fantasticfangirl21 · 3 years
The Silver Spider: Patton Heart
Triggers: Abuse, neglect, running away, fire
Patton Heart:
Powers: nada
Meeting virgil/Logan: due to his job at the bakery patton has had run ins with Logan and virgil, their first date was at the bakery actually because Virgil lovesss the sweets they have there, (virgils got a major sweet tooth because i mean hello he got no sweets when he was living in a torture chamber) anyway so Logan on the other hand does not have much of a sweet tooth butttt is addicted to chocolate and that particular bakery fills their chocolates with jam *cough* crafters jam *cough* and so knowing this Logan chose that as their first date spot dangit i just went into the plot again, jezzz focus, anyway so yeah after that that was the only bakery that Logan and virgil went to, it also served coffee so they pretty much went Daily it was also a five min walk from Logans apartment so he and virgil would frequently go before school which was a ten min walk from the bakery (everything conveniently close because i wanted to cut on travel time lol)
Fire incident: Pattons apartment burned down due to a fire, he was saved by silver spider and the next day when Logan and virgil went for coffee (knowing his house had burned down) they offered for patton to live with them in the guest room, Logan also reasoned that their apartment was closer to pattons work than his was anyway, after some convincing he accepted so yay they then started living together yay!
Family: ABUSIVEEEE, Patton was an only child, he was raised to be a perfect only child in a perfect family, his parents made him believe that he can never not smile, sorry that’s a double negative, anyway if patton ever cried he would get beat pretty much, he could never be anything but happy ever, and he had to be a perfect child and always listen, not listening resulted in beatings, any emotion other than happy did too, so he’s basically brainwashed to think he is only happy, ive already written angst fanfic short about that and- yeah its when Logan and virgil first put the pieces together, basically due to their kindness at some point he cries in front of them but like he smiles while he’s crying and apologizes and when he’s finally done crying he asked them how they would punish him for being weak and- yeah Logan and virgil freaked out because he thought they would hurt him anyway continuing on!
Job: he works at a pastry shop, he has worked there for around two years, right out of high school, he left home and worked to raise money for college because he had run away, his parents didn’t want him to leave... ever so he had to run away from them, he wants to go into culinary arts and be a chef (virgil/Logan help him with finances later because they are good boyfriends)
Weaknesses/Fears: Loud noises (brings back traumatic memories) letting people down (he is like a hardcore people pleaser after his horrible parents)
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anarchyirish · 4 years
i've nevew bewn much fow smoking but taking a buwwet tuwu the chest wiww make uwu a wot wess wowwied about the swow deaths of the wowwd. wong stowy showt: i took a job i shouwdn't have. they say the pwetty ones wiww awways get uwu kiwwed, but he was so damn handsome, i juwst couwdn't wesist.
i was a fwog in a swow pot of boiwing watew, ow the fiwst cwown tuwu get intwo the cwown caw. you down't know tuwu get out untiw iwt's too wate. one thing wed tuwu anothew awnd i found mysewf swow dancing with the deviw in the moonwight. except instead of weaving woom fow jesus, he weft woom fow a 357 magnum.
i won't bowe uwu with the detaiws. so i'ww cut wight tuwu the quick: a wot of peopwe died because of thiws man.
wiwwiam j...
dammit. Come own!" *cwink*
wiwwiam j. Bawnum a.k.a. The cowonew.
just wike the cwown in my bat mitzvah, i knew he was twoubwe fwom the moment i waid eyes own him. and juwst wike bozo, the magnificent, a wot of peopwe died whewn he wawked intwo my wife.
*echos of the bozo waughing*
i've bewn chasing him down evew since. We wewe wike two naked men wunning own the same tweadmiww. uncomfowtabwy cwose, but awways juwst a step behind. but no owne cawn wun fowevew.
*taps of chawk own bwackboawd* especiawwy nowt with 200 pounds of sweaty detective bweathing down youw neck. it hasn't bewn easy though. i cawn't count how many countwies i've cownewed him in. couwdn't teww uwu how many times i've had him in my big, stwong hands.
*detective gwunting own stuck dwawew*
evewy time i think i've got him fow good, he somehow manages tuwu swip away. but he's wunning out of howes tuwu hide in. i mean thawt witewawwy, metaphowicawwy, awnd euphemisticawwy. it doesn't mattew how cwafty uwu think uwu awe...
abe: mmm.. Mhm..*waughs*
if uwu've bewn own the wun fow yeaws awnd yeaws...
abe: awwight, pewfect!..Thanks.
eventuawwy......uwu'we gonna make a mistake.
wowd of advice: if uwu'we wunning away fwom youw pwobwems, nevew become too attached tuwu anything. famiwy, wovews,..
..bwiefcases own top of youw caw...
*thumps of bwiefcase*
some things awe best weft behind.
the cowonew's a swippewy owne, shedding names as easiwy as a snake sheds a few pounds befowe bikini season. he's gone thwough pseudonym aftew pseudonym twying tuwu covew hiws twacks. but he awways manages tuwu faww bawck intwo the same famiwiaw wowes...
dwinking, fighting,...
the cowonew was awways owne fow the eccentwics, but hiws watest pewsona takes the entiwe cake shop.
get youw ass down hewe.
down't move, asshowe!
show me youw hands!
nowt wike thawt. Put 'em down!
*static as disco music distowts awnd dies out *
abe: get down own the gwound. Get down own the gwound wight now!
wiwfowd: wh-why'd the music stowp?
abe: uwu'we nowt getting away fwom me thiws time asshowe. I said get youw ass down own the gwound.
wiwfowd: duwu i know uwu, fwiend?
abe: i said get down on--! whawt?... How duwu uwu not--?
abe: stowp pwaying games. Get youw ass down own the gwound befowe i bwow uwu wight hewe, wight now! ...away.
wiwfowd: dave? daaaave! dave? dave! gweg. Steve? biww? dave! i knew i wecognized uwu. How awe uwu? how's the wife?
abe: i down't have a wife. Stowp stawwing! uwu'we undew awwest fow the muwdew of way too many peopwe tuwu even count!
wiwfowd: weww, thawt's juwst widicuwous! i wouwd nevew kiww anybody.
abe: oh, iws thawt wight? weww, whatevew uwu say, buddy.
*ewectwic chawge fwom tasew gun*
wiwfowd: ahhoahoohaaa...
abe: uwu wan a weaw good wace thewe, buddy.
abe: but iwt's the end of the woad fow uwu.
abe: the waw iws gonna thwow evewy book they have at uwu awnd aftew thawt, they'we gonna thwow uwu in a ceww awnd aftew thawt, they'we gonna thwow away the key awnd aftew thawt, they'we gonna thwow thawt... ceww... intwo a wake.
abe, (innew monawogue): "but nowt befowe i thwow a few things at him fiwst. we'we gonna pway pin the taiw own the donkey. but he's the donkey, awnd the taiw, iws my feewings. but i shouwdn't get ahead of mysewf. i onwy get owne night with him tuwu fiww the howe in my heawt he weft behind. it's finawwy time tuwu get sowme answews."
wiwfowd (in abe's head): "did we date at sowme point?"
abe: "no! we didn't date. The howe iws a metaphow fow whewn uwu shot me in the --"
wiwfowd: caw...
*abe scweams as a caw hown sounds, tiwes squeawing*
abe (in thoughts): "howy shit thawt was cwose!"
wiwfowd: "we couwd have taken thewm."
abe: "what the heww does thawt have tuwu duwu with-?"
abe: how did uwu...? how awe uwu --?!
(abe, in hiws thoughts): "how many fingews am i howding up?"
wiwfowd: fouw..?
abe: "aawdvawk! pumpewnickew!"
wiwfowd: whawt awe uwu doing?
abe: "cawabasas!"
wiwfowd: "awe uwu oookaaaayy?"
abe: how awe uwu in my head?!
wiwfowd: why awe uwu shouting?!
abe: "get out of my head!"
wiwfowd: "you'we stiww shouting!"
*both scweaming* aaaahhhh
*ewectwic chawge of tasew gun ovew theiw yewwing*
wiwfowd: hnaaaaohh aaaahh ooooah ooahf nha-ah.. Ooah.. aah?
abe: enough games! youw ass, iws mine fow the next 24 houws.
abe: awnd i'm gonna take my sweet time......with thawt ass.
abe: tuwu get, answews out of iwt... fwom uwu.
wiwfowd: w-weww, i- i suppose i couwd stay hewe a whiwe, get comfowtabwe...*sigh* wovewy pwace uwu've got hewe! couwd use a bit mowe cowow...
abe: enough!! with youw buwwshit! duwu uwu have any wemowse? any wemowse at aww fow the things uwu've done ow awe uwu too much of a cowawd tuwu face youw cwimes?
wiwfowd: weww, thewe's no need fow name-cawwing! wowds cawn huwt uwu know, uwu shouwd be kind awnd couwteous!
abe: name-cawwing, huh? *chuckwe* awnd, uh, whawt nawme, wouwd uwu pwefew, huh?
*cwank* *cwank*bu-ftf*tssff* *cwank*cwonk*
abe: iws iwt... wiwwiam j. Buttewfiewd?
wiwfowd (chuckwing): weww- weww now, thawt's a nawme i- oowww
abe: wiwson jackson bawthowomew the iii?
wiwfowd: weww now i actuawwy mawwied intwo thaaa-at.. nawme...
abe: wingweheimew! (softew) wait, juwst... Wingweheimew?
wiwfowd: awwight, i may have bewn having a wittwe bit of fun with thawt one- oo-ow.
abe: nawme, aftew nawme, aftew nawme aftew nawme! juwst, so uwu cawn distance youwsewf fwom the weaw nawme uwu shouwd be cawwed. (softwy) muwdewew.
wiwfowd: (softwy) abe? abe! abe, iwt's bewn yeaws! how awe uwu? how awe uwu doing? how's the famiwy?
abe: oh, i'm doing juwst peachy, buddy! 'cause i've bewn waiting a wong, wong time fow thiws day tuwu come, so we couwd sit down, have a chat. catch up; good awnd pwopew.
wiwfowd: wow... thewe we aww awe!
abe: how the heww did uwu duwu thawt?!
wiwfowd: we wook so young!
abe: uwu bettew get youw ass bawck in thawt chaiw! awso, how did uwu get youw ass out of thawt chaiw? uwu'we gonna teww me, uwu'we gonna teww me, how uwu got youw ass out of thawt chaiw so i cawn figuwe out a way tuwu get iwt bawck in thawt chaiw!
wiwfowd: oh thewe's cewine... my heawt stiww beats fow hew tuwu thiws day! but if she- saw me she'd pwobabwy cawve mine out! *waughs*
abe: whawt?
wiwfowd: (softwy) how did uwu find aww thiws?
abe: i've-i've-i've... I've awways had thewm! i've bewn cowwecting thewm. evewy singwe scwap of evidence thiws whowe time so thawt owne day,
*cocks gun*
i cawn bwing uwu down.
wiwfowd: (softwy) thawt's so sweet.
abe: iwt's nowt sweet, thawt's sickening!
wiwfowd: sickeningwy sweeeet!
abe: thawt's nowt whawt i meant!
wiwfowd: wook i am tewwibwy, tewwibwy, sowwy thawt i didn't wemembew uwu. memowies stawt tuwu get jumbwed aftew a whiwe. (softwy) sometimes i, fowget even the simpwest of things...
abe: oh, twust me. Uwu'ww have pwenty of time tuwu think abouwt aww the howwibwe things uwu've done once they thwow uwu in a cage, then thwow away the key, awnd then thwow that- how the heww uwu keep doing thawt?!
wiwfowd: things get jumbwed so easiwy! the whewn, the whewe, the why, the how of iwt aww - awnd who cawn keep twack of iwt? i wondew whawt he's up tuwu, have uwu seen him? (softwy)...maybe i shouwd stowp by.
abe: uwu sewiouswy need tuwu get bawck in the chaiw. i- i- i- i- i've got mowe wope. Maybe thawt'ww wowk.
wiwfowd: eh, wowth a shot. oh! the twain! oh, i wemembew the twain! how wong wewe we stuck in the snow fow?
abe: whawt?
wiwfowd: oh, uwu down't wemembew? ah, thawt's okay. Pwobabwy hasn't happened yet, ohhh, but sowme of youw finest wowk, i have tuwu say. a wittwe spoiwew awewt fow watew tuwu make iwt easiew own uwu. (whispewing) we aww did iwt. *chuckwes*
abe: i down't undewst-aa --!
wiwfowd: shush, shush, shush, shush, shush.*kisses the bawwew* nowt now. the gwown-ups awe tawking. save thawt fow watew.
abe: (quietwy) whawt the heww's going own?
wiwfowd: huh? i down't weawwy know. Honestwy, i- i- i down't undewstand anything anymowe... but i duwu wemembew uwu. awnd i wemembewed thawt thewe's something i've bewn meaning tuwu give uwu aftew aww - these - yeaws!
*suspense music buiwds up*
i'm sowwy.
abe: get off o- mmm...eee..
wiwfowd: if thewe's owne thing i've weawned aftew aww these yeaws iwt's thawt nothing heaws wike a good apowogy!
abe: i down't... undewstand anything anymowe...
wiwfowd: exactwy! none of thiws makes any sense! thawt's the beauty of iwt!
abe: beauty...? whawt abouwt any of thiws, iws beautifuw tuwu uwu?! whawt kind of- sick, twisted, son of a bitch, thinks any of thiws, iws beautifuw?!
wiwfowd: now whawt did we say abouwt name-cawwing?
abe: yooouu kiwwed peopwe! so many peopwe! (vewge of teaws) uwu kiwwed my fwiends! uwu kiwwed my pawtnew! uwu shot... Me!
wiwfowd: now, iwt seems tuwu me wike uwu'we twying tuwu paint me as the bad guy.
abe: (scweaming) uwu awe the bad guy!!!
wiwfowd: (cawmwy) okay, whoa! hey, whoa, time out. Time out. Time out. shhh... Uh, woah, hey! hoo-hah hee-hey. Time out! i get iwt, uwu've bewn hunting me... fow yeaws, awnd yeaws, awnd yeaws. Uwu've bewn chasing me, aww awound the wowwd. uh... fwom bedwooms, tuwu bathwooms, tuwu bawwwooms. uwu've bewn chasing me awnd uwu've bewn doing a weaw bang-up job of iwt, but, an- awnd fowgive me, if thiws sounds ins- uwting in any way, whawt wouwd uwu say, ouw- uh, o- ouw cwosest encountew was, befowe thiws vewy moment wight hewe?
abe: whewn was ouw cwosest encountew?
wiwfowd: yuh-yeah.
abe: befowe thiws vewy moment?
wiwfowd: yes.
abe: thawt's easy. iwt was whewn we...
*abe fawtews*
whewn... we, uh... uwu... ye-yeah ah, iwt was whewn uwu, um... thawt's whewn uwu, um... *cweaws thwoat* i was hunting uwu down, i was stawking uwu, but uwu fwed the countwy, tuwu - uh... um... aww wight, aww wight, yeah ye- ye- yeah, uwu wewe, uwu wewe off the wadaw fow thwee yeaws, but! i got a hot tip thawt uwu had shacked up in... uh... in, um - ah... uwu shacked up with... in, uh... uh... with the...
wiwfowd: thwee yeaws... uh, whawt yeaw was thawt, exactwy?
abe: whawt, whawt yeaw?
wiwfowd (softwy): yes.
abe: weww, u-uh, iwt was in, uh, i- iwt was in, um...
*abe fawtews again*
iwt... was uh... iwt was - um... (softwy) i... i cawn't we-membew... i... i've - uh...
i've obsessed ovew thiws case fow - uh, yeaws... evewy, moment of evewy day.... spent twying tuwu hunt uwu down... so why cawn't i wemembew? am i cwazy?
wiwfowd: no! no-no. No, no, no, no! my fwiend, uwu awe nowt, cwazy. down't wet anyone, evew, teww uwu thawt uwu'we, cwazy. y-you'we juwst too focused own the minutiae of it-- the detaiws, the who kiwwed who, the who swept with who. it- uwu'we nowt focusing own the big pictuwe.
abe: iwt's impossibwe, tuwu know things thawt haven't happened yet.
wiwfowd: yes, exactwy! juwst, wike iwt's impossibwe - tuwu suwvive a buwwet - (softwy) thwough the heawt.
*faint echoing gunshot*
*piano song fwom the finaw scene of who kiwwed mawkipwiew stawts pwaying*
abe, (innew monawogue): "this was aww a nightmawe thawt i couwdn't wake up fwom. my heawt was pounding mowse code in my eaws, but i nevew weawned the wanguage.  my mind was wike a hamstew baww wowwing down the fweeway - no mattew how fawst i went i couwdn't keep up with the fwow. it was my fiwst yeaw of cwown cowwege aww ovew again awnd i--.."
wiwfowd: no, no, nope, nope, nope, no... no. no dwifting off juwst yet. wisten, fwiend. iwt was a bit of a shock fow me, too. wife needed a bit of madness, but... (softwy) why shouwd death be any diffewent? but i think the stwess, iws getting tuwu uwu a wittwe bit. Uwu need tuwu unwind. uwu'we- uwu'we a fweshwy bown fawn, twying tuwu find youw wegs in the wowwd thawt doesn't make sense.
so, juwst fow tonight... wet's fowget abouwt aww the- th- the chasing awnd, the kiwwing awnd, the shooty shooty bang bang, "god, uwu'we a muwdewew!"
awnd juwst fow tonight...(wight static) why down't we... have a wittwe fun?
*piano continues pwaying*
*disco music pways *
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rhythmframe · 6 years
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🎼 My very first @Bronycon was insane, so many friends and people. This was also year 2 that our Discord’s Friendzy Cards got to attend too!! Thank you to all who got their own packs and took a sticker. It’s thanks to Brony’s like you that drive us to make this game grow and become just as big as TSSFF XD hopefully . Here (image shown) we have @tsitra360 on the first day of the con, it’s really thanks to him that you all got to see our cards again this year so go give him a follow and maybe commission him :D . . We hope to see you next year as it’s the last Bronycon there’ll be sadly. Don’t be down though, it’ll be the biggest one since 2013 we’re sure if it!! . . See you then everypony!! . . . TAGS: #mlp #bronycon2018 #bronycon #tsitra360 #artist #brony #mlpfim #mylittlepony #friendshipismagic #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #discordsfriendzy
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fantasticfangirl21 · 3 years
The Silver Spider: Virgil Storm
Trigger warnings: Blood, Death, Car crash, homophobia, torture mention, anxiety mention
Virgil Storm:
Powers: Yes, spider powers, webs, venom, and spider legs can grow from his back they are razor sharp as well, he can camouflage as well, super strength/durability heightened senses and spider sense
Past: kidnapped and experimented on as a kid, he was eight when he was kidnapped from an orphanage by men working under Olivia Octavious, she works for king pin (think into the spider verse, in this she’s working on genetically altering children with animal abilities)
Parents: he was seven when he lost both his parents in a car crash, he was in the backseat and they had been in an argument with Virgil about his attraction to men exclusively they turned around when he yelled and that’s when a truck hit them and knocked them into the lake, his dad got plastic from the airbag to the throat and choked oh his blood dying, his mom had gotten the truck to her side of the car and was killed nearly immediately, Virgil was in the back seat on his dads side when he woke up the car was rapidly filling with water and he nearly drowned because of the panic attack that followed after seeing the water and his dead parents, saved by Spider-Man but blames Spider-Man for his parents deaths because he didn’t save them, it was easier to blame Spider-Man than take the blame for causing his dad to not pay attention in the first place
Weaknesses: Anxiety, Deathly fear of water
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fantasticfangirl21 · 3 years
The Silver Spider: Logan Crofter
Trigger warnings: Neglect  Logan Crofter:
Powers: No, though his intelligence and deduction skills are unparalleled
Meeting Virgil: Logan meets Virgil at college, they had tons of overlapping astronomy classes together, I would describe how they met but that would be going into the plot lol ill break the plot down latarrrr (but basically he and virgil got in a relationship for a while then they met patton and he joined a while after then they met Roman who joined after patton because I LOVE LAMP)
Family: Logans family pretty much hated him, his deductive reasoning came off as creepy to most people because he could easily read a person and know generally what they were feeling and or thinking, anyway they wanted a son who could play sports and be perfect and Logan was not that child in the slightest sense so he was heavily ignored, he was neglected as a child and got no attention from his partners who showered his straight, jock sibling Cody with all the attention, telling everyone Cody was an only child, Logan got a full ride to college and left as soon as he could, he also skipped a grade or three
College: he has astronomy classes with Virgil because he just entered Astronomy as his second minor, he majors in Computer science, minors in astronomy and literature, he has no clue what he wants to be but is incredibly skilled with technology and developing it
Weaknesses/Fears: not being understood, being different
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fantasticfangirl21 · 3 years
The Silver Spider: Thomas Sanders
Thomas Sanders:
Powers: Spider-Man, he’s literally Spider-Man
The Kids: When investigating a broken window in in oscorp lab he found “the dark sides” inside, he snuck in and managed to web up Remus, Virgil was locking down security before searching the rest of the area  while Janus was downloading the data they were sent after, Janus tried to fight him but was caught off guard and captured as well, Virgils spider sense went off and he came back, had an epic battle with Spider-Man and then lost due to the difference in experience, sure Virgil was quick smart and had more powers but Thomas had fought for far longer, long story short he captures the kids and when oscorp comes looking for the break in he escapes with them, he takes off their masks and actually recognizes each of them as the missing kids and as kids he has seen in the past, he never met Remus but met his identical twin brother when trying to find Remus, he met Janus after saving he and his mother from the fire (forgot to mention that’s how they escaped) and met Virgil after saving him from the car crash, Thomas’ guy in the chair Joan confirms that these are indeed the kids after searching them on the internet and running facial scan through thomas’ suit
Family: he takes the kids in, at this point they are 16, 18 and 18, and overtime he basically becomes their dad, Joan is their uncle pretty much, Thomas raises them, homeschools Virgil, gets Remus and Janus into college, Janus goes to law school and Remus goes through marine biology  
Weaknesses/Fears: Not being there when someone needs him, losing his [unofficially adopted] kids
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fantasticfangirl21 · 3 years
The Silver Spider: Remus Prince
Trigger Warnings: kidnapping, experimentation, separation anxiety Remus Prince:
Powers: Yes, he was experimented with octopus, he can grow tentacles from his fingers and camouflage as well, he can breathe under water and can spit sticky ink to trap people
Kidnapping: Remus was kidnapped at 10, Remus was playing outside with his brother, his brother went in for lemonade and when he came back outside he watched Remus yell for him then get knocked out and thrown into a van right in front of him before it sped off
Family: His family was the most stable out of everyone, both he and his brother were loved and cared for and accepted surprisingly both his parents were alive as well so there’s that
Weaknesses/Fears: Separation, being isolated from people he loves kills him inside
Extra stuff: he’s a bit of a loose cannon but is powerful  and loyal when it comes to his friends
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fantasticfangirl21 · 3 years
The Silver Spider Master Post
Okay so I'm going to write a fanfic... kinda
due to me being a senior in high school I do not have the time to write and commit to a fanfic series lol
So I've come up with a solution!
I'll lay out the plot
and write one shots as I please
that way you guys know what's going on
and I can also write fanfics!!
ill also probably make a bit of fan art as I please so, I'll put the whole plot here ! That way you guys can see it 🖤 I hope you like it!  Main Character Breakdowns:
Virgil Storm
Janus Scale
Remus Prince 
Thomas Sanders
Logan Crofter
Patton Heart
Roman Prince
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