#and my mom is gonna be with me on the long drive on sunday
kg-clark-inthedark · 2 months
Ya girl is officially medicated now and hopefully will be pussy fresh moving forward 🫡
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dawnthefluffyduck · 5 months
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Sunday doodles (and weirdly colored duck)
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i wish i wasn’t poor :(
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#bluh. its been a long week and its not over bc i have to get this fucking manuscript done like fucking this weekend#and Sunday i have to go do fieldwork and then its Monday hhhhh#my boss: the meme of the week is productive women get shit done#and im like being called a woman in stem kills me a little more every time i hear it bleh im just trying to live my life#and by live i mean drain away all my time in the lab. uuuuh i need to rewrite these fucking methods and dun wanna#also fucking the coordinator lady who bought my plane ticket to visit one of my potential schools made it so that im gonna have to drive to#the airport at like 4am and then ill get back to my apartment at after 12am on the return. like i said my time was flexible but wtf lady?#its prob bc they were expensive tickets bc the fucking military#ugh. and the other school is like select 3 profs to meet with. and im like wtf y do i have to? if its just screening stuff y dont u just#assign it? i dont understand hhhh i dont wanna talk to them. i fucking dunno. at least i made it to the interview stage i guess#also also i was running today and randomly remembered that over the break my old bat of a nana was being stingy abt#money bc she said she was gonna give out inherentence to her kids while still alive so they would still be young enough to enjoy it#and my dad and uncle could retire a lil early and still pay for insurance and now shes going back on that bc she doesnt want taxes to go to#the government and my papa is like 85 and hes gotta b nearing deaths door and he cant reel her in anymore#anyway. point is she was talking to my uncle abt her reasons for keeping the money and she was talking shit on my mom for like the way she#spends money. like my mom has cancer u old fucking bitch. shes trying to enjoy her life a little before shes like dead or bedridden#shes also made comments abt my moms weight and like wtf lady she has cancer. shes had multiple abdominal surgeries she had a hernia for#like a real long time sorry shes not spending all her time exercising and eating tasteless healthy food like u#anyway i just think my nana is a bad person. so is my other grandma tbh my sister gets so pissed at her for ordering my mom around#like she treats her dog better than she ever did her kids. lol my grandparents just suck on both sides#and like everytime my parents r like go do things for ur grandparents im like fucking y? they're bad ppl#i dont kno how my parents r so normal#anyway wtf was i doing... ah right procrastinating#unrelated#srry for lack of drawings. just zero time 🫠#i lov my mum so much. she doesnt deserve any of this bullshit
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spacialrznd · 2 years
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well i am now in possession of a Creature
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half-oz-eddie · 2 months
🎁 ❤️
Max was not supposed to be in Billy’s room. She knew better. 
But it was 7:30 AM and she really wanted to leave something for him on his desk. 
She quietly crept in, sliding her slim frame through the ajar door and tiptoed to his desk to gently place something on it. 
“The hell’re you doing?” A groggy voice startled her. 
She should’ve expected the hyper-vigilant teen to wake up while she was there. 
“I was—I just wanted t-to leave something here for you.” She nervously stammered. 
He narrowed his sleepy eyes at her. “Give it here.” 
Max slowly walked over, handing the surprise to Billy. 
It slowly exchanged hands and Billy examined it closely. 
“I-I know you don’t have a record player but I saw the posters in your room and I thought you’d want to—like—have something to collect. So Steve drove me to a record store to get you a vinyl.”
He stared at the Mötley Crüe vinyl for a few moments, then handed it back to Max. “Put it on my desk.” He said as he laid back down. 
“Y-you don’t like it?” She frowned. 
“Never said I didn’t. I’m just tired.”
Max slowly walked back over to his desk and set the vinyl down. 
“Why’d you buy that for me?” He asked. 
“Don’t you know what today is? It’s your—“
“I know that.” He said in a snippy voice. “I’m asking why the hell you bought me anything. You never cared before.”
“Well, last year, I tried to buy you something with my allowance and my mom said Neil would be mad if I used my money on you, so she wouldn’t take me to the mall.”
“And you said Harrington drove you? Why the hell did he do that?” Billy continued to question.
“We had a long talk about that night at the Byers and we came to a realization of how unfair we were being to you. So I—I didn’t wanna lose you forever. We don’t get along but like, we had our moments, where we’d talk to each other a little bit. Now we don’t speak at all.”
“You stabbed me with a needle.”
“You were gonna kill Steve if I didn’t stop you.” Max sighed. “I’m sorry, okay?”
“You don’t need to be. But whatever, guess I’m sorry too.”
Max smiled.  “I’ll let you sleep. Happy birthday.”
She closed the door behind her upon exiting and went back to her bed.
It was nearly 11AM when Max woke up again. Neil and Susan were already at work. Susan left a note behind with instructions for heating up lunch. 
This year, there was no school on Billy’s birthday, so Max decided to heat up the lunch for both of them. 
She set down two plates just in time, as she heard Billy resurfacing from his room.
He stepped through the quiet house and stopped by the table, glaring at Max.
“Nobody’s home?”
“No. Mom left lunch for us, so I heated it up.”
Billy looked down at the chicken Parmesan. Susan normally only made it for holidays, but Easter wasn’t until Sunday. 
Max figured it was Susan’s subtle way of giving Billy a little something special for his birthday.
“There were some breadsticks too.” Max mentioned, grabbing them out of the toaster oven. “I put some of that garlic and herb stuff on them because I remembered that you like it.”
Billy glared at Max as she started eating. 
“What?” She asked with her mouth half full.
Billy shrugged and rolled his eyes. “Nothin’. Forget it.” 
They ate in complete silence. Billy finished first and got up from the table without a word.
Max didn’t expect much conversation from Billy, but he wasn’t as unpleasant as he could’ve been, so it was fine.
She washed the dishes and sat back down at the table reading a magazine when Billy returned once more with his jacket on.
“Where’re we going?”
“Somewhere. I can’t leave you here by yourself. Susan and dad would bitch about it.”
Max grabbed her jacket and slipped on some shoes, then followed Billy to his car.
The drive was brief and they stopped at the quarry.
To Max’s surprise, Billy invited her to sit on the hood of his car. He offered her a soda and cracked open a beer for himself.
They clinked their cans together and drank as they quietly watched the early afternoon scenery. 
“It’s surprisingly warm today.” Max initiated small talk. 
“I think the groundhog saw its shadow—or didn’t see its shadow—or whichever meant a late winter.”
“It’s…when he sees his shadow.” She paused. “I think.”
Billy snorted. “Why are we listening to a big ass rodent about the weather anyway?”
Max softly giggled. “Tradition, I guess.”
“Yeah, well, it’s stupid.” He mumbled in response as he brought the beer can to his lips.
Silence returned again, and Billy glanced over at Max.
“So y’said Harrington drove you to the record store. That’s like…across town.”
“I wasn’t alone with him, if that’s what you’re worried about. Dustin and Lucas went too.”
Billy quickly responded with a scoff. “What’s so great about Harrington anyway? You defended him over me that night—“
“Is that what made you so upset?”
“No. But you defended him and I’m asking about it.”
“Well, he’s really nice. He looks after all my friends, everyone around town knows him and his family—“
“So he’s just the opposite of me.”
“W—I—I mean, you’re nice sometimes. You’ve been nice to me 4 times and I remember them all.”
Billy shrugged. “Yeah. Anyway, thanks for the gift, shitbird.”
“You better get me something nice for my birthday too!”
“When is it again? April…may…tember…”
“July.” She snapped.
Billy laughed. “I know when your birthday is, don’t be such a baby.”
“I’m not.” She fired back. “You’re just a jerk.”
Max scoffed. “You’re so lucky it’s your birthday or I’d—“
“You’d what?”
Max chugged her soda and tossed the empty can at Billy.
“You piece of shit. You’re dead!”
Max jumped off the hood of Billy’s car and ran off laughing, with Billy not too far behind. 
When Billy finally caught up to Max, he chugged his beer and tossed the can at Max.
The out of breath siblings glared at one another, before their expressions softened and they began to laugh.
“Hey, d’you wanna go to the movies or something?” Max offered. “I’ll buy you popcorn.”
“And I get to pick the movie?”
Max groaned. “Fine.”
“You know I pick better movies than you do, anyway.”
“Bullshit! Your movie choices suck ass!”
The two bickered all the way back to Billy’s car. Sure, this was a nice day, but Billy couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t stop thinking about Steve Harrington driving his little sister across town to get him a gift.
‘Maybe I should thank him too…’
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gennyanydots · 7 months
Really? Now?
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Jake “Hangman” Seresin x f!reader
Part of the “Spitfire” Universe but can be read alone.
At this point in your life you barely remember what life without Jake was like, not that you ever wanted to remember a time without him. You knew in your heart that Jake was your person- the one you were to spend the rest of your life with.
Being with Jake has always been a little challenging. Not because of him, of course, he was the most perfect boyfriend you’ve ever had but because you swore the Navy loved to keep the two of you apart. Some days when you were feeling particularly down you swear the Navy must be plotting against your love. You always picture a whole room of Navy admirals sitting around a table, with a map laid out in front of them, deciding where the least convenient place was to send Jake, a bulletin board on the wall has a calendar with all the important dates for the two of you circled in red so the admirals knew exactly when to send Jake off somewhere or when to deny him leave.
But for once you’ve thwarted their attempts to keep the two of you apart! You were spending your first Thanksgiving together at Jake’s family farm, despite being together for five years. His parents always invite you despite Jake not being able to attend but you have always politely turned the offer down. You love his parents but being there without Jake would feel weird to you and you’d miss Jake extra, so you’ve never gone. Until now.
Jake was able to get the whole week off so he made it to the farm a couple days before you were able to fly out which you were glad about. You didn’t want to monopolize Jake’s time at home even though you know his family would understand. Jake needed time with his family without you. Didn’t need his girlfriend following after him like a little lost duck his whole leave despite his very vocal protests.
“Darlin, I want nothing more than for you to follow me around all day every day for the rest of my life.”
“How am I sposed to show you off to my whole hometown if you’re only there for a couple a days?”
“Mama’s gonna think you don’t love her as much if you don’t spend the whole week with me. You gonna break my mama’s heart, darlin?”
That last one almost got you to cave but you stuck to your guns and decided that flying in to Texas on Tuesday night would be the plan. Jake had the whole week at home so he got there Saturday night and was leaving the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Three ish days seemed like a good amount of time for Jake to be home alone with his family.
Those three days have seemed to be torture for Jake if the text messages he’s sent you are anything to go off of.
“I miss you.”
“I’m bored here without you.”
“Can’t we just change your plane ticket? I’ll pay for it.”
“I’m about ready to just hop in the truck and drive to your apartment and pick you up.”
It would take him longer to come get you than it would to just wait until you flew in but there’s really no reasoning with a pouty Jake. You had to text his mom just to make sure he didn’t go through with his ridiculous idea. She hid his keys from him. He pouted more.
Finally, after three long days and an over three hour flight you were finally stepping off the plane to see your favorite pouty man child.
It takes you about a half an hour to figure out where to go to find Jake, airports are never simple to navigate. You see him before he sees you which meant you got to watch his face the second his eyes fell upon you. The biggest smile you had ever seen passed over his face as he broke out into a jog to get to you as fast as he could without running into others. You giggle as you rush towards him. As soon as you are within arms reach, Jake lifts you up into his arms, holding you as tight as he could against himself as he buries his face in your neck. You drop your bag and wrap yourself around him and take a moment to soak up the feeling of being surrounded by Jake, the feeling of being home.
“I missed you so much,” you almost miss his words as they’re mumbled into your neck.
“We saw each other last month!” You say with a laugh.
Jake shakes his head the best he can while his face is still pressed against your neck, “It felt like an eternity since you’ve been in my arms.”
“You’re so dramatic.”
Jake chuckles and finally pulls his face out of its hiding spot to gaze into your eyes, “Only about you, darlin.”
“Hi,” you whisper to him, his face only a breath away from yours.
“Hi,” he whispers back, a genuine smile plastered on his face. You scrunch your nose as he places a soft kiss on the tip of it, making you giggle. “Are you ready to get out of here? We got a whole herd of people waitin’ to meet you at the house.”
You scrunch your eyebrows in question, “But like how many people? You didn’t say anything about meeting lots of people today.”
Jake shrugs, “My family is all excited for Thanksgiving so they wanted to come and visit with everyone from out of town at the ranch before the prep work tomorrow for Thanksgiving. Nana’s even back at the house.”
“Nana? I thought she never leaves the nursing home anymore.”
“Pops thought he’d spring her from the joint for a few days. She’s goin back Thursday after dinner,” Jake explains.
“Oh okay,” you say worrying your lip. You hadn’t expected to meet everyone today. You thought you would at least have the day to yourselves, but this is Jake’s leave and you weren’t about to dictate what happens during it. There would be plenty of time together after everyone goes home.
Jake kisses you quickly before setting you back on the ground and taking your hand to lead you out to his truck. The next half hour is spent soaking up your alone time with Jake in the truck, catching up on the little things that rarely get talked about over the phone.
As the truck pulled up to the Seresin farm house you were feeling a bit anxious. You knew Jake’s family were all nice, you’ve met his parents many times so everyone else has to be friendly at least, but large groups of new people makes anyone a little uneasy. You knew you were never going to remember anyone’s name. Despite Jake being an only child, his extended family was huge.
You fiddle with your finger nails while Jake parks the truck.
He looks over at you with a smile and a pat on your thigh, “Ready?”
You nod and he tells you to stay put.
Jake got out of the truck on his side and jogged around to your side to open the door for you.
You smile as you hop out then reach up to kiss his cheek.
Jake flashes you a grin as he reaches into the truck to grab your bags. He lifts them easily, shuts the door, then grabs your hand to pull you towards the front door.
The two of you are almost at the door when it swings open to reveal Jake’s mom rushing towards you with her arms out stretched.
“My baby girl is back home!” She says as she pulls you into an enthusiastic hug.
You hug her back and then get passed off to Jake’s dad who hugs you as well while welcoming you into the house where you’re met with about 30 people all standing up to greet you.
The next half hour is a blur of handshakes, hugs, and introductions. You’re pretty sure you’ve already forgotten everyone’s name except Jake’s grandmother and that’s only because she’s just Nana. Kinda hard to forget.
Eventually the commotion dies down and Jake’s mom announces it’s time for dinner. Since she has to cook for the next two days she had ordered enough pizza for everyone. It turns into a frenzy of everyone trying to get pizza all at the same time. You quietly sit down next to Nana who seems to be the only other person not trying to fight their way to the pizza boxes.
“You’d swear that everyone hasn’t eaten in days with how this family acts around food. God knows they all take after my husband. I tried to teach them all manners but clearly they didn’t stick,” Nana explains, gesturing to the mob of people.
You snicker and she shoots you a wink.
Jake walks over with a plate in each hand. He leans down to kiss his nana on the cheek then leans down to do the same to you before he hands you both a plate of pizza each before heading back.
Nana nudges you softly, “Maybe I spoke too soon.”
You and nana happily eat your pizza chit chatting together. You learn that Ethel at the home has been cheating at poker and nana is sure that the plan she’s concocted will catch her in the act. You also learn that Fred has been flirting with one of the new nurses and nana thinks he is laying it on a little too thick to be appropriate.
Someone announces that they have the fire going in the backyard and nana decides that the two of you must go out enjoy the night together, but first she makes you promise not to say anything about Fred or her plan to catch Ethel. You told her you swear on your life not to tell a soul before you help her outside to an empty lawn chair. Everyone seems to have made their way outside by the time you make it out with Nana.
Jake walks up behind you once you get nana settled and grabs your hand, pulling you away from everyone else.
You glance behind yourself to wave bye to nana and notice most everyone has their eyes glued to you. Weird. You’re not too sure you like that but you turn back to look where you’re going and try and ignore the eyes you feel are staring at the back of your head.
You notice Jake check his pocket and while you’re not too sure how you know you just know that Jake is about to propose. This is it. Has to be it.
“Really? Now?” You whine at him and drag your feet a little.
“What?” He asks as he stops walking. The two of you are still within earshot of everyone.
You put your hands on your hips, “You’re really doing this right now? Really?”
Jake looks at you exasperatedly, “Yes, right now. Do you know how long I’ve had this thing?”
You shrug, “Since I sent you the link of the ring I wanted?”
Jake sighs, “Yes, since you sent me the link. It’s not my fault. You’re the one who wanted a simulated diamond ring. I didn’t have to save as much money for it than I expected.”
“The amount of times I walk away from things is too many for you to buy me an expensive ring. Or what if I lose it? No. You’re not spending some stupid amount of money on a ring. It’s just flat out dumb. You’re also not giving me a ring with sentimental value. I’ll feel like an asshole when I lose it,” you explain.
“I know, darlin, I know. You’ve told me all of this. Can I get down on one knee now?” He asks.
You shrug, “I guess I can’t stop you.”
Jake rolls his eyes as he gets down on one knee and takes both of your hands, “Darlin, I’m not quite sure what to do with you, never have been, but I want to spend the rest of my life trying to figure that out. I want to save you from getting your ass beat by men a foot taller than you every day for the rest of our lives. Maybe not every day. Maybe like once a month. It doesn’t matter. Anyways, you are my greatest joy. The best part of my day, every single day. I am sick to death of the Navy keeping us apart and this is the best way to make sure I get to keep you with me. Where you should be. With the nature of my job we’ll still get separated at times but knowing that no matter what you’ll be taken care of will make it so much easier on my heart when I’m away. I want to be able to wake up next to you every chance I get until the day I die. I want to have cute little smartass babies with you that will get me into as much trouble as their mama. I want everything with you, anything with you, because you are all I need in this world to keep me happy. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?”
“Did you ask my sister?”
Jake furrows his brows, “Did I do what now?”
You let out a huff, “Did you or did you not ask my sister?”
“What? Yeah, I asked your sister. You told me I had to. You think I got a ring and planned a whole proposal out without asking your sister?”
You shrug, “I wouldn’t be surprised. Sometimes you don’t listen.”
Jake stares at you, “Is this really happening right now?”
“Did you expect anything less from me?”
“Maybe some tears.”
“Have you met me?” You ask raising an eyebrow.
Jake shrugs, “Clearly I wasn’t thinking straight. Could you maybe give me an answer please? Everyone is staring at us and it’s starting to wear on me.”
You laugh, “Of course I’ll marry you, idiot. You’re the love of my life.”
Jake grins and stands up, wrapping his arms around you to lift you up then yells, “She said yes!”
Jake’s family cheers from their seats. You look over and see Jake’s mom clutching his dad’s arm tightly with tears streaming down her face.
“Your mom is crying so at least you made someone cry,” you say to Jake while laughing.
Jake slides you back to the ground, “She’s crying because she finally gets to say your her daughter. I’m pretty sure she loves you more than she loves me.”
“I KNOW she loves me more than you. Your dad too. How does it feel to be second best?” You ask playfully.
Jake laughs, “With you in first place I’m surprised I even made second place.”
You lean up to kiss him but stop just in front of his lips, “At least you’re first place in my heart every time.”
He pumps a fist, “Yes!”
You laugh as you close the distance between his lips and yours as a thought comes over you, you have a LOT of names to learn.
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jo-harrington · 7 months
Incremental Planning (A Store Manager Verse Story - Steve Harrington/Reader)
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Previous Part: On-The-Job Training
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Wicks'n'Sticks!Reader (you'll see)
Summary: You and Steve have been going out for a little while and he suddenly feels the need to step up his game.
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Fall 1985, Steve and Robin work at Scoops, Reader works at Wicks and Sticks (formerly at Dippin' Dots; you job hop...it's a thing), New Relationship "Troubles," Infatuation/Crush, Cute Dates, Tie in with the Store Manager Verse
Note: Dedicated to @dr-aculaaa (late bday gift), @rosewaterandivy and @carolmunson who've heard little tidbits intermittently but this has taken a minute to come together. And @ghost-proofbaby for the last date idea. Enjoy <3
You can find my masterlist here for more fics featuring pretty much exclusively Eddie Munson content but also a little Steve.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
If Steve had to pick one thing that was his best quality, it would be that he was reliable.
"Psshh, yeah right," Robin scoffed. "Reliably late to picking me up for work every day."
"Hey!" Steve argued. "I promised to drive you to school when it starts next week, so could you...I dunno...gimme a break here?"
"You don't need to do your hair every morning; I have band first period so if you could please be a little better with time, I'd appreciate it!"
Reliable, unfortunately, was boring. And you were anything but boring.
Steve learned quickly that his favorite thing about you was that you changed with the seasons. If the wind blew in a different direction, so would you.
Just like the whole vanilla debacle, you were never satisfied with one flavor. Yeah you liked a root beer float for a while, but before long, you were a banana split person. And shortly after that, hot fudge.
And while changing tastes in ice cream was endearing and made him a little looser--and got him a date--it was how quickly you changed tastes in other things that had him a little worried.
"I quit Dippin' Dots!" you announced one afternoon in early September, throwing your visor at him from across the counter.
"You what?" He stared at you with wide eyes.
"I quit," you raised your eyebrows and tilted your head towards him. "Dippin' Dots."
"No I got that I just...why?" He held his hands out around him. "Rival ice cream shops. That's kind of our thing."
"Well, you're just gonna have to get a job at a rival candle store because you're looking at the new sales associate at Wicks'n'Sticks."
You grinned at him and proudly pulled the little name badge from the back pocket of your jeans, your name already engraved and everything. Steve's eyes darted between it and you, unable to comprehend that you were joking.
"No, I'm not serious," you laughed. "Unless you hate it here, which I know you do."
"Shhh, not so loud!"
"The pay sucks, you always go home sticky, and you get yelled at by every mom in Roane County for getting their order wrong. I've heard you say it enough times Steve."
You were right; he just liked sticking to routines. Routines were nice...reliable.
"So what does that mean for us?" he asked.
"Means we're just gonna have to get another thing," you offered. "Like...making out in the service corridors instead of up against the kiosk after hours."
Ok, so...he could live with that.
What worried him was, well, if you were just just dating reliable old Steve Harrington all the time, you'd get bored with him. Nancy had gotten bored with him and looked for someone...better. You'd already gotten mad at him for being slow on the uptake about the small vanilla cup. What if he was boring in some other way? What if you tired of him just like you tired of your job at Dippin' Dots?
He'd already established a routine with your dates. Movie nights on Thursdays whenever new shows came out, then dinner at Benny's on Sunday nights, and lunch at the food court on Tuesdays when your shifts aligned.
You always said you liked your "dates."
"Is that what they said?" Robin asked as he aired his fears to her on the way to school one morning. "'Dates.' With air quotes?"
"Yeah?" He stumbled over his words. "Why? What are you--why are you--what is that...is that a problem? It's our routine."
"Oh god," she groaned and slammed her head back against the headrest. "You already have a routine? Dating isn't about routines. Is this...did you have routines with Nancy?"
"Yes, why?"
"Ok, new plan of attack," she waved her hands in front of her. "New date ideas. Every week. You, Steve Harrington, are hopeless."
The whiteboard in the backroom suddenly became the "Date Idea Board."
Robin had told him to do it as soon as he got to Scoops, brought the board out to the counter with him. Ice cream was less popular in the mornings, it seemed, especially with kids back in school--
He could see why you jumped the Dippin' Dots ship. Aside from the handful of mall employees taking their breaks and wanting ice cream, he was bored.
--so he had plenty of time to think of something before the closing lead came in.
But the board remained blank all the way up until lunchtime.
"What did I do during school?" he threw his hands up in the air as he started towards the food court. "Movies...dinner...parking up at the quarry and making out? We haven't done that yet. I guess..."
He roared in frustration as he got in line at Hot Dog on a Stick, earning dirty looks from several lunch-goers.
"What?" he scoffed at them, and then tried to nonchalantly glance around.
And that's when Steve spotted them, tucked at a table near JCPenney, heads close together as they each held an earpad of a set of headphones connected to a walkman on the table, free hands reaching periodically for a basket of cheese fries: Eddie Munson and the Claire's manager.
It kind of made Steve a little antsy, like he was observing a private moment, the way they smiled at each other and bantered back and forth. He didn't even get this feeling watching couples make out in the hallways at Hawkins High. He wondered for a second if anyone felt that way when they saw the two of you together...
No one saw you together at the movies, or late Sunday nights at Benny's. And during lunch on Tuesdays, you definitely sat across the table from one another...not next to each other like that.
Was that it? Was that the answer? Just...go more places together. He really wished he had someone to ask about this.
And his wish was granted when Eddie looked at the time on his watch and then, with a flick of his girlfriend's dangly earrings, he ran out of the food court.
Steve abandoned his place in line and rushed across to plant himself in Eddie's vacated seat.
"Uh," the manager squinted her eyes at him in recollection. "...hi cherry lipbalm guy."
"It was strawberry, actually," he then pointed to his name tag, "and it's...Steve."
"Hi Steve," she amended and pointed to her own name tag to introduce herself.
It was awkwardly silent for a moment.
"I don't have any lip balm down here," she chewed her fingernail for a moment. "If that's why you stopped by. You have to go ups--"
"I need dating advice," he blurted out. "Again."
"Where does Eddie take you out for dates?"
"I don't...they're not..."
"Because I...ok you remember the Dippin' Dots cashier?" he launched right into his story, despite her deer-in-the-headlights expression. "They agreed to go out with me--thanks, by the way--but they're...I'm afraid they're getting bored of our routine."
"Routine?" she winced.
"That's what Robin's reaction was too. Sorry, Robin, that's my friend, she works at Scoops too. Anyway..."
Steve continued his tale, telling her about your new job and general shift in likes and dislikes from day to day. How unpredictable you were, how much he liked that about you but how much he feared that meant you wouldn't like him before long.
"And I just...like them so much? I don't want to screw it up."
The Claires manager's expression had softened the longer he talked and once he was done and out of breath she smiled.
"Well this is a really nice development."
"That's all you have to say?" he asked incredulously.
Her expression fell.
"Listen, Steve, I only have 5 minutes left of my lunch and I'm very happy to give you advice if you need it but it seems like you don't really need it. You know what it is your friend likes, or rather...how your friend's likes change...you just need to be...spontaneous and deliver the unexpected!"
"But what is that?" He raked his hands through his hair. "What should I do? What does Eddie do?"
"Eddie doesn't..." she sighed. "You shouldn't just mimic what he does, but he's himself. He's goofy and loud and we do goofy and loud things. He likes snacks, I like snacks...we're constantly sharing food."
She gestured to the cheese fries.
"Just do what feels right? Be yourself. Incorporate them into things that you want and need to do. Need to go to the laundromat? Ask if they want to go and watch the soaps with you while your towels are in the dryer."
For a minute that didn't make much sense to him. That wasn't a date. Who went on dates like that? But...you know, once upon a time he used to watch his parents pretend to waltz as they folded bedsheets together. The love that used to be in their eyes during a menial task.
Not that this was love with you but...he knew he could be a little bit of a romantic. One day maybe...
"I do like All My Children," he finally nodded. "Ok this could work."
"No Steve, wait..." The manager held her hands out as he stood from the chair and started jogging back to Scoops.
"Thank you!" he shouted and waved.
Thus began the gauntlet of unexpected, inventive, spontaneous dates.
He started with the Laundromat; it was stuck in his head now and it was either going to be a win or the biggest failure he had. And you'd break up with him.
You were a little baffled when he told you his idea, but you went along with it. He picked you and your basket up promptly at 9am on Wednesday.
"Did your mom stop doing the wash for you Stevie?" you joked as you tossed your basket in the backseat.
"Ha ha," he deadpanned. He actually begged his mom not to snatch up his dirty Scoops uniforms from the hamper so he could take care of them himself. She gave him the proudest smile and a kiss on the forehead.
But he would never tell you that.
You, by chance, were a regular at the All Washed Up on Main Street. Said hello to Cheryl the Attendant, who was folding the hourly drop offs. Had your dollar bills all ready to go and you did a little dance as the change machine chugged and spat out quarters.
You took the lead for him, when he--understandably--looked a little confused.
"Obviously they don't have soap for you to use," you rolled your eyes and slotted coins into the little machine with different soaps and fabric softeners. "You need to bring it yourself. Or buy it. What do you like? Snuggle? Do you like lavender?"
But he still had a few tricks up his sleeves.
He brought Uno and a deck of cards to teach you to play Gin Rummy.
"Just like my granny taught me," he smiled and your expression melted.
And when you started shuffling your clothes into the dryers, he got snacks from the vending machine for you both.
"Dr. Pepper and HandiSnacks." He proudly handed you your treat.
"How did you know I always get this when I come do my laundry?" you held them to your chest excitedly.
A night at the arcade was next.
To be honest, Steve thought with everyone's latest obsession over StarCourt, he'd be free to show his face at the Palace Arcade.
Unfortunately, his heart stopped when he saw the gaggle of familiar bikes chained up outside.
"Ooh, ok what do you say to pizza after we play some games?" you asked when you saw the pizzeria further up the strip mall. When you turned to him, you noticed his stricken expression. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing," he shrugged, trying to act cool. "No nothing, it's just...some kids I used to babysit..."
Great lie there Harrington, you still babysit them.
"...are here. Those are their bikes."
"Aww," your eyes got soft and you put on the baby voice you used to tease him sometimes. "Big bad babysitter Stevie and little his Kindergarten Crew. It'll be fine, they won't bother us playing Skee Ball."
You walked confidently into the arcade, straight to your favorite game, all while Steve sent cursory glances down each row of machines and tried to be as stealth as possible.
Like a ninja, he told Nancy once.
"Steve?" Dustin called as he spotted him ducking between a few Pac-Man cabinets. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh," Steve's eyes slid in your direction and then he waved awkwardly. "Hey Henderson, you know. Killing time."
"Max is trying to unlock a secret level of Galaga," he thumbed over his shoulder. "Maybe you can get next turn if she can't."
"I'd love to I'd just--"
"Steve?" He winced at your voice behind him. "You coming?"
"Yeah," he shot you a smile and then turned back to Dustin with murderous eyes. "I was just telling this little twerp to beat it."
"This one of the kids?" you sidled up next to him and smiled at Dustin. "Hey."
"Hey!" He got a sly look on his face and wiggled his eyebrows at Steve, who looked positively livid. "You on a date there, Harrington old boy?"
"Who are you, Jay Gatsby? I like you," you laughed at Dustin and then clapped a hand on Steve's shoulder. "I like this kid; you might as well introduce me to all the little rascals. It'll explain why you're such a PTA mom all the time."
Steve groaned as Dustin grabbed your arm and dragged you over to the rest of the kids, but he couldn't help the way his heart skipped a beat when you gave him a look of sheer glee and affection.
Maybe he was doing something right?
He blindfolded you for the next date--the last idea he had for this two week sprint full of creative dates--although...he might not have needed to do it for the whole car ride.
"Steve I'm gonna be sick," you had groaned pathetically from the passenger's seat of his car.
But it was worth it.
He'd gone to the mall office to grab the mail--who knew stores at the mall got mail--when he saw a pamphlet for local tourist attractions and he'd been inspired.
The Fort Wayne Children's Zoo.
You were in awe, it's such a sweet date idea.
The two of you held hands as you dodged groups of field trip goers, parents with their kids on playdates, and other bored adults. You told him fun facts about your favorite animals and his.
"I always wanted to be," you told him, nose scrunched in embarrassment. "I dunno...a vet or a...marine biologist or something. One of those big jobs that kids always dream about. Now I work at StarCourt Mall and I'm on the verge of finding a new job again."
"So do I," he chuckled. "At least you've thought about your future. I sort of never did."
"There's always time," your eyes sparkled. "We're still young and have our whole lives ahead of us. I've been looking at pamphlets for the Tri-County Community College. We could take classes in the next semester."
"Yeah?" he asked, slyly. "We?"
"Shut up," you pushed him to the side.
"Didn't know you'd still plan on dating me next year."
"Why not?"
Steve shrugged but kept his mouth shut, and then steered you towards your final destination.
The Reef.
So it wasn't a full aquarium, but it was close enough. He couldn't drive you all the way out to Indianapolis without arousing suspicion. Besides, the Reef had enough of an array of colorful marine life to make you happy. You gushed over all of the different fish that you recognized as the two of you wound through the small aquarium building.
You'd actually told him about your dream career as a kid before and he'd stored that little tidbit away. Pulled a favor with his mom to pull a favor with someone she knew and low and behold--
"Steve!" you exclaimed as you saw the little setup on the bench in front of the tank of Moon Jellies, an assortment of sandwiches and sodas basking in the blue glow emitted from behind the glass. "What's this?"
"Surprise!" He held his hands out a little pathetically. "The real date...not just the zoo but...a little picnic too."
"I love it!" you laughed.
"You do?" he beamed in relief. "I've...I've really been trying. I know...you're always so...and Robin said I was boring, so I thought maybe we could try some new dates. Not just...dinners and movies. I wanted to make you happy. Make you smile."
He kept rambling on about the other ideas he had, but then confessed that he sort of missed late dinners at Benny's on Sundays because he got to hold your hand across the table. He didn't notice the way your gaze got softer as he said the things that you'd been thinking all day--because these spontaneous dates were great but you missed the sweet dinners at Benny's and the movie nights where you made out in the back row at the Hawk during boring scenes--or how you inched closer you him until your hands were caressing his cheeks and your lips descended on his.
From the outside looking in, it was almost picturesque.
Something from a John Hughes movie as the two of you rocked back and forth in the glow of the jellyfish tank and one big smooch turned into little sweet ones, soft lips pecking at each other, over and over. Tasting the words that you each wanted to say to one another but...didn't quite have the courage to.
Next Part: Developmental Achievement
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braidlottie · 7 months
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part 3
series masterlist | gif credit | previous chapter | next chapter
tags!!!! mostly fluffy, family breakfast time! (reader gets smiley face pancakes from lottie bc i SAID SO), lottie asks u a somewhat life changing question…
i’m sorry this took a while and is so short! chapter 4 will be better i promise 🤕
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yawning, you stretched and rubbed your eyes. lottie had left your side obviously, the left side of your bed still smelling like her. your clock read 9:34, you never expected yourself to be up this early.
the events of what happened last night made you groan in embarrassment.
the feeling of her lips against her skin. her hands, her fingers slipping inside, making you gasp, closing your eyes in pleasure-
a knock at your door brung you out of your thoughts, hearing your mother’s voice outside. “are you up?”
“come down, i made breakfast.” the sound of her footsteps fade away as you got out of bed, not even bothering to brush your teeth. the stairs creaked as you walked down, hearing the local news playing quietly on the tv and your mother’s and lottie’s voice in the kitchen.
“there you are, finally! lottie made pancakes!” taissa smiled, opening the fridge and pulling out a carton of orange juice. she brought the two of you glasses and sat down, offering you a seat next to you. you sat down in the dining chair, lottie putting two plates in front of you. one had scrambled eggs, and two strips of bacon, and the other, two stacked pancakes with cut strawberries around the edges, and chocolate chips forming a smiley face.
“i made them extra special for you.” she pet your head, a big smile across her face. when she turned her back to go sit with you and your mother, you furrowed your eyebrows. the same woman that seduced you last night just made you.. smiley face pancakes.
you shrugged it off and poured your syrup, and digging in. “wow, lottie,” you chewed, talking with your mouth full of the fluffy hotcake. “you made these?”
“my own recipe.” she nodded, pre-cutting her breakfast. she watched as you indulged, smiling sweetly at the puddle of syrup on your plate. “y’know tai, i was thinking of taking y/n back with me for a while. i really want him to see the sights.”
you looked up from your plate.
being in new york?
with lottie?
it almost made you choke.
“well, for how long?”
“just next weekend. i was thinking we leave on friday, come back on sunday.”
“that’s fine for me, i don’t know about y/n, though.” she pointed her fork at you, making lottie to you. her eyes widened a bit, waiting for your answer. “uhh, sure, lottie. sounds really fun.” you smiled with no teeth, mouth still full of pancake.
“then it’s settled! oh, you’re going to love it over there, y/n!” she clapped. “i’m driving back home in a little, but i will pick you up on friday.” she reached over to grab your hand. her joy was contagious over this trip, you and your mother smiling as well. you would’ve never thought your first new york trip, even your first trip out of state, would be with your mom’s best friend.
next friday came quicker than you thought. you had finally finished packing your bags around 12 pm, putting your toothbrush and toothpaste in a ziploc bag. “lottie’s outside.” taissa knocked on your open door, handing you a tupperware container.
“what’s this?”
“just some snacks for the two of you. y’know for the ride there. some apple slices and baby carrots.” you gave her an uneasy smile, thinking in your head about all the junk food you and lottie were gonna get at some random convenience store on the way there.. “thanks… mom.”
“you’re gonna have so much fun, sweetheart! be careful, okay?” she hugged you tightly, kissing your forehead. “you have everything?”
you nodded and smiled, grabbing your suitcase. “i’m fine, mom,” you chuckled, walking downstairs, filling your water jug with ice and grabbing an extra bottle of water from the fridge. you said your final goodbyes, opening the front door to see lottie in the driver's seat, reaching in the back. you guessed she was trying to make room for your suitcase. “you ready?” her voice was higher, smiling as soon as she saw you.
“you can put your suitcase back here, babe.”
BABE? this woman was about to kill you and you haven’t even step foot in her car yet.
“okay!” your voice cracked, opening the back door of the SUV, laying your luggage on its side. you got in the passenger next to her, buckling your seatbelt and waving to your mother, who was standing just outside your front door. lottie exhaled as she put the car in drive.
“well.. albany, here we come.”
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creative-heart · 2 months
"The one that got away" Enzo Vogrincic x fem! reader
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A/N: Hi! this is the first thing I’ve written in so long, so please be nice. If you have any constructive criticism it’s always welcomed, if it comes from love and respect. I really hope you like this, it’s inspired in kind of a mashup between “The one that got away” by Katy Perry and “Bride or groom” by India Parkman. it’s also written in a third person POV.
Warnings: Basically Angst, all angst, mild drinking. Whatever is in italics is thoughts.
Word Count: 1.6K
The one where reader never spoke up for her love towards Enzo
It had always been them two against the world, ever since kindergarten when Y/N being the bubbly extroverted redhead girl she had always been, all but adopted sweet shy Enzo, since day one they had been inseparable. Y/N's mom even started calling them June and Johny as they became teenagers, always up to some innocent mischief -from stealing the leftover vodka from the liquor cabinet to grabbing their parents car keys in the night to go take a drive around-. 
It had been so gradually that she had fallen for Enzo that Y/N couldn’t pin point the exact moment, maybe it was after the redhead called him crying at 2 in the morning because that douchebag boyfriend of hers broke it off at 15, or when he ran to the store for the first time to get her tampons cause she had ran out on a Sunday afternoon, and now, here they were. 
“Last day of summer” Y/N sighed looking off into the sunset, while she sat beside the raven haired guy on her parents house roof like they always did “who knew highschool would come and go so fast”.
“And you are abandoning me, breaking a 15 year old promise to never leave me alone…” Enzo retorted in an overly dramatic way just to make his best friend laugh,“I always knew you would leave though, that I would have to face this horrible world alone” and laugh she did while rolling her eyes nudging his side playfully.
“Not my fault you’re bound to be the next big screen hearthrob, and I need to go off to college, not all of us are made for stardom”, she absentmindedly passed the bottle to him before turning slightly to look at that beautiful face she had grown to love, Y/N bit the inside of her lip, once again arguing with herself trying to decide if she should tell him she loved him or not - come on Y/N don’t be such a fucking coward, he’s right here, tell him-, she opened her mouth and took a deep breath she was going to do it, she finally would, when his phone rang.
“Well, that’s me, my brother’s downstairs” he huffed standing up placing a kiss on the top of Y/Ns head “see you later fireball” he chuckled as he got off the roof carefully, the nickname he had given his friend when they were kids still made him laugh to this day, the girl hummed nodding and watched him leave.
Life got busy, and they saw eachother less and less with every passing year. Not that anything changed when they did get to hang out, some things never change -how handsome Enzo was, or how much Y/N loved him for example- their friendship was the exact same that it had always been. 
Y/N tapped her fingers anxiously on the table in the corner of the cafe where they had agreed to meet, five years had gone by and the freckled face woman still felt the same butterflies in her stomach when she was seeing him -he lived in Madrid fulltime now it made it easier for work and she was still back in Montevideo, she was working in a big time law firm, everyone knew she was gonna be a lawyer since forever, always had an argument for everything-. She looked at her phone again and sighed, he was already fifteen minutes late, he never was, she thought maybe this time, life had gotten too busy -he’s clearly not coming, don’t blame him though, he must be so busy- she thought to herself, as she was gathering her stuff to get up, she felt his hand on her shoulder and his usual kiss on the top of her head.
“Sorry fiery, I’m so late, parking in Madrid” he laughed- that oh so enchanting sound that always made her heart skip a beat-, as he sat down across from his lifelong friend. She smiled, everything was forgiven as soon as he looked at her with those dark eyes of his.
“Thought fame had finally gotten to you and you weren’t coming” she pouted while setting her phone back down, she looked at Enzo’s face, something was different, she could tell, something had been different for a bit now, and the change of scenery did nothing to apeace her mind. He rolled his eyes with a warm smile plastered on his face.
“I would never miss the chance to see my best friend are you crazy?” he smiled at the waiter as he brought over the coffee he had ordered on his way in. He took to stirring the sugar in it for way too long, trying to find the words of what he needed to tell Y/N, she looked at him, a tilt in her head, there was something wrong, she could tell, she knew him too well.
“spill it” she said keeping her eyes glued on him he chuckled “you know me to well Y/N/N” he looked up and smiled at her -here goes nothing- he thought.
“I’ve met someone… well…more than met, I have a girlfriend, her name is Marina” he smiled at the mention of her name, Y/N gulped, and forced a smile on her face- she was dying inside, but she would never let it show, not to him, not when he looked this happy. “We met a few months ago, through some mutual friends, she’s a doctor, you will love her. She loves cats and painting, just like you, I can’t wait for you to meet her” he kept rambling on about Marina, he couldn’t help himself, she was the best woman to ever walk this earth besides from Y/N, he KNEW they would get along well- he wanted them to at least, they’re both too important to him in one way or another.
Crap, you’re an idiot, you’re a fucking idiot she kept repeating to herself, Y/N felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach, each word her friend said taking it a bit lower, if she had only been braver on that roof when she had the chance- Smile Y/N- she reminded herself, her friend- that word stinging more than it had ever done now- was happy and that was the most important part…right? right.
And he had been right, Y/N eventually met Marina, and she was a sweetheart, and she loved Enzo, it showed, Y/N knew by the way the blonde looked at him that she loved him, because it was the same way she looked at him.
Y/N would be lying to herself if she said she never wished Enzo and Marina broke up, she never lost that hope, relationships not always worked out…hers didn’t at least. But they hadn’t, they seemed to be the perfect power couple, so when her Johny had told her they were getting married and  asked her to be his best woman, she couldn’t say no, she had to be honest, another five years had gone by and the sinking feeling in her gut had never left, it was there every time she saw a picture on his instagram of them two, it got worse every time one of her relationships failed, it just never left.
The twenty-eight year old, fearless woman, who no one wanted to come across in court, somehow felt small and fragile while she looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath forcing a smile on her face while finishing her make-up “okay, listen up you”- she gave her reflection a peptalk while she got ready- “you had your chance, you were too scared to take it, it was there and you let it slip away, you have no right to ruin his happiness you’re gonna stand there, you’re gonna be the friend Enzo needs, and you’re gonna tough it out”, the last part coming out shaky as she suppressed a sob, she downed the last of her wine glass and walked out.
She knocked on his door “En, you ready?” she said slightly opening it, just enough to see the most handsome man she had ever seen standing there fidgeting with his bowtie, she laughed and walked in “come’ere, let me help” she turned him around and fixed it for him “there, handsome as ever my dear Johny” she smiled softly looking at him. 
“I’m ready Junie” he smiled a warm, soft smile at her walking out and making their way to the gardens where the ceremony would take place.
As she walked down the aisle, Y/N couldn’t help but think what would have happened if she had been braver that hot day of summer ten years ago- if you had only said something, if you had spoken when you opened your mouth- she reprimanded herself as she walked and took her place beside the love of her life, not in the way she would have wanted, not in the way she still dreamt of every so often, but in the way she could.
When the music started and Marina made her way out, that’s when she finally understood, it didn’t matter what she felt, she could wonder all her life what would have happened if -she probably would if she was honest with herself for once- what would have happened if she’d only been braver, would she be the one walking down the aisle to meet the man she had loved for over ten years, the man she still loved to that day? that was something that she would never know, for now, she could only look at the Johny to her June, and fake the brightest smile as the love of her life, married the love of his.
A/N: aaarrghhh I’m so sorry about ending it on a down note, it just didn’t feel right to turn it all around, and it being inspired in those songs, wasn’t a happy ending, don’t hate me! please? 
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I Still Love You
Words: 1193
Warnings: angst, references to sex (I think), mentions of a breakup, smoking
STRANGER THINGS Masterlist Main Masterlist
Y'all should be fully aware that me writing anything with full fluff is rare, so yes, this has fucking angst in it. Try me bitch
Can be read as a Part 2 for You Don't Love Me Anymore? and 1,000 Yellow Daisies (this is technically a part 3)
This also was originally written for my OC Drew Henderson (Find info on her/original story on this account @imnotobsessedwfictionalchracters )
I also know that this isn't that well written, it was done on my phone when I was *lowkey* overheating in my moms car while driving to my friends DCI other competition and back home last Saturday and Sunday (the 16-17thth)
I also hadn’t expected people to really enjoy the last one…so I’m gonna make an alt. version of this where reader moves on. Plus a Part 3 that is just Robin, Nancy, and Dustin wanting to MURDER Steve
Steve and other characters are PROBABLY OOC (as I suck at not being able to keep them from being OOC)
Anywho, enjoy
12 hours had passed since they got back from the Upside Down. Since Eddie had died. Since Max had...well, Max was still a questionable subject. Dustin and Y/N had lied to their mom about their whereabouts. Said they were with Steve the whole time. Of course their mom wasn’t too happy that Dustin had left, but she felt better that she knew her children were together during the ‘earthquake’. 
Y/N still couldn’t believe that she had made it out with just a bruised left side. Let alone alive. So perhaps that was why she was where she was. Searching through her car for a box of cigarettes. Even though she and Steve had quit together, she still kept a box. Just in case. Of course she never thought that she would need them again after Christmas, but here she was. 
She let out a sound of happiness when she found it. She slipped back out of her car, ignoring the screaming pain from her left side, and took a cigarette from the box. She slotted it in her mouth and grabbed the lighter from her back pocket. She took a long drag after it lit and kicked her car door close. 
They were still at the Wheelers so she stayed at her car, not in the mood to hear anyone say something about the cigarette. She laughed to herself, she felt like a silly High Schooler again. Leaning against her car with a cigarette in front of Nancy’s house. At least she wasn’t waiting for Dustin to get done with his game of DnD today. 
She stared at the cigarette. She felt bad. She knew that Dustin had hated that she smoked. Mostly because it caused her clothes and car to smell afterwards. She laughed. The two times she had broken the promise, Steve was involved. First their breakup. Now this. 
At least he was helpful this time.
But this time also made her realize that her feelings for him never went away. It was easier during work, pretending she didn’t love him anymore. But then the two of them in the damn van and his talk about that stupid dream of his. Or before that when he got dragged back under by the fucking Demobats and she jumped in after without a second thought. Then the entire time they were separated she was praying that he was okay. She knew full well that this wasn’t going to end well. That she would never truly be over him.
She would always fucking love Steve Harrington and it was as simple as that.
She hadn’t realized how in her thoughts she was until she jumped as she heard someone say her name. She looked up and there he was. The man who she was just cursing that she would always love. She gave him a small smile. “You okay?”
She nodded “Yeah. Just processing everything that happened.”
He nodded and then motioned to the cigarette she was bringing up to her lips. “Thought you quit.”
She laughed as she blew the smoke out. “I did. But we nearly just died, Steve. Give me a break.” He laughed and took the cigarette from her hand and took a drag himself. She smiled at him teasingly. “Thought you quit.”
He smiled and said the same as her, “We just nearly died, Y/N. Give me a break.” After a second they both burst into laughter. 
Once they stopped, a comfortable silence settled between them. That was until Y/N sighed. She stared forward, towards the Wheeler home. “What happened between us Steve?”
She looked at him, “We were doing so good. What happened that made us break up? I refuse to believe that it was just because of that stupid fucking fight over Thanksgiving.”
She stopped him, “Don’t give the ‘now isn’t the time’ because it is. It is the time Steve.”
He looked away from her and whispered, “I got scared.” She froze for a moment. Wondering if she even heard him correctly. “I got scared over that fucking fight. Scared that you...that you would realize you deserve better than me. You, who got into fucking Northwestern and chose to wait a year, deserves better than me, the one who can’t get into fucking college.”
“Steve, I--”
He sighed and brought the cigarette back to his mouth. “I fucked up. Got into my own head again. I was petrified at the thought of losing you forever because you end up finding someone better for you. Someone who won’t hold you back. Then I realized that I fucked up by breaking up with you. That first week was torture. Robin to talk to me. Nancy wanted to kill me. I was even pretty sure that if Dustin had his license, he would’ve run me over.” She laughed lightly at the last part. He gave her a soft smile, “I’m sorry. Honestly, I am.”
She took his hand in hers. “I know you are Steve.”
“You know...I actually left something out earlier, with my dream.”
She tilted her head to the side, “Hm? What did you leave out?”
“That I dream about all of it with you. The woman in it always ends up being you. No matter how many times I think it’ll be someone else. I always see you.”
She wasn’t sure why she did it, but she took her hand out of his and placed it behind his head. She pulled him towards her and kissed him. Her other hand took the cigarette from him and dropped it on the ground, stepping on it to put it out. She felt him wrap his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She moved to where she had him caged into between her and her car. Her legs between his own. She placed her hand onto her car to keep herself steady. 
And it felt all too soon when they pulled away from each other. “I always told myself that I was over you. That my feelings had gone away. But I was lying. I still love you Steve Harrington. I always have and I always will.”
He smiled, “Good. Because I still love you Y/N Henderson. Always have and always will.”
She smiled and kissed him again. This time they only pulled away when they heard Erica yelling. “If you guys are done sucking each other’s faces off, the adults want us all inside.”
She laughed as Steve shot Erica a glare. She turned back and smiled at the younger girl. “Give us a minute, Erica.”
“Whatever. We better not come back out to you two making out again.”
She laughed again as Steve’s face lit up red. She looked back at him and kissed his nose. “Let’s go back in before someone comes out to murder us.”
He looked at her softly, “Yeah, yeah we should.”
They pulled away, but not much and instantly grabbed the other's hand. And as they walked into the house, they chose to ignore the looks and sat down next to each other. Just happy that things may finally end up good between them again.
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katiesharms · 5 months
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65 (or march 6th) for @paulmezcal - love is a laserquest by arctic monkeys
i can't think of anything to dream about/i can't find anywhere to hide
it's weird to be haunted by someone who isn't dead.
bradley's well used to hauntings at this point in his life - his father looms over his career, his mother over his house. mav over his trust issues and most reckless tendencies. and jake over his heart.
he hasn't seen jake in years - 5 to be exact, almost to the day. since their leave ran out post mission and jake broke out of the daydream they had been in together, like he'd never even been there.
"this has been fun," jake had said, that same smirk he always has affixed to his face. "we should do it again some time."
and then he got in his car and drove off, leaving bradley in the parking lot, watching him, frozen in place. he's still there, in a way. it's weird, maybe concerning, how much everything reminds him of jake. the blanket across the back of the couch that they had laid down on the floor and fucked on top of the second they got home, adrenaline and relief taking them both to the edge in record time. the mug in the cabinet that jake dropped one morning when trying to prove he had the balance to be a waiter. the shampoo jake left that bradley started using, and kept buying even after it ran out.
it's not like he hasn't tried over the years. he's dated others, but it's all fallen away and all that's left is the stain on bradley's ceiling from the time jake opened the microwave and the butter exploded.
it's all pathetic. so pathetic that when he answers the door on a sunday afternoon, bradley almost doesn't believe it.
"jake," he says dumbly. maybe this is just another one of his daydreams.
"bradley," jake says back, more sure. always more sure. "you gonna invite me in?"
wordlessly, he steps aside to let jake come in. the man wastes no time getting comfortable, seemingly still acquainted with bradley's home after all this time. jake sits at the small table in the breakfast nook, so bradley sits across from him. he's struck with the memories of sharing their morning coffee here.
"what are you doing here, jake?" bradley asks when the other man is silent for a long time.
"i, uh, just got home from deployment," jake's not looking at bradley; instead, he's tracing his fingers over the wood grain of the table. "i got into my car and started driving south. didn't realize where i was going until i hit bakersfield."
it's not an answer, but bradley's too confused and too tired to fight. "and why did you come here?"
"i guess i was just thinking of you. it was just your birthday right? 40?"
bradley starts. he didn't know jake still kept those facts about him, stored away in some private file.
"yeah," he confirms. two weeks ago, he turned 40. the same age mom was when she was diagnosed.
"when i saw the date, i remembered how you used to look in the mirror sometimes, for so long i was afraid something had happened. and when i would ask you, you just told me you had to remind yourself that you're still here. i guess i was just wondering if you still had to do that. or if you've found something else to ground you."
for a long time, bradley thought jake would be that person. he almost was; by the end of there few months together, bradley's nights spent studying himself, picking out the differences and similarities to his parents, shrunk and shrunk. instead, he let jake kiss it out of him.
"not yet," bradley settles on as an answer and tries to decode the way jake's brows scrunch together, how his shoulders droop.
"i'm sorry. i know that's what you wanted."
it feels cruel, almost. that jake is sitting her and dangling what he refused to give bradley in his face.
"of course," jake continues, "you've never been very good at asking for what you want."
the truth of it burns, and bradley feels hot.
"what about you?" bradley volleys. "i remember distinctly feeling like this whole thing was some kind of game to you."
"it was," jake admits so easily that it shocks bradley, just for a moment. "i never felt like anything was real. i liked to move fast and not care about what i left behind."
"used to?" bradley echoes back carefully.
"yeah," jake confirms, looking deep into bradley's eyes. "used to."
"what changed?"
jake shrugs. "i think i finally feel my age. and i think i finally realized that i need to stop pretending you were just some lover, like all the rest."
bradley sucks in a sharp breath. "jake, you can't say that. not now."
jake's face crumples. "look, i know it's probably too late. but i'm sorry and i miss you and i want to try again. for real."
"what's changed?" bradley asks again, trying to quell the hope crawling up his throat.
"nothing. except for me. if that's enough."
bradley doesn't know if it is. but for now, it's good enough for him. he reaches across the table to loop their hands together and squeezes.
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earthtoharlow · 2 years
Sunday Kind of Love
Chapter 3
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AN: hope you enjoy 😉
Previous chapters
I rifle through piles of toys and stuffed animals on the floor. Brooklyn is gonna be late. It’s Wednesday and we have been doing good for the past week making sure we left the house for school on time.
“Brooklyn!” I yell. Where the hell are they, I always put them in the same place; the basket near the door.
“Brooklyn!” I yell again as I walk down the hallway to her room. I poke my head in quickly and see my daughter laying on her stomach watching cartoons on her bed.
“Honey, if we don’t leave in the next 3 minutes, you’re gonna be super late to school.” Brooklyn turns her attention away from the tv and looks at me “but momma, the show is just getting to the good part!”
I ignore her and a scramble to get her shoes and socks on. “I know baby, but we have the dvd remember. We can watch this episode anytime. Now, have you seen momma’s car keys? I can’t find them anywhere and we’re really gonna be late.”
I look up and see Brooklyn with her arms crossed with a pout on her face. “Please, Brooklyn. Please help your momma out.”
“They’re on the kitchen table, you threw them down after we came back from the store”
“Perfect, come on let’s go” I darted out of the room in a complete fluster and found my keys sitting right on the table, exactly where she said I left them. “Hiding again” I huffed to myself. I slung Brooklyn’s backpack on one arm and grab her hand as we leave the house. We’re gonna be so late.
I was driving in silence for a few minutes before I heard Brooklyn speak from the backseat. “Can we listen to some music?” I look at her through the mirror and nod my head.
As I turn on the radio, the opening chords of “First Class” by Jack Harlow comes on. Just as I was about to turn the station, I noticed Brooklyn in the back nodding her head along and shaking her fingers.
“And I can put you in (first class, up in the sky)…”
I tap my fingers along the steering wheel and sing softly to the rest of the song. Soon we were both giggling and singing along to the radio as we pulled up to the school. I looked at the clock and noticed we made it with 5 minutes to spare. I quickly unbuckle Brooklyn from her car seat and walk her into the preschool. I walk her to the front door and bend down to her height.
“Ok give momma kisses, I promise to be here at the same time as I always am to pick you up.” I told her softly before I started messing with the edges of her hair making sure it was in place.
“Mom! Stop it!” Brooklyn whines before holding her pinky out for me to grab. I kissed our joined fingers and whispered “I love you, Lyn. Have a good day”
“I love you too, bye!” Brooklyn says before she runs off to class before she ends up late. I turn with a sigh before heading out the school and make my way back to my car so I can start my own work at home.
“So...have you texted her?” Urban turned away from the game for a moment to look over at Jack. “What?” he questioned him before continuing to play 2K
“Dude, don’t play dumb, you know, the girl with the kid who you haven’t stopped talking about since Sunday?”
“What?! I haven’t been talking about her all week!” He huffed. “Yeah sure, buddy!” There was silence for a few moments before he spoke again.
“Should I text her? I mean I don’t want to be a bother.” Urban said nervously. Jack pausing the game so he could look at his friend.
“She wouldn’t have given you her number if she didn’t want you to reach out to her. She even told you she works from home. She’s interested or at least wants to get to know you.” Jack tells Urban before picking up the controller again
“I guess you’re right.”
“Wait...what did you say” “I’m not saying it again”
“Hold on—“
“Shut up.”
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It was noon when I decided to take a break from my computer. Being a freelance Graphic Designer had its perks but staring at the computer all day long can really hurt your eyes. I push back from my desk and grab my phone. I always put it on do not disturb while I’m working. I looked down and was shocked to see I had a text from Urban.
Urban: hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? Maybe go see a movie or something?
Urban: and of course little miss Brooklyn is invited
I smile as I read his message. I felt giddy at the thought of hanging out with him somewhere other than the ice cream shop.
Y/N: I would love too!
I bite my lip wondering if I should invite him to Brooklyn and I “The week is almost over, let’s have a movie night” It wouldn’t hurt to have another person join in on our fun. Something about Urban makes me trust him. I don’t get bad vibes from him like I did….I shake my head before I could even start to think about Brooklyn’s father. I quickly send Urban another text.
Y/N: I have an idea, how about you come over and join our weekly movie night we do? There will be drinks and popcorn! It’s Brooklyn’s night to pick so I totally understand if you aren’t in the mood to watch a Disney movie lol :)
I nervously toss my phone after sending the text. I tried to keep myself busy by trying to get back to work but nothing was stopping my mind from spinning. Maybe, it was too soon to invite him over. I mean, I’m just a stranger. He wouldn’t have texted me if he thought I was a creep. Maybe. I mean…he is white. Before I could stress myself out any further, I hear my phone ding. I quickly grab my phone and see it’s a reply from Urban.
Urban: You had me at popcorn, I would love to join. Should I bring anything special?
Y/N: No, I’m a pro at this. You just bring yourself!
Y/N: . Actually, I would bring a blanket and maybe a pillow. Brooklyn likes to hog all the cover!
Urban: Sounds perfect, I can’t wait.
Y/N: Me too, come around 5:30. I’ll see you then :)
I sent him my address before putting my phone back on silent so I could finish more work before I had to pick up Brooklyn. Tonight is going to be fun.
“Mommy hurry! We have to get the fort set up before he gets here! Everything has to be perfect!” Brooklyn whines as she begins trying to drag the kitchen chairs in the living room
“Baby it’s not even 5 yet, we have plenty of time. I promise.” I tell her before helping her with the chairs.
“Mr. Urban could show up early and we won’t have anything ready! That would be super...super no I got it! It would be super embarrassing!!” Brooklyn says with a huff and pushes her freshly washed hair out her face.
“Let’s take a deep breath and calm down, everything will be fine. Why don’t you go figure out what movie you wanna watch while I set up the fort.” I tell her, she nods her head and bounces off to find a movie. “Crazy girl” I muttered before I started grabbing all the pillows off the couch.
I was starting to pop the popcorn when there was a knock on the door. Before I could leave the kitchen, tiny footsteps ran past me. “Wait a minute young lady, what did I say about answering doors without me?”
“Sorry I’m just so excited!” “Me too Lyn, me too.”
I take a deep breath and reach for the doorknob. I open the door and there stands Urban dressed in joggers and a dark colored hoodie.
“Hey, uh I brought some candy. I hope that’s okay, I just figured you can’t have a movie night without candy. “ Urban says holding up the bags of candy
I smiled at him and let him inside. “Well it’s a good thing everyone in this house loves eating candy, good job.” Before he could respond back, Brooklyn was tugging on his sleeve to get his attention. Urban bends down to her height so he could make eye contact.
“Mr. Urban! I’m so happy you’re here, do you wanna go check out the fort?” She says grabbing his hand. He looks up at you with a look of confusion and mouths “fort?” but you give nothing away as you just give him a smile. He turns back to Brooklyn, “lead the way, kid!”
Brooklyn giggles and begins tugging him towards the living room. Urban stops wide eyed as he sees the pretty big pillow fort in the room. “This is amazing, Brooklyn! Did you do this all by yourself?” She starts to sway shyly next to him before shaking her head. “No momma, helped me”
“You guys did such a great job! Wow” Urban turns to me and gives a smile. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“It’s no problem, how about you guys get settled in while i grab the popcorn and then we can get comfortable and start the movie?”
As you were walking back to the living room you paused as you heard Urban and Brooklyn talking
“So what movie are we watching tonight?” I heard Urban ask Brooklyn
“Only the greatest movie in the world! Moana!” Brooklyn exclaims. “Moana? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one.” Brooklyn then lets out a small gasp. “what?! Mr. urban that’s crazy talk!” Urban lets out small chuckle
“Well it’s a good thing I’m here tonight to watch it with you and your mom.”
“Yeah, you’re gonna love it! Soon it’s gonna be your favorite movie too!”
Taking that as my cue to join, I get the movie setup and start to make my way inside the pillow fort. I was surprised to see Brooklyn sitting so close to our guest. If she got any closer I’m sure she would’ve been sitting on his lap. I’ve never seen Brooklyn so comfortable with someone so fast. I was even more surprised that Urban didn’t seem to mind. I pressed play as the three of us settled into the movie.
I smiled as I looked over and saw Brooklyn giggling at the movie. Brooklyn and I had a rough year leading up to our move to Atlanta so it was nice seeing her with a smile on her face. Urban seemed to be enjoying the movie as well, watching with a smile on his face and whispering questions to Brooklyn when something confused him. The fuzzy feeling I was feeling in my stomach while watching them interact lowkey made me nervous. I was scared to let another man into our lives especially so soon after everything with Brooklyn’s dad. I could tell Brooklyn was starting to get attached.
Urban must have noticed me staring because he turned from the movie, smiled and offered me some of the candy he brought over. I held my hand out as he dumped some in my hand. Just as I was about to speak, Brooklyn spoke first.
“Ok everyone shush, this is my favorite part!” Urban and I turned towards to the tv as Moana was about to start singing
“I've been staring at the edge of the water, long as I can remember, never really knowing why…”
The fort was tall enough for Brooklyn to stand up and spin around. She played on giving us a show as she grabbed the remote and pretended it was a microphone.
“One day I'll knoooooow, If I go, there's just no telling how far I'll go!”
After her performance, Urban and I give her a round of applause and she crosses her feet at the ankles and gives us a dramatic bow. She then dramatically flops back down on the pillows next to me.
As the movie came to an end Brooklyn was slowly falling asleep in my lap. I tell Urban to wait for me in the kitchen as I go and carry her off to bed. I gently press a kiss to her forehead and close the door behind me.
“It was nice having you here tonight, even though you had to watch a Disney film.” I say with a slight smile.
“I had fun, honestly. I very much enjoyed the multiple musical performances we got during the watch” he says with a chuckle. “Oh yeah that girl really knows how to work a stage!” I say.
“If you aren’t in a hurry to go home, I can warm us up some pizza and we can watch another movie? I mean, it’s still pretty early.” I asked. I had a lot of fun with him tonight and I didn’t really want the night to end just yet.
“You had me at pizza”
The both of you stood and made your way back to the living room, you stopped when you realized that the pillow fort was still up. It would take too much time to take everything down. Urban informed you that he was fine watching another movie under the fort and you guys both settled in.
“So…” I looked over and grinned at him. “What should we watch?”
Urban Wyatt just added to his story!
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xanadontit · 7 months
MIL is coming for Thanksgiving...for 9 days. Last time I checked Thanksgiving is ONE day but hey no one asked me. Seriously. No one fucking asked me if I'm cool having a houseguest for NINE DAYS. I love my own mom and wouldn't want her in my house for that long.
Looks like SIL is driving her over on Saturday the 18th, then E will take SIL to the airport Sunday morning and pick her up on Monday the 27th and then SIL will shuttle MIL home. I'm working on getting myself out as much as possible and making plans with friends because again: no one asked me if I had a preference as to how to spend the holiday and my time off so why not?
I don't know, guys, I'm just really hitting a limit with not feeling like a priority at all to E. I feel like I do a pretty good job not giving so much of myself that I am completely spent, and I don't keep score but dude. At some point I need to be a consideration. E is making all these plans for, like, Holiday Magic for his mom and at no point have I been asked about what I'd like to do. So I'm gonna pull my own magic act and disappear for awhile. They can drive around and look at lights while I see friends or lie on the couch or whatever.
And yes, I have voiced my thoughts on all of this; I don't expect E to read my mind. That's almost worse though. I've told him I am - we are - at a breaking point and nothing changes. What am I supposed to do with that?
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carrickbender · 9 months
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Monday updates...(was a Sunday 7 but...)
1. My neighbours have 2 Asian pear trees in their front yard, with which they don't do much. Not surprising, as they are fascists who seem to enjoy guns more than good fruit. So when they asked if we wanted some, I grabbed my ladder and got to it after I mowed my yard and cleaned the driveway. And 45 lbs of pears were liberated from their fascist overlords, and will be rehabilited in medium-heavy syrup later this year.
2. I played a cool gig the other night. Super nervous for some damn reason, but I played and sang really well with only one request for Jimmy Buffet's "why don't we get drunk and screw"(and one rendition of the story of my mom and aunt getting blasted on spodie on memorial day howling that tune as they stumbled down the Grayland Beach road making nuisances of themselves, which accompanied the 'why I don't play that song' story.)
3. Somewhat related: anybody see that story on the news about the kid who found that gorgeous diamond at the crater of diamonds state park in Arkansas? My father figure did the same thing, while walking with Bill Clinton(the bullshitting must have been epic, and I say that lovingly), and my father figure put his into his shirt pocket...which had a hole in it. Moral of the story- let your wife fix your shirts(My grams had a great touch), and sometimes the story is better than the find.
Oh who am I kidding about the find, WAY TO GO KIDDO!!!!
4. I started my new job this week. They say you never forget certain calls when you are dispatching 911, and eventhough I was only listening in, my trainer had one of them. It was horrible, but it had an ok outcome. And while I like the job, there's a bit of a complication...
5. I have been accepted into the MBA programme for International business at WSU. It's not Foster at U Dub, but I only had a 3.3, not a 3.9 GPA, and Carson is nationally ranked too. Thrilled is not the word- elated is more appropriate. So instead of staying here, I need to look for a management position to kick start my resume- who knows what thats gonna look like in 3 months. And thank you to @redsimple for making sure I evaluated with a 'bang for the buck' attitude. Now to pay for it... lol... let's just say there's gonna be some serious financial maneuvers in the next 4 weeks.
6. Thinking about hopping in the car and driving down to Roseburg, OR for the annular eclipse in October. Over 4 mins of darkness... so yeah, totally worth it. I need to get out of the house, H and Buggy need it too. Plus...#astronomy!!!!!
7. If you've made it this far, thank you for being part of this community and the help you have given me to move forward. The affirmations, the little bits of confidence are helping shore up my foundation. I got a long way to go, but seriously I appreciate you all. Much love from the land where the big water meets the big woods.
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maxbegone · 8 months
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happy sunday! i hope it's a lovely fall day wherever you are, and i hope that the week ahead is good to you. here's not-seven sentences:
Los Bastardos have a mission.
Raf is already on the porch waiting when Alex steps out into the freezing morning air, bundled up tightly as he gets out a somewhat-groggy greeting. A thermos is shoved into his hands as Oscar walks around the side of the house with three rifles on his back and three axes in his hands, sharp and at the ready.
“Y’all ready?” He asks, beaming in the blue-grey light.
They hop into Raf’s truck and make the drive a mile south of the property line and into the forest.
“Mom’s on watch this morning,” Alex says as he turns the volume up on his walkie. It chirps, and he clicks it twice in a test. “She said to give her a holler when we’re heading back
“What happens if I crush one of you fuckers?” Raf asks into his thermos as Alex and Oscar both laugh.
“She’ll string you up if it’s Alex,” Oscar says as he drives. “Me? She might fuckin’ kiss ya.”
“Fuck, there it is.”
“Y’all have gotten better,” Alex tells him. “You’re better than before this mess. I swear I never hear you fighting.”
“Silent fights are still fights,” Oscar explains. “But yeah, we have gotten better. I guess livin’ with your ex, her new husband and your kids fares well when it comes to surviving the apocalypse. And Leo’s less of a candy ass than I realized.”
“Safe to say that’s fair given the fact that we wouldn’t be here without him.”
“Yeah.” His dad trails off for a moment. “Your mom’s always gonna be the love of my life, mijo. Because of her, I’ve got you and June.”
“If we’re doing heartfelt this morning, I’m doing a tuck and roll out of this car with the intention of screwing up my other leg,” Raf mildly threatens.
Oscar mumbles something under his breath and hits a few buttons on the stereo until a dreaded cassette rolls and La Bamba starts to play. Alex bangs his fist on the roof of the truck twice and whoops as they continue south.
They park in a clearing and sit on the flatbed passing bags of tamales and tetelas back and forth until the sun fully rises. Alex downs the rest of his dirt tea and listens happily to his dad and Raf talk shit about when they worked together years back. In another time, the three of them would’ve taken the states by storm in politics and law. 
Eventually, they head several paces up as they begin their search. It’s not meticulous by any means — they’re really just trying to find a tree that’s full and can fit through the doorway and comfortably in the living room without pulling a Clark Griswold.
“How’s this one?” Alex calls over his shoulder as he measures up a nine foot tall balsam fir. It’s full and looks sturdy enough not to tip over in the tree stand.
Raf sidles up to him, clapping a hand on his shoulder as Oscar circles it. “Think it’s good, kid.”
“Not a single gap,” Oscar announces as he comes back around. “No dead spots. I think we have ourselves a winner, boys. Get your axes and your asses ready.”
It takes two hours of rigorous chopping for the tree to finally come down, all three cheering as it crashes to the forest floor with a heavy thud. Alex cuts it even on the trunk with a handsaw and soon enough, they’re tying it to the flatbed.
“This,” Raf announces from where he’s reaching halfway through the passenger window, “calls for a celebration.” He procures a scratched-up flask, unscrews it, and takes a long pull, letting out a tight breath. “Hoo, that’s good.”
Oscar takes a drink, then Alex, and the familiar taste of shiner warms him from the inside out.
“Can’t believe I didn’t have to beg someone this time,” Alex says.
“Yeah, that’s ‘cause last time you two actually behaved yourselves,” Oscar replies, gesturing between the two of them. “Now, if either of y’all start getting into a debate, I’m taking our shit and leaving you here to walk back through the snow.”
Alex takes another sip. “Yeah, yeah, we’ll behave, Dad.”
Oscar snorts. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
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