#about my headcanon for Kai'Sa's
ichiro-artosaki · 3 months
Dude! Your kai'sa design is so cool, like I wanna know more about it! So... Got any headcanons for your version of kai'sa? It can range from appearance to the more detailed stuff like personality and powers. Please info-dump, I would love to read your thoughts.
hey there🥺tysm!! my des for kai is actually super inspo’d by my bestie’s ver of her as well as the jackeylove des from riot's 2021 worlds cinematic.
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i really wanted her face to look more void corrupted after living there for 10 years (i think that’s the time she spent trapped there in leauge lore, but correct me if im wrong). she has glowy-glowy void eyes to better see in the dark 😅 and the jaw from her mask fused with her own jaw for extra chomping power. a;lsdkjf its honestly kinda sad, but you know she’s been living off of void bugs for years, and the exoskeletons on those grubs be tough af.
personality wise i think she’d be wary about interacting with others because
a) when she wanders on the surface ppl see her as the big scary void monster.
and b) she doesnt wanna get attacked in self defense by ppl who see the big scary void monster.
for the most part she’s just a feral cryptid to me😌. i feel like she’d kinda be unfamiliar with social customs after that decade in the void so she’s a bit awkward…maybe she comes off as a bit abrasive (just kinda harsh, doomer probably asldfj) at first? despite that she desires social closeness and companionship with others (in my head she finds that in taliyah, sivir and samira 🤪). and when she's with her chosen people she really relaxes into that soft side helping her feel human again.
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unboundndd · 1 year
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Hello Hello! Welcome to my blog/writing dump ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
I used to write in my free time and missed being part of a community so I decided to start a new blog since I'm interested in League of Legends. I will mostly write character x reader scenarios, headcanons and maybe some longer stories. I will treat darker themes in this blog so please proceed with caution if you're sensitive to the subjects I tag in my posts.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· About the admin
Mi, 20+, She/her, EU
Katana dilf enthusiast! Favorites: older Ubisoft games, Metal Gear Solid, Mother Mother, Wowaka, PinocchioP, Angelic Pretty. Champs: Yone, Sona, Thresh, Morgana, Neeko.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Lore knowledge, what I'd like to write
I like to think that i have a decent grasp on LoL's lore and the lore of skinlines skinlines so here's some characters I currently would like to write for. If your character doesn't appear in this list it doesn't mean that I won't write them, so don't be shy and send an ask if you'd wish. Aatrox, Ahri, Aphelios, Diana, Evelynn, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Kayn, Morgana, Leona, Rakan, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Sett, Shen, Sona, Swain, Thresh, Vayne, Viego, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
I figured I'd add some skinlines too.
Pentakill universe, Nightbringer/Dawnbringer, Spirit Blossom, K/DA, High Noon, Pool party/Ocean song, Project, Cosmic/Dark cosmic. ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Rules for requesting and content warnings
If you'd like to request, please keep in mind that it may take time for them to get written out or I might never write them at all. I'd rather concentrate on less request but keep the quality high than to give everyone sloppy, disappointing writing! If you don't specify the gender of the reader (especially with NSFW requests) I will keep my terminology as gender neutral as possible.
I will list some of the things that may appear in my content:
Violence (not explicitly described)
Discrimination (in fantasy setting, never protrayed positively) I will also list my bounduaries on things i will not write in any setting: CSA, or anything to do with the canonical minors Extreme fetishes, consensual non consent Homophobia, racism, dictatorship in a positive light
I hope that this post has been comprehensive enough, soon I will post something that is more interesting than rules! See you all then ^^
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
The bad batch as League of Legends players: a self indulgent headcanon
Wrecker would play top lane. You can't tell me that my man who is a literal tank would not also wanna play tanky top laners. Like he would see Garen or Sett and just be like "yup this is my role"
Tech would play Jungle. Its the most technical role, you have to know info about matchups, smite cooldowns, pathing, what lanes to gank when and he would have all of that in that big ol' brain of his. Lee Sin, Elise, Nidalee, any of the transforming champs where you have to basically learn two whole kits.
Hunter would play mid. Midlaners are often times the shot caller of the team with the most versatility for roaming and helping out other team mates. Galio, Orianna, anything that has good roaming pressure or is good in team fights
Crosshair would play ADC. Like the role is literally called Marksman I dont need to say more. Cringe Vayne main, dabbles in a bit of Caitlyn and Kai'sa
Echo would play support. Man is all about helping his brothers out, applying pressure on the enemy, vision control i can just see him maining a wide array of supports so he can pull out whatever the team needs. Braum, Rakan, Thresh, something where he is in charge of starting (and ending) team fights.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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Akali for the character thing :)
| Akali
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sexuality headcanon: bi gender headcanon: non-binary (any pronouns). maybe more trans masc than they'd like to admit. they often make a joke about how they rejected their gender like they rejected their masters when asked about it and it's corny every time a ship: serakali/starryblade (seraphine x akali). specifically in the K/DA universe. i love them so so much. one of my favorite ships! i also am not immune to kaynkali and i've grown to love akalynn too a brotp: kaynkali (kayn & akali). i know i just mentioned them as a potential ship but like how can you not think they're a great brotp (romantic or not). they're just two dudes. that's it. a notp: kaikali (kai'sa x akali) from star guardian. i don't have nothing against the ship itself, but I hate both characters in star guardian. like i'm so sorry but they were so badly written. not really their fault but i just. i can't. random headcanon: i dont think they have internalized transphobia because that's just... not a thing in runeterra. the problem lies on their fear that coming out as a man will make them more similar to the men in their life. i also only view them as a trans man in runeterra. kda akali is just a tomboy-ish girl to me. general opinion: urgh man. i have. problems. with akali. i like her concept, I like her execution normally, but when they screw up with her, they reaaaally screw up with her (i.e. star guardian). overall i like her, especially in k/da and when people don't desperately try to pair her with evelynn changing every single aspect of each of their characters to make it work
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Whumpril Day 19: Muffled Sobs
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For today's @whumpril I went with the prompt Muffled Sobs and finally got to write another thing I wanted to write about in a while: My "Taliyah is actually a trans girl" headcanon.
So, enjoy some friendship hurt/comfort with Kai'Sa and Taliyah. <3
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teememdee · 1 year
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a different lifetime, the same fate. based on my headcanons about Kai'Sa's family in K/DA-verse, which I usually refer to as Kassfam. I'm obsessed with this family and reoccurring tragedy
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pinewoodpipit · 1 year
Mozzfic Fic Meta
Finally the project I’ve been working on for MONTHS is done! I’m so, so fond of this fic. I worked hard on it and I really love how it came out. I’ve got quite a bit to say about this fic, so I’ll break it into sections!
General Thoughts
First, some general thoughts which were going to go into my end notes but they were getting much too long, so they’re going in here.
I was originally going to call this fic "Brie Mine" as a cheese pun, but I eventually decided I wanted to take it more seriously.
I had this idea while tipsy and having some mozzarella sticks while on call with my partner. My thought process was somewhere caught between “I love my partner / I love mozzarella sticks / I love KaiKali” and somehow my wires got crossed. Not complaining, I love this silly little fic and its silly little origins. I will never cringe for loving someone, even when I’m being an embarrassing slightly drunk person about it.
The quotes before each "chapter" are translations from Sappho. Because of that, I want to note that while most people associate Sappho with lesbianism, in my headcanon these characters are bi and I am not writing them as lesbians. While lesbians are valid whether they've dated men in the past or not, I still see these guys as being attracted to all genders in the present. This is the case for all of my headcanons regarding the K/D/A group; they're all bi in my heacanons, and I usually headcanon them all in a very happy, loving polycule (just not in this particular fic, as this isn't specifically the K/D/A-verse and is only inspired by it). This headcanon of mine is kind of referenced by Ahri and Evelynn's open relationship and Kai'sa having slept with them (platonically) in the past, but it's not 100% canon to this fic. Maybe in the future they all take that step, who knows? Not particularly important information here, I just wanted to clear this up in case anyone was wondering.
One more lighter note is that I chose Nashramae as a place for them to live because I felt Kai'sa wouldn't be so willing to just leave Shurima after being torn away from it so long, and Ezreal has been noted to have visited here, giving them a chance to meet. I felt Akali might be more likely to leave Ionia with her family given how wartorn Ionia is from its fight with Noxus, although I was torn since it wasn't particularly likely for her to leave, either; just slightly more likely than how I felt about Kai'sa leaving Shurima. It was a hard choice and there wasn't particularly a city which felt right, but Ezreal's visit was the excuse I needed to pick this one as a final city. It's a modern day AU, though, so there are buses, public transport, and other general modern conveniences alongside the lovely silk markets and trading harbour. It being in Shurima also added more reason for Kai'sa to underestimate how badly it was going to rain in that first section, lmao.
One last thing; this fic took me many months to write, and it ended up a lot longer than I expected. I don’t know why it took me so long, really? I was very passionate about it that entire time (so it’s not like I lost interest), but there were a lot of things happening in my personal life and I guess I found it easier to grab onto smaller projects and finish them for the little happiness boosts I needed to get by. It’s here, though, finally as good as I wanted to make sure it could be, and I couldn’t be happier with it.
Comphet, relationship trauma, and internalised homophobia
On the topic of comphet, internalised homophobia was a large part of Kai’sa’s struggle in this fic. It’s something a lot of queer folks struggle with tremendously when they first figure themselves out, but it’s not something I see talked about very often. Kai’sa in this fic wasn’t homophobic by any means when she worked out her identity, she was a large ally, but it wasn’t something she ever thought would apply to her. She grew up in a very turbulent, rapidly changing environment, without much of any support system, and so she’s fragile about things which might hurt her.
If you go through enough school changes and meet just the wrong people, you can get trained into believing some awful things about yourself. Kai’sa was now faced with the realisation that people had ammo to throw at her now, and she also struggled with feeling predatory for liking women. It was something she had to unlearn, and she did so without a support system. Ezreal’s lack of communication was the nail in the coffin, and it meant she went through that unlearning process, and the process of coming to terms with herself and growing, alone. When she found Ahri and Evelynn, she was already significantly far along her healing journey.
Akali renewed that fear because she signified a step she hadn’t taken in actually dating a woman - she’d slept with Ahri and Evelynn by this point. It would mean making herself vulnerable to another potential catastrophic breakup which almost shattered her the first time. It was less about being gay at that point (although that was definitely part of it, as it was still new to her), and more about the fact that taking that step and entering a relationship with Akali meant she was throwing open the doors and letting Akali aim a crossbow directly at her heart. Kai’sa just had to trust that Akali knew to talk rather than shoot.
NSFW Thoughts and Headcanons
NSFW hcs for these guys… I have a few. I’ll list them out in bullet points here with a simple explanation.
In my headcanons, especially in relation to her regular/canon LoL story, Kai’sa does not enjoy penetration. In my view of her character, she has been through far too much over the course of her life and had enough outside forces have violating say over her body that I imagine anything like that would be a very uncomfortable concept for her. This is very much me projecting my own issues onto her and using the symbiotic as a metaphor for trauma, but it’s a headcanon I feel strongly about. It’s not a complete rule for her, as in my headcanon she’s sometimes okay being strapped by the occasional person and ofc she did sleep with Ezreal, but it’s not something she wants to have happen every time she sleeps with someone.
Akali’s a total switch. I like to imagine she’s capable of and happy with being both a top and a brat bottom. In this fic, given Kai’sa’s distaste for penetration, I had her take the brat bottom route - the “I’m going to be a little shit and annoy my loved ones until they fuck me about it” kind of bottom. She knows Kai’sa and she knows how to push her buttons, and she likes gently bullying her lovers until they kiss her just so she’ll shut up. For real, this is one of the best parts of being in a relationship. Annoying your partner (of course making sure that it’s teasing annoyance and not actual upset or discomfort) is great fun. As good at she is at bottoming, though, you KNOW this girl has incredible strap game. She probably gives incredible head, too. Nobody’s that confident and smug without being able to back it up.
In terms of the wider KDA polycule:
I like to imagine that Evelynn’s happy doing whatever. She enjoys being fucked, but she also likes to top and take people apart. It makes her feel powerful to see someone come undone under her hands. She knows what she’s doing and she just enjoys making her partners feel that good.
Ahri in my mind is a total bottom, by choice. She totally could top and I imagine with her charm she could give someone an incredible orgasm, but this girl can absolutely get away with lying back and taking it, so that’s what she does most of the time. I like to imagine that she’s also dating Yasuo while the rest of the polycule isn’t, and he’s equally as much of a simp for her as the rest of them. This isn’t to say she’s a selfish lover and she’ll gladly reciprocate - she’d never refuse a chance to fuck her partners into the mattress - but she very much enjoys having her lovers take good care of her and prefers that over topping.
Fanfic playlist:
I have a Spotify playlist for this fic, which normally I’d share, but I don’t think there’s a way to make the creator of a playlist anonymous, and I want to retain my privacy (if there is a way, I’d love to know!). Instead, I’ll just share the individual songs on it.
She - dodie
Everything Goes On - Porter Robinson, League of Legends
Stray Italian Greyhound - Vienna Teng
Would You Be So Kind - Jodie
ICARUS - STARSET (this one is less relevant to this fic but it has always reminded me of Kaikali for whatever reason)
The Messenger - Linkin Park
Ghost - Mystery Skulls
I Am Not A Robot - MARINA
U.N.I - Ed Sheeran
Wasteland, Baby! - Hozier (this one is where the official title of the fic came from, even if I mostly just call it “mozzfic”!)
Pluto - Sleeping At Last
Heather - Conan Grey
Raw - Sigrid
Turning Page - Sleeping At Last
Thus Always To Tyrants - The Oh Hellos
Born2Run - Penelope Scott
Tongues & Teeth - The Crane Wives
Home - Bruno Major
Curses - The Crane Wives
Forest Fires - Lauren Aquilina
Boats & Birds - Gregory and the Hawk
These songs all encompass the main emotions of this fic, at least to me, which are feelings of self doubt, pain over past losses and traumas leaving scars on your current psyche, feeling like you’re destined to end up alone and don’t deserve your loved ones, and on the other side, the utter softness and warmth of love. Finding someone and just instantly connecting with them after so long, after so many years of loneliness and being in pain, being left behind, you can finally take a breath and know that it’s them. After it all, after everything, it’s finally them. You try to resist it, feeling those past patterns touching on your fears and making you want to push them away to protect yourself, but in the end, you give in and open your heart to them, because they’re worth it. The songs word their themes much better than I could, but I found they all shared a strong identity with what I wanted from mozzfic.
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trashpocket · 2 years
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Just more kai'sa stuff (with how i wish her to look and AHA, more ✨VoidWeaver✨ on the side)
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maranull · 3 years
Sivir fell for Kai’Sa first and she fell hard, like butterflies within the first hours hard
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tinypurplewizardfan · 2 years
Could you do a list on your most to least favorite regions and the why?
I feel like this should be a thing all lol blogs should do but only corpses remain
Of course! I'd be happy to. I'll also use this as an excuse to list out my favorite champs from each region, aka the ones that I'm gonna blog about the most other than Veigs. (I'll be using this map. If you haven't played with it, check it out!!)
So! From most-liked region (top) to least-liked region (bottom), here goes:
Noxus. I like it's past, present, and future lore. It's such a nuanced country, one you don't see in fantasy very often. Of course, it's where a good chunk of my most beloved characters come from- Mordekaiser, Swain, Veigar (kind of?? he suffered very important character development there), and LeBlanc. I think the mystery behind the Immortal Bastion is intriguing and I enjoy seeing how the modern day country interacts with the shadow of Mordekaiser's legacy.
Demacia. Yes, unironically! As mentioned in a previous post, I greatly enjoy Demacia's aesthetic. This one also has a good chunk of my favorite characters: Lux, Garen, Senna, Lucian, and Galio. Despite everything, I do like the conflict against mages and its implications. I like the idea of deconstructing a classic "good guy" fantasy kingdom.
The Void. Does this count as a region? I do. The Void is League's best "villain" and I really hope they utilize it as such! Mostly though, I am deeply in love with Kai'sa (despite her terrible visual design) and Kassadin as characters. I just think they're neat.
Bandle City. Believe it or not, I'm not super fond of most of the Yordle champs (other than Veigs and maybe Teemo). But I do like the strange, spiritual nature of the realm and I love headcanoning how it works.
Now we're moving into the regions that I don't care nearly as much about. Most Runeterra regions I'm pretty neutral with. Ionia is probably the one I'm most fond of out of these. I think it's interesting to have a land characterized by its magic. I like a good chunk of the characters such as Karma, Akali, Shen, and Riven. I think their conflict with Noxus is interesting. I rate this one a 7/10. It runs a little too close to "generic fantasy Asia" for my tastes.
Shadow Isles. I think they're neat, and I actually do like Viego, no matter how poorly the Ruination event was written. He was never the problem with that event, in my opinion. Moreover, Thresh and Karthus are cool.
Next is probably Piltover and Zaun solely because of Arcane. I didn't like the setting much before, and even now it's far from my favorite.
Mount Targon. Pantheon and Soraka are my absolute beloveds, but the problem is, I have zero interest in the whole Lunari/Solari nonsense going on. It's not a storyline that I care about.
Bilgewater is all the way down here purely because of my apathy. It's not that I have a problem with the setting itself, it's just that I don't care about any of the champs from here. Pirates just aren't my thing. Nautilus is kinda cool though.
Shurima. Shurima's down here because I dislike the "ancient" and "lost" lore. It's boring. I don't like Nasus and co. However, I really do like the story of modern day Shurima as it rebuilds, and its relationship with the Void that's trying to consume it. It has so much potential! (Basically, Taliyah and Kai'sa are the only two keeping Shurima interesting for me. Okay and maybe a little bit of Xerath. He's cool.)
Freljord. What? The Freljord? All the way down here? Yes, and that's because it's boring as hell. I don't care about their clan wars. I don't care about any of the characters from here (except maybe Braum). The conflicts feel so petty and I have zero idea what it's older lore is about despite reading Lissandra's page a couple of times. I think it needs a facelift- all the other settings have a decent conflict that defines the stories set in them, but the Freljord is just "it's cold" and "people don't get along". It would work if the Freljord was a standalone setting apart from Runeterra, but for being a part of a truly fantastical world, it doesn't stand out at all.
But at least the Freljord is a location, compared to Ixtal, which is nothing more than a name on a map with the primary trait of "doesn't do anything".
And that's that!
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kda-chat · 3 years
K/da and extras kink headcanon plz
Headcannons (NSFW)
Akalynn- It's Evelynn's expertise but both her and Akali have been getting into dom/sub roles. It started off slow, with Evelynn walking Akali through every step from communication to aftercare. Now, it's discussed beforehand and starts the moment they set foot in their room and assume the role. Evelynn, dom, is into control play where she decides everything for Akali. Akali, sub, is into the "bratty sub" that gets punished for being too catty. Sometimes, on rare occasions, they'll switch roles [Akali dom and Evelynn sub].
Kai'Siv - Spanking, when is Kai'sa's booty not involved? They experiment with different tactics, sometimes it's a large hairbrush, wooden spoon, to whatever Evelynn offers them. They also do a bit of edging, something Kai'sa seems to be good at. They make each other get so close to climax, but then stop right before it happens. They'll do this about 2-4 times with each other before they have a final round where they climax multiple times.
BladeMaven - Irelia is into the blindfold business [as seen in my Arpeggio fic], Sona is into the begging kink. Oh, she's not doing the begging, she wants Irelia to do the begging. The two of them are into roleplay as well. It varies from teacher/student, ceo/secretary, and etc.
Ahri - Based on past partners she had, Ahri knows what she likes. She finds that she prefers clothed sex over being fully nude. There's something about being dressed or partially dressed is more exhilarating than just being naked. She also likes to switch between dom and sub, depending on her mood. Sometimes she can do both.
Taliyah- Foot fetish, no jk. Taliyah is not currently interested in sexual activities. They know the basics and whatever K/DA shares with them. But they have not developed an interest in kinks.
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
Hello! I've just read your "Viego x Summoner who looks like Isolde" writing, and holy moly... I love it! Can I ask for a "Part 2" thing, where the Summoner sneaks back to him... Thank you for always making amazing job! 💙💙
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[A/N: Hello darlings. It's always exciting to see a champion being protective of their summoners, it shows that the champions really care about them. Because of their summoners constantly summoning them, they  feel they have relevance to League of Legends. Thank you for reassuring me that I'm doing a good job. This is two request in one. Thank you for making a request, you are more than welcome to ask again.]
Headcanons of  Viego with a Summoner that looks like Isolde pt.2 feat. Pantheon and K/DA Kai'sa with special appearance of K/DA Ahri
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For weeks Pantheon followed you and became your personal bodyguard.
"Could you stop being my bodyguard?" You asked Pantheon, looking over your shoulder to see Pantheon
"I can and I will." He said.
You were currently on your way to go to your dance lessons with Kai'sa.
You didn't welcome the idea of a guy watching you, a shirtless guy with a large scar on his chest may I add.
You're near the door to the studio when ou suddenly turned to Pantheon with an angry face.
"I am not leaving."
You only sighed, entering the studio with a grim face.
Kai'sa greeted you, happy to see her best friend, "Hey!...Oh. What's wrong with her?" She asked Pantheon
"He's been following me for weeks." You said. Kai'sa put her hands on her hips.
"It's not like that!" He panickly blurted out. "You remember the new one, Viego?"
"Well, he kind of thinks she," Pantheon pointed at you, "Is Isolde."
"And Isolde is?" Kai'sa questioned.
"Viego's wife whom he's desperately trying to bring back."
Kai'sa looked at you curiously, "Huh."
"I'll keep her safe Pantheon, I promise. Me and her are bestfriends after all. Plus, I carry my blasters with me, I can oneshot him." said Kai'sa.
"If you say so." And with that, Pantheon left.
Your jaw was wide open out of surprise.
"How'd you do that?" You asked, "I couldn't get him to leave, no matter what I do."
Kai'sa only chuckled and grabbed her bag, leading you out of the studio.
"Where are we going?" You asked her.
"We're going to dance on the stage, the studio is going to be used by other champions."
You two were going to dance on the stage, the stage where K/DA practices their performance.
Practice went smoothly, with Kai'sa teaching you the shuffle dance.
You got the hang of it and Kai'sa secretly recorded you, cheering you on.
At some point, Kai'sa spotted Viego in the dark, and as he was approaching you, Kai'sa told you practice is over.
"Why so soon?" You quietly asked her.
"He's here."
Viego cleared his throat, "Uh, Ms.Kai'sa, may I talk to her for a second?"
"No, we're going to have lunch. You can talk to her after." Kai'sa said firmly, sending chills up your spine.
You suddenly get why Pantheon was sort of scared of her.
Viego was dumbfounded.
True, you had a delicious lunch with Kai'sa and Ahri. Foxy had insisted to pay. Then, you sneaked back  into the champions hall. Being on the watch for any sign of Pantheon.
You knocked on Viego's door and gave him the medal-which you took from Pantheon's closet.
Finally, you could talk to him.
✨~Requests are open~✨
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kalijhomentethi · 4 years
Sex + Romance Headcanons
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
You know Akali loves you when she makes time for you. Even with things she won't normally do (say, skateboarding with Kai'Sa), she'll do it simply because she gets to be with the person she loves.
It's always the little things with her. She notices you shivering? She'll give you her jacket. She knows your favorite band? She'll listen to their music so you two have something to talk about and she'll even get you tickets to their concert. She sees that you've fallen asleep on the couch? She'll carry you to bed but won't admit to doing it the next morning. She finds you crying? Just say the word and she'll beat the crap out of whatever made you upset. She's only a softie to people she trusts.
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eramia · 5 years
Mostly because I wanna know your least favorite thing about her (??) Kai'Sa. *eye emoji*
favorite thing about them: she’s so well traveled!! she’s learned a lot about different cultures and i love imagining kai’sa having gone to brazil!
least favorite thing about them: honestly?? not much. even outside of k/da, i think kai’sa is really cool! the fact that her ultimate is basically an empowered YEET scares me and its why i’ve never played her (even though i’ve been maining ahri a lot lately lmao)
favorite line: "You know that feeling when your skin crawls? Like a thousand needles poking through every pore? Blood pounding through every vein? That's just an itch compared to what lives on me." It’s so chilling, I feel like her and Werewolf Akali would get along. (Also any quote having to do with peaches :’> )
brOTP: maybe Kai’sa&Ahri? I could see them both chatting about their hopes and dreams while snacking on a mid-spring afternoon
OTP: Kai’Sa/Sivir is definitely up there, but i love to multiship so Kai’Sa/Ahri is also very interesting
nOTP: Kassadin is basically her dad i believe?? so yeah, that’s a no(tp)
random headcanon: Kai’Sa has visited Brazil and LOVED it: the churrasco, samba, carnaval, etc. Check out some samba videos and then come back and tell me kai’sa wouldn’t do that
unpopular opinion: I know that Kai’Sa is afrikaans, but I love the thought of a Brazilian Kai’Sa (even though it’s super biased bc im brazilian haha)
song i associate with them: Be Natural by Red Velvet (go watch the music video, the dancing is AMAZING)
favorite picture of them:
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I know this is SO self-indulgent but I still have my friend’s Fairy Kai’Sa drawing in my school folder and??? i love her??? so much??????
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aprillikesthings · 5 years
gimme kai'sa and akali. J, K, R, T
OH GOD DAMN I got way distracted by chat and forgot about this, anon, I’m sorry. ;_; 
HOOBOY THESE ARE…hard to answer
(from this ask meme) 
EDIT: putting it all behind a readmore ‘cause it’s gonna end up in the tags no matter what I do I think, HEADS-UP FOR VERY ADULT HEADCANONS
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) 
Kai’sa: mostly just uses her hands, can be quiet unless she’s showing off, tends to do it just before falling asleep. (also possibly the shower head sometimes)(ooh maybe she has one of those little cheap bullet vibes? hm.)
Akali: I joked in chat that she has a Hitachi and I’m ….gonna stick by that, actually. That or her own fingers. Ahahah god I can imagine her being one of those folks that’s like–need to be awake? wank. Need to fall asleep? wank. Stressed out about something? wank. She’ll just disappear into the bathroom with her phone mid-day if she’s gotta. Don’t look at her laptop (or her phone); she’s got a fuck-ton of porn on it and it’s not even well-hidden. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Kai’sa: lol honestly I think she can be kinda vanilla. no wait. getting restrained–not necessarily tied up per se but like, someone holding her wrists, pinning her, that kind of thing. 
Akali: well if my fics are anything to go by she’s got a major danger kink and I stick by that, lol. But I also think she’s just willing to try nearly anything and doesn’t have much of a sense of self-preservation or impulse control, so that probably gets her in trouble sometimes. 
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Whoops I didn’t see that that was the next question >_
Kai’sa: mmmmmmaybe, if she trusts the person she’s with. I can see her being into like “I’m gonna read up on how to do this safely first, and we’re gonna go slow”
Akali: YOLO
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) 
Other than the answers I already gave: Akali definitely has a few dildos and those harness undies. Like these. (n///sfw behind link, obviously.) None of the dildos look like real dicks, either; they’re colorful. Also that hitachi probably comes in handy, so to speak; both for herself and anyone she’s with. 
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teememdee · 1 year
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2022 Art Summary!!! I'm extremely proud of both how much I've made and how much I've improved this year :D and because I love talking about my work I wanna go through each month under the cut because I didn't put some things on here but I feel they're important
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After two years of it being the same picture, I decided to start the year update my twitter pfp, and I think I'll keep up the tradition this year, because not only has my art style evolved, I'm now over 4 months on T so I want to reflect that. Other than this piece I started work on another late in the month, but wouldn't finish until February.
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And there's the big piece. Based on my own fanfiction would your heart know, I had been wanting to draw this scene for a long time. Ahri and Kai'Sa's Runeterra designs take forever to draw and I spent ages on Kai'Sa's expression. Fun fact, for the background, I painted over a Breath of the Wild screenshot for reference, and Link is crouching behind Kai'Sa if you turn her layers off. I like this piece still, and I'm glad I made it, but I like the other piece from this month more. I love drawing characters from games I don't play! I love Yae Miko's design and love making myself suffer with small details, so this happened. I can't remember the exact number but each piece of jewelry is an absurd amount of layers. This piece helped me improve both my hair and metal rendering, plus I just love the colors. ALSO: published the first chapter of my Kahri Proposal fic, the stars align for you and i!
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One piece this month, as this time of year is always the worst, both mental health wise and school-wise. Still, I wanted to make art for Kai'Sa's birthday on the 7th. To be honest I don't really like this piece that much, I could sit here and nitpick it but no one wants to read that. People on Twitter liked it though!
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I don't think I was as miserable in April but I didn't draw / finish anything (I definitely did stuff for my art classes, but nothing fanart related + I was still writing fic at the time) until the 24th. I did this in one night after the "Hollow Mind" episode of The Owl House. A fantastic episode from a fantastic show. This piece gave me the confidence that I could make simpler yet still really good pieces in less time.
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Evidently, I was much happier in May. Kujou Sara was another "I just think they're neat" piece that turned into me teaching myself how to render hair and skin way better, and about gradient maps. I did the whole piece (minus the mask) in greyscale and then basically just fucked around. I'm still really happy with how it looks. Then I finally drew a kiss I liked. This is another piece I could now sit here and nitpick but generally I still like it, especially the hand. THEN THE RELEASE OF BEL'VETH RUINED MY LIFE. The color story Pinwheel WRECKED me. I drew the "You, and your father" piece the same day it came out. Not only did this teach me more about expressions and ESPECIALLY environment lighting, the author of the story liked it on Twitter!!!! I was already obsessed, but Pinwheel threw me into the depths of brainrot regarding Kassadin and his family (Kassfam). Due to a distinct lack of canon material, I have a boat load of headcanons that I won't get into here, but the family portrait is set in K/DA-verse when Kai'Sa is two years old, not long before her mother dies. TL;DR the Void won't leave this family alone and I'm obsessed with them. Then, a piece that was in my head for a really long time, I couldn't stop thinking about how Kai'Sa was only ten years old in Runeterra when she falls into the Void. I adore this piece, wish it got more attention on Twitter but oh well haha ALSO: published the second chapter of the stars align for you and i!
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My birthday month!!! The first piece was a gift to myself, and I love it so so so so much. It's so cute. I love them. I'm so proud of how Kai'Sa's second skin looks and both of their expressions. This piece was also my first steps into getting better and rendering Ahri's tail + hair. I love it. It's one of my favorites from the year. Then Star Guardian 2022 started!!! I finished this piece the day after SG Kai'Sa's voicelines dropped, and because I'm a firm believer in Kahri being soulmates, I went wild over this line. I really love how Ahri looks, she's so cute. This piece taught me how to cope with my ship being so, extremely not canon LMAOO
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More Star Guardian!!! The big Kahri piece is approximately one billion layers (200+) and took five years off my life. I'm very VERY proud of it, but I'm never drawing full body pieces of those designs again. KAI'SA MENTIONING HER MOTHER IN ANOTHER SKY WAS FOR ME PERSONALLY. I'm the only person obsessed with her. I love this piece it's so cute. I hope one day DeadWife gets a canon design but for now I love her like this. And then a big smooch!!! This started as a sketch I was doing bc I was miserable + found a good reference and then it turned into my most popular piece of the year, and I adore it. Definitely a step forward in regards to rendering Ahri's hair and showing motion + emotion.
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Just one piece because I was busy, but good practice. I love Sarah Fortune and wanted to make her Star Guardian version look more like how she does in Runeterra. Love her expression and nose shape especially. ALSO: published the first chapter of my copium Star Guardian Kahri fic, be the light to carry me!
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Simple pieces I knocked out in one day each. The Runeterra kiss is my favorite, I want to say it's the best rendering I did all year. Admittedly I don't have much to say about the Star Guardian piece. Could have been better but it's good! Twitter loved both of these :)
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I've always wanted to draw Seraphine because I love her, then her Legends of Runeterra design came out and I knew it was time. I LOVE her hair. I love Seraphine. She's my bestie. Then my favorite piece of the year!! No reference, just brainrot. They're so cute. They love each other so much. They're married. I adore them. That's all. And next I wanted to practice gradient maps again, so I did this one night and am so, so proud of it. Another contender for favorite piece of the year. Kai'Sa is such a tragic character and I feel like this really shows just how sad she is. I love her. ALSO: published the second chapter of be the light to carry me!
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And of course I made an Ahri companion piece. Same deal, done in greyscale then I messed around with a gradient map. I especially love the background here. Can you tell I love Runeterra Kahri. I wanted to update my Twitter banner because it was an old piece, and so this happened. Again, their designs are so much, but the effort is always worth it. Notably this piece taught me more about environment lighting. I just love how they're holding each other. Noticed after this I've been coloring Ahri's shoulder armor wrong, but oh well. I love this so much.
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And here we are at the end of the year!!! Ahri's birthday means she gets art, and I love all the photos she has in an album in that official Spotify playlist cover art, and always wanted to make something involving that. This piece started off with a different sketch but I didn't like how static it felt, this is much much better. Super proud of the expressions here. I tried to get the handwriting at the bottom as similar to Ahri's canon handwriting (it's in a photo Seraphine posted), and writing out Kai'Sa's name in her handwriting made me stupid emotional. Lastly, for the past two years of brainrot, I've drawn a piece of Kahri in some winter scene, and WOW is this an improvement since last year. I also finally figured out how to do drapery in my style, I think. I literally finished this piece today, and I adore it. I just love this ship so so much and I'm not sorry.
I made a lot of art and got much better at it!! I mostly wrote all of this for me, but if you read all of it, thank you so much! This was also the year I joined tumblr because my home base Twitter is. yeah. but I had wanted to make an account for a long time and have lurked for even longer. Glad to be here and glad that you are too!! Happy New Year!!! May you all have a good 2023 :D
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