins, standing up straight. He grabs your hand and basically drags you into your green room. you both knew Mingi wouldn't show up to the green room after some time- he only came to the green room at the very end of the night.
As Yunho opens the door, Mingi is stood there, with his arms crossed- presumably waiting for you. Yunho instantly drops your hand, tucking his hand behind his back quickly.
“h-how did- what?” Yunho stammers, feeling embarrassed by mingi’s sudden appearance in the place the least expected it.
“Can I talk to y/n about something? privately?” Mingi asks, and Yunho looks down at you, his eyes suddenly narrowing at you, then darting over to Mingi. you gulp loudly, and wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans.
“Whatever you say can be said in front of Yunho, too.” you stumble over your words a bit, and the two men look down at you- confused. Mingi shakes his head, and Yunho glances between the two of you.
“y/n!” you hear a familiar voice come from behind you, and your eyes widen to probably the size of the moon. if you turned around right now, you’d be faced with your latest boyfriend you left back at home. you did like him… just not enough to not fuck Mingi and Yunho while you were away.
“ohhh… you're here!” you turn slowly, forcing a smile on your face, and you skip over to him, you raise your arms to hug him but he stops you.
“I'm not here to hug and kiss and make up.” your boyfriend glares at you, and you feel a pit in your stomach. you felt like you were going to be sick.
“then… Why are you here? why did you come all the way out here?” you question, your voice trembling just a bit. you shoot a quick look behind you to see Mingi and Yunho; with conflicting emotions on their faces. you turn back around to face your boyfriend.
“because i’m not stupid y/n, i know there's something going on but i just don't know what. you're sleeping with someone, fans or whatever. I know you are.” he begins, and you instantly freeze. unbeknownst to you, Mingi glances at Yunho, then at you, then back to Yunho- whose eyes never once left you. Not that that was strange, Yunho had always had his eyes glued on you, but it was the way Yunho looked at you that made his heart swell in his chest. Yunho was infatuated with you… but so was Mingi. A tinge of jealousy crept through him, but he very quickly dismissed it.
“No, I'm not. you can't just claim a statement like that and accuse me of being a cheater without any proof.” you fight back, shaking your head. you could feel your emotions rising in your chest- you were still a little on edge from the adrenaline of the concert.
your boyfriend reaches for you, and grabs the collar of your shirt. Yunho and Mingi both instantly respond, and you freeze again- the older boys standing behind you to protect you if something were to happen.
“Relax your hound dogs,” your boyfriend rolls his eyes, and you can't help but smile at the nickname for the boys- it was funny. Then you remembered where you were, and who you were with the second they stepped back. He pulls your shirt down just a bit, past your collarbones, exposing the marks Yunho had left all over your chest- marking his territory.
“I fucking knew it!” your boyfriend exclaims, pulling his hands from your shirt- it popping back into place. your eyes begin to tear up, and your eyebrows furrow, shaking your head. you didn't even understand why you were crying- you hadn't been invested in him in a long time… you’d been on tour so long you almost forgot you were even dating someone. “we’re done. you're a fucking cheater. i should have known better than to date a damn musician.” he scoffs, as he walks off. you watch him with misty eyes, before Yunho steps in front of you.
Mingi is quick though, and he pulls your shirt down too. his eyes widen, his lips part slightly, and you look up at him, with fear in your eyes- hopefully he didn't recognize yunho’s mark.
“Jesus christ… is that where you were this morning? getting fucked?” Mingi sneers, his eyes flickering to yours for a moment- the jealousy flashes through Mingi again and he clenches his jaw. Yunho on the other hand, was absolutely fascinated by the marks he left- successfully marking you as his. He loved seeing it, he loved doing it, and for as long as you let him, he will continue to mark his territory.
“no, I was actually asleep this morning.” you stumble over your words, feeling your tears start to well up- you got caught in an elaborate lie and now you were terrified of Yunho and Mingi finding out about each other.
“whatever. I don't care.” Mingi mutters, dropping his hand from your shirt. He looks down at you, then at Yunho, then he leaves without another word. you sniffle, and blink your eyes a few times, watching him leave. Lately Mingi had been distant, and you wonder why- did he know about you and Yunho?
“y/n…” Yunho’s voice snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts and you look at him, feeling a little dazed. you watch as Yunho's jaw clenches, and his eyes move down your body. you shiver under his gaze.
the way he’s looked at you since you both were 16 was intoxicating. he would literally undress you with his eyes and you could see he was just thinking about pounding you into the mattress, or whatever was closest, until you were a stupid, drooling mess. But, you didn't know, he thought about this for a longer time- when you suggested it he was thrilled to know this could be reality.
“Yunho,” you start, but Yunho shakes his head, putting his hand on your chest, and pushing you back into the green room. You oblige, and watch as he kicks the door closed. “What are you doi-” you’re cut off as he grabs your hips, and smashes his lips into yours in a fevered manner. you can't help but melt into the kiss, despite your almost panicky state.
You cling to Yunho like never before as he presses into you harder, instantly deepening the kiss, a low groan coming from Yunho's mouth. He squeezes you, making you gasp, and he takes his chance to shove his tongue into your mouth- this time making you moan in response. your tongues dance together, allowing Yunho to take the lead.
You try to focus on the feeling of Yunho’s fingers on your body, relishing in every since touch he gets on your bare skin but between his fingers, his mouth, his scent, mixed with your emotions from your now fresh breakup, and even the tension Mingi had built up in you earlier that you never got rid of no matter how hard you tried, your mind was reeling. it was hard to focus all on one thing, and before you knew it, Yunho was pulling your pants off and kneeling in front of you.
“W-what are you doing?” You look down at him, and he looks up at you, with a smile. He points to his face, and your eyebrows furrow. “what?” he points again- you could swear you could see a tail wagging. “Yunho, what?” you try to ask him for clarification because you genuinely are confused.
“Sit, idiot.” Yunho laughs, grabbing you by your hips and pulling you to him. He grabs your thigh, lifting it up and placing your foot on the couch not even giving you a second to protest before his mouth is on your clit, eating you ravenously.
Your body jolts, and you catch yourself as a loud moan is suddenly ripped out of you. Yunho gave you no time to prepare for this, and that was on purpose. You look down at him, and his face is buried between your legs, his eyes closed as he enjoys himself, feeling content at the way your body responds to him so eagerly, and the sound of your moans he loves so much.
“Fuck, yunho~” you moan, and he pulls away to catch his breath, looking up at you. You run a hand through his hair, before taking a fistful of his hair and pushing him back towards your core. He laughs, before slowly, agonizingly slow, licks between your folds, until his tongue flicks over your clit- making your hips jolt.
“You're so fucking beautiful.” Yunho groans, before plunging two long, spindly fingers inside of you, making you gasp and moan loudly; not quite used to the two fingers off the bat. your grip on his hair tightens and he chuckles, attaching himself to you again, as he works his fingers inside of you.
“Fuck, Yunho,” you exclaim, moaning out his name as his fingers curl inside you, before he starts pumping them inside of you faster. You can feel yourself getting increasingly wetter with each thrust of his fingers inside of you, his fingers and even knuckles are coated in your slick.
Yunho quickly pulls his fingers out of you, and pulls away. You whine at the loss of his mouth and fingers, you glance down at him, and he has the most mischievous grin on his lips as he takes in your fucked out expression. Your breathing is heavy, and irregular, like you had just ran a mile, but all Yunho did to you was finger you and eat you out- he knew you were never this exhausted this quickly.
“I didn’t tire my puppy out, did I?” he grins, standing up to his full height. You follow him with your eyes, tilting your head back to look up at him. You shake your head, and swallow hard. Your eyes flicker to his fingers that were covered in your own fluids. “Good girl.” He whispers, before presenting his fingers to you, gently pressing the pads of his fingers on your bottom lip. You part your lips, and Yunho pushes his fingers into your mouth.
Your tongue darts around his digits, lapping up any evidence of your arousal left on his fingers. His eyes never leave your lips, he would never find the courage to tell you how many ways he’s imagined your mouth on him since he hit puberty. He was always jealous of the boyfriends you brought around when he was here all along. From as far as he knew, he was the only one to make you orgasm… more than once at least.
“You're mine.” Yunho suddenly grunts, ripping his fingers out of your mouth and grabbing your chin forcefully, making you look up at him. The grip he had on you almost hurt, but you didn’t mind it. Your hand instinctively makes its home on the groin of his pants, gently moving your hand back and forth, creating some sort of friction for Yunho.
Yunho swats your hand away, and grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling his other hand away from your chin. You swallow hard, and your eyes flicker all over his body, drinking in every single detail about the man in front of you. The way is brown hair was messy from his headbanging from the set, the fact that some of his eyeshadow had smudged and his eyeliner was definitely fucked up- all of your perfect work from earlier, messed up- but honestly you weren’t complaining. You had always preferred Yunho to look more grunge than his normal attire outside of venues.
“You hear me puppy? Mine.” Yunho growls into your ear and you let out a moan, your body jolting at his words as you are brought down to reality. Yunho holds your head at an arm's length, and he looks you up and down. He chuckles a little when he realizes he only undressed your bottom half. “Let me get you all fixed up.” He says, and you give him a questioning look as he releases your hair and takes one long stride towards you.
“Fixed up? Are you not-”
“Who is talking to you? Because I don't remember addressing you.” The words that come out of Yunho's mouth are harsh in nature, but you knew he didn’t mean it. He would spend the rest of his life listening to you talk. It was just Yunho's funny duality.
You blink in response to his words, dumbfounded. He’d only ever spoken like that to you once and you honestly weren't even sure if you liked it then, but for some reason at his condescending words, it churned your stomach and you could feel yourself getting wetter the longer you let the words sink in.
“Good pup.” Yunho praises, his hands come down on your shoulders and you watch his every move. You watch as his long, spindly fingers ghost your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake as they slip under the straps of your tank top. The veins in his hands, his arms, and all the way up to his neck, taunt you- they mock you even. Yunho wasn't even flustered for a moment, his heart wasn't pounding in his chest so hard it felt like it was going to explode.
Your breathing becomes shallow, as you feel and watch Yunho slip the straps of your tank top off of you. A sudden urge to cover yourself up crashes over you, but Yunho knew better. He swatted your hands away again, pulling your tank top down past your breasts.
“God,” Yunho groans, pushing your tank top around your waist, where it makes its home now. Yunho’s hands cup your plump flesh, and you can feel a shudder ripple through you as his thumbs pass over your nipples, making you moan. “My puppy, ever the eager one.” He giggles, making the corner of your lips twitch into a smile- but that's easily ripped out of you when his mouth makes contact with your breast, eliciting a small, quiet moan from your lips.
Your hands immediately come to the back of Yunho’s head, your fingers grasping onto his hair as his tongue flicks over your sensitive bud, making you jerk in response.
“Yun… p-lease…” The begging starts to slip out in small pleas at first, the whining and the whimpering- it wouldn't be long until the tears and the incoherent mumbling came along too. Yunho looks up at you, you were closer to tears than usual.
“Not yet, princess. You're not ready.” Yunho mumbles against your flesh, before moving his mouth to give your other breast the same attention. While he does that, he takes advantage of your pathetic state, and his hand slips between your legs. You gasp in response as you feel his fingers slide through your folds, two fingers slide into you, and you practically collapse right on top of him. “mmm, maybe you are.” He chuckles darkly, before pulling away from you completely. You blink back the tears forming and stare at him, in shock.
“Who is talking to you?” Yunho hisses, grabbing your hips and turning you around. You gasp, bewildered once again by his behavior. It was hot- but he seemed… genuinely upset… jealous even. You try to turn around again, but Yunho forces you back, then throws you down on the couch. You gasp again, turning around to look at him. You weren't scared of him, he would never ever hurt you- it took him years of convincing to even hit you.
“Yu-” You try again but your attempt is in vain, because before you can even open your eyes after blinking his lips are on yours again, in a hungry kiss. You can hear the sound of his belt unbuckling, then being thrown to the floor, the all familiar clunking is your signal that you're about to become nothing but a sex doll for Yunho… not that you could complain.
Yunho pulls away, pulling his jacket and shirt off, in two swift motions, before kissing your forehead.
“bend over.” Yunho instructs, and at first, your instinct is to say no, but Yunho is quicker than ever. You feel a sharp sting as Yunho’s hand comes down on your thigh, you inhale sharply before rolling your eyes and obeying his command. You wince at the lingering feeling, but you don't budge even still. Yunho growls, and pushes you down onto the couch.
You fall onto it, but Yunho isn't satisfied with your positioning so he leans over you. He grabs your wrists, and puts them on the back of the couch. He drags his hands from your wrists up your arms, making you shiver and shake under his touch, while he leaves a trail of kisses along your bare shoulders. You can feel your mouth watering, as your body begs him to continue to touch you, to fuck you into the couch, into the wall, wherever Yunho wanted.
Yunho’s hands drag along your waist, until his large hands cup your ass cheeks. He groans quietly, cursing under his breath as he appreciates the plush flesh. He squeezes your cheeks hard, and you let out a small whimper in response. You feel another sharp sting on your asscheek as his hand comes down. You hiss at the feeling, jolting away from him. Yunho grabs your hips and pushes you forward, making you stumble on the cushions of the couch, your knees touching the soft fabric. Yunho leans back, admiring the sight before kneeling down.
You look back, your breathing starting to get heavier and shakier. Your eyebrows furrow a little, watching him dip his head between your legs again. The feeling of his mouth on you again unexpectedly rips a loud moan out of your mouth. The feeling of him sucking on your understimulated bud, paired with the way his tongue lapped every inch of you up made you realize your orgasm was not too far off.
“Shi-” You moan out, but Yunho slaps your ass again, making you hiss in pain again, jolting away from him. Yunho grumbles, pulling you back to him as he continues to devour you. His fingers slide back inside you, curling up and hitting all the right places as another moan is choked out of you.
Your orgasm approaches fast, and hard and before you know it, you've basically drenched Yunho’s fingers and face, your moans spilling out of your mouth at different frequencies. You feel Yunho pull his fingers out, and you're about to protest, to tell him to wait to ride the rest of your orgasm out but he slams himself into you. Your body spasms around him, and you gasp loudly, your knees buckling under his sudden weight.
“Fuck, you're so tight. You feel so good, baby.” Yunho leans forward, his mouth right by your ear as he whispers praise. You moan at his words, and the feeling of him filling you up and stretching you out was just heavenly. Your breakup long forgotten about as Yunho begins to kiss along your back, leaving a lingering feeling behind as he pulls back, just a little. You moan at the feeling, and at the loss, before he thrusts his hips into you again. You curse under your breath.
His hands reach around you, cupping your breasts in his hands, before he starts to slowly pick up speed in his thrusts. Your body is still a little weak and sensitive from your orgasm a moment ago, and Yunho knows it. He knew your body better than anyone- even Mingi. He’d been with you long enough to know the signs- you were on the brink of another orgasm.
“oh? so eager to cum already?” Yunho whispers into your ear, making you shudder again. Yunho slips his hand down your body, between your legs. Your knees start to buckle again, but he catches you. “not so fast~” He chuckles dryly, watching you melt under him.
“What the fuck do you think you're fucking doing?!”
You and Yunho both instantly stop. Your eyes are wider than the moon, and you could swear you could feel Yunho’s heart just genuinely stop.
“Yunho. Y/n. What the fuck?!” He says again, this time, with a lot of anger behind his voice. You couldn't move, you were literally glued to this couch. Mingi just walked in on Yunho fucking you senseless- there was no way you were getting out of this one.
“Mingi, let me explain!” Yunho starts, his hands leave your body, and he pulls out of you, making you whine. He gently sits you down on the couch properly as he shoves his still hard cock into his pants and zips it up. Yunho even goes as far as handing you a blanket, but you didn't take it.
“No, let her explain.” Mingi points at you, and you look up at the two of them. Mingi’s eyes come across your chest, sneaking another quick peek at the marks left on you.
“Mingi, it’s not what you think…” You try to protest, but both Yunho and Mingi’s eyebrows raise, and Yunho shoots you a glare.
“What do you mean y/n?” Yunho asks, and now suddenly you're being grilled by both of them. You wondered what you did wrong in this life for this to happen to you.
“Yunho, you know what i mean, please…” You beg, and your voice cracks as you can feel your emotions start to rise. Your body was still hot with arousal, and your chest felt tight at the thought of them both leaving you.
“Mingi, I can't lie anymore.” Yunho says, and your eyes widen, you start to shake your head, and you reach out to grab his arm. He lets you take it but he doesn't look at your pathetic state. “Y/n and I have been sleeping together since high school, behind your back, behind all our partners backs.” Yunho admits to Mingi, who to Yunho’s surprise doesn't even blink.
“You think I don't know?” Mingi tuts, smacking his lips together while he looks between the two of you. “I've known you had a thing for her since we met, and well… you're both kind of really fucking awful liars, and you're terrible at sneaking around. By the way, since we live together full time, you should know by now y/n isn't very quiet.” Mingi explains, his words hitting your ears and making you blush. You weren't a good liar, but Yunho when he wasn't trying was a terrible liar. He also just generally hated lying to you and to Mingi.
“oh…” Yunho mumbles, his eyes falling to the floor. Mingi looks over at you, and smirks. He reaches out to your head, grabbing a fist full of your hair and you look up at him. Yunho notices Mingi move, and he looks up to watch what he was doing- his jaw about fell off his face when he realized what was happening right in front of him.
“What you don't know, that I know you don't know, is that we share the same toy. The same dumb, slutty little toy- but not just each other… all those stupid guys she keeps bringing into her life who are nothing but useless, anyways.” Mingi’s voice is low, almost like a growl. Yunho and your eyes are glued on Mingi’s hands, unbuckling his belt, and pulling down his pants, just slightly. His cock springs free from his boxers right in front of your face.
“So what do you say? Should we teach her a lesson, Yunho?” Mingi asks, lightly tapping the head of his dick right on your plump lips. The corners of your mouth twitch, and the heat in your belly becomes so fucking unbearable you can't stop the moan from escaping. Mingi uses this as his opening to shove his dick in your mouth, and down your throat, forcing you to choke on his thick length.
Mingi lets out a low moan, before pulling you away from him by your hair. You gasp for air, already feeling the tears start to spill over. Mingi grins, and places his hand on your cheek. You brace yourself, closing your eye on that side as Mingi’s hand comes into contact with your flesh, hard and fast, making your head spin.
“Mingi- what are you doing?!” Yunho sounds panicked after seeing this, he himself had never hit your face- he refused to. He didn't want to hurt you or make you distrust him.
“She likes it. Trust me. You're not the only one who’s fucked her for 8 years.” Mingi grumbles. He pulls away from you, and pulls you to your feet by your hair. You obey, standing up and looking between the two men- Yunho is looking at you with concern, wondering if Mingi was taking it too far but you give him a reassuring smile and just like that, he snaps back.
You feel Yunho’s hands on your back, but you can’t see him, as he’s behind you and the grip Mingi has on your is deadly- denying you from looking at Yunho.
“Think I didn't know about this little thing between you two? Yunho’s like a little lost puppy without you, following you around, wanting to always be near you, always touching you. You think I didn't notice your glances, your sneaking away with one another. The fucking hickey’s that litter your body, that I know I don't leave.” Mingi pulls you close to him, pulling you out of Yunho’s grip. Yunho looks up, and shoots a glare at Mingi, before wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Do you think I’m stupid y/n?” Mingi growls, and your eyes widen, shaking your head. You gasp, and moan as you feel Yunho enter you again. Mingi’s other hand cups your breast, his thumb and index pinching your nipple hard making you moan, and your eyes roll back as your body gives into Yunho.
The sensation of Yunho filling you up, while Mingi grills you, kneading the plush skin of your breast, was driving you crazy. Yunho’s hand coasts up from the small of your back, pushing Mingi away with his other hand as he forces you to bed back over the couch. Your body gives in, and you faceplant right into the couch. Yunho adjusts both of your bodies so now he’s on the couch behind you, as he starts to pound into you.
Mingi watches as your eyes shut, your brows furrow and your lips part as Yunho destroys you. His body twitches at the sounds of your moans, needing to touch you somehow. It was driving him insane. For a moment, he just watches as Yunho ravages you, his cock aching to feel any part of you.
“M…Mingi.” You choke out, and Mingi’s entire body goes rigid… You wanted him too? Not just Yunho? Yunho pulls you back onto him, lifting you up a little. You move your arms out, resting your palms on the cushion of the couch to hold yourself up, while Yunho’s arms encapsulate your body.
You and Yunho watch Mingi process all of this, the smile on your faces more than evident that you were literally inviting him to join. Yunho pulls an arm from around you, and reaches out to grab Mingi’s wrist pulling him closer to the two of you. He lets go of Mingi, and wraps his arm around you again.
“This is what you wanted, right, Mingi? To fuck her? To teach her a lesson? So why are you just standing there and watching? Are you that pathetic?” Yunho’s words strike a chord with Mingi, and he groans, letting his head fall back for just a second, before lifting his head up to look down at you.
Neither you or Yunho can say anything else, before Mingi’s dick is down your throat again. You moan at the feeling of being filled from both ends, and the feeling of being used by both of them is so intense, your second orgasm comes crashing down. You pull away from Mingi to catch your breath, but Yunho’s hand on the back of your head keeps you in place, while Yunho fucks into you, at a relentless pace. Mingi reaches forward, grabbing your head and pulling you back towards him, smashing your nose against his pelvis.
You try to breathe, you try to cry out, do anything, but all you can do is choke, and sputter and just cry. You felt so small between them, their hands just swallowing every part of you up as they use you for their own pleasure.
Yunho’s arms wrap around your thighs, pulling you closer to him. It felt like they were playing tug of war with you, being tugged back and forth between them. Yunho’s fingers graze your folds, feeling himself push in and out of you for a few second before finding your clit and rubbing small circles in it, making you moan against Mingi’s dick.
“Oh, Fuck.” Mingi curses, pulling out of you quickly. He bends down, and kisses you, harshly. You don't have time to even catch your breath as Mingi pushes you further onto Yunho’s dick, and Yunho bottoming out inside of you. All three of you moan simultaneously, and there's a familiar feeling inside of you, and Yunho’s grip around you tightens so hard it's painful. The warm liquid spilling inside of you, and the twitching, and pulsating makes your body clench around him naturally.
Yunho holds you in his embrace for a moment, while your lips are still locked with Mingi’s. Yunho can't help but watch, feeling something different growing in the pit of his stomach. Mingi cups your face and his thumbs pass under your eyes wiping your makeup and tear stained cheeks off.
Yunho watches in awe, before his amazement is replaced with concern as he watches Mingi strike your cheek again. This time, Yunho could feel how much you liked it. You clenched around him hard, and let out a little whimper.
“Want me to cum inside you?” Mingi asks, pulling away from you to allow you to catch your breath. You pant heavily, and you nod your head, your eyes trained on Mingi as he presses his forehead against yours. Yunho, reluctantly, pulls his arms from around you, and watches as you slide off of him, whining at the loss- even he was a little upset at the loss.
Yunho gets up, and Mingi takes his place immediately. Mingi slaps your ass, harder than Yunho had done previously, making you whimper in response. Although Mingi and Yunho were similar in length, Mingi was just a tad girthier than Yunho so watching your face contort almost in pain as Mingi pushes himself inside of you made Yunho’s heart flutter.
“A-are you okay?” Yunho grabs your face, worried that Mingi was doing too much to you. He would hate it if you got hurt by either of them. You look at Yunho, and he can't help the twitch in his cock again as he takes in your fucked out expression.
“Y-yun…” you choke out another moan, as Mingi bottoms out inside of you. Your body still raw from Yunho’s usage of it, it makes you jolt a bit, Mingi pulls you back again, forcing you to take all of him. Your head falls forward, and you reach for Yunho, who gladly takes your hand, holding onto it tightly.
“Good to know you're still so tight after Yunho uses you.” Mingi leans forward, pressing his chest against your back as he growls in your ear. You whine in response, before Mingi’s hand comes to the back of your head, forcing your head into the seat of the cushion, and Yunho’s eyes widen as Mingi literally fucks you into the couch.
“Are you just gonna watch?” Mingi tuts at Yunho, and Yunho’s eyes snap to Mingi- a little conflicted. Of course he wanted to join in again, but your safety was his biggest concern. It had always been.
“She likes it, stop worrying so much. She isn't as fragile as you think.” Mingi grumbles, before his hand comes down hard on your ass again. You let out a muffled cry, and Yunho watches as Mingi’s hand moves from the back of your head, to the back of your neck, gripping you tightly and pulling you up. “Don't you?” You pant heavily, but nod regardless. Your body trembles under Mingi’s force.
Mingi’s other hand comes around, hooking under your arm as he grabs your throat, and squeezes the sides. His hand moves from the back of your neck, down to your ass as he starts to speed up his thrusts again.
Yunho was so conflicted, but he got an idea- he stands up, taking Mingi’s former place. Mingi nudges your chin, making you look up at Yunho who towers over you. He gently pats your head, before pressing the head of his cock against your lips. You whine a little, your throat feeling raw from how rough Mingi was, but you oblige anyways, knowing Yunho wouldn't be so rough now that he has cum.
Yunho’s strokes are slow and gentle, but his hips buck as you hollow your cheeks out, flattening your tongue against his shaft. He lets out a little whimper, and as Mingi thrusts in, Yunho pulls out, making your body feel electric. Their thrusts are opposite of one another and it drives you literally insane. Mingi’s thrusts are harsh, and forceful, but Yunho’s are gentle and kind.
Mingi’s hand was still on your throat, squeezing perfectly, making you feel just perfect. Yunho get another idea, and he pries Mingi’s hand from your throat, replacing it with his own.
“Yunho? What the hell.” Mingi frowns, furrowing his brows as he halts his movements. You whine out and push against him, he growls and slaps your ass again, making you jolt forward and choke on Yunho’s cock. Yunho groans, and holds the back of your neck, pushing his cock so far down your throat, your nose touches his pelvis and he can literally feel his dick in your throat.
“Ohhh, fuck…” Yunho moans, looking down at your pathetic, fucked out state. The tears that stream down your face, and the spit bubbling at the corner of your mouth, as you choke on him.
“Look at her,” Mingi croons, smiling devilishly at you. “So pretty with our dicks inside you, huh?” Mingi whispers, making your body erupt in goosebumps. You can hear Mingi chuckle behind you as he picks his pace up once more, pounding into at a punishing force and speed, and Yunho pulls out of your mouth. You gasp for air, before a choked moan leaves your lips, your eyes closing tightly and your hands reaching for Yunho.
“You're doing so good, princess.” Yunho mumbles, moving his hands from your neck to your face. One hand holds your chin to face him, the other is wiping the tears from your cheeks, and the drool from your lips. You were a fucking mess, makeup smudged everywhere, your hair tangled, your lips swollen and abused, along with the drool coming out of the corners of your mouth as you get fucked stupid.
“So fucking good.” Mingi moans, grabbing your hips and forcing you back against him again. You cry out, and Yunho’s brows furrow with concern- never having heard you make that noise before.
“Mingi, stop.” Yunho warns, and Mingi shakes his head.
“Shut up.” Mingi strains, slamming into you once more, his painted nails digging into your hips. You reach for Yunho again, just needing something, anything to stabilize you, before you collapse as you can feel Mingi’s cum spilling inside of you. “Oh, shit…” Mingi moans, throwing his head back and letting out a loud, deep breath. Yunho holds your hand tightly, he can feel you shaking, and he wants to sweep you into his arms and protect you from everything but he wasn't quite sure you wanted to be touched after all of this.
You're left completely speechless, panting heavily with your head resting in Yunho’s hand. Hot tears still spilling out of your eyes only concern the eldest boy more and more.
“Baby, what's wrong…? Did we hurt you?” Yunho asks, pulling his hand out of yours to push your hair out of your face. Mingi watches Yunho, his heart aching a little at the sight of his best friends. Although Mingi loved you, just as much as Yunho did, he had always wondered if the bonds between the three of you were different.
“N-no, she’s okay… she usually takes a while to recuperate after we have sex.” Mingi admits, Yunho’s eyes flickering up to Mingi, giving him a dirty look, before looking back down at you. You nod at Mingi’s words, letting Yunho know the truth.
Yunho was rough with you, but not like Mingi was.
Yunho huffs in response to your nodding, before wiping your tears away from your cheeks. He places a kiss on the tip of your nose before he pulls his boxers, and pants back up, and walks over to the vanity where your makeup was. He swipes a makeup wipe off the desk, and comes back over to you, sitting in front of you.
“A-are you always this way…?” Mingi asks, a little hesitant. He didn't know what he should or shouldn't say, if anything at all. Mingi just looks down, and pulls out of you, making you gasp and whine, while Yunho shoots him another dirty look.
“She deserves to be treated well.” is all Yunho says, as he begins to wipe your makeup off with soft, and tender hands. Yunho pulls away for a second, grabbing your underwear and shorts, putting them in his lap, before guiding you to sit next to him.
“I’m so glad today was the last show.” You mutter, and Yunho chuckles, grabbing your chin, forcing you to look at him again. He instructs you to look up with just your eyes, and you do. He takes the makeup wipe, and begins to very carefully clean your under eyes of makeup and tears.
Mingi watching the two of you made his heart shatter. No wonder you two were so smitten with one another. He clears his throat, catching both of your attention. He quickly gathers himself, pulling his pants back on and sitting next to you.
“We should talk about this.” Mingi offers, and Yunho and you exchange a look, before looking at Mingi again. “What?”
“Talk about what?” Yunho asks, seemingly clueless to what Mingi was trying to get at.
“What just happened…?” Mingi raises an eyebrow, and you giggle. You grab the collar of his shirt, and pull him down to you, planting a tender kiss on his lips. Mingi melts into you, both of your eyes closing at the contact, and Yunho chuckles. You pull away, and look at Yunho, then back at Mingi.
“We kind of already talked about it before…” You start, watching as Yunho sets your clothes in your lap. You pull your shirt back on properly, before slipping your panties and shorts back on.
“Talked about what? I’m really confused here…?” Mingi scratches the back of his head, and furrows his brows. Yunho shakes his head, swatting Mingi’s hand away from his head.
“Stop worrying. It’s nothing bad. Y/n and I agreed, back when we first started all this, that if you ever found out, and joined us- that it solidifies her and I’s relationship.” Yunho explains, but Mingi looks even more confused than ever.
“Wait so you're dating now? What the hell am I doing here?” Mingi scoffs, finding your agreement to be bullshit. Yunho knew Mingi liked you, just as Mingi knew Yunho liked you, and somehow Mingi is being left out? How dare his best friends.
“Mingi!” Your voice brings Mingi back to earth, and he looks at you. You looked so cute, sitting next to Yunho as he leans close to you, holding himself up with his arm behind you, just to be close to you. God… you both looked so good to Mingi.
“Can you let us explain?” You ask, gently, knowing Mingi was one to overthink and jump to conclusions. He sighs and nods, mentally shaking off the daze he was just in.
“I guess, yeah, us two are dating now… but if you want, only if you want… we want you to join us.” Yunho says, almost awkwardly- like he doesn't want to say the words. He wants you all to himself all the time, he doesn't want to share. but if he was going to share with anyone, he was glad it was Mingi.
“what…?” Mingi narrows his eyes at Yunho, then at you, before turning back to Yunho.
“be our boyfriend, or my boyfriend.” You blurt out, and Mingi’s eyes widen the size of large saucers and his lips part in shock.
“What?” He repeats himself, and Yunho scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“You can either be both of our boyfriends, or you can also be her boyfriend. I don't mind either way.” Yunho explains, but Mingi just looks as dumbfounded as ever.
“Like… polyamory…?” Mingi asks for clarification and the two of you nod. You didn't know why the boys were so scared of the outcome- you knew they'd love doing what they just did to you, but they both just refused- scared to lose their friendship with one another.
“I… I guess I can try being her boyfriend too…” Mingi finally answers after a long pause between the three of them. You smile and nod, leaning forward and kissing the corner of Mingi’s mouth.
“Great! Well, I’m starving and my throat hurts, so I’m gonna go to the bus.” You get up from between them, grabbing your phone that was discarded at some point, and swiftly leaving the room, leaving behind Yunho and Mingi.
Mingi glances at Yunho, seeing the dreamy expression on his face, and the small smile playing on his lips.
“How long have you waited to officially be her boyfriend?” Mingi asks, his voice barely above a whisper, and Yunho turns his head to look at him, the smile just growing and growing.
“19 Years.”
“Since we were 6?!” Mingi exclaims, and Yunho nods, patting Mingi’s knee before getting up and pulling his shirt and jacket back on. Yunho looks at Mingi and shrugs his shoulders, before starting to follow your footstep.
“Since we were 6, Mingi.” Yunho smirks, before turning on his heel and chasing after you with a new spring in his step.
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ja3hwa · 8 months
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟐: 𝐒𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤/𝐒𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢 ♡
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【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : Your two professors were more than happy to show you some tips and tricks to help you study.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 : 1.36k
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Colleg Au. Suggestive. 
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Professor!Yungi x Student!Reader 
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Swearing. Pet names. Hints of sex. Teasing. Dirty talk. Some man handling. Mingi and Yunho are HUGE.
Thank you, @mixling-blog, @yugy-oh, and @senpai-of-doom, for requesting Mingi and Yunho for this day. ♡♡♡
Note: I actually forgot to finish this day, and I'm so sorry. So I'll be making a part 2 once kinktober is done cause I had this whole idea but i just lost track of all the fics and this one got put on the bottom of my list by accident ahhhh.
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There was a secret code in college, an unspoken rule if you will. Never, ever, by any means, fall in love, or sleep with your professors. And yes, they might be handsome, and they might be only seven or so in age difference. But never, EVER, be romantically or sexually involved.  And this rule stuck by most students and more professors. There were young girls who always fawned over the brooding, tall, and mysterious drinks of water known as their music or mathematics teachers. And boys that would whisper among themselves who was the hottest, Ms. Kim, the science teacher, or Mrs. Park, the criminology professor.
But you? You swore the minute you only got barely accepted to the college―since you were late for the cut―that you would not look at your teachers in such an inappropriate and unprofessional way. Besides, you were one day going to be joining them as a professor once you pass your training exam. You always wanted to teach visual arts and Theater and this college has allowed you not only to study such majors and degrees but also train so that one day you’ll be able to teach them yourself to others.
You worked hard, studied instead of sleeping. Sleeping instead of hanging out with friends. Your life revolved around your work, and yet when you met the stand-in, since your normal teacher was away for a couple of weeks. It was like your brain no longer understood how to function. And the worst part…
Theres two of them.
Both are strong, tall, and deviously handsome. One had a voice so deep you could feel the vibrations of his vocals every time he spoke, and the other had eyes as piercing as the sun and a smile that could kill. To say they were your ideal type would be an understatement. And what was the icing on the cake? They are huge. Beefy broad shoulders, thick biceps and thighs, heavy chests. They were like super soldiers, and oh, how that made you swoon. Wanting nothing more than for them to pick you up and throw you around as if you weighed nothing. If you were to stand in between them, you surely would be caged in the best way possible.
You met them during the first term, six months ago. And every day since was a little unspoken game of cat and mouse. You didn’t flirt at first, still wanting to be professional but as your late hours at the library grew or the time spent sitting in an empty classroom for some quiet as your dorm was too loud to considerate became more common. Mr Park and Mr Jung came to your aid to help you with your studies, of course. First, they would sit at the front of the classroom while you were at a row of desks. They would explain about being a teacher, cheat sheets of sorts, and tips for when to do your first training shift. Helping you understand the ins and outs of navigating college students. And then it slowly moved to one of them sitting next to you, Mr Song, you could smell his cologne, the musk of his natural scent. His arm would brush yours, occasionally making you see how his large biceps were. And they were definitely the same if not larger than your thighs. Your body felt so small next to him.
And then Mr Jung sat on the other side of you. The feeling of being caged was coming to reality, and it was burning a fire inside of you. You tried to brush away these feelings. They are your professors, after all and one day, co-workers, not some school crush to dot over. But they were so smooth-talking, charming, with flirtatious smiles, and your mind couldn’t help but wonder since they are so naturally big, were they big else where…
“You get all that peach?” Mr Jung’s voice snapped you out of your lewd thoughts, redness suddenly pooling on your cheeks. You see that’s why Mr Jung had given you such a nickname, Peach, was because of the shade of pink your cheeks would be whenever he made eye contact with you. Deep down you knew your professor shouldn’t be nicknaming his student but then again you didn’t take the classes they taught, and the longer you thought about it, the more okay it was to flirt back. After all, you were all adults.
“You seem a bit distracted today?” Mr Song grumbled behind you, making a shiver dance down your back. My god, if that man sounded like that on a regular, you wondered what his bedroom voice sounded like, or even better, his morning voice. “Is something bothering you?” he asked, placing his large hand on your shoulder, stopping you from turning to the side to see him. No, instead, he slowly rubbed his fingers deep into your tense muscle, making you feel relief surge through you. You almost forgot to answer the question, too focused on the older man's hands doing wonders on your shoulders.
“I-I uhmm…” You were lost, suddenly feeling Mr Jung’s hand grip the top part of your thigh, rubbing circles on your exposed flesh where the hem of your shorts are. “It’s just. M-mr Jung…”
“Don’t worry, Peach, and I said already. Call me Yunho. We are going to be co-workers soon. You should address me and Mingi as such.” He included his friend and co-worker at the end, letting you know what you’ve been told for the thousandth time, call them by their first names. “You seem tense, darling. What could ever be the cause of so much tension in this pretty body of yours.”
Your eyes snapped open now, looking at Mr Jung―uh you mean Yunho―in his intense stare. Did he just call you darling? Now, your face was definitely redder than a tomato at this point. “Y-Yunho…”
Yunho groaned, biting his lip while rolling his eyes slightly. he had to pull back for a second before returning his hand to your thigh. “God, my name sounds so good when you say it.”
You looked away for a moment, feeling your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. The next thing you knew, a pair of large beefy arms pulled you by your waist until your ass was placed onto a board, hard, lap. “Say my name Doll Face. I wanna hear what my name sounds like coming off your pretty lips.” All barriers were gone and lines were being crossed. But none of you cared anyone. The flirtation became too much, more so for the men it seems and with Mingi’s lips finding the sweet spot behind your ear you couldn’t help but moan;
“Fuck, that’s it. Such a good girl.” The hold Min had on you got tighter, and his huge biceps caged your back against his heavy chest. Your mind was spinning at the sheer thought that all Mingi and Yunho had to do was squeeze you tight enough that you’d break. They are so much bigger than you, stronger than you. They could throw you around and do as they pleased to you and all you could―would―do is lay back and take it.
“We knew you’d be such a good girl for us peach. Just look at you, head empty already when we have barely touched you.” Yunho chuckled, squeezing your thigh, letting his long fingers slip towards where you needed them most. “you want us to touch you, darling? Teach you some real lessons?” He emphasized the word ‘real’, all knowing that He and Mingi were going to teach you anything but a real lesson in this moment.
“Please…” you retched out for Yunho, gripping his perfectly iron button-up, pulling him towards you. “Please show me…” He drew his lips to yours quickly as Mingi’s bit down onto your shoulder while his hands loosely move to open your legs, letting Yunho cup your entire wet cunt with his huge hand. You were most definitely in for a night of your life.
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a-soft-hornytiny · 1 year
Use it.
Summary: Mingi has a huge dick but is shy about it and has no idea what to do with it. 
Word count: 1.7k+
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Mingi x female!reader
Warnings: porn without plot, sub!mingi, virgin!mingi, kinda dom!reader, hand job, blow job, riding, teasing, slight begging, unprotected sex, cumming, dirty talk, breeding (let me know if I missed something) be careful while reading. 
Notes: uhmmm @star1117-archives miles you are a genius. I hope this is to your liking. Thank you for the request hehe
Taglist: under the cut (let me know if you wanna be added)
You couldn’t believe your eyes. Mister “I’m so cool and sexy” Mingi was sitting in front of you, blushing hard and not even able to form a proper sentence as you wide-eyed stared at his monster cock. Two reasons why you were completely overwhelmed. 
One: His dick was the biggest you had ever seen and you were genuinely worried if you could take him.
And two: Mingi. The man that never got shy when you teased each other. The man that never flinched away when it got heated. The man that obviously knew about his own sex appeal, was flustered as soon as you pulled down his pants. 
“I uhmm.” Your voice cracked while you got on your knees, now sitting between his legs. You wrapped one hand around the base of his cock, making him flinch. “You are…” Your second hand was now embracing the middle part of his length, his tip still being uncovered. “You are huge.” You stated in awe. 
You expected him to smile, laugh or make a joke of any kind, but instead he covered his face in his hands and let out a pretty pathetic whine. He was embarrassed. “I-I’m sorry I should- should have warned you.” He stuttered an apology as he tried to turn away from you. But you stopped him.
“You’re sorry?” You couldn’t help but laugh out loud. That was not what you had expected. Packed men were usually pretty proud of what they got but he.. it was almost like he-
“You’ve had sex before right?” You asked, already sensing the answer. However you couldn’t suppress the need to gently squeeze his length with both of your hands. 
He immediately whined again. His whole body was squealing and it was obvious that he was trying to avoid the answer. “Mingi.” You said, a certain strictness in your voice. “If you don’t answer then I will stop immediately.” 
He instantly shook his head. You smirked. From all the time you had spent together you would’ve never gathered that you were the experienced one of you both. You still remembered that time when he wore this nearly see through, skin tight, dark blue shirt under a shimmering leather jacket and fitting pants. That whole fit screamed Sex.
“Not.. not really.” Mingi finally dared to look at you. “J-Just some petting a few years ago.” He admitted but the glance he sent you, made you weak. His eyes were begging for you to stay and continue. To try and stuff yourself with his enormous cock. 
“Okay.” You took a deep breath. “I can show you how to work this.” You gestured to the twitching dick right in front of you. He nodded, still ashamed. You scooted forward slightly and took his shaft into your hand. 
“Listen. While you’re in my mouth, it’s important that you don’t move. I don’t know how much I can take but it’s important that I can control it.” Your voice was soft. You sent him a little smile as he nodded before you lowered your head - even though you didn’t really need to lower it to reach him - and opened your mouth. 
Your heart was beating up to your throat as you took him in. Inch by inch. He was not only big but also girthy, which made the corners of your mouth hurt slightly. You were breathing through your nose slowly as his tip reached the back of your mouth. Half of his length was still uncovered so you took your hand to help. 
During the whole process, Mingi didn’t make a sound, which you didn’t notice since you were concentrating on “not choking”. When you finally felt comfortable to move you looked up to him, and immediately let him slide out of your mouth again. You couldn’t help but giggle as he sharply inhaled.
“When I said don’t move, I didn’t mean don’t breathe.” His face was flushed. “But otherwise it's hard not to..” He murmured, avoiding eye contact as he buried his hands deeper into the bedsheets. 
“Come on. I want to hear your pretty sounds, big boy.” You teased him before you pushed him onto his bed. He was now lying beneath you, his dick painted with your saliva and his cheeks the color of a summer sunset. 
In the course of the hot make-out session you had before, you had already lost most of your clothing, which meant that as you were straddling him he could see every single detail of your body. And he loved it. His eyes were following your every movement and he couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
And you were still confused about the contrast. Just about 20 minutes ago he had no problem ripping your clothes off of your body and relentlessly sucking on your skin with his plumb lips. He had let out the deepest sexiest groans while his lips crashed onto yours and now he was rock hard, shy and whiny. 
“I need your support now.” You said softly before positioning his hands on your waist. He nodded again but it was clear that he wasn’t 100% listening. His eyes were fidgeting all over your body, unable to find one spot to focus on. 
Without much hesitation you grabbed his dick again and positioned his tip at your wet entrance. You were very glad that you had prepared yourself for this, even though you weren’t sure if it was enough anymore. Then you slowly sat down.
The moment his tip touched your folds, both of you let out a loud groan. It was finally happening. Both of you had anticipated this for weeks. The sexual tension between you ever since your first date was ripping apart the air any time you were in a private space and you wondered why you hadn’t already jumped him before.
He started stretching you out, causing you to cry out in pleasure. His head was thrown back, pressed into the mattress, but his grip on your waist was strong. And then you passed the first 4 inches. You immediately felt how your body was protesting, sending a sharp pain through your whole body, making you whine.
“Are you okay?” Mingi instantly helped to push you up again. His eyes were big, shimmering with worry. You smiled slightly.
“Yes, it’s fine. I knew it was going to hurt, don't worry.” You reassured him before continuing to move downward. “But- but I don’t want ahhh-“ he wanted to protest but he interrupted himself with a filthy moan as his dick disappeared deeper and deeper in your warmth. 
You whined with every single movement. He felt him grind against your walls, stretching you out deeply. It was painful, but at the same time, the best thing you had felt in awhile, and the longer it took the easier it was. Slowly adjusted to his length and girth, you sat down completely. Your hands were resting on his chest, your fingernails digging into his skin. You want to be gentle, but he didn’t mind. All he saw was this you on top of him, tears running down your face as his dick fully disappeared inside you.
“Is it okay?” He wanted to sit up to caress your cheek, but you immediately push him down again. “Don’t move. It’s- it’s getting better.. fuck!” You moaned as the pain was replaced by pleasure. Mingi was looking at you with big eyes. He was scared to hurt you, but at the same time it was driving him crazy. But he listened. He didn’t move, and if he was honest, he wouldn’t know how to anyway.
And that’s when you started to carefully rock your hips back and forth. You were still trying to find the right way to move but Mingi was already a mess. Pretty moans groans and the whines were escaping his mouth as this unknown pleasure washed over his body. 
“Fuck you’re so tight..” He tried hard not to move with you but his grip on your hips was getting stronger. “I don’t think I can take this for long.” He admitted, the redness on his face re-appearing.
“Oh, don’t worry you’re not supposed to.” You wanted to sound teasing but everything that escaped your mouth was breathy. He was hitting places that never had been touched before. You clenched around him, as you felt his pre-cum leak into you.
“No seriously I mean I-“ His moans grew louder as you picked up the pace of your movements. 
Your mind went blank. The amount of pure ecstasy that was running through your body was immense, numbing. You wanted him to fill you up, not only with his cock but with his cum. 
“Cum for me.” You moaned, getting lost in your own pleasure. But Mingi couldn’t relax.
“Are you sure? I- sure? Isn’t that kinda.. dangerous?” He stuttered, trying hard not to cum then and there. You groaned. Now he’s overthinking it?
You leaned forward, setting kisses onto his skin until you reached his face. Your lips were hovering over his. 
“Come on good boy. Fill me up. Give me your precious cum.” You whispered before pressing your lips onto his. You moaned into each other’s mouths as you started moving again. Mingi was completely overwhelmed by your words but they showed an effect immediately. 
“Faster.. please..” He murmured against your lips and you let out a chuckle. “I didn’t know you could beg.” You responded, listening to him still. Your hips were now moving at the steady but fast pace and you could feel him twitch inside of you. 
“Yes.. Yes this is it.. I’m ahh I’m cu-cu-“ Mingi couldn’t help but buckle up his hips as his orgasm washed over him, making you cry out. “I’m cumming!” He whined while painting your insides white. You felt so full. Physically. You helped him ride out his high and just as he relaxed, you started moving again. He instantly cried out in overstimulation. 
“Now I’ll show you how you can use this huge dick of yours for good.” 
Tags: @jonghoisbabie @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers-writes @serialee @crimsonbubble @cometoceantrenches @em--ilysm @deja-vux @kawaiiloli00 @ddeonghwva @aaaaajonghooooo @sansbun @cookies-n-joong @plonys @hijirikaww @nari-nim @yunkiwii @mingi-ivity @racheloveyunho @seongsangsgf @jhmylove @lizsvcks @yunhobabygurl @leoninadecorazones @kerra-that-one-random-fangirl @star1117-archives
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bro-atz · 2 months
Daddy Dearest
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Finally getting his own place, San ends up signing up for a lot more than just a lease. Little did he know that moving in next to you would bring more drama to his life than an ATEEZ dorm.
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pair: idol!san/afab!reader
word count: tba
content: fluff, angst, smut, idol!au, forced proximity, friends to lovers, and ofc, dad!san
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
networks: @atzhouse @cromernet @cultofdionysusnet @san-network @wonderlandnet
apply here to be part of the taglist!
nsfw chapters in red
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chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
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the collaboration of the century brought to you by the minds of @bro-atz @sanspuppet and @k-hotchoisan ! enjoy y'all <3 since this is a collaboration, chapters will be posted upon completion! please respect our schedules when it comes to awaiting updates for this fic, thank you!
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hwaseonghwasworld · 1 month
When their S/O sleeps on them
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You were trying to force yourself to not sleep since you guys were almost home anyway, Hongjoong and his group were all in their coach and Hongjoong sat next to you, he saw you fighting trying not to sleep so he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pressed his hand on your cheek, moving your face to his shoulder “it’s okay you can sleep darling” you nodded and went straight to sleep.
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You guys were with the rest of ATEEZ watching a movie, you and seonghwa were sitting next to each other and your head was on his lap, you didn’t even realize that you were drifting to sleep, seonghwa didn’t even know either but then he wanted to check on you and saw that you were peacefully asleep, he smiled and stroked your hair, and kissing your cheek and chuckling “you must’ve been really tired”
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You drifted to sleep on his shoulder while you two were watching a movie together, he didn’t notice at first sing you both usually cling into each other a lot, he turned to you to kiss you and saw that you were asleep, he smiled and caressed your hair, he picks you up lightly and took you to yours and his room after turning the TV off, he lied down with you and put your head on his chest “goodnight, love”
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You both were in the living room on your phones then you fell asleep on his shoulder, yeosang smiles and kisses the top of your head, he picks you up in his arms as you sleep on his shoulder. He walks into the bedroom with you and lays you down on the bed, he pulls the covers over you and gives you one last kiss before lying down next to you falling asleep too “sweet dreams love”
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You both were at the dance studio and you were watching him dance, once he was finished and also tired he sat with you kissing your lips, you phoned the sweat off his forehead and rested your head on his shoulder, you fell asleep on his shoulder and San didn’t realize until he heated you snoring lightly, he picks you up and put you on his lap. “You can rest here, love, we’ll go home later”
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You both were on your bed and he was talking about his day, you were very interested when you loved listening to him since you both alway talk about your day with each other, you had your head on his lap and was listening to him, you felt yourself drifting to sleep and he could hear your little snores and he smile and stops talking and caresses your cheek, he knew that you had a long day at work “you must’ve had such a stressful day honey”
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You were on his lap hugging him while he was playing games on his PlayStation, while you were watching TikTok’s, Wooyoung heard the same song repeating itself so he looked over at you seeing that you were asleep an the phone was so close to falling out of your hand, he laughed a little and took the phone out of your hand and carried on playing his game while kissing your cheek once in a while. “You’re so cute princess”
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You guys were in the living room watching a movie, you felt tired and asked Jongho to sing a song for you which he agreed, he sings your favorite song and watched as you drifted to sleep on his shoulder, he smiles as his voice was so sooting that it help you sleep to it, he kisses your forehead and falls asleep with you “goodnight, teddy bear”
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yuyusuyu · 10 months
birthday kisses!
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pairing. idol! song mingi x non idol! fem! reader
synopsis. you wake up feeling very parched and very in love with your boyfriend, song mingi. you admire his beauty and suddenly have the need to give him a kiss... too bad you're too shy.
warnings. pet names (tiny i literally saw someone say that mingi would call his s/o tiny and i literally died and i'm running with it now, baby, pretty/pretty girl), kisses (as an aroace person: ew), mingi being mingi (he is a menace himself he literally bites you)
genres. romance, fluff, established relationship
wc. 0.8k
a/n. reader has glasses because we are all blind in this today. also ! happy birthday to our lovely mingi :( (literally please ignore my last mingi oneshot. it was literally supposed to be up TODAY not two days early wtaf tumblr.....)
reblogs and comments are appreciated! helps with not getting shadowbanned!
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YOU wake up suddenly, feeling very thirsty as you try to crane your neck back to see the stupid alarm clock you have sitting on top of your night stand. you can’t make out the numbers, and attempt to blindly reach out for your glasses when mingi grunts, trying to shove his nose further into the crook of your neck. it’s then that you remember that you fell asleep hugging your boyfriend while he rested his head on your chest, saying that listening to your heartbeat helps lull him to sleep while he had his arms tightly wrapped around your waist. you feel slightly embarrassed at the position you’re both in as you card your hand through his short-ish hair, your other hand resuming its previous mission of trying to grab your glasses from its place by the alarm clock.
after a few seconds of blindly reaching out for your glasses, you huff, deciding to just grab them later as you try to shimmy out of your boyfriend’s hold. mingi groans, tightening his grip. “what are you doing, tiny?”
“i’m thirsty,” you whisper. “i’ll be back before you know it.”
mingi sighs, “okay. don’t take too long, though,” he mumbles, attempting to open his eyes to look at you. “i just want to sleep the day away with you.”
you snort, now sitting up with your feet touching the cold floor. “baby, are you sure you don’t want to go out and do something? you only have today off, and you’ll be busy later at night for the live.”
the male shakes his head, stuffing his head into his pillow afterwards. “just wanna sleep with my pretty girl today…”
“even if it’s your birthday?”
mingi hums in response, and you laugh, quickly kissing the crown of his head and whispering happy birthday to him before pushing yourself up. when you’re in the kitchen, holding your glass of water, you purse your lips in thought, taking a sip from it.
you are definitely going to drag mingi out to do at least something today after he’s fully awake… which will probably be some time after one in the afternoon.
when you go back to the room, you happily crawl into the covers and mingi immediately pulls you into him, shoving his nose into your neck again. you laugh, wrapping an arm around his head and scratching his scalp softly. mingi hums, and he reminds you of a cat when he nuzzles his nose into—
“ow?” you yelp, bewildered as you push mingi away from you to see him smiling at you cheekily. “what was that for?” you pout, rubbing the spot mingi bit.
“nothing,” he replies. “let’s go back to sleep, yeah?”
you drop the subject and resume scratching his scalp. you don’t know how long it’s been when you decide to look down at the sleeping male. you can’t see mingi with how he has his face in your neck, so you lean back, almost cooing out loud at how adorable he looks with messy, oreo hair. you then trace over his eyebrows with a finger before lovingly caressing his cheek, eyes smiling along with your lips as you press quick kisses to the dots on his face. one kiss right beneath his eyebrow, one kiss on the top of his cheek, one kiss on his jaw, and one last kiss on his temple. your eyes then fall to his lips and you have the sudden urge to kiss them, but you flush in embarrassment at the thought of doing so.
unlike your boyfriend, you find it a little harder to initiate skinship.
well… only when you let yourself think about it just like now.
you settle with kissing the dot by his temple again, pulling back and gasping in surprise when mingi’s eyes fly open.
“what the…? mingi, since when—”
he cuts you off by leaning in, staring straight into your eyes. you attempt to lean back, eyes wide.
“well, if you won’t do it,” he says, licking his lips. “i will.”
mingi leans forward, his mission being to kiss you. you whine and cover your mouth, making him laugh as he gently pries your hands away.
“stop! i-i have morning breath!”
“okay, and? i don't care. c’mon pretty,” he says, chuckling. “let me have my birthday kiss.”
“stop,” you drawl. “when you say it like that, you know i’m going to cave in!”
mingi bites your cheek all of a sudden, pulling the flesh back as you squeal, laughing afterwards. “that’s why i said it. now give me my kiss before i bite you again.”
“you’re turning into wooyoung,” you huff, frowning as you settle down and admit defeat. “biting everyone out of nowhere.”
“i only ever bite you out of love,” he sings, pecking your nose quickly before kissing you.
the kiss is soft and fast. mingi opens his eyes to see your own flutter open, and before you can even process what’s happening, he’s already pressing his lips to yours again, the kiss being a little rougher than the previous one. it leaves you in a daze when he pulls back.
“w-why did you—”
mingi cuts you off by humming, pointing at his face afterwards. “give me more kisses, and you can't say no because it's my birthday.”
“you're abusing your birthday power,” you scoff, but nonetheless smile and pepper kisses everywhere on his face, making him grin. “happy birthday, mingi.”
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yuyu1024 · 4 months
<different angle>
Why?? Why are we even...... breathing... like...
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xerotiny99 · 2 months
―👾 territory one: wicked games.
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Smut with plot. | Long chapters. | No use of [y/n]. | Detailed and graphic smut. | All smut-shots are in female reader's perspective. | Includes series and standalones.
[Misread the info catalogue? Go back to start here]
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1.] Attention: Jeong Yunho x Female Reader
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#1 Our Precious [slice of life au, college au, polygamy, reverse harem] ╰┈➤ sexcapades of a sophomore year college student while living with eight roommates who are equally freaky as her. What started off as pure physical arrangement soon turns to something more. Storyline following "Moon Angel" (female reader) and her eight "roommates".
1.] 2 AM Call: Jeong Yunho x Reader 2.] Game Night Gone Wrong: Jeong Yunho x Reader x Park Seonghwa 3.] Trouble in Paradise: Jeong Yunho x Reader 4.] Win Me a Bear: Choi Jongho x Reader 5.] House of Cards: Ateex Ot8 x Reader [no smut] 6.] The Lewd Rituals of a Typical Day: Park Seonghwa x Reader x Jeong Yunho x Kang Yeosang 6.1] Feed Me Please, Daddy: Park Seonghwa x Reader 6.2] Down on My Knees: Kang Yeosang x Reader
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#2 Guns & Roses [Mafia au] ╰┈➤ a florist, a cop, and a mafia boss; sounds good right? As if nothing could go wrong. Well, think again. Storyline based on mafia au, Jeong Yunho - Mafia boss, Female Reader (Kang Yeonhwa) - Florist, Park Seonghwa - Cop.
1.] Under the Stars, Beyond the Sea: Jeong Yunho x Reader
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#3 Loving Professor Jeong [professor au] ╰┈➤ when the love-hate relationship between your favourite professor goes south. Storyline based on professor au, and reverse harem.
1.] Antiserum D: Jeong Yunho x Reader
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#4 No Saint No Saviour [psychopath au] ╰┈➤ True evil, above all, is seductive. Yoon Dajung’s (reader) life gets weaved with certain people she never should’ve trusted. Ateez as Psychopaths; really dark and mature.
1.] Room for Two: Choi Jongho x Reader
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Ethel Cain Series [2/4] ╰┈➤ my adaptations of ethel cain's songs into short imagines; follow dark themes.
1.] Knuckle Velvet: Jeong Yunho x Reader 2.] Strangers: Jeong Yunho x Reader
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1.] Room for Two: Choi Jongho x Reader - wattpad request. 2.] Chasing Stars in the Dark: Jeong Yunho x Reader - wattpad request.
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orshii · 1 month
Will I Ever See You Again? CHAPTER 3: Bad Decisions
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Author: orshii
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x reader
Warning: cursing, violence
Word count: 4,1 k
Summary: You were left alone with your brother, Yunho, and his best friend Hongjoong, after your parents' death. Yunho had someone to grieve with, but you? You had no one as your brother and his best friend pushed you away, singing becoming your only savior. There was one rule that Yunho made inside his friend group: “Don’t touch my sister”. And for this reason, Hongjoong had always kept his distance. But one night, you find yourself in danger. And from then on, Hongjoong does not leave your side. He is suddenly overprotective of you, and your relationship shifts and becomes fraught with tension and unspoken feelings, with secrets lurking beneath the surface and a painful past haunting you. Will you find out the secrets your brother and best friend have been keeping away from you? Will you be able to finally free yourself from your cruel past?
Will you fall in love amidst the chaos around you?
A/N: Uhh...sorry it took me so long to update but I have to write my thesis as well and I hate it...I just want to write anything except that pls:'(...so things are slowly unfolding in this chapter, and they are getting closer a little hehet. I am not 100% satisfied with this chapter but it is what it is. I hope you like it tho. Enjoy reading! :') <3 p.s: I'll try to update sooner, but I can't promise...also listen to this song, as it is included in this chapter. tyy, byee.
Taglist: @bvidzsoo @vixensss @deltamoon666 @scarfac3 @chatsgotmytongue
@xiang-zalea @cookiesandcreammy <3 (taglist is still open)
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  I was at Mist, sitting in one of the chairs opposite the stage, I was listening as another band was playing, Yeosang was sitting next to me, and we were waiting for our turn. I really tried not to look to my right side as the girl from yesterday night, was clinging to Hongjoong, they were sitting on a sofa pulled next to the wall. I side glanced at them at the same time when Hongjoong leaned close to the girl, grabbed her chin, and kissed her slowly. Suddenly he opened his eyes, just to look at me with fiery eyes, which made my heart rate speed as he still kissed the girl. That poor girl did not know, he wasn't into her. I just locked my eyes with his, not leaving it for even a second, as he imagined me in the place of the poor girl.
I thought of our kiss the other day and to be honest I don't really remember. I have only some little flashbacks in my mind, as he was looking at me, fighting with his thoughts, and kissing me. I don't know, what came into my mind that night, I can blame it on the pills and the alcohol, but if I'm honest I just wanted to play with him. I like to break the rules, and I like to break people, my intention was only to break him because I knew he wanted me, he just couldn't and I made him do it. I don't care if it makes him feel bad, I was long gone in caring about other's feelings. I didn't care about my feelings then why would I do that with others?
Darkness hugged me again as I stepped on the stage. This is the state where I step into another world, leaving behind my problems. When I'm in the dark before the lights turn on, I feel like I'm me, I'm myself for minutes, letting my emotions break free and when the lights turn on, I just give my soul to the music.
I leaned close to the microphone to start singing my feelings out.
♪ There's a war inside my head
Sometimes I wish that I was dead, I'm broken ♪
At first, only Jongho followed me with the drums, sounding like thunder. Then Yeosang joined us, leaving little sparkles behind with his guitar like a fairy.
♪ I'm tired of trying to be normal
I'm always overthinking
I'm driving myself crazy
So, what if I'm fucking crazy ♪
The beat started to slowly quicken as San followed the loud drums giving power to the songs as I sang my soul out, leaning forward to let my voice out.
♪ Just 'cause you say I'm crazy
So, what if I'm fucking crazy
I'm gonna show you ♪
I sang as my eyes met with Hongjoong's, the girl next to him hugging him, then leaning to his ear and she whispered something to him. But Hongjoong looked only at me the whole time, our eyes attracted each other like two black magnets. He was holding a can of beer in his hands and glared into my eyes like he was obsessed with me like he wanted to watch me for eternity.
♪ Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath
I'm gonna show you
Yeah, I'm gonna show you crazy ♪
I sang as Hongjoong’s words echoed in my mind from the night he kissed me.
‘You are crazy’
Loud clapping woke me up, stepping back into real life, as the four of us stood in one line to bow for the crowd. I think this was one of our best performances. I loved it, felt like I was finally alive, and felt like some life crawled through my veins after a while.
As we finished our performance, we gathered together to celebrate. However, our moment of triumph was interrupted when strangers began to approach our table, offering congratulations. We were so surprised by the sudden attention we got. A tall guy came to me and congratulated me as we cheered our glasses together, and when I drank the sweet whiskey, my eyes met again with a familiar one, he stared at me as I couldn't read his face, the girl still clinging to his side.
I lifted my glass towards him into the air, lifting my eyebrow cheering my glass in the air, then I drank the remaining alcohol from my glass, as he watched my whole scene, his eyes sending me red warnings towards me as to stop it. I don't know what cruel game are we playing, but this suddenly seemed like who's gonna be more jealous.
≫The lights were never showing your face
Darkness took over you as fate≪
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It's Friday finally, and we were done with classes as we walked home with Yeosang until we said our goodbyes and parted ways. I searched my headphones from my backpack and I let the music flow through my body, feeling every inch of the melody.
The sun beamed down warmly, a welcome contrast to the cold winter that had gripped the town. Spring crawled slowly through the world, bringing life into our little town with some beautiful flowers, the wind blowing away the remaining cold and slowly the sun warmed up the ground giving hope to the plants. Spring is always the time when I think it brings hope to the people's hearts as well. A hope for a better life, a hope that gives you the power to keep going, the feeling of hope, to never give up.
Lost in my thoughts, I navigated the familiar alleyways on my way home, accompanied by the music echoing in my mind. Suddenly all I felt was that I was being pushed against a wall a strong hand on my throat and all I saw was a man in front of me shouting at me, I couldn't hear him as my headphones were still on. My breathing started to quicken I didn't know what was happening. The guy, who still squeezed my neck as I slowly wasn't able to breathe, grabbed my headphones as he realized I didn't hear him.
"Fucking shit are you listening to me?!" The man said angrily, his voice low as he suddenly released my throat. He was wearing a black mask I only saw his dark eyes; he seemed young.
"What the fuck do you want?" I suddenly got some courage to speak as my voice was a bit raspy from the neck grabbing.
"I need you to deliver a message to your brother and his little friend." He stepped close to me pushing me against the brick wall.
I remained silent as he continued. "Tell Yunho that we know who he is, we know whose son he is, so stop doing whatever he is planning to do. Or next time we won't be nice, this is his last chance." My heart started to beat so fast; I was afraid it might jump out of my chest. What did he mean by 'I know whose son he is'? Why the hell did he mention my father? Who died three years ago, not knowing how. Why the hell did he bring him up?
"What do you know about my father?" I demanded; my voice tight with urgency.
"Ohh." He laughed. "He died as a hero, sacrificing himself for you and your brother." The guy smirked in front of me while talking about my father. "Didn't you know it? Your brother kept it from you, didn’t he? Keeping you in a cage to not find the truth." He slowly caressed my checks. I felt disgusted as he touched me. I couldn't control myself anymore, there were too many emotions swimming through my mind, and I just lost control over myself.
"Fuck you!" Adrenaline boiled through my veins as I suddenly spat on his face and punched him with all my strength. He suddenly held his right cheekbone where I hit him, his eyes filling with anger as he pushed me against the wall and suddenly slapped my right cheek. I felt as blood streamed down on my face, just like sad tears.
The guy was surprised by his actions as he stepped back.
"I don't want to do it again so, please tell Yunho." He told me this like he regretted hitting me and just ran away.
I was just standing against the brick wall, slowly slipping to the ground, staring at the opposite wall. Emotion drained from me, leaving a hollow emptiness in its wake. Tears escaped from my eyes, which I didn't even realize, mixing with my blood slowly drying on my face. I just couldn't believe what this guy said.
Did Yunho really know how our father died? Why did he keep it a secret?
Why won't he tell me anything?
So many questions, yet no answers to be found.
Suddenly I felt pressure from my throat as I started coughing, leaning to my right side as my lunch came back, landing on the ground. This brought me back a little into real life as I realized I should go home.
Lost in thought, I resolved not to involve Yunho. With determination, I made my way home, he wouldn't tell me the truth anyway, so I needed to find answers myself. I arrived home and I quickly showered, washing away that fucker's touch from me, the dirt from his hands.
I planned to search for some evidence, for anything which is going tell me something about all of this shit. I stepped into Yunho's room; I knew he wouldn't be home until late at night. I looked around in agony, not knowing where I should search. I thought it was good to start with his laptop, I sat on his bed and opened his laptop, there wasn't a PIN code, he is such a basic human. I searched through his files and opened a few, but there wasn't anything. Just when I saw a suspicious folder, I heard the bell ringing, it was angry, and someone pushed it continuously.
"Shit." I closed the laptop quickly and ran down; on my way, I grabbed a cap and organized my hair so the wound on my cheek wouldn't be seen. Whoever was it I didn't want them to think Yunho may hurt me.
"Coming!" I shouted to whoever was in front of the door, to stop ringing that bell, my head hurt enough already.
I opened the front door and saw a furious Hongjoong standing there, not waiting for me to fully open it, he stepped inside pushing me aside.
"Where's Yunho?" He asked walking around furiously.
"He is working, he'll be home only at midnight," I said looking at Hongjoong as I tried to understand what was happening.
"Fuck." He said running his fingers through his hair and mixing the two colors of his hair.
"What happened, Joong?" I started to feel worried a bit.
He suddenly stopped, and that's when I saw his face. Which was all black and blue, some fresh cuts on his lips, on his eyebrows, the blood long dried. On his cheekbone, there was a slight cut, that seemed to be made with a sharp knife. I gasped at him as I pressed my palm to my mouth.
"Just don't ask, please." He said as he saw my expression.
Fuck this isn't good. "At least let me treat your wounds, please." I looked at him concerned.
He just nodded, so I took his hands carefully to lead him into the kitchen. He sat on the stool next to the kitchen counter, so he was now a little shorter than me. I searched for the first aid kit and when I found it, I stepped between his spread thighs, he then locked me with his thighs pulling me closer to him. I looked down at him concerned when I gave his wounds a closer look, my cap still hiding my eyes.
I pulled out a sanitizer and cotton from the box so I could treat him. Silence took over us as I was pouring some liquid on the cotton and slowly, I reached it into the wound on his right cheekbone, just where mine was. He hissed a bit from the contact, but his eyes never left my face, as he analyzed my behavior. I didn't dare to look into his eyes, I kept my focus on his wounds instead, moving the cotton to his soft lips, which were wounded now, he parted his lips so I had more access to them. When I was done with his lips, I moved forward to his left side, as I felt his hands carefully squeezing my waist. That was when I looked at his hands and his knuckles were bruised as well, from the defending. He tried to look into my eyes, leaning down so he could see my eyes, as I reached the cotton to his red knuckles that screamed, he did not let himself fall for even a second. I hid behind my cap, as I felt his sharp glare.
"Why are you hiding?" He got suspicious and reached his hands towards my cap. "Don't hide your beautiful eyes, sugar." I grabbed his wrist, preventing him from taking off my cap.
He just looked at me, slowly figuring out something was off. I had no time to react when he quickly pulled off my cap, revealing my face, which really wasn't a big deal. But he made it like it.
He just stared at me, with round eyes, looking at the little red wound on my cheek.
"What the fuck happened, Y/N?" He stood up, I saw his body suddenly start to tremble, his blood was boiling.
"It's nothing, really, Joong please, just calm down," I said slowly feeling terrified seeing this Hongjoong.
He stepped closer to me until my back hit the fridge. Cold ran through my back, spreading through my whole body. He held my jaw carefully, tracing his thumb over the little red wound.
"Who did this to you?" He asked in a low tone; I never heard him like this before. Suddenly I felt like I was in front of the Devil.
"Did I ask who did that to you?" I pointed at his wounds.
"That doesn't fucking matter, Y/N!" He shouted suddenly. "Who was it tell me! I'm going to kill them." He hit the fridge next to my head. I squeezed my eyes shut from the sudden impact, starting to breathe heavily. I wasn't scared, I was terrified seeing him like this. But I knew his anger didn't tend towards me. He was pissed because someone hurt me.
"Hongjoong, you are scaring me, please calm down." I looked at him as tears started to appear in my eyes.
He looked at me, surprised, then stepped back from me, leaving me with a cold feeling. "Shit" He rubbed his palms into his face, trying to calm down. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's happening to me." His eyes were full of regret. “When something happens to you, I can’t control myself, Y/N!”
I sighed, feeling the weight of the encounter. “It was a man,” I confessed, unable to meet his gaze. “I didn't see his face, but he had a message for you, " I said looking down at my hands, I tried to remember what he exactly said. "He said something about that plan, to tell Yunho to stop it because they know who he is and shit like these…and…he said something about my dad Joong, they know how he died, do you understand?" I was so confused I didn't even know what was I saying as I started to tear up.
"Fuck, they don't know shit, don't believe them, sugar." He stepped closer to me, to peck my red wound on my cheek. "I think those who attacked me were from the same gang." This was the first time he said some information to me. "Let's wait for Yunho and we'll figure it out." He said caressing my cheek slowly.
≫When your dark side leaves
I'm falling for you deeper≪
I nodded. "Let's drink something." I suddenly offered, trying to break this tense atmosphere. 
Hongjoong frowned at me. "Really?" I saw a little smile appeared on his lips.
"Yeah, I think we can use some, nah?" I turned around to grab two wine glasses.
"I guess." He said watching me as if I might disappear at any moment.
Pouring out the red wine, its hue resembling blood, I made my way to the living room with the bottle in hand. Hongjoong followed me and sat down on the other side of the couch. I looked at him, after sipping the red liquid from my glass.
I tilted my head looking at him curious. "Do you ever smile? I never saw you smiling?"
Well—that was a lie, but I never saw him smiling because of me.
He suddenly chuckled at my question. Oh My God, and that was the sweetest melody I ever heard. He hid his lips behind his palm. "Yes, it happens, sometimes."
His face grew serious as he drank from his glass, downing it in one go before pouring another. I did the same as he poured into my glass too. He turned towards me and laid his head on the back of the couch.
"Do you know you have beautiful eyes?" My heart started to race all of a sudden. "It's mysterious like a dark forest." He looked at me with sincerity. I think the alcohol already hit him. It was funny seeing him like this.
"Oh, so you are a Shakespeare now?" I said teasing him. Downing the wine from my glass to reach for the bottle to pour another, he did the same as I poured for him as well.
"I was a Shakespeare all my life." He said as he closed his eyes and smiled. His sudden smile caught me off guard. Was this the same Kim Hongjoong who had been shouting at me just moments ago? "I write music since…I don't know a long time ago."
I was surprised at that. "Really?" I asked as my face showed how surprised I was.
"Yea" He stared at his hands. "I wrote some for bigger companies."
"Wow, I didn't know," I said respectively. "That's really a big achievement."
He lifted his head to look at me. "Thank you."
"Recently…I don't know, I kind of write something in my mind, but I never wrote it down, and… it may sound weird but I hear a melody as well, which I never heard before. I never tried writing something before." I tried to explain to him my weird thoughts.
"It's not weird at all, I had times when I wrote a whole song like that, but as soon as my brain extended it, I wrote it down quickly. You should do that too." He sipped from his glass.
"Hmm, okay I will. I would be glad if I could write a song, it seems fun." I said to him honestly, staring right next to him into a blank point.
"It is, but it has the bad sides too. The process of music-making is tiring. You have to listen to it a thousand times and change a lot of things so that in the end, it is going to be perfect. But it's worth it, I can promise that." I never heard him talk this much; it was strange. I liked this side of him. He looked so soft and nice, with his black hoodie, the sleeves, and the hood close to the color of beige, the hood now on his head, and black sweatpants hugging his legs tugged up on the couch. I felt like I wanted to hug him, which was strange.
"Mhhm, I'll try doing something," I said laying my head on the couch's back, turning towards him. I slowly started to feel the effects of the alcohol, my body was lighter.
"Since when do you sing?" He did the same as me looking at me curiously.
My heart started to beat fast at that question. I looked down on my hands. "Hmm, since I was seven…maybe." Unwanted tears started to appear in my eyes as I blinked them away.
"Your voice is so beautiful; I get chills all the time you are on the stage." He complimented me. I lifted my head and smiled at him. "Why do you sing?” He asked while his eyes never left me.
It was always hard for me to talk about this. "My mother discovered I can sing, so she was the one pushing me in this way. I fell in love with everything that's music, and since my mother died…" I stayed quiet for a second, trying to be able to talk. "After she died, it was my only escape," I said, my fingers toying with the glass, my breaths shallow and uneven.
It was a long time ago since she took her own life, I was only 12 back then, but how could I forget her beautiful smile, as she looked at me proudly every time I sang? Every time I stepped on the stage, I saw her beautiful face smiling at me and saying 'You've got this'.
Abruptly, Hongjoong's presence pulled me from my reverie. "She would be proud of you." He smiled at me sweetly, reaching his hand to my cheek, and caressing it.
I stared at him as if I didn't recognize him. "Thank you."
We stared at each other for a moment. "Does Yunho's rule affect you?" I suddenly broke the silence. He took his hands away from my face, sudden change went through him, as I mentioned Yunho's name. It really did affect him. He turned on the couch leaning against the back, staring at the blank TV.
"So, it does." I acknowledged as I drank the remaining wine from my glass and I stood to put the glass down. As I turned towards him, he lifted his head, his gaze piercing into mine.
 As if he knew what I was planning. I walked towards him and slowly straddled him staring into his eyes the whole time. I left my hand on his shoulders as he did not move at all.
"Why are you doing this?" He was struggling I could see it in his eyes.
"Because I know you hold yourself back, for a reason of a stupid rule, my brother made," I said leaning closer to his face. "You can't hold back for too long, Joong." I whispered on his now bruised lips. A surge of anger coursed through me at the sight of his injuries, a protective instinct rising within.
I saw as his eyes got softer, he slowly reached his right hand towards my lips and brushed it with the softest touch I ever felt. He stared at my lips desperately.
"What do you want, Hongjoong?" I grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"I want to kiss you." He whispered a little dazed from the alcohol.
I reached my hands to his face to cup his face into my hands. "Then do it," I whispered into his lips as they almost touched his, it felt like a bad decision, but I couldn’t think about that when that's all I had to say, and he grabbed my waist to pull me closer to him, his lips finding mine finally, and I felt complete again.
≫You complete me like black the white
I complete you like fire the water≪
I didn’t even realize back then how it felt to kiss him, because I'm sure it hasn’t felt like this. Our lips moved together like it was destined together, slowly, passionately. His kiss conveyed a desperate longing as if he never wanted to part from me. I felt his bruised lips against mine, as his tongue went through my parted lips, inviting mine for a dance. His hands slowly found their way under my shirt, running his fingers through the line of my spine, I arched my back from his touch. It never felt so good, his touch was like a sin I could commit anytime. I reached my hand to his nape, and slowly teasingly ran my fingers through his hair, mixing the colors, as his lips escaped a moan, that sounded like the melody that was playing in my head rent-free.
All of a sudden, I heard two car doors slamming. I departed from Hongjoong immediately as he heard the sound as well, looking towards the front door with round eyes.
"Yunho is with his motorbike, right?" He asked looking back at me.
I nodded.
 "Fuck they followed me," Hongjoong said as he stood up quickly his hands still holding my lower back. We heard two loud bangs on the door.
"I know you are there, open up or we will break the door." A low voice shouted from the front door, and I started to panic.
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frenchkisstheabyss · 2 months
♥︎ 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖒𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖘 ♥︎
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♥︎ Pairing: best friend!jongho x ghost!chubby!fem!reader, ghost!mingi x ghost!chubby!fem!reader
♥︎ Genre: fluff/angst (sorta)/supernatural au/suggestive
♥︎ Summary: Choi Jongho's apartment has a ghost problem and you're it. For so long you've been his little secret but, after spilling his secret on a drunk night out, he makes things more complicated for himself than he ever could've imagined.
♥︎ Word Count: 2.3k
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♥︎ Warnings: You're a ghost, babes. You and Mingi are ghosts. So your life/feelings as a ghost are expressed but nothing super heavy/dark. Light expression of sexual thoughts. Cursing. Mention of other members. Intro to a love triangle. This one's Jongho focused w/ intro to Mingi at the end, & that's all, darling.
♥︎ A/N: Why am I writing multi-part (posting pt 2 this weekend) supernatural fic where you find yourself in a Jongho/Mingi love triangle? Because it's halfway to Halloween. Jk. I did it cause I wanted to and I'd do it again. Mwahahaha.
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“A ghost? Like dressed in a white dress floating around your apartment going ‘Booooo’ ghost?” San teases, raising a skeptical eyebrow in Jongho’s direction.
Jongho groans, taking a seat at the polished wooden table at the center of the break room. He should’ve known that running his mouth to Wooyoung after one too many drinks would lead to all of the guys finding out about it. Anything you ever tell Wooyoung goes in one ear and right out of his mouth.
Taking a sip of his coffee, Jongho almost wishes he were a ghost himself. “She doesn’t go ‘Booooo’ and she doesn’t wear a white dress.” 
Seated across from him, feet kicked up on the table, Woo sports a mischievous grin. “So, what does she wear?”
Hongjoong sneaks up behind Woo, wringing his hands on the back of his chair. “Leave him alone” he hisses, popping Woo in the head with a half empty water bottle. Woo flinches, crying out in pain. “You might be the boss but that doesn’t mean you can hit me!” Hongjoong just rolls his eyes, nudging him out of the chair and taking it for himself. “That’s exactly what that means.” 
A thousand thoughts swirl around Jongho’s mind. There’s no way he’s answering that question. But the silence is getting to him. The curious stares of his three best friends dare him to blurt out details they’ll no doubt use to torture him with. “Yoga pants and a t-shirt” Jongho mumbles under his breath, instantly regretting his decision to speak.
Hongjoong squints, leaning in closer, “Did you say…yoga pants and a t-shirt?” San freezes in place, a fork full of salad hovering near lips that curl into a smile as Hongjoong repeats the words. 
His three friends burst into laughter. Especially Woo who can't keep from howling at this new bit of information. Hongjoong tries and fails to supress some of his amusement but the other two couldn’t care less. They’re almost doubled over in disbelief. “Boys, I think he’s finally lost it” Woo says, patting Jongho on the shoulder.
Jongho grabs him by the wrist, squeezing it just enough to make his annoyance be known. “I’m stronger than Hongjoong. If I hit you I’ll break something.” Knowing better than to test him too much, Woo pulls his hand back. “Hey, leave him alone!” San demands, coming to Woo's defense, “It’s not his fault your apartment’s haunted by a phantom yoga instructor.”
Drinking down the rest of his coffee at record speed, Jongho rises from his chair. “Fuck you guys.” He turns to Hongjoong, his stone face plunging the room into silence once more, “I’m taking an early day today.” 
Hongjoong must admit he thought it was a prank when Woo first told him what Jongho had confessed at the bar the night before. The girl who lived in the apartment before him died in it. He only found out after he’d already moved in and weird things began happening. Nothing scary. Just small things like the TV being on when he knew he turned it off. Cups being rearranged in the cabinets. His downstairs neighbor asking him to keep the music down in the afternoon when he knew for a fact he hadn’t been home all day. It was weeks before he actually saw her and he was sure he’d, as Woo so eloquently put it, “lost it”.
The ghost...the girl...she was nothing like the ones he’d seen in horror movies or heard about in scary stories growing up. In most ways she was like any other girl. She wasn’t transparent, she definitely didn’t go “Boo”, and she had no intentions of freaking him out. At least not any more than she already had.
She just couldn’t pass on and she didn’t know why. So they struck up a deal. If she helped around the house and kept the music down he wouldn’t try to get rid of her. A part of him enjoyed the company of his new ghostly friend. She was gentler than a lot of the guys he hung with. Easier to open up around too. A perk he’d only come to appreciate in this moment was that she couldn’t run her mouth either. 
Feeling a tinge of guilt wash over him, Hongjoong shoots the other two an icy glare that tells them to give Jongho a break…or else. “Look, we’re sorry. Really” Hongjoong apologizes, “You’re just not the type of person to believe in these things. I mean, come on. A ghost?”
“Ooh, ghosts? I see Halloween came early” Yunho sings, strolling into the break room. Sensing the tension, Yunho goes straight to the refridgerator to grab his lunch. He tosses it into the microwave, the beeping of the few buttons he hits the only sound filling the room. He turns to the others, arms folded across his chest. “Is anyone gonna tell me what’s going on or…”
All eyes are on Jongho who refuses to meet anyone’s gaze. “I’m not saying it again” he says defiantly, heading for the door. “Jongho’s house is haunted” San spills out, his mouth now full of food. “By a yoga instructor” Woo tags onto the end. Jongho glances over his shoulder, his hand wrapped around the doorknob. “She isn’t a yoga instructor!” Anger boils up inside of him again as he prepares for yet another person to laugh at him. It never happens, instead Yunho seems almost happy.
“Wait, you guys are serious aren’t you?” Yunho asks, secretly praying that this isn’t some sort of joke. Jongho sighs, relieved that at least someone isn’t set on being an asshole today. “They aren’t lying. My apartment’s haunted…or whatever.” Yunho’s eyes light up in a way that makes Jongho instantly uncomfortable. He’s never looked at him this way before and he never wants him to again.
Before Jongho can resist, Yunho’s long arms are wrapped around him as he squeals with joy. “This is amazing. Can I come over later?”
“What? No!”
“Come on, don’t be grumpy my little teddy bear” Yunho pouts, “I swear on my life you won’t regret it.”
Jongho drops his head and closes his eyes. Maybe if he wishes really hard Yunho will go away. “I won’t regret it because you aren’t coming over” he says through gritted teeth.
Never one to be defeated, Yunho decides to pull out the big guns. “Let me come over or I’ll hug you every time I see you for the next month!” Threatening any of the other guys was easy. Jongho could do it in his sleep. But Yunho? That’s a different beast entirely. It doesn’t matter what Jongho says or does. If Yunho wants a hug he’s coming in for one. He’s relentless and Jongho knows it. There is no other option. 
“Shit…fine” Jongho relents, “You can come over but don’t make it a thing.” “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Yunho cheers, “You won’t regret this. I swear to you.” Jongho moves to break free of Yunho’s loving embrace when the break room door opens once more.
Yeosang stands in the doorway taking in the current scene being played out before him. He clears his throat, forcing a smile. “Uh, hmm. Right. Should I come back later? You seem…” His gaze trails up and down Jongho’s body, “Busy.”
“Aah! I hate it here!” Jongho whines, storming out of the break room. Hongjoong jumps to his feet, peeking his head out after him. “We love you too!” 
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“Mmm, this smells wonderful” you hum, eyes closed as you inhale the aroma rising from the pots on the stove. It takes some time to pinpoint each scent. Roasted chilies, garlic, wine, braised pork. Sometimes if you picture it in your mind, remembering the times you’ve had it before, you can almost taste it again. How long has it been since you really tasted something? You push the thought to the back of your mind. It’s best not to think that way.
“No drooling in the food please” Jongho teases, sliding in beside you to switch a burner off. You poke him in the side, making him jump a bit. “I’ll have you know I can’t drool!”
“I’ve seen you sleeping. You can drool. It’s like ectoplasm or something.”
"Ectoplasam? You're banned from watching Ghostbusters ever again" you say, easing yourself up onto the counter.
Laying back on the smooth marble, you stare up at the new overhead light Jongho had installed after he moved in. It’s black at the center with long, illuminated arms outstretched like sunbeams. How long has it been since you saw the sun? Not through a window or on the TV but outside. Outside? What a silly thought. There is no outside. At least not for you. Not anymore. 
Shifting your focus to something less depressing, you decide to do one of your favorite things. Watch Jongho cook. Watching him do anything is entertainment enough for you if you’re being honest. Especially tonight when his clothes perfectly accentuate the shape of his body. You dare not lay eyes on him in the shower but you imagine it’d be quite the sight to see.
“Picturing me naked again…” Jongho accuses, turning around to playfully pinch your belly. Rather, pinch where it would be. His hand goes straight through you, it can’t be helped, but it tickles for both of you. “Get your head out of the gutter and your hand out of my small intestine Choi Jongho” you giggle, propping yourself up on your elbows. “Sorry” he apologizes, turning back to the stove, “Pretty sure it was your appendix though.” 
Classic Jongho. Always intent on getting the last word. You’ve never met someone who spoke so little but had so much to say all at the same time. In the years since this apartment became your permanent residence a few other people have come and gone. The girl with the dog that never stopped barking and the guy whose girlfriend smelled like raw onions.
Unfortunately, death hadn’t dulled your sense of hearing or smell so when it all became too unbearable you chased them off. Sent a few dishes flying off the shelves, made the microwave explode, put all of the furniture on the ceiling. They never made it a month before running away.
This one, though, you never imagined chasing off. He has the cutest pet turtle that doesn’t bark at all. No stinky girlfriend to speak of and his cologne certainly adds a sweet smell to the apartment. And he can see you. More than that, he wants to. 
As Jongho grabs some plates from the cabinet you notice that he’s only grabbed two. Typically he’d throw one in for you too even though you technically can’t eat it. Why would he want his best friend to see that he sets a place for his pet ghost? The instant the answer to that question dawns on you, a knock at the door sends you into a frenzy. This is it. It’s happening.
You zoom into the hallway where a full body mirror hangs on the outside of a closet door. Twirling around you smooth over your clothing, inspect the subtle gloss on your lips. “How do I look?” you ask, reentering the living room with your fingers toiling away at your hair. Jongho watches you for a moment. You’re so clueless sometimes that it’s adorable.
“You look how you always look.”
“Which is…”
“Pretty. Perfect. Beautiful. Life changing” he rambles, showering you with the compliments you were fishing for. Not that he doesn’t mean them.
You hop on the couch, sitting on your knees like an overexcited puppy. “Thank you! You can open it now!” Knowing he has to move quickly before he changes his mind, Jongho braces himself for the worst and opens the door. 
“Okay, where is she?” Yunho asks, pushing his way through the partially open door. Scurrying over from the couch, you follow behind the tall man. Jongho rarely has anyone over and when he does naturally it’s to see him. It’s difficult to contain your excitement about having a visitor of your own.
“It’s nice to see you too” Jongho says, dripping sarcasm. “Ghostly beauty, reveal yourself!” Yunho calls out to the empty space around him. “He’s funny” you laugh, inspecting his rather impressive dinner attire, “I like him.” Jongho rakes his fingers through his hair, sure he’s lost a few strands from stress. “Yeah, that makes one of us.” 
“You’re making this weird” a deep voice sounds from behind you. The voice is different from others you’ve heard in recent memory. Up until now every voice has seemed to come from a distance. The ones you’ve grown familiar with, like Jongho’s or the ones on your favorite shows, feel closer than others. None of them come close to this one. The clarity is entracing and, without a thought, you’re hunting for the source of the sound.
Trailing in behind Yunho you see another tall man, every visible inch of his skin covered in artfully executed tattoos. In a knit sweater and a pair of jeans, his clothing is far less formal than Yunho’s. He wears black circle rimmed glasses that compliment the sharpness of his nose. As you approach, you see your reflection in them and are almost embarrassed by how hypnotized you appear. Thank god he can’t see you. 
“Who is this?” you ask Jongho, without glancing back. A puzzled Jongho locks the door, unsure what to make of your stranger than usual behavior. “That’s Yunho, I told you…”
“No,” you interrupt, “This one. Who’s this one?”
Your question does something to the nameless man standing before you. It’s as if the world has come crashing down around him. He’s flooded with every emotion he’s ever known of, some he didn’t know he could feel. “Mingi” he speaks to you and only you. Mingi closes the space between you, stars shining in his eyes. He can see you.
Yunho gasps, hands thrown over his mouth, "Holy shit, she can see him too..."
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stopaskinf · 1 month
“Boy I’m trying to catch myself, but I’m out of control”
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Songs Ateez boys remind me of:
Summary:^ title explains it all
Genre: fluff, Ateez x fem reader
CW: Cursing in some of the songs, sexual themes in some songs
Word Count: I dead couldn’t bother 🙂‍↕️
A/N: Exhaustion has hit me like no other🙃🙃
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🐿️I’ll Kill You- Summer Walker
🐿️Shameless- Camila Cabello
🐿️Woman- Harry Styles
This man is insane. I feel like Hongjoong’s love is incredibly intense. He doesn’t let people in, so the ones he does? They’re staying. He’s also shown himself as possessive, jealous, and lowkey obsessive. He’d keep you chained if he didn’t understand the importance of autonomy.
Additional songs: Rattlesnake- Tsar B
⭐️Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode
⭐️Insanely Jealous of You - The Soft Boys
🐰Boyfriend- Dove Cameron
🐰Slumber Party- Ashnikko
🐰If I was your Girlfriend- Prince
Ok, so Seonghwa is not beating the lesbian protector allegations. Seonghwa’s love feels magical. Most of these are WlW songs because Seonghwa feels like the type to know women intimately. He feels almost maternal in the way he loves you. You’re not sure if it’s on purpose or not.
Additional songs: Virgo- Stwo
⭐️Hidden Place- Bjork
🐶Dream Boy - waterparks
🐶Blueberry Eyes- Max
🐶Want You in my Room- Carly Rae Jepsen
Yunho is quite literally a golden retriever boyfriend. He’s the dream boy you make up when you think of a man you’d want. He’s the boy next door who you’ve known since you were kids playing house. He’s nice, sweet, caring, and he loves you wholeheartedly.
Additional song: Next Door- Amelia moore
🍃Cloud 9- Beach bunny
🍃Dream Boy- Beach bunny
🍃Please Like Me- ASH
Yeosang is such a little guy. When Yeosang is in love he’s lowkey a simp. He wants to impress you. He wants you to compliment him and make him feel pretty, even if it embarrasses him. Although, as much as he wants to be babied, he’s nervous. He feels the need to prove himself even when you guys get together. You always let him know you appreciate his efforts.
Additional songs: Venus as a Boy- Bjork
⭐️Come to me- Bjork
🐣Aphrodite- Rini
🐣Come See Me- Teenear
🐣I Miss You- Bjork
Mingi is a clingy bastard. We’ve all seen the way he acts with Yunho. He acts that way with you, but 10x worse. He feels a tad bit like a hopeless romantic to me. I feel like he’s the type to think he manifested you because you’re exactly his ideal. This man worships you.
🐱Water- Kehlani
🐱Too Much- Carly Rae Jepsen
🐱Kiss Me through the Phone- Soujia boy
San was a little hard to choose for. The thing about San’s love is that he’s no doubt devoted, but he’s also chaotic. Not so much as Wooyoung, but he can be a handful. His intensity and clinginess almost rival Mingi. Very much the type to throw himself into your personal space because he misses you. He wouldn’t die without you, but his life would be far, far worse.
Additional songs: Cheating with You- The correspondents
⭐️Don’t Bother Me- the Beatles
😜Violently Happy- Bjork
😜Deja Vu- Beyonce
😜Drunk in Love- Beyonce
Lord, this man. Wooyoung is as chaotic and complimentary in love as he is in everyday life. You’ve adopted an unruly child who loves you unconditionally. He’s another one where his love borders on obsession. Well, more of a hyperfixation. There will never be a moment where he shuts up about you. Everyone who knows Wooyoung knows about you at this point.
Additional song: Kiss- Prince
🧸Pagan Poetry- Bjork
🧸No Drug like me- Carly rae jepsen
🧸And I love Her- The Beatles
Jongho next to maybe Hongjoong or Seonghwa has the most intense feel. When Jongho is in love, it’s quiet, but he has so much inner turmoil. Another who feels it is hard to let people in. So, when he does, he kinda freaks out at the depth of his own emotions. However, that doesn’t deter him, if anything it emboldens him.
Additional song: When I’m 64- the Beatles
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4:52PM | Song Mingi
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Pairing: Song Mingi x Reader
Requested: by anon
Synopsis: Mingi and Readers date gets cut short when it rains.
Warnings: established relationship. small mention of Mingi being in his underwear/naked. This was originally for a drabble challenge over on my old account. This is a repost from my now deactivated blog. More of an explanation in my pinned post.
Wordcount: 400
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“That rain really did come out of nowhere,” Y/N says to Mingi as she walks out of the bathroom, a towel in her hand as she dries her hair. They'd been on a date at the park not far from his dorm building when the sky suddenly decided to open its floodgates. In that moment, Y/N regretted teasing Mingi because he thought it might rain.  
“You didn’t notice the dark clouds?” he scoffs rolling his eyes.  
“I was having too much fun with you to notice the sky changing,” she says giving him a cute smile. “A part of you must have thought it wouldn’t either because you didn’t bring a coat or umbrella.”  
“You were making fun of me!” he defended himself.   
She pouts, “I’m sorry for making fun of you. Forgive me?”  
“Buy me food first,” he says pretending to be mad at her. “And then I might consider it.”  
“What do you feel like?”   
He quickly rattles off all the food he wants to eat and adds a couple drinks because he plans on sharing it all with her. She orders everything, her stomach rumbling at the thought of all that food. The rain had blown their chances of eating at one of the pojangmacha that’s near the entrance of the park.   
Curling into Mingi’s side, seeking his warmth, she places a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for today.”  
“Even though we got soaking wet?” he questions.  
She nods, resting her head on his shoulder and pulls her knees to her chest. The clothes he lets her borrow while hers are on the rack drying, swim on her but she couldn’t care less.   
“Thank you for letting me use your clothes. I might just have to steal this hoodie too,” she smiles.   
“Keep it. It looks better on you,” he says what he says every time she suggests stealing his clothes. He knows she's joking even though 9 times out of 10 she ends up taking the hoodie home and forgetting to give it back to him. He only shrugs and tells her he can buy more or go steal one of Yunho’s.  
Y/N giggles, an image of Mingi walking around in only his underwear because he’s given all his clothes to her, plays in her head. “You’ll be walking around naked if you keep giving me your clothes.”  
He shrugs like it’s no big deal.   
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Likes, Comments & Reblogs are welcomed and appreciated. 
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TAGGED: @staytiny2000 - @dancelikebutterflywings - @kpopmenace143 - @treehouse-mouse - @alexxavicry - @jedi-dreea - @rainydayteacups - @green-agent
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ja3hwa · 8 months
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟒: 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐒.𝐌𝐆 ♡
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【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : Your friend needed your help with trying out one of her experiments, and let's just say Mingi was about to never let you leave the bedroom ever again because of it.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 : 1.21k 
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Wolf Au. Fantasy. Suggestive.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Wolf!Mingi x Wolf!Reader [Mates] 
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Scenting. Lowkey scent play. Mention of glands. Pet names. Heavy manhandling. Mingi has kinda lost his mind from lust. Oral. The reader is literally littered in teeth marks and hickeys (whoops). Unprotected sex. Videoing. Sex tape. Swearing.
Thank you, @hwasangelbaby, for requesting Mingi for this day... I'll miss you. ♡
Note : Hi. So I've been hit with some sickness over night and I didn't get time to finish this but I wanted to post something. So I'm sorry that I'm leaving you all high and dry. I promise the next one will be good. ♡♡♡
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“Just try it, trust me.” The voice of one of the she-wolves replayed in your head as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You had just had a shower, getting ready for the day when you were reminded of the perfume that was given to you for an experiment. You see Dove, the she-wolf, had been learning potion-making from Yeosang, and had asked you to be a test subject. At first, you said no, because let's face it, you weren't about to take something that could possibly hurt you, curse you or kill you. But after she explained herself, you decided to help her. So here you standing with a suspicious perfume in your hand, placing it slowly on the spots she mentioned, ‘Place it on your glands, wrists and just behind your ear’.
“Okay…” You sighed to yourself, rubbing in the liquid. Now, what might this do, you may ask, according to Dove it was a pheromone enhancer, a chemical to open your mating glands and potentially helps you find your soul mate quicker. But before Dove gives this to an un-mated creature, she wanted to see if mates would still become more crazed by said smell. So she asked you, since you were mated to Song Mingi, one of the guards and a member of the leader circle, she knew his reaction would be worth it.
Mingi was expected home any minute, and honestly, you were shaking with nerves. You didn’t know what the smell would do and worry clouded your judgement. And what’s worse was you couldn’t smell it yourself. Since the liquid was unscented and only activated with your scent you have no clue what it smelt like on yourself since it's your own scent. So you sat in your matching shorts and shirt PJ set with little pink hearts as buttons on the front of it. Your fingers were tangled in the hem of your shorts fiddling with the fabric until you suddenly heard a deep voice echo through the home.
“Darling I’m Hom―.” He quickly cut himself off at the sudden whiff of the most intoxicated, sweet scent. It was like his brain cut off, leaving one the animal nature conscious. He began to stalk the bedroom. You couldn’t hear a thing given he was like a silent stalker, only letting his prey know he was there when it was too late.
“Mingi...Is that you?” You gulped having heard your lover's voice before it was strangely cut off. Was he okay? Can he already smell you? What if he left thinking it smelt bad? A million reasons slipped in and out of your mind making you go to stand up but before you could do anything a large snarl and broad figure appeared in the bedroom door frame. “M-Min…”
Mingi rumbled lowly, making your wolf cry out for his. You instantly felt the urge to strip yourself for him, let him have his way with you. But you stayed still awaiting for your lover to speak. He took only three large steps to reach you on the edge of the bed. You could finally see his features and it only made you whimper seeing his eyes were pitch. Dark with lust, and his nose flared taking in more of your scent. Your hand slowly moved to grab his and the minute your fingers grazed his palm he snapped. His hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you up while his other arm gripped around your waist, holding your body flush against him. His nose brushes against your bond mark, the mark that symbolizes you were his and he, yours. He took a big inhale, taking in your new enhanced scent.
“My pretty little wolf.” was all he said before gripping the front of your top and ripping all the buttons open, making them scatter everywhere. His mouth latches onto your mark, biting down, hard, making you scream out in the sudden painful pleasure. He grunted against your skin pulling away to see a new mark on top of the old scared one. He wanted to do it more, make you riddled in his love bits, hickeys…. teeth marks. The sheer idea of his teeth marks all over your smooth figure made his blood go straight to his cock. “Mine.”
He lifted you up to kiss along your bare collarbone, nibbling slightly on the top of your exposed beasts. You were standing on your tiptoes so he could reach your nipples, suckling them with care. To say you were in an awkward position was an understatement but you stayed like that purely for Mingi’s pleasure and as his hands snaked onto either side of your hips letting him rut his erection against your tummy. You knew you needed to move. “Min..B-bed.”
He grunted in response, removing his lips from you, lifting his hands onto his own hips so he could watch you crawl onto the bed. You never broke eye contact with him, slipping off your shorts and panties, you spread your legs so he could get a good view of your soaking core. His eyes danced over your body feeling proud of the hickeys he had left on your chest and neck, but he needed more. More bites, make you covered in him. He pounced on you in an instant, biting any part of skin he could reach in a short amount of time. He sinks his teeth into your flesh, sucking lightly, then licking the wound before moving on. Repeating that process over and over until you were covered in bite marks and harsh red love bites everywhere. “Mingi…Mingi please.” You squirmed, feeling the soreness of the bites but you couldn’t have it any other way. The feeling of each mark aching and the desire to show them off to the world made your head spin.
“My little wolf. So pretty, all marked up.” He bent down to give your thighs a soft kiss, but his hunger surged through him and your scent was driving him crazy. You whimpered feeling his hot breath pool against your pussy. You didn’t realize he was so close to your core until his hot tongue licked a long strip along your folds. “Yours so wet and I haven’t even fucked you yet. You enjoy being covered in my marks. You a dirty little girl hmm?”
His words made your head spin and his lips on your sensitive bud made you lose control. “Mingi, please. just fuck me, do something p-please.”
He chuckled sitting up, letting you go, so he could sit on his calves staring at you. “My god, as if you couldn’t get any more beautiful.” He leaned over your frame grabbing your phone off the counter before opening the camera. “I wanna remember these marks, so when they’re healed I can mark you up. Again….” He took a photo, “And again...” He unzipped his jeans letting his cock out so it could brush against your puffy pussy, then he presses record. “and f-fuck again…” He sunk deep in your cunt groaning out while he recorded his cock slipping in and out. He kept the camera on the way your chest bounced and the marks and hickeys painting you like an art piece.
His art piece.
- ♥︎
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a-soft-hornytiny · 1 year
Summary: Your roommate Mingi decides to tease you and you take your revenge.
Word count: 2.8k+
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Mingi x female!reader
Warnings: blow job, hand job, teasing, cum, cum swallowing, oral, dirty talk, bit of voyeurism ig (Let me know if I missed something) be careful while reading.
Notes: this has been chilling in my ideas for a looooong time. I think one of my moots made me write this down, sadly don’t remember who. And hello~ im kinda back?
Taglist: after the cut (let me know if you wanna be added)
Unfortunately you had started studying right when covid hit and now you were stuck in this university dorm with your hot but annoying roommate Mingi 24/7. You shouldn’t really be complaining, you knew that. He took care of his stuff, did his chores and cleaned after himself. Yes he was a bit loud sometimes when he was recording some of his rap tracks in his room but that was not why you were annoyed.
You were annoyed because you didn’t know if he knew what he was doing when he walked out of the bathroom. Just a towel around his waist. Little water drops running down his chest.
And he decided to always shower right when you had an online lecture.
You couldn’t escape it either since the living room table was the only place in the dorm where the internet was good enough to survive a whole hour and a half lecture. And the bathroom door led to the living room, which led to his room.
Of course he didn’t do anything wrong in particular but how were you supposed to concentrate on “The basics of marine anatomy” when you had “The basics of human anatomy” walking right in front of you.
But you couldn’t say anything until you figured out if he was doing it on purpose or if his extremely innocent image was real. But you weren’t sure how.
Your first attempt was lying about when your lectures were. You told him they were earlier than usual and waited for him to come out of his room, but he didn’t. He went to shower at the same time as usual, which meant it still collided with your schedule. You couldn’t actually skip a lecture just to prove that your roommate wanted to make you horny.
And just as you were nearly convinced that he just had a weird daily schedule of showering at exactly 9:15am, your schedule changed and your lecture was delayed from 9am to 11am. And suddenly he started going to the bathroom at 11:15am.
There was no way that was a coincidence.
And with that little theory you decided to jump into the cold water and the next time he came out of the bathroom, hot as always, you bluntly stared him down.
“Like what you see?” He raised one eyebrow while walking into the kitchen, not even sparing you a glance. But you could swear that you saw him smirk.
You didn’t answer. You let your eyes wander from his short pink hair, which he was sloppily drying off with a towel, to his defined shoulders over his long torso and his slightly visible abs.
“I think you should get back to your lecture or your professor will wonder what makes you drool.” He said while picking up an apple from the counter and walking over to his room. Before he closed his door he gave you a quick wink. And that was all the proof you needed. He was doing it on purpose.
And you were gonna get back at him.
Shortly after your first lesson ended you started creating your masterplan. Fight fire with fire they say.
Not only did he know about your schedule but you also knew about his. So right before his evening lecture you decided to take your best underwear and run to the bathroom. You waited a few minutes until you heard him settle down at the living room table before you started your shower.
oh he will regret this you thought while stepping out of the shower and putting on a very revealing bra and fitting panties. You dried yourself off just enough to not make a mess and took a step towards the door. While grabbing the handle you realized how nervous you were. But you wanted him to feel the consequences of his actions and opened the door.
Mingi had just finished a sentence when the bathroom door opened. He thought nothing of it at first but when he saw skin in the corner of his eye he couldn’t help but look up. And there you were.
You tried not to look at him directly while walking to the kitchen sink to get a glass of water but you could feel him staring. The feeling of being scanned from top to bottom gave you goosebumps. Was that how he felt when you stared at him?
Just as you finished your glass of water, you turned around. You had expected him to be subtle. To glance at you from time to time. But you were wrong. So wrong. He had turned towards you on his chair, his legs were spread and his eyes were completely fixated on you.
“Like what you see?” You imitated him while walking to the living room. “I think you should get back to your lecture before your prof-“
“My camera is off and I’m muted.” He interrupted you with a huge smile on his face. But it wasn’t a happy smile, it was a dirty one.
You felt shivers run down your spine. Fuck. It felt like he was a predator and you were his prey. Suddenly you could feel every single centimeter of your exposed skin. And it was burning. His hands were resting on the inside of his thighs. You couldn’t do anything against it when your eyes decided to lock on his crotch. An all too familiar tickling feeling appeared in your stomach as you imagined what may be lying underneath his pants. But he noticed.
“Well you must be down bad for me if you put so much effort in just to get my attention.” You answered while leaning on the table right across from him, giving him a good view of your cleavage. He gulped. Success.
“You could’ve told me instead Mingi, honey. Now we’ve wasted so much precious time.” You grinned at him before turning around and slowly, really slowly walking towards your room. You could feel his eyes on your curves as they moved from side to side.
But before you even realized it, you heard the sound of a chair and felt arms wrap around your waist. You inhaled sharply as he pressed his body against yours. You couldn’t see him but he rested his head on your shoulder and whispered against your neck.
“Oh Y/n, please stay with me a little longer… My lecture is getting boring.” He exhaled against your ear and hugged you even closer. You could feel his desire for you… and you could feel his.. oh my god.
You didn’t even realize that you had held your breath until he let go of you and walked back to the living room table. He was giving you a choice. You could either go to your room, get dressed and forget what happened or you could turn around, possibly risking your perfectly platonic relationship and see what happens next. And both sides had their perks. On one hand you were still burning in embarrassment and wanted to hide in your room for the next week or so. But on the other hand you could feel the little puddle in your panties and the excitement in your bones.
You decided to turn around.
He didn’t say anything while you walked towards him, only giving you a small smile. But it seemed genuine. He seemed genuinely relieved that you decided to turn around. You wanted to sit on his lap but he stopped you.
“Wait a bit, I have to present some of my assignments results soon and I have to turn my camera on for that.” He scratched the back of his head, sorry on one side and upset on the other. He pointed to the chair next to him instead.
It was good that it was midsummer, otherwise you would’ve been cold. But this way it was fine. You sat down next to him, still feeling his eyes on you.
“Mister Song, please present your results now.” You heard the voice of his professor through his laptop. Mingi then unmuted and turned his camera on. While he started talking you tried to take in every detail of his flawless face. He had really sharp features which were a big contrast to his soft image. Your eyes scanned his body as he seemed to be uncomfortable with something. And then your eyes landed on his crotch again.
There was not much left to imagination anymore. You could clearly see the outline of his hard dick in his pants. And he was squirming, obviously bothered by the tightness of his pants. A quick picture rushed through your mind. No, you can’t do that. Or maybe you could? You felt your cheeks heat up as the image got clear in your head. Fuck it. You had nothing to lose.
Without much hesitation you slipped off your chair and kneeled down under the table. Right in front of him. You could see his eyes widen as your hands fiddled with his belt. He started stuttering and his ears turned red.
“And that's when I found a study proclaiming th-that-“ he cleared his throat and sat up straight. You couldn’t help but chuckle slightly as you finally managed to open his pants and pull out the massive tent in his underwear. Mingi cleared his throat again before he continued talking. There was already a wet patch at the top of his dick showing how aroused he actually was and you couldn’t help but touch it softly.
He sharply inhaled, interrupting himself mid sentence. “Is everything alright Mister Song?” His professor asked, making him blush profusely. “Yes sir, I’m good” he answered, his voice still shaking. The vibrations of his deep voice sent shivers down your spine as he continued to elaborate on his studies.
You loved the power you had in this moment. His whole body reacted to everything you did, even if it was just a nervous rush of his eyes. Time to make it worse.
You grabbed his underwear and slowly pulled it down until his cock sprung free. You watched it move as your mouth filled with saliva. Fuck he was huge. The tip of his dick was slightly wet and it stood tall. You wanted to suck him off so bad. And as you were kneeling in front of him you realized that you wanted to do this for a long time.
But as he did for you, you wanted to give him a choice. When he had a short break in talking you looked at him with big question marks in your eyes, your mouth hovering over his dick by just an inch. His eyes were big and a bit puffy as he looked down but he didn’t answer. All that he did was softly taking the back of your head in his right hand and pushing you closer.
That was a yes.
Without any hesitation you opened your mouth widely, allowing him to guide his dick into your mouth. Then he let go.
He tasted amazing. You closed your mouth around his tip and let your tongue run over it a few times. Goosebumps formed on his whole body but you decided not to move. Until he started talking again.
Right when he opened his mouth to start another sentence you wrapped one hand around the shaft of his dick and let your head slide down. You could take about half of him without having to deepthoat, the other half was in your hand. He let out a quiet but pathetic moan before collecting himself and starting anew.
You looked up at him with a mischievous light in your eyes as you started to move your head up and down in a steady rhythm. You hum slightly, the vibration intensifying his pleasure. His breath was heavy but he managed to stay still and keep talking. You moved your hand with your mouth to feel his whole length.
In the corner of your eyes you could see that his thighs were slightly shaking as you stopped and gently licked his tip again. You felt how much he held himself back. He wanted to buckle up his hips, he wanted to moan your name and grab your head to push you deeper. But that had to wait.
“To conclude, my research successfully proved the given statement.” His voice was getting lower and lower and his eyes darkened as his professor thanked him and called on the next in line. You never had someone shut his laptop so fast. You stopped.
“But Mingi, your lecture still goes on for half an hour..” you wanted to protest but he had already pushed the table back to get a better sight of you.
“Who fucking cares.” He said before grabbing your head and pushing you closer. You immediately opened your mouth, willing to take him as deep as he wanted. You felt his dick enter your mouth and touch the back of your throat. You took a deep breath through your nose before you pushed your head down further, taking him completely.
Mingi let out a deep growly moan and looked at you in disbelief. “One one ever took me completely..” he groaned before throwing his head back. “Fuck.”
You felt high. The adrenaline rushed through your veins as you felt his pre-cum leak down your throat. You were good at this. You knew that. His hand was buried in your hair but he didn’t put any pressure on it, he let you do your thing. And you did your thing.
After giving yourself a few seconds to adjust, you started to move your tongue around his base while slowly picking up speed. His moans were angelic. He clearly wasn’t afraid of being loud and it was obvious that he didn’t care what people think. The walls were thin.
“God Y/n why did you never tell me how good you are at this?” He asked, completely out of breath. You couldn’t answer, still having his pulsating cock inside of your mouth. But he didn’t need an answer. All he needed was your wet mouth around his dick.
“This is the exact outcome I had hoped for.” He chuckled, taking a deep breath after. “Fuck I’m already close.” He whispered as his grip in your hands got stronger. A feeling of superiority overcame you as you felt his dick twitch. Then you slid back, continuing your movements with your hands but giving him a dirty smirk.
“If I had known you wanted me to do this, I would’ve done it way earlier..” you grinned, making him moan. “Such a big dick but not brave enough to make a proper move on me.” You were teasing him. You wanted him to feel what you felt. Even though you knew there may be consequences for that.
He let out a small whine. “I’ll return the favor I swear but please don’t let me wait much longer.”
You chuckled and let some salvia drop on his tip before taking him again. You could taste the salt on your tongue. A clear indicator that he wouldn’t last much longer.
“Cum for me handsome..” you whispered under your breath before picking up speed again. His moans got louder, more frequent as his hips began to shake. His right hand was still caught up in your hair but his left hand was grabbing the chair. And he was squeezing the wood so hard that if you didn’t know any better you would think it was about to burst.
“Please Y/n, let me fill you up..” he groaned, getting closer to his high with every little movement of your tongue. _With pleasure_ you thought carefully sucking on his tip.
He started shaking uncontrollably, his head thrown back. “Fuck fuck fuck!” He moaned as his cum started filling your mouth. It tasted amazing and you gladly gulped down every drop of it, still moving slowly to help him ride out his orgasm. His whole body was in high tension as you swallowed the last drop of his cum and let go of him.
His body immediately collapsed on the chair and his breathing started to get more and more regular. You didn’t move. Still kneeling in front of him.
When he finally opened his eyes he gave you a dark smile.
“I think we should move this into your bedroom”
Tags: @jonghoisbabie @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers-writes @serialee @crimsonbubble @cometoceantrenches @em--ilysm @deja-vux @kawaiiloli00 @ddeonghwva @aaaaajonghooooo @sansbun @cookies-n-joong @plonys @hijirikaww @nari-nim @yunkiwii @mingi-ivity @racheloveyunho @seongsangsgf @jhmylove @lizsvcks @yunhobabygurl @leoninadecorazones @kerra-that-one-random-fangirl @star1117-archives
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esmedelacroix · 7 months
30 days til’ Christmas
baking christmas cookies with song mingi⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Chilly winter afternoons with Mingi usually consisted of being wrapped up in warm blankets and staying in. But staying in also meant having everyone around.
You loved the guys but sometimes you just wished it could be you and Mingi. Your relationship was lacking alone time. Mingi quickly caught on to this so the next time he invited you over, he was the only one home. "What's going on? Where is everyone?" you asked cluelessly.
"They went out to eat and I wanted to take this as an opportunity to spend some alone time with you,” he replied as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a kiss.
“Hmm, I’ve missed you baby, but I won’t miss Wooyoung and Jongho singing karaoke and shattering my eardrums,” you joked. Mingi's laughter followed.
"Cmon' I got something good planned for us mama," he said as he ushered you into the kitchen where baking ingredients sat on the table as well as cookie cutters and holiday-colored icing.
"We're baking?! You? Baking?" you questioned excitedly.
In this relationship, Mingi was the cook and you were the baker. There was no in-between. Mingi was amazing at cooking, you, not so much. Baking was your true calling, Mingi can't even make a cookie right.
"I know I suck at baking, but I also know you love baking just as much as you love Christmas," he answered.
What did I do to deserve this perfect man? You asked yourself. The two of you got straight to work making your holiday sugar cookies. Of course, you were a pro at this but Mingi wasn't so bright... "Why did you add so much vanilla extract?" you asked seeing that he poured enough to make 50 sugar cookies.
"Well I'm just adding to taste," he answered unbothered. You put your palm to your head and laughed to yourself.
"I love you," you confessed suddenly as you pecked his cheek.
The two of you attempted to make the sugar cookies together with you ripping your hair out because of how bad Mingi was at baking. The cookies thankfully ended up cut out and in the oven. The two of you cleaned up waiting for the cookies.
"You're like the Gordon Ramsey of desserts, you scare me," he started as the two of you sat on the couch together to catch a break while the cookies were baking.
"Well how was I supposed to react to you getting like a million shells in the batter?" you asked, poking him playfully.
"It was like two shells, and all is well," he rebutted. You let out a long sigh and rested your head on his shoulder.
"I missed this," you admitted as you took his hand, he planted a kiss into it.
"Me too, I should get the guys out more often," he chuckled.
Just then the oven beeped signifying the cookies were done. The two of you got up and took the cookies out. "These look beautiful Mingi! We did such a good job," you cheered as he hugged you from behind.
The two of you got straight to work and began to decorate the cookies with icing and sprinkles. Your ears were filled with Mingi's laughter and the crackle-pop of the fireplace. You were focused on making a reindeer cookie. You could feel his eyes on you as you worked diligently. He was admiring your skill and focus. He was looking at your eyes, while they were focused on something else yet he felt an overwhelming sense of love.
Seeing his girl doing what she loved brought him great joy. "Do I have something on my face?" you asked as you finished the last details, put the piping bag down, and looked Mingi in the eyes.
"You do now," he quipped as he swiped some icing on your nose.
"Mingi!" you squealed as you attacked his cheek with some icing. The two of you laughed together while finishing up the rest of the cookies. You took the first bite and almost vomited in your mouth.
"Mingi these are terrible," you cackled. You couldn't stop laughing. You didn't know what was wrong but you found it so funny how they turned out. Mingi took a bite afterward and spit it out in the trash.
"Oh God, those suck," he chuckled.
"You know what we should do with them?" you asked mischievously. Like he had read your mind he answered,
"Give them to the guys and say they taste amazing?"
"Yeah," you giggled.
Mingi probably got dragged into Hongjoong's room afterward, but his reaction was priceless. You even got it on camera!
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