#and the dads racist like i just want them gone
7amaspayrollmanager · 2 years
I do not give 2 shits about Mohammed and dodi al fayed. I could not give one shit about them. I am their biggest haters.
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vaugarde · 1 year
bramblestar 🤝 lionblaze
throwing fits when their (ex) love interests call them out on acting like tigerstar and going “SHES BULLYING ME FOR MY FAMILY WHICH I CANT HELP!!” meanwhile theyre literally training with and kissing tigerstars ass and conspiring murder and coup plans with him and neither of them face actual consequences for this while their (ex) love interests are painted as bigoted assholes who went way too far in an argument
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headless609 · 5 months
Cartman Angst
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Ah Cartman, the bigoted, racist, sexist, overweight, bully, bullied, and a victim. Cartman is my favorite character and it’s not just because he is hilarious. If you watch the show and really looks into it, you can see why Cartman acts the way he does. Let’s start with the obvious. Cartman is fat. We see the show make fun and jab at his weight sense season 1. We see side characters such as Liane and his eye doctor to the main characters aka Kyle, Stan and Kenny making fun of his weight. Especially Kyle. I don’t think people realize how fucking mean Kyle was to Cartman (and Cartman hadn’t even done anything evil yet btw). Kyle is always and stills calls Cartman ‘fatsss.’ Speaking of the earlier seasons, remember Cartman’s eye doctor? Y’know, the one who had no chill and continuously bullied Cartman by calling him porky and just being devious? Yeah him.
Next I want to talk about Cartman’s home life. And it’s bad, like it’s as bad as Kenny. Not only is Cartman quite poor but his dad is gone and his mom is a prostitute. Not only does Cartman not get scolded by his mom but his mom brings in men that are there for sex. Sound bad? Yeah, you can imagine a guy finding Cartman’s room. And you might think, ‘Dude, you’re reading into this way too seriously.’  
We see that Cartman has been assaulted by his cousin and his Uncle, Jessie. We see this in Le Petite Tourette’s and in Fun with Veal. And this is just two of the many other occasions. 
Everyone knows the episode Scott Tenorman Must Die, where Cartman snapped and went batshit crazy. But most people don’t remember the banned episode where we see Scott again. Where we learn a dark truth. Cartman and Scott were step-brothers, Cartman had killed his own father, the father he had cried himself to sleep wishing he’d come back. And when we see him admit that he’s crying because of him being half ginger to his friends, all I can think is , ‘ Really? After all the tears that your pillow soaks?’ But then you think, would you tell some kids that have always bullied you because of your weight and you thought only hung out with you cause you bully people with them why you’re actually sad? HELL NO! Cartman may be crazy and a sociopath but he ain’t stupid. The reason he is able to stay with the gang is that they think he is cool (which they don’t) heck the only reason why they became a friend group was because Cartman bullied Pip! And with all that piled up, Cartman becomes insecure about himself and to make him feel better lashes out an everyone else, believing he is a victim in every scenario and everyone deserves to pay. 
And that is the debrief of the monster, Eric Cartman. The most hated South Park child in the show. 
There is so much I want to say about Cartman, and I tried to fit it in one Notes page. And I hate it whenever one says they hate Cartman because he is a nazi and all that shit. I understand, but please peel his onion skin and you’ll understand why Cartman is such a good character. This one is the longest one yet so thanks for those who were able to read the entire thing. 🥲
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AITA for making my mom’s boyfriend feel bad on purpose?
disclaimer: my parents have an open marriage
so i (20m, northern cheyenne) don’t have a problem with the modern celebration of thanksgiving.
really. i don’t.
the whole “pilgrims and indians” schtick is gross, but i find that generally, outside of elementary schools, nobody thinks about that part very much. people mostly just want to see their families and eat weird food. and i fucks w that.
the problem comes in with my mom’s boyfriend.
my mom (52f) is white, but she’s been married to my dad (53m) who is also northern cheyenne for 26 years. she’s the DEI coordinator for our county’s public school system and she’s one of my favorite most trusted shire people ever. so i never really have to censor myself around her. i can make jokes and complain and vent and etc etc etc. she’ll always listen.
her BOYFRIEND though.
i really do like my mom’s boyfriend (41m). he’s super cool, recommends good books, teaches me about plumbing, all sorts of other Manly Step Dad Shit (/hj).
but he is decidedly extremely caucasian. like so white.
he’s not /racist/ but he’s that in-between that a lot of white people are where they’re never mean, but you gotta watch what you say around them bc they bruise like a two week old apple.
there have been a few instances where i have in fact bruised his sensitive white man apple skin.
1) i was listening to a podcast with my mom about people indigenous to Hawai’i protecting Mauna Kea. we were listening to it out loud in our living room, and her boyfriend came in and listened for a few minutes before asking me to turn it off because it was “depressing”. fair enough. i figured he was having a rough day and i turned it off. (side note, it was All My Relations, “For the Love of the Mauna”.)
2) we were driving somewhere and trading off command of the AUX. i put on a song by Nahko and Medicine for the People, specifically their parody of “My Country Tis of Thee”. he again said he didn’t like it, it was depressing, and could I please turn it off. i did.
3) this is where i’m the asshole. we’re planning for thanksgiving, and i mentioned wanting to do a anticolonial thanksgiving. we’d watch some stuff about the wampanoag tribe (first contact tribe at plymouth rock), i’d make frybread and fried squash blossoms (along w my mom who would make the thanksgiving basics) we’d have a grand old time. her boyfriend asks why we can’t just enjoy thanksgiving without making it too political.
i’m like. that’s not political? it’s cultural?
and he says that to him it feels self flagellating and it would make him feel bad.
and i said honestly? the idea of thanksgiving’s history makes Me feel bad. and not to complain dude, but as an american indian, it’s always about you, and never, ever about me. so truly, i don’t care if you feel bad. we’re not doing a fucking colonized thanksgiving in this house. so if you’re just here for that sham bullshit, go and stay gone.
my mom says she agrees with me that an attempt at a decolonized thanksgiving is a good idea and a good compromise for our mixed family, but that i was way too harsh on her boyfriend and should’ve tried explaining in a kinder way first, since he’s really not educated on this stuff. i see where she’s coming from; i worry i might’ve scared him off of ever learning about cultural decolonization. ik it’s not my responsibility to make him care, but that doesn’t change the fact that plenty of white people are subconsciously looking for a reason not to care about natives, and by being a dick i might’ve just handed him that reason. so not only was i an asshole to him, but an asshole to my community at large by disservicing our reputation.
idk. i think i ruined thanksgiving :/
What are these acronyms?
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ceruleanwhore · 4 months
I know it’s been almost 20 years since AtLA came out but something that still bugs the shit out of me about it is the stuff with Aang, his crush on Katara, and the avatar state. It’s not just that Aang should’ve given her up in s2, it’s also all the ways they could’ve written that without putting kataang in that position, and I feel like I haven’t seen people talk about that as much, so I’m going to.
The first option I see, which I really like, is that they could’ve given Aang a different crush at that point in time, like how other characters got to have crushes on characters who weren’t their endgame love interests. Personally, I love the idea of this actually being Toph because that would give most of the season to set it up and there would be the same proximity he has with Katara. In the end, he’d have to give up this crush and all of the stuff at the end of s2 would actually contribute to significant growth and maturation in Aang which, paired with continued growth throughout s3, would set him up to actually be mature enough to end up with Katara.
Another option that I also think would’ve been really good would for the thing he needs to let go of to actually be his past/the air nation he left behind that’s gone now. So, I know nuance definitely is not a thing with the chakras in the show, but my takeaway has always been that the last chakra is just about relinquishing the power that earthly attachments have over you, not permanently yeeting them out of your life. For example, with giving up Katara, he was just being asked to give up his desire for her, the earthly attachment, but not to kick her out of the group and send her home. With this idea of it being about his past, it wouldn’t be about abandoning Appa or anything but, rather, giving up the ways he is tethered to his past and his underdeveloped ideas of what it means to be an air nomad that he constantly throws around to justify literally anything he wants. In this case, I’d really love for his past at the air temple or leaving it to come up in every single chakra (correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think it does in the show). It would also be really cool to have a visual representation of how his past with the air nation connects to his present in how he views the world around him.
The third option is to just have it be something else entirely that Aang has to do in order to unlock the avatar state. Honestly, the chakra stuff ended up not really adding anything to the show since it was mishandled so badly and Pathik was never more than a throwaway side character and a racist stereotype played for laughs, so I don’t think the chakras are necessary at all. I think what might have made more sense would be for Aang to go to the nearest air temple and enter that inner sanctum like we saw in s1 e17 that Teo’s dad fucked up. He could connect with his past lives and unlock the avatar state there, no racist, out of place guru needed.
But yeah, I think putting in all that stuff about the chakras just to end up throwing it out the window completely because of how they wrote themselves into a corner was an issue that could have easily been avoided. Also, I do think that part of the issue is that they didn’t spend enough time on the chakras so it felt like things weren’t explained very well to Aang, especially with the love vs earthly attachment debacle, because they didn’t take the time to explain it. Had they both taken a minute to have Pathik explain the difference between love, like Aang unlocked with the 4th chakra, and his crush on Katara and then also not had that scene with Iroh validating Aang’s decision since he had no context for it, they also could’ve avoided a lot of the issues we see with this in canon. Regardless, I feel like there’s multiple ways the creators could’ve very easily avoided the whole mess they created at the end of s2.
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cabinofimagines · 6 months
what about Jason and Percy compete in a friendly competition to see who can decorate their cabin the best for the holidays or something? just them being festive in uuh competitive ways
A/N: Everything for my white boys -Danny
Warnings: None!
Words: 1,330
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Highlights —(Platonic!Jason & Percy xGN!Reader)
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It started as a joke.
Of course, you should know better than to make an off-handed comment to Jason and Percy and word it as a challenge, even if your words are dripping with satire.
You can't even remember what the conversation was about, but Jason and you were chatting about what other stuff he'd like to do now that he was at camp to increase his holiday cheer, and Percy slipped into the conversation like he always does.
"Why not put sets of Christmas lights in your cabin? I mean, your dad is the literal god of lightning, I think even he can appreciate that tradition."
"True, and you can even fly around and hang them where the other cabins don't get to reach!" You joke, then turn to Percy. "Are you decorating?"
"Oh yeah, Tyson's coming this year and I want to surprise the big guy."
"You guys should compete to see who gets to make the sickest decor," you yawn, looking ahead absently. "Gods know I would kill for some holiday entertainment right now..."
Jason sits upright in his place, looking at you like a puppy who's just been offered a bone. "That's a fun idea."
Percy snorts. "Sit your Roman ass down. I came back yesterday, and I do not want to spend the week competing with you."
"Why, 'cause you know you'd lose?"
Percy looks at him with annoyance. "I wouldn't lose."
"Romans are great at flashy decor, you know?"
"Greeks invented parties."
"Both of you are wrong," you state bemusedly, but even now you don't really feel like stopping them. "However, I am very bored now that Klaus has gone on strike, so by all means, do rip each other's heads off."
Percy looks back at you with a frown. "He's gone to what?"
"He's very sensitive about being called Santa nowadays, maybe it's a racist slur, did you ever think of that?"
Jason interrupts your talk. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat but I have a cabin to decor and a reputation to maintain, so..."
"You know most people call your reputation just 'heavy OCD', right?" Percy taunts him.
"I'm making your cabin look like the dumpster where all unwanted toys go to die," Jason replies casually as he walks away.
You whistle lowly, patting Percy's shoulder as you both watch Jason walk away. "That was very psycho of him."
"Yeah," Percy's eyes never leave Jason as he speaks, a clear frown on his face. "Well then, I guess it's war."
"Percy, if you don't want to don't let him—"
"He's going down," he states with emphasis, getting up and storming out in the direction of the Hermes Cabin.
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Jason recruits Leo almost right away, which you'd consider unfair if this were a real competition, which is not, so Jason is just being smart.
You end up agreeing to help Percy because Annabeth is busy decorating the rest of camp, and she probably doesn't want to encourage these two to be dorks any more than is healthy.
Is it as fun as you were expecting? Kind of. Percy has lots of tasty snacks that he doesn't have an issue sharing with you, and he's also very fun to talk to, though sometimes he gets super pressed about the decoration process and you have to keep your distance.
Jason isn't any better, he flies around hanging all kinds of weird lights Leo made in his spare time—this guy hasn't slept an entire night since he was probably eight years old—and every day he shows up with a brighter, flashier install for the cabin.
"Not that I'm complaining," Leo tells you as he takes a moment from rewiring an old Santa robot he found in the bunker. "But why did you edge them to do this? Feels like a gender-bent version of that one scene in the Grinch movie."
You shrug and take a bite of your gingerbread cookie. "I was bored, and Jason's really easy to manipulate."
"In my defense, I was joking, but he'd been trying to find ways to turn something else into a competition since I made him and Thalia make their own version of hot chocolate to see which one was better."
"Why did you do that?"
"Because I wanted free hot chocolate."
"Hmm," he repeats, this time nodding. "You think that if I taunt him enough he'll bake me a gingerbread house with marshmallows on top?"
"I think that if we taunt Jason enough, we can get him to dress up as Santa and deliver presents to everyone in New Rome overnight."
"Yeah," Leo smiles at his friend, still hanging up lights around the windows of his cabin. "Maybe we should gift him a therapy session once this is over."
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The day came to turn on the lights in Cabin One and Three, lots of curious campers had gathered to witness the final results of Jason and Percy's arduous job during the last five days.
There is a sudden burst of light and noise from each cabin the moment the lights go on, they're both impressive and creative in their own ways, sticking to the original vibes of each cabin—Jason even summoned a tiny cloud above the cabin so it would be snowing every few hours to keep it white and fancy.
Percy, on the other hand, had made a Christmas tree out of seashells, seaweed, and moss. It was weirdly cute. Both cabins were strong competitors, but then a third blast of light joined theirs, and everyone's eyes turned to Hades's Cabin.
Nico walked forward with a proud smile, surrounded by at least a dozen skeletons dressed up as elves. Hazel was there too, looking very proud, but then the last member of their team was the one who gave you shivers: Klaus. That whimsical jerk really knew how to decorate a cabin.
Percy's mouth fell open as he saw the cabin. "How? I never saw you decorate!"
"Hazel's mist," Nico smirks, placing an arm around his sister's shoulders. "Kept you out of our business until we were ready to show you how it's really done."
Jason's the one who looks the most outraged. "That's not cool, guys! If you were going to participate, you should've let us know first!"
Nico raises a brow. "Jason, this wasn't even a real competition, you're both insane—and that's coming from the guy who dresses up skeletons as Santa's elves."
You hush him hurriedly. "Don't say that, Nico, we don't know if it's a slur!"
Nico frowns. "Santa's not a slur."
"But it pisses off Klaus so much..."
"What pisses me off is that you have no respect for tradition, Y/N L/N," Klaus replies dramatically, squinting at you. "All of you, abusing sweet traditions just to feed your egos or keep you entertained, you should feel ashamed of yourselves."
"Who are you, the Lorax of Christmas?" Leo snorts.
Jason elbows the boy and steps forward. "C'mon Klaus, don't be angry—we were having fun either way, right Percy?"
You elbow Percy and he chokes out a reply. "For sure, yeah! Climbing around the rooftop sticking lights to the smoothest surfaces on earth... great fun."
You sigh. "Listen, Klaus, we're sorry we offended you, okay? Nico is right, maybe we are a little bit insane. Can you forgive us?"
Klaus glances at you hesitantly, he seems unsure. "I'll think about it."
"Well, we still won anyway," Nico grins. "You can come down now, Will!"
To everyone's surprise, something moves around the rooftop of Nico's cabin and Will soon gets spotted, dressed up in a star costume, his skin glowing like he swallowed ten yellow lightbulbs for lunch. "Thank gods, I'm so hungry!"
You laugh, watching as Nico and his skeletons help Will to come down safely.
"Well, sorry you didn't win," you muse, giving Percy harsh pats on the back. "Next time I'll go to Nico, I should've known he's an expert at killing boredom."
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allycat75 · 6 months
Ok, I want to get real with you Boston Dumb Fuck.
I have been holding onto this post for a bit and the thought behind it has been haunting me for months.
While I am constantly amazed at your lack of moral fiber, when I see a fellow human in trouble I can't turn away. You look like you have just enough energy to literally put one foot in front of the other, play your part and slip into unconsciousness for the rest of the day. I have seen it before and it doesn't end well. It's a living purgatory.
But I also don't like being manipulated or being made to look stupid or crazy, so I will continue to call out your bullshit and how it is emblematic of everything that is wrong in our society. I also don't think many have called you out on your bullshit before so I am happy to provide that service. As much as I desire this to be my last rant to you, I am not naive enough to think that will happen anytime soon. The Red Knight has you tight in its grip (Side note: "The Fisher King" is a great movie to watch or re-watch. It may resonate right now).
I do wish I knew that you understood how fucked up you are and have at least a semblance of a plan of how you are going to make it right once you are free. I think the reaction from your (former) fans and even the general public was a shock to your system and you have so far to go to just come up to sea level again. If past is prologue, I fear you will just coast on your White Male Privlege and never learn the valuable lessons of this disaster. But ultimately, I am probably screaming into a void. At least I have put it out into the universe...
Early on, I compared your work in "Ghosted" to a Matthew Perry performance.
Before I continue, let me say I loved Matthew Perry and I can't believe he is gone. I always felt he had so much potential, as seen in "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" and "Go On", but there was always a barrier I sensed he put up, almost like it was a performance within a performance. What he thought we wanted him to be. Now, as we know, there was a mountain of insecurity he was hiding and numbing that haunted him to the end. How I wish he could have freed himself and enjoyed some true wins.
Now, I can't help but draw some additional mournful parallels to you and your current state, beyond your "Ghosted" performance within a performance.
We know you hate yourself (you were not joking during the SMA interview). You took your hand off the wheel and eyes off the road, relying only on your Captain America/internet boyfriend/dog dad persona, and wound up trapped in a blind alley. Now you are locked in this ridiculous contract.
To numb what you have become, you have disappeared into weed, at the very least. But escaping using weed is only healthy when you know what you are escaping from. When you have no tether, you are only sucked into a void where you risk not being able to return. You may say "it's just weed", but we have seen you make bad decision after bad decision and it only takes one to be life altering.
This may be hyperbolic. You may be in control of all of this and laughing at our reaction. Maybe you have mastered The Method and apply goth white makeup before you go out, have changed your diet to be sickly thin and hunch over on purpose, for your craft. But my daddy didn't raise a fool and I don't suffer them. I know when something is rotten in Denmark. I was raised to offer a hand when I could, regardless the reason or reward. So my offer is this (much of this is repeated from previous posts, but repetition is key to learning):
STOP! STOP! STOP! Your contractual obligations should be met by now. The little racist twat got press on her project release dates. That is all she deserves. If not, you need a doctor's note saying this is killing you, because it appears it is. And switching from awkwardly showing off that fucking ring or oafishly grabbing the wifey's hand in order to meet that contractual obligation to lovable, single dog dad so as to reinforce your dog food is Nazi-free has got to be dizzying; making the crazy-maker crazy. So whomever thought this was a good idea and kept you in it long after the effects were detrimental, remove them from your circle. They have no place in a healthy future.
Get help to change the behaviors that got you painted into this corner. This situation didn't come out of nowhere. Someone or many someones exploited your vulnerabilities and they could do it again if you aren't careful. And no more shushing or egoic narrative- either that is complete bullshit or no one taught you the next part of the curriculum. For once in your life, take accountability and accept responsibility for your actions.
Take the time to become healthy and strong in mind, body and spirit. And let those who still have a chance of liking you in the future miss you. You even admitted you don't make the best first impression. Lately you haven’t been making the best second, third or fourth either. Even Scarlett seems to be getting tired of you. One or two more stunts and no one is coming back. We may be talking about you, but a short term gain will mean a long term loss. Don't worry, we will remember you, and if you do the work, we will celebrate you.
Take an active role in rebuilding your life. Decide what to be and go be it. Others shouldn't care more about your happiness and success than you do. Enjoy some wins, you are allowed. Get back into the world again and see where you can make an impact (hint- it is not with ASP. I actually think that could set us all back. A good idea whose time has passed).
You were given privlege and opportunity and it is chicken shit you ran as soon as it got a little hard. Fight for your life. Others have lost their chance but you are still here and can make it chicken salad.
PS- "Cousins" is a great movie if you are wondering about the chicken shit/chicken salad line. And don't let anyone tell you the French version is better. They are just being pretentious.
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
That last anon is cooking something. The book does have a second account of daemon being a father figure to nettles. A maester swears by it in fact. The salacious rumors about bathing were told by maids and we know which rumors not to trust (some of mushroom's, singers, maids, etc).
It makes sense if nettles' arc is split between rhaena and addam actually. Rhaena joining daemon at the riverlands fulfills the father-daughter arc that is in need of confrontration and closure since s1. It wouldn't make sense if you have rhaena, addam, and nettles as dragonriders. There'd be too many of them. Someone has to go and rhaena is already a poc. The only answer here is nettles. Addam aIready exists and is non-valyrian looking.
Tbh your self-insert fantasies are getting in the way of you seeing this in an objective light. They're clearly not following the books so why are you expecting a throuple or an incestuous dad-daughter one is to one comparison from the book? Clearly nonny was pertaining to the second account being fulfilled, which would be much better than a contrived alleged cheating plot.
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The only thing you and the other anon are cooking is some meth in a basement to feed the voices in your heads🤣
For those that don't know this is a link to the ask that this Dumbnyra stan is talking about.
You must think I’m as stupid as your cult of delusional morons if you expect me to believe that they had someone come in to play Nettles, dressed her up and everything, but only as an easter egg🙃:
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You and the other anon need to come up with a better excuse for why they’ll cut Nettles and replace her with Rhaena than the toilet water your spilling.
Shipping nonsense aside, Rhaena is a highborn girl who comes from a dragon-riding family. She may be neglected by her father, but she’s undoubtedly privileged and she does have family who do care about her.
Nettles is the complete opposite of that. She comes from literally nothing. She has no one. The odds are stacked against her and yet this little brown-skinned bastard girl claims a dragon that killed others who had the “right blood.”
She’s supposed to show us that it’s more than blood that makes us. No other dragonseed or dragonrider has gone through what she has and none of them will. She’s a survivor in every sense of the word.
You are literally missing the point of her arc if you think they can just copy and paste it onto Rhaena(or Addam or whoever) cause they are all POC(don't hide behind that word because it doesn't make you look less racist when we know you mean Black) now.
Learn how to read first before you come for me with the self-insert bull crap(rich coming from the likes of you considering that’s the only reason why you care about Dumbnyra and why you refuse to see Nettles as an actual important character):
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Maester Norren’s Testimony is supposed to support not dispute the assertion that Daemon and Nettles are lovers (see the “and in this case”).
You can't cherry-pick what you want from a source(which is what you’re trying to do because you know it makes no sense that a man bathes naked alone with their grown daughter). Maester Norren believes what the maids say. He never questions it so you either drop his account entirely or you accept the whole of it.
The maids were there. They weren’t just gossiping for the sake of gossiping or making sh*t up because everyone at Maidenpool from Lord Mooton’s brother to those lowly maids could see how fond Daemon was of Netty:
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As far as the show goes, despite what you guys try to claim, your ship has hit dead water:
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This show was never centered around Dumbnyra’s “epic love story.” Nettles and the “contrived cheating plot” was always going to come along (and you can cry about it till the cows come home):
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As I asked the other anon, if you truly believe that Rhaena will replace Nettles what will be the new cause of Daemon abandoning Rhaenyra?
Does Mysaria still accuse him of sleeping with his own daughter and Rhaenyra believes her and orders Rhaena’s death or does Daemon just decide to abandon her and end it all for sh*ts and giggles?
What makes him confront Aemond now knowing that Rhaenyra needs him, Rhaena’s life doesn’t hang in the balance, and he doesn’t have to make a choice? What’s the reason? What’s the motivation? Don’t leave us in suspense 🙃
And before another Dumbnyra stan sends me another anonymous message talking about how mean I am or how I’m just a biased self-inserter, let me go quote myself from yesterday because you are proving my point:
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This is why I responded to the first anon and yourself the way I did. Your side of the fandom is riddled with misogynoir and anti-Blackness all under the guise feminism(while disrespecting every female character who isn't Rhaenyra).
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In your bigoted minds, you all think there can only be one or two Black people around, or else there are too many in a sea of white characters you can root for. The presence of a whopping six Black(ish) characters is just so distressing for you.
You all think it’s fine to cut the only in-canon Black character and insert her arc onto race-bent characters because you don’t want her there.
You refuse to see her importance because she’s Black. You refuse to relate to her because she’s Black. You refuse to see her as an actual character with a story worthy of being told because she’s Black.
A story that is unique among the dragonseeds(yes even with Addam having dark hair because he’s still being claimed by Corlys and he has a family) but you ignore it all in favor of she should be cut because there are just too many Black characters.
Let's call a spade a spade and say the main reason you want her cut and replaced with Rhaena is because you know that if Nettles is there she will be Daemon’s lover and due to the color of her skin you refuse to self-insert into a Negro like you do Rhaenyra. Rhaena is the safe option because you know Daemon can't f*ck his own daughter. Don’t insult my intelligence and say that you are doing this because you people actually want to make her more of a key player during the Dance or want daddy to pay attention to her.
I’ve already laid out how they can make Rhaena more actively involved so if you really cared about her you’d root for a story line like this:
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You don’t care about Nettles, Rhaena, or Addam who all have their respective plot lines and roles to play. This is all being done to keep your sinking ship afloat(too late for that because it’s already struck the iceberg and it’s going down faster than the Titanic).
You know who can be cut/combined considering they have basically the same role (betraying Rhaenyra)? Ulf and Hugh. Oh, but that’s right, they are both white so you’d never suggest that. They are just too important to the plot for one to be cut.
Your all Negros are the same to me, they’ll have five Negros on the show and that’s five too many even though this show is majority white, I’ll lose what’s left of my sanity if they add one more so they’ve had to have reached their Black quota behind can go somewhere else and spout that bull crap to your fellow Nazi wannabes.
If people can not see how racist this cult of a fandom is I don’t know what to tell you, but I won’t be entertaining your unserious bs about Nettles on my blog when you come out the gate with racially charged language.
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thegeminisage · 1 month
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME!!! thursday we watched tng's "emergence" and ds9's "crossover" (honorific)
emergence (tng):
I HATE HOLODECK EPISODES. i wanted season 7 to go out on a high note. nostalgia and time would have made me forget so many of tng's sins if it had gone out on a high note
girl, the enterprise CAME TO LIFE, had a baby, and then died, and nobody had anything to say about that except "ok let the baby fly into space hope it has a good life!"
the enterprise and moya from farscape could have raised their children together communally. like feral cats.
if kirk had been captain when the enterprise came to life he would NOT have let that baby fly into space. he would have gotten one of those little toddler leashes. he would have paid child support. he's not the step dad he's the dad who stepped up
i honestly don't remember what else happened here because the following episode blew my tits clean off
oh yeah wait i think it was racist to make worf shovel the coal. shame on them. data's way stronger than worf he should have been doing it he would have been like yay i love a novel experience :) i can add this to my file on coal shoveling :)
crossover (ds9):
no, i'm just going to abandon my bullet points. where do i even begin...you know, actually, let's begin at the beginning, which is the tos mirrorverse episode. i have a wider meta on this in me somewhre i bet but it wasn't always this way! i like, initially watched this, went, "huh! that was neat," and thought no more about it until i read a fanfic (don't ask for it i'm not telling, it was more like 2-3 fanfics honestly) and then i was like WAIT HOLD ON A SECOND. see, my fascination with mirrorverse comes primarily from the following hypothesis:
everyone always says that bones in mirrorverse and bones in the prime universe are the same guy and that makes him god's specialest princess, which i don't disagree with! but i think, deep down, EVERYONE is the same. i think mirrorverse (quite accidentally) provides a pretty compelling commentary on both nature vs nurture and the cycle of violence. kirk, who undoubtedly went to a much worse version of tarsus iv in the mirrorverse, becomes a guy slaughtering colonists by the thousands, because in his mind that's what power looks like and being powerful means being safe. spock, who is brought up to believe violence is logical instead of pacifism, follows that doctrine just as strictly as he sticks to his morals in the prime universe, and indulges in his emotions just as rarely, because in either case he is punished just as much, if not more, for going against vulcan and human social norms.
put the same guys in the opposite situation (ie a mirror) and they will turn out as their own twisted reflections every time. mirror kirk is just as driven to succeed, just at a different game. he has just as much of a temper, but without the apologies that come afterward. he's just and dangerous and as handy in a fight as prime kirk, but without the moral compass that has him pulling punches instead of a knife. he has that same desire for power, though it's to protect himself rather than to protect other people. mirror spock is just as sharp and calculating, he's just running different numbers, after different results. he's just as good at sussing out emotional motives because of his forced distance from them, but he has spent a lifetime being rewarded for exploiting the emotions of others instead of trying to understand them. he even shares the same preference for being the first officer instead of in command, though the two spocks have differing reasons for this. you could even argue that he has the same capacity for loyalty, inasmuch as it's safe or possible to be loyal in the mirrorverse; he avoids trying to kill kirk as much as he possibly can, and when he finds out "his" kirk is gone, immediately does everything in his power to see to getting him back where he belongs. the mirror characters aren't opposites; they're reflections, inversions. they started out as the same base thing. they were made ugly and evil by their circumstances.
we didn't get to see much of mirror kirk and none of mirror bones (to my eternal woe), but knowing mirror spock DID ultimately take action towards pacifism and reform is extremely damning evidence for this hypothesis, at least in my mind palace. our own spock is defined by his compassion and selflessness; he gave his life in the warp core because the needs of the many outweighed his own needs. mirror spock is running the calculation in the other direction; he is thinking of his own needs. yet he comes to the SAME CONCLUSION - it is important for people to be safe, because logically nothing else can hold.
i notice that they carefully avoided saying whether or not spock ACTUALLY killed kirk, and i love that, because i loved the open-ended nature of the original mirrorverse episode - i loved that we could imagine anything happening. kirk dying or becoming a better person or becoming a worse person. i'm a little sad to have finally lost that, but i love that we can still just as gleefully imagine spock shoving a pole through kirk's ribs (in the horny way) or them being little rebels with bones and fighting the system together. ooooh and you better BELIEVE i had to pause the episode and cover my face and take a moment to have my hysterics when they implied mirror spock may have killed mirror kirk bc our kirk asking mirror spock to kill his other self was one of the horniest things tos ever did, up there with amok time and that stupid bondage harness.
speaking of horny, let's get into the actual episode. this episode was so abjectly fucking horny it's ASTOUNDING. it's mind-blowing. i think lesbian kira-on-kira was ABSOLUTELY the way to go as far as introductions. and kira-on-kira PROVES MY HYPOTHESIS!!! mirror kira has the same sympathy for her human laborers (the downtrodden), just not extended further than she extends sympathy for herself. she is also, like our kira, into girls. AND she is seduced by the idea of giving power to a weak bajor. kira's love affair with herself was probably the best part of this episode, number one because women and number two because they understood each other SO well except mirror kira was just unstable enough to be scary. and kira being like a little scared of her and them still being gay was really problematic and horny of them. fun. god. like, BATH SCENE?? HELLO??? i hope nana visitor had the time of her fucking life
mirror garak is also basically the same guy. this is just pre-exile garak. he's so conniving and gay. he didn't even do any of that seductive shit to our kira. why? he's not into girls!
i'm so sorry odo and quark didn't get a better lot in this verse. they don't come back either i checked :( odo was kind of boring, unfortunately, except for3 points: firstly, him slapping julian like 3 times was also problematic but horny. secondly, the goop he exploded into. rip king. (and kira moruning him!! otp.) thirdly, this is odo's disdain and lack of understanding for humanity (humanoidanity?) multiplied by 1000x. this is not an odo who was forced to get to know us and saw that some of us needed the protection he had to live without and now had the power to give, this is an odo who was experimented on and probably killed dr mora on his way out of the facility, and is looking to dish some out instead of take it. FUN. our odo makes hands to touch people with. this odo makes hands to slap people with. rip to that guy and i was absolutely shocked that a do-no-harm DOCTOR killed him but honestly there's probably a net good in that for our julian.
quark running the metaphorical underground railroad out here also seems to echo him selling food to bajorans...also, his, outfit? it made him look like a good person. it's a wonder it took them so long to catch him. our quark is selfish because he sees it as a path to a good life. their quark is selfLESS for the same reason, see? also SCREAM that our kira was like yes we're BESTIES on the other side when she often tells him how much she despises him lmao
o'brien!!! god i wish we had seen more of him but i LOVED him and julian being besties here too. he was like youre NOT my friend and then 20 minutes later helping him escape. it's like he was a sleeper agent, he got one whiff or someone who could afford to have a moral compass and instantly he was like actually yeah humans deserve better than this! i love that julian was just gonna take him back and have two obrien besties and fuck starfleet if they didn't like it lol. obrien secretly also the same, and i'm really glad he got to at least escape w sisko to become a pirate or whatever.
HEY. BY THE WAY. PIRATE SISKO. SO FUN AND EDGY. he was really unhinged and kind of like a lunatic. cw for discussion of rape the rest of this paragraph. so i think there was a light implication via his body language and also "you charmed your way out of the mines" that he was NOT enjoying/consenting to the sex he was having with mirror kira, but very much enjoyed the opportunity to menace her counterpart, and other people, like obrien. again, like odo, he is tired of taking it and itching to dish soem out. UNLIKE odo, we see that he has people he loves! he says "i made the best of a bad life for my crew" and even shakes his head at one of his crew members who is about to do something that will get them hurt - he's also happy enough to take obrien, former target, under his wing on the way out, when he sees something worthy there. JUST LIKE OUR SISKO, he IS protective and he DOES value his people! i loved seeing that core of him, even though his outside was deranged in a fun evil way.
ok, to finally wrap this up, bashir giving away his plate of mush at mealtime because he's gonna get to go back to a nice cozy universe soon (or die) and these people won't is soooo. god. he's SO COMPASSIONATE......like i knew that objectively but we haven't really seen it in action much up until now. it fucking kills me. his compassion, inherent Good Universe vibes, has such a profound impact on mirror obrien in such a short time, but ultimately you CAN'T change this universe. you can affect single people in it, the way kirk got mirror spock, but the point of the mirrorverse is to be evil and edgy (and horny), so no matter WHAT the characters in it do, it is a LAW OF THAT UNIVERSE that powers beyond their comprehension will always reset the status quo to STAY evil and edgy (and horny). like at first i was like oh shit kirk really stepped in it nice job breaking it hero but like it simply CAN'T be fixed. if you try, you will fail. determinism in star trek. wild.
also, wait, sorry, julian coming back filthy head to toe and kira coming back in a ballgown when our sisko has been having kittens trying to locate his people.....iconic. mister privileged having to process ore like kira used to do and kira former ore processor wearing a fancy luxurious evening gown. talk about swapping places.
TONIGHT: tng's "preemptive strike" and ds9's "the collaborator." last non-finale episode of tng!!!
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ciara-knightly · 2 months
knight squad: if we had a 4 season run
i’ve been thinking a lot of thoughts about how amazing knight squad would have been with a proper four season run. i don’t think i would ever have the energy to write a full fanfic, but it’s been five years since the show’s conclusion, so i wanted to share some of my ideas. here’s a 2k outline on how i think the plot could have gone:
season 1
season 1 is already pretty god-tier in my opinion, so i wouldn’t change much! i think they covered a lot in terms of character and relationship development, and did a great job building an interesting plot that tied back in the finale.
one of the things i would change though is the whole presentation of ciara/princess, and how it’s done through her hair. i’ve seen some discussion about it floating around before, so some of y’all probably know where i’m getting at with this. i don’t know if it was intentional, but the implications of her straightened/relaxed hair being part of what makes her elegant is really questionable  to me and i do find it racist. i do like her loose curls for ciara because being ciara is when she gets to let loose and be who she really is. but for the princess, i think they really could have done another style like braids, or have her hair tied up in a bun to represent how she is holding herself back, or have her hair wrapped. i also think they could have incorporated other ways to show the difference between the princess and ciara that don’t rely on hair – facial markings/face paint for the royal family, or the princess covers her face with a face veil.
also just. give her a name!!! for the fanfic writers if not for anyone else. i know it’s a kid’s show and they probably didn’t want to make it too confusing or something, but also kids are not that dumb.
in terms of character, in the show, arc adapts to being part of a team really well. personally, i would have drawn that out, and had a plot where arc needs to get used to being on a team after being a lone wolf for so long and learning how to trust the others to have his back. i think the writers almost went in that direction, because in the pilot when the phoenix squad is assigned to fight the stone knight, arc tells them to step back and says he has it, and ciara says “but we’re supposed to be a team!” but he ignores her. and it works out okay that time, but i expected it to come back later and it was just dropped. so this is something i would have developed over the course of the season, and then everyone coming together to save him from ryker in the season finale being the culmination of him realizing he has people to watch his back now and he isn’t alone.
season 2
okay so you know how i kept most of season 1? yeah we’re doing the opposite for season 2. we’re throwing pretty much all of it out. yEET. prudy and warwick are not going to find out right at the beginning of the season, we’re not getting the ciara and sage relationship development quite yet, no one is getting knighted, and there’s no weird superhero episode with trolls that are   antisemitic caricatures.
however, there will be more plots centered around prudy and warwick. we get to see more of prudy’s giant background, and warwick struggling to live up to his family name and what being a magical wizard means. so there are episodes like the election episode and the one with warwick’s dad.
at the same time, we get more of the relationships in the phoenix squad, and arc and ciara will also start to realize how hard it is keeping their secrets from their best friends. they have some really close calls when it comes to balancing their secrets with their friendships.
arc and ciara also start having some romantic development in the latter half of the season, but it happens subtly. like people thinking they’re a couple leading to awkward denial, seeing the other dressed up for an event and having that “whoa” moment, being unusually jealous or protective, etc.
okay i really want an episode where there’s just a shit ton of miscommunication and the princess accidentally agrees to a date with warwick and he’s over the moon but ciara is panicking because she can’t break his heart while arc’s pretending he isn’t jealous
A TRUTH SPELL EPISODE. sort of combining both of the two big threads this season. arc gets hit by a truth spell by accident and they have to wait for it to wear off and it leads to all sort of chaos as arc and ciara try to make sure their secrets don’t get out so ciara is just covering his mouth and trying to make excuses. and then, at the end of the episode, he’s alone with prudy and warwick who have caught on that arc does have a secret and they’re grilling him, and he blurts out that he has feelings for ciara, which even he didn’t realize until he said it. the spell finally wears off and prudy and warwick are shocked enough to let him go, and he runs off only to bump into ciara (who had been called away for a princess-related thing), and she’s apologizing to him for having to leave him alone and asks if he revealed anything important to anyone, and he’s just like “....no.”
midway through the season, we also begin building up to the next overarching plot. it might be interesting to focus a bit on astorian court politics, which leads to the reveal of an internal conspiracy to take down dragonbloods and take over the throne. (note: the leader of this conspiracy was the one behind ciara’s mother being taken away.) sort of leads to the realization of how messed up it is that only dragonbloods have power in astoria. the season finale has them facing off against this antagonist, and they win, but the antagonist runs away.
warwick and prudy find out about arc and ciara’s secrets at the end of the season!
also sage and buttercup are canon. because this is my plot outline and i say so.
season 3
this season begins with warwick and prudy learning what it means to be secret keepers, even though they’re struggling a bit. arc and ciara and understandably frustrated, but when it matters, warwick and prudy do come through, and they get better about it over time.
warwick and prudy are also trying to figure out their roles on the team, especially as they feel like they’re the weaker links. 
meanwhile, ciara is stepping into her role as the princess and trying to force actual change regarding the dragonblood laws in astoria, having learned from the events of last season.
arc is supporting her, but he’s also starting to feel a bit homesick. we get at least a couple episodes centered around seagate when phoenix squad takes a trip to his hometown which is in the process of rebuilding in the aftermath of ryker. they get caught up in a pirate plot!
they also discover that ryker’s army hasn’t entirely been dissolved, and some of them still hope to bring ryker back. 
arc and ciara starting to have some legit romantic development as they realize their feelings. throw in a fake dating episode because it would be cute. they also kiss at least once during this development period - for quest purposes of course, and it’s “completely platonic” (it isn’t, both feel things). both of them are too scared of ruining their relationship as friends to pursue more though, and they’re worried about how it would affect their team.
prudy and warwick do not think their squad will be affected and are very much rooting for this!!!
ciara also starts becoming friends with sage (although they would never admit it)! bonding as the princess, and respecting her more as a classmate. phoenix squad and kraken squad work together more often.
despite their attempts to prevent it, last season’s antagonist returns and helps bring ryker back. the villains team up, vowing to not just take over astoria, but destroy it. 
the season ends with astoria learning about the danger of ryker coming back and needing more knights, so phoenix squad, kraken squad, and unicorn squad are all knighted. ciara passes her laws against dragonbloods being the only ones allowed to be knights, and their secrets come out to the kingdom.
arc and ciara’s relationship development also reaches the natural conclusion and they officially become a couple after a scare during the final battle where they realize they could have lost each other.
season 4
season four shifts a bit in vibes because all the secrets are out and everyone has officially been knighted, so ideally we would have gotten some fancier new set locations
phoenix squad and kraken squad are officially knighted, but that doesn’t prevent their rivalry. however, this leads to issues, and they quickly realize they’re no longer in training and they genuinely need to have each other’s backs.
arc and ciara are also adjusting to working together while dating. they’re both really protective and keep trying to look out for each other on the battlefield, and it leads to some slip ups at first because they feel like they’re out of sync and maybe they worked better as friends. but they ultimately realize they help make each other better, and fighting together becomes even better because they’ll always have each other’s backs
we bring in the plot with ciara’s mom - eliza comes back with evidence that their mother is still alive and out there. phoenix squad follows up on the lead, and eventually they find her mother and bring her home. however, their mother doesn’t remember anything which is why she never came back even after she escaped her confinement, so they have to find a way to bring her memories back.
but is everything as it seems? ciara is unsure her mother is the same woman she remembers. she catches her mother sneaking out, and she worries that her mother has turned traitor. but it’s revealed that her mother is actually protecting a secret - a dragon egg, for the last dragon in astoria.
pet dragon for the squad!!! it imprints the most on ciara and sage, and they grudgingly co-parent. arc and buttercup are definitely not jealous of their partners spending so much time together (they absolutely are).
slobwick also hates the baby dragon for taking his place as beloved adorable pet. however slobwick is an evil furby and we should not feel bad for him.
fizzwick has begun training as a knight with his own squad! prudy and warwick end up teaching every now and then (as do the others at times, but this is mostly for them), and they are determined to be good role models. however, they have no idea how to keep up with the Kids These Days, and end up learning some things about valuing themselves and their own self-worth.
also, prudence and warwick do get their own romantic plots during this time! whether they stick around or are minor remains the question….
meanwhile, the ryker plot continues to develop, leading to some dramatic, escalating clashes. this time, ciara believes they need to work more with the other five kingdoms. we return to seagate, as well as visit other locations and have other kingdom representatives come to astoria for a summit meeting. there are lots of disagreements, and ends up one kingdom is working against them, their ruler being a puppet who is actually the astorian court official from season 2. at the end of the day, the remaining four realize they must unite to bring peace.
the series conclusion ends with a dramatic final battle working with the other squads and kingdoms as they take down ryker and the other antagonist once and for all, restoring peace. 
close out on phoenix squad, reaffirming their promise to always be there for each other and protect the kingdom as they look forward to the future.
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back-of-the-dodo · 8 months
I’ve got this jjk au where gojo ended up with mimiko and nanako but doesn’t defect & geto ends up with megumi (and tsumiki but I’ll get into that later) but still defects
gojo does full girl dad and raises the twins because he wants to give them the childhood that was taken away from them but they both end up becoming jujutsu sorcers anyway (but they end up in nobara & yuji’s year because *looks at smudged ink on hand* plot reasons)
but geto takes care of megs and t except that because of him tsumiki gets put under the coma curse way earlier (like a year into being under geto’s care) and this wasn’t on purpose on geto’s part but also he could have done a little more right to protect this kid so he’s sorta just stuck with megumi but because the two don’t have the same connection that the twins and geto did in canon, they don’t really care about each other and are more trying to make the best out of a bad situation. Megumi reminds geto too much of toji and megumi doesn’t actually have anyone anymore because tsumiki’s basically gone.
But Because of geto’s powers being so similar to megumi’s, megumi’s training progresses waay faster than in canon & is able to master a majority of his shikigami the jjk movie goes down the same way Except now, megumi’s pretty op but doesn’t have much allegiance to geto (now kenjaku) & when kenjaku pulls up and is like hey wanna help out with this end the world thingy megs is just kinda like “no I’m good” & when he meets itadori and itadori’s like no we don’t have to kill non-sorcerers?? Megumi becomes like a very uninspired ally
and he would have joined jujustu high but when he asked if they could wake tsumiki up & they couldn’t he kinda just say fuck it I’ll just leave then but anyways the rest of the au is just the main trying to befriend megumi
also he’s like a triple threat to gojo because bam he reminds you of the guy that killed you and also his son that you failed because toji asked you to do something about it but the other person you failed royally fucked this kid up so he’s a constant reminder of literally all of gojo’s failures nicely wrapped into one fucked up kid who’s never really known what it means to be loved by a family or have any normal friends
At the end of the day though gojo can’t change the past and had to accept that the best he can do now is support him but also teach him a bit of empathy because that wasn’t really geto “i killed my parents” suguru’s priority with megumi
also megumi wears traditional japanese garb like geto but covers his lower face because geto didn’t like seeing him (he didn’t tell megumi to do this, meg just did it himself to avoid as much conflict as possible) and he has long hair with no bangs that he usually keeps in a braid because geto enjoyed taking care of meg’s hair and given that that was kinda meg’s only soft connection w/ geto he unintentionally leans into it
I think the difficult (read: fun) part of this au is that geto isn’t like actively a worse person than he is in canon and any abuse he inflicts on megumi isn’t malicious or on purpose, he’s just a super emotionally unavailable highly unstable racist cult leader, but also his actions still have consequences so megumi’s got this fun little eldest daughter syndrome type thing going on you know?
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readychilledwine · 7 months
About CoParents:
Warning- Long post, and my thoughts are a little jumbled
I got accused of racism today over my Co Parents drabble featuring Eris and Cassian. I was also accused of alienating Cassian from his daughter, forcing her to grow up in a place known for racism and prejudice, ect.
And I just need to talk about it.
To address the alienation- I based the relationship between Cassian, Eris, and babygirl off of one I see in my everyday life between my partner's brother, his daughter, her momma and her significant other.
In my real life- Momma has primary custody of their daughter, and she has been with her significant other since their daughter was about 7 months old. She is 4 and views both of them as daddy. She gets sad when she leaves her "home dad" and mom. But that sadness is quickly gone as soon as she is with bio daddy (partner's brother.)
I based the communications and exchange on what I've watched between the two men in my life. The babygirl in my life is happy, healthy, loves both of her daddies equally, but like all Littles who have adult feelings, but do not know how to express them, she gets a little sad because she knows she'll miss mom and dad, even if she's super excited to also see biodaddy, and she cries leaving biodaddy to go back home. We've ALL worked our asses off ensuring she has healthy home lives, support from all of us, and she knows how loved, wanted, and supported she is (and she does.) I do not see a few little tears during an exchange as a sign of alienating a parent.
I also tried to make it clear she sees Cassian. The updates Eris gave him are SMALL. (She likes hot chocolate before bed now. Potty issues a lot of littles struggle with.) Eris calls Cassian her dad, which is NOT something people alienating a parent does. Eris told Cassian he had no doubts Cassian would take good care of her over the next 2 weeks, which is a sign of Eris supporting Cassian as a father. I had planned on doing the exchange back with Cassian in Autumn, returning babygirl to the reader, and meeting the babe.
But now we head into the racism part.
Being accused of being racist is a lingering ick, and I can't shake it.
I am active in organizations that work with BIPOC on educating people on racism, discrimination, and privilege. I work with law enforcement, medical, and fire teams regarding race sensitivity education. I am the dispatcher who also handles empathy training in our department. I pride myself on being sensitive, empathic, and educated on signs of racism and microaggressions.
I want to apologize if Co Parents came off that way to someone else, though. I want to apologize to anyone who may have been offended. It was not my intent at all as the writer, and genuinely, if I hurt you, I am sorry.
I'm debating on deleting Co Parents and being done with writing acotar characters as parents, especially in Coparenting situations and blended houses. I never want to feel as icky as I do right now, I will not be writing a follow-up to it if it does stay up, and I'm going to be done with the dynamic to prevent this from happening again.
I do also want to add-
I am fine with discussing and taking criticism for my writing. If it turns into a debate, though, and "let's agree to disagree," has been said by both of us, but it still turns into more digging and backhanded attacks, I make no promises I won't block you.. I want my blog to be a safe haven for myself and my followers. I won't allow someone to attack any of you or me here. I don't appreciate that at all. I was going to allow the comments to sit, but there's a line, and I felt it was crossed in this situation.
I don't know, friends. Feeling pretty icky.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
To Hell With The White Fang
Fem Faunas Jeanne
Blake: Jeanne!
Jeanne: Yes?
Blake: Since you’re a faunas I was wondering if you could help me out with something?
Jeanne: Clarify.
Blake: There’s this, White Fang rally, I want to sneak into it to gain some information on what they’re up too.
Jeanne: Why?
Blake: So, I can put an end to the White Fang as it now, and reform it to what it was in the old days, before they became violent extremists!
Jeanne: Really? You know, I’ve got an idea on how you could save the, White Fang.
Blake: Really?
Jeanne: Yeah, I do.
Blake: Well then, what is it?
Jeanne: Let it rot. Let that vile cesspool of extremist fight other, and everyone else until there is nothing left, but a broken mask, and the broken dreams of a few radicals. Let. It. Rot!
Blake: What?! H-How can you say that about your fellow brothers, and sisters!
Jeanne: First off, I’ve only had sisters, no brothers. Second of all, they are not my family. My family is my mom, dad, and my seven sisters. No brother, and sisters of faunas solidarity.
Blake: What?! I don’t get it, how can you be so mean to the White Fang, you’re one of us?!
Jeanne: Blake… I am a faunas… I am not a member of the, White Fang. I am part of a species, not an organization.
Blake: I… I don’t follow.
Jeanne: Haa… Okay, look… I like humans, but Atlasians annoy me. Does that mean I’m a racist?
Blake: What, no! That just means you, like most faunas, dislike Atlasians.
Jeanne: Precisely! I am proud to be a faunas, but I despise the, White Fang.
Blake: But, why?
Jeanne: Hmm…?
Blake: Why do you hate the, White Fang so much.
Jeanne: Well for starters my family used to support the, White Fang. They used to assist, and go to rallies when they could, our own solidarity with the faunas and all that. Then the White Fang changed, where the talks of justice, and equality once were, soon were drowned out by the cries for vengeance, and violence. Then… Then one of its members betrayed our family… A betrayal we would never forgive, nor forget…
Blake: What happened…?
Jeanne: …
Jeanne typed out a few things before a ‘ping’ was heard on, Blake scroll. She opened it to see a l, Jeanne had sent her a photo.
Blake: W-What’s this?
Jeanne: A family photo; You’ll find your answers there. Probably a few questions as well… But, yeah… I’ll be seeing you later, Blake.
As, Jeanne made her way to leave she stopped, and turned to face, Blake.
Jeanne: Before you ask, I am my mothers child.
Blake stared at the fleeting image of her friend as she left, before she opened up her scroll to look at the photo she had been sent.
The image was pretty simple; Eight blonde girls, including Jeanne. A woman in the back who appeared much older then the rest, no doubt her mother. And, a single man in the midst of them all, obviously, Jeanne’s father. But, Blake didn’t understand why she sent her a photo, what did this have to do with, Jeanne’s hatred for the, White Fang.
Then she finally realized something odd in the photo…
Blake: Huw… Jeanne’s the only faunas in her family? Maybe she was adop… ted…?
Blake: “I am my mother’s daughter…”
Blake: oh…
Blake: “A betrayal we will never forget, nor forgive…”
Blake: Oh gods…
Blake looks up to find her friend long gone.
Blake: …
Blake: Jeanne…
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In Defense of Gillington “Gil” Webber Part 3
After a small hiatus I am back with the same mission of clearing Gil Webber's good name! but now with EXTRA motivation!
We last left our lovelorn lovers at the end of Welcome to Skull Shores in Part 2 of the media analysis. Let's jump back into the Webisodes shall we?
In Episode 94 "Defending your Lagoona" we get an episode all about Gil standing up to his racist parents on Lagoona's behalf. All this labor I have done to explain that Gil is a loving boyfriend to Lagoona could have been summed up just by this episode alone HOWEVER, I've never been a fan of doing things the easy way and brevity is not one of my strengths. But it's all said in the title now isn't it?
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Gil is at home getting ready for a date with Lagoona. Gil seems to live in a decommissioned submarine. Seeing where the kids live is something I loved in G1! it was very rare when we got it but it was always a good time! however with G2 and G3 both choosing to go the boarding school route we lose this unique glimpse into our monsters lives. pity, I loved this!
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We find him gong through his closet looking for something to wear to impress Lagoona, this is the first time we see one of the boys do this as it's usually the ghouls who are always looking for the right outfit. Just has he's about ready to leave his parents stop him.
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These are Gil's parents!? the big bad bigots we've been hearing about all this time!? Obviously it's not ALL of them, just a tentacle. but still! ah ha ha! what makes them more hilarious is they don't speak English they communicate via a series of bubbles, gurgles and gibberish that only Gil understands. Is this River Monster? their native tongue? Now I am very sad we never once got a frustrated Gil going off in this language. I come from an English as a second language household and when my mother cannot find the words to express herself in English she will usually fly off into Spanish.
I'm sad we did not get a pair of faces to attach to Gil's parent's in the web series but a fan artist @sarahsota-artpopp did a banging interpretation of The Webbers.
Before Gil leaves for his date his parents get on his case for once again, dating Lagoona. They remind him that she is a Salt water monster and what their people say about her kind.
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it's cute that he has pictures of Lagoona on his wall.
He tells his parents (his dad? mostly) That "Lagoona isn't like that, she's wonderful!" I don't like that he phrases it this way, it reeks of "She's one of the good ones" which is rhetoric I'm not a fan of as we discussed in my review of Skull Shores. But if we look at Gil and understand the home he is coming from, his phrasing makes sense. This is baby's first escape from a racist household, he is going to carry some of those prejudices with him and prejudice is different from racism. Gil's parents bubble something and Gil replies "She IS different! you always said that Sea Creatures were mean, spiteful monsters! but Lagoona is the sweetest most sensitive ghoul I've ever met!" A lot of this episode is just a clip show of things I've already gone over so I'm going to focus mostly on the things Gil says and his parents say back. "You told me that Sea Monsters were disloyal and treacherous but Lagoona is the most faithful, true and protective friend that anybody ever had"
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Gil has nothing but nice things to say about Lagoona. His parents start spurting out ink in anger. After this his Dad (?) says something and Gil gets upset. "You're still clinging to those worn out old prejudices!?" Gil looks very angry by this point.
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They gurgle something and Gil says "You're wrong about this! I'm not going to stop seeing her! so you're both just going to have to deal with that!"
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Gil turns his back on them, gives them a dismissive hand wave and walks away.
Y'all wanted to see Gil go toe to toe with his parents well, here it is! this is the throw down you've been waiting for! This is 100% genuine as it's just him and his parents, Lagoona isn't here this time like she was in Episode 45 so you know this isn't performative, this is how Gil genuinely feels.
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Gil returns after his storm off because he forgot the flowers he was going to give to Lagoona. Gil you ditz. However, despite the fact he was just cross with his parents, he still says bye and tells them he will be home early. Still the attentive son even while angry.
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The episode ends with Gil's parents frothing with rage and inking up the screen, fading to black.
Now, Because this is a cartoon we can accept the fade to black as the ending, but in an actual situation? one or both of his parents would have snatched him in the water and been like "You're not going anywhere!" and threw him back into the sub, grounding him, beating his ass or even eating him. Look at them! they're huge compared to him! I'm surprised they haven't eaten him already, he's been so disobedient.
He must be their only son but I'm sure the desire to eat his disobedient ass is ever present.
Speaking of eating people I have a theory that this is how G3 is going to finally put an end to the whole Lagoona can't date Gil because his parents are racist drama. Gil is going to introduce Lagoona to his parents, they call her a filthy ocean dweller and she's just going to unhinge her jaw like a snake and eat them and that will be that, That is how we're going to deal with The Webbers racism in G3, Lagoona fucking eats them, the end.
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Eat your local racist 2k23.
Anyways "Defending your Lagoona" is one of my favorite episodes because it is irrefutable proof that Gil loves Lagoona, Gil stands up for Lagoona and Gil does not agree with his racist parents.
However this episode does have one major flaw, it's just a re-hash of stuff we already know, that is the nature of clip show types of episodes but this is the first time we revisit the same fight of "Gil's parents are racist against Lagoona" and I think this is what annoyed many fans, we have this same fight over and over for the next 3 years after this. I think this is where the writing starts to fall apart and Gil's character suffers because of it. doesn't matter if Gil didn't do anything wrong, fans were sick of hearing about the fight by this point. it was very nice of the animators to put all this info into one episode for us, but we've heard this fight before.
We don't see Gil again until Episode 101, "No Ghouls Allowed" Where the boys are all ditching their ghoulfriends and lie about it, Gil's lie was the boys were going to his house to work on their rap album.
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Clawd: "Rap Album!?"
Gil: "Sorry, I'm a terrible liar"
He's right, this entire review has been Gil being punished by his compulsive need to tell the truth. Gil would have a lot less problems if he just lied better, like what are his parent's gonna do if he told them Lagoona was fresh water? DNA test her? Poor sweet honest soul.
The rest of the episode is the ghouls spying on the boys to find out what they are actually doing and a lot of what they find is very aggressive.
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Cleo assumes this means they are going to fight but the reality of the situation is they are just a bunch of nerds who are playing D&D.
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This doesn't really have anything to do with Gil's love life, I just wanted to showcase him being a fuckin' dork.
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*Pew Pew!*
In Episode 107 "Flowers for Slo-Mo" Lagoona helps Slo-Mo to be worthy of Ghoulia, long story short: Slo-Mo knows Ghoulia is a genius and worries he's not smart enough for her. He takes a potion from Cleo that makes him hyper intelligent, but it also makes him a pompous windbag.
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This new self important attitude pushes Ghoulia away.
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Slo-Mo goes to talk to Lagoona and she tells him Ghoulia doesn't like what he has become.
Lagoona: "Rude, Full of yourself"
Slo-Mo: "But I'm an absolute genius! that's what she wanted!"
Lagoona: "That's what you said she wanted! She liked who you were before. if you were really a genius you'd know that."
... I don't know why people keep going to Lagoona for relationship advice when she is the least qualified to give it. She is being a huge hypocrite here, getting mad at Slo-Mo for assuming what's best for Ghoulia when she did the exact same thing to Gil! she wanted him to tell his racist parents he was dating a sea water ghoul, Gil didn't want to do that Gil wanted to hide the relationship.
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Where was this same understanding for Gil, Lagoona? why is it always "Tell your parents about me!" and never ' You like me and that is enough." hmm? huh? hmmhuhhmmhuhhmm?
Anyways the episode ends with Slo-Mo becoming less smart again and Ghoulia likes him just as he is. I only brought up this episode to shine a spotlight on to Lagoona's dating advice. She really should practice what she preaches.
Volume 3 of the Webisodes technically ends after Episode 118 "Playing the Boos" HOWEVER! a DVD Came with 6 bonus episodes that are the official end of Volume 3! Which DVD this was Wikipedia does not say, but I have the "Scaremester Collection" bonus DVD that came with 18 Webisodes and none of these are on there, they MIGHT be on the "Best of the Ghouls Collection" DVD which I also have but unfortunately that DVD doesn't include an episode guide and I just got done watching 118 Monster High Webisodes, I'm not gonna sit though another 32, 26 of which being ones I've already seen. I'm dedicated but I have limits, ya feel me?
Because these Episodes are DVD exclusives they are not all on Monster High's official YouTube, the links I will be posting were uploaded by third parties so the quality may have suffered a wee bit...Any-who... in Episode 119 "Department of Monster Vehicles" We see something VERY interesting! Everyone is trying to help Frankie prepare to take their road test. Gil offers to help by offering a video game for Frankie to play and...oh ho ho!
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Some intriguing developments at Gil's house! this window in his bedroom turns into a TV screen! they're playing "Extreme Graveyard Derby" which is some Monster world version of Grand Theft Auto by the looks of it. The first time we saw Gil's room I assumed that box with the lifesavers on it was his bed, but upon closer inspection it's probably a footlocker trunk and he might sleep in the hammock that's behind everyone. RIP Gil's spine.
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I'm highlighting this episode because Lagoona is in Gil's house! so either his parents suddenly got cool with a lot of stuff very quickly... which we know didn't happen... or they are more than likely not home, which is why he feels safe having his friends (and girlfriend) over. it's kinda sad that Gil only feels comfortable bringing his friends around when his parents aren't there but that is the sacrifice you gotta make when you have bigoted parents.
In Episode 124 "Monster-morphoseas" Lagoona is trippin' She bites off Heath's head, is apathetic in Mr. Rotter's class and overly aggressive at her swim meet. Cleo immediately blames Gil which... might be where everyone gets it from. But Gil promises to do a "loud crazy gesture" to show Lagoona how much she means to him.
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After a few failed attempts to cheer Lagoona up the ghouls find her sitting by the ocean just enjoying the sounds it makes, She then explains the reason shes been such an emotional roller coaster is because "Every 100 years the Ocean goes through a magnetic reversal, causing all of us sea creatures to go though a Monster-Morphsis" Frankie wants to know how they can fix it and Lagoona tells them "You can't fix it, it's part of who I am." Frankie understands this and asks what they can do for her. Lagoona continues. "Be there for me, Be my friends, Listen to me... and Right this second? be quiet" Lagoona just wants silence so she can listen to the waves and they are silent for about a second (Because... 2:33 run time) before Lagoona speaks again "I'm kind of glad Gil isn't with you. This is so hard to explain, especially to a freshwater boy" Basically what I'm getting from this is Lagoona is going through sea creature PMS and all her ghouls are there for her... But nobody had any time to tell Gil that she wanted peace and quiet. Soooooo...
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Gil went and threw Lagoona a parade to cheer her up.
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Gil found dead in Miami.
In all seriousness no wonder people think Gil is a bad boyfriend, some of his best moments praising Lagoona are either in a clip show episode (which nobody watches) or like in THIS episode "This is one of the three webisodes first released as an extra on the "Frights, Camera, Action!" UK DVD on March 17, 2014" which is a DVD exclusive I'm not sure anyone outside the UK saw, I know I didn't.
But the episode ends and with it so does Volume 3 officially which is still a good Volume despite not being one long ongoing plot like Volume 2 was. But Gil's characterization is the same, this boy is wiling to bend over backwards to make Lagoona happy and y'all just wanna throw him to the sharks.
I've been asking people on Twitter why they dislike Gil and the answers vary but the two biggest ones are "He's ugly" to which....Yea, Sure, Okay... and that he is racist. But I'm looking at this content really, Really, REALLY hard and I am just not seeing it.
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I am actively looking for the racism and I am not finding any! which is actually pretty hard to do because racism is everywhere but even so, not finding it. Has he said some off color things? Of course he has, He's 16 and dumb and comes from a racist household he's gonna say some prejudiced things that he may not even know are prejudiced (it's important to note in Skull Shores he did apologize after saying something bigoted to Lagoona). But look at his actions! He treats Lagoona with so much care, attention and affection! at her command I have no doubt our boy would walk across a bed of nails if it pleased her. He finds out she is kinda bummed and throws her a parade. Even when she isn't around? He goes to blows with his racist parents to defend her honor. These are not the actions of a racist or a bad boyfriend. These are the makings of a great boyfriend and a great person in general.
Gil could have let his parents racist ways taint him, it's so easy to just go with the flow isn't it? do what the family wants, date a nice freshwater girl to appease Mama and Papa Webber, But he didn't.
In the face of adversity Gil chose love.
And that is where I am going to end this part of my media analysis, not because I'm out of space but because this feels like a good place to end, Volume 4 went on hiatus after this and we're diving back into movie lore in the next part, yes there will be another part, I'm gonna keep doing this until I run out of content or I get bored with it. If you've come with me so far on this journey I hope you are not too tired yet, we still have much to discuss!
Part 1 + Part 2 + Part 3 + Part 4
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pups-2-dust · 2 months
So I kind of didn't name Smudge but also that wasn't his original name either.
See, when I worked at petco there was this beautiful long-haired black cat named Pudge I fell in love with. This was when I still lived with my parents. Had them come meet Pudge, they loved him too but didn't want me to get another cat. Said if he was still there when we got back from vacation, I could get him. My dad however made a fatal mistake in trying to make some weird racist ""joke"" that was like "you could probably bring home any black cat though and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference ha ha hahh"
Get back from vacation and Pudge was gone. Understandable he was a great cat. Told my parents and they knew I was sad and said if for some reason he was brought back I could adopt him.
Then there was a (short-haired) black kitten at work and because I wanted a cat and also hate my dad I said fuck it I'm getting this cat.
Bring him home and said "you'll never guess who got brought back!" And my dad said "no way!!! Wow it was meant to be, you and Smudge!!" He misremembered the original cats name and I just went with it.
Mom pulled me aside and said,
"HANNAH, that is NOT the same cat."
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nerves-nebula · 9 months
my dad sent us videos of some weird objects and then broke down in an extremely long text how each of the objects relates to things that have gone wrong in his life, and how these objects were dug up from beneath his house.
this was like, a juju thing apparently? like basically a curse to stagnate him financially, to stagnate his family life, to make him and his kids impotent (his words), and to prevent us all from ever returning to Nigeria to like, take over his estates if he died.
he then goes on to talk about the kidnappers who were supposed to kill him a while back (seems pretty recent but i don't remember him telling me about these kidnappers, only the ones from when i was a kid. don't worry about it i guess!)
he mentions a pentacostal prophet (i do not know what that is) who dug up/removed these items from his house who said they might have to do with some of the family issues he's been having (which like yeah man. your wife is abusive and your kids hate you cuz you are also kind of abusive but w/e)
sooo now apparently his driver and carpenter are detained (i didnt know he had those things) cause of something to do with the kidnappers?? like idk maybe they were related to that happening?
this is all to say that his evil half brother is probably to blame (it's always fucking something with that guy. don't ask me his name, i don't know it)
ANYYYYWAY I'm telling you guys this because 1- i want to remember when i scroll back through this blog and 2- a while back while playing wizard101 in Zafaria (yikes, i know) they said some generally racist stuff about Juju and i got so genuinely offended on my dads behalf despite not having thought about it in years.
like first of all fuck off second of all shut up third of all juju is a real thing and just cuz i don't really get it doesn't mean it's not clearly important. some motherfucker stuck a key through a snail to fuck with my dad like !!
it's kinda interesting cuz i dont really know what juju is? my dad mentions it now and then, but he's also strictly christian, so it's like, christian with his own cultural Tiv background. so like, this is all distinctly non-christian witchcraft, which is clearly taken as a serious threat. but with the addition of stuff like him saying that "god is clearly at work here, let us put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our fates"
so like. interesting stuff going on here. they put the objects in a bag and burned them, so i hope this helps him out. i also hope he doesn't die violently.
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