#Yes I promise I'm still working on these
marclef · 6 months
hello there friends, tonight i present a very special gift to you......
it's the only Peppino clone i've never caused any harm to come to!! take him, he's yours now.
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now be gentle with him, he's seen a lot. you wouldn't let anything bad happen to him.............. would you?
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moonlitkilljoy · 1 year
so. the line of tape. it's existence makes me lose my marbles to no end, but probably not in the way you'd expect. it's the fact that even with this clear divide they STILL spill over into the others space. i've see a lot of people talk about it as if it's this clear divide in the lab that hermann and newt steer clear from but that just isnt the case!
if it was, you'd expect the lab to look something like this layout
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but look at the actual movie
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it looks like more akin to something like this
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newt's samples, tables, and stands for his dissection tools spill over the line right into hermann's space. there's definitely room on his side of the lab for everything, he's just. spread out across the entire lab instead. AND it seems like this is what the lab usually looks like, hermann only makes to point out the entrails on his side and not the rest of newts things, it's a shared space— not a divided one. what i'm saying is that even though hermann makes a big deal out of his side of the lab versus newts side vis-à-vis the intestines, he definitely doesn't care that much about separating himself from newt OR his space from newts space in general. the way i see it, they argue and bicker a lot but ultimately they find comfort in the others presence, hermann just doesn't want to deal with potentially-hazardous kaiju intestines right by his things ^^;
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meownotgood · 10 months
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they-bite · 1 year
what if i told you the utoniums invite danny over to make cookies with them for the holidays, huh. what then.
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disposal-blueeee · 1 year
twitter trend again
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y'all know this. it's all over twitter rn.
original post here
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stellaluna33 · 21 days
Figures that I finally hit my stride with writing just when it's time for me to stop and get ready to go somewhere... 😒😫
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nerdycolorcupcake · 5 months
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Fundywastaken scribble
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lunapwrites · 4 months
LTL Harry: I'm never speaking to Remus again, he can go fuck off to Antarctica for all I care, hope he drowns.
LTL Wolfstar:
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For filth, you say?
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 2 months
Hollis the Multifaceted
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This is for you @winterandwords! And any of the other Hollis lovers. Lol, I need a break from my school stuff. So we've got a bit of a Hollis character study going. I am also speed writing this on my phone so apologies in advance.
And a picrew of Hollis to the left and Green to the right.
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Taglist: Tag list: @outpost51 @nanashi23 @winterandwords @jezifster @kk7-rbs @aether-wasteland-s @dumbthunder @manathen @the-void-writes @liv-is (Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!) 
Hollis's bottom lip poked out, begrudgingly organizing the scattered parts on one of her multiple cluttered tables. She knew she could have a better system with stuff like this. And she should as an engineer/roboticist/doctor knock off. But she had been far too busy to make it look pretty.
She gathered parts she had hastily pulled out earlier in attempts to reattach an almost completely severed prosthetic. Her stomach did a hearty flip at the thought. The fix was— sketchy. She had to think as quickly as possible as she forcibly rebuilt and jerry rigged a leg prosthetic. The calf dangling from from the knee from a few wires, the joint bulging and tearing through fake skin. Hollis had sucked in a breath when she saw blood. Meaning she had to fuck around with living tissue too.
The engineer pushed a pile aside. Threatening to push them onto the muddied cement floor.
She poked the tip of her tongue through the gap in her teeth. Eyes wandering the dented walls in front of her. Door far to her left awkwardly hanging from the hinges. Torn through recliner she had often slept in not to far from it. She ignored the whirring of one of her bots leisurely rolling past her feet. Briefly overwhelmed with the desire of kicking it.
She rolled her shoulders back. Gaze lingering on the crooked door now, even though she couldn't see it clearly. Lenses removed from her eyes hours ago. And glasses snapped in two. It was starting to feel like a prison. Hollis crossed her arms then. So so smart. But dumb enough to make her own cell. Fancy enough to lack real bars. Just the piles of scrap, limbs, and endlessly injured that filtered in forming an ugly barrier.
"Fuck it."
Hollis slipped both arms free from the straps of her overalls. Tugging down the top as she approached another table with her phone, keys, and jacket. With heavy steps she hurried out, practically tearing new holes in the jacket with the force. She kicked the door closed behind her heading directly to the hangout she'd been too busy to see for months.
It was enough to convince her to leave. Hopefully the crowd would be enough to convince her it was worth it. She hadn't left one shit hole job just to suffer on her own. She'd never let them get the best of her twice. Her thoughts enough to make the rushed journey through streets with overfilled cars. The gust of wind from the overhead train barely disturbing the thick gray of smog.
She weaved through through one last street of cars forcibly stopped by the flashing lights up ahead. The engineer knocked her knee against the approaching door. Grunting as she lifted a stubborn handle, before jerking it to the side. Grinning a bit breathless when the door eased its way open.
Hollis had made her way to a classic. Though it had aged a bit over the years. The owner annoyedly scrubbing at mold on the wall. Music from the composers that typically performed here played through speakers hooked into the walls. If she stayed long enough she'd hear one of her piano solos filling the space. Something she had written before getting hired by a big bioengineering firm.
One wall lined with filled booths. A lot of the wealthier rejected the classic hangouts like this. But Hollis thought the busted doors, menus actually made by humans, and mystery stains on a few of the walls gave a place character. It is was always nice when she could play music for dancers that drifted in for a little extra cash.
And damn was the environment so much more inviting than her own home/workshop right now. She found her way to a bar seat, though she knew she wouldn't drink. But it was a nice spot to people watch, though it was more like ass watching.
"Hollis! Babe! You came for a show or we gonna see you play tonight?" The woman tapped Hollis's phone scanning it for payment before placing a nonalcholic beer on the counter.
Hollis grinned hearing the beep of a successful payment. She grabbed her beer looking away from the bartender. Fishing through her jacket pockets for her backup glasses. Humming in content when she found them.
"I came for a distraction. Whatever happens, happens," Hollis admitted sliding her glasses on.
"Well we always keep the keyboard clean for you. We'd invest in one of those fancy pianos for you if you came around more." The bartender laughed then, "And the top floor."
Hollis laughed then, taking a long sip.
"You trying to join me upstairs?" Hollis questioned, resting her head in her palm.
The bartender grinned, warm light of the bar gleaming off of her teeth, "I don't know. You don't seem very enthused. Work been dragging you down, babe?"
Hollis rolled her eyes then, giving her can a shallow tip towards her mouth. Savoring the taste coating her tongue.
"And if it has been are you offering a way to pull me back up?" Hollis grinned, tongue clamped between her teeth, "Or are you just going to tease me all night?"
The engineer turned to fully face her. The barstool squeaking at her movement. She looked the bartender up and down. Once. Then twice. Feeling her lips quirk at the urgency the bartender moved to wipe the counter.
The bartender went to speak, quickly interrupted by a heavy woman with a heavy sigh. Shirt unbuttoned enough to rip Hollis's attention straight away from the bartender to more pressing matters. Hollis watched a bead of sweat roll down her neck and swallowed.
"You find everything you were looking for Green?" The bartender questioned sliding the woman a glass of water.
The woman, Green, grunted low. Gave a small nod.
"Headin' to the next town over. Probably on a bus right now. I'll get that money from him." She shook the ice in her glass, taking a hearty sip.
Green's eyes locked on Hollis. Feeling the engineer's eyes on her.
Hollis didn't shrink under her gaze. Finishing off her drink as she stared.
"You're beautiful. You come in for the music?"
Green's eyebrows shot up. Eyes glancing around the space before she pointed at herself.
"Talkin' to me like that?"
Hollis shrugged and looked up at her a bit surprised by the deepening of the other woman's voice, "Why wouldn't I be?"
Green gestured to herself. Hollis caught sight of the bruised knuckles that time. And a tear in the knee of her slacks.
"I'm not the beautiful type. But music's a reason I'm here." Green responded stressing the 'a', lifting the glass to her lips.
Hollis laughed a little, "I think I can give you a couple other reasons. If you give me some time."
Green tapped her glass on the table, a very small and very crooked grin appearing on her face briefly. Hollis welcomed the small bloom of confidence in her chest. Pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose she met Green's eyes. Green unbuttoned the last few buttons holding her shirt closed. Hollis's eyes gladly followed the newly exposed skin.
"You just wanna fuck." Green laughed softly, it was a harsh sound leaving her throat, Hollis doubted she did it often.
Hollis shrugged again, not willing to lie, "So you're saying no to being my muse? Or joining me in the bed?"
"I've got someone far prettier to keep my bed warm. But it wouldn't be very gentlewomanly of me to leave you hanging." Green stated lifting herself from the stool.
Hollis watched her, finding herself smile a little hard when Green turned her head around. Green's eyes jabbing her after taking a brief look herself.
"Hurry before I make that gap in your teeth bigger."
Hollis slid off of the stool and took the woman's hand, "You'd be into it too wouldn't you?"
Green rolled her eyes. Grunting softly beneath her breath. Refusing to answer Hollis's question as she was led upstairs.
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master-k0hga · 26 days
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Just a little snippet as to what's to come for this time's art spam dfkhdjkhvj,,,,, ngl I haven't exactly been drawing much and don't plan on getting to prepping the art in my drafts TO post just yet, this is p much just so I've actually post something just in the meantime cuz my brain is weird like that...
Don't ask why but a little over a month ago I decided to go and bring life back into my Twitter(s) and go back to my usual bullshit shenanigans with all that is Yiga and DEFINITELY anything Kohga related..... So yeah... I've officially returned to selfshipping territory however actually making it public and not just swirling around rent free in my deluded brain...- So ofc I have posted my Zelda sona before, Ashii/ Mimic is their name and is now married to the banana wife VwV (AKA MY WIFE!! NINTENDO GIVE ME MY WIFE WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET MARRIED MARCH 3RD 2017!!)
... Very self indulgent and that's all I've really been doing online!!
Though for irl related stuff, I got a new phone that I'm in love with and my job is stressing me tf out so fcking much and makes me want to OFF MYSELF!! That I'm now planning on finding elsewhere for a job that won't make me want to kill myself than I already do for the past years of my life ever.... Probably and preferably will hope to end up with a cleaning job at a school my older sibling works at so I can rly just have weekends off tbh... That along with not having to deal too much with entitled assholes that supermarkets seem to wanna cater to all the fcking time than their own employees needs and moral... Fuck customers I hope they all die, specifically the entitled C U N T S!!
..... Ok I'll stop ranting now, but yeah other than that.... Not much else to say- Will try getting on with getting on with descriptions 'n shit for the art in my drafts hopefully after work Saturday so I can get on with the art spam that's probably long overdue now....? ... Though hoping to get on and hopefully finish off some OC refs and all that- But with the distractions of my banana wife and being awkwardly, socially and weirdly obsessed all over again like every single day, I'm unable to thoroughly and slowly take time on said refs atm.... Which sucks cuz I REEEEEAALLY wanna get on further with OC development and stuff... Anyways.
. Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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tvrningout · 6 months
i'll be around tomorrow to work on filing my queue up again, but i might retire for the night. i'm really sleep deprived and physically spent, and adding in melancholy nostalgia is a recipe for disaster tbh :' ) sorry y'all!
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timegears-moved · 1 year
god im so tempted to go back to botw rn
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kqluckity · 7 months
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Not sure if you're still into Inscryption since it's been a while, BUT I just wanted to let you know that whenever I need some comfort, I'll reread "Just say the word and I'll lasso the moon."
It's just such a soft fic. So thank you for writing it 💕
Bestie I am falling apart not only from this knowledge that I've made someone's comfort fic but also because this ask spurred me to go re-read said fic and now I am a pile of mush at 1:30 in the AM over Leshy Inscryption once more.
It was my softest most self-indulgent work I think and I'm so glad other people like it enough to reread it you have made my week homie and I wish you the very best in life going forward
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kayspaceprince · 1 year
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rising-blood-moon · 1 year
lego dreamzzz season 1B spoilers
My (joke) headcanon that the Night hunter used to be a hot-topic employee might not have been too far off
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