#and tbh i'm decent at the game. i'm not good enough to play by myself though
espytalks · 2 months
i should stop taking naps after dinner.
I just had a frickin weird one, cause ive been playing a lot of suiika game and heldivers 2, of all combos, and i drempt i was calling in these tanks? and i kept dropping them on more tank things so they'd fuse and make bigger tanks.
There were a lot of enemies (cant remember what they looked like) and just? a lot of noise and gun firings, and they kept shooting down my tank thingies so i kept dropping more tanks, which i'd see from the same perspective as calling in reinforcements in the game, which wasn't as disorienting as it sounds.
i woke up when the chaos died down, and i woke up super relaxed, my dudes, which is weird because i hate guns and military-esque games, so by all means that shoulda been a nightmare.
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wraithsoutlaws · 10 months
Then & Now the (x: perfect drug) edition:
Inspired by the fandom to look back and celebrate the boys' journey as well as my own in terms of vp.
March 2021, ps4.
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I never created Dagger with the intention to ship him with anyone, but by the time I got here on his file it felt strangely natural. He was still a very fresh oc but things began to click immediately and genuinely felt like it was meant to be. The development of him as a character began to happen side by side with this silly little ship and both ended up becoming really personal and special to me.
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It's hard getting decent shots on ps4 with anyone. It's especially hard when it's a minor npc with extremely limited screen time available! You have no idea how many times I went back and played these two quests trying to get something interesting. Honestly I'm really grateful for my time on ps4 not only because it helps me appreciate what I can do now a little more, but I think a lot of my growth happened here, stretching the limited resources I had available.
July 2021, ps4
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Learning how to work within the confines of totally vanilla photomode, getting creative with base game poses and skipping time to find the best natural light, etc. I'm still proud of these pictures, they capture an intimacy that I think is really special, and at the time were some of my favorites I'd ever taken, and even now I can note the growth between these and the first ones I'd taken.
April 2022, laptop
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The first pictures taken on my laptop and my first time posing them with AMM/setting up a scene. I might like to retake these some day. I'm more critical of them than I am of my ps4 pics tbh but they're still an important part of my journey. Over time I noticed red lighting had become my comfort zone, or more specifically, a crutch! So I've tried really hard since then to improve on that and push myself in different directions.
February 2023
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It took me almost a year to feel comfortable enough with posing to attempt some goddam kisses. I'm still not very good at these but at least I improved in other ways. Honestly, I struggle with these two at times because they aren't your typical outwardly loving, cute couple, and I'm usually very strict with myself to keep them as in character as I can. That can make it hard to think of couples poses/ideas, both cute and spicy, but. they can be lovebirds as a treat.
May 2023
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Only recently have I begun to feel a strong sense of style in my own work. Playing with lighting and scenes, and trying to jam as much personality as I can into these slice of life pictures is really important to me and is one of my favorite parts of doing this. They can be sweet together but it's important you see the other side of that (the blood, the knives, drugs, etc. Also Dagger resting his ashtray on Dum Dum is one of my personal favorite quirks). I really try to put a lot of their life into pictures like this. I want to convey all the parts of who they are together, even if nobody else notices.
June/July 2023
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Its pretty hard to articulate how important these two have become for me over the last couple years. I've been playing this game since release and haven't had this sort of steady inspiration or creativity for years. Even on the bad days, just thinking about them is enough to get me through as silly as it sounds. I've grown so much not only in VP but my own art (something I had all but entirely abandoned until I picked up this game). They've provided an outlet I've been searching for for a very long time, and I'm really grateful for that. It's kinda wild looking back at where it started, and seeing how far it's come. Sometimes I still struggle with my perception/the worth of my work but I can't deny the happiness its brought me either.
Including a couple other character ship pics under the cut c:
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I'm always a little insecure about my ship pics specifically, I'm very bad at comparing myself with others! But I put a lot of love into these and I can see the improvement when I look at them over time. Regardless of anything, they were all made with lots of love and I hope that comes across.
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invinciblerodent · 5 months
tbh, it never ceases to astound me that there are actual people who are fans, legitimate fans, of Ascended Astarion.
like i'm not even saying this as a funny thing, i'm not even gonna put it any tags or whatever, and it's not like i want to make fun of someone for a preference in a fictional character, that's not what this is about, it's just that.... posts here, and the comment sections on videos of his voicelines, always have at least one person trying to justify his behavior as actually good, or talking about how hot some line or another is, and how much they like this outcome (not because it's fucked up but because it's "passionate" or "sexy" or whatever- this btw is much more prevalent on youtube), and I just... can't grasp how that's a possible thing for people to think unironically. how someone can play through 100+ hours of game, interact with Astarion multiple times, take him through his whole damn personal journey, and still not feel like post-ascension he's just a... a horrible stranger wearing a friend's face.
If you see the fucked up part and go "yeah i'm into that because it's fucked up"? I'm fully in support of you. Absolutely 100% in your corner. Write/imagine/fantasize about nasty fucked up manipulation and shit all you want; I've been known to indulge in worst case scenarios myself. Engaging with unhealthy dynamics with the knowledge that it's unhealthy and exploring that can be good for the soul. But way too many seem to be arguing that "he still loves (the PC)", and that it's possible for that guy and the PC to have a decent, loving relationship on equal footing, while they need to actively dodge all the options even in-game that exist to call him out for being a piece of shit.
because he's. god, ascended he's such a creep. he sets off all the alarm bells in my head, worse than any guy I've ever decided not to let buy me a drink. an obvious manipulator, nakedly abusive, dismissive, clearly a megalomaniac that's going as far as saying the quiet part out loud in the multiple times he can say that he wants to turn the PC into a spawn so they can't leave or defy him, and it's right there on the surface in every single interaction that being with him is not a good idea. The other companions fucking hate his guts and feel sorry for the PC, and even a PC that's head over heels, fully on board with all the bullshit, and is into the whole "gilded cage enslavement" aspect, can complain (and it's implied that they have complained, multiple times) in the epilogue about not having their freedom.
Six months after becoming his spawn, they're still not a full vampire, and we know from that conversation with Aurelia and Leon that one of Cazador's little tactics had been promising his spawn freedom he never intended to give, in order to keep them obedient.
sure, he has some lines that, in a vacuum, are hot. but I'm pretty sure that's all simply Neil Newbon (despite being a very skilled actor who's fully deserving of all the acclaim he's been receiving), being physically unable to inject enough gross sewer-slime into his voice, and not any merit to this weird creep of a character.
this whole thing, I'm gonna be honest, is just... so fucking worrying to me. it like actually worries me how many people can't see something written with the explicit intent to be unsettling, and a guy written openly to be awful and shitty and gross, as such. And it's not like we can fully chalk it up to how emotion in the moment can cloud your judgement, or how manipulators can and do adjust their personalities in accordance to how best to make you stay, he's literally ones and zeroes, and a limited number of lines you can listen to over and over again and dissect if you want.
I'm not even remotely joking, is this how people end up in relationships with genuinely awful people????? because god, it sounds so terrifying that there are actual people who can look at a fictional guy draped in a red flag the size of a tectonic plate, and still only notice that the color brings out his eyes.
(and to reiterate, if the awful is the selling point, I'm fully in support of that. but god, the "I can fix him"/"I know he still loves me" sentiment is just... it makes the back of my neck itch.)
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anonymouspuzzler · 10 months
Wait, you're really into Deponia? How do you feel about the game series? Because I mean it's, let's just say, not without its problems.
i feel like i can only describe my relationship with deponia as an "i can fix her" type game. it's a genuinely bad game. like, genuinely. if anyone's hearing about it for the first time, know i give it my highest anti-recommendation. I actively encourage people not to play it LMAO. it waffles between "just kind of stupid" and "actively, infuriatingly harmful to real human people in ways you KNOW it knows better than to do". even now when i haven't touched any of the games in years (and don't plan to tbh lmao, you will get me to play the fourth one over my cold dead body and i'm still not 100% convinced the survival game is real) sometimes i still think of some of the shit it pulled both "actively bigoted" and "just plain bad storytelling"-wise and get mad. and yet i remain, in a fit of hubris, convinced that if i was given full control and custody of everything that's in there i could somehow make it good, because despite its best efforts to be aggressively bad and unlikeable there's the rare glimmer of hope in those games (the art and animation is objectively very nice, and occasionally the character writing is charming, which i genuinely think they did by accident because whenever it happens they seem to overcorrect by doing something even more frustratingly vile).
there's a couple of pieces of media i still harbor feelings like that for ("several entries in Jak and Daxter", "the second pacific rim", "some parts of balan fucking wonderworld", and "the vague parts i remember of that one webcomic everyone has very strong feelings about" come to mind), where there's like ONE interesting thing about it that spins a gal's mind into problem-solving mode instead of just tossing the whole thing out because it's ALL unremarkable or bad. i think all of us have at least One Thing that's That for us, though in general i recommend not collecting too many of those and focusing on media and experiences that love you back instead (which i think i do a decent enough job of doing these days, to be nice to myself.)
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15 questions tag game
Character interview edition: Gabriel
Tagged by @eternalwritingstudent (I've been tagged three times recently, doing them in the order I was tagged). Thank you!!
I've already done this game for myself (it's here, if you're curious), so I'll let some of my main characters have the floor. First up: Gabriel, the protagonist of my main wip, Life in Black and White. [Note: Gabriel is very emotionally guarded, self-deprecating, and lies habitually. I will clear up any lies that may arise in author's notes.]
Tagging (to do either for yourself or an OC!): @sunset-a-story, @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @winterandwords, @catchingbigfish, @ls-daydreams, @angelsofprey, @frostedlemonwriter, @nanashi23.
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, thank god.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't know. I'm not really a crier. [A/N: Abject lie lol.]
3. Do you have kids?
No. Maybe someday, if I can get to a place where I'm stable enough, both personally and financially.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Sarcasm's the PG-rated version of my middle name, according to a friend of mine.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes, usually.
6. What's your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both, even though I don't think happy endings are all that realistic, to be honest. Most of the time, anyway. They're nice to imagine, though.
8. Any special talents?
I'm perceptive, I guess? I'm good at reading facial expressions. Not sure that's a talent. [A/N: It's absolutely hand-eye coordination, but he thinks he's "clumsy" because his movements usually aren't ~fluid~ or whatever. Like, he stumbles around and drops shit sometimes, but I'd put money on him beating almost anyone at darts.]
9. Where were you born?
In a hospital. (Non-smartass answer: Scranton, Pennsylvania.)
10. What are your hobbies?
I really like to read, and I play a few musical instruments, but I'm pretty out of practice on the latter since I've been out of school. Other than that, I like hanging out with my friends, playing video games, watching movies, all that good stuff. Sometimes go hunting or to the shooting range. I like going to Borders and on coffee runs with friends. I'll hike or walk around town with friends when I have the energy. Is going on random trips in the boonies blasting music in the truck a hobby? I don't know, my life's pretty boring.
11. Have you any pets?
Nah, my sister's allergic to cats and dogs, so I didn't grow up with them. I'd be down to have one at some point, but I've always worried I wouldn't be that good or consistent at taking care of it, so ideally it'd be shared with a partner or roommate or whatever.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
*cackles* Have you met me? [A/N: He thinks he's terrible at sports. I think he'd be decent at quite a few sports tbh, but he lacks confidence in his own abilities.]
13. How tall are you?
About halfway between 5'10" and 5'11". [A/N: he's barely 5'10". He just refuses to admit that he's a full inch shorter than Jeff (in part because Jeff doesn't him live that inch down).]
14. Favorite subject in school?
English and biology.
15. Dream job?
I don't really have one, to be honest. I'm good at science, so I could see myself doing something in science or in the medical field.
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Do I know 15 people who haven't done this yet? Fuck if I know. Anyway, was tagged by @carrotblr and @bebewrites so thank you! I realized the questions on both tags are different so I'm combining them try to stop me.
Tagging (sorry if you've already done this): @moonluringfrost, @linaket, @amewinterswriting, @atlasprieto, @vcaudley, @crescil, @decaymouth, @crosswise, @saintedseraph, @louyardley, @kjscottwrites, @minutiaewriter, @magic-is-something-we-create, @alistonjdrake, @asablehart
If you do this, feel free to pick 15 out of this list. Or do them all. Go nuts.
Everything else goes under a readmore for the sake of your dashboard.
1. Are you named after anyone?
My deadname, no don't think so. Not that my mother mentioned, anyhow. My name, though, was stolen from my middle name so. I named myself after myself, if you want to put it that way.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhhh in like. July? Don't remember
3. Do you have kids?
I have a snake and a turtle. Those are enough for me.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes but I also struggle to understand it when it comes from others.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I'm not sure tbh? Their faces I guess?
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies make me way too anxious but I also like tragic endings more than happy ones.
8. Any special talents?
Singing! I have a pretty decent range. I also kinda,,, emulate whoever the singer is in general though. I guess that's a talent, too.
9. Where were you born?
Lost Wages. I mean--Las Vegas. Ngl, being born there, don't get the appeal.
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing (obviously), reading, playing video games
11. Have you any pets?
Snake and a turtle! Snake is named Sagora. Turtle is named Lyndis.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I played volleyball in middle school, played baseball in elementary. I did Taekwondo for like. Two/three years too. That one was my favorite. I don't like most popular sports tbh
13. How tall are you?
5'4 I think.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Uhhhhh good question. Astronomy was cool.
15. Dream job?
Writer and menace to society.
16. Do you prefer owls, capybaras, or flamingos? 
17. What is your favorite soup?
Creamy soups. Potato soup is pretty good. Miso is growing on me.
18. What is your favorite…rock (idfk)?
Uhhhhh igneous rocks are kinda cool. Amethyst has grown on me a lot. Otherwise, Lapis Lazuli is one of my faves.
19. Choose a familiar: 1) very dumb, very loving disobedient dog. He loves you but will never listen to you ever 2) a raven that speaks but it only ever shrieks the name of various fast food restaurants 3) a toad that screams like a teenage boy instead of croaks
Raven. He can help me decide if I want lunch.
20. Which planet do you feel like would be kind of an asshole if you met them? 
Mmmmmmm Saturn. Pluto I think would be an asshole but also it's an earned rage given how it got demoted from Planet status so like. yeah if Pluto was a dick I would at least deserve it.
21. if you were a worm would you love me? this worm question courtesy of ✨ @/legiomiam✨
22. Least favorite type of clothing?
I was gonna say dresses but actually, tank tops. They're fine under other things, I guess, but I hate how they look by themselves.
23. You are now in a horror movie—so sorry. Chance of survival?
First to die man I would get paralyzed with fear and then that's it. Game over. I'm a goner.
24. Would you rather: the ability to instantly grow a perfect mustache, or ability to talk to vegetables?
talk to veggies. Tell me the secrets of the universe.
25. What do you think of whales?
Whales are good beans!
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reason #83247 why i dont like engaging with irls 👁️👄👁️ under the cut bc this is just a vent post bc i triggered myself lmao
backstory: so i'm deadass too autistic to tell how frequently i'm supposed to engage with irls unless we actually have something to talk about AND can never actually tell when "drifting apart" has occurred
last summer, husband and i were throwing a wedding reception! planning was shit but i was like "its ok i'll see old friends and we'll have a decent time playing board games because husband and i are nerds and set up a board game table"
there were some irls that i thought i was pretty good friends with back in high school (now that i think about it, it kinda seems like they were just tolerating me tbh). i invited them and was overall happy to see them again. BUT when i followed up with them on if they were going to rsvp, and for the ones that did, what food they were wanting and all that fun stuff
some said they couldn't come because of money to come from some of the more southern states (college) up to chicago (where we were all from) and that they couldn't really travel around, which i took as face value. i understand that. some rsvp'd and i checked up on them and they deadass told me THE DAY BEFORE that they couldn't come anymore, which kinda pissed me off but i regulated enough to get through the reception
but then a week later, i saw that they flew from those southern states up to Washington to attend someone else's wedding. that someone else was someone that i did not get along with throughout my time with her, so the fact that they all flaked out on my wedding and attended hers + canceling last minute + deadass lying about why they couldn't come just set my bpd off through the ROOF and i ended up blocking/unfriending all of them because they could've at least been honest with me, but chose not to. part of me was like "i should give them the benefit of the doubt" but a bigger part of me was like "fuck this, i'm sick of people pulling this shit"
so tldr; a lot of irl's suck and i'm too autistic to tell when they're lying and that leads me to trusting people when i really shouldn't 👁️👄👁️
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kieuecaprie · 1 year
So... I finished the main taskline (for now) for Toontown Corporate Clash. I won't say too much about the end but it was definitely a journey to get through, especially when the server started having issues and districts had to be reset which made making and finding groups a bit of a drag.
So, I figured it'd be nice to have a little collection of screenshots I took over the course of my journey. Of course, I won't dump all of them, just a select few I found neat.
There may be spoilers but I think most of the screenshots I'm about to post are just out of context stuff anyhow so... I'm gonna give you a fair warning anyway!
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I believe I posted this a while back effectively saying that I have been playing TTCC and wanted to post this screenshot. I managed to catch the tailend of the St. Patrick's Day code event so I was able to snag some stuff, including the clover that became a mainstay on my deer.
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I think this may have been the first of many buildings I would take on by myself over the course of doing the main taskline so I guess I took this screenshot to comemmorate my first building (plus it was in Toontown Central, where buildings are kind of a rarity even on private servers) and the fact I barely made it out alive.
This was before I learned the power of Prestige Throw, btw, that little prestige gag carried me pretty hard with its self-healing properties.
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I just liked visual bugs and this one kind of tickled me. You can still get on the elevator, it's just bugged for some reason. No idea if this was a server thing or the behavior of the base code of the game that it ran on.
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Funnily enough, BB was the first playground I got to the final kudos rank-up task for just so I could go see Rainmaker, who would otherwise be known as Misty Monsoon if you searched through some ARG stuff (or read the wiki, I guess).
Her fight was an ordeal the first time through and was frightening and was definitely a step up from the easy gameplay of the babby game that came before it.
I spared her, in case you were asking. Fortunately, my group decided to do the same.
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I hated going through YOTT even though I liked the vibe of it all. The dialogue was painful to read but this one with Seymour in particular was chuckleworthy. Kind of appreciated that. Keep at it, TTCC writer's team!
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I think this was taken during my runs through Sellbot Factories for the Sellbot parts. I admit, it was a little nervewracking at first to utilize the group finder because, up to this point, I was just using it to set up groups for battles I absolutely needed to do (Derrick Man, Land Acquisition Architect, Public Relations Representative). No idea why this screencap in particular, maybe I just found the name "Medieval Pheasant" on the Turkey toon to be quite amusing.
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Fishing was my first activity I'd end up maxing on this server. As customary, I grade games based on how fun their fishing is. I'd give the Toontown fishing, as a whole, a decent 7/10. Fish Bingo is a nice sidegame and casting and reeling is super quick, also a good source of currency and ended up filling my bank to the brim.
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A screenshot from... some attempt at mity, I don't know the number tbh. Tried the old "befriend a cog" trick during the mist phase and my heart shattered into a million pieces afterward...
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Going through Mezzo Melodyland (At the time of writing, I have the rank-up task available to go from 9 to 10, gonna hold off on that for now but I'm coming for you, DAVE BRUBOT!), and I run into a taskline about a kazoo maestro who wants me to go find someone who is the kazoo kid. I already knew where this was going but I didn't think they'd actually go through with the bit.
Good one!
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Shut up and leave me alone.
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The only screenshot I ever took in a Cashbot Mint. Honestly thought it'd take a while to clear out the 4 Coin Mints, 4 Dollar Mints, and the 2 Bullion Mints but they were snap compared to the Lawbot and Bossbot facilities... especially in wait time, yeesh.
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Come on, you had to break into Reid's van at LEAST once! I hope she didn't mind me coming in, I mean, I do pay her a ton of jellybeans, after all!
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My first capped track was Throw, predictably. And I think Lure followed soon after and then it took a while before Sound, Squirt, Zap, and Toon Up would join them. Still got Trap and Drop left to go and I don't look forward to levelling Trap again.
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This wizard really wanted the... ahem... minglussy. iamsosorry
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Lawbot Lawfices... They were kinda fun but waiting was a bit of a drag. Although I think at one point, someone pointed out that you could play Toono on the couches. WHY COULDN'T BOSSBOT HQ HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!
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Speaking of, here's a screenshot from a Bossbot Cog Golf Course. Don't tell me which one because they all felt the same to me, and it was at that point that I really felt the drag. This part was probably one of the biggest hurdles imo and I don't blame anyone for not really wanting to do anything related to Bossbots unless they ABSOLUTELY had to. (Speaking of, if any friendos wanted to do cog golf courses, I'd gladly run it because I don't want them waiting half a century for a group.)
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Short detour into the High Roller stuff for MAYpril Toons event. I was sad that I couldn't fight Sads but the High Roller fight was definitely something else. And if they could pull that off for a permanent, non-canon joke of a manager, what could they do for 2.0? Gosh, imagine. The next few are also High Roller related, I had to grind for a bit to get the stuff out of him. (I still need one more item from him, barring another update that adds yet another goalpost, but it takes a while to beat him even with optimal strats.)
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Holy meh, Toriel Toontown real.
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This one is from one of the CEO fights. I took this one because the game was taking its sweet time waiting for everybody and found the cogs with their hands in the same position as the grief kiwi sticker to be quite funny.
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While I was doing the DDL taskline, I ran into this where Featherbedder and a bunch of cogs were just... snoozing. And there was literally nobody fighting them. Guess they just wanted a slumber party, huh?
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Hehehe... yeah, game show. Would be crazy if there was one in Mezzo Melodyland hosted by a robotic green duck who is a fusion of two cog managers that we've previously fought, right?
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And the end of the road, for now. It feels... weird now that I have ALL FOUR task slots to fill up but it'll be a great boon when grinding out those kudos tasks! I'm not quite done yet with TTCC and I don't think I will be for a while, after all, I have drops to collect, suits to perfect, departments to experience fully, and a couple other stuff left unfinished.
I will say that I absolutely enjoyed my time in Toontown Corporate Clash and I wish the team good luck as they push onwards because this is probably the most polished Toontown experience I've ever... erm... experienced.
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littlest-bugz · 20 days
poking you because I wanna be friends but dont know how to start a conversation /silly positive
- 🫶🏼
Friendship you say !! I would love that :Dc
I myself suck at initiating conversations, BUT I think a good place would to be find something we have in common,,,,, I don't know if I ever put my interests up publicly? I'll do so for you anon, since it may give us something to talk about <2
The Crew and Co. Collective Interests
Horror Media, but ESPECIALLY internet horror... so like, analog horror, digital horror, found footage, the likes. We do have some favorites tho!! and those are : Lacey's Games, The Mandela Catalogue, Vita Carnis, Daisy Brown, Everymanhybrid, Marble Hornets, Literally ANYTHING made by VibingLeaf on youtube, The Backrooms by Kane Pixel, and more that im probably forgetting
Drawing / Painting, both digital and traditional. We are character artists, and primarily character designers. So thats to say we suck at composition and backgrounds /silly/
Graphic Design. A good few of us toy around with designing logos, and flags, and userboxes- We love making pretty looking stuff because we cant work in a space that isn't aesthetically pleasing [shout out to on our our obsessive-compulsive disorders].
Writing / Poetry. I'm getting fired up at the thought of talking about my fantasy series, but I will sustain my control- We're HUUUUGE into writing, especially our own original stories, though we wish we had enough fandoms to write fics for. We tend to be a bit more goofy in our writing, and mature, but we've been told we have a decent writers voice for our characters which EEEEE when i was told that it was the biggest compliment ever,...
Speaking of fandoms!! We are in... literally none :( We don't know how to engage in fandoms anymore, or how to get attached to media, but in terms of fandom media, we like Steven Universe, KinitoPet, Minecraft [no mcyt's tho tbh], Stardew Valley, and Marble Hornets. I'm sure there is more, but I really don't interact in fandoms asides reposting fanart. We wish we could get attached to media like we did in our youth, but its an overall attachment issue :( We've lately been looking back into MLP stuff, but we can't draw ponies [we have pony ocs tho!]
Witchcraft / Paganism. We're a Solitary Witch with a 'specialization' in Candle Magick and Sigils.
Singing and Playing Instruments. Formerly, we were a Flute Player, but now we mostly play out 3rd baby, our Bass Guitar. We're very much music fans, and our musical roots on one side of my family goes back to, like, 1482 [thank you grandma for the genealogy folder on that one]. We mentioned it somewhere, but we have perfect pitch [as a result from all the music in our bloodline] and all we use it for is pitch matching tech. When we play our bass, thats how we do song covers tho! Because we can't read bass clef,,,, only treble.
Organizing Information and Data. Admittedly, this is more one specific cohost, but he's honestly gotten us all to like it to a certain extent.
Animation, stop motion and digital- We used to do traditional too, but it's wicked hard.
Crafting, but especially beaded bracelets and clay sculptures
Finally, our own ocverse. We have a hard time talking about it over tumblr dms because its so uncomfortable to message on [too used to discord], but you can literally get us going for hours, at least,,, if you heed the TWs of it, since our OCverse is rooted in our trauma.
and more...
If any are similar, or you just want to ask, feel free! Over anon or otherwise! I will also note that we love finding new media! We're terrible at it because we have bad anxiety when watching new media. But if youre willing to send it, I can try !!
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keefwho · 4 months
January 22 - 2024 Monday
This morning I picked up a few things around the room and vacuumed. I made sure to weigh myself and feed the dog at the same time like I'm trying to get into the habit of. For breakfast I tried making pasta shells in chicken stock and then buttering them like usual, it wasn't anything special. I also had a packet of oatmeal. I watched an episode of Bojack while eating, I'm on the final season now.
On stream I warmed up with figure sketches since I'd be starting the Venus comic commission again. I made decent progress on it.
After stream I did my workout even though my body was screaming at me not to. I watched Bojack while doing that too. Afterwards I was originally going to make soup or something else long to cook since I had the time but I did something that broke my back instead. Since I ended up with less time, I made a can of spaghettios and a granola bar for lunch and watched a 3rd Bojack.
During afternoon work I was going to hang out in the server my high school friend frequents but no one was in there and I wasn't sure I was in the mood for such important, first impression-like communication so I went to Ena's server instead since she was working on her game. I did today's request good and quickly and then worked on her concept art for an hour, making good progress. She said she actually really likes it, I don't think she liked what I had before and neither did I tbh. I don't have a firm grasp on drawing humanoid heads yet. This time I gave it a very toony Adventure Time style look.
I left to do my yoga which I did in VR today. I missed 4 days this month which makes me feel a little bad and like I have a good excuse not to do it some days but I'll try to keep at it. I may need to reaffirm the benefit I'm getting from it because I have no obligation to do this yoga to anyone but myself. Today I used it to try and clear my head before working on my very important project which worked. When project time came around, I once again found a new way to proceed that I think will work this time.
When work was all done I sat down with a Youtube video until Daisy was free. I watched her play Minish Cap for a couple more relaxing hours today. Perfect time to not think for awhile and give my brain a rest. In bed I played Kingdom Hearts for her and beat the Aladdin world.
Today was good and productive. A little bit daunting at first but as usual, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I was very proficient in my work. Today I worked the most I have any other day all month and it doesn't even feel like I went hard. I was also able to focus like I wanted because I've been noticing how often I keep myself in stressful thought loops and how usually I just have to be brave enough to step back from them to realize everything is fine.
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vilelittlecritter · 11 months
I'm looking to completely upgrade my pc when I get my job because for all intents and purposes it's kinda shit.
Don't get me wrong it gets the job done but it doesn't really run too well and I'm wanting to play higher end games.
But looking at this shit I'm realising I'm basically gunna have to replace EVERYTHING because my parents got me it not to be a good pc but more of a test the waters kind of deal.
I mean the good news is that the case is very spacious and the power supply is decent so I might not have to replace it, I'm pretty sure the pc was made specifically as an Introductory one that you could upgrade easily.
It's gunna cost alot but if I save up enough from working I think I could do it!
As much of a hassle this is I am kind of excited, I like taking initiative and doing stuff myself. And I fucking love putting shit together/building stuff. Genuinely I arguably like it more than art and that's saying alot, seriously best way to distract me is to put something I can pull apart and put back together again.
I fuckin love Legos and still do tbh.
But yeah rant aside I'm excited! Although I'm not excited for possibly having to set up my entire pc again...
I might not have to but considering I'm probably going to switch out the motherboard it seems likely.
Also I get that if I'm having to switch the motherboard I might aswell get a different pc but I got the pc this February and I really like the case so nah.
Also I like the idea of taking apart my pc and putting new shit in it, it's like a little project.
Alot of this is just wishful thinking and I do understand that this probs won't happen for a while because I still haven't heard back from my employer.
But hey I'm excited! And my pc is the most important thing I can think of rn that would be worth spending money on since I use it literally every day and use it for just about everything.
Other than my pc it's dumb shit like clothes, dumb trinkets and maybe like idk a new drawing tablet but I wouldn't say I need those the now. And as nice as they are u think my pc is more important.
Anyway sorry for rambling I've literally spent all of today and yesterday doing nothing but researching pc parts and whether or not they are compatible with eachother and my case.
christ I've not been drawing because I've been thinking so hard about this shit...
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zeynatura · 1 year
Returning to the hell that is Genshin
I stopped playing before Heizou came out, but came back because Scara got playable and i still had some primos so i decided to spend them all and leave the game for good this time but guess what happened c:
I literally had enough for 20 wishes, first 10 and got Gorou my sweet puppy general i've always wanted but didn't get even when i spent 70 wishes on his first banner and got Itto instead le cries
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So i was like: ok i'm happy with this, is nice c:
Then last 10 wishes hit me like a truck
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Ayo wha-
I did not expect this xD i was totally ready to get nothing and say c'est la vie! and goodbye to genshin forever... but then i got the opportunity to have the all geo team i always wanted and my dream all anemo boys as well.
None of my Geo characters have a good build, and i stopped playing before my anemo chars got to have a good one, at least they're decent, except for the new boi
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Wanna see what is like to fight an Eye of the Storm with an all anemo team?
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Tbh i had fun attacking physically while Wanderer was just there looking xD like the seniors showing the new kid how it's done pfft
I also found out Hoyoverse now gives daily rewards and so i was thinking of maybe loging daily for them and save them for when Baizhu is coming, bc we all know he's coming and he's the one i want the most that would make me want to pull for him..
But then the Hoyoverse bastards decided to have a TCG event right in the middle of my obession with Shadowverse and while my love for card games is stronger than ever
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So i've been doing nothing but having duels with NPCs ;u; i hyperfocused last night and didn't realize i played till 4 am help
The reasons i stopped playing Genshin was mostly bc of the toxic fandom, then not having enough time, between my complicated life and the many online videogames i play i decided to prioritize the ones i've been playing the longest and so genshin as the new game had to go, at that time i already got the characters i wanted and didn't like the rushing feeling of the story in Genshin and i still don't so it wasn't that sad, the best part imo is the fancontent which i continued to consume and the reason i found out about the new playable chars cause i literally blocked all the official genshin accs xD
Now i really hope i don't get too much into the game again, for my own good, cause is not even a game i can enjoy casually and on my time like King's Raid or Hero Cantare, in those games you have no rush to be up to date with the newest main quest and it does not punish you if you miss events and they're all gacha.. is just that Genshin is literally the worst gacha i've ever played and i play a lot of them and i am f2p in all of them cause i have a lot of trauma- i mean self restraint when it comes to spending money (i literally made a vow to myself that if Lucifer gbf ever gets playable and i don't get him with all my f2p currency i will spend irl money cause he's the only character that's worth it)
Anyway i just wanted to share my experience, cause i vented to my friends that don't play gacha and got silence as a response, well they did make a comparizon of toxic games some of them play like LoL and DBD saying that Genshin was my toxic game haha
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retphienix · 2 years
So anyways how about a "I hunted 1 each and know absolutely nothing but here's my first impressions" post for the title update 2?
Flaming Espinas is really fun. He has a decent, if only just barely different moveset from the usual Espinas- but his ultimate moves are impressive and fun to play around so all in all I'd argue he's a more fun Espinas and that's nice. Doesn't feel like you're just fighting the same monster, and that's the whole point in a good sub-species.
Solid monster. Could be more different, but is different enough. Honestly, small differences sometimes do a lot more heavy lifting in making you fight differently anyway- so he wins out.
Violet Mitzu is a step above. Their new moves are interesting, their new use of the environment with their flaming pools is interesting, and all in all they are just a solid and very different Mitzu fight.
Solid monster, is VERY different if my one(1) hunt is to be believed (subject to change after I farm their crowns lol), nice. Probably the most interesting overall because of just how differently the fight flows, but that's 1 hunt deep.
Risen Chameleos is, honestly, pretty much just "What if Chameleos was mad" and that's enough.
He revamps some old moves, he adds some new moves meant to counter common safe spots.
The worst I can say, and I mean it when I say it, is while I can't quantify what I expected- I expected more.
Like something in me said "Risen Chameleos is going to be next level" And because of those vague and lofty expectations he ended up being the closest to a disappointment I can say this update mustered.
He isn't one, to be clear. But he's just "Par" just "Enough" of a ramp up on Chameleos to be appreciated. Nothing more. Nothing shiny. Just enough.
That said, I enjoyed hunting him and look forward to farming him for far too long. And I'm actually a big fan of the Risen stylings, the explosions, the rage mode, that stuff's pretty sick.
It's just that I found myself more intrigued with the other 2 monsters revamps to the formula than our first Risen.
Good hunt though! Like, I typed more for him than the others and it was all negative so this is like the least fair presentation I can give him tbh because he might be my favorite fight of the three because he hits like a truck and he's so much more aggressive than normal Chameleos.
Like, I ramble on lofty expectations, but this is Angry Chameleos, and it turns out hunting Angry Chameleos is pretty fun. So I stand by my experience, but I must emphasize that despite that experience I had fun and look forward to more.
Gear was interesting this time around.
Chain Crit got renamed since it was misleadingly titled.
Flaming gave us a new skill that sounds interesting but not nearly as game defining as the last update's new toys.
It sounds fun though. You build up a bar by attacking, and once full you get one(1) free hit where you'll ignore all staggering and take highly reduced damage and EXPLODE. No idea how nice the explosion is, but just for the amusing mix of defense and offense I say that's nice.
Violet gave us what is either entirely useless or extremely fun defensive utility. It's basically defiance except you get Evasion and Guard instead of earplugs / tremor / wind.
If it's Evasion and Guard 5, that's actually pretty sick and I can definitely see people running it with defiance for some tanky fun.
If it's like, evasion 3 or something, that's still good- usable even- but eh. Depends what decos it pops up on (and if it even does).
Defiance was game changing, this one already isn't on par with that- but it *could* be nice alongside it. Neat!
Both also gave some weapons, nice slots, nice new options, no complaints beyond an aesthetic preference for regular Mitzu on most bladed weapons.
Chameleos is demonstrating how Risen monsters will probably play out. He has no new parts, but you're granted a Risegem for beating him and THAT is the unique part used in his gear and decos.
His gear is.
It might be meta defining for some people lol.
It PERFECTLY slots in (as in the correct armor pieces and everything) into making a mix set with Gold Rath that is busted but I'm getting ahead of myself.
His new skill is Buildup Boost which is basically Foray except, well you'll see.
Foray gives you great damage while the enemy is afflicted with a status, but BB gives you up to 20% more damage on every attack that procs status buildup.
The thing I was saying about Gold is that this sounds tailor made to work with Status Trigger- and guess what armor slots this perfectly folds into? lol
They literally mapped it so you can just run max Status Trigger, max Foray, max BB and that's without worrying about talismans or nothin'.
They knew what they were doing lol.
That'll be a fun build.
He also gave decos and stuff, some nice ones too, but ignoring the good ones, the most interesting was that Chameleos Blessing got a 1 slot deco so all those poison builds can run level 3 blessing without needing a gimped set.
All said, pretty fun.
Flaming is fun. Violet was a standout for being interesting. And Risen *IS* a more fun Chameleos hunt.
I feel like I was much more excited last update, but that's unfair to bring up since I'm a 3U baby so seeing Lucent again was mind-blowing.
These are 3 phenomenal hunts, while last update had like 3 phenomenal hunts (Silver and Lucent 100%, and like 85% Gold but I could just be being unfair so I'll count them- it IS the most fun I've had on Gold so they get a pass) and 1 complete dud that didn't deserve to come back if it wasn't going to revamp more of their moveset (Seething).
So it at the very least matches last update in quantity of quality, it's just that I was hyped about Lucent and rewarded for that hype so :P
Good stuff.
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friendlystarfruit · 2 years
do you ever envy other artists?
not in a resentful way more like a "damn I wish I could draw like that" same for a lot of things esp when other people are well read in topics I have an interest in.that also makes me feel guilty when I'm on my reading breaks =X like now(times I play video games too much in my free time instead of bettering my mind with books........you know most of us have are slack off phases D= right?).
I'm not really very competitive tbh I do put myself down a lot in comparison to others though. I guess doing art requests on here can make you feel pressure to be good and there have been one or do people who have made me feel like I'm supposed to get good but I try to remind myself it's just some fun and I really just wanna get good enough to do a few wee half decent comics or at least ones I like myself .
I feel my style of art might be hard to make it in the illustration game, I'm a natural born impressionistic (my strokes are messy and sketchy could be my dyspraxia ) some people love (mostly people into that kind of art) that but it might be too messy for anime.
I have an interest in getting into writing , I also like conceptional art and impressionistic painting but I kind of like writing more, also I need a good studio space for painting . Not fictional writing  tho mine is so different from my academic writing, with fanfics I just relax and focus on the story. x)
I kinda hope people who do enjoy my art keep asking me to draw for them (= and people who don't would just not comment on it LOL xD Isn't it just nice somebody draws for you for free? =0
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Just fangirling. (TW: mental health issues, mention of suicide and depression)
Do you ever feel like some of the diaboys are so 💕💕💕? Like they make you fangirl but you know it probably won't even work, even if they're not vampires and murderers and abusers.
Like I ❤️❤️❤️ Ayato but he's way too much of a dumbass and we don't share one common point other than confidence and enthusiasm. 😂 That's what I love about him. Subaru makes me go even more cray with his protectiveness and he's much tamer so I dig that, but I have this thing where I avoid ppl who are like "don't come to me". It's only if they're nice again, that will work. So, no go. Unless we were classmates or something. Kanato would hands down kill me. Shu and I will just be not possible. At all. Unless there was some reason we had to be together. Say a project but I'll be doing all the work, I cannot go and boss ppl. At all, sucks. Reiji is just scary. Like he can actually hurt me and get to me. I read his mb route and cried. He triggers me. Not in a good way. Like I'd be so stressed and anxious with that boy. He'd make me go mad. Laito is just gorgeous and aesthetically pleasing. And if he was a bit toned down, like how he's in other routes rather than his, there's a high chance it'd be like awesome. But he's a creep so Yui's cool. The coolest tbh. Like how can one handle all of that and remain so ✨nice✨? M boys. Honestly, being mind read by someone is scary. No Kou for that reason alone. I'd be on edge. But in case idk abt that, he's the most likely mukami I'd go for. He happy. Happy ppl r noice, in my head. Plus he idol, he busy. I fangirl. Over, out. Cos Yuma looks like he'll hit me and he will and I'll cry. I'll have a full on kanato style crazy tantrum. I can't help it, ok? I'm a smol human. Azusa would either make me depressed and suicidal and I'd kill myself or he'd. Either that or I'll be like creeped out, stay away or if I get over that and I'm actually ok, then I'd be like I'm gonna play therapist and save this boy lmao. But I'm not into him romantically. Just like a charity case or something. Ruki is just meh. I think cat killers are just horrible and just we're way too alike with being overwhelmed with all sorts of shit and shutting ppl out so nope. It won't work. Carla out cos he wants to make babies like um no, that's too much! Shin too for the same reason but he seems nicer? Idk enough abt them and Kino. I'll decide after you translate their game routes.
I wanted to ask you how you'd probably deal with shit say if you were in Yui's cursed position? This is what I'd be, a mess.
If they weren't Vampires and their personalities/actions were a little more decent, I could see myself getting along with Shuu, Reiji, Ruki, Yuma and surprise ー even Carla. xD He's my least favorite character but I appreciate any guy who has COMMON SENSE. Yuma might seem like the odd one out on the list but he's actually very realistic and often the person calling out the other guys on their shitty behavior in the tokuten CDs.
Reiji & Ruki are also very organized and composed which is pefect for me because I'm someone who doesn't handle overly chaotic/all-over-the-place people too well. :'') I prefer to have a peaceful and quiet conversation instead.
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thetwstwildcard · 2 years
Thanks for the tag Az 🧡
My mind immediately goes to two dorms that I would hate to be in: Ignihyde and Octavinelle
Ignihyde: First off I would not respect Idia at all tbh. I'm loud, social and while I'm decent with technology I'm not good enough to say it's my specialty. The aesthetic isn't my favorite. On my disrespect for Idia I respect people I can look up to (aka yes I know why he is the way he is but I won't look up to him as a superior)
Octavinelle: Better vibes, hate the dorm members. While I doubt myself, I know I'm smart (with my lowest grade being 98% with about a month left in classes). I've dealt with many a legal paper so I wouldn't fall for Azul's UM. Wouldn't trust Jade as far as I can throw him and am too much of a joke to take Floyd seriously (flashback to a pissed off ex threatening to strangle me and my only response was "Kinky~" )
For dorms I can see myself in:
Savanaclaw: Aka the one I get in tests a lot. I was a varsity/state ranked athlete back in highschool, love to work out(can/have jokingly bench pressed my friend), did club soccer for 12 years (and still do soccer). But given a sport I will go all out until I physically cannot play anymore (one time during a game my mother came to pick me up when I had a mess of mud and blood on my uniform while smiling because it was fun. Be careful around goal posts). I was raised in sports culture so I know how to deal with all the dude bros and I will "metaphorically" bite back.
Pomefiore: Did modeling as a kid, my mother is a hair stylist and my sister is a cosmetologist. I have a 9 step morning skin routine and a 11 step night skincare routine (not counting any face mask). Have silk sheets for my skin and hair care, constant hair treatments and expensive hair products (my moms client literally gave me a around $200 conditioner [damn rich people]). I also have my own style and love dressing up.
Dorms I can possibly see myself in:
Heartslabyul: My kinship with Riddle of being raised by a narcissist 🤣 I have a good memory and am detail oriented so I'd remember the rules (and am good with remembering bs rules normally). Would totally think of some loopholes in the rules.
Diasomnia: Obviously can't say I'd for sure have strong magic (because magic isn't real irl) but I'd go off of loyalty. Malleus is one I can actually respect, I would love to talk to Sebek (because I like seeing people excited about things/look at the fandom, a ton of y'all are Sebek but towards the other boys). My love of small animals being around Silver and my similarity to Lilia.
Scarabia: The better smart dorm. I like the people in this dorm so much more than the octo trio. Cunning and careful planning are things I'm used to. I'm great with written tests too.
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