#adam schrader
eretzyisrael · 18 days
On April 1, Iran condemned Israel “for its attack on the consular building of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus,” and threatened that the “Zionist regime will be held responsible.”
Israel, however, disputes that the fatal strike, which killed seven Revolutionary Guards members, including two commanders, hit a diplomatic facility. As Haaretz‘s Amos Harel explained:
Since the Damascus bombing Monday, the Iranians have focused on the site that was attacked, a building attached to their embassy in Syria. Iran has described the structure as part of its consulate in the city. Israel asserts that it is not a diplomatic facility, that Iran has no consulate in Damascus and that all those who were killed were from the IRGC, Hezbollah and Syrian militias, known terrorists and no diplomats or ordinary civilians. Iran’s assertion of the building’s diplomatic status is aimed at laying the groundwork in the international arena for the Iranian case that the facility was under Iranian sovereignty, and tantamount to an attack on Iranian soil.
The United States, for its part, has not yet determined whether or not the attacked site was a consular facility. As State Department spokesman Matthew Miller stated in an April 8 press briefing: “It is our position that we are still attempting to answer that question, whether it was a consular facility or not.”
Enter United Press International journalist Adam Schrader, a New York-based reporter who has trouble reporting United Nations data on Palestinians killed by Israeli civilians without fabricating libels, who accepted at face value unfounded claims from anti-Israel activists that a New Jersey synagogue was selling off Palestinian land, who has exonerated Hamas for its Oct. 7 atrocities, and has falsely reported that “Israeli leaders raided the al-Aqsa Mosque.”
It’s astonishing that while U.S. intelligence has yet to determine whether or not the attacked Damascus building is indeed a diplomatic facility, Adam Schrader has gotten to the bottom of the matter.
“Israel launched an attack Monday that destroyed Iran’s consulate in Damascus, the capital of Syria,” he unequivocally reported in his April 7 article (“Iran’s top commander warns Israel it committed suicide with Damascus attack“).
If U.S. intelligence, with all of its vast resources, has not yet determined whether the building that was hit was a consular facility, how exactly has the UPI reporter with a troubled relationship with facts managed to do so?
Going even beyond Iran’s claim, Schrader deemed the building “Iran’s consulate in Damascus.” Thus, he falsely reported that the whole consulate was destroyed, as opposed to a specific building which the Iranians say belong to its consular mission.
Meanwhile, Schrader further harms UPI’s standing as “a credible source for the most important stories of the day” while bolstering Iranian and Hamas messaging. Veering sharply from the attack on the building in Damascus to uncritically parroting highly dubious propaganda accusing Israeli troops of carrying out sexual violence against Palestinians, he wrote:
[Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim] Safavi also encouraged the Palestinian militia Hamas to preserve its strength and continue its offensive operations against Israel, as he said that the Israeli occupation has led to “war crimes, genocide, rape and famine.” U.N. experts have previously expressed alarm at reports of rape of Palestinian women amid the war, while experts have long expressed concern of sexual violence against Palestinian women detained by Israeli forces. And Israel is currently facing charges of genocide levied by South Africa.
Who needs a building in Damascus for diplomacy when a UPI journalist in New York eagerly promotes Iranian messaging? 
CAMERA commends McClatchy newspapers for pulling Schrader’s story from the following news sites following communication from our Israel office: Merced Sun Star, Columbus Ledger-Enquirer, Rock Hill Herald, Belleville News-Democrat, Lexington Herald-Leader, The Telegraph (Macon), Centre Daily Times, San Luis Obispo Tribune, The Bellingham Herald, The Modesto Bee, The Sacramento Bee, Olympian, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Wichita Eagle, Tri-City Herald, Herald-Sun, Bradenton Herald, Fresno Bee, Idaho Statesman, Tacoma News Tribune, The State, Island Packet, Sun News, and Miami Herald.
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lempickathemusical · 16 days
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EDEN ESPINOSA for ARTNET 📸 Adam Schrader
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arcadebroke · 2 years
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itcanbefilmed · 11 months
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Light Sleeper (Paul Schrader, 1992)
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moonyinatrenchcoat · 1 month
Hello liebe Tatort/Polizeiruf Fans,
ich habe vor einiger Zeit angefangen eine wilde Crossover Fanfiction aus dem öffentlich-rechtlichen Krimifandom zu verfassen, weiß aber nicht, ob daran überhaupt Interesse bestünde.
Die Geschichte handelt von Vincent Ross (Polizeiruf Frankfurt/Oder), Mirko Schrader (Tatort Münster) und Adam Schürk (Tatort Saarbrücken), sowie meinen OC Ruben Richter. Sie alle lernen sich auf der Polizeiakademie kennen und die Story soll sozusagen ihre Vorgeschichte beschreiben. Unter dem Cut befindet sich ein kleiner Vorgeschmack und ich würde mich sehr über Rückmeldung (auch in Form von Likes oder Reblogs) freuen!
Es war so weit. Er hatte es geschafft. Mirko Schrader hatte sich endlich selbst einen Titel zu verdanken: Polizeianwärter. Endlich konnte er bei Klassentreffen oder Familienfeiern einen Begriff vorschieben, der keinen Platz für irgendwelche blöden Kommentare ließ. "Ach, da ist ja unser Pummelchen Mirko." würde wohl nicht direkt zu "unserem größten Stolz und ersten Polizisten in einer Familie voller Handwerker". Aber Mirko würde sich auch schon mit Dorfsheriff zufriedengeben. Mit zittrigen Händen umklammerte er den fast schon lächerlich dünnen Zettel mit dem offiziellen Polizeisiegel auf dem Briefkopf und legte sich die Worte im Mund zurecht. Doch statt einer am Telefon äußerst freundlich klingenden Frau, fand sich Mirko einem grauhaarigen Mann gegenüber, dessen Uniform über der muskulösen Brust beinahe obszön spannte. Er war schätzungsweise Mitte fünfzig, braun gebrannt und sehr überzeugt von sich.
"Heut' ist die Post aber früh dran."
Mirko zwang sich zu einem Lächeln.
"Ich hab nur einen Brief dabei und der kam von hier." Der Mann schien einen Moment zu brauchen, um zu verstehen. Dann zog er fragend eine Augenbraue hoch, als er den Brief in Mirkos Hand zu erkennen schien.
"Sie wollen Kadett werden?"
"Ich bin Kadett, hier ist mein Bestätigungsschreiben", er reichte dem Mann weiterhin freundlich lächelnd den Zettel. Dieser nahm ihn widerwillig entgegen und wandte sich zum Gehen, als jemand hinter Mirko aufrief.
"Moment bitte! Ich habe auch einen, dann müssen Sie nicht zweimal gehen." Mirko sah die entgleisenden Gesichtszüge des älteren Mannes, bevor er den Neuankömmling begutachten konnte und war erstaunt. Was konnte den Mann denn noch mehr aus der Bahn werfen als ein dicker Polizeianwärter?
Vincent Ross stand ratlos vor seinem antiken Spiegel in dem winzigen WG-Zimmer und zupfte an seiner Hose herum. Es war heiß, also wollte er definitiv keine warme Jeans anziehen, aber war eine Culotte vielleicht etwas zu dick aufgetragen? Andererseits war es ja nicht so, als würde er heute schon die anderen Kommissar*innen treffen, also müsste er sich doch eigentlich nicht zu viele Gedanken über sein Outfit machen. Und außerdem war die Hose ja schlicht schwarz, genau wie seine Bluse... Er entschied sich aber gegen die Sandalen, sondern zog einfach seine Sneaker an.
Dass er doch schon einen anderen Kadetten kennenlernen würde, hätte er zwar nicht gedacht, aber eine kleine Stimme in ihm sagte, dass dieser blonde Mann ihm ähnlicher war, als dem Herrn an der Rezeption lieb war. Schon bei dem ersten Brief hatte er gezögert, bevor er ihn angenommen hatte, doch Vincent musste fast schon aufdringlich mit seinem Zettel wedeln, bevor er der unausgesprochenen Aufforderung, diesen entgegenzunehmen, nachkam. Vincent verstand zwar nicht, was der Typ da murmelte, aber die grobe Richtung konnte er sich ja denken. Erst als er durch eine unscheinbare Tür in einem Hinterzimmer verschwunden war, wandte er seinen Blick ab und schaute - jetzt ehrlich freundlich - seinen zukünftigen Kollegen an.
"Vincent Ross, Kommissarsanwärter", lächelnd streckte er seinem Gegenüber die Hand entgegen. Der andere Mann schien sich nun auch entspannen zu können, als er seinen Händedruck auf eine Art erwiderte, die dem Psychologen ihn ihm sofort sympathisch war. Offener Blick, der Griff nicht zu locker oder zu fest, die Haltung ihm gegenüber geöffnet. Dieser Mensch würde wohl bei der Zeugenvernahme glänzen und - im richtigen Team - es schnell zum Hauptkommissar bringen können. "Mirko Schrader, und ebenso." Bevor sie sich weiter unterhalten konnten, trat der zum Rezeptionisten auserwählte Polizist wieder aus dem Büro hervor. Er hielt Mirko seinen Brief wieder entgegen, ließ ihn aber achtlos fallen, bevor dieser ihn ergreifen konnte. Er mochte zwar nicht zu den sportlichsten gehören, aber Kadett Schrader hatte gute Reflexe. Er fing den Brief mit der anderen Hand gekonnt auf und war seinem Gegenüber ein zuckersüßes Lächeln entgegen. Vincent verkniff sich eine Bemerkung. Mirko schien der Situation gewachsen zu sein und gab ihm nicht das Gefühl, dass sein Einschreiten gebraucht wurde. Also ging er still an den Mann heran und wartete darauf, dass er an der Reihe war, das Kindergarten-Gehabe dieses staatlichen Beamten über sich ergehen zu lassen. Doch er machte keine Anstalten den anderen Zettel herauszugeben.
"Wenn Sie mir auch meine Unterlagen wieder aushändigen könnten?" Aus diesem Winkel konnte Vincent nun auch den Namen auf der Uniform erkennen. Arndt. Das würde er sich merken.
"Dafür hätten Sie Ihre Unterlagen erstmal vollständig ausfüllen müssen. Wird So nicht unterzeichnet."
Etwas in Vincent schien sich zu verkrampfen. Mirko meinte einen Anflug an Selbstgefälligkeit in den Gesichtszügen dieses Ekelpakets erkennen zu können, doch bevor er etwas sagen konnte, kam Vincent ihm zuvor.
" Was genau möchten Sie denn von mir wissen?"
Arndt entglitten die Gesichtszüge erneut und Mirko fühlte sich merkwürdig voyeuristisch dabei. Wer hatte hier eigentlich die Zügel in der Hand? Ohne ein Wort klatschte Arndt den Brief auf die Holzoberfläche und deutete mit dem Zeigefinger überflüssigerweise auf eine Stelle, die auch mit einem neongelben Fähnchen markiert war.
Mirko drehte sich diskret zur anderen Seite und betrachtete den Boden der Eingangshalle interessiert. Anscheinend konnte man sich hier auch nicht mehr als hässlichen Linoleum leisten.
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sesiondemadrugada · 1 year
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Paul Schrader: Man in a Room (Alex Ross Perry, 2020).
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genevieveetguy · 1 year
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- The only way these women are going to go on the record. - Is if they all jump together.
She Said, Maria Schrader (2022)
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rookie-critic · 1 year
She Said (2022, dir. Maria Schrader) - review by Rookie-Critic
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She Said was a very well done, if not at times clinical, re-telling of one of the most important moments in modern equal rights history. Following the story of Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey's groundbreaking article on the atrocities of ex-Miramax head Harvey Weinstein, She Said follows in the footsteps of films like All the President's Men and The Post (the latter of which I will admit I have not seen) as a movie showing the challenges of getting the truth out there no matter the cost, and I found it to be incredibly well done. Zoe Kazan and Carey Mulligan (to no one's surprise) are absolutely dynamite as the leading duo, each bringing a unique perspective on the story at hand. This wasn't just a story for them, it was personal, as it probably is to every woman on the face of the planet that's ever had a male superior in the workplace.
The movie hits when it needs to, is reserved when it should be, and allows its central duo to breathe and have a life of their own outside of just being the vehicles for truth in this story. It works so well because of this fact; it was so important to portray Kantor and Twohey not just as journalists, but as humans themselves, as women themselves, women who understand the weight of what they were on the brink of uncovering, and what it could mean not only for the film industry, but for the way women are treated in the workplace at large. As the film points out several times, this goes so much deeper than the film industry and is not just about Weinstein, but about the system protecting the abusers and not the abused. Shoutouts also have to go to Jennifer Ehle, Samantha Morton, and Angela Yeoh, who played Laura Madden, Zelda Perkins, and Rowena Chu, who are just a few of the women who suffered at the hands of Harvey Weinstein. Patricia Clarkson and Andre Braugher also deserve praise for their performances as Rebecca Corbett and Dean Baquet, the assistant editor and executive editor at the New York Times who oversaw the production of the Weinstein piece.
If I had one criticism of the film, it's that, for all of its very effective pathos and ethos, the film tends to be quite cold when it comes to the journalistic side of things. Portraying the profession itself as something that is harshly non-emotive, which I can definitely see the argument that it needs to be, and ultimately that's not quite what the focus of the film is on, so it feels like a nitpick. Even with that one small complaint, She Said surprised me in being better than expected and making me feel something other than anger, which I of course still felt a lot of.
Score: 9/10
Currently available to rent or purchase on digital (iTunes, Amazon, Vudu, etc.) and to pre-order on DVD & Blu-ray through Universal Studios.
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airplanes924 · 1 year
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Movies I’ve Watched in 2023
Number 7
She Said
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porquevi · 1 year
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"O Dono da Noite" (light sleeper) - mubi.
Desde que assisti "Fé Corrompida" tenho ficado mais de olho no que aparece na minha frente do Paul Schrader, Ele dirigiu esse com Dafoe e Sarandon em 1992. Entrou no Mubi há pouco e fui ver.
depois de ver: temática bem parecida do Fé Corrompida, mas bem longe de ser tão bom. homem solitário, que mantém seu diário, em busca de um mundo melhor. o filme se perde num romance que não chega pro espectador e cria um final bem ruim.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
On March 6, more than 20 McClatchy news sites across the United States commendably pulled a false United Press International by Adam Schrader two days after the wire service had itself already independently corrected. UPI’s March 3 article, “New Jersey synagogue will allegedly auction off occupied Palestinian land,” had initially falsely alleged:
Palestinian groups are calling for supporters to protest a purported auction of homes on occupied Palestinian land at the Keter Torah Synagogue in New Jersey. A review of homes listed in the sale at My Home In Israel Real Estate shows cottages in Efrat, a settlement in the West Bank. The cottages are listed for $1.3 million. The sale is expected to take place on March 10, though does not appear on the Keter Torah Synagogue calendar. “If we allow this sale to go through, we are enabling a local synagogue to violate both domestic anti-discrimination laws and international law,” local activist Rich Siegel told Democracy Now. “Now, there’s other reasons we shouldn’t allow it, OK? There’s a genocide going on right now.”
One day after the publication of Schrader’s story which was faulty and false on multiple levels, UPI itself commendably made extensive revisions and corrections to the article, starting with the headline. The improved headline is “Protest planned against synagogue event marketing West Bank homes.”
UPI’s corrected story made clear that, contrary to Schrader’s original reporting, there was to be no “sale” of “Palestinian land” at the New Jersey synagogue. The significantly amended story now reports:
Palestinian groups are calling for supporters to protest an event at a New Jersey synagogue marketing the sale of homes in the West Bank. A review of homes listed to be showcased in the real estate event by My Home In Israel Real Estate shows cottages in Efrat, a settlement in the West Bank. The cottages are listed for $1.3 million. The event is expected to take place on March 10 at Keter Torah Synagogue in Teaneck, N.J. Palestinian groups had encouraged supporters to protest the event, calling it an auction. Juda Engelmayer, a spokesperson for the synagogue, told UPI that the place of worship has been rented by a group of developers to hold the event. “That said, it’s solely educational and informational, discussing the options, tax and financial implications for U.S. citizens buying property abroad,” Engelmayer said. “No sales happen there and it’s not an auction of any sort.”
Futhermore, UPI’s correction appended to the bottom of the updated story notes: “This story has been updated to clarify that the event is not an auction and to include statements made on behalf of Keter Torah Synagogue.”
Additional changes to Schrader’s original report include the deletion of Richard Siegel’s statement to Democracy Now repeating the false charge of a synagogue sale of allegedly Palestinian land against the backdrop of what he called genocide. Similarly, the following two paragraphs platforming the fringe anti-Israel groups Jewish Voice for Peace piling on with the false genocide smear and other unfounded accusations of war crimes no longer appear in the article:
Meanwhile, a local chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace, a Jewish group that seeks an end to the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, has told its followers on Instagram to protest Keller Williams in Englewood. “Zionists at Keller-Williams think they’re entitled to steal land from Palestinians and sell it to white Americans,” the group said in its post on Saturday. “Let’s show up on Tuesday and let them know how we feel about them breaking domestic and international laws while the terrorist regime they shamelessly support commits daily war crimes in its genocide of an indigenous population.”
Among Schrader’s numerous errors, he had wrongly reported that the Israeli settlement of Efrat is built on “Palestinian land.” Israeli settlements in the West Bank are built on disputed land, not “Palestinian land.”  The territory’s status, like that of all of the West Bank, is to be resolved by negotiations anticipated by U.N. Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), the 1995 Israeli-Palestinian interim accords, the 2003 international “road map” and related diplomatic efforts taking 242 and 338 as reference points. The co-authors of resolution 242, U.S. Under Secretary of State Eugene Rostow, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Arthur Goldberg, and British ambassador Lord Caradon made clear at the time and subsequently that Jews and Arabs both had claims in the territories, no national sovereignty over the territories had been recognized since the end of Ottoman rule and negotiations would be necessary to resolve competing claims. At no time in history were Palestinians ever sovereign over the land on which Israeli settlements are located. Previous media outlets to correct erroneous this point include The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, Voice of America, and NBC, among many more.
The cooked up story, granting a national spotlight for fringe anti-Israel activists accusing a New Jersey synagogue of illegally selling Palestinian land against the purported context of genocide, puts a target on the back of the Jewish institution at a perilous time when American antisemitism, including violent attacks against Jewish establishments, is on an all-time high. UPI is to be commended for making the much needed changes to the article which should never have appeared, and hopefully going forward, Schrader’s problematic coverage on Jews and Israel will undergo heightened fact-checking prior to publication.
Meanwhile, by the morning of March 6, Schrader’s false and defamatory reporting still appeared on 20 or so McClatchy newspapers which had yet to update with UPI’s March 4 corrected version.
In response to communication from CAMERA, editors at McClatchy subsequently removed Schrader’s story entirely from its publications across the country including Charlotte Observer, Ledger Enquirer, Merced Sun-Star, Miami Herald, Tacuma News Tribune, Fresno Bee, The Olympian, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, The Island Packet, Idaho Statesman, Modesto Bee, Bellingham Herald, Herald Sun (Durham), The State, Wichita Eagle, San Luis Obispo Tribune, Tri-City Herald, Bradenton Herald, Telegraph (Macon), The Sacramento Bee and Sun News (Myrtle Beach).
As of this writing, March UPI’s post on X (formerly Twitter) falsely reporting “New Jersey synagogue will allegedly auction off occupied Palestinian land,” still appears, although CAMERA alerted UPI to the baseless post on March 6.
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blueiskewl · 1 day
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The Getty Museum Return Ancient Bronze Head to Turkey
A life-sized bronze head of a young man has been removed from view by the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles and will be returned to Turkey after the institution learned it was illegally excavated.
The head had been in the antiquities collection at the Getty Villa Museum since it was acquired in 1971. But the museum said it had received new information from the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office in New York indicating it had been illegally excavated.
The California museum did not reveal what new information had come to light about the excavation, and officials in New York did not yet respond to a request for information. The head has been removed from view until it can be handed over to Turkish officials.
“In light of new information recently provided by Matthew Bogdanos and the Antiquities Trafficking Unit of the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office indicating the illegal excavation of this bronze head, we agreed that the object needed to be returned to Türkiye,” museum director Timothy Potts said in a statement.
The district attorney’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the details of its investigation.
The Getty Museum said that its policies are to return objects to the country of their origin or modern discovery when reliable information indicates they were stolen or illegally excavated. In 2022, the museum returned a cache of artworks to Italy after learning that they were linked to disgraced antiquities dealer Gianfranco Becchina.
The bronze head dates to somewhere between 100 B.C.E and 100 C.E. and is a separately cast component of a life-size figure, detached from the body at the upper neck. The eyes were once inlaid with an unknown material that was not preserved. Researchers have not yet identified the body of the figure. The subject of the figure also remains elusive as it was fabricated in a “highly idealized” style and has not been matched to a member of an imperial family or other named individual, the museum said, although an inscribed alpha (“A”) is visible on the interior of the neck at the bottom rear edge.
Some scholars have associated the bronze head with the archaeological site of Bubon, in the Burdur province of southwestern Turkey. Bubon was subjected to illicit excavations in the late 1960s.
Potts added that by returning the head to Turkey, the museum seeks to continue building a constructive relationship with the Turkish Ministry of Culture archaeological colleagues in the country.
In total, the Manhattan District Attorney’s antiquities trafficking unit has recovered more than 4,500 antiquities stolen from 30 countries with a value in excess of $410 million since it was launched in 2017.
By Adam Schrader.
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stylecouncil · 1 month
all great actors are bisexual. thank you paul schrader on the adam friedland show.
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away-ward · 25 days
A list of things we know to be true about the Horsemen's parents:
In no particular order - Not an exhaustive list - Feel free to add
Evans Crist had Schrader Fane killed, and paid Martin Scott to do it.
Schrader Fane knew the truth of Damon's birth and, knowing how cruel Gabriel Torrance could be, gave Damon the key to the Carfax room.
Gabriel was also involved in Schrader's death when he learned that the Fanes intended to tell Damon the truth after he turned 18.
Katsu Mori did not inherit his wealth, but built it himself. Worked full time while going to school so his wife could stay home and raise Kai.
Katsu hated Gabriel and Evans, but did not hold that against their sons.
Vittoria did come from a wealthy family but gave it up to be with Katsu. Her family refuses to acknowledge Kai.
(dropped after Corrupt: Katsu has a brother who owns a construction company in Thunder Bay.)
Christiane Alder Fane married her husband at 18, and moved away from her extensive family in South Africa (who are apparently close enough for Rika to leverage to convince Damon his children can have a large family, but not close enough to know that something was wrong with Christiane).
Gabriel originally owned the Delcour and sold it to Evans.
Will's father, Will (Jr?) had two sons before he decided to pass on the family name (risky move, bro)
Caroline Grayson likes movie marathons, and the actress Doris Day.
Will Jr (?) has at least one younger brother, Matthew. (actually wanna call Will's dad Aaron. Do we know what he goes by?)
A.P. (may have) murdered his best friend.
A.P. (may have) shipped Evans off to Blackchurch and had him killed.
A.P. looked like he was in his 50s when he was in his 80s (he's either vain and had surgery, or has got some darn good genetics. Based on what Emory said about Will, I'm guessing the latter).
A.P.'s personality is more similar to Misha's, but Will is his favorite (Will is everyone's favorite according to Will).
Griffin Ashby cut Schrader out of a few business deals (and this was apparently enough for Rika to give Damon information to take him down over a decade after his death, despite not wanting to hurt Winter.(How do you send your attack dog at some one and then be surprised when they attack?))
Adam Scott moved into his wife's childhood home to raise their family. Presumably, his in-laws never left.
Adam and Paige Scott died during a hurricane.
Emory's grandmother moved from France to New England in the 1930s, when she was a toddler. Her father built the house Emory grew up in.
Emory's grandmother was wild as a teenager. She'd been hurt somehow. Her husband was a patient man.
Margot Ashby had an affair with Gabriel.
Natalya Delova Torrance was Winter's first ballet teacher.
Lucinda Evers sold her daughter to Damon for $9462, a Rolex, and emerald earrings.
Lucinda tried to get Damon to give Nik back.
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spoekelse · 1 year
The Uncertain Origins of Lilith
This is a response to Trae Dorn's claims on their podcast and on Tiktok about the origins of Lilith, which I believe to be wrong. For context, listen to their podcast and read/watch their Tiktoks and Tumblr posts.
My base claim here is that there is a lot of scholarly discourse as to the origins of Lilith, whether she was, in Judaism, originally a singular figure or just a type of spirit, and whether the idea of her as a singular figure is exclusive to Judaism.
Furthermore, we absolutely can't just say all of this "misinformation" originated on Tiktok. Tiktok, like old Tumblr, is of course an absolute mess spiritually. Tumblr's the home of Mesperyian, and numerous cults have originated on Tiktok. So I'm not trying to defend Tiktok here, I'm just against saying with certainty that nobody but Jewish people may believe in her. And I mean to show evidence of older origins of people believing her to be a separate goddess.
First of all, it's important to note that Jewish mythology does have its own night spirits syncretous with "lilu", Lilin (Hebrew: לילין) that are mentioned in the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch, with these annotations by translator R.H. Charles. (read original)
Lelioto. These are the Lilin (לילין)) from the singular Lilith לִילִית. Male and female demons named Lil and Lilit belong to Assyrian and Babylonian demonology. They were thought, as were also the Lilin (Shabbath, 1516), to attack men and women in their sleep (Lenormant, La Magie, p. 36). The Lilith, or night demon, is mentioned in Isa. xxxiv. 14, along with the satyr 'שָׂעַיר The Lilin, according to the Talmud, were female demons corresponding to the Shedim or male demons. They were partly the offspring (Erub, 18b ; Beresh, 42) of Adam and Lilith, Adam's first wife, a demon, and partly wore derived from the generation that God dispersed (Gen. xi.), for God (Jalkut Shim., Beresh. 62) transformed that generation into Shedim, Ruchin, and Lilin. These Lilin inhabited desert places. They were said to kill children. They have been compared with the Lamiæ and Striges ; όνοκένταυροι. is the LXX. rendering of the word in Isa. xxxiv. 14.
However, this 1930 magazine article by Maximilian Rudwin says "The Hebrew word lilin is not a true plural of lilith. We would expect lilitim or lilitos as a plural. The word is in reality the masculine counterpart of lilith and denotes a male night-monster." Which makes it seem like this isn't plural and is a singular male deity.
What these two sources assert checks out with this Jewish Encyclopedia entry on the same source text.
Of the three Assyrian demons Lilu, Lilit, and Ardat Lilit, the second is referred to in Isa. xxxiv. 14. Schrader ("Jahrb. für Protestantische Theologie," i. 128) takes Lilith to be a goddess of the night; she is said to have been worshiped by the Jewish exiles in Babylon (Levy, in "Z. D. M. G." ix. 470, 484). Sayce ("Hibbert Lectures," pp. 145 et seq.), Fossey ("La Magie Assyrienne," pp. 37 et seq.), and others think that "Lilith" is not connected with the Hebrew "layil" (night), but that it is the name of a demon of the storm, and this view is supported by the cuneiform inscriptions quoted by them.
Cited are Emil G. Hirsch, Solomon Schechter, and Ludwig Blau, all of whom are respected authorities on the subject. Lilu, Lilit, and Ardat Lilit are apparently separate beings, Lilit being a goddess of the night.
And what of the protective prayer bowls of Sassanid Babylon? Lilit and Lilith, separate individual males and female demons, apparently suddenly becoming separate beings during Jewish exile in Babylon. But at this point, they don't seem to have been known as the being who wed Adam before Eve, so why did nearly every Jewish house have one of these prayer bowls, and did the idea spring up out of nowhere? And, if Lilith is purely Jewish, why did gentile Babylonians also ward her off with prayer bowls?
All this to say, we can't even definitively say they were only a class of beings and never individual deities.
As you know, it's very debated within Judaism whether Lilith as a singular entity, as the first wife of Adam even exists. Rabbis Maimonides (1138–1204) and Menachem Meiri (1249–1315) have said she does not. Certainly, there is a precedent of lilin as some type of supernatural entity in Judaism, but that's all we can say for sure.
Also, this 1919 copy of Pirke Aboth, equates the demons "mazzikin" with shedim and lilin, and acknowledges their origin as Assyrio-Babylonian. "this is the most general term for them, though various other grades of them are mentioned in the Talmud and kindred writings : shedim = "evil genii," an Assyrio-Bab. loan-word ; lilin, probably evil spirits of the night, also from the Assyrio-Bab."
What do we know for sure? We know the textual basis from which the notion of Lilith as a wife of Adam supposedly arose. We know that rabbis, as a whole, (of course) do not agree on whether this is a strong enough textual basis, or if this is something picked up by Jewish exiles in Babylon. We cannot say if Lilith, as an individual deity, existed in Mesopotamian mythology.
Before we get into the Epic of Gilgamesh business, I've got to say, I take issue with the confidence with which you make these assertions. You admit you are not a scholar. Yet you just keep saying "clearly" when it's not at all clear.
You say ki-sikil-lil-la-ke is totally unlike Jewish Lilith, which is verifiably false. Again, from the Jewish Encyclopedia:
"The superstitions regarding her and her nefarious doings were, with other superstitions, disseminated more and more among the mass of the Jewish people. She becomes a nocturnal demon, flying about in the form of a night-owl and stealing children.."
Lilith is capable of turning into a night bird in many variations of the legend. Yet you sort of derisively mock the interpretation of ki-sikil-lil-la-ke being Lilith, saying it "could literally mean owl", as if that's supposed to disprove anything. In Isaiah 34, a prophecy regarding the fate of Edom, the name "lilith" is associated with owls.
34:14 "And shall-meet wildcats with jackals the goat he-calls his- fellow lilit (lilith) she-rests and she-finds rest 34:15 there she-shall-nest the great-owl, and she-lays-(eggs), and she-hatches, and she-gathers under her-shadow: hawks [kites, gledes] also they-gather, every one with its mate.
There's also Songs of the Sage. For more on Lilith and the association with owls and other night birds, this bit on Wikipedia provides a nice directory.
In the "Inanna and the Huluppu Tree", which is where the "lilitu" is purported to have first verifiably appeared, the young goddess Inanna caring for the Huluppu tree in her garden. She cries, because a Zu bird, and serpent "who knows no charm", and a lilutu have made the tree their home. Her brother Gilgamesh then slays the serpent, and the lilitu and the Zu bird flee. In a hymn about the origins of Inanna, she is taken to Kur (the Sumerian underworld) to taste the fruit of a tree that grows there, which reveals to her all the secrets of sex.
This parallels 13th century-onward Jewish (and Christian) tellings of Lilith
According to the Revelations of St. John, it was Samael or Satan, who, disguised as a serpent, tempted Eve to disobey the Lord by eating of the forbidden fruit and thus brought upon herself and her husband the wrath of their Creator. A certain Christian tradition identifies the serpent of the Garden of Eden not with Samael or Satan but with Lilith, who thus was the main instigator in the fall of our common ancestors. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, in his famous poem "Eden Bower," follows this later tradition in ascribing the temptation in Eden to this serpent woman Lilith. (source)
In Mandaeism, she's considered to represent the branches of a tree with other figures that form other parts of the tree, which you can see in the (honestly difficult to find and download) A Charm against Demons of Time by Christa Müller-Kessler. Lilith or liliths are referenced in Ginza Rabba and Qolasta as residing in the World of Darkness.
In Lilith's Cave- Jewish Tales of the Supernatural compiled by Howard Schwartz, you can see that accounts of Lilith as Asmodeus' Queen grew to include legends about another world, a world which existed side by side with this one. Yenne Velt is Yiddish for this described "Other World".
And as you well know, Lilith is commonly associated with sex. All these parallels are apparent.
Did Kramer "fuck up"? Scholars do not know. Sure, some contest it, but that isn't thewidely held opinion. You constantly calling it a "mistranslation" is giving me hives. Just stop! Why do you keep calling it a mistranslation?
(Regarding the Burney relief, I'm not going to try and claim that's Lilith. It could be, it fits- wings, the animals, the connection to Inanna- but there's just no evidence, and without evidence, trying to claim anything is ridiculous.)
Something else that's going to give me scurvy is you insisting it wasn't a singular goddess, but a whole class of beings; as if it cannot have been both! Religion and history are funny like that- ideas change. Beelzebub, once god of the Philistines, becomes a demon, and then Satan himself. Pegasus is one being, yet we call every winged horse a pegasus. Zeus and Hades- are they brothers, or are they different aspects of the same deity? Is Persephone the same as Despoina? Who are her parents? Are the Eumenides born of Ouranos' blood, or are they daughters of Hades and Nyx, Hades and Persephone, Euronymè and Cronus, or Euronymè and Phorkys? Are gorgons a type of being, or are Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa the only ones, and "gorgon" is just their title?
Lastly.. it's just weird how you talk about people who worship Lilith as a goddess and their experiences. You're like "the thing called Lilith is not a goddess, so if you are dealing with what you believe to be a goddess either they are not Lilith... maybe it's not a goddess, maybe... you've got all these legends about things called Lilitu.. just saying", implying it to be some nefarious pretender. What is a goddess? What is a demon? Who are you to say?
And of course, yes, I agree, always be careful when dealing with the religion of real life people. Don't bother Jewish people about this, they get enough trouble. But there will never be clear answers to these questions of faith. Your god might be somebody's demon. I see a lot of people who work with Lucifer. Just be kind. And look at your primary sources.
Also look at this excellent video by Dr. Justin Sledge on the subject.
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mylifeincinema · 1 year
My Week(s) in Reviews: December 10, 2022
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio (Guillermo del Toro & Mark Gustafson, 2022)
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The best animated film of the year. The animation is stunning, and Guillermo del Toro understands the heart of this story completely, delivering an updated take on Pinocchio’s journey that explores the themes throughout with creativity and tenderness. - 9/10
The Menu (Mark Mylod, 2022)
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Oh, shit, this was amazing. Not at all what I was expecting, and I couldn’t be happier for it. Chock-full of pitch perfect pitch black humor that makes some amazingly shocking moments. Anya Taylor Joy is fantastic (as always), but this is Ralph Fiennes’ show. Just a wonderfully twisted, detached performance that’s a delight to experience. And bravo to Nicholas Hoult and John Leguizamo for their scene-stealing performances. The ending might (maybe, probably not, but definitely close) be my favorite of the year. Such a perfect final course to all exceedingly decadent dishes by which it’s preceded. - 9/10
She Said (Maria Schrader, 2022)
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The direction was off. There was never any moment that really packed the gut punch this film needed. (Whereas Spotlight had several, and they were so hard it was near impossible to recover from them in time to receive the next.) Carey Mulligan steals the film fairly effortlessly. Her performance is complex and expertly balanced. But Zoe Kazan is damn good, too. I was also disappointed in the supporting performances. I wanted something great from Patricia Clarkson and Andre Braugher, but - while they were certainly good - we sadly never got the moments I was hoping for thanks to the self-satisfied, poorly balanced screenplay. - 6.5/10
The Good Nurse (Tobias Lindholm, 2022)
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A restrained true-crime film with a sneakily powerhouse turn by Jessica Chastain and an exceedingly disquieting turn by Eddie Redmayne. The climactic scenes are limited due to true events, but what is there is still executed with careful tension that understands the dynamic between these characters. - 7.5/10
The Lost City (Aaron & Adam Nee, 2022)
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Stupid. Bad. But I’ve definitely come across more offensive options to waste a couple hours on. Plus, however I dislike Sandra Bullock, she kinda looked fantastic in that purple jumpsuit. - 4/10
Causeway (Lila Neugebauer, 2022)
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A bit too slow for its own good, but my do Jenniefer Lawrence and Brian Tyree Henry’s performances make up for it. This is a quiet study of trauma that’s never heavy-handed in its depiction of those affected as they work to find their way in its wake. - 7/10
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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