#also my birthday was yesterday that was neat
thenerdiestwormiest · 2 years
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finally finished my character lineup
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luchiaketchum-art · 2 years
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happy (late) birthday sensei ;w;
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platinumshawnn · 5 months
ESCAPISM | jburrow
AN: I’m here to bring u some bar joe vibes as it was my birthday yesterday, featuring some Nick bosa with RAYE’s music being the vibe here. I also got carried away so bless to souls who actually read this whole thing through lol. I also have yet to decide if I do a second bit to this
Warning(s): alcohol consumption, idk some sexual tension, some lowkey implication of a previous hookup. And PLEASE for the love of god, don’t share drinks with people at the bar, stay safe kids
Word count: 3.9k
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Her eyes darted between the clock on the wall and the table in front of her, the box on top of it white and wrapped with a neat, silver bow that would occasionally sparkle under the light of her kitchen; her tv still playing the old-time movie she had been previously engrossed in — a childhood favorite her grandma would play to distract her when she babysat her as a child. 11:59 — one minute.
She turned, heels clacking against the marble tiled floor with each step as she approached the bag that had been lazily tossed earlier that afternoon after her shift, the paper bag crinkling with movement as she fished the small box of candles and the plastic container possessing a single piece of red velvet cake; her gaze on it as she turned and made her way back to where her glass had sat, awaiting her return with lipstick smudge on its rim. Her eyes were temporarily drawn to the television as the scene became the source of commotion that echoed throughout the room, setting the cake and candles down. She reached across the counter to fetch the candle lighter that sat in a bin of items that were usually tossed when she returned home from work, sliding it towards herself as her right hand began to fidget to the dessert, popping open with a cracking sound. Her stance shifted, her hips resting against the countertop while her legs crossed at her ankles as she dropped her eyes to the candles, picking up the box and using her nails to pry open the small cardboard box to slide one out between her fingers; plucking the small wax stick out and plopping it into the slice of red velvet. Her gaze lifted to look across the room at the clock — any second.
She paused, watching as the second hand quickly rounded the seconds, counting down. The lighter was picked up, pressing the ignite switch to trigger a flame that caught her eye for a moment, watching intently as her hand hovered over the cake and caught the wick of the candle to light it; the flame slowly growing from a small spark. Her eyes lifted one last time to the clock as it struck midnight, looking down at the candle again and stepping back one step as she bent over to plant her elbows against the countertop and stared at the flame, her eyes shutting as she paused.
Let this be a good year. Give me one damn good year.
Her eyes opened after a second, sucking in a breath as her lips parted, puckering to sharply blow out; watching as the candle was extinguished in a swift moment, leaving behind nothing more than smoke as a reminisce of its previous bright orange light. She stood upright, reaching for the glass of wine — her fourth, the cause of the buzz that had spread throughout her body, reaching as far as her toes. There was a moment of silence in the apartment, apart from the soft hum of her television as she stared at the cake in front of her, taking a small sip from her glass, the bittersweet drink being held on her tongue for a moment longer before she swallowed and let out a scoff, pathetic that she was putting so much hope and faith into a candle. She brought the glass back to her lips and tipped it back, tossing back the remaining contents with a sharp swallow and exhaling from her nose as she set the glass down suddenly with a harsher thud than intended, an exasperated sigh leaving her as she lifted the glass to eye the base to ensure she hadn’t cracked or broken it. Once the glass was cleared, she placed it back down and eyed the box from her friend on the counter — a little gift, her friend had described it as when she had slid it to her during brunch earlier, wide eyed and stopping her from opening it right then and there in the middle of the restaurant.
“Later, not now!” She had whispered across the table.
Her phone chimed on the counter, tearing her gaze away from the box as she reached for it and lifted it, her friend’s name and face looking back at her as she paused before answering and beginning to walk away from the counter, shutting the plastic lid to the cake as she moved, “Hey, hey.” She greeted, hearing a chorus of shouts over the phone upon her answering the phone, the high pitched squeal of her friend above them all.
“My lover, my birthday girl!” Lauren screeched, more excited than she herself could muster as she reached down with her left hand to smooth the short black dress over her thighs; having ridden up with movement, the black tights not helping their slide.
“I’m just about to leave, I should be there soon.” She answered, sighing out a laugh at the girl on the other end of the phone call.
“Good, we’re waiting on you!” She shouted over the noise that just threatened to drown out her drunken words — she could picture her now as Lauren seemingly brought the phone away from her mouth to yell something to someone on her end of the line, probably plugging her one ear and squinting, crouched over as she struggled to keep upright in her heels that she had only worn for the sake of appearances, despite how much she hated heels. Her voice returned after a moment, raspy from shouting over music, “So, how does it feel? Twenty-five!”
She let out a groan as she rolled her shoulders, flipping her hair back over her right shoulder as she began to walk towards the door to the apartment, shutting off lights as she walked and fixing her left heel while balancing the phone between her shoulder and cheek. “Oh god, don’t say it like that.” She whined.
“Like what? It’s a sexy age!” Lauren defended, having turned twenty-seven just a few months prior. “It’s a perfect age, like a second coming— one year closer to being the hot aunt everyone wants to bang.” She rambled, though there was a slur to her words that reminded her to take her ramblings with a grain of salt as she laughed out loud.
“I’m hanging up, I’ll be—“
“You better not pull out!” Lauren shouted, earning a sharp laugh from her friend who slid her jacket over her shoulders and grabbed her bag, unlocking her apartment door to step into the chilly hallway that was devoid of any sign of life.
“I will be there in fifteen minutes, I’m walking there now.” She interrupted, hearing as Lauren was yet again yelling to someone off mic.
“Okay, don’t get grabbed!”
Her mouth opened, ready to shoot back some type of witty response, something sarcastic but she was met with the tone that Lauren had hung up on her; pulling the phone away from her face as she walked down the hallway towards the elevator, seeing that she had ended the call. A short laugh left her mouth, a stiff sound that resembled more of a scoff as she shut her phone screen off and shoved it away into her purse; slinging the small bag over her shoulder as she stopped outside the elevator and leaned to press the button. If not a good year, give me a good night at least.
She had the sudden urge to reach for a cigarette from her purse as she rounded the corner, coming out of the hallway that extended into the club from the entrance, her jacket having been checked in at coat-check, the stupid little ticket being shoved deep into her bag as if that would prevent her from losing it during the night. But her urge would be met with empty efforts after having quit smoking six months prior — the most she would find, if she was lucky, was a lighter that probably was on its last leg after too many nights out and being buried under god knows what in her bag; certain it had fallen in far too many puddles in the wetter months of the year when Lauren had dragged her out. She hated clubs, hated coming to places like this but Lauren was persuasive and she hated the thought of her here alone more, but had found the ability to enjoy it enough to tolerate her and even found it to be exhilarating at times. How many hidden kisses had she experienced in the back hallway, leading towards the bathrooms? Her gaze skimmed over the hallway briefly as she passed it, already beginning to feel the density of the crowd tonight as she stepped on to the floor, her hands reaching for the hem of her dress again as she shuddered at the thought of how many people she had kissed — the thought of how she could barely place faces or names to them gross, but worse when the realization sank in that she couldn’t even remember their faces. She could only justify it by looking up at the neon lights that possessed a blue hue, scanning over the crowd of bodies that seemed to sway with the beat — the dim lights here could make anyone attractive.
Her shoulders were jostled by bodies as she nudged through the crowd, navigating towards the booth section that was elevated over the rest of the club, overlooking the dancefloor that was packed like a can of sardines; her hands in at her waist as she brushed past the endless sea of people. The odd hand would reach out for her elbow as she moved, hearing a whistle over her shoulder, but her gaze stayed fixed forward as she walked while her chin seemed to lower the further into the crowd she managed to get, trying to avoid any unnecessary interactions brought on by accidental eye contact.
Her shoulders relaxed with a breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding as she reached the bouncer who was overlooking the entrance to the booth section, having to lean up on her toes to shout her name over the music as he rose an eyebrow at her; the clipboard in his hand held up as if to wordlessly ask for her reservation. His head nodded, turning to allow her past and offering a hand to her to help as she stepped up the two steps that separated the section from the rest of the room, glad as she awkwardly wobbled as she stepped up and straightened her shoulders. Through the dim lighting, she immediately saw Lauren’s hand fly up and wave for her over a shoulder, her head peering around the guy in front of her as she found her friend and pushing past him to shuffle towards her; watching as her hands flew over her chest to contain herself from a wardrobe malfunction with the bouncing motion as her friend slowly began to approach, letting out a laugh and gesturing to her own chest to signify Lauren’s situation.
“Oh, careful!” She shouted as Lauren approached her.
Lauren immediately reached out for a hug, one arm still at her chest and fixing the black strapless front that was barely being held up by what she could assume was some fashion tape, hopes and dreams. “I was worried!” Lauren shouted into her ear.
She scrunched her nose and leaned away from the hug after a moment, shaking her head while her arm wrapped around her waist, guiding her into turning to make her way back to the table where she could make out multiple heads belonging to guests Lauren had gathered on her behalf, “You really shouldn’t worry about me. I can fight.” She joked as the pair approached the group. Lauren’s arm had found her shoulders, squeezing as she then rubbed up and down her arm a couple times as a soothing gesture, her head turned to look at her friend with a frown.
“Don’t joke, you know how crazy shit has gotten.” Lauren stated, her friend’s features softening as she looked at her and nodded reluctantly. Her friend turned to gesture to a few work friends, girls buried deep in the booth who waved and squealed greetings to the birthday girl, Lauren gesturing to a few guys who had collected into one corner and were chattering amongst themselves; the familiar guy Lauren had been talking to, coming out from a trio that had been talking while they settled, “You remember Nick, right?”
Her gaze turned to Lauren briefly, raising her eyebrows subtly as Nick stepped forward and leaned in for a hug, pressing a kiss to her cheek as a greeting, “Ah, she made it! Happy birthday.” Nick said as he leaned in, releasing her from his grasp after a moment, her own hand lingering on his shoulder as she pressed a kiss to his opposite cheek and flashed a smile at him, “We were starting to think you were going to back out again.” He remarked, though there was a playful tone to his words as he straightened up.
“Blame work— hours are long, work is hard.” She replied, withdrawing her hand from his shoulder though his remained, touching her side as he laughed.
“Yeah, yeah— Lauren said you were quite the workaholic earlier,” He said, taking a sip of his drink as she shrugged in turn, “I’m starting to see what she meant.” Nick said after a moment, leaning over as he spoke, his lips close to her ear before he withdrew again and took his hand back. Her gaze shot towards Lauren who was mid-task of mixing a drink, a sloppy version of a vodka-cranberry as she watched on, meeting her gaze over the rim of her drink. Nick excused himself, rambling some explanation of allowing her the opportunity to greet the rest of her ‘guests’, reaching to take the expensive bottle of vodka from Lauren and waving with his fingers. She slid her purse from her shoulder and tossed it on to a rack above the booth, looking at Lauren as she exhaled.
“I forgot how touchy he was.”
Lauren choked on her drink, snorting in response and shrugging, her hands lifting in a surrendering gesture as she stuttered out some incoherent noises. She grinned and reached for the drink in her friend’s hand, taking it from her grasp to bring it to her mouth, taking a drink from the thick mock glass cup, “I think he just likes you.” Lauren commented, her voice low enough to prevent him from hearing as he leaned past them to grab a mix from the table, his chest brushing her shoulder as he moved past her to make himself a drink. Her head turned to glance at him, being flashed a smile and an apology as he leaned away after a moment, her head tilting at Lauren and eyes widening as she mouthed for her to shut up. Lauren laughed again and reached for her drink back, hand waiting as she took one last drink before surrendering it back to her, her gaze flipping over her shoulder.
“Too bad you like someone else,” She teased, gesturing by jerking her chin behind her and following Lauren’s gaze over her shoulder to where Joe was distracted by his own conversation; swaying slightly to the music in a way that — from her spot — looked utterly ridiculous. “Joe’s here. Quick, which underwear are you wearing?” She asked, her head snapping towards her friend as she jokingly tugged on the hem of her dress.
She swatted her hand away, “Oh, drop it— leave it alone already, it's been like five years.”
Lauren leaned into her, her shoulder bumping hers, “Four, actually.” She corrected, smiling in her face as she snatched her cup once more to choke down the contents.
“He was on a break with Olivia, the guy is hardly out of there— leave him be.”
“Maybe he use the could pick me up.” Lauren insisted, her eyes on her friend's face as she shuddered, letting out a quiet gag from the drink that was disproportionately poured by her friend's drunk hand; Lauren scoffed, laughing as she took the empty cup away and set it on the table. “If you won’t, maybe I will.”
“You’re so not funny, that’s gross.” She replied, swatting her hip as she reached once more for the bottle that had been returned by Nick a few moments earlier, “Weren’t you talking to Nick? Is that not what I saw?” She asked, though her tone hinted at teasing her friend who snapped up with the bottle and practically choked out an excuse, nodding her head and mouthing a ‘yeah, yeah’ as Lauren nudged by her and started to shuffle back towards Nick, earning a snort.
“What’s not funny?”
She turned as a body appeared behind her, her left shoulder colliding with his chest as she turned slightly to look up at Joe’s face as he stared after Lauren for a moment before looking back down at her; his eyebrows raising as she could faintly make out a small, crooked smile on his face from behind his drink as he took a sip, awaiting her answer,
“Ah, just the man we were talking about.” She responded, his eyebrows raising further as he lowered his cup, “I was just saying we hadn’t heard from you in a while for a minute there— did you change your hair?” She replied, her tone laced with amusement as she reached up and brushed the hair that hung over his forehead.
“I’m a busy guy.” He replied, eyeing her for a moment as her hand dropped from his face as she noted just how close he stood, leaning against the railing with an elbow propped up, “Come on, what did she really say? I want in on the details like one of the girls.”
She snorted, turning entirely to face him and mirroring his posture of leaning into the banister with her elbow, “A guy in a relationship, you mean. You’re not one of the girls though, Joe, sorry — classified.” She witted.
“Not anymore.” He quickly corrected, his gaze fixed on her face as he took a sip from his drink; silent for a moment as the comment weighed there between them, hanging in the air as her eyes scanned his face, head tilted as she then smiled and shook her head.
“It’s good to see you, Joe.” She finally said after a pause, disregarding the warmth in her cheeks as she redirected the conversation.
“It’s good to see you, too, happy birthday by the way.” He replied, swallowing and lowering his cup before he tipped it towards her, drawing her eyes to it for a split second as she registered the offer. He seemed to take her silence as an answer, bringing the lip of the cup to her mouth and tilting it to her lips as her hand rose to try and wrap around the circumference of the cup; though his hand remained there, guiding the drink as she swallowed the sweet liquid — whiskey sour. His gaze held hers as she took a few cautious sips from the cup, careful not to mess her lipstick more or spill any of its contents on herself, “Easy there, baby.” He quietly laughed as she leaned away, her hand coming away from the glass to cover her mouth as she licked her lips clean of excess dribble.
She wouldn’t linger on the nickname, stepping back as her hands dropped to her sides and clenching there for a moment as she inhaled, having to take a quiet breath; a mental reminder of how intense his presence could be, even four years later, the tension palpable as she swayed between her feet and glanced behind him at the rest of the group that was distracted by their own conversations. “I’m going to…” She said, gesturing behind her towards where a bar was shoved into a corner, just below the stairs of their sectioned off area, his eyes following her movements. “I’m going to get a drink.” She finally finished.
His gaze stayed on her as he nodded, mouth turning down in an upside down smile for a moment from behind his drink — she suddenly felt so bare under his stare, backing up a few steps that were wobbly as it felt as though the wine and liquor was starting to catch up to her, her skin on fire and feeling the buzz’s effect as it had reached her fingertips. She turned around to walk, her hand reaching out to skim the banister as she walked as fast as her feet would allow her, flashing a smile to the bouncer who once again offered a hand to help her step down and back to the general floor where she beelined for the bar. Her hands awkwardly gripped the ledge, using it for support as she let out a breath, leaning forward but cautious not to press into the countertop that was sticky from spilled drinks as she waved over a bartender who smiled as she approached; a beautiful girl with that perfect white smile and long hair, skin on display as she slid a drink to a patron to her right,
The bartender leaned over, “What can I get you?”
She hesitated, “A whiskey sour!” She stated, having to shout over the music as the girl nodded and immediately began assembling her drink. Her gaze watched as she perfectly poured the liquor, skilled hands working the bartender then slipped a straw into the cup and handed it over, her hands lifting to mimic the number.
“Put it on my tab!” Joe replied over her shoulder as he waved to the bartender who glanced at him then nodded, “I’ll grab another one, too, thanks.” He stated, the girl smiling as she nodded once more and began to put together a second drink, glancing at the two as she slid it across to him and stepped away.
Her head turned as he reached past her to grab the drink from the counter, having already discarded his other cup at some point between reaching her, her gaze on him as he immediately plucked the straw out and tossed it into a garbage just behind the counter. He looked good— with or without the lighting, he always looked good. His haze scanned the crowd for a moment as she stared at him, reminded just how easily he could knock the wind out of her lungs as she had to force herself to breathe normally, his eyes turning to find her again. “Consider it my birthday gift.” He said, leaning down so his mouth was near her ear, his shoulder brushing hers with the movement.
She nodded after a moment, the close proximity bringing forward an image of his lips on her neck, his breath fanning over her skin as he’d mumbled something she could barely make out — she hated guys who were still hung up on exes and were fresh out of relationships.
She lifted her drink to tap his own, “Thank you then.” She sweetly replied, her head turning to look at him as his face hovered close, his nose just nearly brushing hers from the close proximity; finding his eyes that scanned over her face slowly, taking in every inch of her features as he flashed a small grin — that stupid fucking smile. She really hated pretty men, especially pretty men who were hung up on exes.
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dalamjisung · 1 year
Matching Set Masterlist
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popular!jeongin x introvert!reader
summary: Y/N and Jeongin had been together since birth. Seriously since birth– their mothers were best friends and while hanging out to complain about their never ending pregnancy, bam. Rumor has it that Y/N took a little while to cry, blinking around for a couple of minutes until the gentlest of screams came out of her tiny body. Only later, when the parents got together to congratulate each other, did the mothers found out that Jeongin had been born five minutes before Y/N, and it seemed that her quietness had been her own early way to wait for who would later be her best friend. And as if sharing a birthday wasn’t enough, these two had to share everything else; from their lunch at school to the bed they slept on. Thankfully, as next door neighbors, the trip was minimal.
It continued like this for decades to come, through middle school, high school, and finally, college. Their applications were sent together and their letters came in the same day. Miraculously, they chose different degrees, and for an entire night, Y/N cried to her mom about losing her best friend. Maybe this will be a good experience for you two, she laughed, petting her daughter’s head. But Y/N just couldn’t see a positive side to being without her Innie. Later, they would make a pact– one that vowed to always be there for each other. And he looked so earnest and honest that Y/N just couldn’t understand where that nagging doubt tugging on her heart was coming from…
What happens when these two experience freedom like nothing they’ve ever seen? And what will be of the matching set when they are put apart? Can the lifelong friendship survive the ultimate test of time– college?
update schedule: Every Sunday :D
🌚 chapter one: hyung I’m suing you
🌝 chapter two: fellow clowns
🌚 chapter three: what bothers you, my little freeloader?
🌝 chapter four: forgiven but not forgotten
🌚 chapter five: she doesn’t need me anymore
🌝 chapter six: Mandatory Movie Marathon™️
🌚 chapter seven: delayed reactions
🌝 chapter eight: no turning back
🌚 chapter nine: things are about to change
🌝 chapter ten: another case of innie being innie
🌚 chapter eleven: see you then
🌝 chapter twelve: it’s a date
🌚 chapter thirteen: we need to talk about yesterday
🌝 chapter fourteen
🌚 chapter fifteen 
🌝 chapter sixteen
hi lovelies! I know I have been a bit gone from the fake text scene, but I’ve been working on this for a bit now, and I am really, really excited to share this new story with you all! Han’s story will be going into HIATUS as I’m trying to sort the overall plot and details and will be reworking it after I get my muse back fro Rhythm & Rhyme. Also: there are timeline plot-holes and for that I apologize! Because it’s been a while since I wrote these, there was a mixup with the timeline of all the following stories, so truly, I am sorry-- I’ll do my best to keep everything together neat and tight! Thank you for your love and constant support!
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izpira-se-zlato · 6 months
Munich Gig Report (04.12.23)!
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Very haphazard report in no particular order under the cut
no Kris NGVOT :( genuinely sad bc I'd been looking forward to that
I finally broke my no-Jance-ASTP-curse
they almost fell down the stairs after the final SSOL. I say "fell". I mean "Jan almost tackled Nace on stage and then down the stairs." Well, he jumped on Nace's back on the stage and they kinda wrestled/hugged a bit and almost tumbled down the stairs
Jan said Ho Ho Ho in the ASTP intro and it was adorable
Bojan learned of the cancelled flight during the gig as he was telling us not to wait for them because they'd leave immediately (and they did)
Bojan spit so much water onto Jan during Omamljeno telo that Kiki had to come out with a towel and dry off Jan's guitar. My arms were noticably wet. Why, Bojan.
Bojan caught lots of bracelets out of the air
I handed over the gift for Nace between Katrina and ASTP and hoped to catch his reaction but he didn't look at it then. He did give me a plec in return, which I hadn't expected and so caught me by surprise 😂
they got oodles of presents and didn't take them backstage between Carpe Diem and SSOL 2, so I didn't expect Nace to have taken the shirt, but he must have because he came back to thank me before SSOL2 and I blue-screened
Nace started the pedalboard shenanigans and then Jan flipped switches and pushed buttons on his and I'm pretty sure I caught it on camera but I need to actually... post it, oops
we got drums and bass during Novi val, which was neat, but not as cozy as usual
I saw Kris in his Stožice outfit again and it's hot ngl but I was low-key hoping for the white one. Bojan in the cummerbund :(
Kris wore Hot Mess glasses and wiggled adorably and sat very cutely on the stage, and yeah I know I'm talking about a 1.9m tall dude or sth but still. Yeah.
Nace's bass was out of tune and of course Jan was the first to notice and tell him
we were so close to the stage I would have been able to hear Nace and Jan talk if not for my earplugs
the sound was amazing -- it might have been the best sound I've encountered especially for front row
I never want to be this close to Bojan's crotch again
Bojan had a snapped string on his acoustic guitar, and Jan's guitar also had issues that Kiki quickly fixed and Bojan meanwhile told the story of how Tokio came to be
Jure came back eating a Brezel, and Bojan basically stole it from his mouth (Jure looked happy to let him)
they got a Lebkuchenherz (gingerbread heart) with "Joker Out Munich 04.12.23" written on it
two of my friends sang Umazane Misli! And the way Bojan looked at them was amazing
Bojan was so, so delighted by the German version of Umazane Misli
there was a five-year-old or something in the audience and Bojan was very charmed, I think
during Tokio, Nace and Kris got really up close and personal with each other
Bojan looked so good during the gig and jfc I hate coming out of gigs a temporary Bojan girlie (gn)
this might have been my favourite gig ever. Berlin was amazing. Dublin was awesome. But yesterday was just. Above and beyond even without the shirt. I was worried I'd be disappointed about not being able to give the shirt in person, but Nace looked so, so happy in the story and aaaah
it was a really nice crowd, and the queue was so so chill. The numbers system worked magically
apparently Jan got briefly distracted by Nace's ass near the beginning (but I missed it)
Bojan said having the audience so close was their favourite
we once again sang happy birthday for Nace and Jan
Kiki gave me a setlist! And had lovely lavender nail polish
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astranite · 7 months
Fluff, Earth and Sky, plus Scott getting a nap. A.K.A Virgil gets Scott a weighted blanket.
EDIT!!! I used one of the Fluffember 2023 prompts in here but completely forgot to tag or mention that. Prompt is "Say: "Thank you for...""
A little inspired by the fic in where Virgil gets a weighted blanket (https://archiveofourown.org/works/23042224 Insomnia by chidoriXblossom), mine written because I think Scott would like one too. And we all know he needs more sleep. Plus soft furnishings!Scott!!!
Also- "This will be only like 500 words max," my muse lied.
So, another fic! Mostly was written on the bus on my phone, while wandering around the kitchen looking for something to eat yesterday, and on notes on my laptop when the Aussie internet and phone service met its untimely demise today.
@idontknowreallywhy With the last 2 paragraphs and hopefully less typos!! Hope you're feeling better too. SOFT FURNISHINGS!SCOTT!
“Got you a present,” Virgil said, holding out a package wrapped in shiny blue paper. 
Scott took it without hesitation, utterly unprepared, because this was Virgil, not Gordon or Alan or any other trouble makers.
He staggered at the sudden, unexpected weight.  Scott kept fit for international rescue and lifted more than this on any given day, but dropped into his hands where Virgil made it look like nothing. Well, he nearly dropped it. 
Just as Virgil lunged to snatch it back from the bounds gravity, Scott  got a firmer grip on the package and hefted it up. 
Virgil stepped back, grinning, nearly as excited as the day they sent Two to space. “Open it, Scotty!”
Scott dutifully sat down on the couch with the package in his lap, slipping his fingers beneath the tape. 
“But why, why today?” Scott asked. 
It wasn’t Christmas. He determined it was not his birthday after quickly counting out what month was it anyway because he’d lost track with how busy he’d been lately. He wasn’t forgetting something else was he? Some important event that wasn’t in his calendar? Oh damn, was he supposed to have gotten his brothers presents too?
Virgil sat down by his side. 
“You’re alright Scott, no occasion. Present’s just because.” Virgil smiled. 
Scott bumped his shoulder against Virgil’s in a wordless act of affection. 
Then he turned to the shiny present he held, excitement bubbling up. 
What could it be? 
The package was soft, moving about fluidly within the paper, which would usually bring to mind something along the lines of an item of clothing. But whatever it was was far too heavy for that. Even allowing for thick denim or mission suit material, but Virgil wouldn’t wrap up a routine update, and that sort of engineering generally came under Brains’ department. 
With the strange slithery, many grains of sand running over each other noise it made whenever it shifted, at this point Scott would expect a prank, even from Virgil. 
Except that Virgil was right next to him, just as genuinely happy to be seeing him open the present as Scott was to receive it. Plus his brother was a frankly awful liar and trying to cover for it by, say, hiding his face in his hands while suspiciously giggling behind them had never worked once, for the record. 
So Scott shook the package vigorously, when Virgil didn’t stop him assuming it was non breakable, then gave up on the whole guessing game to get to the real deal. 
He tore the paper off with a grin, foregoing attempts to be neat about it because he just wanted to see what it was. 
Copious amounts of blue fabric poured into his lap. Heavy, weighted fabric, trying to slither to the floor as he grabbed at it and pulled it up. 
The thing was soft too, fluffy on one side and more fuzzy on the other, Scott discovered as he ran his hands over it. 
A quilted blanket of some kind, a big one too. Scott hefted it and spread it across himself and Virgil to lay it out so he could see it. 
It was— oh, “A weighted blanket?” he asked Virgil. 
Virgil nodded, smiling widely, “I thought you’d like one of your own, since you seem to like mine so much.”
That was true. Even on the last movie night when Virgil had brought out his own green, wonderfully soft monstrosity of a blanket that practically required an exosuit to lift, Scott had ended up sharing it with him. 
He never would have bought one for himself, he didn’t need it, but Virgil has seen and he had gotten him one. 
Scott threw his arms around his brother and whispered a heartfelt, “Thank you for— for everything,” into Virgil’s flannel. 
Virgil hugged him tight. “Glad you’re happy, Scooter.” 
Scott swallowed. “Yeah. I am.”
He stayed in the hug, letting himself lean on Virgil.
Eventually he pulled away, bumping his forehead with Virgil’s briefly in another thanks, before flopping backwards onto the sofa. 
He dragged the blanket over his body, snuggling down beneath it, to try it out properly. 
Virgil tugged the edges out straight, patting Scott on the leg where he’d slung them over Virgil’s lap to fit onto the couch. 
“‘M not moving ever again,” Scott mumbled. 
The blanket’s weight pressed down on him comfortingly, like the soothing pressure of a tight hug. The fabric was soft, fluffy and warm, but not too hot for their tropical island. It covered his feet even when he pulled it right up to his chin. 
Scott was in heaven. 
When he shut his eyes for a moment, letting the sensation sink in, Virgil snickered. “G’night, Scotty.”
Scott opened one eye to glare, then the other. He was not going to sleep. He was just getting comfortable, that was all.
He reluctantly removed one arm from beneath the blanket, wriggling his fingers towards Virgil. He could still work if Virgil would just pass him his tablet. 
Heaving a put upon sigh, Virgil reached for the side table and gave Scott his tablet, picking up his own sketch book. 
Scott opened his emails, hiding a smile. The blue eyes act still worked on his brother, evidently. 
Something, something, board meeting. Something, something, product development. He flicked a couple marked urgent open which weren’t even particularly important and shouldn’t have been flagged for him. He forwarded them on to be delegated to the correct people. 
Learning that he didn’t have to do absolutely everything had been a long process, and he was getting better at it. 
Scott continued through his bottomless inbox, so warm and comfortable he wasn’t even particularly annoyed with the uptight business people he had to deal with. Or at least he was minorly irritated as opposed to resisting the urge to throw his tablet across the room. He ran his free hand across the soft material, wound in the fluffy fabric while his other held his tablet. 
The blanket was working wonders. Quiet scratchings of pencil on real paper from Virgil did aid his calm somewhat too. But the weighted blanket was definitely going down in his favourite items of soft furnishings. Trust Virgil to have gotten it for him and gifted it just because. 
Scott’s blinks got slower and slower, and maybe he’d just rest his eyes for a moment, snuggled up on the couch with his brother and his new weighted blanket. 
Virgil looked up from his sketchbook at his brother. The permanently stressed crinkles between Scott’s brows were smoothed out, his face lax, his whole body a loose jumble of limbs instead of a wound up ball of tension. His arm arced gracelessly off the edge of the couch, tablet fallen on the floor beside it. His other hand was still gripping the blue blanket, hanging onto it even in his sleep. 
Because Scott was asleep. In the middle of the day, finally catching up on countless missed hours, even in the open lounge room, fast asleep with no signs of nightmares. 
A line of pencil on thick drawing paper, and Virgil begun to sketch Scott’s sleeping form, seeking to capture such a rare moment. He had no where to be, a mug of coffee beside him, and art supplies at hand so he was content. Plus he had his big brother close, legs still in Virgil’s lap, and no way he was moving to risk disturbing Scott, even if he wanted to, which he certainly didn’t.
Virgil smiled down at Scott, infinitely glad his present of a blue weighted blanket was comforting his brother and letting Scott get some much needed and well earned rest. 
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neptuniadoesstuff · 16 days
Introduction Thing Ig... So.. Welcome to the Basement?
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(Yeh this is a remake of my introduction post, but we don't talk about that)
So yeh, welcome to this.. place... This is where I store all of my art & whatever I can think of. So, you will expect:
Art (Usually Fandom-based or OC based)
Art WiPs (That of ATs, DTs, & Character Refs)
Meems (Except I'm not funny so don't expect many)
& Stoopid Garbage like my rambles & crud.
(Although reminder that my art can & will be 13+ as it will contain things like g0r3, Cannibalism, & even death, I'm just uncomfy with anyone under 13 actually interacting with me due to my past experience back on Screb... But if you are kind enough maybe I'll let you talk to me, I'm pretty friendly but I do have some problems irl so keep in mind..)
My Bio (Full):
|| Name: Bubs | Aliases: N (If you know me irl), Neptunia | Gender: Female, She/Her | Age: 15 (I'm a minor, so leave me alone if yur an 18+ only acc) | Height: Blob-Sized, May be a bit chonky lol | Pride: AroAce | Other: Big fan of MO: Astray & an avid enjoyer of Blobs ||
Birthday: December 26.
Zodiac: Capricorn. (I don't take zodiacs seriously though tbh, I just think they're a bit neat to say.)
IQ Level: Moron.
If you know who I am, I'm BuggoBlobs from Scratch (Sadly due to the whole banning fiasco bcs of someone mass reporting me for calling them out on their behavior, I decided to quit yesterday..)
So yeh erm... that's why I'm here....? (Well not rlly, I have known about Tumblr for a long time, except I only made an acc this year due to a frend of mine (Ashe) making an acc on here, so I thought "Let's do the same thing" & here we are)
(Funfact: I'm quite anti-social irl & only have like... 2 irl frends but I only talk to one-)
My Mascots/Sonas ig-:
Neppy ◆/♠︎/♣︎ (Main Mascot) (You will see her... A LOT, so be ready) (Her Ref & TH Page)
Crystal/Bubs (Design coming soon) ◆ (This is my side sona btw, & ys, they're the same person)
JJ Sam Green ♣︎/♠︎ (Mascot) (His Ref & TH Page) (TW: Can contain sensitive info) (You can also see his full ref here)
Jayden/Greeny ♥︎/♣︎ (Mascot) (His Ref & TH Page)
(Symbol Meanings: ♥︎ = Comfort. ♣︎ = Favorite. ◆ = Sona. ♠︎ = Just think they're neat lookin.)
Content warnings!
Sometimes horrifying imagery
Semi-graphic descs of charcters.
OC with Scars
My Socials ig:
Scratch (I don't use it anymore unfortunately, but Ill prob come back to it in December or January, for now... This is just an archive of what I did..), Tumblr (Your Here lol), ToyHouse (Where all of my OCs whom I created/put on there exist)
(I had another acc or 2 on screb but again, I'm not coming back to Screb till December or January)
Or you can use my Carrd here. I don't mind tbh. (+ Having a Carrd is much easier to link than all of my Socials.)
Fandoms (I'm in):
MO: Astray (Fave Game) –/O
Hollow Knight –/X
WoF –/X
Pokemon –/X
T.O.E +/O
The Boiled One Phenomenon +/O
(Activity Meanings: – = Not active rn. + = Active rn. O = Fixated/Currently in. X = Not interested anymore but still make content about on occasion.)
(Reminder: Just bcs I sometimes make content about smtn I'm not a part of doesn't mean I'm actually a part of that thing's Fandom, like example, some of my OCs in Fandoms I used to be in/aren't apart of.)
Some of my original trash (In no actual order bcs I'M NOT NEAT & TIDY!):
Mortal's Curse/Terminal Archina
Project Cata (Will remake in the future)
RoTG (Realm of the Gods)
PoL (Planet of Luhzeruh) (Same Universe as MC)
BloopTopia/LoA (Land of Ackezelle) (Aka Worldof Eeross)
Silver Valley
Soul Seekers
Noirvillah? (A part of a universe owned by my frend Ashe)
Angels of Earth (Will Remaster soon)
My TOS (You will see it a lot in my art-based posts)
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
So yeh, if you my any see a PNS in my drawings, that means it says, "Plz No Steal". DO NOT SEAL MY ART!
DNI If you do any of these:
Taking my art w/o permission (This includes Tracing, copying, recoloring, or just straight up saying it's your art. Bcs I take lots of time making art & you taking my art w/o permission hurts me) (It will not only matter if it was made for you & only you but plz frikin credit me if you post it)
Being weird to me or my characters/designs. (Just... don't... I'm AroAce (+ a Minor) & that makes me uncomfortable tbh... Look even if I do make a character with a certain body type/looks that's kinda "sus", does not allow you to make weird comments about them at all)
The average hate comments, harassment, bullying, & spamming/threats thing. We all know those 4, right? Just be a frikin decent person for crying out loud. (You can dislike me & my art all you want, idc tbh. Just don't go harassing me on multiple levels to the point IT WILL MAKE ME HAVE A MENTAL BREAKDOWN!) (Also, these 4 count for my frends here. Again, be a decent person. I'm watching you..) (Also, this rule includes nor respecting me, just plz respect everyone with kindness... Thanks.)
Pestering/threatening me to draw you smtn. (I work hard on my drawings + I have a life outside of here, so don't expect me to draw you smtn since I only draw for my frends & myself. If you really want art from me, pay in art, idc how bad the art is, art is art & I have no biases when it comes to it as everyone has their own style.)
LGBTQ-Phobes/Menaces to certain groups of ppl who did nothing wrong but exist. (This is a LGBTQ+ Safe place)
Creeps, Weirdos, & ppl who ship problematic ships. (Like don't be any of those plz... Especially the weirdos who like children or animals WAY TOO MUCH.)
Breaking any of these DNI Rules can get you blocked BY ME! So be careful...
My Mutuals/Friends:
@stridesthroughashes (Ashe/Oregon), @mor-meowcat (Abi), @viellohi (Vie), @somepersonyouknow (Mia), @spiasshdown (Splesh).
(4 of them are literally from Screb & only one I know IRL- It's a whole bag of worms lol-)
So yeh... Thats its rlly for this post... Hope you enjoyed yur stay, & remember, always stay a goober! Even in the toughest times.
(Art is by me btw, Plz don't take. :( )
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whereismyhat5678 · 11 months
I’m still thinking about them…. 🤲
Also I think I might just make Gerome’s height be 4’7 since I can’t choose a height for him-
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Listen, I just think they’re neat- 🤷‍♀️
(Also also- yesterday was my brothers Birthday which is why I didn’t post but because of that- it’s probably the reason why I’ve been thinking of these two still-)
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linagram · 5 months
[meet the guard!] guard 003: kuroki hinode
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(this was supposed to be posted yesterday but.. i forgor...)
he gets not one but two drawings bc he's a very special little boy (and also bc i feel bad for him since he got introduced late for obvious story purposes but like.. i really need to make more content for him..)
(also fun fact: the first drawing actually was done in july and the second one just a few days ago.. i can actually see some differences in my art style hehe..)
another note is that when i started to work on hinode's character, my first thought was that i kinda wanted to create another physically disabled guard character (since i think eiji can count as the first one because kei's treatment of him had not the best impact on his body), it just sounded like a neat concept! but i also didn't want to make him.. how do i explain.. too sympathetic, maybe? too squishy? what really annoys me as someone who is physically disabled is that characters like that are often used to make people feel bad for them and don't really have any personality OR they turn out to be the bad guys who only pretended to be disabled for pity points. so instead i've tried to make hinode's problems realistic and a lot of it comes from my own experiences, but i still wanted to make him morally gray and kinda.. you know.. kinda suspicious. (you're more than allowed to joke about punching him or putting him in a blender and all that)
General info.
Name: Kuroki Hinode (黒木日出) (his last name means "black" and "tree" and his first name means "sun, day" and "exit, leave". yes, hinode's name has kanji for "day" and riku's name has kanji for "evening".. the parallels <3...)
Age: 22 y/o
Gender: Male
Status: Guard 003
Birthday: January 28 (Aquarius)
Blood type: AB
Height: 179 cm
Occupation: Unemployed
Personality: Hinode isn't as outgoing as his brother, but he still enjoys talking to others, learning more about them and just spending time with other people. However, he's used to being alone, so he won't complain if it's not possible for him to talk to anyone at the moment. It actually might be better for him, since he gets tired quite easily because of his poor health and can't be active for too long. He feels sleepy most of the time, so please don't judge him for suddenly dozing off in the middle of the conversation, even if it's very important. He's not as passionate about justice as the other guards and mostly just wants to do his own thing, not caring about morals too much, but still having enough common sense to punish those who deserve it (in his opinion). He dislikes the physical kind of punishments because he believes that they're too "basic", since pain can easily scare anyone and there's nothing special about it. It's also possible that he doesn't like them because of his own experience with chronic pain, but to be honest, Hinode is lying when he says that he doesn't like to see people in pain. Yes, he believes that pain is the worst thing that could happen to anyone, even worse than death. But also, as someone who has no choice but to spend most of his days in pain.. Maybe he does want to see the prisoners feel the same way as he does. Maybe just a little bit. He still prefers the psychological punishments, finding them more "effective" and "suitable".. mostly because he's too weak to punish anyone physically.
MV info.
His Milgram cover: Him and T1 Naomi are twinning and he'd cover Weakness! The lyrics remind me a lot of him and I think with an instrumental like that it'd be appropriate for Riku's brother to cover it.
His DECO*27 cover: Harinezumi. The lyrics remind me a lot of him in general, him trying to keep up with everyone even though his condition doesn't allow him and him feeling like a burden to others, especially his family, but also being jealous of Riku for being so popular, talented and living his best life (at least it seems so on the outside) ("I can still keep going! Jealousy, what a trifling thing", "Don't you sometimes feel a little dizzy? I'm sighing because I'm tired of my heart pounding", "People know their true forms after being broken and crushed") and also the song describes his dysfunctional relationship with Riku really well as two brothers who are both jealous of each other and who both want something the other has (Riku has friends, popularity, the time and energy to make music, meanwhile Hinode has the family's attention, others helping him and people not judging him for spending the whole day in bed) but who also still love each other and genuinely wish their life could go differently ("I'll embrace you, we won't be parted", "Don't be prickly with me, each time we touch, I throb. If I prick you, you might hate me, well, there's no way that will happen!.. At least, I think", "I'm an attention seeker! I want to be spoiled! I want to melt even more for you!") And also considering that one of them is extremely suicidal and the other one is afraid that his life won't be that long.. ("In the blink of an eye, which of us will die?")
His Non-DECO*27 cover: Waltz by Nashimoto-P. I imagine Hinode having this very soft and quiet voice that almost sounds like a whisper and I feel like it would fit the way Miku is tuned very well! Also the lyrics sound so much like him trying to cope with his condition, his relationship with Riku, other problems and slowly going insane in the process. ("Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, I ask what day is it today, regrettably thinking today will be a good time", "I don't know what's fun, but as I run out of things to do, I will accompany you", "My EKG is a straight line, I wonder how many decades ago") Some lyrics, especially the chorus remind me of the way he acts as a guard too. ("Stop trying to give up, the world is connected. Dance, smile, while you're being controlled. In the beginning, in the end, the details are non-existent. Don't resist, accept it, everything is connected") Also, Riku's T3 song is supposed to be by Nashimoto-P too, so :} They're matching!
His T3 Voice Trailer Voicelines:
"Ah, greetings, prisoners. Um, I apologize for such a late introduction, haha.. My name is Kuroki Hinode and I am the third guard of this prison. Nice to meet you. Starting from today, I'll be replacing Sanada Eiji-san as he's recovering. I hope we all get along. I'm really not the best person for this job, so I apologize if I end up falling asleep in the middle of the interrogation, haha.."
".. What was I supposed to do? I can't even get out of bed right now. If he wants to be saved, then I'm not the one who he should ask for help."
His eyes may not look like it because of the lighting on the first picture, but his eye color is supposed to be gray, meanwhile Riku's eye color is more of a mix of light green and gray.
Hinode's natural hair color is light brown, but a few days before Riku committed his crime, Riku suggested that he dyes Hinode's hair, hoping to make him feel at least a little better. They went with the brightest colors Riku had just for fun and it really did make Hinode smile and he was happy to spend time with his brother like that. In season 2, Riku dyed his hair the same way and noticed the colors only when it was too late, so it's possible that he missed his brother and did that subconsciously. It should be noted, however, that Riku's T2 hair is light green on the left and red on the right, meanwhile Hinode's hair is light green on the right and his hair is more pink rather than red on the left. Hinode also has a double ahoge just like his little brother and same goes for their little sisters. It's something they all share :)
He started putting his hair in a bun since he arrived because he found working with his hair down uncomfortable. Miki helps him with it now.
Hinode's illnesses aren't deadly, but a lot of them are chronic and dealing with them made Hinode a little bit paranoid and he has a lot of health-related anxiety. His condition is supposed to be mostly up to interpretation, but I can say for sure that he has anemia, narcolepsy and fibromyalgia.
He's the tallest out of all the guards (and that also makes Eiji the shortest). He's also the oldest one.
It's hard for him to walk because of how tired he feels most of the time, so he asked Miki if it's okay to hold her hand when they walk together. After a lot of internal screaming because of Hinode being so cute, Miki agreed. 
His room has everything he needs and he can see the whole prison on multiple screens, watch the interrogation recordings, adjust the brightness of the screens and the room temperature and whoever kidnapped him also somehow learned about all the medications he has to take. He was creeped out by first, but then went "Oh, it's kinda nice actually :)"
Speaking of him arriving to Milgram, he was kidnapped while he was asleep. So before Jackalope brought him his guard uniform, Hinode spent all his time wearing pajamas. He still thinks they're more comfortable than his uniform. (another fun fact is that the first "concept art" of him had him in his pajamas sjskkssl)
He's probably the best character to ask for medical help at the moment, since he does know a lot about things like that, but whether he's able to actually help someone depends on how he's feeling at the moment and what his relationship with that person is like. 
Hinode actually used to play the guitar before his health started to get worse and after he realized he doesn't have the energy to play anymore, he gave it to Riku. Riku still uses his brother's guitar and not counting the ones he got in Milgram, he refuses to get a new one. It also has a bunch of silly drawings on it made by Riku himself, Hinode and their little sisters. 
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lucathycoded · 24 days
Alright, so onto the next scene.
🥁🥁🥁 On one side, there is everyone's favorite sunshine golden boy, Ezekiel (who is just a marshmallow), and on the other, there is our dark lone wolf, Lucas. He steals hearts
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I can never get enough of jealous Lucas, so it's another one of my favorites
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The next day, I was alone in my room, looking out of the window and snapping my fingers lightly
When I closed my eyes and opened them, white flowers in full bloom filled my vision. Woosh, the wind blew softly. Seeing the flowers swaying in front of me made me feel a little regret, but I still didn't leave this place again right away. In fact, I wasn't sure if the reason I was standing here right now was a momentary impulse or a decision made after much deliberation and countless hesitations. Maybe it was both, maybe it was neither.
I walked through the flower field for a while, thinking it didn't matter. If I saw someone I met before in this place again, that was okay, and if I didn't meet anyone like this, that was okay too. Yes, actually, this is all sophistry. But I don't know how I feel, so what can I do? And when I turned around after a while, I could see him appearing in front of me as if it were an illusion.
The low wind blew, causing his neat silver hair to become slightly ruffled. The golden eyes, gleaming as if they had stored sunlight in them, were slightly wide open and were taking me in from a distance.
".....Am I dreaming right now?"
Ezekiel looked at me and whispered as if he couldn’t believe it I was here. I had seen Ezekiel briefly when I went to see Zenith at Duke Alpheus's residence, but it was the first time since Claude's last birthday banquet that he had looked at me like this. After that, he only heard that I went missing and returned to the castle, so now I also understood why Ijekiel had that disbelief look in his eyes as he saw me.
“Or is it an illusion created in my mind?”
The location that Ijikiel and I were currently standing in was the white flower field. The same field where he had brought me to, avoiding the attention of others, when Lucas' prank brought me to Duke Alpheus's residence.
I moved my gaze and noticed the white bandage exposed under the sleeves of his rolled-up shirt. For some reason, his left arm was carefully wrapped in white bandages from the elbow down to the wrist. I vaguely suspected that perhaps that was the reason Ezekiel and Zenit could not attend my birthday ball yesterday.
“Is this another dream? Or is it an illusion?”
I looked at the person I was facing and slowly opened my mouth.
"Or maybe..."
As the quiet voice flowed from my lips, Ijekiel's expression slightly changed.
“Is it real?”
I wondered if Pygmalion's face would look like this when he looked at Galatea, the doll born with the blessings of the goddess. Ezekiel then began to move towards me, as if he had heard the assurance that I was neither a dream nor an illusion. "I...." And finally, I flinched at the sound of a voice coming from just a few steps away.
“I want to reach you.”
The face I was facing seemed painful, so I couldn't say anything. “But I don’t know how to do that.”
“Even now, I'm afraid that you might disappear in a blink of an eye..."
A self-mocking voice floated in the wind, lingered in my ears and then disappeared.
“I never thought I could have such a heartbreaking heart.” Ezekiel Alpheus, the main character in the book, felt as if he were confessing his feelings.
What did I feel at the moment when Ezekiel Alpheus, the main character in the book, whispered in a passionate voice as if he was confessing his feelings?
“Consider our current meeting just a midday dream.”
I looked at him for a moment and slowly opened my mouth. At the voice that came from me, Ezekiel's expression changed as if he had been stabbed by a sharp dagger.
“You just said this is reality.”
“Because from this moment on, it won’t be.”
“Are you disappearing from before me again?”
Ezekiel pursed his lips for a moment, as if suppressing something unbearably. He relaxed and finally let out a quiet voice.
“Why did you come to see me today?”
I didn't answer.
“Maybe. Isn’t this the same reason I came here now?”
The snowflake-like flower petals swayed gently.
I just stared at the person I was facing without saying a single word.
“If so, please allow me to reach you now.”
After a low whisper, Ezekiel approached me. White flower petals and light green grass blades swept across Ezekiel's legs, releasing a faint scent. Soon, a shadow appeared before my eyes. Instead of his left bandaged arm, his right arm's hand extended towards me. And when Ezekiel’s fingertips finally touched me.
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"Am I interrupting you?"
Suddenly, a cold voice pierced my eardrums. Before I knew it, I was no longer standing in the flower field filled with the scent of grass and flowers, but back in my room.
“It was so unpleasant that I couldn't bear to watch it anymore.”
Lucas spoke sharply. His cold ruby red eyes were gazing down on me as I laid on the sofa.
“Of course, even if you tell me that I did interrupt, I still won't send you back to that bastard.”
I lay down on the sofa with my hair spread out for a while and then got up and answered.
“No, you did great.”
Honestly, I didn't know if I would have been able to get out of that situation on my own, so I could say it was a good thing Lucas brought me here at the right time.
“Did I?”
For some reason, Lucas kept his mouth shut at my words. He seemed displeased with something, but he had nothing more to say. I sat up from the sofa and ran my hands through my tangled hair. Then I suddenly looked at the clock and it was already 3 PM.
“Oh, by any chance, didn't Lily visit?”
“She left.”
“I guess she knew I wasn’t here.”
I thought Lucas would go back to the Black Tower. I continued to think these boring thoughts for a while, but then, without even realizing it, I ended up muttering quietly
“You know, life seems like a really complicated thing, right?”
Of course, Lucas didn't say anything to what I said.
I stood up, shaking off the sight of the white flower field and the warmth that I felt from Izekiel at that time.
“I have to go see my dad. You can stay a little longer or go as you wish.”
Lucas again didn't reply back anything, but this time I didn't expect an answer either, so I left the room without waiting for further words. It was the early summer of my 15th year, when even though I had just begun to turn the first page, it somehow felt as if I had already read the last chapter.
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shaww93 · 27 days
I just want to write down real quick my first Mother’s Day. I guess this is my safe place to brag.
To be clear, I made it very clear to my husband that this is my first mother days day and I wanted it to be special. Anything after is eh. I also told him I only wanted cake.
Well, the night before he went and dropped off our daughter at his dad for the night. When he came back he had flowers, cake, and a bunch of cards. I was blown away. I also had a feeling he was planning something cause I saw a text but I wasn’t expecting flowers since I told him before I didn’t want to get flowers after the last time on my birthday (I love getting flowers, but I didn’t get to enjoy them since we went away for the weekend and they wilted 😭😭).
He then tells me he has the whole day planned out for us the next day. I felt very…. Grateful to have him in my life. I know when I get mad I hate him. I want nothing to do with him, I mean as with anyone, my brothers, my mom lol but I think this probably happened because we got in a fight last month where I told him I felt like I wasn’t being respected and I felt like I was shouldering a lot of the baby care and responsibilities around the house. I’m glad he listens.
Anyways. Back to yesterday. We went to a hot spring in the morning. It was pretty cool and relaxing. It was at an old Japanese base turned spa lol. We saw a huge ass bee and decided we were done. that’s how that ended.
For lunch we went to this… national park? It was a bunch of rocks that were shaped like stuff. The most famous one was the queen’s rock. It was pretty neat. We had lunch there and took some pictures.
Afterwards we went home and rested a bit before I went to my massage. It was pretty relaxing, though I could have asked the masseuse to be a little more gentle. It was good. I got home and he left for ball so I was home alone. I made dinner and then chilled in bed until he got home.
Yup.. that was my day. I forgot to mention that he said some very sweet things on Saturday that made me cry. Very touching.
Again, I don’t expect every year to be like this but this year’s Mother’s Day was amazing.
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setagaya-division · 10 months
ARB Birthday Special: Elliot Shimizu
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~~ August 8th ~~
"The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man."
Login Lines:
"Hmm... wow, for some reason, I feel more rested than usual. I wonder wh... Ahhh! My alarm didn't go off this morning! I'm late making breakfast! How... wait, what's that smell? It smells like... food? ...What the? Did... did... Mina-san and Yorii-san make all this? Why didn't they wake me up...? Huh? A... letter?"
"'Happy birthday, Elliot?' ...It's my... birthday? ...Oh! It is! I can't believe I didn't remember! I mean, I think this may be the first birthday I can remember! I mean, I'm sure I've had more since I'm now 17, but I can't really recall those, so... and I'm rambling to myself, which is what I usually do when I'm nervous... oh bother..."
Voice Lines:
"...I know it's my birthday, but... well, I shouldn't be surprised that nothing has really changed. Nobody really knows or cares... *sighs* Sometimes, I envy Mina-san and Yorii-san..."
"I did receive a few 'happy birthdays' from some of my co-workers at the animal shelter. One of them even gave me a small chocolate cupcake, which was nice. Nice, simple celebrations like these are what I really enjoy the most."
"Thank you, Mina-san. Yes, it's only been a year or so since we met, but... I'm glad that you're my sister. If not for you, I'd probably still be in that lab getting experimented on. *sniffs* ...Sorry, it's just... the memory, it's sad, but it also makes me happy, for some reason. I don't know why... *sniffs again* I'm sorry, Mina-san. I shouldn't be crying on my birthday!"
"...Thanks, I'm better now. Sorry about that. Oh, a gift? Oh, it's a statue of a cat! ...Oh, it's a glasses holder? Oh! That's really neat! ...Ha! It looks cute with my glasses on! This will give me something nice to look forward to when I wake up in the morning. Thank you so much, Mina-san!"
"Thank you, Yorii-san. Yes, sometimes it feels as if the roles are reversed. But regardless whether you're older or younger than me, I'm glad I know you as my brother, no matter how much you may annoy me."
"...You got me a gift too? What is it? A... nightlight? Oh, it's a nightlight of a unicorn. And... it has my name on it too! Wow... thank you, Yorii-san! This is nice. Very nice! ...Uhh, that's not entirely true, but thanks."
Mina Lines:
"Happy birthday, Elliot! ...Wow, it's hard to believe it's only been a year since we first met. But it still feels like yesterday. ...Elliot?! What's wrong?! Oh, please don't cry, Elliot! I'm sorry for bringing it up, but... yes, I'm happy too. But please don't cry, Elliot. If you do, my emotions will force me to cry, and... I try to avoid doing that as much as possible."
"I know what will make you happy. This! I saw this one night while I was... patrolling the city. I saw it, and it instantly reminded me of you. It's not just a statue, but you can also use it to put your glasses on when you don't need them. I'm glad you like it, Elliot! You're welcome, little brother!"
Yorii Lines:
"Happy birthday, big bro! Man, you're 17 now! Just one year shy away from being considered an adult! Man, I know you're older, but sometimes I feel like I'm the older one here! Yeah, of course I annoy you, I'm the little brother! That's my job!"
"So, no birthday would be complete without a birthday gift, so here you go, big bro! Yeah, it's a nightlight, but not just a nightlight! It's a nightlight with your name on it! I had it custom-ordered off the Internet! Aw, no problem, big bro! I knew you'd like it! Now, you shouldn't have any trouble when you have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom!"
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spacerangersam · 3 months
Hello! So yesterday was my birthday and I wanted to show you the decor and also a really cool present.
So first, good omens themed balloons and napkins. I was quite pleased with this
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Then my absolute pride and joy and an hour well spent, my ghosts bunting
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And yes, havers gets a spot on the bunting because he has a spot in my heart. (The captain next to havers, the kitty next to the Captain, humphry next to kitty bc they had that bit together, Julian next to Fanny because he'd annoy her, chess husbands next to eachother, and everyone's favourite friendship duo Pat and Thomas!)
I got a lock picking set with a see-through padlock for learners and also a little mini set in a "credit card"
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I also got a lab stand and a WAFFLE MAKER, among other stuff (i was spoiled silly this year it's crazy)
Also tasty chocolate cake. Hope your having a nice week and in general life and that you don't have allergies bc this is not the time of year for allergy ppl (I am thankfully allergy free)
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oh, neat! it looks like it was a pretty cool party! happy belated birthday btw! i'm doing alright, thanks :)
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purplesurveys · 8 months
Think back to yesterday, what were you doing around this time? I think I was just playing a game on my phone, taking breaks in between to baby Cooper and squish his cheeks.
What was the last thing you watched on the TV? The music video of 3D. :)) The song is really catchy but holy shit can it stand on its own without the rap. I almost immediately preferred the alternate version and am so grateful they decided to make one.
Do you think pets can get annoying easily? Uhhhhh, no. Pets can get annoying on occasion, but if you're easily irritated by them then maybe you're the problem...
Did you know that pickles have no calories? No, but I also don't have any strong feelings about learning this because I don't even like pickles haha.
Do you enjoy family get togethers? It depends on the side I'm seeing. I always enjoy the food lol but I have different relationships with different relatives, and there are certain sides that I can much more easily vibe with.
That said, my family's dynamic definitely falls under the Filipino stereotype of my dad's side typically being more boring, and my mom's side being lots of fun to be with (for the most part).
In a group of three, do you often feel like the third wheel? I mean, it depends on who the other two are. I am louder around certain people and quieter around others.
What color are your pants? I'm not wearing pants but my current shorts are purple and white.
Is there snow on the ground where you are? No.
What is keeping you warm right now? Nothing, actually, even though I'm feeling increasingly cold. I should get my blanket soon.
Has anyone bought you a piece of jewelry? Yes, a previous significant partner and a close friend.
How far away is your next birthday? Seven months away.
Do you have plans for that birthday yet? Not really yet. I don't start planning on what I want to do until the start of the new year.
When did you last take a shower? This morning.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Nope, I've never seen it.
Have you ever flown somewhere alone? No and I don't know when I'll ever have the courage to do so haha. It feels so daunting! I don't even think I'm ready to travel on my own yet.
Are you more serious or funny? I definitely try to be more lighthearted but I know when to be serious. Work drains me enough during the day so I like to let loose once I'm out of that headspace.
Is there someone that annoys you but you haven’t told them? Eh no one annoys me these days other than, like, certain celebrities that I have muted on social media anyway so that I never see them.
When is garbage day in your area? Wednesday.
Who/What was the last thing to really irritate you? My brother acts like he's king of the fucking world and never does any chores. The untended pile of laundry we had earlier was irritating me to no end so I just folded everything so that that part of the house can look neat again, even though I'm already in charge of a couple of other chores.
I feel like he thinks he gets a pass because college life is supposed to be exhausting, but it feels like such a funny insult to the 9-6s my sister and I have, lmao. In any case, I ended up enjoying folding the laundry because I found it therapeutic after my long day.
Do you think people either love or hate spongebob? At least from how I see it, most people love Spongebob either for its nostalgic factor, the timeless memeability of the show, or both. I fall under the category of loving Spongebob for both of those reasons.
The people I know who aren't interested only feel that way because they didn't grow up watching the show, but they don't actively dislike it.
Have you seen that new “Lie To Me” show? I've never even heard of that. I love the 5SOS song that shares the exact same title though, hah.
What is something you’d rather be doing right now? I'm perfectly content where I am right now.
Do you find that people are too hard on you? No, but I'm sensing that it's about to be that way soon. I don't want to talk about it now though.
Do you take surveys often? I wouldn't say so, but my activity does come in bursts. It'll be radio silence for most Monday-Fridays, but I might take 3-4 a day on weekends.
Do you tend to slam things around when you’re mad? Sometimes, but I wouldn't call it a habit. I wouldn't want it to be one.
Do you know anyone who hates/dislikes chocolate? I don't think so. I don't dislike chocolate per se, but I tend to avoid it because I find it too sweet.
Could you vote in this last election? Yes; I've been voting since 2016.
Have you taken a shower today? Yup.
How much sleep did you get last night? Around 7-8.
Do you have more girl friends or guy friends? Girl.
What is your current mood? Relaxed, happy, content.
Is there anything on your mind at the moment? How I'm in a really uncomfortable position but I'm too lazy to move around. Also thinking about how much my back and neck hurts, and my stomach is also beginning to feel upset most likely because of how I wolfed down that samgyupsal earlier lol.
Are there any movies out that you’d like to see? Oppenheimer, but I'll save that for when my dad's back home so we can watch it together.
Have you ever been on a website called Stickam? No, I don't think I've heard of it either.
Have you ever hated yourself? Yes. I don't anymore, but I did, and it wasn't a good place to be in.
Are you hungry? No, I am VERY full hahaha.
Did your parents ever ground you? Yes. At the time I had actually been very surprised that they did, considering 'grounding' isn't at all a thing where I live. Anyway, I had gotten in trouble on multiple occasions both for swearing and having horrible grades, so my parents would take away my laptop for indefinite periods.
Where was the last place you went out to eat? This Greek place where I had a Very Corporate Lunch with my workplace's CEO (aka my new boss from here on out), Bea, and one of our clients. I felt sick the whole time. Why am I even in this position? I don't care for corporate talk. Can I go back to being a manager who is more hands-on with the dirty, day-to-day work?
Have you ever felt like you needed a better life than the one you have? Better isn't really the word for it. Maybe 'more fulfilling' is more apt, and I'm definitely feeling that way now.
Do you own an MP3 player of some kind? No, not anymore.
Do you have a moment in your life you wish you could replay over again? Yes, Yoongi's concert. I think of going back to that time at least once a day. Every time I remember I've seen a member of BTS I always break out into a stupid giggle and feel like I'm floating on air for the next half hour haha. UGH I LOVE YOONGI BRING HIM BACK TO ME
Have you ever been in a play? If so, did you like it? I mean I guess, in my first school, but it was always a class performance where we'd do a song number. No, I never enjoyed those mandatory performances.
What is one musical artist you wish wasn’t making music? Chris Brown. I wish everyone can just start ignoring him.
When was the last time you cleaned something? Earlier tonight when I mopped the floor, tidied the dining table, and washed everyone's dishes.
Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? Yes, on two occasions.
Do you like your smile? Yes. :)
Do you have someone that you think truly understands you? Sure.
When was the last time you doubted yourself? Yesterday at the aforementioned lunch. My feelings at the time were like 20% doubting myself, 80% openly acknowledging within myself that, "holy shit, I CANNOT fake it til I make it here. Everything they're talking about, from next year's contract and the company's profit is making me want to vomit all over this table."
Is there anything currently bothering you? Yes my entire back is killing me and I just need a masseuse who'll use my back as a punching bag for five hours straight.
Would you say that you’ve got something ‘special’ about you? I think about that way about myself and everyone. We all come with our own charms.
Who was the last person to cheer you up when you were down? Jin.
Are you scared of what you do not know? I'm past that point already, considering what I've been able to survive before. I just enjoy going with the flow now.
Is there anything in the next six months that you’re looking forward to? Leaving my jobbbbb. I've decided to stay for the time being just so that I can avoid looking like an asshole who leaves as soon as she gets promoted, but resignation actively hangs in my mind everyday because the more I get settled in my new job, the more resentful I get.
Were you/are you popular in high school? I was in the inner circles, but I hated being in the spotlight so I still preferred to be the wallflower in my groups.
Do you really care what people think about you? No. I have other things to think about.
Do you find yourself treating others like you’d want to be treated? Not always. I will snap sometimes without meaning to and it always makes me feel guilty and self-reflect at the end of the day, but in general I do my best to go about every day thinking of two things: treat people the way I'd want to be treated, and that I never know what people are going through at a given moment so just be fucking nice.
Are you constantly envious of others? I genuinely cannot tell you when I last felt envy.
Are you more of a whiner with things or a do’er of things? Doer. I'll grumble within myself but it's not like I have a choice for the most part so I just go ahead and do Things.
List three of your favorite TV shows: Breaking Bad, Friends, Descendants of the Sun.
Would your friends say you’re a relaxed person or stressed? STRESSED, lmao. They will be the first to tell you that, for sure.
What do you find yourself worrying most about these days? How well I can adjust into my new role at work. Maybe I'll get into it more another time, but it's 11 PM on a Friday night and mulling over work feelings is the last thing I want to be doing.
Would you say it’s hard to earn your trust? It's easy for me to trust people and just as easy for me to take it away.
Who was the last person to compliment you? Coleen.
Anything interesting happen this past week? Sure, but it's not the good kind of interesting.
When was the last time you felt scared? Wednesday, when I had to go through multiple unfamiliar roads to get to my destination that day.
What’s on your mind this very second? How I want to skip the current song that's playing, anddd I just did.
Do you know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’? Yes.
Do you correct other people’s grammar/spelling when talking to them online? Never.
Is bacon one of your favorite foods? I love bacon, but it's not my favorite.
Are you one of those people who like to sleep in on the weekends? No. I'll barely sleep during weekends since it's my only time to do normal life things really.
Do you like things vampire related? Eh, just Twilight.
Have you ever cussed at a parent or teacher? Nope. I've sworn around my parents, but not at them.
When was the last time you saw snow? I've never seen snow.
Have you ever felt stupid after saying something? Yes.
Do you find yourself cold at the moment? Not anymore; I turned off the aircon for now since the cold had been getting too uncomfortable earlier.
Are your nails currently long? Yeah a little bit and I'll have to cut them soon.
Are you the kind of person who does not like talking about their past? Certain remnants of it sure, but I'm generally an open book.
Do you have long slender fingers or short chunky ones? My fingers are long and slender and I loveeeee them.
Do you think your foot size fits your body type? I guess so. My feet are really tiny hahah I'm like a size 6.
Are you the competitive type? Yeah, in every sense of the word. I mean I've gotten better at handling losses but I still like to treat most things like a race/contest; it's just a better mindset for me to be in to be motivated to do my best.
Are you more of a mommy’s person or a daddy’s person? Dad's girl.
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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Today was a good day. I am not as bone achingly exhausted. I am just mildly tired. So I am pretty pleased about that. Though I am still really excited to go to sleep.
I slept alright last night. I woke up and was just like if bleh. I stretched for a few minutes. And went to get ready for the day.
I liked my outfit. And my face. But my hair is still really bothering me. It is feeling really healthy and that's nice but it's just a little. Flat. And I only feel pretty when it's pulled up. Frustrating for sure. I can't wait for it to cool down so I can wear hats. Hats will make me feel a little better. I also just want my hair to be longer. I did trim it at work yesterday but mostly just my bangs. I don't want to take anything off the bottom. I got all the splits cut off already. So now we just focus on making it healthy and good.
James left for work and I took a few minutes to get myself together. My first stop was to go to the restaurant store. I was nervous but I would get there at 8am and it was neat! I liked looking around at stuff and seeing the large containers of things that are normally in smaller portions.
The guy at the desk was very helpful and I found the coffee percolator and paid for that and headed out. The nice cashier lady carried it outside for me but that wasn't necessary, it wasn't heavy, just a bit awkward in size.
It was a longer drive to work. But I would still beat everyone there getting there before 9.
I went to the lodge first to set up the coffee thing. I collected the old broken one and took it to the recycling shed.a s the. Spent some time talking to Bonnie and petting buddy the dog. It was a nice little way to start the day.
I would have a really productive day. But it was also full of different parts which I liked a lot.
When Heather got in she let me know it was Elizabeth's birthday! Happy birthday Elizabeth! And because it was her birthday we were going to go have breakfast at the filling station together. I was excited. I have never worked at a job where we could just stop and go have breakfast as a group?? That's so cool.
I wasn't even particularly hungry but it was fine. Once Elizabeth got there we would all get in Heather's car (well her daughter Sophie's car, Heather got a flat tire yesterday) and went to the cafe.
I've heard lots of good things from people at camp about the filling station. I was surprised that it was Mexican! I thought it was just a cafe. But I love Mexican and absolutely want to go back.
Me and Heather got savory bagels and Elizabeth got a sausage burrito. They also got lattes and I got an iced Mexican hot chocolate. Which was spicy and lovely. I don't often get to get special drinks because they are usually coffee so this was exciting.
We sat and talked and it was fun. I liked telling stories and hearing theirs. We talked work as well to make it a business expense. It was a beautiful day.
We would stop at the post office before going back to camp. I told them stories about when I worked for the insurance company and how much I loved it but how stressful it was. And how me leaving there lead me to meeting James. Everything happens for a reason.
I would get a lot done when we got back to camp. I worked on some more research. I worked on my lessons. It took a while but I got all my reference images on every project. All 46 pages of them. And added all the supplies for each. Eventually I would start adding Amazon links but I wouldn't get a lot of that done.
But I wasn't just doing one thing. When I would feel myself getting bored I went and did something else.
I would take my two packages up to the art building. It was my little caboodle boxes and now I'm going to be so organized with my supplies. I'm really pleased. I need to get more feathers but I think on Tuesday I'm going to investigate the Yukon basement to see if I can find any there first. And once I was done organizing I started going through my books to decide what ones might be useful for summer. I had to take out any that said they are only read in the winter and put those in a box labeled "winter stories". I also took out any that were written like a grandparent telling a story to a child. Didn't need that meta. Just direct stories please.
I would eventually wander over to homestead. Which I feel like is pretty embarrassing right now. Just a mess. I came up whole a whole list of things to be done to make it not a nonsense area. And would try to collect up some stuff that was left on the ground or in the pens. But it's to much for me to tackle on my own.
So I went back to the office and made a list and started pricing out my projects. When Heather came back from helping clean the pool with Elizabeth I talked to her about it and she thinks getting the boy scouts to help with this is the best course of action and she made me feel really good about my work. That I'm handling the programing and that while they have so much going on they are really happy to have me handling this stuff and following through. That made me feel really good. Really useful.
I would print all the journals I'll need for next week. And after I folded all 60 of those (while listening to a video on YouTube) I took a little break.
I would use my coupon and a sale at Ulta to get two of my lotions for the price of less then one. So that was exciting. I decided to order it for pick up. Something I've never done before. And it stressed me out when after the 2 hours (it was supposed to take) I wasn't sure it was going to be ready to be picked up. Jess said I should just go and it would be fine.
So as the day wound down, after I had made a few walks around camp, went and hung up the blanket I got for decoration in the pueblo, made sure the art building was locked, I headed out.
I went to Ulta in Towson. And they were wildly busy. But as I was waiting in line to ask I got the email that my order was ready so I was directed to the pick up table and they apologized for the delay but I was just happy to have my lotions.
I drove across the street to target next. Where I smelled all the deodorants. I got a jumpsuit for layering, which is something I have been on the lookout for so I was very excited about it. And I found some period underwear. Because on Wednesday I'm getting my IUD out. And I don't know what is going to happen but I am assuming I'll get my period for the first time since 2017. And I got two pairs because the sign said I'll get a $5 gift card.
But apparently I needed the app and the line was really long and once I was directed to guest services the guy was like. Oh you need the app. And I was like it's fine then don't worry about it. And he just quietly got me the gift card and when I told him he was so sweet he got the cutest smile. It's so nice when people are nice.
I got home at 530 and James was at the front door waiting for me. Which made me feel so happy. Because I was kind of emotionally exhausted. And needed to be frustrated and vent for a little. But they made me feel better.
I put on my new jumpsuit and they told me I looked great in it. I can't wait to wear it with sweaters.
James and me would hang up our Halloween decorations and I am thrilled. I love the paper bats on the mantle best. I am also just excited to have the Halloween stuffies out again.
James would walk to get us pizza. I took a shower while they were gone. I got a little upset and just watched videos on the couch and didn't feel my best.
Eating dinner helped a little. Having a little cry helped. I would pack up the bears for the market tomorrow. Talked to Jess about the highlights of our days. And eventually got in bed.
Which is where I am now. I'm going to go brush my teeth soon and try to just go to sleep because I have gotten more tired as I've been writing this. I have a very long day tomorrow. Market and then a break and then a wedding st the museum. I hope to get a little nap in between and that will help me. I hope it's a fun day.
Sleep good everyone. I hope you are taking csre of yourself. Goodnight!
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dari-ede · 2 years
In the Middle of the Night: Chapter 10
Chapter 10: "아주 고요한 너와 나의 속삭임"
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Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30
Summary: As Bangtan prepares for a new chapter in their lives, they head to their private property in the forest for a songwriting workshop. As a songwriter and producer they have worked with for years, I’m asked to tag along. I was ready for the heavy workload and small amount of sleep during the workshop week. However, I wasn’t ready for the storm that came that changed my friendship with Namjoon forever.
Genre: Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Smut
Pairing: Idol!Namjoon x Female Character
Rating: M (explicit language, mild sexual explicit language)
NOTE: Trying something new and releasing this a little earlier than usual. Also, it's JK's birthday, so I figured, why the heck not? 🥰
-Workshop Day Four-
The next morning was similar to the day before, only it was Yoongi who had sent an early message asking for assistance. Once again, Namjoon and I didn’t get to spend our morning alone and I left him another note explaining my whereabouts.
This time, I was sure to not forget my jacket as I made my way through the wind to get to the main house. Judging by the soft wind and light rain, it seemed as if the storm was calming down. However, it was still rather cold—then again, I easily got cold.
I entered the main house and was welcomed with warmth. The only one present was Yoongi. Because I was the only other musician on the premises, Yoongi had asked to borrow one of my guitars. The strings on his had torn and he needed a guitar for today’s workshop.
Thankfully, I had traveled with two.
“Thanks,” he mumbled, taking one of the guitar cases from me. “Do you have a preference?”
I shook my head. He opened both cases and took out the guitars to see which one he would prefer.
I turned to the kitchen, eyeing the stove to see if there was any food prepared. “Have you cooked anything?”
“Jin-hyung said he would take care of breakfast; I’m doing lunch. Not sure who’s handling dinner yet.” Yoongi played around with my guitar, trying to get comfortable with it. “Jin should be here soon.”
Sure enough, I saw Jin making his way towards the main house. “Good morning,” he said as he walked in wearing his neat pajamas. He was the only one who wore proper nightwear. The rest of the guys wore simple t-shirts and gym shorts or close to nothing at all.
He caught me staring. “What?”
“You’re the only guy I know who actually wears pajamas. Just an observation.” I walked over to the espresso machine to prepare my coffee.
“That’s because you don’t know many men,” he said jokingly.
I cracked a smile. “So all the other guys are little boys?”
He nodded as he washed his hands so he could start prepping breakfast. “Don’t worry, Namjoon will evolve eventually.”
I wasn’t going to fall for his trap, so I didn’t answer. Yoongi, on the other hand, let out a loud laugh in the other room.
“Maiwa, what’s going on with you and Namjoonie?” Yoongi asked.
I did my best to come across as confused. “What do you mean?”
“Dr-drop the act, there’s something going on. I'm shore—sure of it,” Yoongi was now in the room, a look of mischief in his eyes. He was definitely excited about his suspicions because he was stuttering, a habit of his when he was either too tired or too excited. “He was too happy yesterday. He kept laughing at everything.”
“Did you guys sleep together?” Jin asked shamelessly.
“Kim Seokjin!” I smacked him.
He laughed. “Why-why-why? Would that be a bad thing? You’re both adults.”
“We’re friends,” I ducked my head, embarrassed by the feeling of heat coursing through my cheek and neck.
“With benefits?” came a voice from above us. A giggle followed.
“Isn’t it too early for you to be up?” I called out to the eavesdropping bunny above us.
Jungkook’s giggle continued. “You were really flirty with him yesterday.”
“I’m always flirty,” I argued.
“Not like that,” Yoongi’s face was beaming as he stared at me. “Come on, be honest. We won’t tell.”
That was a lie. “Please. Let’s say for shits and giggles that there was something going on between Namjoon and me and I decided to tell you. You would be off whispering the gossip into Jimin’s ear. And then Jimin would tell Taehyung and Hoseok. And if it wasn’t for Mean Girls Karen Smith on the second floor at the moment, Jungkook would be the next to know.”
Yoongi looked almost offended by the accusation. “I’m no gossip.”
“You tell Jimin every rumor you hear about,” I said bluntly.
“Jimin hardly tells me any gossip anymore,” Jungkook defended himself.
“Who’s Karen Smith?” Jin asked, looking lost as he worked on the veggies.
“No, I don’t,” Yoongi argued.
We went back and forth for a good while, the topic of discussion changing. I was proud of myself—Yoongi had completely forgotten about his suspicions.
In the middle of breakfast, another producer, Hiss Noise, dropped by for the workshop. He was only going to stay until the next day. He and Hyunseo were scheduled to leave in the morning. After tomorrow, the eight of us were going to be left fully alone.
Because of Noise’s short stay, we had a lot of work to do today. The workshop was more intense than the previous ones and longer.
During one of the breaks, most of the guys spread out throughout the main house, stretching and regaining energy.
As others walked around the house doing various things, I was sitting on one of the chairs in the living room playing the song we were testing on my guitar. For the last few hours I had been playing the same chords and I couldn’t shake the feeling that something didn’t sound right.
I looked at the sheet notes, thinking of how to fix it. And then it felt like I had found a fix.
“What’s up?” asked Namjoon, almost as if he could hear my thoughts.
Setting my guitar on the floor, I answered, “I don’t think this song calls for strings.”
“Piano?” asked Yoongi, also reading my mind. “I was thinking the same earlier.” He took out his keyboard and plugged it in.
Walking towards his seat I took it as soon as he stood up. I set the music sheet in front of me and played the song on the piano and dropped the tempo, humming the lyrics.
Namjoon and Yoongi, and a couple of the other guys, listened to my changes.
“Blues,” Yoongi said, understanding where I was trying to take the song.
I played it once again from the top, only this time, I sang the lyrics Namjoon had written. At the song’s crescendo, my vocals turned full R&B. Maybe it was due to the Proposal song I had been working on in my free time, but this For Youth song Namjoon had created felt like it needed some soul.
I finished the song softly, using simple and quiet notes.
A few of the members clapped.
“Jungkook is going to have fun on that last part,” Jin said, giving the youngest an encouraging slap on the back.
Jungkook let out a nervous laugh. “That’s going to be difficult.”
“You’ve done runs before,” I reminded him. While Jungkook tended to sing with an R&B/Pop feel, he rarely sang soulful runs and riffs. His runs were usually clean, so I could see how my take on the song was giving him worry.
“Not like you,” Jungkook answered.
“You don’t have to sound like me. Sound like you,” I pointed out. “But push yourself a little more. You said you want to experiment with your voice,” I reminded him.
This made him calm down. He had made mentioned in a private meeting with me that he wanted to do something different with his voice for this next album. Here was an opportunity.
“You got this, bro,” Hobi said enthusiastically.
Jungkook let out a sigh and walked over to the chair next to me.
Together, Jungkook and I practiced on the note as the other guys took a break. Namjoon and Hiss continued to work on the lyrics.
From where I was sitting, Namjoon seemed to be struggling. I tried to keep my focus on Jungkook, making a mental note to ask Namjoon about my worry in private later tonight.
“Ah, shit! What is that?” Hobi ducked down and went around me, who was closest to him.
His frightened state gave little concern to everyone. Most ignored his exclamation while some turned out of mild interest.
Hobi took hold of my arms and kept me in place in front of him—using me as a shield. I followed his eyes and caught sight of the threatening bug.
I followed the flying creature and thought it must be a moth by the way it was maneuvering. It was too dark to be a butterfly.
“Maya, go get it,” Hobi said, pushing me forward.
Most of the guys continued going about their business, paying Hobi no mind.
The moth flew up to the second floor, landing on the staircase rail. I let out a sigh. “Fine.” I knew if the bug wasn’t taken outside, Hobi would be extremely paranoid.
I made my way up the stairs, keeping my eyes directly at it so I wouldn’t lose it.
“You’ll be my hero Mai-Mai,” Hobi called out.
“Where’s she going?” Namjoon said in the distance.
Hobi explained to Namjoon what I was doing just as I got to the staircase where the moth was. I didn’t want to hurt it—I wanted to capture it and let it free outside. Keeping my eyes on it, I called out to the guys downstairs. “Can someone bring me a small container—preferably with a lid?”
“Yup,” Jimin called out.
I stayed put until I felt Jimin at my side, handing me the container. I made slow movements towards it, but the moth took off and flew higher up, landing on one of the posts on the second floor, above the balcony.
My eyes didn’t leave it as I went up the stairs and got to the second-story landing.
“Maya, don’t,” Namjoon’s voice was stern and almost commanding.
I ignored him and reached the post where the moth was.
“Noona, it's dangerous,” Jimin’s voice was full of concern.
“Jungkook, Noise, Jin come here,” Namjoon bellowed. “Stay under the stairs in case she falls.” Namjoon hurried up the stairs.
The guys hurried and followed orders.
“I’m not gonna fall,” I said, already standing on the thin beam, balancing myself.
Several voices below began to lecture me.
They were overreacting. I held onto the post and made a reach for the moth, but it was too far from me.
Suddenly, large hands were keeping hold of me around the waist. “Maya, get down.” Namjoon sounded as if he was on the verge of screaming at me.
I pushed up to my tiptoes, struggling with his strong hold on me.
“Oh! Maya, really, it’s not that serious. Get down,” Hobi’s voice sounded slightly panicked. He was at my other side now, holding my leg from around the post.
I made a final reach and trapped the moth inside the container. Its little wigs flapped violently inside, struggling to get out. I looked down at the concerned faces underneath me. “Here,” I said as I looked at Jimin.
Jimin took it from my hands and stepped back. “Will you get down now, please?”
As carefully as I could, I balanced myself on the beam. Namjoon’s and Hobi’s hands had stayed on me, ensuring they would catch me if I slipped. I was ready to jump off but the hands on my waist were impatient.
“I got her, Hoba,” Namjoon assured with finality.
Once Hoseok’s hands were off my leg, Namjoon took full control and took me off the beam. His solid arms handled me as if I was lightweight. My hands shot to his broad shoulders to keep myself balanced.
With great gentleness that I never would have imagined coming from Namjoon, my feet hit solid ground. His gentle touch made my heart flutter like the moth's wings. I almost forgot we were in front of our friends…and that he was upset with me. However, as my eyes reached his, the warm fuzzy feeling left.
His dark brown eyes scolded me. “What the hell was that?” he demanded.
I let out a sigh and stepped away from his embrace. “I was fine. As if I haven’t climbed on things before.”
“Not something that’s 6 meters above the ground. You could have broken your neck.”
“I was careful.” I did my best to keep my voice steady. I knew Namjoon, along with the rest of the guys, was concerned, but I didn’t like being treated like a child—especially in front of my friends. A light embarrassment came over me at the sight of everyone looking at us.
“Over a moth? It would have been better if we used a broom to swat it out instead. It’s not worth you risking your neck.” Namjoon’s voice was not getting lower. Quite the opposite, his voice was getting louder.
“I know what I was doing. I’ve climbed trees all my life not to mention I did gymnastics and specialized in the balance beam,” I said, irritating in me rising.
“Alright, let’s settle down,” Jimin intercepted, trying to calm things down. He placed a careful hand on Namjoon’s shoulder. “Noona, hyung was only worried. He doesn’t mean to treat you like a child. You scared all of us. He knows you were being careful—we all do, but it still doesn’t stop us from worrying. Just think if it was the reverse: hyungi doing something dangerous.”
The thought of Namjoon standing on top of a 20-foot staircase came to mind and absolute terror came over. Jimin was right, I would have been livid. But I was experienced and not clumsy like Namjoon.
Jimin gave his older brother a light shove, signaling him to say something.
Namjoon didn't look ready to say anything at first, he still looked rather upset. However, after a few seconds, Namjoon let out a sigh and gave a nod, clearly to having calmed himself. “I apologize. I shouldn't have scolded.”
I gave him a nod. “Ok.” I gave a small smile, letting him know I was letting it go.
He looked relieved and returned the small smile.
Jimin’s face brightened, delighted to have settled things. “Ok. Let me take this little one out." He looked into the container to make sure the moth was still ok. Then he made his way down the stairs, Hoseok at his heels.
Namjoon took another breath and brought his hand to my shoulder. “I really am sorry.”
“It’s ok. Jimini’s right. If things were in reverse, I would have been terrified.” I leaned in and gave him a half hug.
Both his arms came around me and held me warmly.
I would have wanted nothing more than to stay like that with him, but we were shortly called down for dinner.
We worked a little while more after dinner but were too exhausted to continue. All of us exhausted, we were scattered along the house. The storm had gotten some momentum; the wind had picked up and the rain was coming a little harder. The guys were hesitant to leave to the other houses.
Noise was on the couch staring out into the backyard, watching the mild storm. “Hyunseo, I go half a mind in leavin’ tonight instead. Tomorrow the storm could be worse, man.”
Hyunseo shook his head. “We’ll be without light. Driving through the storm at night is risky. It’s best if we leave first thing.”
Noise nodded and turned to his younger comrades. “Y’all gonna be good here? This storm ain’t leveling up.”
“We got resources for the worse, if it happens,” Jin assured. “We have a plan set up. If things get too bad, we’re all going to take solace here. It’s the most stable of the houses and completely stoked.”
“Eight of you in one house?” Noise asked, shocked. Then he began to get up.
“We’ve lived together for ten years,” Jin pointed out.
“But no longer than that,” I heard Taehyung mutter.
I turned to him and remembered our first day here. They were giving up their shared dorm. I had been distracted by everything else that I had forgotten to ask Namjoon for further details. There was no reason for me to doubt Yoongi when he said everything was good between them, but there was something there that the guys weren’t sharing. I had meant to bring it up with Namjoon, but with our newly discovered feelings, I had forgotten about it.
Noise didn’t seem to hear Yoongi because he made no comment about it and was announcing he was going to head to his room. Hyunseo was right behind him.
As they left, I caught Namjoon’s eyes. He quickly looked away, clearly avoiding the topic.
If he really thought that was going to work, he was about to be proven wrong. I got to my feet. “I’m going to call it a night as well. I want to get out of here before the storm can get worse.”
Namjoon let out a breath. He wasn’t about to let me go outside by myself. He knew I was doing this intentionally. “We’ll message you guys as soon we get to the backhouse. Let’s all make sure we’re communicating. We’re scattered in four houses, so let’s keep in touch.”
Everyone nodded, agreeing with their leader.
After putting on our jackets, Namjoon and I made our mini hike up the small hill to get to the backhouse. The wind wasn’t too harsh, but the constant rain had made the ground muddy. I had to keep hold of Namjoon to keep myself from tripping a few times.
Surprisingly, Namjoon was steady and balanced on our way up the hill. He guided me inside the safety of the house before entering himself.
We couldn’t leave our shoes outside, too worried they might be taken by the wind. We took off our shoes and left them at the entrance of the home.
“Tea?” Namjoon asked, taking my jacket from me as I took it off.
“Yes, please,” I said.
He walked over to the kitchen to turn on the kettle.
I didn’t beat around the bush. “So, care to explain the whole dorm thing?”
He shrugged his shoulders as if the news was no big deal. “None of us are there anymore. Someone sleeps there once a week—tops. What’s the point of keeping it?” He was avoiding eye contact.
“Namjoon.” My voice was clear and serious.
Slowly, he turned to me but didn’t say a word. Just stood there looking…almost sad.
“What’s going on?” I asked, concern filling my voice.
There was a look of hopelessness in his eyes. It took him a moment to speak. “We’re taking a break after the album comes out.”
“What do you mean ‘break’?” My brain went to a dozen different places at the word, but rather than think the worst, I stayed calm. I didn't want to overreact without getting more details.
“I just can’t…do this anymore.” There was a sudden switch in his demeanor. His shoulders sagged, his face was fragile, and his body stiffened in a fight or flight type of way. The usual collected Namjoon was disheveled. “We’re set to come up with a small mini album that will contain new original music along with the anthology. On top of that, I’ve been trying to work on my own personal music that I really want to release, but can't because I should be focusing on music of the group. I have all these ideas of what I want to sing about but struggle in finding a sound for us as a group. And I know the guys are looking at me to give them a direction for a new era—but I can’t think of one. Meanwhile, these other songs I want for myself keep circulating in my head and I can’t get them out because I need to focus on Bangtan.”
He was rambling, talking fast and his pitch was going up and down. I had never seen him so stressed.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s alright. Breathe, sweetie. Breathe.” I lightly rubbed his arms and tried to keep him still.
He let out a breath, his eyes holding some moisture. He was close to losing it.
That was the thing with Namjoon. He had an overall good hold of his emotions, and kept calm and collected most of the time. But once he opened up, he was like a faucet. His feelings took full over. I had seen him cry several times before, but never looking so disheveled.
I tried to calm him. “First, the mini album is not a must. PD-nim was very specific that this anthology was to be whatever the seven of you decided on. If you guys come up with two or three new songs, then that’s all there will be. It’s supposed to be a no-pressure workshop. That’s what we’re doing here: trying to help you guys figure out what you want this album to be.” I rubbed his arms, trying to soothe him. "If there are not enough songs for a mini-album, then fuck it. Just come up with one and make the rest of the work only an anthology."
His eyes were still hurt, still avoiding me.
“And the guys will completely understand the pressure you’re going through. If you’re at a stump, then you’re at a stump. There’s nothing you can do about it. Take it from someone who is currently there.”
He wasn’t convinced, still showing doubts.
I took his face in my hands, gently rubbing his cheeks. “You worry too much, you know that? And your worry makes me worry.”
It was true. Namjoon often looked like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. Over the years, he had allowed the guys to take some of that burden away, but he still held so much responsibility. Put too much pressure on himself to excel. He was such a perfectionist that if he felt he wasn’t reaching certain expectations, he felt himself a failure. Failure was something Kim Namjoon did not do well.
His eyes met mine and he noticed my worry. “Sorry.” His arms came around me.
“Have you told this to the guys?” I asked, stepping into his embrace.
He nodded. “You didn’t say anything they didn’t already mention to me. I told them….” He stopped himself, looking hurt.
Several tears began to form in his eyes again. “I told them I was feeling…lost. I don’t know where in Bangtan I belong. If I can’t be the songwriter the group needs me to be, then what’s my role? At the same time, I feel too linked to them—like I lost my self-identity. I have songs I want to do for myself, but then I feel…guilty.” He lifted his hands off me and rubbed his eyes. “So much shit going on in my head.”
My hands stayed on his arms. “And you think that physical distance will help,” I said, understanding now why they were giving up the dorms.
“It’s a big reason why. I’m hardly there anyway. I sleep there a couple of times a month, but mostly out of obligation. Obligation to the company, the group, PD-nim, the team…. But the more time I spend there, the more I feel out of place. It just doesn’t feel like it’s ours anymore.” He kept talking out loud without a linear thought. Now that he was voicing his concerns, all his worries were spilling out of him—dying to finally be let out.
Judging by his reaction, I had a feeling his previous statement about having told the guys about his worries was only a half-truth. “Have you discussed everything with the guys?”
His eyes dodged mine.
I wanted to scold him. Tell him that keeping all his worries to himself did not help his mental health. But that’s not what he needed at the moment. He was having a moment of vulnerability and needed support.
I reached for his face, my fingers grazed over his chin until his eyes fell on mine. “They love and trust you. If you feel this will help, then there’s no need for guilt. You’re voicing your needs—you should never feel guilty about that.”
There was a slight calmness that came over him, but a grey cloud full of worry still lingered around him.
For a long moment, he kept his brown eyes on me and it seemed as if he wanted to tell me something but was holding back. I knew the feeling. The burden of keeping your worries to yourself and not allowing loved ones to help you. I wanted him to tell me everything, but from personal experience, I knew it was all up to him. He should only tell me once he was ready.
I stayed quiet and continued to hold him, patiently waiting for his next step.
After what seemed like an hour, he took a seat on one of the bar stools along the kitchen island, pulled me with him, and rested his forehead against mine.
He wasn’t ready to vocalize all he wanted to quite yet, but silently, he was asking if I could help with the heavy load. My arms came around his back and I pulled him closer. Without a doubt, I would happily take on his burden. I would take all his worries and carry it all myself if I was able to.
He took in a deep breath, using only his nose. It felt as if he was taking in the full scent around him. Like he was breathing me in.
Slowly, I felt Namjoon’s shoulders relax. The hands he had on my hips had a light touch to them now. The grey cloud had sailed away.
It didn’t take long for our kissing to start. Unlike the previous nights, Namjoon’s movements were softer, sweeter. There was no sense of urgency; we knew we had all night and there was no need to rush. He took his time exploring my lips, neck, and face with his lips. His hands wandered around my back, hips, and sides, but didn't push too much.
As our lips danced with each other, a roar of thunder rumbled in the distance.
NOTE: Thank you for the support, everyone. It's very much appreciated. As much as I'm enjoying writing fluff, I AM going to be posting some more mature content in the next chapter. I didn't expect this fic to be a long burn to get to the smutty scenes, but Kim Namjoon didn't let me speed things up! He's too much of a damn gentleman. But I'm putting my damn foot down and showing him who's boss! 🤨😅
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30
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