#mingi spooky
jooheonspinky · 2 years
Bump in the Night
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Characters: Mingi and Female Reader
Genre: Thriller!au, Paranormal!au, 2-sentence spooky story
Word count: 3.8K
Synopsis: Moving out and living alone sounded great…until it's time for bed.
Warnings: description of a demon, descriptin of sleep paralysis, mention of angels, heaven and hell, but no specification to any religions, OC is afraid of the dark.
A/N: Here’s a little thriller to get the upcoming spooky month started. Enjoy!
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Nearly every night, as far as I can remember, a dark shadow enters my room.
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I inhale deeply, then exhale slowly, the breaths stuttering with the fear I am trying so hard to silence. I draw the comforter higher beneath my chin, my fingers clutching desperately tight to the material even as my palms grow slick with sweat.
“It’s ok. I’m ok. It’s ok,” I chant through slightly chattering teeth. “I can do this.”
But I wonder if I really can even as my heart betrays me with its wild thrums within my chest. I have to get some sleep, though. A night of rejuvenating deep sleep is what I need to clear my head. Plus, I am an adult.  Adults don’t sleep with a nightlight on…right?
This is turning out to be a terrible start to my first night alone at my own place. I am twenty-three and have finally decided it’s time to move out and live by myself. My parents had insisted I stay, that there really was no reason for me to leave, but I  felt I was ready. Now, though, as I lay here trembling, I am not sure I have made the best decision.
It isn’t like moving out has brought on this fear so suddenly. No. This fear of the dark is something I have lived with for quite some time. As far back as I can remember, actually. It started at a young age, maybe 10, when I had my first episode of sleep paralysis. It was petrifying not being in control of my body, especially when I just knew there was something there across the room, merely staring at me through the darkness. 
Though it didn’t happen every night, I never knew when it would happen, which brought on anxiety every time it was time for bed. I did all I could to delay lights out, to the point that my parents recommended I sleep with a nightlight. It helped. Not always, since I was aware that the small light did not illuminate every dark corner of my room, but it helped enough, along with the fact that my parents were not too far from me, close enough that I knew they would rescue me if I screamed.
But tonight? Tonight is my first night alone. I am already tucked in my bed debating on trying out sleeping with no light when I notice my door is cracked open a smidge. In my haste to get through my first night, I didn’t realize I hadn’t shut the door completely. The pink glow of my night light does not reach all the way to the door, my mind already beginning to conjure up a humanoid shape peering in through the sliver between the door and the door frame.
“It’s not real,” I whisper shakily to myself.
My hand trembles as I yank the comforter away so I can hurriedly run and shut the door, but it instantly halts as I am reminded of the monster under the bed. Surely once my feet touch the floor, a thin knobby hand will yank me into the void beneath the bed. 
“Shit,” I breathe in frustration, feeling helpless.
I feel like a hostage in my own bed, the fear clutching onto me and making it impossible to do anything to shake it off. Perhaps if I jump, dash to the door and close it and then dive back into the bed, I’d be safe from the-.
The lights have gone out. A scream lodges in my throat as I am engulfed in a thick and heavy darkness. I look to my right at my digital alarm clock just to confirm what I already know as I try to swallow down my panic. The soft blue numbers are nowhere to be found, but there is a muted orange glow around my curtained window that provides barely any illumination into my room. 
Great. It’s just my place that has lost power.
I turn my attention straight ahead, eyes the size of saucers, as I stare at the area where I know the door is. Squinting my eyes as they adjust to the darkness, I startle, caught off guard as I notice the figure I thought I had imagined earlier…is actually still there.
It is tall, almost reaching the top of the door frame. Its hair is curly, but I can’t make out any distinct features. My body is abuzz with utter fear as the creak of the hinges seems deafeningly loud in the extreme silence as the door begins to slowly open wider. My heart nearly drops to the pit of my stomach as the entity begins to enter the room. I let out a small gasp while my eyes follow it up, up, up as I try to focus on the face hovering so close to the ceiling of my room.
The figure stands there, staring in my direction, but not for long. Soon he is silently inching his way closer and closer to me. By now, I am paralyzed with terror and am no longer able to move my limbs. As it approaches my bed, I am beyond petrified to the point that I can’t bring myself even to whisper, much less scream. Time seems to be going in slow motion, yet fast at the same time. Before I know it, he has reached the edge of my bed, near my left hip. I hadn’t noticed before, but now that my eyes have adjusted to the darkness, I can see he has a weapon in his left hand. It looks like a machete. My breathing becomes heavy as hysteria begins to take hold of me. I shut my eyes when it starts to raise the machete over its head as if it is going to swing it down and stab me.
If he is going to kill me, I rather not see it happening.
There is nothing else I can do as the rest of my body is still not responding. I cannot scream. I cannot fight back. All I can do is breathe and move my eyes. I hold my breath, my heart pounding like thunder in my ears as I wait for my death to come. By now, I’m panting, my fear pushed past its limits, and I feel lightheaded with it.
I don’t know how much time has passed before I realize I feel no pain. I’m still alive. I unhurriedly open my eyes and look up to find it was no longer there! Swallowing thickly, I look around even as I feel tingling in my arms and legs. I sense my body being released from its paralyzing hold and shake my hands to test them out. They move. Slowly I sit up, leaning over just as my hearing rushes back into existence. Gasping, I  look over the edge of my bed and clutch my heart at the sight. 
Two figures are engaged in a struggle. They are two beings darker than the darkness of my bedroom floor, rolling around as each tries to gain control of the other. I am unable to make out anything aside from arms swinging and legs flailing as a shorter shadow straddles the taller one. Breath heavy, the one above opens something with one free hand from a necklace I had not noticed around his neck. For the first time, I am able to see the creature fighting to buck the other from atop him as a golden light fills the space. 
My hand flies to my mouth to cover a horrified scream from bubbling from my throat. Black eyes with an iridescent green sheen stare at the other with a hatred so pure it draws a shiver from me. It has no nose beneath those terrifying eyes, but its mouth is a ragged slash across the lower half of its face. It is like a grotesque version of The Joker. Yellow jagged teeth snap threateningly until the other begins to murmur.
Now there is anger and just a hint of fear mixed in as the dark shadow that has tormented me all my life writhes even more in hopes of getting free. The words, a language I have never heard, grow louder and louder as the light becomes brighter. Soon the light is too bright; I have to squeeze my eyes shut to block it from blinding me. An unearthly scream reverberates throughout the room, and I move my hands from my mouth to my ears. The ear-piercing sound wriggles through my fingers; the sound muffled only slightly as I draw my knees up and press my forehead into them as if that will help keep the light and sound away from me. 
A deep voice cuts through my fear, bringing me to slowly drop my hands and lift my face. I blink a few times blearily, realizing my lights are back on, my room glowing softly with the soothing pink light I am used to sleeping in. As my eyes travel up to find the voice that has spoken, I’m unable to hold back a gasp as my gaze lands on the face of the one that had been chanting moments before.
I scramble back on the bed, trying to put as much distance between him and me as I can. Wincing when my back smacks into the wall, I try to hold back a whimper.
“Please don’t hurt me,” I whisper with a sob.
His eyes soften as he reaches out for me, his hand dropping when he sees the terror in my eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” His lips press together tightly in shame, head shaking slowly as if he really feels pained. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner. I promised I would never hurt you, but not being here on time...well, that caused you hurt, didn’t it?” 
I sniffle, wiping at the tears that had unknowingly wet my cheeks.
Gathering my courage, I ask, “Are-are you the demon monster that lives under my bed?”
He chuckles, tickled at my words. I frown, my lips turning down.
“Ah, apologies,” he sobers up. “It’s just funny to be thought of as a demon or a monster.”
I take a moment to look at him now that he does not appear actually to be trying to kill me. His hair, close-shaven at the back with mahogany tufts that skim the tops of his ears, the tips tinted a forest green, is parted just off center. Some strands fall just beside his eyes, those eyes that were so intense yet held a kindness in them. His pink-tinted lips are slightly upturned, offering a softer look to his face. He wears all-black clothing, to help him blend with the surrounding darkness all the better, I’m sure. This brings an almost glowing warmth to the tawny tone of his skin.
“Well, if you are neither of those,” I push. “Then what are you? Some sort of guardian or something?”
He shrugs, nodding as he allows, “Something like that.” Extending his hand, he offers, “My name is Song Mingi.”
I hesitantly slip my hand into his, marveling at the size difference, and introduce myself as well.
“It’s good to officially meet you,” he smiles, and I watch his eyes slip shut into little half moons while his nose crinkles as if he genuinely is happy to meet me. Shoulders slumping, as he tilts his head to the side, he adds, “Though this was never supposed to happen.”
“Oh,” I stare on awkwardly as I slide my hand from his. “Will you be in trouble because of me?”
“Well…” he shrugs but doesn’t answer. “I should get back on guard, though. There are still a few hours of darkness left this night.”
He stands, and I feel the fear creeping back in. The image of that thing that had been in my room was still fresh in my mind’s eye. Not wanting him to leave me alone just yet, I shoot out another question.
“Wait.” He pauses to look down at me. But, Jesus, he was tall, and I have to crane my neck in order to stare at his gorgeous face. “That thing. What was that?” Mingi eyes me, and I can just about see the internal dialogue he is having with himself about how much actually to divulge. Finally, he sits back down, and I smile with relief.
“That was a demon,” he relents. My eyes widen at the admission. One thing is to think that’s what it is. It is another thing completely to hear that what you have suspected all these years to be true… is real. “I’ve been charged with capturing him since about two or so years back.”
“What?” My eyes widen even more. “Really?”
“Yes. He’s proven to be a bit sneaky. Never stepping past your doorway before, at least not on my watch, so it’s been difficult for me to get at him. The guy I replaced wasn’t so lucky the one time it did come close to you.”
My brows draw down sharply, a vague memory tickling my mind. The images are too difficult to grasp onto, which doesn’t surprise me. It’s not often I’m able to remember what’s going on when I’m in sleep paralysis.
 “Someone else had been watching over me before you?”
“Yes,” he sighs. “I wasn’t given all the details, but what I know is that one night, the demon came in and there was a struggle and our guy was badly hurt.”
“Oh no!” I gasp, guilt washing over me.
“He did have time to call for back up, but as soon as they arrived, the demon left. The recruit was injured pretty badly.”
“He survived?” I breathe out, sagging with relief.
Mingi nods, “But he was reassigned and I’ve never met him. I just took up his post and have been watching over you since. I was quite surprised after all that time, he got ballsy again and managed to get as close as he did tonight. I’m starting to think the incident earlier was a diversion so he could finally take hold of your soul. His impatience got the better of him.”
“My soul?” I ask, my hand reaching up to clutch at my heart as if that would help keep my soul safely tucked inside me. “It wanted my soul?”
“Yes,” Mingi sighs. “It’s what they all want. Another soul to add to hell and its army. My job is to prevent that from happening.”
“Oh, I see,” I murmur, a bit overwhelmed by the information. “So you aren’t human, huh?”
“I used to be,” he smiles sadly. “But no. Not anymore.” “Are you an angel?” I probe some more. Mingi laughs, a boisterous boyish sound that has his shoulders shaking and him curling into himself. “What?” I query, seriously.
His laughter continues, and it’s not long before my own lips are trembling with the need to join in, though I don’t understand what is so funny. I finally let a giggle slip, and Mingi dries non-existent tears from the corner of his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he chuckles. “I’m not an angel. But!” He holds up a finger just as my mouth opens to ask another question. “I am tasked with capturing demons, and I do hand them over to an angel who sends them back to hell.”
“Wow,” I breathe as I try and wrap my brain around what he’s telling me. “So are you stuck in the in-between or purgatory or whatever it is?” Mingi’s face tightens a bit, a hint of sadness touching those dark eyes of his. It hurts to see it, and I quickly try and backtrack. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer that. It’s none of my business….”
“No, it’s ok,” he swallows hard. “Honestly, I haven’t spoken with another living human in such a long time. It’s not...a common thing for humans to see us, so it’s a bit refreshing being able to talk with someone again.”
“Yeah, seriously.” Mingi pauses, and just when I think he’s not really going to answer my question, he tells me, “My human life was a long time ago, so I won’t go into details about it. I’ll just say I was not bad enough to go to hell, but not good enough to enter Heaven. My human skills were something that gave the good guys a one-up, so I was recruited with the promise I would be given a place in Heaven, a chance to see my family again...if I helped rid Earth of demons. So here I am...and here I’ll continue to be until I am told I have redeemed myself.”
“Well, thank you,” I smile at him. He raises a questioning brow at me. “For protecting us. For protecting me and capturing that thing.”
I lean forward and hug him. Mingi stiffens in my arms but then reciprocates the gesture. I hear him let out a breath of air as if this has all been such a weight on his shoulders, and he is glad to finally have someone to talk to about it, and I can’t help but hug him tighter. 
“I don’t do this for the gratification,” he starts as he pulls away. “But I have to say; it feels really good to hear someone thank me. It makes me feel like I’ve really made a difference.” I feel my cheeks warm up and clear my throat. “Well,” his palms smack his thighs. “I should really get back on post. You never know when you can be attacked again.”
Mingi stands, and once more, you feel the dread build, the idea of being alone, especially now that you knew what you saw was not your imagination making your heart race erratically in your chest. It was too much, just way too much for your mind to handle alone.
“Please stay,” you plead. “If you still have to guard me, why can’t you just stay here...in the bed...closer to me?  I’m pretty certain it’s much more comfortable a place than wherever it is that you watch from.” Mingi stares down at me, his jaw clenching as he mulls it over. “Please?” you pout cutely at him and know you have won when he sighs heavily.
“Fine,” he concedes. I yip excitedly, causing him to grumble. “But just this once since you’ve been through it tonight.”
I happily wriggle back down so my head is on my pillow and my comforter is over me. Mingi walks around to the other side of the bed, and my eyes follow his sleek form until he sits on the bed, taking a moment to remove his shoes before lying beside me. I look down the length of his body to see his feet nearly reaching the end of the bed.
“Sheesh, how tall are you even!” I muse aloud. Mingi’s laughter fills the room again. Covering my face, my words come out muffled as I groan. “Ugh, did I actually say that out loud?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles. 
“Just ignore me,” I sigh. “I blurt stuff out when I’m anxious.”
Mingi shifts to his side, his hand beneath his cheek as he looks up at me. “What do you have to be anxious about? I’m here. Nothing is going to get you.”
I shift to lie down on my side as well and face him.
“Are you sure about that?” I shoot back, a bit of the fear still lingering within me. He nods without hesitation, offering a wide reassuring smile. My heart melts, and I stare back, mumbling, “Why are you so fine?!” His eyes widen just the slightest bit, taken aback by my statement. A hint of color touches his cheek, and I watch his mouth open to speak. I quickly interrupt, embarrassed by my bluntness. “Oh no, I did it again. Just ignore me.”
I curl my pillow over my head as if it could shield me from making any more unnecessary commentary. Mingi gently pushes the pillow away and takes one of my hands in his turning it palm up. 
“Thank you for the compliment,” he chuckles and then blows a puff of air towards the center of my hand.
Suddenly, a necklace similar to the one he’s wearing appears out of thin air. An opalescent crystal vial attached to a leather strap is dangling from my fingers.
“Wha- How did you do that?!” I stammer incredulously.
The bed shakes slightly with Mingi’s laughter. “Tricks of the trade.”
“What is this?” I ask, and we both sit up. “I mean, I know it’s a necklace, but I know it’s not just a necklace.”
“You’re right. That is an Angel Aura quartz. It holds peaceful cleansing energy and is where we trap the demons. I use this to transport the prisoner to the Angel, and he handles it from there. This one is empty, though, so don’t worry.” He watches as I slip it over my head. The stone stops just between my breasts. And it could be persuasion from his words, but almost instantly, I feel my nerves settle, and my body completely relax. I watch as all humor leaves his face as he stares at me intensely. “Whenever you need me, any emergency, just hold it in your hand and say my name. I’ll be here in a blink of an eye. You got that?”
I nod vigorously, cradling the beautiful crystal vial in my hand.
“Thank you,” I smile, up at him, unshed tears glossing over my eyes.
“You’re welcome,” Mingi winks at me. “Now, why don’t you close your eyes and go to sleep? You are safe now, so you don’t need to feel worried or scared.”
“You promise you'll stay?” I  press my lips together in silent prayer.
“I do.” He encourages me to lie down again. “At least until sun up. I have to go and see the Boss.”
I nestle into my pillow; my comforter wrapped snuggly around me. Mingi settles into the space beside me with his hands folded behind his head. Though he is a stranger, I feel comfortable and safe even for the first time in forever.
“Mingi?” I murmur.
“Can you tell me what it was like for you… before… before you were recruited as demon capturer?”
The exhaustion was starting to pull me down, my words difficult to form.
“Demon capturer?” he laughs. “That’s one way to put it. Well, It was the early 80’s, and I….”
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Stretching, I sit up in bed and then glance around. The spot beside me is empty, and for the briefest of moments, I think to myself that last night surely had to have been a dream, but as I stand, something bumps against my chest. I look down to see the necklace with the crystal vial hanging from my neck. I freeze. 
Had that all actually been real?
Wrapping my fingers around the vial, I close my eyes and call out, “Song Mingi.”
As promised, he appears, a knowing smirk on his face.
Last night had not been a dream at all.
Nearly every night, as far as I can remember, a dark shadow enters my room.
Unbeknownst to me, the shadow under the bed I was also terrified of was protecting me from the demon intent on taking my soul.
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A/N: Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my work. I hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to leave a comment, like and reblog.
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thenewblackcanvas · 8 months
Woof | atz (18+)
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ateez (ot8) x reader; yunho and mingi x reader nsfw mentioned 18+ only, minors dni Themes: pet play, dark magic, kidnapping
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“Good pup.” the words rasped in your ear made you whimper, pushing your ass back further. The man behind you tightened his grip on your hip roughly.
The other man smiled wider as his fingers tightened around the pretty, red collar. “I do love a pup that likes to be used. Obedient ones are the most fun. Don’t forget that.” his words confused you briefly. You were already being so obedient, letting these two practically strangers use you how they wanted. Kneeling, sucking them off, begging; you did everything with no question. You didn't exactly mull it over though as thoughts were barely able to stay in your mind as the taller man hiked your hips up, lifting your knees completely off the bed as he plowed into you faster. The high he was chasing must've been intoxicating as he lost all semblance of control.
You gasped and screamed and moaned. The man next to you lets go of the collar to grab your hair. He pushed your head down, turning it to the side so he could look at you for a moment before sloppily kissing you.
As embarrassing as it was, being handled so roughly, being called an animal, and the feeling of this stranger releasing into you brought you over the edge. Hard. You barely felt him bring your knees back to the bed before everything started to shift and darken. You’d never cum that hard but everything felt off-kilter now. You heard them say one last thing.
“Good pup.” 
Everything comes into view slowly.
Your lids feel heavy but you manage to keep them open. As you start to make out what's in front of you, your heart starts to race. It is fairly dark with some light illuminating what is in front of you. Metal bars?
You look past them seeing where some of the light is coming from. It looks like a piece of fabric thrown in front. You move your heavy body forward. You can’t fully feel your whole body yet but you manage to rest your head on the bars in front of you. A rough breath you let out at the exertion moves the cloth confirming it is fabric.
But as you realize this, you freeze as you hear voices.
“I think I saw the blanket move.”
“Pretty sure it’s the air con.”
Someone chuckles. “No I think our new pup is up.”
You hear them getting closer before the fabric is lifted away. Your eyes struggle against the brightness for a moment. It’s clear now though that you are in some kind of cage, looking left and right at all the metallic bars surrounding you. You finally look up beyond them to see three large men standing over you.
You cower back. They're all looking at you with amused faces. The one holding the blanket smiles down at you but it makes you shiver. The two next to him crouch down looking more curious in their amusement. 
“She’s so cute! But is she really a good choice? Yunho and Mingi got her pretty quick.”
At the names, you remember the two men you let use you. They were with you before you lost consciousness. You couldn’t help the fear and anger that rose in you at this. You growled lowly before stopping, surprised at the sound you made.
“Aww she’s angry.�� The oreo hair one laughed.
“I don’t think someone quite realizes what has happened yet.” The one standing says. He walks toward the steps sat in the back of the room calling up to others.
You hear multiple pairs of feet descending the stairs. Five more men come toward your prison. You can’t see all of them well at first but you coward again, moving back to the far wall. 
One man comes forward, with you finally able to see his taunting face. It’s Yunho, the tall man from before. You begin to yell at him, making a fuss. They all start to laugh, some of them cooing at you in between. It’s only then that you hear yourself.
The explicatives you think you're yelling aren’t coming out that way. You’re barking. And not a cheap ‘bark bark’ imitation, real and true barking. The other man, Mingi, comes forward holding a large mirror in front of your small cell. 
What looks back at you is a small dog. Yorkshire terrier type looking scared in the reflection.
The sight shocks you more than anything you’ve ever experienced. You’re still not fully aware of your body yet but you can feel yourself shaking with warmth forming under you.
Another man next to the first one frowns. “Aww poor thing, she pissed herself.”
You can’t even proccess what he said as your mind is spinning. You’re whimpering and shaking, not sure how any of this is happening. It hardly processes as he opens what you now know to be a dog crate, lifting you out. He’d taken the blanket from the other man, now holding you in his arms. “Shhh darling. It’s alright.”
“Jesus, seonghwa she’s covered in piss. Don’t hold her.”
“It only happened because you didn’t ease her into it like we planned, Joong. Why did you take the blanket off?”
“Sannie saw the blanket move and Wooyoung was a second away from getting up anyway. I figured she was up so I wanted to rip the bandaid off.”
Seonghwa scoffed.
“We should probably introduce ourselves then.”
“I’m San.” said man bends over, scratching your head. 
The man beside him goes next. “I’m Wooyoung.”
“Hongjoong.” “Jongho” “Yeosang!” 
“Seonghwa.” the gentle man holding you says. You look up, seeing his tender smile and kind eyes puts you slightly at ease yet confuses you. 
“And you already know us, huh?” Yunho laughs as he and Mingi reach out to pet you.
You snap at them, almost biting Mingi and growling. He pulls away, slightly offended but Yunho just chuckles. “You’ll be alright. There’s no way out of this anyway.”
Seonghwa calms you, turning you away from the two before speaking again. “Now that she’s awake we need to finish setting up.”
Hongjoong nods. “San, Wooyoung, clean up the crate. Jongho, Yeosang, go set up the room. Yunho and Mingi go run her a bath.”
They all split following the man’s orders. You simply listen at the conversation between the two remaining men before it drowns out. You think about how this happened. Simply relaxing at the park, you were interrupted by a little dog. You thought it was weird how excited and loud the dog was barking at you but that’s when Yunho made his way over. He just picked her up and kept her in one arm extending the other to you. Something felt off in the way the dog looked at you and barked like it was trying to tell you something but excitable dogs aren’t cause for alarm since it wasn’t aggressive. You really should have taken it as a warning sign, a red flag, but how could you have known?
After a little bit, Seonghwa takes you into the bathroom where your original captors are. Yunho’s sleeves are pulled up as he stands from beside the tub. Mingi finishes adding the soap, putting a washcloth on the side.
“I’ve got it from here.” Seonghwa says dismissing the other two. They nod and leave.
He gently sets you down on the conter, letting the soiled blanket drop. With soft hands he takes take something from around your neck. After a few heavy blinks, you realize the man doesn’t look so giant anymore. The feeling of something cold under you makes you look down. You gasp noticing legs. Your legs. Finally, you're back to yourself.
You look to Seonghwa as he smiles sweetly, putting something down. It was the collar. You recognize it as the same one you wore during your time with Yunho and Mingi. Though much smaller.
“Sit there. I’ll grab a towel then help you in.”
You can only blink, still in disbelief as he speaks like something extraordinary didn’t just happen. They really are the culprits of this weird magic. As you look back over to the little red collar it finally dawns on you. The collar. The one that was sitting on the counter. The one that was on the dog in the park. It was reason you were small and furry less than a minute ago.
Sliding down from the counter onto unsteady legs, you look to Seonghwa who was staring at you now with the towel in hand. Your brain freezes for a moment as he simply looks on before all of your thoughts scream,
Summoning all your energy, you fling open the bathroom door. Running through the halls you spot a door with frosted glass above it. ‘It must be the front door!’ you tell yourself. You run frantically, practically slamming yourself into it. 
As your hands fumble with the locks you hear something and turn to see the others sat around the room staring at you. They look almost bored, though Wooyoung is snickering with his gaze lower. Suddenly you're aware of the fact that you are still nude.
As the big lock above the knob finally gives, you toss the thought aside. Surely you’ll get one of those blankets they give victims when you are resuced.
You see the outside and, still not hearing anyone chase you, throw yourself out the door. Running onto the porch and down the steps. Two feet from the front house one of your larger strides seems to fail you. You go forward, flipping before landing. 
It takes a second after being disoriented to get your mind back but before you can run again you're being lifted off the ground. You wiggle and writhe starting to yell as loud as you can before hearing it. You’re yowling.
‘No, no not again’ The sound is loud and desperate and obviously not of a human, one of a neglected pet. 
Yeosang picks you up, holding you tucked under his arm. “Sorry puppy.” He sounds exasperated but sincere, it doesn't stop you from wiggling in his hold though.
Once the door closes again you deflate at your attempt gone so wrong. He passes you off to another though you don’t see who as you’re too downhearted to bother looking. It isn’t until you’re back in the bathroom that the man talks. 
“You still smell. You’re lucky you’re so cute or we would leave you like this and put you back in the crate.” It’s Yunho. At the sound of his voice, you start to squirm again. 
“Hey hey hey!” He sits you on the counter and taps your nose. A strange feeling spreads from where he tapped through your body, making your body weak and your little legs collapse. You growl angrily.
He just laughs and stands straight again to add hot water to the cooling bath. As you sit there unsure of what to do, Seonghwa comes back in. He flicks his hand, not sparing you a glace, turning you back. His eyes don’t seem to want to meet yours, which gives you a strange pang in your chest.
Yunho beckons you to the tub. He helps you in, waiting until you're seated to grab the washcloth. It should bother you that he’s going to wash you or that the door to the bathroom is open with them coming in and out but your brain is starting to float now. Not quite there enough to fully accept what is happening to you, in a state or shock over the real magic being exhibited, and starting to fade to protect your sanity.
Your wandering eyes land on the collar. You try to figure out how you were wrong, you were so sure it was the collar. It made so much sense.
Yunho follows your gaze and catches on to your train of thought. “Awww, you really thought you had figured it out huh? That’s why little puppies should stick to being cute, they don’t need their dumb brains.”
“The collar isn’t what made you this way” Seonghwa joins. He hands Mingi a large towel for you. “It strengthens the magic but you’re attached to us now, pup. If you go further than 10 feet from us, it kicks in the protect you.”
You want to scoff but you can’t bring yourself to. You watch as he leaves the room without another word, this time closing the door.
The feel of Yunho’s hands become apparent, so you will yourself to think about anything else. You can’t stop thinking about the collar. Your mind floats back to the excitable dog at your first meeting.
“What happened to them?” You ask cautiously. “The other person?”
For minute they’re quiet before asking “Our other pup?”
You nod slowly.
Yunho smirks not answering so Mingi speaks instead. “Remember what I said about obedient pups? Well disobedient ones are trouble…an inconvenience. They don’t get to be taken care of.”
“As a puppy or a human.” Yunho adds ominously.
Letting the words sink in, you start to tremble. Sniffling can be heard as they work to rinse your back.
The taller man sighs, placing a large hand on the side of your face to hold it carefully. “Just…be good.”
It’s all he can give in the form of comfort. He looks uncomfortable yet genuine before returning to rinsing you off.  
You latch onto these words. Along with Seonghwa’s softness and them having yet to hurt you or seeming like they want to are the things your frazzled brain clings to for some form of comfort. 
Just be good.
Just be good.
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sanjoongie · 8 months
Ghostly Touches
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👻Pairing: reader (f) x Song Mingi 👻Au: ghost au, supernatural au 👻Word Count: 949 👻Rating: +18 MDNI, smut 👻Warnings: dubcon, somnophilia, oral (m), fingering (m), cumshot 👻Summary: you're a ghost obsessed with mingi's morning wood and decide to act on it 😏 👻Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland unholy trinity beta team
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You were smoldering at the foot of Mingi’s bed, peering over the wooden structure. You had been staring at Mingi for over a month now since he moved in with his two friends. You hadn't scared him or bothered him. You just observed him. 
Mingi was a funny little human, and you decided you had no intentions of trying to get him to leave your house. He was actually quite respectable. He never slammed doors or cursed the house. Your curiosity was starting to become an obsession now. However, you weren’t quite sure how to deal with it. 
Which left you at the foot of his bed at 3:33 a.m., contemplating what to do. Because you had been observing Mingi for quite a while, and he consistently got morning wood as he rose from his REM sleep. And you were consistently getting upset over it. Why? Because who was he dreaming about to get that reaction?
Then, Mingi moaned quietly in his sleep, and you practically leaped over the footboard and floated over Mingi’s feet, slowly lowering yourself so you were on your hands and knees. Carefully, cautiously, you pulled down the blankets over Mingi and let out a sigh. His raging boner boinged as the blanket tugged over it.
You licked your lips. You shouldn’t do this. You shouldn’t. But you still had a bad oral fixation, despite being dead AND a ghost. And you couldn't help yourself. Maybe… maybe Mingi would wake up and see what a good job you were doing for him, and he would dream of you instead.
So you did the unthinkable: you pulled down Mingi’s boxers, and then you buried his length in your mouth. Mingi’s body responded to you, but he did not stir from his slumber. Which only seemed to challenge you. So you began to slowly ascend up his shaft, running your tongue underneath until you came up to his head, swirling your tongue there, and then you descended swiftly once again. You had no trouble deepthroating the man because you were a ghost and therefore had zero need for a gag reflex… not to mention an incorporeal form. 
You greedily sucked Mingi's shaft, wishing you could taste him, but alas, the dead have taste buds. Mingi made eager noises in the back of his throat, and it only spurned you on. But still, your obsession wasn't waking up. So you began to play with his balls, and that's when Mingi’s eyes rolled, and he opened them.
His jaw dropped silently, clearly not understanding what he was seeing. Was a ghost… sucking his dick? He could see through you, but the edges of you were white and definitive. And you may not have saliva but you were leaving ectoplasm behind as his cock moved inside your mouth. That, along with the brief buzz along his skin, it was unlike any blowjob he had every received.
You popped off of Mingi. "Is it the best you've ever had?" 
Mingi’s hand reached to your head, whether to push you back down on his dick or pat your head, that was to be seen because his hand passed right through your head. "Holy shit," Mingi cursed.
"I'm gonna finish you off," You insisted, "I want to be the best you've ever had."
Mingi couldn't do anything but nod, eyes wide but interested. He had no idea why some ghost was interested in giving him head, but if it was this good, he wasn't about to say no.
So Mingi reserved himself to clutching the bed sheets under him and whining because he couldn't touch you, but you sure could touch him. The way he could feel your mouth, your tongue, and your hands, it was all he could do to not come immediately. You began to suck hickies on his thick thighs, leaving your mark. But, the minute you pushed your finger into his puckered hole, lubbing him up immediately with the ectoplasm you left behind, he did come immediately. He came so hard, his back arched, his feet came to points, and his load shot through your head, and at the angle it was inside of you, reached his face easily.
"Fuck, fuck, oh my God, shit," Mingi gasped.
"Was it good enough to dream about?" You hummed in satisfaction, but Mingi had fallen asleep. You huffed in annoyance. All that had work, and he was asleep?
Mingi woke up with a groan, and then it hit him. Did he have a wet dream about a ghost giving him head? He touched his face and chest and came back with a verdict: he must have jerked off in his sleep.
Mingi bumbled downstairs and stumbled into the kitchen. "You'll never guess what kind of dream I had last night!" He shouted at Jongho, who stoically continued to spread peanut butter across his toast.
"Can I eat first?" Jongho deadpanned.
Yunho came in, yawning and scratching his stomach under his shirt. "What's going on?"
"I ghost gave me a blowjob last night!" Mingi revealed.
Jongho was mid-bite and rolled his eyes. "Sure, Mingi."
"Now Jongho, maybe he's got proof," Yunho tried to play mediator.
"Yeah, Yunho, Mingi totally has infrared cameras set up to capture ghosts," Jongho said sarcastically.
"Actually…" Mingi pulled up his shorts to expose his thighs, and low and behold, there were hickies.
Jongho dropped his toast in disbelief. "The fuck?"
Yunho grinned. "Mingi did not bring anyone home last night, Jongho."
"This is bullshit," Jongho grumbled.
"I wonder if she'll come back," Mingi wondered.
You chose that exact moment to push over the peanut butter jar and wrote out c u 2nite.
"Fuuuuuck," Jongho breathed out.
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maeleelee · 9 months
Chapter Nine
Blue Moon
Prismatic chaos travels to Thornhill for an annual Halloween festival as lovers of all things spooky and murder mystery. Little did they know, they’d get more than they bargained for. With all the things that go bump in the night coming out to play, they can check in any time they like. But they can never leave.
⚠️minors DO NOT interact⚠️
Writing under pictures 🩷
Warnings: Hot pictures of the boys. Can’t say I’m sorry. Bar night, drinking, kissing, making out, shots, mentions of some animals (sharks, anteaters)
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The girls were all giggling at Mae, who was standing on the table, toasting the bartender. “Thank you kind stranger for the shots.”
“Get down from there.” Kayla laughed, which only made Mae stay up there longer. They were all there to have a good time anyways.
“Mommy. Let baby have fun.” Cassi giggled, leaning into Hongjoong, who was trying to hold back his laugh. Kayla sighed but nodded, pulling Bun bun close to her and let the chaos continue.
Mae started dancing to the music, five shots deep since they had been there waiting for the boys to show up. Jess was sitting on San’s lap, watching her best friend dance. “Kind stranger man sir dude.” Mae shouted to the bartender. “I need them to get on my level. Shots all around, please and thank you.” He just laughed at the girl and nodded.
“Caden, baby boy.” Mae smiled down at him.
“I’m going.” He laughed and went to get the shots.
“You know they’re waiting on us, right?” Wooyoung grumbled at the guys who were still getting dressed.
“Yes, but we’re done. We can leave now.” Seonghwa told him and pushed him out the door. Wooyoung mumbled under his breath and got into the car. Seonghwa, Yunho, Mingi, and Yeosang had followed behind him and got in as well.
“Okay so when we get there, it’s pick on Wooyoung time, right?” Yeosang smirked, pinching Wooyoung’s cheek, who smacked Yeosang’s hand away.
They all started talking amongst each other before Seonghwa sighed. “So, I have to find someone to marry or they’re removing me from the throne.” The car went silent. We could hear a pin drop.
“What do you mean? I thought they couldn’t do that.” Yunho mumbled out, confusion written on his face.
“Well they changed their minds. Soulmate or not, if I want to keep the throne, I have to marry.” He tells the boys.
“That’s fucking stupid. You’ve been the best ruler in ages.” Yeosang hissed in the back seat, Mingi nodding beside him. “I can’t understand why they’d want to dethrone you over not being married.”
“It’s fine. I’ll talk to them about it later.” Seonghwa shrugged as he pulled into the parking lot of the bar. He parked the car and took a deep breath. “Let’s go meet these girls, yeah?”
As they stepped into the bar, everything froze, time stopped for Seonghwa. He looked around and saw a pretty lady start to freak out. “Sweetheart. Hey, close your eyes for me. I wanna talk before we make eye contact.” She nodded and closed her eyes.
He walked to her, smiling as he realized this was his soulmate. He touched her face and she leaned into the touch. “If we make eye contact the world goes back to work. I want to spend a minute with you before, if that’s okay. What’s your name pretty?” He whispered to her.
“Yes please. It’s Kayla.” She nodded at him.
“You’re gorgeous. Not sure why I’d get someone so pretty after being around for years.” Seonghwa mumbled out, taking in the sight of his soulmate.
“Can I see you?” She asked in a whisper, like someone would hear them if she said it any louder.
“Yeah. Eyes are closed princess.” He said, a soft smile on his face.
Kayla smiled as she opened her eyes to see the King of the city in front of her. “This is a lovely surprise, King sir.” She giggled lightly. “You’re a sight to see in all honestly.”
“Please don’t call me King when I get you next to me for the rest of my life. Just Seonghwa or Hwa baby.” He mumbled as he leaned into her hand.
She smiled and got a little closer to him. “Kiss me.” She whispered. She grabbed his face and pulled his face down towards her. “Please.”
He did as asked and pressed his lips to hers. He pulled her close to him, wrapping his arm around her waist and one hand through the back of her hair. He stayed like that until they couldn’t breathe. He pulled away and smiled brightly.
Once their eyes opened, the business of the bar could be heard and they were smiling at each other. Bun bun tapped Mae foot and pointed towards Kayla. Mae’s eye lit up and she started cheering. “Ohhhh. Get it mommy.” She shouted, taking the shot Caden brought back.
Kayla’s face was a little red. “I hope you’re okay with chaos because that’s all they are.” She pointed back at the table. Caden was giggling at Mae, causing her to giggle, causing everyone else to giggle. Cassi was still next to Hongjoong, Jess still sat in San’s lap. “Welcome to the family.” Kayla smiled at Seonghwa.
“Be mine?” He asked her.
“Of course. Always.” She smiled at him.
“Forever?” He asked quietly.
“Forever.” She said, a big smile plastered onto her face. He smirked and picked her up over his shoulder and headed back to the car.
“Have fun mommy!” Mae shouted as she waved from the table, eyes lighting up when she saw Wooyoung. “Baby!” She jumped down from the table and smiled when he walked to her.
“How much have you had to drink?” He chuckled at her.
She turned to Cassi. “Daddy, do you know?” Which mean Cassi giggle.
“Six and they wanna do body shots later.” Cassi shook her head. “Girls wild.”
“Let’s go get you water, yeah?” Wooyoung chuckled. “Go sit down and I’ll be back.” He guided Mae to Ani and looked at her. “I thought you promised to keep an eye on her pup.” He grumbled, making Ani shiver slightly.
“Be nice to my puppy.” Mae smacked his arm, pout on her lips. He pecked her pout and looked at Ani.
“I’m sorry Ani.” He smiled. “You want anything while I’m up there?”
“Just a Coke please.” She stated as she held onto Mae. “Thank you.” He nodded and walked off.
They table was full of laughter, everyone had sobered up some and everyone was introduced to each other after Wooyoung got water and a coke for the two girls.
“So,” Yeosang smirked, “how was doing shit? Good?” Mae looked up at him and laughed.
“Great actually. Ten ten would recommend.” She shrugged. “Treated me real nice.”
“She’s not lying. Watched the other thing happen.” Jess mumbled. “Treated her real good.”
“Damn.” Yunho chuckled. “I don’t think you’re gonna get much from these girls.”
“It’s worth a shot.” He shrugged.
“If you want tea, Cassi and Caden are your guy and gal. They’ll talk it with you all night.” Bun bun stated towards Yeosang. “Caden also likes embarrassing all of us.” She shrugged.
“Is it really embarrassment if we always talk about it?” Mae asked Bun Bun.
“Not if you liked it.” Jess stated, sipping on a coke and whiskey.
“Embarrassing fact number one, Mae and Jess aren’t in the ‘we hate Anteaters’ club.” Caden said looking at the two.
“I-“ Mae paused, looked at Ani, and then back to Caden. “Just because I giggled the whole conversation about it, doesn’t mean I don’t agree with what you said.”
“We had an anteater hate speech and I wasn’t there for it?” Jess asked. “Damn.”
“Please don’t get him started. There’s thirty two reasons why he hates them and I’ve heard them four times now.” Ani groaned.
“Caden, I agreed with all of it. Anteaters are ugly, don’t know how to love, and are gross for eating half the weight in ants.” Mae laughed, as she laid her head on Wooyoungs shoulder.
“Okay good.” Caden nodded. “I’m glad, they suck.” He folds his arms.
“Is he always this passionate about stuff like this?” Jongho asked.
“Yes.” All of them said at the same time.
“JINX.” Mae shouted, giggling. “He’s a big fan of sharks, but I think half the group is.”
“Sharks are pretty. I want to touch.” Caden nodded.
“He’s got a point.” San nodded. “They’re cool as fuck.”
“Thank you, tall boy.” Caden smiled.
“Anyways, Anis big into bones, so I go to her about any questions I have about that. Mae’s my momma so I just rant to her about everything. I’ve adopted Bun bun as my little sibling. Jess is my twin, Cassis my sweetheart. Kayla is momma number two.” Caden smiled at the group. “I have dirt on all of them and will only tell you if I get dirt on yourself, or a friend.”
“Damn. That’s the fastest he’s use the blackmail tactic.” Ani laughed.
“He does this often?” Hongjoong asked.
“Yes, your highness.” Caden nodded.
“I- Caden, baby boy. He lives in hell?” Mae stated.
“Oh yeah, yes your lowness, better?” He asked Mae, making Ani let out a laugh.
“Much better.” Ani nodded.
“You have nicknames for all of us already?” Mingi asked.
“A few. San is tall boy. Grim is death boy. Hongjoong is your ‘lowness’. Yunho is frog turner man. That’s about all I got so far.” He shrugged.
“I- I’m to tired for this.” Mae shook her head. “I say we continue this conversation next time.” She yawned and stood up, holding her hand out to Ani. “Bun bun, you going home with Cassi?”
“Yeah. Hongjoongs staying the night. Gonna watch a Disney movie marathon.” Bun bun smiled brightly.
“Alright good.” Mae kissed her head and walked to Jess. “See you at the house later.” And kissed her cheek. “Baby boy. Behave or I will get out the belt.” She stared at him.
“I’ll be good momma. No belt.” Caden smiled.
“I’ll watch him.” Cassi giggled. “It’ll be alright.” Mae nodded, kissed both their heads and walked out, Ani and Wooyoung following behind her.
“I have dirt on all of the boys. I’ll trade you information for information.” Jongho whispered to Caden.
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Taglist: @cadenonlinelive @weird-bookworm @imagine-a-life-like-this @mxnsxngie @choisoorin @littleleatabixx @acrylishly @babyboyquokka @nyro-in-new-albion
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justaaveragereader · 9 months
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They said keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Luckily for them you were right next door.
In the spooky month of October your neighborhood got a whole new block of neighbors. Who you easily befriend. They were friendly, hot as hell, single, regular ‘boy next door’ neighbors. You were wrong. What happens when you get caught up in their trickery?
If you play your cards right your neighbors might let you live…Did I forget to mention that all your neighbors are notorious slashers? Hold onto you underwear everyone, SlasherAteez has just moved into the neighborhood!
Welcome to Slashtober 2023!
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10.03 🔪 Invisible Man!Hongjoong
Tags…Mirror Sex + Breath Play + Degradation
10.10 🔪 The Strangers!HwaYunSan
Tags…Bulge Kink + Rough Sex + Double Penetration
10.17 🔪 American Pyscho!Mingi
Tags…Choking + Exhibitionism + Squirting
10.23 🔪 Jigsaw!Wooyoung
Tags…BDSM + Bondage + Toys
10.29 🔪 GhostFace!JongSang
Tags…Primal Play + Masked + Phone Sex
10.31 🔪 OT8
Gang Bang + Bukakke + Dacryphillia
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©️Please do not steal, translate, copy, or change any of the work tagged above. This includes all the fics and graphics. The graphics are made by me unless stated otherwise.
Wanna be added to the taglist? Shoot me a message or drop a comment, and I’ll make sure to add you❤️!
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kitten4sannie · 8 months
Hi congrats on 3k :)
Soo I’ve been thinking about sub Mingi quite a bit lately and if we’re going to get spooky lol what if he’s a clingy ghost that haunts and constantly comes around when he wants your attention and body? ;) Picture this: it’s 3 am and you wake up out of your sleep to see him gingerly pulling at your sleep shorts with a cute lil pout <3 He’s whining and pleading, “Y/N, can you please fuck me? I’m so lonely </3”
hehe thank you ^-^ 💞 ALSO EXCUSE YOUUU – NEEDY ?? SUB?? GHOST?? MINGI ???? 👁️👄👁️ i’m literally on my knees for you and this concept anonnie rjwjhw i hope i can deliver something worthy of this thot provoking ask <33
⛧ seance smutfest ⛧
w.c: 2.1k
warnings: pouty subby baby boy mingi :((, big dick mingi, also he’s a ghost so he has ghost? features? lol, dom! reader, reader’s kinda mean ngl jssjs, so many pet names omg, some possessive language, light degradation, teasing, begging, praise, some pet play dynamics (everyone lets say thank you to @lemonhongjoong for making puppy ghost min a thing <3), drooling, brief mutual masturbation, grinding, cum eating, brief oral (receiving), doggy style obv, overstim, multiple creampies
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Your roommates tend to keep to themselves these days — most notably when the sun goes down. They can’t bring themselves to tell one another about the things they’ve been experiencing without sounding like they’re crazy.
How could they possibly explain that they feel like they’re being watched when they’re taking a shower and laying alone in their beds? That they hear their names being whispered into their ears just as their eyelids grow heavy enough for them to drift off to sleep? How could they possibly let anyone know about the howls and wails they hear coming from somewhere in the house late at night?
How could you tell them that it had one of the most complicated, yet simplest answers? The answer being the (very needy) apparition that had appeared in your room for the third time that week. At 3 am, no less. A groan tumbled out of your dry throat as you tried to blink away the darkness and make out the figure that hovered above you.
“Y/N…wake up, so you can fuck me…” he whispered in a deep, breathy voice, the edges of his words thick with desire.
“You can’t keep doing this, Mingi…” you croaked, feeling the odd heaviness and simultaneous lightness of his body pressing into yours.
The ghost frowned, his head lowering slightly. “But I need you.”
You grimaced, your cheeks growing warm. “I need sleep.”
He whimpered, his fingers already pulling down your sleep shorts past your hips, looking down at you with an intense, unwavering gaze, his bluish plump lips forming a signature pout. You could already feel his heavy cock pressing into the side of your thigh. “Y/N, please. I’m so lonely.”
The fire inside you was lit — just like that. This was why you were never able to say no to him. The ghostly brat was so good at begging for your attention and body, you couldn’t possibly deny him. Though, he would have to work for it.
“If you want me so bad,” you began somewhat mockingly, feeling his cold hands settle on your hips for a moment and squeeze them slightly, a trail of goosebumps immediately forming where he touched you. “Then you’ll just have to get off in front of me first, ghostie.”
“D-don’t call me that,” Mingi murmured, blowing a few strands of whitish blond hair out of his eyes, biting his lip at your proposition. He would’ve blushed if he were still alive. “…Call me yours…”
“You know what, Mingi?”
“What?” he whined, his head drooping more, his bottom lip jutting out just enough to make you fall further underneath his spell, though you were determined to get the most out of this paranormal encounter.
Giggling softly at his reaction, you took his hands and slowly ran them up along your curves, up and under your hoodie until they were just underneath your breasts, feeling his fingers press slightly into your ribcage. He stared hard at you in the darkness, the whites of his eyes practically glowing as you gazed back at them with your own half-closed ones. “I’ll call you mine as soon as you cum for me. Can you do that for me, baby? Can you play with your cock?”
Mingi throbbed inside his sweatpants as he pulled at the drawstrings, letting them fall until his long, veiny cock sprung out and curved up into his lower abdomen.
You smiled at the sight of it, your eyes trailing his thick length until you settled on the flushed, pronounced tip. “That’s a good boy.”
Mingi bit back a moan, his cock twitching on its own, the head leaving a strand of pre-cum behind when it made contact with his lower abdomen.
Sighing softly, you couldn’t help but give in and stroke your ego a little. “That’s all it takes, huh, Min? A little praise and you’re ready to spill your load for me?”
“Yeah, it makes me feel really good,” he answered in an oddly shy manner, despite his hand already closing around the base of his cock and jerking upwards, another thick bead of pre-cum oozing out of the bluish tip. “Fuck, I need you so bad."
You licked your lips, letting your hand slip down into your panties to rub your wetness around. “What do you need exactly, ghost boy? Enlighten me.”
“Need to be inside you. Need to fuck your cunt. Feel it squeeze around me when I fill you up. And, fuck–” He groaned harshly, his eyes centered on your moving hand, whimpering at the sounds of your slick, his wrist beginning to hurt from how roughly he was pleasuring himself. "Nnngh, does it feel good, Y/N? Knowing I’m gonna cum just for you?”
“It feels really good, Min,” you breathed out, rubbing your clit in between two fingers, tilting your head to the side, some of your hair falling into your eyes. “But, you know what would feel even better?”
“What?” he inquired as soon as the words left your mouth, his own mouth starting to hang open to let drool drip out, his cock throbbing away.
“If you rubbed your cock on my cunt, Minnie.” You smiled at the mess he was already becoming for you, lowering your panties just enough so that he could make out the slick glistening on your folds. “Do you want that?”
An airy whine left Mingi’s lips, his hips already starting to move on their own, practically using his hand as a fleshlight. “Yes, please.”
“So obedient,” You giggled, reaching out to run your index finger up along his stiff length, watching it twitch a bit once you swiped your finger up and over his cockhead. “And so sensitive. How cute.”
Mingi seriously would’ve turned into a tomato at this point, but you didn’t have to know that. He simply pouted and rutted himself against your upper thigh, getting his pre-cum all over it, pleading for you until you eventually tossed your panties to the side and spread your thighs apart for him.
“Get to work, Min,” you purred, running your fingers through his shaggy hair.
Like a dog hearing the dinner bell, he sprung into action, resting his hands near either side of your head, his chilled body flush against your heated one, his cock already rubbing deliciously along your cunt, more pre-cum leaking out of the tip. “Feels so good, so good, so good–”
“Aww, look at you, getting all worked up for me. What a needy boy.”
“Need you so bad,” he reassured, blowing a few bangs out of his eyesight. “Wanna fill you up.”
Wiping away a bit a sweat from your forehead, you couldn’t help but to let out a few breathy moans, the tip of the ghost’s thick cockhead sliding against your clit in a way that sent electricity through the rest of your body. “Cum for me and i’ll let you inside, Min, I promise…”
Mingi suddenly pushed himself up and grabbed onto your hips, thrusting forward so quickly, the springs in the mattress began to creak underneath the both of you, your combined slick allowing him to steadily bring you to your peak. “Gonna…cum…for you, Y/N…”
“Yeah, that’s it, just like that,” you praised breathily, feeling your lower half getting lifted up from how desperately he began to fuck himself on your wet cunt, your head dropping back when your high took over you, barely able to listen to all of the whiny moans that began to leave Mingi’s drooling mouth. “Such a good boy, my good boy…”
“Your–nnnngh–good boy,” Mingi echoed weakly, his body shuddering, his fingers leaving bruises in the flesh of your hips, holding you still as he left spurt after spurt of his release on your already dripping cunt and lower abdomen.
Once Mingi lowered your body back down on the bed, you ran your fingers through the warm liquid he left behind, giggling softy at the sound of his heavy panting and the sight of his pretty glistening lips when he licked his cum off of your fingers without you having to ask, his spit dripping down them. “What a naughty boy you are.”
“Just for you,” he nodded, trying to lick up the saliva that had dripped down his chin.
“Oh, sweetheart, you want to fuck me so bad, you’re going to drool all over yourself?” Your eyes sharpened, knowing you were about to reignite his fuse. “Are you a puppy or something?”
Mingi let out a shameless moan from your words, his previously half-hard cock coming back to life and throbbing steadily. If he had visible pupils, they would be blown out by now. “Yeah, I’m a needy puppy…I need my Master’s cunt.”
“Then, clean up your mess, puppy,” you chimed, his title for you giving you so much satisfaction you almost came right then and there. You spread your thighs apart, sending an inviting smile his way. “And then you can fuck your Master dumb, okay?”
Mingi’s mouth was on your cunt before you could take another breath, his wide tongue collecting your juices and his own cum as he brought it up and down your cunt. “Mmm, fuck…”
“Good puppy,” you praised, your cunt pulsing around his tongue once he shoved it inside along with two fingers that slowly spread you apart, almost losing your composure from the way he began to vigorously tongue-fuck you. “Fuck, what do you think you’re doing, Min?”
“ ‘M just cleaning up my mess,” he moaned against your cunt, swiping at your clit with the tip of his tongue, making you throb again. “I wanted to get you nice and stretched out for my cock too. Don’t want to hurt my Master.”
Mingi’s filthily adorable words drifted through your lust-drunk mind, encouraging you to spread your hole open for the sweet spirit, gazing up at him. “I’m ready for you, puppy. Come and get it.”
You couldn’t remember how long you had been there for, taking Mingi’s cock from behind, your thighs trembling underneath you, the side of your face squished into the cum-soaked mattress, your sore wrists being held taut in the ghost’s tight grip, your throat growing more and more dry every time he sunk back into the tight heat of your cunt. You didn’t even have to worry about your moans being heard by your roommates. Mingi’s moans were much louder, much more whiner than yours.
Poor Mingi couldn’t help it. It just felt so good being balls-deep in such a tight, warm hole he could fuck and fill until he had no more cum left to empty out inside you. His eyes wandered down your back, fixating on the milky liquid that dripped down his length, slamming himself into you until it got pushed back inside where it belonged. “Gonna cum, gonna fuck you so full, it’ll be dripping out of you during breakfast tomorrow,” he warned in a weak, breathy voice, massaging and squeezing your hip with his free hand.
“Do it, Min, fuck me so full,” you cried out, feeling your entire body begin to shudder and throb with pleasure, catapulting over the edge along with Mingi once he began to slowly fuck his load into you until it joined the others still coating your used inner walls. “One more time, baby, fill me again…”
“ H-hold on…’m too sensitive…right now,” the ghost informed in between pants, idly licking at the drool that wanted to leak out past his lips. He let go of your wrists to wipe at his mouth, not prepared for the way your cunt suddenly clenched around his length.
“One more, Minnie, you can do it,” you encouraged through slurred words, lifting yourself up so that you could began to drive yourself back onto his cock, growing wetter just from the filthy squelching of your combined cum, Mingi’s sudden gasps, and his equally cute high pitched, airy moans. “That’s right, feels so good, huh?”
“S-so good,” Mingi choked out, running his hands up his body and holding onto himself periodically, hyper-fixated on the space where your slick bodies connected, whining each time you slammed yourself back onto him and took his cock inside as far as it would go. “Oh my goddd…you’re gonna make me cum again.”
You looked back at him, admiring the way his glistening lips were stuck in an ‘o’ shape, the way his eyebrows were screwed upwards, the look in his teary, half-closed eyes that told you not to stop. “Cum for me, baby, come on, give it to me,” you moaned out, fucking yourself on his cock until you clamped down on it, your own release spilling out of you and down your inner thighs.
“Y/N, fuck…!” Right on cue, Mingi let out a shamelessly loud wail, a few tears escaping his eyes, as you fucked him through his intense orgasm, milking his cock until he unloaded every last drop into you.
You were brought out of your cloudy headspace when Mingi’s body landed near yours on the mattress, suddenly compelled to wipe the remnants of tears away from his drool-stained face. “What a good ghost boy you are,” you whispered teasingly, yours fingers resting against his clammy cheek, rubbing it gently with your thumb.
Mingi squished his opposite cheek into the pillow, not knowing that it was flushed with a deep blue hue. His eyes crinkled at the edges, giving you a wobbly smile.
“Your ghost boy.”
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Apply for the taglist here ⇢ ♡
© kitten4sannie, 2023.
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hwasdvlly · 8 months
Kitty | s.mingi
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✮ summary: a vampire and his mortal lover get into the spooky spirit.
✮ pairing: mingi x fem!reader
✮ genres: romance, slice of life, and fluff
✮ word count: 0.8k words
✮ warnings/tags: none. established relationship, vampire!mingi, tsundere bf!mingi, mortal!reader, halloween fun
✮ a/n: mingi has finally joined my library! it took a while but i am happy that i got the time and energy to continue writing. in the making of vampire/tsundere mingi i couldn't contain my squeals
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The season of autumn comes in like the warmest hug. Chattering autumn leaves of gold and scarlet, and the soft wind echoes. But most of all, a spooky yet fun holiday is around the corner. 
Inside an apartment, a handsome vampire with ash blonde hair, snow-white skin, smokey eyes, and a tall physique dressed in comfy clothes is resting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. 
Mingi notices on his social media that people are preparing for Halloween. The vampire honestly doesn’t know if it’s a mockery for mortals to imitate supernatural creatures or something to celebrate fear as an enjoyment. Suddenly, he hears the beautiful voice of his girlfriend, more like ordering him.
“Let’s go, Mingi! I want to see if the store has what I want!” You frowned at your slouching boyfriend. 
He sighs and puts his phone on his chest. The vampire raises an eyebrow at your change in appearance. You are in a cozy outfit because it has gotten colder nowadays. Mingi puts his phone in his pocket and stands up from the couch while talking. “I don’t get the whole hype about this holiday. Is it to make fun of the ones in my realm?” After living in the mortal world for quite a long time, Mingi has been learning and adjusting to a new lifestyle. Of course, he did it for you because you are the light of his life. 
“No, it’s not that.” You shook your head and watched him go to the door to grab his sneakers off the rack. You walk up to him to put on your boots. Like a gentleman, Mingi holds your hand so you don’t lose balance. “It’s a holiday to get free candy, dress up however you want, and being scary is fun.” You tried to reason and made him understand that it’s not supposed to be an insult. Mingi responds, “Whatever you say.” He sounds so blunt, yet he’ll do it for you.
His seven friends, and you call him a tsundere. Mingi may act and look intimidating, but he goes all softie boy whenever he is around you. 
Walking down the streets, hand-in-hand, you are more excited while your boyfriend looks soulless. You turn your head to notice how unenthusiastic he is. “Come on, Mingi! Show some happiness on your face.” You encouraged him because you want to make his days joyful. Indeed, he is proud to be part of your life and is grateful that his kind doesn’t have a feud with humans. You truthfully don’t know how you made his stone, cold heart flutter constantly, but it’s adorable. 
Mingi lets out a breath. He shifts his neck to look down at his lover. Your petite self is so cute that he wants to protect you at all costs, which he does. Then a grin etches onto his stunning face. If you weren’t outside, you would’ve fainted on the spot. “T-There you go.” You sheepishly spoke as your face began to crimson. 
His grin turns into a charming smirk. He loves seeing you get flustered. 
As the lovers arrived at the Halloween store, you immediately dragged your vampire boyfriend into the costume section. “We should get costumes as a couple! Maybe this one.” You found a cute witch costume with a hat, a black corset dress, and striped stockings. Mingi observes it and would be lying if he said it wouldn’t look pretty on you. Anything that his love wears is gorgeous. 
“If we do that, then what am I supposed to be?” Mingi asked you. He sees his mortal love skim through the aisle, looking for the right costume. 
Shortly, your eyes brighten. “A-ha! Perfect!” You grabbed whatever it was and put it on Mingi. His curious expression quickly becomes discontented. “Are you for real?” He hopes his seven annoying but lovely friends aren’t watching him in the other world. Mingi also hopes the undead aren’t laughing at him. 
“I am not going to be your cat, Y/N.” He groans with sparkly cat ears on his ash-blonde head.
You ignored his complaint and hugged him tightly. “Yes! You are!” You opposed Mingi’s disapproval of your idea. You can blatantly admit that he would be the cutest kitty. 
“Are we done now?” Mingi questions because you haven’t let go of him. You shook your head while rubbing your face on his broad chest. “Nope. We still need to get decorations, and after that, we need fall snacks.” You informed him. 
Mingi allows it because he can’t escape from you. 
Once purchasing the items, the vampire has the bags in his hand and the phone in the other. You wrap your arms around his and lay your head on his bicep. Mingi texts his friends in a group chat. He explains to them he will be a cat for Halloween. As expected, they all were shocked and made teasing remarks. 
wooyo: kitty mingi! im dead!
sannie: that’s a SIGHT to see
jjong: not for me because it’ll be a nightmare
yuyu: y/n is a genius hehe
hwa: it’s nice that you agreed with her
joongie: tell y/n to send us pics
yeo: have a wonderful halloween mangi!
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thelargefrye · 8 months
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pairing : poly!ateez x f!reader
genre : halloween special, fluff, comedy
word count : 1.1k
warnings : yn wears glasses
note : for both monstober AND @cultofdionysusnet autumn event "mocha madness" haha, killing two birds with one stone!
honorary suffer tag : @sanjoongie thank you for helping me with mingi and yeosang's outfits
what halloween is like at café eternal sunshine plus you get new glasses.
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the whole theme is planned out to a t
if there's one holiday you enjoy the most, that would be halloween
that means the cafe was decorated to help celebrate the spooky holiday
that also meant the cafe had halloween themed treats for the month of october
the nine of you had decided to do an addams family theme with drinks and foods made to represent each of the family members
the theme was a success to customers
you even managed to find a cousin it statue at a thrift store and despite how it creeps yunho out, he can't deny how much traction the 4ft statue has brought
"i hate that thing so much," he grumbles as he side eyes that thing from behind the counter
san can't help but laugh at his boyfriend as he fixes a special uncle fester drink
"i honestly don't know why seonghwa let her buy that stupid thing"
"because seonghwa is whipped for her" san teases as he adds the finishing touches to the drink, "she has him wrapped around her pretty finger"
"shut up," a new voice says and san can't help but snicker, face scrunching up as he laughs at his eldest boyfriend
"she would have never let me here the end of it if i didn't let her buy that thing"
"okay, okay"
a part from the cousin it statue stalking most of the members, the cafe was genuinely decorated so much
you and hongjoong spent hours, staying up late into the night to create decorations you found online
you even roped yeosang into making and putting up decorations on september 30, because you wanted to have it all finished by the time you opened in the morning.
but along with halloween and the over-the-top decorates also came with some of your boyfriends trying to scare you and each other
mingi's "scaredy cat" self made an appearance throughout the mouth and you're not even sure how many things he dropped and broke
because wooyoung thought it would be funny to hide in different place and wait for mingi to come by before he jumps out
unfortunately, the one time mingi tried to scare wooyoung, it backfired and he ended up scaring you so bad that jongho had thought there was a real danger
mingi almost got punched that day and has since learned his lesson
however, along with all the festive and spooky things going on, hongjoong couldn't help but notice how you had been struggling to see despite wearing your glasses
"y/n, honey, i think its time to go to the eye doctor," hongjoong says as he's helping you out in the kitchen
wooyoung was banned from entering the kitchen after he pretended there was a giant spider and thoroughly gave you a heart attack
"what are you talking about?"
"you've been struggling to see with your glasses. when was the last time you went to the eye doctor?"
"um, two years ago?"
"yeah, babe, you're long overdue for new glasses"
"but i don't have time, joongie. not when i have so much to do here"
"honey," hongjoong is quick to grab you by your shoulders in order to get you to look at him, "you're overworking and stressing yourself out. i know you love halloween, but i also really love it when you can see"
you can't help but mindlessly adjust your glasses as you look at your boyfriend
"thank you for bringing me yeosang," you say as you hopped off his bike
your boyfriend grinned at you as he turned the bike off before also getting off
"of course, honey, anything for you and your pretty eyes"
you were thankfully yeosang came with you, his presence making you feel calm as you went through your eye appointment
after your appointment, you picked out some new glasses before leaving; however, they wouldn't be ready until next week
"wow! look at my sexy girlfriend!" wooyoung's voice is loud as it echoes throughout the closed cafe
his loudness yearned him a smack by seonghwa "control your volume"
"hey, i can't help it if our girlfriend looks so sexy! your new glasses suit you so well, star"
"thank you, woo, yeosang helped me pick them out"
after you got your new glasses and showed them off to your boyfriends, you all continued to set up some finally touches to the cafe
now that it was finally october 31, you wanted to change out some of the decorations for even better and more festive ones
that also means you all were dressed up in your halloween costumes as well, some of your boyfriends participating more than some
you decided that you finally fulfill your childhood dream and dress up as barbie, even if every other person and their grandma would also be barbie
you were thankful both san and wooyoung agreed to dress as ken with you
hongjoong was putting his split hair to use be was being cruella deville
jongho, yunho, and seonghwa decided to be vampires
however, you couldn't help but admire how the corset seonghwa wore showed off his waist so well
his waist was a dangerous distraction for you as the others would tease
as for mingi and yeosang... well
yeosang had no idea what he was going to be originally and then mingi asked if he wanted to do a couple's costume
however, now neither of them knew what they were going to do, so you and the others tried to help them
until wooyoung came home with a bag from the halloween store and shoved it into yeosang's arms
"here's your halloween costume, you're welcome"
yeosang couldn't help but blush at the outfit while san busted out laughing, confusing the rest of you until he turned the bag around
a sexy nurse
you honestly didn't think yeosang would have put on the costume; however here he is a few days later wearing the sexy nurse outfit
yeosang's muscles standing and practically bulging out were just as dangerous as seonghwa's waist
every time yeosang flexed, you felt yourself drool or about to pass out
mingi, of course, was his patient
how he had a hospital outfit on hand you didn't know, but him and yeosang were overall cute together
when the cafe finally opened for the night, people immediately filed in dressed in different costumes
the cafe also held a costume contest with the winner having been someone dressed as a drag racer clown and even had a clown car parked outside the cafe
finally once the night died down and costumers left, you all closed shop before spacing out and sitting at the tables
this was so you could all unwind before you spent the rest of them night taking the halloween decorations down
you and hongjoong would probably pull another all-nighter in order to decorate for fall, but you didn't mind
overall, halloween at eternal sunshine was something you won't mind experiencing year around
especially when you had your loving grumpy and sunhine boyfriends with you
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tag list (bold is unable to tag) : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh (i still don't know why i can't tag you) @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @invuwrld @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop
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stayteezdreams · 1 year
Ateez Masterlist
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*everything is gn!reader insert unless stated otherwise
If you notice any missing or incorrect links, please let me now~
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→ Ateez x Petnames (x reader)
→ First Dates - Hyung Line (x reader/fluff/cute) ↳ First Dates - Maknae Line (x reader/fluff/cute)
→ Ateez comforting s/o after messing up while being an MC (fluff/comfort)
→ 'Finding out BF!Ateez are Supernatural Creatures' (angst/comfort)
→ Spending Valentines Day Together - Hyung Line (cute/fluff) → Spending Valentines Day Together - Maknae Line (cute/fluff)
Fake Texts:
→ Contact Names - Hyung Line (crack/fun) ↳ Contact Names - Maknae Line (crack/fun)
→ Accidental Confessions - Hyung Line (fluff/cute) ↳ Accidental Confessions - Maknae Line (fluff/cute)
→ Meet-Cute Series (masterlist/complete)
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Camera Rolls/Moodboards:
→ Camera Roll while dating Hongjoong
→ 'Change of Plans: Part One' (meet-cute) ↳ 'Change of Plans: Part Two' (cute/romantic)
→ 'Haunted' (spooky/gen/bit of fluff)
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→ Taking care of each other when sick (comfort/whump/cute)
→ 'Lost In You: Part One' (meet-cute) ↳ 'Lost In You: Part Two' (cute/fluff)
→ 'Favor' (fake dating/fluff/romance)
→ 'And His Name Was Death' (Death!Seonghwa) *In Progress ↳ Part One ★ Part Two
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→ 'Special To Me: Part One' (cute/comfort/meet cute) ↳ 'Special To Me: Part Two' (cute/fluff)
→ 'I'll Keep You Safe' (spooky/fun/fluff)
→ 'Mistletoe Mischief' (cute/fluff)
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→ 'Room With A View: Part One' (meet-cute) ↳ 'Room With A View: Part Two' (gen/cute)
→ 'Cozy' (fluff/comfort/Christmas)
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→ 'A Better Ending: Part One' (cute/romantic/meet cute) ↳ 'A Better Ending: Part Two' (fluff/romantic)
→ 'Stranded Together' (fluff/spooky)
→ 'Eggnog Confession' (fluff/little angst)
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→ 'At First Sight: Part One' (fluff/meet-cute) ↳ 'At First Sight: Part Two' (cute/fun/fluff)
→ 'Until I Met You' (jealous!mingi; fluff/cute)
→ 'Dance of Hearts' (dance teachers Mingi & Reader; fluff/romance)
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→ 'Hooked On You:Part One' (meet-cute/fluff) ↳ 'Hooked on You: Part Two' (fluff)
→ 'Hold Still' (fun/fluff)
→ 'Let Me Love You' (angst/romance)
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→ 'Apple of My Eye' (fluff/crack/drabble)
→ 'Boy Next Door: Part One' (meet-cute) ↳ 'Boy Next Door: Part Two' (fluff/cute)
→ 'Hotel For Ghosts' (fun/spooky/light crack & fluff)
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sageandlily · 7 months
October 2023 favourite reads (Kpop boygroup edition)
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🕸Hi! another month come to an end quite fast this year and it's the spooky season month, Ocrober. I didn't read that much fic this month because I got caught by a lot of stuff in my life and social media has been draining me for some reason. But, this month fic recs mostly in greek gods, mythical creatures and bridgerton-ish theme. Once again I always wish that both the stories and the writers (who are amazing, beautiful and talented!) gets more recognition and appreciation.
May November be an amazing month for all of you who came across this post🖤
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Viewfinder (🔞Seungmin x reader x Lee Know) by @seospicybin
Absolutely love the dynamic between reader and the boys. What a roller coaster!
Collateral (🔞I.N x reader x Hyunjin) by @seospicybin
As somebody who currently trying her best to applying job in magazine industry, this fic really hit something on me.
Gladius Maximus (Son of Zeus!Bangchan x reader) by @neo-shitty
I'm a sucker for anything demigod or percy jackson inspired so when this fic came on my for you page, I immediately click on it and I'm not regretting it.
Star Lost (Son of Zeus!Bangchan x reader) by @neo-shitty
The sequel for the fic above.
Enemies to lovers (Son of Aphrodite!Hyunjin x reader) by @taelme
I just wanted to tell you how much i love this fic and you're such a talented writer bcs i re-read this fic 3 times!
Too Hot Too Handle (🔞Felix x reader) by @seospicybin
In conclusion: the title tells you all😵‍💫🥵.
The Secret Admirer (San x reader) by @edenesth
I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope and San is so ashuekwlfh.
For Me (Mingi x reader) by @hwanchaesong
I'm waiting for the sequel dear writer!
Patience (🔞Seungcheol x reader) by @fantasyescapes17
I'm in my bridgerton rabbit hole when suddenly this fic came out in my for you page and I am HOOKED.
The Siren's Call (🔞Felix x reader) by @petrichor-han
Just a beautiful writing also Felix as a siren?? i can imagine how majestic he is.
The Most Lonely Creature (🔞Yeosang x reader) by @atzfilm
Honestly as a Yeosang biased atiny, this was one of my fav mythical creature fic of him. I've re-read this twice hahaha
Project Omen (🔞Wooyoung x reader x Hongjoong) by @atzfilm
I just wanted to tell you how much i really like this fic bcs this one has been in my mind since i read it last August?? I decided to re-read it several times and it still got me. Kudos to you, such a talented writer!
Thank you for checking this post! See you next month🖤
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cookycherry · 2 years
Truth or Confession: Choi San One shot
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*this gif is how I visualize he looks at Y/N over anything they do*
Pairing- San x reader
Genre- smut, some fluff,forest sex, fem!reader, established friendship, established friendship with group, friends to lovers
Warning-smut, forest sex, unprotected sex
Word count-2700
Summary-Your best friend Seonghwa invites you to a weekend of camping, which unfolds into confessions from your admirer.
It felt like summer break back in primary school.
A long weekend holiday in the great outdoors.
You were invited by your childhood friend Seonghwa who managed to keep you by his side through all of his crazy life ups and downs.
He becomes a trainee; you got your first after school job.
He debuts as part of one of the biggest up and coming idol groups; you graduate college.
For each one of your successes you both always texted each other to celebrate.
He always invited you as a sole VIP to any events to mingle with his band mates. As your presence became more welcomed and frequent, It was clear to you that one of Seonghwa’s new friends was very intrigued by you.
His name was San, and he always made sure to be the first to greet you when you were invited around.
So, when you got texted the invite for the weekend camping getaway you weren’t surprised and even were less surprised to be doted on by San.
For the past three days when it came to hiking, swimming or any friendly banter; San was right there by your side, very much like a puppy.
“San, will you stop bothering Y/N and help me with this campfire?” Seonghwa struggled to get the kindling to catch the flame while Yunho laughed.
San had taken it upon himself to assist the job that required very little help of setting up the s’mores.
“San, I really think you should go over there before Momma Hwa kills you.” Wooyoung rolled his eyes as he opened a bag of graham crackers.
San looked over his shoulder at the sad excuse for a campfire.
“I’ll save you a spot next to me when we make the s’mores.” You smiled at San and nodded your head in the direction he was being summoned.
San’s face lit up like the sun. “I’ll hold you to it.”
You watched how San sauntered over to help, taking in his muscular frame. He had let his black hair grow out a bit. The jeans he wore hugged his butt just right and the peach shirt he was wearing accentuated his sunny demeanor.
Looking at him this way made the butterflies in your stomach flutter.
“So that’s how I ended up recording the same song about 1395 times.” Hongjoong laughed as he munched on the end of a s’more.
The air was light and flowed in a way you felt all the cares in the world were lifted off your shoulders.
You all had spent the evening well into the sunset laughing. It gave you peace that everyone was enjoying this freedom of being able to talk like they weren't celebrities, just normal guys you grew to know.
“So, y/n got any embarrassing stories of Seonghwa from your years growing up with him?” Mingi took a swig of soju as he playfully nudged Yeosang who was laughing up a storm.
You looked at Seonghwa who was red with panic and probably too much soju.
“I mean there was one time where he made us late to a joint family vacation cause he took an hour long shower!” You laughed while everyone began to rag on your pal.
“Oh oh! I have an idea. Let’s go around and play truth or dare.” Wooyoung had stood up taking charge.
A round of agreements.
The game then started and turned into a drinking game of sorts, eventually it got back to being San’s turn.
“Ok. San.” Hongjoong giggled while he tried to find the words for having San pick truth or dare. “Truth! Or Dareeee.” He wiggled his fingers in an attempt to be spooky.
San, who appeared to be holding his alcohol well, smiled. “Truth.”
The boys all ooohed and awed at the sudden bravery.
“Hmmm ok.” Hongjoong smiled as he bit his lip. “Do you or do you not have a crush on y/n?” Hongjoong giggled like a schoolgirl while everyone waited for the answer in hushed silence.
San inhaled deeply before turning to you. You were gripping your soju bottle until your hand was white knuckled. His face was solemn and his dark eyes studied your face.
“I think I’m in love with her.”
Hongjoong fell backwards off the tree stump he was perched on;Yeosang and Jongho ran to help their leader. Mingi and Yunho let out a cheer as if they were at a soccer match. Meanwhile Seonghwa and Wooyoung sat in complete drunken shock.
You sat taking this in.
No one had ever confessed their feelings for you, you thought of how in primary school you confessed and were turned down. You wouldn’t deny you didn’t have a crush on San mutually, you couldn’t believe someone famous and this handsome was this into you. You felt like you were in a drama on tv.
Your mouth opened and closed, unable to say anything.
“Well. I think it’s time for bed.” Seonghwa stood up, beginning to pick up around the campfire. “We have a boat rented for early tomorrow to be out on the water so we should get some rest.”
You watched as San went around picking up the trash, he was wandering his way further from the scene of his confession.
“San, lemme help !” You jogged over to him to offer any assistance.
The rest of his band mates were crawling into their respective tents. The moon was now peeking over top of the campground. A light chill was present now that you weren’t cradled by the warmth of a flame. You shivered and held your arms around your body. Your sweatshirt was doing little, especially when you were wearing shorts.
San noticed and walked over rubbing his warm hands on your shoulders, “Are you cold ? You really don’t have to help me pick this stuff up. I’m almost done anyways.” His voice was deep and warm. You caught the scent of his cologne.
Your teeth chattered as a gust of wind blew. “I want you to know that I like you too.” You held his gaze during your own confession. You felt his hands grip your shoulders more. A crack broke from his voice and he appeared to be starstruck.
You leaned over and kissed his dimple, grinning, “I’m sure we can find a way to get some alone time.” You pushed yourself against him to emphasize your point, it was now or never. Maybe it was the soju, the confession and the fact you hadn’t slept with anyone in three years ;everything building up to this moment. Your stomach went into a nosedive as you waited for his response.
He chuckled to himself, his beautiful dark eyes twinkling, “I think I would love nothing more than for that to happen.”
Your heart leapt to your throat.
Surveying quickly to see if anyone was roaming and would notice your sudden disappearance you grabbed San’s hand and led him into the forest opening. He followed quickly behind you as he held your hand. You then stopped in a clearing that was the perfect distance for you both to not be caught with what was about to happen. “San, are you sure?”
You looked up at him and ate up the attraction on his face he was holding all for you. You blushed, feeling your face heat up. Eagerly, you went in for the kiss, you connected your lips with San’s. His lips moved sweetly, gentle as they caressed your own, his hand coming up to cup your face and draw you closer. Taking San by surprise, you parted your lips defiantly, letting your tongue venture out to prod at his slightly parted mouth. His eyes flew open as you cupped his face and brought his lower lip between your teeth. San firmly grabbed your face, forcing you to look directly into his dark brown, almost ebony eyes, “Once this happens I really can’t hold back. I’d be the happiest man alive.”
You froze, suddenly feeling hot. Now was the time, your whisper was soft as a feather, “Of course.”
San’s demeanor changed completely then, the sweetness in his touch felt like hot brands on your skin, everything was replaced by this new man in front of you who you had only experienced as a boy striving for your attention. He lifted his head, holding his gaze was like lifting a heavy weight. There was so much withheld emotion and want in his eyes, you didn’t know what to do except kiss his waiting lips.
He immediately responded to your touch, moving you so that you were pressed against a firm tree. His lips tasted like passion and soju; every time he bit your bottom lip, you let out a small noise of appreciation. He was patient with you, letting you figure out what you liked and where it was you wanted to be touched. His hands roamed around your body like embers, but as soon as he let his hands slip under your shirt and brush across your hips and back, you lost it. His fingertips were rough against your fragile skin, warm as the sun.
You groaned when they traveled to your thighs, squeezing them tightly before releasing and then repeating again. San broke from the kiss to gaze at you in both amusement and amazement, he didn’t realize how satisfying it would be to finally hear your sounds of pleasure.
“San,” you whispered against his lips, loving the sensation when they brushed against his. It felt so intimate, so right.
He let out a groan, his hands coming up to grasp at your breasts through your shirt, pinching a hardened nipple which earned him a moan in appreciation. “You want me?”
You could only nod frantically when his hand traveled to your clothed core, rubbing you through the rough material of your jean shorts. Never had he seen you look so undone before and both of you were still fully clothed. You had the same thought at that moment, and tentatively reached for the hem of his shirt, you fiddled with it, not sure what to do.
He noticed your hesitation and slid his hands comfortingly over your own, helping you to pull his shirt off, “It’s your turn now.” His smile was warm and in that moment, you knew he was going to take care of you through this.
You allowed him to slip both your sweatshirt and bra off, feeling the brisk air more intensely. You felt a rush of happiness mixed with pride as you saw San’s eyes roving over your skin hungrily.
He then allowed himself to kiss all over your chest, his hands finding your hips and tugging you toward him rhythmically.
You let your hands slide into his raven hair, pulling at the tips as your hips rolled into him. You savored the way your jeans rubbed against your increasingly aroused core.
San’s voice rose an octave as your crotch slid against his hardened length, “Shit.” He began to pant, as you increased your speed, suddenly feeling frantic as you continued to remove yourself over his jeans.
Your clit throbbed, confusion and desperation coming together to form want, “San, please.”
He slowed your hips, making sure he had your full attention. He didn’t want to hurt you, your word was final. His voice was tender, “Are you sure you want this now? Tell me to stop and I will.”
You felt panic in the back of your throat for a second, but it wasn’t from fear, it was the thought of not having him tonight. “No, please,” you calmed yourself quickly, collecting your thoughts, “I want you.”
San nodded, his eyes darkening as he caressed your cheek, kissing you chastely before he began to unbuckle his belt. You felt your anticipation rise at each clink of metal, your hands going to the button and fly of your jeans as well. The two of you watched each other with bated breath, not wanting to miss what the other was doing.
Soon you both were completely bare to each other. You felt overloaded as you became aware of each place his skin was touching yours. It surprised you how warm San was against you. He suckled your neck, his hand drifting to your soaking center, his thumb making teasing circles on your clit.You cried out when he slipped a finger into you and he bit his lip at the sound, feeling himself grow hard.
You unconsciously moved your hips with the movement of his hand and you practically bucked into him when he pushed two more fingers into you, “San!”
He groaned, adoring the way you called his name out, “Who’s making you feel this way?” He increased the speed of his fingers, crooking them inside of you, and pressing down hard on your clit.
You were a mess. Feeling your eyes squeeze shut and hands balled into fists, you cried out, “Choi San.”
His fingers suddenly left you completely, making your eyes fly open in the absence of contact. You looked down to see that he was pumping his cock slowly, his eyes roving against your naked, wanting body. You watched with bated breath as his hand moved over himself, feeling yourself instinctively edge closer each time he let out a groan.
San licked his lips, looking forward to feeling you around him finally. “Are you ready for me?”
It took you a few moments to process his question as you were distracted with the way his hand was moving, you nodded.
He smirked deliciously, pushing you against the tree and lifting your leg for easy entry, planting his forearm by your head. He guided his cock to your entrance, rubbing your core teasingly, making you squirm in anticipation.You gasped as he pushed further in, you ran your fingers into his thick hair anchoring yourself and gasping loudly as he fully entered himself in you.
San let out the most satisfied moan you’d ever heard, his eyes squeezing shut as he struggled to control himself from pinning you down and fucking the shit out of you. You saw how much he was battling with himself and you whispered, “It’s okay, San. I can handle it.”
He began to roll his hips into you, collapsing into you with a moan as he gave into the feeling of your walls sliding around him. You moaned as well, relishing the feeling of his hot skin against your own, wrapping your raised leg around his hips to draw him closer. He buried his head into your neck, biting down on your shoulder occasionally when the pleasure became too much. His pace seemed to increase with each second, the slap of skin against skin filling the buzzing night air.
You felt bold in your passion and gasped out, “I wanna hear you, San.”
He groaned at your request, his thrusts become rougher, “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He tangled a hand in your hair, pulling it just enough to make you cry out in sheer bliss.
You could feel your thighs begin to spasm as your orgasm approached, a knot tightening in your stomach, your walls clenching, your clit throbbing as he applied just enough pressure.
You cried out, your climax slamming into you as San continued to thrust roughly into you, the rhythm of his hips becoming more sporadic. You felt his cock twitch inside of you, his pants becoming soft whimpers as he finally released messily inside you. You legs shook in over stimulation as your muscles continued to clench around him, he groaned breathlessly.
It took the both of you a few moments to collect yourself as you experienced each other’s highs, your breaths mixing together. San pulled out gently so as to not hurt you, before catching himself against the tree against you and drawing you into his chest.
You laughed, your cheeks flushed with happiness, “Worth the anticipation.”
He languidly brushed your hair, his eyes crinkling with a smile. “I think I gotta thank that stupid game.”
He kissed your cheek sweetly, “So where does this leave us?”
You blushed happily, pulling him in for a kiss, “Well, you can tell them tomorrow over breakfast.”
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pantherxrogers · 25 days
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welcome to my blog! here’s a master list of (most of) my work. it’s a work in progress, but I’ll try to keep it updated! 😚
anything with a ✮ is smut, so minors dni
currently writing for: ateez
requests are open. please read the rules below!
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do not ask for smut unless your age is in your bio. this blog is 18+ anyway!
please do not ask me to write multiple parts. i loooove writing for you guys, but i can't guarantee that i'll finish a series once i start it 😅
right now, there is no guarantee that i will fulfill your request. i am pretty busy outside of tumblr. but...i still encourage you to leave one if you feel so inclined. TMI: writing is a stress reliever for me, so i want to keep it as fun as possible. i was reluctant to open my requests again because i like to write what i want when i want. but, i'm so appreciative of the love you guys have sent my way that i want to try and do more for you!
have fun with your requests! i love hearing about what you guys would like to read! 🫶🏾
TMI: i love writing, but i want to keep it as stress-free as possible. i was reluctant to open my requests because i do not want to overwhelm myself. i prefer to write what i want when i want. BUT, you guys have been so sweet in my mentions. i want to at least try to do something for you all!
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sugar daddy!Seonghwa
nothing yet!
sugar daddy!Yunho yunho comes home
nothing yet!
sugar daddy!San ✮
your IG story w/ foodie!San
sugar daddy!Mingi
after the game ✮
nothing yet!
bf!ateez with a shorter reader
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Luca (The Bear) x Reader
You're #1 to Me ✮
Dating Luca (Headcanon) ✮
Late Night Luca thoughts
Missing You ✮
Are You In 1 ✮ 2 ✮ 3 ✮
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Rafe Cameron x Reader
Spoiled ✮
Safe Place ✮
Man of the House ✮
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Fezco x Reader
When he’s sick
What does Ashtray think of Fezco’s girlfriend?
Fezco being a 🍑 guy
First Kiss
Don’t Worry About Me: Part 1 2✮ 3
Christmas Shopping
Caught Red Handed ✮
When Rue comes around
Meeting Fezco for the first time at his store
Seeing Red
Like a Pillow ✮
Forbidden Love AU
First Makeout
Fezco the fighter
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Oscar (Spooky) Diaz x Reader
Two Years Later 1 2
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Steve Rogers x Reader
When the party’s over
Returning home after a mission
Loki x Reader
Alone Time
M’Baku x Reader
The Argument
22 notes · View notes
thenewblackcanvas · 8 months
🎃♡ Spooky Season 2023♡🔪
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alotofteez · 7 months
Spooky Mistletoe | A Sphallolalia Drabble
Series: ⇢ Pairing: San x fem!Reader ⇢ Genre: flirty af fluff, hints of angst, suggestive, kinda smutty, older reader (noona) ⇢ Synopsis: As your best friend’s maid of honor, you must endure the shameless best man’s flirting until after the wedding. It’s just sphallolalia… right?
Sphallolalia Masterlist
Drabble: Halloween ⇢ Genre: fluff ⇢ Warnings: Language, special effects makeup (brief mentions of slight gore & fake blood), mention of alcohol/bar ⇢ Word Count: 1,021 ⇢A/N: This came out of nowhere, SURPRISE!
This can be read without reading Sphallolalia. Additionally, it is not necessary for the plot and does not have a particular point in the story’s timeline. Just a fun drabble of the characters within the AU.
Happy Halloween!🎃🍬
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This time of year used to be your favorite, but working tirelessly through the years, you have had to prioritize your time better. The special effects makeup collection you accrued has been boxed up in your closet for who knows how long. You have invested so much time, effort, and money into it. Opening it up brings back the memories and love you have for the spooky season. You can practically feel liquid latex and tissue stuck to your fingers accompanied by the strong scent of the latex and isopropyl alcohol for your paints.
You have only revisited this box now because Mina wants to enter a costume contest at a local bar. She remembers being surprised by your work every Halloween while she was a teenager. Since you don’t dress up anymore, she begged you to at least do her makeup. You know she is proud of you and wants your talent to be recognized by more than just her and your former friends. But it kind of feels like you have lost that spark of enjoyment for special effects makeup. Or maybe you have just convinced yourself there is no reason to pursue that hobby.
After hours of working on Mina’s zombie makeup, your nose feels like it has been stained with the smell of ammonia from the liquid latex. But something breaks through it. Something ambery, musky, and earthy. You know exactly where the scent is coming from: the unfairly handsome man encroaching on your personal space because of the crowd inside the bar. As if he senses your gaze on him, San looks to you and subtly grins when your eyes dart away.
Of course, he came dressed as a sexy vampire. You expect nothing less. As for you, you show up in all black. All your effort went into Mina’s costume; you barely cared enough to throw on a Halloween-themed graphic tee.
Your eyes jump around your group of friends. Kyungmi is dressed as a seductive police officer. Yunho is himself plus pink cat ears because he was told he has to dress up to get into the bar, which was a lie. Mingi, with his newly dyed red hair, dressed up as Chucky with temporary tattoos of scars and stitches on his face. Unfortunately, due to Halloween landing on a weekday, not all of your friends could make it.
While Mina goes to sign up for the contest and drags Mingi along with her because she doesn’t want to go alone, you, Kyungmi, Yunho, and San find two small tables to hang out at for the night. Although this is just a bar, the music is lively and full of spooky remixes of songs. Lighting around the place is changed for festivities. A fog machine puffs out a little bit of fog across the bar counter.
When Yunho excuses himself to the restroom, Kyungmi zeroes in on you.
“You did really good on Mina. If she doesn’t win, it’s rigged.”
San’s head snaps in your direction, his attention no longer on the free chocolate candy given with your drinks.
“You did her makeup?” He asks in surprise.
You hum in affirmation.
“Since when could you do all that?”
With your phone out, you scroll for what feels like five minutes to find all the photos of your old Halloween costumes. You show him your demon makeup with prosthetic horns coming out of your forehead, your zombie nurse complete with a full-cover mouth prosthetic, and your killer clown with a monster-teeth mouthpiece you made yourself from moldable thermoplastic. He is in awe with every picture you show him.
“Had I known you were that good, I would have asked you to do mine too,” he exclaims, smiling.
“I mean, I brought a little container of fake blood.”
His eyes light up. “Really?”
“You want some?”
He enthusiastically nods with almost childlike innocence, “Maybe, like, some on my cheek and some dripping from my mouth.”
You quickly produce the container from your purse, unscrew the top, and use the little brush attached to the lid to dab fake blood on his cheek gently. Your hand hesitates moving to his lips, and he doesn’t miss that. A smirk hints at the corners of his mouth as you even more delicately blot blood on his face.
“That good?” You ask, retracting your hand.
He pulls up the camera app on his phone and switches to selfie mode. As he inspects your work, you admire his side profile. His cheekbones and jaw must have been sculpted by gods. It takes everything in you to not reach out and trace his features with your fingertips.
He peers up at you through his moussed strands of hair. Those red-colored contacts are doing something to you. Maybe it’s just the idea of him being an actual alluring vampire that has you under his spell.
“All we need is some mistletoe,” he comments, making you realize how close you have leaned into him.
“Wrong holiday,” Kyungmi interrupts as she bops to the loud music by herself.
“Spooky mistletoe.”
The red lipstick he’s wearing is almost irresistible, and when he smirks with his fangs peeking out, you want him to sink them into your neck. Your mind descends into the imagination of him being a real vampire again. He would get you comfortable with sweet talk and soft kisses before finding the perfect spot to bite your neck. You would become immortal, and he would be all you have in this world until the end of time.
However, something ruins your immersion.
“You have chocolate on your lip,” you point out as if he is an annoying child.
He immediately challenges you, “Lick it off.”
“Don’t mind if I do,” Kyungmi leans between you with her lips puckered obnoxiously at him.
He bursts with laughter and focuses back on Yunho who has just come back to your table from the bathroom.
Kyungmi turns to you with a grin, “I’m a professional cock-blocker. You’re welcome.”
“Thanks,” you say with a chuckle.
“I know when my girls don’t want it.”
Oh, if only you could tell her…
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maeleelee · 9 months
Chapter one
Blue Moon
Prismatic chaos travels to Thornhill for an annual Halloween festival as lovers of all things spooky and murder mystery. Little did they know, they’d get more than they bargained for. With all the things that go bump in the night coming out to play, they can check in any time they like. But they can never leave.
⚠️minors DO NOT interact⚠️
Warnings: implied sex, cafe mentioned.
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|| Next
Taglist: @bunnyiix @cadenonlinelive @weird-bookworm @imagine-a-life-like-this @mxnsxngie @choisoorin @littleleatabixx @acrylishly @babyboyquokka @nyro-in-new-albion
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chans-room · 11 months
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i will write for -> skz, ateez, svt, shinee, kard, block b, btob, got7, dpr, monsta x, NCT, mamamoo <- feel free to send other artists but these are the ones i feel most comfortable writing for
all works are mature | minors are not welcome in this space | warnings specified in each fic | some of my content is dark, read at your own discretion | i write slowly so my updates are sporadic | thank you for stopping by 🖤
requests are: open
taglist is: open
updated 1.17.24
Stray Kids
In progress ↴
Craving Connection | nsfw | SMAU, fluff, smut, angst | idiots to lovers | Bang Chan x original female character
Completed ↴
SKZ as Gerard Way MCR 2022/2023 tour outfits | sfw | headcanon/crack
Stolen Sunshine | nsfw | one shot | yandere, dark, smut, angst | vampire chan x reader
24 to 25 | sfw | fluff, poly | friends to lovers | Bang Chan x reader x Changbin | skzblr secret Santa 2023
Upcoming ↴
On Your Mark | Bang Chan x Reader | nsfw | more to be added
In progress ↴ Don't Hang Up | nsfw | thriller, smut, angst, slasher | Scream AU | nsfw | ot8 x original female character
Completed ↴
Side Effects of Affection | nsfw | one shot | smut, fluff | established relationship | Song Mingi x plus sized reader Ateez as Gerard Way MCR 2022/2023 tour outfits | sfw | headcanon/crack
In progress ↴
Possess Your Heart | nsfw | yandere, smut, angst | non-idol AU | ot7 x reader | [One] [Two] [Three]
Complete ↴
Stress Relief | nsfw | smut, hurt/comfort | college AU | one shot | Kim Namjoon x reader (implied ot7 x reader)
Complete ↴
Winter Things | nsfw | skz and ateez | headcanons, fluff, smut, moodboard
Upcoming ↴
Pink Pony Club | nsfw | smut, fluff , angst | plus size sex worker original characters | SKZ, Ateez, SVT, others to be added
Spookyfest 2023
Stray Kids as Couple Halloween Costumes | sfw | headcanon/ranking, crack, fluff
Stray Kids Spooky Season Dates | nsfw | headcanons, fluff, smut, moodboard | members x gn reader
Ateez The Craft Moodboard | sfw | demon line + mingi
Spookyfest Presents…
SHINee in Evil Dead
BTOB in Nightmare on Elm Street
Ateez in Friday the 13th
Monsta X in Scream
Stray Kids in IT
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