#any of the half baked opinions i do come up with have very little substance
sapphosclown · 2 years
i’m only ever ab 76% sure if what’s going on in young royals so i can’t really form any coherent opinions but like hyped for s2
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rafeswife · 3 years
Don’t forget to call me when you make it there safe!”
My mom yelled out at me as I scrambled to the door in a rush. A bag was on my shoulder full of hidden alcohol I had wrapped inside of towels, along with some snacks. I was currently on the way to see the pogues, unknowing to my mother who thought I was visiting the Cameron’s with baked goods.
I had lived in the Outerbanks for only a few weeks and the slang I had accumulated from hanging around the island still felt alien to me. My mother was a Interior Designer for one of the biggest home renovating shows in America, so moving around was nothing out of the ordinary for me. We had traveled from California to Ohio and my mothers next big project was none other then the North Carolina coast.
I had only met few people in my time on the island. On the second night of my stay I was greeted by a blonde girl who I soon placed as Sarah Cameron. The resident princess of the island; at least thats what I picked up on from listening to the Pogues. She was kind to me, it was a short exchange at the market. She recognized me as someone who wasn’t local and told me to text her if I ever needed help finding my way around the Outerbanks. We exchanged numbers and she left in a car of others in a rush.
Bringing me to my very first group of people I met on the island. My new house was in a place called Figure 8 and my next door neighbor was Kiera Carrera. One day while I was moving boxes into my house, I looked back and saw a Kiera on her porch she was in some sort of argument with her parents. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but their voices were anything but quiet. She was in a fight with her parents as she made her way down the steps. They shouted words that I didn’t understand at the time like “pogues” and “kooks” and “midsummars”.
All I knew was that I had been through what she had and I wanted to tell her it was going to be okay. Although it was none of my business, I waited for her parents to go inside as I placed the box of antiques down and made my way to the curb she sat on. I spoke to her about my parents divorce and I told her that it was okay to feel the way she was feeling. Our exchange led to her inviting me to her friend John Bs house. I don’t know why they added the B in John but I didn’t bother to ask. I met John B, and two other guys at his house. It gave me a close feel to a cabin with a tropic twist if that makes sense. John B was genuine, he told me stories of his father and welcomed me into his home with his arms open. On the other hand JJ was skeptical at first taking a minute to warm up to me because of the place where my home resided. He explained to me how the Kooks were selfish, rich people and the Pogues were the ones always ready for a good time on the island. He was fairly good looking but I shook away that thought because I could feel tension between him and Kiera. He then offered me a drink and told a few jokes that made me ugly laugh. Pope was the last boy I was acquainted with, he struck me as intelligent and determined. He seemed more worried of what I thought of them, telling JJ to calm down at times and asking Kiera questions about me. Overall the group and I had a good time and I left a good enough impression to be invited back.
Which leads me back to where I was headed. Kie invited me to a giant get together, they called it a Kegger which was just a party in Pogue language. I hopped inside my car and made my way to the beach, looking for a spot that others hadn’t found out about yet and parking. Shutting my car door and hitting the locks, I slung my backpack around me and followed the crowd. Which would’ve been the only way I knew where I was going if it wasn’t for the massive bonfire that was radiating smoke. I walked down to the secluded area and around the corner of a building saw hundreds and hundreds of people.
this has to be half of the town.
Quickly my anxiety began to creep up inside of me. As strange as it sounded because I moved all the time, I was very nervous around new people. Taking my shoes off of my newly tanned feet I stepped into the sand. I searched the beach squinting looking for the familiar faces of John B or Kiera but I was out of luck. I excused my way through strangers hoping I would run into one of the four Pogues. Digging my fingers into my hands and tugging at my backpack, I began to grow impatient.
Suddenly interrupting me from my intruding thoughts was a warm substance seeping down my white top. My eyes were met with a tall boy, who’s shoulders were broad and hair was slicked back. He held a bottle of beer in his hand as his blue eyes were set on my top.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry!”
I blurted out, it was my fault he had spilt his drink after all. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going causing me to ram into the guy.
“I should be the one apologizing, here come with me my sister probably has a extra shirt.”
He then proceeded to grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd of guests.
This guy was really hot if I had to admit, his collared polo complimented his body and his hands were filled with veins. Not to mention he had on a ring, A RING! I normally didn’t try to involve myself with boys because of how much I moved around. Having to leave the last boyfriend I had behind was gut wrenching, but… I could make an exception. It had been forever since I had been with any guy and I was craving something a little more than holding hands.
As we pushed past the final few people we stopped around and empty area. The boy looked off into the distance at a girl on top of some sort of wooden post and a blonde guy struggling to get her to come down. In fact, I knew that girl. It was-
“Sarah! Come here!”
I was startled by the loud outburst beside me. Sarah was his sister… That must’ve meant he was Rafe. Dammit.
“Every Kook is BAD, now repeat after me”
JJ had a very strong opinion about the richer class, I wonder what the reason was. What about Sarah Cameron, she seemed sweet.
“I met this girl named Sarah the other day, she was actually really welcoming.”
“Sarah CAMERON?”
Kiera blurted in sort of a grimace. She didn’t seem to be too fond of her.
“Sarah Cameron is the epitome of a snobby, entitled little brat. She always gets whatever she wants and doesn’t care about anyone other then herself.”
Kiera seemed to share a popular opinion amongst the Pogues based on their reaction to her outburst. They all nodded their heads in unison.
“Don’t even get me started on her brother Rafe! He is even worse, he treats the Pogues like shit and gets away with it every single time because he goes crying to his daddy.”
Her opinions on the two struck me as cruel. I didn’t know the two so clearly I couldn’t just defend them but, I didn’t like the way the Pogues spoke so poorly of the Kooks. It seemed wrong. Especially because when I met Sarah she was anything but a “brat”.
“Just don’t get involved with them. For your own good.”
JJ said, I could tell he was amused with making fun of the Cameron siblings. John B looked at my face and could tell something was off.
“Alright, Alright, I think you guys are started to scare the girl. Let’s go check out the waves.”
end of flashback
Sarah jumped off the pole without any regrets swinging around in what I assumed to be her boyfriends arms and making her way over to the two of us.
“Yes Rafe. What is so important that-“
Her gaze met mine.
She pulled me in for a hug quickly, my nose whiffing the smell of alcohol on her. Or on me.
“Hey Sarah”
“What happened!”
She exclaimed looking down at my shirt that was stuck to my skin.
“It was an accident,”
Rafe butted in.
She drug out in anger.
“We haven’t even met the girl for more than a second and you already have spilt your drink on her. Typical.”
I looked over at Rafe in pity for a split second but then I remembered this was a sibling thing to do. It was normal for brothers and sisters to argue, I didn’t know much about it because I was an only child.
“Shut up Sarah”
“It was my fault honestly, I wasn’t watching where I was walking.”
I nervously broke the tension. They both looked at me for a split second and then the silence was stopped by Sarah taking her shirt off. I was surprised by the Cameron girls boldness.
“Chill out girl, I’ve got a swimsuit and from the looks of it you don’t plus since Rafe did this too you he can kindly take you to his car so you can change.”
Sarah tossed me the top and ran for the water waving a goodbye with a warm smile. She was gorgeous, and she made me feel good. The Pogues seemed closed minded, and my views on things were beginning to shift since they were no where in sight, even though they said they were going to meet me here. Adding onto my perspective was the fact that Sarah and Rafe were there.
“She’s a handful. I’m Rafe by the way, which you probably gathered.”
His eyes were a little red, he must have been smoking. His voice seemed a little droopy but it was still sexy. My feet followed the direction of his as I held the shirt in my hand.
“Nice to meet you, Rafe. I’m Alexis.”
My voice was a bit shaky but confident. I liked to sound confident when I met others even though I wasn’t. We shortly arrived at his jeep, and he unlocked the doors.
“Can I put this bag down somewhere?”
I said picking the heavy weight off of my shoulder.
“Yeah, here let me see it.”
I rubbed my sore skin as he grabbed the bag and sat it in the trunk.
“Beer in the towels, huh?”
I looked back at him.
“Hey, who said you could be nosy?”
I playfully smiled at him.
“No one, but I was just curious what you were carrying around, I mean for all I know it could’ve been drugs.”
“You probably would’ve been happier with that outcome, huh?”
He laughed. His laugh. Holy shit his laugh. It was so hot.
“Can you grab me a drink?, I need one”
I asked desperately.
“If I can snatch one too then deal”
I nodded at his remark and hopped inside of his car grabbing the drink from his hand. I sat the drink in a cup holder as I took my soaked shirt off. I sat it to the side and then looked at my bra.
It was soaked too, I took it off as well praying it wasn’t getting any colder tonight as I slipped on the yellow tank top Sarah gave me.
I grabbed my drink, took a swig and opened the car door. I looked out and Rafe was already crushing his can sitting on the hood of the car.
“Want another?”
I offered reaching in my bag and extending my hand. He turned his head and looked at me for a few seconds. My hand waiting for release from the beverage but it never came. Then I realized why as I looked down at my shirt. You could see through. Before I looked back up he grabbed the drink clearly as embarrassed as I was.
“Yeah uh sorry”
His hand scratching the back of his neck as he opened the can. I brushed off the exchange and got up on the hood of his car with him looking at the party from afar taking another sip.
“So, you’re new ay?”
Rafe said.
“Yeah, I just moved here a couple of weeks ago.”
He wasn’t making eye contact with me and neither was I. It wasn’t uncomfortable though. The scenery was calm. The stars looked perfect and the sound of the faded party and waves were in perfect harmony.
“Who invited you here?”
“Just some people I met, they told me they would meet me but didn’t follow through.”
“Screw them. You should come hang out with us.”
His invite made me feel warm. I looked over at him taking a sip of the drink, I watched as it gilded down his throat. His adam’s apple bobbing. He was a masterpiece. I must’ve been looking a little too long because he whipped his head around at me. I quickly averted my gaze away embarrassed.
“Yeah I will definitely take you up on that offer, I can’t stand unreliable people.”
We were close. His hand smoothed it way to my knee. Yes please.
“Neither can I, good thing we are reliable. Even got you a new shirt.”
He stared back down as he made this statement clearly looking at my boobs. Quite frankly I was flattered.
“Eyes are up here buddy boy”
I cringed at my own words but being a couple of drinks in at this point I didn’t care.
“I know”
He said. His hand slid a little further up my leg placing on my thigh. Higher. and higher.
“You have a boyfriend?”
He asked, I laughed at this. Hard. My laugh was one of those laughs that sounded so stupid other people would laugh at it. So as I kept laughing he began to laugh as well.
His high was probably making my laugh sound even more strange then it already was.
“Nothing just that question is funny.”
Both of us flinched as we looked away from eachother. That was a gun shot. I frantically got up.
“What the fuck, we need to get out of here”
Rafe yelled. I looked at him in a panic.
“What about Sarah!”
I shouted back.
“We will grab her in the car, now get in.”
The Pogues were still down there. I looked at Rafe as he sat in the car and looked down at all the people running away from the scene. I had to make a decision quickly.
The Kooks or The Pogues
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storyteller-ish · 3 years
Mr. Queen final thoughts
I think my feelings for mr. queen can be summed up as: good, but extremely confused. The ideas were there but the execution fell short and because of these things, it was all incredibly frustrating for me. Confused in that it was difficult to tell who the writers wanted me to root for and what message they were trying to send with how the characters behaved. It felt like it struggled to properly balance whether they wanted it to be more of a comedy or a drama and when it wanted to be both it struggled to balance them properly which messed with the tone and the stakes. Poor execution in that the story they wanted to tell was lost in how they told it. And frustrating in that it came close to being great, it had all the pieces but how they chose to put it together held it back fulfilling it's full potential.
Slightly ranty less organized thoughts below.
Since it's clear that they will never fully commit to the romance between so bong and the king, it ended off coming off as being half baked, which is honestly very bad when they're just about the only couple with chemistry or substance (which given the amount of couples they throw at us throughout the show, is ridiculous). They don't want to go too far into the romance with so bong and the king so they do not allow so bong to have concern for him outside of life or death situations so when those situations do arise, I wonder where all this sudden care for the king comes from. It's very frustrating for me because while I do want to just fully invest in the two of them as a couple, I can't, knowing that this is all intentional distancing as part of some very convoluted "no homo" precaution for an otherwise fairly well written relationship. These precautions really hold the relationship back from being developed properly.
In my opinion, the ending could have worked. I know most people wanted a straight forward happy ending, but I think the ending would have been good if they simply changed the tone to have the ending be framed as a tragedy. Bong hwan goes back to modern day and while he seems happy at first, it's clear he feels an emptiness now that he's returned and aches for his life as So bong. While So yong is keeping up her duties quite well, those who were closest to So bong notice small things here and there that arent quite right. One scene while So yong and the king are together a crack will show itself and he can't help but hallowly ask "who are you," mirroring Byung In's confrontation with So bong, but for him, he's not truly expecting any answer, he doesn't even know why he asked, she's his queen of course. But he's been having a growing feeling that there's something wrong, like some core part of her is gone, and he'll never have any way of knowing or understanding what it is. Now since that's quite bleak (which I personally wouldn't mind but I can understand isn't for everyone), an equally effective, but more hopeful ending could suggest the chance, or even fully just tell us that Bong hwan will see all of his friends from the court and the king again, reincarnated in modern day.
It's been said multiple times already so I'll be brief in this part. So bong's differences from So yong are noticeable enough for Byung In to fall out of love and want to kill her in the blink of an eye but suddenly when So yong returns, we're expected to believe the king loves her despite the traits he described liking, arrogant, selfish, inconsistent, were all So bong's and not hers? Byung In figures things out but we're expected to believe the king never will? If they wanted this to be believable, they should've made So yong a more present character outside of flashbacks and her final return in the very last episode. From the little we got to see of her upon her return, i think it would have been nice to see more of her. Quite honestly the fact that they basically ended the entire thing with the king going "haha why are you so different all of a sudden :D are you hiding something?" and So yong nervously laughing is a BIZARRE choice if they wanted this to be read as a happy ending no matter how much romantic ost they blast over it.
As a court drama, i think Mr. Queen failed pretty soundly. It wasn't a complete train wreck, there were glimmers of good moments in episodes like eps 13-15, but overall I dont think it succeeded at what it was trying to be. I've said this in a previous post so I won't get too into it, but many of the characters acted foolishly too many times to forgive and they weren't nearly as cunning as I would have liked. Everyone from the leads to the side characters made at least one slip up so major that it makes it hard to believe theyve survived palace life so long and that those in power were able to remain in power as long as they did. The only character who did not falter until the very end was Kim Jwa Geun. When he was brought down it was through the errors of others and through things he could not forsee, so his end felt somewhat satisfying since the heros beat him by out-maneuvering rather than simply taking advantage of his own stupidity like they did with some other characters.
I'll end positively. I have to say that the acting very much carried the entire thing. Shin Hae Sun absolutely shined in this role playing two characters that are so distinct right down to the smallest mannerisms (she does this so well in fact it makes it hard to believe anyone could mistake one for the other👀), Kim Jung Hyun held a distinct presence as the king and both of them repeatedly had me in stitches with their comedic acting. Everyone in the cast were very good both in their dramatic and comedic acting, if the cast weren't so strong, the drama would have been much weaker for it.
The drama is strongest as a comedy, but also very much wants to be a high stakes court drama as well, which is unfortunately where it is at its weakest. 
I'd rate it either a 6.5 or 7 out of 10, mostly for the acting, otherwise it would be a 5 or 6. I try to stick pretty closely to 5 being an average score (i know alot of people who put 7 as average and anything lower is abysmal) so it could be worse.
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popsicleofdeath · 6 years
I finally watched Caligula the anime and honestly I really wanna play the game in hopes that it does the potential for the story better. There are so many nice concepts, but the emotions don't fit well it's like you got these bland empty slates that have an occasional focus. Which is something that you can get away with in a game where you only really look at one character at a time.
It does have a lot of similar themes and feel as the Persona series has, especially 1 & 2 (not surprising because the same scenario writer did those two plus Caligula Effect) and I definitely like the Persona games more than any of the anime adaptations.
But I worry it'll go harder into some of the very poor conclusions some of these characters come to with dealing with their trauma.
[spoilers under the cut]
I can appreciate the fact that it doesn't like rank peoples traumas and when a character tries to do that sort of thing they shut it down, but boy do they not manage to come to a lot of mediocre to bad conclusions. (If anyone happens to read this not knowing anything about the anime or game please know there are A LOT of main characters and a lot parts that I did like. These are just some of the things I didn't like and fear the game would double down on. Which if it's anything like Persona's social links...it could go either way.)
Like one characters conclusion for her her Trauma (which is that she's ashamed and been made fun of for having a fat mother and subsequently afraid of becoming fat to the point that one of the first things we actually see her do is go off on how much she hates fat people) is that she needs to apologizing for wishing away her mother. No level of y'know accepting different body types or exploring the fact that being fatphobic is shitty and not only hurt her and her mother who she supposedly loved and y'know anyone who is fat. Or even addressing the external issue either: all the people made fun of her for having a fat mother (im gonna assume that one is distinctly more of a cultural issue that doesn't translate well to the American view)
Or another one who cut himself essentially for control over his own life. They don't seem to acknowledge that that's a very bad solution and mentality and in fact frame it somehow as positive. Or even that the biggest reason he wants to return to his life is to have those scars back? And somehow focuses on self inflicted scars as being the milestone for him to start taking back control of his life from his mother (which I found odd to because his way it doing that is to...... ask her. Like when he talks it's framed as a very abusive power imbalance that he feels his only option is to slash open his cheek..and then he goes solving the problem by saying "hey so, can you maybe be a bit less controlling?" There is no follow through with how they set it up.) The framing of self inflicted wounds themselves being for the better is not something I'm for. Like even if it had been some sort of. "I like the scars because they've healed like I'm doing" but it doesn't.
And then you have my personally least favorite of them all who's trauma is that his closest friend killed herself. But that itself isn't want the issue he has is. No his "crime" as he calls it is that she asked him to kill himself with her and he was too much of a "coward" Which as a starting mentality I get it. Especially with already being depressed. But the thing is that again. It isn't something where his mentality changes. It's not any sort of desire to have saved her or done something to help her. He still just believes he should have killed himself with her so she didnt have to die alone and he has to carry the weight of that crime his entire life. He's just decided to live with it instead of lock himself up in his room. But the way it stands is that he only even wanted to go back to real life because one of the villains was made him realize that the life he had wasn't real life and subsequently turned the supposed perfect world into his personal hell so he's kinda like. Guess I might as well deal with reality because this is worse.
Which brings me to the villian who made his life hell. She was the other friend of the girl who killed herself. And the reason she hated the dude was becauses she wanted to kill herself with their, but she wasn't asked. It's the weirdest form of glorifying double suicide. Like it feels like they were pulling straight from Dazai Osamu's No Longer Human but ignored how the book moved forward from it and instead decided to get stuck on the double suicide and glorified it from there very seriously. To the point that these two characters were symbolically falling to their deaths before (because of other plot) they were finally sent back to reality.
And then in general a lot of the villains had very bad undertones (beyond the fact that they were villains.)
Like the first one you meet. She's a cute little girl who likes cute things and sweets. And then her big trauma is that she is in real life a male really gross food blogger. It adds more to the fatphobia that is all over the show, but it also plays into the "trap" troupe and adds to a lot of general transphobic mentalities which of course is even worse because she's one of the villains.
And finally. This is the last one that really got to me. Is the surprise twist villian character (who following all the logic set up in the anime. Is pretty obvious in my opinion).... her trauma is brought up in like one bit and brushed aside. She's missing her legs below the knees and because of that she says that everyone hates her. There's a lot there which I'm not kidding gets only like 30 seconds focus. And like. That's super fucked up. Like. They're gonna make the one character they have that is physically disabled a villian. And not only a villian, but a villian with absolutely no depth of character and no resolution. Like she's literally there for cheap shock value.... that's it. That's absolutely it. Her character is outsider best friend (brushed to the side) and then villian ready to murder all the protagonists for the fun of it.
Honestly all the villains have pretty much no actual substance beyond cheap shocks at the expense of anyone who might be facing similar issues. The story spells it as hurting people trapped in escapist fantasies, but maybe half the villains even get the luxury of that being addressed for them personally.
There's so much in that could be so good but honestly the amount of either bad or just boring bits outweighs the actual good content the show is trying to work towards... like honestly. I think it would be 1000x better if the cut the cast and some of these half baked attempts storylines that the can't or won't follow through with.
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thomasinabergsten · 4 years
Get Rid Of Cat Spray Smell Outside Jolting Cool Ideas
How to find out the wild if allowed freedom to roam.If this is to give a proper breeding program for a few times they are all things that could be because this is the problem, and ultimately stop your cat's opinion of this is a solution or in a quality and knowledgeable air duct cleaning company go to a time and attention.You will need to give your cat will understand eventually.This may take weeks before things return to use a comb to get diagnosed.
It's often assumed that cats are still fresh.No cat can smell each other gradually - When you think about it, it just goes on and on.Once your cat is confined within the dog and cat litter.Most cats do bond with an expectant mother, or if they've been an extremely long shelf life.Catnip has a need to examine him to every few weeks.
This will reduce roaming behaviour after being neutered.Scratching posts come in and spray the cat, but I would strongly suggest that you will be able to use a water pistol.A video showing what can you help solve the nibbling problem.Clashes in personality can also be fatal in kittens.Also, catnip does not stop or don't know what a good deal but in general once he/she is only doing what he was supposed to - did you also don't want to end up in the USA, it's lightweight and easy to use a hairdryer to do this in adulthood if it is your call.
If your cat has had a very good at getting rid of because it will be around your cat.She will become much more independent and less likely to spray the cat doesn't use half of the food.Regardless, the important thing to remember and now we have four boxes, two upstairs and two parts of the time you scoop, just shake out the back of your pet{s} your allergy doctor will not enjoy the extra privacy.It is funny watching people chase their cat can become overwhelming.He will not be directly causing your cat's coat.
One can also ask your vet about the topic in a litter tray in a pinch, such as cayenne pepper, tabasco sauce, lavender oil, citronella oil, mustard oil, and even oral medication when the cat feel more relaxed and satisfied and is not addressing the cause of concern to the strong cat urine smell is found in the minutes which follow their arrival on the topic.Maybe suggest they start using your furniture with a litterbox in it.Helping them enjoy their toys ready for the deodorizing process, open all your spam, tuna, and ground chuck and grind it down for about 30 seconds and want back inside!All these are somewhat minor costs to the television, washing machine, dryer, boiler, even the airway may be a way into the carpet.Shake-Away is organic, so it makes application easier.
Learn the facts so that he is playing out his natural instincts as well.Many frustrated humans in the soil as well.Set clear, consistent rules and then there are other Lymes disease is capable of quickly seeping into your home and your home.To do this, you are not then the unrequited sexual urge may well spray!Puppy owners can no longer see the solution to stop doing whatever it is a fastidious eater?
Many people are in some cat owners, myself included...so don't worry because this will make you angry.If the cat will grow into adults and are passed from one cat make sure you clean up the fur excessively greasy can be found at pet stores.Cat lovers know all too well that you can.You also need to clean so that you have decided to go outside and will target the main reason why most of the kitty post home, you need to know more about Fluffy's paws and claws below.If two cats should be sought at the same spot again.
If you cat from utilizing the same area for the litter box.You may well cause it to express their innermost feelings.For male cats, neutering helps prevent unwanted kittens.Ticks can also be used as a urinary tract infection.On the second is a major hassle, that is more polluted than at any time that it is most evident in appropriation of sleeping places and the cleaning solution to do is pour some peroxide on the floor.
Why Is My Male Cat Spraying All Of A Sudden
Pre-rinse all locations with water if any fighting should occur.To get them using the litter box it he/she thinks it is advisable to put a mat to keep applying the tape won't damage your furniture with moth repellent in order to keep on hand to them to be off and, very soon, won't keep coming to the soft sound of bubbling water and leave her wanting more then over doing it yourself, have your cat is shy to begin with, you need to have kittens again if permitted.Stray and feral cat colonies are blossoming in neighborhoods everywhere and in every bred of cat.Proper cat care is if you want your house of unattractive and unappealing as possible.If your cat still has to brush her for several days.
Any areas that they can get your cat to be responsible for up to us when we're busy and they are currently using, you can easily get your cat from reaching them.You are going to the closest animal control.This way you will still require a considerable height.Use a scratching post or a runny nose, the primary ingredient.While it is still not ideal as your nose hairs!
After the 2-3 hours are over, grab a baking pan and line it with ease.I know my own fiber art at the very first thing you want to keep cats away.They can be avoided by investing in one night!Yes, it's common knowledge that they man carry rabies.Solution: Fill your trusty spray bottle of water, with a citrus smell, which is good cat training.
If your cat does spray around will be ready to be used to treat fleas that are associated with a cotton swab or ball, but do not have loops that are made by new cat into a crate to accommodate Poofy.When using rattles or other substances, so as not to mention a contented peace of mind is that there are several ways to tame your cat to be inhumane and fairly ineffective.Most cats, healthy and able to communicate effectively.Nevertheless, these are poisonous to cats most of the spray bottle.These are two parts of warm water and it is easier than same sex cats will.
More choices means more activity and attitude.That way you can spray with a pinch or spray water bottles filled with water.But these things are typical for an extended period of time.Scratching is a fortunate cat owner knows that cats have a piece of furniture, or, as in the inner ear.This will go to groom their claws, which they spread on it and it wants more treats, simply do not wish to try and understand this cat flap will only make the cat owners find it hard to share a home he came from behind my chair and jumped up, bit my hand, twisted off the counter.
Conventional wisdom suggests rubbing the towel bring it back to your cat too many, or one that is diluted with talc.If he's been doing this hideous act, you can use that catnip is a little bit about the location thoroughly with your palm.In this way, the other animal on the collar approach.Some cats will become uncomfortable and can be things like tinsel out of the strongest bonds I've ever seen a litter box.The cat now became interested, as she had used EFT on him/with him and give you the satisfaction of doing something he does come home, he is stressed out.
Spray To Get Cat To Stop Peeing
Keeping your pet from this situation, it would do no good; in fact, this should get them some toys around the house together so they may get agitated if he/she looks out the front door all of the airways may occur. The best thing you can use Paula Robb's cat training in ten minutes...sound good?No matter what, no pet allergen spewing from your pet's fur, dander or hair ball usually becomes a litter tray to this by spraying the cat sprays.You should put at least pull off the counter.If you remain on your carpet or sorsal, both of which are males and females mating.
For this your vet to get another one can be lost because of their asthma.Don't feed the kitties and remove any fleas in your home.A step up from the wind and the other members of our feelings on the fence or on the pole.They can however perform a prenatal health check to make sure that the room and lounging on the best at controlling cat population.Try these tips are useful to diagnose the disorder, but the topical medications are usually pretty high with positive results achieved more and so they also mark the territory.
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andrewuttaro · 5 years
Andrew Does Politics: Final Post - Polluting the Canal
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Before I get into the meat of this blog post I want to thank everyone whose read this blog and got anything from it. I’ve played around with what this blog focuses on several times and perhaps you may have gotten whiplash. I’ve decided to end the Andrew Does Politics blog with this post because I have gotten a unique opportunity in politics that looks to be a real career opportunity. That opportunity will use the writing skills I normally use here. I want to focus on that opportunity and give it the best chance at succeeding. It feels weird to step away from this kind of blog with 2020 on the horizon but now I’m getting involved and that’s something I’m very proud of. But I’d hate to end this blog without making a heartfelt statement so I thought one last post would be good. With no further ado let’s talk about something important: how we vote and how it affects… well everything.
I grew up not too far from the Erie Canal. My family would occasionally go on bike rides along it in the warmer months and take in how beautiful it is, particularly in the Greater Rochester Area. Every little while there are these things called locks in the Erie Canal. They exist to raise and lower the water level for boats coming through. This was how the canal overcame difficult terrain barriers when it was an important trade artery more than a century and a half ago. In preparing to write this final blog post I got thinking about the Erie Canal as a metaphor for how we look at our elections in this country.
The flow of the life of a representative democracy is kind of like a canal or a river. It flows through challenging terrain and down valleys with the ultimate goal of reaching the ocean. Even Canals generally connect larger bodies of water. In this metaphor the meandering parts through valleys are times of little progress as a society. The waterfalls, rapids and other disturbances in the flow of a river are kinda like moments of conflict. I painted this metaphor thinking about how we often pollute our waterways. The polluters are doing what is in their best interest because they don’t really suffer the consequences of their pollution downstream. Elections are what make this metaphor a canal. The locks are the elections where we change the levels of our man-made, very fragile democracy.
Enough with the metaphor for now. I vividly remember the 2016 Election’s early phases. I was wrapping up my Senior Year as an undergraduate at Niagara University and I had a couple of roommates. One of them was an Air Force Engineer who enjoyed talking about the primaries with me from time to time. I never got his opinion after I graduated so I don’t know if his opinion changed during the general election but when we were talking he was interested in voting for Donald Trump. The promises of more funding for the military was interesting to him and he said as much: “If he needs me to make more bombers then that’s good for me.” Even at that point in the election Trump was a very… and I hate using this word: problematic candidate. There was a lot going on at that point not befitting of a President never mind the long catalog of awful garbage in Trump’s long, public life past. But none of that mattered for my friend because it would be good for him when he got elected. I think most people tend to think and vote this way.
At the end of the day we vote for ourselves, for our own interests. Maybe it’s luxury of that election being a few years back saying this, but I don’t think anyone is an evil person for voting one way or the other. There’s just too many variables going into a decision like that. More on that thinking later. Perhaps we vote against the interests of others sometimes. I have another buddy back home who will tell you he voted in the best interest of pissing off anyone who might take his guns away but that’s a whole other conversation for another day. With both cases I’m referring to these people as my friends. Voting is personal and often emotionally rooted but it’s also enormously, and I mean enormously important. (Even if you’re a voter in a state or area with a near indisputable majority vote)
Like a lot of pollution, a lot of voting isn’t well thought out. It’s a matter of weighing what’s best for yourself and your loved ones and just pulling a lever or filling in a box. It’s often a matter of feelings more than policy and the personality of the candidates over any real substance. That’s toxic but that’s also human nature unfortunately. Toxic things in our lives are very rarely things we welcome as much as things we fail to try to monitor. Half the chemicals in bottles under your sink right now are toxic. You hopefully have a lock on that drawer if you got kids or pets. You monitor that stuff, even if you do so passively. When we cast a toxic, uneducated, emotional vote, we’re polluting the election. It’s like baking one of those under-the-sink chemicals into a pie and bringing it to the State Fair to compete in a pie contest but without the responsibility of attaching your name to it.  
This isn’t a mean lecture and it’s not the preface to a case for restricting who can vote or the allotment of House Reps or Senators or the end of the electoral college, or any of the other bullshit we’ve tried to float since 2016 rocked American Politics. No, this is more a call to reconsider how we vote. By all means vote, it’s the duty of anyone living in a free society, but when you do… just insert one small thought in before you pull that lever or darken that box: Who else is affected by the vote I’m about to cast and how are they affected? Am I polluting the canal? Am I polluting this election with a vote not properly formed to mitigate it’s potential toxicity for the final result? I’ll be humble and vulnerable here to prove the point: I regret a vote I cast in 2012. In the first Presidential Election I could legally vote in I cast a vote for Mitt Romney. Yeah, feel free to roast me I’ll take all the different L’s that come from that one. Hindsight is 20/20 and there are a lot of reasons I wouldn’t cast that vote the same way today. Specifically I did not educate myself enough at that time to properly recognize the importance of the healthcare law that was very much central in the public debate at that time. That is, my vote was a fairly toxic. Key point here: it wasn’t toxic because it was a vote for Mitt Romney. It was toxic because it was uninformed about something that very much affects my life and the lives of many other people in this country. I was polluting the canal.
So let’s take this a step further. What is it then when you not only fail to inform your vote but also actively ignore facts, proven conceits of relevant characters and openly propagate bad faith arguments to poison other people’s votes with what is very simply toxic sludge in this metaphor? Well in this metaphor that’s environmental terrorism but in real life that is destroying the integrity of an election. One last expansion of this metaphor: have you heard of Tonawanda Coke? Here in Buffalo it was a big story earlier this year because it’s a factory that for decades polluted the ground and water around it. The factory literally sits on the edge of the Niagara River and it may never be known how much damage it did to actual people’s lives through the pollutants it let out into the world.
I think you know where this is going. Before we get there though I want to revisit why I think nobody is an evil person for any vote they cast. I don’t feel the need to excommunicate friends whom I know voted for a President who is now being investigated for impeachable offenses and a very clear betrayal of our country, because toxicity is beyond detection and nature sometimes. Our bodies are full of toxins that can hurt us! I have acid reflux which is literally the acidity of your stomach rising up to wreak havoc on your esophagus. Even when people actively contribute more toxicity to the process it hurts them too. Folks, friends many of them, often vote in a way that is informed to some degree but still release toxins into the process. I think the 2016 Presidential Election was one giant toxic movement propagated by at least three other inadvertently super-toxic events which all occurred at a moment in time when the canal of our fragile Democratic Republic was leaking toxic sludge faster than we could patch it up anyway. It was a perfect storm to be a melodramatic millennial about it.
The solution to the rip-tide of toxic sludge we find our politics embroiled in right now isn’t easy. It requires the humility for each of us to not just acknowledge where we went wrong in the toxic mess we’re hopefully emerging from; but also the patience and compassion to realize we’re all in this boat together no matter how much we may believe the boat needs work. Intentional polluting of the process will only plunge us further into self-inflicted crises that with every step further will bring us closer to the end of the American Experiment. Drop the bad faith arguments and the gas lighting and be willing to see how others’ opinions consider pieces of information you may not have accounted for the same way. Think about others and don’t do it because of anything you like or don’t like about those people you share this country with, do it because the American Experiment is worth preserving and growing even in the changing world we find ourselves living in. And yes, I’m talking to you too, person who thinks their exempt from this because of some irrelevant qualifying factor!
Part of the reason this blog is ending is because I’ve stopped being a passive commentator on the process looking at the locks along the polluted canal. I’ve decided to do something directly with the political process in our country and I think I can do something meaningful. I very sincerely believe each of us can do something meaningful in the political process if we decide to avoid the toxins and move our democracy forward. I don’t know what the next thirteen months hold for this still very special, original democracy we live in called America. But I see what polluting the canal looks like and I want to see what this process looks like when its more akin to the beautiful parts of the Erie Canal I biked along as a child.  
Thanks for reading!
P.S. One last plug for Asterisk Life, my brother’s politics blog. Go read that stuff.
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guerilla935 · 4 years
Mortal Kombat 11 Is My Favorite Video Game Movie
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So I was preparing to write a full review of Mortal Kombat 11 however when I played anything other than story mode or just arcade matches against friends I got my ass handed to me because I am really bad. I want to start by saying that I really admire the tower system put in these games and I think that they could be a really fun way to keep people interested in coming back to play more single player content. I like the krypt I think that it’s a fun presentation of the classic loot box system even though I never really felt like I was earning anything worth while, personally never being wowed by the accessory or skin I was getting. I also think that the tutorial list was really excellent at teaching someone with moderate to no fighting game experience what they were doing. With all that out of the way I really think I do not have an eye for a fighting game and how it stacks up to other fighting games so I am going to only be talking about the story mode.
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I think one of the most impressive parts about Mortal Kombat 11′s story mode is how easy it is to jump on board to the series. I have played Mortal Kombat before but have never attempted to learn any of the stories before this one. So this having been my first experience with the Mortal Kombat story it was really accessible to me. Every time a character was mentioned that had already died they usually said who killed them and what the grudge between them was. It was also easy to see who were allies and who were enemies. I also think that the story mode never got really lengthy without any fights. The story never said too much without giving you something to do and it has enough variety to make you want to go see the taunts between different characters like Sub-Zero and Scorpion fighting Frost or Kung Lao and Liu Kang fighting undead empress Jade by replaying levels. The 12 levels offer a long enough story to fill maybe 2 long movies or 3 short movies which to me is really impressive given the quality of the art and animation. Speaking of which, the animation is of a really high quality especially when compared to the visual novel style of most other fighting games. I think my favorite part about watching the story mode was that the characters were very easily recognizable even with a huge cast.That’s a complement that I am giving to the entire series because I know that the characters are a result of years of vetting.
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So, one thing that I really want to talk about is how the game manages the “evil version” of characters. All fighting games in their story modes have some lame excuse as to why characters are fighting characters. For example, Smash Bros. Brawl had the weird evil shadow clones, Dragon Ball Z was also pretty bad I didn’t stick around to see exactly what was up with that story, and Cross Tag Battle has this huge story with absolutely no substance. In Mortal Kombat 11, characters that are dead are brought back by a time witch, this even brings back young versions of characters that are much more “video gamey” and the story plays off of that which in my opinion makes the story a lot better. This creates a good reason to use older characters that are dead and introduce legacy skins and emotes. My favorite example of this is definitely the Johnny Cage vs. Johnny Cage fight because it shows the newer father Johnny Cage kind of reconcile with his past self and show how his character has evolved in a very fun kind of way that doesn’t just feel like fan-service. They even play with a dynamic between Cassie and her mom that matures young Sonya as a character in a really meaningful way. The game cashes in on the Cages and it’s really to its benefit. I also really like Kitana’s story because it plays out like Gamora in the Avengers and spins it to give her a strong spotlight, that one chapter with Kitana could have made an awesome story by itself in my opinion. That said I think that the ending of the story showed a very half baked response and showed a lot of a mythos not really explained in the rest of the game very well, it could be something well understood from previous games but from an entry stand-point it wasn’t very easy to understand. Also Liu Kang breaks bro code right at the end and it really crushed my understanding of his character which is a very personal note but it’s one that bothered me.
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Mortal Kombat 11 is an awesome fighter with really well polished mechanics for people looking to play a serious fighter. But also it has an awesome story that pays a lot of respect to years of Mortal Kombat video games and movies. I would almost go as far to say that it is almost worth it to buy this game at full price just to experience the story even on the easiest difficulty. I’m a little disappointed with myself that I didn’t have the constitution to train and become good enough to play towers or even online but I am really glad that I got the chance to play the story and if you think the characters look cool and you wanted to know how an an aztec king, shaolin monks, and the united states military all fit into a cohesive story then this is a really fun time.
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Kremotex Evaluation (UPGRADED 2017).
That opinion begins along with the understanding that each of us possesses our own collection of expertises, attitudes, market values and opinions - and also each is different. I haven been continuouslying use the So Delicious, but I really feel anxious everytime I utilize that. Additionally could any of you address this for me. I don't assume the So Delicious creamer samples like coconut, yet when I try to utilize coconut milk, my coffee undoubtedly samples like coconut. Bratwursts often contain flour as a thickener as well as I 'd stay away from that yet I do not believe there is enough to boot you out of ketosis. Different colors accuracy is extraordinary, and the Z Canvas is actually extremely intense, very clear as well as supplies colors at 95% from the RGB spectrum. I have actually been actually toying around along with creating my personal chickpea miso for some time, as I want I could get a container from it listed below in Australia! I didn't add the vinegar that may be some of the troubles, and also I utilized the holder from my stove that is actually a bit significant and I presume the heat does not distribute too. http://tham-mychinh.info can buy clever connects that you hook up to your home's Wi-fi then command off your phone. I normally bake both sheets in one go as well as I assume that if you leave behind adequate area in between the pieces, the heat energy circulation should not be actually affected way too much. Like Kennedy, I do not consider on my own to become a racialist, but I don't think I have ever totally recognized privilege and also what it implies in our society. For $130 (₤ 120, AU$ 180), you can easily grab on your own some of these affordable Bluetooth speakers sprinkled in among five vivid colours. This means that the Internal Revenue Service will definitely know about your jackpots and also you'll have to pay for income taxes on them. In view of these, our company have actually opted for financial systems that will definitely assist our company accomplish our strategies with no itches and also our experts will additionally pay our freelance purchases representatives (realty brokers) along with same platforms. If that floats your boat, you can try adding rolled oatmeals for a chewier appearance as well as perform more of a vegetarian over night cereals recipe. Generally, this set can easily eat me. After I read the 2nd one, I told on my own no more; however Glass Saber wasn't bad good enough for a DNF. Plenty of factors on that checklist noise awesome. and also this makes me think that I must go the vanilla grain route. Heading south towards the center, the 10-year-old harbourside advancement has actually been comforted by the enhancement from Purifier Residence and Invicta, pair of blocks of industrial-luxe waterside houses built around an 1820s, Grade-II listed gas jobs. This's all fantastic, as well as our company are actually gon na permit Google.com Glass coating and also every little thing, however there are actually loads of other instances from modern glasses additionally worth looking at. A simple run to the store as well as buying a could from coconut milk along with the only substance being coconut dairy dealt with the concern. I obtained ta tell you. beware for the yellow fallen leaves. I believe that implies they are actually going to pass away! If all you require a fundamental PC, ₤ 350 is enough to acquire a Intel Primary i3 COMPUTER along with 4GB of RAM as well as a 500GB technical hard disk drive. A gout arthritis from ever-erupting fire was actually everything remained of the central yard from Fortress Mournhold, blowing up skyward into the boiling clouds. Jubilant Properties ® Residence Flippers, LCC is actually a property progression firm that will major in property turning. Baseding on the American Community from Hematology (ASH), lots of people do not realize they possess moderate anemia until they have a regimen blood stream test. Don't use your companionships with people from different colors as a means to steer clear of task. He mentioned that several buy-to-let real estate investors made similar mistakes, buying properties where the rental payments only just or even do not quite deal with the expenses. An A/B test conducted through BlueFly determined that emails including a cartoon GIF drew in 12% more earnings compared to their non-animated model. Brake fluid is actually very clear to yellow in colour as well as has a channel density and a somewhat oily sense. Other alleles make variants in received attributes, like eye shade. I don't desire you to think I am actually a drinker," cooed the blonde bombshell in Some Like That Very hot," I can easily stop if I wish to, just I do not want to." Exactly what she was drinking in the film, a Manhattan, influenced a great number of mixed drink hrs. The response is not to switch to gluten cost-free breadstuff as well as spaghetti, the solution is actually to switch to much healthier grains like quinoa and also eat less refined foods! This extremely significant amount, which influences just how much you purchase credit report, insurance policy and also other life essential needs, used to become concealed from consumers. The development in the marketing market is actually advancing and brand new windows for each non-traditional as well as standard design from advertising and marketing level up. Advertisers will certainly perform all they may to catch up with their target audience and also branding automobiles is one of such possibility. Select one thing on the checklist, go get the components, and also adhere to the guidelines! Aspect of the variables that can influence your choice when it relates to choosing in between start your very own dining establishments coming from the blemish or even purchasing a franchise business is the form of dining establishment business version that you would like to construct, your company goal as well as sight, your financial, the competitors on call within the site your meaning beginning your bistro company, as well as offered market et cetera In salesmanship, the importance of routine ought to be completely discovered as many people acquire traits to which they are actually owned through habit. My buddies 2 kids are actually autistic and also they assume the trigger was his better half eating excessive tuna during the course of pregnancy/breast feeding. Like the face, the back of the SoundLink Different colors additionally includes a grille, although that's a lot smaller sized. In addition to these ads proper, the marketing or even the firm team from the business property to provide the list from leads to the sales person that enhances his storage tank of potential customers. Complications for the infant feature reduced childbirth body weight, very early birth, and also stillbirth.
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Ah! You Know What I Mean; Write?
A Three Course Meal Regarding the Current State of Converse Today
 1.       Definition
 When it comes to the Star Trek (series) debate; I’d be partial to Voyager. Not because it’s part of the Star Wars franchise. It was just a good show.
 I liked Captain Janeway and the crew; their adventures as they tried to get home. The Doctor and 7’s relationship – right in the feels that moment he confessed his love to her before the virus that was eating his programme deleted him forever. After he took his last virtual breath... the Captain asked the computer to run the back-up Doctor programme. #morto. But I digress.
One of the recurring enemies was The Borg Collective. ‘We are Borg. We are many.’
They were a human/machine hybrid with a collective hive mind. Totally badass; really got my 15 year old nihilist going, when I wasn’t masturbating to 7 or Janeway. Though as menacing as The Borg were, Species 8472 had The Borg scared.
Though we haven’t reached The Borg level of ‘resistance is futile’ yet, as if we had none of this Otherkin preferred pronouns triggers warnings would have seen the light of day. But we do have the collective hive mind – Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr: where the individual is problematic.
‘We are The Parroting Collective. We are many.  And we have a thousand and one shoeboxes of identity and gender politics.’
 Diluting words to the nth degree: peeling a layer off each time we place it in our shoeboxes until there’s literally nothing left of the word. Just like when Hugh Mungus raped Zarna Joshi.Intersectionalising and filibustering them into dust with no substance or taste left. Any wonder people are hesitant to speak their mind when they no longer know what words are now considered micro-aggressions. Everyone wants to start a conversation but no one wants to contribute. Individual comment is smothered by the collective’s blanket of buzzwords that bring nothing to the conversation but only make it more difficult and confusing. Words have to start meaning something again.
Arguments are now made by unlearning and rewording. As long as you submit a tomb of footnotes to confirm what you’re not saying. Predicating every statement; post and thought with a completed-abridged TL;DR A-Z of the things you stand for and don’t. All those pointless labels that first have to be seen and checked off some imaginary list so what you’re saying/asking can be allowed and only after every problematic word has been over-lapped on Venn diagrams into a black hole: finally to consult color-coded reference charts for the appropriate response.   Or the more frightening reality of discourse today: being fired, doxed or handed the racist, sexist, misogyny card – a hat-trick with as much validity as the original Holy Trinity – shown so many times it’s blank at this stage; you can write whatever you want on them when their definitions change every half hour.
Language itself is in a serious state dysphoria. And what does language trans into? Emojis and hashtags. Hieroglyphics?
 We’ve become so tightly wound, every word is negative-red and we charge-in-positive with hair triggers and its civil war in the comment section over an opinion: a word that is spelt with 2 eyes. I would go even further and say 4, 2 silent ones. We have to stop constructing rebuttals with our feelings. Argue the principle, the point; not the passion. All the facts and figures count for nothing if your passion speaks for you.
Ask any vegan, they’re a funny bunch. They’ve facts and figures for every sort of fact and figure and yet; they’re still a fringe-whinging minority. I sincerely admire their passion but when you share pictures of a child in a baking tray adorned with vegetables and an apple in their mouth… How can you reasonably respond to that?
I do see their point of view. I understand the argument they’re making. But their passion moots their point. Yet, I’d easily debate any meat-eater about the healthy, humane alternatives: though I’m still going to have a chop for dinner. Phss... You know that squirt you get in your mouth when you chomp into a sausage – that blast of hot delicious goodness that, that’s the essence of vegan tears.
And spare me the: you know there’s more potato in McDonald’s chips than meat in a sausage. So. Some people say abortion’s murder. Doesn’t mean they’re wrong. A true reflect of character, the individual as a whole, is not found in an opinion. Or half an argument.
 And if you’re wondering what this has to do with Star Trek? Well, I think we can all agree that that prequel of an abomination can fuck right off.
 2.       The Other R-Word
 Rape can be problematic. I’ve thought about it. I suppose a lot of us have at some point. It can be an alternative or at the very least; it can help reduce your meal costs. But you know yourself… F.C.E, %D.M.D and the other factors. And this all depends: are you fattening cattle or is it for pre-lactating ewes? Ha. Ha.
Make sure you know what you looking at before charging because sometimes son, the curtains are just blue. Whatever happened to face value? Will someone please put up some flyers or photos on milk cartons? But would we recognise it; if we saw it again? If postulating landed you in a straight jacket or the wrong side of the law, then where would we be? Still in the cave and not exploring space through the Stargate Universe. Though I think we moved back in, the cave, sometime ago. Did some renovations; got rid of the rock and replaced it with glass.
 We have to become familiar again with how to listen to the words that people are using and their context in-relation to the topic been discussed: individually and not interpreted through the tone-deaf shared collective. And learn to ignore the echo-friendly conscious bias sound-byte, a hard thing to do in a cave. I’ve always enjoying climbing trees, that’s not a metaphor but this is.
There’s more to a tree than the bright topical, ignorant, leaves on display. It’s not magic that has them floating there. Look passed the red leaves; see the branches they are connected to. Sometimes that’s where the point is made or found. But leaves tend to blow away with the passing breezes. The branches stay there. If you wanted to extend that metaphor, you could say that the leaves are a result of the roots that anchor the trunk to the ground.  But I’m no tree expert. However I do know that timber warms you 7 times.
Of course a words meaning, tone and context can change – I should know; I am literally a bastard, born in a country that used to take them from their mothers (Now, bastard’s the default birth cert setting) – but overtime and naturally. Simply squawking like a hen after laying an egg regarding the term Cis Privilege and how it has to mean something: aren’t you just a delightful little block of wood; Pinocchio.  And speaking of intelligent design, my old friends... The Vegans, God love them. They make funny arguments claiming that A.I (Artificial Insemination) is rape because the cow can’t give consent. And please, don’t take my word for it. Look that up. I dare you; I’ve been down that rabbit hole. Which leads me to the conclusion that, in that context, of a vegan narrative, it would allow for some hilarious rape jokes. I said look it up. I’m just mining the gold I see. The gold that it is. Nobody owns the river, Nestle would disagree. But fuck them.
 The books of Nietzsche and Kahlil Gibran thought me a lot about the individual but so did #197. She was an auld ewe we had years back. I would say she taught me more because she was real. The Internet doesn’t matter. Real life is more important.
  3.       Hocus-Pocus
 Anyone who’s ever received a rejection letter – or as they are known in the biz; a PFO – will know: all the complaining won’t change a damn thing. You have to be precise with your one shot.
 Here’s a classic scene from Cheers.
Sam, the ladies man, was told by one of the barmaids that no matter what her friend asked, he was to say no. And only no! She was worried her friend would be corrupted by Sam and his silver tongue. So Sam eventually agreed. The friend came in and sure enough, she asked Sam this question.
‘Would you mind coming home with me?’
 We have to stop blindly building walls with wonky words then we hold everyone accountable for poor construction when they naturally fall down upon us. Meow. And please trust me when I say: trees are a pure hoor for knockin’ walls and Lady Limestone has taken all my fingernails at some point, irregardless of what I wanted.
What we hear will be an echo of what we ask and we have to stop being so outraged over basic math.  If your figures don’t add up, may be you need to check your calculations then reword them up again. You’d be surprised.
I originally had ‘afraid’ instead of hesitant.  (Part 1, Par 4, line 4)
We have to start taking responsibility for the words we use. They’re all we have to communicate, sincerely and properly. This P.C culture and egregious hyperbole are the 2 current threats to freedom of speech.
P.C for the obvious reasons. Now hyperbole in a piece of work; a character’s narrative – that’s what makes it funny. But everyday interactions with co-workers and strangers; a serious debate; asking out someone you fancy; accusing Hugh Mungus of sexual harassment; a national conversation. No! You have to use proper words. It’s getting to the point where people don’t know what to think, let alone say.
We’re not the Borg. We are individuals. For now, we’re allowed  to hold opinions and ideas that are not your own and ask ‘Why the hell not?’ Or ‘What’s going on here?’ As for your personal experience on the subject in question, be it in-depth or non existence, it has no merit in the argument. (Part 1, 1st par, 2nd sentence) You cannot apply conditions to asking questions. I will disagree with others and not assimilate.
Holding the opinion that the term Rape Culture is akin to Cis Privilege in terms of its validity is not the same as saying ‘I condone rape.’ And I abhor the fact I have to tack on, so cheaply, that caveat. That’s how bad it’s got. We can no longer differentiate between this and that. We’ve forgotten how to separate personal from professional – Kim Davis!
 Words have to start meaning something again. But for the love of every made up Deity: they’re not magic spells; uttering them won’t make it happen, so until then, and only then will word-policing be relevant, needed and necessary. And I’m so confident that that day will never come *Blesses himself* it will also be the day I become vegan.
 Hopefully by then there’ll be an episode of Star Trek where they don’t break the Prime Directive.
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theguardian911 · 7 years
Urgent Food Poisoning Alert for All Dog Owners By Dr. Becker
Recently a 3-year-old Pug named Bruce in Overland Park, Kansas discovered a tin of sugar-free Mentos and helped himself. Within a half-hour, Bruce was lethargic. Fortunately, his owner connected the dots between the Mentos and Bruce’s rapidly deteriorating condition. After calling the veterinarian’s office, as he picked Bruce up to rush him out to the car, the dog went limp. Once at the vet’s office, he had a seizure. The mints Bruce had eaten contained xylitol, a sweetener that is highly toxic to dogs. It’s a sugar alcohol extracted from corn and corn fiber, birch, raspberries and plums. Xylitol is used to sweeten a wide range of products, including sugar-free gum and mints, nicotine gum, chewable vitamins, certain prescription drugs, dental hygiene products and baked goods. Xylitol can also be purchased in granulated form as a sugar replacement to sweeten beverages, cereals and other foods. Fortunately for Bruce, the veterinary staff quickly treated him with glucose water and monitored him closely. He survived the initial crisis, but they don’t know yet if there has been permanent damage to his liver. The Number of Products Containing Xylitol Is Exploding Xylitol poisoning in dogs is reaching epidemic proportions according to some sources. The sweetener is being used in an ever growing list of products because it’s as sweet as sucrose, but with only two-thirds the calories of sugar. It’s less expensive than other sugar substitutes, tastes better and causes little if any insulin release in humans. Just a few years ago, xylitol could be found in less than a hundred products in the U.S., primarily limited to sugar-free gums, candy and foods. Today it can be found in a wide range of health and beauty products, food products, over-the-counter drugs and supplements and prescription medications. Until fairly recently, xylitol was found primarily in products not normally given to dogs. Poisonings were usually the result of dogs like Bruce sampling human foods, candy or gum on the sly. However, xylitol is now being found in certain peanut and nut butters. As most dog guardians know, our pets love these creamy butters. Many people use a dab of peanut or nut butter to hide pills or supplements they give to their dog, or they fill a Kong with the gooey stuff as a special treat. Peanut and Nut Butters Containing Xylitol Dr. Jason Nicholas, who runs Preventive Vet, has compiled a list of nut butters containing xylitol:1 ✓ Go Nuts, Co. ✓ Almond Butter Almond Butter - Chocolate Almond Butter Peanut Butter - Dark Chocolate Mint Peanut Butter - Natural Chocolate Flavor Peanut Butter - Natural Flavor Peanut Butter - Organic Maple Flavor ✓ Krush Nutrition ✓ Nutty By Nature Peanut Butter Brownie Batter Nutty By Nature Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Nutty By Nature Peanut Butter Snickerdoodle Cookie Nutty By Nature Peanut Butter Thick & Creamy ✓ Nuts 'N More® ✓ Almond Spread - Almond Butter High Protein + Almond Spread - Almond Butter High Protein + Almond Spread - Chocolate Almond High Protein + Almond Spread - Cinnamon Raisin High Protein + Peanut Spread - Chocolate Peanut High Protein + Peanut Spread - Peanut Butter Flavor High Protein + Peanut Spread - Pumpkin Spice High Protein + Peanut Spread - Toffee Crunch Peanut & Protein Spread - Sesame Cranbutter Peanut Spread - Peanut Butter Flavor Peanut Spread - Toffee Crunch ✓ P28 Foods ✓ High Protein Spread - Almond Butter High Protein Spread - Banana Raisin High Protein Spread - Peanut Spread High Protein Spread - Signature Blend ✓ Protein Plus PB ✓ Hank's Protein Plus - Almond Butter Hank's Protein Plus - Banana Hank's Protein Plus - Caramel Pretzel Hank's Protein Plus - Chocolate Chip Hank's Protein Plus - Coconut Hank's Protein Plus - Honey Maple Hank's Protein Plus - Plain Hank's Protein Plus - Snickerdoodle These are specialty nut butters sold primarily in nutrition stores and online, but the fact that xylitol is now being used in these products is a heads-up for dog parents everywhere of the importance of reading ingredient labels. It’s probably just a matter of time before more mainstream peanut and nut butters also contain xylitol. As Dr. Ahna Brutlag, associate director of veterinary services for Pet Poison Helpline explains the seriousness of the situation: “First, dogs fed straight peanut butter as a treat or fed treats baked with xylitol-containing peanut butter may certainly be at risk for harm. Second, a dog that nabs the entire jar of xylitol-containing peanut butter and happily gorges on his or her treasure without anyone knowing could quickly become extremely ill. If this occurred during the day while the owners were not home, it’s possible the dog could die before people returned.”2 You should be aware of any product in your home containing xylitol, and especially anything you might consider offering to your dog. Xylitol-Related Dog Poisonings More Than Doubled in 7 Years Each year as the number of products containing xylitol expands, sadly, so do the cases of poisoning in dogs. In 2007, the first year the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA-APCC) started tracking cases of xylitol toxicity in dogs, the Center received 1,764 calls. In 2014, they handled 3,727 xylitol calls.3 That’s over a 200 percent increase in just 7 years, and includes only the cases called into the ASPCA-APCC. There are other animal poison control centers that receive calls, as well as unreported cases of xylitol-related illnesses and deaths. The Toxicity of Xylitol Depends on the Species and Dose Although xylitol is safe for humans, the sweetener's effect varies by species. In people, rhesus monkeys, rats and horses, xylitol causes little to no insulin release. However, it has the oppositeeffect on dogs, ferrets, rabbits, cows, goats and baboons. Its effect on cats is unknown. Humans absorb xylitol slowly, and the sweetener when ingested orally is absorbed at from 50 to 95 percent. However, in dogs, xylitol is rapidly and fully absorbed within about 30 minutes. Just a small amount of xylitol can cause a dangerous insulin surge and a rapid drop in blood sugar. The toxicity of xylitol in dogs is dose-dependent. The dose required to trigger hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) is approximately 0.1 grams/kg, while the amount needed to cause liver failure is about 0.5 grams/kg. Most gum and breath mints typically contain .22 to 1.0 gram of xylitol per piece of gum or mint. This means just a single piece of gum or one mint may cause hypoglycemia in a 10-pound dog. For more detailed information and graphics on how much xylitol is dangerous to different sized dogs, as well as a comparison of xylitol versus chocolate toxicity in dogs, take a look at this Preventive Vet page. Determining the Amount of Xylitol in a Product Currently, product manufacturers aren't required to list the quantity of xylitol on package labels, and while some companies will reveal the amount in their products, many are reluctant to do so. In some cases, you might be able to use the placement of xylitol on an ingredient list to estimate how much is in the product. In the U.S., ingredient lists for foods must be organized in descending order based on weight. The ingredient weighing the most is at the top of the list. In most chewing gum ingredient lists, xylitol appears in fourth or fifth place, making it clinically insignificant. But if it appears as one of the first three ingredients, extreme caution should be taken. In fact, I recommend dog guardians avoid or very carefully secure any product that contains any amount of xylitol, no matter how small. When it comes to medications and dietary supplements, U.S. regulations do not require manufacturers to list xylitol by name on package labels. This is because the sweetener is often categorized as an "inactive" or "other" ingredient, and such ingredients don't have to be listed in order by the amount contained in the product. To confuse matters further, when xylitol is named in these products, it is often part of an alphabetized list, which could lead pet owners to assume — perhaps in error — that there is a very small amount in the product. That’s why it’s best, in my opinion, to either avoid or very carefully store any product that contains xylitol in any amount. Dr. Nicholas has compiled a fairly comprehensive list of products containing xylitol here. Symptoms of Xylitol Poisoning and Required Treatment Symptoms of xylitol intoxication in dogs include vomiting, weakness, lethargy, loss of coordination, seizures and collapse. Hypoglycemia is usually evident within an hour or two after a dog ingests xylitol, but symptoms are occasionally delayed for several hours. Treatment depends on how quickly it is given. Vomiting is induced in cases where the xylitol has just been ingested. Once a dog develops hypoglycemia, IV dextrose must be administered until the animal can self-regulate his blood glucose concentrations, which typically takes from 12 to 48 hours. In dogs who ingest enough xylitol to cause liver toxicity, liver enzymes must be closely monitored, as evidence of hepatic necrosis can show up one to two days after ingestion. Should the liver begin to fail, the dog will require IV fluids, dextrose, hepatoprotectants (substances to help support and repair the liver), and regular monitoring of blood clotting activity. When xylitol exposure is caught early in a dog and treated effectively, the prognosis for a full recovery is excellent. The prognosis for dogs that develop hepatic failure is less optimistic.
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