#The kind to cause you an ED
tillasst · 11 months
Geralt, not wanting Ciri to suffer being a Witcher: I am breaking the cycle
Ciri, rampantly trying to go through the Trials: But father I crave violence
Yennefer, thinking it's necessary to survive: You have to adapt to the violence the way I did
Ciri, dipping: I am breaking the cycle
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seance · 1 month
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Human connections were never easy when I was alive. And now that I'm dead, they seem to bring somehow even more baggage. There are these feelings that I'm not used to. I thought those feelings were never to be spoken of. But once you have them… it's hard to hold them back. And that terrifies me.
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anaalnathrakhs · 11 months
oh god ed reddit is having the “uwu anorexia isn’t rooted in fatphobia my mental illness is not abt you” talk again please god help me
fatphobia doesn’t mean “being a meanie to fat ppl” i’m begging you to use critical thinking skills for five seconds and apply what you know about literally any other form of oppression to this situation.
people’s point isn’t that you having anorexia makes them feel bad and therefore you’re a bad fatphobic person.
they’re pointing out how the deeply ingrained fatphobia our society upholds, from misconceptions about health to moralization of looks and weight, including yes being jerks to fat ppl’s faces bc they’re fat, is affecting what you think about your own looks, weight, health, body, clothes, eating habits, etc.
the logic isn’t “you became anorexic because you hate fat people so much you never wanted to be fat yourself (and that makes you a bad person)” it’s “fatphobia is a prism that transforms the root cause of your ed into disordered thoughts, behaviors, and patterns (and unlearning fatphobia will help you with recovery and harm-reduction)”
like. it’s not for no reason that anorexia is a disorder that disproportionatedly affects women. it’s not for no reason that there’s sky high comorbidity rates for eds and ocd. it’s not for no reason that people who need control in their lives so badly that they develop a mental disorder abt it get obssessed with being skinny and not with being a sumo. it’s not for no reason that ppl who feel the need to retract to childhood due to trauma envy things like being skinny light and frail, instead of being a tubby baby. it’s not for no reason that there is an incredibly common anorexic thought pattern (internal and self-directed, don’t make me say what i didn’t say) that associaties restriction and weight loss with moral goodness.
for each of these there IS a number of exceptions, but you can see case by case how the root cause (trauma, need for control, for self-destruction, growing up poor, whatever you think is “unrelated to fatphobia” basically) is processed through the prism of the fatphobic culture we’ve all been raised in. some people just, voluntarily or not, deal with those root causes in different way, which might or might not be healthy. but it’s a consequence of ambiant fatphobia that “i should starve and be skinny about it” is a statistically pretty common response to this distress.
the point isn’t “it’s fatphobic that you don’t deal with your neuroses in a body positive way uwu” the point is that no matter how cool you are with fat people on like, a personal level, you’ve been (like the rest of us) bombarded with fatphobic thought patterns your entire life basically, both directly fatphobic things and reactions to this fatphobia. maybe spoken to you directly, maybe not. maybe about you maybe about other people. you live in a society that places moral values into looks and health, and also pushes some deeply rooted falsehoods about how those things tie into each other. you have a disorder defined by obsessive behaviors. maybe, just maybe, deconstructing the logic that those obsessives behaviors are based upon will help you deal with this disorder. and recover or reduce harm.
basically, anorexia isn’t “getting skinny disorder” it’s “obsession disorder”, obsession with looking attractive, or pleasing your family, or going back to being a kid, or being healthy, or being fit, or being driven and capable, or being worth saving, or having your suffering known, or having control over something, or whatever. the fatphobia that is omnipresent (and i repeat, omnipresent, nobody is singling you out as a bad fatphobic meanie, or even talking about your behavior towards other people around you) in our society picks the direction in which many many people will express that disorder.
of course if you live in a society that tells you “being fat is morally bad” at every turn, when you start developping an obssessive pathological need to control things, without another factor weighting in, most people’s default reaction will be anorexia. food is a regular fixture of everybody’s life, everyone wants to be morally good, and even if we know/understand/believe to an extent the flaws of that “fat = bad” logic we know the world around us still believes it, and nobody wants to be treated like shit. we can think it’s stupid and fight against fatphobia and work to treat fat ppl better in our lives and support body positivity, but in any case, one always judges oneself on different metrics than they judge others, cuz we control our self-improvement. that’s natural. just it doesn’t mesh well with a pathologically obssessive need for control above self-preservation.
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squeakadeeks · 2 years
im not sure if this is a consequence of feeling like we all have to compete over how poorly we take care of ourselves in some giant internet thunderdome like “oh you sleep 4 hours? well I only sleep 2″ and “you only ate one meal today? well all I had was an iced coffee” or “you just finished working 70 a hr week? well I worked 85″ because it feels like we can only be seen, validated, and helped if we’re hurting more than everyone and our situation is the most extreme and dire, but deadass I am extremely concerned for folks if what they're saying is true and not being warped by exaggeration bc as someone who undertook less extremes than what people are posting im still hospital bound bc of how much i abused my body and my limits 
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anonymous-tals · 1 year
TW for discussion of eating disorders/disordered eating
I watched the Smartless: On The Road documentary thing, whatever you’d call it, and I just have to say that I really appreciate how Will Arnett talked about food and disordered eating in it. As someone who’s struggled with an eating disorder and body dysmorphia in the past, it means a lot and I really respect his view points. What eventually helped me to actually recover was the exact kind of stuff he talked about throughout the show, which can apply to everyone regardless of whether they have an eating disorder or just disordered eating or are just someone who lives in this world under the standards imposed on us. Like, he talks about how it’s not worth it spending your whole life obsessing about food when living in the moment and just enjoying life is what’s important. You can miss out on so much when eating healthily becomes your obsession. I’ve missed out on so much because eating healthily became my obsession. Like, all that matters is that you’re happy, ya know? You’re not gonna be on your death bed being like, “My happiest memory is when I didn’t eat that cookie.” Like, no, if you want the cookie, eat the cookie! Enjoy it! Enjoy LIFE! Literally though, a lot of what he said is pretty much verbatim what I was told in therapy and is now what I spew at others or myself when disordered-eating-type thinking is running amuck.
He also talks about the affect obsessive healthiness(or even just normalized but unhealthy “healthy” habits/rules) and disordered eating can have on one’s kids and how he doesn’t want to ingrain the idea in them, regardless of whether it’s intentional or not, that diets or anything of that sort is something they should be thinking about. Kids are very impressionable and I can speak as a former child that at a young age, even though I was never directly told anything, diet culture rhetoric had been ingrained in me and it led to the issues I have today. I can point to so many moments in my youth that directly showed up in my eating disorder. And I’ve talked to kids who are, like, elementary school age and they already say things about feeling insecure or burning calories. It’s ridiculous. So I really respect that he’s not only worked to improve his own mindset but to be a positive example for his kids because that can be hard when you’re brought up in a world that values these unhealthy things that have been so normalized and ingrained in all of us. It can be hard to work past that but the fact that he is just makes me respect him all the more.
This kind of stuff isn’t talked about enough and it really should be because, like, the world hits you with these expectations early on. It makes me so sad that kids are already thinking this way at such a young age. And, like, I was one of those kids who were thinking about that stuff at a young age! While, thankfully, I’ve gotten past the vast majority my eating disorder issues, I still have lingering habits, a lot of stuff that’s seen as “normal” but still derives from an unhealthy mindset. I always worry how that’s gonna affect those around me and the stuff Will Arnett said has really motivated me to work through those things because I want to set a good example.
Anyway, that’s all. This isn’t, like, what this show is about, obviously, but it meant a lot to hear and I felt it was worth mentioning.
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moinsbienquekaworu · 8 months
I'm sorry I'm going to be insane for a second, avert your eyes
#i will mention i'm aroace and combined with this kind of like. moe-ness i exude apparently?#will lead people to immediately think i'm so pure and cutie pie and shy and uwu adorable#and of course people never know what aromanticism is but even after an explanation they just think it's an extension of my asexuality#bitch no it isn't. they're two separate things and i am going to killl you with psychic lasers#i swear to go they hear aroace and suddenly all the contrastic aspects of my personality disappear#some people will forget that i get loud and enthusiastic about men i think are hot#suddenly i am a meek angel who's soo cute and pure!#and i can mention how much i know about & like sex in theory and kink and romance#and every time it's 'that's funny cause you're asexual' 'you're aroace but your special interest is sex what a contrast' like argh#i need aro friends!!!! more!!!!!!!!#sure i like being cute but if people could stop equating that to being a pure angel it'd be nice#like. i'm into the theoretical side of sex! i like reading about kink! in sexy AND educational ways!!#i know what sex is and i have been the friend who does specific sex ed to others a few times!#but nooo she's kind of small feminine a little shy at times and asexual so surely the millions of words of sex & sex ed don't exist anymore#vagueing people i live with <3#and i've corrected the specific person i'm thinking of!! i have!!#i've told them 'oh yeah it's a fun contrast but it IS a genuine interest of mine that i've put a fair amount of time into over the years'#and they just forget it and keep making the joke every time!#oh i am Tired#wow i have a ramble tag now
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cufeilidh · 4 months
Oh how I'd love to watch a nature documentary with Stede Insane Foliage Candied Melon Silk Moth Bonnet
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petiolata · 5 months
Crazy how eating a meal can make the "I'm depressed and insane" feeling go away 🤔
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talkorsomething · 10 months
...well, i now officially know i've lost weight.
Like... a lot? a lot more than i had thought?
Which is. Odd because honestly pretty much everything still feels like it fits about the same...
I guess it explains why i've been more cold?!
+ also i dont know Why it's so much... if i start eating like a normal human being again i don't... really *want* to go over where i started? :/ i guess i'd maybe be fine w/ being about the same because i know it won't be That big of a difference. Or i don't think it will anyways? Hm...
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tramontane-fire · 1 year
shitty triggering food/body/ed talk
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soggypotatoes · 1 year
Ive gotten myself into multiple pickles and it's not good !
I'm currently in a psych hospital, for the month, which is fine, I'm trying to stabilise and it's working, except it's not bc in may I have to go on 2 interstate trips (with 1 day in the middle), then I have a bunch of stuff to do and then uni starts (and my job but I'm gonna pull out of that)
I'm worried bc every time I come out of hospital I overspend my energy and wind up going back in due to burnout, this time the energy overspend is.. all booked and paid for.. and I can't stay in hospital longer if I need to.. and I can't go back in for months, until unis over.. I want to cancel one or both trips but as I said. booked and paid for. I'm drowning help
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kabutone · 2 years
can we get rid of edtwt
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mechaseraph · 1 year
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Starting A collection or freaking something
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widevibratobitch · 4 months
#look away everyone this is gonna be embarrassing#nothing new really same old shit that's been going on every day for almost 20 years with me but uhh#at this point i dont even wish i were fucking skinny (<-lying). id give anything to just go back to my lowest ed weight#which was by no means skinny. not even thin. but it was thinnER than now.#anyway. nothing makes you hate your own body quite like trying to buy clothes lol#being a huge hypocrite rn cause yes yes fuck fast fashion we know#but being able to go shopping for clothes with your friends to a mainstream brand shop and only feeling *a little* inferior in all aspects#but not ENTIRELY worthless as a woman and a human being in general. my god. it only happened once in my entire life#and i had so much fun that day. and i felt so good and happy and even a little attractive. we love internalised mysogyny <333#but i miss experiencing the first stirrings of this stupid ass shy little hope that i could actually be considered hot and pretty#for the first time in my fucking life. like hot and pretty RIGHT NOW. not in some undefined future of ✨...if you lost some weight✨#idk it just feels like it was all for nothing. i ruined every part of my life i fucked up my teeth and my skin and my hair and my metabolism#and my relationship with food. forever lol and it was for nothing because at the end of the day im basically back to the weight i started w/#its a goddamn joke. like yeah maybe im not losing fistfuls of hair on a daily basis anymore but id honestly rather just go fully bald#if i was allowed to keep the weight off#god i only hope i die in a way that will completely obliterate my body. it is kind of a comfort#no matter what - at least ill always have the train tracks i used to play on as a kid <33 one of my most beloved places in the world fr
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transzilla · 3 months
How To Suck Roid Clit and Tdick Like A 6Gal Bauer ShopVac
So I'm a trans man and I fucking love trans men and they love fucking me. I minored in t4t gay sex in college and giving head has always came very naturally to me as a specialty, administering orgasms has never been an issue but a lot of people have difficulty figuring tdick out after going on testosterone or figuring themselves out and don't know how to get dudes to pop off which is tragic to me. Plus we don't really have like... sex ed about how to do that so it's not like you can pick up a book. But that's what you have me for. If you suck at giving head I'm gonna teach you how to suck the rest of someone's life away.
So everyone is different, growth might look different on different people and sometimes you'll have somebody who has difficulty popping off just cause of weird nerve endings, obviously listen to what your partner tells you and what works for them because they're going to know better. I've been around with a lot of different men and this is just what's worked for me, if you try it and its TERRIBLE then don't think you're broken or whatever, our willies are just as diverse as we are :)
Generally though tdick kind of resembles a tiny penis especially when you've been on T for a long time. Personally I've been on T for five years and have a 2 inch monster and you can kind of see where the head would be vs the foreskin or whatever. Like my favorite analogy is that it looks like a .45 caliber bullet because that's what my dick looks like when I'm looking down, lol.
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Like the cap on the bullet would be the "head" and the cartridge casing is the length of the thing. Like on a guy's dick idk if anybody is getting tdick circumcized so when he's soft the skin will come up and guard the head/clit part because it's sensitive, you're going to want to find the head and kind of gently push past the skin with your tongue or your finger. Like get it on the head because largely that's the most sensitive part of his dick. when it gets bigger it kind of gets less sensitive, and you can't just rub the whole thing like on a clit off testosterone, uniform pressure might not always work. So keep your finger on the pulse, lol.
The simplest motion tht you can do, like a good part to lick on is right where the head meets the rest of his dick. There's almost a seam, kind of like on that bullet. Just rub in little circles with your tongue. Start gentle, gauge his reaction, and then go a little harder or a little faster. Also stay in one place once you get into a groove, the more you rub on one spot the more sensitive and the better it will feel.
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On the very APEX tip of his dick is where most of the nerves are bundled it's going to be the most sensitive, so if you want to make him jump or if he's not very sensitive rub there, lol.
Also, once you get that down, you can suck too! You want to make a seal with your lips around his dick, almost like you're pulling on a cigarette, or like you're sucking your lips on a peach to keep the juices from falling out. This intensifies it if his dick is not sensitive and keeps it in one place if he has a big dick.
If he likes penetration fingering him at the same time is not a bad idea either.
Also, mind the teeth, lol.
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dagasinfilo · 1 year
ah to think ive been asking for help with my insomnia since the tender age of 5
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