rfskia · 24 hours
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viinee · 2 months
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nothing bad ever happened between them in lost light <3
I'm gonna draw a bit more sketches now cause the full drawings take so long to finish and I really just wanna improve when it comes to drawing transformers so yeah for now sketches lets gooo yay
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en-wheelz-me · 1 year
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xenomorfoalieno · 1 year
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gabrielembaldoni · 2 years
Time Attack!!!
Honda Civic!!
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cuoredolce67 · 8 months
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linuxgamenews · 10 months
Octane Remix adrenaline rush racing with crazy tracks
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Octane Remix roguelike arcade racing game launched on Linux and Windows PC. This adrenaline-fueled experience is the brainchild of the inventive minds behind Team Velocita. Available on Steam with a discount. Octane Remix takes place in the year 2085 - where your Netflix binge nights are now holographic fun sessions. In Stockholm, Sweden a giant dome can create any setting you can dream of! This isn't just your old-school virtual reality; it's on an entirely different level. This dome has been used for all sorts of competitions in Octane Remix. But there's one that's got everyone eager for more, and that's the World Simulation Race Championships. Think of it as Formula 1, but with lightning-fast, head-spinning races that have you on the edge of your seat. Now, here's where it gets interesting - you're not just a viewer, you're also a player. Picture yourself behind the wheel of a futuristic race car, the heart pounding, the adrenaline rushing. In Octane Remix, you'll need to figure out your strategy and learn how to make your vehicle dance on these wild tracks. Even decide how to use your upgrades. Due to using anything from freezing time to blasting obstacles out of your path.
Octane Remix Official trailer
Octane Remix roguelike arcade racing is all about choices, and those start with picking your character. Since each character is unique, with different focuses like being able to take a hit (Durability) and making slick moves (Maneuverability). Or simple just overall speed. And trust me, those differences will certainly matter when you're up against the intense, ever-changing tracks that the dome creates. Since its the dome itself that is throwing together puzzle pieces to create a new track each time you play. As if that wasn't enough, there's a treasure trove of upgrades that can shake things up. Due to offer you a full range of strategies for you to come up with. Which you can also test in the free Linux Demo of the game on Steam. Plus, there's more coming after this launch, Octane Remix will receive boss tracks. Doing so in a full out racing scenario along with a level editor. That's right, you'll be able to design your own tracks and share them with friends. This whole experience kicked off on July 7th, but you can get your hands on Octane Remix on Steam. This also includes a 10% launch discount on Steam, priced at $17.99 USD / £17.99 / 17,99€. This roguelike arcade racing is not just another daily grind, this is an adrenaline-pumped game for Linux and Windows PC.
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falcemartello · 1 year
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La luna è così vicina che sembra stia per cadere a terra.Subito dopo, c'è un'eclissi solare totale di 5 secondi durante la quale tutto diventa nero Questo fenomeno si verifica solo al perigeo (il punto in cui la luna è più vicina alla terra),ed è qui che si può vedere la velocita
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questaelamiavita · 25 days
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“Il pensiero viaggia alla velocita' del desiderio.” MALCOLM DE CHAZAL
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emz26 · 1 month
“Cazzo non c’è la faccio più, mi sento soffocare”
“È questa strada di merda, stretta e tortuosa, così piena di traffico mi soffoca”
“Vai troppo veloce!”
“In che senso?”
“È vero, questa la strada è brutta e pericolosa, e tu per uscirne più in fretta giri la manopola del gas. Più aumenti il passo e prima ne uscirai, ma così facendo aumentio il rischio, il pericolo cresce, i gardarail diventano come lame, gli ostacoli ti si presentano con una frequenza più alta, e tutto questi pericoli il tuo cervello li registra e lo trasforma in ansia, ma se rallenti, se rallenti i pericoli svaniranno, incrocerai meno ostacoli al secondo, la strada smettera di essere così pericolosa e tornerai a respirare”
“Quindi tu dici che se rallentassi diciamo di un 10% questo viaggio diventerebbe meno opprimente?”
“Anche rilassante direi, scommetto che non ti sei accorto che da qui si vede il mare?”
“Comunque un 14%”
“La velocita che devi toglire”
“Ti ho mai detto che ti odio”
“Sì, più di una volta”
“Ricordami il perché?”
“Perche sai...”
“Non lo voglio sapere, va bene così. Facciamo che tu fai da apri pista ed io mi godo il panorama?”
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petello993 · 3 months
Km / h
In un paese dove il limite massimo di velocità è 130 km/ h ( solo in autostrada )
Si possono produrre e vendere auto e moto che possono arrivare a 260 km/h ma, si pretende e si obbliga la gente a non superare alcuni limiti di velocita multando i trasgressori...
Ma... non sono i produttori e i venditori i primi trasgressori ?
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arcobalengo · 10 months
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"in seguito all’introduzione della “Procedura semplificata” dell’ottobre 2020, sull’onda del meccanismo di accelerazione dei processi decisionali, Aifa ha reso noto di aver dimezzato i tempi medi di approvazione dei farmaci generici e biosimilari.
I primi a dimettersi, in blocco, sono stati gli oncologi nominati nel gruppo di lavoro istituito dall’Agenzia sulle terapie anti-tumorali. Le motivazioni dell’addio, avvenuto giovedì scorsio, sono state diramate dall’Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Medica (Aiom), che in una nota ha spiegato che i professionisti “si sono visti costretti a rassegnare le dimissioni a causa della perdurante e non spiegata impossibilità a riunirsi per fornire la collaborazione prevista” sull’efficacia dei farmaci e delle terapie in fase di approvazione. "
Unisciti al mio canale Telegram
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urbancycling-it · 1 year
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umseb · 1 year
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“F1 in Schools, Team Velocita from the Indian High school Dubai, today with four-time world champion Sebastian Vettel. We love you Sebastian and we will miss you on the race track“ - november 18, 2022 📷 @.F1inSchoolsHQ / twitter
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linuxgamenews · 11 months
Octane Remix gives you a chance to practice and improve your skills
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Octane Remix fast paced roguelite racing game for Linux and Windows PC has a release date. Team Velocita's creative work and dedicated effort have resulted in something truly amazing. Available to test out and play on Steam. Get ready for Octane Remix racing, which will be released on July 7th. This fast-paced game is like a rollercoaster ride full of obstacles and challenges on Linux. In Octane Remix, you'll have three different characters to choose from, and each character has a unique way of playing the game. You can either drift around corners like a pro or speed past any obstacles that come your way. Octane Remix is set in the future, in the year 2085, and it takes place in a special dome located near Stockholm, Sweden. This dome is a piece of technology that can create all kinds of virtual settings. Since it's like stepping into a holographic world! People from all over the world are eager to learn about the dome since it hosts the World Simulation Race Championships. Which are the most prestigious racing competitions in the world. To win in Octane Remix, you'll need to practice and improve your skills. You can choose a character that suits your style of playing. If you like tough and durable cars, there's a character for that. If you prefer cars that can maneuver easily, there's a character for that too. And if you just want to go as fast as possible, there's a character that specializes in speed. Each character has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you'll need to find the one that suits you best.
Octane Remix Official trailer
The tracks in Octane Remix are exciting since they are randomly generated. This means that each time you play, the track will be different. It's like solving a puzzle while the pieces of the track come together in different ways. This adds a lot of variety and makes the game even more fun to play on Linux. As you progress in the game, you'll earn upgrades that can help you win races. These upgrades can do all sorts of things, like stopping time or destroying obstacles. They can change the way you play the game on Linux and give you an advantage over your opponents. You can also try out the free Demo on Steam for Linux. So you can test your skills ahead of the release date. After Octane Remix releases, the creators have some exciting plans. They will add special boss tracks that will be even more challenging. You'll need to be at the top of your game to beat these tracks. And if you're feeling creative, there will be a level editor that allows you to create your own tracks. You can even share your creations with friends and test them to beat your high scores. So get ready to enter the Simulation Dome on July 7th by purchasing Octane Remix on Steam. The fast paced roguelite racing is an adrenaline pumping experience like no other. Due to arrive on both Linux and Windows PC. Priced at $19.99 USD / £15.49 / 19,99€.
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blackswaneuroparedux · 10 months
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Velocitas sola virtus.
Speed alone is virtue
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