#Wires (threads)
bleepbluup · 1 year
"What's your type?" Uhm well y'see
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chatters I arrive with supplies
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 4 months
iwaizumi hajime uses wired apple headphones!!!!!!! all the time forever and ever even after bluetooth and airpods like whateverr he doesn’t care. he upgraded once from ogs to the kind that fit in your ears better and have the volume/microphone on the right wire and he never looked back. they’re more reliable he doesn’t have to remember to charge them they’re cheap for when they (inevitably) break he puts them in his pocket for two (2) seconds they come back out All Knotted Up he has to untangle them constantly but it’s #worthit. he wears them so the main wire is under his sweatshirt/jacket and only the ear pieces are out through the collar (CRUCIAL) this mostly practical so it doesn’t get caught on things (or yanked) but also looks so fjcking cool even though he doesn’t actually care. hoooollylyt shit this image is So Vivid.
flash forward i’m picturing iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer making BANK he has all the newer apple products nice phone macbook pro ipad w pencil apple watch (big fitness guy) and the same shitty wired headphones he’s been using since middle school. he Will Not convert. he gets flamed by the team but he can work out and listen to music without worrying abt airpods falling out and getting crushed in the weight room by bokuto’s deadlift plates he’s WINNING he’s So Right he sacrifices sound quality for convenience he is set in his ways you can’t teach an old dog new tricks and hajime is a 2000s kid through and through
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theenchantedwren · 2 years
The completion of a project deserves to be honored. Sit with what you've created, acknowledge the process, absorb the lessons, and celebrate the birth of new art into the world. Don't skip this important step by just diving into your next creation.
Photo is wired embroidered monarch on a bed of moss embroidery, 3.25" hoop
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diemauer · 13 days
i love how all of liv's muses ( @razorfst & @m1dfielder ) are just 100% done with Viktor ter ste.gen.
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hazbincalifornia · 1 year
I like the thought of Verosika/Barbie where they meet in rehab and they're both just... assholes. Trying to detox sucks. Barbie reminds Verosika too much of Blitzo, and Verosika is just a rich, privileged, self-obsessed dick to Barbie. At first, they prickle at each other.
Barbie chased fame and it tore her to shreds, lost her her brother and her dignity as she fell into addiction while clawing to keep on top even as she sank under. Verosika has everything she wants, is looked up to, has a Crystal from Ozzie himself.
On Verosika's side, Barbie is a bitter, washed-up too-crass imp that spits swears like they're air, always sneaking in hits from somewhere and draped over the back of the center's couch like she's a cat on a windowsill, burnt by the world and hissing if anyone gets too close.
There are flashes of the entertainer she used to be buried underneath, though- she whips out jokes easily as breathing when there's the chance. She's whip-smart and agile as anything when soberish, seen on ledges more than the floor. When she gets attention, she positively glows.
Barbie wants the high of fame back, the chance to be something, be someone, and Verosika walks around with an air of being someone better than anyone else, and Barbie believes it. She blew her shot, and she blames the world the way her brother blames himself.
One day, she realizes nobody visits Verosika either. She only leaves when she's hired for a gig, which is still better than what Barbie gets, but she doesn't talk about missing anyone like some of the others do. (Many don't, it can be a weakness to tear at, but there are tells.)
(She was hired 'to lead their team' for Spring Broken, remember- those aren't her friends, her group. She might have known them, but they're not 'hers'. She's seemingly usually a solo act.)
Then, Barbie notices the tattoo. They'd never been in quite the right angle or this close before, and she knows exactly what that means. She doesn't know how to feel, but goes up to Verosika and says 'So, my dipshit brother broke your heart, huh?'
Verosika starts, staring down at her until Barbie hops up on the table and takes a swig of water like she wishes it was something harder. "Blitzo. He's my brother. He fucked off years ago. I'd apologize but I don't know what he did or if you deserved it."
There's a lot in those words, and Verosika's lips tighten. "He fucked off with my wallet and car, drained the cards on horse-riding lessons." Barbie wheezes with laughter at that, and it sounds so much like Blitzo that Verosika can't tell if she wants to smack her or kiss her.
"You know, all this time I've been picturing what I'd do once I got out of here, and taking you down a peg for being such a stuck-up bitch was on that list, but it sounds like he already did it for me." She has a lopsided grin, so very punchable.
Then it softens a little, and the growl in Verosika's throat dies. "Musta really fucked you up, huh? Everybody knows I haven't got jack or shit left at this point, but you had to like him enough to get his stupid name plastered right on your arm before he ripped you off."
Verosika considers for a moment, before giving a slight nod. "Yeah. He was an asshole. I thought we had something, but..." "He runs when things get hard. Fucking pussy." Barbie examines her claws, born with black polish. "Guess if he already fucked you up I don't have to."
"Oh, you're a doll," Verosika said sarcastically. "Because I have so much to fear from a washup nobody ever gave more than a half-hour's worth of a shit about." Barbie's fingers curl into a fist. She glares, and what Verosika sees in her eyes isn't as satisfying as she expected.
After that, it comes in bits and pieces. Slowly, Barbie sees that Verosika is still shuffled around like a talented pet and shoved back in order to keep her just sober enough to be useful. Slowly, Verosika sees Barbie as someone else who was hurt but never gets a second chance.
(The first time they kiss, it tastes of booze smuggled in through Verosika's chest and Barbie's boot, a little sweaty but a solace from the world that saw them both as tools, one still useful and one tossed away to rust.)
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nemisisnemi · 4 months
I've been making something in my ceramics and fibers class since last week. We had a professional artist in her field teach us how to make plastic bag animals!!
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It's supposed to be the animal that we chose that's made out of wire and plastic bags and wrapped in different types of fabrics.
Does anyone wanna guess what animal I made? I'll be putting answers people have guessed and some curveballs as options :D
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roychewtoy · 1 year
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necklace i made :] oohh ahhh gut beads
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k00242882 · 4 months
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I've been adding in 'family member's' to the piece of work.
I'll wait and see how it's looking before I move on , on Thursday.
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This may look like a pile of rags.
It is really but it's my work.
I was trying out different materials to do a weave along the top.
The twine doesn't work because it's to rough.
I'll try something softer on Thursday.
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I've been using every sort of material to make my piece, from twine to wire, fabric and wool. Beads and jewels, cotton, felt and thread. I got a lot of materials from Jillian today in the technicians lab. A lifesaver.
Thank you Jillian.
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heartfe1t · 4 months
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   ❝    so... you must be nini! bryleigh's told me about you!    ❞    brynn's got a smile on her face as she walks over to the brunette, ever the hostess even in heels and a bikini. honestly she doesn't know how to evaluate the situation. she has no idea if nini will even want to be friendly with her.   ❝    i don't know if you know anyone else here, and i know ricky and bry have plans, so... i thought i'd come introduce myself and maybe we can hang out?    ❞    it is brynn's pool party, not bryleigh's, but... she's happy to make more friends, and well- if her sister wanted alone time with her boyfriend why wouldn't she help make that a little easier.
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qeyond · 6 months
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Y'all pleeeeease look at these scrunkly little thread dolls I made when I was in 10th grade I'm crying
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multicarinata · 1 year
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ky 👆
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sage-reads-things · 26 days
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I like this shot of Taiyo stopping Kyoichiro's steel threads with a knife, because it parallels the moment in Chapter 1 where he snapped the threads with his bare hand. Before, Taiyo could only use brute strength to stop the wires because it was all he had. Now he's able to stop the threads with a pocket knife before they reach him, reflecting how he's gained both experience and a new skillset, and showing that his way of engaging in combat has evolved.
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This time Taiyo isn't fighting against Kyoichiro, but with him. This time he snaps the threads to show that he's ready to step up and learn Kyoichiro's way of being a Yozakura.
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redemptioninterlude · 1 month
@dthroned - narcissa gets a new blog starter !
the courts find themselves AWASH in the news of a stranger - delivered and provided to them all, an unseelie, of all things. at first, marlene scoffs at what she can only assume to be rumour. after all, it was something near unheard of... and yet, when she's seen her there with her two eyes, it's something hard to find denial for, stilling her tongue as others erupted into gossip. what was he thinking? they whispered of the one who brings her forth, marlene's gaze cutting their way after a moment, her own thoughts a whirlwind before she's stepping forwards, and out from the smaller groups that dot the fringed outline of the room, her own steps quiet, something more a halfway graceful smile lopped along her lips.
she's pretty, isn't she? blonde hair, and frozen blue eyes, like a lake come the middle of winter. but it's not really that that makes her art among those in the room, is it? there's something in her stance, tall, proud. as if she'd perhaps lived through her own hell on her way to being here, and yet found herself UNDEFEATED despite it. the others are foolish for writing her off so quickly, without taking note of what must have brought her here in the first place ; how there'd be no way that she'd deliver herself amidst those that might deliver a knife within her back, unless there was plenty of good reason. and marlene had more than enough reason to think that this woman was anything but a fool.
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"so you're the one everyone can't seem to shut up about. i'm marlene." there's nothing pointed, nor barbed within her comment, instead exhaling with a sharper stare cast out around them, as she gently took the other girl by the arm. "you must be terribly exhausted. come. let's get you SOMETHING TO DRINK before somebody burns a hole in your back with their terrible manners." there's a flicker of bemusement within her stare, the easy rolling over her shoulders, that betrayed a sense of familiarity with being the hostile party in the room when others disagreed with her. "you can tell me if you think it's a situation where something harder then fruit juice or a tea are called for."
- @dthroned
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scum-belina · 3 months
My dresses got forwarded to the wrong fucking town due to USPS fucking up the address label.
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saturnskyline · 1 year
i just had an extremely cursed fic idea okay are you ready. so what if pete is too late to save vegas at the pool, and he ends up taking his own life. you know, "what do you want" "to be with you in hell" type beat. but wait! flashback to when they made merits together to see each other again in the next life ..... basically imagine uwma but with these two freaks, and their reincarnated selves are completely doomed bc residual trauma caused by torture and toxic codependency. yeah that's it that's the fic :)
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