#Vulcan aging
woman-of-many-fandoms · 5 months
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Anyone else wonder what it must of been like for spock to look almost twice the age of his Vulcan peers?
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disease · 3 months
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"PROMETHEUS BEING CHAINED BY VULCAN" DIRCK VAN BABUREN // 1623 [oil on canvas | 201 × w 182 cm.]
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bumblingbabooshka · 13 days
In your opinion, do Vulcan children have teddies (stuffed animals)?
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Stuffed animals and other security items would be good for Vulcan children...I can imagine many small children needing them when they first learn how to meditate. They can also be used as a sort of 'anchor' so they are able to stay calm in unfamiliar situations. I can also imagine they would be used to express emotions without having to attribute them to themselves Ex: "[Toy] feels sad because you ate the last cookie." and a parent could then help the child through that emotion via them both teaching 'the bear' what to do when 'it' feels sad. This way the child feels like they're also helping rather than feeling like they're being lectured. Toys are, I imagine, one of the first things that we learn to take care of and be kind towards. As a child it's probably one of the few things we feel is under 'our care' or control. I imagine how children treat toys is observed carefully...it can be a good outlet (a child may rant to a toy when they don't like something while remaining composed in the situation itself) but also if a child is consistently violent with toys it may be indicative of an emotional issue. Creativity, imagination, and play are also not things which seem to conflict with Vulcan adherence to logic. Play is very important for children and I imagine it's often used to make sense of the world around them or what they feel (Ex: Playing 'House') I imagine you can often see Vulcan children playing by mimicking violent or emotional behavior and then scolding the toy for being violent...you can't hit! You have to take deep breaths and meditate. Oh no, [toy] is crying! Don't cry, you must calm down! Or they might play by exploring new ideas and desires through the realm of fantasy with a familiar object, the toy. Toys are also useful (I imagine, I'm not a psychologist just reflecting on my own experiences) for building a sense of self in a way...during the course of play you can discover what you like and don't like, what calms you down and what intrigues you. You can also learn how to interact with others through games and play as a child. Lessons like how to share, how to work together, how to include others in your world...very important! So yes, I think that toys and play are important - especially for a species which is inherently very emotional. Vulcan Children probably have much less control than adults do and require more tangible methods of calming down, understanding/confronting their emotions etc. Now I'm imagining a 'growing up' ritual wherein children decide they're too old for their toys and ready to give them up. They then work to emotionally detach themselves from them. At the end of this process the children give the toys to someone else (a sibling, a friend, a neighbor, or just donating them)
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When someone’s headcanon directly contradicts canon, not in a “canon sucks” way, but in a “they don’t know” way and I’m trying so hard not to be a buzzkill
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evilhorse · 26 days
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You need help, fella—medical help!
(All-Star Comics #61)
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poebrey · 4 months
I just wonder what type of relationship Amanda and Michael would have if she had stayed because on the surface they have the healthiest mother daughter relationship and then the second Michael admits she did something wrong Amanda’s like “you’re the reason our family is falling apart” like why when Sarek and Spock won’t speak to each other first of all but second like how did she watch Sarek raise their human child that way and go “this is ok”?
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mai-komagata · 6 months
ok but when you think about it
So obviously in the real world of star trek in its various incarnations we have actual actors and actors age at normal rates (or in the case of SNW, cast at ridiculously old ages, like you want me to believe Paul Wesley is what ridiculous young age? you guys know he isn't literally a vampire?), so like Leonard Nimoy always looks the same age as William Shatner in the movies, but like, that is not how Vulcans work. Spock in The Wrath of Khan is younger than T'Lyn and T'pol in their respective series. He probably looks pretty much the same as he did when Kirk first met him. Kirk obviously will look older, and comments on how he is aging (like needs reading glasses and whatnot). But Spock isn't old at all. So married Spirk is even more hilarious when you realize old man Admiral Kirk has this hot young Vulcan as a husband until he disappears in Generations.
i mean it is possible Spock ages somewhere between a human and a Vulcan, though, so maybe not so ridiculously young looking the whole time. But it is still funny to imagine Admiral Kirk and his trophy husband.
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swimmingwolf59 · 1 year
∇ for spones
(For reference this is the old age/aging head canon)
I love thinking about old spones lol thank you for the ask! Sorry this got kinda long lol.
Old married spones are frequent guests on the Enterprise-D, as the Enterprise is often tasked with ferrying them to various conferences. Despite it being a different crew, they fit in well here, and the D crew love them. McCoy and Spock join the weekly poker games (McCoy always wins and Spock always loses, which Riker finds incredibly amusing). McCoy was Beverly's mentor back when she first started as a doctor, so they're fast friends and Beverly is always dragging him off to show him her latest research. Spock enjoys discussing philosophy and Shakespeare with Picard, and sometimes allows himself to pretend he is talking to his father. Guinan fixes McCoy his favorite drink--the best mint julep in the galaxy--and they laugh about old times. Data invites both of them over to his quarters often, as McCoy and Spock both have an interest in his art, his conversation, and his cat. Geordi is one of the few people who can make McCoy laugh uproariously, which Spock enjoys watching much more than he would ever admit. Deanna shares her favorite chocolate recipes with Spock, who has never quite been able to suppress his sweet tooth. Worf and Spock share a quiet cup of tea together - or at least it would be quiet if McCoy didnt insist on regaling Worf with stories of his ancestor (McCoy's attorney). Neither of them say anything though because they both find it endearing. Lower deckers line up in the hallways to get a chance to witness the infamous spones banter.
It feels a lot like home.
And the best part - no one realized they were married except for Beverly, who already knew, and Deanna, who could tell right away how they felt about each other and teases them about it often. Deanna happens to mention it during a meeting one time and the entire ship just about loses their minds. Until then, they had thought they were just constantly stuck on missions together and were barely tolerating each other.
Spones are amused when they learn this because at their age, this happens all the time and it never ceases to be fun.
You can find the headcanon meme here
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dabs-into-oblivion · 1 month
i don't know if i know anyone who would be into a dragon age/star trek crossover, but:
inquisitor spock.
that is all
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aspiringnexu · 5 months
Saw a post a while ago that mentioned a debate among Star Wars fans and Star Trek fans about the typical who-would-win between a Borg Cube and the Death Star.
I'll leave them to that debate because who-would-win is highly dependent on the plot anyway and that kind of debate only leads to arguments (plus I find it incredibly boring, I'd much rather debate things like the similarities and disparities between human cultures in the two universes, one with and one without Earth, that would be interesting). But what did catch my eye was a mini-debate later on with people discussing whether or not said Cube would detect the Death Star approaching, the argument being that the modes of travel in the two different universes (namely warp and hyperspace) are so different that the Cube wouldn't be able to detect the Death Star until it reverted to real space.
Which reminded me how much I love that the two travel systems are so similar and yet so different.
I won't be able to get too technical, I'm sure some fans know the exact ins and outs of both kinds of space traversal, but the fundamental difference is how the ships attain FTL, or Faster Than Light. Because otherwise space travel takes FOREVER.
In Star Trek they use impulse engines to putter about for more precision maneuvering but use warp engines to achieve FTL, the warp engines 'warping' space by making a subspace bubble around the ship and therefore insulating it from the extreme pressures of breaking normal physics. As you do.
In Star Wars they use sublight engines for the usual puttering and maneuvering but instead they rely on the hyperdrive to achieve FTL which punts the ship into hyperspace, basically a parallel dimension where ships can achieve FTL without undue stress to the ship itself.
In both cases ships can be pulled out of their warp bubbles or their hyperspace streams due to factors in normal space. In Star Wars, for example, there exist Interdictor class ships which produce massive gravity wells, similar to those of moons or any other significant cosmic body which forces ships to drop out of hyperspace in order to avoid crashing into said body. (This also makes jumping into hyperspace too close to a planetary body incredibly risky. Not impossible, mind, but there is a reason planetary governments have a minimum distance allocated for incoming and outgoing ships.) Star Wars also makes a big deal out of Hyperspace Lanes (there was an entire war fought over them at one point) which are routes that have been confirmed to be empty of any cosmic phenomena discounting the occasional asteroid that wanders in. They're used as major shipping lanes and commercial passenger transports as a result. You can, of course, elect not to use the routes but you run the risk of encountering surprises even with a navicomputer.
In Star Trek the same rules seem to apply with various cosmic phenomena able to disrupt the warp drive and pull the ship out of warp, whether it be extreme gravimetric distortions that require precision piloting to avoid or nebula too thick for the engines to filter or, really, the list goes on. Could be anything from a nebula to the glowing green hand of a supposed Greek god stopping you from going to warp.
But regardless of the actual metrics of the two kinds of space travel, I find the idea that neither ship would be expecting the other to just appear incredibly amusing.
Neither universe would have any experience with a ship that travels in a space bubble or a ship that just casually drops in from another dimension and really why focus on inter-fandom discourse when you can focus on the incidental comedy?
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
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[TUVOKTOBER: Day 16] Mr. Human!
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evilhorse · 20 days
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He’s a fruitcake for sure
(All-Star Comics #61)
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so apparently star trek: snw is doing a 'Spock's Vulcan DNA is removed, leaving him fully human and a completely different person, shenanigans ensue' episode which, terrible concept for multiple reasons but also I think the absolute best (and most canonically plausible) outcome would be that Spock... pretty much just acts completely like he usually does. like, different eyebrows but fundamentally the same guy & at the end of the episode the ship's counsellor is like: oh, so he's autistic, huh
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enigma-and-oasis · 3 months
I really want to write some hot and filthy Fire Force smut between Ogun and Vulcan. This is one pair I will die on and I have so many smut ideas for these two😩🥵
Thinking about Vulcan rimming Ogun before riding his thick cock and using Ogun like a human dildo🔞🔞🔞🥵🥵🥵
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shortguyswag · 3 months
current thought for a video essay: The future is atheist (but we'll still celebrate christmas?)
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grandpizzaeater · 5 months
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Tried to draw Mirna when they are at different ages.
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