#and led into my favorite of her personal stories that she tells the Djinn
moonybadger · 5 months
Is there anyone else out there who both read "The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye" AND watched the movie "Three Thousand Years of Longing" who I can complain to about the movie making Alithea care WAY more about her boring ex-husband then she ever did in the original short story? And for taking out what her original first wish was? Because I'm still annoyed about both of those story decisions.
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jawritter · 4 years
Requested by: @prettysourabbie​ 
Can I request a Dean Winchester x plus size reader, where she really shy and dorky but believes that she really bad at sex because she is bigger? And dean shows her that she not 😊💕 I hope this makes sense haha! I know this sound awkward turtle 🐢
Word Count: 4036
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-sized!Reader
Warnings: Smut!, unprotected sex, insecure reader, self-hate, plus-sized reader, unrequited/requited love, angst, self-loathing, fluff.
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine! Please don’t copy my work! Feedback is golden! Hope you guys enjoy this one. 
Want more? Check out my Masterlist!
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Sitting alone in the cold and mostly dark library of the bunker, you waited for the return of your two favorite boys. 
Sam and Dean Winchester. 
You’d been working as the researcher for the Winchesters, and well most other hunters in the area, for years.  
You were raised in the life, but you weren’t ever like your average hunter. You weren’t skinny, or athletic, with perfect aim, perfect stamina that it takes to chase down and kill all that shit that goes bump in the night. Much to your father’s dismay, you were always a little on the heavier side. 
It’s not like all you did was sit on your ass, and eat or something either, it’s just how you were built, you couldn’t control it, no matter how much you exercised, ran, ate all that healthy crap; it did no good. You always maintained the same weight. 
Which was… Well… Let’s face it… 
Not exactly the standards of The Next Top Model.
Your stomach wasn’t flat and perfect, your hips were on the wider side, your thighs thicker than your average girl. You weren’t exactly small chested. You were just naturally larger than your average person. Even though you barely tipped the scales at five feet tall.
Your dad said you’d never be good for anything if he couldn’t marry you off, because you were too heavy for “breeding,” which was common in hunting compounds like the one you grew up on, and you couldn’t hunt, then you were useless to him. 
He’d left you at a bar just outside of Seattle, Washington. That’s where you meet your rescuer, and honestly, your favorite of your two favorite boys. 
He saw you sitting outside of the side of the bar crying because you didn’t know what you were going to do, he didn’t hesitate to take you in just like you were one of them when he’d heard your story, taking you to your new home, the bunker. 
Instead of discouraging your skills in research, he embraced it. 
Sam helped you get started in this overload of information that the men of letters had collected, your personal heaven honestly, and you’d been here ever since; doing what you could to help the boys behind a computer, a lore book, or a phone. 
You were happy here with your life, mostly anyway. It suited you, and Dean always made sure you wanted for nothing. He would always go out of his way to take care of you, no matter what you needed or wanted.
It didn’t take you long to fall for the overly gorgeous elder Winchester. 
His smile, his bright jade green eyes, that adorable shading of freckles that covered his skin, dusting even his nose, and checks; giving him almost a boyish look. His infectious laugh, his soft auburn hair, the way he cared more about others than he ever could himself.
You had learned to love everything about him, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Even though there were parts of his past that were darker than he’d ever let anyone know. Even though there were things that had happened to him, that had affected him to the uttermost part of his being. 
You loved him anyway. 
Past all flaws, and beyond all reason.
Of course, you never told Dean that. Hell no. You’d never tell Dean any of that. 
Dean liked girls that were supermodel types. 
Bleach blonde, toned bodies, too much makeup, and cheap perfume. Easy lays basically. 
You were none of that. 
You didn’t have the confidence that those girls had, so you just never even tried with Dean. The two of you had a good relationship going, and you just be happy with that, and not do anything like confess your feelings to mess it all up.
The loud opening and closing of the bunker door pulled you from your self-loathing. You hurriedly straightened your glasses, fixed your messy bun, and checked to make sure your led zeppelin t-shirt, that you had borrowed from Dean and yet to have returned, had no stains on it.
You’d been researching some stuff for Garth on a strange case he was working on, probably a Djinn from the looks of it, and hadn’t really gotten yourself together today. You were still in your favorite PJ pants and fuzzy slippers.
"Hey Y/n,” Sam greeted you as he flopped down in the chair across from you, taking his boots off. 
“Hey, where is Dean?” you asked him, listening for, but not hearing the elder Winchester anywhere.
“Dean, uh... Went out. Said he needed to blow off some steam. It was a pretty rough hunt for him... I’m sorry Y/n, I know you hate it when he  goes out and does this…” Sam said, letting his sentence trail off before finishing it.
You chew on your lower lip for a moment, nod your head, reopening your laptop, burying yourself in your work. 
You couldn’t look up at Sam, who you knew was staring at you with some pitiful look, and you didn’t want his pity. You knew your place, and Dean’s arms, even though you wanted to more than anything, would never be your place.
Sam was no idiot, he knew you had feelings for his brother. He just didn’t know what to say to make it better for you right now.
So he got to his feet, patted you on the shoulder, and then made his way to his room for the night. 
You worked through the tears streaming down your face when he was out of sight until your eyes burned too bad to keep working, and your head hurt from crying. So you made your way to your room, and crawled into the bed, the cold lonely bed, and fell into a restless sleep. Your heart beating like it was going to just give up and stop any minute. 
You laid there torturing yourself. Wondering what she looked like? Would she hold him when it was over? Would she be enough to comfort him the way he deserved? Would she play with his hair while he sleeps like you want to do? Would she realize how lucky she was to be in his arms? Cause some people, like yourself, would never get that chance.
The next morning you made your way into the kitchen. Your head is still pounding, and your eyes are still red. 
You were wondering if Dean had made it home yet, but you didn’t have to wonder very long. 
As soon as you rounded the corner there he was, probably still in last night’s clothes, pouring a cup of coffee.
For a moment you faltered by the door, and started to just turn around, and go back to your room. 
You didn’t know if you could face him right now, you knew you looked like a whole mess. Last night was harder on you with him going out than it was ever. Maybe it was because it had been so long since you’d seen him. Maybe it was because he had texted you the day before he headed back to Kansas, and promised a movie night when he got home. He must have needed to get laid more than he needed his friend.
You turned around to head back towards your room, but Dean had heard you. His hunter reflexes are faster than your feet. 
Damn him.
“Hey, sweetheart! Want me to pour you a cup of coffee?” Dean said, looking at you over his shoulder, that smile that could stop your heart on his perfect pink lips, lips that some other woman was kissing last night. The signs of that visible with the deep purple hickey that was poking out just under the collar of his shirt.
You just nod, not trusting your voice. 
Dean poured you a cup of coffee and fixed it the way you liked. You wondered how he knew that. You didn’t remember ever telling him how you liked your coffee, he just always seemed to know. 
You made your way over to the table in the corner of the room, and Dean brought your cup of coffee and set it down in front of you.
“So, I was thinking tonight we would lock ourselves in the Dean cave, and do that Harry Potter marathon you’ve been talking about. I’ll order some pizzas and…Y/n, what’s wrong? Have you been crying?”
You cursed yourself for being so damn obvious this morning. You just shrug your shoulders, refusing to meet his gaze. 
“Did some asshole hurt you? Tell me his name! I’ll kick his ass!" 
You had to hold back a snicker at that because the mental image your mind painted of Dean kicking his own ass was quite amusing. 
"No one’s hurt me, Dean, I’m fine,” you tell him, making to get up with your coffee cup, and just head back to your room. 
“Bullshit Y/N, I’ve known you for years, we’re best friends. Tell me what’s wrong.” 
He looked at you pleadingly, and you sighed deeply before looking down at your coffee cup.
“I just let myself get all in my head last night. I’m fine now. I’m just tired. I think I’m going to go and lay down for a little bit. We’ll do whatever you said you wanted to do tonight,” you said as Sam walked past you, giving you an apologetic look. 
Sam was the kind of person who was not going to get in the middle of it, so he just continued to make his way to the refrigerator after his morning run.
“Are you sure you’re okay? ‘Cause you don’t look okay, Sweetheart. Maybe I could just come keep you company, and cuddle with you like we used to while you rest, or until you feel better.” 
Dean made his way over to you while he was taking, and wrapped his arms around you.
As soon as he did you jerked back from him. He looked down at you confused and hurt, but he smelt like her perfume and it made your stomach lurch, bile rose in your throat at the thought of how it got there.
“No offense Dean, but you need a shower,” you said coldly and turned walking back to your room, leaving a very confused and hurt looking Dean, and a somewhat amused Sam. 
Probably because he thought Dean deserved that. 
You wanted nothing more than to cuddle with Dean, but you didn’t know if it wouldn’t totally rip your heart out, especially with him smelling so much like her. 
After about two hours of you crying yourself to the point, you weren’t able to cry anymore in the darkness of your room, hating your weight, hating that you weren’t good enough, hating the fact that you had to wear glasses all the time, hating the fact that you were a nerd, and always were a nerd. Your stomach grumbled, reminding you that you had skipped breakfast this morning, but you didn’t want to run into the boys again, so you had just resolved to lay there when you hear your door open, and close softly.
You could smell Dean’s body wash as he made his way quietly as possible over to the side of your bed. Your back was to him, and the door, cover pulled high up to your chin, your hair pretty much blocking your face from his view.
“Y/N, are you asleep?” Dean whispered. 
You didn’t move, you didn’t say anything, you didn’t really have time to before Dean pulled the cover back, and you felt the bed dip under his weight. Your heart rate jumped up through the roof as his scent surrounded you, and he pulled the covers back over himself and you.
“I showered…I… I don't smell like her anymore… I made Sam check to make sure,” he said, moving his way over closer to you in a spooning position, wrapping his arm around you gently, and pulling himself closer to you.
Your heart was beating so hard now you were sure he could feel it through your ribs, even with all your “extra padding” as you called it. 
“Sweetheart, why didn’t you say something to me before? I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t know. I would have much rather come home to you than run to some whore that literally meant nothing to me." 
You made a mental note to kill Sam.
"Sam told you didn’t he,” you almost whispered, your stomach was in a knot at this point. What the fuck was he trying to tell you? You couldn’t do for him what he needed.
“Yeah, but in his defense, you left me standing there torn between hunting down whatever random dude that had hurt you that you weren’t telling me about, and trying to scrap my pride up off the floor,” Dean said. 
It took all you had not to flinch at that. You shouldn't have snapped at Dean, but you couldn’t stand the smell of her either. 
“I’m sorry Dean, I shouldn’t have taken my feelings out on you. You have every right to have sex with whoever you want. She could probably do more for you than I ever could. I know you are not attracted to me. I’m not blind. You don’t have to come in here, and say all those things just to make me feel better,” you said, refusing to turn around and look at him. 
You felt Dean sit up, and for a moment you thought he was going to get up and leave, shattering your heart even further. 
Instead of getting up and leaving, Dean rolled you over to your back with more ease than you thought would have been possible, and straddle your hips with his thighs. Bracing his weight off of you with his hands on either side of your head. You stared into his piercing eyes for a moment in shock. He looked cross between hurt and angry.
“Let me tell you a little something about that whore that you said could do so much better than you for me. Yeah, I fucked her, I’m not even gonna try and deny it, but after she was done I got up and got dressed to go jerked myself off in the car because some whore isn’t gonna get all of me Sweetheart believe that. I’d give my damn right arm to have you, what the fuck do you mean I’m not attracted to you? Every time we’re watching TV together I’m fighting to hide my boner because I didn’t want to freak you out. I wouldn’t be in here with you right now if I didn’t want to be. Why the hell do you think so low of yourself?” 
Dean was still hovering over you, so many emotions on his face that it was impossible to read them all.
“Dean, I’m fat. I’m no good at sex. I couldn’t get you off if I tried to. You still would have ended up having to go and finish yourself off. Very few men want to touch this, very few ever have.” 
You tried to avoid his gaze out of your own shame. Hating yourself at that moment more than ever.
“What? Fat? Baby girl, you are NOT fat. You're gorgeous,” Dean said as he reached and grabbed your wrist, bringing your hand down to his crotch, and resting it over the impressive bulge that had formed his sweats. 
You did vaguely register that he’d skipped the underwear. 
He felt huge, and you couldn’t stop your eyes widening. 
You always figured that Dean was packing, but damn.
“Does that feel like someone who isn’t attracted to you? Baby, I can’t tell you the nights I’ve thought about you just to get off. About kissing every curve, every inch of skin,” his hands let go of your wrist as he trailed them down your sides, and over your up to your breast, causing your breath to hitch in your throat at his light touch.
“Dean,” you said cautiously, his hand slipping under your shirt, fingers trailing lightly over your stomach, the part of your body that you hated the most. 
“Let me show you just how beautiful you are, Sweetheart,” he said, his voice husky and deep. His tongue running slowly over his lower lip as his eyes roamed your body. “Let me show you just how much I’ve always wanted you since the night I met you.”
You laid there underneath him completely dumbfounded for a moment. Finally, all you could do was shake your head yes. 
If you were dumb enough to turn him down now, you would lose him, and your heart couldn’t handle it, it would crush you. So here you were, going to take a chance, and do what you so desperately wanted to do for so long. 
Let Dean love you. 
Dean didn’t hesitate, reaching down grabbing your shirt and pulling it off and over your head, throwing it to the floor. His eyes rack over your body, looking down at your bare chest, you immediately try to cover up, regretting not putting a bra on this morning.
“No, no, pretty girl, don’t hide from me,” Dean said, bending down, and capturing your lips in his with a sweet kiss, slowly kissing away some of the worries, and insecurity. 
Moving his hands down your body he pulled the waistband of your PJs and underwear down your body in one pull, leaving you completely exposed before him. Keeping your mouth busy as his tongue invaded your mouth, kissing you drunk, exploring every inch of your mouth like he’d never get to do it again. 
When he finally had to pull up for air you noticed that his sweats were gone. His thick length standing proudly against his shirt, and slapping his stomach as he pulled his shirt off, tossing it to the floor.
You didn’t have time to get nervous before his mouth was on you again, kissing you deeply, needier than the first time. 
Making his way from your mouth to your throat he sucked his mark onto your neck, one that you’d wear proudly, one you’ve wanted for so long. 
He continued kissing his way down your body, licking at each nipple before sucking them into his mouth, sending a sensation you’d never felt before jolting through your body. Your back arching to meet his hard chest. Little moans fell from your lips as his mouth continued the assault on your hard nipples. 
Satisfied with his work, he began to move down your stomach. Kissing and nipping at the skin there, worshiping your body like no one ever had, kissing your hips, your tights. 
That’s when it hit you where he was.
“Dean, don’t!” you said, right before his mouth made contact with your already dripping core. 
Dean stopped immediately, moving back up your body, placing his lips on yours in a sweet kiss, slower this time than before. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just not there yet. Not tonight,” you said as he pulled away to look at you, your embarrassment filling your checks.
“That’s okay Baby, we’ve got all the time in the world. If you want to stop we can stop,” he said, brushing your hair away from your face.
“I don’t want to stop, I’m just not ready for that specifically. It’s gonna take time,” you said, he nodded his head, kissing your neck and running his tongue along the shall of your ear. 
“That’s okay baby girl, I’m not going to stop loving you, and eventually, I’m going to make you forget all that insecurity you’ve got built up inside. Even if it takes years. I’m a patient man,” Dean said, slipping his fingers down your body, and finding your swollen clit with his thumb as he pushed two tick digits deep side of you, working you slowly, your hips rolling against his hand on their own as he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting that stop no one has been able to reach before. 
He didn’t stop playing your body like a well-tuned instrument until you were coming undone around him, and your walls squeezing his fingers as your orgasm ripped through your body, leaving you a panting shaking mess underneath him as he worked you through your high.
Peppering your face with little kisses he let you come down completely before lining himself up with you, sinking deep inside of you in one smooth thrust. Stretching you, filling you in every way. His thick tip is sitting against your cervix. You could almost feel him pulsing inside of you.
“Fuck, your so tight baby girl,” he husks in your ear, kissing your lips in a tender kiss before grabbing your hips, and rolling you over on top of him like you weighed nothing at all. A surprised squeak leaving your lips.
“Dean, no I’m going to hurt you,” you said, feeling silly, and embarrassed as you sat astraddle of his hips, his cock buried deep inside of you.
“You’re not going to hurt me, Baby. I want you to know just how capable you are of taking care of me, please,” he said, reaching up and kissing the skin of your stomach before grabbing your hips, and rocking your hips with his strong hands. 
All thought processes flew right out the window at that point. 
His tip moves over your most sensitive spots in the most amazing, almost overwhelming to the point of painful, but still pleasurable way, your clit dragging over his hilt with each drag of your hips. Soon you were rocking back and forth against him on our own without any assistance whatsoever. Your bodies molded together like they were meant to be.
Dean’s head was thrown back against the pillow, the veins in his neck visible, and his jaw tightly locked. 
He was beautiful. 
Completely lost in what your body was doing for him.
 Something you never knew was possible, never thought you would ever see, or experience first hand. Just something they wrote about in cheesy romance novels, and fanfiction.
Before long you right at the edge your body shaking on top of him. The sounds and noises that were falling from both of your lips were enough to make a porn star blush. Dean's grip on your hips was now strong enough that you were sure it would leave bruises. You didn’t care though. You let him hold onto you as he fucked himself up into you as you rode him, closer and closer to both of your ends. 
Dean cursed he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you down close to him as he slammed himself up into you and stilled. Spilling himself deep inside of you. His seed coating your walls in warm streams, throwing you into your own end. Waves of pleasure rolling over you both as he slowly thrust into you, dragging out both of your highs.
When both of you had control of your bodies again, Dean rolled you both over to your side, his arms never leaving you. He peppered your face and neck with little opened mouth kisses as he slowly pulled out of your body, and you couldn’t help but whine a little at the loss of contact.
Dean’s lips found yours in a sweet, but searing kiss as his hands started to trace the curves of your body, while still holding onto you tightly. Not breaking the kiss until the need for oxygen became to grate.
“I love you y/n, I have since the moment I met, and I know I’m not much, and I don’t have anything to offer you, the life we live… It’s just not your white picket fence life, but all I have is yours if you will have me. You know how hard it is for me to admit my feelings, but sweetheart, I’ve never been more sure of anything in all of my life.”
A single tear that made its way down your cheek. One that Dean caught, and wiped away with the gentle movement of his thumb over your cheek. 
“I love you too, I’m yours, I always have been, always will be.”
Tag List: 
@deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming​
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profoundnet · 5 years
Profound Member Post - February 2019
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Header by @cryptomoon​ and is available on merch from her redbubble store. You can use all those fancy emojis (and more!) on our Discord Server!
The Masterpost is open for all creations by ProfoundBond members which are posted in entirely during that month.
Masterpost below the cut.
MaggieMaybe160 - @maggiemaybe160​ - MaggieMaybe160 (Pillowfort)
Listen To Me
Summary: Amara was given the thing she needed most so she gives Dean what he needs. What if John Winchester came back instead of Mary?
Tags: Major Character Death, Graphic Violence, Heavy Angst
Wandering Angel
Summary:  From a prompt: When Sam and Dean died, Cas was still exiled.
Tags: Major Character Death mentioned, Heavy Angst, Song Fic
Come Into My Office
Summary: Castiel goes to work for Sandover when Zachariah kidnaps and brainwashes Sam and Dean. An office romance blooms when Dean has to call Castiel into his office.
Tags: Episode: It's a Terrible Life, Explicit Sex, Top Cas/Bottom Dean, Fluff/Smut/Light Angst
The Valentine’s Date
Summary: Cas sets up the perfect date to tell Dean how he feels on Valentine's Day.
Tags: Season 14 Spoilers, Love Confessions, Angst
Summary: Castiel can't tell what's real and what's the brainwashing from Naomi.
Tags: Major Character Death, Graphic Violence, Episode: Goodbye Stranger, Heavy Angst
The Secrets That You Keep
Summary: Dean Winchester is allergic to shellfish.
Tags: Major Character Death, Allergies, Heavy Angst
I Am The Nightmare
Summary: Dean has been having night terrors and Cas is trying to help him as they become more dangerous.
Tags: Graphic Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Inspired by Real Events
Defeat the Night||BAMF!Destiel 
Summary: Supernatural Fan Video Tags: Demon Dean, BAMF SFW
casbean - @casbeanwrites​ - casbean
‘Til Dreams Do Us Part
Summary: Dean’s woken up in a hospital before. He doesn’t like it, but it’s part of the job. It happens. And he doesn’t mind it as much when the first thing he sees is his husband’s face. Castiel looks terribly grim, until he notices that Dean is awake. “Heya, sunshine,” Dean grins. His vision is still a little blurry and he flexes his fingers -- they still move. So do his toes. Good news. “Dean!” Sam enters his field of vision, the weary expression on his face morphing into relief. “Thank God, we didn’t know if--” “Hey, I’m fine.” Dean manages to stretch out his hand and pat Cas’ arm. “What happened?” “You don’t remember?” “Remember what?” “The Djinn got you. He kept you for five days, and your dream made him so strong he almost killed us both.”
Tags: Alternate Universe - Genie/Djinn, Djinn fic, Hurt/Comfort, Married Castiel/Dean Winchester, First Kiss, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending
Summary: “This isn’t how I imagined we’d first share a bed,” Dean lets out without thinking about it.
Tags: Case Fic, Sharing a Bed, Mutual PiningHurt/Comfort, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Canon Compliant
Summary:  “The spell calls for… angelic… um. Spunk.” “Spunk?” “Yeah, y’know.” “I don’t,” Cas frowns. “Sperm, Cas. We need your jizz for the spell.”
Tags: Fuck Or Die, Mutual Pining, First Time, First Kiss, Blow Jobs, Case Fic, Canon Compliant
unlucky swap
Summary: “Dude, what the fuck did I say?” Sam huffs. And rolls his eyes. And despite the fact that it’s been over two weeks, Dean’s heart still squeezes at how Cas that gesture is. Because, well, it is Cas. Just stuck in the sasquatch body of Dean’s humongous brother.
Tags: Body Swap, Established Relationship, Married Castiel/Dean Winchester, Case Fic
Duck and Berries
Summary: A story about a meet cute, a duck confit, and a small matter of mistaken identity.
Tags: First Meetings, Falling In Love, team switch, Castiel and Jimmy Novak are Twins, Misunderstandings, Angst with a Happy Ending
MalMuses - @malmuses​ - MalMuses (Pillowfort)
The Greatest International Love Story the World Has Ever Seen
Summary: Dean wasn’t the type of person who did this kind of thing. He just wasn’t. GISH?? Ugh. The whole thing was just further proof that Dean would do anything his brother wanted him to do. Why else would he be in a Stormtrooper costume, calling up his ex-girlfriend for a private yoga class? Had he been stuck in a rut that long? Given that he’d been pining for the same freakin’ guy, his professor and coworker no less, for three long years… maybe. Cas was definitely the type of person who did this kind of thing, not that many people knew that. He was one of the most well-respected professors at KSU. His students and coworkers didn’t need to know that he was captain of a GISH team, or that he knitted kinky accessories and made art with his online friends. His TA certainly didn’t need to know either. Just professionalism, of course. Nothing at all to do with the failed attempt at a relationship, three years of pining, and frequent inappropriate daydreams. A two-person love triangle with online friendships, costumes, and a lot of glitter.
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, Two person love triangle, Comedy of Errors, GISH, Mutual Pining, Dean Cas Pinkest 2019
With accompanying art by blueeyesandpie (@blueeyesandpie​) 
drawlight - @drawlight - drawlight  (Pillowfort)
The Crane In White 
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a little crane who fell in love with a human. He prayed every night to be made human to be with his love. Once upon a time, Dean Winchester finds a white crane.
Tags: Fairytale, Falling In Love, Romance, Creature Castiel, Pining
EllenOfOz - @ellen-of-oz​ - EllenOfOz
Dark Blue, Dark Blue
Summary: Written for Dean/Cas Pinefest 2019. In late 2006, Castiel and Dean are in the same guild and raid team in the online game, Moondoor. They only know each other by their character names: Niteryder and Thorsangel, but they hang out and chat whenever they’re not raiding. Dean is baffled though—no matter how much time they spend talking online, Angel never reveals anything about himself. That’s because Castiel is in hiding. At school he hides behind his emo image and stays as invisible as he can, but online he’s got to be extra-vigilant. He can’t reveal anything about himself to Ryder, as much as he might like to—doing so would risk bringing trouble down on himself and his mom. There’s something about Ryder that makes him easy to talk to, though. But outside of the game, ghosts from Castiel’s family’s past are out for revenge, and going back to Lawrence, KS to visit his friend Meg could put him in danger.
Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, MMORPGs, Gamer Castiel, Emo Castiel, Mutual Pining, Bi-Curious Dean Winchester, Long-Distance Friendship, Friends to Lovers
deaniewithalittleweanie - @deaniewithalittleweanie - deaniewithalittleweanie
Valentine’s Day 2019
Summary: Dean and Sam find a strange case in Chicago about a couple who confessed their long concealed crushes on one another and both had heart attacks during the throes of passion. Castiel tags along to investigate.
Tags: First Kiss, First time, Love Confessions, Case Fic
Building Up
Summary: As Dean and Castiel's relationship progresses, Castiel realizes that Dean hasn't exactly had safe practices in the BDSM world, and now it's Castiel's job to show him the ropes...pun intended.
Tags: Dom Castiel, Sub Dean, BDSM, Punishment Scene, Aftercare
NadiaHart - @hartlessfiction​ - NadiaHart (Pillowfort)
Thunder in The Library
Summary: Castiel’s work as the Head Librarian of The Grand Library of Magic and Lost Artifacts has him away on a last minute trip for far longer than he anticipated. By the time he returns, there’s a certain book who’s less than pleased with his inability to keep his word.
Tags: Magical Castiel, magic is known, Curses, Cursed Dean Winchester, Magical Dean Winchester, Fluff, Tooth Rotting Fluff, Librarian Castiel (Supernatural)
robotsnchicks - @robotsnchicks​ - robotsnchicks
Gimme The News 
Summary: Dr. Novak crosses his arms and glares at Dean from across the room. “If you think there’s a foreign object lodged in your rectum then I suggest you go to the emergency room so they can take an x-ray and properly address the situation.” Dean sucks his lower lip in and then releases it into a pout. “Aw c'mon doc. I've got a ten dollar copay here. If I go to the hospital I'm looking at a couple hundred minimum.” He spends some time admiring the strong length of the doctor's hands. “Besides I'd much rather have my favorite doctor’s fingers in me than some stranger at the ER.”
Tags: Doctor!Cas, Patient!Dean, Medical Kink, Humor and Smut
Aceriee - @missaceriee​
Grand Gestures
Summary: Valentine’s Day art
EmiliaOagi - EmiliaOagi
Presenting Dean Winchester
Summary:  Dean finally start presenting his secondary gender, and Castiel has an unexpected reaction to Dean's new scent. A somewhat different take on a/b/o, set in a canon-divergent universe somewhere around season 8/9
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Fluff and Smut, Hand Jobs, Omega Dean Winchester, Alpha Castiel
elanor-n-evermind - @elanor-n-evermind​ - elanor-n-evermind
Pride Flags of the Oddly Shaped Empty A/B/O Universe
Summary: Secondary pride flags inspired by Jemariel's fic Oddly Shaped Empty
Tags: A/B/O dynamics, genderqueer, beta Dean, alpha Castiel
iCeDreams - iCeDreams
Dean's Top 13 Zepp Traxx
Summary: Dean's love language is told not in words, but in songs. In the notes of his favorite rock band and the rhythm of their melodies. His longest unfinished work is composed of Led Zeppelin songs, chosen for the feelings they evoke. It's Dean's life, reflected into one mix and shared carefully in hopes that he would be heard and understood.
Tags: Canon Compliant, Dean's Top 13 Zepp Traxx Mixtape, Inspired by Music, John Winchester's A+ Parenting
Darmys - Darmys
Long Road Home: Unto the Breach 
Summary: Sam and Dean set out on a journey of danger and discovery. Joining forces with a band of outcasts and rebels, they plan to strike a blow for freedom against the vast and powerful empire which stole Bobby from them. This is the second part of a massive space opera trilogy. Based on the original work of Alis A. Rasmussen.
Tags: Alternate Universe - The Highroad Trilogy, Alternate Universe - Space Opera, Past Benny Lafitte/Dean Winchester, Past Dean Winchester/Nick Munroe, Robot!Baby, Canon-Typical Deaths, Canon-Typical Violence, Referenced Past Rape/Non-con, Period-Typical Racism, Revolution
Salt-And-Silver - Salt-And-Silver
The Thief
Summary: The Empty’s threats echoed through his mind. Every rare happy moment, clouded with the reminder that he couldn’t let himself feel too much.
Tags: Major Character Death, One Shot, Heavy Angst, Angst & Tragedy, Love Confessions 
supernatural9917 - @supernatural9917fic​ - supernatural9917
Into This
Summary: Dean is finally going to confess his love to his best friend. He gets quite a bit more than he bargained for. Written for the Destiel Smut Bingo 2018. Square fill: 'I didn't know you were into this.'
Tags: AU, Friends to Lovers, Cas is a professional dom, mention of past Castiel/Meg, mention of Castiel/others in a professional D/s context, These two idiots have been pining for years, Light Dom/sub
De-stressing Mr Smith 
Summary: Dean Smith's stoner hippie neighbour Castiel thinks Dean is wound up way too tight, and offers him a couple of different methods to de-stress. Written for the Destiel Smut Bingo 2018. Square fill: Endverse!Cas/Dean Smith Tags: Endverse Cas/Dean Smith, Castiel Acts Like Endverse Castiel, Dean Smith, Episode: s04e17 It's a Terrible Life Sort Of, Castiel and Dean Winchester are Neighbors
For Science
Summary: Dean signs up to take part in a science experiment studying brain activity during arousal and orgasm. Jerking off to porn for money? Sounds like his dream job! Things get a little more complicated when the person running the study turns out to be his secret crush, Cas. Written for the Destiel Smut Bingo 2018. Square filled: For science.
Tags: for science, Exhibitionist Dean Winchester, Science, Scientist Castiel, Accidental Voyeurism that's a little bit on purpose
Double Deaned 
Summary: Tomorrow, they're gonna kill the devil. Tonight... well, they've got other plans. Written for the Destiel Smut Bingo 2018. Square filled: Endverse Sandwich (2014!Dean/2014!Cas/2009!Dean)
Tags: Endverse sandwich, Threesome - M/M/M, Angst, Endverse Dean is a dick, implied breath play
And the Academy Award Goes To....
Summary:  It's Oscar season! Will the Academy give Whisper Its Name the recognition it deserves? A Red Carpet Chronicles timestamp.
Tags: Red Carpet Chronicles, Timestamp, Alternate Universe - Actors, Oscars, Chick-Flick Moments, Fluff, Mountains and mountains of fluff, Cas is so proud
Accompanying art by delicious-irony
dean-cas-in-the-impala - @dean-cas-in-the-impala​ - dean-bangs-cas-in-the-impala
Summary: Cas finds a kitten. Dean is not happy. But for how long?
Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Romance, Domestic Destiel, Destiel in the bunker, kitten fic
Will You Bee Mine?
Summary: Whatever Castiel bakes just tastes heavenly.
Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Romance, Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Fluff
insominia - @a-insominia​ - insominia
Roadside Assistance
Summary: Dean Winchester is probably the most decent human being Castiel has ever met, not to mention gorgeous. But, Castiel has more baggage than an airport terminal and Dean's only being kind because Castiel broke down in a snowstorm and nothing is going to happen. Probably nothing.
Tags: AU - Modern Universe, Attempted Kidnapping, Strangers to Lovers, Love at First Sight, Fluff and Smut
My Brother, Dean
Summary: Sam Winchester doesn't know much about Dean's secret other-half. He only has half a name to go on 'Cas'. Whoever she is, she's probably a gorgeous brunette who loves beer and pie and Sam doesn't care that Dean wants to keep her a secret, he's just glad his brother is happy. It was going to happen eventually and Dean invites Sam out, probably with an eye to introducing them at last. Nothing goes to plan and it turns out Sam knows nothing.
Tags: AU - Modern Setting, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Coming Out, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Implied Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Family Fluff
Chick-Flick Moment
Summary: Dean wants to do something nice for Cas, but what do you get an angel of the lord to show your appreciation? Enter: Sam, with the great idea of 'how about you ask him if there's anything he wants?' Which is fine until Cas says, 'I want a chick-flick moment.' But Dean said he'd do anything and he intends to deliver.
Tags: Date Night, Romance, Fluff
I'm Just Not Myself (When You're Away)
Summary: It's been three years now and Dean hasn't said a word. He left so much unsaid so now he says nothing.
Tags: Angst, Post-Canon, Forgetful Dean Winchester, Growing Old, SFW 
The Hunter’s Church
Summary: The gates of heaven are closed to Castiel and not even his voice can penetrate it. After the Winchesters have passed Castiel still hunts and the new hunters sometimes pray to the legendary guardian angel of hunters. He always comes when they call and all he ever asks in return is that when they pray they pass on a message - I'm safe and I love you.
Tags: Future Fic, Post-Canon, Family Feels, Angst and Feels
All in a Name
Summary: It's 5 am and Castiel wants a coffee. It's surely not an unreasonable request.
Tags: AU - Coffee Shop, Meet-Cute, First meetings, fluff
Fifty Shades of Cas
Summary: Castiel asked Dean to show him what 'Fifty Shades of Grey' meant. Dean has only the vaguest idea what those excuse-for-soft-porn-in-chick-flicks are actually about but he's not one to back down from a challenge. Unfortunately for him, Castiel knows exactly what 'Fifty Shades of Grey' means and is happy to illustrate the gaps in his knowledge.
Tags: Dom/Sub Play, Fifty Shades of Grey Bashing, Misunderstandings, Frottage, Oral Sex, Restraints
zipegs - @ghstfcers - zipegs
Summary: A collection of 100-word drabbles as prompted by the Profound Bond Discord’s weekly challenge. Each chapter will correspond to a one-word prompt, with at least one stand-alone drabble per chapter.
Like Salvation 
Summary: That’s the kicker, isn’t it? The moment Dean wants to keep fighting is the moment it’s no longer an option.
Tags: Episode: s14e12 Prophet and Loss, 14x12 coda, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, First Kiss, cas and dean get the emotional moment they deserve
PallasPerilous -@pallasperilous - PallasPerilous 
Twenty Questions
Category: General
Summary: Dean is AWOL, so Cas rides shotgun. Sam does his best to fill the silence with an entirely academic inquiry into the nature of Enochian pronouns and their relation, or lack thereof, to the gender of human vessels.
...it's more fun than it sounds.
Tags: Castiel & Sam Winchester, Ficlet, Angel Gender, Angel True Forms, POV Sam, Conversations in the Impala
Category: General
Summary: Demon!Castiel for @bisexualdemondean
Tags: Demon!Castiel, AU, tailored suiting is hot
Canadduh - @canadduh - canadduh (Pillowfort)
Never, Always, Forever
Summary: He knew that drinking games were bad news. Especially drinking games that involved him, Cas, and a few too many shots of tequila.
Tags: Never Have I Ever, Bottom Dean Winchester, Top Castiel, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Fluff and Smut, Angst, Post-Coital Cuddling, Come Eating
9 notes · View notes
tristan-forester · 5 years
Sayaadi Storytime : Saving Olivia
[This story follows the events which took place at Dawn Hearth Abbey. @lorcanbeithioch posted a recap of the events from his point of view, which you can find here. This is Tristan’s own recounting, though it is heavily tainted by his personal reflections. ]
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“Thank the Shadows for the creativity of Sayaad,” I smirked as I snuggled in between Dorjan and Ravi.  
The moment I had returned from aiding in Olivia’s rescue, the two males and Dun’Yazad pulled me off to a private room on the second floor. Until then, in the afterglow of a passionate recovery, I had sustained the most injuries.
Well, short of Olivia.
She was so frail when we found her. The image of her clinging to Lorcan is burned into every idle moment now. She looked as she had when I first met her, small and helpless, thankful for someone to save her. Years ago, when she was the broken waif of the west wing, I saw her as a possession. She became mine. Seeing her fall so far from her potential tonight, I felt anger instead. I wanted to confront her for her stupidity and weakness. I wanted to pull her to her feet and make her stand on her own.
I realize now, anger was just the mask my fear was wearing.
“Will you tell us about it now?” Ravi asked dreamily as he pushed himself more firmly against me.
I must have tensed or groaned while thinking about Olivia, because I realize both Dorjan and Dun were snuggling closer as well. I really couldn’t veil my emotions as well as the others could, so when I smile at them and press an appreciative kiss to Ravi’s ever hungry lips, it is genuine.
“Sure,” I purred. “When we arrived at the abbey, the other four went ahead. They met guards on the road and played their parts well enough to be invited in. I watched from the woods with Lorcan’s construct in company with me. Miss kept me updated to the activities within the abbey, but I was mostly waiting until she called for me. The construct and I murdered the remaining guards on the road and –”
“You are going to only brush over that?” Ravi asked with a devilish smirk. “It was your favorite part, no? Tell us how you did it.”
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I can feel the spreading warmth of my delight bleeding into my expression. My mistress and her family of Sayaad were truly a Shadow sent gift I didn’t deserve. Still, even for all the praise they lay upon me for my progress, I have yet to earn their support. To express this realization, I subtly untangle myself from Dorjan’s side and roll over to land roughly atop Ravi. One set of his strong hands grip my bare hips as the other pair brace against my chest. I can feel his breath hitch in expectation.
“I ambushed the guards on the road,” I growl as I grip the hands on my chest and overpower Ravi enough to pin them over his head. He pitches his hips against me, bucking a little in a weak struggle before grinning at me. “I brought an ax down firmly into the skull of one of the archers, hitting him right about here.”
I lean in to kiss the crown of Ravi’s head, breathing deep the scent of him before trailing kisses over his forehead, eyes, and nose, before bypassing his lips and dipping down along his jawline. Dorjan and Dun’Yazad both snicker softly as Ravi thrashes and protests faintly. Tristan grins against the Djinn’s ear and speaks just loud enough so the other two would continue to hear the story as well.
“The remaining archer planted a bolt into the crux of my wing and shoulder, and in his brave fight, the swordsman slashed open my side. You saw those wounds, though,” I tease before lowering my voice to a sultry whisper just for Ravi. “Saw them and helped heal them. I am very grateful.”
Although my kind doesn’t procreate, we are certainly capable of arousal, and little stirs my lust as much as the plaintiff moans of a lover at my mercy. Ravi’s struggle turns into the subtle waves rolling from his hips and abdomen as he attempts to physically entice me to pick up where we theoretically left off.
“They put up a good fight,” I continue, blatantly ignoring his silent pleas. “But in the end, I slashed the swordman’s throat open with my tail.”
To illustrate, I abandon the Djinn’s ear to leave a moist, warm path of kisses over his throat to his other ear. I nip the lobe lightly and continue to keep control of his hands as he squirms more.
“The second archer met a fate much like the first, an ax opening his mind to the cruel airs of the world.”
I lean back, letting Ravi’s hands free. I can’t tell if he is engaged in the story, so I am silent as I assess his expression. He didn’t want freedom. He wanted the full brunt of my possessive desire and the dull aches that came with it. I can feel the frustration building up in him anew and I know he is bound to test my patience sooner or later.
Best of all, I am going to encourage it.
I move, as if I am about to dismount him, and he clings more tightly to me with the hands on my hips. I can feel the muscles prepping just under his beautiful dark skin.
“I moved into the abbey then. There was one guard outside, but he was no contest for the construct and I. We crushed his helmet in around his skull and left him to a slow death before joining the others,” I continue casually, waiting for Ravi to make his move. “They had massacred nine people by the time I entered, and Alice and Miss were working on a tenth in the far hall. I paused to make sure Lorcan was—”
I am not sure if I was losing my audience or if Ravi assumed, I was distracted by my tale, but he bucked upwards sharply and knocked me off to the side. He didn’t go for the pin like I had, instead he sat atop me like a throne and celebrated his smug victory by massaging all four hands over my tense chest and shoulders. Dorjan took advantage of my new position and leaned over to kiss me deeply. He imparted more strength and passion into that kiss and it set my foreign soul aflame. It always did. A moan rumbles from my chest and it feels like the entire world is vibrating at the ministrations of demonic passion.
“May I continue?” I tease before nipping Dorjan’s lip and looking up to where Ravi was shifting down my thighs slightly. The impish spark in his dark eyes is all the encouragement I needed. “There were more in the kitchen below the hall we were in. All ill suited for standing against us, but we killed them all the same. No one was intended to survive. We killed the cooks and priestesses and guards and priests. We carved a bloody path through the halls of the abbey and Lorcan used that blood to curse and hex them. It is art when I look back on it, but in the moment, it was necessity. We still didn’t know Olivia was there at that point even.”
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I shift subtly beneath Ravi and feel him tense. He is still challenging me as he traces his fingernails over my musculature. He loves games, but I am convinced he wins more for losing. Instead of meeting his expectations, I push myself up into a sitting position, pulling him tightly against my chest and holding him on my lap as I take another starving kiss from him. If it is possible to leave a Sayaad breathless, that is my aim when I kiss Ravi, and this time I may have gotten close as he remains agape when I sit back to go on telling the story.
“There was a crypt behind the abbey,” I whispered along the full swell of Ravi’s perfect lower lip. “Or that is what we were led to believe it was. Not far into the dark halls, though, the smell of death and fear and living told a darker truth. It was a prison, you see. The Priests in Red were famous for experimenting upon those they captured and they would do so in prisons now that they had no hospital.”
I trace Ravi’s spine from his tailbone to his hairline with a single extended talon, leaving a trail scratched only skin deep. Gooseflesh erupts in its wake and I feel him shiver atop me. The story is winding down to the part of which I don’t wish to speak. However, I am only able to distract Ravi so easily.
“That is where you found her, yes?” Dun’Yazad asked.
I look to her and smile distantly. Although she as entwined with Dorjan as I am with Ravi, her attention is expertly divided.
“Yes. There were three left standing between us and her, though. Quin dispatched the one with enthusiasm. It was marvelous to see him at such a peak as he was then. Another layer peeled back,” I reply with a fond smile. Quin tolerates me, and I have no idea why. I had threatened his mate only hours prior to the events at the abbey, but he never once rose to meet my antagonizing after the fact. “The two women split up and I went after one while Alice trailed the other. I—”
Again, to demonstrate tactics, I reach back and brace myself on one arm as I thrust upward and put both Ravi and I momentarily airborne before twisting and crashing down atop him, forcing him deep into the covers with his legs gripping at my waist.
“I leapt upon her and pinned her down,” I exclaim over the giggles from Dorjan and Dun, and the excited gasp from Ravi. Once more I pin two of his hands over his head, but I hold them in place under one of my forearms as the travels lovingly down his lean torso. “And at Miss’ command, I drank the life from her.”
Cupping his ass cheek in one hand I push forward and grind my excitement gently against him while grazing my teeth over his windpipe. The moan he emits vibrates over my lips and teeth and I bite down a little more firmly. It is enough to leave marks no doubt, but nothing permanent or potentially fatal. My ulterior motive is efficient, and I soon feel Ravi’s hips rising up and pushing back against the contact I am making with his buttocks. With proper timing, I shift just right and sink to the hilt into him.
The storytelling was over and there appeared to be no protest from the others. I fucked myself blind once more, enthusiastically claiming a man who returned my attention in kind. My lips found his again, tasting of his soul and power before journeying over to any exposed flesh he bared to me. By teeth and lips and tongue I knew every part of him, but home would always be his lips from which I could drink his desire.
Hours later and I am still entangled with the other three. I don’t believe any of us require sleep, but the warm afterglow is best paired with still silence sometimes. We are all present in the moment, all aware of one another and silently supportive. We needn’t say anything.
Unfortunately, these are the moments in which my thoughts find me again. I am restless even as I am still. I keep thinking about how it felt to finally find Olivia. It wasn’t the joyous reunion I expected. I felt angry and hurt and afraid. I even tried to take it out on Quin as he stood in the doorway and acted as a sentry for her safety.
“You are alright,” Dorjan whispered into my ear, breaking the eerie silence of the room. I must have tensed again. He can read me so easily. “We can discuss what is on your mind when you are ready, but today, we will celebrate the safety of everyone involved. Olivia is safe.”
Olivia is safe. That is what should matter.
So, why doesn’t it?
[ @sayaadoftheforest for sexy time setting. Mentions: @lorcanbeithioch @subjectragnar @alas-ward @allebeithloch ]
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homesteadchronicles · 6 years
Title: What a Fine Wish (Beyond the Gates of Glory) Series: Radiata Stories/Valkyrie Profile Characters: Mikey & Lenneth Valkyrie Chapter: 1/3 Word Count: 1,932
Summary: Mikey's unexpected encounter with the evidently divine could both change his opinion of the supernatural and present him with a proposal he cannot refuse.
Author’s Notes: As of late, I have drowned myself in the fanmade support conversations in @unassumingvenusaur's project for Fire Emblem: Fates/Awakening. Throughout my most recent readings, I realized how well that series would work with my favorite game of all time, Radiata Stories. Having support conversations between the countless characters in this game could add an additional layer of depth to each person and their relationship with their fellow teammates. That being said, I devised a handful of potential supports between my favorite characters in Radiata Stories and decided to turn this one into a full-fledged story!
Click “Keep Reading” to read the piece in full! If you would like to read the original piece on AO3, click here!
Mikey could recount from memory every ancient legend, of dragons that threatened their world and the unsung soldiers that slayed them, be they human or inhuman in origin. But songs of the gods? Tales of fictional deities? Stories of supernatural saviors? Only humans needed gods. Humanity invented divinity to supply them with the power they could not themselves manifest. Mikey knew each god by name, but believed in none. Now, he wondered whether those fairytales contained a facet of truth.
Mankind proclaimed Cairn Russell as a god amongst men - a champion of humanity, born of a bloodline fated for tragedy and triumph in kind. To stand before him in a corridor of distorted dreams shook Mikey to his core. Even Jack faltered in the face of his father. That ever-assured smile withered when confronted with a family member-turned-enemy, his hand wavering overtop the hilt of his sword. Cairn spared his son the pleasantries. Their pain was to be settled not with words, but with weapons.
Cairn nearly conquered them in but a moment’s time. His orb-blessed blade tore Fan from the sky before she could conjure a barrier to keep him at bay, her wings flickering before fading entirely. The frenzy of his former plague served as fuel for his fury, countering even Galvados in strength and in passion. Before long, the behemoth fell before his sword.
And then there were two.
Despite countless victories against unthinkable odds, Cairn still retained one tragic flaw - mortality. No man could escape his inevitable end, and Mikey intended to dig a grave here and now. In the end, Cairn proved himself a man no different than any other. He, too, succumbed to his destiny: death.
Mikey witnessed as the fabric of Cairn’s lifeforce unthreaded itself from reality, dissipating the apparition of the knight that once was. See? Mikey thought. No deities here. Just another human playing god.
As Jack stared at Cairn’s new resting place, Mikey distributed medicine to his teammates, helping each to their feet in turn. “Sooooo,” Mikey said when both Fan and Galvados stood resurrected, “where do we go now, boss?”
Mikey had expected Jack to crumble, buried in despair. Instead, he turned towards his team with that same, unshaken smile. “Not a clue!”
Jack slid the Arbitrator back into its sheath and shrugged. “How am I supposed to know where to go with all these stairs? It’d take forever to follow them all!” He huffed, and Mikey caught a glimpse at the child beneath the leader. “Maybe it’s best we split up. Everyone take their own hallway and meet back here when you find a way outta here!”
Mikey knew no worse idea than that. Had Jack Russell never read a single story? Every time that the team splits up, something terrible happens to one, if not all, of them! Then again, Jack and reading did not a realistic couple make. His teammates complied without protest. If even Fan neglected to complain, then Mikey would make no such objection. He hurried on his way with but a longing wave to his wayward friends.
Direction did not reign in the Distortion Corridor, instead surrendering to the chaos that threatened to engulf it. Even gravity relinquished its rule over reality, Mikey soon realized, as he stood upside-down atop a stairwell that led further down into this seemingly endless underworld. When the world righted itself once more, Mikey could scarcely stand. He needed any escape he could take. Yet the only option available to him came in the form of a staircase rising high into the heavens.
Mikey took the risk.
One after another, the steps welcomed his presence with a pulse of unearthly light. Each step further from the next than from the last. A trick of the mind or an enchantment to muddle it? Mikey could not say for sure. He wondered whether he even wanted to know the answer. Mikey stumbled up, step by step, until he reached their summit. He collapsed atop the apex, gasping for air.
“Are you lost, little one?”
The unexpected conversation sent a startled Mikey slipping down a stair or two. He propped his gaze up from the stairwell to find a woman of unfathomable wonder. Inquisitive eyes greeted him at the top of the staircase. He swore they shone with the same emerald radiance. Waves of silver hair adorned a head crowned with a feathered helm. Azure armor coated the length of her outstretched hand, the straps of her bracers weaving up her arm to embrace the breastplate fastened round her torso.
Mikey refused her offered hand. He had only one question: friend or foe? “No!” A lie. One they both knew, at that. “Well, I was. Not anymore.” Mikey rose to his feet, brushing the dust from his shorts.
The woman straightened in kind. The sword strapped to her waist clacked against her grieves before retreating behind the folds of her skirt fabrics. “Then you know where we now stand?”
I might be in hell, Mikey considered. Or heaven? Maybe I’m dead. Or this is all a dream! Just like in my stories. He only hoped they stood somewhere outside the Distortion Corridor.
Mikey opened his mouth to respond when his eyes caught sight of what lay beyond the woman. Golden gates, resplendent in their unrivaled glory, stood stalwart against the wall. Where they led, Mikey knew not - but he knew he wanted to.
“...maybe not.”
The woman hummed with amusement. “A good answer. Few understand it.” She continued on towards the gateway. Mikey found himself following. “Well then, what is it you seek? Me - or what I defend?”
Mikey furrowed his brow. “Neither.”
The woman stopped dead in her tracks. The heel of her grieves skirted around the stone floor. He had expected to find fury in her eyes, or perhaps confusion. Instead, he discovered something akin to sympathy. Or condescension? He could never tell between the two. “Everyone wants what I guard, child - whether they know it or not.”
“Not me. I’m looking for my friends.”
Her expression softened. “Then you’re in luck - many friends of yours lie beyond.” Her gaze rested on the bars of the gateway. Her eyelids sank, lips drooping. “They very much would like to reunite with you.”
Mikey released a sigh of relief. “Phew! I was starting to worry I’d never find Jack again!” He started towards the wall without hesitation. “Here he went, going on without me! Can’t say I’m surprised.”
“I’m afraid your Jack does not rest beyond these gates.” A moment passed, and the woman corrected her claim. “At least, not yet.”
Mikey turned towards her once more. “Then...what about Fan?”
She shook her head.
“Galvados? You know - big guy, all red, scary horns? You can’t miss him!”
“I’m afraid not.”
The hope that had lifted Mikey’s spirits disappeared. With this newfound disappointment, his heart sank deeper into his chest. “Then...they left me behind?” His gaze met the ground.
The sound of metal sweeping across stone signalled her approach. Only the careful caress of her hand on his shoulder caused him to meet her eyes. Empathy poured forth from her pupils. “Many leave before we wish them to.” She squeezed with surprising strength. “Do not fear, child. It is my sworn duty to guide lost souls home again.”
Home? Mikey could not conceive of this stranger knowing his home. He had stood guard at the gates every day since time immemorable. He would have remembered a woman of her magnitude. “You know of the Forest Metropolis?”
Silver locks spilled down her shoulder as she tilted her head. She furrowed her brow, exposing her suspicion for but a moment, before stating with the utmost certainty, “I know of a metropolis more beautiful than any forest could ever hope to be.”
More beautiful than the Metropolis? Not a chance. Mikey had dreamt that the world beyond their motherland could compare to that of their makeshift shelter. Yet his travels with Jack and company had only proven that nothing could surpass the nostalgic comfort and natural charm of the forest. If she spoke true, then that meant… “It sounds like something out of a fairytale.”
That appeared to please her. “The written word could never encapsulate its majesty.”
“And...you could take me there?”
She nodded. “If that is your wish.”
“My wish?” Mikey echoed. “Are you...a djinn?”
Melodious laughter echoed throughout the corridor. “I am much more than that.”
The woman extended her hand towards Mikey. In her presence, Mikey felt pulled towards her palm. His fingers gravitated towards hers without willing them to, yet he did not resist their draw. If a world of such wonder existed, he wanted to see this storybook kingdom with his own two eyes.
He took her hand in his.
Another voice, another startle. Mikey spun to face the source, only to find none.
“Hellooooo? Anybody home?”
Such a familiar voice, yet for a moment, he could not recall its owner. With the utmost caution, Mikey approached the entrance to the chamber. “...Jack?”
With his head stretched overtop of the stairwell’s summit, Mikey found Jack none too far off. Jack stood more than halfway up the steps, his hands cupped around his mouth. His eyes scanned the horizon before finding Mikey. Indignation painted his expression. “There you are! Where the heck have you been!? We’ve been looking all over for you!”
Jack hurried to reach the top. Fan fluttered behind him on newly-healed wings. Last but not least, Galvados ascended the stairwell with all the grace of an ox in heat.
Mikey motioned towards the woman and the world she defended. “I was talking with…” Yet, when he turned to invite his newfound friend to meet his comrades, she had vanished - along with the gateway she guarded.
Jack raised an eyebrow. “The wall?” His clammy hand mussed Mikey’s hair. “You weirdo.”
Galvados howled with laughter. “Little man talk to wall. Like broody hero in fantasy story, yeah?” His gargantuan hand clutched his comparable belly as he bellowed.
“I wasn’t talking to a wall!” Mikey’s cheeks burned red with rage. Once-open hands instinctively clenched into fists. “There was someone here - a lady!”
Fan grinned with devilish intent. Mikey recognized that look - it meant trouble for whoever she directed it at. “Oh ho, imagining the ladies now, huh?” She elbowed Jack. “You must be rubbing off on him.”
Jack drew back, hands resting behind his head as he balanced on his heels. “Nah, it’s all those romance novels! Kid’s always got his head in his fairytales!”
Mikey snatched the hat off of his head, too embarrassed to engage in their games. Instead, he tugged at the loose strands of blonde that Jack knocked astray. At least his hair could hide his shame. “How did you three find me, anyways?”
“You cackling, remember?” Galvados replied.
“We could have heard it from Helencia,” Fan amended.
Jack smirked. “It was kind of creepy.”
Laughing? Mikey thought. But I never…
Mikey lost the opportunity to complete his thought as Jack tugged on his arm. “Come on, chuckles. Let’s go home. I’ve had enough of this place for one day.”
His teammates hummed in agreement, Fan already plotting her next prank with Shin and Galvados his hunt to come. As Jack dragged Mikey out of their twisted prison, Mikey could not help but look back one last time at the place where his potential savior once stood. Still, it sat empty. Had it all truly been a dream?
Yet as they descended the steps, Mikey swore he heard her laugh one last time.
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
I Think I Love You
A/N: Can I just say, I suck at titles? All of them should be untitled lol. Hope you enjoy this, I’ve been working on it the last few days. Sorry for any errors. Oh and I’m not entirely sure Sam eats bacon, but for the sake of this story he does :D
Characters: Dean, Reader, Sam
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Summary: Reader and Dean are struggling with their feelings. 
Word Count: 1,618
Warnings: Language, tiny bit of angst
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Standing in the hallway of the bunker you considered your options.
1. Tell Dean how you felt. 2. Leave and never come back.
The second was more appealing, you didn’t face rejection, you didn’t want to make things weird between you. But it also meant you would never see him again. The first terrified you. Each time you thought of telling Dean how far gone you were it made you want to weep. You thought you were tougher than that. You hated to cry, thinking it showed weakness. Rolling your eyes at yourself you headed to the library. Things had been calm the last few weeks, just the occasional demon or vampire nest causing trouble.
Sitting down with a book from your personal collection you dove into a world not your own. It had been awhile since you read it, but it being a childhood favorite you couldn’t help but crack it open every now and then.
“Hey, Y/N. What’re you reading?” Sam pulled up a chair with his stack of books.
“My favorite.” You said, tilting the book so he could read the cover, “More research for you?”
“Sort of. Just brushing up on some lore.”
“Anything in particular?” You uncrossed your legs and leaned forward, looking over the covers.
“Well, I’ve got two books on angels, one on vampires, and different books on random monsters. I think I have ghouls, djinns, wendigos, oh and one on alphas.” Sam went through his stack of books, spreading them out on the table with his laptop. “Think I’m covered?”
You laughed and nodded. “Seems like. Do you really think you’ll learn anything new?”
“You never know. Most of these I have scanned, not really read through. Let’s hope so, for next time.”
Sitting back with your book you thought there was always a next time. It never failed. You enjoyed hunting, enjoyed saving people. You weren’t in it for the recognition, you were just doing your job. If that meant scamming credit cards and stealing every now and then, you figured it was just payment for services rendered. Crossing your legs and shaking your foot you went back to reading.
An hour or two later you were in the kitchen cooking burgers with a variety of side dishes. As a surprise for Dean you were also in the middle of mixing up the fixings for an apple pie. Humming to yourself, switching between tasks so nothing burned while you rolled out dough, you thought about how much you loved cooking. You had learned at your mothers knee, always asking questions until she pushed a chair to the counter and let you help. Never with frying, not until she could trust that you understood and wouldn’t get burned. Thinking of your mother now, you made a mental note to send her an email promising to call soon.
“Oh my God. Is that pie? Are you making pie? Please tell me you’re making pie.” Dean all but ran to the table where you were working, eyes wide with excitement.
Laughing you said, “Yes, I’m making pie. Apple, if you’re wondering. Burgers are just about finished, and I fried up some bacon for you to put on them. Once I finish this I’ll lay everything out and you boys can fix a plate.” Brushing butter over the top of the pie, you looked up at Dean. “Wipe your mouth Winchester. Pie will be ready in about an hour. Hopefully. Just have to make sure the apples are done.” You then slid the pie into the oven, checking the temperature and then went about moving the burgers to a plate.
“I think I love you.”
“Ow! Shit! Fuck!” Burning yourself on the pan you spun around to grab a towel.
A concerned Dean grabbed your hand before you could wrap it up, looking over your burn and sending little electric shocks over your skin where he touched. “Are you ok? This doesn’t look too bad, do you want some aloe?”
“No, no. I think I’ll be alright. I just,” Looking up from your burn everything you were going to say slipped back down your throat. Those cool green eyes on yours, holding your gaze, holding you in place. Anything you could say would have been irrelevant.
“Hey guys! What’s for dinner?” Sam lumbered in sniffing the air, but you and Dean continued to stare at one another. “Man, what happened?” A now concerned Sam reached out and grabbed your hand.
“I…I burned myself on the pan like a clumsy idiot.” You replied, shaking your head a little. “We’ve got burgers, with your choice of sides and apple pie for dessert.” Turning back to the stove you made yourself busy.
“Holy shit. Are we celebrating something? We never have homemade pie! Dean I bet you’re excited.” Sam laughed and slapped Dean on the shoulder. “Hey, man, you ok?”
Dean shook himself a little and answered, “Yeah, yeah. She just had me worried for a minute.” In fact, Dean wondered if he had scared you into burning yourself. He had said he thought he loved you, causing you to jump. But why would she jump? He thought, I meant it, could she feel the same? The way you had held his gaze gave him hope. “Let me know when everything is ready, I’m going to wash up.”
“Shouldn’t be but another few minutes.” You smiled at him.
“Alright then, I’ll be right back.” Sending you a small smile he walked out.
“Y/N, you sure you’re ok? I can bandage that up real quick.” Sam glanced over at you, smiling mischievously while stuffing his mouth full of bacon.
“Sam!! That’s for the burgers!” You swatted at him but he danced out of the way laughing. “Ugh! You giant! Stop eating all the bacon!” You laughed as he ran out the door when you threw the towel at him. Looking down at your wrist now you ran your finger over the burn. A little sore, but bearable. It was only a small crescent shaped burn, but in a way you hoped it would scar, always having a reminder of the day Dean said he thought he loved you. Whether he was joking about it or not, you always longed to hear those words from his mouth. Laughing at yourself you went about putting things out for dinner.
Later that night you had just finished brushing your teeth and hair, getting ready for bed. Dinner had been wonderful, with Dean eating almost three pieces of pie after his huge bacon cheeseburger. He had shoveled it into his mouth like someone might try and take it from him. Shaking your head and chuckling to yourself, you headed back to your room.
“Hey.” Dean called from his doorway.
“Hey. Did you need something?”
Yeah, you. Dean shook his head, “I just wanted to see if you wanted to watch a movie. I don’t even care if it’s a chick flick.”
Surprised, you raised your brows. “Are you sick? There must be something wrong with you.”
“No, I’m not sick. I’m just bored and I don’t feel like going out to the bar, or anywhere for that matter.” Dean laughed and shrugged. “I was just wondering if you wanted to join me.”
“Sure,” you smiled, “but it doesn’t have to be a chick flick.”
“Awesome. Let’s go see what we got.” Dean turned and led the way into his room.
In the end you both agreed on an action film. He had asked you to lay on the bed beside him, saying the chair would be too uncomfortable to watch a movie in. Propped against the headboard in your favorite, albeit old, pair of pajama pants and t-shirt you struggled to keep your attention on the movie. Dean was wearing something similar, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. How could someone have gorgeous ankles? Everything about this man made you want to weep with gratitude to whoever designed him.
Half way through you saw Deans head start to shift. Looking over at him you watched as his head slowly fell to your shoulder. Grinning to yourself you made no attempts to move so he wouldn’t shift away. After a few minutes you took the risk of lying your head against his. Breathing in the smell of his hair, you sighed. Why couldn’t telling someone how you feel be easier?
Dean woke slowly, feeling the weight of something across his middle and hair all over his face. Reaching up and pushing it away he realized you were wrapped around him. Your legs tangled with his, hands crossed between your chest, holding on to his other arm. He smelled of your hair and backed away just enough so he could watch your face as you slept. There was nothing he wanted more than to make you his. When you stirred, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.
Snuggling closer to the warmth, you really didn’t want to wake up. Smiling, you froze when you realized that you were tangled with another person. Dean. His arm flung across your waist the other you were holding between you. Your eyes shot open and looked slowly up at his face. He looked so peaceful, you didn’t want to move for fear that he would wake, or worse, pull away. You risked reaching up, rubbing your fingertips lightly across his brow. Snuggling back into his chest you whispered, “I love you, Dean.”
You felt his hand come out from around your middle, sliding up your arm and to your face. Tilting your head up, your heart thundering in your ears as you met his eyes, you almost missed it.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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smindersonfan · 6 years
There aren't very many top 10 best lists for Tales from the Darkside either.
I thought I'd add my own list. So let's dive in. 10. "Mookie and Pookie" (A young girl owes it to her brother after he dies to finish his college thesis for him but then she begins to realize he's possessed his computer that he gave her in the offchance that he died. The first episode of Tales from the Darkside I ever saw, it made me feel for the sister. But the dad was a scuzzbag who almost threw away his own son's soul and for what? Anyway, the dad's the main reason the episode is at the start of the list. That and the confusing ending. Or at least it was to me.) 9. "Levitation" (A kid gets the consequence of what he wished for when he heckles a magician into performing a levitation act he hadn't performed since he did it last on his daughter. The pacing is good, Harry Anderson was brought in as a magic consultant during the making of the ep and the payoff's bittersweet. Overall, pretty good, but there are just better episodes than this one that must be highlighted.) 8. "Trick or treat" (At least I'm not completely cheating by adding this episode to the bottom of the list. A miserly bookkeeper enjoys scaring little kids to near death as they try to find their debts and receipts so they can pay it off. However, the real ghosts and goblins soon break into his house/building and loan and give him a comeuppance that we never really get to see.) 7. "A case of the stubborns" (A man refuses to believe he's dead until he receives the proof he needs to make him think otherwise. It's quite a comical premise and it features quite a performance from Brent Spiner as the reverend, who gets almost overtaken by heat exhaustion, flies hovering over the living corpse and the smell of rotting flesh to the point that he ends up taking the jug of good stuff with him to combat the frustration of the man's stubbornness to join the choir invisible. It's one of my personal favorites but it got beat out just a smidge by a love story.) 6. "Ring around the Redhead" (A man facing the electric chair recounts to a reporter the unfortunate chain of events that led him to this: He meets a woman who comes from another dimension that lives in the pit he and his friend were examining when they meet her. But his friend doesn't like him spending time with her and in an act of protecting her when he goes mad, he shoots him and he falls into the hole. She goes back into her dimension though and without her to back his story up, he's toast. You'll have to see the ep though to find out if he lives or not.) 5. "Halloween Candy" (A mean old man is nasty to trick or treaters to the point that he takes their Halloween candy. He gets scared to death by two demonic hobgoblins after they see the first round of trick or treaters get attacked. It makes the top five because it's an episode where nasty people get theirs and I like those episodes.) 4. "Djinn, No chaser" (A simple comedy episode that pretty much holds up in the comedic craziness and hell the cantankerous genie puts them through. It's just as good that Kareem Abdul-Jabar played the genie and Colleen Camp played the wife of the man telling the story of how he ended up in a straight jacket in the beginning of the episode play well in interaction. Did I leave out the opening part of the episode where the narrator's in a straight jacket? Oops. Plus the interaction between the narrator and the man proprieting the shop he and his wife GET the lamp from is priceless as is how the genie gets out of the lamp in the end. Watch to find out if you don't believe me.) 3. "The bitterest pill" (A family's life changes when they win the lottery. The couple doesn't really deserve it and their son is pretty much not given a chance to be a normal kid. They don't let him watch TV and they treat him like a burden when he plays ball in the house. When an old friend of the mom's comes to visit with an investment deal, the dad makes him spill the invention he created. Then the kid ends up eating the pills the guy created that make him super smart. It's an honest "turning the tables" episode that just warms my heart.) 2. "The Satanic Piano" (The second episode I ever saw, this memorable piece tells the story of a music producer who feels bigger name artists breathing down his neck and demands a new piece of equipment that will help him become bigger that even Lionel Richie. However, the piano he receives doesn't work on him at first but his daughter asks to play it only for him to snap at her for messing with his equipment. But what little is recovered by the piano reverts back to the guy who sold it to the producer and he likes the daughter's composition very much. The score the daughter plays is what gives this episode the #2 spot as it's beautifully played on piano and it just wakes something in my heart as I listen.) 1. "All a Clone by the Telephone" (Harry Anderson's best performance outside of comedy. Anderson plays Leon, a struggling TV writer whose life gets out of control when an Alternate Universe version of himself [voiced by Anderson as well] starts saying things about his girlfriend's mother and he thinks the answering machine might be defunct until later that night, he starts to hear it talk to him. The next day, it tries to repair his already shaky relationship with Delores, his girlfriend, by pretending to be a weeping mess of a man and ask her to marry him on his answering machine. Leon goes mad, destroys his VCR thinking it's the answering machine. After a heated thing with Delores, he deletes the answering machine's message and everything becomes a psychological thriller then on in. When he keeps getting phone calls about disasters, he becomes more paranoid, reclusive, more and more panicky, until his agent calls him about a job he had from a famous movie producer. He then gets the shock of his life when he realizes the answering machine gave him the job with the producer, promising a whole lotta nut in a nutshell. The episode ends with Leon becoming Alternate Universe Leon's personal scribe. Harry being in this ep isn't the only reason I LOVE this episode. It's also the psychological aspects of it. We wonder if Leon is crazy for believing that people from Alternate Universe Leon's universe are taunting him with the idea of causing severe bodily harm to get a point across or if it's just coincidence. Plus Harry shows his depth with the psychological torture and we're able to see he can act outside his usual genre of comedy.)
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kiss-my-freckle · 7 years
It was Dembe who brought it up first:
Dembe: Baldur Magnusson. That’s a coincidence. Red: I don’t believe in coincidences.
Coincidences, mentioned again later by Aram:
Liz: They’re two weeks shy of their 10-year anniversary. Aram: So that’s either a really, really bad coincidence or– Ressler: Or Helen found out about the mistress, and Robert put her in the penalty box so she couldn’t divorce him before the prenup expired.
I‘m just gonna list all the coincidences I found with Aram. There are 12 total, though I could probably find more if I went through dialogue. 
1. His repeat of Panabaker’s  words “Traitor or moron” to Ressler in 4x1.
Because the tap wasn’t in the War Room, it was in Cooper’s office, and Panabaker said these words to Ressler in Cooper’s office. My post explaining Elise’s tap is here.  
2. All of these attacks bounce off something said in the post office.
Isabella Stone, a character assassin, destroying reputations. 
First addressed by Cooper in his office, in telling Red he’s ultimately responsible for the stain on Liz’s name and reputation. Addressed again by Baldur, who spoke of it to Red during their meeting in the dining room. 
Who Isabella Stone chose to attack. 
This wasn’t about his relationships, these attacks went after his finances. Smoll was Red’s accountant, and the death of him brought the disappearance of over $200 million. Stratos, who was in Red’s Mediterranean shipping operations. They killed Plumber (Red’s courier), then took $22 million in bearer bonds from him and planted them on the physician who volunteers for Justin’s foundation. They then went after Justin because Red donated millions, and who cares that Justin wasn’t a courier whose millions from Red came with no strings attached. 
Finances, having a great deal to do with empire building, which Liz spoke of in the War Room, and no one but the task force overhead this since Elise’s tap was in Cooper’s office. 
Aram: Sorry. Did I miss something? Is this about going after Kirk and… Liz: Finding my daughter? No, it isn’t. Apparently, empire building takes precedence.
Red being poisoned with red-headed krait venom. 
After Liz referred to Red being a snake in Cooper’s office. 
3. The cat video on Aram’s laptop.
In a dumpster, and that’s not spaghetti, but a Chinese takeout box dumped over his head. Then, while with Isabella Stone in the freezer, we hear Red talk about ordering up criminals like Chinese takeout over the phone with Cooper. Then Red’s cat is shown in the beginning of the winter finale, and Red’s appearing to have no cat allergies. I think he’s actually looking over at his cat while Dembe’s talking to him. And of the colors a cat could be, this dumpster cat has the same tiger color as Red’s cat. So in the winter finale, Red gets ordered up like Chinese takeout. 
4. The fruit bowl/wine, and Marvin’s absence. 
There were 12 disciples at The Last Supper. Red invited those 11 people who had access to this specific account. Dembe made 12. However, Marvin sent a bottle of wine and took off with Becky. This left an empty seat at the table. Someone else who would have access to this account. So we had Marvin sending wine to Red, and a fruit bowl spilled at Becky’s house. Then at the end, we had Aram bringing a fruit bowl since Red thought he was poisoned with wine. 
5. Acess. 
Red’s account. The dark web to hire The Apothecary. Detailed information on Red’s business operations and medical history. Red’s account, given access to Aram in season one. The dark web, which Aram had went in The Djinn. Detailed information, which would be stored in Red’s flat since that’s where (according to Liz in season two) he keeps all of his secrets. 
It’s one thing to poison his scotch, and another for him to drink it. I believe the poisoning of Red’s scotch came first, especially since the snake reference came first. I believe this person broke into Red’s flat, poisoned his scotch, then searched his flat for this detailed business and medical information for Stone. 
6. Liz. 
Whoever hired Stone protected Liz in the process, and the attacks were Liz centric since they centered around what was said in Cooper’s office. That’s why, even though Red warned Liz of his concern, Stone didn’t go after her. But you see Stone give Liz a nice look-over as she’s seated on the back of the ambulance. 
7. Prayers. 
From 4x15- Ressler: Uh, what’s going on? Red: Your prayers have been answered, Donald. Ah. Apparently, I’m dying.
From 4x2- Aram: I know this is not about me, it is about Agent Keen, but I don’t know if I have the strength to lose her again. Samar: None of us do. Cooper: Stay on it. Say a prayer. And notify me the minute you have an update.
And notice it’s Cooper who said it. Another reason why Cooper should be on my suspect list next to Aram. 
8. Shakespeare. 
Aram cited Romeo and Juliet at Liz’s funeral. You get a taste of Macbeth and Othello in the winter finale. It’s in Red’s speech at the table. Iago betrayed Othello. Othello is often portrayed as African, and we’ve got Dembe who speaks with an African accent. Red makes sure to bring it up in the winter finale. 
Red: Black. African accent.
And notice Red’s words in the beginning of the episode-
Red: One of our most trusted confidantes intends to do irrevocable damage to the organization.
Then at the table-
Red: Judas, Iago, men who were beloved by those they’d betrayed.
I believe it’s possible this Judas is also Iago since Red said "our most trusted confidantes.”
At the end of the finale, Marvin said, “Jesus, Red.” 
Jesus. Red is Jesus, which means Dembe would be Othello. This, giving you a Judas and an Iago. 
9. "There's a traitor in the family. I intend to find them."
Red said these very words in the beginning of the winter finale. Revert back to coincidence number 1. It was Aram who said it before his meeting with Panabaker. A repeat of what Panabaker said to Ressler in Cooper’s office. 
10. Red’s CI status. 
We’re to believe that Liz’s reveal of Red’s CI status in his accountant’s office is what led to these attacks. Red, seemingly not upset at Liz’s outburst, since all he did was make a joke of it: “Someone over-caffeinated this morning.”
Most of those who work for Red know of his CI status. Those who don’t are typically introduced to Liz under an alias he chooses for her. Such was the case with Mary, the suburban housewife printing fake money out of her garage in 1x8. Red introduced Liz as Molly, one of his most trusted couriers. 
When introducing her to Zack Smoll, Red said, “Elizabeth! I’d like to introduce you to one of my accountants, Zack Smoll.” Not using an alias for her in this instance, so I believe he hadn’t a care about them learning of his CI status. 
Interesting to note, was Isabella Stone and The Apothecary during interrogation. Both seemed to feel the task force should be thanking them. Stone, appearing to know of Red’s CI status. The way she spoke with Ressler, I believe she knows exactly who hired her and why. 
11. Poison. Distance killer. The Deer Hunter. 
Red: Okay. But your killer attacks from a distance, indicating the predator’s smaller, perhaps unable to overpower their prey. Men tend to kill in close proximity – strangulation, blunt instrument, a knife. By contrast, women tend to favor weapons that can be used from further away – poison, a gun, a crossbow. Liz: Richard Kuklinski was 6’5″, 300 pounds, and one of his favorite weapons of choice was cyanide. Red: Yes, but male serial killers are predominantly, overwhelmingly sexually sadistic. In this case, there is not the slightest indication of a sexual motive.
So basically, Red’s attacker is either a woman, or a man who can’t overpower his victims. Since this isn’t a serial killer, but a single attack, we won’t get into the sexual motive because there isn’t one.
Let’s look at Aram. He only shot at paper until Garrick’s episode, then carried a great deal of guilt, though killing in self-defense to save Liz. He pulled a gun on The Director, hands shaking in fear. He couldn’t press the button in Gaia, leaving Cooper to do it for him. Elise, reminding Aram in The Architect that she personally kicked his ass. Aram not attacking the Architect’s man until Elise knocked him down first. Aram waiting until the Architect drove away before pulling a gun out to kill him. And the fear Aram has of Red is enough to make him choose a distance weapon. 
12. Marvin’s gifts, their notes.
First, Red’s story he spoke of with Marvin: Half a dozen tins of chilled Beluga caviar and a note: “Love, Marvin.”
Then, the note on the wine Marvin sent to Red: “Sorry I can’t be there old friend – Marvin”
But Marvin never admitted to sending Red the wine.
So, through The Architect, I found this bit Aram said when he saw Elise:
“Uh, excuse me. I think I see an old friend.”
Marvin did not send the wine. Aram, considering Red an “old friend” just as he considers Elise an “old friend.”
12 coincidences, which is why I shouldn’t be suspecting Aram because he would be the obvious choice, but I suspect him even more because he’s the one that’d be the most shocking. 
Dembe didn’t do this. He’s just another Baldur, and exactly what Baldur said to Red. It’s all about the appearance of truth, and it appears as though Dembe poisoned Red. 
Suppose I should add a 12th, that being of Elise herself? Yeah, why not. 
13. Wow... Aram has a girlfriend!
Elise appearing only three episodes after what Red said in Cooper’s office. 
“Aram… set him up with someone, for God’s sake. He’s like a kid with his first erection on the school bus.”
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