#Suzumori Yukina
queengurako · 9 months
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Toki no Kizuna (2012), Hakuouki's prequel.
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hiraethum · 9 months
To botany experts and hakuouki enthusiasts out there, any idea what these are?
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from the loading screen of the Toki no Kizuna
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Suzumori Yukina's status board
I'm getting around to learning the language, but I keep getting sidetracked. This is present in the game Toki no Kizuna, which is the prequel of Hakuouki in the terms of the demon clans. The titular ten demon clans, Jukkishuu, have this as their insignia - as present in their clothing, banners, and in Suzumori Yukina's status board(?). Does anyone know the significance and symbolism in the culture of this flora?
Other than that, I'm wondering what happened to the council during Edo Era as it seems that after the formation of the group, it eventually sundered? Based on what I've understood when I went into the game blindly, the clans seems to be relatively close then - especially that of Yukimura, Kazama, and Amagiri , they essentially view Amagiri Kazutake as their aniki. Of the central clan, Yase Clan, the clans revered it as a powerful figure considering they do have prophetic visions and ties to the imperial family. For families with such close relationship, its pretty tragic that they ended up separating due to the effects of the Battle of Sekigahara.
In the game, there were also other clans such as the Tsukishima, Shiomi, Kotoura, and Hatsushimo which were part of the council. The clans Nagumo and Oboro were long ostracized by the council due to their affront centuries earlier and thus were considered as a solitary oni. What does this signify when Amagiri Kyujuu decides that if Kazama Chikage were to go to Ezo, he'd be considered as such? Are his actions so grave that he would be relegated to be alike to the families that his ancestors once fought?
In the Chuugoku Region(which would be considered as Choshuu Domain) where the Shiranui Clan resides, they revered them as deities - pretty ironic, though Shiranui Shin does look very pretty to be stated otherwise. There are many more of others that I can mention, but I'll do it on another day.
There's tons of information that can be extracted in TnK for the supernatural side of Hakuouki, it would be good discussion on Chizuru's family. :3
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ladies-of-fiction · 2 years
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Assorted Icons (128-128)
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nollatooru · 2 years
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Toki no Kizuna ancestors meeting their Hakuouki descendants.
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cleaetpauline60 · 5 years
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Suzumori Yukina / Toki no Kizuna
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shenanigumi · 7 years
I just realized that waaaay back in Ch1 I forgot to explore the option that leads to Shin’s path, so I just did it, and it’s ridiculously like his descendant would handle things. He just sweeps Yukina off her feet for no apparent reason and…
I try to push Shin away by his chest… But he stands his ground, refusing to let me go.
Shin: “See, you can act like a girl! That’s more like it.”
Shin looks down at me, smiling triumphantly. In contrast to his relaxed expression, I am growing more and more embarrassed, the blood rushing to my cheeks as I do. I can no longer look him in the eye.
Shin: “Seeing as I’ve already lifted you up, I’ll take you to your room. What do you think the elders and the other chieftains will say if they see you like this? Maybe they’ll throw an engagement party, and start blessing us… or do you think we’ll get in trouble?”
And then he just completely ignores her attempt to get him to put her down and carries her to her room. Mostly I don’t care since I don’t ship Yukina with anyone yet, although I myself would have loved to be in her position; the important part is, can’t you see Kyo doing the same to Chizuru??
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kikotsukino · 7 years
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Don’t mind me for posting these cuz I just finished Kazuya’s route and I’m in love!! 😍
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ghostroses · 7 years
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for @toragay-killings!!
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ladyshiranui · 5 years
Toki no Kizuna: Hakuoki’s “Prequel”
I still can’t believe I didn’t know about this game’s existence until twenty four hours ago. Shoutout to my girl @mizunui for showing it to me. I love you 3000. Also shoutout to my peeps @girl-weeb-stuff , @hareyakana-rin and @kanaryia who’re like me and left out of the loop.
This is a real brief rundown of literally what i have just discovered (if there is anyone else out there that didn't know this was a thing until now), but there's definitely stuff online, even gameplay on youtube you can take a look at yourself.
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"Toki no Kizuna", or "Demon's Bond", was made for PSP in 2012 (Hakuoki was first made and released in 2008) but can also be played on Android and IOS as part of the "Shall We Date?" series. You can download it and play the prologue for free, but from that point on you will have to pay for which ever route you want to pursue. The total cost adds up to what you would pay for Hakuoki on Steam anyway. The storyline is set in 1599, so 250+ years before the canonical events of Hakuoki. Sources say "it can be considered as a prequel to Hakuoki", not "is". But, honestly, how can it NOT be a prequel!?
The pursue-able routes of the game are four demon chiefs of their own clans, the Kazama clan, Amagiri clan, Shiranui clan and Yukimura clan, the Princess of the Yase clan leading them all. As the player, you play as Yukina Suzumori, chief of the Suzumori clan. She is quite the contrast to the sweet, timid, oblivious Chizuru we know. This makes it extremely interesting; if we assume that clan leadership is passed down through blood relatives within each respective clan, we can say that each demon we meet in this game is the great-grandparent of Chikage, Kyuju, Kyo, Chizuru and Kaoru, and Sen!
Again, I really know next to nothing about this game, but here's a brief introduction to everyone for those who are in the same boat as me lol.
Heroine/Chief of the Suzumori clan: Yukina
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The "Chizuru" of Demon's Bond, the matriarch, the player's eyes. She's the one who gets to choose who she falls in love with, you feel? She also has a white hawk for a companion, named Ginou. She was forced to become chief of her clan when the previous chief was murdered. Thus, she was orphaned at a very young age, raised by three other demon leaders until she was old enough to lead. She has a very serious personality, determined to respect and abide the ways of old.
Chief of the Yase clan: Princess Yase
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Frickin omg she's so beautiful she's like Sen and Kimigiku mashed into one goddess. Yase considers herself very close to Yukina and treats her as though she were her little sister. At the beginning of the game, she calls together a meeting with the other demon chiefs. With her power of clairvoyance, she sees into the future and foretells a terrible war taking place among the humans, being the Battle of Sekigahara. It is during this meeting where the demon law to retreat from human interaction and to not associate one's self with them is put into place. If you've played/watched Hakuoki, you would know this rule is reiterated several times by Chikage Kazama.
Chief of the Kazama clan: Chitose
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This guy is hella badass. Very Chikage-esque. He constantly tells Yukina that she is a terrible swordsman and often makes fun of her. He also has a close friendship with a human named Tomohisa Shimazu, which proves to be difficult to maintain with the new demon law put into place.
Chief of the Amagiri clan: Kazutake
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A quiet, kind, big-brother type demon. He also is friends with a human named Ishida Mitsunari, but is closer to a business deal with the intention of acquiring extra land for his clan. Another VERY familiar trait about him is that he fights with his fists, and has a personal rule of never hitting women and children. If this doesn't sound like an ancestor of Kyuju Amagiri, then I don't know what does. It would've been even cooler if he had the same red-hair rat tail as his descendant.
Chief of the Shiranui clan: Shin
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an actual shiranui route holy shit.
What a HUNK. Look at those MAJESTIC EYES. Literally all the wiki says about him is that he's arrogant and flirty. Definitely Kyo's ancestor. He also has long, tied up hair, which is a nice similarity to the bluenette. A contrast to him through would be the way he dresses. I mean, obviously because it's 250+ years prior to the westernization that inspired Kyo's attire, but he just looks like Sesshomaru mashed with some red-hair gene and Kyo's personality.
Chief of the Yukimura clan: Kazuya
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This soft boy has a very quiet and serious nature, similar to Kaoru Yukimura I dare say. He used to work for Ieyasu Tokugawa for sometime, the Shogunate, until he split ties due to his belief the man was no longer what he used to be. Dare I come up with a little theory-- this could be how the shogunate was first introduced to the oni race, which inevitably leads to the introduction of Kodo Yukimura and the secret research and development of the Water of Life under the Shogunate's orders.
I am absolutely going to buy this game, and so I'd love to make a more detailed description of each demon, connecting the dots with the Hakuoki events and such. I'm honestly just stoked. Again, if you'd like to play the game yourself, you can find it on the app store for Android and IOS as "Shall We Date?: Demon's Bond". There are also existing gameplays of routes on youtube, as well as a tonne of official art online!
To get you started and all hyped, check out the opening. It’s a head-banger. Also, the vocals are sung by the same girl who sings the opening to Hakuoki: Reimeiroku!
You can absolutely expect to see this as part of the blog. I am deeming this canon and 100% relevant to Hakuoki and the demon clans (*´∀`*)
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queengurako · 8 months
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Kazama Chitose and Suzumori Yukina From Hakuouki's prequel : Toki no Kizuna.
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whatsuppeople · 7 years
toragay-killings replied to your post
a gift exchange sounds cool :o!!!! can u draw yukina suzumori then??
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ladies-of-fiction · 3 years
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Ladies of Hakuouki (Including Demons’ Bond/Toki no Kizuna)
Hakuouki’s (in general) Heroine Chizuru Yukimura
Sen, Kazuha Yase
Demons’ Bond/Toki no Kizuna’s Heroine Yukina Suzumori
Kimigiku/Kikuzuki, Reimeiroku Available Route Kozuzu/Shizu, Oume
Urakata Hakuouki’s Heroine Kozue Kirishima
Repost from my general blog. Chizuru, Kimigiku and Yukina all have different pictures now.
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otomejunkie · 7 years
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#ax2017 day 2 👘Going straight to the @shallwedateapps Booth in #Cosplay As Suzumori Yukina from #shallwedatedemonsbond One of my Fave #otomegames ❤️#cosplayer #cosplaygirl #otomegamecosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #yukinasuzumori #suzumoriyukina #hakuouki #animeexpo #shallwedate (at Anime Expo®)
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cleaetpauline60 · 6 years
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♡ Toki no Kizuna Hanayuitsuzuri Poll ♡ (Source)
❥ 1. Kazuya (Seiyuu: Kamiya Hiroshi) 
❥ 2. Shin (Seiyuu: Hino Satoshi)
❥ 3. Senkimaru (Seiyuu: Okamoto Nobuhiko)
❥ 4. Chitose (Seiyuu: Ito Kentaro) 
❥ 5. Nagumo Shiyu (Seiyuu: Irino Miyu)
❥ 6. Oboro Yachiyo (Seiyuu: Tachibana Shinnosuke)
❥ 7. Kazutake (Seiyuu: Nomura Kenji)
❥ 8. Suzumori Yukina (Seiyuu: None)
❥ 9. Shimazu Toyohisa (Seiyuu: Hiyama Nobuyuki)
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kikotsukino · 7 years
I’m back to being Kazuya x Yukina obsess ~~ Ahha~!
You know, I don’t care what other fans (that doesn’t support this theory) says, it makes more sense that Kazuya is the main for Yukina (as a romantic pairing), because of the whole ‘fated thing’ with Kazuya’s twin sword that he wields and Yukina’s sword, that whole ‘they are fated to be with each other’, and when you played the game, Kazuya’s story route, you end up finding out that he’s from the ‘Yukimura clan’, which we further found out that Toki No Kizuna is the prologue to Hakuoki Kitan Shinsengumi, so Kazuya is basically Chizuru Yukimura ancestor. Even though I really, really want to headcanon that they’re actually Chizuru’s parent’s XDD. Also, with Chizuru being the main heroine in Hakuoki, it personally would make sense to me that Kazuya is the main for Yukina there ~~ 
So, despite me also liking Chitose (as one of my favourite), I support Kazuya is the main male protagonist for Yukina there, just like how Hijikata is the main for Chizuru (even though I personally do really love Saito x Chizuru on my end as well) ~~ 
But honestly, how can anyone not love Kazuya? He totally gives off that Saito vibe!!! <3 <3 
No matter what others (who object to this says)  Kazuya is the main to me!!!
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Oh! And his element is ice as well?! Awesome!! :3 
And I actually do (personally) love Kazuya’s true demon form, it looks cool imo ~~ 
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yuudiscover · 11 years
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Sorry for my prolonged absence from the otome game scene. Here's those random CGs that I usually omit in my character-based posts, from Toki no Kizuna >.< You have to admit the art is great, even if the story was just average compared to many other otome games,
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