#This is Why You're Overweight
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on an airbrushed poster design titled "This is Why You're Overweight," artwork by Californian designer/illustrator Peter Palombi, c. 1976.
PIC #2: Cover art to "Overspray: Riding High with the Kings of California Airbrush Art" (2008) deluxe art book, edited by Norman Hathaway, Dan Nadel. Text by Mike Salisbury. Cover image based on the "This is Why You're Overweight" (1976) airbrush piece By Peter Palombi.
BOOK OVERVIEW: ""Overspray" is the conclusive account of the rise of airbrush art, and of the equally bright and glossy Los Angeles culture alongside which it came to prominence in the 1970s. Inspired by surf graphics, psychadelia and the slick shine of Hollywood, a generation of young artists began to make every lip and palm tree glisten, and every record cover shine.
Fueled by a combination of intense demand, sleepless nights and brutal competition, the four men at the center of L.A.'s airbrush art market -- Charles E. White III, Peter Palombi, Dave Willardson and Peter Lloyd -- embarked on careers encompassing work for "Playboy," Levi's, the Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart and major studio films including "American Graffiti" and "Tron."
Together, their work came to define the look of illustrative graphics for a generation of viewers. This book tells the story of these four artists for the first time through hundreds of images of the artists' best and best-known work, unseen production roughs, documentary photographs and other ephemera.
Viewed now, their surreal, funny and utterly slick imagery seems all the more fantastic -- combining technical precision with wild flights of imagination that bring to mind the work of some of today's top artists, from Takashi Murakami to Matthew Barney. Essay by Mike Salisbury, acclaimed designer of everything from Disney logos to "Jurassic Park" ad campaigns to "Sassy" magazine."
-- ARTBOOK on "Overspray: Riding High with the Kings of California Airbrush Art"
Sources: https://kathykavan.posthaven.com/airbrush-art-of-the-1970s-1980s & www.artbook.com/9780979415302.html.
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lady-lycany · 1 month
There's a thing I've learned over the years and I thought, I might share it. You know what's one of the best things you can do? Talk openly about your insecurities to others. The more you openly talk about yourself or make a little fun about your insecurities instead of trying to hide them, makes every interaction with others much more comfortable... at least in my opinion!
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aftermathing · 1 year
Anyone else afraid to go to the doctor because doctors and nurses are overworked and exhausted and dealing with people dying and bleeding out and bedridden with covid and don't have the time or energy to hear about your minor problems
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yamujiburo · 4 months
It's kind of sad how you're leaning toward the weird Fat Fetish when it comes to Jessie? You're always making her and Delia weirdly horny for each other and now you've made Jessie overweight?
Fellas is it weird to be horny for your girlfriend?
I'm not sure what this has to be a fat fetish thing? I've drawn Jessie and Delia being in love no matter what weight I'm drawing them at. Fat people are allowed to be loved and seen as hot and it be normal. Why does it have to be a fetish?
I've talked about my stance on this before
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listentoace · 8 days
Why you can never go back. Once you're a feedee, you always will be. If you have given in to gluttony once, you'll keep doing so forever.
1. You're fucking up your brain. With every stuffing and every orgasm after and/or while fantasizing about how fat you'll get, you slightly alter your brain to be more obsessed with gaining. Once connections in your brain are made, once a habit is formed, it will stay there forever. You can't un-learn it, it's your new default now. Especially with habits, a simple trigger such as feeling hungry or seeing food can be enough to make you gorge. It are those habits that will be the main drive behind your rapid weight gain.
2. Your fat cells keep multiplying. While they multiply as you gain weight, they're not broken down again as you lose weight (if you'd even manage or want to do so). This means that the more fat cells your body has, the higher the statistical likelihood that glucose will end up in them, making you gain weight back, or making you even fatter. This is the main driver behind the jojo effect.
3. Social changes. The fatter you get, the more you become involved in this community. Here, everybody wants you to get fatter. You keep exposing yourself to people like me who are set out to absolutely ruin your wasteline and make you pack on as much weight as possible. It's obvious that you'll cave eventually and spiral out of control even more. You'll also feel less and less guilty for getting this fat in the first place as you're constantly being praised for it.
4. No options for exercise. When you're 10 pounds overweight, it's somewhat easy to lose 5 pounds. You'll still be able to go to the gym, go for long walks, or get some exercise in other ways to burn off a few calories. But what if you're 50 pounds overweight? Everything is more difficult then, which makes losing weight more difficult as well. What about 100 pounds, or even 200 pounds? The fat will limit your options for exercise. Eventually, the best you can do is go for a short walk around the block, which would burn approx. 50 calories at best, or about ⅓ of a chocolate chip cookie.
5. An environment designed to fatten you. Once you're down deep enough, you'll have an environment designed to fatten you. It'll keep you entertained with mind numbing and worthless content, will trigger and encourage you to eat, will keep you horny and cumming a lot and it'll simply feel too good to give up. By this point, you'll have fetishized ruining yourself with fat.
Isn't that all you've ever wanted? Given how turned on you are now I'd take that as a yes. You know you'd love it so much if this all happened to you. You'd feel so ashamed to just let yourself go like that, but nothing could compare to the feeling of bliss you'd experience when feeling all those rolls of fat on your body.
It's time to grab yourself a snack, piggy ~
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motherofdogs1010 · 3 months
Solar Flare (Feyd-Rautha x Reader)
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Summary: Chosen as the bride of na-Baron Feyd-Rautha, Y/N finds herself at the hands of the sadistic na-Baron who seems keen on having his bride on their wedding night...
Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, arranged marriage, DUBCON/ pinv sex, fingering, loss of virginity, brief knife kink, small breeding kink, crude language, forced arranged marriage
A/N: I took inspiration from S1 GoT with Khal Drogo and Daenarys' relationship lol, can you tell I love that show?
Open to further parts in the future
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics Banner by @vase-of-lilies
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Geidi Prime was so different from her own world, one that was known for its windy, sunny atmosphere where nearly anything thrived in the fertile soil; she looked out the window of the bedroom she was in, seeing how the black sun of the planet truly blotted out any color. She could hear the hum of life within the ship as she awaited for her brother to summon her, to see if her fate would be sealed or not.
She wore a simple satin dress of a lavender shade, her hair loose and held back by two simple braids with some bells that hung from it as it was a fashion trend in her planet. Y/N sucked in a breath as she recalled her reason for being on Geidi Prime, that reason being that her brother was selling her off like a broodmare to the na-Baron of House Harkonnen.
She had heard the rumors of Feyd-Rautha, the sadistic nature of the man and it made her tremble in fear as she thought about it.
Knock. Knock.
Turning her head, Y/N looked at the bedroom door, watching it slid open to reveal her handmaid, Illaria.
"Your brother is calling for you", she said, Y/N felt her hands go sweaty as she knew why he was calling her.
"Where is he?" her brother asked, inpatient.
They were outside their ship on the landing pad where Houses meet, the bright light from their ship fought back the black-white filter that the black sun gave. She stood slightly behind her brother as he grumbled, she knew he was doing this to gain more Spice, the man was addicted to it.
"The Harkonnens are not known for their puncuality", her brother's advisor, Minos replied.
Minos was an overweight man with a long beard that nearly went past his heavy stomach.
Y/N looked between the two men chatting before seeing the Harkonnens, her heart skipped a beat as Minos joyfully went to greet them; she saw the large, menacing figure of the Baron, how slumped in his floating seat he was. She saw all of their ghastly pale skin and hairless appearance that differed from the beauty standard of long, thick hair on her planet.
And it was then she saw him: Feyd-Rautha, he was similar to his kin with the white skin and bald head, dark eyes that were sinister and she swore she saw black teeth.
"Do you see him?" her brother whispered, gripping her arm. "Feyd-Rautha is the fiercest warrior in the universe, they say he's never been defeated in battle. Of course, he's a Harkonnen and a savage... but you're going to be his na-Baroness."
He chuckled just as Minos called out to her to join him where the House stood.
Slowly, she made her way to where Minos was and she saw Feyd locking eyes with her. When she got to where Minos was, he moved her a little in front of her just as Feyd walked up to her, staring down at her.
He had a lean figure, she noted as he stared at her with his black eyes and she saw his tongue lick his bottom lip as he stared. His skin was practically white from the planet and she saw he had a slightly protruding eyebrow bone but he was a handsome man, a psychotic man but handsome.
She stared into his ink-black eyes, the smell of the polluted air of the planet going into her nose as he stared back into her own E/C eyes. His eyes trailed her full figure, taking in her hair and appearance as they stared at one another for what felt like an eternity before he turned to his uncle and walking away with the others following behind.
Y/N felt herself let out a breath as she lived, he hadn't killed her.
"Wait! Did he like her?" her brother cried out, rushing to where they were.
Y/N blinked at the interaction as Minos said, "he liked her."
"How could you tell?"
"Trust me, Feyd Rautha makes it known when he does not like a woman."
"Well then, when is the wedding?" her brother asked, Minos looked at her.
"Soon", Minos said, Y/N felt dread at his answer.
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Soon enough, the wedding to her Harkonnen groom came and it was an event. Fireworks were booming as in one of the many Grand Halls, drums were beat up as the music was loud as she sat near her now husband, who was taking pleasure in watching a fight between two men over a woman commenced. Y/N held back a grimace as she looked around and saw the table where the food was, she prayed that the meats on that table weren't human.
Minos mumbled that if there were no fights during a Harkonnen wedding, then it was not a wedding. The ceremony had been a brief one with the Baron, himself, officiating the ceremony and dark, throaty singing in the background as he talked of how she was now Feyd-Rautha's in body and mind, that her will was now his and her duty to produce heirs.
Feyd, himself, had been dressed in a black leather ceremonial suit that was fitted to his body while Y/N had been forced in an tight, silk dress that had slits on either side of her body, a deep cleavage bearing neck line and the veil she had been given to wear trailed behind her in a long train.
The maids that had gotten her ready had told her that Feyd had found her fuller figure appealing hence the dress and her hair hung down as she was also told her enjoyed that as well.
Y/N saw one of the attendees grab a rather bloody piece of dark meat from the table and she recalled the cannibalistic nature of Geidi Prime; the festivities proceeded before suddenly, Feyd stood up and she swallowed her spit as her breath got caught.
She had hoped he would turn to his concubines for the wedding but it seemed he truly wanted to consummate their marriage and Y/N felt her heart beating faster as the music, as everything stopped.
Feyd was waiting for her down the steps as everyone stared at her, she slowly got up as she felt her eyes want to water. He held a hand out and Y/N slowly walked down the steps, feeling the stares of everyone as she grasped his hand before letting out a small squeal as the man threw her over his shoulder without effort.
The room erupted into laughter and clapping, music picking up as Feyd walked around, carrying her around like she was some prized animal he hunted. The attendees were enjoying the show as Y/N felt a sense of humiliation before it was finally over and he walked them out of the hall.
It was silent with the exception of the fireworks.
"Are you frightened?"
His voice was raspy and Y/N swallowed, "N-No husband."
His footsteps echoed in the hall as his voice teased, "You should be, I could easily feed you to my pets and be done with it, wife."
Y/N blinked rapidly as tears welled up in her eyes, "I believe that would not be in your best interest."
She hadn't even realized they made it inside his bedroom until he tossed her onto a bed, she was surprised by the softness of the bed and the coolness of the sheets.
Feyd smirked at her as he stared down at her before climbing over her, a cold knife slid up against her cheek as she stared into his eyes.
"And why is that, my na-Baroness?"
"Are your pets worthy enough of bearing you a strong heir?"
He slid the knife down until it nicked her skin, a hiss of pain escaped her lips as Feyd stared at her.
"What makes you believe that you can carry my heir, hm?"
His thumb pressed on the cut, making the blood from the cut come out more before he brought his thumb to his mouth, licking it off.
"You'll have to find out", she responded back.
Feyd smirked before crashing his lips on her, her eyes closed as a heat came up on her face as the hunger his kiss conveyed consumed her and she fisted his clothes as he dominated the kiss. She tried her best to kiss back before Feyd pulled away, a thin strand of saliva connecting their mouths as Y/N panted.
"Your brother was right in his bragging, you truly have never had a man."
Feyd seemed proud in his statement as he used the knife to rip the bodice of her dress, exposing her breasts to him and he seemed pleased at their appearance as he brought his mouth down one of her buds, sucking on it harshly and sliding the knife over the other. The coldness of the knife made her nipple harden and the sensation of Feyd's mouth of her breast made her cunt begin to throb in a painful way and she felt a wetness begin.
She watched him toss the knife away as the hand that held the knife dove under her skirts, the Harkonnen man ripping and tear at the skirt with his hand as he fisted her panties before tearing them down her plump thighs.
Her heart was beating in her chest, she was experiencing so many emotions: fear... confusion... lust.
She felt his cold fingers probe at her cunt, a smirk coming on his face as he pushed her legs open before his swiped a finger through her lips; she felt a odd sensation, a throb of electricity go through her as he pressed a calloused thumb to her swollen clit and pushed two fingers into her hot, slick walls.
Y/N couldn't help but arch her back and her eyes flutter at the sensation of Feyd beginning to literally fuck his fingers into her, rubbing harsh circles on her clit that seemed to light her body on fire.
She clutched his shoulders as she cried out as she felt him massage his fingers into her as he chuckled.
"Such a little whore you are, wife", he rasped, "I haven't even shoved my cock into you and you're already mewling like a whore."
It was true, her toes where curling as she moaned and gasped.
"Wonder how you'll be once you have a cock in you."
Feyd was determined, Y/N would later conclude towards having her carry his heir was her legs had been thrown over the lean man's shoulders. He was pressing down hard into her, his hips brutally slapping into her as he let out these animalistic growls and groans.
She clung to him, fingers digging into his flesh as the pleasure that rocked through her body overwhelmed her.
The intrusion of his cock when it first entered her in one rough thrust had stung, tears had pricked her eyes for those brief moments of pain, but now it was tears of tears that rang down her round cheeks.
She panted and moaned, back arching, "Feyd!"
"Let everyone hear you", he demanded, "I want them to hear who you belong to."
She squealed as she felt another orgasm come over her, having lost count of the many he had already forced out of her body.
"I want them to hear who's heir is being bred into you."
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diagnosedpsychosis · 6 months
Love At First Sight- Jake Seresin
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Contains: A little bit of weight/body insecurity from reader, shy/coward jake, just as shy reader, fluff
Description: Jake's been acting a little differently cause he's taken an interest in you and doesn't want you to think he's a jerk. All the while he's too nervous to make a move.
Word Count: 1.4k
Jake didn't know what had come over him so hard that the confident man he was just weeks ago, had been replaced with a coward. He noticed it. His teammates noticed it. Even the bar regulars noticed that suddenly one of the cockiest, loudest, most outgoing men in San Diego had turned into a borderline hermit.
His regular game of darts with Javy had become a once in a blue moon activity. His teasing of Bradley, Bob and Nat ceased the moment they were finished work for the day. Even the usual 6 or 7 beers he'd pound down after a long day had reduced to 2 or 3 at the most.
He had an instinct of knowing when someone was looking at him, like his teammates and would meet their eyes with nothing but a bored stare before they'd look away not wanting to be bummed out by his mood. If only they knew that wasn't how he was feeling at all.
Even tonight, as Jake sits in a corner booth at the Hard Deck, his beer turning warm in his hand, his mouth and the rapid thud of his heart almost betray his exterior as he stares at you across the bar. You're talking to Penny, the easy smile on your face enough to make the corner of his lips twitch as he sits still, imagining all the things he'd say to you if he only had the courage to get off his ass.
Then he feels eyes on him and looks away, shooting a hard look in Javy and Reuben's direction. They both whirl around, turning their backs to him and then he's back to looking at you.
"He looking again?" Penny mumbles, leaning over the bar and grinning up at you. You've been caught glancing around the room again as to not make it obvious you were staring right back at the handsome blond.
"Mmm" You hum, biting on the inside of your cheek to try and stop yourself from grinning like a fool. You glance around again, eyes moving swiftly over him and onto the next person despite the desperate yearning in your chest, begging you to look at him again.
"I don't know why you don't just go and talk to him" Penny leans forward, lowering her tone so that there isn't a chance another guy in uniform hears the exchange. You whine, bouncing your foot like you were trying to get rid of a cramp.
"Have you met me? I'll take two steps and sweat my face off" You've never been overly confident and you had High School to thank for it. It didn't matter that it's been a decade since you graduated, growing up an overweight girl and not dropping the weight until you were in your 20's made you overly receptive to judgement.
You felt better now, more confident and happier, but because you didn't get to experience that bittersweet 'teenage love', you weren't really sure how dates and interest in people being reciprocated worked. Slowly losing weight late when everyone was getting boyfriends, or pregnant or even married didn't help either.
You'd noticed guys flocking to your pretty, skinny friends on nights out, and despite how beautiful your friends promised you were, your weight was the first thing they saw. If you smiled their way you were just the sweet, chubby girl that looked like she'd drank a whole bar empty and didn't know what was in and out of her league.
You'd never really had experience talking to guys, your Dad and brother not included, so the fact a ridiculously handsome man in uniform, that you're sure never would've spared you a glance when you were bigger, had been staring at you for weeks now, made you beyond nervous to make eye contact with him, let alone talk to him like Penny has tried to convince you to do for a while now.
"Well hey, if he doesn't love your nervous sweats then he doesn't deserve you" Penny tried to make you feel better, squeezing your arm before standing back up straight to fix a couple orders from some guys at the end of the bar. Your smile slowly falls from your face and internally you curse at yourself for not having the courage to even just go and say hi.
What you don't realise is Jake's doing the same, beating himself up for becoming so darn weak that he can't stand up, take a deep breath and walk over to you. Flying planes and risking his life were easy, but talking to a pretty woman he's been coming to the Hard Deck every day for 3 weeks purely with hopes of even just seeing? He felt like he couldn't breathe.
But then he watches your exchange with Penny, his heart beating twice as hard when for the first time in 3 weeks he watches the smile he's come to adore slowly fade from your face when Penny turns her back to you. He notices your heavy exhale and the drop of your shoulders. He notices you running the tip of your index finger around the rim of the glass in your hand that you're yet to take a sip of. He notices the slight crease of your eyebrows when you gnaw on your lip, and suddenly... he's never wanted to lift someone's mood so desperately before.
He doesn't give himself even a second to talk himself out of making his way to you, the need to see your smile again all too consuming.
Whatever's on your mind has your full attention, that even when the guy you've been watching for the last 3 weeks sits down on the stool beside you, his knee grazing yours, you fail to notice and keep tracing your finger around the rim of your glass.
Jake didn't know what the hell to say that didn't make him come across as an obsessed stalker, so he tried a humorous take instead. "You know, I almost wore that exact same top today. How embarrassing would that have been if we matched?"
His voice floats right into your ear and you turn your head, sucking in a sharp breath when you realise the person that's just spoken to you, is the same person you're making yourself insecure over. You open your mouth like a goldfish, not knowing what to say as you're still trying to process the fact he's finally spoken to you, before closing your mouth again.
You look down at the obviously very feminine top you paired with plain jeans, and finally his words sink in. Your lips curve up and the moment of internal terror Jake had as you stared at him in silence, washed away.
"Only embarrassing if you pulled it off better than me" Jake's mouth pulls up into an easy smile as he stares right back at you, both completely oblivious to the group of pilots watching the exchange in surprise.
"I find it hard to believe anyone could" The flirtation rolls of Jake's tongue and he can't help grin at the sight of your cheeks flushing as you turn your head away from him slightly, looking ahead. Jake's eyes bounce over your features up close and he wonders how somebody could look so beautiful from afar, and even more mesmerising up close. He regret's not talking to you the second he saw you.
"I'm Jake" He blurts the words, almost like he can't contain them any more. The longer he goes without properly introducing himself and learning your name, the more desperate he becomes to know anything and everything about you. You look back and his eyes are immediately drawn to your lips as they curve up in the most beautifully natural smile.
Sure, he's wanted to kiss you since the moment he spotted you, but right now, as he stares at your mouth and the faint dimple poking at your cheeks, he's never been more content seeing another person happy in his life.
"Y/n" You reply softly and immediately your name is carved and filled with pure liquid gold, in Jake's heart. His heart beats to the letters of your name in morse code. His eyes fill with so much hope as he stares at you, like finding out your name is the greatest gift he could've ever gotten.
And as you stare right back at him, he wonders if telling you he's in love with you before even the suggestion of a first date is too soon.
My first Top Gun: Maverick short. Hope it was okay <3
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ventique18 · 5 months
🌸: "Come now, sweetie. It's your weekly weighing."
🐉🍼: *screams and tries to run away*
🌸: "Why are you scared of the weighing scale? Are you a teen girl? You're three."
🐉🍼: *clings to papa, shaking*
🐉, picking him up in his arms: "There, there. Calm down, it's not going to hurt you."
🌸: "You go step on the scale. Yeah, like that. Then I'll just subtract your own weight from your combined one..."
🐉: "How is it?"
🌸: "Oh no, he's a bit overweight..."
🐉, rocking the child and peering into his sobbing face: "Did you hear that? You are heavy. That's because you keep consuming chicken nuggets."
🌸, sighing: "We'll be eating just vegetables and boiled chicken this week, alright?"
🐉🍼: *cries harder and silently tries to ask papa for help*
🐉, hesitating: "No. If you do not get back to your healthy weight, all of us will be dining on only vegetables and boiled mushrooms at this rate."
🐉🍼: *whines pathetically
Baby was scared of the weighing scale exactly because Grim warned him that getting caught by that damned thing was going to take their nuggies away from them. Evil thing. He was definitely going to destroy it later, when papa and mama go eepy.
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thepurestgirll · 2 months
Unconditional love ✧˖°
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Scaramouche is extremely perceptive when it comes to someone he loves, however he decided that letting you take your own time and feel comfortable enough to tell him about it would be more appropriate. To tell you the truth, he always found your concerns about your appearance or personality a bit stupid. What do you mean you are saying that you are too thin or overweight? You look beautiful. How can you say that your nose is too big or that your hair is ugly? It looks wonderful on you.
When we're talking about comfort, Scaramouche is a bit awkward about it. He will simply hold you in silence until you feel better. (Then he'll probably go after the person who made you cry and give him a few sleepless nights.)
If anyone makes any offensive comments directed at you, I pray to whoever made them. There are two possibilities, either he will stare at them (silently warning them that they would die soon) or he will give them free trip to the hospital later. (But in both situations the person “mysteriously” disappeared later.)
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Xiao can notice any changes in your behavior, especially since he'll kind of be by your side most of the time. Like Scaramouche, he finds your insecurity about your appearance unnecessary. You always seemed perfect to him, and maybe that's why he has a goofy little smile on his lips whenever he's with you. (even though he just tells you that you're just seeing things and that he never once smiled.)
When it comes to comfort, he is extremely shy in certain situations, and interestingly, giving compliments is one of them. Don't get him wrong, he could be admiring you all day, but it would take hours for him to say anything about it. But when he does, you can be sure that his compliments would be as sweet as possible. However, you can see that the frequency with which he compliments you increases when he realizes that you are having problems with your appearance. He will do his best to make you feel good about yourself, and his last concern is how long it will take.
It would be difficult for any kind of offensive comment to even reach you (since he gives everyone he talks to you a death glare.) But if it happens… he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty.
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Kazuha is a total sweetheart. Any change in your behavior can make him worry. You are quieter than usual? He has already asked you if something is wrong. Looks sad? Get ready for a three-hour conversation where he will hear you say all your concerns without saying a single word. He's the type of person who knows every little detail about his lover, and finds every single one of them beautiful, without exception.
I personally believe that Kazuha is one of the best in comfort. He is a good listener, he is gentle with words, and above all, he loves you and treats you in the best possible way. If you're insecure about your scars, I imagine him running his finger over each one, giving little pecks to each one, and then offering to show you his own in an attempt to make you feel better.
When it comes to offensive comments, it's no different. His first priority would probably be to get you out of that situation as quickly as possible, and then he would have a small “talk” with the person. And you, of course, would receive a nice treatment of kisses and hugs from your boyfriend until you forgot all the bad things that happened.
Author's note: like always, open requests and everything you already know! I feel like this writing is a bit messy, so I'm sorry if it wasn't good enough or if there were any grammatical errors, English is not my first language…
I've done my best to write through the stress, but knowing that I've been getting so many good people in my asks just to ask if i'm okay just makes me so happy! Thank you so much for all the love, I really appreciate it <3 Remember that you are perfect just the way you are, and that your weight, your grades or anything superficial does not define you! Thank you for your attention, dear reader <3
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owliellder · 9 months
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circling back to this finally!
i'm so sorry i wasn't able to do this sooner. i was gonna write it out yesterday but i was busy surviving a tummy ache on top of a 60 hour work week.
i tried to make this super duper sweet for you. forgive me, my sweet anon 💔
ID! Leon x Pregnant! Reader
MDNI 18+
Pregnancy was more than difficult.
Day in and out you hoped your pregnancy would be easy like your friends' had been, but of course you can't always get what you want.
Dealing with everything you didn't want to happen was more than frustrating, and for the first seven months, Leon was constantly being pulled away from you to work.
However, that man was incredibly helpful when he was home, doting on you as if you'd break at the slightest breeze. The most amazing person you could ever ask for.
Swollen ankles, strong food cravings, intense mood swings, horrible morning sickness which is not limited to just the morning, and the overall struggle to perform basic tasks was hard to handle, physically and emotionally. Everything would be so much better if you just had more of Leon.
Closing in on the eight-month mark, he was finally able to take leave, those months of stressing his need to be at home with you ultimately paying off in the end.
From there, you were taken care of. Everything you asked for, you got. You wanted a large pizza at three in the morning? No problem. Need help getting your socks on in the morning? You don't even need to ask. Can you get a back massage? Is that even a question?
You were never afraid to ask Leon for anything, expect for one thing. The need for this specific thing had been growing throughout your pregnancy and you weren't really expecting it to, hoping it would simply come and go. That thing that you were dreading bringing up to him was sex.
Understandably, it was a hard topic to approach, seeing as the man would treat you like expensive china. And no matter how many times he told you, that nagging voice in the back of your head was constantly whispering negative insults about yourself; you're overweight, you're too needy, you complain too much, etc.
Thinking about asking would always lead to you crying and that freaked Leon out, immediately rushing to make sure you were okay. That really only made you cry more. He was so unbelievably sweet and kind, how could you think so low of him to say no to such a simple request like sex?
You always refused to tell him why you were crying, brushing it off as hormones or maybe you just saw a video of the cutest kitten being rescued. You'd cried over similar things, so it was easy to excuse.
Though you'd been able to ignore the urge for quite some time, you couldn't ignore it forever.
The baby had you up at odd hours of the night to waddle into the bathroom, waking Leon in the process since the guy is the lightest sleeper ever. It never failed to make you cry, apologizing for waking him, to which he would just gently shush you while helping you to and from the toilet.
After one such bathroom trip, you couldn't fall back asleep, doing your best to ignore that feeling breaking away at your composure.
"Leon? Are you still awake?" You suddenly whispered, looking away from your phone to study him for any sort of movement.
"Mm.. mhm.." He breathed in through his nose as he rolled onto his side to face you, eyes squinting from the glow of your phone. "What's up baby?"
All you could do was stare, silently working up the courage to ask. Your need was too hard to ignore now, and that deep, sleepy voice of his wasn't helping. "I-... can I ask you for something?"
Leon nodded and slowly lifted himself up, resting his head in his hand as he propped himself up with his elbow. "You don't need to ask, just let me know what you need and I'll do it. Or get it."
"You have to promise me you won't laugh, okay?" You placed your phone down on your stomach, screen side down.
Leon pursed his lips, raising an eyebrow. "I promise."
"Is it-.." You paused, running one of your hands over the top of the other nervously. You didn't really think this far ahead, so forming the question was proving difficult. "Uh.. would it be weird if I asked for sex right now..?"
His soft laugh broke the silence and that only made you even more nervous. "You said you wouldn't laugh!"
"I know, I know! I'm sorry, I just think you're funny." Leon lifted himself up so he was now sitting up next to you, scooting closer in the process. "It's not weird to ask." His voice remained low and smooth, which did help calm your nerves. If only a little.
"Are you sure it's not weird? Cause I've been having urges for months and-" You were cut off by his hand suddenly grabbing yours, stopping you from fidgeting. "You've been having urges for months? And you didn't tell me?"
The question itself was definitely not meant to come off as mean, but regardless it was bringing you close to tears, bottom lip quivering as you tried to apologize once more.
"No- hey, hey c'mon.. I would never say no to you, sweetheart." He brought his hand up to stroke you cheek, wiping a stray tear away with his thumb.
"But-" You tried again only to be cut off again. "No buts. You're perfect, I love you, and I want you." He leaned over and kissed the tip of your nose before planting a tender kiss to your lips.
You gave Leon a weak smile before you let him take off your nightgown and lay you down, lifting up a bit so he could slip his pillow underneath you to cradle the small of your back. He triple checked that you were comfortable, running his hands along the swell of your belly.
Such tender touches, such sweet kisses. This man provided you with everything you could possibly want, how did you end up so lucky?
Your underwear hasn't fit you since month six and maternity underwear felt a little constricting, so you've been going without them for awhile. Leon definitely didn't mind that.
"Wanting sex for months and never asked..." He shook his head with another soft laugh, dragging his rough hands up your body to massage your swollen breasts which made you gasp. "I'll never be able to resist you."
He squeezed your breasts and pinched your nipples, letting out sounds akin to growls as he watched your milk-filled breasts leak at his ministrations. "Been wanting to play with these since you bought those pumps. Making me jealous of them."
His gravely voice was hitting all the right spots in your brain. "Leon.. please.." You whined, biting at your bottom lip in a poor attempt to hide your increased sensitivity.
"So pretty for me. Always so beautiful." He bent over you, careful of your stomach, to bring one of your nipples into his mouth. The vibration of his moan made you cry out, hands flying into his hair. He sucked and swirled his tongue around it, eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated.
Leon pulled off with a loud pop, swallowing with a sigh before moving over to your other nipple, repeating the process over. By the time he was done taking his fill of your milk, you were a crying, drooling mess. You gave up hiding your pitiful noises as soon as you started trying.
"Tastes so good.." Leon groaned, giving both of your nipples one last harsh suck before kissing his way down your stomach to your dripping pussy.
For a brief moment you were embarrassed at the fact that you hadn't shaved, you hadn't been able to since your stomach masked the view that you needed. Yet, he said nothing but the sweetest things as he stroked through your folds with his finger, bringing it into his mouth before quickly descending between your legs.
He groaned into your cunt, lapping at your entrance and clit like it was the last thing he'd ever do. You were soaked, he couldn't just pass up getting a good taste of you.
"Fuck! Leon- ah~!" You moaned as he sucked on your clit, making sure he paid extra attention to it. He sat back on his legs with a content sigh, giving your pussy a few extra rubs with his fingers before sinking the entirety of his middle finger into you. Before you knew it, he was stretching you with two. "Couldn't fuck you without giving this neglected pussy a little extra attention.."
He was so skillful with his fingers, stretching you out like it was an art, but you were desperate to have him deep in you, aching to your core. "N-no more-.. gah.. I need more.. please Leon..."
"Yeah? You need more?" Leon cooed, thrusting his fingers in you a few more times before slowly pulling them out. "Need my cock deep in that cunt?" Feeling him grind his dick against your slick folds was torture. He knew just how badly you needed it and he *still* decided to tease you.
"Yes! Please! God, please.." Your moan fell to a whimper as he carefully pushed the tip of his dick into you, pausing for a moment to rub the tops of your thighs as they trembled with your orgasm. "Poor thing, just feels that good huh?"
One of Leon's hands on your face brought you to open your eyes again. You didn't even realize you started crying until he wiped them from your temple. You could only nod, leaning your head against his hand as he sunk deeper into you.
Once he was flush against you, you both let out a sigh, sitting still so he could caress your body. His hands felt so good against your hot skin, eyes falling back closed as he massaged your breasts for a minute.
It wasn't long before he started to thrust into you, his slow place quickly frustrating you. "Faster, Leon- ngh~.. I-.. I'm not gonna break I promise!" You whined, panting in between words.
"You're perfect." Leon wasn't going to pass up a request like that, immediately beginning to pound your sloppy cunt once his hands settled on the barely visible divots from your hips. "Feel so good around me, baby~..."
You were incredibly sensitive from already having came once and his brutal pace was bringing you close to another. He knew just what angle to hit at and just what to say to get you right back to that edge.
You felt amazing with Leon taking care of you like this. Even as your body changed, he still made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.
"That's it, ohhh, there ya go baby~.. Fuck that's hot.." Leon grunted as you came again, your walls clamping around him. He leaned back a bit to watch his cock disappear into your cunt as he neared his own high. "Gonna cum baby, shit, I'm gonna cum-" He spilled his seed deep inside you with a long, drawn out moan, gripping onto you tightly as his thrusts slowed to a stop.
After catching his breath, he let out an airy laugh, bending over to kiss right above your belly button before pulling out of you.
"I promised I would take care of you, didn't I?" He whispered against your skin, and you nodded with a small hum. "Right. So the next time you want me to fuck you, please don't be afraid to jump my bones."
You couldn't help but let out a laugh of your own, placing your arm over your eyes. If you knew pregnancy sex would be this good, you would've asked him ages ago.
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dotster001 · 10 months
I came running once I saw requests were open. Can I please get househusband Riddle, Leona, Cater, Deuce, and Kalim? Ty! Love your work.
3k follower Masterlist
Part One part three
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Obviously, there's no world where this man starts out as a househusband. He's a highly paid Doctor to start out. Then you two adopt a baby. After his own childhood, he wants to give a child a chance that he didn't have. While You're both working, you still have more time to spend with the baby. When Riddle finds out he misses the baby's first words, he puts in his two weeks immediately.
He's still strict, but it's in a much more manageable way. He is a good tutor though, so all the neighborhood kids come to him for homework advice. Eventually, at the behest of some very stressed neighborhood moms, he starts a homeschool group.
The house is always spick and span, everything is in place. The home, and everything in it is white or red, looking very professional.
Every meal includes the proper portions of each food group. But there's also a rather sumptuous strawberry dessert at the end of every meal. He asked Trey to teach him as many recipes as he can. But that means…some of them look really good, but every once in a while, one looks like a gooey mess. It still tastes good, but he feels self conscious about it.
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Like Idia, he's only technically a househusband. He's an influencer, and he works from home. But according to his sisters, that's not a job, so call him what you will 😡
As much as he insists he's not a househusband, he sure acts like it. He says it's for his magicam, but you've caught him dutifully icing a cake with no camera present.
Like Riddle, he's super color coordinated, there's just much more variety of colors. And every room is designed in a way that can be "cammable" at a moment's notice.
He drives to your work everyday with a bagged lunch, and makes you eat with him. He never skips a day, even if he's sick. And he always adds a cutie element, like cutting your sandwich into shapes, or drawing a picture on the bag.
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He's a trophy househusband. Not doing anything. He hires a maid and a butler using his leftover allowance from his time living with his brother.
He's never worked a day in his life, and doesn't intend to start now.if you confront him about his laziness and spending habits, he'll say something like, "Baby, my job is to be here and look pretty when you get home. If you no longer want to be cuddled, then I can start doing housework." Obviously, that's not what you want.
Tbh you have no idea what he even does all day. You leave and come back hours later to him in the same spot and same position.
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He's average.but like, in a good way.
He puts 110% effort into everything. He likes to cook, but he has a 75% success rate. He's decent at cleaning, but he breaks stuff from time to time. Sometimes it's been three days and he remembers he's supposed to walk your overweight dog everyday.
But he's so happy to do what he does. And it's human to make mistakes. Plus, Everytime you forgive him for one, he goes husband mode, and makes out with you hard. (It used to be delinquent mode, but then he realized he could use it to his advantage)
He's still a rascal, still picks fights with some of the neighbors over how he can keep the grass as tall as he wants, still gets into trouble when Ace comes over to visit. But he's less likely to beat someone up so bad that you need to bail him out again
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*Sighs* a part of you knows that this might be a game to him. But you can't really blame him.
He has enough money that neither of you would have to work in your life. But for whatever reason, you feel the need to. Perhaps it's you also playing the game.
See, someday he has to take over his father's business. So you think that's why he wants to play house right now. Because he knows one day he won't get the chance.
Jamil lives in the guestroom, and does his best not to ruin the immersion. You can usually tell who cooked dinner that day (no offense Kalim) But other than that, Kalim gets left to his own devices.
He's the kind that will wake you up at three in the morning to tell you he reorganized the kitchen. When you go to look the next morning, half of it's a disaster, the other half just doesn't make sense. But he's so proud, and waiting for you to tell him he did a good job, so he'll keep doing it.
He's also the kind that you come home, and he has a whole litter of puppies, with a pout on his face as he begs if you can keep them 🥺
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dolldefiler · 5 months
My love, I cheat on you because you're overweight, your tits are pathetically small, and it's more effort than it's worth to force my cock into your tight asshole.
No, this is why you sit outside every other night, fingering your cucked twat to the sounds of skin on skin, moaning, and giggling. You don't even deserve to watch.
Lose some fucking weight first. Starve yourself, exercise, I don't care. Then I'll let you sit in a corner and watch the way your man handles a real woman. If you make a noise, I'll have you apologise to us both while bowing at our feet. If you're quiet, I'll let you tongue fuck my cum out of her asshole.
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Okay you sinners, you asked and I shall give.
Adam swapped.
Contains Mpreg.
Adam groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, there wasn't a lot of light but what little bit there was hurt his vision. Slowly, he got to his feet. "The fuck?"
He knew he was overweight before but this was just insulting! He ran a hand through his hair and stopped when he felt horns there. Adam frantically looked around so that he could get a look at his appearance and what he saw made him sick.
He had fallen from grace. Large black and gold horns on top of his head, his skin grayed, he hand blackened demon hands and his gut was huge! What the fuck. Adam placed a hand on his stomach, somehow it felt..... Different from regular fat.
Glancing around, he started walking. He was in Hell alright. Fuck, this couldn't get any worse. He sniffed the air, what was that smell? Adam smelled himself and nearly puked, he smelled like he had been living in a fucking dumpster.
Adam could hear people whispering as he walked by them, looking him up and down. "That's the Queen of Hell, wheres he been?"
Queen of Hell?
Adam didn't see that cunt Lilith anywhere.
Looking around, it dawned on Adam that he didn't have the first clue as to where he was. Wasn't he killed up by that tacky hotel? How in the fuck did he get down to what was likely downtown in the city?
Adam took in the sights, it was really weird being down here after being up in heaven for so long.
"Papa?" Adam turned to see Charlie looking at him, eyes wide and rimmed with tears. Vaggie was behind her looking at him in disbelief too, like they couldn't believe it was him.
Which yeah, they thought he died so understandable. But why the fuck was this bitch talking about a papa? Adam looked behind him, there was no one else there. He turned back to Charlie, confused. "You talking to me?"
Charlie launched herself forward encasing Adam in a tight hug, he was so shocked he froze. "Oh papa! I'm so glad you're okay! Where have you been, where did you go? Why did you leave? Dad and I have been worried sick and-" Charlie noticed Adams belly when she pulled back, she didn't know how to feel. "Did.... Did you cheat on dad?"
Adam pushed her away non too gently. "The fuck are you talking about? You can't cheat on someone you were never fucking with!" Now that Adam was looking at Charlie, she looked a little different. The only thing that seemed different about her was her hair, no longer golden blonde but now a light brown with blonde undertones.
"Charlie, I think there's something wrong. He doesn't sound like himself." Vaggie chimed in placing a hand on her girlfriends shoulder.
Adam glared. "Fuck you Vagina! I'm perfectly fine, other than I smell like a fucking sewer." Vaggie and Charlie's eyes went wide at Adams harsh words.
"Papa, do you know where you are?"
Adam rolled his eyes, what kind of question was that? "I'm in Hell bitch, where the fuck else would I be?"
Charlie tried not to let the harsh words stab her in the heart like they did. "We should get you back to the hotel, you can shower, eat and calm down." Not to mention wait for dad, he's going to flip.
"What!? I'm not going to that tacky two bit hotel of yours! Hey! Get your hands off of me, this is kidnapping you little bitches, heaven will hear of this and you will suffer the consequences. Let me go!!"
It took a lot for both Charlie and Vaggie to get Adam to the hotel, he was now sulking on the couch grumbling under his breath.
Charlie was pacing the lobby, everyone was waiting on her dad. She had texted him a picture of Pa, and she thought he would explode from excitement. He was in a meeting at the embassy but she knew the moment it was over he'd be here.
A portal opened by the front door and Lucifer all but ran in, he looked wild and frantic. "Charlie! Where is he?" He grabbed his daughter looking her in the eyes, she pointed over to the couch. "Adam?" His voice was soft, as if he couldn't believe he was seeing him.
"Dad, there's something I-"
Lucifer went over to his husband and sat beside him, Adam was startled at the King's sudden presence. "Oh love I'm so glad you're okay." Lucifer went to embrace him only to be shut down.
"The fuck are you doing asshole?" Adam seethed, wondering why he would try and hug him. Did he call him 'love'? "What the fuck is wrong with you people?"
"Adam, honey, I don't understand." Lucifer looked to Charlie.
"He says he woke up in an alley way. It seems that his memory is gone and thinks he hates us." Charlie supplied sadly, trying not to cry. Her papa was always so kind and loving, this is so jarring.....
"I do! You freaks let that tiny cunt stab me in the back. Literally."
Lucifer freaked, Adam got stabbed!? He looked him over but didn't see any wounds. He finally noticed his belly.... "You're pregnant?"
"I'm not fucking pregnant asshole, I'm a man!" Adam seethed, he could feel his rage building.
Lucifer gave him a concerned look, he could feel the presence of a soul coming from inside of Adam. "Don't you remember your curse?"
"What fucking curse?"
Lucifer looked at Charlie. " Go get the book, Hun." Charlie nodded and retrieved the Book of Hell, she handed it over to her dad. "Maybe this will help jog your memory."
Adam read the book, curious.
Long ago when humanity was first created in the garden of Eden, there was Adam and Lilith who were made to be each other's equal. That could not have been less true. Lilith wanted to control and dominant Adam, demanding they procreate.
Adam refused, wanting more in life than being a baby machine for a woman he did not love. This enraged the first woman who took her frustration out on Adam in physically harmful ways.
Scared for his safety, Adam fled the garden to escape his wife. This is when he met the archangel Lucifer, who showed him what love and respect was really meant to be.
The two fell deeply in love, though their love was forbidden. In the wake of this, Lilith was granted a new husband by the name of Steve.
Lucifer offered Adam the fruit of knowledge and the first man accepted. With this single act of disobedience, sin and evil found its way to earth.
Angered with the couple, Sera placed a curse on the first man that if he didn't want to fulfill his role of being a father he'd be cursed to be a birth giver and mother. Any and all children he was to bear would result in a painful birth as a reminder for what he did.
The lovers were cast down into the pits of Hell where they could never see the good in humanity.
Lucifer fell into a deep depression for everything that happened, but Adam thrived and empowered the sinners and hellborns of the land with his voice and guitar music.
They had one child together, a beautiful daughter by the name of Charlotte Morningstar.
Adam couldn't believe what the fuck he just read. He fell with Lucifer instead of Lilith? This didn't make any sense! Wait....
"Oh on a fucking minute." He reached around his now obviously pregnant belly to touch his crotch. His eyes went wide. "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DICK!?"
((Should I continue this??))
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yamujiburo · 5 months
Hope this doesn't come off as too rude, but why are you making Jessie gain a lot of weight?
Sometimes it's health-related and it can't be helped but in this case, you're making her 'fatter' for what reason? Weight gain is a HUGE problem for thousands of people, and so is weight loss.
Sure, getting a little bigger is fine. Since Jessie is very skinny in the show, but not to the 'obese' point. It's sad to see her go from having a healthy body image to an unhealthy one
(I'm overweight myself. I'm not skinny at all. And I know for some it's probably nice seeing large women rep. But in this case, seeing a character go through what I went through and now I'm struggling with it and it causes a lot of strain on my mental health because of the weight I've gained... yeah...)
Everyone is different! It’s important to acknowledge that while losing weight may be healthier for SOME people, gaining weight may be healthier for others.
In Jessie’s case, she’s lived through poverty, literally eating snow, then even after getting a job at Team Rocket, she was still frequently on the brink of starvation. I would not jump to say her body was necessarily “healthy” given this context and I think it can be dangerous to do so. Healthy looks different on everyone! Her gaining weight is a sign of finally being comfortable and having the means to live happily.
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muppetminge · 5 months
gd i get so fucking angry when i see crying about "boys are doing worse in school :(" being pulled up to look like a huge problem. you're not upset about boys doing 'badly' - you're upset about girls doing well. blaming it on the school system is so funny because tell me how the school system is suddenly modelled after the girls when we weren't even allowed in when the basis of the current system was being created lmao.
the difference between average grade by sex is about the same as the regional/geographic difference and it's less than the difference sorted by race/ethnicity (not even to mention the socioeconomic differences), yet these aren't the differences creating headlines every year. why?
because you find girls doing well wrong, like it's upsetting the natural order. you're hanging on to this idea that girls are stupid, yet when you're proved wrong you refuse to accept it, hanging on to an excuse of systematic differences that have to be solved now, because won't somebody please think of the poor boys :(
so we're looking at averages. here's the thing: those are never going to level out. we're always going to see one group being above/below others. you're just upset it's not in the "right" order.
the difference is smaller than you'd think, by the way. when i was in high school (non-us system, meaning voluntary/different kinds of secondary) we were 70 percent women. you know what else? the girls, in general, were working fucking hard. every single grade point they fucking earned. there's this story of girls' grades being inflated due to this and that, but all i've seen is boys getting grades for doing less - because they're outnumbered, the poor things, so it's obviously the teacher's job to support them, right? right??
even in trade school where we were a handful of girls per year, i saw nothing but the girls putting in their all and the boys showing up. sometimes. if they felt like it.
but it's a systemic problem, right? how else would girls be doing well? we've got to solve this, lest the boys get their egoes wounded by not placing in their 'natural' position. gd forbid we end up with an overweight of women professionals.
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melrodrigo · 1 year
Daydreaming - T.C.
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary/Sneak peek: It's one of those days again, you and Tara are passed out on her bed; sun beaming through her curtains.
Warnings: Suggestive themes, fluffy fluffy stuff
Word Count: 950
A/N: Have this drabble before this next chapter…y’all need it. This is also partly inspired by ‘Daydreaming’ from Mr.Styles himself.
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It's one of those days again, you and Tara are passed out on her bed; sun beaming through her curtains.
The rays frame her face so nicely, complimenting her freckles and making them pop. She doesn't like her freckles, but you absolutely adore them.
It's that type of day where you don't care about how pathetic or lovesick you sound, because she's here with you, in your arms; where she should be.
Nights with Tara were usually very hectic, she was always so pressed and fast and wanting; it's hard to savor the moment. It's also why you treasure the mornings after so much more.
You slip out of her embrace, as softly as you can. She stirs a little bit and you're quick to press a kiss to her forehead and whisper that you'll be right back.
She grumbles a little but loosens her grip on you.
You make your way to the kitchen, humming while slipping on a t-shirt.
Nobody's in the apartment today except for Sam, and you cringe internally at how awkward it's going to be with her today. Sam's starting to warm up to you, you can feel it. It's subtle, but after spending so much time with her sister you're sure you know the signs. They really were similar in many ways.
That didn't change the fact she probably hated you for nailing her sister though.
You let out a little sigh of relief when you see Sam isn't in the kitchen, and get back to your original plan.
Now, you weren't the best cook; but you did decently. It's not Tara's level of cooking, but you could always manage a killer American breakfast.
No wonder they're all overweight, you wonder as you stare at the back of the pancake mix box.
You contemplate making her an actual healthy breakfast like you normally do, but give in to the pancake mix. It was Tara's favorite anyway.
You turn on the speaker, but keep it low enough as to not wake Tara and play a TV Girl song.
Music's always been a sort of coping mechanism of yours. It's nice to just play a song and get lost in the melody, forget your problems and whatever's wrong in the world.
Tara's often made fun of you for it, for always carrying around an extra pair of earphones with you wherever you went.
You sway to the beat now, watching over the pancakes intently; determined to get that perfect brown color.
"Who's gonna kiss the brown hair girls? Who's gonna wipe away their tears?" You sing, grabbing the spatula and bringing it to your mouth.
“Well, I hope it's you, or that's going to be disappointing."
You don't have to turn around to know who it is, you would've recognized her voice from miles away. Soft hands touch your waist, sliding in behind you and peering at you.
You smile, boop her nose with your finger.
"Go back to sleep, I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed." You tut, trying to shoo her away and back into her room.
She shakes her head against you, "Nuh uh, all you do is surprise me with breakfast in bed. I should be the one cooking for you today. Plus, I don't sleep very well without you anyway."
She says it casually, but it still makes your heart melt.
You and Tara weren't one for words of affirmation, in fact; you both loved to shit on each other. That was your love language.
But the fact that she's willing to admit something like that to you with no second doubt fills your heart with pride. Maybe you are turning her a little soft.
"Okay, come on, come help me decorate these plain ass pancakes." You say, motioning for her to stand beside you at the counter.
She happily obliges, skip in her steps.
You'd arranged some toppings already; powdered sugar, bananas, fresh strawberries.
She immediately reaches for a strawberry, popping it into her mouth before you can scold her. You stare at her pointedly, but all she does is smile cheekily.
“At least cut up the rest of the fruits, I'm almost done with these pancakes." You grumble, turning your attention back to the smiley pancake in front of you.
She nods adamantly, grabbing the cutting board and heeding your instructions. Nobody says a word, and the sound of the music behind you makes you feel like you're in the end credits of a rom-com.
You flip the last pancake right as Tara finishes slicing the strawberries and bananas. You grab three plates, one for Tara, one for you, and one for Sam.
You let Tara decorate her pancake as she pleases, taking a portion of the pancakes and putting them on Sam's plate.
When you turn back to Tara, you're met with the sight of her with her hands up slightly in shock, icing powder falling from her like snow.
You can't help but snort at the look on her face; which was also covered in white icing.
The bag of it's in her hand, looking like it exploded from the seams.
The sound of your laughter breaks Tara from her shock, and she giggles a bit too.
"I look like a snowman!" She exclaims, brushing the substance off her shirt quickly.
"Snowman's are taller than you are." You quip, smirking.
She opens her mouth to reply, no doubt with an annoying jab back at you; but is cut off by lips on hers.
You kiss her tenderly, squeeze her hips slightly.
You pull back, pursing your lips as you bring your pointer finger up; fake thinking.
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