#and also physically repulsed by
aromantic-diaries · 10 months
Done some introspection and huh turns out i never really wanted to be in a romantic relationship and just wanted to feel worthy. Gee wowzers so the reason i was salty that nobody liked me or pursued me romantically wasn't because i wanted a relationship but instead it was because i was already lonely and an outcast and just wanted to feel like there was someone who liked me for who i was and was interested in me
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foundfamilywhump · 29 days
being aromantic and into whump is like. shoutout to whump for being a great opportunity to engage with stories about intimacy and vulnerability and powerful emotion and physical interactions with other people and intense relationships that are not presumptively based in romance. what would i do without you.
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furiousgoldfish · 7 months
Ways abusive parents try to separate you from your human rights:
They threaten to call the police on you if you don't obey them
They threaten you with jail-time and insist that the police will take you away for disobedience
They actually call the police, or emergency services, to create consequences for disobedience
They threaten to 'give you away' to groups of people they deem 'worse' than themselves
They threaten that you'll be kidnapped and sold if you don't obey them
They threaten for you to be put in a home
They threaten you with inhumane living conditions in a home (you won't have you room, you won't have anything, they'll beat you up ever day, etc)
They threaten to institutionalize you if you don't do as they say
They threaten to put you in a mental hospital/psych ward/asylum
They threaten you with court, institutions and government
They convince you that every institution, social service, law enforcement, or any other organized group of people is on their side, and against you, and would fight on their side and enforce their rule over you
They act as if disobeying them is against the law/religion
They insist that nobody will ever want to hire you or pay you a salary
They imply or outright say that it's a waste of space if you were renting out a place or had a place of your own, you do not have the right to occupy your own space in their eyes
They take away your necessities if you disobey them (food, ability to use the bathroom, clothing)
They destroy your property as a form of revenge, and insist it never belonged to you and that they had every right to destroy it
They make sure you're not exposed to educational materials that would inform you that you have a right to safety, food, shelter, and protection from violence and threats
They fight very hard to convince you that what they're doing to you is NOT abuse (saying things like 'you don't even KNOW what abuse is, or 'I'll show you abuse'), and they make sure you're not exposed to any resources or education that would help you recognize abuse
Punishments for standing up for yourself or any attempts to reach justice or point out how unfair, inescapable, hypocritical and painful your situation is
Not allowing you to speak, punishing you for talking back, convincing you that you have no voice and you have no right to defend yourself in any measure
Exposing you to media or real-life situations where children are abused just as badly, or worse than you are, this is a part of grooming they do to convince you that child abuse is normal, acceptable behaviour and not abuse at all
Suggesting that they could do all this to you, and even outright threatening it, implying strongly they know they can get away with it, since others can
Convince you that everyone else has it worse, and repeat how lucky you actually are to have them
They list all of the things that would be happening to you if they weren't so kind to you (you'd be starving on the street, be kidnapped/sold/tortured, die from lack of resources, be abandoned, not survive in any possible way)
Convince you that you're not, in fact, a human being and thus have no business expecting human rights (brainwashing, calling you animal names, calling you demon/satan/monster)
Accuse you repeatedly of being a financial burden, shame you for costing money, demand credit/favours/services/labour/obedience in return for giving you survival resources like food and clothing and school supplies
Neglect to inform you that government is giving them a tax-break for every kid they're supporting and that the society is built so that children would be financially taken care of and do not need to earn their food, shelter or basic necessities
Scare you into believing that every other authority figure (teachers, boss, police, judge, authorities) would treat you even worse and would demand even a higher degree of obedience and submission from you, threaten you with how badly the interaction would go for you if you were to stand up to any other authority figure
Insist that if you were to act with this level of spite, refusal, rejection or disrespect to any other person, they would simply snap and kill you (implied death threat – you're lucky that I'm not ending your life right now)
Act like they own you, to the degree that they feel they have every right to end your life and would not be arrested or blamed if they were to kill you, since you're just their property
Add more if you have lived through other experiences that left you feeling like you had no protection, no rights in the eyes of the law, and no way to recognize your humans rights are being violated. Even one single item on this list means your human rights were kept from you.
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disagigglebilities · 2 months
The interesting intersection of having both physical and mental disabilities and experience abled bodied mentally ill ableism and sane minded physically ill ableism
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panicbones · 1 month
ive been reading books with AI characters in it and i keep finding again and again that nobody does it like murderbot. also why are ppl so desperate to put the ship AI in a body bro the purpose youve defeated it BOO
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airenyah · 7 months
thinking about how excited joong and dunk were for ep8, like joong immediately replying "ep8" without missing a beat when asked about his fave episode and them even sitting down for an instagram livestream to watch and react to the entirety of ep8 and also just how in interviews they'd constantly talk about how "oh!! we've never done anything like this before" and also constantly mention how hidden agenda was more mature compared to star in my mind
also thinking about how they chose to perform dum dum for lol fanfest and how that performance included one biting the other and how they had the idea to switch places for the bite in order to surprise everyone for day 2
idk, i'm thinking about it and i just feel like joongdunk would totally be up for doing only friends (or a series like it)
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adozentothedawn · 8 months
So, I watched the DnD movie. 0/10, needs more Xenk. Otherwise, best movie ever, needs more Xenk please thank you.
If Hollywood ever fixes its shit and starts paying their workers I would love a sequel. Does not have to be the same characters, except for Xenk, who is required.
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swordmaid · 2 years
something about how brienne tries so hard to appear as stoic and nonchalant in the outside (how different characters perceive her) but she actually is sensitive to a lot of things and how she just internalises it like …………
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bonojour · 8 months
seeing people put emphasis on russell's weight both positively (to a fetishizing extend) and negatively (the endless "maximus got fat" type of jokes) is just really annoying because during his career he dealt both with unhealthy weight gain and loss - sometimes paired up in two roles in a row. i just really wish people would give him a break and that he could just enjoy whatever shape he is in in peace.
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le-fruity-fool · 19 days
There truly is no feeling like another person pressing their face into your shoulder or resting on your lap.
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clemencetaught · 1 month
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"Here," it's... it's just bread. It's a bun, sure large enough to still some amount of hunger, but it's just bread. And yet, María holds it in front of Patrick with the face of someone who'd consider it a criminal offense to refuse it. Nevermind that she's stolen it from one of the banquets. "Just making sure you're eating." ((RUH-ROH it's Len again~ and I promise I forgot about the Peeta bread thing until I re-read this IGNORE THAT--!! FDKLGJDLAJSGF Hope you didn't end up getting sick BUT IF YOU DID HOPE YOU'RE RESTING AND FEELING BETTER SOON 🥺)) || okay but panem is also known as the nation of bread & circuses– ( unprompted w/ @mythvoiced )
He doesn’t eat much in the Capitol. 
Which is ironic, seeing how most of his life before the games, Patrick was always hungry. Always trying between schooling and factory shifts to figure out when his next meal was going to come. Why else would he and Hyuk have taken out tesserae all those years ago? It was preferable, playing the odds in the Reaping to starving for the rest of the year.
Nowadays, food is the least of his concerns. Whereas there is still a dearth in District Three, there is surplus in the Capitol. No surplus isn’t the right word; a surplus would mean the Capitol keeps the extra for the future. No, there is an excess of food in the Capitol, an excess that is dumped and left to rot after the pigs have had their share, have had their fun.
When he remembers that, food in the Capitol, no matter how finely it’s been prepared, becomes disgusting. Repulsive when it is combined with the thought of the districts, his people, still starving and fighting one another for the Capitol’s ‘scraps’. One plate is enough for Patrick to feel the bile swish in his stomach and even crawl back up his throat– how is he supposed to enjoy this filth now?
(But of course the Capitol has a way of perverting everything. Who else would have invented a liquid that makes one vomit what was just digested to make room for more food?)
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“You didn’t have to,” is the first set of words to come out of his mouth, however. It’s such a childish gesture on her part; as a victor, she and her family should have more than enough riches to cover for food whether she’s in the Capitol or her own district. That and it’s considered normal to take leftovers from these banquets.
And yet, she’s staring him down like they are in covenance– it’s odd…strange how the things the Capitol deem sacred, she’ll approach with the irreverence of a foreigner and yet with the most mundane of objects, like a loaf of bread, most likely one of the hundred baked today and will be replicated tomorrow, like it is worth the weight of gold. He takes a hold of María’s loot. The loaf is still warm, freshly out of the oven, he wants to believe. Like it came from one of the bakeries in say, District 12, rather than a Capitol banquet table. Does she look at the Capitol and its elaborate feasts the same way? District Eight is probably just as bad if not even worse than his own district when it comes to food shortages so maybe her thievery makes sense.
When one has gone without food for long enough, no amount of surplus is enough to satiate the insecurity. He knows that feeling all too well. His stomach growls in anticipation. “…Normally, the Capitol likes to have this with caviar.” A delicacy from District Four along with butter shipped from District Ten. He splits the loaf in two, the inside crackling and breaking into two crisp pieces. “But I think…I think it tastes just as delicious on its own.” He hands María one half while taking a bite out of the other. “Take the other half; I can’t finish it on my own.”
It tastes delicious. 
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vermillioncrown · 2 months
for the biomechanics!!(congrats on the defense)
so agree w the tiktok, i want to put it out there that most ppl writing about these huge schlongs have zero experience and have never forced the thought to its logical end
me and friend at the local sex shop for notes: where is it all going? are you using your eyes only?
(thank you 🙏)
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dollwrites · 9 months
if believing that you should try your best to write your “”faves”” in character makes me a hater then I’m the biggest fucking hater on the Internet.
It’s so crazy to me how many “soft” toji fics there are lowkey makes me wanna barf
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boyghcst · 2 months
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meezer · 3 months
me trying to pretend I don't care about romantic love and devotion and sexual intimacy irl when really I feel like it's the meaning of my life
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bibiana112 · 3 months
Telling on myself a bit but I love the ideia of beato being like a positive comforting brain child at first that was a protective shell and stood for the kind of witch and magic that could help a lonely kid and then it started to be unhealthy when she became an escapegoat for compartmentalizing and leaving feelings to be unaddressed and just an extension of the things she comes up with which are "not real" and then when those feelings come to the forefront and contradict and crash not to mention the recontextualized origin of her name to begin with made her into a cruel persecutor the voice that's mean to yourself in your own head that keeps tally of every flaw is suddenly not quiet but loud and overwhelming it is the most powerful out of the personas you created afterall she's a great witch and all the magic that's kept your mind safe is suddenly a tool of destruction you looked up to her you clung to it and now it's your very own inescapable persecutor and you're at its mercy
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