#absolutely disgustang .... ugh
ofcowardiceandkings · 11 months
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[angery little muppet face] i will finish dis bich if its the last thing i do !!!
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terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
Gossip Girl Appreciation Week | Day 2: A Favorite Dynamic
A fic to celebrate the van der Humphrey kids! biological and honorary!
shoutout to @blairwaldcrf for the textfic idea <3
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Transcript below the cut
First Image:
Nate (sender):  attention jeeves
Jenny from the block (Jenny):  what did you just call me
Nate:  Dan and I need you guys to settle a debate
Punkin Butt (Dan):  Oh god
Punkin Butt:  I would like to preemptively apologize
S! 🌼 (Serena):  yesssss I am ready go on
Nate:  Daniel R Humphrey, my betrothed, the love of my life, believes that pineapple, fruit of the gods, the most delicious of the fruits, should not be on pizza 
Second Image:
B! 🐝 (Blair):  …
B! 🐝:  You’re kidding, right?
Nate:  that’s what I’m saying!!!
B! 🐝:  No, Nate, I mean: that is what you’re arguing about?
B! 🐝:  Because obviously, the answer is no. It does not belong. 
Punkin Butt:  AHA!
Jenny from the block:  yeah nate wtf is wrong with you
Third Image:
Jenny from the block:  pineapple alone: yes. 
Jenny from the block: pineapple on pizza: SACRILEGE. 
Jenny from the block:  DISGUSTANG
V! (Vanessa):  some things are sacred. 
V!:  proper pizza topping is one of them
Jenny from the block:  wow trying so hard not to make a joke about “topping”
Punkin Butt:  please don’t
Eric RHODES:  ^^^
Eric RHODES:  and re: the pizza question: sorry, nate. 
Fourth Image:
Eric RHODES:  it just doesn’t taste that good to me
V!:  yeah the sweetness from the tomato sauce combined with the super sweetness of the fruit…it’s just too much
Nate:  no no no V, that’s why you pair it with pepperoni
Punkin Butt:  absolutely not
Nate:  because the spice of the meat offsets the sweetness perfectly
Punkin Butt:  you are sleeping on the couch tonight
Jenny from the block:  harshhhhh
Fifth Image
Jenny from the block:  but fair tbh
Jonathan:  I…I kinda like it actually
Jenny from the block:  JONATHAN NO
S! 🌼:  it’s ok jonathan we still love you
S! 🌼:  natie though…
Nate:  wow. 
Nate:  I am feeling so attacked right now
B! 🐝:  You brought this on yourself, darling. 
Nate:  okay but consider this
Sixth Image:
Nate:  how many of you have actually TRIED it though? Instead of just writing it off as gross
Nate:  because of some preconceived idea of what pizza “should” be. 
Nate:  let go of principle. Open yourselves up to joy. To enjoying deliciousness. 
V!:  Well fuck
V!:  you’ve convinced me.
S! 🌼:  srsly V’s literally scrolling through grubhub now
Punkin Butt:  Oy. 
Seventh Image:
B! 🐝:  Well not here. J and I are making perfectly sensible croque monsieur. 
Jenny from the block:  yeah like true ex-patriots <3
Jonathan:  wbu Dan? Are you convinced?
Punkin Butt:  we’re doing separate orders
Eric RHODES:  now that’s true love.
Jenny from the block:  it’s easy enough when you bag the richest boy in new york
Eighth Image:
Punkin Butt:  hey
Punkin Butt:  hey
Punkin Butt:  fuck you
Jenny from the block:  ;)
Nate:  he takes my fortune I take his name. Fair trade. 
S! 🌼:  awwwwwww
B! 🐝:  ugh.
Jenny from the block:  gross
Ninth Image:
Eric RHODES:  aw come on Dan don’t make him sleep on the couch
Nate:  beep beep sorry line busy try again later
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myherogroundzero · 4 years
Hello! How are you? I was wondering if I could request some scenarios or headcanons for Kiri and Denki with an s/o who rarely gets sick but when they do it hits hard? Like, they almost never experience more than bad allergies but every once in a while, they'll get really sick. For me, it started with C. Diff, then a couple years later it was Appendicitis, and a few years after that it was both Tonsillitis and the flu at the same time (it sucked, I couldn't even swallow my own saliva). Thanks!
A/N: THANK U FOR REQUESTING!!! i’m doing much better than before! sorry this is like... idk but it’s late. I chose to do headcannons bc i still have homework and i gotta u know... do that. but rly thank u sm for the request, it gave me a reason to write something so that helps. also r u OKAY??? like that sounds like it SUCKS i hope youre healthy 😭 anyway i hope you enjoy!!! also i wrote this from my experience w the flu so if it’s inaccurate to others, it’s probably because i’m an overdramatic piece of shit
warnings: language
summary: you come down with a bad case of the flu (corona would be fitting, right? not in this story it’s not), and you are MISERABLE. unluckily for kiri and kami, they love you and have to care for you through these mucusy times.
Eijirou Kirishima
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there you were, sprawled out on the couch and wishing for death
you’d somehow contracted the flu— which makes no sense???
you never get sick like lmfao what
but because of your mighty immune system, sicknesses were like 50x worse
to be completely honest, no one wanted to be around you because 1) you’re a bummer and 2) dISGUSTANG.
but fortunately for you, Kirishima cares far too much about you to let you just sulk in your illness
you curled up on the couch, pleading to whatever gods there may be that they make the ache in your head go away
you couldn’t smell anything, not to mention breathe
your nose and your throat were just mucus fests as this point
if the thought of that made you feel disgusted, it’s because it’s disgusting
to add on to that, your body couldn’t pick between hot or cold
“hey, y/n! how are you feeling?” that all too familiar voice asked before taking a seat on the arm of the couch
“whatever the europeans felt in 1346, i feel it too.”
“the plague, Kiri. the plague.”
he looked at you for a moment before laughing
“don’t be ridiculous! it’s just the flu! come on, sit up. want some food?”
the thought of food made you want to throw up
your head continued to pound harder and harder with each passing minute
saliva built up in your mouth and that’s what gave away the fact you were about to throw up
you got up and ran to the nearest bathroom as quickly as you could, Kirishima not failing to follow suit
and like the good person he is, he held your hair back/comforted you
when you were done, you leaned into him bc UGH comfort
and he did what he does best and smiled at you 🥺 like pls have my heart
he picked you up and carried you to your room so you could rest even though youre CONTAGIOUS 🔫🗿
was he gonna get sick? likely
did he care? no
would he do it again? 1000 times yes
hotel? trivago
but like anyway
so he stayed with you and talked to you throughout your influenza
even though you were dry-heaving and throwing up and a little sassy mcsasserson, he did his absolute best to comfort you
he made you soup (whether it’s good or not, dont ask me) and held you
he’s just overall a 12/10 guy
would date
would be sick and let him take care
Denki Kaminari
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Kaminari is a fucking dumbass
like literally so stupid
he doesn’t know how to take care of you??? he wasn’t ready to be a mother omg
he can’t cook and you don’t even want him to try
so you stayed in bed and just decided to take care of yourself even though you were absolutely MISERABLE
like im talking, you’d rather gouge your eyes out with spoons
but of course, despite your protests and you insisting that you could handle it alone, kaminari barges into your room anyway
“y/n! wonderful! you’re awake, and you just so happen to be the person i’m looking for.”
“get out.”
and he didn’t.
but, we knew that didn’t we
“it’s been hours since we last talked, i missed you. how are you feeling?”
“i envy the dead.”
“i mean, me too, but that’s a bit dramatic don’t you think?”
and then he smiled at you
that damn smile
“what do you need, Kami?”
“for you to feel better. can i help with anything? i can show you memes!”
you laughed softly
he couldn’t do anything to help further your healing process, but he made you laugh
so despite the congestion in both your nose and throat, and despite your vomiting, and hot and cold flashes, he stayed to at the very least make you smile
all of your symptoms felt 10x worse due to your lack of exposure to these illnesses, but it was surprisingly easier with him there
you felt like absolute shit, but at least you had someone there with you to comfort you in your time of need
kaminari may be a known brainless piece of SHIT, but he was a damn good time
and he was one of the sweetest boys you knew
A/N: i dont usually do these at the end but sORRY IT’S COMPLETE SHIT, I TRIED. i still hope u enjoyed at least a lil bit. i gotta get back into writing bc it sucks being trash. when school is out (which is literally tomorrow) you can bet ur bucket i’ll write more. ok love u guys ✌️🗿
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can u do some soft james march headcannons
of course! i love march, he was the highlight of the season.
pairing: james march x reader
warnings: some swearing and slight nsfw towards the end
so james obviously cares about you a lot
he even cares about you more than killing
which he gave up for you when you told him it scared you
“Yes, dearest?”
“Could you please stop killing? I know that’s what you’re known for a-and all but-”
“Of course I can, darling. I would do anything for you, and the pickings were slim anyhow.”
james provides you with everything you could ever want
you’re hungry?
a Michelin Star meal is at your door
you’re bored?
a new gift is delivered to your room, courtesy of Miss Evers
the only thing he won’t do for you is cuddle you
because it makes him look like less of a man
because a famous serial killer?
cuddling in bed with his lover?
he wouldn’t be caught dead doing such a thing
and he won’t admit it, but he’s easily persuaded
just a little begging from you and he’s on his knees doing whatever you please
“James, will you please come cuddle with me?”
“You know how I feel about that, dear.”
“I know, but it’s cold, and I’m tired. The bed feels so empty without you, baby. Please?”
“Oh, alright then. When you put it that way.”
he tries to act all grouchy but when you curl up against him
he’s such a softie
and then when you fall asleep in his arms he just 🥴☺️🥰😍🥺🥺🥰☺️🥴
that was the only way to explain it
now he’s dead, so he doesn’t really need sleep
but he loves watching you sleep
in a non-creepy way i swear
he thinks you look positively angelic when you’re asleep
your facial expressions are just adorable
“James, did you sleep at all?”
“No, my dear, I was distracted.”
“By what?”
“Oh nothing, just your exquisite beauty.”
you’re blushing vibrantly and shoving your face into your pillow
“Oh, hush.”
he’s literally the king of making you blush
he’s constantly complimenting you all the time
“You look like heaven in that gown, dearest.”
james is also really good at making you feel less insecure about yourself
like the time you locked yourself in the bathroom of room 64 because you needed a good cry
you were sat on the floor, your head in your hands
but you forgot locking doors doesn’t really do much to keep a ghost out
“Y/N, my love, what’s troubling you?”
“I-it’s just- nothing. It’s nothing.”
“Tell me what’s wrong, Y/N.”
“W-why do you love me, James?”
the look on his face oml
how could you ask such a thing?
you’re the best thing to ever happen to him?
and you can’t see that?
“Darling, you are everything to me. My sun and my moon, the brightest star shining in the sky. You are everything I’ve ever needed and more, how can I help but fall completely in love with you?”
“I love you too, James.”
“I need you to know that I absolutely adore you. Everything about you. Everything you see as an imperfection, I see as total perfection.”
he scoops you up in his arms and just
goes to town on you
he isn’t the biggest fan of kisses
unless they’re the needy, passionate kind during sex
but the soft kisses are just
give me a moment i’m so soft omg
he leaves short, gentle kisses all over your face
and on your neck too
and a lot of times
him comforting you leads to sex
because he already expressed how he feels in words
and you know the saying
actions speak louder than words
“Let me show you how much you mean to me, darling.”
and it’s not “just sex” or “fucking”
he’s making love to you passionately
and it’s a rare, beautiful moment where he really slows down
physically and metaphorically
and appreciates that he’s able to call you his
holy shit i love this concept sorry
so with james being confined to the hotel and all
options for dates are very limited
if he really wants to go over the top and impress you, he’ll send liz or iris out to get expensive food to make an elegant meal out of
but other times when it’s more casual, you’ll just go down to the bar and grab a few drinks
but for any occasion, you have to dress up
given that james is never dressed casually, you don’t want to look out of place next to him
but this one time, you sat at the bar together
and he got up and left your side for a moment
and who sat down next to you but some creepy guy
“It’s a sin how sexy you look in that dress, sweet thing.”
liz being the actual best steps in to help you out
“I’m sorry sir, you can’t have her, but you can have some drinks if you’d like?”
i love liz omg
“I don’t see anyone holding you down, doll. Why don’t we head on up to my room? Break the bed?”
the creep just
put his hands all over you in inappropriate places
and you’re squirming to try and get away from him but he has a strong grip
but before liz can do something
james pops up out of nowhere
“Excuse me, kind sir, that’s my girlfriend your hands are all over.”
his tone is dripping with venom
but he’s resisiting the urge to slit his throat on sight because he knows that would scare you
“If you’re looking for a whore for the night, might I suggest the blonde in the jeweled gown?”
the guy is clearly intimidated by james
who wouldn’t be
and apologizes before running off
and james just sits down with the most smug look on his face as you nuzzle into his side
“Thank you, James.”
“Oh, you don’t have to thank me, darling. I’m just doing my duty as your husband.”
he fucking drops to the floor on one knee and suddenly there’s a ring in his hand
turns out when he sent out liz and iris for food the other week, he also had them go to a jewelry store
“Y/N, you’re my everything. I love you to the ends of this earth and back. I can’t even grasp how I survived without you, and I don’t ever wish to know how that feels. Would you do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man in this hotel?”
you were full on sobbing
you just fell into his arms, holding him tightly
“Yes, yes, of course I’ll marry you, James. I love you so much.”
you finally pull apart and he slips the ring on your finger and mashes your lips together in a kiss
remember that thing i said about how actions speak louder than words well
the engagement sex is the best you swore you ever had
in conclusion:
james is secretly a softie and i rest my case
i got a little carried away with this sorry
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clownsgobeepbeep · 4 years
What are your opinions on all the killers beeps :3
So you and Mags sent me the same question, hers has one half of the killers and you shall get the other :D Just like the other answer...this is long ;-;
Pig: Oh good. She’s my girlfriend. I feel slightly bad about her ‘lore’ though Amanda is a sadistic one. Haven’t gone against too many Amanda’s, but I have died every time lol. The reverse bear trap is just too much! And there was one round where I was scared as fuck because...she fucking lunges at you. Didn’t know until that moment, especially because you hear a roar. But either way, I am gay for this gorl and love that she still uses Billy.
Clown: Just...fuckin’ disgustang. Imma pop that huge belly like a balloon. God, I hate this guy so much. He gives both p*do and r*pist vibes and his cosmetics just make it all worse. And then, the potion thing he uses? God, I’ve seen people make NSFW content of him and it always includes that potion whatever, which just reminds me of a date r*pe drug.
Spirit: She’s got one of the saddest backstories, but girl inherited and carried so much rage from her ancestors. As cool and sad as I find her, I despise going against her. Even if she’s still not considered as OP as Nurse, I find her to be too strong with the phase walk and vaulting.
Legion: Ah, the bastard children X3 I like these guys, I still haven’t used them. What I find so stupid is that the pack only comes with Julie and Frank, so Joey and Susie must be purchased. I love their ability and basically know why they can find your everywhere. When I’m being chased by a Legion and they have Frenzy on, I freak out when they vault over a pallet because I forget they can do that! Love these angsty teens...poor Jeff lol.
Plague: Aaaah, my wife ;7; I love Adiris, she’s just so beautiful(weirdly, I prefer her with the scars and everything than pre-sickness???). Girl, why is you worshipping the gods when YOU’RE the damn goddess!? Ahem, anyways. I don’t always like going against Adiris because either I am too distracted or people are always cleansing themselves, which they shouldn’t do because it makes her stronger! She’s got an interesting backstory though, I admire that woman in a way lol. As hot as I find her however, the vomit is a bit of a turn off, especially ‘cause...ugh...bad memories come when my survivor is puking the entire time they’re running. Hopefully I can one day buy her uwu
Ghostface: *has to take a moment* My boyfriend who I have recently upgraded to husband-status. Gabs, you know how much I love this nasty ghost man, so let’s skip over that hehe. In the game, I love going against Ghostface just as I love using him, for he is the other killer I main besides Hillbilly. When I started using him I didn’t know he could crouch because my controller is broken, but when I was allowed to use my brother’s and I realized the crouching...I became a whole lot more powerful than I already am as Ghostface heheh. I just adore sneaking up on people. My stalking game is on point.~
Demogorgon: I haven’t gone against the Demogorgon very many times, but I have enjoyed those few chances I’ve had. I really want to play against more Demos! Chase music is a total bop, and the sounds...oooooohhh....Anyways, using the Demo is pretty damn hard because there are so many buttons and I always get them wrong while I play as them. Hopefully I can get the hang of them some time because they’re such a cool killer.
Oni: Aaaaah....I have never survived against an Oni...I don’t like going against him X3 So much rage in him. I don’t have much of an opinion on him other than I love the art people make of him an Spirit, like he has to protect his smol descendant ;7; Ship art between them is absolutely disgusting, especially because some of the creators feed off of their relationship/the taboo 
Deathslinger: Hmmm. I honestly still haven’t read about this guy’s lore, but I can tell something may have happened to his leg. I don’t like going against Caleb because they tend to go for me all the time, and I hate the damn chain. Thankfully I’m good at escaping it. One time I played against a Deathslinger who got so mad at me because he was using me to farm when I was wiggling in his grasp, so I immediately stopped to not give him the satisfaction.
Executioner: Aaaah, that man! I’m not into Pyramind Head, but that dude is so cool. When I first saw his reveal and screamed at the top of my lungs that I was right, I was scared because of how OP he seemed. After playing against him a few times, I still do think he’s a little OP but he’s also a little easy to survive against? He just has too many ways of killing survivors. I hope to get him in some future, because surprisingly he’s an easy rank.
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wilfcrd · 4 years
how dare u fill my dash with funny content every week and b absolutely hilarious ugh disgustang
Me? Hilarious? Funny? I think you got the wrong blog but thank you 💕💗
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shawnsassymendes · 5 years
85 68 62
62: seven characters you relate to?
omg my thats so many characters, lets see: violet baudelaire from the series of unfortunate events, pepper from good omens, martha jones from doctor who, hermione from harry potter, the reader in all my fics lol, lexi howard from euphoria, and last but not least roxy from the kingsman movies oof that was hard
68: worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
blue cheese ugh i hate it but my dad lovess it so its all over the house absolutely disgustang
85. fairy tales or mythology?
thats so hard cuz i love both but i think i’ll go with fairy tales
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stardust-revengers · 5 years
Hi! I hope you're having a good day. I just wanted to ask you something out of the blue, so what's your favourite colour? How about your favourite animal? What show/movie/book could you read/watch over and over again? What drink do you absolutely love and one that you hate?
hello love! i hope you are having an amazing day :)
• favorite color is actually blue and black (with a mix of green) i like super dark colors i know i’m depressing no i’m kidding i love those colors teehee
• favorite animal are orcas and sharks i just absolutely love them and i wish i could save every single once of them and i know what you are thinking ‘bUt theY kiLL PeoPLe’ because people kill them they fight back :’(
• movie/book/show i could watch over again: definitely thor ragnarok for movie that movie is my all time favorite movie, book is ��my sisters keeper’ i love to read omg i’m a thot for books lmao, and show is ‘the vampire diaries’ judge me but i love that show lmao
• i absolutely lOVE coffee i’m such a slut for it tbh iced or warm ugH i love it with a lil creamer and almond milk :’) i absolutely hate iced tea i love green tea and regular tea but i absolutely hate iced and root bear absolutely dIsgUstAnG
-what are all of your favs from these :)! these were all so cute and sweet aw 💘
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